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Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo: Teachers-Students Partnership Enhancement

John Richard A. Sari
Ellain Joy B. Eliorda
Ma. Metchy J. Barangan

In the realm of education, the teacher-student partnership stands as a cornerstone for

fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. This action research delves into the

realm of teacher-student collaboration, focusing on the innovative approach showcased by

programs such as “Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo”. This initiative underscores the transformative

power of collaboration between educators and students, empowering learners to actively

engage in their educational journey. Through this partnership, students are encouraged to

take charge of their learning process, developing essential skills such as communication,

critical thinking, and collaboration while boosting their confidence and sense of ownership in

the academic realm.

A notable example of the positive outcomes stemming from teacher-student collaboration is

evident in the student-led projects spearheaded by the Peace Corps in the Philippines.

These projects serve as a beacon of student empowerment, enabling learners to voice their

ideas, engage in leadership roles, and contribute meaningfully to their communities through

activities like remedial reading, English clubs, and journalism initiatives. Such collaborative

endeavors not only enhance access to quality education but also nurture a culture of active

participation and community involvement among students.

In light of these insights, this action research advocates for the integration of student-led

initiatives, the promotion of open communication channels between teachers and students,

and the provision of training and support for educators to effectively implement collaborative

approaches in the classroom. By evaluating the impact of teacher-student partnerships,

promoting student engagement, and continuously adapting to enhance the learning

experience, academic institutions can create a vibrant and inclusive educational ecosystem

that nurtures holistic student development and cultivates a culture of lifelong learning.

In the Philippines, enhancing the partnership between teachers and students is

crucial for fostering a conducive learning environment and promoting academic success. In

Maximino Noel Memorial National High School, the challenge of strengthening the

partnership between teachers and students has endured, primarily due to the diverse

learning needs of students requiring varied teaching approaches. Enhancing the partnership

between teachers and students is not just a goal but a fundamental aspect of the

educational philosophy. Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities within the

school community, the focus is on fostering a culture of collaboration, respect, and shared

responsibility for learning. Through initiatives such as student-led discussions, collaborative

projects, and open communication channels, both teachers and students actively contribute

to the co-creation of knowledge and the development of critical thinking skills.

The aim of "Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo" Is to provide a platform for educators to share

insights, experiences, and strategies related to enhancing the partnership between teachers

and students. Through collaborative discussions and shared expertise, the initiative seeks to

identify innovative approaches, address challenges, and promote best practices for fostering

a more effective and inclusive learning environment. By harnessing the collective wisdom of

educators, Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo aims to inspire positive change and facilitate continuous

improvement in teacher-student partnerships, ultimately enhancing the educational

experience and outcomes for students in Maximino Noel Memorial National High School and


The Lesson Ko Discuss Mo, an innovation strategy which will be implemented for

30 days, during the second semester. It will be on a three- phase pre-implementation, during

implementation process, and post implementation phases.


Students will receive assigned topics for discussion from their teacher, and their

performance will be evaluated based on predefined criteria adopted from Cretors (2020).

The teacher will rank students according to their pre-existing ratings, selecting the top five

with the lowest scores from a total population of 10 students.


Selected students will receive additional assigned topics for discussion. Lesson Ko,

Discuss Mo will be implemented to enhance the partnership between teacher-students, also

to cultivate communication skills, critical thinking, cooperation, creativity, and overall

potential development in the chosen students. Progress will be analyzed over approximately

30 days.


After 30 days, progress and experiences will be assessed through observation and

interviews. This assessment will provide valuable insights into the future impact of the

intervention on the targeted skills and the overall effectiveness of Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo in

assisting senior high school students in navigating their daily lessons.


This study aims to find out if Lesson Ko Discuss Mo, enhance the partnership

between teacher-students and develop students’ skills (e.g communication, creativity, and

critical thinking). Specifically, this aims to answer the question:

How does Lesson Ko Discuss Mo improve enhance the partnership between

teacher-students of Grade 11 SMAW students?



This chapter includes research participants, design, data gathering procedure,

instruments, data analysis plan, and ethical considerations.

A. Participants, Sampling and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The participants of this study will be the 5 selected students from Grade 7- Grade 11

and Senior High School teacher of Maximino Noel Memorial National High School. This

study will be used purposive sampling.

B. Research Design

The study used qualitative methods to explore teacher-student partnership

enhancement, uncovering underlying beliefs and barriers through interviews and

observations and leading to tailored strategies for fostering collaboration and mutual respect

in a supportive learning environment.

C. Data Gathering Procedure

Data will be collected through focused group discussions (FGD) and key informant

interviews (KII), evaluating skills training and sharing abilities through practical

performances. Observations will be conducted to explore insights into skills and the

improvement of the innovative program and its implementation. Semi-structured interviews

will be carried out to explore participants’ experiences and progress. Lastly, an evaluation of

students’ skills and improvement in the teacher-student partnership, along with their

relationship, will be conducted.

D. Research Instrument
This study will utilize a researcher-made, semi-structured interview guide. The

interview will consist of questions that will determine their skill development using a Likert

scale. The interview guide will consist of open-ended questions that will explore their

opinions on the impact of Lesson Ko and Discuss Mo in the context of developing their skills

and improving the teacher-student partnership. The said instruments will undergo validity

and reliability testing before their full implementation by the participants.

E. Data Analysis Plan

Data will be gathered for this study in order to be further examined. A

comprehensive study will be conducted using the narrative analysis.

F. Ethical Considerations

In order to facilitate the study process, the researchers will exercise caution when

conducting their research, focusing especially on all communication protocols. By writing the

participants a letter, the researchers are able to take their permission into account when

conducting the interviews. The policy on research ethics is applied with great care to

safeguard participants and stakeholders from academia.

Chapter III


This chapter present the results and analysis after the two weeks of doing the intervention

and documenting the evaluation results.

Results and Discussion


Table 1
Pre-Evaluation Result
1 2 3 4 Total
Fair Good Very Good Excellent
It helps me boost
0 1 3 1 5
my confidence.
It improves my
communication 0 0 4 1 5
It enhances my
0 1 2 2 5
between me and
my teacher
It improves my
critical thinking 0 2 2 1 5
Lesson Ko, Discuss
Mo innovation
helps me to
(collaboration and 0 1 3 1 5
between me, my
classmates and my
Mean 0 1 2.8 1.2 5

Table 1 shows that, among the five (5) participants with a mean of zero (0) answered

fair, one (1) answered good, two point eight (2.8) answered very good, and one point two
(1.2) answered excellent. Most students answered very good since the mean is above

average, therefore, the innovation helped them boost their confidence, improve their skills

(e.g., critical thinking, communication), enhance their partnership with their teacher, and

develop their collaboration and interaction. According to Dr. Bergin (2021), the result of a

strong student-teacher relationship is that it allows students to feel confident through

exploration and taking risks in their academic tasks. In short, students who have a positive

student-teacher relationship demonstrate a stronger performance in the classroom, develop

their critical thinking skills, and improve collaboration and interaction within the classroom.

Table 2
Post-Evaluation Result
1 2 3 4 Total
Fair Good Very Good Excellent
It helps me boost
0 0 1 4 5
my confidence.
It improves my
communication 0 0 0 5 5
It enhances my
0 0 0 5 5
between me and
my teacher
It improves my
critical thinking 0 0 0 5 5
Lesson Ko, Discuss
Mo innovation
helps me to
(collaboration and 0 0 1 4 5
between me, my
classmates and my
Mean 0 0 0.4 4.6 5

Table 2 revealed that, among the five (5) participants with a mean of zero (0)

answered fair, zero (0) answered good, zero point four (0.4) answered very good, and four

point 6 (4.6) answered excellent. Most students answered excellent since the mean is above

average, therefore, the innovation helped them boost their confidence, improve their skills

(e.g., critical thinking, communication), enhance their partnership with their teacher, and
develop their collaboration and interaction. As stated by Sudderth (2018), student led activity

or practice is the process of sharing responsibility for the shape, direction, and outcomes of

a student’s educational experience between students and teachers. This productive

collaboration gives students a voice and reach out their confidence, provides them with

opportunities for problem-solving and critical thinking, and makes them active participants in

their education to make productive learning.


In Lesson Ko, Discuss Mo teacher-student partnership innovation, a student-led

program in the Philippines, the researchers explore the significance of fostering collaboration

between teachers and students in the educational setting. This partnership empowers

students to take ownership of their learning and encourages them to become active

participants in their education, where students boost their confidence, improve their skills

(communication and critical thinking), and enhance collaboration and interaction among

students and teachers.

One remarkable example is the student-led projects implemented by the Peace

Corps in the Philippines. These projects aim to help teachers support students learning to

access quality education. By collaborating with teachers, the Peace Corps implements

activities such as remedial reading, English clubs, leadership training, student-led reporting,

and journalism, where students are open to voice out their own ideas and share them with

teachers. These initiatives provide students with opportunities to develop their skills,

exercise leadership, and contribute to their communities.

Based on the given data, teachers should implement this innovation to enhance their

collaboration with students. Because of this, students will enhance their skills, boost their

confidence, and improve collaboration and interaction among students and teachers. It is

necessary to enhance teacher-student partnerships to achieve the academic goal of

productive learning outcomes.

Chapter IV



1. The teacher-student partnership innovation, exemplified by programs like “Lesson

Ko, Discuss Mo” in the Philippines, emphasizes the importance of collaboration between

educators and students, fostering confidence, enhancing skills, and promoting interaction

within the academic community.

2. Initiatives like the student-led projects facilitated by the Peace Corps demonstrate

the benefits of teacher-student collaboration in enhancing access to quality education and

fostering student engagement and community contribution.


1. Integrate student-led projects to encourage active student participation and

leadership opportunities.

2. Encourage open communication between teachers and students to create a

conducive learning environment.

3. Offer training to teachers for effective implementation of collaborative approaches

in the classroom.

4. Regularly assess the impact of teacher-student partnerships on student learning

and make necessary adjustments.

5. Encourage student engagement through collaborative projects for improved

academic performance and a more interactive learning environment.

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