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1. Why did you decide to become a teacher?

2. How do you cope with stress?
3. What is your teaching philosophy?
4. How do you incorporate social-emotional learning in your lessons?
5. How do you use technology in the classroom?
6. Describe your classroom management structure.
7. How do you feel about classroom observations and walk-throughs?
8. Do you think students are different than they were before COVID-19? What
changes have you observed, and how have you dealt with them in your classroom?
9. What did you like/dislike about working remotely?
10. What impact does trauma have on student learning? How do you address this in
your classroom?
11. What role do you believe diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives should play
in your classroom and in the school?
12. How will you encourage parents to support their children’s education?
13. What are some methods you use to check for understanding as you’re teaching?
14. How do you assess students’ progress?
15. What are your thoughts about grades?
16. Why do you want to teach at this school?
17. What is the greatest challenge facing teachers today?
18. How would you handle a parent challenging your teaching
methods/curriculum/classroom management?
19. How can you meet the needs of a student with an IEP?
20. How would you handle a situation in which you believe a student doesn’t need
all of the accommodations listed in their IEP?
21. How will you meet the needs of the students in your class who are advanced or
say they’re bored?
22. How will you engage reluctant learners?
23. Describe a troubling student you’ve taught. What did you do to get through to
24. Tell us about a mistake you made with a student. What happened, and how did
you address it?
25. Which activities, clubs, or sports are you willing to sponsor if you are offered a
26. What three words would your peers, administrators, or students use to describe
28. Which component of your résumé are you most proud of and why?
29. What are you learning right now?
30. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?
31. How would you handle a student who is constantly disruptive or
32. How do you cultivate positive relationships with your students and
create a sense of class community?
33. How do you use data to differentiate instruction and support students
34. identified with specific learning disabilities so all students can learn?
35. How do you support literacy for all students, including English
language learners?
36. Do you incorporate collaborative and project-based learning?
37. How do you keep your students engaged and motivated, and how do
you promote student voice and choice to help them become self-directed
38. How do you teach 21st-century learners, integrate technology, and
guide students to be global citizens?
39. What questions do you have for us?

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