Academia Workflow Planning Template

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“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba

“Your ID” 11890


Stage: ……2……………………….. Week …………1……………….. Date: ……18……../……10……../………2019……

P r ep time Cook time
Rec ipe Ser ves Source P age Ser ving time
(min) (min)
Sweet Paste- pate sucree 4 Pat 132
Pear and Almond Fragiane
4 ACA 97
Banana Sponge Roll 4 Adv 137
Flourless Chocolate Cake 4

3 small
Savarin Adv 120
and 1 big

Baba au Rhum 6 Adv 104

Chantily Cream 4 Adv 104
Strawberry Coulis 2 Adv 125
Sugar work 1 Trainer

TIME K ien Ba Chu 11890

9 :0 0 AM Wash Hands – Sanitise work area. Prepare workstation.
9 :1 0 AM Gather Ingredients (for all dishes) as per Ingredients List – Store Correctly/ Boiling water for Savarin
9 :2 0 AM Start making Savarin / Making Pate paste
9 :3 0AM Putting Savarin texture in the warm oven for one hour/ putting Pate Paste in the cool room.
9 :4 0AM Making Flourless Chocolate/ tur n the oven at 170*C
Making the Tart for Pate Paste./ Put the tart on Pate paste for at 1 7 0*C ~7 -10 minutes/
1 0 :00 AM
making syrup stock.
1 0 :10AM Checking the tart/Pouring the syrup on top → baking for more 5 minutes/ Turn the oven at 180*C
Taking off the Savarin/ Melt the butter/ mix the texture for Savarin and Baba au Rhum.
1 0 :30 AM
Baking Flourless Chocolate cake at 1 8 0*C ~ 20 minutes
Making banana sponge rolls/ wrap the mixture of Savarin and Baba au Rhum (on tray and frame).
1 0 :35 AM
Putting in the warm oven for 3 0 minutes./ Making Ganesh
Cheking Flourless Chocolate cake (leave for cooling down)
1 0 :50AM
Pour the Ganesh on top. Baking Banana Sponge cake at 1 8 0*C ~ 7 minutes./ Making Chantilly Cream
Baking Savarin and baba au Rhum at 2 0 0*C 10-20 minutes.
1 1 :05 AM
Start Filling the Banana Sponge Roll.
1 1 :25 AM Checking Baba and Savarin → Put on Wire Wrack for cooling down.
1 2 :00 PM Making Strawberry Coulis
Starting Presentation:
1. Sponge roll + Chantily cream + banana.
2. Flourless Chocolate Cake.
3. Tar t + Pate paste
4. Baba au Rhum and Savarin
1 2 :30 PM
1 2 :45PM

1 :4 5 PM
P ACK DOWN: Return foods to trolley, return all utensils to workstation. clean down and sanitise
2 :0 0 PM
2 :3 0 PM CLEAN DOWN: as instructed by Chef of the Day
3 :3 0 PM DE-BRIEF
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Rec ipe Name: Savarin
K ey Ingredient:
K ey Skills:
P r eparation Time: 60 minutes
Cooking Time: 10-20 mịntes
Equipment Needs:
Yield: 3 small and 1 big
Q uantity
250g Baker flour
6g Dry yeast
90ml Water
1.5 Eggs
5g Salt
25g Caster sugar
100g Butter
250ml Water
125g Sugar
1 Vanilla Bean
75g Lemon
25ml Rum
25g Apricot Jam

P r eparation Steps
1 Sift the flour and form a well then add the salt and sugar. Sprinkle the yeast into the well and mix with some
of the tepid water
2 Mix in the eggs and gradually add the remaining water and work through until the gluten is well developed.
The dough should come off the bench and your finger.
3 Place in a bowl or tray, cover with a damp cloth and set aside to prove until the dough has doubled in the
4 Melt the butter and allow to cool so that it is not still hot. Pour ¾ of the butter over the risen dough and
work through until it comes off the bench again. Place in a floured bowl and set aside to prove.
5 Crease the savarin moulds with the remaining butter
6 Roll the dough into even little balls, stretch and put a hole in the middle to create a ring shape. P ush the
rings into the greased moulds and set aside to prove until double in size.

P r eparation Steps
1 . Bake at 200*c for 10-20 minutes, depending on the size, then turn out of the moulds onto a cooling track.
2 Add the water and sugar to a saucepan. Squeeze the lemon juice into the sugar and water mixture and
then add whole lemon as well.
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

3 Cut the vanilla bean in a half and scrape out the seeds with knife. Add the seeds to the syrup along with
the whole vanilla bean and bring to the boil. Skim off any impurities and ensure that the sugar is completely
4 Remove from the heat, transfer to a bowl and allow to cool down.
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Recipe Name: Sweet Paste Pastry (30 mins rest)

Key Ingredient: Equipment Needs:
Key Skills:
Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time:
Yield: 10 portions

Qty Unit Ingredients

300 g Flour
200 g Butter (room temp)
100 g Cater sugar
1 ea Egg
2 ml Vanilla Essence
Preparation Steps
1. Pre-heat oven 180C.
2. Sift the flour
3. Add the butter with the flour and perform rubbing method until well
4. Add sugar once it’s done and mix together.
5. In a small bowl, put egg and add vanilla essence.
6. Make a small well in the flour and add the egg mix in the center and mix
7. Make a ball and place in a bowl and cover with a cling wrap.
8. Let in rest for 30 mins in the chiller.
Cooking Steps
1. In the bench, sprinkle a little bit of flour as your working bench.
2. Put the pastry on the bench and press down to flatten out.
3. Using a flour dusted rolling pin, roll it out and evenly flatten in out for the
4. Lay it down in the moulder and cut off excess pastry on the sides.
5. You may not use a blind bake if it’s thin enough.

Plating Steps

1. Use it for the Pear & Almond Tart.

“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890


Rec ipe Name: Pear and almond Frangipane

K ey Ingredient:
K ey Skills:
P r eparation Time:
Cooking Time:
Equipment Needs:
Yield: 4
Q uantity
Butter 80g
Caster Sugar 80g
Ground Almond 80g
Plain Flour 8g
Egg Yolk 1
Pears 10g
Sweet Pastry 4
Syrup 20g
Chantilly Cream 1

P r eparation Steps
1 . Part 1 cream butter and sugar in the kitchen aid until light and cream y.
2 Add the ground almonds and flour and fold through butter mix.
3 Add the egg yolk and mix just until you have a smooth creamy texture .
4 Roll out the pastry to line a 6 x 105mm x 20mm round mould. Chill to rest for 20 minutes.
5 Spread chilled pastry with 5mm thick layer of frangipane inside the box tinned fruit halves that have been
drained for tart .
6 Place a spoonful of frangipane on the pastry where the hollow of the fruit.
Preheat oven to 210*C. Cut fruit into thick wedges, or leave whole smooth press into frangipane, arranging
them in closely packed.
7 And slightly overlapping rows. Brush fruit with a little reserved syrup of glaze.
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Recipe Name: Chantilly cream

Key Ingredient: Equipment Needs:
Key Skills:
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 8
Quantity Ingredients

Caster sugar
Vanilla essence

Preparation Steps
1. Chill the cream in a stainless steel bowl before whipping
2. Sift the icing sugar
3. Whip the cream to very soft peak (3/4 whipped)
4. Add the icing sugar and vanilla essence and whip to the desired consistency

Cooking Steps

Plating Steps
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Recipe Name: Banana Sponge Roll

Key Ingredient: Equipment Needs: Mixer machine,
Key Skills: bowl, rubber
Preparation Time: 15mins spatula, oven,
Cooking Time: 15mins baking tray
Yield: 4 portion

Qty Unit Ingredients

2 ea eggs
50 g caster sugar
50 g flour
37.5 g lemon
137.5 g banana
5 ml rum
12.5 g Sugar
150 ml Cream
Icing Sugar
Preparation Steps
1. Preheat oven to 200C
2. Put a medium pot with water on the buner for bain-marie later.
3. Put egg and sugar in a medium bowl.
4. Sift flour & icing sugar
5. In a baking tray, spray oil or brush butter and place baking sheet on top for baking later.
1. Put a bowl in a freezer (for the cream)
2. Dice bananas and add rum.
3. Juice the lemon and pour with the banana.
4. Whisk the cream and sugar until thick like Chantilly. YOU MAY OR MAY NOT USE A MACHINE.
5. Fold the fruit mixture with the cream and put into the chiller.

Cooking Steps
1. Put egg and sugar in a medium bowl. Whisk it over the boiling pot to perform bain-marie. TO
2. Remove from heat and use mixer machine to reach sabayon stage and holds firm.
3. Put the flour and fold together until incorporated. DO NOT OVERWORK.
4. Pour it into the baking tray and put in the oven to bake. DO NOT OPEN OVEN ALWAYS.
5. Once cooked, sprinkle icing cugar on top.
6. Cover with tea towel and put upside down.
7. Take off the baking paper and use the tea towel to roll the sponge.
8. Let it rest until cooled and put banana cream later.
1. Unroll the sponge and spread the banana cream and roll it up again.

Plating Steps
1. Cut the sponge roll using a hot knife
2. Plate with cut rolls, lay beautifully in a straight line on a long plate.
3. Sprinkle with icing sugar mix with cinnamon and garnish with strawberries to add color and
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Recipe Name: Flourless Chocolate Cake

Key Ingredient: Equipment Needs:
Key Skills: Mixer, baking
Preparation Time: 20 mins tray,
Cooking Time: 45 mins
Yield: 4 portion

Qty Unit Ingredients

3 ea eggs
caster sugar (divide
50 g in half)
cocoa powder
25 g (minus 10g)
100 g chocolate
75 g chocolate
75 ml cream
Preparation Steps
1. Preheat oven to 170C
2. Grease and ine the cake tin nicely.
3. Put a medium pot with water in the burner.
4. Place the chocolate in a bowl and melt over the pot.
5. Separate egg white from yolk.
6. In a mixing bowl, put egg white and half of the sugar in the mixer.
7. In a large bowl, put the egg yolk and other half of the sugar, mix together.
8. Add the melted chocolate and the sifted cocoa powder and mix together.
9. Pour the egg white merigue on the chocolate mix
10. Carefully, fold the mixture. DO NOT OVERMIX AND FLATEN THE MIX.
11. Pour the mix into the cake ring and put into the oven.
12. Once cook, let it cool before putting the ganache.
1. Melt the chocolate
2. Add the cream and mix together.
Plating Steps
1. Whip chocolate ganache on top and lay some cut fresh fruits
2. Sprinkle icing sugar
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Recipe Name: Starwberry Coulis

Key Ingredient:
Key Skills: Equipment
Preparation Time: 30 mins Needs:
Cooking Time: 50 mins
Yield: 4 portions

Qty Unit Ingredients

100 g Strawberry
100 ml water
20 g Caster sugar

Preparation Steps
1. In a pan, put strawberries, water , and sugar and let it simmer until reduced
to 1/4

Plating Steps

1. Use coulis as garnish

“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890


Strawberry Coulis
Pear and Almond

Chocolate Cake
Sweet Paste-
pate sucree

Fragiane tart

Sponge Roll


Baba au



P ortion
Butter 80g 100g
Caster Sugar 80g 25g
Ground Almonds 80g
Plain Flour 8g
Egg Yolk 1
Pears 10g
Sweet Pastry 4
Syrup 20g
Chantilly Cream 1
Baker Flour 250g
Dry Yeast 6g
Water 90ml
Salt 5g
Sugar 125g
Lemon 75g
Vanilla Bean 1
Rum 25ml
Apricot Jam 25g
Egg 1.5
Icing Sugar 25g
Cream 250ml
Vanilla 1
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890


All equipment returned to bench:
Trays 2 2
Large SS bowls 2 2
Medium SS bowls 3 3
Small SS bowls 5 5
SS spoon 2 2
Pot 2 2
Saucepan 2 2
Fry pan 2 2
Tongs 1 1
Sieve 1 1
Roasting tray 1 1


All equipment returned to bench stacked and dry
Ovens cleaned and turned off
Benches clean & sanitized

End of each session (before students are released from class) the following procedures are to be addressed:

Floors correctly swept and mopped
All garbage bins emptied and cleaned
All equipment used is c orrectly cleaned
All equipment is placed back in c orrect areas
All light and heavy equipment is wiped c lean
All stainless-steel benches are wiped clean, polished and sanitised.
All stainless-steel r efrigerator doors are wiped clean, polished and sanitised.
All stainless-steel ovens are wiped clean, polished and sanitised.
All sinks are clean and drains free of debris
All chopping boards are c lean, dry and stored correctly
All windows are c leaned
Remove all cloths and tea-towels to be laundered
Any miscellaneous equipment not belonging in the kitchen be r eturned
“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

This page is for Pictures

“Your Name” Kien Chu Ba
“Your ID” 11890

Product Feedback
You are required to get feedback (in the form of a mark out of 5) from at least six different people – uploaded after class.
Trainer Guest 2 Guest 3 Guest 4 Guest 5 Guest 6
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