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Time: 3 Hours August 2023


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions. 2.
Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


Answer ALL questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
i. Seypalm said that the main idea behind ……. a lot of houses along Morogoro road
was….…. a six-lane highway from Dar to Kibaha.
A. To demolish/to construct
B. Demolishing/ construct
C. Demolishing/ to construct
D. To demolish/constructing
E. Constructing/to demolish

ii. The doctor asked the patient if she had had a heart attack before. The doctor asked the
patient, “…………… a heart attack before?’
A. Has she had
B. Have you had
C. Did she have
D. Did you have
E. Do you have

iii. My friend Palm walked into the room. Immediately I knew that something was wrong.
This means, ……… I knew that something was wrong.
A. As soon as Nyambura entered the room
B. By the time Nyambura came into the room
C. Before Nyambura entered the room
D. After Nyambura came into the room
E. No sooner had Nyambura entered the room when
iv. ………….. in every match this season, Mbeya Kwanza F.C. went down to the Champion
A. Having been beaten
B. Because beaten

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C. To be beaten
D. Having beaten
E. After been beaten

v. After madam Anna had finished the lesson, she said “Because ……. seems to be clear to
…… I am not going to say …….. else.”
A. Everything/something/anything
B. Everything/something/anybody
C. Everything/everybody/anything
D. Somebody/nobody/something
E. Nothing/nobody/something

vi. Dr. Joseph Msukuma, one of …….. and ………. Tanzanian Members of Parliament lives
in Geita town.
A. Greater/most popular
B. Great/more popular
C. The greatest/most popular
D. More great/the most popular
E. Most great/the popular

vii. “You didn’t understand what he was saying. I didn’t understand either”. This statement
A. Either you or I understood what he was saying B.
Neither you nor I understood what he was saying.
C. Both you and I understood what he was saying
D. Just as you understood what he was saying, so did I.
E. I didn’t understand what he was saying the way you understood.

viii. The comedians usually speak LOGICAL things. If I were to negate the underlined word, I
would best use this prefix….
A. IM- B. D. IN-
C. UN-

ix. Elisha wrote a story about an imaginary country hanging in the air using fictitious
characters. His story falls under……
A. Narrative composition
B. Creative writing
C. Expository writing
D. Argumentative writing
E. Descriptive writing

x. Using your knowledge of letter writing you learnt in form three, how do you understand
the following statement? “It is a summary of the purpose of writing a letter written in one
A. Opening paragraph
B. Closing paragraph
C. Subject/Heading
D. Complementary close
E. Salutation

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2. Match the underlined descriptions of adverbs in List A with the correct type of adverb in List
B by writing its letter beside the corresponding number in the boxes provided below.

i. She fought against the lion bravely A. Adverb of time
ii. Mbundi is standing near the tree B. Adverb of place
iii. The English teachers rarely make grammatical C. Adverb of manner
error. D. Adverb of frequency
iv. Magoiga will surely pass well E. Adverb of certainty
v. We are leaving today. F. Adverb of degree
vi. When are you coming back? G. Interrogative Adverb
H. Relative Adverb


Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Pick the word that is not related with others and give reasons for your pick.
(i) Moshi, Dodoma, Tanga, Mara, Mwanza
(ii) Water Melon, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Banana, Maize (iii)
Characters, Language, Setting, Theme, Plot.
(iv) Counter Book, Exercise Book, Facebook, Textbook, Reference Book

(b) Write the appropriate symbols and abbreviations for the following expressions as they would
be found in a dictionary.
(i) Phrasal verb …………………..
(ii) Words with the same meaning ………………….. (iii)
To indicate pronunciation …………………...
(iv) To show a word from British English. …………………..
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(v) The tilde …………………..

4. Discriminate the following statements by writing FACT or OPINION against the item number.
a. Dr. J.P. Magufuli was the fifth president of Tanzania………..
b. J.K. Nyerere was the most powerful public speaker …………
c. Arusha is the most beautiful city in Tanzania ……………
d. Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest in Africa………….
e. I think chicken with pizza is the best dish ever…….
f. Hon. Samia S. H is the best female president in Africa.. ……
g. Magnets attract irons ………..
h. “The earth moves around the sun” the teacher said ………….
i. I hope all form fours will pass the exam.

5. Your young brother who has finished his driving course at the National Institute of Transport
(NIT) has seen this advert in the “Daily News” of Friday July 20th 2022. He is not very
competent in letter writing and he asks you to help him to write the letter. Use the details below
to draft the letter.
(Daily News 20th July 2022)

The Managing Director of A-Z Group of Companies advertises the job vacancies for the
competent drivers with a class C driving license, and a 2-year Heavy Duty trucks driving
experience. Applicants should be above 25 years and conversant with both Kiswahili and English
Languages. Qualified candidates should send their applications to the address below ten days
after the first appearance of this advert.

Managing Director,
A-Z Group of Companies,
P.O. Box 2020
The deadline is 10 days from the day of this advertisement.

6. (a) Re write each of the following sentences putting the words in the parentheses in their correct
(i) We took the train because it was ………….. (convenient) than travelling by bus.
(ii) Did you know that Kilimanjaro is ….... (high) mountain in Africa.
(iii) …………… (Rwanda) girls and women are very beautiful.
(iv) He slaughtered four ……….. (ox) after winning the election.
(v) He had many wrong ……….. (believe) about the use of mobile phones. (b)
Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
(i) Despite some major financial problems, the school had a successful year. (Begin:
Notwithstanding………….. )
(ii) The problems are not serious, however, we shall need to tackle them soon. (Use
(iii) She failed her exam, consequently, she was unable to go to high school. (Rewrite using
………….as a result………….)
(iv) The teacher was not present. The students were not present too. (Begin:

7. Read the following interview between Mr Chacha the interviewee and the panellists from
Samwitason University then answer the questions that follow.
(Mr Chacha is an energetic young man full of confidence and hope as he is fully prepared for
the job interview. It is his first attempt so he makes sure that he has prepared all his documents
needed to be carried to the interview. He also reads widely on the subjects he is going to be
interviewed for. Knowing that first impression matters, he dresses smartly for the occasion and
gets to the place a half an hour earlier. During the waiting time he keeps himself busy going
through the mission and vision of the institution and he remains positive and optimistic. He is
called in the afternoon and in spite of the long wait he is looking quite fresh, cheerful and

He knocks gently at the door and seeks permission to enter the room. He gently closes the door
behind him without showing his back to the members of the panel. Very quietly and steadily,
he walks up to the appointed chair, comes to full attention and greets the chairman and other
members of the panel and remains standing.)
Chacha: (very respectfully). Good afternoon to all of you, Sirs!

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Chairman: Good afternoon to you Mr Chacha. Please be seated.
Chacha: (He sits squarely avoiding crossing one leg on the other) Thank you very much, Sir.
I am obliged.
Chairman: I suppose you are quite at ease and we can begin the interview right away?
Chacha: By all means Sir, I am totally at your disposal.
Chairman: Well, Mr Chacha, I get from your bio-data that you were working at Mchurya
Academy. What made you quit from your last job.
Chacha: (avoiding to say anything negative about the past employer) Thank you very much
for that question. In fact, I had a good time at Mchurya academy and it was my
boss who advised me to look for new challenges in order to grow professionally,
so when this chance presented itself, I had to try my luck.
First Panellist: Mr Chacha if you manage to get through this interview, how much would you
like to be paid?
Chacha: Thank you for that concern, Sir, but I think we can cross that bridge when we come
to it. I mean we’ll discuss about that when the job offer is on the table.
(After every question has been asked and answered, Chacha is asked to leave
the room and call the next candidate)
Chairman: Ok Mr. Chacha we have finally come to the end of our interview. Our secretary
will notify you through your contacts whether you managed to get through.
Chacha: Thank you very much Sir, I wish you all the best. (He collects all his documents
and leaves the room) Chairman: Goodluck!
From the interview conversation above;
a. Mention three things to consider before the interview.
b. Mention three things you should not do during the interview.
c. Mention three things you should do during the interview.

8. The English Club at your school has organised an essay writing competition with the
neighbouring school with the title “Never ever give up”. In not less than 250 words, write a
narrative story on the title.


Answer only two questions from this section question 9 is compulsory.
9. Analyse the use of musical/sound devices in two poems you have read and appreciated. Give
three points from each poem.

10. The Style of a literary work is an important element that the playwrights use to make their
works appealing. Use two plays to show how the playwrights have used various techniques in
their works. (Give three points from each play)

11. Conflicts are inevitable but sometimes they may cause negative effects to some members in
the society. Choose two novels and show how some members were affected by the conflicts
found in their societies. Write three points from each novel.

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SECTION A (16 Marks)

A student is required to answer ALL questions in this section

QUESTION 1 1@=10

i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x


i ii iii iv v vi 1@=06

SECTION B (54 Marks)

A student is required to answer ALL questions in this section
(A) Pick the unrelated word
i. MOSHI It is not a region but the capital of Kilimanjaro
ii. MAIZE It is not a fruit but cereal
iii. THEME It is not an element of form but content
iv. FACEBOOK It is a social medium not a scholastic material

(B) Dictionary use

i. PhrV
ii. SYN
iii. / / iv. BrE 1@=05


QUESTION 4 Facts and Opinions

g) FACT 1@=09

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QUESTION 5 Job Application letter

A student should write a job application letter to the address given applying for the vacancy of a
driver using relevant format.
(v) Beliefs
(b) (i) Notwithstanding major financial problems, the school had a successful year.
(ii) The problems are not serious, nevertheless, we shall have to tackle them soon.

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(iii) She failed her exam as a result she was unable to go to high school.
(iv) Neither the teacher nor the students were present.

QUESTION 7 Interview.
(a) Mention four things to consider before the interview.
Prepare all the documents needed to be carried to the interview
Read widely on the subject you will be interviewed for Dress smartly for the occasion
Get to the interview place earlier.
Know the vision and mission of the institution 1@=08
Remain positive and optimistic.
(b) Mention two things you should not do during the interview.
Don’t show your back to the members when closing the door. Don’t sit until allowed to
do so.
Don’t cross your legs one on the other.
Don’t say anything negative about your past employer/boss
Don’t mention anything about money until the job offer is on the table. (c)
Mention two things you should do during the interview.
Knock gently at the door and ask for permission to enter.
Greet the members of the panel respectfully.
Give short and precise answers to the questions
Thank the panellists before leaving
Collect all your documents and leave with them

A student should write a narrative composition with the title NEVER EVER GIVE UP in not less
than 250 words adhering to the format of composition writing.
Title, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP. Heading 1.
Introduction, Introduction 1
Main body Points 6 x 2 =12
o Good flow of ideas in paragraph form, Conclusion 1 o Good command of
language, TOTAL 15

Answer only Two Questions from this section question 9 is compulsory
A student should analyse the use of musical/sound devices in two poems you have read and
appreciated. Give three points from each poem.

(a student may use just any other relevant poem. This is just a sample answer)
From A freedom Song by Marjorie O Macgoye There is the use of Refrain.
Every stanza ends with a refrain line “Atieno yo”.
There is the use of Rhymes. Every second and forth lines/verses end with identical rhymes o
Chicken/kitchen o Pay/day
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o Kids/be
ads o Free/fee
o Night/ right
o Bad/had
Introduction 2 o
Points 6 x 2 =12
There is the use of Alliteration. Conclusion 1 o Pay party union fee TOTAL 15 o Atieno
needs no pay o Fifty-fifty it may live.
From the Awful Dentist by Jwani Mwaikusa
There is the use of Reiteration... o Making heaps and heaps of teeth (the word heaps is
repeated for emphasis) o Without fear that soon/Very soon indeed (the word soon is repeated
for emphasis) There is internal rhyme and end-rhyme in some verses. o Internal rhyme is
shown in this verse. “Decaying teeth, aching teeth, strong teeth” (the sounds in these letters
“ng” and “th” in this line bring about music in the poem. o End rhyme is shown in the 4th
and 5th couplets of the second stanza in which the words “tooth” and “mouth” rhyme, but
also “meat” and “eat” do rhyme.
Consonance. There is repetition of the final consonants in the following line;
Decaying teeth, aching teeth, strong teeth
(Any other poem or any other musical device can be used.)

QUESTION 10 Style in Plays.

The student should choose two plays and show the way playwrights have employed various

The Lion and the Jewel

The playwright has employed different literary techniques to keep the play in motion. The
following are some of the techniques employed.
 Dialogue- the play is largely written in a dialogue that reveals the characters personality traits,
moods and reactions toward other characters.
 Aside; this is a direct address to the audience by a character on stage. The playwright employs
this style when he says “SIDI: If Baroka were my father {aside} –which many would take him
to be- {makes a rude sign} would he pay my dowry to this man and give his blessings?”
 Songs, music and drums. Here and there he has made use of traditional songs, music and
dances to bring the events to life. In page 45-46 Sidi, Introduction 2
Lakunle and the girls who bring the news about the stranger and the magazine Points 6 x 2 =12
join in a dance to celebrate the event. Conclusion 1
 Poetic language/style. The play is largely written in a poetic style. But there TOTAL 15 are
more specific lines that are written distinctively as poems. For example, in page 14 Sidi talking
to Lakunle she says
You are dressed like him
You look like him
You speak his tongue
You think like him
You are just as clumsy
In your Lagos ways –

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From The Black Hermit

The playwright has employed the dialogue style throughout the play.
There are few cases of flashback technique especially when Remi narrates his brother’s death
and back when he was at the college. Also, we see the middle of the story is found at the
beginning and the beginning is in the middle of the story. The scene begins by showing Nyobi
comforting Thoni who has been crying, but we do not know why until later when we are told
that her husband died and Remi who was to inherit her has run away.
There are also some cases of foreshadowing. People try to foreshadow the return of the hermit
(Remi) and how he will lead them to victory.
To enrich his style he has also made use of songs as in page 47 when the villagers sing the
national anthem welcoming the hermit back home. Pg 47
Mungu ibariki Afrika
Ili ipate Kuamka Introduction 2
Maombi yetu yasikize Points 6 x 2 =12
Uje Conclusion 1
Utubariki TOTAL 15
Uje roho
Uje roho
Uje roho utubariki

QUESTION 11 Effects of Conflicts

A student should choose two novels and use them to prove that conflicts are inevitable but
sometimes they cause negative effects to some members in the society. They should limit their
answers to three points from each novel. “Weep not Child” by Ngugi wa Thiong’o
 Njoroge is discontinued from school for the crime committed by his brother. His half-brother
Boro is believed to have killed Jacobo and as a result of this conflict Njoroge is expelled from
high school thus frustrating his dreams. This disappointment leads to his alienation from his
family and ultimately his suicide attempt.
 Njoroge loses his friendship with Mwihaki as a result of the conflicts between their families.
Mwihaki distances herself from Njoroge after realising that his brother Boro killed her father.
She asks for time to mourn her father and care for her mother.
 Njoroge loses his full brother Mwangi in WWII. Because of the conflict between European
forces Africans are taken to fight for their colonial musters and they lose their lives in the battle
 Njoroge remains hopeless after the death of his father and the arrest of his brother. His brother
Kamau is imprisoned for life imprisonment and only Njoroge remains to care and provide for
his two mothers. When he finds out that he cannot make ends meet, he attempts to commit
 Ngotho loses his job because of the conflict between workers and white settlers. He attacks
Jacobo who has been brought by the police inspector to put an end to the strike of workers who
are demanding higher wages.
 Mr. Howlands is killed because of the conflict between the MAUMAU fighters and whites.
Because of the conflicts between the white settlers and Kenyans the Maumau fighters are
targeting the settlers as their enemies and Mr. Howlands becomes one of the victims.

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The Interview.
 Joseph Kimani (Joe) loses his parents in an ethnic conflict. Both his parents Benard Kung’u
and Nancy Mwihaki are killed in an ethnic cleansing so Joe his brother David and their sisters
Mary and Lucy become orphans at a young age.
 Joe and his family lose their land in ethnic conflict. As a result, Joe’s family becomes poor to
the point that they have to be sheltered at the Catholic mission and later by their uncle Jotham.
 Joe’s family is disintegrated and relocated during the conflict. This conflict separates Joe from
his family members. His grandfather is killed and the grandmother and other members like
uncles are relocated.
 Leah Wacheke (cucu) loses her husband during the conflict at Molo. As a result of this event,
she becomes insane later knocked by the matatu and suffers from amnesia (loss of memory).
 Women and girls are raped or abducted during the conflict. We are told that during the
massacre women and girls were mostly spared but unlucky ones were raped and abducted
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