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Debre Tabor University

Gafat Institute of Technology

Department of Information Technology
Research on
Developing an Offline Mesh Network Communication
System for Local Communities

Group Assignment

4rd Year : 1st Semister


Name ID/NO

Adisu Admasu……………………………………………………0113
Ahmed Ali…………………………………………………….……0122
Fikremariam mitiku.…...………..…………………………0647
Wuletaw Yihun…….………………………………………….0258
Dursa Shamshadin…………………………….……………1292
Alemnew Menan……………………………..………………3021

Submitted to Dr.Daniel. Due Date 20/10/2016 G.C

Debra tabor Ethiopia

This study focuses on the development of an offline mesh network communication system
aimed at enhancing communication within local communities that lack reliable internet
access. The proposed system leverages decentralized peer-to-peer networking to create a
resilient and adaptable communication infrastructure. Key objectives include the design of a
user-friendly interface, ensuring secure and reliable data transmission, and enhancing offline
capabilities for data synchronization and storage. The research employs a design-based
research approach, involving local communities in the development and testing phases to
ensure practical relevance and usability. This study aims to address existing gaps in mesh
networking technologies, particularly in scalability, interoperability, and user adoption, and
explores the integration of emerging technologies such as edge computing and IoT to expand
the potential applications of offline mesh networks.


First and for most, I would like to thanks the almightily “God” who help me by every
direction. Secondly I would like to reward my deepest gratitude to my Teacher Dr. Daniel
who has provided his wise and intellectuals advice, guidance and directive to make this
paper. Third my appreciation goes to Debra Tabor University, for giving me this chance to
prepare a paper on accounting for the course research methode. At last but not least I am also
appreciating to all my group member typing this research.

1.1 Introduction

Reliable communication systems have become essential for communities, especially in areas
with limited or no internet access. Traditional methods like landlines and cellular networks
often fall short in providing comprehensive coverage and resilience during emergencies or in
remote locations. The rise of the internet has brought new digital capabilities, but also
revealed vulnerabilities when connectivity is disrupted.
One promising solution is mesh networking - decentralized, peer-to-peer systems that allow
devices to connect directly, forming a self-organizing and self-healing network. Unlike
client-server architectures, mesh networks do not rely on a central point of failure, making
them more resilient and adaptable. This technology holds the potential to empower local
communities to stay connected, share vital information, and coordinate emergency response
efforts, even without internet access.

1.2 Problem of Statement

Many communities face significant challenges in maintaining reliable
communication, especially during emergencies or in areas with limited internet
access. The reliance on internet-based communication has created a gap in the
provision of resilient, decentralized, and offline-capable solutions.
The lack of a robust, self-sustaining communication infrastructure that can operate
independently of the internet is a primary issue. Traditional methods like landlines and
cellular networks can be vulnerable to disruptions, hindering the ability of local communities
to coordinate emergency response and maintain essential connections.
Furthermore, the high cost and limited accessibility of internet connectivity in certain regions
have created a digital divide, leaving many communities without access to modern digital
communication tools. This digital exclusion can exacerbate social and economic inequalities,
limiting opportunities for these communities to participate in the digital economy and access
essential services.
Existing solutions, such as satellite-based systems or mobile hotspots, often require
specialized equipment, technical expertise, or significant financial investments, which may
not be feasible or sustainable for many local communities. There is a need for reliable,
offline-capable communication systems that can empower communities to stay connected and
resilient, even in the absence of internet access.

1.3. Research Questions

 How can a decentralized mesh network communication system be designed and
implemented to enable peer-to-peer communication without relying on the internet?
 What mesh networking protocols and technologies can be utilized to create a
self-organizing and self-healing network?

 How can the mesh network architecture be optimized for reliable data
transmission and low latency without internet connectivity?
 What features and functionalities are necessary to ensure the offline mesh network
communication system is user-friendly, secure, and resilient?
 What user interface and interaction design principles should be adopted for
accessibility and ease of use?
 How can security mechanisms, such as encryption and authentication, be
integrated to protect privacy and communication integrity?
 What strategies can be implemented to ensure the system is scalable to
changes in the number of devices and their locations?
 How can the offline capabilities of the mesh network communication system be
optimized to provide reliable data synchronization and storage?
 What data management and synchronization techniques can be employed for
consistent and seamless communication?
 How can the system leverage local storage and processing to enable offline
messaging, file sharing, and collaboration?
1.4 Objective of the research
General Objective:
 Design, develop, and evaluate an offline mesh network communication system that
can provide reliable, secure, and user-friendly communication capabilities for local
communities with limited or no internet access.
Specific Objectives:
 Create a decentralized mesh network architecture enabling peer-to-peer
communication without relying on the internet.
 Develop a user-friendly and secure interface for the offline mesh network
communication system.
 Enhance the offline capabilities of the mesh network system to enable reliable data
synchronization and storage.
 Evaluate the performance, usability, and impact of the offline mesh network
communication system through user testing and field deployments.

1.5 Significance of the Study:

 Enhancing digital inclusion and community resilience
 Supporting critical information sharing and coordination
 Enabling local-level innovation and collaboration

 Advancing mesh networking and decentralized communication technologies
1.6 Scope of the Study:
 Mesh network architecture and protocols
 User interface and interaction design
 Offline communication and data management capabilities
 Performance evaluation and user impact assessment
1.7 Limitations of the Study:
 Geographic scope
 Hardware constraints
 Connectivity challenges
 User adoption and behavioral factors

 Regulatory and legal considerations

2.1. Introduction to Mesh Networking
2.1.1. Definition and Characteristics of Mesh Networks
 Mesh networks are a decentralized network architecture where individual devices
(nodes) can communicate directly with each other without relying on a central
coordinator or infrastructure.
 Key characteristics include:
 Decentralized architecture with no central server or access point
 Dynamic routing protocols to adapt to changes in network topology
 Resilience and redundancy through interconnected paths
 Scalability by adding more nodes
 Efficient resource utilization across the distributed nodes
Evolution of Mesh Networking:
 Roots dating back to 1970s-80s with early work on packet radio and ad-hoc

 Key milestones include the WINS project in the late 1990s and community initiatives
like Freifunk in the 2000s
 Standards like IEEE 802.11s for Wi-Fi Mesh and Bluetooth Mesh further advanced
mesh networking capabilities
 Rise of LPWAN technologies like LoRaWAN enabled large-scale, low-power mesh
 Widespread adoption for diverse use cases, driven by demand for decentralized,
resilient communication
2.2. Mesh Network Protocols and Technologies
2.2.1. Wi-Fi Mesh Networks

Mesh Network Protocols and Technologies:

 Wi-Fi Mesh Networks (802.11s)
 Mesh architecture with mesh points forming dynamic multi-hop connections
 Mesh Coordination Function (MCF) for channel access and data transmission
 Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP) for routing
 Security and encryption mechanisms
 Challenges include limited scalability, interference, and vendor interoperability

2.2.2. Bluetooth Mesh Networks

 Mesh topology with Bluetooth-enabled devices acting as mesh nodes
 Designed for low-power operation, suitable for battery-powered IoT devices
 Scalable to support thousands of nodes
 Interoperable between devices from different manufacturers
 Flooding-based routing mechanism for reliable message delivery
 Advanced security features including encryption and authentication
Advantages over Wi-Fi Mesh:
 Lower power consumption
 Improved scalability
 Seamless integration with Bluetooth devices
 Limited range compared to Wi-Fi

 Potential performance trade-offs with flooding-based routing
 Ongoing standardization and adoption
2.2.3. LoRaWAN Mesh Networks
 Leverages LoRaWAN low-power, wide-area networking (LPWAN) technology
 Long-range communication, up to several kilometers
 Low-power operation for battery-powered devices
 Mesh topology with LoRaWAN-enabled devices as mesh nodes
 Various routing protocols and techniques for reliable message delivery
 Scalable to support large-scale deployments
Advantages over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Mesh:
 Longer communication range
 Higher signal penetration
 Lower power consumption
 Lower data throughput
 Ongoing standardization and adoption
 Regulatory constraints on LoRaWAN operation

2.3. Decentralized Communication and Offline Capabilities

2.3.1. Peer-to-Peer Communication
Key Points:
 Decentralized Architecture: P2P networks have no central authority, with devices
communicating directly.
 Direct Device-to-Device Interaction: P2P allows devices to exchange data without a
central server.
 Resilience and Fault Tolerance: Decentralized P2P networks are more resilient to
single points of failure.
 Offline Capabilities: P2P enables devices to interact even when disconnected from the
 Reduced Infrastructure Costs: P2P eliminates the need for centralized server
Benefits of P2P in IoT:

 Decentralized Data Processing: Enables distributed data processing closer to the
 Resilient and Fault-Tolerant Networks: Network reliability improved by lack of single
points of failure.
 Offline Functionality: Devices can continue to operate and collaborate when
 Scalability and Flexibility: P2P networks can scale more easily than client-server
 Reduced Bandwidth and Costs: Direct device-to-device communication reduces data
1. Security and Trust Management: Maintaining secure communication and trust in
decentralized networks.
2. Device Discovery and Coordination: Mechanisms for device discovery and
coordination are complex.
3. Heterogeneity and Interoperability: Ensuring seamless interoperability between
diverse devices.
4. Routing and Forwarding: Implementing efficient routing protocols in decentralized
2.4. Security and Privacy in Mesh Networks
2.4.1. Authentication and Authorization
 Device Authentication: Strong protocols like certificates or pre-shared keys.
 User Authentication: Authentication for human interaction and control.
 Role-Based Access Control: Fine-grained permissions and privileges for devices and
 Secure Key Management: Crucial to prevent unauthorized access.
2.4.2. Encryption and Data Protection
 End-to-End Encryption: Protecting data confidentiality during transmission.
 Secure Data Storage: Encrypting local data at rest on mesh nodes.
 Secure Firmware Updates: Ensuring integrity and authenticity of updates.
 Data Integrity and Non-Repudiation: Cryptographic techniques like digital signatures.

2.4.3. Secure Routing and Network Management

 Secure Routing Protocols: Resilient to attacks, like Byzantine fault tolerance.

 Secure Network Management: Authenticated processes for node addition/removal.
 Intrusion Detection and Response: Identifying and mitigating security threats.
 Tamper-Resistant Hardware: Using trusted platforms to enhance node security.
 Secure Logging and Auditing: Maintaining audit trails for accountability.

2.5 Use Cases and Applications of Offline Mesh Networks

2.5.1. Disaster Response and Emergency Communication
 Providing reliable communication when infrastructure is damaged
 Enabling coordination and information sharing among first responders
 Distributing critical information to the public
 Serving as a backup for emergency services
2.5.2. Rural and Remote Area Connectivity
 Extending internet access to underserved communities
 Enabling access to essential services in rural areas
 Supporting precision agriculture and environmental monitoring
2.5.3. Community Networks and Grassroots Initiatives
 Empowering local communities to build their own infrastructure
 Promoting digital sovereignty and user-controlled internet
 Supporting community-based applications and services
 2.5.4. Internet of Things and Sensor Networks
 Enabling real-time data collection in disconnected environments
 Facilitating coordination and control of IoT devices
 Supporting resilient and fault-tolerant sensor networks
2.6. Challenges and Limitations of Offline Mesh Networks
2.6.1. Network Scalability and Performance
 Ensuring scalability, efficient routing, and high data throughput
 Minimizing energy consumption of mesh nodes

2.6.2. Heterogeneity and Interoperability

 Ensuring device compatibility and protocol interoperability

 Facilitating cross-network connectivity
2.6.3. User Adoption and Usability
 Increasing user awareness and understanding
 Designing user-friendly interfaces
 Developing a rich ecosystem of applications and services
 Establishing incentive structures
2.7. Related Research and Existing Solutions
2.7.1. Academic Research and Experiments
 Routing and topology optimization
 Resource-constrained devices
 Decentralized applications
 Testbeds and experimental deployments
2.7.2. Community-driven Mesh Network Projects
, FunkFeuer, Althea, Freifunk
2.7.3. Commercial and Enterprise-level Mesh Network Solutions
 Ubiquiti Networks, Meraki (Cisco), OpenMesh, goTenn

2.8. Gaps and Opportunities in Offline Mesh Network Research

2.8.1 Identification of Research Gaps
Existing research and solutions have left several areas underexplored or needing refinement:
 Scalability and Performance: More advanced techniques are needed to ensure
scalability and performance of large-scale mesh networks.
 Heterogeneity and Interoperability: Standardized protocols and interfaces for
seamless interoperability between diverse mesh networking technologies remain a
 User Experience and Adoption: Existing solutions often overlook user-centric
design and the need for applications and services to drive adoption.
 Incentive Structures and Sustainability: Effective incentive mechanisms to
encourage user participation and long-term sustainability require further investigation.

 Integration with Emerging Technologies: Exploring synergies between offline
mesh networks and technologies like edge computing, blockchain, and IoT could lead
to innovative applications.
2.8.2 Potential Contributions of this Study
This research aims to address gaps and explore new opportunities:
 Develop advanced routing and optimization algorithms to enhance scalability and
 Investigate techniques for seamless interoperability between heterogeneous mesh
 Design user-friendly interfaces and develop an ecosystem of applications to drive
 Propose novel incentive structures and sustainability models for long-term viability.
 Explore integration of offline mesh networks with emerging technologies to unlock
new use cases.
By addressing these gaps, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of offline mesh
network technologies and facilitate their widespread adoption.


3.1 Research Approach

This study will employ a design-based research (DBR) approach. DBR combines design,
development, and research to create innovative solutions that address real-world problems.
This approach is well-suited for the development of a practical, technology-driven application
like the offline mesh network communication system.
3.2 Participants and Sampling
The target participants for this project will be members of local communities who lack
reliable internet access, such as those living in remote areas or facing emergency situations. A
purposive sampling method will be used to identify and recruit participants based on the
following criteria:

 Reside in an area with limited or no internet connectivity

 Own a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-enabled device (e.g., smartphone, laptop)
 Willing to participate in the development and testing of the communication system

The target sample size will be determined based on a power analysis to ensure statistical
significance, as well as practical considerations such as resource constraints and the
availability of participants.

3.3 System Design and Implementation

 Mesh Network Protocol Design: The mesh networking protocol will be designed
based on a review of existing protocols, such as Wireless Mesh Network (WMN),
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), and Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN) protocols.
Key design considerations will include peer-to-peer communication, dynamic routing,
and self-organization.
 Prototype Development: A prototype of the offline mesh network communication
system will be developed using open-source networking libraries, such as libp2p, and
web development frameworks, such as React and Node.js. The prototype will include
the core functionality of peer-to-peer messaging, file sharing, and synchronization.
 User Interface Design: The user interface for the web application will be designed
using user-centered design principles. This will involve conducting user interviews,
creating low-fidelity prototypes, and iteratively refining the design based on user
3.4 Data Collection and Evaluation
 Usability Testing: Usability testing will be conducted with representative users to
assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the system's user interface and
overall user experience. Quantitative metrics, such as task completion rates and user
satisfaction scores, as well as qualitative feedback, will be collected.
 Performance Evaluation: The system's performance, in terms of network
throughput, latency, and scalability, will be evaluated through a series of controlled
experiments. These experiments will simulate different network conditions, such as
varying the number of devices, device mobility, and network topology.
 Field Trials: The system will be deployed in selected local communities to gather
real-world feedback and evaluate its performance in actual usage scenarios.
Qualitative data, such as user observations and interviews, will be collected to
understand the system's impact and identify areas for improvement.
Data Analysis
 Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative data from user interviews, usability testing, and
field trials will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key user pain points,
requirements, and overall experiences with the system.
 Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative data from performance evaluations and usability
testing will be analyzed using statistical methods to assess the system's technical and

user-centric performance metrics. This will include measures such as network
throughput, latency, task completion rates, and user satisfaction scores.
 Iterative Refinement: The findings from the data analysis will be used to iteratively
refine the system design, user interface, and underlying protocols to address identified
issues and improve the overall effectiveness of the offline mesh network
communication system.
3.5 Ethical Considerations
The study will adhere to the following ethical principles:
 Informed Consent: Participants will be provided with detailed information about the
study and will be required to give their informed consent before participating.
 Confidentiality: All personal and sensitive information collected from participants
will be kept confidential and securely stored.
 Minimization of Harm: The research activities will be designed to minimize any
potential risks or discomfort to the participants.
Limitations and Assumptions
The main limitations of this study include:
 The availability and accessibility of participants in remote or underserved areas
 The potential variability in the hardware and software capabilities of participants'
 The ability to accurately simulate real-world emergency or disaster scenarios during
The key assumptions underlying this research are:
 Participants will have a genuine need for an offline communication system and will
be motivated to participate in the development and testing process.
 The chosen mesh networking protocol and associated software libraries will be
suitable for the project's requirements and can be effectively integrated into the final

4.1 Literature Review and Protocol Design (1-5 day)
Conduct a comprehensive review of existing mesh networking protocols, such as WMN,
Analyze the strengths, limitations, and design considerations of these protocols
Design the mesh networking protocol for the offline communication system, incorporating
key features like peer-to-peer communication, dynamic routing, and self-organization
Estimated resource requirements: 1 senior researcher (100% FTE), 1 research assistant (50%
4.2 Prototype Development (day 6 - 2 weak)
Develop the initial prototype of the offline mesh network communication system using open-
source networking libraries (e.g., libp2p) and web development frameworks (e.g., React,
Implement the core functionalities, including peer-to-peer messaging, file sharing, and
Estimated resource requirements: 2 senior software engineers (100% FTE), 2 junior software
engineers (100% FTE)
4.3 Usability Testing (ewak 2 - weak 3)
Recruit representative users for usability testing sessions
Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the system's user interface and
overall user experience
Collect quantitative metrics (e.g., task completion rates, user satisfaction scores) and
qualitative feedback
Analyze the usability testing results and incorporate findings into the system design
Estimated resource requirements: 1 usability researcher (100% FTE), 10 test participants

4.4 Performance Evaluation (weak 3 - weak 4)

Design and conduct controlled experiments to evaluate the system's network throughput,
latency, and scalability
Simulate different network conditions, such as varying the number of devices, device
mobility, and network topology
Analyze the performance evaluation results and identify areas for improvement
Estimated resource requirements: 2 senior software engineers (100% FTE), computing
infrastructure for experiments

4.5 Field Trials (weak 4 - weak 5)
Deploy the system in selected local communities with limited internet access
Gather real-world feedback and evaluate the system's performance in actual usage scenarios
Collect qualitative data through user observations and interviews
Analyze the field trial results and incorporate findings into the system design
Estimated resource requirements: 2 researchers (100% FTE), 20 field trial participants
4.6 Data Analysis and Iterative Refinement (weak 5 - weak 6)
Analyze the qualitative data from user interviews, usability testing, and field trials using
thematic analysis
Analyze the quantitative data from performance evaluations and usability testing using
statistical methods
Identify key findings, user pain points, and areas for improvement
Iteratively refine the system design, user interface, and underlying protocols based on the
Estimated resource requirements: 1 data analyst (100% FTE), 1 senior researcher (50% FTE)
4.7 Project Timeline
The overall project timeline is estimated to be 6 weak, with the key activities and milestones
as outlined above.
4.8 Resource Requirements
The total resource requirements for this project are estimated to be:
5 senior researchers/engineers (100% FTE)
3 junior researchers/engineers (100% FTE)
1 user experience designer (100% FTE)
1 graphic designer (50% FTE)

1 usability researcher (100% FTE)

1 data analyst (100% FTE)
Computing infrastructure for experiments
Participant compensation (for usability testing and field trials)

Offline mesh networks show promise in providing resilient, decentralized internet access.
While research has made progress, challenges remain in scalability, interoperability, user
experience, and sustainability. This study seeks to address these gaps and explore synergies
with emerging technologies, to enable broader adoption and impact of offline mesh networks.

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