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Universal Human Values

Session 6
Assignment 6

1. Do you interact the same way with :

A.a person from your region, sect, speaking in your language and
B.a person from another region, sect, speaking a different language?

I act differently with both as for A I know something about him or her for eg someone
from same region we share some commonalities like we have grown in same
region . As for a person from totally different region is unknown to me how will he act
what is his culture is it ok to do something with them .

But this is only limited to the beginning of meeting them after knowing the person I
act same with both

A. a person wearing a dhoti and

B. a person wearing a business suit ?

I will interact with them the same way as the cloth does not define the knowledge
fame and reputation of the man. I will talk with both with same respect

A.a person speaking in English and

B.a person speaking in a regional language?

I will interact in the language they are speaking as they might be

comfortable in the language they speak.

2. Look at yourself in the mirror.

A.Do you feel you are special, unique, different from others ? or similar to others?
I feel I am different that other from various points of view for example
from body from my mind from knowledge from how hard I can work but I
feel I’m similar to other or I am in similar situation like others.

B.Do you tend to compete or collaborate with your classmates?

I tend to compete with my classmates in some areas where u have
compete with them. For eg for an election process
But I collaborate with them when handling a placement process or when
making presentations
C.When are you more at comfortable ? When you see yourself as
similaror different ? When you compete or collaborate ? Describe your
feelings in both cases.

I am more comfortable knowing that I am different than others and I think

I feel I know of some special quality about myself and that I can increase
my potential as a human and not be a part of the rat race and I feel more
comfortable when collaborating with others I know that my team has got
my back but as to when I compete I know I have to do it on my own

2. What is naturally acceptable to you? –to differentiate or to

complement ?
I feel a differentiate is more acceptable to me than complement because
I know a compliment can be fake wish to make me happy but I know that
the differentiate is most of the time usually a true one and I can always
improve on the differentiate

3 . Suggest one way in which you can be complementary to both the

above cases.
I can be can always complement the person by the way of there living
or wearing or the way of there interaction .

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