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PSY 215 Project One Template

Use the following article to support you in writing your blog post: Tips for Writing Popular Blog

Posts. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Part One

Use this Project One Template to complete your blog post. You will first review the various

psychological disorders that you’ve learned about in the course and select 3 disorders to focus on

for this assignment. Using a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet for each psychological

disorder, respond to each of the rubric criteria below to structure your blog post. Support your

answers with credible sources when appropriate.

Blog post headline: [Insert text]

Three selected disorders:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD

Panic Disorder

 In your own words, identify and describe the main diagnostic features of each of the

disorders selected.

Anxiety, panic, and depression are emotions that everyone experiences at some point in

their lives. However, if these feelings become excessive, uncontrollable, or persist for a

long time, they can lead to a disorder. General anxiety disorder (GAD) is a condition that

involves extreme worry or nervousness that interferes with a person's ability to function

normally. These feelings are not like everyday anxiety and are experienced over an

extended period, making them uncontrollable.

Panic disorder is a condition where an individual experiences sudden episodes of

extreme fear and anxiety, which are known as panic attacks. The fear of another attack

can lead to changes in behavior and routine to avoid the trigger. Over time, this can

impact an individual's ability to function normally, eventually leading to a disorder.

Major depression disorder (MDD) is a severe condition that can have a significant

impact on an individual's life. If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent

feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, or loneliness, it is essential to seek help.

Depression can make it challenging to complete daily tasks, including eating and

sleeping, and can cause individuals to lose interest in social activities. Remember, you do

not have to face depression alone. Reach out to a mental health professional today for


 Consider biomedical factors: Describe what it means to characterize the disorders as

“diseases of the nervous system and the body.”

All three disorders can undoubtedly be classified as diseases of the nervous system and

the body as they stem from an imbalance of chemicals within the brain or the functioning

of the nervous system transmitters and receptors (Hooley et al., 2019). This imbalance or

malfunctioning can lead to significant issues in how the brain processes information and

can have a profound negative impact on one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Additionally, it can impair one's perception of the people and places around them,

resulting in irrational or uncontrollable anxiety or fear.

 Consider clinical factors: Describe the similarities between the disorders selected. In

what ways might these similarities impact diagnosis and treatment?

All three conditions can be classified as disorders of the nervous system and body,

arising from an imbalance of chemicals within the brain or the functioning of the nervous

system transmitters and receptors (Hooley et al., 2019). This chemical imbalance or

malfunction can lead to significant issues in how the brain processes information, which

can have a profound negative impact on one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, as well

as impairing one's perception of the people and places around them. Often occurring

together or with other anxiety or mood disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic

Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder share several similarities (Hooley et al., 2019).

Both GAD and Panic Disorder involve excessive worry, anxiety, and a feeling of losing

control. Physical symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, or an accelerated heart rate are

also commonly experienced by individuals suffering from both conditions. Similarly,

individuals with depression may experience changes in their sleep patterns, energy levels,

or appetite. These observations have been documented in research studies by Hooley et

al. (2019).

Also, individuals with GAD and panic disorders may limit their social experiences due

to excessive worry, fear, and anxiety, leading to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and,

ultimately, depression. Diagnosing GAD and Major Depressive Disorder can be

challenging for healthcare providers due to overlapping symptoms, and GAD often co-

occurs with panic disorder, further complicating the diagnostic process. However, the

similarities in symptoms make using similar treatment methods for these disorders

possible. For instance, GAD is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable anxiety or

fear, which can be irrational.Consider historical factors: Describe the ways

deinstitutionalization has impacted patient rights, levels of care, and access to treatment

of the disorders over time.

 Consider historical factors: Describe the ways deinstitutionalization has impacted patient

rights, levels of care, and access to treatment of the disorders over time.

Previously, individuals with mental health issues were confined to mental institutions or

asylums, where they were expected to spend their lives. However, a shift in public

opinion in the 1950s towards mental health issues and advancements in psychiatric

medication led to deinstitutionalization. As a result, people moved out of long-term

institutions and into community care facilities, which were more humane and

compassionate treatment options. Despite this positive change, the transition also brought

forth additional challenges, particularly in accessing resources and support. This variable

often leads to more mental health challenges, unemployment, and homelessness.

 Consider sociocultural factors: Describe the social and cultural changes that have caused

shifts in the public’s perception of the disorders over time.

In the past, individuals who suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Major

Depressive Disorder (MDD), or panic disorder were subject to negative stigma, prejudice, and

discrimination surrounding their mental health conditions. Consequently, many people kept their

struggles hidden from others. However, in the early 2000s, some athletes and celebrities,

including Dwayne Johnson, began to discuss their battles with these disorders publicly. This has

helped to reduce the stigma and create a more open and accepting atmosphere for those

experiencing similar struggles. (Abrams, 2022). Celebrities and athletes discussing mental health

openly have helped to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. COVID-19 has

brought more attention to the lack of resources and support for adults and children suffering from

GAD and MDD. There is still a need to shift from reactive care and treatment to preventative

care despite the changing attitude towards mental health issues.

Part Two

For Part Two, choose 1 disorder from the 3 you discussed in Part One. Respond to each of the

three questions in a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your answers with credible sources

when appropriate and address the rubric criteria.

One selected disorder:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Consider the mind-body connection: Describe whether a discernible bidirectional relationship

exists between the disorder and physical illness. If so, explain.

It is not unusual for there to be a two-way relationship between mental disorders and physical

illness. For instance, when examining Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), it can lead to

physical sickness and vice versa. Additionally, people diagnosed with a medical condition may

develop anxiety as they worry about the outcome, especially those diagnosed with life-

threatening issues (Sartorius et al., 2015). However, individuals with GAD can also experience

physical sickness due to the long-term stress on their bodies. Some examples of physical issues

include headaches from muscle tension or the physical symptoms of depression, which can result

from the isolation and worry that many GAD sufferers experiance.

Consider the impact of language and messaging: Describe how the words we use (e.g., in casual

conversation, in media communications) when discussing a disorder influence our willingness or

ability to manage the disorder.

Although the knowledge base around mental disorders, like anxiety, has expanded, there are still

issues with language and messaging. It is crucial to differentiate between the regular anxiety that

most people experience in stressful or unfamiliar situations and the anxiety experienced by those

with GAD. Many people with regular anxiety tend to project their coping methods onto those

with GAD, and this can result in dismissive or unsympathetic attitudes towards those with GAD.

These negative attitudes can cause individuals with GAD to lose confidence and feel socially

disconnected from friends, family, and peers. This can become a barrier to seeking treatment or

sharing their story or experience. (Wang, 2017).

Consider the effect of lifestyle choices: Describe the small, but significant, changes in

attitude/behavior we can make that could help us to manage the symptoms of the disorder.

Individuals diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can make some minor yet

significant changes to help manage their condition. For instance, practicing breathing techniques

like diaphragmatic (deep) or mindfulness breathing can help shift focus to the breath and remain

in the present moment. Maintaining a solid self-care routine that includes a healthy diet, regular

exercise, and tools for distraction or refocusing when worry arises is also crucial. Lastly, it is

essential to understand one's self and one's disorder better, including identifying triggers and

journaling about the experience to prepare for or avoid them. These small behavioral changes,

combined with following a treatment plan, can significantly help manage GAD.


Abrsams, zara. (n.d.). Kicking stigma to the Curb. Monitor on Psychology.

Sartorius N, Holt RIG, Maj M ( (2016a, November). Comorbidity of mental and physical

disorders. The Indian Journal of Medical Research.

Arick Wang, Ph. D. (2024, February 1). 4 ways to fight the stigma associated with anxiety.

Anxiety Disorders and universal Health Care.


Hooley, J. M., Nock, M. K., & Butcher, J. N. (2019). Abnormal Psychology (18th ed.). Pearson




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