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In collaboration

with Accenture

Digital Trust:
Supporting Individual Agency
Images: Getty Images, Unsplash

Foreword 3

Executive summary 4

Introduction 5

1 Transparency by design: The responsibility to illuminate choices  7

2 Privacy by design: Safeguarding user privacy  10

3 Redressability: Prevention, engagement, oversight 12

Conclusion 14

Appendix 15

Contributors 18

Endnotes 19

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Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 2

February 2024 Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency

Kathryn White
Executive Fellow, Centre
Daniel Dobrygowski
for the Fourth Industrial
Head, Governance and
Revolution, World Economic
Trust, Centre for the Fourth
Forum; Global Principal
Industrial Revolution, World
Director, Responsible
Economic Forum
Emerging Technology and
Innovation, Accenture, USA

At the 2024 World Economic Forum Annual providing them – will protect all stakeholders’
Meeting in Davos, stakeholders convened under interests and uphold societal expectations and
the meeting’s theme of Rebuilding Trust. At that values.”2 This definition has informed the publication
meeting, participants continued to endorse the of a decision-making framework, high-level
Forum’s guidance that trust in technology – implementation roadmap3 and guidance on pre-
especially new and emerging technologies like implementation steps4 and how to measure digital
artificial intelligence (AI) – must be earned through trust5 for organizations’ leaders. This document
responsible decision-making while emphasizing that builds on these groundbreaking publications,
individuals and society have agency over the future ensuring individuals are at the centre of technology.
of technology.1 It further guides business and government leaders,
as well as individuals, on how to better recognize
At the Forum, the Centre for the Fourth Industrial the role of people as vital stakeholders in digital
Revolution helps stakeholders harness the full trust. With individuals increasingly interacting
potential of technological progress for the equitable with new and rapidly developing technologies like
and human-centred transformation of industries, generative AI, it has never been more relevant to
economies and societies. With thematic areas support human-centric technology.
ranging from AI to immersive technologies and
quantum technologies to space, improving This report closely examines the digital trust
governance is a top priority. To improve governance dimensions of transparency, privacy and
across technological domains, the Forum launched redressability according to the perspectives of
the Digital Trust initiative in 2021 to establish organizations, governing bodies and individuals –
a global consensus among key stakeholders all with the central lens of supporting individual
regarding what digital trust means and what agency. Business and government leaders
measurable steps can be taken to improve the are encouraged to prioritize the individual’s
trustworthiness of digital technologies. perspective throughout the technology life cycle
and take a by-design approach, especially to
Specifically, the Forum’s Digital Trust Initiative, transparency and privacy. With all actors doing
through a multistakeholder approach, has defined their part, we are hopeful that the benefits of
Digital Trust as “individuals’ expectation that digital emerging technologies can be fully realized while
technologies and services – and the organizations building trust among all stakeholders.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 3

Executive summary
Trustworthy digital systems support and
protect individual choice and agency.

Digital trust is a necessity in a world where digital

technologies support and mediate virtually all Privacy
economic transactions, social connections and
institutions. However, trust in technology, innovation
and science is eroding on a global scale. The World Default protections for privacy assure users that
Economic Forum launched its Digital Trust Initiative their interactions online will be safe and that their
to help reverse this trend by focusing on decision- personal data is protected. Privacy is integrated
making in support of trustworthy technologies. That into digital technologies when:
work defines digital trust as “the expectation by
individuals that digital technologies and services – – Technologies adhere to the spirit and
and the organizations providing them – will protect letter of comprehensive privacy regulations
all stakeholders’ interests and uphold societal
expectations and values.”6 – Developers incorporate effective consent
mechanisms and supporting tools
This paper describes how support for individual and resources
agency and human rights and respect for individual
users’ choices and values are crucial to rebuilding
trust in digital technologies. The suggested method Redressability
of trustworthy development – individual agency
by design – must be a core component of any
technology strategy or regulatory approach that
seeks to earn the trust of users and individuals. Preparation and prevention are not always sufficient
to eliminate the chance of harm from digital
Individual agency by design is a crucial responsible technologies. Therefore, effective redressability
design principle for digital technologies and focuses mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that
on the digital trust dimensions of transparency, individuals who are harmed can be made whole.
privacy and redressability. The design principles These mechanisms fall into the following categories:
described here ensure that technologies can be
developed in a human-centred way that supports – Harm prevention tools used to enforce individual
individuals’ expectations and values. Specifically, or consumer rights
individual agency by design is realized in the
following ways: – Redress procedures that allow for interaction
between harmed individuals and technology
developers and owners
Transparency – Third-party oversight mechanisms to ensure
individual harms are fairly rectified.

A hallmark of trustworthy design, transparency By recognizing the primacy of individual agency

ensures that digital technologies do no more in human-digital interactions, this report aims to
and no less than the user expects. Transparency support a human-centric and trustworthy approach
is incorporated into digital technologies when to the development of new technologies. Ultimately,
developers: developing and incentivizing technology that
respects human agency is a shared public-private
– Build transparency into their products responsibility, one that – if adequately executed by
and services all stakeholders – will serve to rebuild trust in digital
technology and innovation.
– Offer effective digital literacy programmes

– Make transparency tools more accessible,

available and intuitive

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 4

A trustworthy digital landscape requires
technology to protect, inform and
enable individuals.

Protecting individual choice and agency is essential applies by-design principles to transparency,
to any trustworthy system. The world is navigating digital literacy and privacy, offering suggestions
the complexities of modern technology roughly a for how these concepts can be embedded into
decade into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. People the user’s experience of a digital product or
are experiencing a social, political and economic service. Among the various dimensions of digital
shift from the digital age of the late 1990s and early trust, three of the most relevant are highlighted
2000s to an era of embedded connectivity – a due to their direct relationship with individual
fusion of the digital, biological and physical worlds,7 agency: transparency, privacy and redressability
where an individual’s digital experience can be (this order is not meant to suggest an order of
more embodied, immersive and ever-present.8 importance). This exploration covers important
In this context, individual agency, which enables considerations, including the responsibility of
individuals to navigate their digital lives in an organizations to ensure clarity and trust and
informed, self-sufficient and protected manner, detail how privacy mechanisms can support
is vital. Supporting individual agency includes individual agency and the tiers of mechanisms
activities and decisions related to the deployment available for redress when harm does occur.
and development of digital systems. Support for The efforts summarized in this paper supporting
individual agency requires upholding human rights individual agency are not a cure-all. Instead, they
and, as such, is a necessary component for durable are a piece of a larger puzzle of organizational
trust – and durable digital trust is critical to a fairer, protection and support. Likewise, the ordering
safer and more sustainable digital economy. People of interventions in this paper does not represent
deserve to be able to make choices for themselves an order of preference or application. Rather, the
and on their behalf. Enabling individual agency concepts here are described in order of most
further supports responsible innovation, which is the cooperative and preventative approaches first,
only sustainable and fair way to ensure the adoption with post-hoc resolution mechanisms at the end.
of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies such as
artificial intelligence and spatial computing. Individual agency by design
Digital trust is the expectation by individuals
that digital technologies and services – and Digital trust requires a by-design approach to
the organizations providing them – will protect technology that emphasizes the need for principles
all stakeholders’ interests and uphold societal that protect and support individuals from inception,
expectations and values.9 Pursuing this objective, putting their needs and values at the earliest
the World Economic Forum created the Digital Trust possible stage of development. First popularized
Initiative10 and published its foundational work on through the “secure-by-design” concept, the
the subject, Earning Digital Trust, which focuses by-design concept has influenced several
on how organizations can make more trustworthy other approaches to designing and developing
decisions regarding technology. This paper – Digital technologies, including privacy by design,
Trust: Supporting Individual Agency – discusses accessibility by design and sustainability
the much larger group of stakeholders who use by design.11
or otherwise interact with digital technologies.
For digital trust to be effectively established and This methodology, wherein user protection
maintained, these individuals must be able to and online harm prevention are baked into the
recognize themselves as stakeholders with the technology, translates into a digital product or
agency to self-navigate digital technologies. service that supports individual agency and is
more trustworthy.12 The idea is not to take choices
This paper raises examples from the data away from individuals or increase the burden of
management space, a sector at the forefront of responsibility on everyday people but to ensure
navigating digital trust considerations, to explore they are presented with fair options within a safe,
how organizations can make decisions that enable secure and trustworthy environment that other
individual agency and foster digital trust. The paper organizational safeguards enable.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 5

Ensure people Applying responsible innovation Standards and Technology AI Risk Management
are presented with design principles Framework,16 Singapore’s Online Safety Code,17
fair options within Japan’s laws promoting a digital society,18 the
a safe, secure European Union (EU) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and trustworthy Technology companies and developers can Act19 and the European Declaration on Digital
environment. avail themselves of an existing library of Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade20
guidelines, principles and standards developed as well as the EU Digital Markets Act and Digital
by international organizations, governments Service Act.21
and non-governmental organizations.
– Resources from non-governmental
– International organizations have defined organizations such as Consumers
safeguards, such as the United Nations (UN) International,22 a consumer advocacy
Guidelines for Consumer Protection13 and the organization whose resources include
UN’s proposed Global Digital Compact.14 recommendations for Digital Finance Consumer
Protections,23 and strategic frameworks like
– Governments promote cybersecurity, privacy the Forum’s Presidio Recommendations on
and responsible technology use across Responsible Generative AI24 and the Global
jurisdictions, such as the US Blueprint for an Network Initiative (GNI) Framework on Freedom
AI Bill of Rights,15 the US National Institute of of Expression and Privacy.25

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 6

1 Transparency by design:
The responsibility to
illuminate choices
Just as a well-lit room enables clear vision and
understanding, a transparent digital environment
illuminates interaction bounds and opportunities,
ensuring clarity and trust.

Building and As a crucial first step in recognizing individual harmony to support individual agency and earn
maintaining trust agency, organizations seeking to cultivate digital digital trust. Their interplay forms the baseline
is an ongoing trust must provide sufficient “light” for individuals to for accountability for a given technology and an
feel empowered to make their own choices and act organization’s accountability culture while providing
in their own best interests in the digital environment. a more reliable and secure digital environment for
Building and maintaining trust is an ongoing the individual.
endeavour requiring organizations to consistently
demonstrate a commitment to consumer protection
across their policies, products and services. Visibility into data flow
Specifically, organizations aim to ensure that users
maintain control by building transparency into their
products and services, offering effective digital The use and movement of individuals’ data
literacy programmes and making transparency offers a helpful example of digital literacy and
tools more accessible, available and intuitive. transparency at work. Data underpins a person’s
Having consumers represented in the design interactions with digital technologies. As the digital
process bolsters the decision-making that goes economy has expanded, with several applications
into achieving such transparent ends. Consumer collecting data for some corporations, advertising
advocates seek to work with organizations has become a way to offer digital products and
and regulators to ensure transparency efforts services without erecting paywalls. In exchange
are pervasive and beneficial for consumers. for the use of technology services, consumers
Such efforts result in appropriate choices in the are incentivized to share their personal data. As
marketplace, consumer-friendly online choice this dynamic has increased, consumer data has
architecture and corresponding default settings. become more valuable and collection methods
more thorough. This has amplified the scale of
Digital literacy and transparency, crucial elements the opportunities and the potential harms for both
in the design and use of technology, work in users and organizations.26

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 7

TA B L E 1 Opportunities and harms for users regarding consumer data

Opportunities (for users) Harms (for users)

– Improved services: With insights from data collected, – Privacy and data breaches: Data collection without consent
companies can refine their services, leading to better infringes on individual privacy. Furthermore, there’s the ever-present
user satisfaction. risk of data being accessed unlawfully, whether through cyber-
attacks, inadequate security or internal malpractice.
– Personalized experiences: Users can receive
recommendations and content tailored to their preferences, – Over-personalization: Overly personalized marketing can feel
enhancing the user experience. invasive, giving users the impression that their online (and offline)
actions are constantly monitored and exploited.
– Access to subscription-free services: Access to services
that would otherwise be behind a paywall may be granted to – Data misuse: Even with initial consent, a risk remains that data
users in exchange for sharing their data. might be sold, shared or accessed by third parties without the
user’s knowledge.
– Enhanced product development: Companies can develop
or refine products based on user feedback and data insights. – Default settings: Users may be unaware of functionality that is
programmed by default. Because defaults are set by the product
and service providers, they may skew in favour of the interests of
those providers.

TA B L E 2 Opportunities and harms for organizations regarding consumer data

Opportunities (for organizations) Harms (for organizations)

– Strategic decision-making: Analysing user data can lead – Security breaches: Holding vast amounts of data increases the risk
to more informed decisions regarding product development, of data breaches and the scale of the resulting harms, which can be
marketing strategies and user experience enhancements. financial, reputational and legal in nature.

– Predictive analytics: By understanding patterns in data, – Regulatory penalties: Non-compliance with data protection
organizations can predict future trends, user behaviours and regulations can lead to significant fines and sanctions.
market demand.
– Market perception: Inappropriate data use can erode brand loyalty
– Personalized marketing: Organizations can tailor and reputation.
advertisements and promotions to specific user preferences,
leading to increased sales and user engagement. – Misinterpretation: Incorrect analysis of data can lead to flawed
strategic decisions.

The profound amount of data that companies that technology operates as the user expects,
possess about users and their engagement doing only what the user has granted permission
with digital technologies may risk misaligned for. For example, in artificial intelligence, resources
incentives. Individuals are increasingly cognizant like the Foundation Model Transparency Index
of this potential risk. A study has revealed that, as can provide information that may help users
transparency and digital literacy have increased, understand the ramifications of their activities
86% of consumers care about data privacy, as they increasingly engage with generative
signalling a significant shift in consumer sentiment AI.28 This comprehensive assessment of the
and a burgeoning demand for enhanced protection transparency of foundation model developers
and control over personal data, all of which uses 100 transparency indicators.29 They report
underscore the urgent need for organizations on the transparency of foundation models, the
to adapt and address these concerns.27 In resources required to build them and their role in
this environment, better transparency lays the the ecosystem.30 Such transparency regarding
groundwork for effective adherence to individuals’ responsible AI seeks to promote trustworthiness
choices and expectations. As consumer and engender trust.
awareness and expectations have shifted, so have
the capabilities of organizations, including ethics Effective transparency requires that digital
and compliance programmes and the like. products and services be both well-explained
and easily understandable. Regarding data
Transparency in digital interfaces refers to collection and management, a variety of
providing clear visibility into the technology’s methods are employed today, each with its own
characteristics, including what data it collects, advantages and disadvantages (see the table on
how it processes the information and the purposes the advantages and disadvantages of common
for which the data is used. Such transparency methods of transparency in data collection
supports individual agency by respecting the and management in the appendix). Drawing
individual’s right to understand and control their from current best practices in data collection
interactions with technology. It is about ensuring transparency, helpful practices include:

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 8

The synergy – Plain language – Use everyday words decisions about their technology use and
of transparency and minimize technical jargon to make more clearly express their expectations to
and digital literacy transparency efforts intelligible and provide technology developers, reflecting their genuine
appropriate disclosures agency through these critical elements:
fosters a culture of
accountability that
– Segmented information – Provide a – Informed expectations via terms of service and
holds promise for brief summary upfront, then delve into community guidelines
a more trustworthy detailed explanations
future. – Assurance that technology in use was designed
– User-centric design – Prioritize intuitive in accordance with consumer rights32
interfaces and streamlined user experience
– Ability to compare products on the dimensions
– Multichannel engagement – Communicate of trustworthiness (e.g. the World Economic
through emails, in-app notifications and other Forum’s Digital Trust Framework33)
relevant platforms
– Access to tools that allow individuals to
– Real-time indicators – Highlight active data evaluate and enhance their personal digital
collection or processing through immediate cues safety

– Algorithm transparency – Clearly explain how – Clear action steps when an individual’s
data influences algorithmically-driven system experience is out of alignment with their
processes and decisions expectations of trustworthiness

– Educational tools – Offer concise tutorials or The synergy of transparency and digital literacy
FAQs to clarify data practices fosters a culture of accountability that promises
a more trustworthy future. With transparency
– Feedback-driven updates – Continuously providing clear insight into a technology’s
adapt strategies based on user feedback and operations and digital literacy enabling an
comprehension studies understanding of these insights, users can maintain
a healthy dialogue about their end-user needs
– Third-party audits – Periodically validate data with technology providers. This accountability is
practices through external reviews mutually beneficial and ensures that digital tools
respect consumer rights and expectations and
work in the users’ best interests. This accountability
Digital literacy aspect becomes pivotal in maintaining digital
trust, as technology developers, being the
“least cost avoiders”,34 can effectively prevent
In an age of information overload, digital literacy and remediate online harms.35 Well-defined and
acts as the individual’s compass, providing clearly assigned responsibilities, paired with
insight as they seek to understand how digital feedback mechanisms, significantly enhance
technologies and services work so they can make the trustworthiness of digital technologies.
informed decisions.31 Literacy makes transparency
action-oriented – without an understanding of Taken together, digital literacy and transparency
what is being shared, transparency is merely guide technology to be more user-centred,
theatre. Alongside transparency, digital literacy shaping a digital landscape that is understandable,
enables individuals to effectively navigate these explainable, controllable and accountable –
interfaces and comprehend the technological supporting individual agency and building digital
controls in place. As users enhance their trust. Box 1 provides an example of a transparency
digital literacy, they can make more informed tool in support of individual agency.

BOX 1 Example of a transparency tool in support of individual agency

Salesforce trust site


Salesforce provides a dashboard where users can view real-time information on

service availability and performance. The transparency of this resource instils
customer trust and confidence in the company’s services.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 9

2 Privacy by design:
Safeguarding user privacy
Default protections help reduce users’
concerns about whether they will be safe
or their privacy will be protected.

Privacy by design appears in a wide variety manner that ensures they will be prioritized
of regulations, such as the EU’s General Data in the development of the integral components
Protection Regulation (GDPR)37,38 and India’s Digital that shape the user’s experience and interaction
Personal Data Protection Bill.39 Major technology with technology.
developers use similar approaches (Google’s
Privacy and Security Principles,40 Microsoft’s As trust- and confidence-building measures,
Responsible AI Standard,41 IBM on Operationalizing these protections enable users to interact with
Trustworthy AI42). These concepts aim to proactively technologies more confidently and engage
incorporate principles into a product or service in a more authentically.

BOX 2 Offering fair choice options

a shopping cart to persist) and help enable

Allianz trust-by-design personalization such as custom advertisements.
approach Allianz provides the opportunity to express cookie
preferences thanks to the European Union’s
Allianz, a multinational insurance and asset General Data Protection Requirement (GDPR).
management firm, is committed to a privacy- While “accept all” is typically readily available on
by-design approach that offers consumers a fair organizational websites in accordance with this
choice. Evident simply in its website’s prompt requirement, there is variation in the number of
about cookie preferences, consumers have times a user has to click to select to reject all.
three options: accept all cookies, reject all, Allianz’s provision of a “reject all” option next to the
cookie settings. Cookies, data collected while a accept all option is a prime example of providing
user engages with a website, support session a fair choice and enacting it with a privacy-by-
management (for example, allowing items in design approach.

Default protections underscore the organization’s – Managing trust-enhancing features over time by
focus on a human-centric approach that prioritizes monitoring users’ engagement with them, testing
respect for the individual, which in turn strengthens to confirm understanding and adoption, and
digital trust. They send a message that the user’s adjusting and improving these features over time
safety, privacy and rights are a priority, regardless
of the user’s ability to set up these protections – Implementing organization-wide digital trust
themselves. Examples of a privacy-by-design programmes (see the World Economic Forum’s
approach include: Digital Trust guidance43 and briefing on
– Making significant investments in privacy
settings and controls – Creating internal guidelines, principles and
standards (e.g. Microsoft’s comprehensive
Responsible AI Standard45)

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 10

User consent efforts serve individual agency. It is important to
note that this can be challenging depending on the
extent to which an organization’s contracts and
As consent mechanisms and their supporting agreements are digitalized.
tools and resources become more transparent
and understandable, the process becomes more Transparent organizations that support privacy
consumer-friendly and users can better determine decision-making accrue benefits – the potential
the purposes for which their data is processed. future risks decrease and trust with the user is
When organizations provide greater clarity and strengthened. Table 3 presents examples
individuals can increase their understanding, such of transparent user consent notices.

TA B L E 3 Transparent user consent notices

Google Privacy Google provides a dashboard where users can understand, track and control permissions and data access across
Dashboard46 Google applications (apps). Such interactive visuals and transparency tools allow users to understand data use and
tailor their privacy settings.

Apple’s app Apple introduced mandatory labels in all App Stores that provide a summary of the app’s privacy policies, similar to
“Privacy Nutrition food nutrition facts. This mechanism offers users a clear understanding of the app’s data processing (i.e. collection,
Labels”47 analysis, secondary use). Such a concise transparency mechanism enables easy comparison between different apps
regarding how they process data. Additionally, Apple offers users an App Privacy Report48 that provides visibility into
how apps use the privacy permissions users have granted them and the corresponding network activity.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 11

3 Redressability: Prevention,
engagement, oversight
When digital technologies harm individuals,
they deserve to be made whole.

Redressability, the possibility of obtaining recourse However, automated regulation, supervision and
where technological processes, systems or data enforcement will likely be insufficient to fully offer
uses have negatively affected individuals, groups appropriate redress and will always require a human
or entities,49 can take many forms. Organizational in the loop. Nevertheless, these technologies
leaders can take steps to support redressability are useful tools in the broader toolkit to support
by making decisions regarding prevention, individual agency and digital trust.
engagement and how to address. Firstly, a by-
design approach allows for the implementation
of solutions such that the risk of the need for Enabling redress procedures
redress is minimized (for example, regulatory tech,
supervisory tech, enforcement tech). Secondly,
allowing individuals to directly engage with an Regulatory regimes relating to new and emerging
organization and its representatives can support technologies are a patchwork of existing and
simple resolutions to redress scenarios (such as proposed policies, so there is room for consideration
fair credit reporting). However, prevention and of how to apply the best practices of and principles
engagement activities may not be sufficient in all behind consumer protections to the digital realm.
cases, so opportunities should exist for a specific
individual or broad consumer groups to take Redress, however, is not merely an issue facing
action to seek redress. technology. Existing means of redress – including
those related to the misuse of individuals’ data –
may provide useful illustrations of how redress can
Enabling harm prevention work in digital technologies. In the US, Title VI of
the Fair Credit Reporting Act53 embodies several
important protections, including a user’s right to
Technology crafted under a redressability- request their credit score, be informed if information
by-design approach will automate regulatory in their file has been used against them, access
compliance (RegTech), regulatory supervision the contents of their file, and request information
(SupTech) or, in certain instances, seek to enforce in their file be corrected. Moreover, consumer
consumer protections (EnforceTech). Together, reporting agencies are mandated to rectify or
these technologies fortify the architecture of remove inaccurate, incomplete or unverifiable data.
individual agency and enhance transparency. Through these provisions, the regulation improves
Supporting individuals in understanding that, if transparency by ensuring users can access and
harms occur, redress is possible is important in understand their data. It also provides an avenue
cultivating an environment of digital trust. for companies to prioritize and support individual
rights, fostering a proactive culture of user-centricity.
Specifically, RegTech can aid firms in adhering to Importantly, in situations where discrepancies
compliance requirements, ensuring organizations arise, these regulations also offer a clear redress
efficiently and effectively align their digital practices mechanism for consumers, solidifying their trust in
with legal regulations thanks to risk management, the system. These regulations hold credit reporting
monitoring and reporting functionalities.50 agencies to a high standard of promoting individual
SupTech can help an organization ensure its agency, which goes a significant way towards
digital systems are compliant, namely with respect cultivating trust in the system as a whole.
to data collection and analytics.51 Related to
SupTech, EnforceTech encompasses innovative Additionally, in the financial sector, the European
technologies that can support consumer advocate Commission has proposed regulations to improve
agencies in fulfilling their objectives of protecting consumer protection in a way that empowers
consumers.52 These types of technologies, while consumers to share their data to enable better and
still emerging, promise to play an increasingly cheaper financial products and services.54 Such
pivotal role in preserving individual agency in the examples from the financial sector may be relevant
digital domain. for digital economies globally.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 12

enables users to take control of their data and
Third-party oversight
manage their various accounts, including filing
requests to stop selling personal information, in
If digital harms occur and are not prevented or a single interface.
resolved directly with the responsible organizations
or through regulatory oversight, this implicates the In some situations, individuals or groups of
trustworthiness of digital systems. To re-establish individuals may not be able to rely on the actions
trust, individuals may require further protection of regulators to protect or judicial authorities
supported by consumer protection or advocacy to represent their interests and vindicate their
groups. Generally, third-party oversight methods of agency and rights. Providing a mechanism (such
redress can be costly in terms of time and money. as private right of action, private cause of action
Yet, this form of external oversight may be both or class action) for individuals to seek redress for
useful and essential, especially in instances of technology-related harms they experience, without
applications of emerging technologies where there the mediation of regulators or other actors, may
may be uncertainty about how to apply existing help democratize the redress process and may
regulations and consumer protections. In these support individuals as digital trust stakeholders.
instances, for the sake of ensuring trust, additional It also serves as a method of recourse for
safeguards are necessary. individuals in situations where regulators are
under-resourced or otherwise unable to ensure
Consumer protection groups may help to support that harmed individuals are allowed adequate
individual technology users or subjects where redress. Such rights recognize the agency of
business-to-consumer redress mechanisms individuals as stakeholders who can vindicate
break down. Two prime examples of consumer their rights, expectations and values where new
advocates providing third-party oversight technologies cause unanticipated (or expected but
protections include the Digital Security Helpline unmitigated) harm. Private rights of action often
from Access Now and the Permission Slip app feature in consumer protection safeguards (such
from Consumer Reports. Access Now’s Digital as the US Fair Credit Reporting Act) and privacy
Security Helpline55 works with individuals and protection regulations (like the EU’s GDPR, China’s
organizations in civil society globally to enhance Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) and the
their digital security, assisting those facing digital California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)) all provide
threats. The helpline ensures rights are upheld private rights of action. Broader applications of a
when organizations or systems fall short of private right of action may help bolster trustworthy
safeguarding them. Consumer Reports offers a systems by guaranteeing a redressability
smartphone application, Permission Slip,56 that mechanism of last resort.57

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 13

Using a unified approach to
advance individual agency.

To meaningfully advance digital trust, a collaborative approach

between the public and private sectors is vital. This collaboration
should prioritize individual agency and establish universally accepted
best practices.

BOX 3 Public-private collaboration in support of safety and digital trust

Illustrating the potential for such collaborations, Furthermore, Singapore has implemented a
Singapore has pioneered the Sunlight Alliance four-star system for rating the security of smart
for Action, a public-private collaboration initiative devices across different providers, giving people
launched in 2021 to bridge the digital safety an easy-to-understand framework for selecting
gap. The initiative operates through workstreams products and offering a marketing incentive
including research, victim support and public for tech companies to elevate their security
education, as mentioned in the Forum’s Earning standards. This system has earned bilateral
Digital Trust: Decision-Making for Trustworthy recognition with countries like Germany and
Technologies insight report.58 Finland and may potentially gain future recognition
from international bodies like the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO).59

Upholding digital trust and individual agency is The critical interplay between individual agency and
a shared responsibility that requires effective digital trust anchors the digital ecosystem in a human-
collaboration across the public and private first approach. Organizations aiming to cultivate this
sectors. As the world advances into the digital trust have crucial areas of best practice to focus on –
future, globally recognized, shared and verified design methodologies that actively protect, inform
standards can serve as powerful tools to bolster and enable individuals. This commitment to individual
digital trust. They will enhance consumer agency requires broad-based collaboration across
protection and promote consensus between the both the public and private sectors, anchoring the
public and private sectors, demonstrating the digital future on globally recognized standards that
inherent value in collaborative efforts to reinforce promote respect for individual autonomy and create a
individual agency. trusted digital ecosystem.

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 14

Alignment of the UN Consumer Protection Principles for Good
Business Practices and the Forum’s Digital Trust Framework along
with key considerations for organizations building digital trust

TA B L E A 1 Transparent user consent notices

United Nations
Principles for
Good Business Digital consumer protections
Practices (All)60 Digital trust goal Alignment title (summarized & paraphrased)

Education and Accountability and Digital literacy – Assistance to consumers to understand the choices
awareness-raising oversight and education available to them and the consequences of those choices

– Supporting consumers to develop skills and confidence

to manage risks and opportunities

Protection of privacy Security and reliability User privacy – Consumer understanding and control of the collection
and consent and use of personal data
Inclusive, ethical and
responsible use

Consumer complaints Accountability and Recourse and redress – Consumer access to simple and effective recourse
and disputes oversight
– Consumer access to fair redress

Fair and equitable Inclusive, ethical and Inclusion and – Consumer access to an affordable, good quality and
treatment responsible use protection from harm reliable internet connection and essential digital services

– Secure online interactions and safe digital environments/

protection from harm

– Protection for vulnerable and disadvantaged customers

Commercial behaviour Accountability and Responsible – Effective governance and accountability, including
oversight business conduct consumer representation in relevant processes.

Inclusive, ethical and – Consumer choice of digital providers, products and

responsible use services in a competitive market

Disclosure and Accountability and Access to information – Consumer access to accurate and meaningful
transparency oversight information about digital products and services

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 15

FIGURE The Digital Trust Framework

lity I


Privacy Transparency



al an

Cybersecurity Redressability


responsible use
Safety Auditability

Interoperability Fairness

o u nta ig ht
b ilit y a n d o v e r s

TA B L E A 2 Advantages and disadvantages of common methods of transparency in data

collection & management

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Privacy policies and – Standardized: Universally accepted format – Lengthy: Most users don’t read them due to their
terms of service length and complexity
– Comprehensive: Covers all aspects, clauses and
potential scenarios related to data usage; optimized – Complex language: Often written in legalese,
for regulatory compliance making it hard for an average user to understand

Interactive privacy – User-friendly: Interactive visuals and tools allow – Overwhelming: Too many options or poorly
dashboards users to understand and control data use designed interfaces can confuse users

– Customizable: Users can often tailor their privacy

settings here

Just-in-time – Contextual: Offers information when it’s most – Interruptive: Can disrupt the user experience if
notifications relevant (e.g. asking for location data when a relevant not appropriately timed; often ignored or rapidly
feature is activated) dismissed by users

– Concise: Provides bite-sized, understandable


Privacy “nutrition” – Simplified overview: Gives users a quick snapshot of – Limited detail: Might not convey the depth of data
labels how an app uses data, similar to nutrition labels interactions
on food

– Standardized comparisons: Allows for easy

comparison between how different apps handle data

Regular data usage – Transparency: Shows users exactly how their data – Might not be seen: Relies on regular user
reports has been used over time engagement

– Might be ignored: Users might overlook these

reports if they receive too many notifications

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 16

TA B L E A 2 Advantages and disadvantages of common methods of transparency in data
collection & management (continued)

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Data access & – Data access: Individual has direct access to data – Security: Potential for security breaches
portability requests
– Agency: Gives the individual ability to take direct – Knowledge constraint: Utility depends on the level
action of user expertise and contextual understanding of the

Embedded device – Real-time indicators: Immediate data activity – Space constraints: Limited screen may restrict
indicators notifications comprehensive info.
(e.g. internet of things
– On-device: Direct transparency available on the – Misinterpretation: Users may misinterpret indicator
(IoT) devices) device itself meanings

– Coverage gap: Indicators might not reflect all data

collection types

User experience – Scope clarity: Explicit boundaries of data collection – Dynamic limitations: Limited utility in continually
surveys changing context
– Consent: Achieves explicit user consent
(e.g. research
– User dependence: Relies heavily on user willingness

Sources: Cranor, L.F. (2023, 6 May). Necessary But Not Sufficient: Standardized Mechanisms for Privacy Notice and Choice. Harvard University Privacy Tools
Project. https://privacytools.seas.harvard.edu/presentations/necessary-not-sufficient-standardized-mechanisms-privacy-notice-and.
Gage Kelley, P. et al. (2009). A ‘Nutrition Label’ for Privacy. SOUPS ‘09: Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, pp. 1-12.
Genaro Motti, V. and Caine, K. (2015). Users’ Privacy Concerns About Wearables. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Edited by M. Brenner, N. Christin,
B. Johnson, K. Rohloff, pp. 231-244, Springer.
Hay Newman, L. (2020, 14 December). Apple’s App ‘Privacy Labels’ Are Here—and They’re a Big Step Forward. Wired. https://www.wired.com/story/apple-app-
Nissenbaum, H. (2011). A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online. Dædalus. https://www.amacad.org/publication/contextual-approach-privacy-online.
Porter Felt, A. et al. (2012). Android permissions: user attention, comprehension, and behavior. SOUPS ‘12: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Usable
Privacy and Security, no. 3, pp. 1-14.
Schaub, F. et al. (2015). A Design Space for Effective Privacy Notices. SOUPS ‘15: Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, pp.1-17.
Tiell, S. and Pesce Ares, L., (2022, 28 June). Principles to practice: Using ethical spectrums to guide decision-making. Atlantic Council. https://www.
Van Alstyne, M. and Paul, S. (2016, 10 November). Platform Strategy and the Internet of Things. MIT Sloan Management Review. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/
Wang, N. et al. (2014). Designing the default privacy settings for Facebook applications. CSCW Companion ‘14: Proceedings of the companion publication of the
17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing, pp. 249-252.
World Economic Forum. (2018). Data Policy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Insights on personal data. https://www.weforum.org/publications/data-policy-in-the-

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 17

Lead authors World Economic Forum

Daniel Dobrygowski Cathy Li

Head, Governance and Trust, Centre for the Head, Artificial Intelligence, Data and Metaverse;
Fourth Industrial Revolution, World Economic Forum Member of the Executive Committee

Amanda Stanhaus Hesham Zafar

Executive Fellow, Digital Trust Initiative, Lead, Digital Trust Initiative
World Economic Forum; Senior Manager,
Responsible Emerging Technology and Innovation,
Accenture, USA

Kathryn White
Executive Fellow, Centre for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, World Economic Forum; Global
Principal Director, Responsible Emerging
Technology and Innovation, Accenture, USA


The Digital Trust Initiative is a multistakeholder Dan Rice

collaboration led by the World Economic Forum, Vice-President, Digital Governance, Walmart
with contributions from the entire Digital Trust
Community. Kim Scardino
Senior Partnership Manager, Trust & Safety, Apple
Justiin Ang
Director, Security and Resilience Division, Ministry Lynn Simons
of Communications and Information of Singapore Senior Director, Security Engagement, Salesforce

Keith Enright David Treat

Vice-President and Chief Privacy Officer, Google Senior Managing Director, Innovation Incubation
Lead, Accenture
Stefan Hall
Director, Digital Innovation and Impact, The initiative team would also like to thank Lara
Consumers International Pesce Ares (Accenture) for her diligent research,
writing and editing that made this report possible.
Thibaut Kleiner
Director, Policy, Strategy and Outreach,
DG Connect, European Commission Production
Helena Leurent
Director-General, Consumers International Danielle Carpenter Sprüngli
Editor, Eagle Eye Communications
Peter Micek
General Counsel and United Nations Policy Laurence Denmark
Manager, Access Now Creative Director, Studio Miko

Phillip Raether Oliver Turner

Group Chief Privacy Officer, Allianz Designer, Studio Miko

Indre Raviv
Senior Vice-President, Marketing, Cujo AI

Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 18

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Digital Trust: Supporting Individual Agency 21

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