4-1 Activity- Journal

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Personality Theories

by: Shiraev, Eric PSY 328 Module Four Journal Template

For your journal, complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Your responses should each be about 2 to 5 sentences in length.

 Analyzing Theory
o Describe how humanism differs from the personality theories you have studied so far.

The humanistic approach stands out from other personality theories by prioritizing
"being and becoming somebody" over experiments and statistics. It strongly emphasizes
the individual as a whole and their growth potential. This approach challenges
established theories such as behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Humanism delves into the
subjective experiences of individuals, considering the role of consciousness in their
actions, as opposed to behaviorism, which emphasizes the influence of the environment
and genetics on a person's behavior and habits. Unlike psychoanalysis, humanism
confidently distances itself from psychological abnormalities and the unconscious,
instead focusing on individuals' self-awareness and their ability to control their choices
(Shiraev, 2016).

o Explain the role of nature and nurture in the humanistic approach.

The humanistic approach asserts that both nature and nurture are both crucial factors.
Humanists believe that individual experiences and environments shape the innate
human drive for self-actualization. They also confidently argue that nurture can
significantly impact an individual's potential.

o Describe the role of emotional intelligence in the humanistic approach.

Emotional intelligence is crucial in the humanistic approach because it focuses on an

individual's emotional experience and self-awareness. Recognizing and comprehending
emotions within oneself and others is essential for personal growth and achieving one's

 Applying Theory to Society

o Explain the role of systemic issues in society, such as a lack of equity, access, or
opportunity in the hierarchy of needs.

Societal issues, such as economic inequality, disparities in power dynamics, and limited
access to resources and opportunities, present significant barriers that prevent
individuals from meeting their basic needs and fully realizing their potential. These
challenges can be effectively addressed by promoting equal practices, universal access
to quality education, and actively fostering an environment of diversity and inclusion
across society.

o The final course in your degree program will challenge you to think about your role as an
agent of social change. Explain how the humanistic approach generally, or Maslow’s
hierarchy specifically, relates to your initial thoughts about being an agent of social
change in your community. You can think about how humanism influences your
approach to systemic issues or the role that being an agent of social change has on your
views of self-actualization.

The humanistic approach emphasizes personal choice, self-determination, and the

potential for personal growth. As an agent of social change, I aim to empower
individuals and promote systemic change that supports personal growth and addresses
the systemic issues that hinder it. I would use Maslow's hierarchy to guide my approach,
as it emphasizes the importance of fulfilling basic needs while highlighting the
significance of self-actualization and personal growth for individuals and society.

o Locate and summarize one external article that investigates limitations of Maslow’s
hierarchy and systemic issues in society.

Reading the prescribed text and learning about Maslow's hierarchy, I noticed certain
limitations and flaws. It may be beneficial to consider individual differences when
applying theories rather than taking a universal approach. It is worth noting that Maslow
never presented his theory as the famous pyramid with which we are all familiar. He
viewed these needs as flexible levels or stages you must complete before moving on to
the next. Instead, Maslow believed that people move within the hierarchy and are often
driven by multiple needs simultaneously.

 Applying Theory to Self

o Thinking about the top of Maslow’s hierarchy, explain what self-actualization means for
you. You can focus your answer as narrowly or holistically to your life experience as you
would like. Consider what role school or your career has on your answer. Does success
in those areas help you achieve self-actualization? Is it something else?

To me, self-actualization is the journey toward realizing my full potential and embracing
a fulfilling life. It encompasses pursuing my passions, cultivating meaningful
connections, and making a positive impact on society. While academic and career
achievements may contribute to this journey, they do not solely define it. It has always
been a holistic process as I gain self-awareness and uncover what genuinely inspires and
fulfills me.


Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc.


[Kendra Cherry, Mse. (2023) Is Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs still relevant
today?, Verywell Mind. Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/updating-maslows-
(Accessed: 02 June 2024).

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