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Q no. 1 Objectives

a- Fill in the blanks. 05

i. The coloured part of eye is called ____
ii.______ turns sound waves into nerve impulses
iii.______produce tears.
Iv. ______ is automatically working by iris.
v . Tears drain away through the_______
b- Write True or False and also give reasons. 05
i. Force is measured in joules. ( )
ii. Door is an example of lever ( )
iii. Gear is the wheel to change shape. ( )
iv. The pulley is a complex machine. ( )
v. Wheel and axle is used to stop load ( )
c- Give one word answers. 03
i. Which helps in image formation?
ii. Which changes the shape of lens and movement?
iii. Which part of middle ear is connected to throat?
d- Choose the correct answers. 05
i. ______ is used for combustion.
(a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Sulphur d. CO²)
ii. A well known liquid metal name is ______.
(a. Bronze b. Mercury c. sulphur d. Argon)
iii. There are ______ elements have been discovered.
(a. 118 b. 120 c. 130 d. 209)
iv. _____ is used as a rocket fuel.
(a. Hydrogen b Oxygen c. Nickel d. Boron)
v. We can separate sand and water by _______.
(a. Chromatography b.filteration c. Sublimation d. Evaporation)
e- Match the words with correct statements. 02
i. Nose a . Sense of sight
ii. Ear b. Sense of touch
iii. Eye c. Sense of hear
iv. Skin d. Sense of smell

Q no. 2 (a). Write symbols of following elements. 07

i. Carbon
ii. Hydrogen
iii. Nitrogen
iv. Sulphur
v. Phosphorus
vi. Calcium
b. Write Latin names with their symbols. ( any two). 04
i. Sodium.
ii. Potassium
iii. Gold

Q no. 3. Define the following terms. (any four). 08

i. Gravity ii. Skin

iii. Atom iv. Mixture
iv. Moment vi. Retina
vii. Substance viii. Stimuli

Q no. 4. Solve the following numericals. (any one) 03

i. Find out workdone, when a force of 50 Newton is applied to

move a trolley for 100 meter distance?.


ii. How much force is applied to move a machine along 5 meter

distance when workdone in 200 joules?

Q no. 5. Give short answers of following questions. (any five) 15

i. What is wedge?
ii. Name some elements which conduct electricity?
iii. Define function of tongue.
iv. Write uses of carbon.
v. How tears are produced.
vi. What do you know ancient wheel and axle.
vii. Define parts of Ear.
viii. How eyes are protected?

Q no. 6. Give any three differences between of the following. (any one) 03

i. Metal and non-metal.

ii. Taste and flavour.

Q no. 7. Give scientific reasons for the following questions. (any two). 04

i. Why a bicycle use smallest chain wheel to climb on hill.

ii. Why the counter weight work in cranes?
iii. Wheel and axle move round? But a bike or cycle can stop its wheels. Why?

Q no. 8. Label the following diagram for fractuonal distillation. 07

Q no 9. Make molecular structure of following compounds ( any three). 06

i. O² ii. H²O
iii. iii CH⁴ iv. CO²


Q no. 10. Give detailed answers of the following questions. (any two). 10

i. Explain parts of eye.

ii. Explain paper chromatography.
iii. What is Lever? Define its types with examples.
iv. Describe layers of skin.

Q no. 11. Write a short note on Ear. 07

Q no. 12. Draw neat and clean labelled diagram of following. ( any one ) 06

i. Filteration
ii. Human eye

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