Abdul Thaif Hamzah, S.kep., M.si.

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Serial Number :2022050152

Issue Date :3rd June 2022

N o : K P. 8 2 / C a t a l y s t . I / 1 7 1 2 . A / V I I I / 2 0 2 1 . 6 9 2 7

Certificate of Completion

Abdul Thaif Hamzah, S.Kep., M.Si.

sebagai peserta yang telah lulus pada pelatihan berbasis kompetensi
INSPEKTUR MUDA KEAMANAN PANGAN (District Food Inspector Junior)
Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 - 4 Agustus 2021 selama 29 Jam Pelajaran (JP)
di Kota Gorontalo berdasarkan program pelatihan berbasis kompetensi dan sesuai dengan
Standar dan Regulasi Sistem Standardisasi Kompetensi Kerja Nasional

Jamal Zamrudi
"Certificate of Attendance" is a certificate issued for trainee Director
who attended the training session conducted by Catalyst Consulting
"Certificate of Completion" is a certificate issued for trainee
who completed the training session conducted by Catalyst Consulting

Catalyst Consulting
PT. Mitra Kualitas Abadi, Ruko Golden Karawaci No. 53 Sukabakti, Curug, Binong, Tangerang

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