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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

"Your Future Is Our Commitment"


Physical Education 1 (Movement Enhancement)
First Semester (A.Y. 2023-2024)

Learning Content: Body Planes and Basic Movement Patterns (Week 7)

Competency/ies: Familiarize themselves about the range of motion and body planes.
Learning Outcomes: Familiarized themselves about the range of motion and body planes. Reference/s: Physical Education 1 Movement
Enhancement College Textbook by Dr. Michelle D. Punzalan,, page 40-64.
Concept Notes:

Body Planes:
1. A coronal or frontal plane divides the body into dorsal and ventral (back and front, or posterior and anterior) portions.
2. A transverse plane, also known as an axial plane or cross- section, divides the body into cranial and caudal (head and tail) portions.
3. A sagittal Plane divides the body into sinister and dexter (left
and right) portions.

Physical wellness is one of the important states of well-being and capability of each individual to design the optimum required personal
fitness programs for improving and maintaining the level of health.
Strength is the ability to sustain the application of force without yielding or breaking the ability of muscles to exert efforts against resistance.
Flexibility-determines how far you can bend, and it depends on how far you can stretch your muscles without tearing them. Flexibility helps
to prevent injuries by decreasing the tension of muscles. It helps to reduce muscle soreness and enhances certain types of athletic performance.
The best way to improve your
flexibility is by slow, deliberate stretching.Rapid stretching can be dangerous and ineffective.

Four Basic Movements in Flexibility

1. Flexion-Bending of body segment
2. Extension-Straightening of body segment
3. Abduction - moving a limb away from the body
4. Adduction - moving the limb toward the body

Exercises for Fitness

Healthy living and physical fitness are closely connected. Exercise regularly, every day if possible, is the single most import thing you can
do for your healthy life style.
People who make different physical activities and exercise helps to control appetite, boosts mood, and improves sleeps.____the long term,
it reduces the risk of heart problems, stroke, diabetes, depression, and any related diseases.
Physical activity is defined as any related movement that spends power, flexibility.
Exercise also promotes positive physiological changes, such as encouraging the heart to give a good condition more readily.
It also helps your nervous system which controls your heart rate and blood pressure.

Basic Movement Patterns

One of the basic activity exercise movement is simply exercise classification,which due to popularity has formed the foundation of exercise
selection.Once a strength and conditioning instructor determines which basic movement patterns are essential for the students or athletes, they will
devise a battery test of different
For example, a physical fitness test program movement pattern of a track and field is a horizontal pulling action, as a result there is a vital
component of their training program.

Examples of Basic Movement Patterns

Hip Hinge
This category of exercise is comprised of exercises that involve a hinging motion at the hip joint, movement with a little knee movement.
This hip dominant kind of exercise is initiated by a contraction of the hip extensors and spinal erectors to extend the hip. These kinds of exercises
tend to be more of pulling action.

Exercises are designed to challenge the pelvic complex muscles to prevent some any rotation in the transverse plane and improve
stiffness and stability of the spine. There are some exercises that help dual purposes and sometimes the purposes are potentially more effective in
our body parts. The following are anti-rotation exercises:

1. Horizontal Palov Press

2. Single-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

3. Single-Arm Rows

Types of Stretching
1. Passive Assisted Stretching-a partner assists the stretching.
2. Static Stretching - Technique is widely used and effective techniques of stretching. This technique involves passively stretching a given
antagonist muscle by placing it in a maximal position of stretch and holding it there for an extended time at least 3 to 6 seconds.The best way to
improve flexibility is to do it progressively.
3. Ballistic Stretch - involves an explosive,bouncing rhythmic movement of a specific part of the body.
Basic movement skills are very important to an individual, if the students have properly learned the basic skills they are confident and
competent enough to develop complex movement skills that will allow them to enjoy any sports and physical activity without hesitation. They will
surely move with ease and free from injuries.
Two Practical Principles:
1. Use all the joints that can be used.The forces from each joint must be combined to produce the maximum effect
2. Use every joint in order.This principle tells us when the joints should be used. Movement should begin with the big muscle group and move out
through the progressively smaller muscle,from Dig to small.

1. Why is it dangerous to do rapid stretching?
2. Explain the difference between static stretching and ballistic stretching.
3. Briefly describe physical wellness, strength and flexibility.
4. Why is it important for students like you to understand and be oriented with the basic movement skills?

Prepared by:

PE1 Instructor

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