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On which of the following structures does an aneurysm of the

aortic arch not press?
A. Left main bronchus
B. Phrenic nerve
c. Esophagus
d. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
e. Thoracic duct

6. A patient underwent surgery in the inferior part of the diaphragm,

the surgeon accidentally damaged an organ that is just below and
medial to the medial arcuate ligament - which organ was damaged?
A. Sympathetic trunk
B. Aorta
c. Azygos vein
d. Vagus nerve
e. Thoracic duct

7. Which of the following statements is true regarding the pleura and

the lungs?
A. In the region of the infrasternal angle, the right pleural sac is closer
to the costal margin compared to the left pleural sac -
B. right costomediastinal recess is located at the level of the 4th and
5th intercostal spaces and is deeper compared to the left
costomediastinal recess
c. The two leaves of the pleura lining the mediastinal side of the lung
receive innervation from phrenic nerves.
d. The boundaries of the bronchopulmonary segments can be clearly
seen on the surface of the lung.
e. bronchial arteries conduct the oxygen-enriched blood to all types of
airways in the lungs (conductive airways and respiratory airways)

8. Which of the following sentences does not correctly describe the

Thoracic duct?
A. It drains both the right and left sides of the thorax
B. It is associated with the cisterna chili
c. It extends from the upper abdomen to the neck
d. It is found in the posterior mediastinum
e. It usually ascends to the right of the thoracic aorta

9. Which of the following statements is not true about the surface

anatomy of the heart and great vessels?
A. The lower left point of the border of the heart is located in the
space between the 5 ribs.
B. The lower right point of the border of the heart is located at the
height of the 6th right costal cartilage
c. The upper right point of the border of the heart is located at the
level of the lower part of the 3rd right intercostal space
d. The upper left point of the border of the heart is located at the level
of the upper part of the 2nd left intercostal space
e. The aortic arch is posterior to the manubrium
10. Which of the following statements is not true about the recurrent
laryngeal nerve?
A. is a somatic and autonomous section of the Vagus nerve -
B. Damage to it can cause hoarseness and even suffocation.
c. on the right side turns upwards around the Right common carotid
d. Both on the right and on the left, passes between the trachea and
the right and left common carotid artery respectively.

11. What is the natural substance in the body that is usually

used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?
A. oxygen nuclei
B. hydrogen nuclei
c. hydrogen electrons
d. oxygen electrons

12. Before presenting a case of a patient with a Pancoast

tumor (tumor in the pulmonary apex) in the left lung, medical
students talked about the findings that could be detected in
this patient. One of the students' claims was incorrect. What is
the incorrect statement?
A. There may be swelling of lymph nodes in the left
supraclavicular fossa due to the spread of the tumor in the
lymphatic vessels.
B. There may be deficits in the sympathetic innervation in the
right half of the head and neck due to pressure from the tumor
on the stellate ganglion.
c. There may be swelling and cyanosis in the left hand due to
the pressure of the tumor on the left brachiocephalic vein.
d. There may be hoarseness in the voice due to the pressure of
the tumor on one of the recurrent laryngeal nerves.

13. Which of the following is hyperintense on the T2

sequence on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?
A. bone
B. Brain parenchyma
c. CSF
d. fat

14. Which of the following is not expected in a patient

suffering from right coronary artery outflow obstruction?
A. Direct damage to the right atrium function
B. Direct injury to right ventricular function.
c. Direct damage to left atrium function
d. Damage to the blood supply to the AV node
e. Direct damage to left ventricular function.
15. Which of the following statements is not true about
the greater splanchnic nerve?
A. The fibers can be found in the posterior
B. Fibers terminate in the celiac (prevertebral)
c. It consists of preganglionic sympathetic fibers
d. The branches arise from the 9th to the 10th
sympathetic ganglion region
e. Fibers come from the spinal cord via white rami
without synapse

16. All the following arteries are direct branches of the

descending aorta - except:
A. Posterior intercostal artery
B. Subcostal artery
c. Left subclavian artery
d. Left bronchial artery

17. Which of the following structures is found in both the

upper and lower mediastinum?
A. Trachea
B. Superior Vena Cava
c. Aortic arch
d. Conus arteriosus
e. Right atrium

18. In the case of coarctation of the aorta, the blood will reach
the distal part of the aorta through the
A. Inferior epigastric
B. Internal thoracic
c. Superficial circumflex iliac
d. Renal

19. If there is a contraction around the aortic opening, which

of the following organs may be affected?
A. Azygos vein and Vagus nerve
B. Azygos vein and both phrenic nerves
c. Thoracic duct and Azygos vein
d. Inferior vena cava
e. Thoracic duct and vagus nerve

20. Which of the following statements is true about the PMI

(impulse of maximal point)?
A. is in the space between the third rib from the left in the mid
clavicular line
B. In this position, the anterior part of the left ventricle can be
c. This is the optimal position to listen for a murmur of
tricuspid regurgitation
d. This is the optimal position to listen for the murmur of
aortic regurgitation.
e. This is the optimal position to listen for the murmur of a
mitral stenosis.

21. Which of the following structures cannot be identified in the left

A. Papillary muscle
B. Trabeculae carneae
C. Tendinous cords
d. Interventricular septum
e. Conus arteriosus

22. Which of the following is not true about the Internal thoracic artery?
A. supplies blood to the pericardium through the pericardiocophrenic
- B. Supplies blood to the intercostal muscles on the anterior side of the
c. Accompanied by Venae commitantes – throughout
d. supplies blood to the diaphragm through the superior epigastric artery

23. Which of the following veins has an anatomical course close to the
anterior interventricular artery?
A. Middle cardiac vein
B. Great cardiac vein
C. Small cardiac vein
d. Anterior cardiac vein
e. Coronary sinus

24. Which of the following statements is true about the

A. The central sensory innervation to the pericardium
comes from the phrenic nerve
B. The central blood drainage from the pericardium is
into the hemiazygos vein
c. The posterior part of the pericardium receives a
blood supply from sections of the Muscolophrenic
d. The visceral serous pericardium surrounds the
ventricles but not the left atrium
e. The venous drainage of the pericardium on its upper
right side is directly into the right atrium.

25. To which system do the parasympathetic fibers

belong in terms of functional division of the nervous
A. somatic motor
B. Sensory Autonomy
c. visceral sensory
d. Motor autonomy

26. Which of the following structures is found only

in the upper mediastinum?
A. Right atrium
B. Conus arteriosus
c. Aortic arch
d. Superior Vena Cava
e. Esophagus

27. Which of the following is not found in the

posterior mediastinum?
A. Aortic arch
B. Esophagus
c. Azygos vein
d. Hemiazygos vein
e. Splanchnic nerves

28. Which of the following statements is true

regarding the root of the lung?
A. The vagus nerve passes anteriorly in relation to
the root of the lung
B. Pulmonary ligament is located inferiorly in
relation to the root of the lung and consists of two
pleura sheets.
c. Structures at the root of the lung include the
phrenic nerve
d. The root of the lung is located at the level of the
sternal angle
e. There is no correct answer.
29. A needle that penetrates the fifth intercostal space
adjacent to the left side of the sternum penetrates the

A. Left lung
B. Internal intercostal muscle
c. Left ventricle
d. Left atrium
e. Internal intercostal membrane

30. Which of the following statements describing the

autonomic system is correct?

A. The sympathetic fibers exit the anterior horn in

the spinal cord
B. The parasympathetic system is characterized by
long postganglionic fibers while the sympathetic
system by short postganglionic fibers
c. The parasympathetic fibers originate from the L5-
T1 vertebral level
d. The parasympathetic system is characterized by
long preganglionic fibers while the sympathetic
system by short preganglionic fibers.

31. Which of the following sentences correctly

describes the blood supply to the chest wall?
A. All posterior intercostal arteries are direct
branches of descending thoracic aorta
B. Most of the posterior intercostal veins drain
directly into the inferior vena cava
c. Anterior and posterior intercostal arteries create
anastomoses in intercostal spaces
d. Blood supply to the breast is mediated exclusively
by branches of the internal thoracic artery
e. All the answers are correct

32. Which of the following imaging methods uses

ionizing radiation
A. Mirroring (Fluoroscopy).
B. Ultrasound US
c. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
d. There is no correct answer.

33. The origin of which of the following does not

come directly from the aortic arch?
A. Left subclavian artery
B. Right subclavian artery
c. Brachiocephalic artery
d. Left common carotid artery
e. Ligamentum arteriosum
34. Which of the following statements, referring to
the phrenic nerve, is incorrect?
A. It originates from the VENTRAL RAMI 3, 4, 5 of
the cervical spinal nerves
B. Contains motor nerve fibers to the diaphragm and
sensors from the diaphragm, and sensors from the
diaphragmatic PLEURA.
c. Passes through the chest cavity posterior to the
d. A sensory nerve passes through the chest cavity
between the MEDIASTINAL PLEURA and the

35. The joint between the 3rd costal cartilage and the
manubrium is:
A. primary joint
B. secondary joint
c. Fibrous joint
d. Synovial joint

36. Which of the following breast tissues most often

cause breast cancer? (breast cancer)
A. areolar tissue
B. glandular lobule
c. lactiferous duct
d. suspensory (cooper's) ligament
37. Which of the following statements are true about
the heart?

A. The apex of the heart is jointly composed of

tissues belonging to the left and right ventricles.
B. The left border of the heart is diagonal and mainly
consists of the left upper lobe.
c. The inferior border of the heart is horizontal and
mostly consists of the left ventricle.
d. The right border of the heart mainly consists of the
right upper atrium.
e. The base of the heart mainly consists of a left
ventricle and a right ventricle

38. Where is the transducer placed in the following


A. Space between two ribs, to the left of the sternum

B. Suprasternal notch
c. under the rib cage
d. the tip of the heart
39. Blood experienced a myocardial infarction, a
proximal blockage in the LCX was discovered in the
catheterization. Which of the following will worsen
his clinic?

A. A heart that is right dominant

B. A heart that is left dominant
c. LCX arising from the right coronary artery
d. Ramus intermedius is large and developed
e. LAD from which two diagonal arteries emerge

40. Which valves appear in the picture in front of

A. mitral and trichospidal
B. Aortic and trichospidal
c. Aortic and pulmonary
d. mitral and aortic
e. mitral and pulmonary

41. Which echocardiographic technique is the picture

in front of you talking about?

A. Parasternal long axis view

B. Parasternal short axis view
c. Apical 4 chambers view
d. Apical 2 chambers view
42. Which of the following muscles does not
participate in expiration?

A. Subcostal m.
B. Transverse thoracic M.
c. Innermost intercostal m.
d. External intercostal m.

43. Which of the following is true regarding?

manubriosternal joint

A. This is a joint that allows the manibrium to move

to the sides in relation to the sternum
B. is at the same height as the division of the trachea
into main brochus
c. is at the same height as the space between the other
d. Is at the height of the intervertebral space 2-3
e. is at the same height as the origin of the
brachiocephalic artery from the arch of the aorta
44. Patent foramen ovale can be associated with
which of the following?
A. Development of right heart failure
B. A momentary shift of blood from the left ventricle
to the right ventricle following an increase in left
c. Constant passage of blood from the left atrium to
the right atrium.
d. The absence of any clinical symptom during life
e. Possible passage of a blood clot from the left to the
right ventricle during coughing.

45. 25 years old, was rushed to the shock room ,after

a fight. The patient lies on his back with a knife stuck
in the sternum. Assuming that the knife penetrated
vertically into the chest, which of the following
structures is it least likely to damage?
A. (Right coronary artery (RCA
B. Moderator band
c. tricuspid valve.
d. Cardiac Apex
e. Front wall of the right ventricle.

‫תשובה‬ ‫שאלה‬ ‫תשובה‬ ‫שאלה‬ ‫תשובה‬ ‫שאלה‬ ‫תשובה‬ ‫שאלה‬ ‫תשובה‬ ‫שאלה‬
‫ד‬ 45 ‫ג‬ 34 ‫ב‬ 23 ‫ב‬ 12 ‫ד‬ 1
46 ‫ד‬ 35 ‫א‬ 24 ‫ג‬ 13 ‫ד‬ 2
‫‪47‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪36‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪25‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪14‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪48‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪37‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪26‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫‪49‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫א‬ ‫‪27‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪16‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪50‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫ה‬ ‫‪28‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪17‬‬ ‫א‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫‪51‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪29‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪18‬‬ ‫א‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪52‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪41‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪19‬‬ ‫א‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫ד‬ ‫‪42‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪31‬‬ ‫ה‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫ב‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ‫א‬ ‫‪32‬‬ ‫ה‬ ‫‪21‬‬ ‫ג‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫ד‬ ‫‪44‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫ד‬ ‫‪22‬‬ ‫ב‬ ‫‪11‬‬

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