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BANNARI ASSESSMENT Test_02(9/07/24) July 9, 2024 08:53 PM View Report

Question Wise Analysis

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Time Based Analysis

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25.00 mins

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Topics Wise Analysis

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English Ability Critical Reasoning and problem solving Abstract Reasoning

Questions With Answers

Find out which underlined part of the sentence below has an error and mark the option accordingly.
Butterflies are considered as the main agent of transferring pollen grains. Sometimes, this gives rise
to different species of flowers, a true fascination unknown to the science world.


Answer Selected Considered as the main

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Dogs, often hailed as humans’ best friends, have been the topic of many scientific studies looking
into how they might boost our well-being. It is likely that humans and dogs have shared a special
bond of friendship and mutual support ever since at least the Neolithic period — but why has this
bond been so long-lasting?
A recent study showed that owning a dog reduces a person’s risk of premature death by up to a
third. Also, researchers at the University of Harvard in Cambridge, MA, suggest that dog owners
have a lower risk of heart disease.Dogs can strengthen our health not just as we grow older, but also
much, much earlier than that: before we are even born. Research published last year suggests that
children who were exposed to dogs while still in the womb — as their mothers spent time around
dogs during pregnancy — had a lower risk of developing eczema in early childhood. When we
interact with dogs, our oxytocin levels shoot up. Since this is the hormone largely responsible for
social bonding, this hormonal “love injection” boosts our psychological well-being.
Previous studies analyzed in the review have revealed that dog owners have more positive social
interactions, and that the presence of canine friends makes people more trusting.
Moreover, dogs appear to reduce symptoms of depression and render people more resilient to
That is why dogs are often used as therapy animals.
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the word ‘resilient’ as used in the passage

Answer Selected Stable

The passage is primarily concerned with:

Answer Selected Emphasizing how building a bond with dogs can help us in health matters

The author feels that the owing a dog affects the mental health:

Answer Selected Positively


Mark the option which is closest in meaning to the word given below.

Answer Selected Unity

Mark the option containing the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word given below.
Roger is a consummate player who earned over nine million dollars in the tournament last year

Answer Selected Incompetent

Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.
The match was expected to be won by India as the players were very active on the field.

Answer Selected India was expected to win the match


Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.
You should always keep away from bad company.

Answer Selected Always keep away


The sentences given below from a coherent passage when arranged logically. Choose the option
which gives the correct sequence.
1. The practice is widespread: honeybees are kept in large cities and villages, on farms and
rangelands, in forests and deserts, Arctic and Antarctic from the Equator to even the frozen poles
of Earth.
2. This has helped many people to improve their economic stability by giving them a secondary
source of income.
3. Bee - keeping is caring for and management of colonies of honeybees.
4. They are kept for their honey, wax, and also their services as pollinators of fruit and vegetable
blossoms, or even as a hobby.

Answer Selected 3214

Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.
Sam and Tim’s wife are coming this afternoon.

Answer Selected Sam’s and Tim’s wives

Fill in the blank with the most suitable articles..
Someone call __________ police!

Answer Selected the

12. Fill in the blank with the most suitable preposition.\r\n The plane flew _______ us\r\n

Answer Selected over

Replace the underlined word in the following sentence with the most suitable option.
It was time to be stood on her own two feet.

Answer Selected stand

Fill in the blank with the correct tense of the verb in the following sentence.
Only if I had known about her intentions before, I __________ alert.

Answer Selected will have been

The following question consists of a sentence that is either partly or entirely underlined and may or
may not have a grammatical error. Below each sentence are four versions of the underlined part of
the sentence. Choose the option that correctly rephrases the underlined part of the given sentence.
Mark the answer as ‘No Error’ if there is no error in the underlined part.
In consider the difficulties of his position, he has acted admiralty.

Answer Selected considering the difficulties

After carefully reading both the books, the editor and her colleague found that the only difference
between them were their names

Answer Selected the books were their names

John dropped his wallet coming out from the shop.

Answer Selected While coming out of the shop, John dropped his wallet

The fish is (1) the favorite food (2) of (3) the Bengalis. (4) No error (5) - ( Which one is wrong )

Answer Selected 1

Philistine ( Antonym )

Answer Selected Intellectual

................ by Francis Rolands in 1816 at Hammersmith in London.
A. very first
B. electric telegraph
C. The
D. was created

Answer Selected CABD

I. Some apples are guavas.
II. All apples are oranges.
III. No orange is a papaya.
IV. All papayas are guavas.
I. Some papayas are apples.
II. Some oranges are papayas.
III. Some guavas are oranges.

Answer Selected Only conclusion III follows

In the following question, the symbols +, -, *, /, and $ are used with the following meanings illustrated.
‘X * Y’ means ‘X is either greater than or equal to Y’.
‘X - Y’ means ‘X is neither greater than nor smaller than Y’.
‘X $ Y’ means ‘X is smaller than Y’.
In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the three
conclusions I, II and III given below the is/are definitely tree and mark your answer accordingly.
I. M + J
I. K * J
II. J + N
III. K $ M
Answer Selected None follow

Read the following argument and mark which of the following assumptions is made in the argument.
More than one billion years’ worth of rocks have gone missing from the geologic record of Grand

Answer Selected Series of Faulting events in that region possibly tore up the earth around
the Canyon causing\r\nrocks and sediments to wash away in the ocean.

Mark the option containing the sentence that strengthens the argument given below.
Argument: People generally wear light colour clothes in summer.

Answer Selected Light colour clothes are bad absorber of light.

The question given below is followed by two statements numbered I and II. Determine if the
statements are, individually or together, sufficient to answer the question.
Question: How many questions did Jacob attempt in the English test?
I. There were 35 questions in the test.
II. He got 25 marks in the test, in which every correct answer fetched 1 mark, for every unattempt
questions fetched 0 mark, and for every incorrect answer ⅓ mark was deducted from the total

Answer Selected Both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question
asked but neither \r\nstatement alone is sufficient.

Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:
Six friends - Sheldon, Jack, Justin, Bruce, Peter, and Nicholas are sitting around a circular table, not
necessarily in the same order. All of them are facing the center.
I. Peter is sitting exactly opposite to Jack.
II. Justin is the only person sitting between Bruce and Peter.
III. Sheldon is sitting to the immediate left of Jack.
Who among the following are not the immediate neighbours?

Answer Selected Nicholas and Justin\r\n

Who is sitting second to the right of Peter?

Answer Selected Sheldon\r\n

Who is sitting to the opposite of Sheldon?

Answer Selected Justin\r\n

Which of the following is false regarding the position of Jack?

Answer Selected Jack is sitting third of the left of Nicholas.

Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:
There were six participants - M, N, O, P, Q and R in the final of coffee making competitions.
The six participants belong to six different locations - Delhi, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Tokyo and
London. David, the judge of this competition, rated the coffee prepared by the participants on a scale
of 1 to 10 giving a unique rating to each participant.
I. R was from London.
II. Participants from New York got the highest ranking, but was not O.
III. Only two participants got ratings in even numbers.
IV. The rating of O was double the rating of Q.
V. N got the minimum rating and the rating was an even number.
VI. O got a higher rating than M.
What was the second highest rating given?

Answer Selected 7

Who belongs to New York?

Answer Selected Cannot be determined

What was the rating of coffee prepared by Q

Answer Selected 3

Which of the following statements is definitely true?

Answer Selected M got a rating of 5

The statement given below is followed by two conclusions. Assume the statement is true, even if it
contradicts commonly known facts, and determine the conclusion/s that logically follow/s from the
Social gatherings could turn into COVID super spreader events if safety norms are flouted.
I. The coming festive season could be dangerous if safety norms are flouted and lead to a surge in
COVID cases.
II. Vaccine provides over 95% protection against severe disease and hospitalisation.

Answer Selected Only conclusion I follows

Statement: Government has started to offer incentives and subsidies on Electric Vehicles.
I. Pollution can be mitigated by the use of electric vehicles.
II. Electric vehicles are not pocket friendly as compared to conventional petrol/diesel vehicles.

Answer Selected Only conclusion II follows

Editor: I have received over five thousand letters and emails on the article that I wrote last week.
Majority of those letters and emails support my viewpoint on the issue. These letters are, therefore,
the testimonials that most of our readers have the same opinion on the issue as I do. Which of the
following, if true, would weaken the editor’s conclusion above?

Answer Selected Readers who agree with the editor are more likely to write to him than
those who disagree with \r\nhim.

A food delivery company gained greater profits when it provided food delivery service in a city by
following no-minimum order facility and by maintaining its own fleet of employees. Besides the
commission it gets from restaurants, it charges no delivery charges for orders which are higher than
a certain amount. Hoping to continue these financial trends, the company plans to start its
operations in two new cities.
The plan of the food delivery company as described above directly assumes all of the following

Answer Selected In the new cities, the company will be able to deliver food faster than the
food delivery \r\ncompanies existing in those cities.

In a row of 50 girls, Amy was made to sit 20 places to the right of Rose and Peter sat 20 places to the
left of Emma. If Emma was thirty sixth from the left and there were four people between Peter and
Amy. What was the position of Rose in the row?

Answer Selected 49th from the right end\r\n

A sum of money doubles in 7 years under CI. How long will it take to become 4 times itself?

Answer Selected 21

A sum amounts to 8500 rupees and 9350 rupees under CI. What is the rate of interest?
Answer Selected 10%

Mark the odd one out from the given options.

Answer Selected NPT

Mark the option that best completes the comparison.
Sun : Solar System :: Brakes : ?

Answer Selected Car

Mark the option that best completes the comparison
Rainbow: Sky :: Movie :?

Answer Selected Theatre

Find the missing term in the series given below:
12, 20, 33, 51, ?, 102

Answer Selected 74

Find the missing term in the series given below:
112, 111, 107, 98, ?, 57

Answer Selected 82

Find the missing term in the series given below:

Answer Selected FIK

If in a certain code language, “PACEMAKING” is coded as “UEFGNFOLPH”, then how would “KABALISTIC”
be coded in the same language?

Answer Selected PEECMNWWKD

If COOKER = +//2*5, ROOSTER = 5//$%*5, then what would be the equivalent of MOOSE most
appropriately among the following?
Answer Selected 0//$*

In a certain coding system ‘BAT’ is coded as 283 and ‘CAT’ is coded as 383; ARE is coded as 801. How
will you code ‘BETTER’?

Answer Selected 213310

In a certain coding system ‘BOOK’ is coded as ‘CNPJ’. How will you code ‘MOON’?

Answer Selected NNPM

Find the odd word among the given options.

Answer Selected Spontaneous\r\n

Find the odd word among the given options.

Answer Selected Apathetic

In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern.
Which of the given options should fill in the blank?
TEJ, VLG, XIN, ______

Answer Selected ZPK

In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern.
Which of the given options should fill in the blank?
F03K, I04H, _____, O09B, R13Y

Answer Selected L06E

Which of the given options is the most suitable for completing the following series?

Answer Selected 59

What is the angle between the hand of the clock when the time is 4:20 pm?
Answer Selected 10 deg

If 2006 Mar 1 is a Wednesday, what does it fall on 2010 Mar 1?

Answer Selected Monday

The last day of a century year cannot be?

Answer Selected Monday

The probability that it is Friday and a student is absent, is 0.03. Since, there are 5 school days in a
week, the probability that it is Friday is 0.2. What is the probability that a student is absent, given that
today is Friday?

Answer Selected 0.15

How much milk should be added in a milk solution to make milk quantity in it 75%, if 80 L of milk
solution has 45% milk in it?

Answer Selected 96 li

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