Steinhart's Guide - Artbook

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Art Director: Mohamed “Aggi” Bellafquih

Cover Illustrator: Martin Kirby-Jackson

Interior Illustrators: Marcelo Orsi Blanco, Maximiliano

Moretto, Alan Marson “Dark Lord Studios”, Roman
Kuzmin, Carl Hassler, Ryan Bittner, Rastislav Le, Adrián
Prado, Ferdinand Ladeira, Phan Tuan Dat, Caio Santos,
Nikulina Helena, Nele Diel, Dean Spencer, Warmtail,
Wes Fraser, Lily Jade Searle, Ari Ibarra, Anna Dyukova,
Eryk Szczygieł, Denis Zhbankov, Martin Kirby-Jackson,
Asherlisa, Clayshaper, Ognjen Sporin.

Writing: Evan “MonkeyDM” Mascaro

Formatting & Layout: Evan “MonkeyDM” Mascaro,
Martin Kirby-Jackson

First Edition printed:

Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt Official Artbook

©2023, MonkeyDM Publishing SRL. All rights reserved.

Reference to copyright material in no way constitutes a

challenge to the respective copyright holder of that
material. MonkeyDM, the MonkeyDM logo, Steinhardt’s
Guide to the Eldritch Hunt and its respective logo are
trademarks of MonkeyDM Publishing SRL.

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Eldritch moons
One of the most prominent themes in Steinhardt’s Guide to the
Eldritch Hunt is the Moon. The moon has many eldritch forms, we gave
the theme of each of these corrupted moons to artists and let their
visions drive the art.

Pale Moon Initial Sketches by Carl Hassler

Pale Moon by Carl Hassler

Howling Moon by Nikulina Helena

The vast emptiness of the gothic spires under the moonlight. You can almost hear the echo.

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Yellow Crown Final Version by Caio Santos

Shattered Moon Sketches by Carl Hassler

Shattered Moon by Carl Hassler

Yellow Crown Alternate Version by Caio Santos

5 6
Glowering Moon by Carl Hassler

We were inspired by the oedipian mother and her gaze
over everything her children do for this art. Her
permanent judgement is oppresive, much like the
constant madness that permeates Luyarnha.

7 8
Scorching Moon Sketches by Carl Hassler

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Vacuous Moon Sketch by Carl Hassler

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This moon is a literal reflection of the city, it can fullly
be seen within it, though partly dimmed.

Much like observing your reflection in someone’s eye.

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Lunar Warden Ranger by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

Lunar energy is raw power, it can be used

to destroy both mind and beasts

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Vicar Priscilla by Roman Kuzmin

Vicar Priscilla by Martin Kirby-Jackson

Shard of Moonlight by Roman Kuzmin
Faux Lunaire by Ryan Bittner

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Beasts of The Scourge

The line between beast and man is a thin one. Some of

these creatures are denizens of the world, working to
protect it, while others are monsters trying to destroy it.

The art of this section was designed with the intent of

being used as either player option or monster.

Fallen Luyarnhian by Rastislav Le

Corvian Dweller by Rastislav Le

Belua Scourgeborne by Roman Kuzmin

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Devouring Belua by Roman Kuzmin

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Devouring your body, until naught but shadows remain.

Cervus Tenebris by Ryan Bittner

Cervus Scourgeborne by Roman Kuzmin

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Based on the parti-colored bats of Romania,
cowardly and multicolored.

Vespertilio Scourgeborne by Carl Hassler

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Steinhardt’s Grief by Maximiliano Moretto

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Swift and lethal. These words were the sole guidance

we gave to the artists.

Frozen Hunter & Beast Hunter by Roman Kuzmin

Hunters by Rasistislav Le

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Bloated Hunters by Rastislav Le

Mutated Hunters by Rastislav Le

Pig Scourgeborne by Rastislav Le

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Corrupted Hunter by Rastislav Le

Pact of the Trigger by Dark Lord Studios

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Bag of Cannonballs by Roman Kuzmin

Big Bertha by Roman Kuzmin

Holy Cannon by Roman Kuzmin

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Serrated Rifling Cleaver by Roman Kuzmin
Firearms by Roman Kuzmin

Rifling Cleaver by Roman Kuzmin

43 44

Jaegers are the apex predators of Luyarnha.

Their weapons, their design and everything about them

should reflect that. Multiple organs to survive otherwise
lethal wounds, improved sight to track the beasts, and
undying loyalty to the city they call home.

Jaeger’s Anatomy by Roman Kuzmin

Armory by Roman Kuzmin

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Sanguine Chapter Jaeger by Dark Lord Studios
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Steinhardt, the First Jaeger by Maximiliano Moretto

Steinhardt is the first successfully

created jaeger. He also happens to be a
member of the Marauder Chapter.

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Hunters Vs Owlbear by Maximiliano Moretto

Bone Splitter Jaeger Subclass Concept by Ryan Bittner

Scythe wielding Jaeger by Roman Kuzmin

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Jaeger & Lightning Vessel in Action by Maximiliano Moretto

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Phantasmal Executioner by Roman Kuzmin

Dream Executioner by Roman Kuzmin

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Caldera Untransformed by Ryan Bittner

Épée Sanguine by Ryan Bittner

Caldera Transformed by Roman Kuzmin

Blood Echoes by Roman Kuzmin

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The First War

When the South attacked Luyarnha, they did

so with beasts and giants.

Despite the war’s recency,

Southerners are obscure beings,
Their appearence forgotten by history,

Attack of the Giants by Ryan Bittner

Crumbler by Roman Kuzmin

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Beasts of the South by Rastislav Le

Roaring Mane by Carl Hassler

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Southerners by Rastislav Le

Ruin of War by Nele Diel

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The city-state of Luyarnha is immense.

It is a self-sustaining city that exhibited growth, despite

enduring a civil and territorial war.

The Scourge that plagues it may prove too much to bear.

We wanted to reflect this glory of ages past in the art.

The Radiant City of Luyarnha by Ferdinand Ladeira

Waterfront District by Wes Fraser

Grand Central Station by Dark lord Studios

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Outbreak in a Greenhouse by Dark Lord Studios

Incense in the Streets by Carl Hassler

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Many common fantasy races are absent in Luyarnha, on

purpose. It helps solidify the lore of the world, and gives
way to create accursed creations.

For example, the race of devouring twins known as


Cursed Blood by Dark Lord Studios

Humans & Elves by Dark Lord Studios

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Cursed Blood by Roman Kuzmin

Cursed-Bloods Forms by Rastislav Le

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The depths of the world may hold the

Cursed Blood by Caio Santos secrets to a higher power.

Butcher by Rastislav Le

Echoes of a Civilization Past by Nele Diel

Catacombs Beneath by Ferdinand Ladeira

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Catacombs Exploration by Nele Diel

Cave Entrance by Nele Diel

Hog-Knight by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

We added a cursed-blood mask to this fallen hunter.

The curse of his race can’t be so easily broken.

Mask added by Roman Kuzmin

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The Nobles

Power and arrogance.

Many of the nobles wish to aid their fellow citizens, but

many others have been blinded by the power they’ve
been given over the years. Now reigned in by the
Radiant Church, their decadent lifestyle is crumbling.

The Silverblood Family by Maximiliano Moretto

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To kill unseen.

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Abandoning Faith by Roman Kuzmin

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Geist Concept by Rastislav Le

Royal Gallery by Nele Diel

Gothic Night by Lily Jade Searle

Geist by Caio Santos

Parasitic Geist by Roman Kuzmin

89 90
Weapons of the nobility are made of precious metals
such as silver and moongold. Iron and steel are far too
crude for their delicate hands.

Moongold Equalizer by Roman Kuzmin

Ethereal Moongold Equalizer by Roman Kuzmin

Python Bladewhip by Roman Kuzmin
Serpent Bladewhip by Roman Kuzmin

91 92
Voice of Creation by Roman Kuzmin

Moongilding a Weapon by Carl Hassler

Steinhardt gave plenty of both of his time and
money to the orphanage where he grew up,
supporting the forgotten children.

The Orphans by Caio Santos

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Carmella’s Greenhouse

Carmella’s Greenhouse by Wes Fraser Carmella’s Greenhouse Interior by Wes Fraser

Fungic Tea by Roman Kuzmin

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Nawre’s Blessing by Roman Kuzmin

The blessing necessary to attain life beyond death.

Orphan’s Cradle by Wes Fraser

Guillotine Shears by Wes Fraser

Cordiceps Sinensis by Roman Kuzmin

Final Evolution of the Cordiceps Sinensis by Wes Fraser

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Improved Guillotine Shears modifications by Roman Kuzmin

The stick is not part of Carmella’s Greenhouse per se.

It’s just a stick. It was one of the winners of our trick
Stick by Roman Kuzmin weapon design competition by popular vote.

Carmella by Carl Hassler

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Bury by Caio Santos

Earthbreaker Barbarian by Dark Lord Studios

Gravity is the tool that the Forsaken use in their

crusade against the hegemony of the Church.

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Void Warlock by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Aquatic Depths

Deep One Dwarf by Adrián Prado

Deep One Dwarf ’s Illusion by Phan Tuan Dat

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Deep One Dwarf Concept by Adrián Prado

Prophet of the Depths by Adrián Prado

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Abyssal Keep by Carl Hassler

Aquatic Cursed-Blood by Rastislav Le

Masters of fire are trapped in this aquatic prison,

their future twisted by fate.

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Abyssal Keep Concepts by Carl Hassler

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The Radiant Church

We wanted to put to life the concept of

guardian angels. It is unsure whether these
appeal to the better angels of our nature.

Guardian Angel by Maximiliano Moretto

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Eldritch Hunt Paladin by Dark Lord Studios

Inquisitor by Carl Hassler

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Gargoyle by Carl Hassler
Zealot by Roman Kuzmin

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Radiant Savior by Dark Lord Studios

Prayer by Dark Lord Studios

First Carving by Roman Kuzmin

Luminary Library by Dark Lord Studios

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Luminary Library by Dark Lord Studios

Luminary Library by Dark Lord Studios

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False Prophet by Ari Ibarra

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Rebirth of the Martyr
by Maximiliano Moretto

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Death Concept by Rastislav Le

Death Concept by Rastislav Le

Death, Hunter of Hunters by Dark Lord Studio

Holy Tonic by Roman Kuzmin

Nursing by Dean Spencer

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House of Blood by Maximiliano Moretto

The search for Truth is paramount to the Church.

The means to attain such truth can prove to be brutal.

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New Dawn by Anna Dyukova

Hope by Nele Diel

Sanctified & Gravitational Partisan by Roman Kuzmin

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Circle of Symbiosis

Nature is not a benevolent maiden, but rather a

devious hag hell-bent on crushing all life she deems
unworthy. She will force birds to sacrifice their
weakest children so that the others may survive.
She will send predators to devour the sick who
cannot outrun them. She will send plagues,
diseases and natural disasters to reach her goal.

The circle of symbiosis is but her latest

evolutionary tool.

Boneyard by Ari Ibarra

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Commune with Nature by Nele Diel

Mutated Treant by Ryan Bittner

Dullahan by Adrián Prado

In Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt,

we wanted to represent the clash between
technology—that shields people from nature—
and the destructive force that the natural
world can still conjure against it.

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Tisiphone by Maximiliano Moretto

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Tiefling by Roman Kuzmin

Goat-Mother by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Forbidden magic used by the Silverblood royalty,

other nobles, and the symbiosis druids.

It is a magic that corrupts the world, and we

wanted the art to represent that.

Osteomancer by Ognjen Sporin

Librarian by Dark Lord Studios

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Our Shattered Lady by Caio Santos

Death by Ryan Bittner

Maiden of Bones by Roman Kuzmin

Maiden Sketches by Thomas Ricci

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Osteosymbiosis by Caio Santos

Hollow Sentinel by Roman Kuzmin

Osseous Dredge by Ryan Bittner

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Death and electricity woven into destructive creations

Galvanized Prowler by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Galespire Coils by Dark Lord Studios

Manikin Creation by Dark Lord Studios

Manikins by Roman Kuzmin

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Lightning Vessel by Dark Lord Studios

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Razorblade Bitzer by Denis Zhbankov

Blue-Flame Custodian by Tastislav Le

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Phantom Limb by Roman Kuzmin

Electric Sawblade redesign by Roman Kuzmin

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Galvanized Claw by Roman Kuzmin

Scionic Armament by Ryan Bittner

Roaring Scionic Armament by Roman Kuzmin

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Bullets by Caio Santos

Azure Flamethrower by Roman Kuzmin

Lightning Scion by Adrián Prado

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Jaegerweiler by Ferdinand Ladeira

Outside the Walls by Ryan Bittner

Jaegerweiler by Wes Fraser

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Undead Bear by Ryan Bittner

Wisp Liege by Ryan Bittner

Veiled Hunter by Ari Ibarra

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Obitus Scholare

Bound to the worship of a radiant god, many of them have

lost their moral compass in their search for transcendence.

Asylum by Carl Hassler

Winged Nightmare by Ryan Bittner

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Asylum Sketches by Carl Hassler

Scholar by Adrián Prado

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Failed Jaeger by Dark Lord Studio

Chained Giant by Eryk Szczygieł

Patient by Dark Lord Studios

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Failed Jaegers Concepts by Rastislav Le

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181 Living Nightmare by Marcelo Orsi Blanco 182
Blood Archer by Dark Lord Studios

Corrupted Heart by Roman Kuzmin

Relic by Nele Diel

Reviled Hound by Roman Kuzmin

183 184
Trials of the God-Shaped Hole

Price of Power by Roman Kuzmin

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Gazer by Roman Kuzmin

Axeblade Variants by Roman Kuzmin

Abyss Warden’s Axeblade concept by Ryan Bittner

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Cosmic Truth

Demidritch by Ari Ibarra

Tarblood Bladebow by Ryan Bittner God Devourer by Ryan Bittner

The Obitus Scholare’s hunger for power is reflected

in the weapons they use.

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Failed Demidritch by Clayshaper The Nubian Guard by Ludwig Deutsch Exile by Clayshaper

The Nubian Guard by Clayshaper

Carving classical art into cosmic truth Modesty by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

St. Peter Penitent by Guido Reni Demidritch by Clayshaper

The Nubian Guard by Charles Knighton Warren

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Apocalypse Bard by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Purple is the color of madness.

Madness by Dark Lord Studios

Madness by Roman Kuzmin

Harnessing Madness by Adriàn Prado

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King In Yellow by Maximiliano Moretto

Abaddon by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Moon Blood Curse by Caio Santos

Moon Blood Curse by Roman Kuzmin

Gift of the Angels by Marcelo orsi Blanco

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In the Lovecraft mythos they tickle you to death.

In Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt

they torture you to death instead.

Nightgaunt by Phan Tuan Dat

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King of the Hunt by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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A true reflection of reality.

Nightmare Realm by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

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Penitant by

The Watcher
by Ognjen Sporin

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Cult by Ryan Bittner

Scorching Insanity by Ryan Bittner

Eldritch Hunting by Ryan Bittner

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Dreadcrow by Ryan Bittner

Lunar Revenant by Ryan Bittner

Radiance by Ryan Bittner

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Prophecy & Revelations by Roman Kuzmin
Hand of Glory by Roman Kuzmin

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