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Revision Booklet


1. Give one example of a foodstuff in man’s diet.
2. What body part does a grasshopper use to breathe?
3. Which part of a flower produces pollen grains?
4. Why do we wash hands before eating food?
5. State one problem that can affect bean seeds while under storage.
6. Which instrument is used to measure the amount of rainfall received in an area?
7. Mention one difference in the body appearance of housefly and a spider.
The diagram below shows a fish. Use it to answer questions 8 – 9.

8. Name part marked M.

9. How is part marked N important to a fish?
10. State one practice that can make water sources dirty.
11. Which process in the rain cycle helps to form vapour?

pg. 1
12. In the space provided below, draw a garden tool used for weeding.

13. State the common way AIDS spreads from one person to another.
14. Mention one way a snake protect itself from enemies.
15. How is a tongue important to the body?
16. Why is loam soil suitable for crop growing?
17. Give one way of preventing diseases among people.
18. Why are bees called social insects?
19. State the type of clouds that brings rain.
20. State one importance of birds in the environment.
21. Why is it important to do regular body exercises
22. How is the eating of posho important to a human body?
23. Give one example of plants that bear fruits.

pg. 2
Use the diagram below to answer questions 24 – 25.

24. What term is used to name the arrangement of soil layers as shown above?
25. In which way can man use soil in layer Z?
26. Why is it important to cover cuts and fresh wounds?
27. Mention the main use of a latrine in a home.
28. Which season is suitable for harvesting crops?
29. Write one importance of keeping records about the school garden.
30. Give one example of a material used to construct temporary houses.
31. What root system does a maize plant develop?
32. Why do people use mosquito nets over their beds at night?
33. Give one example of germs.
34. State one way of promoting hygiene of out teeth.

pg. 3
The diagram below shows one of the processes that takes place in plants. Use it
to answer questions 35 and 36.

35. Name the above process.

36. How can the process be dangerous to plants?
37. Give one danger of too much rain in the environment.
38. How the germination of seeds similar to rusting of metals?
39. Why is it bad to play with sharp objects?
40. What element of Primary Health Care is promoted when one cuts bushes around the house?

Section B
41(a) What is a family?
(b) Name one basic need of a family.
(c) Why do people keep the following animals in their homes?
(i) dogs
(ii) cats

pg. 4
42(a) How are the following gases useful in the environment?
(i) carbon dioxide
(ii) oxygen
(b) What does the experiment below prove about air?


(c) Name any other property of air apart from the one given in (b) above.
43(a) What is a pest?
(b) Give one example of a pest:
(i) in the garden
(ii) in the store
(c) How does spraying chemicals in crops help to control pests?
44. Given the following list: hen, housefly, stone, leopard
(a) Name the item in the list which is different from the others.

(b) Give two reason for your answer in (a) above.

(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________

pg. 5
(c) How useful is a hen to a leopard?
45(a) Mention one cause of diseases among people.
(b) Give one symptom of malaria.
(c) Why is malaria not a non-infectious disease?
(d) Apart from malaria, name any other common doisease.
Study the diagram of a seed given below and answer the questions that follow.

46(a) Name part marked N.

(b) What name is given to part K and G?
(c) How is part H useful to the seed during germination?
(d) What type of germination does the above seed undergo?

47(a) Give two components of soil.

(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) What is soil erosion?

pg. 6
(c) State one way of controlling soil erosion in the school compound.
48. How are the following practices useful in farming?
(i) pruning:
(ii) drying harvested crops
(iii) crop rotation
(iv) seed selection
49. Below is a diagram showing a weather chart.

(a) Which type of weather is identified with the presence of items marked K and m?
(i) K:____________________________________________________________________
(ii) M:____________________________________________________________________
(b) In which way is weather condition marked N?
(i) useful:
(ii) dangerous:

50. Match the items in list A with those in list B.

tsetse fly - spreads malaria fever
Female Anopheles mosquito - spreads trachoma
house flies - spread rabies
dogs - spreads sleeping sickness
(i) tsetse fly ______________________________________________________________

pg. 7
(ii) female anopheles mosquito ______________________________________________
(iii) house flies ____________________________________________________________
(iv) foxes ____________________________________________________________
51(a) What is hygiene?
(b) Give one reason why we have to keep our bodies clean
(c) Mention any one item that is used to keep our bodies clean.
(d) Mention problem that affects a person with a dirty body.
52(a) Give one source of light energy.
(b) Mention one way light energy is important to us.
(c) Name one source of electricity.
(d) Give one device that uses electricity in a home.
53(a) Write HIV in full.
(b) Write down two PIASCY messages that protect children from getting HIV.:
(i) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________________________

(c) State one way we can care for an AIDS patient.

54(a) What is first aid?
(b) State any two reasons why we give first aid.
(i) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________________________
(c) Give any one common item found in a first aid box.

pg. 8
55. The diagram shows the life cycle of a housefly. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.

(a) What type of life cycle is shown in the diagram above?

(b) Name one other insect with the above type of lifecycle.
(c) How is stage marked C useful in pit latrines?
(d) Why is stage marked B said to be dormant?


1. Give one example of a flowering plant.

2. Why do farmers encourage bees in their crop gardens?
3. Write P.H.C in full.
pg. 9
4. How are stomata similar to spiracles?
5. Give one solute used in the making of ORS.
Study the diagram and answer questions.

6. Name part marked N.

7. Identify one function of a leaf to a plant.
8. Give the importance of a hoe in the process of food production.
9. Why do plants with weak stems climb others?
10. How are scales important to a fish?
11. Mention one method of preserving food.
12. Which type of germination occurs in a maize grain?

13. Give one way carbon-dioxide is useful to man.

14. State one way of controlling typhoid at school.
15. In the space provided, draw a simple serrated lead.

pg. 10
16. Name one animal that lives in water.
17. Define the term photosynthesis.
18. Which process leads to the formation of clouds in the water cycle?
19. Suggest one danger of too much rain in the environment.
20. Identify one insect that undergoes a complete metamorphosis.
21. What term is used to refer to the act of giving birth in rabbits?
22. What is wind?
23. Identify one element of weather.
24. Where does cassava store its excess food?
25. Give one disadvantage of mulching in the garden.
26. Why is a goat regarded as a living thing?
27. Name the female part of a flower.
28. How is much air dangerous to man?
29. Give one reason why we eat food.
30. What name is given to the mouth part of a bird?

pg. 11
31. How can you prevent tooth decay?
32. Which body part is used for tasting?
33. Suggest one way we can care for crops in the garden.
34. Give one example of a childhood immunisable disease.
35. Write down one disease spread by a housefly.
36. Mention the gas which plants use during the day.
37. Give one use of electricity at home.
38. What term is used to refer to an injured person in an accident?
39. Why is a cockroach regarded as a true insect?
40. Mention the best food for babies of less than one year.

41. (a) Give three components of air.
(b) Which component of air is used in burning?
42. (a) Why is soil important to people?
(b) Give any three layers of the soil.
pg. 12
(i) ______________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________________
(iii) ______________________________________________________________
43. (a) Write down three things a clean home should have.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(iii) ___________________________________________________________
(b) Suggest one activity you can do at home to promote family hygiene.
44. (a) Write down two reasons why first Aid should be given to a casualty.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Give two items found in the first Aid box.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
45. (a) Name any three main body parts of an insect.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Identify the part of an insect where the legs are attached.
46. (a) Write short notes on each of the following.
(i) Thinning
(ii) Pruning
(iii) weeding
(b) Give one importance of weeding in a garden.

pg. 13
47. Match animals with their homes correctly.
bird - kennel
cow - nest
man - kraal
dog - house
(i) bird ____________________________________________________________
(ii) cow ____________________________________________________________
(iii) man _________________________________________________________
(iv) dog _____________________________________________________________
48. Write two ways water can be made dirty.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
49. Give two examples of water sources.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
50. (a) Identify the two raw materials needed for photosynthesis.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________________
(b) How is photosynthesis important to:
(i) plants _______________________________________________________
(ii) man _________________________________________________________
51. (a) Mention one example of each.
(i) A legume _____________________________________________________
(ii) A cereal crop _________________________________________________
(iii)Root crop _____________________________________________________
(i)A fruit crop ________________________________________________
52. (a) Identify two crops having prop roots.

pg. 14
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Give the importance of prop roots to a plant.
(c) Write down any other type of root you know.
53. (a) What are social insects?
(b) Give two examples of social insects.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(c) Suggest one way insects can be useful to man.
54. (a) What are germs?
(b) Write down two places where germs can be found.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(c) Suggest one way germs can be controlled.
55. (a) Write down two causes of dehydration
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Suggest one reason why parents take their children for
(c) Which immunisable disease makes children lame?

pg. 15
1. Name the main source of food.
2. In which way is germination similar to rusting?
3. Why do some flowers produce scent?
The diagram below shows an animal.

4. Name the animal above.

5. How is part X useful to the animal?
6. State one solute used to make ORS.
7. Why is it important for you to feed on food rich in carbohydrates?
8. How are roots useful to a cassava plant?
9. Mention one non living component of the environment.
10. Why do green plants need carbon dioxide during the day?
11. Mention one method used to preserve beans.
12. Mention one agent of soil erosion.

pg. 16
13. What term is refers to the smallest unit of a living thing?
14. Which property of air is illustrated below?

15. Mention one way you can help your parent at home.
16. Which weather instrument measures the amount of rainfall received in an area?
17. Identify one accident that can be got near fire places.
18. What is the use of a kennel at home?
19. Why is a cockroach regarded as a vector?
20. How are ferns similar to mosses?
21. Give one way of preventing bad smell from latrines.
22. Draw the shadow of the objects below.

23. How are cats useful at home?

24. Mention one factor that affects the transpiration rate in plants.
25. Apart from hearing, give the other function of the human ear.
pg. 17
26. Why should babies be fed on foods rich in proteins?
27. Which part of a fish is compared to the lungs of man?
28. What does A stands for in PIASCY?
29. Give one example of a wild animal.
30. How is sand soil useful to people?
Below is a life cycle of a cockroach.


31. Name stage F.

32. Identify one basic need of man.
33. State one way you can care for your skin.
34. Which characteristic of living things causes increase in size?
35. Why are peas and soya bean called leguminous crops?
36. Apart from the sun, mention one other natural source of light.
37. What do we call a mixture of gases?
pg. 18
38. Why is an aeroplane not regarded a living thing?
39. The diagram below shows sun glasses. In which type of weather are they used?


40. Mention one domestic animal that feeds on grass.

41. a) What is a crop pest?
b) Mention any two crop pests you know.
i) _________________________ ii) ___________________________
c) State one effect of pests to crops.
42. The diagram below shows a type of germination.

a) Name the type of germination shown above.

b) Mention any two crops with the above type of germination.
i) ________________________ ii) ___________________________
c) What type of leaf venation will the above crops develops?

pg. 19
43. Primary Four children, mixed eight levelled teaspoon of sugar and one levelled
teaspoon of salt in a 1litre of cool boiled water and stirred until all the sugar and salt
a) In the solution made, identify the;
i) solute __________________ ii) solvent _______________________
b) Which condition is treated using the above solution?
c) Name the solution formed.
44. Match correctly.
List A List B
Wind vane amount of rainfall
Barometer speed of wind
Rain gauge amount of air pressure
Anemometer direction of wind
i) Wind vane _____________________________________________
ii) Barometer _____________________________________________
iii) Rain gauge _____________________________________________
iv) Anemometer _____________________________________________
45. a) What term refers to factors that lead to soil erosion?
b) Mention any two cause of soil erosion.
i) ____________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) Name one type of soil erosion.
46. a) Give one reason why cows are called domestic animal.
b) Mention any two products got from cows.
i) _______________________ ii) ________________________

pg. 20
c) State one way you can care for your cow.
47. A family feeds on the following foodstuff.
millet, beans, vegetables, fruits
a) Which food stuff contains vitamins?
b) Why are beans included in the diet?
c) Which food stuff provides the family with carbohydrates?
d) Why should you regard the above meal a balanced diet?
48. Mention the garden tool used for;
i) transplanting seedling _________________________________________
ii) turning manure _______________________________________________
iii) weeding ____________________________________________________
iv) cutting big trees ______________________________________________
49. The diagram below is showing some of the body organ, use it to answer the
questions that follow.

a) Name the organ marked.

i) A ____________________________ ii) B _____________________
iii) C _________________________
b) State one function of part A.

pg. 21
50. Write the 4F’s in full.
i) _________________________ ii) _______________________
iii) _________________________ iv) ________________________
51. a) What term refers to a collection of materials used in giving first Aid?
b) Which item of the first Aid box is used to;
i) disinfect or kill germs on wounds ____________________________
ii) cover wounds ___________________________________________
c) Which structure is used by first Aiders to carry casualties who can’t walk?
52. How does each of the following animals protect itself against the enemies?
i) bee _________________________________________________________
ii) millipede ____________________________________________________
iii) snail ________________________________________________________
iv) chameleon __________________________________________________
53. The diagram below is of a tooth.

a) Name the parts labelled.

i) X __________________________ ii) Y ______________________
iii) Z __________________________
b) Name the above type of tooth.
54. Describe one way you can care for the following body parts.
i) finger nails ___________________________________________________
ii) teeth ________________________________________________________
pg. 22
iii) hair _________________________________________________________
iv) skin ________________________________________________________
55. a) What is air?
b) State any two properties of air.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________
c) Mention the component of air with the greatest percentage.

pg. 23
SECTION A: (4 0 marks)
1. Write down one living thing that lives in water.
2. Give one way of preventing diseases in a home.
3. What is a balanced diet?
4. State one use of water in the body.
5. Write down one use of clouds in the environment.
6. Name one method farmers use to remove weeds from a garden.
7. Mention one way people in a community can make good use of old plastic
8. How is stagnant water a danger to the health of people living in a
9. Name the type of germination shown in the diagram below.

10 What is the importance of chlorophyll during photosynthesis?
11 Name one waste product removed from the body of animals.
12. What is soil profile?
pg. 24
13. State one way man benefits from the process of rotting.
14. Give any one disease spread through contact with an infected person.
15. Identify any one way through which Primary Health Care can be promoted
in a community.
16. Mention one facility used to store food for future use.
P. 4 pupils were given the following list of insects: houseflies, tsetse flies,
bees and mosquitoes.
17. Which insect is different from the others in the list?
18. Give a reason for your answer in (17) above.
19. What are root tubers?
20. Give one importance of buds on a plant.
21. Name one food prepared by roasting.
22. Give one animal that reproduces by laying eggs.
23. Why is it important to keep records about a school garden?
24. Give any one way pests affect crop farmers.
25. What are parasites?

pg. 25
25. Give one sign of measles infection in children.
26. How are roots useful to a plant?
The diagram shows one way rain is formed in our environment. Use it to answer
questions 27 and 28.

27. Name the process marked D in the above rain cycle.

28. How is process marked D useful to plants?
29. How are shadows formed?
30. Write down one item people use to collect rubbish in a home.
31. Mention one cause of dehydration in humans.
32. What mineral salt is needed for proper growth of bones?
33. Give one advantage of mulching a crop garden.
34. Identify the instrument used to measure atmospheric temperature.

pg. 26
The diagram shows one type of plant stems. Use it to answer questions 35 and 36.

35. Name the type of stem that the plant above develops.
36. What name is given to roots marked B?
37. How is the habit of eating sweets regularly dangerous to our teeth?
38. Why is wearing shoes a good health habit?
40. Which stage in the life cycle of an insect does not feed or move?
41(a) Name the class of food that gives energy to the body.
(b) Give one mineral salt our bodies need.
(c) Mention one use of proteins in our bodies.
(d) Write down one deficiency disease caused by lack of vitamins in the body.
42(a)What is food contamination?
(b) Give one indictor of food that has gone bad.

pg. 27
(c) Write down one way food gets contaminated.
(d) State one way of preserving food.
43(a)In which main body part is the stomach found?
(b) Give one use of the stomach in a human body.
(c) Name the body organs that carry out the following functions:
(i) removing urine from the body_______________________________
(i) pumping blood around the body_____________________________
44. Study the diagram of the tooth and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the type of tooth shown in the diagram above.

(b) Name part marked Y.
(c) State one function of part marked Z.
(d) Mention one disorder of teeth that affects marked X.
45(a)Why is it important to wash the cloths we sleep on?

pg. 28
(b) Apart from brushing our teeth, give one other way we can promote oral
(c) Give one indicator of a person with poor hygiene.
(d) Why is it a bad health habit to share things people wear?
46. Study the diagram below and answer the following questions.

(a) Name any one thing that can make water unsafe for human use at Z.
(b) Why do people carry out activity marked X on the water they use in a
(c) State one danger of drinking water prepared through route Y.
(d) What makes water prepared through route W safe for drinking?
47(a)What are non-flowering plants?
(b) Give one example of a non-flowering plant.
(c) Give one way non-flowering plants reproduce.

pg. 29
(d) Which part of a leaf has a similar function as gills of a fish?
48(a)How is a rain gauge useful to people?
(b) Give one way a crop farmer can know that the dry season has started.
(c) Write down one activity farmers commonly carry out in the wet season.
(d) Mention one way farmers can grow crops under drought conditions.
49. The diagram below is of a flower. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name part marked D.

(b) How are each of the following parts of a flower important during its
(i) A: _____________________________________________________
(ii) B: _____________________________________________________
(iii) C: _____________________________________________________
50(a) What are perennial crop?
(b) Give one example of a cereal crop.
(c) Mention characteristic of leguminous crops.

pg. 30
(d) Why should tomatoes be sold immediately after harvest?
51(a)Use one sentence to define the following farming practices.
(i) thinning
(ii) transplanting
(b) Give the importance of each of the following farming practices:
(i) crop rotation
(ii) pruning
52(a) Give any one change that happens in the environment with the help
of the sun.
(b) Mention one cause of soil erosion.
(c) State one way source of heat in a home.
(d) Write down one way people manage weather changes in our environment.
53(a)Give one difference between animals and plants.
(b) Name one animal that feeds on meat.
(c) Mention one way domestic animals depend on people in a home.
(d) Write down one way plants depend on animals during photosynthesis.

pg. 31
54(a)How is a stretcher useful in first aid management?
(b) Apart from a stretcher, name one item used in first aid management.
(c) Mention the injury caused by hot water.
(d) Why do most first aid providers put on gloves when giving first aid?
55(a)Mention two processes in nature that take place with the presence of
(i) ______________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________
(b) State one importance of carbon dioxide to man.
(c) Which property of air enables a P. 4 pupil inflate a balloon with air?

pg. 32
1. Name any one domestic animal that gives us milk.
2. What deficiency disease causes swelling of the neck?
3. How do most people in the city get food?
4. Why is sugar important in ORS?
5. How are flowers useful to bees?
6. Why is it important to wash hands after eating food?
7. How are ears useful to a dog?
8. Which component of soil makes the soil fertile?
The diagram below shows roots of a plant. Use it to answer question 9.

9. Identify any one plant with such roots.

10. Give any one danger of diseases to people.
11. Write one way farmers can stop rats from destroying stored food.
pg. 33
12. How are termites similar to wasps in the way they live?
13. Give one way of controlling houseflies at home.
14. What is the importance of a micropyle to a bean seed?
15. Which food value is needed most by people who make bricks?
16. Why do first aiders need a first aid box?
17. How can P.4 children keep their classroom clean?
18. Give one importance of banana fibres to school children.
19. Why is it important for people to preserve food?
20. In the space below, draw any one item used to manage rainy weather.

21. Write one effect of drought to people.

22. Give any one way of killing germs and vectors in our clothes.

pg. 34
23. Name any one childhood immunisable disease in our community.
The diagram below shows a human body organs. Use it to answer
questions 25 and 26.

24. Name the body organ marked Z.

25. Give any one function of the part marked X to the body.
26. Why do some schools have gardens?
27. Which instrument is used by health workers to find the body temperature
of a patient?
28. Name any one natural change in the environment.
29. Identify one group of people who control the flow of traffic on our roads.
30. Why should people eat a balanced diet?

pg. 35
The diagram below shows a common animal. Use it to answer question

31. How is part X useful to the animal above?

32. Show on the diagram the part the above animal uses for picking food.

33. Give the difference between air and wind.

34. Write one way of saving energy at home.
35. State any one way of caring for toilets at school.
36. Which sense enables people to tell that there is sugar in tea?
37. How is the item below useful to people?

38. Why do dogs move from one place to another?
39. Give the importance of earthworms in the soil.

pg. 36
40. Name any one local material that is used to build permanent houses.
41. (a) Give any two dangers of accidents to people.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(b) State two ways in which people can prevent accidents at home.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
42. (a) How many teeth make up the first set?

(b) Give the function of teeth when eating food.

(c) Name any one disorder of teeth.
(d) State one way people at home can take care of their teeth.
43. (a) What is photosynthesis?
(b) Which part of a plant carries out photosynthesis?
(c) How is chlorophyll important during photosynthesis?
(d) Apart from photosynthesis, name one other process that takes place in

pg. 37
44. (a) Write any two processes involved in the formation of rain.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(b) How is too much rainfall dangerous to our environment?
(c) Give the function of the sun in rain formation.
45. (a) Write any two diseases that result from poor feeding.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(b) Give one sign of poor feeding among children.
(c) Identify any one way people in your family get food.
The diagram below shows a life cycle of a butterfly. Use it to answer
question 46.


46. (a) Name stage marked L on the diagram above.

(b) How is stage N dangerous to people?

pg. 38
(c) Which of the stages above is useful to farmers?
(d) Identify any other insect that undergoes a life cycle like the one above.
47. (a) Write any two ways water gets contaminated at home.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(b) Give one danger of drinking contaminated water.
(c) Identify any one method you would use to make water safe for drinking.
48. (a) What is fuel?
(b) Name any two fuels commonly found in the kitchen.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(c) Write any one way of saving energy at home.
49. (a) Give any one example of a wild bird.
(b) Name any one domestic animal which does not give us meat.
(c) Write any two ways of caring for domestic animals.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
50. (a) Name the second layer of soil profile.
(b) Why is top soil suitable for plant growth?
pg. 39
(c) Identify any two human activities that can damage soil.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
51. (a) How is AIDS dangerous to people?
(b) Give two ways of caring for AIDS patients.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(c) Identify any one way pupils can protect themselves from HIV/AIDS.
The diagrams below show items used to keep our bodies clean. Use
them to answer question 52.


52. (a) Name any one part of the body that is cared for using item
marked C.
(b) Write any one hygiene activity that is done using item marked A.
(c) How is item B useful to people?
(d) Identify any one source of item marked A.
53. Match the part of a flower to the correct function.

pg. 40
Part function
(i) stigma - produce pollen grains.
(ii) ovary - attract pollinators.
(iii) anthers - holds the ovules.
(iv) petals - receives pollen grains.

(i) stigma ________________________________________

(ii) ovary ________________________________________
(iii) anthers ________________________________________
(iv) petals ________________________________________

54. (a) Give the function of the following weather instruments.

(i) wind vane - ______________________________________________
(ii) anemometer - ____________________________________________
(b) Why should a rain gauge be placed in an open place?
(c) Write any one activity that farmers can do in windy weather.
55. Below are drawings of certain garden tools. Identify a correct statement from the list
below to show the use of each tool to a farmer.

pg. 41
(a) Tool A ………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Tool B ………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Tool C …………………………………...…………………………………………
(d) Tool D ……………………………………...………………………………………

pg. 42
1. Give one importance of leaves to plants.
2. Mention one disease in infants commonly prevented through immunisation.
3. How can water be made safe for drinking?
4. What is a balanced diet?
5. Write down one way of controlling pests in the garden.
Below is one of the equipment used to ensure cleanliness of classrooms.

6. Name the item given in the diagram above.

8. Point out one other item that can be put to serve the same function as the above
9. Mention one tool farmers use when weeding the garden.
10. Write down one condition seeds need to germinate,
11. Give one example of a perennial crop.
12. In which way are gills of a fish similar to spiracles of an insect?

pg. 43
The diagram below shows a process in nature. Use it to answer questions 13 and

13. What natural change is shown in the diagram above?

14 Name the processes marked D.
15. Which part of a seed develops into a seedling?
16. Mention one source of light in the environment.
17. Give the importance of giving Oral Rehydration Solution to patient with severe diarrhoea.
18. Mention one method of preserving perishable foods like fish.
19. Apart from producing a sweet smell, state one other way petals of a flower are adapted to
attracting pollinators.
20. State one way non-flowering plants reproduce.

21. Give one way birds depend on plants in their environment.


pg. 44
22. Why do bees visit flowers?
Study the diagram below and answer questions 23 and 24.

23. Name the instrument shown in the diagram above.

24. How is the above instrument important in health management?
25. What are deficiency diseases?
26. State one reason why a spider is not considered an insect.
27. Name one body waste produced by animals.
28 What property of air is shown in the diagram below?

29. Mention one way man cares for domestic animals.
30. What name is given to the larva stage of a butterfly?
31. How is water important in promoting good hygiene?
32. How do farmers control soil erosion in the garden?
33. Give one example of an underground stem.

pg. 45
34. Mention one way people can make good use of old plastic containers like jerry
The structure below is used in rabbit keeping. Use it to answer questions 35 and

35. Name the structure shown in the diagram above.

36. Why is the structure built above the ground as shown in the diagram above?
37. For which injury do first aiders use splints?
38. Identify any one non-living component of the environment.
39. Which body organ is used for feeling?
40 Give one condition needed by a plant during photosynthesis.

Section B
41(a) Name one exotic breed of rabbits.
(b) Mention one advantage of keeping local breeds of rabbits.
(c) Mention one importance of keeping rabbits.
(d) Mention one disease that affects rabbits.
42(a) Mention one cause of body poisoning in human beings.

pg. 46
(b) Give the first aid that should be given to a person affected by body poisoning.
(c) Name one accident that affects bones in our bodies.
(d) State any one item that can be used to give first aid to a casualty with fresh wounds on the
43. Below is a life cycle of a mosquito. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name stage marked W.

(b) What is the best way of controlling mosquitoes at stage marked Y?
(c) Why is stage X considered a vector?
(d) Mention one disease spread by mosquitoes in human beings.
44(a) What are germs?
(b) Mention one problem that is caused by poor disposal of human body wastes in a home.
(c) Which activity at home can attract houseflies to our houses?
(d) State one way burning waste materials is dangerous to the environment.

pg. 47
45. Study the experiment below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) What gas enabled the candle to burn in A?

(b) Why did the candle go off in B?
(c) Name the gas the candle produced in B before in went off.
(d) Give one use of gas the candle produced in B to man.
46(a) Name one diarrhoeal disease in man.
(b) Mention the common sign of diarrhoea infection in man.
(c) Give one effect of severe diarrhoea infection.
(d) What home treatment is recommended for a diarrhoea patient?
47(a) State one use of incisor teeth to animals.
(b) How are canine teeth adapted to their function of biting hard foods like meat?
(c) Name the mineral salt needed for proper growth of teeth.
(d) Give one disease that affects teeth.
47(a) Name the organs in our bodies responsible for the functions given below:
(i) breathing____________________________________________________________
(ii) removing urine from blood _____________________________________________

pg. 48
(b) Give the function of the following organs in a human body.
(i) stomach
(ii) liver
48. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parasite shown in the diagram above.

(b) Why is the organism in the diagram above called a parasite?
(c) Mention one common way the parasite above infests human bodies.
(d) Give one way of controlling the spread of the above parasite.
49(a) Name one vegetable crop.
(b) Mention one characteristic of cereal crops.
(c) State the importance of each of the farming practices given below:
(i) mulching.
(ii) thinning.
50(a) Give the use of proteins in the body.
(b) Which mineral salt helps in the formation of blood in the body?

pg. 49
(c) What causes rickets in infants?
(d) Mention one way food gets contaminated after cooking it.
51. The diagram below shows a plant. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the type of stem marked M.

(b) What is the type of roots marked N?
(c) Mention one importance of a stem to a plant.
(d) Give one use of roots to a plant.
52(a) Name one non-living component of soil.
(b) Which type of soil is most suitable of crop growing?
(c) Give one characteristic of sand soil.
(d) Mention one cause of soil erosion.
53(a) What is personal hygiene?
(b) Mention one way we can keep our bodies clean.
(c) Give one indicator of poor hygiene.
(d) Apart from being smart, give one other importance of wearing shoes.

pg. 50
54(a) Give one sign of a wet season.
(b) How is the sun useful to crop farmers?
(c) How can crop farmers be able to grow crops in the dry season?
(d) Which weather condition helps in the pollination of flowers in the environment?
55. Match the diseases to the way they are transmitted in man.
AIDS a bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito.
Tetanus breathing in infected air.
Influenza playing unprotected sex with an infected person.
Malaria germs enter the body through fresh wounds.
(a) AIDS _____________________________________________________________
(b) Tetanus ___________________________________________________________
(c) Influenza __________________________________________________________
(d) Malaria ___________________________________________________________

pg. 51
1. Name the sense organ for feeling.
2. Which gas supports burning?
3. Give an example of a leguminous crop.
4. How does a dog protect itself?
5. What condition is shown by dry lips and sunken eyes in babies?
6. Why do farmers paint their garden tools?
7. How are leaves useful to a tomato plant?
8. Apart from flavouring food, state any other use of salt at home.
9. Mention one living component of the environment.
10. In which type of weather is the item below usually used?


11. Mention one thing at home where water for drinking can be kept?
12. How does brushing teeth after meals prevent tooth decay?
13. State any one cause of road accident.
pg. 52
14. State the main natural source of light in the environment.
15. What is the use of a hutch at home?
16. Mention one item used to clean our body when bathing.
17. Why is a cockroach regarded as an insect?
18. Why do some flowers have bright colours?
19. What instrument is used to measure the human body temperature?
20. Identify one human activity that can lead to soil erosion.
21. State one similarity between a stone and a pencil.
22. How is the garden tool below useful to a farmer?

23. Why are locusts called crop pests?
24. Write P.H.C in full.
25. Which type of family has the following members; father, mother, nephew,
biological children?
26. Mention one non flowering plant.
pg. 53
27. Why should we cover latrines after use?
28. What food value is got from eating mangoes?
29. State the importance of shadow to man.
30. Apart from evaporation, give one other process involved in the rain cycle.
The diagram below is of a maize grain. Use it to answer question 31 and 32.

31. State the use of part R to the maize grain.

32. Why is a maize grain called a fruit?
33. State one way of controlling rats at home.
34. Mention one product got from goats.
35. Why should a child who has been burnt by hot porridge be given first Aid?
36. Name the process that enables plants to cool down.
37. How does a millipede protect itself from danger?
38. Which property of air is demonstrated when air is pumped into a ball and the ball
becomes bigger?
39. Name one component of soil.

pg. 54
40. Write one PIASCY message.
41. a) What are domestic animals?
b) Identify the domestic animal that;
i) chase and eat rats _____________________________________________
ii) provide meat and milk _________________________________________
c) Give one way you can care for domestic animals.
42. Match garden tools to their uses.
Hoe cut small trees
Axe water crops
Panga for digging
Watering can cut big trees

i) Hoe _________________________________________
ii) Axe _________________________________________
iii) Panga ________________________________________
iv) Watering can ________________________________________
43. a) What is a nuclear family?
b) Which member of a nuclear family;
i) breast feeds a baby ____________________________________
ii) heads a family _________________________________________
iii) respect parents and helps in house work _________________________

pg. 55
44. A P.4 class carried out the experiment below. They put nails in water for 3

a) In which tin will the nails have changed colour after 3 days?
b) What will oil do in tin B?
c) Mention one condition necessary for rusting?
d) In which tin will the nail remain unaffected?
45. a) What is food?
b) Give one reason why we eat food.
c) What is the best food for a baby of 2 months?
d) Why is food cooked before eating?
46. a) Give any one common accident at home.
b) Mention any two items found in a first aid box.
i) ______________________ ii) ____________________________
c) How is a stretcher useful to a firstaider?
pg. 56
47. a) State any one way of keeping the school clean.
b) Identify any two items used to clean the classroom.
i) ____________________ ii) ____________________________
c) For what purpose are dustbins used?
48. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name the body organ labelled A and B.

i) A _______________________ ii) B __________________________
b) How is the use of part C different from that of part D?
c) Give one way you can care for part F.
49. a) What is weather?
b) Which element of weather is measured using a rain gauge?
c) Name any two types of weather.
i) ________________________ ii) ____________________________

pg. 57
50. Give two examples of the following crops.
a) Leguminous crops
i) ______________________ ii) ____________________________
b) Cereal crops
i) ____________________ ii) _________________________
51. Mention any four childhood immunisable disease.
i) ______________________ ii) ____________________________
iii) ______________________ iv) ____________________________
52. a) What is a habitat?
b) Identify the habitat for the following;
i) fish _____________________ ii) bird ______________________
iii) earthworms ________________________
53. a) What name is given to the vertical arrangement of soil layers?
b) Identify any two soil layers.
i) ____________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) Which type of soil has small, fine, sticky particles?
54. a) State the difference between wind and air.
b) How is wind useful to man?
c) Mention one danger caused by wind.
d) Write any property of air?
pg. 58
55. The diagram below shows a leaf. Use it to answer questions that follow.

a) Name part labelled Q.
b) What type of leaf venation is shown?
c) How is a leaf useful to a plant?
d) State the function of chlorophyll in a leaf to a plant.

pg. 59
1. Why do bees visit flowers?
2. Mention one importance of animals in the environment.
3. Identify one process where evaporation is involved.
4. Why are bees grouped under social insects?
5. How are weeds important in a crop garden?
6. What is personal hygiene?
7. Give one importance of oxygen to man.
The diagram below shows a germinating seed. Use it to answer questions 8 and

8. What type of germination is shown in the diagram?

9. Name part marked K in the diagram.
10. Why is it necessary to wash our hands after eating food?
11. Mention one way animals protect themselves from enemies.
12. Identify one place in a school where we can find a high number of germs.

pg. 60
13. State one way of preventing malaria infection in a home.
14. Why is bush burning considered a bad method of clearing land?
15. Apart from making food, state one other use of leaves to a plant.
16. State one way water sources get contaminated.
17. Suggest one way weeds can be controlled in a garden.
18. Name the simple leaf shown below.

19. Identify one way the process of condensation is important in the environment.
20. Name one waste product plants give off during photosynthesis.
21. Why is carbon dioxide commonly used in fire extinguishers?
22. How are claws useful to animals like cats?
23. How are cereals commonly preserved before storage?
24. Mention one substance that dissolves in water.
25. Give one use of electricity to the people in your area.
26. State one reason why plants climb others.
27. Point out one way personal hygiene can be maintained by a P.4 child.

pg. 61
28. Mention one type of roots that develop on a maize plant.

The diagram below shows an experiment about soil. Use it to answer questions
29 and 30.
29. Name part marked Y in the diagram above.
30. What does the experiment prove about soil?
31. State any one property of air.
32. How are shadows formed?
33. Name one source of light.
34. Why should water be boiled before drinking?
35. How are nimbus clouds useful to a farmer?
36. How is a bandage useful to a person giving first aid?
37. Why is carbondioxide used to preserve tinned foods and drinks?
38. Which stage of a butterfly helps to pollinate flowers?
39. Give one use of seeds to man.
40. Mention one effect of soil erosion.

Section B
41a). What is photosynthesis?

pg. 62
b). What type of food do plants make during photosynthesis?
c). How is chlorophyll important during the process of photosynthesis?

d). Why do you think plants do not make food at night?

42. The diagram below shows instruments. Use it to answer questions that follow.
a). Name the weather instrument shown above.
b). Name one place we can find this instrument.

c). How is the instrument shown above useful at a weather station?

d). Besides the instrument shown above, identify any one other weather instrument found at a
weather station.
43a). Mention one cause of soil erosion.
b). Give two agents of soil erosion.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
c). How can farmers control soil erosion in their gardens? (Give one way).
44a). What is dehydration?
b). Give two substances used to make Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) at home.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
c). How is water in ORS important in the body of a patient?

pg. 63
45a). Name one garden tool farmers use to carry out the following crop growing practices.
i. weeding _________________________________________________
ii. pruning __________________________________________________
b). How are weeds harmful in the garden?
c). Mention one example of weeds.
46. The diagram below shows a major part of a flower. Use it to answer questions
that follow.
a). Name the part of a flower shown in the
b). Name the parts marked;
i. J ________________________
ii. K _______________________

c). How is part marked J important to a flower?

47a). What are farm records?
b). Mention any two examples of farm records.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
c). State one use of farm records.
48a). How is crop rotation important in crop farming?
b). Besides crop rotation, name any two other practices that can control crop pests.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
c). Mention one pest that destroys stored grains.

pg. 64
49a). What is a nursery bed?
b). Name any one plant whose seeds are first planted in a nursery bed.
c). Point out one factor farmers consider when selecting a site for a nursery bed.
d). Suggest one activity carried out on a nursery bed.
50. Give one examples of the following types of crops.
i. legumes ____________________________________________________
ii. root crops __________________________________________________
iii. cereal crops __________________________________________________
iv. fruit crops ______________________________________________________
51a). State the main natural source of water.
b). Write two diseases that one can get if he/she drinks contaminated water.
i. __________________________ ii. _____________________________
c). Apart from boiling water, name any one other way of making water safe for drinking.
52. Study the diagram and answer the questions about it.

a). What process in nature does the diagram show?

b). Which processes take pace at
i. R _____________________________________________________________
ii. S _____________________________________________________________

pg. 65
c). What is the importance of a charcoal stove in the experiment above?
53a). Why is a goat considered a living thing?
b). Give two reasons why animals move.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
c). How do people care for domestic animals like goats? (Give one way).
54a). Identify one plant with the following kinds of leaves.
i. net veined leaves ________________________________________________
ii. parallel veined leaves ______________________________________________
b). Mention any one plant whose leaves are eaten by man.
c). Besides photosynthesis, name any one other plant process that takes place in leaves.
55a). Identify two types of soil.
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
b). Which type of soil is mixed with cement and water when building houses?
c). Why does clay soil retain water for the longest time?

pg. 66
1. Give any one example of domestic animal?
2. Which component of soil makes it fertile?
3. Write down one way of controlling rats at home.
4. In which way is electricity useful to people.
5. State any one way of making water safe drinking.
6. What name is given to a glass tank where fish and other aquatic
animals are kept?
7. What are vectors?
8. Give one reason why plants with weak stems climb others.
9. State the importance of a health centre to the community.
10. Name one type of germs.
11. Write one human activity that destroys the environment.
12. Name one type of pollination.

13. Name the method of planting crops shown in the diagram below.

14. How does a chameleon protect itself against enemies?
15. State one reason why animals move from one place to another.
16. Write down one way of controlling disease vectors at home.
17. Which method of controlling soil erosion is used in a banana
18. Name the type of soil that people use for pottery.
19. Give one agent of pollination.
20. How can garden tools be prevented form rusting at home?
21. Which element of weather helps to dry our clothes?
22. On which body part of an insect are the wings found?
23. Write one way of keeping cooked food safe.
24. How is the item shown below useful at home?

25. Give the use of a rain gauge to a farmer.
26. Give one item that is used to fight fire outbreak at home.
27. Which part of a leaf has the same function like the gills of a fish?
28. Name the part of a germinating seed that develops into the root
29. How does HIV spread?
30. Give one product got from bees.
31. Write down one way of maintaining soil fertility.
32. Which part of a cassava plant is mainly eaten by people?
33. What name is given to the second stage in the life cycle of a
34. Name one disease that can break out due to poor sanitation.
35. Which type of germination is shown in the diagram below?


36. Give one way children can avoid getting accidents at school.
37. How is chlorophyll important to plants?
38. Name one basic need people get from plants.
39. In which one way can weeds be useful to people?
40. Write down one characteristic of living things.
Section B (60 marks)
41. a) What are crop pests?

b) Give two examples of crop pests.

i) ____________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) How can crop pests be controlled in a garden?
42. a) How are vaccines important in the human body?

b) Write down two examples of immunisable diseases.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
c) Name any one vaccine that is given to babies at birth.

43. a) Give one danger of weeds.
b) State two ways of controlling weeds.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
c) Write down one example of weeds that may grow
in gardens.
44. Study the diagram below carefully and answer the
questions that follow.


a) Name the components of the environment labeled A

and B.
i) A______________________________________________________
ii) B______________________________________________________
b) Which type of clouds are formed at point labeled C?
c) Give one use of rain to man.
45. a) Write down one way of saving electricity at home.

b) Give two examples of items at home that use
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
c) In which one way can electricity be dangerous to
46. a) Which term is used to refer to man and all his
b) State any two living components of the environment.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
c) Give one characteristic of living things
47. a) What are germs?
b) Give two types of germs common in your area.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii _____________________________________________________
c) Write down any one disease that is caused by germs.

48. Study the table below carefully and answer the questions
about it correctly.
Class of food Source
carbohydrates Rice, posho
Proteins Eggs, Fish
Vitamins Oranges, mangoes
a) From the list above, name two foods that give us
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
b) Name one class of food missing in the list.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
c) State the importance of food in our body.
49. a) How are leaves important to animals?
b) Write down one plant that stores food in the leaves.
c) Apart from the leaves give two other main parts of
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________
50. a) What name is given to animals that are kept at home?
b) State two examples of animals kept at home.
i) _____________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________

c) In which way can a P.3 child care for animals at
51. Match garden tools in list A to their uses in list B correctly.
Garden tools uses
Collecting grass Hoe
Cutting branches Wheel barrow
Digging the garden Rake
Carrying garden tools Panga

i) Collecting grass ________________________

ii) Cutting branches _________________________
iii) Digging the garden __________________________
iv)Carrying garden tools ___________________________
52. a) Write HIV in full.
b) Name the disease that is caused by HIV.
c) How can a P.3 child avoid getting HIV/AIDS?
d) State any one danger of AIDS to the family.
53. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that
follow carefully

a) What name is given to the structure above?

b) How is that above structure useful in a home?
c) State the importance of part labeled X.
d) Give one food stuff that can be stored the above
54. a) Name any one exotic breed of rabbits kept in your
b) Write down one way a P.3 child can care for the
rabbits in a hutch.
c) Give any one reason why people keep rabbits.
d) Name one disease that affects rabbits.
55. Use the words given below to complete the phrases.

bush burning, hunting, soil erosion, crops, deforestation.

The carrying away of top soil is called _____________________.

It is caused by _______________________and __________________ it
leads to soil infertility that prevents ______________________from
getting enough nutrients.

1. Mention any one food deficiency disease.
2. How many legs does a bird have?
3. Name the part of the body kept clean by use of the item in the

4. Give one reason why people keep animals like donkeys.
5. Which gas is given out during the process of photosynthesis?
6. What term do we use to mean the top layer of the earth’s surface?
7. Give one way of controlling housefliesin our homes.
8. Name the dangerous pest at home controlled by keeping cats.
9. How is transpiration useful in our environment?
10. In which way can water from an open well be made safe for
11. Write down the similarity between the gills in fish and the spiracles in

12. Name any one disease that attacks the body organ below.

13. Mention one danger of birds in our environment.
14. State one reason why people eat food.
15. In which system of a plant do we find a terminal bud?
16. Name the weather instrument used in measuring the amount of
rainfall received in an area at a given time.
17. What is the importance of cooking food before eating it?
18. Name the type of leaf drawn below.


19. Why do schools like Victorious Ebenezer campus plant paspalum

grass on their school compound?
20. Mention any one crop first grown in a nursery bed.
21. Point out one important reason for giving first aid to casualties.
22. Identify one raw material that can be obtained from swamps.
23. Outline the component of air used in preserving soft drinks.
The diagram below shows the experiment carried out on soil. Use to
answer question 24.


Air bubbles
Dry soil

24. What does the experiment show about soil?

25. What name do we give to the first set of teeth in human beings?
26. Why is fish grouped under aquatic life?
27. Mention any one member of an extended family.
28. Give any one way of caring for the animal shown below.

_29.Why should garden tools be kept in dry places after use?
30.Point out one example of a social insect.
31. How is too much rain a problem in the environment?
32. Why should people like builders be given a lot of food rich in

33. State one quality of a good first aider.
34. Identify any one process in the environment that needs oxygen in
order to take place.
35. Which body organ enables children to remember answers when
answering this paper?
36. Why is a maize grain called a monocot?
37. Apart from pollen, what else do bees collect from flowers?
38. Mention any one item used to manage sunny weather.
39. Which part of a sweet potato plantdo we eat?
40. In the space below, draw a diagram of a material used for cutting
finger nails?

41. a) Outline any two elements of weather.
i)_________________________________ ii)__________________________________
b) Identify the best season for harvesting cereals like maize.
c) How is too much wind dangerous to people?
42. The diagram below is of a flower showing a certain process in plants.


a) Name the process shown in the diagram.

b) Give any two agents of the above process.
i)___________________________________ ii)_______________________________
c) Which letter represents a place where fertilization occurs in the above
43. a) Write down one way a farmer can control each of the following;
i) soil erosion __________________________________________________________
ii) growth of weeds ____________________________________________________
iii) crop pests __________________________________________________________
b) Mention any one way of maintaining soil fertility.
44. a) What does the term personal hygiene mean?
b) Write down two things a P.4 child can do to promote personal
c) Which health habit do people carry out after using a latrine?
45. a) Mention any two places where immunization services are provided
i)_________________________________ ii)__________________________________
46.The diagram below shows a life cycle of a housefly. Study it carefully
and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name the stages marked Q and S.

i)Q________________________________ ii)S______________________________
b) Where do houseflies lay their eggs?
c) What feature on a house fly’s body enables it to carry germs?
47. a) Why is a lion calleda wild animal?
b) Apart from a lion, write down twoother examples of wild animals.
i)_________________________________ ii)__________________________________
c) In which one way are wild animals important to people?
48. a) Mention any two food values that make up a balanced diet.
i)_________________________________ ii)__________________________________
b) Which value repairs worn out body cells?

c) Give any one way of preparing food for a meal.
49. a) Define the term leaf venation.
b) Name the two types of venation.
i)___________________________________ ii)_______________________________
c) Mention any one process that take place in leaves.
50. a) Name the property of air shown below.

Balloon full of air Empty balloon

b) Give the difference between air and wind.
c) State any two uses of wind to people.
51. a) Write PHC in full.
b) Mention any two elements of PHC.
i)___________________________________ ii)_______________________________
c) How can a P.4 child in Victorious promote primary health care?
52. a) Bwambale feeds on unwashed fruits from the market. Identify two
diseases that he is most likely to suffer from.
i)___________________________________ ii)_______________________________
b) In which one way can these diseases be prevented?
c) Name the disease caused by plasmodia parasites.
53. a) The diagram below is a mammalian tooth. Study it careful and use
it answer questions about it.


a) Name the type of tooth above.

b) Identify the parts labeled A and B
c) How is the above tooth adopted to its function?
54. a) How do people make use of heat from the sun?
b) Mention any two food stuffs preserved by sun drying.
c) How is the sun useful in preventing rickets?

55. The diagram below is of a fish. Use it to answer the questions that
C________________ ________________A

a) Identify the main food value got from eating the above animal.
b) Name the parts marked A and C.
i) A ______________________________ ii) C ______________________________
c) How does the animal above move?

1. Give any one example of a dicotyledonous seed.
2. The diagram below shows a soil profile.

Name the layer of soil marked K.

3. Name any one vector commonly found in dustbins
4. Name any one material used to make a kite used for playing.
5. Why are people encouraged to boil water for drinking?
6. Identify any one food stuff rich in proteins.
7. Give one example of a monocotyledonous seed.
8. Write down one natural source of energy.
9. Give any one use of flowers to people.
10. Why do people plant grass in the school compound?
11. Name the type of leaf venation shown by the leaf below

12. Give any one example of a fuel commonly used at home.
13. How can you prevent a water source like a well from
14. Give any one use of a broom at home.
15. Which body part do you use to taste food?
16. Give any one effect of too much rain in the environment.
17. To which body part of an insect are the legs attached?
18. Why is a stone considered to be a non living thing?
19. Name any one example of a wild bird.
20. Write one way we can save resources at home.
21. Identify the part of a sugarcane plant that stores food.
22. Why do we cook food before eating it?
23. How is a shadow useful to people?
24. Identify any one common accident at home.
25. Name any one element of weather.
26. Give one use of things like toy cars made from artificial materials.
27. Give any one role of a father at home.
28. How is the garden tool below useful to a farmer?

29. Name any one item used to manage rainy weather.
30. Give any one type of soil.
31. How is a watering can useful to a farmer in a dry season?
32. State any one importance of transpiration to plants.
33. Write any one PIASCY message.
34. State any one way a P.4 child can control the spread of malaria at
35. In the space below, draw the animal that guards our home.

36. Which accident will come as a result of playing with the object

37. Give one use of banana fibres at home.
38. Why is it advisable to brush our teeth after every meal?
39. Mention any one animal kept in an aquarium.

40. The diagram below shows a sick child.

Identify the immunisable disease the above child is suffering from.

41. a) What is photosynthesis?
b) Give two conditions needed for photosynthesis to take place
in plants.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) What name is given to the food made during photosynthesis?
42. (a) What are domestic animals.
b) Give two examples of domestic animals that are kept for
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) How is a cow useful at home?

43. The diagram below shows the life cycle of a housefly. Use it to
answer questions that follow.

a) Name the stage marked O and P.

O _______________________________________________________
P _______________________________________________________
b) How is the adult stage of a housefly dangerous to people?
44. (a) Name two items used in the kitchen to cook food.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(b) Give two ways of caring for the items found in the kitchen.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
45. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.

a) Identify the above item.

b) Give one use of the above item in a school.
c) Apart from a school, name any other place where the above
item is found.

d) Name the part of air found in the item above.
46. a) What are flowering plants?
b) How do flowering plants reproduce?
c) Give any two examples of flowering plants.
i. ____________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________
47. The picture below shows items found in a bedroom.

(a) Name the item marked E and F.

E _______________________________________________________________
F _______________________________________________________________
(b) Name the vector controlled by structure E?
(c) Which disease is controlled by using item E?
48. (a) What is air?
(b) Write any two components of air.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Give any one property of air.
49. Match the materials used to clean the body correctly to their uses.
Material Use
Tooth brush scrubbing dirt from the body.
Soap brushing teeth.
Sponge removing wax from ears.
Ear bud kill germs on the skin.
a) Tooth brush _____________________________________________
b) Soap _____________________________________________
c) Sponge _____________________________________________
d) Ear bud ____________________________________________
50. The diagram below shows a fish. Use it to answer questions that

(a) Name the parts labeled with letter A and B.

A ____________________________________________________________
B ____________________________________________________________
(b) What is the habitat of a fish?
(c) Give any one use of fish to people.
51. a) How are doctors and nurses useful in our sub-country?
b) Name any one place where doctors and nurses work.
c) What special name is given to the vehicle that transports
who have got accidents to the hospital?
d) Name any one hospital you know in Uganda.
52. The figure below shows a weather chart. Use it to answer questions
that follow.

(a) Identify the types of weather shown in A and B.

(i) A ________________________________________________________
(ii) B ________________________________________________________

(b) Give any one way in which the type of weather in B is useful to
a crop farmer.
(c) State one way of protecting ourselves from weather B.
53. Below is a diagram of flowering plant, use it to answer the questions
that follow.

a) Name parts labelled A and C.

A _______________________________________________________
B _______________________________________________________
C ______________________________________________________
b) Use letter T to show the part that makes food for the plant.
54. (a) Give two types of root systems.
i. ____________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________
b) Mention two uses of roots to people.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
c) Identify any one place where we find a first aid box.
55. a) Name any one source of water in our community.
b) Give any one use of water to people.
c) Write any one way of making water safe for drinking.
d) Give any one danger of having stagnant water near our homes.

Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each.
1. Give any one example of a dicotyledonous seed.
2. Name any one domestic animal that gives us milk.
3. Give any one component of soil.
4. State any one importance of shadows to people.
5. Name any one material used to make a kite used for playing.
6. Why do we iron clothes?
7. Name any one place where harvested crops can be stored.
8. In the space below draw an item used to keep our bodies clean.

9. Why is a maize grain called a fruit?

10. What is wind?
11. Name the plant fibre used for making balls.
12. Apart from cirrus, name any other type of clouds.

The diagram below shows a root system, use it to answer questions 13
and 14.

13. Name the root system drawn above.

14. Name any one example of a plant with the above type of root system.
15. What do we call the young plant in the garden?
16. Give any one way in which some plants climb others.
17. How do flowering plants reproduce?
18. What does the experiment below show?

19. Name any one common accident at home.
20. Name the sanitation material we use for putting on plates to dry.
21. Mention any one natural change in the environment.
22. Give any one way of caring for our teeth.
23. Mention any one type of soil.
24. Name the type of leaf shown in the diagram

25. How is a dog important at home?

26. Why are beans called annual crops?
27. Give any one use of leaves to plants.
28. Name any one activity done to clean our bodies.
29. What are pests?
30. Name the structure drawn in the diagram below.

31. What type of germination do beans undergo?
32. Mention any one method used in growing plants.
33. State any one danger of wind.
34. What name is given to a male part of a flower?
35. Why are people encouraged to boil water for drinking?
36. State any one importance of a dust bin in your classroom.
37. Name any one insect that protects itself by stinging.
38. Name any one type of leaf venation.
39. Name any one place where houseflies lay their eggs.
40. Give any one use of plants to people.
Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each
41. (a) What is seed germination?
(b) Give two conditions needed for seeds to germinate.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(c) Mention any one type of germination.
42. (a) What is personal hygiene?
(b) Give any two ways of promoting personal hygiene.
(i) _______________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________
(c) State any one danger of not promoting personal hygiene.

The diagram below shows a flowering plant. Use it to answer question

43. (a) Name parts marked A and C

(i) A _______________________________________________________
(ii) C ________________________________________________________
(b) Name the systems of a plant marked X and Y.
(i) X ________________________________________________________
(ii) Y ________________________________________________________
44. (a) Give two examples of pests which attack crops in the garden.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________
(b) Mention any one way of controlling pests in the garden.
(c) Mention any one disease of crops.
45. a) Name any two crops grown in a nursery bed.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Give any one way of caring for crops in a nursery bed.
(c) Why is transplanting of seedlings done in the evening?

46. (a) Mention any two crop growing practices.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(b) Give any two examples of leafy vegetables.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
The diagram below shows a flower. Use it to answer question 47.

47. (a) Name parts marked W and Y

(i) W ________________________________________________________
(ii) Y ________________________________________________________
(b) What does part Z develop into after fertilization?
(c) State any one importance of flowers to people.
48. (a) What is pollination?
(b) Give any two types of pollination.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(c) Which insect pollinates flowers at night?
49. (a) What are perennial crops?

(b) Give any two examples of perennial crops.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(c) Name any one method used to harvest perennial crops.
50. (a) What name is given to the food made by plants during
(b) Give two raw materials needed by plants to make their food.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(c) Mention any one condition needed by plants to make their own
51. The table below shows types of weather in A and activities done in B
in a wrong order.

Rainy weather Winnowing seeds

Windy weather Drying harvested crops
Sunny weather Harvesting water

Write the correct activities from the table done during;

(i) Rainy weather : _____________________________________
(ii) Windy weather : _____________________________________
(iii) Sunny weather : _____________________________________
(b) Which of the above weather can be managed by putting on
52. (a) Give any two types of stems
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________

(b) Mention any two uses of stems to people.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
53. a) Mention any two sources of water.
(i) ____________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
b) Give any one use of water at home.
c) Write down any one way of making water safe for drinking at
54. (a) What is air?
(b) Mention any two gases found in air.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(c) State any one property of air.
55. a) Name the garden tools below.

(b) Give any two ways of caring for garden tools.

(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________


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