Ebook Tiếng Việt 123 - Tiếng Việt cho người nước ngoài_1023655

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NXB THANH HOA UD ee er Vietnamese for Beginner g SI S @ rf I= Eas 123VIETNAMESE i 123VIETNAMESE Vietnamese Language Training Center Tiong Viet 123 Tiéng Viét cho ngudi nuéc ngoai Vietnamese For Beginner (i NHA xuAT BAN THANH HOA Nhiing nam gin day, sé lung nguéi nucie ngoai dén sinh sng va lam vige Vigt Nam ngay cng nhiéu. Theo dd, nhu ciu hoe Tigng Viet é giao tiép, hba nhip voi cude sing & Vigt Nam cita ho nga cng cao. ‘Hign nay trén thi trong c6 nhieu séch, gido trinh phuc vu vi¢e day -hoe Tiéng Vigt cho ngudi made ngodi. Nhin chung, cdc tai ligu nay déu dp mg duge mong muén cua ngudi nude ngoai 6 cde trinh dé khde nhau, ‘Tuy nhién, voi muc dich lam cho Tiéng Vigt tré nén gan gil, thye 18 hon, trung tim 123VIETNAMESE di x4y dumg riéng gio trinh ‘Ting Vigt 123 cho trinhdd msi bat dau. goal cée phn widi thigu hg théng nguyen am, phy dm, chanh digu Tiéng Vigt, 3 bai Gn tap, 5 bai van hda, sich gdm 16 bai hoe vii cae chi dé quen thuge trong cuge séng nhu: lam quen, mua sim, thei tidt, chi duémg.. ‘Cau trie mét bai hoc bao gom h6i thoai — tir vung — ngit phap va ngitam. Day lé nhitng noi dung quan trong giuip ngudi hoe tigp can va Jam quen nhimg van dé co ban cla mot ngon ngit moi. Tir cau trac bai hoe, gido vién sé ¢é nhing xirIi linh hogt véi timg déi nrgng hoe dé vira dm bao kién thire chun vita phat huy kha ning sir dung ngon gtr cita hge view. ‘HG thdng cdc bai én tp (sau méi 5 bai hge) nh widp ngudi hye cing e4 Ii kign thie. Tir dé gido vin c6 thé mér rng thém cc ng canh mdi dé hoc vién sirdyng nhudin nhuyén ndi dung da hoc. ‘Ca bai gigi thigu van hoa mang dén cho nguéi nuée ngoai nhizng trai nghi¢m dau tién vé dat nude Viét Nam khi hoe Tiéng Vigt. Cac bai viet déu ngiin gon, ng6n tir durgc sit dung don gidn co kém hinh anh nén dBhidu, sinh déng. ‘Trung tém 123VIETNAMESE hy vong quyén sachs? giip nguti nude ngodi hge Tiéng Vist dé dang, thuan Igi hon, Tuy nbién trong gua trinh xay dung Tiéng Vigt 123 chic chin khéng trink khoi thigu S61 va han ché, rit mong sir déng g6p eta ban doe dé Ln tai ban t6i DVR durge tat hon. ‘The mumber of foreigners living and working in Vietnam has increased dramatically in recent years. Accordingly, the demand for leaning Vietnamese for daily life activities, business, and travel is also growing. (Currently there are many books at different levels for leaming and teaching Vietnamese to foreigners and most of them meet the minimal requirement and expectations of foreign learners. In order to help beginners to leam Vietnamese in the easiest, quickest and most enjoyable way, the 123VIETNAMESE Center is pleased to introduce the introductory text “Ting Vide 123", This textbook is designed by @ group of enthusiastic and experienced 123VIETNAMESE teachers from the best universities in Vieinam. It consists of 16 lessons covering essential topies in everyday life such as greetings, shopping, weather, and giving directions. The Vietnamese alphabet, vowels, consonants, and tone system are introduced early in the first lesson, Each structured lesson is divided into 4 parts: dialog, vocabulary, grammar and phonetics, These key areas introduce and familiarize students with the hasie components of Vietnamese. ‘The revision system after every 5 lessons consolidates the student's knowledge and reinforces vocabulary and sentence structures so that studenis can further develop their nguage skills ‘Through a series of illustrated and lively reading selections, Tiéng Vigt 123 not only helps the leamer acquire the language but also provides ‘opportunities to discover Vietnamese culture and customs ‘The 123VIETNAMESE Center hopes that Tiéng Vigt 123 will help students learn Vietnamese quickly and conveniently. While the textbook is, the result of a long-term team effort, it may still have some limitations. ‘Therefore, any recommendations or suggestions from our readers for the nextedition would be highly appreciated. Se Tiéng Vist ¢6 29 chit cai nhur sau: There are 29 lelters ia the alphabet a dé du di la OLN Bee Tiéng Viét khong c6 4 chitcai F, J,W, Z nhu trong Tiéng Anh. lois F J W, Zin English do nctexsstin Veremese. NgoaiD dirong Tiéng Vigt conc6 Dd. Besides O's tnolerquage nes Dd. Tiéng Viétcon c6 6 nguyén am duoc viet cé diunhusau: Aa, Aa, 6,06, Go, Uw, There are 6 vowels with marks eer pul above or attached to the eters: A8,A a, 86, 60, Oa, itu, KR GovHq ards: im don: b, c,d, dg, I, ky 1, mt, ja consonants: b, 6 dd gib Kl mns Bb ban béo cau ca [Ce ai da Dd * Dd di dong ho ga Gg tu ho Hh hhoa ign Kk kiem, LI lo ting Jan %>7@@lme® Rr it Phy dim doi: ph, th, fr chs mh a, a Bgl Kh tr ch nee hh AUB NORA LL eT AL aL a) Bing thip Flat low tone Cro giy High rising tone Thap gay | Falling rising tone Cao ten Rising tone ‘Thap xuéng "1 Tén tdi la Peter H6i thogi e e e @ e e e e@ o BE Chao chi. Chao anh. Xin Ii, anh tén 1a gi? Tén tdi la Peter. Chi tén li gi? Tén 161 Li Yumi. Chj Li ngudi nude nao? Toi La ngudi Nhat Ban. Anh ki ngudi nude ndo? Toi la ngudi Anh, Rat vui duge gap chi. e Rat vui duge gip anh, Con tila gui Vigt Nam Detnaneracen rato ‘obo excuse me, sory name sled porson ‘omoot country ‘tad fo meet wae | very J TL) Chie - Hore Khi ban mudn chao mt nguéi nao 46, ban ding tir“chdo” va mot dai tirnhan xtmg thich hgp hoje “chao” va tén ngudi do. When you want fo say “helo” to someone, ise “chde"” and an appropiate personal pronoun or “chao” and the person's name, Chito + dai tit nhan xung Cho + personal pronoun ‘Vi du: Chao anh. Chao + tén Cho + namo Vi du: Chao Mai, WVieranesecen 13 Las s “Chao” c6 thé ding bat ky thoi gian nao thdm chi ca khi tam biét, “Cno" can aso be used when you say goodbye. * Néumuén thé hign sy lich su hodc kinh trong c6 thé thém tir“a” & cudi cau. Toexpresspoltonessandrespact. the word “aan be placed the end as folows CXin2 chao + personal pronoun + Cad 2° 2 Dai tir nhan xung co bam ~ Basic personal pronouns Chao cd a! z Chit ngit + tén la gi? ngi g Subject + tn gi? O© Dat ticnhan xung + ta + ten Pronoun +16 +name Vidy: Bantén igi? ‘TOI la Mai. ‘Téntai la Mai. ‘Toi tén la Mai. 2 SGI" dimg 6 cudi edu hoi Gi" ipvattocodof te qession moans “whe + “La” giéng nhu déng tir “to be” trong tiéng Anh, gan két chit gir va danh tir(tén), “Laie Yobein English connects the subject andthe noun (raime) % Khimuén thé hign mite d6 lich su, 6 thé thém “xin 15i”. “Xin 16is meant to show politeness, like “excuse” in Engish. W2BVietwamese om Ped 15, Vidu: Xin16i,anhténli gi? ? Hii quéc tich ~ 454 for nationality © ut ngie + 1a ngudi nude nado? ‘Subject + la ngudi nue m0? © Chit ngit + ta + nguii + tén nudc Subjoct +18 + nga name of county ‘Vi du: Chi la nguai née nao? vo» Toi la ngusi Bite RAt vui duge gdp chi. Cau nay c6 ¥ nghia nhur “Nice to meet you”, thé hién lich su trong buéi du gip mat cia ngudi Viét. Tis saying means "Mie tormeet you shows polteness atthe fsitine you meet someone, Toi la nguéi Vigt Nam. Bai 01 id Chao 6ng ba 18 Detnaneracen eo Chao chi. Toi tén 1a Kirn. Go Chao anh, Rit vui duge gap anh, Toi tén la Thu. oe RAt vui duge gap chi. e@& Anh 1a ngudi Han Quéc phai khong? oO Vang. Tai li nguévi Han Quéc. Chi lim nghé gi? e@ ‘Téi la gido vién. Con anh? or Toi la bac si. Chi lm vige 6 dau? e& Toi day 6 Trung tam 123VIETNAMESE. lam vige & Bénh vign Vigt Phap. oy Bai 02 Tir vung gio vien teacher yes ‘teach actor ‘Korea to work enh vien hose center Ngit phap gS Hoi nghé nghigp - Ask forproiession | @ Chi ngit + tam nghé gi? Subject «am ngnd gl? @ Chi ngit + tar+ nghé Subject +18 +b ‘Vi dy: Chi lim nghé gi? » Toi la ca st. Anh lam nghé gi? oo TOI LA Idi xe. 2 2Vieranerezon a6 Dong tir “1a” - verb 13" + Thé khang dinh -Confimmative form Chi ngit + la + danh tit Subject + 18+ noun ‘Vidu:-T6ilisinh vién, -TOila ngubi Han Quéc. - Toil Mai. *Thé phi dink -regeiverorm Chit ngit + khong phai la + danh tie Subject + kréng phi a + noun Vidu:- T6i khong phai la bae st. - T6i khong phai la nguti Vigt Nam. *Thé nghi van -faterrogative tom Qa agit + 06 phi ta + danh tir + king? Subject + c6 phaila + noun + khdeig? OY Vang/co, chi ng ta + danh tir Vang, subject ++ noun OQ tihing, chit ngit + khéng pha ta + dank tit ting, subject + hg p+ coun Vidy: Anh ed phaila ngudi VigtNam khong? oo» Vang, 161 ingudi Vigt Nam, -» Khong, t6i khong phai ld nguoi VietNam, Chi cé phai la y takhGng? Vang, toilay ta, vo» Khéng, t0i khang phai lay ta. WDiierancrsin 24 EE a Phai khong Cach dé nhdt dé tao cau héi trong tiéng Viét la ding tir “phai khong” 6 cudi ‘cau, Cau héi nay khi ban muén xac nhan hoe chic chan vé théng tin nao do. The easiest way to make = question isusing "pha knong’ atthe end. Especial when you wait to contro arbe sure of anirformatio, © Ltrttngic+ ka + danh tit + phat khong? ‘Suejoat +18 + noun + pha nang? QO Vang. chingit+ li + dank tir Vang, sujoct +8 noun © biing, chis ngit + khong phat ta + dank tir ng, subject + kong pha + roun ‘Vidu: Ban la ngudi Mg phai khong? Vang (phai). Titi nguoi My. Ban tén li Gia Bao phai khong? w+ Khong, Toi khong phai li Gia Bao. Toi li Ditc Bao. Vidu: Ban hge 6 Trung tm 123VIETNAMESE phai khong’? i ve» Ving, t6ihge6 Trung tim 123VIETNAMESE. Chimétphai khong? S o » Khong, toi khong met. MUC LUC er rsd Pree Trey Norte ooh Gin! BAI ON TAP 1 Berner Brerey nt Poko Be - Ciich néi ngiy, Sere Been Sr} Cea Bona Senne art eo Ceres en ee ee ec Pict ese Ny cere ray eee eee oe eee , ah di thing. eee tec Cet etn od - Chu trite BAI ON TAP 2 Pee PO a P et ree 7 me Crogan: Ce Be eee y F = Git er oh vt CTR Ce ttrete miter rad Cr terri earn ny = Céch goi mén @ nha hing, khich san oer me) Spee Pererepen Cera Ce re ery Rene tet) Cn reed Gi eK Pre ratas

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