PSY 215 Module Two Milestone Template(1)

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PSY 215 Module Two Milestone Template

To complete this milestone, review the Pew Research article “Social Media and the Cost of Caring,”
linked in this assignment in your course. As you weigh the costs and benefits of frequent exposure to
social media, respond to each of the rubric criteria with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your
position with credible sources when appropriate. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed
text with the relevant information.

 According to the findings of the Pew Research study, there are several potential costs and
benefits that result from frequent exposure to social media.
o Describe one psychological benefit of frequent social media use.

Numerous studies have shown that connecting with friends, family, and

acquaintances through social media has many psychological benefits. Social

media platforms allow users to share glimpses of their lives with loved ones and

strangers, leading to a greater sense of connection. A Pew Research study has

found that social media use is strongly correlated with increased awareness of

major life events experienced by others. Clearly, social media has become an

invaluable tool for maintaining and strengthening human relationships.

o Describe one psychological cost of frequent social media use.

Extensive use of social media can have a detrimental impact on our mental

health and well-being. One of the most significant effects is procrastination,

which can lead to neglecting essential tasks. The networking feature of the

internet can worsen people's situations and lead to the misuse of funds that could

be better spent on productive endeavors. It is vital to note that excessive use of

social media can be harmful, as studies have shown (W Akram, R Kumar 2017).

The constant stream of retweets, likes, and shares from these sites can cause the

brain's reward center to trigger a chemical reaction that is like that caused by

drugs like Cocaine. It is crucial to be mindful of the amount of time spent on

social media platforms to avoid any negative effects on our mental and physical


 At the end of the study overview on page 3, the researchers discuss the notion of stress being
o Describe what the research findings tell us about the link between our awareness of
other people’s stressful life events on social media and increases in our own stress.

According to a Pew Research study, awareness of the problems and obstacles others

face is a prerequisite for empathy, but it can also come with an emotional cost, known as

the "cost of caring." This means that the tension and worry we experience can compound

the stress we feel for others. For instance, when we see a post on Facebook from a friend

or family member who has lost a loved one, it can make us anxious and concerned about

our own family members.

 We often refer to our involvement in social media groups as being a member of a community.
o Describe how social media can promote the levels of education and awareness that
help to enhance well-being.

Social media is a valuable tool for enhancing well-being, especially when you

join informative groups. Take the example of the COVID-19 pandemic, where

individuals who lived alone could have joined Facebook group chats or

communities to connect with people in a similar situation. This helped alleviate

mental health issues that often arise from isolation. As a veteran, I can personally

attest that joining a community of peers who share a similar experience is a great

way to cope with trauma and feelings of isolation. We receive advice on how to

navigate through our experiences and find support. Social media can provide

mental clarity and offer people a way to calm their nerves during tough times.

However, ensuring that the communities you join are safe and positively impact

your well-being is crucial.

 Despite the positive intent of some social media influencers, their messages don’t always
promote empathy, diversity, and inclusion.
o If you were a social media influencer, describe how you would use social media to
enhance compassion and empathy for all people who struggle with psychological

I am a firm believer in mental health advocacy, and I have no interest in being

famous or becoming an influencer. However, as an influencer, I create a positive

and safe space for my followers by acknowledging that life can be challenging

and that social media often showcases only the good things. I would offer

practical and realistic advice on how to deal with psychological disorders, with an

emphasis on positivity and self-care. For instance, anxiety can be complicated to

manage, and telling someone to "just get up and do it" is not helpful. Instead, I

would encourage people with anxiety to take the time they need to recover and

relax. I assure them it is okay if they feel like they need to lie in bed. However, if

they cannot, I suggest they focus on doing the bare minimum and then find a way

to calm their mind and relax. Relaxation is crucial for our well-being, especially

when coping with anxiety.


Hilliard, J. (2023, December 7). Social Media Addiction. Addiction Center.

Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017). A study on positive and negative effects of social media on

Society. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 5(10), 351–354.

Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017). A study on positive and negative effects of social media on

Society. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 5(10), 351–354.

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