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Universal Human Values

Session 7
Feelings in Relationships
Assignment 7

1. Make a list of people in your family, in your

college, and in the larger society who are directly
and indirectly responsible for fulfilling your basic
The people in my family like my mom fulfil my need of food my father for my need of
education and need of money my brother helping me in other need like going out .
My friends who give need a sense of belonging and not being lonely.

2. What are your feelings for them?

What is the nature of your interaction with them?
How often do you express your gratitude to them?
I love them continuously and unconditionally I interact with them on every day and I
usually don’t express my gratitude to them which I think I should start doing

3. Distinguish between Love and Infatuation.

In contrast to love, which is a more profound and long-lasting emotion that may
endure the test of time, infatuation is frequently intense and short-lived.
As contrast to love, which entails a stronger emotional bond, respect, and devotion
to another person, infatuation is primarily motivated by physical attraction and a
desire for novelty and excitement.
A strong concentration on one's own feelings and desires characterises infatuation,
whereas love implies a more outwardly-directed concern on the needs and well-
being of the other person.
While love accepts the other person's flaws and imperfections and loves them
despite them, infatuation frequently entails idealising the other person and viewing
them through rose-colored glasses.
While love is more steady and founded in a sense of shared trust and emotional
stability, infatuation can be marked by intense mood swings, obsessive thinking, and
feelings of insecurity and jealously.
4. Suggest 2 ways to develop Affection between
Acknowledge and celebrate accomplishments: Congratulate the kids on their
accomplishments. This might contribute to a feeling of achievement and pride that can
improve relationships between pupils.
Provide prospects for cooperation Encourage your pupils to collaborate on group projects,
homework, and other tasks. They will gain interpersonal skills, trust, and a sense of
camaraderie as a result of this.

5. You want to be excellent or to be special,

different from the other?
Yes, I want to be excellent and special and different for
mothers so I have a competitive edge in my future work the
various things.

6. The other wants to be excellent or the other

wants to be special?
I think other wants to be both excellent in the things they want
to excel in and be special in the overall population of where
they live or where they work
7. You want to jointly make efforts for
excellence or to compete with the other?
My making excellence with others we tend to learn many more
things like corporation and by competing with others we can
have are individual calls and learn more about oneself in one’s

8. Which feelings are essential for good

teamwork to take place?
Mutual respect is essential for establishing a productive workplace.
Regardless of differences, team members should accept one another's
thoughts, beliefs, and working methods.
Good communication is essential for successful teamwork. Members of
the team should be able to communicate ideas, criticism, and
information openly and honestly.

9. Which feelings are essential for taking help in

understanding from others?
Vulnerability: Allowing others to support and direct you by being willing to
admit when you don't grasp something or need assistance. Being open and
vulnerable can foster stronger bonds and a sense of community.
Showing gratitude for others' assistance and support helps foster positive
connections and motivate them to continue providing assistance in the future.

10. Make a list of people you respect.

Evaluate the feeling you have for them: is it
over, under or otherwise evaluation?
Mother – over
father – over
sister – under

Evaluate if they are helping others to live in

Write down 2 things you would like to learn
from them.
My father being in the government sector, helps people to live in harmony without
disturbing anybody and the environment and one thing that I have learned from him is to
always be patient even in face of some annoying situation
My mother is a homemaker but lives in harmony with everyone nearby or neighbors and
with relatives I like to learn from her the skill to tolerate and her endurance

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