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GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL EMPLOYMENT, URDU HALL LANE, HIMAYATHNAGAR, HYDERABAD Memo No.2114/CPR&RE/D1/2024 Dt: 07.06.2024. Sub:- Gram Panchayats- State Audit Department - Initiation of C&AG of India in consultation with ICAT for effective audit in Local Bodies by creating employment in rural areas (lower tiers remote localities) ~ Cause of certified Accountants — Appropriate action- Communicated for appropriate action- Reg. Ref:= Lr,Roc.No.00689/GKM/2023-24, Dated.16.03.2024 of the Director, State Audit, Telangana, Hyderabad along with Govt. Memo.No. 489/ 46/ SA/ Admin.I1/2024 of the Special Secretary to Government, Finance (Admin.II) Department, dated:29.02.2024. +e Attention of all the CEO's, DRDO's and the District Panchayat Officers in the State are invited to enclosed reference cited. In the reference cited, the Director, State Audit, Telangana, has informed that to fill the gap and to improve accounting skills, the C & AG in association with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) have designed a Certificate Course for Accountants of Panchayats. Further he has requested to circulate / publicize / encourage the Flyer of the Course (enclosed to this letter) among the Panchayat Secretaries/ out sourcing/ Contract employees under PR&RD jurisdiction so that they can hone the skills of accounting and be inducted in to finalization of accounts whenever required. Therefore, while enclosing copy of reference cited, all the CEO's, DRDO’s and the District Panchayat Officers in the State are requested to take appropriate action as directed by the Director, State Audit Encls: As above Sd/- Anita Ramachandran Commissioner, PR&RE To All the Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Praja Parishads in the State. All the DRDO's in the State. All the District Panchayat Officers in the State. / {attested // ane pl. Officer (Pts; » ori o GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA FROM LTO ‘The Director ‘The Director State Audit Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment Telangana Telangana HYDERABAD HYDERABAD State Audit Department - Initiation of C&AG of India in consultation with ICAI for effective audit in Local Bodies by creating employment in rural areas (lower tiers remote localities) ~ Cause of certified Accountants ~ Appropriate action ~ Regarding Memo. No. 489/46/SA/Admn.II/2024 of the Special Secretary to Government, Finance (Admn. II) Department, dated 29-2-2024 received in this office on 4-3-2024 AdvertingY6 the Govt, Memo in the reference cited, it is to state that the C&AG, Local Fund Audit Departments and of successive Finance Commissions ve highlighted the inadequacies in maintenance of accounts in Panchayats ¥, Municipal Bodies in the country, the main reason being the lack of tnowledge in accounts at the gross roots level we To fill the gap and to improve accounting skills, the C & AG in * 0 “association with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India {ICAI} have designed a Certificate Course For Accountants of Panchayats which is a two level course to create a pool of accountants willing to work in local areas by Zs Possessing the requisite skill-set to prepare the relatively simple accounts of Oe ne Local Self Governments. At level 1 Basic Accounting for Gram Panchayats would be taught and at level 2 Accounting of Zilla & Block Panchayats would be taught. It is an Online course spanning over 3 months, having a screening test after the first one month and a mains test at the end of the third month for those who clear the screening test. Candidates who clear both the tests would be awarded a Certificate declaring their proficiency. In view of the above, it is requested to circulate / publicize / encourage the Flyer of the Course (enclosed to this letter) among the Panchayat Secretaries/Out sourcing/Contract employees under your jurisdiction so that they can hone the skills of accounting and be inducted in to finalization of accounts whenever required Yours faithfully, Encl: Flyer é DIRECTOR ~3- GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA FINANCE (ADMN.II) DEPARTMENT Memo.Nio 489/46/$A/Adma.11/2024, dated:29,02,2024. “Initiation of C&AG of India in consultation with ICAI for ffective audit in local bodies by creating employment in rural areas (lower tiers remote localities)- Cause of certified Accountants ~ Appropriate action - Reg. D.0.Lr.No.AG(AUJTS/LGA(Coordn} /9-99/2023-24/35 of Accountant General (AUDIT), dt:31.01.2024, “9689 [he attention of the Director of State Audit, Telangana, Hyderabad is reeed fe the reference cited (Copy enclosed). He is directed to take ‘appropriate Zetion in the matter in consultation with the PR & RD, MA & UD, Higher Education and | & PR Departments. D. KRISHNA BHASKAR SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To fe Director of State Audit, Telangana, Hyderabad. 1 Copy to: The Accountant General (Audit), Telangana, Saifabad, Hyderabad for information, SF/SCs, i | SECTIO! ICER 1629 [650/224 areca (@reraete) ACCOUNTANT GENERAL (AUDIT) Telangana Anindya Dasgupta, IA&AS. eset .0.Lr.No.AG(AUJTS/LGA(Coordn)/9-99/2023-24/35 Date: 31 January 2024 Malaar 5 The Comptroller and Auditor General (CRAG) of india and the Local Fund Auditors as well as the reports. of successive Finance Commissions have highlighted the inadequacies in maintenance of accounts in the Panchayats and Municipal Bodies, A major problem is the non-availability of suitable accountants in local areas and low incentives’ for qualified accountants to take up employment in villages and towns. To overcome this, Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) in association with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of india (ICAI) has taken an initiative to create 2 pool of Certified Accountants to assist in the preparation of accounts in various Local Bodies particularly at lowe’ tiers and remote localities of this country. A brochure on this initiative was released by the C&AG of India on occasion of Audit Diwas on 16" November 2023. A D.O letter was sent by the Deputy CRAG (copy enclosed for reference) requesting you to kindly arrange for wide publicity of this course in the State. | would request you to kindly provide support to this initiative by discussing the Possible impact at appropriate fora and engaging with the concerned Departments to arrange wide publicity of this course for maximum benefit of the State SpI.CS/Pri. Ktonuffe Wars reese 2, Yours sincerely, ao} ee Smt. A. Santhi Kumari, 1S e- Chief Secretary to Government of Telangana Telangana Secretariat Ae vyderabod pound PL Naq\uc|se actin Jrony Address :AG Office, Safabaa, Hyderabad - 500 004 E-mail: agautelangana@cag.govin Fen :080-23237275 FaxNo. :040-23234157 DO. No.2 AGasCertifiention Comrse/t 34-2023 (Volt) caren & Pro ere a rote a 9, €r core gerezra rH, ie ai fee-t10 124 OFFICE OF THE Subir Mallick, aa, Pockel 9, Deen Dayal Upachyaya Marg, if ‘Ss New Delni-110 124 Deputy Comptralter & = ‘Auditor General fete / Dated 29.12.2023, Dear Ms Samthy Kurmases. a The audit conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CRAG) of India and the Local Fund Auditors designated by the Staie Governmens as well as the reports of successive Finance Commissions have highlighted the inadequacies in maintanance of accounts in the Panchayats and Municipal Bodies. A major problem is the non-availability of suitable accountants in Tocal areas as Chartered Accountants or other qualified accountants may not be interested in taking employment and working in villages and smaller urban areas due to distances from big cities and low remuneration. This problem can largely be addressed by creating a pool of accountants willing to work in local areas and possessing the requisite skill-set to prepare the relatively simple accounts of LSGs, 2. With this cid in view, and after consultation with MoHUA, MoPR, MoRD, Gol, the office of C&AG has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to develop a set of online certification courses for accountants, The ICAI Accounting Research Foundation, a Self-Regulatory Organisation (SRO) of the ICAI is running the Courses and would issue the certificates. A one day conference was organised in the CAG office on I* September, 2023 to disseminate information on this initiative, where Senior officials from all the States had attended, 3. The CAG of India launched the course on 16" November 2023 on Audit Diwas at the Oo the C&AG of India. A brochure on the initiative was also released by the CAG of India (copy enclosed). Four different courses, two each on Rural 8 Urban sides, have been designed keeping in mind the differing complexities of accounting in different tiers of Local Bodies. Each of these courses run for three months, having a screening test after he first one month and a mains test at the end of the third month for those who clear the sereening test, Candidates who clear both the tests would then be awarded a certificate declaring their proficiency, which they may use to seek ‘employment as accountants, as and when required by Local Bodies nearby. This is expected to be a significant contribution towards skill development and over time, ereate a pool of certified accountants in the local areas, whose services the LSGs could use, as per their requirements, COMPTROLLER & AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA GRIN / Phone :91-11-75237848 Ge / Fox: 91-19-29297720 $34.7 Eomal: maliekS@eaygovin ration forthe frst such set of courses opened trom 1 Devember 2023. The courses will be condueted with the help ofe-sudy materials and online revisionary tutorials inten different languages. All necessary details may be found in the brochure atinched and wo Miers prepared by ICAI (copics enclosed). The weblink of registration for this cenification course is hupsi/ho iewierf ore 5. In this regard, 1 would like to request you to kindly arrange for wide publicity of this course in your State so that the maximum number of potential candidates get to know about this course and apply online to reap the benefits of the course and subsequent certification. 6. This initiative has the potential to significantly strengthen the accountability framework in Local governments and I solicit your co-operation to take it forward. Encl: 1. Soft copy of brochure. 2. Two fliers. 0, / ‘Yours sincerely, —Pablin ‘Smt, A. Santhi Kumari, JAS, Chief Secretary to Goviof Telangana, — Block C, 3rd Floor, Telangana Secretariat, : Khairatabad, Hyderabad- 500022 + Board for Local Bodies Accountants Certification EPAC ICAI Accounting Research Foundation >. An Initiative of ————, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India & The Comptroller and Auditor General of India -— é Gram Panchayats (Level 1) Zilla & Block Panchayats (Level 2) Screening Examination : Basics of Accounting ination « it (Overview of Cast-Based Accounting system Main Examination : Accounting of Panchayats a2F2 Accounting Concepts, Principles, Conventions * C8AG Accounting Formats * List Of Codes and Policies ‘ + EGramswaraj Gls Basle Accounting Procedure (Journel Entries, - Mandatory Conditions for Grants for PRIs Ledger & Trial Balance, Bank Reconciliation vth FC) Statement) * Hands-on prepat accounts . [SReccipt & Payment Account @theicai, @cpgfmicai | @ https AU ey Re SUR AYP SST) We nCr eR) PAC RC UU TEU eT AT e acme ey | Mode of Learning j ¥ Time for Registration: elf- Study Material Throughout the year i E- Study material ah Closure of Batches : i * Pre - recorded revisionary lectures “@ Every December 31° & June 30" | * MCO based test 3°. Screening Examination: ; Live virtual revisionary classes = One month from close of Registration i For Main Examination Main Examination: ; Study Materials will be made available in ‘Two months after declaration of result of {> 10 languages currently, with scope for Screening Examination more languages being added later Bet \ Regional languages offered as of now are x E> online Certificate to successful candidate | ~——-English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Odiya, Gujarati, Kannada, Bengali, and List of certificate holder to be made avaliable | Punjabi ~" in public domain | De a CU) i Ge eRe os Two Examinations (Fr Each Course) | © Continuing Education & Learning Programme: a | Screening Examination Main Examination There will be a mandatory online rn va } education of 4 hours in each calendar ad ae /financial year, to update the qualified Both objective (MCO) and certificate holder about regulations, subjective questions MCQ based examination {hands-on accounts preparation} | norms and updations in software oe To be conducted on prescribed days and time application on a continued basis. slots at exam centers j * Robust Disciplinary Mechanism * Option of using regional languages ere ers Key j ee * © Course will catalyze accountability & Skill Development (Learn Cash & Accrual i transparency in governanance at Local-Self Based Accounting) Government (LSGs} level. TE Online Course | © Create opportunities for qualified candidates 7 Eligibility to work as accountants in LSGs. * Be minimum 18 years of age * Edge in securing similar opportunities in * Have passed the Sr. Secondary School SMSE sector as the local level. Examination under the 10+2 scheme of zi = a recognised board. i ion fees; Rs, 590/- (inctusive of gst 3) eae Re 120-3045985/944 /0120-3876860 (in)

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