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 Basic

Lesson Plan
Micro Lesson Video Link:

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

 A video (adjectives to At the end of the lesson students will be:
describe people):  Distinguish different adjectives describing people, their appearance, hair, eyes, mouth,
adjectives-to-describe- nose, etc.
people/  Compare appearance of different people using
 Task 1: adjectives by writing an essay.
 Task 2:
 Flashcards which teacher
Warm-up and Objective Discussion
Can I ask you to describe me? How can I look? Have I blue or green eyes, short or long hair?
Yes, I have green eyes, short hair and round face.
Okay, students, as you guessed, today we are going to talk about our appearance.
 Can you tell me what is the appearance and how can we describe it?
 Let’s talk about it a little bit more, there are many students who have a different
appearance. Can you describe your partner’s appearance?
Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S
Activity 1.Teacher show students a video in order to explain appearance and ask them repeat
after her. Afterwards, teacher gives them a piece of sheet and ask them try to remember these
adjectives and write down it to the papers.
Activity 2. After checking our vocabulary and mistakes, teacher offers students to play another
game about describing appearance: “draw a monster game” (task 1).
 Firstly, teacher plays and stops a video, ask students try to read the sentences and draw
a monster.
 After completing each round, ask students to show their pictures class and discuss that
who draws it correctly, who does not.
Guided Practice  R  W  L  S
Okay, let’s look at task 2. There are various kinds of exercises about describing adjectives.
Can you help me to complete? Let’s come in order and try to solve.
 Hmm, task 1 says that match the items on the right to the items on the left. Let’s begin,
who wants to come first?
 Okay, let’s do next one, task 4. They ask us to look at the pictures and try to find who
matches the picture? Deborah, Joshua, Leonard or Claudia?
Independent Practice  R  W  L  S
Students will describe five people who their want in one sentence. It can be their brothers,
sisters, friends, etc. Ask them to make five sentences with describing adjectives.
For example: My mom has curly and long hair. Students will have to draw each person and
then write the descriptions underneath.
Assessment  R  W  L  S
Show students people from different nationality with flashcards. Ask them try to find which
nationality it is, then describe and write a paragraph about it.
After they finish ask them to change their paragraphs with each other. Ask them read their
groupmates’ paragraph, correct his/her mistakes and give their own opinion about it.

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