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Abdominal Muscle Activity and Intraabdominal Pressure after

Upper Abdominal Surgery

John E. Duggan, MBBS, FFARCS and Gordon B. Drummond, MA, FFARCS

DUGGAN JE, DRUMMOND GB. Abdominal muscle Changes in intragastric pressures were closely related to
activity and intraabdominal pressure after upper changes in EAR. In fizle patients P,, and EAR waveforms
abdominal surgery. Anesth Analg 1989;69:598-603. were almost identical over the respiratory cycle. In one
subject a biphasic change in PGA during inspiration was
To examine the influence of abdominal muscle activity on observed, suggesting the influence of other respiratory
intraabdominal pressure, the integrated surface EMG from muscles. Abdominal muscle action results in changes in
upper abdominal muscle ( E A R ) was related to changes in intraabdominal pressure previously attributed to diaphrag-
intragastric pressure (PGA) in six patients after upper matic impairment.
abdominal surgery. A similar respiratory pattern of EMG
activity was observed in all subjects. E A R increased rapidly Key Words: MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES,
at the onset of expiration, and thereafter more slozoly ELECTROMYOGRAPHY. MUSCLE,
throughout expiration. A t the onset of inspiration E,, ABDOMINAL-pattern of activity postoperatively.
decreased abruptly, and was small during inspiration. SURGERY, ABDOMINAL.

Patients undergoing upper abdominal surgery fre- lecystectomy ( n = 3) or gastric procedures ( n = 3).
quently develop abnormal respiratory function after They were free from respiratory disease and had
operation with reduction in end-expiratory lung vol- given informed verbal consent for the study. The
ume that has been attributed, in part, to reflex spasm study was approved by the local ethics advisory
of the abdominal muscles (1). We have shown that committee, which did not require that written con-
after abdominal surgery there is frequently an in- sent be obtained.
crease in abdominal muscle activity during expiration Anesthesia was standardized. Premedication was
in the abdominal and lower intercostal muscles (2). with oral temazepam 20 mg 2 hr before surgery.
However, the mechanical effect of muscle activity Anesthesia was induced with thiopental 4-7 mg/kg
was not directly measured in that study. The present and maintained with enflurane (1-2% inspired con-
study was designed to assess the effects of changes in centration) and nitrous oxide (70% inspired concen-
abdominal muscle activity on the time-course of in-
tration) in oxygen. Tracheal intubation was facilitated
traabdominal pressure during breathing in patients
with succinylcholine, and muscle relaxation was ob-
after upper abdominal surgery. This relationship is
tained with alcuronium and was antagonized at the
important because of the suggestion that diaphrag-
end of the procedure with neostigmine. Complete
matic activity is impaired by abdominal operation,
based on observations of changes in abdominal pres- reversal of neuromuscular blockade was confirmed
sure with breathing (3). by stimulation of the ulnar nerve. After recovery from
anesthesia, morphine was given IV for pain relief (up
to 10 mg) with analgesia thereafter maintained with
Methods an infusion of morphine sulfate (up to 1 mgkg over 24
We studied six otherwise healthy patients, of either hr, supplemented if necessary with small IM doses.
sex, who had undergone elective operations for cho- Three hours after surgery, simultaneous record-
ings of intragastric pressure (PGA),abdominal muscle
Received from the Department of Anaesthetics, Royal Infir- EMG activity (EAg:), nasal airflow, and the electrocar-
mary, Edinburgh, Scotland. Accepted for publication June 9, 1989. diogram (ECG) were made over a 10-min period
Address correspondence to Dr. Drummond, Department of
Anaesthetics, Royal Infirmary, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 during quiet tidal breathing with the patient in the
9YW, Scotland, UK. supine position.
01989 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

Table 1. Patient Characteristics and Surgical Details

Age Height Weight
Sex (years) ( 4 (kg) Operation Incision
F 51 163 64 Chole RUQ transverse
M 64 168 72 Chole RUQ transverse
M 37 179 67 HSV Upper midline
M 38 177 65 HSV Upper midline
F 48 175 82 Chole RUQ transverse
F 39 177 79 HSV Upper midline
Chole: cholecystectomy;HSV: highly selective vagotomy; and RUQ: right upper quadrant.

Intragastric pressure was measured using a trans- on the iliac crest. The EMG signal was amplified and
ducer (Sanborn 207a, Waltham, MA) attached by a filtered with a bandwidth of 20 Hz to 2 kHz (Neu-
sidearm to a nasogastric tube (14 FG) with its tip rolog NL 104/125, Digitimer Ltd., Welwyn Garden
positioned in the stomach. The tube was first flushed City, Herts, UK) and recorded with an FM tape
with physiologic sodium chloride solution and then recorder (Digitimer D146) along with the ECG (lead
kept patent with a slow constant infusion of sodium 11), PGA, and nasal airflow signals. Zero activity for
chloride solution at 10 mL/hr. Measurement of PGA in the EMG signal was recorded at the end of each
this way avoided the introduction of an intragastric assessment by placing the electrodes face to face.
balloon in addition to the nasogastric tube already in The recorded signals were played back onto a UV
place. This method gives measurements of intragas- galvanometer recorder (Bell and Howell 5-137, Bas-
tric pressure which correlate well with the gastric ingstoke, Herts, UK). The EMG signal was passed
balloon method (4,5). through a delay network, and, using a method sim-
Nasal airflow was measured using the method of ilar to that described by Muller and coworkers (7), the
Guyatt and coworkers (6). Oxygen was administered contribution of the ECG artifact was gated out. The
at 2 L/min by nasal cannulae positioned within the signal was then full wave rectified and integrated as
external nares of the patient. These cannulae also an exponential time weighted average using a "leaky
acted as nasal pitot tubes. Pressure fluctuations at a integrator" (NL 103) with a time constant of 100 mS.
sidearm at the upstream end of the supply tube were The EMG signals were calibrated by passing a known
measured with a differential pressure transducer, voltage through the same network to the recorder.
which was connected between the sidearm and a In each patient 30 consecutive breaths were ana-
balance reference tube that also carried an oxygen lyzed in detail. The relationship between E,B and
flow. The bias flow was adjusted so that when no PGA was assessed by measuring the changes in these
flow was present at the nose the pressure difference values that occurred during inspiration, expiration,
across the transducer was zero. This method was and the expiratory pause, and interrelating those
validated as a qualitative index of the phases of changes by means of least squares linear regression
respiration by comparison of the flow signal with analysis (8).
measurements of rib cage and abdominal motion
using impedance bands around the rib cage and
abdomen, and it gave an accurate index of the phases
of respiration. The nasal flow signal was used to Results
identify three phases of the respiratory cycle: inspi- Details of patient characteristics and operations per-
ration (I), expiration (E), and an expiratory pause formed are given in Table 1. A representative sample
(EP). of nasal airflow and PGA and EA, signals in a subject
Abdominal muscle EMG was measured using two after cholecystectomy is illustrated in Figure 1. The
pregelled silver-silver chloride electrodes with 1 cm phases of each breath (I, E, and El') are identified by
diameter pads (Medicotest). The skin was prepared changes in nasal airflow and separated by the dashed
with an abrasive jelly and an organic solvent so that lines A, B, C, and D. The changes in PG, and E A B that
the interelectrode resistance was typically less than 2 occurred over these phases were measured by sub-
k 0 . The electrodes were placed with their centers 4 tracting the value at the beginning of each phase from
cm apart, 2 cm below the left costal margin, lateral to the value at the end of that phase: a negative value
the mass of the rectus abdominis, so that the activity indicates a decrease in the variable over the respira-
they picked up was predominantly that of the exter- tory phase under study. For example, the change in
nal oblique muscle. A reference electrode was placed PGA that occurred over inspiration in Figure 1 is

Nasal Airflow


I E EP 1
Figure 1 Representative record of nasal airflow, intragastric pres-
Respimtor y
sure (P,,), and abdominal muscle activity (EAB) (amplification
before integration 10K). The phases of each breath are identified by Figure 2. Mean changes (SD) in E,, (a.u.) and in PGA (cm H,O)
changes in nasal airflow and separated by the dashed lines. A. observed over the different phases of respiration (I: inspiration; E:
onset of inspiratory airflow; B: onset of expiratory airflow; C: end expiration; EP: expiratory pause) in 30 consecutive single breaths
of expiration; and D: onset of next inspiration. for each subject.

obtained by subtracting the value of PGA at point A 4 74 7

(onset of inspiratory flow) from the value at point B
(onset of expiratory flow).
Phasic activity of the abdominal muscles in time
with respiration can be seen in the recording of E A B
illustrated in Figure 1. This pattern was present
Figure 3 . Nasal airflow, intragastric pressure (PGA),and abdomi-
throughout the observation period in all six patients nal muscle activity (EAB) (amplification before integration 20K)
studied. The following features were seen consis- recorded from subject 4 , in whom a biphasic pressure change was
tently: 1) There was little detectable EMG activity observed during inspiration. Three separate breaths are shown
that differ in the amount of end-expiratory abdominal muscle
during inspiration; 2) E A g increased rapidly with the activity (increasing from left-hand to right-hand traces). There is a
onset of expiratory airflow; 3) there was a subsequent consistent increase in ,)I in late inspiration, and P, is otherwise
progressive increase in EAB throughout expiration closely related to changes in EAB.
and the expiratory pause; and 4) E A g decreased
abruptly at the onset of inspiratory airflow. In Figure
1, it can be seen clearly that the variations in PGA over
a respiratory cycle resemble the variations in EAB over (Figure 3 ) . As in the other five subjects, PGA de-
the same cycle. At the onset of inspiratory airflow, creased at the start of inspiration and was related in
PGA shows a rapid decrease, which can be related in magnitude to the decrease in EAg. However, this
time to the change in EAg. PGA continues to decrease initial decrease in F'GA was consistently followed by a
throughout most of the duration of inspiration, al- positive pressure wave, beginning in late inspiration
though at a much slower rate, reaching a nadir in late and becoming maximal at the end of inspiratory
inspiration. An increase in PGA was noted commonly airflow. The three breaths illustrated in Figure 3 were
just before the onset of expiratory airflow, followed chosen to show different degrees of end-expiratory
by a progressive increase in pressure throughout muscle activity, lew in the left-hand and more in the
expiration and the expiratory pause. The mean right-hand tracing:;. In each of these three breaths, at
changes in PGA and EAB over 30 consecutive single the onset of inspiration, the magnitude of the initial
breaths for the different phases of respiration in each decrease in PGA can be related to the magnitude of
subject are shown in Figure 2. For subjects 1 through change in EAg, which is progressively greater from
5, the similarity in the waveform of PGA and E A B in left-hand to right-hand tracings. The positive pres-
individual subjects is indicated by the common pat- sure wave can be seen clearly in late inspiration in
tern of the mean changes in PGA and E A g . However, each breath, with a similar amplitude and time-
in patient 6 this relationship is not evident, despite a course. Thus, in the three sample breaths shown, the
similar phasic pattern of abdominal muscle activity. overall change in P , during inspiration consists of
Subject 6 showed a more complex PGA waveform, the initial decrease and the late positive wave. When
with a biphasic pressure change during inspiration the initial decreasing component of PCAis small, as in


the first breath, the overall change in P, during Figure 4. Plots of changes in P, (cm H,O) and E,, (a.u.) over
each phase of respiration for 30 consecutive single breaths. Each
inspiration is positive. In breaths 2 and 3, as the initial column represents another patient, from patient 1 (on the left)
decreasing component of PG, becomes greater, the through patient 6 (on the right). Top row: inspiration; middle row:
overall change in P G A over inspiration at first de- expiration; and bottom row: expiratory pause. The regression lines
are shown. Regression details are given in Table 2.
creases within the positive range (breath 2), and then
becomes negative (breath 3).
Examination of recordings, and mean values cal- In each patient there was a close relationship between
culated from all the breaths analyzed, of the changes the changes in E A B and P G A during I, E, and El’. The
in P G A and E A B during each part of the respiratory slopes of the regression lines obtained in each phase
cycle indicated that between patients, the degree of of respiration were similar in individual patients. In
change in PGAwas related to changes in EAB. How- patients 1 through 5, the intercepts of the regression
ever, each patient had considerable breath-to-breath lines are close to the origin of the plot of E A B and PGA.
variation in the changes noted for each of these In addition, some observed points fall close to the
variables. Consequently, the use of mean values origin of the plot, suggesting that when the activity of
obtained from each patient over a number of breaths the abdominal muscles did not change during the
obscures the exact relationship of P G A and EAB. To respiratory cycle, the change in intraabdominal pres-
examine this relationship further, and to assess the sure associated with respiration was small. Although
relative contribution of the pattern of abdominal a similar correlation between changes in EA, and P G A
muscle activation to changes in intragastric pressure, was present in patient 6, Figure 4 shows that in this
we plotted for each patient the changes in E A B and patient the relationships of E A B and PGAdid not pass
P G A observed in each phase of the respiratory cycle close to the intercept of the plot. For inspiratory
for 30 consecutive breaths (Figure 4). The slopes of changes, the regression line was shifted to the left,
the regression lines of the E A B and P G A plot for each and for the expiratory changes the line was shifted an
phase of respiration, and the coefficients of linear equivalent amount to the right, although the slopes
regression of these relationships, are given in Table 2. of the regression lines remain similar.

Table 2 . Regression Relationships for Changes in PGAand E,, for Each Patient in Each Phase of Respiration
Linear regression coefficient !Slope of regression line (cm H,O/a.u.)
Subject I E EP I E EP
1 0.84 0.57 0.82 0.43 0.35 0.32
2 0.59 0.56 0.25 0.17 0.11 0.05
3 0.72 0.63 0.46 0.19 0.21 0.13
4 0.84 0.80 0.4 0.12 0.11 0.16
5 0.73 0.6 0.68 0.17 0.16 0.17
6 0.78 0.56 0.62 0.37 0.37 0.10
I inspiration, E expiration, and El‘: expiratory pause

Discussion tory action of the muscles of the rib cage reduces

intraabdominal pressure. In normal subjects in the
In this study we consistently observed expiratory
supine posture inspiration is predominantly a result
activity of the muscles of the upper abdominal wall.
of diaphragmatic activity, and intraabdominal pres-
This confirms the findings in a previous study (2) in
sure increases during inspiration (14). In subjects 1
which 18 similar patients showed the same pattern of
muscle activity, in the lower intercostal, upper ab- through 5, because intraabdominal pressure changed
dominal, and lower abdominal muscles. This sug- little during inspirations when there was little change
gests that the muscles surrounding the abdominal in abdominal muscle activity, both the rib cage mus-
contents usually have phasic respiratory activity after cles and diaphragm must have been active during
upper abdominal surgery. inspiration, and acting in a way to minimize the
It is clear from the similar time-course of the transmission of the decrease in pleural pressure to
changes in PGA and EA, during breathing, and the the abdominal cavity. In the sixth subject, intraab-
individual linear correlations between the breath- dominal pressure increased in late inspiration, and
to-breath changes in these two variables (Figure 4), there was evidence on the EA,/PG, plot of an inde-
that this phasic pattern of abdominal muscle activity pendent factor that influenced PGA; this suggests that
directly affects intraabdominal pressure. The magni- muscles exerting a positive influence on PGA were
tude of the changes of P,, associated with the active at the end of inspiration, which is consistent
variations in EMG activity suggests that this pattern with either a greater action of the diaphragm or
of abdominal muscle action has a significant influence relatively less action of rib cage muscles during inspi-
on the mechanics of breathing. Expiratory activity of ration in this subject compared to the others.
the abdominal muscles has also been reported in Activity of the abdominal muscles can reduce lung
dogs up to 1 hr after cholecystectomy (9). In normal volume, both directly, because of their insertion at the
humans, expiratory activity of the abdominal muscles lower rib cage, and indirectly, by displacing the re-
is only found when minute ventilation is great (10-12). laxed diaphragm cranially secondary to increases in in-
However, the abdominal muscles become active in traabdominal pressure. The abrupt offset of abdominal
humans during expiration when breathing is unstim- muscle activity can thus contribute to inspiration, if ex-
ulated in the lightly anesthetized state (13). In that piratory activity of the abdominal muscles has reduced
study, performed in volunteers without surgical stim- the volume of the respiratory system to less than the
ulation, the pattern of PGA change was remarkably passive functional residual capacity. This is observed
similar to that observed in the present study after in patients with bilateral phrenic nerve palsy (15).
upper abdominal surgery. The present study was A sudden reduction of abdominal muscle activity
performed 3 hr after recovery from anesthesia and at the onset of inspiration may impair the action of
conducted with agents associated with rapid recov- the diaphragm. Contraction of the diaphragm is
ery, so that residual effects of the anesthetic agents normally accompanied by elevation of the lower rib
are unlikely to have been responsible for the findings cage, and this effect is dependent on the ”fulcrum
of this study. effect” of the abdominal contents (16), whereby the
Breathing influences intraabdominal pressure by increase in intraabdominal pressure caused by the
the action of inspiratory muscles, both those of the rib tense diaphragm also generates a lateral force on the
cage and those of the diaphragm. Inspiratory activity lower rib cage. Thus a reduction in intraabdominal
of these two muscle groups has opposite effects on pressure associated with the offset of abdominal
intraabdominal pressure: diaphragmatic contraction muscle activity, when diaphragmatic activity is in-
increases intraabdominal pressure, whereas inspira- creasing, may result in a less efficient mechanical

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