Soal Latihan Pas Kelas 10 Semester 2

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Complete the questions below with correct c.

people stop dancing to hip-hop

answer! d. people are into traditional dances
e. people dance hip-hop for self-expressions
Read the text below to answer questions 4.”…. hip-hop dances can be good choice.”
number 1 - 5 (paragraph 1). What is the synonym of the word
Recently, many people, especially “Choice”?
teens, are into modern dances. They often join
a. hobby
dance competitions or upload their dance b. option
performances to social media. Many types of
c. chance
dances are preferable, but hip-hop dances can
d. answer
be a good choice. Here are the reason.
e. method
First and foremost, hip-hop dances are
5. what is the social function of writing the text?
artistic expressions. By dancing to hip-hop,
a. to give a detail information about the hip-
people have opportunities of doing freestyle hop dance
and improvisation. It’s a good way to develop b. to present and develop ideas in the form
one’s creativity and self-expression. Since hip-
of logical argument about hip-hop dance
hop dances incorporate moves from jazz and
c. to know how to practice hip-hop dance
lyrical styles, it will develop one’s talents and
d. to describe about hip-hop dance
e. to persuade people for reading the text
Further, hip-hop dances are great for
about hip-hop dance
one’s health. The dances require high physical
this text is for questions number 6 - 8
demands and they are really great cardio
workout. People will not only be fit but also
have better balance, flexibility, and
Then, hip-hop dances are empowering,
they are fuelled by the beat, so they lead to a
real sense of strength on stage. Also, they can
reblanace one’s emotion. By dancing to hip-
hop, dancers will be happier and more
Lass but not least, hip-hop dances will
enhance friendship. People will meet friends
outside their school who have similar interest.

1. what is the text about?

a. what a hip-hop dances is 6. the writer is a person who…. Listening to
b. how people dance hip-hop music while studying
c. how hip-hop dances enhance friendship a. like
d. why people are into hip-hop dances b. dislike
e. why hip-hop dances are good for people’s c. is eager to
health d. is proud of
2. why are hip-hop dances healthy? e. is interested in
a. people will meet many friend 7. according to the writer, why is listening to
b. people can express themselves music while studying is considered
c. they develop people’s creativity disadvantageous?
d. they need high physical demand a. it enhances one’s spirit
e. they are people’s artistic expressions b. it empowers a person
3. what is the writer’s recommendation? c. it disturbs one’s focus
a. people stop dancing d. it needs a specific devices
b. people should be keen on dancing e. the loud music is harmless
8. what does the writer suggest? a. dishonest
a. people listen to loud music b. impolite
b. people never listen to music c. stingy
c. people like listening to music d. cruel
d. people listen to music while studying e. lazy
e. people stop listening to music while 10. how did the man lose his fishing rod?
studying a. a person stole it
b. he threw it away
read the text below to answer questions c. an old woman took it
number 9 – 12 d. he plunged it into the river
a long time ago, there lived a fisherman e. he slipped into the river bank
who earned a living by catching fish. He caught 11. what did the man feel all night long for
fish and sold them to the market. Every day he having the golden fishing rod?
caught fish in nearby rivers with a fishing rod. a. sad
One day, the fisherman led his way to a b. angry
big river to catch a fish. While he was walking c. jealous
along the river bank, he slipped into the river. d. anxious
For matters worse, his fishing rod was plunged e. dissatisfied
into the river. 12. what best should the man do for his sake at
Suddenly, an old woman appeared the end of the story?
before him and asked him what had happened. a. he threw away the golden fishing road
The man told her that he had lost his fishing rod. b. he kept the golden fishing rod under his
“I found this fishing rod in this river. Is bed
it yours?” asked the old woman, showing him a c. he asked his family to sell his golden
golden fishing rod. fishing rod
Different from his fishing rod that was d. he searched for the woman to return the
made from bamboo, the fishing rod was so golden fishing rod
glowing that it tempted him. e. he exchanged the golden fishing rod with
“it would be great if I have the golden a bamboo one
fishing rod,” he thought. Then, he nodded his
head to the woman and said “that’s mine.” the text below is for questions number 13-
The old woman gave him the golden 17
fishing rod. He happily brought it home and Fungi
along the way, he thought about his luck. On his Fungi used to be considered as a part of
arrival at home, the man put the golden fishing the plant kingdom, but they are now though to
rod beside his bed. Being tired, he decided to be quite different.
sleep. Unfortunately, he couldn’t sleep soundly. The main part of fungus is a mass of
The fishing rod was so precious and he was tiny thread called mycelium. Fungi live on the
afraid if someone might steal it. other organic matter in the soil. Fungi are the
The next day, the man woke up. Being most important agent in the breakdown of dead
hungry, he rushed to the dining room for having plant and animal material, recycling it so that
breakfast. He didn’t find anything in the table, plants can use the nutrients. Fungi live in damp
so he decided to catch fish in nearby river. areas on in water because they have no method
“how could I use the golden fishing of preventing their fragile threads drying out.
rod? Wicked people might grab it from me,” he They cannot survive dry atmospheres. There
thought. Then, he canceled his plan. are round 50,000 species of fungi and they
Days passed an the man had nothing to include yeast, rusts, smuts, mildews, mould and
eat. Even he couldn’t sleep well for keeping the mushrooms.
golden fishing rod. 13. what is the communicative purpose of the
9. what was the man like?
a. to give entertainment or amusement to the journey and asked everyone where she could
readers about the fungi find the Well of the World’s End. Nobody
b. to describe fungi are, with reference range knew but a queer little old man. He told the girl
of nature where the Well of the World’s End was and
c. to persuade reader to buy fungi asked her to follow his instructions. At last, she
d. to present any aspect of fungi arrived at the Well of the World’s End. She
e. to describe how fungi was created dipped the sieve in the cold water, but it all (20
14. the text describes about…. )____ again. She tried and tried, but it was in
a. species of fungi in the world vain.
b. characteristic of plant kingdom “how could I bring back this sieve full of
c. area where fungi live water?” cried the girl.
d. fungi as a quite different plant In her desperation, she heard a croaking voice.
e. importance of fungi A great frog with google eyes was looking at
15. which one of the following statements is her. He asked what happened to the girl and
NOT TRUE according to the text? promised to help her on one condition.
a. fungi have a method to survive in dry “if you can bring the sieve full of water, you (21
atmosphere )____ me, won’t you?” asked the frog.
b. mycelium is a mass of tiny threads of The girl didn’t have any choice but to say yes.
fungus “stop it with moss and daub it with clay. It will
c. fungi can survive only in damp area of carry the water away,” said the frog.
water The girl did what the frog had told her and she
d. mushroom is one among the 50,000 managed it.
species of fungi 18.
e. fungi are quite different plant in the plant b. was
kingdom c. were
16. “…… preventing their fragile threads d. has been
drying out…” the antonym of the italic word is e. had been
…. 19. a. then
a. brittle b. at last
b. breakable c. finally
c. delicate d. at first
d. sturdy e. second
e. weak 20. a. filled in
17. what is the generic structure of the text? b. ran out
a. thesis – argument – reiteration c. broke out
b. general classification – description d. fell down
c. orientation – complication – resolution – e. filled out
reorientation 21. a. marry
d. identification – description b. married
e. orientation – events – twist c. will marry
For questions 18 to 21, complete the text with d. would marry
the correct words e. would have marry
A long time ago, there was a girl who had to the text below is for questions number 22 to
live with his father and stepmother. The girl 24
(18)____ so beautiful that her stepmother hated. in Australia there are three levels of
She was very cruel to the girl and made her do governments, the federal government, state
all the house chores. She intended to get rid of governments and local governments. All of
her stepdaughter, so she asked her to fill a sieve these levels of government are necessary. This
with water from the Well of the World’s End. is so for number of reasons. First, the federal
She thought that her stepdaughter would never government is necessary for the big things.
be able to do it. (19 )____, the girl started her They keep the economy in order and look after
like defense. Similarly, the state governments 26. if you …. To the music too loudly, you
look after the law and order, preventing things might damage your hearing
like vandalism in school. Finally, local a. listen
government look after things like collecting b. listened
rubbish, otherwise everyone would have c. listens
disease. Thus for the reason above, we can d. had listened
conclude that the three levels of government are e. have listened
necessary. 27. if she …. Free tomorrow, we will go to the
22. what kind of text is this? beach
a. analytical exposition a. is
b. report b. was
c. hortatory exposition c. were
d. narrative d. had been
e. spoof e. are
23. who is responsible for defense? 28. if you …. Harder, you would pass the exam
a. federal government a. study
b. state government b. studies
c. federal and state government c. studied
d. federal and local government d. had studied
e. all of the three levels of governments e. was studied
24. the litter management is the responsibility 29. if he ….. about it, he would help us
of …. a. know
a. all government b. knew
b. Australia c. known
c. federal government d. had known
d. local government e. knows
e. state government 30. if she ….. that job, she would be happier
25. she would have understood her English a. get
teacher if she …. (speak) slowly b. gets
a. spoke c. gotten
b. spoken d. had gotten
c. had spoken e. got
d. have spoken
e. has spoken

B. fill the questions below correctly by reading the text

The peache is known as a species of Prunus. It is a kind of edible juicy fruit. It is native to
China. The peach tree grows to 4 – 10 m tall. It is a delicious tree so it will fall its leaves in certain
seasons. It belongs to the subfamily Prunoideae of the family of Rosaceace.
The leaves are 7-16 cm long and 2-3 cm broad. The flowers are produced in early spring before
the leaves. They are solitary or paired with about 2,5-3 cm in diameter. The color of the flower is pink.
Peach fruit is very nice. Its aroma smells good. The color of the flesh is yellow or white. The
skin of the peach is smooth or velvety. The flesh is soft and juicy. It is delicious. It is a little bit harder
when it is unripe. Inside the flesh, there is a large single seed. The seed is oval in shape. Its color is red-
brown. Its length is about 1,3-2 cm. A wood like husk surrounds this seed
Most people know peaches as “persicas”. It is related to the belief that peaches were native to
Persia (now Iran). The modern botanical consensus is that they originate in China, and were introduced
to Persia and the Mediterranean region along the Silk before Christian times.

1. which part of the peach fruit contains water?

2. what is the purpose of the third paragraph?
3. what is the aim of the text?
4. “it is a little bit harder when it is unripe”. (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to the__________ of the peaches
5. “….. when it is unripe”.
The synonym of the underlined word is_______

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