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Question Bank for I Internal Assessment.

Question Marks
Explain the term Algorithm, with its properties. Give one example. 5
Define an algorithm? What are the characteristics of a good algorithm? Explain with 8
example of GCD of two numbers.
Explain the various stages of the algorithm design and analysis process with the help 8
of a flowchart.
List and explain problem types in ADA? Explain them. 8
Write an Algorithm for Sequential Search, Discuss Worst case, Best Case and 8
average-Case Efficiencies of this Algorithm.
Discuss the three Asymptotic Notations. 5
Show that if t1(n) ∈ O(g1(n)) and t2(n) ∈ O(g2(n)), then t1(n) + t2(n) ∈ 8
O(max{g1(n), g2(n)}).
List the basic efficiency classes according to their order of complexities. 5
with an example Discuss Mathematical Analysis of a Non Recursive Algorithm. 8
Write the algorithm for the Tower of Hanoi problem. Explain the solution with 3 8
disks. Solve the recurrence relation M(n) = 2 M(n-1)+1 for all n > 1 , M(1)=1.
Write the recursive algorithm and analysis of the problem to count the number of 8
digits in the binary representation of a decimal number.
with an example Discuss Mathematical Analysis of a Recursive Algorithm. 8
List and explain fundamental data structures . 8
Design algorithm for element uniqueness problem and derive its time complexity. 8
Explain the general method of Divide and Conquer Technique. 8
Derive time complexity for the Binary search. 8

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