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Editorial Healthline Journal Volume 7 Issue 1 (January-June 2016)

Social and Behaviour Change Communication – Essential Component of

Contemporary Health Care
Sheetal Vyas
Professor and Head, Community Medicine Department, AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad
Correspondence : Dr. Sheetal Vyas, E-Mail:

Introduction: grounded in a particular socio-ecological context and

change usually requires support from multiple levels
Health is created through the interplay of many
of influence resulted in an expansion of the approach
determinants, which include social determinants too.
to become SBCC.
These social determinants include factors such as
knowledge, attitudes, norms, beliefs and cultural The addition of an 'S' to BCC aims to bring the
practices. Social and Behaviour Change field closer to the recognition of the need for
Communication programs (SBCC) use the most systematic, socio-ecological thinking within
powerful and fundamental human interaction – communication initiatives. [3]
communication – to positively influence these social Components of SBCC
[3, 4]

dimensions of health and well-being. SBCC is a

SBCC encompasses three core elements:
process that motivates people to adopt and sustain
healthy behaviours and lifestyles. Sustaining healthy ● Communication using channels and themes that
behaviour usually requires a continuing investment fit to target audience's needs and preferences.
in Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) as part of ● Behaviour Change through efforts to make
an overall health program. specific health actions easier, feasible, and closer
In this context, communication goes beyond to an ideal that will protect or improve health
the delivery of a simple message or slogan. It outcomes.
encompasses the full range of means through which ● “Social Change” to achieve shifts in the definition
people, individually and collectively, can be motivated of an issue, people's participation and
to cultivate healthy lifestyle. engagement, policies and gender norms &
What is SBCC?
Need for SBCC
Social and Behaviour Change Communication
is the use of communication to change behaviours, ● Strengthening community responses to issues
including service utilization by positively influencing ● Influencing decision-makers and family and peer
the knowledge, attitude and social norms. [1] networks
The shift in terminology from Behaviour ● Increasing demand for health services and
Change Communication (BCC) to Social and products
Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) is a recent ● Increasing correct use of health services and
milestone in health communication that reflects products
renewed emphasis on improving health outcomes
through healthier individual and group behaviours as ● Influencing policy
well as strengthening the social context, systems and ● Capacity building for local planning and
processes that underpin health. implementation of health improvement efforts
BCC efforts have focused on individuals' Steps in the implementation of an SBCC program
behaviour change because the most widely used ● Analyse the Situation
theories emphasize the individual level. [2] However, a
● Know Your Audience (primary audiences/
growing understanding that behaviours are
influencing audiences)
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Vyas Sheetal Social and Behaviour Change Communication…

● Specify Communication Objectives together. A campaign provides benefits to the

● Selecting Strategic Approaches individual and/or society, typically within a given
time period, by means of organized communication
● Positioning and Strategy Outline
● Formulating Implementation Plan
Following is a list of some of the strategic approaches:
● Monitoring and Evaluation
● Advocacy
● Feedback for Further Improvement
● Community-Based Media
Approaches for SBCC
● Community Mobilization
Once the communication objectives have been
● Counselling
determined, the strategic approaches will used to
achieve the communication objectives. Often a ● Distance Learning
communication strategy will include several ● Information and Communication Technology
approaches, especially if addressing multiple (ICT)
audiences across the social-ecological levels. ● Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/Peer
Often the campaigns include a combination of Communication
approaches (usually including mass media, in ● Mass Media
addition to community-based approaches) and
● Social Mobilization
provide multiple opportunities for exposure through
a consistent theme that links program activities ● Support Media/Mid-Media

Selection of the approach for SBCC


Complexity of the Face-to-face communication, Mass media

Challenge Popular social media channels –Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp among
others. Written materials (for referral and re-referral)

Sensitivity of the Interpersonal approaches and one-on-one communication


Effectiveness of Approach Some examples-Entertainment education is well suited for motivational

to Address Challenge messages and moving social-norms, face-to-face counselling seems to help
people learn about and adhere to more effective strategies to quit smoking,
media campaigns were better than interpersonal interventions without
media for HIV/STD prevention.

Literacy If audience is not literate, an approach, which does not rely on the written
word, will be more effective.

Desired Reach Mass media, most internet-based interventions and many mHealth
interventions have an advantage in their potential reach and can provide
regional and national coverage.

Cost Consider the cost – and cost effectiveness.

Innovation Consider using approaches that are new / appealing/ interesting and fresh
for the audience.
Youth Some mobile-based or social-media based approaches may appeal more to
young adults.
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Healthline Journal Volume 7 Issue 1 (January-June 2016)

Often there is great confusion about the with the same chronic disease through the exchange
approach, which will suit a particular SBCC campaign. of health information. Online health communities
However, depending on the communication provide opportunities for “health behaviour change
objectives and target audience, the following messages” to educate and persuade regarding
methods may be suitable for SBCC activities. chronic disease self-management behaviors. It is
Scope of SBCC also observed that SBCC/BCC represents an integral
component of malaria control efforts. [12]
Often it is required to apply various
communication approaches ranging from mass In a study in the field of management of
communication, entertainment education, childhood diarrhoea, among the main strategic
interpersonal communication, participatory options that was suggested for relieving the
development communication, advocacy and social bottlenecks included one option - to develop
mobilization for the programs. Information Education Communication/Behaviour
Change Communication (IEC/BCC) plan for
Communication programs need to be responsive childhood diarrhoea management at state/district
to peoples' wants, needs and desires. Additionally, level. [13]
communication programs must be geared to
stimulate social change in more effective ways In a study on community-based maternal,
through careful communication research, analysis, newborn and child health services in rural areas of
p l a n n i n g , c o - o rd i n a t i o n , i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , India, the components of the intervention (mHealth
management, monitoring and evaluation.
[4] strategies), were designed to overcome the gaps in
care. [14]
SBCC has proven effective in several health areas,
such as increasing the use of family planning Mobile phone messaging is an inexpensive
methods, preventing HIV and AIDS, non- option to deliver educational and motivational
communicable diseases, mental illnesses, drug abuse, advice about lifestyle modification. In a study by
genetic disorders, reducing the spread of malaria and Ramchandran A et al, it was assessed whether
other infectious diseases, improving newborn and mobile phone messaging that encouraged lifestyle
maternal health, adolescent health and much more. change could reduce incident Type 2 diabetes in
Indian Asian men with impaired glucose tolerance.
Well-planned social mobilization efforts also [15]

seek to empower communities to take control of their

These are only a few examples of use of SBCC for
own situations, including accepting or rejecting
tackling diverse health problems. One should
interventions. Social mobilization, integrated with
meticulously prepare SBCC program cycle, budget,
other communication approaches, has been a key
understand the audience profile, ensure good
feature in numerous communication efforts
quality material, consider the 7 Cs of communication
worldwide. [6-10] However we have to see the ethical
in public health, learn to work with news media and
issues while considering SBCC strategies and
evaluate the program after implementation. [16, 17]
programs for any community. There is no limit to the
aspect of the healthcare and the way various However, we must remember that effective
strategies can be used for SBCC. Many studies in the communication is only one of the many aspects that
field of nutrition have described the uses of mHealth need to be look in to influence people and groups for
and eHealth strategies. [6, 7] a particular health or programmatic outcome. While
it is one of the many cogs in the wheel of providing
In a study by Willis E and Royne MB, it was
effective healthcare, it is a vital cog- one sets and
observed that online health communities act as
keeps the aforementioned wheel in motion.
informal self-management programs led by peers

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