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AIM : Prepare 100 ml solution of Ferrous ammonium sulphate i.e. (NH 4)2 SO4. FeSO4.6H2O
commonly known as Mohr’s salt of 1/50 molarity. Using this solution determine the molarity and
strength of given Potassium permanganate i.e. KMnO 4 solution.

APPARATUS REQUIRED : Beaker, Measuring Flask , Test Tube , Funnel Burette, Burette Stand,
Pipette, Conical Flask.

CHEMICALS REQUIRED : Mohr’s Salt, Sulphuric Acid, Potassium Permanganate, Distilled Water

THEORY : Titration of Potassium Permanganate vs Mohr’s Salt is a redox titration. Potassium

Permanganate acts as an oxidising agent whereas Mohr’s Salt works as a reducing agent.
MnO4—1 ions which are violet in colour in concentrated solution get reduced to Mn +2 ions in acidic
medium during the reaction. Fe+2 ions from Mohr’s salt are oxidised to Fe +3 ions.

MnO 4—1 (aq) + 8 H+ + 5 e-- ----- Mn+2 + 4 H2O

[ Fe +2 ------ Fe+3 + e-- ] x 5

MnO4—1 (aq) + 8 H+ + 5 Fe+2 ----- Mn+2 + 5 Fe+3 + 4 H2O
Mn+2 ions are pink in colour but appear colourless in dilute solution. Similarly MnO 4—1 ions appear
to be light pink in colour in dilute solution.
When the reaction is complete, addition of Potassium Permanganate to the reaction mixture gives
permanent light pink colour.

Weight of Mohr’s Salt required to prepare 100 ml solution of 1/50 molarity :

Wt of Mohr’s Salt (gm) x 1000

Molarity = --------------------------------------------
Molar Mass of Mohr’s Salt x 100

Molarity x Molar Mass of Mohr’s Salt x 100

Weight of Mohr’s Salt = -------------------------------------------------------------------
1 x 392 x 100
= -------------------------------
50 x 1000

= 0. 7840 gm

1. Weigh required amount of Mohr’s salt in a beaker and prepare its solution in distilled water using
100 ml measuring flask. Transfer the solution in beaker.
2. Wash a 20 ml pipette with water and then rinse it with Mohr’s salt solution prepared.
3. Pipette out 20 ml Mohr’s salt solution and transfer it in a washed conical flask. Add 10 ml (2/3 test
tube) dilute sulphuric acid to it.
4. Wash a burette with water and then rinse it with given Potassium Permanganate solution. Clamp
the burette in a burette stand.
5. Fill the burette with given Potassium Permanganate solution. Note the initial burette reading.
6. Place the conical flask below the burette and add Potassium Permanganate solution dropwise
with constant shaking until a permanent pink colour is obtained.
7. Note the final burette reading.
8. Throw the contents of the conical flask and repeat the experiment.
9. Continue experiments until three concordant readings( i.e. same volumes of KMnO 4 used ) are

INDICATOR : Potassium Permanganate is self indicator

END POINT : Colourless to permanent pink colour



Concordant value of volume of KMnO4 (ml) used =

CALCULATIONS : 5 x M (KMnO 4) X V (KMnO4) = M ( Mohr’s salt) X V (Mohr’s salt)

M ( Mohr’s salt) X V (Mohr’s salt)

M (KMnO 4) = ---------------------------------------------
5 x V (KMnO 4)

Strength of Potassium Permanganate solution = M (KMnO 4) x Molar Mass of KMnO4

RESULT : The molarity of given Potassium Permanganate solution is =

The strength of given Potassium Permanganate solution is =

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