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The Skeletal System (Holiday Homework)

1. List the main functions of the skeleton. Can you think of any others?
_There are many functions for the skeletal system, it supports the body and plays a massive part in
facilitating movement. Furthermore, it is essential for protecting internal organs and producing blood
cells. (Also stores and releases minerals and fat)

2. Label the skeleton.

3. Complete the table by filling in the appropriate answers.

Anatomical Term Common Name

os coxae Hip bone
Patella Kneecap
Phalanges Finger
Scapula Shoulder blade
Clavicle Collar bone
Mandible The lower jaw

4. What bone have you injured if you:

a. Break your finger?

___Breaking your finger will result in you injuring your phalanges
b. Dislocate your knee?
______If you dislocate your knee you injury your Patella
c. Break your forearm?
___A broken forearm will result in the breakage of the radius or ulna

5. List the regions of the spine and the number of vertebrae in each.
The spine above the sacrum consists of seven bones in the neck (cervical spine). 12 bones in the chest
(thoracic spine) and five bones in the lower back (lumbar

6. Why are the vertebrae in the cervical and the lumbar regions different sizes?
___The vertebrae in the cervical and lumbar regions are different in size and this can be explained due
to the differences in the proportion of body weight that each support. The lumbar vertebra is designed
to carry most of the body’s weight. Each structural element of the lumber vertebrae is bigger, wider,
and broader than similar components in the cervical and thoracic regions.
7. Label the vertebral column.
8. List the five types of bones and give an example of each.

Flat bones (skull bones)

Long bones (femur)

Short bones (carpal bones)

Irregular bones (vertebrae)

Sesamoid bones (patella)


9. Explain why a flat bone is important. Give an example.

The flat bones in your body are usually thin, flattened and slightly curved. The flat bone plays many
important roles despite its thin structure, as they protect your internal organs or provide connection
point for your muscles.


10. List the three types of joints and give an example of them (different to the ones already
Synarthroses joints: These joints don’t move at all and provide structural support.

Amphiarthrosis joints: The amphiarthrosis joints hold a limited range of motion that offer a
combination of stability and limited motion.

Diarthroses joints: Unlike the other joints the Diarthroses joints enable optimal and free motion in
most directions.
11. Complete the table below on joints and movement types.

Type of movement it is Example of skill it could

Joint Types of Joint
performing perform






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