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Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Lesson 2.1
Electric Flux
Introduction 1

Learning Objectives 2

Warm Up 2

Learn about It! 4

Electric Flux 4
The Nature of Electric Flux 4
Electric Flux and Enclosed Charge 5
Calculating Electric Flux in a Uniform Electric Field 7
When A and E Are Parallel 8
When A and E Are at an Angle 8

Key Points 14

Key Formula 14

Check Your Understanding 15

Challenge Yourself 17

Bibliography 17

Key to Try It! 18

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Lesson 2.1
Electric Flux

In the previous lesson, you learned that the electric field is defined as the force per unit
charge at a given point. Michael Faraday, an English scientist, introduced the concepts of
fields and lines of force which paved the way to several important discoveries in physics.
Results of Michael Faraday’s experiments in the late 1930s revealed that the direction of the
force experienced by a point charge in a given electric field may be visually represented as
field lines going in and coming out of negative and positive charges, respectively. The
summation of these field lines is what is termed as electric flux. In this lesson, we will learn
more about the nature and the factors affecting electric flux.

2.1. Electric Flux 1

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Learning Objectives DepEd Competencies

In this lesson, you should be able to do the ● Calculate electric flux

● Solve problems involving flux in
● Explain the principle of electric flux. contexts such as, but not limited
to: system of point charges,
● Calculate the electric flux in a given
classical model of the atom,
surface area. electrical breakdown of air,
● Identify the applications of electric flux charge pendulums, control of
electron and proton beams, and
in various fields.
electrostatic ink-jet printers

Warm Up
Electric Flux Model 8 minutes
We can not see electric fields around a charge. In this activity, you will see how the electric
field around a positive charge behaves.

● 1 big spherical styrofoam
● marker
● 25 barbecue sticks
● 4 bond papers, labeled quadrants 1, 2, 3, and 4

1. Divide the class in groups of 10.
2. Draw a “+” sign on the center of the styrofoam to signify that it represents a positive
particle. Then, using a marker, divide the sphere into four equal quadrants. Label the
quadrants with 1 to 4 accordingly, and randomly insert the sticks throughout the four
quadrants with the pointed side sticking out, as shown in Fig. 2.1.1.

2.1. Electric Flux 2

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Fig. 2.1.1. The electric flux model

3. Place a bond paper on top of a specific quadrant and let the sticks pierce through the
paper. Do the same step for the rest of the three quadrants.
4. Count the number of holes formed in each bond paper. Note the results in Table

Data Table
Table 2.1.1. Number of sticks and holes for the electric flux model

Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4

number of

number of

2.1. Electric Flux 3

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Guide Questions
1. What does the number of sticks tell about the number of holes formed on each
2. What do the sticks represent relative to the charged particle? What about the bond
3. Using your knowledge of the nature of charges, explain what the holes formed by the
sticks on the paper represent.

Learn about It!

What is electric ux?

Electric Flux
The word flux, derived from the Latin word that means “flow,” is generally defined as the
amount of something as it passes through a particular region or area. Thus, electric flux
refers to the “rate of the flow of the electric field,” as determined by the number of electric
field or flux lines passing through a given region.

The Nature of Electric Flux

Electric flux is the property of an electric field relating to the measure of its strength. These
field lines, as shown in Fig. 2.1.2, are considered negative when they are directed into a
closed surface, and are considered positive when they are directed outside of a closed

Fig. 2.1.2. Direction of electric field lines of charges

2.1. Electric Flux 4

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

As mentioned in the previous lesson, electric field lines always emerge from a positive
charge and end at a negative charge, and represent the distribution of electric flux
surrounding a particular charge, as shown in Fig. 2.1.3.

Fig. 2.1.3. Direction of field lines to and from charges

Electric Flux and Enclosed Charge

Electric flux may be inward or outward, depending on the direction of the electric field
vectors to or from the surface. Illustrations in Fig. 2.1.4 show the direction and distribution
of electric field lines in regions that contain (a) positive, (b) negative, and (c) zero charges.

Fig. 2.1.4. Electric flux in (a) positive, (b) negative, and (c) zero net charges

2.1. Electric Flux 5

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

These illustrations show the relationship between charges and the direction of their
corresponding electric flux. A positive charge within a region will have an outward electric
flux passing through its surface, whereas a negative charge will have an inward electric flux
through its surface. On the contrary, a region containing a zero charge, such as when both
positive and negative charges with equal magnitude are contained therein, will have “no net
electric flux” passing outward or inward. Whereas an electric field may be present, it will
flow into the region on one side of its surface and flow out of it on the other side.

Easily recognize the direction of the electric flux (inward or outward)
by identifying the sign (positive or negative) of the enclosed charge.

The electric flux model activity at the beginning of the lesson is a perfect analogy to
demonstrate the relationship between charges, electric field, and electric flux, as shown in
Fig. 2.1.4. The magnitude of the net charge inside a region, depicted by the barbecue sticks
or the electric field lines, is similar to the net strength of the “flow” of electric field coming
out of that region, as depicted by the holes produced on the paper. Thus, the net electric
flux going outward the surface of the region is directly proportional to the magnitude of
the net charge enclosed by that region.

Did You Know?

The concept of electric flux is used in a multitude of applications in
daily life. It is utilized in circuitries, energy storage mechanisms,
photocopiers, as well as in many residential and commercial
cleaning equipment such as air purifiers and electrostatic

2.1. Electric Flux 6

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

A positive charge within a region will have an outward electric flux
passing through its surface, whereas a negative charge will have an
inward electric flux traversing its surface. A zero charge contains no
electric flux.

The net electric flux going outward the surface of the region is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net charge enclosed by that

What is the relationship between the electric ux

to the number of electric eld lines passing
through a surface area?

Calculating Electric Flux in a Uniform Electric Field

In the case of uniform electric fields, the electric flux passing through a surface area
is generally calculated using Equation 2.1.1. The symbol for the flux is the capital Greek
letter phi (𝚽), while the subscript E indicates that we are calculating electric flux. The SI unit
for electric flux is Nm2/C.

Equation 2.1.1

Aside from the electric field’s strength and the surface area, a third significant factor
determines the resulting electric flux in a particular region or space. It is the “orientation of

the surface relative to the lines of force.” Electric flux may be visualized in terms of the
number of field lines that pierce through the surface. A larger surface would imply that
more lines of can pass through the region, therefore, increasing the electric flux.

2.1. Electric Flux 7

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

These two orientations are (1) when A and E are parallel, and (2) when E and A are at an

When A and E Are Parallel

When the electric field is parallel to the surface area , as shown in Fig. 2.1.5, the angle

between and is equal to 0. Thus, the electric flux is calculated as follows:

Fig. 2.1.5. Electric flux when E and A are parallel

When A and E Are at an Angle

When the electric field passes through a tilted surface area at an orientation angle
as shown in Fig. 2.1.6, then the flux lines traversing this surface will be proportional to this

angle between and . The electric flux can be calculated as follows:

2.1. Electric Flux 8

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Fig. 2.1.6. Electric flux when E and A are at tilted at an angle

When the electric field is perpendicular to the surface area , as shown in Fig. 2.1.7, the

angle between and is equal to , and the maximum number of lines are

obstructed by the surface. Thus, the electric flux is expressed as follows:

Fig. 2.1.7. Electric flux when E and A are perpendicular

2.1. Electric Flux 9

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

How do we calculate electric ux?

Let’s Practice!

Example 1
A uniform electric field with 9000 N/C is parallel to a flat square area of 25 m2. Calculate the
electric flux.


Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.

You are asked to calculate electric flux passing through the square region.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The area of the square (25 m2) and the uniform electric field of the area (9000
N/C) are given. Since the electric field and the surface area are parallel with each
other, it is understood that the angle of orientation is 0.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Find the answer.

The electric flux passing through the square region is .

2.1. Electric Flux 10

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

1 Try It!
How much electric flux is contained in a uniform electric field with 3500 N/C parallel
to a square surface with an area 49 m2?

Example 2
Identify the electric flux passing through a rectangle with sides of 13 m and 25 m found in a
region with a uniform electric field of 200 N/C and an angle of 55º with respect to the


Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.

You are asked to calculate electric flux passing through the rectangular

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The length (25 m) and width (13 m) of the rectangle, the uniform electric field of
the area (200 N/C), and the angle 55º are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Solve for the area (A).

Substitute the given values.

2.1. Electric Flux 11

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Step 5: Find the answer.

The electric flux passing through the rectangular region is .

2 Try It!
Calculate the electric flux traversing a rectangle with a surface area of 90 m2, a
uniform electric field of 135 N/C, and an angle of 85º from the horizontal.

Example 3
A disk which has a radius of 0.5 centimeters and is tilted at an angle of 45º with respect to
the horizontal experiences an electric flux of 7.50 ✕ 10-3 Nm2/C. Identify the value of the
uniform electric field of the area.


Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.

You are asked to calculate the electric field (E).

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.

The radius of the solid ball (0.5 cm), the electric flux passing through the area
7.50 x 10-3 Nm2/C and the angle 45º are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Derive the equation for electric field from the main equation.

2.1. Electric Flux 12

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Step 4: Solve for the Area (A).

Convert 0.785 cm2 to m2.

Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Find the answer.

The uniform electric field of the disk is 135 N/C.

3 Try It!
Determine the value of the electric field in a disk with a radius of 12 cm and tilted at
an angle of 63º. An electric flux with a value of 13.76 Nm2/C is passing through the

2.1. Electric Flux 13

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Key Points

● Electric flux refers to the “rate of the flow of the electric field”, and is signified by
electric field flux lines coming out or going into a particle.
● A positive charge within a region will have an outward electric flux passing
through its surface, whereas a negative charge will have an inward electric flux
traversing its surface. A zero charge contains no electric flux.
● The net electric flux going outward the surface of the region is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net charge enclosed by that region.

Key Formula

Concept Formula Description

Electric Flux Use this formula to solve the

when A and E are where electric flux when the
parallel surface and the electric
● is the electric flux,
angle are at 0° angle or are
● is the electric field
parallel with each other.
vector, and
● is the surface area.

Use this formula to solve for

where the electric flux when the

surface and the electric field
● is the electric flux,
are either perpendicular, or
● is the electric field
at a tilted angle .
● is the surface area, and
● is the orientation angle.


2.1. Electric Flux 14

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Check Your Understanding

A. Identify whether each statement is true or false.

_________________ 1. The magnitude of the net charge enclosed in a given region

is inversely proportional to the net electric flux going
outward the surface.

_________________ 2. Electric flux refers to the “rate of the flow of the electric

_________________ 3. In the electric flux general equation, ,

signifies the angle of orientation of the surface relative to
the lines of force.

_________________ 4. There is no electric flux present when the electric field is

perpendicular to the surface.

_________________ 5. Electric field lines always emerge from a negative charge

and end at a positive charge.

_________________ 6. When the electric field approaches the surface area at a

perpendicular angle, the maximum number of lines are
obstructed by the surface.

_________________ 7. The larger the surface area, the smaller the electric flux will

_________________ 8. Field lines are considered positive when they are directed
into a closed surface.

_________________ 9. When the electric field E is parallel to the surface area A, the
angle between them is considered to be 180º.

2.1. Electric Flux 15

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

_________________ 10. A region containing a zero net charge will have no resulting
electric flux.

_________________ 11. Alessandro Volta conducted experiments that concluded

how electric fields are directed toward and outward
negative and positive charges.

_________________ 12. The SI unit for electric flux is cm2/N.

_________________ 13. A negative charge will have an inward electric flux through
its surface.

_________________ 14. The summation of electric field lines in a given system may
also be referred to as magnetic flux.

_________________ 15. The electric flux lines traversing a surface positioned at an

angle will be proportional to this angle.

B. Solve the following problems.

1. A uniform electric field with 500 N/C is parallel to a flat square area of 115 m2.
Calculate the electric flux.
2. Identify the electric flux passing through a rectangle with sides of 46 m and 98 m
found in a region with a uniform electric field of 700 N/C and an angle of 80º.
3. What will happen to the electric flux of a 100 m2 rectangle with an electric field of 855
N/C if the surface area A is enlarged five times?
4. Calculate the electric flux traversing a rectangle with a surface area of 67 m2, a
uniform electric field of 122 N/C, and an angle of 34ºfrom the horizontal.
5. A disk which has an area of 0.08 square meters and is tilted at an angle of 75ºwith
respect to the horizontal experiences an electric flux of 44 ✕ 103 Nm2/C. Identify the
value of the uniform electric field of the area.

2.1. Electric Flux 16

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Challenge Yourself

Answer the following questions.

1. Suppose a region contains two positive and four negative charges. What will be the
direction of the electric flux as it passes through the surface?
2. At ground level, a thundercloud has produced a vertical electrical field with a
magnitude of 2800 N/C. If you will horizontally hold a 5 m2 sheet of paper below the
cloud, mathematically prove at which angle you will be able to get the greatest
amount of flux.
3. Using the same situation in item 1, mathematically prove at which angle you will be
able to get the least amount of flux.
4. If a point charge is situated at the very center of a solid cube, what will be the
amount of flux that will pass through each of the faces of the cube?
5. If four charges possess electric fields of 54 N/C, –41 N/C, 13 N/C, and –76 N/C,
respectively, will the number of electric field lines passing through the surface be
greater than, equal to, or less than the ones entering it? Explain your answer.


Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics (11th ed). New York: Pearson Education, 2010.

Holt, R., Serway, R., & Faugn, J. Physics. Austin, TX: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006.

Macalalad, E. P. and Vergara, R. L. Exploring the Realms of Science: Physics. Valenzuela City:
JO-ES Publishing House, Inc., 2011.

Walker, J., Halliday, D., & Resnick, R. Fundamentals of Physics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011.

Vincent P. Coletta. Physics Fundamentals. Lakeville, MN: Physics Curriculum & Instruction,
Inc., 2010.

2.1. Electric Flux 17

Unit 2: Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Key to Try It!




2.1. Electric Flux 18

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