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8” / 10” /12” (Disc Size)

User Manual

Variable Speed Double Disc

Table Top Polisher

Chennai Metco

Bainpol VTD polishing machine is used in metallurgical lab for the purpose of polishing to get superior
surface finish so that, on the mould/sample it can be further used for viewing the microstructure or for any
process/test such as Micro Vickers hardness test which require a smooth surface finish. Excellent surface
finishes are obtained through proper selection of the abrasive papers, polishing cloth and polishing paste or

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1. SAFETY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

2. TRANSPORT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

3. SYSTEM FEATURES AND PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ---------------------------------------------- 13

4. GETTING STARTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

5. MACHINE PARTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

6. MACHINE LAYOUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

7. INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

8. OPERATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

9. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

10. TROUBLESHOOTING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

11. DISMANTLING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36

12. INSTRUCTION FOR CHANGING SPARES ------------------------------------------------------------------- 37

13. CRITICAL SPARES LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40

14. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

15. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

16. WARRANTY CERTIFICATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43

17. CONTACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44

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1.1 Proper Use
1.1.1 Principle

Bainpol VTD polishing machine is designed in accordance with recognized technical research,
experience and safety regulation. Failure to properly install, operate and maintain the machine/system
may result in fatal injury to users or third parties and unnecessary damage to the system or other

1.1.2 Permissible operation

The machine/system is designed exclusively to grind/polish sectioned and mounted (sometimes non-
mounted) materials for metallographic purposes. The machine/system is suitable for achieving,
exclusively, low volume grinding/polishing of materials. Any other usage is regarded as improper.
Manufacturing liability arising from damages caused by improper machine usage is excluded. The risk
has to be borne entirely by the user. The following are some examples of the machine/system misuse:

 Using for production purpose.

 Using on other application not mentioned in the manual.
 Using other than recommended lubricating fluid on the machine.
 Untrained personnel operating this machine/system.

Proper usage also includes compliance with operating, servicing and maintenance requirement specified
by the manufacturer.

1.1.3 Safe operation

The machine must only be used according to proper operating procedure in a safe and risk conscious
manner. Attention must be paid to all caution/danger sign labels wherever indicated on the machine or in
this manual.
Machine must be stopped if found to malfunction and rectified before restarting the machine.

1.2 Level of Hazard

Symbols are used to draw attention to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in an injury or
property damage. The signal words, defined below, indicate the level of the hazards. Also guidelines are
provided for avoiding/preventing these hazards. Please pay close attention to these safety symbols.

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Indicates an imminently hazardous situation
that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if

not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if

not avoided, might result in minor or moderate
injury. It can also indicate possible loss of materials
or damage to the equipment.

1.3 Safety Information

Read and understand all the instruction and safety information in this manual. Everyone who works with or
around this equipment including, operator, maintenance personnel, and supervisory personnel must read
and understand the information in this chapter prior to commencing work on or around this equipment.
Failure to comply with precautionary information could lead to damage of the equipment or serious
personal injury including possible loss of body parts or death.
Please ensure that all work described in this manual are carried out in a good environment / workshop using
proper tools and equipment.

1.4 Protection for Installation, Operation and Maintenance Personnel

The operating company must verify that:

 Operating personnel have necessary technical, equipment-specific and safety knowledge.
 New personnel are properly trained before handling the machine.
 Operating personnel have necessary competence to be able to work in accordance with the
regulations and instruction.
 Before initial startup, operating personnel have read and understood all instructions in the
supplied documentation.

The operating company is required to equip operating personnel with the necessary protective clothing as
 Safety shoes
 Safety goggles
 Safety gloves

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1.5 Protection for Third Parties
Personnel not in charge of operation and /or maintenance must also be made aware of the possible dangers.

1.6 Common Sense Safety

Accidents frequently occur due to carelessness or lack of knowledge. To avoid potential problems, review
the information in the section before attempting to install, setup, operate, or maintain this equipment. Think
safety at all times. Do not let familiarity with the equipment lead to unsafe short cuts. The following
common sense safety practices must be observed at all times.
1. Follow all procedures and precautions in the manual carefully.
2. Only after completion of training allow personnel to repair or adjust.
3. Always observe all safety warnings and notices on the machine and in the manual.
4. Do not remove or otherwise alter any guards or panel unless the machine is completely shut
down and has been made inoperable. Be sure to replace these items before restarting the
5. Never operate the equipment without guards and safety mechanism are in place and operational.
6. Do not allow foreign objects to fall into the machine.
7. Always use proper tools to operate the machine. Whenever feasible, use voltage-isolated tools.
8. Do not touch any parts of the machine which may have become hot during operation.
9. Do not wear neck-ties, jewelry, loose clothing, and long hair.
10. Use gloves, goggles, safety shields, ear protection, and other employer recommended safety
equipment. Wear protective clothing to prevent burns.
11. Disconnect power and lock out all switches before attempting to adjust or manipulate any
moving parts or mechanism on the equipment.
12. Be aware that there are high voltages in this device when power is connected. Power must be
disconnected when the device is being repaired. However, because there are certain checks and
adjustments that can be made only with any power connected, it is imperative that only trained
personnel, who are aware of the safety hazards involved and familiar with this type of work and
necessary safety precautions, be permitted to perform this work.
13. Maintain good housekeeping practices to prevent slips, falls, cuts, burns, and other possible
accidents. Keep the area and all necessary items properly organized.
14. Even though the plant may be equipped with automatic sprinklers or other means of fire
protection, portable fire extinguishers should be available and easily accessible to the machine
operator. To be effective, the portable extinguishers must be of proper type depending on the
class of fire which may occur in the area and also reliable. They must be located in the areas
readily accessible for immediate use, and to be maintained in perfect operating condition. They
must be inspected frequently, checked against tampering, recharged as required, and operable by
personnel who are trained to use them effectively and promptly.
15. During refilling the lubricating oil, skin should be protected by using skin-protecting gloves.
Goggles are recommended for eye protection. Safety shoes are required to prevent slippage due
to oil on the ground.

1.7 Hazard Warning Label

Bainpol VTD Page 6
Personnel are requested to confirm the location of, read
and thoroughly understand contents of all hazard
warning labels applied on this machine prior to work.

Hazard warning labels are applied on the machine where potential hazards are present during operation and
maintenance activities.

Hazard warning labels are in appropriate sizes and colors that catch attention of eyes of beholder and have
symbols that show hazard types, in addition to descriptions of warning contents.

1.7.1 Types of hazard warning label

The following safety warning label appears on the system.

“Warning of Dangerous Electric Voltage”

1.7.2 Location of hazard warning label

Users are NOT allowed to change the location of hazard

warning labels. Make sure to apply new labels upon
replacement of the peeled off or worn out labels

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Figure 1: Warning label for risk of electric shock

The warning label (figure 1) is labeled on the electrical control board. The electric system inside the
board contains highly hazardous voltage sections.

1.8 Safety Devices

1.8.1 Main switch

The machine is provided with a main switch (figure 2) for power supply. This main switch is used to
turn ON/OFF the machine. During activities like cleaning, maintenance and repair, the main switch must
be turned off.

Figure 2: Main switch

The main switch (figure 2) is located on the rear side of the machine. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ is mentioned over
the switch and a light is provided to indicate if the main switch is ‘ON’.

1.8.2 Emergency stop button

In an emergency, the machine must immediately be brought to a halt condition. For such situation, an
emergency stop button (figure 3) is provided on front of the machine.

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Figure 3: Emergency stop button

1.9 Disposing Individual Component

Improper handling of reusable raw material and problem

material may lead to environmental pollution.
Protect the environment by correctly disposing of
recyclable raw materials and problem materials

Be careful while handling waste fluid, which may

harm skin and clothing upon contact.

 Machine frame and all mechanical machine components are made of steel, light metal and plastics.
These materials are recyclable.
 Deposit all non-reusable difficult waste, lubricant and batteries at the appropriate waste disposal point.
 Seal any used parts possibly exposed to toxic or corrosive material inside vinyl bags. Apply certain
marking to all of the disposal bags to identify possible contamination.
 Drained lubrication oil from oil reservoir maintenance must be collected in a proper way and disposed
off to the correct waste point.

2.1 Unpacking and Inspection
Inspect equipment and shipping crate immediately upon receipt. Check the packing slip carefully and make
sure all the materials have been received as indicated in the packing ticket. If any damage is apparent, it
must be reported to the trucking delivery person and the transportation company immediately. When
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submitting a claim for shipping damage, request the carrier to inspect the shipping container and

2.2 Unpacking Location/Environment

Interrupt the unpacking procedure and contact the responsible
forwarder when any obvious abnormality such as abnormal
noise/odor is found during unpacking.

Do not unpack in a location where any of the following conditions apply.

• Uneven floor surface
• Location of high direct humidity (including rain and fog) and water intrusion
• Location with possible acute temperature change
• Location with strong vibration
• Dusty

This symbol is used to call your attention to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in an injury or
property damage. The signal word, defined above, indicates the level of the hazard. The message after the
signal word provides information for preventing or avoiding the hazards.
While reading the manual, please pay close attention to areas labeled with the signal words.

2.3 Transporting Machine with Box/Crate

Risk of falling transport items.

Risk of death or severe crushing of limbs

 Use Lift forklift or pallet jack according to the total weight to

be transported
 Fork length should be min. 920 mm fork spacing should be
about 820 mm
 Position the forklift at the corresponding marked places of the
 Do not stand under the item getting transported

Lifting equipment must be in level with the

floor during lifting

Equipment and tools to be used:

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The pallet jack (figure 4) employed must fulfill the following minimum requirements:
• Carrying capacity according to the total weight (machine/system and transport packing), see shipping
• Length of the forks should be at least 920 mm.
• Distance between forks should be about 820 mm.

2.4 Unload the Bainpol Polishing Machine

Risk of death or severe crushing of limbs

 Pallet jack or lift manually using hands according to the total

weight to be transported
 Do not stand under the item getting transported
 Proper size of pallet shall be used for transportation

Lifting equipment must be in level with the

floor during lifting

With proper man power (requires two or three humans), depending on the weight of the machine, the
machine is lifted and placed on the table.

i. Two/three people should insert their hands below the base of the polishing machine.
In case if the machine is too big to handle and is to be placed on the floor, the machine is carefully
lifted from the pallet trolley and placed on the spot.
ii. Lift the machine in a coordinated manner so that, the machine stays flat while lifting
iii.Place the machine over the desired spot and then retract hands.

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2.5 Relocating the Polishing Machine
2.5.1 Preparing for repositioning

 Turn off the main switch of electrical control panel and remove attachment of the main power supply
to the system.
 Secure all the parts on the polishing machine.

2.5.2 Repositioning of unit

 Repeat the step on Section 2.4.


3.1 Introduction
Bainpol VTD polishing machines are exclusively designed for polishing materials for metallographic
analysis. In specimen preparation, polishing is done to get mirror-like finished surface and this process is
necessary to get a clear view of the microstructure after etching. LCD display board is used to display the
parameters of polishing operation.

3.2 Machine Description

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The machine consists of a motor that rotates the disc through a belt drive mechanism. This machine comes
without a stand and has to be placed on a table.

3.3 Machine Content

Bainpol machines consists of the following

 Electrical control panel assembly

 Lubrication assembly
 Mechanical assembly

3.3.1 Electrical control panel assembly

The electrical assembly consists of rotation start/stop, lubricant/coolant ON and OFF, and rotation-
direction-swap. The speed of rotation of disc on which an abrasive is attached can be adjusted using the
feather touch panel (refer section 8). The lubricant/coolant ON and OFF is used to control the lubrication
action during polishing.

3.3.2 Coolant/Lubrication assembly

Water inlet pipe is present through which water enters and used as lubricant. An outlet pipe provision is
given for the flow of used water that has abrasives and debris. For safe operation, the outlet should be
fixed to a proper sewage system. Input water should be of proper quality. A valve is provided to control
the flow of water.

3.3.2 Mechanical assembly

The mechanical assembly consists of the motor with belt drive to drive aluminum discs on which abrasive
papers are fixed. Samples to be polished comes in contact with the abrasives that is already in motion and
material removal occurs. The mechanical assembly ensures vibration and chatter free polishing operation.

3.4 Working Principle of Bainpol Polishing Machine

Machine consists of electric motor that operate continuously once the main switch is activated on the
electrical control panel. The rotation start button is pressed to rotate the discs. The rotation-direction-swap
button is pressed to change the direction of rotation of the wheel. The + and – buttons are used to increase
and decrease the speed of rotation of the disc respectively. The change in speed can be made only during
the rotation of disc. The lubricant flow is turned on or off using the ‘lubricant’ button. Once the polishing is
finished, the lubricant supply is stopped and the main switch is turned off.

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Machine Unpacking

Cut the strip with cutter.

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Loosen the screws at the bottom of
pallet, using 10 mm Allen key.

Remove the top cover and check

whether all the accessories are received
as per checklist.

Check Accessories
After unpacking the package, you can find the below materials

Bainpol VTD

Lid 8” / 10” / 12”

Holding Ring 8 ”/ 10 ”/ 12 ”

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Holding Band 8 ”/ 10 ”/ 12 ”

PU6 Hose (1500mm) long

Out let Hose (1500mm) long

16 Amps Power Chord

PU6 ¼ Bulk Adaptor

Disc 8 ”/ 10 ”/ 12 ”

Splash Guard 8 ”/ 10 ”/ 12 ”


Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the location

and names of Bainpol VTD

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7.1 Installation Environment

Do not install the unit at the location prone to

flammable or explosive atmosphere
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Do not install the unit in a corrosive environment. A
corrosive environment may lead to poor performance
and deterioration of unit.

Temperature : 5 to 40°C

Humidity : 20 to 80% RH (no condensation)

7.2 Installation Space

Machine external dimensions (refer Section 6) + working space (900 mm) of footprint space

Machine height (refer Section 6) + working space of height wise (500 mm) space is necessary

7.3 Environment and Operating Conditions

The system is not designed to be used at the location

prone to flammable or explosive atmosphere

Ambient Temperature: 2 to 40º C

Ambient humidity: 10 to 80% RH (no condensation)
Vibration: 2 m/s or less than that at 10 to 50 Hz
Air cleanliness: An air dust volume of 0.2 mg/m3 or less is preferred.
In addition, there should be no corrosive chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide, zincates gas and chloride.
Also, the user should be aware of the following operating condition and environment for the system:
• The machine should be installed in an area where there is good ventilation. Do not locate machine in an
area of wide ambient temperature variation such as near vent or outdoor entrances.
• Do not place the machine near combustible material or those that emit hazardous fumes or vapors.
• Make sure the machine is in horizontal level during operation.
• Do not position the machine in a manner that would make it difficult to operate the main switch and
emergency stop button.

7.4 Making Pipe Connection

7.4.1 Connecting water supply to the machine

Do not loosen fitting to arrive at proper position or
leak may occur.

Bainpol VTD Over

20 may cause piper fitting to deform and
damage to the joining fitting
Remove all foreign matter from inside the piping

PU6 tubes are used as water inlet to the polishing machine. An outlet pipe whose diameter is 50 mm fits
with the outlet valve of the polishing machine and that discharges the used water.

7.5 Making Wiring Connection

Working on the electrical equipment must be
entrusted only to a trained and qualified electrician.
The work has to be carried out according to the rules
for electrical engineering

• Details on how to connect can be seen from the wiring diagrams (refer Section 15).
• The electrical connections require a plug to supply single phase current.
• Check the main voltage present against the voltage identified on the name plate to see if they match.
• Check the phase sequence (Pole – compliant connection).
• User must connect the incoming power supply to the terminal block.

7.6 Installation Requirement

 Rigid Table
 Space Foot Print of the machine: 709 x 645 x 320 mm
 Power Supply: Single Phase: L + N + PE , 220 V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz
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 15 amps 3 Pin Power Socket
 1/4” PU6 adapter for Water Inlet (Input Pressure use maximum 4 bar)
 Water Outlet drainage is required

7.7 Installation Procedure

1. Place the Bainpol VTD on a rigid table.
2. Connect the water inlet tube with bulk adapter (figure 5).

Figure 5: Water inlet tube with bulk adapter

3. Connect one end of the outlet hose to outlet pipe and the other end to drainage pipe (figure 6).

Figure 6: Outlet hose to outlet pipe & drainage pipe

Machine Start Up
Preliminary step before operation

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 The Emergency stop button is turned and pulled out.
 Ensure the Bainpol polishing machine is set up according to the instructions before operation.

The following steps must be observed during start–up:

Step 1: Clean the aluminum disc and place a magnetic substrate disc over it. Place the carrier sheet to which
PSA backed emery papers are pasted.

Step 2: Turn ON the main switch of the electrical control panel.

Step 3: LCD will display all the parameters of polishing.

Step 4: Press + / - to increase / decrease time & speed.

Step 5: Press the rotation start/stop to start the rotation of the base plate.

Step 6: Place the specimen in a flat manner over the abrasive disc.

Step 7: After the polishing is completed, press the rotation start/stop to stop the rotation.

Step 8: Retract the specimen(s).

Feather Touch Panel

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Press to Switch On the Machine Digital Display

Press to increase time & speed in RPM

Press to decrease Time & speed in RPM

Press to rotate disc in clockwise & anti-clockwise direction

Press to ON/OFF water flow.

Press to start/stop the process.

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1. Switch ON the machine digital display (figure 7).

Figure 7: Feather touch button to turn ON the machine display

2. Press start/stop button to start the process. The disc stops by pressing it again (figure 8).

Figure 8: Feather touch button to start/stop the discs rotation

3. Disc rotation can be changed to forward (or) reverse by pressing direction reversal button (figure 9).

Figure 9: Feather touch button for forward/reverse rotation of discs

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4. Press water ON/OFF button for water flow (figure 10).

Figure 10: Feather touch button to turn water flow ON/OFF

5. In running condition, by pressing + / - option, we can set desired value in RPM as below (figure 11).

Figure 11: Feather touch button to increase/decrease RPM in disc rotation

6. In stop condition, by pressing + / - option, we can set desired value of time as below (figure 12).

Figure 12: Feather touch button to increase/decrease time in stop condition

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8.1 Procedure to Fix Aluminum Disc on to the Back-up Plate

 Match the hole on the aluminum disc to back-up plate. Place and press the aluminum disc gently on the
back-up plate (figure 13).

Figure 13: Aluminum disc and Back-up plate

8.2 Procedure for Using Emery sheet without PSA (refer Figure 14)
1. Place the emery sheet on aluminum disc.
2. Fix the holding ring.
3. Fix the disc gently on the backup plate surface.
4. Fix the splash guard.

Figure 14: Procedure for using emery sheet without PSA

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5. Water flow can be adjusted using coolant jet (figure 15).

Figure 15: Coolant jet operation

6. Hold the mould gently on emery sheet for grinding (figure 16).

Figure 16: Grinding on emery sheet

8.3 Procedure for Using Billiard Cloth for Polishing (refer Figure 17)
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1. Place the billiard cloth on the aluminum disc.
2. Fix the holding band and splash guard.
3. Apply diamond paste (6 to 12 micron) on the cloth.
4. Spray the aerosol lubricant over the polishing cloth.
5. Spray it in regular interval during polishing operation.

Figure 17: Procedure for polishing using billiards cloth

8.4 Procedure for Using Velvet Cloth for Polishing (refer Figure 18)

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1. Place the velvet cloth on the disc.
2. Fix the holding band and splash guard.
3. Apply diamond paste (3 to 4 micron) on the cloth.
4. Spray the aerosol lubricant over the polishing cloth for mirror like polishing.

Figure 18: Procedure for polishing using velvet cloth

8.5 Procedure for Using Emery Sheet with PSA on Magnetic Disc & Ferromagnetic
Carrier Sheet
Magnetic Disc Ferromagnetic Carrier Sheet

1. Remove the sticker from magnetic disc and paste the magnetic disc on the aluminum disc (figure 19).

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Figure 19: Method for pasting magnetic disc on Aluminium disc

2. Take the emery sheet and ferromagnetic carrier sheet.

Emery Sheet with PSA Ferromagnetic Carrier Sheet

3. Remove the sticker from emery sheet and paste emery sheet on carrier sheet (figure 20).

Figure 20: Method for pasting emery sheet on carrier sheet

4. Take the carrier sheet with pasted emery sheet and place it on the magnetic disc (figure 21).

Figure 21: Method of placing the carrier sheet on the magnetic disc

8.5 Procedure for Using Polishing Cloth with PSA on Magnetic Disc

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Magnetic Disc

1. Remove the sticker from magnetic disc and paste it on aluminum disc (refer figure 19).

2. Take the polishing cloth with PSA and remove the sticker from it (figure 22).

Figure 22: Polishing cloth with PSA

3. Paste the polishing cloth on carrier sheet and place it on magnetic disc (figure 23).

Figure 23: Method to paste polishing cloth on carrier sheet and placing on magnetic disc


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Do not carry out any repair or maintenance while
the machine is running.

Only qualified service personnel should be

permitted to perform any service related to this

The coolant flow should be clean and free of dust

or foreign material, which could damage various
mechanisms on the machine

9.1 Preventive Maintenance

Frequency of preventive maintenance procedures depends upon how the machine/system is used and other
circumstances. Hence a rigid and fast schedule of maintenance operation is difficult to present. Indeed, an
inflexible schedule might be suitable to one user, but may be completely in adequate for another. Therefore,
we have provided periodic figure on when to perform maintenance procedures based on the average
machine/system use. The following periodic maintenance or inspection steps are suggested:
• Inspect the pipe line to make sure they are working properly without coolant water leaking.
Inspection period: 30 Days
• Inspect the coolant water for color and odor.
Inspection period: Daily
• Inspect the bowl of the polishing machine
Inspection period: Weekly
• Ensure to clean the machine after use


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Machine does not turn ON. Machine is dis-connected or Check the incoming voltage or
has loose connection from check loose connection.
main electrical power supply.
Main power switch is damaged Change the switch or check the
or burnt out. short circuit.

Fuse burnt. Due to power fluctuation Insert new glass fuse and
check the voltage.
Ac drive or PCB might have Check the incoming power
been short circuit due to power supply whether it is 220V AC
fluctuation and change PCB or AC drive
Machine is ON but there is no Communication shield cable Fix the cable between display
message on display. removed/loosen. and feather touch board, also
between display and PCB.
Track breakage in feather Replace feather touch board.
touch board
Motor does not run. Motor is not connected with Connect the motor U, V, W
the drive. terminals with drive U, V, W
Drive displays an alarm: Motor cable and motor should
OC1, OC2, OC3 – over not have short circuits or earth
current. faults.

Motor has been be overloaded.

OV1, OV2, OV3 – over Supply voltage must lie within

voltage limits indicated on rating plate

LU- under voltage Check supply voltage 220 V.

F4 – inverter over temperature Load or load cycle is too high
Fan must be turned on when
inverter is running
OLU- over load protection The inventor heat sink has
reached high temperature or
check the motor output wiring.

Motor must not be overloaded.

Water does not flow. Water clogged in the inlet hose Remove the inlet, outlet hose.
or in the coolant jet. Clean the coolant water tank.

Coolant jet and solenoid valve Change the coolant jet and
failure. solenoid valve.

Squealing noise. Loose drive belt. Tighten the drive belt.

Bainpol VTD noise while running.

Abnormal ForeignPage 34 between disc
particle Clean the backup plate top and
and backup plate. bottom side of disc.

“O” ring of the dowel pin worn Replace the “O” ring.

Bainpol VTD Page 35

No dismantling should be done while the
machine is running.

Ensure the power supply to the machine is

turned off and locked out until the wiring job is

Ensure the ground wire is connected.

To dismantle or disconnect the machine, proceed as follows:

i. Clean the machine.
ii. Disconnect the cable of incoming power supply.
iii. Disconnect the pipe connected to the coolant water tank.


12.1 To Change “O” ring
 Remove damaged “O” ring” (figure 24) and replace with new one.

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Figure 24: “O” ring

12.2 To Change the Belt

 Remove the bottom plate of the machine.
 Remove the damaged belt and fix new one (figure 25).

Figure 25: Belt

12.3 To Change the Bearing Housing

 Remove the backup plate and disc.
 Remove the bottom plate of the machine.
 Remove the failure pulley using Bearing puller.
 Fix the new bearing housing assembly (figure 26).
 Fix the pulley using bearing retainer by loctite.
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 Finally fix the belt in AI sheet.
 Arrange it back to the original position.

Figure 26: Bearing housing assembly

12.4 To Change the Solenoid Valve

 Remove solenoid valve fixing plate.
 Remove the old valve.
 Fix the new valve (figure 27).
 Arrange it back to the original position.

Figure 27: Solenoid valve

12.5 To Change the Feather Touch Board

 Remove the old feather touch board using 8-9 spanner.
 Fix the new feather touch board using 8-9 spanner (figure 28).

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Figure 28: Feather touch board

Part No Description Quantity

PC04158A22 Coolant Discharge Tube OD6mm x ID4mm 2
PM29154A00 Detachable Coolant Jet Set 2
PC02015A33 Disc Dia8"x15mm 2
PG15002A22 Splash Guard 8" New 2
PC02016A33 Disc Dia10"x15mm 2
PG15003A22 Splash Guard 10" New 2
PC02017A33 Disc Dia12"x15mm 2
PG15004B22 Splash Guard 12" New 2
PB07065A00 V Belt 520J, 5 Ribs 1
UE08004A00 Solenoid Valve 24V 1
PSE1004A11 P/M Micro Control Board Chennai Metco 220v Sub Assy 1
PSM1009A11 PMS - Bearing Housing Assy 2
PSE1003A11 Motor 0.5HP 3 Ph 4p B5(Flange) Sub Assy 1
PSE1032A11 VTD - 0.5 HP AC drive box assy 8” & 10” New 1
PSE1036A11 VTD 12” - 0.5 HP AC drive box assy 220v New 1


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Ambient temperature
• 2 to 50º C
Ambient humidity
• 10 to 80%
Operating altitude

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• At an altitude up to 1000 meter above sea level
Transportation and storage temperature
• -20 to 60º C
Electrical supply
• Single-Phase: L + N + PE
• 220 V ± 10%
• 50/60 Hz
Full load rating
• 2.6 A
Incoming supply cable
• Industrial power card 1.5 Sqmm X 3.


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The warranty is against defective material and workmanship for a period of one year and 3 months from the
date of shipment or one year from the date of installation whichever is earlier. It is invalid if inspection shows
any abuse or unauthorized repair. This warranty covers only parts and labour.

If for any reason this unit must be returned to our plant, please inform us in advance with shipping details, Invoice
Number, Date and reason for returning.

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Warranty certificate

S.No: ..................

Ref: D.C and Invoice No............................................. Date ....................

Purchase Order No: ......................................................


Authorized Signatory.

Regional Offices


Mobile: 09282204559, e-mail:


Mobile: 07358211144, e-mail:


Bainpol VTD Page 43

Mobile: 09282213259, e-mail:


Mobile: 09282213260, e-mail:


Mobile: 07358211144, e-mail:


Mobile: 09840793573, e-mail:

Head Office

SP100A, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai 600 058.

Tel: +91 735822299, 7358444999, +9144 49918889

Fax: +91 44 26880850

Service / Spares / Calibration

We provide service of industrial microscopes, micro hardness testers and metallographic machines. Placing your
equipment under our AMC / yearly service is an assurance of availability for your continued effective use. Obtain
calibrations with appropriate traceability to meet your standardization needs.

Mobile (HOD): 098 4079 3572

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Bainpol VTD Page 45
Chennai Metco provides is a one-stop shop for wide range
of industrial microscopes,
image analysis, material testing equipment
and consumables.

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