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BANNARI ASSESSMENT Test_08(12/7/24) July 12, 2024 08:31 PM View Report

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Topics Wise Analysis

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English Ability Abstract Reasoning CRITICAL REASONING

Questions With Answers


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to
make the grammatically correct?. The police has so far succeeded in recovering only a part of the
stolen property.

Answer Selected No correction required


Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the option accordingly. I told him of
/ for behaving rudely with / the valet, reminding him that / I too was once a driver.
Answer Selected I told him of


Mark the option which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below. REDUNDANT

Answer Selected Relevant


Fill in the blank with the most suitable option. A ________ decency must always be maintained in
behaviour, no matter who is before you.

Answer Selected basic


Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence. If you work harder, you
wouldn’t find it tough to clear this exam.

Answer Selected you won’t find it tough


Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.If I eat a peanut, I am heaving
and choking.

Answer Selected I heave and choke


Mark the option which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below. FRINGE

Answer Selected common


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. An aversion to water is one of
the most well-known characteristics of household cats. However, this isn't true of all felines. Some
large cats take a dip to cool off or hunt prey, and even some domesticated breeds are known to
enjoy a swim when the opportunity arises. In general, however, domestic cats will go to great lengths
to avoid getting wet, and behaviorists have developed a number of theories to that because the
species evolved in dry climates and had little exposure to rivers or lakes, water (except for drinking)
is an element they avoid. More likely, however, cats don't like getting wet because of what water
does to their fur. Cats are fastidious animals that spend a great time themselves. wet fur is extremely
uncomfortable for a cat and often takes a long time to dry. Wet fur is also heavier than dry and thus
easier for predators to catch. ....There is also the _____. Accidentally falling into a full bathtub, for
example, can be a frightening experience for a cat and can make its life. Choose the option that is
closest in meaning to the world “fastidious” as used in the passage.

Answer Selected Narcissistic


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. An aversion to water is one of
the most well-known characteristics of household cats. However, this isn't true of all felines. Some
large cats take a dip to cool off or hunt prey, and even some domesticated breeds are known to
enjoy a swim when the opportunity arises. In general, however, domestic cats will go to great lengths
to avoid getting wet, and behaviorists have developed a number of theories to that because the
species evolved in dry climates and had little exposure to rivers or lakes, water (except for drinking)
is an element they avoid. More likely, however, cats don't like getting wet because of what water
does to their fur. Cats are fastidious animals that spend a great time themselves. wet fur is extremely
uncomfortable for a cat and often takes a long time to dry. Wet fur is also heavier than dry and thus
easier for predators to catch. ....There is also the _____. Accidentally falling into a full bathtub, for
example, can be a frightening experience for a cat and can make its life. Which of the following
options best fits the blank given in the passage?

Answer Selected traumatising


Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage. Choose the
option which gives the correct sequence. (1) There is a lot of pain and suffering in the world. (2) And
now, it is management students who are attempting to find how they can do the same in their
spheres of influence.(3) There is poverty, hunger, disease, and sorrow. (4) It can be difficult to find
and share bliss in the midst of all these, but master after guru has proven it is possible.

Answer Selected 1342


Fill in the blank with the most suitable option. The soldier hit the robber _______ his head.

Answer Selected on


Choose the option which is closest in meaning to the word given below. BRAVE

Answer Selected face


Fill in the blank with the most suitable option.I have _______ before it gets too dark.

Answer Selected to leave


Fill in the blank with the most suitable option. Revati works ______ an American multinational firm.

Answer Selected for


Fill in the blank with the most suitable option. She has proven herself in this role, and so I ______ her
to a managerial post.

Answer Selected can see myself promoting


Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage. Choose the
option which gives the correct sequence. (1) But violence can be as ubiquitous as positive emotions,
such as love. (2) However, this instruction comes with a caveat which says one must watch out for
ones own well being before caring for others, lest one try to cup from an empty one. (3) It is desirable
that we shun violence from our lives. (4) A dilemma thus arises that if violence cannot be quenched,
should we even try? (5) Yes, says the wise man, because reducing the suffering of others can in no
way lead to our suffering.

Answer Selected 31452


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to
make the grammatically correct?. Shapes of gods and goddess are worshipped by people.

Answer Selected Images

Arrange the below mentioned Jumbled up sentences in a coherent and logical manner:

A. To avoid that the government decided to make underground railway track.

B. London, unlike other countries has still kept its authentic red Trams.
C. The Infrastructure was laid in 1970.
D. They are driven in the middle of the road, resulting in traffic jam problem

Answer Selected BDAC


A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best
answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

Ismat Chughtai’s celebrated masterpiece “Lihaf” needs to be analyzed under the interwoven themes
of marriage, subjugation of women and the oppression and neglect of female sexuality and desire.
Here, in her typical style, Chughtai raises important questions on marriage as an economic and
social enterprise, the socially constructed subordinate role of women in marriage, her sexual
fantasies and frustrations and her subsequent sense of loneliness.

The fact that Nawab “installed her (Begum Jan) in the house along with furniture”, highlights how the
institution of marriage commodifies women and reduces them to the object of a mere business
transaction. Chughtai critiques the mercenary aspect of marriage that dehumanizes women to fulfill
societal obligations and aspirations of upward mobility. Begum Jan was married off to the Nawab by
her family, in spite of their age difference, so as to rid themselves of the financial burden and the
social taboo of having an unmarried woman in the house. Moreover, since Begum Jan’s family was
poor, in her marriage to a rich and influential Nawab, they saw an opportunity to gain economic
favour.The status accorded to marriage as an unbreakable social norm, an unquestionable
obligation, is also dealt with in the short story. It was and has been till today one of the most
important and absolutely essential tenets of the society. Even the Nawab, irrespective of his
immense power and formidable position, had to marry, although the opposite sex held no appeal for
him owing to his “mysterious hobby”. In the process, poor Begum became a victim to the repressive
customs ingrained in the institution of marriage. While the Nawab continued his homosexual exploits,
the Begum was condemned to a life of confinement and subjugation. He never displayed any
interest in his wife’s life, her wishes, desires and problems and in fact, completely neglected and
dismissed her presence in his life. Begum Jan was just his social stamp of approval, a heterosexual
cover to escape ridicule and suspicion of society for his inborn homosexual orientation. Beyond that,
the Nawab “totally forgot her presence”
In conclusion, it can be said that the redeeming feature of this story, however, lies in the fact that
Chughtai does not leave Begum Jan in this state of complete desolation and immense depression,
but allows her the agency to make a bold ‘choice’ of homosexuality in indulging with the
maidservant Rabbu “who pulled her back from the brink”. Irrespective of whether the story in the end,
endorses homosexual behaviour or not, the very fact that Begum Jan is allowed some sort of sexual
autonomy in the midst of social confinement, subjugation, repression and social ridicule, leaves
behind an emphatic message.

Which one of the following is the antonym of the word ‘mercenary’ as used in the context of the
Answer Selected Altruistic

Find out the erroneous part -
Honestly speaking/I Like her not because / she is beautiful and charming / but that she is
exceedingly kind.

Answer Selected but that she is exceedingly kind

How many triangles are there in the given diagram?

Answer Selected 16

Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select the correct pattern.

Answer Selected 4

Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select the correct pattern.

Answer Selected 3

Choose the figure which is different from the others.

Answer Selected D

Which figure is the odd one out?

Answer Selected E

Which figure completes the grid?

Answer Selected C

Eleven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a
cricket match.

A) T is to the immediate left of P and third to the right of U.

B) V is the immediate neighbour of M and N and third to the left of S.

C) M is the second to the right of Q, who is at one of the ends.

D) R is sitting next to the right of P and P is second to the right of O.

Who is sitting in the centre of the row?

Answer Selected U

Eleven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a
cricket match.

A) T is to the immediate left of P and third to the right of U.

B) V is the immediate neighbour of M and N and third to the left of S.

C) M is the second to the right of Q, who is at one of the ends.

D) R is sitting next to the right of P and P is second to the right of O.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the above arrangement?

Answer Selected N is sitting between V and U

Eleven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a
cricket match.

A) T is to the immediate left of P and third to the right of U.

B) V is the immediate neighbour of M and N and third to the left of S.

C) M is the second to the right of Q, who is at one of the ends.

D) R is sitting next to the right of P and P is second to the right of O.

If Q and P, O and N, M and T, and W and R interchange their positions then which of the following pairs
of friends is sitting at the ends?

Answer Selected Q and R

It is known fact that the growth of hotels is driven by the increase in the number of people that are
using hotels and an increase in per person use of the hotel. In 2014, it is expected that there will be 20
crore hotel users in Spain or about 20 % of the population will generate Rs. 50 billion as hotel
revenues. It is also believed that the revenues in the industry should expand from Rs. 50 billion to Rs.
150 billion by 2018, while the number of users should grow to over 56 crores or to about half the
population of Spain in the same duration.
Find the actual growth in the percentage of users in Spain by 2018?

Answer Selected 180%

There are 4 players in the cigar market of the Dominician Republic: Amergio, Byford, Christie's and
Ducatti. The sales in 2021 are of $ 100,000 (100,000 boxes of cigars) - the volumes shared by Amergio,
Byford, Christie's and Ducatti are in the ratio of 1: 2: 3: 4 and the sales is in the ratio of 4:3:2:1
respectively. The sales in 2022 show a sharp drop - both in terms of volume and in dollars. In volume
terms, the demand fell by 60% and in dollar terms the figure was 50%. The shares of Amergio, Byford,
Christie and Ducatti in volume terms was 2:2:3:3 and that of the ratio of prices charged was 9:6:3:2.
The market picked up dramatically in 2023 - the volumes were the sum total sold in 2021 and 2022
and the sales rose by 390% over that of 2022. For 2023, sales by Christie have amounted to $84,000,
which was 20% more than that made by Amergio and thrice the sales of Ducatti. The volumes share
in that year was in the ratio of 1:3:4:2.
What was the ratio of the prices charged by Amergio, Byford, Christie's and Ducatti in 2023?
Answer Selected 70:13:84:28

In a row of boys, if A is 10th from left and B is 9th from the right and interchanges their positions, A
becomes 15th from the left. How many boys are there in the row?

Answer Selected 23

Seven persons- A, B, C, D, E, F and G were born in different years – 1969, 1973, 1978, 1982, 1988, 1990 and
1995 but not necessarily in the same order. Age of each person is calculated on the base year 2022.
C is two years elder than E. The age difference between F and E is a perfect cube number. The
number of persons born after E is same as the number of persons born before D. The difference
between the age of D and B is a prime number. A is older than G.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t
belong to the group?

Answer Selected E


Answer Selected 16

Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:
Six friends - Sheldon, Jack, Justin, Bruce, Peter, and Nicholas are sitting around a circular table, not
necessarily in the same order. All of them are facing the center.
Peter is sitting exactly opposite to Jack.
Justin is the only person sitting between Bruce and Peter.
Sheldon is sitting to the immediate left of Jack.
Who among the following are not the immediate neighbours?

Answer Selected Nicholas and Justin

1) Find the missing term in the series.

Answer Selected b)\t193

Among 5 objects P, Q, R, S and T
R is twice as heavy as T
S is one and half times as heavy as Q
Q and R together weigh as much as S and T together
P and S together are one and half time as heavy as Q and T together
Which among the five is the heaviest of all?

Answer Selected b)\tS

There are five rods K, L, M, N and O. The weight of O is twice L. The weight of L is equal to the weights of
K and M together. The weight of M is twice the weight of K. The weight of N is three times the weight of
M. If the weight of N is 90 kg, what will be the weight of O?

Answer Selected 90 kg
Esha, Priya, Sejal, and Ava went to a college party with Finn, Leo, Axel, and Jack. There was going
to be a dance party for everyone. Esha refused to dance with Finn or Axel, Sejal only knew disco
dance, and Leo and Axel had never heard of disco. Ava and Axel are furious rivals who refuse to
dance together. If given the option, Axel will not dance with Ava. Sejal is Jack's partner. Ava had a
dancing partner, but who was it?

Answer Selected a)\tFinn

How am I related to my grandmother's only child's husband's mother?

Answer Selected a)\tGrandmother

In a row of 44 people, Vinay is 12th from left and Ramu is 17th from right. If Sinu is exact middle of
Vinay and Ramu. How many people between Vinay and Sinu?

Answer Selected 7

Pointing to a lady in a photograph, Meera said, “Her father’s only son’s wife is my mother-in -law”.
How is Meera’s husband related to that lady in the photo?

Answer Selected Nephew

A is the only son of Q who is the brother-in-law of Y. U is the mother of B but she is not the spouse of
Q. Y is the unmarried brother of Z. X is the paternal aunt of B whereas V is the daughter-in-law of A.
No single parent has a child and an equal number of males and females are there in the family. If J is
the brother of V, then how is J related to B?

Answer Selected None of these

Some Apple are Banana
No Banana is Date
I. Some Date are not Apple is a possibility
II. All Apple can never be Date

Answer Selected (b)\tIf only conclusion II follows.

Statements: All canines are Cat.
All felines are Apes
No apes are Canines
Some Dogs are Apes
Conclusions: I. Some Cats are Apes
II. No Cats are Apes

Answer Selected (b)\tIf only conclusion II follows.

In the following question, the symbols +, -, *, /, and $ are used with the following meanings
‘X * Y’ means ‘X is either greater than or equal to Y’.
‘X - Y’ means ‘X is neither greater than nor smaller than Y’.
‘X $ Y’ means ‘X is smaller than Y’.
In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the three
conclusions I, II and III given below the is/are definitely tree and mark your answer accordingly.

Answer Selected Only conclusion I and conclusion II follow

The statement given below is followed by two conclusions. Assume the statement is true, even if it
contradicts commonly known facts, and determine the conclusion/s that logically follow/s from the
Statement: Social gatherings could turn into COVID super spreader events if safety norms are
flouted. Conclusions:
I. The coming festive season could be dangerous if safety norms are flouted and lead to a surge in
COVID cases. II. Vaccine provides over 95% protection against severe disease and hospitalisation.

Answer Selected Only conclusion I follows

Statement: The government has decided to pay compensation to the tune of Rs. one lakh to the
family members of those who are killed in railway accidents.
The government has enough funds to meet the expenses due to compensation.
II. There may be reduction in incidents or railway accidents in near future.

Answer Selected If only assumption I is implicit.

In a certain code, the symbol for 0 (zero) is @ and for 1 is $. There are no other symbols for all other
numbers greater than one. The numbers greater than 1 are to be written only by using the two
symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1 doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the
left. Study the following examples :
'0' is written as @
'1' is written as $
'2' is written as $@
'3' is written as $$
'4' is written as $@@ and so on
Which of the following will represent 11 ?

Answer Selected $@$$

Mark the odd one out from the given options.

Answer Selected FHK

A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is girl’s?

Answer Selected Brother

If in a certain code language, “URBANISTIC” is coded as “VTEEOKVXJE”, then how “VERMINOSIS” be
coded in the same code language?

Answer Selected WGUQJPRWJU

Find the missing term in the series given below:

Answer Selected FIK

If COOKER = +//2*5, ROOSTER = 5//$%*5, then what would be the equivalent of MOOSE most
appropriately among the following?

Answer Selected 5//$*

In a certain coding system ‘BAT’ is coded as 283 and ‘CAT’ is coded as 383; ARE is coded as 801.How
will you code ‘BETTER’?

Answer Selected 213310

In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern. Which of the given options should fill in the blank?
F03K, I04H, _____, O09B, R13Y

Answer Selected L06E

Which of the given options is the most suitable for completing the following series?

Answer Selected 59

Which of the given options is the most suitable for completing the following series?

Answer Selected 13

1) Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Income 2. Status 3. Education 4. Well-being 5. Job

Answer Selected c)\t3,5,1,2,4

What could be the next term in the series

Answer Selected c)\tVY

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