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[ To be Signed and Submitted by t he Owner, Builder/ Developer/ Construction Firm and

Licensed Technical Personnel]
( Notarized undertaking to be executed on Rs. 100/ - N. J. Stamp Paper)

1. This undertaking is executed on this day of 20.. at

,(ULB) jointly by the Owner, Builder/
Developer/ Construction Firm and the Licensed Technical Personnel. Here in
after called the parties of the 1 Par t y , which terms shall include their
legal heir s, successors, agent s, assignees e t c.


1 Nam e

2 Age

3 S/ D/ W/ o

4 Door/ Plot/ Flat No.

5 Road/ Street

6 Locality

7 Village/ Town / City

8 Mandal

9 District

10 e- m ail

11 Phone / Mobile No

Sl. Name Address License No . Signature



1 Builder / Developer/
Construction Firm

2 ………………………….

3 …………………………

4 …………………………..

5 …………………………..
Structural Engineer

6 …………………………..
Town Planner


1. Plot Nos. 0
sq.m: sq.yds. Hcs: Acs:
2. Total Area
Sanctioned Layout
No. / LRS No.
4. Survey No.

5. Prem ises / Door No.

6. Road/ Street

7. Ward No./ Block No.

8. Locality

9. Village/ Town / Cit y PIN

10 Mandal
11 District
12 Circle/ Division
13 Zone


( b) As per ( c) Road
Sit e Area ( a) As per
submitt ed Widening ( d) Net Area
1 ( in Sq. m Docum ents
Plan Area
or Hcs)
No. of Cellar Stilt Ground Floors Total
2 Floors

3 Floor Area ( in Sq. m)

Parking floor area ( in
Sq. m)
Individual Residential/ Group Housing/ Commercial/
Use of the
Institutional/ Row Housing / Others ( specify) _ _ _ _ _
5 Building
__ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ _
2. 2 Par t y :
In favour of the Commissioner, .(ULB) here in after called
the 2 party, which term shall include their representatives, agents, officers and
3. Declaration –cum-undertaking and Indemnity Bond by the Owner,
Builder / Developer / Construction Firm and Li censed Technical
Owner :

(a) That I am / we are [ owners] entrusting the Construct ion of the building t o the
Builder/ Developer/ Construction Firm , the details of which are as
above and they shall take up the construction of t he said building
construction according to the sanctioned plan and under the strict
supervision of the Architect, Structural Engineer, and Site Engineer
[ Licensed Technical Personnel] engaged for t he purpose.
(b) I am aware that in the event of building being constructed in violation of
the sanctioned building plan, the Authority shall have t he right to take
action against m e as per the provisions of these regulations and Act as it
may deem fit including revocation of sanction of building plans and
demolition of t he violated portions.
(c) Undertake that no loss or damage will be caused to the adjoining built up
properties or to any person as consequence of the const ruction at the
time of digging of its foundations or during the course of it s construction
or at any time thereafter. The owner agrees and undertakes that in t he
event of any claim being made by any person or persons against the
concerned Authority either in respect of the manner of construction or the
consequences or towards t he payment of any compensation for the
damages flowing form t he said sanction he shall be responsible and liable
and not t he concerned Authority.
[ Builder / Developer / Construction Fir m ]

(d) I / We [ Builder / Developer / Construction Fir m ] being individual / firm

/ company / Society have been entrusted to construct the building as referred
above by virtue of a Registered Development Agreement ( copy of which is
enclosed herewith) .
(e) I / We, [ Engineer ] submit that I am / we are aware about the provisions
contained in t he Regulations under rules in force for Builder/ Real Estate
Developer/ Firm License of the Sanctioning Authority. I submit that, I / we
possess the required qualification of Engineer as prescribed in Rule 3. 1 of
the Regulations for Builder / Real Estate Developer / Firm License and I am
with m y free consent working in the company referred above. I
further undertake all t he responsibility as a Civil Engineer of the Firm and will be
responsible for the project done by m y Firm . I f any
misrepresentation / violation on m y supervision, I will be held personally
responsible for any consequences aroused now and in future and the
competent authority is at liberty to initiate any action upon m e including
cancellation of Builders License or any other action enforced by the
Sanctioning Authority.
Licensed Technical Personnel & Owner :

(f) The building plan has been prepared strictly as per t he approved building
Byelaws and relevant I S Codes / provisions of NBC. The const ruction shall be
carried out in accordance with the building plan and the LTP shall be
completely account able for any lapse on m y part up t o within 6 months after
obtaining Occupancy Certificate of the building.
(g) The construction shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the
sanctioned building plans and in case any deviation is carried out , the same
shall be informed to the concerned Authority within 48 hours.
(h) That we are fully aware of the provisions of the prevailing Building Rules
and undertake to abide by the same.
(i) That mandatory setbacks have been proposed and shall be maintained in
accordance with the setbacks marked in the layout plan/ Master Plan.
(j) Those in case the owner dispenses with t he services at any stage what so ever, the same
shall be informed t o the concerned Authority within 48 hours.
(k) That nothing has been concealed and no misrepresentation has been
made while preparing and submitting the building plans.
(l) That in case anything contrary to the above is found or established at any
stage, the concerned Authority shall be at liberty to take any action as it
may deem fit including revocation of sanction of building plans and
debarring m e for submission of building plans with the Authority under the
scheme and also lodge a complaint with the Professional Body of t he
concerned LTP for appropriate action.
(m) The plot has been demarcated at site and the size, shape and area of plot
available at sit e t allies wit h the ownership documents.
(n) We hereby undertake t hat we are solely responsible for execution of the
building construction work according to t he sanctioned plan under t he
strict supervision of the Architect, Structural Engineer and Site Engineer
engaged by m e/ ourselves for the purpose, without which it shall be
treated as construction without permission.
(o) The Sit e Engineer employed shall maintain a register in which, the Site
Engineer, Architect and Structural Engineer shall record their comments at
regular intervals i. e. at foundation level, and at each roof, slab level, and
submit the periodical report to the Commissioner.
(p) That in case Site Engineer / Structural Engineer / Architect is changed during
t he course of const ruction or t he Architect / Structural Engineer / Site Engineer
disassociates them selves with ongoing project, the fact shall immediately be
reported to the Commissioner i. e. within seven days by registered post / in
person along with consent of newly engaged site Engineer / Architect /
Structural Engineer.
(q) That all the parties of the 1st part viz. Owner, Builder, Architect,
Structural Engineer and Site Engineer shall jointly and severely be held
responsible for the structural stability during the building const ruction.
(r) We will not deliver t he possession of any part of t he built up area of
building constructed by us to any purchaser or tenant unless & until the
Occupancy Certificate is obtained by us from t he Commissioner duly
submitting the following:
(i) Building Completion Notice issued by the Architect duly certifying that
the building is completed as per the sanctioned plan.
(ii) Structural Stability Certificate issued by the Structural Engineer duly
certifying that the building is structurally safe and the const ruction is in
accordance with t he specified designs
(iii) An extract of the sit e registers containing inspection reports of Site
Engineer, Structural Engineer and Architect.
(iv) Insurance Policy for the completed building for a minimum period of
three years.
(s) ) General Undertaking:
(i) Parking Space: The parking space is provided in the Building
Cellar/ Stilt floor for parking of vehicles and it should not be
converted ( or) misused for any other purpose other than parking of
vehicles and it should be free from all cross walls / part it ion walls,
and rolling shutters should not be erected at any time in future and the
Commissioner is at liberty to demolish ( or) remove the same without
any notice in case, if the 1st party violates the undertaking executed.
(ii) Balcony Projections: The balconies shall not be enclosed by
converting them as toilets/ bathroom s or including into rooms by
reducing the mandatory open spaces and if any such constructions
are made, t he same would be removed by 2nd party without giving any
(ii) Payment of Special Collection Charges for Garbage:
That the 1st part y should pay special collect ion charges for garbage disposal
as prescribed for garbage refuse collection.

(iv) Payment of Special Sanitation Fee: That t he 1st party should pay
special sanitation fee for the routine clearing and desilting of storm
water drain.
(v) Stacking of Building Material & Dum ping of Debris: That the 1st
party should not stock the building material and dump any debris on the
road margin/ footpath or Government land.
(vi) No. of Units: The number of unit s permitted should not be increased
and the building should not be converted into group housing and sold
at any time in future.
(vii) Percolation Pits & Terrace Water Collection: The rain water
harvesting system as prescribed in t he Building Rules shall be
implemented in t rue spirit .
(vii) T
o use quality material/ workmanship and supervision as per NBC) : We the
Licensed Technical Personnel hereby certify that the
erection, re- erect ion of material, alteration, demolition in/ of

building premises shall be carried out under the supervision and

further certify t hat all designs, constructions and the

materials ( type and grade and workmanship) of the work shall be

generally in accordance with the general and detailed

specifications submitted along with and as per standards specified

by the National Building Code of India and Bureau of Indian

Standards and that the work shall be carried out according t o

the sanctioned plan.

( ix) We, the undersigned St r u ct u r a l Engineers are held responsible for
structural and other safety of the building during construction and
after completion. The structural design including Geo- Technical
aspect s shall be in accordance with the National Building Code
of India. All materials and workmanship shall be a good quality
confirming to the Bureau of Indian Standards Specifications and
codes. Accordingly, the Sanctioning Authority can proceed for the
legal act ion if any such structural failures occur during or after the
4. W e t h e a b o v e named deponent d o hereby solemnly affirm an d certify
that we have voluntarily executed t his under taking with free will and
signed this day of 2019 in
presence o f t h e fo llo w in g w i t n ess.

Witnesses: Parties of 1 st par t

1 ) Nam e : (A) Nam e o f t h e Sit e En g in e er

Address: Address with Regn.

(B) Na m e o f t h e Architect

Address with Regn.

(C) Na m e o f t h e
St r u ct u r al Engineer
2 ) Nam e : Address wit h Regn.

(D) Na m e o f t h e
Bu i ld e r / Developer /
Const ruction Fir m
Address with Regn.

(E) Na m e o f t h e Owner


Signature Signature

Witnesses with Name 1. 2.

Address & Signature

Sworn & signed before m e.

No t a r y

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