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1. MES Standard Schedule of Rates Part II covering the items of building works and services
was last published in the year 2010. The Schedule of Rates provides a basic framework to
evaluate cost estimates of the projects. Over the period of last few years, appreciable changes in
wages of labour, adoption of new construction technologies and use of new materials as well
as implementation of GST have necessitated revision of the existing Schedule of Rates. Efforts
have also been made to incorporate new items used in construction works. Accordingly,
Standard Schedule of Rates Part-II has been revised and this shall replace Standard Schedule
of Rates 2010 (Part-II).

2. This publication is user friendly and will be very useful to all those associated with
preparation of estimates, framing of contract documents, execution of works and payment of
bills in MES. I am sure that Standard Schedule of Rates shall be a very useful guide to all
executives and staff in achieving improved standards of working.

3. This Standard Schedule of Rates 2020 (Part-II) shall be effective from 01 Apr 2021.

Station : New Delhi- 11 (S K Shrivastava)

Dated : 23 Nov 2020 Lt Gen

1. The Standard Schedule of Rates published by MES is an important document, as this

not only serves as an useful tool for estimation, evaluation and execution of works by MES but
is also referred to as an authority by other Government & Private entities like builders, architects
and consultants.

2. The Standard Schedule of Rates Part II Rates (SSR Part-II) was last revised in 2010.
Since then, the department has registered considerable changes in the prices of labour, materials,
FOL and machineries. Apart from it, the entire builders community is witnessing a great change,
as new ideas, items, concepts and technologies are coming up. All these factors have necessitated
revision in the prevailing Standard Schedule of Rates.

3. Task for revision was initiated during Oct 2019 and services of experienced officers
have been utilized for its compilation who have endeavoured to put in their best in terms of
sincere efforts, dedication and skill. The colossal task involved did not only pertain to updating
the existing rates but also to incorporate new items of works as a result of adoption of latest
construction technologies and use of new products/materials for user satisfaction.

4. This Schedule of Rates would be used as a guide by the Engineer fraternity, who are
associated with preparation of estimates, drafting of tenders and execution of works. All efforts
have been taken for keeping this publication error free. However, effective suggestions for any
correction, addition and alteration are always welcome for further betterment/improvement.
In case any omission(s) is noticed, it may be brought to the notice of Joint Director General
(Contracts), Military Engineer Services, E-in-C's Branch, Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence
(Army), Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110 011 for correction/updation.

5. We express special thanks to Shri R P Singhal, Jt DG (Contracts) now ADG (Arbitration),

all Director (Contracts) of E-in-C's Branch, CWE (Utilities) Delhi Gantt and MES Builders
Association of India, New Delhi for their special contribution in ensuring publication of this
Schedule in such a short time.

Station : New Delhi- 11 (S K Khanna)

Dated : 23 Nov 2020 Maj Gen
Director General Works

Page No.
SECTION 1 : GENERAL RULES .................................................................................................. 1-15
SECTION 2 : LABOUR RATE ..................................................................................................... 16-17
SECTION 3 : EARTH WORK ...................................................................................................... 18-34
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................... 18
Surface excavation ................................................................................................................................. 23
Rough excavation, excavation over areas, in trenches, etc. ........................................................... 23
Surface dressing ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Timbering to excavations ...................................................................................................................... 26
Spreading, levelling and ramming in floors, etc. .............................................................................. 27
Forming embankments and traverses ................................................................................................. 27
Bore holes for under-reamed piles and bored case in situ piles .................................................... 28
Removal of spoil ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Cutting down trees ................................................................................................................................. 30
Hand packing, filling and hardcore .................................................................................................... 31
Shingle/moorum filling in floors, etc. ................................................................................................ 32
Anti-termite treatment (pre & post construction) ............................................................................ 33
Materials (supplied only) ....................................................................................................................... 34
SECTION 4 : CONCRETE ............................................................................................................ 35-55
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................... 35
Lime concrete in foundations ............................................................................................................... 37
Mixed cement concrete delivered on bunker .................................................................................... 38
Cement concrete in foundations, surface drains, walls, mass concrete, retaining
walls, etc. ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Precast cement concrete work .............................................................................................................. 40
Precast hollow concrete blocks ............................................................................................................ 41
Reinforced cement concrete work (nominal mix) ............................................................................ 44
Reinforced cement concrete work(design mix) ................................................................................ 46
Reinforced ready mixed cement concrete (design mix) .................................................................. 47
Cast-in-situ bored piles .......................................................................................................................... 48
Precast reinforced cement concrete ..................................................................................................... 49
– Posts, fencing posts, door and window frames ......................................................................... 49
– Miscellaneous items ......................................................................................................................... 50
Cutting into or through concrete ......................................................................................................... 51
Toothing and bonding ........................................................................................................................... 53
Polyester triangular fibres as secondary reinforcement in concretes and mortars ................... 53
Materials (supplied only) ....................................................................................................................... 54
SECTION 5 : BRICK WORK ....................................................................................................... 56-77
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................... 56
Brickwork in burnt bricks ..................................................................................................................... 59
Brickwork in burnt clay fly ash bricks ................................................................................................ 62
Extras on brick work .............................................................................................................................. 64
Brick work around steel joists, stanchions etc. ................................................................................. 65
Cavity wall ............................................................................................................................................... 65
Brick window cills, cornices, etc. ......................................................................................................... 65
Fair cutting on brickwork (any description) ..................................................................................... 66
Damp proof courses ............................................................................................................................... 66
Cutting and pinning in existing work ................................................................................................ 67
Cutting holes for bolts, pipes, joists, air flues, ventilators, cast iron boxes etc., and
making good to existing work ....................................................................................................... 67
Cutting openings for doors, windows, etc. and making good ...................................................... 69
Fixing holdfasts in jambs of existing opening and making good .................................................. 70
Cutting and facing walls, etc. .............................................................................................................. 71
Filleting ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Bedding and pointing frames in exiting openings ........................................................................... 73
Fixing only gratings, soot doors, etc. in existing work .................................................................... 73
Firebrick work ......................................................................................................................................... 74
Acid resisting brickwork ....................................................................................................................... 74
Sweeping chimney flues ........................................................................................................................ 74
Brick edgings ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Brickwork in burnt clay sewer bricks ................................................................................................. 75
Materials (supplied only) ....................................................................................................................... 76
SECTION 6 : STONE MASONRY ........................................................................................... 78-102
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................... 78
Stone walling ........................................................................................................................................... 82
Facing to stone walling .......................................................................................................................... 84
Stone walling, jodhpur type ................................................................................................................. 86
Facing to stone walling jodhpur type ................................................................................................. 86
External angles (quoins and jambs) .................................................................................................... 87
Arches ....................................................................................................................................................... 87
Boulder work ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Cutting opening for doors, windows, etc. and making good ........................................................ 88
Cutting chases, rebates etc. in existing walls .................................................................................... 89
Cutting and forming toothing to stone walls .................................................................................... 89
Preparing uncoursed stone walls for concrete band courses, brick courses, bond courses
of masonry in richer mix, etc. ........................................................................................................ 90
Dressed stone work ................................................................................................................................ 90
Dressed stone slabs in copings, window cills, etc. ........................................................................... 92
Dressed stone slabs in shelves, chajjas, etc. ....................................................................................... 92
Jodhpur stone lintels and beams .......................................................................................................... 93
Stone chowkats for doors, windows, etc. .......................................................................................... 93
Jodhpur stone slab roofing .................................................................................................................... 93
Mortices ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
Labours on dressed stone ...................................................................................................................... 94
Mescellaneous labours ........................................................................................................................... 96
Stone kerbs ............................................................................................................................................... 96
Veneering to walls, fireplaces, pillars, steps etc. .............................................................................. 97
Dholpur stone cladding ......................................................................................................................... 98
Marble work ............................................................................................................................................. 99
Granite work .......................................................................................................................................... 100
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 101
– Building stone, etc. ......................................................................................................................... 101
– Boulders (quarried or river bed) .................................................................................................. 101
– Stone for dressed stone work ....................................................................................................... 102
SECTION 7 : WOODWORK (CARPENTER’S WORK) ................................................... 103-125
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 103
Shoring and strutting ........................................................................................................................... 105
Centering to arches .............................................................................................................................. 105
Formwork to concrete etc. .................................................................................................................. 105
Timber in scantlings ............................................................................................................................. 109
Fillet work ............................................................................................................................................... 111
Battens for tiles, etc. .............................................................................................................................. 112
Trellis work (Jafri) ................................................................................................................................. 112
Boarding in roofs, ceilings, partitions, fascia, barge, soffit, etc. (Except flooring and
skirting) ............................................................................................................................................. 113
Weather boarding ................................................................................................................................. 115
Boarded floors and skirtings ............................................................................................................... 116
Piling ........................................................................................................................................................ 118
Pile driving ............................................................................................................................................. 119
Plugging to walls, etc. .......................................................................................................................... 119
Repair to timber roof trusses etc. ....................................................................................................... 120
Workmanship labour only .................................................................................................................. 120
– Planning surfaces ........................................................................................................................... 121
– Beads, grooves, chamfers, mouldings, etc. ................................................................................ 121
– Drilling holes ................................................................................................................................... 122
– Ballies ................................................................................................................................................ 123
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 123
Boards or planks ................................................................................................................................... 124
Nails, tacks and screws ........................................................................................................................ 124
Wood screws .......................................................................................................................................... 125
SECTION 8 : JOINERY ............................................................................................................. 126-184
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 126
Door and window chowkats and other frames ............................................................................. 127
Shutters ................................................................................................................................................... 128
Glazed and skeleton shutters ............................................................................................................. 130
Panelled shutters ................................................................................................................................... 131
Factory made shutters ......................................................................................................................... 132
Flush shutters ........................................................................................................................................ 132
Louvred shutters ................................................................................................................................... 133
Louvred frames ..................................................................................................................................... 134
Moulding ................................................................................................................................................ 134
Turner’s work ........................................................................................................................................ 134
Treads and risers ................................................................................................................................... 136
Housed strings ....................................................................................................................................... 137
Handrails ................................................................................................................................................ 137
Newel posts, balusters, etc. ................................................................................................................. 138
Balusters .................................................................................................................................................. 139
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 140
Jobbing work generally ........................................................................................................................ 141
Repairs to chowkhats or frames ........................................................................................................ 142
Repairs to shutters ................................................................................................................................ 143
Miscellaneous repairs ........................................................................................................................... 143
Solid PVC joinery .................................................................................................................................. 144
uPVC Frames ......................................................................................................................................... 148
Factory made solid PVC panel, glazed, wire gauged, louvre door shutters ............................ 149
Factory made PVC solid PVC door frame (chowkhat) ................................................................. 151
Factory made solid PVC moulded door shutters .......................................................................... 151
Factory made PVC moulded door shutter ....................................................................................... 152
PVC sheet cladding material .............................................................................................................. 152
Solid PVC wall lining ........................................................................................................................... 153
Insulated PVC wall lining ................................................................................................................... 153
Solid PVC sandwich panel for partitions ........................................................................................ 154
Feathered edges PVC sheet in strips & channel for solid PVC wall lining, solid PVC
partitions .......................................................................................................................................... 154
Solid PVC insulation panel for false ceiling .................................................................................... 155
PVC partition ......................................................................................................................................... 155
Solid PVC frame .................................................................................................................................... 156
uPVC Frames ......................................................................................................................................... 157
Product Drawings ................................................................................................................................ 174
SECTION 9 : BUILDER’S HARDWARE .............................................................................. 185-205
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 185
Bolts ......................................................................................................................................................... 187
Sliding door bolt with hasp and staple, suitable for use with padlock ..................................... 189
Hinges ...................................................................................................................................................... 190
Spring for doors .................................................................................................................................... 193
Handles ................................................................................................................................................... 194
Latches .................................................................................................................................................... 194
Locks ........................................................................................................................................................ 195
Fasteners and stays ............................................................................................................................... 196
Drawer pulls and handles .................................................................................................................. 197
Hat pegs and hooks .............................................................................................................................. 198
Gate and shutter, hooks and eyes ...................................................................................................... 198
Knobs ....................................................................................................................................................... 199
Hasps and staples ................................................................................................................................. 199
Curtain rails ........................................................................................................................................... 200
Finger plates ........................................................................................................................................... 200
Kicking plates ........................................................................................................................................ 201
Towel rails .............................................................................................................................................. 201
Floor door stoppers and door catches .............................................................................................. 202
Door closer ............................................................................................................................................. 202
Wire cloth and wire netting ................................................................................................................ 203
Wire netting ........................................................................................................................................... 204
Stainless steel wire netting .................................................................................................................. 204
Aluminium alloy/stainless steel wire cloth ..................................................................................... 204
Floor spring ............................................................................................................................................ 205
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 205
– Wire cloth ......................................................................................................................................... 205
– Wire netting ..................................................................................................................................... 205
SECTION 10 : STEEL, ALUMINIUM AND IRON WORK ............................................ 206-232
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 206
Cast iron work ....................................................................................................................................... 209
Mild steel works (miscellaneous) ....................................................................................................... 209
Screw bolts and nuts etc. ..................................................................................................................... 212
Steel sheet flue pipes ............................................................................................................................ 213
Mild steel sheeting, plain & corrugated ........................................................................................... 214
Raking cutting, etc. on steel sheet work ........................................................................................... 216
Steel reinforcement for concrete ........................................................................................................ 216
Hard drawn steel wire fabric in reinforcement .............................................................................. 216
Structural steel work ............................................................................................................................ 217
Expanded metal and welded steel wire fabric in partitions, etc. ................................................ 219
Wire mattresses and shaped nets ...................................................................................................... 219
Chain link fencing ................................................................................................................................ 220
Wire fencing, etc. .................................................................................................................................. 220
Collapsible steel gates ........................................................................................................................... 221
Steel rolling shutters ............................................................................................................................. 221
Steel doors, windows and ventilators .............................................................................................. 222
Pressed steel door frames .................................................................................................................... 224
Welding in repairs ................................................................................................................................ 224
Anodised aluminium frames for doors, windows and ventilators ............................................. 225
Anodised aluminium shutters for doors, windows and ventilators .......................................... 225
Anodised aluminium frame work (sanp grid) for false ceiling ................................................... 227
Labour only on iron and steel work .................................................................................................. 229
– Punching Small Holes ................................................................................................................... 230
– Cutting or notching on iron and steel work ............................................................................. 230
– Repairs to grates, ranges, etc. ...................................................................................................... 230
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 231
SECTION 11 : ROOF COVERING ........................................................................................ 233-259
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 233
Plain or corrugated steel or asbestos cement sheeting in roofs, chajjas, sunshades,
cloaking to walls and partitions, covering to doors, etc. ....................................................... 234
Corrugated steel sheeting .................................................................................................................... 235
Corrugated aluminium sheeting ........................................................................................................ 236
Corrugated translucent sheeting ....................................................................................................... 236
Plain steel sheeting ............................................................................................................................... 236
Plain, aluminium sheeting .................................................................................................................. 238
Asbestos cement sheeting-grey .......................................................................................................... 239
R.M.P. sheeting ..................................................................................................................................... 239
Asbestos cement accessories-grey ...................................................................................................... 240
Extra to corrugated mildsteel sheeting, aluminium corrugated Sheeting and asbestos
cement corrugated or semi-corrugated Sheeting (any description or thickness) .............. 241
Extra labour on steel, aluminium and asbestos cement sheeting ................................................ 243
Roofing tiles—mangalore pattern ...................................................................................................... 243
Mud phuska ........................................................................................................................................... 244
Brick tile terracing ................................................................................................................................. 245
Stone slab roofing ................................................................................................................................. 246
Repairs and waterproofing treatment to terraced roofs ............................................................... 246
Bitumen felt waterproofing treatment ............................................................................................. 249
Shingle roofing ...................................................................................................................................... 250
Matting, thatch, bamboo work, etc. .................................................................................................. 250
Matting .................................................................................................................................................... 250
Thatching ................................................................................................................................................ 251
Bamboo work (straight or diagonal, in any position) ................................................................... 252
HP burnt clay tile terracing ................................................................................................................ 253
Eaves gutters and rainwater pipes generally .................................................................................. 253
Eaves gutters—steel sheet ................................................................................................................... 254
Rain water pipes—cast iron ............................................................................................................... 255
Gutters—asbestos cement ................................................................................................................... 256
Rainwater pipes—asbestos cement ................................................................................................... 256
Cutting pipes and gutters ................................................................................................................... 257
Taking down, eaves gutters and rainwater pipes .......................................................................... 257
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 257
– Asbestos cement roofing sheets and accessories ...................................................................... 257
– Roofing tiles ..................................................................................................................................... 259
– Roofing slabs ................................................................................................................................... 259
– Bitumastic products ....................................................................................................................... 259
SECTION 12 : CEILING AND LININGS ............................................................................ 260-277
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 260
Asbestos cement building boards ...................................................................................................... 261
Insulation boards .................................................................................................................................. 261
Medium density fibre board ............................................................................................................... 263
High pressure steam cured (HPSC) non-asbestos fibre cement reinforced multipurpose
board ................................................................................................................................................. 264
Decorative laminates ............................................................................................................................ 265
Bonded mineral wool slabs/blanket ................................................................................................. 265
Plywood .................................................................................................................................................. 266
Particle boards ....................................................................................................................................... 266
Prelaminated particle boards ............................................................................................................. 267
Block boards and veneered particle boards ..................................................................................... 268
Circular cutting to boards, etc. .......................................................................................................... 270
Cutting holes .......................................................................................................................................... 270
Textile surfaces ...................................................................................................................................... 271
Reed walling .......................................................................................................................................... 271
Plaster of paris ceiling .......................................................................................................................... 272
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 273
– Plywood ........................................................................................................................................... 274
– Particle boards ................................................................................................................................ 274
– Block boards and veneered particle boards .............................................................................. 275
– Bonded mineral wool blanket/slab ............................................................................................ 276
– Textiles .............................................................................................................................................. 276
– Prelaminated boards ...................................................................................................................... 276
– Ceilings and Linings ...................................................................................................................... 277
SECTION 13 : FLOOR FINISHES AND PAVINGS ......................................................... 278-308
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 278
Stone slab floors .................................................................................................................................... 279
Stone sett flooring ................................................................................................................................. 281
Kota stone flooring ............................................................................................................................... 281
Dry stone floors ..................................................................................................................................... 282
Marble slab tile flooring ....................................................................................................................... 282
Granite tile flooring .............................................................................................................................. 284
Cudappah stone slab over cooking platform .................................................................................. 284
Precast concrete slab floors ................................................................................................................. 285
Lime concrete sub-floors or bases ...................................................................................................... 285
Cement concrete in sub-floors, sub-bases, floors and pavings, etc. ............................................ 286
Wearproof topping ............................................................................................................................... 288
Terrazzo cast in - situ ........................................................................................................................... 289
Brick floors .............................................................................................................................................. 291
Floor And Wall Tiling .......................................................................................................................... 293
Cement Concrete And Terrazzo Tiles .............................................................................................. 297
Acid Resistant Tiles .............................................................................................................................. 299
Repairs To Floor And Wall Tiling ...................................................................................................... 299
Damp Proof Courses ............................................................................................................................ 300
Linoleum Covering To Floors Etc. ..................................................................................................... 301
Rubber Sheet And Tile Flooring ......................................................................................................... 301
PVC Sheet And Tile Flooring ............................................................................................................. 302
Materials (Supplied Only) ................................................................................................................... 304
SECTION 14 : PLASTERING AND POINTING ............................................................... 309-321
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 309
Cement, cement lime and lime plaster work .................................................................................. 313
Special finishes ...................................................................................................................................... 314
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 315
Forming letters, etc. .............................................................................................................................. 316
Mud plastering and leeping ................................................................................................................ 316
Taking down plastering on lathing ................................................................................................... 317
Preparing old walls (to receive plaster, etc.) ................................................................................... 317
Dubbing on old walls ........................................................................................................................... 318
Metal lathing .......................................................................................................................................... 318
Pointing generally ................................................................................................................................. 318
Raking out joints (in old work) .......................................................................................................... 319
Pointing ................................................................................................................................................... 320
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 321
Special condition ................................................................................................................................... 322
Preparatory work ................................................................................................................................. 323
White washing & colour washing ..................................................................................................... 324
Priming surfaces .................................................................................................................................... 324
Distempering, cement painting, etc. ................................................................................................. 325
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 325
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 326
SECTION 16 : GLAZING ......................................................................................................... 327-333
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 327
Sheet glass .............................................................................................................................................. 328
Figured glass .......................................................................................................................................... 328
Wired class and wired figured glass ................................................................................................. 329
Heat absorbing glass & reflective solar control film ...................................................................... 329
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 330
Glazing in repairs ................................................................................................................................. 330
Labours on glass .................................................................................................................................... 331
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 332
SECTION 17 : PAINTING ....................................................................................................... 334-349
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 334
Painting wood and wood based surfaces ........................................................................................ 338
Cresoting, oiling, etc. ............................................................................................................................ 339
Clear finishes to wood and wood based surface ............................................................................ 340
Staining and varnishing ...................................................................................................................... 340
Polishing ................................................................................................................................................. 341
Painting brick, stone, concrete, asbestos cement or plaster surfaces .......................................... 341
Painting steel and iron surfaces ......................................................................................................... 343
Special painting ..................................................................................................................................... 345
Writing .................................................................................................................................................... 346
Miscellaneous work .............................................................................................................................. 347
Line painting on roads, etc. ................................................................................................................ 347
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 348
APPLIANCES .................................................................................................. 350-403
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 350
Cast iron water mains ......................................................................................................................... 350
Cast iron fittings for pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage ................................................... 352
Joints for water mains .......................................................................................................................... 353
Cutting, taking up, etc. of water mains ........................................................................................... 354
Sluice valves, hydrants, etc. (Supplied by M.D.) ............................................................................ 356
Water meters (supplied by M.D.) ...................................................................................................... 357
Drilling and tapping water mains ..................................................................................................... 358
Steel water tubing ................................................................................................................................. 358
Repairs, alterations, etc., to water pipes and connections ........................................................... 360
Polyethylene and unplasticised PVC pipes ..................................................................................... 361
Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipes & Fittings For Hot & Cold Water Supply .... 365
Water tanks (supplied by M.D.) ......................................................................................................... 367
PVC water tanks ................................................................................................................................... 368
Lagging and wrapping on pipes with bonded mineral wool pre-formed pipe sections ....... 368
Plumbing generally ............................................................................................................................... 369
Polytetra methylene terephthalate (PTMT) engineering thermoplastic bath fitting ............... 374
Soil, waste and vent pipes ................................................................................................................... 378
Cast iron soil, waste and vent pipes ................................................................................................. 379
Fittings for cast iron pipes ................................................................................................................... 379
AC soil, waste and vent pipes ............................................................................................................ 381
PVC soil, waste and rainwater (SWR) drainage pipes ................................................................. 382
Fittings for PVC (SWR) pipes ............................................................................................................. 382
Connectors ............................................................................................................................................. 383
Joints ........................................................................................................................................................ 384
Traps for basins and sinks ................................................................................................................... 384
Floor and nahani traps ........................................................................................................................ 385
Gully traps .............................................................................................................................................. 385
Concrete foundation beds, etc. to drain pipes ................................................................................ 385
Salt-glazed stoneware drain pipes .................................................................................................... 387
Reinforced concrete drain pipes ........................................................................................................ 388
Salt-glazed stoneware gully traps ..................................................................................................... 389
Intercepting traps ................................................................................................................................. 389
Testing drains, etc. ................................................................................................................................ 389
Alterations, additions, etc. to existing drainage ............................................................................. 390
Setting only cast iron manhole covers and frames (supplied by M.D) ...................................... 391
Sanitary Appliances Generally .......................................................................................................... 391
Water closets .......................................................................................................................................... 392
Urinals ..................................................................................................................................................... 394
Wash basins ........................................................................................................................................... 395
Shower bath fittings ............................................................................................................................. 395
Making good decorations .................................................................................................................... 397
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 397
Galvanised steel water tubing ............................................................................................................ 397
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 398
SECTION 19 : ELECTRICAL WORK .................................................................................... 404-458
Electrical poles and struts ................................................................................................................... 404
Wood poles ............................................................................................................................................. 404
Pre-stressed concrete poles .................................................................................................................. 405
Steel tubular poles ................................................................................................................................. 405
Cross arms .............................................................................................................................................. 406
Insulators ................................................................................................................................................ 406
Air circuit breaker (ACB) .................................................................................................................... 408
Automatic power factor correction (APFC) panel ........................................................................ 409
Automatic voltage stabilizer (servo controlled) .............................................................................. 410
Vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) ........................................................................................................... 410
SF6 circuit breaker ................................................................................................................................ 411
Stay assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 413
Overhead conductors ........................................................................................................................... 413
Line connectors ..................................................................................................................................... 414
Line taps ................................................................................................................................................. 414
Guarding ................................................................................................................................................. 415
Danger boards ....................................................................................................................................... 415
Aerial fuses ............................................................................................................................................. 416
Expulsion fuses ...................................................................................................................................... 416
Switches air break, gang operated .................................................................................................... 416
Air-break (switch) isolators ................................................................................................................ 417
Arresters lightning low tension .......................................................................................................... 417
Arresters lightning high tension ........................................................................................................ 418
Transformers .......................................................................................................................................... 418
House service brackets ......................................................................................................................... 420
Service connections .............................................................................................................................. 421
Cable termination 11 KV HT (cold shrinkable) .............................................................................. 423
Cable termination 11 KV HT (heat shrinkable) .............................................................................. 424
Precast concrete cable covers ............................................................................................................. 425
PVC underground cable ...................................................................................................................... 426
Street light fittings ................................................................................................................................. 427
Synthetic Insulating Mat ..................................................................................................................... 429
High mast light ...................................................................................................................................... 429
Dismantling ............................................................................................................................................ 429
Point wiring ........................................................................................................................................... 432
Pendants ................................................................................................................................................. 436
Led Tube Light Fittings/ Led Fittings/ Flame Proof Fitting ........................................................ 436
Light fittings ........................................................................................................................................... 439
Switches .................................................................................................................................................. 441
Flame proof switches & switch socket combinations .................................................................... 441
Miniature circuit breaker (M.C.C.BS.) .............................................................................................. 442
Sheet metal enclosures with socket plug top and MCBS .............................................................. 443
Sheet metal enclosures for DB's when MCBS to be used .............................................................. 443
Lighting conductors ............................................................................................................................. 444
PVC/ polycarbonate ............................................................................................................................ 445
PVC rectangular block ......................................................................................................................... 445
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 445
Earthing .................................................................................................................................................. 445
Electric meters ....................................................................................................................................... 448
Fan work ................................................................................................................................................. 450
Fan regulator and dimmer .................................................................................................................. 451
Wiring ...................................................................................................................................................... 451
Rigid non-metallic PVC conduits ...................................................................................................... 454
Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) ............................................................................................. 454
Water Heater (Geyser) ......................................................................................................................... 455
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 455
SECTION 20A : ROAD WORK .............................................................................................. 459-470
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 459
Formation, sub-grade, berms, etc. ..................................................................................................... 459
Soling (sub-base) ................................................................................................................................... 460
Granular sub bases & light wearing surfaces ................................................................................. 460
Water bound macadam (WBM) sub base & base courses ............................................................ 461
Preparation of surfaces prior to application of primer ................................................................. 462
Priming surfaces .................................................................................................................................... 462
Bituminous surface dressing ............................................................................................................... 462
Unsurfaced surfaces of WBM ............................................................................................................. 463
Bituminous carpet ................................................................................................................................. 464
Seal coats ................................................................................................................................................ 464
Rolling ..................................................................................................................................................... 464
Screening road metal, etc. ................................................................................................................... 466
Breaking stone, boulder, etc. ............................................................................................................... 466
Repairs to surfaces of macadam road .............................................................................................. 467
Materials (supplied only) ..................................................................................................................... 469
Broken stones and chipping for bitumen work .............................................................................. 470
SECTION 20B : ROAD WORK ............................................................................................... 471-477
Hard standing and pavement ............................................................................................................ 471
Bituminous macadam .......................................................................................................................... 471
Bituminous macadam .......................................................................................................................... 472
Dense/semi dense asphaltic concrete .............................................................................................. 472
Concrete road, runway and hard-standing (flexural concrete only) ........................................ 473
Joints in pavement and hard standing ............................................................................................. 474
Finishes to concrete roads, pavings, etc. .......................................................................................... 474
Materials (supply only) ........................................................................................................................ 476
– Pre-formed filler .............................................................................................................................. 476
– Joints sealing compound material ............................................................................................... 476
SECTION 21 : DEMOLITION AND DISMANTLING ................................................... 478-489
Special conditions ................................................................................................................................. 478
Brickwork and masonry ...................................................................................................................... 479
Jack arches and reinforced brickwork .............................................................................................. 480
Stone and brick pavings/floors .......................................................................................................... 480
Cleaning bricks, stones, etc. ................................................................................................................ 481
Concrete in situ ..................................................................................................................................... 481
Wood work and joinery ...................................................................................................................... 482
Steel and iron work .............................................................................................................................. 483
Roof and wall coverings, ceilings and linings ................................................................................. 484
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 486
Drains ...................................................................................................................................................... 487
Removing building materials .............................................................................................................. 488
Air handling unit .................................................................................................................................. 490
Air curtains ............................................................................................................................................ 492
Cooling towers ...................................................................................................................................... 494
Air cooled reciprocating chillers ........................................................................................................ 495
Air cooled screw chillers ..................................................................................................................... 496
Water cooled screw chillers ................................................................................................................ 497
Air cooled scroll chiller ........................................................................................................................ 499
Water cooled scroll chillers ................................................................................................................. 499
Water cooled centrifugal chiller ......................................................................................................... 499
Duct insulation ...................................................................................................................................... 500
PGI sheet duct ........................................................................................................................................ 501
Package unit ........................................................................................................................................... 501
MS pipes ................................................................................................................................................. 502
PUF insulation for MS pipe ................................................................................................................ 502
Pre insulated MS pipes ........................................................................................................................ 502
Underdeck insulation ........................................................................................................................... 503
VLT HVAC drive .................................................................................................................................. 504
Walk - in cold room & mortuary cabinet ......................................................................................... 505
Ice making machine ............................................................................................................................. 506
Appliances .............................................................................................................................................. 506
Water cooler ........................................................................................................................................... 507
Split AC unit .......................................................................................................................................... 507
SECTION 23 : LIFTS .................................................................................................................. 509-510
SECTION 24 : ROAD FURNITURE ITEMS ........................................................................ 511-514
SECTION 26 : SOLAR WATER SYSTEM .................................................................................... 515
FIRE HYDRANT AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM ...................................... 516-522
Pumps ...................................................................................................................................................... 516
Water pipes ............................................................................................................................................ 517
Fire detection and alarm system ........................................................................................................ 520
SECTION 28 : INCINERATOR ...................................................................................................... 523
SECTION 29 : RAIN WATER HARVESTING ........................................................................... 524
Roof covering ......................................................................................................................................... 524
Composite rain water harvesting system ........................................................................................ 524


lsuk bathfu;j lsok;sa


njksa dh ekud vuqlp

w h 2020

Hkkx – II njsa
(hereinafter referred to as the “S.S.R.”)

¼rnqijkar bls **,l- ,l- vkj-** ds uke ls lanfHkZr fd;k x;k gS½


[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
1.0 These general rules shall be applicable to all Sections to the 1-0 ;g lkekU; fu;e lHkh [kaMksa ij ml lhek rd ykxw gksxa s tgka rd
extent the context permits and are intended to supplement fd izdj.k vuqefr nsrk gS rFkk budk mÌs”; ml fof'k"V [kaM dh
the provisions in the particular section. In case of any
discrepancy, the provision in the particular Section shall
O;oLFkkvksa dh vuqifw ÙkZ djuk gSA fdlh Hkh vlaxfr dh fLFkfr esa bl
take precedence. [kaM dh O;oLFkk;sa gh ekU;rk izkIr djsx a hA

1.1 Area of Applicability:— 1-1 iz;ksT;rk ds {ks= %&

This SSR is applicable for whole country / or any ;g ,l ,l vkj iwjs ns'k ds fy, ;k ,e-bZ-,l- }kjk Hkkjr ds
work taken outside India by MES.
ckgj fd, x, fdlh Hkh dk;Z ds fy, ykxw gksxkA
1.2 Interpretations:—
1-2 O;k[;k %&
(a) The Engineer-in-Chief, Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), shall be the sole deciding authority as to ¼v½ vfHk;ark izeq[k] ,dhd`r eq[;ky; j{kk ea=ky; ¼lsua k½] ,l ,l
the meaning, interpretation and implications of various vkj dh fofHkUu O;oLFkkvksa ds vFkZ] O;k[;k rFkk rkRi;Z ds fo"k;
provisions of the S.S.R. His decision in writing shall be
final and binding.
esa vafre fu.kkZ;d vf/kdkjh gksx
a As mudk fyf[kr esa fn;k x;k
fu.kZ; vafre rFkk ck/; gksxkA
(b) If there is any discrepancy in meaning of English and
its Hindi version in SSR, the English words and
¼c½ ;fn ,l-,l-vkj-esa fdlh 'kCn ds fgUnh ;k vaxzsth rkRi;Z esa
meanings as understood or as inter-preted shall take folaxfr gks rks vaxzsth 'kCn o mlds vFkZ dks izkFkfedrk nh
precedence. tk;sxhA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
1.3 Definitions:- 1-3 ifjHkk"kk;sa %&
The following terms and expressions in the SSR, shall ,l ,l vkj esa fuEufyf[kr 'kCn o vfHkO;fDr;k, muds fy, fu/kkZfjr
have the meaning or implications hereby assigned to them
unless mentioned otherwise elsewhere :
rkRi;Z ds vFkZ ls gh tkuh tk;sxh tc rd fd dgha nwljs izdkj ls
u dgk x;k gksA
(1) Ditto The whole of the work described in the ¼1½ mi;qZDr en esa of.kZr og laiw.kZ dk;Z tks 'kCn ds rqjUr
item immediately preceding the word but igys vkrk gS fdUrq :ikarfjr ftl dk o.kZu
subject to any modification which may be
specifically mentioned.
fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
(2) (Ditto) The word or words, etc., enclosed in ¼2½ ¼mi;qZDr½ 'kCn ;k vusd 'kCn vkfn tks rqjUr igys okyh
brackets in the item immediately en esa dks"Bd esa fn;s x;s gksaA
(3) Stores, (1) When used in connection with the ¼3½ Hk.Mkj]
¼1½ tc ,d lafonk dh fof'k"V vuqlwph esa
M.E.S. materials included in the appropriate ,ebZ,l
'kkfey lkexzh dk ,e bZ ,l }kjk iznÙk lkexzh
Stores Schedule of a contract for issue by the
ds lanHkZ esa iz;ksx fd;k x;k gks rks ;g og LFkku
M.E.S.; the place of issue mentioned
in that Schedule. gksrk gS tgka ls ml vuqlp w h esa of.kZr og lkexzh
iznku dh tkrh gSA
(2) In cases other than those mentioned ¼2½ mijksDr ¼1½ esa of.kZr fLFkfr;ksa ds vfrfjDr
in (1) above-Any M.E.S. Store or place ,e bZ ,l dk dksbZ Hk.Mkj ;k tek djkus dk og
of deposit within the contract Area or
LFkku tks lafonk ds ifj{ks= ds vUnj vkrk gks ;k
the nearest M.E.S. Store at the
discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge, izHkkjh vfHk;ark ds foosdkuqlkj ,e bZ ,l dk
unless a particular store is mentioned lcls utnhd dk Hk.Mkj tc rd fd lafonk esa
in the contract. fdlh fo'ks"k Hk.Mkj dk o.kZu u gksA
(4) Materials The provision of all materials and labour ¼4½ lkexzh o Je laiw.kZ lkexzh o Jfedksa dh O;oLFkk rFkk en esa
and and the performance of all workmanship of.kZr dk;Z ds leqfpr fu"iknu ds fy, vko';d
Labour necessary for the proper execution of the lHkh dk;Z dkS'ky dk ikyu rFkk og lHkh O;oLFkk;sa
work as described in the item and for all
the provisions described in 1.13.
tks 1-13 esa of.kZr gSaA
(5) Labour As defined for “materials and labour” ¼5½ fcuk lkexh] tSlk fd **lkexzh o Je** ds fy, ifjHkkf"kr
only, except for the provision of materials (which dsoy Je fd;k x;k gS fcuk lkexzh dh O;oLFkk ds ¼ftldh
Except will be supplied Free of cost for vkiwfŸkZ] dk;Z esa 'kkfey djus ds fy,] fu%'kqYd
Materials incorporation in the work), but including
the removal, by the contractor from the
dh tk;sxh½] fdUrq ,e bZ ,l }kjk iznŸk laiw.kZ
M.E.S. Store, of all materials provided by lkexzh dks Bsdsnkj }kj ,e bZ ,l Hk.Mkj ls ys
the M.E.S. and where applicable, storing tkuk o tgka vko';d gksa ogka visf{kr vkoj.k
under cover as required, closing, preparing, ds vUnj j[kuk] can djuk] rS;kj djuk] Hkjuk
loading and returning empty cases or vkSj [kkyh MCcksa ;k ik=ksa dks fcuk vfrfjDr
containers to the place of issue without any
extra charge.
izHkkj ds iznŸk LFkku ij okfil djuk 'kkfey
(6) Except As defined for “materials and labour” ¼6½ fcuk bZV] tSlk fd **lkexzh o Je** ds fy, ifjHkkf"kr
bricks, except the provisions of the materials fcuk yDdM+] fd;k x;k gS fcuk lkexzh dh O;oLFkk ds ¼ftldh
Except (which will be supplied Free of cost for
timber, incorporation in the work) specifically ,ebZ,l }kjk vkiwfŸkZ] dk;Z esa 'kkfey djus ds fy, fu'kqYd dh
Mate- exempted, but including the removal, by fu%'kqYd iznŸk tk;sxh½] fdUrq ,e bZ ,l }kjk iznŸk laiw.kZ
rials the contractor from the M.E.S. Store, of the lkexzh vkfn lkexzh dk Bsdns kj }kjk ,e bZ ,l Hk.Mkj ls ys
supplied materials provided by the M.E.S. and tkuk o tgk¡ vko';d gks ogka visf{kr vkoj.k ds
by M.E.S. where applicable, storing under cover as vUnj j[kuk] can djuk] rS;kj djuk] Hkjuk vkSj
free required, closing, preparing, loading and
returning empty cases or containers to the [kkyh MCcksa ;k ik=ksa dks fcuk vfrfjDr izHkkj ds
of cost,
etc. place of issue without any extra charge. iznŸk LFkku ij okfil djuk 'kkfey gSA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

(7) Fixing As defined for “materials and labour” except ¼7½ dsoy LFkkiu]
tSlk fd Þlkexzh o Jeß ds fy, ifjHkkf"kr fd;k
only, for provision of the articles (which will be dsoy fcNkbZ]
x;k gS fcuk oLrqvksa dh O;oLFkk ds ¼ftudh vkiwfÙkZ]
Laying supplied Free of cost for incorporation in the
only, works), to be fixed, laid or set, but including
dsoydk;Z esa 'kkfey djus ds fy, fu%'kqYd dh tk;sxh½]
Setting removal of the articles from the M.E.S. Store, O;OkfLFkr
ftudks fLFkj djuk] fcNkuk ;k O;ofLFkr djuk
only if required, and the provision of materials djuk'kkfey gS fdUrq ;fn vko';d gks rks oLrqvksa dks ,e
necessary for the proper execution of the bZ ,l Hk.Mkj ls ykuk vkSj en esa of.kZr dk;Z ds
work, as described in the item which are leqfpr fu"iknu ds fy, vko';d lgk;d lkexzh
subsidiary to, but are not supplied as part of fdUrq ftudh vkiwfrZ eq[; oLrq ds Hkkx ds :i esa
the principal article, such as nails, screws,
glue packing, jointing, and beading materials ugha dh xbZ gS tSls dhy]sas isp] ljsl] can djus]
and the like, unless otherwise specifically tksMu+ s o cka/kus dh lkexzh tSls lkeku dh O;oLFkk
excluded. These also include for, where djuk tc rd fd vU;Fkk fo'ks"k :i ls izFkd u
applicable, closing, preparing, loading and fd;k gksA bues]a tgka ykxw gksrk gks ogka can djuk]
returning, empty cases or containers of the rS;kj djuk] mBkuk rFkk ,e bZ ,l }kjk iznÙk
articles provided by the M.E.S. to the place of
issue without any extra charge. oLrqvksa ds [kkyh fMCCksa o ik=ksa dks iznÙk LFkku ij
fcuk vfrfjDr izHkkj ds okfil djuk 'kkfey gSa
(8) Add if All materials, labour, tools, plant, ¼8½ tksMa+s ;fn lai.w kZ lkexzh] Jfed] vkStkj l;a= ikM+ o midj.k
in scaffolding and appliances required for lq/kkj es]a ftudh vko';drk iqjkuh oLrqvksa ¼MakVsa] idM+
repairs, taking out the old article (including plugs,
Add if holdfasts, etc.) removal of the old article to tksMas+ ;fn iÙkh vkfn½ dks fudkyus esa gksrh gS rFkk ;fn vko';drk
fixed in the M.E.S. Store, if required, making good LFkkiu gks rks iqjkuh oLrqvksa dks ,e bZ ,e Hk.Mkj esa
repairs all work disturbed at fixing, and obtaining lq / kkj es a igq¡pkuk rFkk LFkkiu ds dke ds fo?kfVr LFkku
access, by raising or removing covers, to dks Bhd djuk rFkk igqp ¡ cukus ds fy,] la;kstuksa
fittings etc., and replacing covers on vkfn ls vkoj.k mBkuk ;k gVkuk o dk;Z lekfIr
completion. ij mUgsa ;FkkLFkku ij j[kukA
(9) Fixing As defined for “Fixing only” and in ¼9½ lq/kkjksa esa tSlk fd Þdsoy LFkkiuß esa ifjHkkf"kr gS rFkk
only in addition as defined for “Add if in repairs”. dsoy LFkkiu tSlk fd ÞtksM+as ;fn ejEerß esa ifjHkkf"kr gSA
(10) Patch or A portion of the existing work to which a ¼10½ isou ;k fo|eku dk;Z dk ,d Hkkx ftlesa vkaf'kd :i ls
in partial replacement, renewal or repair is isouksa esa izfrLFkkiu] uohuhdj.k ;k ejEer dh xbZ gS
patches effected and to which the patch is rFkk ftlesa isou dks iwjh rjg ls feyk fn;k gSA
integrally connected.The expressions are ;g vfHkO;fDr;kÌ NksVh ek=k ds dk;ksZa@rax
not applicable to work in small quantities/
narrow widths in new work. pkSMkbZ ds uohu dk;ksZ ij ykxw ugha gksrhaA
(11) Transport, Conveyance by any mode or means ¼11½ ifjogu] fdlh Hkh fof/k ;k lk/ku }kjk ifjogu esa lkeku
carriage, including loading, unloading, reloading, okgu] HkkM+k Hkjuk] mrkjuk] iqu% Hkjuk vkfn 'kkfey gSA
cartage etc.
(12) Raise, Includes any hoisting or lowering by any ¼12½ mBkuk o blesa fdlh Hkh rjg ;k lk/ku ls Åij
Raising mode or means.
or mBkus dk mBkuk ;k uhps ykuk 'kkfey gSA
Lowe- dk;Z
(13) Measured It means that the materials and/or labour ¼13½ izFkd ekik bldk vFkZ ;g gS fd of.kZr lkexzh rFkk ;k Je
sepa- so described is not included in the rate for tk;sxk ml en dh njksa esa 'kkfey ugha gS vr% izFkd
rately the item, but will be measured separately.
ekik tk;sxkA
(14) Best With reference to quality of material and ¼14½ loksÙZ ke lkexzh dh xq.koRRkk rFkk dk;Z dq'kyrk ds lanHkZ esa tc
workmanship, when possible, the standard
required shall be specified in preference to
laHko gks rks vis{kkd`r loksÙZ ke 'kCn ds vko';d ekud
the expression “Best”. The word “Best” dks fufnZ"V fd;k tk;sxkA tc 'kCn ÞloksÙZ keß dk
when used shall mean that, in the opinion iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS rks bldk vFkZ ;g gksxk fd nqxZ
of the G.E., there is no superior material/ vfHk;ark ds fopkj esa cktkj o O;kikj esa dze'k% mÙke
article and workmanship obtainable in the lkexzh@oLrq rFkk dk;Z dq'kyrk miyC/k ugha gSA
market and trade respectively.
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
(15) Local The word “Local” when used with reference ¼15½ LFkkuh; tc lkexzh@oLrq ds lanHkZ esa LFkkuh; 'kCn dk
to material/article shall mean the best (at iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS rks bldk vFkZ gksxk fd vius
the discretion of G.E.) of its kind available
and used in the locality (i.e. within a distance
izdkj dh loksÙZ ke ¼nqxZ vfHk;Urk ds foosdkuqlkj½
of 40 km from the boundary of the site of miyC/k gS rFkk izn's k esa iz;Dq r gksrh gS ¼vFkkZr
work, unless specified to the contrary in the dk;ZLFky dh lhek ds 40 fdeh- ds vUnj] tc
tender documents). rd fd fufonk nLrkostksa esa foijhr fufnZ"V u gksA
(16) Site The land and/or place on, in, into or ¼16½ dk;ZLFky og tehu o@;k LFkku ftl ij ftles]a chp ;k
through which work is to be executed under vk|ksikUr esa lafonk ds vUrxZr dk;Z gksuk gS ;k
the contract, or any adjacent land, path or
street, which may be allotted or used for the
dksbZ fudVorhZ tehu] jkLrk ;k xyh] tks lafonk
purpose of carrying out the contract. dk;ksZ dks iwjk djus ds fy, vkoafVr ;k iz;qDr
fd;s tk ldrs gSaA
(17) Contrac- The individual or firm or company, ¼17½ Bsdns kj og O;fDr] ;k QeZ] ;k dEiuh] pkgs fuxfer gS
tor whether incorporated or not, undertaking ;k ugha] ftlus dk;Z djus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro fy;k
the Works and shall include the legal
personal representatives of such
gS rFkk og O;fDr] tks ,sls O;fDr dk dkuwuh :i
individual or the persons composing such ls izfrfuf/k gks] ;k ,sls O;fDR;ksa dk lewg tks ,slh
individual or firm or company or the QeZ ;k dEiuh ds gSa ;k ,sls O;fDr] QeZ ;k
successors of such individual or firm or dEiuh dh mÙkjkf/kdkjh ;k lEifÙk ds izkf/kd`r
company and the permitted assigns of izkIr drkZ gksaA
such individual or firm or company.
(18) C.E./ Chief Engineer concerned. ¼18½ lh- bZ-@ lacfU/kr eq[; vfHk;Urk
(19) C.W.E./ Commander Works Engineer concerned. ¼19½ lh- MCy;w- bZ lacfU/kr lekns'kd dk;Z vfHk;Urk
CWE (In case there is no CWE, power will be @lh MOY;w bZ ¼;fn lekns'kd dk;Z vfHk;Urk ugha gS] rks lacfa /kr
exercised by concerned CE)
eq[; vfHk;Urk }kjk 'kfDr dk mi;ksx fd;k tk,xk½
(20) G.E./ Garrison Engineer concerned. ¼20½ th- bZ-@
lacfU/kr nqxZ vfHk;Urk
GE (It also includes GE(I)/AGE(I) as the case
may be)
¼blesa nqxZ vfHk;Urk ¼LorU=½@lgk;d nqxZ
vfHk;urk ¼LorU=½ tSlk ekeyk gks] Hkh 'kkfey gS½a
(21) E.I.C./ Engineer-in-Charge, appointed by the G.E. ¼21½ bZ-vkbZ-lh-@ nqxZ vfHk;ark }kjk dk;Z ;k mlds Hkkx ds i;Zo{s k.k
EIC to supervise the works or part of the works. bZvkbZlh ds fy, fu;qDr vfHk;UrkA
(22) Ap- The approval or direction of the C.W.E. or ¼22½ Lohd`r@ leksns'kd dk;Z vfHk;ark ;k nqxZ vfHk;ark ;k
proved/ G.E. or person deputed by him for the funsfZ 'kr mlds }kjk fo'ks"k iz;kstu ds fy, fu;qDr
Dir particular purpose.
izfrfuf/k dh Lohd`fr ;k vkns'kA

(23) Indi- As shown in drawing, particular ¼23½ lwfpr@ tSlk fd uD'ks] fo'ks"k fofunsZ'kuksa] dk;Z vkns'k
cated/ specifications, work order or deviation tSlk lwfpr ;k fopyu vkns'k esa fn[kk;k x;k gksA
as order.

(24) Spe- Separately ordered in writing for the ¼24½ fo'ks"kr% vke dk;Z vkns'kksa] izkFkZuk vkfn ds vfrfjDr
cially particular item(s) only, in addition to the vknsf'kr dsoy fo'ks"k en ¼enks½ ds fy, fyf[kr :i esa
Orde usual Works Orders, Requisitions, etc.
izFkd fn;s x;s vkns'kA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

(25) M.E.S./ Military Engineer Services ¼25½ ,e- bZ- ,l- lsuk bathfu;j lsok;saA

(26) M.D./ Government of India (Ministry of Defence). ¼26½ ,e- Mh- Hkkjr ljdkj ¼j{kk ea=ky;½A

(27) Month A Calendar Month. ¼27½ ekg iapkax ekl

(28) M.D. The term ‘M.D. premises’ or ‘premises’, ¼28½ ,e- Mh- vuqlwph esa Þ,e Mh ifjlj ;k Þifjljß 'kCn
Premises where used in the Schedule means any ifjlj dk tgka Hkh iz;ksx gqvk gS mldk vFkZ fdlh Hkh
premises (whether owned by Government ,sls ifjlj ls gS ¼pkgs og Hkkjr ljdkj ds
of India or otherwise) on which work is LokfeRo esa gks vFkok ugh½ ftl ij ,e-bZ-,l- ds
carried out under the supervision of the
i;Zos{k.k esa dk;Z fd;k tk jgk gksA

(29) S.S.R/ Standard Schedule of Rates. ¼29½ ,l ,l vkj njks dh ekud vuqlwph
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

1.4 Abbreviations:- 1-4 laf{kfIr;ka %&

The following abbreviations, wherever they appear njksa dh ekud vuqlp w h esa tgka dgha Hkh fuEufyf[kr laf{kfIr;ka vkrh
in the S.S.R., shall have the meaning or implication
hereby assigned to them:-
gSa( rks mudk vFkZ o rkRi;Z ogha gksxk tks ;gka fn;k x;k gS%&

1. Average avg. 1- vkSlr vkSlr

2. Aluminium Conductor 2- vY;qfefu;e lapkyd yksgs izofyr , lh ,l vkj
Steel Reinforced A.C.S.R. 3- iw.kZ vY;qfefu;e lapkyd , , lh
3. All-Aluminium Conductor A.A.C. 4- izR;koÙkhZ djaV , lh
4. Alternating Current A.C. 5- ok;q fo;kstu , ch
5. Air Break A.B. 6- laxhu Vksih laVks
6. Bayonet Cap B.C. 7- ?ku ehVj ?k eh
7. Cubic metre m3/Cu m /Cu. m
8- ?ku lSaUVhehVj ?k lS-
8. Cubic Centimetre cm3/cc/
9- Mksjh ca/ku lh th
9. Cord Grip C.G.
10. Centimetre Cm/cm
10- lSVa hehVj la Vh
11. Cubic Cu 11- ?ku ?ku
12. Diameter dia. 12- O;kl O;kl
13. Degree centigrade Celsius °C 13- foHkDr lSyf”k;l rkieku lh
temperature 14- fn’V /kkjk fn /kk
14. Direct Current DC 15- f}[kaHkk Mh ih
15. Double Pole DP 16- vid’kZd vid
16. Etcetera etc./etc. 17- vf/kd vf/k
17. Exceeding exc/exc./Exc./Exc 18- lapkyd isp bZ ,l
18. Edison Screw ES 19- vkdkj vkd`
19. Figure Fig. 20- mnkgj.kkFkZ mnkg
20. For example e.g. 21- xzke xzk
21. Gram/Gramme g.
22- cM+k isp th ,l
22. Goliath Screw G.S.
22A. Goods & Services tax GST
22A- oLrq ,oa lsok dj th-,l-Vh-
23. High Tension HT 23- mPp ruko mr
24. Iron Clad IC 24- yksgNkfir yks Nk
25. Iron Clad Triple Pole ICTP 25- yksfgr f=”kk[kk [kaHkk yks f= “kk
26. Kilogram Kg 26- fdyksxkze fdxzk
27. Kilolitre Kl 27- fdyksfyVj fdfy
28. Kilometre Km 28- fdyks ehVj fdeh
29. Kilovolts KV 29- fdyks ckYV fdck
30. Kilovolt Amps KVA/kva 30- fdyks ckYV ,Eis;j fdok,Ei
31. Litre l 31- fyVj fy
32. Labour only L.O. 32- dsoy Je dJ
33. Long Way Mesh LWM 33- nh?kZekxZ fNnz fn ek fN
34. Low Tension LT
34- fuEu ruko fur
35. Metre M/m.
35- ehVj fe@eh
36. Material and Labour M&L
37. Millimetre Mm/mm
36- lkexzh o Je lk o Je
37.A Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 37- feyh ehVj feeh
37.B Moulded case Circuit Breaker MCCB 37-A fefu,pj ldZV Ckszdj ,e lh ch
38. Namely viz. 37-B eksfYMM dsl ldZV Ckszdj ,e lh lh ch
39. Not exceeding n.exc./n exc./ 38- vFkkZr ;kuh
N.exc/N exc. 39- vuf/kd vu
40. Number No./No/no./no 40- la[;k ¼la[;k;sa½ la-
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
41. Plain Cement Concrete PCC 41- lknh lhesaV daØhV l lh da
42 Paper Insulated Lead PILC 42- dkxth /kkjk vojks/kd lhlk p<+k dk/kk v lh p
Covered 43- dkxth /kkjk vojks/kd lhlkbZ dop ih vkbZ ,y lh ,
43. Paper Insulated Lead PILCA
44- ikWyh foukbZy DyksjkbM ih oh lh
Covered Armoured
44. Polyvinyl-Chloride PVC
44-A izh bafUtfu;jM fcfYaMx ih bZ ch
44.A Pre- Engineered Building PEB 45- fDaoVy fda
45. Quintal q/qtl 46- izofyr lhesaV daØhV iz lh da
46. Reinforced Cement Concrete RCC 46-A jsMh feDlM daØhV vkj ,e lh
46.A Ready mixed Concrete RMC 47- :i;k :i
47. Rupee Re 48- :i;s
48. Rupees 49- Nk;k okgd ,dy/kkjk N o , /kk
49. Shade Carrier or Single Core SC
50- vkiwfrZ o fLFkj vk o fLFk
50. Supply and fix or Supplied S&F
and fixed
51- ,dy [kaHkk , [ka
51. Single Pole SP 52- oxZ ehVj oeh
52. Square metre m2/sqm./sqm 53- oxZ oxZ
53. Square Sq/sq. 54- vYi ekxhZ tkyh v Hkk tk
54. Short Way Mesh SWM 55- ekud rkj tkyh ek rk tk
55. Standard Wire Gauge SWG 56- f=/kkjk [kaHkk f= /kk [ka
56. Triple Pole TP 57- Vu Vu
57. Tonne t.
58- vFkkZr vFkkZr
58. that is i.e.
59. Teak Wood TW
59- lkxoku dh ydM+h lk y
60. Tough Rubber Sheathed TRS 60- l[r jcM+ dk vkoj.k l j yk
61. Under Ground UG 61- HkwfeLFk HkwLFk
62. Vulcanised India Rubber VIR 62- xU?kd ns”kh jcM+ x ns j
63. WeatherProof WP 63- _rq lg _l
1.5. Materials Supplied only:- 1-5 dsoy lkexzh dh vkiwfŸkZ %&
1.5.1 The rates for Materials ‘Supplied only’ at the end of 1-5-1 lkexzh ds fy, **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ** dh izR;sd [kaM ds vUr esa nh
each Section shall apply:- xbZ njsZa ykxw gkasxh%&
(a) For pricing of work executed by the Contractor,
¼d½ Bsdsnkj }kjk fu’ikfnr dk;Z dk ewY; vkadus ds fd,]
where ‘supplied only’ rates are applicable
according to the provision in the S.S.R.
tgka njksa dh ekud vuqlwph ds izko/kku ds vuqlkj]
(b) For the preparation of Proportional Rates. **dsoy vkiwfrZ** dh njsZa ykxw gSaA
¼[k½ vkuqikfrd njsa rS;kj djus ds fy,A
1.5.2 The rates do not apply for the purchase of stores by 1-5-2 ,e bZ ,l }kjk Bsdsnkj ls lkeku [kjhnus ij ;g njsa ykxw
the M.E.S. from the Contractor. ugha gSaA
1.5.3 The rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of the 1-5-3 njksa esa fuEufyf[kr dks “kkfey ekuk tk;sxk%&
following: ¼d½ ,e bZ ,l Hk.Mkj ;k dk;ZLFky ij fu’iknuA
(a) Delivery at the M.E.S. Store or site of work. ¼[k½ eki ;k fxurh djus ds fy, ;Fkkdze <sjksa esa pV~Vs
(b) Stacking in regular stacks for measurement or
yxkuk ¼lkexzh dh fdLe ds vuqlkj½
counting (according to the nature of materials).
(c) Sizes and lengths available with the M.E.S. in ¼x½ ,e bZ ,l vkiwfÙkZ ds lEcU/k esa ,e bZ ,l ds ikl
case of supply by M.E.S. miyC/k vkdkj o yEckbZA
1.5.4 Rates for materials which are common to more than 1-5-4 mu lkefxz;ksa dh njsa tks ,l ,l vkj ds ,d ls vf/kd [k.Mksa
one Section of S.S.R., have been given, generally, in esa lkekU; gS( mUgsa vkerkSj ls ,d gh [k.M esa fn;k x;k gSA
one Section. They shall apply to other sections unless os vU; [k.Mksa ij Hkh ykxw gksxh tc rd fd mUgsa ml fo”ks’k
they are not appearing in that particular section. [k.M esa u n”kkZ;k x;k gksA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

1.5.5 The material supplied by M.E.S. shall be deemed to be 1-5-5 ,e bZ ,l }kjk nh xbZ lkexzh dks ,l ,l vkj esa fn;s x;s
complying with the specifications given in the S.S.R. fofunsZa”kksa ds vuq:i ekuk tk;sxkA
1.5.6 The rates for materials “supplied only” are 1-5-6 *dsoy vkiwfŸkZ* dh xbZ lkexzh essa dSls Hkh MCcs@Mje@cDls@
inclusive of the cost of any cases/ drums/ fdlh Hkh izdkj ds FkSys lfUufgr gSa vkSj mUgsa okfil ugh fd;k
containers/any type of bags etc. and these shall be tk;sxkA tgka dgha Hkh ,l ,l vkj dh en esa fuxZe oLrq
non returnable. Where ever the issue of items is MCcs@Mje@cDlksa@fdlh izdkj ds FkSys vkfn dks okfil
stated, to be returnable containers/packing drums/ djus ;ksX; dgk x;k gS mls vc la”kksf/kr :i es okfil u
any type of bags etc. in items of SSR, this shall stand
djus ;ksX; i<+k tk;sxkA
modified to read as non returnable.

1.5.7 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe 1-5-7 Bsdns kj lkexzh dh lqjf{kr laHkky ds fy, ml le; ls gh mÙkjnk;h
custody of all materials from the time they are issued gksxk ftl le; og mls fuxZe dh tkrh gSAa lkexzh tks LFkkiu ds
to him by the M.E.S. Any breakage, damage or loss fy, fu”kqYd nh xbZ gS mldh VwV QwV] {kfr o [kksus s dh iwfÙkZ mls
of materials issued free for fixing, shall be made nqxZ vfHk;ark dh larfq ’Vuqlkj djuh gksxhA
good by him to the satisfaction of the G.E.

1.6 Old Materials:- 1-6 iqjkuh lkexzh %&

No extra charge shall be allowed for handling, ubZ lkexzh dh rqyuk esas iqjkuh lkexzh dh laHkky o fLFkj.k
fixing, etc., of old materials as compared with new vkfn ds fy;s vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ugha fn;k tk;sxk flok; ml
materials except to the extent of the allowance NwV ds tks ,sls dk;Z ds fy, igys gh ,l ,l vkj esa “kkfey
already included for such work in the S.S.R. gSA
1.7 Directions:-
1-7 funs Z ” k %&
Instructions shall be given in writing for all
approved directions; no verbal instructions shall lHkh Lohd`r funsZ”kksa ds fy, fgnk;rsa fyf[kr esa nh tk;saxhA
be deemed to be binding nor shall such work be tokuh fgnk;rksa dks ck/; dj ugha ekuk tk;sxk vkSj uk gh ,sls
measured. dk;Z dks ekik tk;sxkA

1.8 Alternatives:- 1-8 fodYi %&

Where alternative materials, processes, etc., are tgka oSdfYid lkexzh] izfØ;k vkfn dks ,l ,l vkj esa
specified or mentioned in the S.S.R. the discretion fofufnZ’V ;k mfYyf[kr fd;k x;k gks] ogka Bsdsnkj vius
shall rest with the Contractor. foosd ls dke ysxkA
1.9 Measurements:- 1-9 eki %&
Unless otherwise mentioned in the particular tc rd fd fdlh fo”ks’k [k.M esa vU;Fkk mYys[k u gks rks
Section the following shall apply : fuEufyf[kr ykxw gksxs%&

1.9.1 Method of Measurements:- 1-9-1 eki dh iÌ+fr All work executed under the S.S.R. shall be 1-9-1-1 njksa dh ekud vuqlp w h ds vUrxZr fu’ikfnr lHkh dk;ksZ dh
measured in accordance with the instructions and eki] fcuk fdlh LFkkuh; fjoktksa ;k vU; jhfr;ksa ;k fdlh
remarks detailed in the S.S.R. without reference ,l ,l vkj ds vU; laLdj.k ds lanHkZ ds bl ,l ,l vkj
to any local custom or other practice or to any esa foLrkj ls nh xbZ fgnk;rksa o fVIif.k;ksa ds] vuqlkj dh
other edition of the S.S.R. tk;sxhA Items, rates, descriptions of materials, 1-9-1-2 njksa dh ekud vuqlp w h ds fdlh fiNys laLdj.k eas nh xbZ
workmanship, modes of measurement, etc., ensa] njsa] lkexzh dk fooj.k] dk;Z dq”kyrk] eki ds rjhds
contained in any previous edition of the S.S.R. vkfn dks ,l ,l vkj ds bl laLdj.k dh fo’k; oLrq dh
shall not constitute a precedent for purposes of rqyuk djus ¼;k O;k[;k djus ds fy,½ iwoZ nz’VkUr ugha
comparison with (or interpretation of) the contents ekuk tk;sxkA
of this edition of S.S.R.
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

1.9.2 Net:- 1-9-2 fo”kq+) %&

All work shall be measured net, in the decimal lHkh dk;ks Z a dks tS l s la i w f jr gq , gS a ;k LFkku es a LFkkfir
system, as completed or fixed in place with no fd;s x;s gS a fo”kq ) ekik tk;s x k rFkk dVkbZ ] Nhtu]
allowance (unless specifically provided for) for
tks M ks a dk tks f [ke vkfn ds fy, dks b Z Nw V ¼tc rd fd
cuttings, waste, joints risk, etc. No allowance shall
be made for large or small quantities, narrow widths,
fo”ks ’ k:i ls ,s l h O;oLFkk u gks ½ ugha nh tk;s x hA cM+ h
easy or difficult positions, or other exceptional ;k NksVh ek=k ds] rax pkSM+kbZ] vklku ;k dfBu voLFkkvkssa
circumstances except where specifically provided ;k vU; vioknkRed ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh dksbZ NwV ugha nh
for in the S.S.R. Any work done, by the contractor tk;s x h] tc rd fd ,l ,l vkj es a s fo”ks ’ k:i ls
extra over the dimensions indicated shall be ignored, O;oLFkk u dh xbZ gksA fn;s x;s ifjeki ls Bsdsnkj }kjk
but where the dimensions are less than the specified fd;s x;s vfrfjDr dk;Z dks /;ku es a ughs a fy;k tk;s x k
dimensions, then actual dimensions shall be fdUrq tgka fufnZ ’ V ifjeki ls ifjeki de gS rks iz H kkjh
measured without prejudice to the right of the vfHk;ark }kjk] dk;Z dks fujLr djus ;k nksckjk fu’ikfnr
Engineer-in -Charge to reject the work and order re- djus] ;k iqu% LFkkiu ds vf/kdkj ds izfrdwy izHkko ds(
execution or replacements. okLrfod ifjeki dks ekik tk;s x kA
1.9.3 Measurements 1-9-3 eki
Unless otherwise provided for in the particular section
tc rd fd njksa dh ekud vuqlwph ds [k.M fo”ks’k esa vU;
of the S.S.R., all work shall be measured as under:-
(a) Length and width shall be measured to nearest
O;oLFkk u gks lHkh dk;Z fuEu izdkj ls ekis tk;saxs%&
0.01 m, the thickness shall be measured to ¼d½ yEckbZ o pkSM+kbZ dks fudVre 0-01 eh- rd ekik
nearest 0.005 m or nearest to specified tolerance tk;sxk] eksVkbZ dks izk;% 0-005 eh- rd ;k fu/kkZfjr NwV
whichever is less. tks Hkh de gks rd ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq.m. ¼[k½ {ks=Qy dh eki 0-01 oeh- rd yh tk;sxhA
(c) Volumes shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 ¼x½ vk;ru dh eki fudVre 0-01 ?keh rd yh
1.9.4 Nearest
1-9-4 fudVre
Wherever the word ‘nearest’ is used in connection
with a unit of measurement, fractions half and above tgka dgha Hkh *fudVre* “kCn dk iz;ksx eki dh ,d bdkbZ
(of the smallest unit upto which measurements are ds lEcU/k esa fd;k tkrk gS( vk/ks ;k vf/kd va”k ¼eki ysus dh
specified to be taken) shall be reckoned as one and fufnZf’Vre lcls NksVh bdkbZ½ dks ,d ekuk tk;sxk rFkk
fractions less than half (of the smallest unit upto vk/ks ls de va”k ¼eki ysus dh fufnZf’Vre lcls NksVh bdkbZ½
which measurements are specified to be taken) shall dks NksM+ fn;k tk;sxkA
be ignored.
1.9.5 Transport or Carriage 1-9-5 ogu ;k ifjogu
The distance shall be measured by the shortest Lohd`r lcls NksVs O;kogkfjd ekxZ dk Qklyk ekik tk;sxkA
practicable route as approved.
1.9.6 Record of Measurements 1-9-6 eki dk vfHkys[k ¼fjdkMZ½
Where recording of measurements is necessary for tgka Bsdns kj dks Hkqxrku ds fy, eki dk vfHkys[ku vko”;d
assessing payments to Contractors, Contractors
gks ogka ;fn og fdlh ,slh en dk dk;Z vkjEHk dj pqds gksa
shall be held responsible, if they commence the
execution of any item of work which would prevent
tks igys gq, dks ekius ls jksd ldrk gks] mlls igys fd ,slh
the measurement of any of the work already done ekias ,e bZ ,l dh ekid iqLrd esa ntZ u gqbZ gksa rFkk Bsdns kj
until such measurements have been recorded in the o ,e bZ ,l ds izfrfuf/k ds gLrk{kj u gq;s gks]a rks blds fy,
M.E.S. Measurement Books and are signed by the Bsdsnkj Lo;a mÙkjnk;h gksxkA ;g uhoksa] dk;Z es yxs yksgs
Contractor and the M.E.S. representative. This shall rFkk ,sls gh Nqis dk;ksZa ij fo”ks’k:i ls ykxw gksrk gSA
apply specially to foundations, steel built into the
work, and other similar hidden items.
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

1.10 Application of Rates : - 1-10 njksa dh iz;qfDr ¼ykxw djuk½ %&

The rates in the S.S.R. are intended to apply to every njksa dh ekud vuqlwph dh njsa mu lHkh izdkj ds dk;ksZ ij
description of work that may be required in the ykxw djus dh vfHkizj.s kk gS tks Hkkjr ljdkj ¼j{kk ea=ky;½ ls
construction and maintenance of buildings of all
lacfa /kr ;k vf/kxzghr] ;k fdjk;s ij yh xbZ] ;k vkokflr lHkh
kinds belonging to, or acquired or hired or occupied
by the Government of India (M.D.) or for any work
izdkj ds Hkouksa ds fuekZ.k o vuqj{k.k ;k ,e bZ ,l dh
carried out under the agency of the M.E.S., also vfHkdrZ`Ro ¼vtSalh½ ds vUrxZr fd;s x;s dksbZ dk;Z rFkk
fortifications, roads, runways, parade and landing lqj{kk izcU/k dk;Z] lM+ds]a nkSMi+ Fk] ijsM o tgkt iêh] ukyh
grounds, drainage, water supply, electrical works, dk;ZZ] ty vkiwfrZ] fo|qr dk;Z rFkk ,sls dk;Z tSls leqnzh
and for work such as sea walls, groynes, harbour nhokjs]a ty rksM+ canjxkg o xksnh dk;Z] iqy] jsyos vkfn] tgka
and dock works bridges, railways, etc., where made ykxw fd;k x;k gSA
1.10.1 All contractors are expected to have made inquiries 1-10-1 lHkh Bsdsnkjksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd mUgksaus fufonk nsus
before tendering, and to have ascertained the nature ls igys tkap dj yh gksxh rFkk Bsds ds vUrxZr tks dke
and extent of the work which they may be called muls fy;k tkuk gS] og fdl izdkj dk gS vkSj fdruk gS
upon to perform under their contract. bldks lqfuf”pr dj fy;k gksxkA
1.11 Proportional and Star Rates 1-11 vuqikfrd rFkk fpfUgr ¼LVkj½ njsa
Subject to the over-riding provisions of the
conditions of contract, payment for work not
Bsds dh “kÙkksZ ds vUrxZr izko/kkuksa dks vf/kHkwr ¼jh½ djrs gq,]
specifically mentioned in the S.S.R. shall be made
,sls dk;Z ftu dk ,l ,l vkj esa mYys[k ugha gS mudk
as follows:- Hkqxrku fuEu izdkj ls gksxk%
1.11.1 Proportional (or Pro-rata) Rates based on analo- 1-11-1 ,l ,l vkj dh vuq:i enksa ij vk/kkfjr vkuqikfrd ¼;k
gous items in the S.S.R.
;Fkkuqikr½ njsa
(1) Similar items of equivalent value:- If there are
analogous items in the S.S.R. for articles and/
¼1½ leku ewY; dh ,d lh oLrq,s a% ;fn ,l ,l vkj esa
or workman- ship of similar character and of vuq:i ensa bu oLrqvksa ds fy, gSa rFkk@;k leku
equivalent value, then at rates equal to the rates iz d kj dh o cjkcj ew Y ; dh dk;Z dq ” kyrk gS rc
of such items. ,s l h enks a ds cjkcj dh njks a ij ns ; gks x kA
(2) Similar items differing in value:- If there are ¼2½ ewY; esa fHkUurk okyh leku ens a % ;fn ,l ,l vkj
analogous items in the S.S.R. for articles and/ or es a oLrq v ks a rFkk@;k dk;Z d q ” kyrk dh ln` ’ ; ens a gS a
workmanship of similar characters, but differing fdUrq fooj.k o ewY; fHkUurk gS rc enksa dh fofHkUurk
in particulars and value, then at the rates for the
ij vk/kkfjr la”kksf/kr ewY; ftu dk fu/kkZj.k ,l ,l
item as modified by the applicable price
variations, which shall be determined on the same
vkj dh enks a rFkk ubZ enks a nks u ks a ds fy, leku
basis for both the items in S.S.R. and the new items vk/kkj ij gks x k ;k tgka ,l ,l vkj dh enks a ls
or where applicable at direct PRORATA rates ;Fkkuq i kr ls iz k Ir njs a lh/kh ykxw gS a A
derived from the relevant S.S.R. items.
Note:- The item or items of the S.S.R. on which a rate is uks V % ,l ,l vkj dh en ;k ensa ftu ij nj vk/kkfjr gksxh mldk
based shall be stated in the analysis or make up
of the rate.
fo”ys’k.k djus ;k nj cukus esa mYys[k fd;k tk;sxkA Any percentage applicable to S.S.R. rates shall 1-11-1-1 ,l ,l vkj dh njksa ij ykxw dksbZ Hkh izfr”kr leku:i
equally apply to the proportional rates also. ls vuqikfrr njksa ij Hkh ykxw gksaxhA
1.11.2 StarRates 1-11-2 fpfUgr ¼LVkj½ njs a
Where none of the foregoing methods is applicable
and prices have necessarily to be based on the amount
tc mij dh dksbZ iÌfr ykxw u gksrh gks rFkk ewY; eq[;:i
of labour expended and the value of materials ls fd;s x;s Je ds O;; ij vk/kkfjr djuk gks rFkk lkexzh
incorporated, the rates to be paid shall be fixed in dk ewY; Hkh “kkfey gks rks ns; njsa Bsds dh “krksZ ds vuqlkj
accordance with the conditions of the contract. fuf”pr dh tk;saxhA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
Notes:- (1) Rates so fixed shall be termed as Star Rates uks V % ¼1½ bl izdkj ls fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ njksa dks fpfUgr njsa dgk
and shall be shown as net tk;sxk rFkk mUgsa fo”kq n”kkZ;k tk;sxkA
(2) The Contractor shall on demand produce to ¼2½ ftKklk djus ij Bsdns kj og lc ,slh udn Hkqxrku dh
the GE all such original receipted priced
xbZ ewy jlhns]a ukekoyh iath ¼eLV jksy½ le; lkfjdk
vouchers, muster rolls, time sheets, and other
documents as, in the opinion of the G.E. are o vU; nLrkost nqxZ vfHk;ark dks izLRkqr djsXkk ftudk
necessary for the proper assessment of the nqXkZ vfHk;Urk dks lk{; :i esa njsa fuf”pr djus ds fy,
rates. In cases where the rates are based on vko”;drk gSA ,sls ekeyksa esa tgka njsas ukekoyh iath o
muster rolls and time sheets, these le; lkfjdk ij vk/kkfjr gksa rks Bsdns kj ;g nLrkost]
documents should be put up to the EIC on izHkkjh vfHk;Urk dks mlh fnu ftl fnu Jfed dk;Z ij
the very day the labour is engaged, for his yxk;s Xk, gkas muds }kjk tkap rFkk rF; djus
check and signature to certify to that effect. ds fy;s] gLrk{kj gsrq nsXkkA
1.12 Rates:-
1-12 njsa %&
The rate against each item is expressed in Rupees
and paise. The last two figures in rates column izR;sd en dh njsa :i;s vkSj iSlksa esa n”kkZ;h xbZ gSaA njksa ds
indicate paise. At places, the decimal point before [kkus esa vfUre nks vad iSlksa dks n”kkZras gSAa dqN LFkkuksa ij bu
these two figures may not be legible or may have nks vadksa ls igys n”keyo fcUnq Li’V u gks ;k Nik u gks
not been printed or blurred. In such event the ;k vLi’V gks] ,slh n”kk esa iSlksa ds vfUre nks vadksa ls igys
decimal point shall be deemed to be inserted before n”keyo yxk gqvk ekuk tk;sxk rFkk njsa mlh vuqlkj i<+h
last two figures of paise and rate read accordingly. tk;sxhA
1.13 Full Provision:-
1-13 laiw.kZ O;oLFkk %&
The rates throughout this Schedule shall be deemed
to include every allowance necessary, without extra bl lewph vuqlwph dh njksa eas] ,l ,l vkj ds fofHkUu
measurement or charge, for meeting the ?kVd Hkkxksa dh vis{kkvksa dh iwfÙkZ gsrq ¼tSls fofunsZ”kksa] fo”ks’k
requirements of the various component parts of the “krksZ] njksa dh izLrkoukvksa] enksa dh njksa vkfn] ftUgsa ,d
S.S.R (viz., specifications, special conditions, lkFk i<+k tk;sxk½ fcuk fdlh vfrfjDr eki ;k izHkkj ds
preambles, item rates, etc., which shall be read to- lHkh visf{kr NwVksa dks rFkk dksbZ ;k lHkh fuEufyf[kr dks
gether), and any or all of the following unless “kkfey le>k tk;sxk tc rd fd fo”ks’k:i ls blds
specifically provided for to the contrary : foijhr O;oLFkk u dh xbZ gks%
1. Compliance with all the conditions of the contract
(including any Schedule, Specification, Drawing, etc.)
¼1½ fufonk dh lHkh ‘krksZa dk vuqikyu djuk ¼dksbZ vuqlwph]
2. Complete Work (Except to the extent specifically fofunsZ’k] uD’ks vkfn lfgr½
excluded from the item). All labour, materials, tools ¼2½ lai.w kZ dk;Z%& ¼flok; ml lhek rd tks fo’ks”k :i ls en esa ls
and plant, equipment, scaffolding and transport fudky fn;s x;s gS½a lHkh Je] lkexzh] vkStkj o la;= a ] midj.k]
which may be required in preparation for, and for eapku rFkk ifjogu tks rS;kjh djus iw.kZ rFkk lai.w kZ dk;Z laiknu
and in the full and entire execution and completion ds fy, visf{kr gks ldrs gSa] lkexzh dh Nhtu] ogu o <qykbZ]
of the works; including waste on materials, carriage ykuk] [kkyh ik=ksa dh okilh] mBkuk] fLFkj djuk] tM+uk o
and cartage, carrying in, return of empties, hoisting, LFkkiu esa yxkukA
setting, fitting and fixing in position.
3 Local Conditions:- Nature of the works, local facilities ¼3½ LFkkuh; fLFkfr;kn%& dk;ksZa dk Lo:i] Jfed o lkexzh dh
for supply of labour and materials, accessibility of LFkkuh; lqfo/kk;sa LFkku dh miyC/krk] rFkk dk;Z ds laiknu ,oa
site, and all other matters affecting the execution laiwfŸkZ dks izHkkfor djus okys vU; fo”k;A
and completion of the works.
4 Duties, etc- Payment of any terminal or GST, excise ¼4½ dj vkfn %& fdlh rjg dh lhek”kqYd] ;k th-,l-Vh-] mRikn
and other duties on materials obtained for the works, dj rFkk dk;ksZ ds fy, izkIRk lkeXkzh ij vU; dj rFkk izekf.kd
and any dues in respect of patent rights. vf/kdkj ls lacfU/kr dksbZ ns; jkf”kA
5. Supervision:- Competent supervision of the work.
¼5½ i;Zos{k.k%& dk;Z dk i;kZIr i;Zos{k.k A
6. Labour:- Reasonable terms and conditions of
employment, liability to pay compensation wages,
¼6½ Jfed%& jkstxkj dh mfpr “krsZa rFkk fLFkfr vuqxzg jkf”k dh
etc., as per statutory enactments, temporary vkfn dh oS/kkfud O;oLFkkvksa ds vuqlkj vLFkkbZ fuokl] lQkbZ
accommodation, sanitation, etc. vkfn dh ftEesnkjh A mRikn dj rFkk dk;ksZa ds fy, izkIr
lkexzh ij vU; djA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
7. Water:- Provision of all water required including ¼7½ ty%& visf{kr ty dh] vLFkkbZ uy o la;kstu lfgr lHkh
temporary plumbing and connections. O;oLFkk djukA
8. Temporary Workshops, stores, office, labour camps,
etc.:- Provision of all such structures required for
¼8½ vLFkkbZ dk;Z”kkyk] Hk.Mkj.k] dk;kZy;] Jfed oLrh vkfn%&
efficient execution of the works, and removing of dk;ksZ dks dq”kyrk iwoZd lEiUu djkus ds fy, lHkh visf{kr
structures, etc. and cleaning up site on completion <kapksa dk fuekZ.k djuk rFkk dk;Z dh laifw ŸkZ ds i”pkr vLFkku
of work. ls gVkuk o lQkbZ djukA
9. Precautions against risks:- Precautions to prevent loss ¼9½ tksf[keksa ds fy, iwoZ izCkU/k %& fdlh ;k lHkh tksf[keksa ds cpko
or damage from all or any risk, insurance of
Government building temporarily occupied,
ds fy, iwoZ O;oLFkk djukA vLFkkbZ vkokflr ljdkjh Hkou dk
provision of watchman, lighting, etc. chek djuk rFkk pkSdhnkj o jks”kuh vkfn dk izcU/k djukA
10. Notices, fees, etc.:- Compliance with statutory ¼10½ uksfVl] Qhl vkfn %& dk;ksZ ls izHkkfor] LFkkuh;] iz”kklu
provisions or regulations and or bye-laws of any rFkk@vFkok dksbZ tu lsok dEiuh ;k iz”kklu ds lkafo/kkfud
local authority and/or any public service company O;oLFkkvksa ;k fofu;ekssa vkSj ;k mifof/kvksa dk ikyu djukA
or authority, affected by the works.
11. Setting out the works:-.Including all apparatus required. ¼11½ dk;ksZ dks O;ofLFkr djuk%& visf{kr lHkh la;a=ksa lfgrA
12. Site drainage:- Removal of all water that may ¼12½ vLFkku dh ukyh iz.kkyh%& dk;Z ds nkSjku vkLFkku ij [kkbZ;ksa
accumulate on the site during the progress of the
works, or in trenches and excavations.
;k [kqnkb;ksa esa tek gq, reke ikuh dh fudklh djkukA
13. Execution of work in a workman like manner, ¼13½ ,d lqlaLd`r dk;Zoku O;fDr ds leku dk;Z dk fuLiknu
facilities for inspection, etc. djuk o fujh{k.k vkfn dh lqfo/kk dk izcU/k djukA
14. Rectification of bad work:- Rectification or removal ¼14½ ?kfV;k dk;Z dk lq/kkj djuk%& dksbZ Hkh ,slk dk;Z ftles]a fuekZ.k ;k
and reconstruction of any work which (as decided iqu% fuekZ.k ds nkSjku ;k nks’k fuokj.k ds mŸkjnkf;Ro dh vof/k
by the GE) has been executed with unsound or lekfIr ls iwo]Z irk pyrk gS fd dk;Z dks nks’kiw.kZ ;k v/kwjh lkexzh
imperfect material or unskillful worksmanship or
of a quality inferior to that contracted for, whether
;k vdq”ky dkjhxjh ;k lkafofnr ls ?kfV;k xq.koRRkk ls fu’ikfnr
during construction or reconstruction or prior to fd;k x;k gS rks ¼nqxZ vfHk;Urk ds fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj½ mldk lq/kkj
the expiry of the defects liability period. djuk] ;k gVkuk vFkok iqu% fuekZ.k djukA
15. Responsibility for damage and loss for all buildings, ¼15½ vkLFkku ds lHkh Hkouksa lkefxz;ksa vkfn dh VwV&QwV rFkk pksjh
materials, etc. at the site until handed over, other tkus dh ftEesnkjh Bsdsnkj dh rc rd gksxh tc rd fd
than the accepted risks. mldk gLrkaRkj.k ugha gksrkA
16. Removal of Rubbish:- ¼16½ dwM+k djdV gVkuk%&
(1) Removal by the contractor off MD premises, of
¼1½ fdlh Hkh izdkj ds dwM+k djdV ;k eyos dks ljdkjh
any rubbish and debris and cleaning of any dirt
which may result from the execution of the work. ifjf/k ls Bsdsnkj }kjk gVkuk rFkk dk;Z fuLiknu ls
(2) Rubbish accumulated inside buildings shall mRiUu /kwy dks lkQ djukA
be removed in a clean manner either by ¼2½ Hkouksa ds vUnj tek gqbZ /kwy dks LoPN rjhds ls ;k rks
basketing out or lowering by tackle and not by Vksdjh mBkdj ckgj ys tkdj ;k ;a= }kjk mBkdj lkQ
throwing. djuk ckgj QSad dj ughaA
(3) The decision of the GE as to what constitutes ¼3½ dwM+k djdV esa D;k&D;k vkrk gS bl fo’k; esa nqxZ
“rubbish” shall be final, conclusive and vfHk;Urk dk fu.kZ; vafre] fu.kkZ;d o Bsdsnkj ij ck/;
binding on the contractor.
17. Cleaning site and works:- Removal by the contractor,
off the Site, of any tools, plant, equipment and ¼17½ vkLFkku o dk;ksZ dh LoPNrk%& Bsdsnkj }kjk vkLFkku ls
materials and leaving the building, structure or vkStkj la;= a ] midj.k o lkexzh gVkuk rFkk Hkouks]a fuek.kksa ;k
work and site in a neat, clean and presentable dk;Z o vkLFkku dks izHkkjh vfHk;ark dh lar’q Vh ds vuqlkj lkQ
condition, to the satisfaction of the EIC. LoPN rFkk ns[kus ;ksX; djukA
18. Completion:- Completing the works to the satisfaction ¼18½ dk;Z dh liawfŸkZ%& dk;Z dks] dk;Z vof/k ;k mlls igys gh
of the EIC, on or before the date of completion and izHkkjh vfHk;Urk dh larq’Vh ds vuqlkj iwjk djuk rFkk nqxZ
obtaining completion certificate from GE.
vfHk;Urk ls izkIr djukA
19. Difficult position:- Accessibility or otherwise of site,
easy or difficult positions in works, not exceeding ¼19½ dfBu fLFkfr%& vkLFkku dh xH;rk ;k vU;Fkk dk;ksZ esa vklku
four storeys high or any depth not exceeding 15 m ;k dfBu fLFkfr] pkj eaftyksa ls vuf/kd Åaph ;k fdlh ÅapkbZ
below ground level. esa Hkwfery ls 15 eh- ls vf/kd ughaA


[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

Note:- Mumty or Antia (Stair cover), parapet walls, water uks V % eerh ;k vUrh ¼lh<+h vkoj.k½] eqMjs dh nhokjs]a ikuh Hkjus dh
storage tanks and other similar constructions shall Vafd;kÌ rFkk blh izdkj ds leku fuekZ.k dks ml eafty dk
be considered as a part of the storey over which Hkkx le>k tk;sxk ftl ij ;g lc cus gS]a bUgsa izFkd eafty
these are constructed and not a separate storey.
ugha ekuk tk;sxkA
20. Errors:- Rectification of all errors to the satisfaction
of the GE (e.g., when excavations are carried out ¼20½ v”kqf);k,a %&lHkh v'kqf};ksa dk nqxZ vfHk;Urk dh lar’q Vh ds vuqlkj
deeper than ordered or required, the level shall be “kks/ku djukA ¼tc [kqnkbZ vknsf”kr ;k visf{kr xgjkbZ ls vf/kd
made up as specified). dh tkrh gS rks xgjkbZ dks fufnZ’V Lrj ij yk;k tk;sxk½A
21. Manufacturer's instructions:- Compliance with ¼21½ fuekZrk ds vuqns”k %& LokfeRo ¼lqjf{kr½ oLrqvksa ds iz;ksx ds
Manufacturer's instructions, etc., in connection fo’k; esa fuekZrk ds vuqns”kksa dk ikyu djukA
with the use of proprietary articles.
22. Measurement:- Any contingencies (advantageous ¼22½ eki%& eki dh iÌ+fr esa lfEefyr ¼ykHknk;d ;k vykHkdkjh½
or disadvantageous) involved in the method of
fdlh Hkh laHkkouk dks ;gka izdV fd;k x;k gSA
measurement herein set forth.
23. Curved work, etc.:- Work of any quantity, size or ¼23½ oØ dk;Z vkfn%& fdlh Hkh ek=k] uki ;k vkdkj ds dk;Z
shape, whether level, inclined, curved battered, etc. lery] >qdkch] oØ] VsMs esMs vkfnA
24. Wastes, etc.:- All waste, laps, seams, joints, cutting
¼24½ Nhtu vkfn%& lc NhtuZ] deh] Vkads] tksM+ dkV ¼eksVs ;k
(rough or fair), straight raking or circular and
making good.
irys½ lh/kh ;k xksy rqM+kbZ rFkk mls Bhd djukA
25. Profit on M.D. Stores:- Any assumed loss or profit ¼25½ ,e Mh lkeku ij ykHk%& ,e bZ ,l }kjk vkiwfŸkZ ds lkeku ;k
to the contractor on articles or materials supplied lkexzh ij Bsdsnkj dks dksbZ laHkkfor ykHk ;k gkfuA
by the MES.
1.14 Extra Allowances on net measured work executed 1 -14 vfrfjDr ,sls fo'kq ekis x;s dk;ksZ ij ftUgsa ikuh]
in water, liquid mud or foul positions or in tidal dhpM+ ;k xans LFkkuksa ;k TokjHkkVs dh fLFkfr;ksa esa ;k
conditions or in buildings exceeding four storeys pkj eafty ls vf/kd ds Hkouksa esa rFkk lhesVa daØhV ls
high, and in RCC Overhead Reservoirs:-
ÅpkabZ ij fLFkfr LFkku ij fu"ikfnr fd;k x;k gksA
1.14.1 The rates in the S.S.R. do not, unless specifically 1-14-1 ,l ,l vkj dh njksa esa] tc rd fd fo”ks’k :i ls of.kZr
stated, include for working in water, liquid mud, u gks( ikuh] dhpM+ xans LFkkukssa] Tokj HkkVs dh fLFkfr;ksa esa fd, x;s
foul positions, or tidal conditions. Where measured
work has necessarily to be executed in such dk;Z “kkfey ugha gSaA tgka ekiu dk;Z ,slh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa djokuk
conditions, and working in such conditions is not vko”;d gks rFkk ,slh ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds dk;Z ,l ,l vkj dh njksa esa
included in the S.S.R., the rates to be paid shall be, “kkfey ugha gSa rks nh tkus okyh njsa og gksxa h fTkUgsa ,l ,l vkj dh
rates in the S.S.R. multiplied by the appropriate njksa esa uhps fn;s x;s mi;qDr vadks ls xq.kk djds cuk;k tk;sxk%&
figure given below:
Rates in the SSR
multiplied by
,l ,l vkj dh njksa dks blls
xq.kk djsa
(a) Work in water or liquid mud → 1.25 1.10 ¼d½ ikuh ;k dhpM+ esa dk;Z
(b) Work in foul position → 1.33 1.13 ¼[k½ xanys LFkkukssa esa dk;Z
(c) Work interrupted by tides → 1.50 1.17 ¼x½ Tokj HkkVs ls izHkkfor dk;Z
(d) Work in water or liquid mud and ¼?k½ ikuh ;k dhpM+ rFkk TokjHkkVs ls izHkkfor
1.75 1.25
interrupted by tides →
Notes—(a) The extra allowance for work in water or uks V ¼d½ Åij ¼d½ ds vUrxZr ikuh ;k dhpM+ dk;Z ij nh xbZ
liquid mud vide (a) above shall not apply to vfrfjDr NwV [kqnkbZ djus o Hkwfe dk;Z ij ykxw ugha
excavations and earthwork. For bailing out
gksxkA ikuh dks ckgj myhpus rFkk iEi ls ckgj
and pumping of water refer clause 3.7 (c) and
3.11 fudkyus ds fy, 3-7 ¼x½ o 3-11 ls lanHkZ ysaA
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e

(b) The multiplier in column "A" shall be used ¼[k½ dkye ^,* ds xq.kd dk iz;ksx ,sls ekiu dk;Z ds fy,
for measured work which is entirely labour fd;k tk;sxk ftlessa Je iw.kZ#i ls iz/kku va'k ds :i
or where labour is the predominating factor
such as “ Labour only” “Except Materials”
esas gksa tSl]s ^^dsoy Je** ^^lkexzh jfgr** ;k ^^dsoy
or “Fixing only”. LFkkiu** esAa
(c) The multiplier in column "B" shall be used ¼x½ dkye ^^ch** dk iz;ksx ,sls ekih; dk;Z ds fy, gksxk
for measured work requiring labour and ftlesas ^^Je o lkexzh** dh vko';drk gks flok; mlds
materials except that where the articles to be tgka yxk;s tkus okyh oLrq,a vf/kdrj yxkus ls iwoZ
fixed are mostly fabricated (or pre-cast) before
being placed in position, the articles shall be
lajfpr ¼;k iwoZ jfpr½ gksa ogka oLrqvksa dk Hkqxrku ^^dsoy
paid for at “Supplied only” rates without any vkiwfrZ** dh njksa esa fcuk dqN vfrfjDr fn;s gksxk rFkk
addition, and fixing shall be paid for at LFkkiu dk Hkqxrku ^^dsoy LFkkiu** dks dkye ^,* esa fn;s
“Fixing only” rates multiplied by the Xk;s mi;qDr xq.kd ls xq.kk djds gksxkA
appropriate multiplier in column A. The enhanced rates are inclusive of allowance for: 1-14-1-1 c<+h gqbZ njksa esa fuEu ds fy, NwV 'kkfey gSa%&
(a) Loss of materials, tools and plant or ¼d½ lkexzh] vkStkj o la;= dk [kksuk ;k ,slh gh gkfu dk
reinstatement of damage in connection with ,sls dk;ksZ ds lacU/k esa iqufuZ;kstu
such work;
(b) Any extra pay to which workmen are entitled
¼[k½ tc dgh xbZ voLFkkvksa esa Jfed dk;Z dj jgsa gksas
when working in the positions described, and rks og vfrfjDr osru ds gdnkj gSa rFkk tyjks/kd
for the provision of water-tight boots or any twrs ;k fo'ks"k diM+s o lalk/ku rFkk ;fn vko';d
special clothing and equipment, and boat- gks rks fdjk;s dh uko ysus ds Hkh gdnkj gksaxs] vkSj
hire when required; and ¼x½ of.kZr fLFkfr;ksa esa :dkoV vkus ds dkj.k [kkyh cSBs
(c) Idle labour caused by interruptions due to
working in the positions described.

1.14.2 For pricing building work more than four storeys 1-14-2 pkj eafty ls vf/kd ds Hkou fuek.kZ dk;Z ij ,l ,l vkj
high, the rates in all sections of S.S.R. shall be esa nh xbZ lHkh [kaMksa dh njkas esa] uhps nh xbZ izfr'kr ds
increased by the percentages given below:— vuqlkj o`f) dh tk;sxh%&
(a) Portion of building from five to eight storeys
..................................................................... 5%
¼d½ ikap ls vkB eafty rd ds Hkkx ds fy;s ------------ 5%
(b) Portion of building from nine to twelve ¼[k½ ukS ls ckjg eafty rd ds Hkkx ds fy;s --------- 10%
storeys ....................................................... 10%
(c) Portion of building from thirteen to sixteen ¼x½ rsjg ls lksyg eafty rd ds Hkkx ds fy; ---- 15%
storey ......................................................... 15%
In the case of structures other than R.C.C. overhead izofry lhesasV daØhV ds cus f'kjksijh tyk'k;] ehukjksa o
reservoirs and R.C.C. Tower like structures which leku dk;ksZ ftuesa eaftysa ugha gksrh dks NksM+ dj muesa
have no storeys as such, the rates in all sections of
Hkwfery ls 10 ehVj ls vf/kd fdUrq 20 eh- ls vuf/kd ds
S.S.R. shall be increased by 5 percent for the part of
the structures exceeding 10 metres height from the Hkkx ds fy, ,l ,l vkj ds lHkh [kaMksa dh njksa esa 5 izfr'kr
average ground level but not exceeding 20 metres dh o`f) dh tk;sxhA 20 eh- ls vf/kd dh ÅWpkbZ ds fy,
height. For heights exceeding 20 metres the rates izR;sd 5 eh- ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy, vfrfjDr 5 izfr'kr
shall be further increased by 5% for every 5 metres dh o`f) gksxhA
or part thereof, of height exceeding 20 metres.
1.14.3 RC.C. Overhead Reservoirs and R.C.C. Tower 1-14-3 izofyr lhesaV daØhV ds f'kjksijh tyk'k; rFkk
like Structure ehukj tSls <kaps
(a) For pricing work in R.C.C. Overhead ¼d½ izofyr lhesaV ds f'kjksijh tyk'k; rFkk ehukj tSls
Reservoirs and R.C.C. Tower like Structure <kapksa ds dk;Z ds ewY; fu/kkZj.k ds fy, lacfa /kr daØhV
the relevant rates for concrete work, form
dk;Z QekZcUnh rFkk bLikr izoyu dh njksa es]a 7-5 eh-
work, and steel reinforcement shall be
in- creased by 40% for height exc. 7.5 m but ls vf/kd o 15 eh- ls vuf/kd ÅpkabZ ds fy;s 40 izfr'kr
[k.M 1 lkekU; fu;e
not exceeding 15 metres. For reservoirs dh o`f) dh tk;sxhA bl ¼15 eh0½] ÅapkbZ ls vf/kd
exceeding this height (15 m), the rates shall be ds tyk'k;ksa ds fy,] 15 eh- ls vf/kd ÅapkbZ ij
further increased by 10% for every 3 metres or
part thereof of height in excess of 15 m. e.g. the
izR;sd 3 eh- ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy, 10 izfr'kr dh
relevant rates shall be increased by 50 percent vfrfjDr o`f) dh tk;sxh vFkkZr 15 ls 18 eh- dh
for the portion of reservoir between 15 m. and ÅapkbZ okys tyk'k;ksa ds fy, 50 izfr'kr dh rFkk 18
18 m in height and by 60 per cent for the portion ls 21 eh- dh chp dh daØhV okys tyk'k;ksa ds fy,
between 18 m and 21 m in height. 60 izfr'kr dh o`f) dh tk;sxhA
(b) This increase shall apply to work in
superstructure only and shall not apply to
¼[k½ ;g c<+krs jh dsoy vf/kjpuk ij ykxw gksxh rFkk uyks]a
pipes, hand rails, ladders or other auxiliary gLr iV~Vh] lhf<+;ksa rFkk vU; lgk;d oLrqvksa ij
items connected therewith, which shall be in ugha] muds fy;s 5 izfr'kr dh o`f) dh tk;sxh ;fn
creased by 5 percent if fixed above first 15 m og Hkwfery ls 15 eh- ls vf/kd o 30 eh- ls vuf/kd
height from the average ground level, but not ÅaPkkbZ ij yxh gSaA
exceeding 30 m height.
(c) For the purpose of reckoning the height of ¼x½ f'kjksifj tyk'k;ksa dh ÅapkbZ tkuus ds fy,] vkSlr
overhead reservoirs, overall height shall be Hkwfery ls lcls Åij dh ifV;k¡ ;k Nr ds xqEcn
measured from average ground level upto the rd laiw.kZ eki dh tk;sxhA
top most point of upper slab or dome of the roof.
Note—1. Water storage tanks on the roof of a building uks V 1 - Hkou dh Nr ij cuh Va f d;ks a dk ew Y ;
will be priced as part of the building and fu/kkZj.k Hkou ds ,d Hkkx ds :i esa fd;k
not as R.C.C. overhead reservoir.
tk;sxk u fd f'kjksifj tyk'k; ds leku
2. No increase in rates shall be allowed as per 2 - Hkwfery ls 7-5 eh- rd dh ÅapkbZ ds fy, Åij
para (a) above upto 7.5 metres height from
ground level.
¼d½ eas nh xbZ njksa esa dksbZ o`f) ugha gksxhA
1.15. Artificial light.—Whenever it may be necessary 1-15 d`f=e izdk'k%& tgka dgha Hkh ,l ,l vkj ds varxZr
to perform work, of any description, under the fdlh izdkj ds dk;Z d`f=e izdk'k ls izfrikfnr djus dh
S.S.R. by artificial light, and if this is specially
ordered by the EIC, the Contractor shall be
vko';drk gS rFkk ,slk djus ds fy;s izHkkjh vfHk;ark us
allowed the cost of the light only in addition to vkKk nh gS rks Bsdsnkj dks lafonk nj ds vfrfjDr dsoy
the contract rates. This shall not apply in the case izdk'k dh ykxr dk Hkqxrku gksxkA Bsdsnkj ds dkj[kkus
of work executed in the contractor’s workshops ;k ,l bZ ,l }kjk fdjk;s ij fn;s x;s Hkou esa fd;s x;s
or buildings hired to him by the M.E.S. or when dk;Z ;k tc Bsdns kj Lo;a dke dks xfr nsus ds fy, d`f=e
the Contractor himself wants to do work with
artificial light to speed up the work.
izdk'k esa dke djuk pkgs rks ;g ykxw ugha gksxkA
[k.M 2 Je dh njsa

(a) The rates given in this Section do not bear any relation ¼d½ bl [kaM esa nh xbZ njksa dk dsUnzh;@jkT; ljdkjksa ;k la?kh;
to the minimum fair wages as promulgated by jkT;ksa }kjk le;&le; ij ?kksf"kr fuEure mfpr osru ls
Central/State Government or Union territories etc.
from time to time and shall apply only for the
fdlh izdkj dk lEcU?k ugha gS rFkk dsoy vkuqikfrd njsa
preparation of Proportional Rates. rS;kj djus ds fy;s ykxw gksaxhA
In the compilation of Proportional Rates, the labour vkuqikfrd njksa ds ladyu esa nh tkus okyh Je dh njsa fd;s
rates to be paid shall refer to the class of work x;s dk;Z ds oxZ dk vkjksi.k djsaxh u fd fu;qDr O;fDr dkA
performed and not to the person employed. The labour vkuqikfrd njksa ds Je va'k dk] ,l ,l vkj dh leku dk;Z
portion of proportional rates must bear a fair relation
to the allowances in the “Labour only” items of similar
dh Þdsoy Jeß dh enksa dh NwV ls ?kfu"B lEcU/k gksuk
work in the S.S.R. pkfg,A
(b) The rates of skilled and semi-skilled labour are ¼[k½ d'kqy o v/kZdq'ky Jfedksa dh njksa esa os lHkh vko';d vkStkj
inclusive of all necessary tools which are normally 'kkfey gSa tks ml bykds dh O;olkf;d izo`fr ds vuqlkj og
carried by them according to the trade practice in the
lkekU;r% j[krs gSaA

RATES PER DAY OF 8 WORKING HOURS vkB ?kUVs ds dk;Z fnol dh njsa
UNSKILLED vdq ' ky
1. Bhisty, including mussack → 558.00 1- e'kd lfgr fHkLrh
2. Chowkidar (24 hours duty) → 558.00 2- pkSdhnkj ¼24 ?kaVs dk dk;Z½
3. Mate (1 for 10 mazdoors) → 558.00 3- esV ¼10 Jfedksa ij ,d½
4. Mazdoor-boy (not less than 15 years and 4- Jfed yM+dk ¼15 o"kZ ls de dk u gks rFkk 18 o"kZ
under 18 years) → 558.00 ← ds vUnj gks½
5. Mazdoor-man, 18-years and above (Grass 5- Jfed iq:"k] 18 o"kZ ;k vf/kd ¼?kkl dkVus okyk]
Cutter, Mali, stone breaker, Driver for ekyh] iRFkj rksMu+ s okyk] x/kksa ¼10 x/kksa ij 1½ [kPpjks]a
donkeys (1 for 10 donkeys), mules, camels Å¡V ¼3 [kPpjksa ;k ÅWVksa ij 1½ dks gkadus okyk
(1 for 10 donkeys mules camels (1 for 3
558.00 ←
mules or camels) →
6. Mazdoor-woman (18 years and above) → 558.00 6- Jfed efgyk ¼18 o"kZ ;k vf/kd½
7. Sweeper → 558.00 7- lQkbZ okyk
8—14 8-& 14

SEMI-SKILLED v/kZ d q ' ky

15. Bellow boys, Carpenter boy → 15- /kkSaduh pykus okyk yM+dk] c<+bZ yM+dk
16. Cleaner (Mechanical plant and mechanical 16- dyhuj ¼;kaf=dh la;a= o ;kaf=d okgu lkQ djus
transport) → 617.00 ← okyk½
17. Fireman (Static or mobile machinery) → 617.00 17- Qk;jesu ¼fLFfjr ;k pyrs fQjrs ;a= lk/ku½
18. Floor Polisher (stone or terrazzo) → 617.00 18- Q'kZ ikfy'k djus okyk ¼iRFkj ;k VjStks½
19. Glazier → 617.00 19- 'kh'kk yxkus okyk
20. Hammerman → 617.00 20- gFkkSM+k pykus okyk
21. Lime washer → 617.00 21- pwuk /kksus okyk
[k.M 2 Je dh njsa& tkjh---

SEMI-SKILLED– Contd... v?kZ dq ' ky& tkjh---

22. Operator (Pneumatic tools) → 617.00 22- pkyd ¼ok;q ls pyus okys vkStkj½
23. Painter (ordinary) → 617.00 23- jaxlkt ¼lk/kkj.k½
24. Pump-Attendant → 617.00 24- iEi pykus okyk
25. Quarryman → 617.00 25- [knku Jfed
26. Roof tiler, thatcher → 617.00 26- Nr esa [kIij] QWwl Nkus okyk
27. Sawyer → 617.00 27- vkjh pykus okyk
28. Well sinker → 617.00 28- dqvka [kqnkbZ djus okyk
29. Tar/bitumen sprayer → 617.00 29- dksyrkj@rkjdksy QSykus okyk
30—36 Blank 30-&36
37. Blacksmith, tinsmith → 679.00 37- yksgkj] dybZdkj

SKILLED dq ' ky
38. Boiler attendant → 738.00 38- HkV~Vh ¼ok;yj½ pkyd
39. Bricklayer, pavior, floor or wall tiler 39- bZV] iRFkj fCkNkbZ] Q'kZ cukus okyk ;k nhokj
→ 738.00 ← ij Vkby yxkus okyk
40. Cable jointer → 738.00 40- dscy tksM+us okyk
41. Carpenter, joiner 738.00 41- c<+bZ] la;kstd
42. Plasterer → 738.00 42- iyLrj djus okyk
43. Driver (Mechanical transport) → 738.00 43- pkyd ¼;kaf=d okgu½
44. Driver (Engine static) → 738.00 44- pkyd ¼fLFkj batu½
45. Driver (Road roller, compressor, concrete 45- pkyd ¼jksyj] dEiz'S kj] daØhV feykok] Ø'kj rFkk
mixer, crusher and the like) → 738.00 ← leku½
46. Fitter (Structural or pipe) → 679.00 46- fQVj ¼lajpuk ;k uy½
47. Lineman → 679.00 47- ykbu eSu
48. Mason (stone mason) → 738.00 48- jkt ¼iRFkj feL=h½
49. Painter (skilled), polisher → 709.00 49- jaxlkt ¼dq'ky½] ikfy'k okyk
50. Plumber, drainlayer → 709.00 50- uyds yxkus okyk] ukyh cukus okyk
51. Signwriter → 738.00 51- fpUg fy[kus okyk
52. Turner (Metal) → 738.00 52- VuZj ¼/kkrq½
53. Welder → 738.00 53- Vkadk ¼cSYMj½ yxkus okyk
54. Wireman/electrician → 679.00 54- rkj yxkus okyk ¼ok;jeSu½ fo|qrdkj
55— 75 Blank 55 — 75
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZa
3.1 Measurement of Excavation 3-1 feêh [kqnkbZ dh eki
3.1.1 The measurements shall be those of the authorised 3-1-1 eki ml vf/kd`r foLrkj dh yh tk;sxh ftlesa ls feêh
dimensions from which soil has been taken out and fudkyh xbZ gS rFkk Fkksd o`f) dh NwV fcuk] fo'kq) ekih
shall be measured net without allowance for
increase in bulk. Where, however, working space is tk;sxhA fQj Hkh tgka dkedkth txg vko';d gS tSls uhps
necessary such as for basement walls requiring dh nhokjksa dks ckgjh vipkj nsus ds fy, ;k tgka Åij ls
external treatment or where overhead working is dk;Z djuk laHko ugha gS ogka 60 lseh- izR;sd nhokj ckgjh
not practicable, an additional working space of 60 rjQ ls vfrfjDr dkedkth LFkku ekik tk;sxk vkSj Hkqxrku
cm from each external face of the wall shall be
measured and paid for. In the case of special work
gksxkA elkyk yxkus tSls fo'ks"k dk;ksZ ds fy, nqxZ vfHk;ark
like guniting, etc. this allowance shall be suitably ds fu.kZ; vuqlkj bl NwV esa mi;qDr o`f) dh tk;sxhA
increased as decided by the GE. Extra excavation f[kldus ;k fxjus ds dkj.k dh xbZ vfrfjDr [kqnkbZ ugha
on account of slips or falls shall not be measured. ekih tk;sxhA
3.1.2 Where excavation is in trenches or from borrow pits 3-1-2 tgka [kqnkbZ [kkb;ksa esa ;k Li"V le Hkwfe [krkuksa esa gks rks
in fairly uniform ground, the measurement of cutting [kkbZ;ksa ;k [krkuksa dh dVkbZ dh eki dh tk;sxhA **fLFkjd**
in trenches or borrow pits shall be made. ‘Dead men’
or ‘Tell-tales’ shall be left at suitable intervals to ;k **fLFkfr lwpd** mi;qDr Qklys ij NksM+s tk;saxs rkfd
determine the average depth of excavation. [kqnkbZ dh vkSlr xgjkbZ ekywe dh tk ldsA
3.1.3 Where the ground is not uniform and in case of roads, 3-1-3 tgka Hkwfe le ugha gS rFkk lM+dkas] gokbZ ikfê;ksa] dBksj Q'kksZa
runways, hard-standing and other large areas, where rFkk vU; fo'kky {ks=ksa ds lac/a k esa tgka funsZf'kr gks ry eki
directed, levels shall be taken before the start and after
dk;Z izkjEHk ls igys o dk;Z lekfIr ds ckn yh tk;sxh rFkk
the completion of the work and quantity of excavation
shall be computed from these levels. [kqnkbZ dh ek=k ryekiksa ls ekywe dh tk;sxhA
3.1.4 Where soft disintegrated rock and hard rock are 3-1-4 tgka uje fo?kfVr pêku o l[r pêku feyoka gksa rks iwjh
mixed, the measurement for the total quantity shall ek=k dh eki Åij ds iSjk 3-1-2 rFkk@vFkok 3-1-3 esa crkbZ
be made by methods described in paras 3.1.2. and/ xbZ i)fr ds vuqlkj yh tk;sxhA [kqnkbZ esa fudyh l[r
or 3.1.3 above. The hard rock excavated shall be
stacked and measured in stack. The quantity of hard
pêkuksa ds pês yxsxas o pêksa esa ekiu gksxkA [kqnkbZ esa fudyh
rock excavated shall be reduced by 50% to allow for pêkuksa dh ek=k esa ls fjfDr;ksa ds fy;s 50 izfr'kr dh dVkSrh
voids. From the total quantity of the mixture the dh tk;sxhA [kqnh l[r pêku dh bl ek=k dks dqy ek=k esa
quantity of hard rock excavated thus arrived at, ls ?kVk;k tk;sxk vkSj bl izdkj ls uje@fo?kfVr pêku dh
shall be deducted to work out the quantity of the ek=k izkIr gks tk;sxhA
soft/disintegrated rock excavated.
3.1.5 Where hard/dense soil, soft/disintegrated rock and 3-1-5 tgka l[r@la?ku feêh] uje@fo?kfVr pêku o l[r pêku
hard rock are mixed, the measurement for the total feyoka gks rks Åij ds iSjk 3-1-2 rFkk@vFkok 3-1-3 esa dgh x;h i)fr
quantity shall be made by methods described in paras ds vuqlkj lai.w kZ ek=k dh eki dh tk;sxhA l[r@l?ku feêh gVkus ds
3.1.2 and/or 3.1.3. above. After removal of the ckn dh pêkuh lrg ds ry dh eki yh tk;sxh rFkk [kksnh xbZ
hard/dense soil, the levels of the exposed rock surface
shall be taken and the quantity of hard/dense soil
l[r@l?ku feêh dh ek=k dks] vkjfEHkd ry dh eki o u;s ry dh
removed, worked out from the difference between the eki ds chp ds vUrj ls fudkyk tk;sxkA tgka ;g laHko gks ogka [kqnkbZ
original levels and the new levels. Where this is not dks **fLFkfr lwpd** NksMrs gq, iw.kZ fd;k tk;sxk rFkk bu **fLFkfr
possible, the excavation shall be completed leaving **lwpdks*a * dh vuqiLz Fk dkV ls [kksnh xbZ l[r@l?ku feêh ds {ks= dks
tell-tales and from the cross-section of these tell-tales, fudkyk tk;sxk vkSj fQj mldh ek=k vk;sxhA 'ks"k cph ek=k l[r
the area of the hard/dense soil excavated, shall be
worked out and then the volume of the hard/dense pêku o uje@fo?kfVr pêku dh ek=k gksxhA fQj l[r@l?ku feêh
soil excavated arrived at. The quantity of hard/dense dh ek=k dks dqy [kksnh xbZ ek=k esa ls ?kVk fn;k tk;sxkA l[r pêku
soil shall then be deducted from the total quantity of rFkk uje@fo?kfVr pêku dh ek=k dks Åij ds iSjk 3-1-4 ds vuqlkj
l[r pêku ds vyx ls pês yxkdj fudkyk tk;sxkA
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z

excavation carried out. The balance shall then be

treated as total quantity of hard rock and soft/
disintegrated rock. The quantities of hard rock and
soft/disintegrated rock shall then be worked out as in
para 3.1.4 above by stacking the hard rock separately.
3.1.6 Where soft/loose soil, hard/dense soil, soft/ 3-1-6 tgka uje@<hyh feêh] l[r@l?ku feêh] uje@fo?kfVr
disintegrated rock and hard rock are mixed, the pêku rFkk l[r pêku feyoka gksa rks lai.w kZ ek=k dh eki Åij
measurements of the entire quantity shall be made
ds iSjk 3-1-2 rFkk@vFkok 3-1-3 ds vUrxZr crkbZ xbZ fof/k ds
by methods described in paras 3.1.2. and/or 3.1.3
above. The quantities of soft/loose soil and hard/ vuqlkj yh tk;sxhA l[r@l?ku feêh ds fo"k; esa uje@<hyh
dense soil shall be worked out from the cross feêh o l[r@l?ku feêh dk ekeyk Åij ds 3-1-5 esa of.kZr
sections based on deadmen or tell-tales as fof/k ds *fLFkjd* ;k *fLFkfr lwpd* dks vk/kkj cukdj vuqiLz Fk
mentioned in para 3.1.5 in case of hard/dense dkV ls fudkyk tk;sxkA uje@<hyh o l[r@l?ku feêh dh
soil. The total quantity of soft/loose and hard/ dqy ek=k dks] dqy [kksnh xbZ pêku dh ek=k izkIr djus ds fy,]
dense soil shall then be deducted from the total la/ku [kqnkbZ esa ls ?kVk;k tk;sxkA uje@fo?kfVr pêku o [kksnh
excavation to arrive at the total quantity of rock
excavated. The quantities of soft/disintegrated rock
xbZ l[r pêku dh ek=k] iSjk 3-1-4 ds vuqlkj fudkyh tk;sxhA
and hard rock excavated shall be worked out as in
para 3.1.4.
3.1.7 Trenches with “grips” for sockets of pipes shall 3-1-7 uy dksVj **idM+** lfgr [kkb;ksa dh **idM+ksa** dks NksM+dj
be measured the net depth exclusive of “grips”. fo'kq) ekik tk;sxkA
3.1.8 Where “battering or benching” is ordered, the 3-1-8 tgka ikrd ;k iSMh dh vkKk gks rks mldh eki] tSlh vkKk gks
excavation shall be measured net as ordered or as
excavated whichever is less. “Battering or
;k tSlh [kqnkbZ dh xbZ gks] tks Hkh de gks fo'kq) dh tk;sxhA
benching” to the sides of excavation to avoid r[rsona h ls cpus ds fy,] [kqnkbZ dh oxyksa esa **ikrd ;k iSMh+ **
timbering shall have the prior approval of the GE cukus dh nqxZ vfHk;Urk ls iwoZ vuqefr ysuh gksxh rFkk ml n'kk
and in that case payment will be made for the esa mlds QyLo:i vfrfjDr [kqnkbZ vFkok visf{kr r[rsona h ds
consequent extra excavation, or the area of {ks= ;fn Hkqtkvksa esa ikrd ;k iSMh+ u gksrh] tks Hkh lLrk gks mlds
timbering required, had the sides not been battered fy, Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
or benched, whichever is cheaper at the SSR rates.
3.1.9 All excavation shall be measured in successive 3-1-9 lHkh [kqnkbZ dks izkjfEHkd ry ls 1-5 eh- dh fed voLFkk ij
stages of 1.5 m depth stating the commencing ekik tk;sxkA feêh dk;Z njksa esa Hkwfery ls 1-5 eh- rd dh
level. Excavation upto 1.5 m below ground level [kqnkbZ djus rFkk feêh dks tehu ij bdV~Bk djuk 'kkfey
and depositing excavated materials on the
ground are included in the items of earthwork.
gSA dsoy izdV mBkbZ ekih tk;sxh vFkkZr Hkwfe ds <yku ds
Obvious lift only shall be measured i.e. lift dkj.k vkbZ nwjh dks 250 eh- ls vf/kd ugha ekik tk;sxkA tc
inherent in the lead due to ground slope shall not feêh dks Hkjkoksa ;k vojks/kdksa esa Hkjus ds fy;s blls vf/kd nwjh
be measured except for a lead upto 250 m. When ij ys tkuk gks rks mBkbZ] [kksnh xbZ feêh ds xq:Ro ds dsUnz
the earth has to be carried over a bank or rFkk Hkjkoksa ;k vojks/kksa ds Åij dh lrg ds chp dk vUrj
obstruction and deposited beyond it, the lift shall gksxhA igkM+h LFkkuksa esa dVkbZ ij tgka mBkbZ dh vko';drk
be the difference in level between the centre of
ugha gksrh ,sls ekeyksa esa ;g ykxw ugha gksxkA
gravity of the excavated earth and top of bank or
obstruction. This shall not apply to cases where
no lift is involved as in hill-side cutting.
3.1.10 In case of any dispute with regards to the classi- 3-1-10 fofHkUu Lrj ds oxhZdj.k ds laca/k esa ;k mudh xgjkbZ ds
fication of various strata and their depth the fo"k; esa mBs fdlh fookn ds fo"k; esa nqxZ vfHk;ark dk fu.kZ;
decision of G.E. will be final and binding. vafre rFkk ck/; gksxkA
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
3.2 Excavation in Trenches for Pipes, Cables, etc. 3-2 uyksa dscyksa vkfn ds fy;s [kkb;ksa esa [kqnkbZ dk;ZA
3.2.1 Authorised quantities or those actually excavated, 3-2-1 vf/kd`r ek=k ;k og tks okLro esa [kksnh xbZ gS] tks Hkh de
whichever are less shall be allowed. gks ekU; gksxhA
3.2.2 For the purpose of calculating cubic contents, 3-2-2 ?kuRo dh x.kuk djus ds fy, vuqizLFk dkVksa dks lkekU;:i
cross sections shall normally be taken at suitable
ls mi;qDr Qklys ij fy;k tk;sxk vFkkZr~ esugksy ;k
intervals, i.e. at manhole or valve chamber
intervals except in abnormal cases like sudden okYoxzg ij flok; vLoHkkfod ekeyksa esa tSls Lrj esa
change in strata or undulating ground, etc., when vpkud cnyko ;k rjafxr Hkwfe vkfn tcfd izHkkjh vfHk;ark
they may be taken at closer intervals as decided ds fu.kZ;kuqlkj og de Qklys ij Hkh fy;s tk ldrs gSaA
by the EIC.
3.2.3 Authorised widths: Unless otherwise provided 3-2-3 vf/kd`r pkSM+kb;kW tcfd vU;Fkk O;oLFkk u gks vf/kd`r
for, authorised widths shall be as under :- pkSMk+ bZ;kn fuEukuqlkj gksxhA
(a) Upto 1 m depth, the width of the trench for the
purpose of measurements of excavations, shall
¼d½ 1 eh- xgjkbZ rd [kqnkbZ dh eki ds fy,] [kkb;ksa dh
be arrived at by adding 40 cm to the external pkSM+kbZ] uy ds ckgjh O;kl ¼ldksVj ugha½] dsoy] uyh
diameter of the pipe (not the sockets), cable, vkfn esa 40 lseh- tksM+dj vk;sxhA tc uy dks daØhV
conduit, etc. Where a pipe is laid on concrete ds fcNkou@xyhpk ijr ij fcNk;k tkrk gS rks pkSMk+ bZ
bed/cushioning layer the authorised width uy ds ckgjh O;kl esa 40 lseh- tksM+dj gksxh ;k
shall be the external diameter of the pipe plus daØhVfcNkou@xyhpkbZ ijr tks Hkh vf/kd gksxhA
40 cm, or the width of concrete bed/
cushioning layer, whichever is more.
(b) For depths exc. l m an allowance of 5 cm per ¼[k½ ,d ehVj ls vf/kd dh xgjkbZ ds fy;s] [kkbZ dh izR;sd
metre of depth for each side of the trench shall Hkqtk esa 5 lseh- izfr ehVj vf/kd`r pkSM+kbZ esa tksM+k
be added to the authorised width (i.e. external tk;sxk ¼vFkkZr uy dk ckgjh O;kl tek 40 lseh½ flok;
diameter of pipe plus 40 cm) except where mlds tgka ikrd ;k iSMh dh vkKk nh xbZ gksA ;g
battering or benching has been ordered. This vfrfjDr] [kkbZ dh lai.w kZ xgjkbZ ds fy;s gksxkA blfy;s
allowance shall apply to the entire depth of
,sls ekeys esa vf/kd`r pkSM+kbZ [kkbZ dh xgjkbZ [kkbZ dh
the trench. The authorised width in such case
shall, therefore, be equal to (depth of trench)/ xgjkbZ tek uy dk ckgjh O;kl tek 40 lseh- ds cjkcj
l0 plus external dia. of pipe plus 40 cm or the gksxh ;k daØhVfcNkou@xyhpkbZ ijr dh pkSMk+ bZ tks Hkh
width of concrete bed/cushioning layer, vf/kd gks] gksxhA
whichever is more.
(c) Where more than one pipe, cable, conduit, ¼x½ tgka ,d ls vf/kd uy] dscy] uyh vkfn fcNh gSa rks
etc. are laid, the diameter shall be reckoned
O;kl dks] uy] dscy] uyh vkfn ds ckgj ls ckgj
as the horizontal distance from outside to
outside of the outermost pipes, cables lekukUrj fudkyk tk;sxkA
conduits, etc.
3.3 Excavations for post holes in varying strata:- In 3-3 [kaHkksa ds fy, fofHkUu Lrj ds xM~<s [kksnuk% [kaHkksa ds
excavation for post holes through varying strata fofHkUu Lrj ds xM~<ksa dh [kqnkbZ esa fofHkUu Lrjksa ij xgjkbZ dh eki
the depth of different strata shall be recorded. The
rate for excavation in post holes of different strata
yh tk;sxhA ,d xM~<s dh fofHkUu Lrjksa ij dh xbZ eki dh vkSlr
shall be worked out on an average basis according ds vk/kkj ij njsa fuf'pr dh tk;saxhA
to the depth of the different strata in one post hole.
3.4. Shallow Excavation:- Shallow excavations over 3-4 mFkyh Hkwfe dh [kqnkbZ% pkbZ oys {ks=ksa esa dh xbZ [kqnkbZ ;fn 30
areas, if not exceeding 30 cm deep, shall be lseh- ls vf/kd xgjh ugha gS rks mls lrgh [kqnkbZ ds :i esa ekik tk;sxkA
measured as surface excavation. If however, fQj Hkh ;fn mlds dqN Hkkx dh vf/kd xgjkbZ rd [kqnkbZ djuh gS] rks
portions of the area are to be excavated to a greater
depth, the total area of such portions shall be
,sls Hkkxksa ds dqy {ks= dks lai.w kZ [kqnkbZ dh eki es ls ?kVk fn;k tk;sxk
deducted from the overall shallow excavation vkSj fQj vf/kd xgjs Hkkxksa dh mpkbZ;ksa dh [kqnkbZ dks leku ekik tk;sxk
measurements and then whole depth of the tgka lrgh [kqnkbZ dks iwoZ d`R; funs'Z k fd;k x;k gS rks lrgh [kqnkbZ dk
lek/kku djus ds ckn mFkyh [kqnkbZ dk fu/kkZj.k gksxkA
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
deeper portions shall be measured as excavation
over areas. Where surface excavation has been
ordered as a prior operation, the depth of shallow
excavation shall be determined after adjusting
for the depth of surface excavation.
3.5. Work to Existing Paving:- Relaying and making 3-5 fo?keku dqfêeu Q'kZ esa dk;Z% eSdMe Q'kZ dks iqu%
good to paving macadam, etc. shall be measured fcNkuk o Bhd djus vkfn dh eki izFkd gksxhA fdlh Hkh VwV
separately. Any damage caused shall however be QwV dks Bsdsnkj vius [kpsZa ij Bhd djsxkA
made good by the contractor at his own expense.
3.6 Earth Filling, Embankments and Traverse, etc.:- 3-6 feêh HkjkbZ] Hkjko ca/k] pØe vkfn% [krku xM~<ksa dh
Measurements shall be those of the borrow pits, [kkb;ksa dh gh eki gksxh tgka ls feêh yh xbZ gSA ;fn ,slk
trenches, etc. from which the material is obtained. If
this is found difficult or impracticable,
dfBu ;k laHko u gks rks HkjkbZ okys Hkjko ca/k] pØe dks l?ku
measurements of the finished embankment, traverse djus ds ckn ekik tk;sxk rFkk [kqnkbZ ds ckn ds Fkksd esa 10
of earth filling shall be taken after consolidation izfr'kr dh o`f) gksxhA tgka ;kaf=d e'khuksa ls Bksliu yk;k
and 10% deducted to allow for increase in bulk after x;k gS ;k vuqdwYkre tyka'k voLFkkvksa esa fu/kkZfjr ekud
excavation. No deduction shall however be made izksDVj ?kuRo fd;k x;k gS] ogka dVkSrh 5% gksxhA
in case of consolidated fills in confined places such
as floors. Where the consolidation is done by heavy
mechanical machinery or to the specified standard
proctor density under optimum moisture
conditions, deduction shall be 5 percent.
3.7 Rates 3-7 njsa
The rates for all excavation items include: laiw.kZ [kqnkbZ dk;Z dh enksa dh njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey gSa%&
(a) Excavating either straight or curved on plan; ¼d½ vk;kstu ij lh/kh ;k oØ [kqnkbZA
(b) Clearing away all grass vegetation, saplings,
shrubs, brushwood, undergrowth, roots, and
¼[k½ reke ?kkl ouLifr} >kM] >kM+h] >a[kkM+] v/k%mit]
trees not exceeding 30 cm girth (measured one tM+sa o 30 lseh- xksykbZ ls de ds isM+ ¼/kjkry ls ,d
metre above ground level) and removing rubbish eh- Åij ekiu½ dks lkQ djuk rFkk eyos dks lQkbZ
upto a distance of 50 metres outside the fd;s tkus okys {ks= dh lhek ls 50 eh- ds Qklys ij
periphery of the area under clearance except in Qsda uk flok; lrg dks lery djus ds dk;Z ds ftlesa
the case of surface dressing which includes for
all the foregoing except clearing away of trees;
isM+ksa dks gVkus ds vykok lHkh izko/kku 'kkfey gSaA
(c) Bailing out, pumping out or otherwise removing ¼x½ ikuh dks tks [kqnkbZ dk;Z esa bdÎk gks ldrk gS mls iEi
all water which may accumulate in the ls vFkok vU; rjhds ls 3-11 o.kZu ds vykok ckgj
excavations, from all causes other than those fudkyukA
described in 3.11;
(d) Setting out the work profiles, etc. as well as for ¼?k½ :ijs[kk vkfn ds lkFk&lkFk vkStkj la;a= vkfn dks
all tools and plant; O;ofLFkr djukA
(e) All materials and labour required for fencing
¼M½ [kqyh [kqnkbZ dks nq?kZVukvksa ds tksf[ke ls cpko ds fy,
in and protecting against risk of accidents, to
open excavations, etc. and for providing rFkk ckM+ yxkus ds fy, lHkh visf{kr lkexzh o Jfed
gangways with handrails across open trenches, vkSj tgka vko';d gks ogka [kkbZ ds vkjikj lewg ekxZ
etc. where necessary. lfgr gFk ifr;k ykxukA
(f) Watching and lighting, whenever necessary.
¼p½ tgka dgha t:jh gks pkSdhnkjh o jks'kuh dh O;oLFkkA
(g) Forming (or leaving) ‘Dead men’ or ‘Tell tales’
in borrow pits and their removal after record of ¼N½ xM~<ksa ds vk;kstuksa es]a **mBkos** vFkok **lh<+h** cukuk ¼;k
measurements; NksMu+ k½ rFkk eki fy[k fy, tkus ij mUgsa nwj djukA
(h) Forming (or leaving) steps in sides of deep ¼t½ xgjh [kqnkb;ksa esa lh<+h cukuk ¼;k NksMu+ k½ rFkk mUgsa eki
excavations and their removal or covering up,
gksus ds ckn mBkuk ;k <dukA
after record of measurements;


[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z

(j) Excavation for insertion of planking and ¼>½ r[rs canh o iqLrkoanh yxkus ds fy, [kqnkbZ djukA
(k) Removing slips or falls in excavations; ¼=½ [kqnkbZ ds vUnj yq<+dh ;k fxjh feêh dks gVkukA
(1) Authorised battering or benching of ¼r½ [kqnkbZ dh vuf/kd`r vkufrdsa ;k ikSf<+;ka gVkuk] rFkk
excavations; and,
(m) Slinging or supporting pipes, electric cables, ¼Fk½ mn~ca/ku vFkok vk/kkjh uy] fo|qr dscysa tks [kqnkbZ esa
etc. met with during excavation. feyh gksA
3.8 The rates for excavation items do not include 3-8 [kqnkbZ dh njksa r[rsona h] vkufrds rFkk@vFkok r[rs canh ds
‘timbering’ or battering and/or benching of sides
in lieu of timbering. Payment will be made as in LFkku ij ik'koZ ikSf<+;ka 'kkfey ugha gSaA budk Hkqxrku
3.1.8. 3-1-8 ds vuqlkj gksxkA
3.9 Getting out:- The rates for all excavation items 3-9 feêh ckgj fudkyuk% [kqnkbZ dh njksa esa feêh dks ckgj
include getting out, that is, placing excavated fudkyuk 'kkfey gS] vFkkZr~ [kksnh xbZ lkexzh dks] [kqnkbZ ds fdukjs
material clear of the edge of excavation by at least ls ,d ehVj nwj ;k [kqnkbZ ds cjkcj esa tks Hkh vf/
one metre or one third of the depth of excavation,
whichever is more. In special cases, where the kd gks ij Mkyuk 'kkfey gSA fo'ks"k voLFkkvksa esa tgka fuiVku dk
disposal area is limited or where the application of LFkku lhfer gks ;k tgka bl vis{kk dh iwfŸkZ vO;ogkfjd gks] rks
this requirement is impracticable, the contractor Bsdns kj dks de nwjh] ysfdu ,d ehVj ls de ugha dh de
may be allowed a berm of reduced width, in any pkSMk+ bZ ij [kqnkbZ dh lkexzh yXkkus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gS]
case not less than one metre; provided the material Ck'krsZ fd fudkyh gqbZ lkexzh iw.kZr% fLFkj gks rFkk vf/kd Hkkj lgu
being excavated is sufficiently stable and shoring
is provided to carry the additional load. djus ds fy, Vsd canh ¼lgkjk½ dk izcU/k gksA
3.10 Removal of Spoil:- Removal of excavated material 3-10 Qkyr~ feêh mBkuk% fudyh lkexzh dh eki rHkh dh
shall be measured only when it is removed beyond tk;sxh tc mls ckgj fudkyus dh lhek ;k lacfU/kr en esa
the limit specified for ‘getting out’ or beyond the lead fufnZ"V nwjh ls vf/kd nwjh ij ys tkbZ xbZ gksA Bsdns kj fdlh
specified in the particular item concerned. The
Contractor shall allow for any mode of haulage and
Hkh <qykbZ lk?ku rFkk okgu dks VwVh QwVh lM+dksa ;k x<+ksa ;k
transport over roads in bad repair, or with steep vle jkLrs ij pyk;sxkA
gradient or over unconsolidated ground.
3.10.1 Removal includes the separation of the useful from 3-10-1 gVkus esa mi;ksxh o vuqi;ksxh lkexzh dks vyx djuk rFkk
the useless portion and stacking the useful material mi;ksxh lkexzh dks fu;fer <sjksa esa yxkuk rFkk vuqi;ksxh dks
in regular heaps and removal of the useless as
crk;s vuqlkj Qsaduk 'kkfey gSA

3.11 Pumping:- If an inflow of water into excavations is 3-11 iEi ls ikuh fudkyuk% ;fn [kqnkbZ esa ikuh dk cgko]
caused by powerful springs, tidal or river seepage, 'kfDr'kkyh >juks]a TokjHkkVs ;k unh ds fjlko] VwVh ikuh dh
broken water mains or drains and the like (other eq[; uy ;k ukfy;ksa ;k leku ls ¼Bsdns kj dh vlko/kkuh ls
than those broken through the Contractor’s
negligence) or rising of water table the Contractor
VwVh ds vykok½ ;k Hkwfe tyLrj ds Åij gksus ls vk;k gS rks
shall immediately inform the GE. If, in the opinion Bsdsnkj rqjar nqxZ vfHk;ark dks lwfpr djsxkA ;fn nqxZ
of the GE the inflow is due to any of these causes, he vfHk;ark dh jk; esa cgko bu fdlh dkj.k ls mRiUu gqvk gS
shall issue instruction, in writing, as to the method rks og fyf[kr esa ikuh fudkyus dh fof/k lac/a kh vuqn's k nsxk
to be employed in clearing the water from excavation rFkk Bsds dh 'krksZ ds vuqlkj vfrfjDr Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
and additional payment shall be allowed.


[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
3.12 Hard Rock Blasting Prohibited:- If blasting of hard 3-12 dBksj pêkuksa dks fCkLQksV ls mM+uk fu"ks/k gS%& ;fn
rock is prohibited or impracticable owing to special dBksj pêkuksa dks foLQksV ls mM+kuk euk gS vFkok LFky vkfn
condition of the site, etc., and use of mechanical dh fo'ks"k voLFkk vkfn ds dkj.k vO;ogkfjd gS o nqxZ
plant or chisel cutting is ordered in lieu of blasting
vfHk;ark dh iwoZ fyf[kr vkKk ls rFkk foLQksV ds LFkku ij
by a prior written order of the GE, an addition of 50
per cent shall be made to the corresponding
;kaf=d la;=a vFkok Nsuh dVkbZ dk vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS] rks
Schedule rate. This addition shall cover the vuq lp
w h dh lekuqdy w nj esa 50 izfr'kr vfrfjDr ns; gksxkA
provision of pneumatic concrete breakers, chisels, ;g vfrfjDr] ok;qizpkfyr daØhVds jks/kd] Nsfu;ksa] QfUUk;ksa
wedges, etc., for the execution of the work. vkfn }kjk dk;Z laiknu dks Hkh lgstrk gSA
3.13 Serviceable Materials:- Any vegetable, earth, sand, 3-13 mi;ksxh lkexzh% dksbZ ouLifr] feêh ckyw] ctjh] iRFkj bZV
gravel, stone, debris of brickwork, concrete, dh fpukbZ dk eyok] daØhVfpukbZ vkfn tks [kqnkbZ ls izkIr
masonry, etc., obtained from excavations shall gqbZ gSa og j{kk ea=ky; dh laifŸk gksxhA fdlh Hkh mi;ksxh
remain the property of MD. Any useful material lkexzh dk ;fn Bsdns kj mi;ksx djrk gS rks ekuh xbZ njksa ds
indicated for use by the Contractor shall be charged vuqlkj Bsdsnkj ls mxkgh gksxhA
to him at the agreed rates.
lrgh dh [kqnkbZ
PER SQUARE METRE Soft/loo- Hard/de- Mud Soft/dis Hard izfr oxZ ehVj
se soil nse soil integrated rock
ueZ@<hyh dBksj@ Xkkjk ueZ@fo?k dBksj
feV`h l?ku feV`h fVr pV`ku pV`ku
03001 Surface excavation n.exc 03001 lrgh [kqnkbZ 30 lseh ls vuf/kd
(not exceeding) 30 cm ¼vf/kd ugha½ o vkSlr xgjkbZ 15
deep and averaging 15cm lseh rFkk ckgj fudklh
deep and getting out → 53.10 93.20 149.20 205.30 438.30 ←
03002 Add to (or deduct from) 03002 fiNyh en esa tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa 15
last item for every 3 cm lseh- dh vkSlr xgjkbZ ls de ;k
or part thereof above or vf/kd ij izR;sd 3 lseh- de ;k
below 15 cm average 7.30 9.30 17.90 21.80 46.60 ← vf/kd gsrq
depth →


vle [kqnkbZ] mPps LFkkuksa] [kkbZ;ksa vkfn esa [kqnkbZ
(a) Payment under item 03005 shall not be allowed ¼d½ en 03005 ds vUrxrZ Hkqxrku dh vuqefr ugha gksxh tgka 1-5
where no lift beyond 1.5 m is involved, such as eh- ls vf/kd dh nwjh vis{kk ugha gS tSls <yoka eSnkuksa esa tgka
excavation in sloping ground where the excavation
[kqnkbZ ,d vksj ls lqxe gSA
is accessible from one side.
(b) Payment under items 03005 and 03007 is applicable ¼[k½ en 03005 o 03007 ds vUrxrZ Hkqxrku [kqnkbZ ds lacfU/kr
for the quantity in the respective stage of pj.kksa dh ek=k ds fy;s ykxw gSa] izkjfEHkd ry ls laiw.kZ [kqnkbZ
excavation, and not to the total quantity of
dh ek=k ij ughaA
excavation from the commencing level.
(c) Payment under items 03004 to 03007 shall include ¼x½ en 03004 ls 03007 ds Hkqxrku esa lery djuk@ik'oks dh
for dressing/trimming sides and levelling/grading dkVNkaV rFkk [kqnkbZ ds ry dks lery djuk@laHko cukuk o
and ramming of bottoms of excavation.
dqVkbZ djuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) The depth for any particular length of an excavation ¼?k½ mBkus ds iz;kstu ds fy, fdlh fo'ks"k [kqnkbZ ds fy;s xgjkbZ
for the purpose of lift shall be the average depth at
gksxh nks fdukjksa dh vkSlr xgjkbZA
two ends.
(e) ¼M½ fo'ks"k 'krZ 3-2] uyksa] dsoyksa vkfn ds fy, dh xbZ [kqnkbZ ij
Special Condition 3.2 shall apply to excavation of
trenches for pipes, cables, etc. ykxw gksxa hA
(f) For measurement of item 03009 Special Condition ¼p½ en 03009 dh eki ds fy;s fo'ks"k 'krZ 3-6 ykxw gksxhA
3.6 shall apply.
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
vle [kqnkbZ ps LFkkuksa [kkbZ;ksa vkfn esa [kqnkbZ tkjh---
PER CUBIC METRE Soft/loo- Hard/de- Mud Soft/dis Hard çfr ?ku ehVj
se soil nse soil integrated rock
ueZ@<hyh dBksj@l?ku Xkkjk ueZ@fo?k dBksj
feV`h feV`h fVr pV`ku pV`ku
03003 Rough excavation not 0 3 0 0 3 fo"ke [kq n kbZ 1-5 eh- ls
exceeding 1.5 m deep and vuf/kd xgjkbZ rFkk fudklh
getting out → 179.10 337.80 582.50 768.90 1256.50 ←
03004 Excavating over areas, n exc 0 3 0 0 4 mBkÅ LFkkuksa esa 1-5 eh- ls
1.5 m deep and getting out vuf/kd xgjkbZ dh [kqnkbZ
258.50 450.00 741.30 1026.00 1682.30
→ ← rFkk fudklh
03005 Add to items 03003 and 03005 en 03003 o 03004 esa tksMas+
03004 for each additional 1.5 izFke 1-5 eh- xgjkbZ ls vf/kd
m or part thereof in depth xgjkbZ;ksa esa izR;sd 1-5 eh-
beyond the first 1.5 m → vfrfjDr ;k mlds Hkkx gsrq
158.70 158.70 165.30 192.20 192.20 ←
03006 Excavating in trenches, n exc 03006 [kkb;ksa esa [kqnkbZ 1-5 eh- ls
1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in vuf/kd pkSMk+ bZ o 1-5 eh- ls
depth; for foundation, etc. or vuf/kd xgjkbZ okyh uhao vkfn
for shafts, wells, cesspits,
manholes, pier holes, etc. n
ds fy;s ;k LrEHkks]a dqvksa ey
exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc dq.Mks]a eSugksyks]a ik;ksa ds xM~<s
1.5 m in depth and getting out vkfn ds fy;s tks 10 oxZehVj
→ 383.70 675.00 1111.90 1542.20 2483.60 ← lrg ij o 1-5 eh- ls vuf/kd
xgjkbZ ds rFkk fudklh
03007 Add to item 03006 for each 03007 tksMas en 03006 esa izFke 1-5 eh
additional 1.5m or part ls vf/kd xgjkbZ ds fy, izR;sd
thereof in depth beyond the
first 1.5 m→
158.70 158.70 165.30 192.20 192.20 ← 1-5 eh ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy;s
03008 Add to items 03004 to 03007 0 3 0 0 8 en 03004 ls 03007 esa tksM+sa]
for scooping out from inside vUnj o dqÌ;sa ds xksys ds
and below the steining in uhps ls myhpdj ckgj
well sinking including use of fudkyus ds fy;s Msštk o
dredgers and all other vU; lk/kuksa] mBkoksa ds iz;ksx
appliances, erection and lfgr o Hkkjh pcwrjksa dks
removal of weighed platform
and working in water
gVkuk o ikuh esa dk;Z djukA
(measurement shall be for ¼eki dq,sa ds ckgjh
area bound by external ifjeki@ ifjf/k × xgjkbZ
circumference/ perimeter of ds fy;s gksxh½
well x depth sunk) → 1705.30 1813.60 ←
03009 Returning, filling in, including 0 3 0 0 9 okilh] HkjkbZ QSykuk lery
spreading, levelling, watering djuk] ikuh nsuk RkFkk 25
and well ramming in layers lseh- ls vuf/kd ijrksa esa
not exc 25 cm. → 139.10 139.10 185.00 ← dqVkbZ djus lfgr
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
vle [kqnkbZ ps LFkkuksa [kkbZ;ksa vkfn esa [kqnkbZ tkjh---

PER CUBIC METRE All Kind Ordinary Hand rock Hand rock
of Soil rock (Required Prohibited
03009A Earth work in excavation Blasting) where
by mechanical means blasting
(Hydraulic excavator)
means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth,
1.5 m in width as well as 10
sqm on plan) including
getting out and disposal of
excavated earth lead upto
50 m and lift upto 1.5m, as
directed by Engineer-in-
charge → 166.62 317.56 552.17 908.41
03009B Add to item No. 03009A for
each additional 1.5 m or
part thereof in depth
beyond the first 1.5 m. → 33.31 64.50 75.50 205.40
03009C Earth work in excavation
by mechanical means
(Hydraulic excavator)/ in
foundation trenches or
drains (not exceeding 1.5 m
in width or 10 sqm on
plan), including dressing
of sides and ramming of
bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the
excavated soil and disposal
of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of
50 m. → 228.55 401.63 658.22 964.78

POST HOLES ETC. LrEHkks a ds xM~ < s vkfn

The items in this table shall not be allowed if posts with bl rkfydk dh ensa ykxw ugha gksxh ;fn uqdhys Nksj LrEHkksa dks Hkwfe
pointed ends are directed to be driven into the ground. esa izos'k ds fy;s dgk tkrk gSA pkyu dks [k.M 7 ds vUrxZr ydM+h
Driving shall be measured separately under Section 7— Wood
work (Carpenter’s work). ds dk;Z ¼c<+bZ ds dke½ esa ekik tk;sxkA

EACH iz R ;s d
Soft/loo- Hard/de- Mud Soft/dis Hard
03010 Excavating in post holes (or se soil nse soil integrated rock 03010 LrEHk ds fy, xM~<ksa dh [kqnkbZ
similar holes) each n exc 0.5 ueZ@<hyh dBksj@l?ku Xkkjk ueZ@fo?k dBksj ¼;k leku xM~<½s izR;sd 0-5
cu. m, getting out, returning,
feV`h feV`h fVr pV`ku pV`ku ?keh- ls vuf/kd fudklh] okilh]
filling in and ramming earth
or broken rubble mixed with HkjkbZ] feêh dqVkbZ rFkk 25 lseh-
earth around, in layers not
259.10 381.40 775.10 848.90
ls vuf/kd ds iRFkj ds VqdM+ka s
exceeding 25 cm, → ←
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
vle [kqnkbZ ps LFkkuksa [kkbZ;ksa vkfn esa [kqnkbZ tkjh---
watering, and removing surplus soil to a distance n exc 50 feêh esa feykdj ijr yxkuk ikuh nsuk] rFkk Qkyrw feêh dks 50
m and making good surface eh ls vuf/kd Qklys ij QSaduk o lrg dks Bhd djuk
lrg iz l k?ku
Item 03011 & 03012 shall not be allowed in addition to items en 03011 & 03012 dks en 03001 ls 03010 ds vfrfjDr esa
03001 to 03010.
Lohdkj ugha gksxhA
PER SQUARE METRE Soft/loose soil Hard/dense soil izfr oxZ ehVj
ueZ @ <hyh feV` h dBksj@l?ku feV`h
03011 Surface dressing n exc 03011 15 lseh xgjkbZ ls vuf/kd lrg
15 cm deep → 26.90 33.50 ← izlk/ku
03012 Site Clearance → 17.90 03012
[kqnkbZ;ksa esa r[rscUnh
(a) The measurement for timbering shall be that part of ¼d½ r[rscna h dh eki [kqnkbZ ds ml Hkkx dh gksxh ftlesa r[rscna h
the face of excavation which is supported by timbering dh xbZ gS rFkk fuEu rkfydk dh visf{kr dkye esa nh xbZ njksa
and shall be paid for under the appropriate column ds vUrxZr gksxh vFkkZr~ 2-5 eh xgjkbZ rd dh lEkLr r[rcanh
of the following rate table, e.g., the whole of the dks bl rkfydk ds dkye 2 ds vuqlkj ewY;kafdr fd;k
timbering to a face 2.5 m deep shall be priced at the
rates in column 2 of this table.
(b) The measurement shall be taken before the excavation ¼[k½ [kqnkbZ dh eki [kqnkbZ Hkjus o r[rscna h gVkus ls igys yh tk;sxhA
is filled in and timbering is removed.
(c) The extra rate for “tightly driven close butt-jointed ¼x½ etcwrh ls VDdj tksM+ dh pn~nj ca/kkbZ ds fy, vfrfjDr
sheeting” shall be allowed only for such portions of [kqnkbZ ds ik'oZ ds dsoy ml Hkkx ds fy, fn;k tk;sxk ftlds
the sides of excavations for which tightly driven close fy, nqxZ vfHk;ark us VDdj tksM+ dh pknj ca/kkbZ dh fyf[kr
butt-jointed sheeting is ordered, in writing, by the GE. :i ls vkKk nh gksA
(d) Where timbering is ordered to be left permanently in ¼?k½ tgka r[rscanh dks lnk ds jgus nsus dh vkKk gks ogka **lkexzh
position 400 per cent extra shall be allowed on the o Je** dh njksa esa 400 izfr'kr vfrfjDr nsus dh vuqefr gksxhA
“Materials and Labour” rates.
PER SQUARE METRE Material & Labour Except Timber izfr oxZ ehVj
lkezxh o Je yDdM+ jfgr
03013 Use and waste of
N exc. Exc. Exc. 3 m N Exc. Exc 03013 yDdM+ dk mi;ksx vkSj
Exc. 3 m
timbering as planking 1.5 m 1.5 m & & n exc. 1.5 m 1.5 m & & n exc. Nhtu tSls feêh es]a [kkb;ksa
and strutting for deep nexc.3m 5 m deep deep nexc.3m 5m deep dh [kqnkbZ esa r[rkcanh o
excavations in trenches deep deep iq'rkcanh djus ifr;ka] Vsdks]a
in soil, including wales,vu 1-5 1-5 eha ls 3 eh ls vu 1-5 1-5 eh ls 3 ls vf/ka-
struts, open poling [kqys yxs r[rs vkfn ftudh
eh xgjk vf/k 3-0 vf/k- 5 xgjk vf/k- 3 5 eh ls vko';drk gksxh] ds lfgr
boards, etc. as may be eh vu- eh vu- eh- vu- vu-
necessary and fixing rFkk lkexzh o Je] yxkbZ
and removal → 166.30 199.80 231.40 58.10 72.70 87.20 ← o gVkbZ
03014 Ditto in shafts, wells, 03014 mi;qDZ r fudkl ukyh] dq,a ]as
cesspits, manholes and eydqM a ] eSugksy o ik;kas ds
pier holes → 209.90 242.40 275.00 101.70 116.30 131.80 ← xM~<ksa ds fy,
03015 Ditto over areas (as for 03015 mi;qZDr] Åijh {ks= ¼TkSls
basements, etc.) and rg[kkus vkfn½ rFkk Vsdksa ds
including use and waste [kqjpus esa mi;ksx o Nhtu
of raking shores and
fixing and removal → 180.80 213.40 245.90 72.70 87.20 101.70 ← rFkk yxkbZ o mBkbZ lfgr
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
PER SQUARE METRE Material & Labour Except Timber izfr oxZ ehVj
lkezxh o Je yDdM+ jfgr
03016 Extra only on item no
03013 to 03015 above
N exc. Exc. Exc. 3m N Exc. Exc Exc. 3m 03016 mi;qDr en 03013 ls 03015
1.5m 1.5m & & n exc. 1.5m 1.5m & & n exc. esa fdlh ij vfrfjDr dsoy
if tightly driven close deep n exc.3m 5m deep deep n exc. 5m deep
butt-jointed sheeting is deep 3m deep rc tc etcwr VDdj tksM+
ordered including vu 1-5 1-5 eha ls 3 eh ls vu 1-5 1-5 eh ls 3 ls vf/ka dh pknj ca/kkbZ dh vkKk nh
packing cavities eh xgjk vf/k 3-0 vf/k- 5 xgjk vf/k- 3 5 eh ls xbZ gks o tgka vko';d gks
behind the sheeting ogka fjfDr;ksa esa mi;qDr
eh vu- eh vu- eh- vu- vu-
with suitable material lkexzh dh HkjkbZ dh xbZ gks
where necessary. → 95.35 101.17 115.70 23.26 29.07 43.60 ←
Q'kksZ vkfn esa QSykuk lery djuk o dqVkbZ djuk
For measurements of items 03017 & 03018 special en 03017 o 03018 dh eki ij fo'ks"k 'krZ 3-6 ykXkw gksXkh
condition 3.6 shall apply.
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
03017 Spreading and levelling in layers n exc. 25 03017 25 lseh eksVkbZ ls vuf/kd dh ijrksa esa Qsykuk o
cm thick → 66.30 ← lery djuk
03018 Add for well ramming including watering 03018 tksMa s + vko';drkuqlkj ikuh Mkydj vPNh dqVkbZ ds fy,
as required 105.80

M&L Except sand
03019 Sand filling under floors or in 03019
03019Q'kksZ] uhoksa esa ikuh fNM+dj njslh djus
foundations including watering lfgr ckyw dh HkjkbZ djuk
and consolidation → 1974.30 106.00 ←


rVca/k vkSj Vs<s+ es<s+ iFk ¼pØe½ cukuk
(a) For measurements of items 03020 & 03021, Special ¼d½ en 03020 o 03021 dh eki ds fy, fo'ks"k 'krZ 3-6 ykxw gksxhA
Condition 3.6 shall apply.
(b) The rates apply to filling in roads, berms, embank- ¼[k½ fdlh Hkh :ijs[kk dh lM+dks]a iVfj;ks]a rVca/kks]a Vs<+ es<s iFkksas vkfn
ments, traverses, etc. of any profile, upto 8 m in height esa vk/kkj ls 8 eh- ÅpkbZ rd HkjkbZ djus ij ;g njsa ykxw gksx a hA
above base.
(c) The rates include for supplying and fixing temporary ¼x½ bu njksa esa vLFkkbZ <kpksa dh vkiwfrZ djuk o yxkuk rFkk
profiles and removing same as the work proceeds. T;ksa&T;ksa dke vkxs c<+rk gS mUgsa fudkyuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) Where compaction of earth filling is ordered to be ¼?k½ tgka vuqdwy ueh okyh fLFkfr;ksa esa fufnZ"V 95 izfr'kr vkSlr
carried out under optimum moisture conditions to
the specified percentage of standard proctor density
ds eku ?kuRo izcU/ku dh Bksl feêh HkjkbZ dh vkKk nh tkrh
not less than 95 per cent, rates for forming gS rks rVca/k cukus dh njksa esa 10 izfr'kr dh o`f) dh tk;sxhA
embankments shall be increased by 10 per cent.
PER CUBIC METRE Solids Rocks izfr ?ku ehVj
03020 Forming embankments including 03020
03020rVca/k cukus ds fy, tehu dks ÅWpk
raising (or lowering) earth, djuk¼;k uhpk djuk½] 30 lseh ls
spreading in layers n exc. 30 cm thick; vuf/kd eksVkbZ esa feêh QSykuk ikuh
watering, ramming/rolling and fNM+dj dqVkbZ djuk@jksyj pykuk
finishing to required size, shape,
rFkk vk/kkj ls 1-5 eh ls vuf/kd ÅpkbZ
etc., n exc. 1.5 m high from base →
168.10 ← rd visf{kr vkdkj] vkd`fr esa laiwfrZ
03021 Add for each additional 1.5 m or part 03021
03021tksMa+s igys 1-5 eh ls vf/kd dh ÅWpkbZ
thereof in height above the first 1.5 m→
→ 165.30 ← ij izR;sd 1-5 eh ;k mlds Hkkx gsrq
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
uhps ifjos/ku ikby ds fy;s izos/ku Nsn rFkk izosf/kr izoyu bu lhVw ikby esa
(a) The rates in items 03022 to 03028 include for the ¼d½ en 03022 ls 03028 dh njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey gS%&
followings :- ¼1½ tgka ikby [kMs+ djus gSa ml LFkku dks eksVs rkSj ij lery
(1) Roughly levelling the ground in positions where djukA
piles are to be provided.
(2) Marking the position of pile by pegs and boring guide ¼2½ [kaVw h ;k izc/s ku ekxZ n'kZd }kjk ikby dh fLFkfr fpfUgr djukA
(b) Item 03022 covers any dimension of under-reaming ¼[k½ izo/s ku Nsn dh ifjf/k ds 2½ xq.kk rd ds ifjos/ku ifjf/k dks en
upto 2 ½ times the diameter of bore hole. 03022 lekfgr djrh gSA
(c) The rates for item 03022 to 03024 do not include use ¼x½ en 03022 ls 03024 rd dh njksa esa vfLFkj ikby izos/ku ds
of drilling fluid in case of unstable pile bores. ekeys esa ojHkkbZ ?kksy dk iz;ksx 'kkfey ugh gSA
EACH Diameter of piles iz R ;s d
ikby dh ifjf/k feeh esa
03022 Boring holes 2 m deep in soil 03022 tehu esa 2 eh rd] ifjos/ku ikby
for under-reamed piles and 200 mm 250 mm 300 mm
ds fy, izos/ku Nsn djuk rFkk
getting out and disposal of feêh fudkyuk rFkk mls 50 eh
spoil to a distance of n exc.
681.60 820.60 953.10 ← vuf/kd nwjh ij Qsaduk
50 m →
03023 Add to above item for each
03023 Åij dh en esa izR;sd vfrfjDr
additional under-reaming → 271.60 344.40 410.70 ifjos/ku ds fy;s tksM+sa


03024 Add to item 03022 for each 03024 en 03022 esa izfr ehVj xgjkbZ ds
metre depth (intermediate fy, tksM]a s + ¼ek/;fed xgjkbZ ;Fkkuqikr
depths to be paid prorata) 185.70 232.20 271.60 ← ns; gksxh½

EACH iz R ;s d
350 mm 430 mm 500 mm
03025 Boring for Bored cast in situ 03025 tehu esa 16 eh lhVw ikby esa Nsn
piles 16 metres in soil and fudkyus ds fy, ojHkkbZ dk;Z rFkk
getting out and disposal of
feêh fudkyuk o Mh ,e lh i)fr
spoil to a distance 50 metres
using DMC method (Direct ¼ lh/ks iad ifjpkyu ½ dk iz;ksx
mud circulation) → 43569.70 47831.40 52264.70 ← djrs gq, 50 eh nwj Qsaduk
03026 Add/Deduct to above for 03026 izR;sd ,d ehVj vfrfjDr@de ds
each metre depth → 2635.10 2903.90 3169.10
← fy, Åij dh en esa tksMas+ @?kVk;sa

izfr 10 lsaVhehVj
03027 Chiselling / cutting through 03027 uje pêku es lhVw ikby ds fy;s
for boring for cast in situ piles HkjikbZ fNnz dk;Z djus ds fy, Nsuas h
in soft rock and getting out dk;Z@ dVkbZ dk;Z rFkk feêh
and disposal of spoil to a fudkyuk o feêh dks vuf/kd 50
distance of n. exc. 50 metres →
← eh nwj Qsda uk
03028 -Do- but in hard rock 03028 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dBksj pêku esa
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
eyok gVkuk
(a) The removal of spoil resulting from excavation ¼d½ Bsdn s kj }kjk [kqnkbZ djus ls fudys eyos dks gVkus dk Hkqxrku
performed by the Contractor shall be paid for, on the [kqnkbZ ls igys l?ku va'kksa dh eki ds vk/kkj ij gksxh ;fn l?ku
basis of solid contents measured before excavation. If va'kksa dh eki djuk dfBu ik;k tkrk gS ;k vO;ogkfjd gS rks
measuring of the solid contents is found difficult or
impracticable, the following percentage deductions
cjkcj ds l?ku va'kksa dks tkuus ds fy;s fuEu vkSlr ls dVkSrh
shall be made to arrive at equivalent solid contents : dh tk;sxhA
(1) 10 per cent deduction in all cases of consolidated ¼1½ tgka Bksl HkjkbZ dks ;kaf=d e'khuksas }kjk fd;k x;k gks mldks
fills except where the consolidation is done by NksMd+ j vkSj lHkh Bksl HkjkbZ esa 10 izfr'kr dh dVkSrh gksxh
heavy mechanical machinery or to the specified ;k flok; mlds tc fufnZ"V ekud izkDs Vj ?kuRo vuwdy q
standard proctor density not less than 95 per cent ueh okyh fLFkfr;ksa esa 95 izfr'kr ls de u gks] blesa dVkSrh
under optimum moisture conditions, in which 5 izfr'kr dh tk;sxhA
case the deduction shall be 5 per cent.
(2) No deduction shall be made in the case of con- ¼2½ Q'kZ tSlh lhfer fLFkfr;ksa ds ekeys esa dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
solidated fills in confined situations like floors.
(3) 20 per cent deduction when spoil excavated from ¼3½ tc uje@<hyh tehu ;k dBksj@l?ku tehu dh [kqnkbZ
soft/loose soil or hard/dense soil is measured in ls fudys eyos dks <hys <sjksa esa ;k xkfM+;ksa ;k eksVj xkfM+;ksa
loose stacks or in carts or lorries.
esa ekik tk; rks dVkSrh 20 izfr'kr gksxhA
(4) No deduction shall be made when spoil excavated ¼4½ ;fn [kksnh xbZ feêh jsr gS rks dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
is sand.
(5) 50 per cent deduction when spoil excavated from ¼5½ tc uje@fo?kfVr pêku ;k dBksj pêku esa [kqnkbZ ls
soft/disintegrated rock or hard rock is measured
in loose stacks or in carts or lorries.
fudys eyos dks <hys <sjksa ;k xkfM++;ksa ;k eksVj xkfM++;ksa esa
ekik tk; rks dVkSrh 50 izfr'kr dh tk;sxhA
(b) In working out lead for large areas of excavation, the ¼[k½ [kksns x;s fo'kky {ks=ksa esa nwjh fudkyus ds fy;s] [kksns x;s {ks=ksa
excavated areas shall be divided into suitable blocks dks mi;qDZ r Hkkxksa esa ckaVk tk;sxk rFkk izR;sd Hkkx ds fy;s mlds
and for each block the distance from the centre of block dsUnz ls ml Hkkx dh feêh dks Mkys x;s LFkku ds dsUnz rd ds
to the centre of placed earth pertaining to the
corresponding block shall be taken as lead. Qklys dks nwjh ds :i esa fy;k tk;sxkA
(c) The rates for removal of spoil include for loading into ¼x½ eyok gVkus dh njksa esa <syksa] xkfM+;ksa Mkfy;ksa vkfn ;k eksVj
and unloading from barrows, carts, baskets, etc., or okguksa esa feêh Hkjuk] o muls mrkjuk 'kkfey gSA eyok ds <sjksa
mechnical transport vehicles. In the case of spoil heaps ds ekeys esa tgka nqxZ vfHk;ark ds fopkj esa Bksl gks xbZ gS rFkk
which, in the opinion of the GE, have consolidated
gVkus ls igys mls <hyk djus dh vko';drk gS rks uje feêh
and require loosening before removal half the rate for
rough excavation in soft soil shall be allowed in dh [kqnkbZ dh njksa ds vk/ks dk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku djus dh
addition. However, this additional payment shall not vuqefr gksxhA fQj Hkh ;g vfrfjDr ml n'kk esa ugha fn;k
be permitted for spoil heaps requiring loosening due tk;sxk tc eyok Bsdsnkj dh xYkrh ds dkj.k Bksl gqbZ gksA
to Contractor’s default. Decision of GE whether a spoil eyok ds <sj dks <hyk djus dh t:jr gS ;k ugha] bl fo"k;
heap needs loosening or not, shall be final and binding. esa nqxZ vfHk;ark dk QSlyk vafre rFkk ck/; gksxkA
(d) Where rates for excavation include for removal n exc. ¼?k½ tgka [kqnkbZ dh njksa esa 50 eh- ls vf/kd ds fy, gVkuk 'kkfey gks
50 m, item 03029 shall be deducted from the
rks iwjh nwjh dh gVkbZ ds fy, en 03029 dks ml lEcf/kr en esa
appropriate rates for removing to the full distance,
unless two separate removals have been authorised ls ?kVk fn;k tk;sxk tc rd fd nqxZ vfHk;ark dh iwoZ fyf[kr vkKk
by prior written order of GE. }kjk nks vyx feêh fxjkus ds dk;Z dks vf/kd`r u fd;k x;k gksA
(e) Removal shall be assumed to be done by the shortest ¼M½ gVkus ds dk;Z dks lcls NksVs O;ogkfjd ekxZ }kjk fd;k x;k le>k
practicable route, and payment shall not necessarily tk;sxk rFkk ;g t:jh ugha gksxk fd Hkqxrku okLro esa viuk;s x;s
be made for the route actually taken. No additional ekxZ ds fy;s fd;k tk;sA lM+dksa dh [kLrk gkyr] x<+kas ;k vlery
payment shall be allowed for roads in bad repair, Hkwfe ij xkM+h pykus ds fy, vfrfjDr dh vuqefr ugha gksxhA
gradients, or carting over unconsolidated ground.
(f) The item for raising is exclusive of moving horizon- ¼p½ Åij mBkus dh en esa leryh; ?kqeko 'kkfey ugha gSa bldh
tally. It shall not be allowed when appropriate item Lohd`fr ugha nh tk;sxh( tc [kqnkbZ vkfn dh mi;qDr en esa
for excavations, etc., include allowance for specified fufnZ"V xgjkb;ksa ds fy, HkŸkk 'kkfey gksrk gS( 250 eh- ls
depths, nor shall it be allowed in the case of removal
beyond 250 metres.
vf/kd dh nwjh ij feêh fxjkus dh vuqefr Hkh ugha gksxhA
(g) Removal exceeding a distance of 15 km shall either be ¼N½ 10 fdeh ls vf/kd dh nwjh ij QSdus ds dk;Z ;k rks fdlh nwljh
done by other agency or under a separate arrangement laLFkk ls ;k mlh Bsdns kj ls izFkd vuqc/a k djds djok;k tk;sxkA
with the same Contractor.
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
eyok gVkuk & tkjh
(h) Items 03029 to 03035 refer to every description of ¼t½ [kksns x;s izR;sd o.kZu ds fy, en 03029 ls 03035 ns[ksaA
excavated material.
(j) Items 03029 and 03030 are not applicable, if payment ¼>½ ;fn Hkqxrku en 03031 esa fd;k x;k gS rks en 03029 o 03030
is made under item 03031.
ykxw ugha gksxhA
(k) In case excavated materials are removed to the place ¼=½ ;fn [kqnkbZ dh lkexzh dks iz;ksx ds LFkku ij Mkyk x;k gS ;k
of use or disposed directly without being first placed
fcuk [kqnkbZ ds fdukjs ij Mkyus ds] lh/kk fuiVkjk fd;k x;k
clear of the edge of excavation, no adjustment shall
be made in the rates for removal of spoil. gS rks eyok gVkus ds dk;Z esa dksbZ lek;kstu ugha gksxkA

PER CUBIC METRE Soils Rocks izfr ?ku ehVj

03029 Removing excavated material 03029 [kksnh xbZ lkexzh dks 50 eh dh vuf/kd
n exc. 50m and depositing where
directed at a level n exc. 1.5 m
nwjh ij Mkyuk rFkk jckuxh fcUnq ls 1-5 eh
above the starting point → 320.40 439.80 ← vuf/kd ÅapkbZ ij funs”kkuqlkj tek djuk
03030 Add for each additional 50 m 03030 izR;sd 50 eh dh vf/kd nwjh ds fy;s
or part thereof beyond 50 m and izR;sd 50 eh ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy, dqy
upto a total distance of 250 m.→
→ 43.70 51.00
← nwjh 250 eh-] esa tksMas+
03031 Removing excavated material 03031 [kksnh xbZ lkexzh dks 250 eh- ls vf/kd o 500
exc. 250 m but n exc. 500 m and eh- ls vuf/kd nwjh ij Mkyuk o
depositing where directed →
324.00 436.40 ← funsZ”kkuqlkj tek djuk
03032 Add to item 03031 for each 03032 tksM+ a s en 03031 esa izR;sd 500 eh ;k mlds Hkkx
additional 500 m or part thereof 500 eh ls vf/kd o dqy nwjh 1-5 fdeh rd
beyond 500 m and upto total
distance of 1.5 km → 20.40 23.80 ←
03033 Removing excavated material 03033 [kksnh xbZ feêh dks 1-5 fdeh ls vf/kd
exc. 1.50 km but n exc. 5 km and fdUrq 5 fdeh vuf/kd nwjh ij vkns”kkuqlkj
depositing where directed →
433.60 496.30 ← tek djuk
03034 Add to item 03033 for each 03034 tksMsa+ en 03033 esa 5 fdeh ls vf/kd ij
additional l km or part thereof,
beyond 5 km upto total distance
izfr 1 fdeh vfrfjDr ;k mlds Hkkx ds
of 15 km → 25.50 30.60 ← fy;s dqy 10 fdeh rd
03035 Raising only, spoil from 03035 [kqnkbZ dh feêh dks dsoy Åapk mBkus
excavations, etc. (Where not vkfn ds dk;Z esa ¼tgka vU;Fkk O;oLFkk u
otherwise provided for) every gks½ izkjfEHkd fcUnq ls 1-5 eh ls vf/kd
additional 1.5 m or part thereof
beyond the first 1.5 m when the
ÅapkbZ ij tek djus ij] tgka feêh dks
spoil is to be deposited at a level lrg ls 1-5 eh- ls vf/kd ÅapkbZ rd tek
exc. 1.5 m above the starting djuk gks ogka igys 1%5 eh ls vf/kd ij
point → 126.00 159.40 ← izR;sd 1-5 eh ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy,


isM+ dk dkV fxjkuk
(a) The girth of the trees shall be taken at 1 m above ¼d½ isM+ dk ?ksjk tehu ls 1 eh mij ls ekik tk;sxkA
ground level.
(b) Grubbing up of tree trunk shall include digging out ¼[k½ isM+ ds /kM+ dks dkV fxjkus esa] tM+ksa dks tehu ls 60 lseh uhps
roots upto 60 cm below ground level or 15 cm below rd ;k tM+sa cuus ds LFkku ls 15 lseh uhps rd tks Hkh de gks
formation level whichever is lower [kksn dj fudkyuk “kkfey gksxkA
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
isM+ dk dkV fxjkuk tkjh..

EACH Girth of tree iz R ;s d

isM+ dk ?ksjk
Exc. Exc. Exc. Exc. Exc.
30 cm 100 cm 150 cm 200 cm 250cm
03036 Felling of tree exc. 30 and and n exc. and n exc. and n exc. and
03036 30 lseh ?ksjs ds isM+ ds /kM+ o
cm girth including n exc. 150 cm 200 cm 250 cm n exc.
“kk[kkvksa dks dkVdj fxjkuk
cutting of trunk, and 100 cm 300 cm
rFkk mi;ksxh lkexzh dks lafpr
branches and 30 lseh ls 100 lseh 150 lseh 200 lseh 200 lseh
stacking of serviceable djuk rFkk vuqi;ksxh lkexzh
vf/kd o ls vf/kd o ls vf/kd o ls vf/kd o ls vf/kd o
material and disposal 100 lseh 150 lseh 200 lseh 250 lseh 300 lseh dks 50 eh dh vuf/kd nwjh
of unserviceable
ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ij Mkyuk o ml LFkku dks
material to a distance lkQ lqFkjk djuk
n exc. 50 m and
clearing site → 1248.00 2439.00 2836.30 3247.30 3345.70 ←
03037 Grubbing up tree 03037 isM+ dks dkV fxjkus ds dk;Z
trunk including es]sa /kM+ dks dkV dj fZxjkuk]
cutting of trunk
tM+sa fudyuk] xM~<s Hkjuk
portion protruding
over ground, digging rFkk tehu dks lery
out roots, filling holes djuk] mi;ksxh lkexzh dks
and leveling off lafpr djuk o vuqi;ksxh
ground, stacking of lkexzh dks 50 eh ls vuf/kd
serviceable material
and removing of nqjh ij Mkyuk rFkk ml
unserviceable LFkku dks lkQ&lqFkjk djuk
material to a distance
n exc. 50 m and
clearing site → 1854.60 2955.40 3341.30 3814.40 3945.50 ←


gkFk ls lesVuk] HkjkbZ o dqVkbZ djuk
(a) Selection and removal of materials under item 03038 ¼d½ 03020] 03021 o 03029 ls 03032 dh enksa ij] en 03038 ds
shall not be paid in addition to items 03020, 03021 vUrxZr lkexzh dks NkaVus o gVkus ds dk;Z dk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku
and 03029 to 03032.
ugha gksxkA
(b) The rates for “except materials” include for breaking ¼[k½ **lkexzh jfgr** dh njksa esa ,e bZ ,l dh iqjkuh lkexzh dks
old M.E.S. materials to the sizes required.
visf{kr vkdkj esa rksM+us dk dk;Z “kkfey gSA
(c) Measurements for item 03038 shall be of stacks. ¼x½ en 03038 ds fy, eki pV~Vksa esa yh tk;sxhA
(d) Measurements for items 03042 and 03043 shall be ¼?k½ en 03042 o 03043 dh eki Bksl lap;u ds ckn dh tk;sxhA
those after consolidation.

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

03038 Selecting stone, brick, concrete, etc. suitable 03038 [kksnh xbZ feêh ds <sj es ls gkFk ls lesVus] Hkjus o
for handpacking, filling of hardcore from dqVkbZ djus ds dk;Z ds fy, mi;qDr] iRFkj bZV]
excavated spoil heaps, removing and piling
daØhV vkfn dh NaVkbZ djuk rFkk feêh ds <sj ls 50
in convenient places within 50m of spoil
heaps, etc. and raising or lowering to eh ds vUnj lqfo/kktud LFkku ij pV~Vs yxkuk o
required level (measured after selection) visf{kr Lrj rd mBkuk ;k uhps djuk ¼eki NaVkbZ
→ 436.10 ← ds ckn gksxh½
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
gkFk ls lesVuk] HkjkbZ o dqVkbZ djuk tkjh..
PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except izfr ?ku ehVj
lkexzh ,ao Je Material
Broken stone Broken lkxxz h
03039 Hand packing (any or boulders bricks jfgr 03039 nhokjksa ds ihNs MkVksa ds Åij vkfn esa
thickness) at back of walls VwVs iRFkj VwVh
;k jksM+h bVsa ¼fdlh Hkh ?kuRo dh gkFk ls HkjkbZ
over arches etc. and raising djuk rFkk visf{kr Lrj rd Åij
(or lowering) to the required
1715.70 1120.40 509.70 ← djuk ¼;k uhps djuk½ vkfn
level →
03040 Loose filling with aggregates 03040 lks[kh xM~<s] lks[kh dqvksa vkfn esa 80
of gauge 80 to 150 mm in ls 150 feeh ekiu dh dqy <hyh
soakage pits, soakage wells → 1178.00 684.40 129.20 ← HkjkbZ djuk
03041 Ditto of gauge 40 to 80 mm → 1924.00 813.70 258.50 03041 mi;qZDr] dqy HkjkbZ 40 ls 80 feeh
03042 Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63 03042 63 feeh ls vuf/kd ekiu dk dqVkbZ
mm, deposited, spread and
dk;Z] HkjkbZ djuk] QSykuk o 15 lseh
levelled in layers n exc. 15
cm thick, watered and
vuf/kd eksVkbZ esa lery djuk rFkk
rammed to a true surface → ikuh Mkydj dqVkbZ djds cf<+;k
2070.80 1215.80 516.30 ← lrg cukuk
03043 Hardcore of guage exc 63mm 03043 63 feeh ls vf/kd fdUrq 100 feeh
but n exc. 100 mm, deposited, vuf/kd ekiu dk dqVkbZ dk;Z] QSykuk
spread and levelled in layers
15 lseh vuf/kd eksVkbZ ikuh Mkydkj
n exc. 15 cm thick, watered
and rolled/rammed to a true
jksyj@/kjeqVh dqVkbZ djds cf<+;k
surface → 2614.90 1215.80 516.30 ← lrg cukuk


Q”kkZs vkfn esa ctjh@eqje dh HkjkbZ
Measurements for items 03044 and 03045 en 03044 o 03045 dh eki Bksl te tkus ds ckn
shall be those after consolidation. dh gksxhA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
03044 Shingle filling in floors or pavings, laid 03044 Q”kksZ ;k fcNkouksa esa ctjh dh 15 lseh ls
in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, spread, vuf/kd dh ijr fcNkuk] QSykuk] lery
levelled, and blinded with earth and djuk] feêh ls Nsn Hkjuk rFkk ikuh fNM+d
rammed including watering →
2306.40 ← dj dqVkbZ djuk
03045 Moorum/red bajri filling in floors or 03045 Q”kksZ ;k fcNkouksas esa 15 lseh vf/kd eksVh
pavings, laid in layers n exc. 15 cm
eqje@yky ctjh dh ijr yxkuk QSykuk]
thick, spread, levelled and rammed
including watering → 1240.10 ← lery djuk rFkk ikuh lfgr dqVkbZ djuk
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT (Pre & Post Construction)
nhed jks/kh mipkj ¼fuekZ.k iwoZ o ckn½
PER CUBIC METRE (of mound) M&L Except izfr ?ku ehVj ¼leqPp;½
03046 Breaking the termite mounds, making lkexz h feJ.k 03046 nhed leqPp;ksa dks rksM+us ds fy, lCcy ls
holes with crow bars and pouring anti- o Je jfgr Nsn djuk o 1 ?ku ehVj esa 4 yhVj dh nj
termite chemical emulsion at the rate of 4 ls nhed jks/kh jlk;fud ?kksy Mkyuk
litres per cubic metre of mound → 85.40 43.80 ←
03047 Treating the bottom and sides of excavation 03047 ry {ks= ds ,d oxZ eh esa 5 yhVj dh nj ls ?kksy
at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square
metre of surface area → ←
dk [kqnkbZ ds ry o cxyksa esa mipkj djuk
66.80 15.10
03048 Treating the backfill in contact with 03048 uhoa ls lVh gqbZ lkFk dh HkjkbZ esa 7-5 fy izfr
foundation at the rate of 7.5 litres of oeh lh/kh lrg ¼v/kcus fuekZ.k dk og {ks= tks
emulsion per square metre of vertical
surface (Area of the sub structure in contact iz’B HkjkbZ ls tqMk+ gqvk gS½ ij ?kksy dk mipkj
with backfill to be measured) → 121.80 43.80 ← djuk
03049 Treating the top surface of filled earth at 03049 feêh Hkjh lrg ds Åij lrg ds ,d oxZ eh
the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square
metre of surface →
esa 5 yhVj ?kksy dk mipkj djuk
66.80 14.80 ←
03050 Treating the soil under plinth protection 03050 dqlhZ j{k.k ds uhps dh feêh es]a lrgh {ks= ds 1 oxZeh-
at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square esa 5 fyVj ds fglkc ls ?kksy dk mipkj djuk
66.80 14.80 ←
metre of surface area →
03051 Treating the soil along with external 03051 Hkou ds pkjksa vksj dh feêh dk 2-25 fy ifjeki
perimeter of building at the rate of 2.25 litre ds izfr 1 ehVj esa ?kksy dk mipkj djuk
33.20 14.80 ←
of emulsion per metre of the perimeter wall→ →
Post Construction fuekZ . k mijka r
03052 Providing and injecting chemical 03052 fuekZ.k mijkar ds nhed jks/kh jlk;fud dh
emulsion for Post Constructional O;oLFkk djuk rFkk ckgjh nhokj ds lkFk tgka
Antitermite Treatment along external
wall where the apron is not provided
vkoj.k dh O;oLFkk ugha gS ogka nhokj ds lkFk
using chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 300 feeh xgjh ukfy;ka [kksn dj NM+ Ja[` kyk
litres per sq.m of the vertical surface of lfgr izfr oxZ eh 7-5 fy jlk;fud ?kksy dk
the sub-structure to a depth of 300mm
including excavating channel along the
iz;ksx djrs gq, ?kksy vUnj Hkj ds laifw rZ
wall and rodding etc. complete → 278.60 200.60 ←
03053 Along the external wall below concrete or 03053 daØhV;k fpukbZ vkoj.k es ojHkkbZ Nsn djds
masonry apron using chemical emulsion 2-25 fy izfr js[kh; eh dh nj ls jlk;fud
@ 2.25 litres per linear metre including ?kksy Hkjuk rFkk Nsn can djuk
drilling and plugging holes etc. in apron.→
→ 89.20 65.80 ←


izfr oxZ ehVj

03054 Treatment of soil under existing floors 03054 fo/keku Q”kksZa ds uhps dh feêh es]a 300 feeh
using emulsion @ one litre per hole, nwjh ij 12 feeh O;kl ds Nsnksa esa ?kksy dk
300mm apart including drilling and mipkj djuk rFkk Nsnksa esa 1%2 ¼1 lhesVa % 2
plugging 12mm dia holes with cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) to eksVh ckyw½ ls fo|eku dk;Z dks feykrs gq, HkjkbZ
match the existing floors → 211.00 200.60 ← djds can djuk
[k.M 3 feÍh dk;Z
ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT (Pre & Post Construction) Contd..
nhed jks/kh mipkj ¼fuekZ.k iwoZ o ckn½ tkjh ..
M&L Except izfr oxZ ehVj
03055 Of voids in masonry using chemical lkexz h emulsion 03055 fpukbZ dh f>fj;ksa esa 300 feeh ds Qklys ij
emulsion one litre per hole, at 300mm o Je feJ.k 45 va”k dks.k Nsnksa esa izfr Nsn 1 fyVj
intervals including drilling holes at 45 jfgr
degree and replugging them with jlk;fud ?kksy dk iz;ksx djds Nsnksa dks 1%2
cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse ds lhesaV elkys ¼1 lhesaV % 2 eksVh ckyq½ ls
sand) to match the existing floors → 211.00 200.60 ← Nsnksa dks can djuk


03056 At points of contact of wood work by 03056 ydM+h dk;Z ds laidZ fcUnqvksa ij uhps dh
chemical emulsion (in oil or kerosene vksj 6 feeh O;kl ds 150 feeh nwjh ij 45
based solution) @ 0.5 litre/hole by va”k dks.k ds Nsnksa esas jlk;fud DyksjkfM+u
drilling 6mm dia holes at a downward
?kksy ¼rsy ;k feêh ds rsy vk/kkfjr ?kksy½
angle of 45 degree at 150mm centre to
80.80 76.70 ← izfr Nsn 0-5 fy Mky dj Nsnksa dks can djuk
centre and sealing the same→ →

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
The rates for broken bricks, stones, aggregates, etc., bZV jksM+h] iRFkj jksM+h dh njksa esa lkexzh dks fu;afer
include for stacking materials in regular heaps/ <sjksa@pV~Vksa esa] eki ds fy;s yxkuk “kkfey gSSA
stacks for measurement.

PER CUBIC METRE Broken Broken izfr ?ku ehVj

stone/ bricks
boulders VwVh bZVsa
Vw V k iRFkj@jks M + h
03057 Aggregate for loose filling, of gauge 03057 <hyh HkjkbZ ds fy, 80 feeh ls 150 feeh
80 mm to 150 mm graded → 1655.60 555.20 ← ekiu dk oxhZd`r leqPp;
03058 Ditto, of gauge 40 mm to 80 mm 03058 mi;ZqDr] 40 feeh ls 80 feeh oxhZd`r
graded → 1665.60 555.20 ← leqPp;
03059 Hard core, broken to gauge n exc 63 03059 dqVkbZ dh 63 feeh ls vuf/kd VwVh gqbZ
mm → 1233.70 555.20 ← ekiu dh jksM+h
03060 Ditto, broken to gauge exc 63 mm 03060 mi;qZDr 63 feeh ls vf/kd o 100 feeh
and n exc 100mm → 1665.60 555.20 ← vuf/kd
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdxzk
03061 Blasting powder → 55.50 03061 foLQksVd pw.kZ
← iz f r ehVj
03062 Safety fuse → 20.80
03062 lqj{kk iyhrk
PER LITRE ← iz f r fyVj
03063 Chlorophyriphos or lindane emulsifiable 03063 dykjksQfjQksl ;k fyaMus laxr ik;lhdj.k ;ksX; Hkk ek
concentrate conforming to IS:8944 or IS 632 8944 ;k 632 ds vuq:i
respectively → 208.00 ←
[k.M 4 daØhV
fo”ks’k “krsZ
4.1 Measurements 4-1 eki
4.1.1 Surface drains or channels shall be measured thus : 4-1-1 lrgh ukfy;k ;k ufydk;s bl izdkj ls ekih tk;sxhA ¼[kaM
(Refer Fig. 4.1.1 at the end of Section 4) ds var esas fp= laa- 4-1-1 ns[ksa½
4.1.2 Thickness of slabs, partitions, etc., and sectional
4-1-2 ifV;ks]a foHkktdksa vkfn dh eksVkbZ rFkk [kEHkks]a vk/kkjks]a /kjfu;ksa
dimensions in case of posts, columns, beams and
the like shall be measured to the nearest half o leku esa ifjeki fudVre vk/ks lsaVhehVj rd ekik
centimetre. Measurement of concrete shall be tk;sxkA daØhV dh eki 4-11-16 ¼Hkkx 1½ ds dFkukuqlkj
exclusive of the thickness of finishing plaster iyLrj laiwfrZ dh eksVkbZ dks NksM+dj dh tk;sxhA
mentioned in 4.11.16 (Part I).
4.1.3 No deductions or additions shall be made on any4-1-3 fuEu ds fy,] fdlh Hkh izdkj dh u rks dVkSrh gksxh vkSj uk
account for: gh vfrfjDr fn;k tk;sxkA
(1) Ends of dissimilar materials (for example, joists, ¼1½ 500 oxZ lsea h rd dh vleku dkV ds fdukjs ¼mnkgj.k
beams, posts, girders, rafters, purlins, trusses, ds fy;s] dfM+;kÌ] iz/kjfu;k;k] xkMZj] [kaHks] “kgrhjsa]
corbels, steps, etc.) upto 500 sq cm in section
dSfp;ka] ?kksfM+;ka] lhf<;ka vkfn½A
(2) Openings upto 0.1 sq m each; no extra labour ¼2½ 0-1 oxZ ehVj izR;sd rd ds eks[kksa dk cukus esa fdlh
for forming such openings shall be measured; vfrfjDr Je dh eki ugha dh tk;sxhA
Note.—In calculating the area of an opening, the size of
uks V % fdlh ,d eks [ ks dk {ks = Qy fudkyus ds fy;s
opening includes thickness of any separate lintels eks [ ks ds vkdkj es a fdlh iz F kd MkV ;k ns g jh dh
or cills.
(3) Joints of any kind (plain, rebated, locking, eks V kbZ “kkfey gks r h gS A
tongued, grooved, etc.); ¼3½ fdlh Hkh izdkj ds tksM+ ¼lknk] iSukeh] vojks/kh] VkaxM+]
(4) Mouldings, drip mouldings, chamfers, splays, [kkapsnkj vkfn½A
rounded or coved angles, beads, grooves and ¼4½ lkaps] Nsnh lkapsa] i[[ks] Qyd] xksy ;k frdksus dkaVs]
rebate upto 10 cm in width or 15 cm in girth;
xqfj;k] rFkk pkSM+kbZ esa 10 lseh ;k ifjf/k esa 15 lseh ds
(5) Stops, mitres, returns, rounded ends, junctions,
dishings, etc.; [kkaps o i[kA
(6) Wall plates and the like upto 10 cm deep; ¼5½ MV~V]s dVkos] myV fdukjs] xksy fdukjs] laxe] Hkjkos vkfnA
(7) Small voids, such as the shaded portions in the ¼6½ nhokj nkls rFkk leku 10 lseh xgjkbZ rd dsA
following sketches (measured throughout as ¼7½ NksVh fjfDr;ka tSlh fd fuEu vkd`fr;ksa esa Nk;k okys Hkkx
AxB) when these do not exceed 40 sq. cm in
section each. If they exceed 40 sq. cm each, the
¼laiw.kZ tSls A × B ekis tk;saxs½ tc ;g izR;sd dkV esa
work shall be measured net. In case of Fig.6 40 oxZ lseh ls vf/kd u gksaA ;fn og 40 oxZ lseh ls
and 7 average of ‘B’ and ‘B’ shall be taken; vf/kd gS rks fo”kq+) ekik tk;sxkA 6 o 7 dh vkd`fr;ksa
ds fo’k; esa ch rFkk ch dh vkSlr yh tk;sxhA
Note—Other sections (including spandrel steps) shall uksV% vU; dkVsa] ¼pki Lda/k lfgr½ fo”kq} ekih tk;saxhA
be measured net.
(8) The volume occupied by reinforcement; ¼8½ izoyu }kjk ?ksjk x;k ifjek.k
(9) The volume occupied by drainage/water pipes, ¼9½ frjNs dVkbZ {ks= esa 100 oxZ lseh- ls vuf/kd ds ty
conduits, etc., not exc. 100 sq. cm each in cross fudkl@ikuh ds uyksa] ufy;ksa vkfn }kjk ?ksjs x;s
sectional area. (Refer Fig. 4.1.3 set at the end of
Section 4) ifjekiA ¼[kaM ds var es fp= la- 4-1-3 ns[ksa½
4.1.4 Hollow blocks shall be measured without making 4-1-4 iksys [k.Mksa dh eki iksyksa dh fdlh dVkSrh ds fcuk dh tk;sxhA
any deduction for hollows.
4.1.5 Pilasters, buttresses, plinth courses, string courses 4-1-5 nhokj dh lkekU; lrg ls ijsfHkfÙk LrEHk] iq”krs ¼lgkjs½ dqlhZ
and similar projections beyond the general surfaces jn~ns] fudlk jn~ns rFkk leku iz{ksi.kksa dks ekik tk;sxk rFkk
of walls shall be measured and included with the nhokj esa “kkfey fd;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 4 daØhV
fo”ks’k “krsZ& tkjh ..
4.1.6 Beams shall be measured from face to face of 4-1-6 /kjfu;ksas ¼che½ dh eki] LrEHkksa ds vkeus lkeus ls dh tk;sxh
columns and shall include haunches, if any, rFkk ;fn /kjuh o LrEHk ds chp esa dksbZ iqBVk gS rks mls
between the columns and beams. The depth of the
beams shall be measured from the bottom of the “kkfey fd;k tk;sxkA /kju dh xgjkbZ] ifV;k ds ry ls
slab to the bottom of the beam, taking the floor or /kju ds ry rd ekih tk;sxh] Q”kZ ;k Nr dh ifV;k tks
roof slab as running continuously over the beam. /kju ds ekeys esa] che dh xgjkbZ ifV;k ds “kh’kZ ls che ds
In the case of inverted beam, the depth of beams “kh’kZ rd ekih tk;sxhA
shall be measured from top of slab to top of beam.
4.1.7 Columns shall be measured from the top of the 4-1-7 LrEHkksa dh eki LrEHk vk/kkj ds “kh’kZ ls igyh eafty dh
column base to the underside of the first floor slab ifV;k ds uhps rd dh tk;sxh rFkk rnuUrj Q”kZ ds ifV;k
and subsequently from top of floor slab to bottom of rd tSlh Hkh fLFkr gks eki dh tk;sxhA LrEHk ds mHkkj dks
floor or roof slab above as the case may be. The flare LrEHk esa “kkfey fd;k tk;sxkA
of the column shall be included with the column.
4.1.8 Measurement of chajjas shall be inclusive of the 4-1-8 NTtksa dh eki /kkjd lfgr gksxhA tgka NTtk ljny ;k
bearing. Where the chajja is combined with lintel, /kju vkfn ls tqMk+ gks ogka Li’V fuis{k ds :i esa ekik tk;sxkA
beam, etc., it shall be measured as clear projection.
4.1.9 Whenever vertical parapet/fins and chajjas/roof 4-1-9 tc dHkh Hkh [kM+h eqÌMjs@
a ia[k o NTtk@Nr dh ifV;k tqMh+
slabs are combined, the chajjas/roof slabs shall be gksa rks NTts@Nr dh ifV;k dh vkjikj esa eki gksxhA
measured through.
4.2 Rates 4-2 njs a
4.2.1 The rates generally include for: 4-2-1 njksa esa lkekU;r% fuEu “kkfey gksrs gSaA
(1) All removing, hoisting, lowering, etc., required ¼1½ fdlh Hkh izdkj dh dØhV dks cukus ds Bh;s¼LFkku½ ls dk;Z
in order to convey concrete of any description esa iz;ksx ds okLrfod LFkku rd igaqpkus ds fy, vko”;d
from the banker to the actual place of
incorporation in the work. <qykbZ] mBkbZ] fxjkbZ vkfn lHkh dk;ZA
(2) Keeping concrete well wetted during the curing ¼2½ daØhV dks tekus ds ckn mlds iDdk gksus rd daØhV dks vPNh
period after depositing and protecting it in rjg ls xhyk j[kuk rFkk bls ekSle dh rhozrk ls cpkukA
extreme weather conditions.
(3) Incorporating integral water proofing compound ¼3½ fuekZrk }kjk fufnZ’V fof/k ls rFkk crk;s x;s vuqikr esa
in the manner specified by the manufacturer and tylg feJ.k dk lekos”k djukA njksa esa tylg feJ.k dh
in the proportions indicated. The rates do not
include for supply of integral water proofing
vkiwfrZ “kkfey ugha gS tks Bsdsnkj }kjk iwfjr gksrh gS rks
compound, which is supplied by the Contractor, **dsoy laiwfrZ** dh njksa esa Hkqxrku gksxkA
shall be paid for, at “Supplied only" rates.
(4) Finishing the exposed surfaces of concrete to a ¼4½ “krZ 4-11-16-2,]lh vkSj Mh ¼Hkkx 1½ ds vuqlkj daØhV dh
fair and even surface as in,(c)&(d)
(Part I).
ckgjh lrgksa dks lery o ifjd`r djds laiwfrZ djukA
(5) Small linear and incidental labours as ¼5½ eki ds vUrxZr 4-1-3 ¼4½ o 4-1-3 ¼5½ esa dgs vuqlkj iryh
described under Measurements in 4.1.3(4) and
ykbusa Mkyuk o vkdfLed JfedrFkk lkapksa ;k [kkapksa dk iz;ksx
4.1.3(5) including use of forms or moulds except
where a separate item exists. djuk flok; mlds tgka blds fy, vyx ls en fo|eku gksA
(6) Bedding and pointing wall plates in or on walls ¼6½ nhokj esa ;k nhokj ij nhokj ifV~Vdk;sa yxkuk o Vhi djuk
and bedding roof tiles and corrugated sheets rFkk lhesaV ds 1%3 ds elkys ls Nr dh Vkbysa o iukjhnkj
in or on walls solidly in cement mortar 1:3 and
pn~njsa nhokj esa ;k nhokj ij yxkuk o Bhd djukA
making good.
(7) Building in or cutting and pinning in with ¼7½ dfM+;ks]a /kjfu;ksa vkfn ds fdukjksa dks lhesVa ds 1%3 ds elkys
cement mortar 1:3 ends of joists, beams, etc., ls cukuk] dVkbZ djuk o uksd cukuk rFkk mUgsa vPNk
and making good.
(8) Forming joints mentioned under ¼8½ eki ds vUrxrZ 4-1-3 ¼3½ esa crk;s vuqlkj tksM+ksa dh jpuk
Measurements in 4.1.3(3).
(9) Cost of designing the design mix concrete in ¼9½ ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV ds ifjdYiu dh dherA
case of design mix concrete.
[k.M 4 daØhV
fo”ks’k “krsZ& tkjh ..
4.2.2 Formwork for all cast-in-situ concrete, unless 4-2-2 lhVw esa daØhV izoyu dk jpuk dk;Z tc rd fd vU;Fkk of.kZr u
otherwise mentioned, shall be measured separately gks] [k.M 7 ydM+h dk dk;Z ¼c<+bZ dk dke½ dh mi;ZqDr en ds
under the appropriate items in Section 7—Woodwork
(Carpenter’s Work). vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
4.2.3 Precast Concrete Block Masonry: The rates for precast 4-2-3 iwoZ fojfpr daØhV dh ifV;ksa dh fpukbZ % iwoZ fojfpr daØhV dh
concrete block masonry shall include for all the
provisions of Special Condition 5.2 for brick work to ifV;ksa dh fpukbZ dh njksa esa fo”ks’k “krZ 5-2 ds bZV ds dk;Z ds izkz o/kku
the extent applicable. O;ogkfjd lhek rd ykxw gksx a As
4.2.4 Reinforcement shall be measured separately as 4-2-4 izoyu dk;Z izFkd :i ls] [k.M 10 dh yksgk o bLikr dk;Z dh
“Supplied and Fixed” under appropriate items of mi;qDr njksa ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxk] fdUrq daØhV ds fy;s dqN
Section 10.—Steel and Iron work, but no extra shall be
allowed for concrete. Hkh vfrfjDr ns; ugha gksxkA
4.2.5 The rates for concrete items do not include for cooling/ 4-2-5 daØhV dh enksa dh njksa esa daØhV dks fdlh fo”ks’k izfd;k }kjk fo”ks’k
heating concrete in a special manner by any special i)fr ls BaMk djuk@xeZ djuk “kkfey ugha gSA njksa esa fQj Hkh
process. The rates, however, include for taking ekSle dh rhozrk ls iwoZ cpko mik; djuk “kkfey gSA
precautions for concreting in extreme weather conditions.
4.2.6 Unless special provision is made for circular/curved 4-2-6 tc rd fd xksykdkj@oxkZdkj dk;ksZ ds fy;s fo”ks’k izko/kku ugha
work, the rates shall include for circular work and
curved work also.
fd;k tkrk] rks njsa xksydkj @ oxZdkj dk;ksZ dks Hkh lekfgr djsx
a hA
4.2.7 Underwater Concreting: The rates for concrete work shall 4-2-7 ikuh ds vUnj daØhV dk;Z% daØhV dk;Z dh njsa] ikuh ds vUnj
also apply to underwater concreting subject to the daØhV dk;Z ij Hkh ykxw gksxh o”krsZ lkekU; fu;e 1-14 ds izko/kku
enhancement of rates as provided in General Rules ds vuqlkj njksa es c<+ksrjh dh tk;A ;fn nqxZ vfHk;ark ds fyf[kr
1.14. Any cement incorporated in the concrete over
that required if the mix is placed in dry condition; as vkns”k ds vuqlkj] fu/kkZfjr ek=k ls vf/kd lhesaV daØhV esa
ordered by the GE in writing; shall be paid for at feyk;k tkrk gS] feJ.k dks lw[kh voLFkk esa j[kk tkrk gS] rks
“Supplied only” rates. mldk **dsoy vkiwfrZ** dh njksa esa Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
4.2.8 Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, the rates of 4-2-8 tc rd fd vU;Fkk fo”ks’k #i ls of.kZr ugh gks] daØhV enksa dh nj
concrete items are for volumetric/nominal mix ?kuekih@ukeh;s feJ.k daØhV ds fy, nh xbZ gSA ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV
concretes. The rates of design mix concretes shall be dh njsa izkIr djus ds fy, ?kuekih@ukeh; vkSj ifjdYi cadj ij fcNkbZ
arrived at after adjustment of rate difference as per rates
of mixed cement concrete delivered on banker. xbZ fefJr lhesVa dh njksa esa varj dk lek;kstu fd;k tk;sxkA
4.2.9 Rates of design mix concrete items will apply to mix 4-2-9 ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV ds enksa dh njsa Hkk ek& 456 ds vuqlkj
designed as per IS-456. No adjustment shall be made ijfdYi fd;s x;s feJ.kksa ds fy, ykxw gksxhA lheasV@feykok ds
for variation in cement/aggregates ratios. vuqikr esa ifjorZu ds fy, dksbZ lek;kstu ugha gksxkA
4.2.10 The rates of concrete/RCC mentioned below against
different item of SSR shall be increased by 15% of the
rate of design mixed cement concrete delivered on
bunker for RMC.
4.2.11 Rate of RMC will be applicable only for concrete produced
from automatic batching plant of capacity more or equal
to 22 Cum/hour or purchased and brought at site in
transit mixer from specified manufacturer of RMC. The
rate RMC shall include for any admixture required,
loading, transportation and pumping etc. complete.
uhoksa esa pwuk daØhV dk;Z
The rates for item 04003 include for selecting bricks or en 04003 dh njksa esa bZVksa ;k jksM+ks dk Bsdsnkj }kjk p;u djuk rksM+uk
brick bats, breaking and grading by the contractor. o eki esa j[kuk “kkfey gSA
PER CUBIC METRE Lime mortar Lime mortar iz f r ?ku ehVj
1:2 1:3
pwuk elkyk 1%2 pwuk elkyk 1%3
04001 Lime concrete with 40 mm graded 04001 40 feeh dh iRFkj jksMh+ feykos dh pwuk daØhV
stone aggregate → 2221.00 1978.00
04002 Ditto, but with brick aggregate → 2170.00 1961.00 04002 mi;qZDr] fdUrq bZV jksM+h feykos ds lkFk
04003 Ditto, but with bricks supplied by the 04003 mi;qZDr] fdUrq ,e bZ ,l }kjk fu”kqYd nh xbZ
M.E.S. free of charge → 1574.00 1162.10 ← bZVksa ds lkFk
[k.M 4 daØhV
cadj ij fcNkbZ xbZ fefJr lhesaV daØhV
(a) The following rates are for the various types and ¼d½ fuEu njsa fofHkUu izdkj o dh daØhV dh dsoy vkiwfrZ djus
grades of concrete, mixed and supplied only and o feykus ds fy;s gS]a rFkk tc ekud feJ.kksa eas fofHkUurk vkrh
shall form the basis for price adjustment when
variations from the standard mixes are indicated. gS rks mldh ykxr dk lek;kstu djus esa ;g vk/kkj cusxkA
(b) Where bricks are supplied by M.E.S., free of charge, ¼[k½ tgka bZVksa dh ,e bZ ,l }kjk fu”kqYd vkiwfrZ gksrh gS ogka
the Contractor shall select, break, screen and grade Bsdsnkj mudk p;u] rqM+kbZ] NaVkbZ o feykok cuk;sxkA
the aggregate.
(c) The rates for all items of concrete work throughout ¼x½ ,l ,l vkj esa nh xbZ daØhV dh enksa dh lHkh njsa uhpsa nh
the SSR are based on the prices contained in column xbZ rkfydk ds dkye 6 esa nh xbZ daØhV ds feykos lfgr
6 of the table below for concrete made with graded
dh njksa ij vk/kkfjr gSa tgka bZaVksa ds feykos iz;ksx fd, tkrs
coarse aggregate. Where brick coarse aggregate is
used, the SSR rates shall be adjusted in accordance gSa ogka dkye 7 o 8 dh njksa ls lek;kstu gksxkA
with rates in columns 7 & 8.
(d) The quantity of concrete shall be taken as the net ¼?k½ daØhV dh ek=k] dsoy laiw.kZ dk;Z dh fo”kq ?kuRo ds :i esa
volume only of finished work.
yh tk;sxhA
(e) Rates for cement concrete made with brickcoarse ¼M+½ bZVa ds eksVs feykos dh lheaVs daØhV ds njsa dsoy ?kuRo okys
aggregates are applicable for volumetric mixes only.
feykos ds fy;s gSaA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
Type, grade & mix of cement concrete Nominal size Portland cement concrete with
uewuk rFkk lhaesV daØhV feJ.k of graded iksVZySaM lhaesV daØhV lkFk esa
Item Type Graded Mix (by volume) coarse Graded Brick Brick coarse
aggregate in coarse coarse aggregate made
en uew u k oxhZ d ` r feJ.k ¼ek=k½
mm aggregate aggregate out of bricks
oxhZd`r eksVs oxhZ d ` r bZaV dk supplied by MES
feykos dh eks V k eks V k free of charge
ukih; eki feykok feJ.k ,e bZ ,l dh fu'kqYd
feeh esa bZaVksa dk eksVk feJ.k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Volumetric and nominal mix concretes (Items 04004 to 04015) /kuekih vkSj ukeh;s feJ.k daØhV ¼njs 04004 ls 04015½
04004 A 0 M-20 1:11/2:3 12.5 6051.90
04005 A 1 M-20 1:11/2:3 20 6025.50
04006 A 2 M-20 1:11/2:3 40 6000.00
04007 B 0 M-15 1:2:4 12.5 5357.20
04008 B 1 M-15 1:2:4 20 5357.20
04009 B 2 M-15 1:2:4 40 5305.20
04010 C 0 M-10 1:3:6 12.5 4727.20
04011 C 1 M-10 1:3:6 20 4727.20
04012 C 2 M-10 1:3:6 40 4673.50 3975.80 3278.20
04013 D 2 M-7.5 1:4:8 40 4314.40 3608.70 2902.90
04014 E 2 M-5 1:5:10 40 4069.20 3363.50 2657.80
04015 F 2 - 1:7:12 40 3407.10 3810.30 2479.50
[k.M 4 daØhV
cadj ij fcNkbZ xbZ fefJr lhesaV daØhV tkjh..
Design mix concretes (Items 04016 to 04024) ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV ¼njsa 04016 ls 04024½
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
04016 - M-20 12.5 5799.30 –
04017 - M-20 20 5798.10 –
04018 - M-20 40 5744.10 –
04019 - M-25 12.5 6029.40 –
04020 - M-25 20 5996.80 –
04021 - M-25 40 5942.90 –
04022 - M-30 12.5 6259.60 –
04023 - M-30 20 6227.00 –
04024 - M-30 40 6204.50 –


lhesasV daØhV] uhoksa] ijh ukfy;ksa] dqvksa] O;kid :i esa] /kkjd nhokjksa vkfn esa
Extra labour in forming channels shall be paid for in addition iz.kky ¼pSuy½ dh cukoV esa Qkyrw Je dk HkqXkrku en 04079 o
under items 04079 & 04080 and deduction from the volume 04080 ds varxZr vfrfjDr fd;k tk;sxk rFkk iz.kky ds eq[k ds fy;s
of concrete shall be made for the channel opening. daØhV esa ls dVkSrh dh tk;sxhA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
Type B2 Type C2 Type D2 Type E2 Type F2
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:4:8 1:5:10 1:7:12
(40 mm (40 mm (40 mm (40 mm (40 mm
graded graded graded graded graded
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
ch2 uewuk lh 2 uewuk Mh 2 uewuk bZ 2 uewuk ,Q 2 uewuk
1%2%4 ¼dqy 1%3%6 ¼dqy 1%4%8 ¼dqy 1%5%10 ¼dqy 1%7%12 ¼dqy
40 feeh 40 feeh 40 feeh 40 feeh 40 feeh
04025 Cement concrete feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ 04025 uhoksa] Hkjkoksa rFkk O;kid
in foundations, :i esa lhesaV daØhV
filling and mass
concrete → 6477.80 5862.00 5483.10 5237.90 4978.20 ←
04026 Cement concrete in 04026 mi;qZDr] ijh iz.kkyksa o
surface channels
ukfy;ksa esa
and drains → 6586.10 5924.20 5591.40 5352.40 5225.90 ←
04027 Ditto in walls or 04027 mi;qZDr] fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ]
retaining walls,
any thickness, size
uki ;k vkdkj ds fHkUu
or shape including LrEHkks]a Vsdks]a LrEHkks]a [kaHkks]a
pilasters, buttresses lhek [kaHkksa o [kwVksa lfgr
columns, pillars, nhokjksa] /kkjd&nhokjksa esa
boundary pillars
and posts
¼'kh"kZ o vk/kkj lfgr½
(including caps and
bases) → 7205.40 6573.60 6214.40 5969.20 5842.70 ←
[k.M 4& daØhV
(a) The rates include for use of formwork (straight or curved). ¼d½ njksa esa lajpuk ¼likV ;k oؽ djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) Concrete items if so indicated, shall be reinforced. ¼[k½ ;fn ,slk dgk tkrk gS rks daØhV izofyr dh tk;sxhA
Reinforcement shall be measured separately. izoyu izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
PER CUBIC METRE TypeB0 Type B1 Type C1 izfr ?ku ehVj
1:2:4 1:2:4 1:3:6
(12.5mm (20 mm (20 mm
graded graded graded
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
uewuk ch vks uewuk ch 1 uewuk lh 1
1%2%4 ¼dqy 1%2%4 ¼dqy 1%3%6 ¼dqy
12-5 feeh 20 feeh 20 feeh
04028 Providing, cement concrete in roof feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ 04028 Nr ds fdukjksa ;k Nr ds xksy ;k
kerbs or mud stops, rounded or frjNs fdukjksa ij lhesaV daØhV
chamfered on edges → 8569.90 8369.30 7656.00 ← Mkyuk
04029 Ditto, in lintels upto 1.5m clear 04029 mi;qZDr] 1-5 eh- ds Li"VikV rd
span, cills, steps; seismic
fyVayksa] ifV;ksa] lhf<+;ksa HkwdEih;
and other similar bands,
plinth courses, string courses, o vU; leku iVVksa] dqlhZ jn~ns]
lacing courses, parapets and fpukbZ jn~ns] ca/kd jn~ns eqMsjksa o
railings upto 60 cm in height, 60 lseh dh jsfyax] eqMsj Vsdfu;ksa
copings, kneelers, apex stones, f'k[kj iRFkjks]a vk/kkj iV~Vks]a mikarks(a
bed plates, kerbs not provided
for in Item 04028, water ftudk en 04028 esa izko/kku ugha
troughs and the like including gS] ikuh dh Vafd;ka rFkk leku(
weathering, slightly rounded <ykuks]a FkksMs+ xksy ;k i[knkj dks.k
or chamfered angles and rFkk funs'kkuqlkj [kkaps
throating, as directed → 9259.40 9259.40 8629.40 ←


iwoZ fojfpr lhesaV daØhV dk;Z
IN MASONRY, LINTELS, SLABS, ETC. fpukbZ] fyaVy] ifV;k vkfn esa
(a) The rates include for the use of forms, moulds or ma- ¼d½ njksa esa Qjeka]s [kkapksa ;k e'khuh ;k [kkapksa dk iz;ksx djuk 'kkfey
chine moulds and setting the blocks, slabs, etc. gS rFkk pkSds ifV;kN fcBkuk o iw.kZ djuk] vUn:uh Hkkx tksMk+ as
complete including raking back the joints of the
internal faces (at least 10 mm) for pointing as the work
dks dke ds nkSjku Vhi djus ds fy, [kqjpuk ¼de ls de 10
proceeds or finishing with neat flush joints. feeh½ ;k lkQ likV tksM+ksa ds lkFk laiwfrZ djukA
(b) Precast block construction shall be measured as set in ¼[k½ iw oZ fojfpr pksds yxkus ds ckn tksM+ksa dks 'kkfey djds dk;Z
the work, the joints being included in the measurement. dks ekik tk;sxkA
(c) Building blocks exceeding 10 cm on bed shall be ¼x½ ry ij 10 lseh- ls vf/kd ds cus pksdksa dks ?ku ehVj esa ekik
measured in cubic metre; those n. exc 10 cm on bed tk;sxk rFkk 10 lseh ls vuf/kd pksdksa dks cuh ifV;ksa ds :i
shall be measured as building slabs in square metre. eas] oxZ ehVj esa ekik tk;sxkA
(d) Hollow block construction shall be kept separate; no ¼?k½ [kks[kys pksdksa ds fuekZ.k dks vyx j[kk tk;sxk] pksdksa ds
deduction shall be made for the hollows in the blocks.
[kks[kys ds fy;s dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
(e) The rates for building blocks and slabs allow for the ¼M-½ pksdksa o ifV;ksa dks cukus dh njsa vko';d dksfu;k pksds] iD[ks
necessary quoin blocks, jamb blocks (plain), closers, pksds ¼lknk½ l?ku vkfn rFkk lHkh dVkbZ o Nhtu Hkh o uy]
etc. and also for all cutting and waste and holes (cut
or formed) for fixing pipes, bolts etc. and making good.
cksYV vkfn yxkus ds fy;s fNnz ¼dkVs x;s ;k cuk;s x;s ½ rFkk
mudks Bhd djukA
(f) Precast cement concrete item shall be reinforced, where ¼p½ lhesaV daØhV dh oLrq;sa tgka dgk tk; izofyr dh tk;saxhA
indicated. Reinforcement shall be measured separately. izoyu vyx ls ekik tk;sxkA
(g) The rates for cement concrete block masonry do not ¼N½ lhesaV pksdksa dh fpukbZ dh njksa esas Hkkjrh; ekud fofuZns'kuksa esa
include for various tests as laid down in the relevant
IS specifications except testing for characteristic dgs x;s lacfU/kr tkap dk;Z 'kkfey ugha gS flok; yk{kf.kd
strength, water absorption and block density. 'kfDr] ty'kks"k.k o pksds dh l?kur ds tkap dk;ZA
[k.M 4& daØhV
iwoZ fojfpr lhesaV daØhV dk;Z& tkjh
(h) In the case of louvres and jallies, thickness refer to the ¼t½ f>yfey ;k tkyh ds ekeys esa eksVkbZ dk vFkZ f>yfey ;k
thickness of louvres and jallies and not to the tkyh dh eksVkbZ ls gSa u fd Ýse dh eksVkbZ ls f>yfey dk ijh
thickness of frame. The superficial areas of louvres {ks= o tkyh ls <dk {ks=] f>yfey o tkyh ds ekeys esa ekik
and area of opening filled by jally shall be measured tk;sxkA
in the case of louvres and jallies.
(j) The filling of hollow block masnory with sand or ¼>½ [kks[kys pksdksa dh fpukbZ esa ckyw ;k daØhV dh HkjkbZ dk fuEu
concrete shall be paid for as under: - izdkj Hkqxrku gksxk%&
(1) Sand at “Supplied only” rates; and ¼1½ ckyw dk ^^dsoy laiwfrZ** dh njksa ij rFkk
(2) Cement concrete at the rates for “Mixed cement ¼2½ lhesaV daØhV dk ^^cdaj esa Mkyus okyh feyh gqbZ lhesaV
concrete delivered on banker”. daØhV** dh njksa ij
PER CUBIC METRE Set in cement Set in cement Except Except izfr ?ku ehVj
mortar 1:4 mortar 1:6 blocks or blocks or
lhesaV elkys esa lhesaV elkys esa slabs set slabs set
fLFkj 1%4 fLFkj 1%6 in cement in cement
mortar mortar
1:4 1:6
Precast cement concrete pksd]s pksd]s
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV ifV;k ifV;k
Type B1 Type C1 Type B1 Type C1 jfgr] jfgr]
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 lhesVa lhesVa
(20mm (20mm (20mm (20mm
graded graded graded graded elkyk elkyk
aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate 1%4 1%6
04030 Pre-cast cement uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 04030 iwoZ fojfpr lhesVa
concrete block ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh
masonry with dqy dqy dqy dqy daØhV ds 10 lseh
solid blocks, exc. 10 feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ feJ.k½ ls vf/kd pkSMs + Bksl
cm in width and 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 pksdksa dh elkys
setting in mortar, esa fpukbZ djds
complete → 9158.70 8532.50 9079.00 8439.60 1472.60 1379.70 ←laiwfrZ
iwoZ fojfpr [kks[kys daØhV pksds
PER CUBIC METRE Set in cement Set in cement izfr ?ku ehVj
mortar 1:4 mortar 1:6
lhesaV elkys esa lhesaV elkys esa
fLFkj 1%4 fLFkj 1%6
Precast cement concrete
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV
Type 1:2:4 Type 1:3:6 Type 1:2:4 Type 1:3:6 Except Except
using using using using blocks or blocks or
(16mm (16mm (16mm (16mm slabs set slabs set
graded graded graded graded in cement in cement
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) mortar mortar
as per IS as per IS as per IS as per IS 1:4 1:6
04031 Precast cement 383 383 383 383 pkSd]s pkSd]s
uewuk 1%2%4 uewuk 1%3%6 uewuk 1%2%4 uewuk 1%3%6 ifV;k ifV;k 04031 iw o Z fojfpr
concrete hollow
¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh jfgr jfgr daØhV ds 10 lseh
block masonry dqy feykok) dqy feykok) dqy feykok) dqy feykok) lhesVa lhesVa
exc. 10 cm in vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al elkyk esa elkyk esa ls vf/kd pkSMs+
width and setting 383 vuqlkj 383 vuqlkj 383 vuqlkj 383 vuqlkj 1%4 1%6 [kks[kys pkSdksa dh
in mortar fpukbZ dks elkys
complete → 7069.10 6693.30 6975.50 6495.61 1472.60 1379.40 ← esa yxkdj laifw rZ
[k.M 4 daØhV
iwoZ fojfpr [kks[kys daØhV pksds&tkjh..
PER CUBIC METRE Set in cement Set in cement Except Except izfr ?ku ehVj
mortar 1:4 mortar 1:6 blocks or blocks or
04032 Providing precast lhesaV elkys esa lhesaV elkys esa slabs set slabs set 04032 f[kM+dh ;k njoktksa
ce- ment concrete in in cement in cement dh nsgfy;ks]a fyaVyks]a
win- dow or door fLFkj 1%4 fLFkj 1%6
cills, lintels,
mortar mortar da x w j ks a ] lhf<+ ; ks a ]
Precast cement concrete 1:4 1:6 dksfu;ksa pksds ¼fpukbZ
bressumers, steps, iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV
quoin blocks (for pksd]s pksd]s esa iz;ksx ds fy,½
use with ma- Type B1 Type C1 Type B1 Type C1 fpukbZ jn~n]s eqMa js vk/
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6
ifV;k ifV;k
sonry), string kkj 'kh"kZ] ca/kd jn~n]s
courses, copings. (20mm (20mm (20mm (20mm jfgr jfgr
LrEHkks]a [kEHkksa lhek
kneelers, apex graded graded graded graded lhesVa lhesVa [kEHkksas vk/kkj ifV;ks]a
stones, pier caps, aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
columns, posts, elkys elkys fiUVy [kaM] fLFkjd
boundary pillars, uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 1%4 esa 1%6 esa [kaM] [kaMd ¼iRFkj
bed plates, pintle 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 dh nhokj dk;Z ds
¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh yxs yxs
blocks, ancho-rage fy;s ½ rk[kks a ]
blocks, bonders dqy dqy dqy dqy
(for stone wallin). HkjkbZ½ HkjkbZ½ HkjkbZ½ HkjkbZ½ nhokjfxjh vkfn esa
corbels, brackets, fdlh Hkh vafdr [kaM
etc. (of any section dk iwoZ fojfpr lhesVa
indicated), with daØhV dk;Z rFkk
plain fair faces, likV o pedkuk]
including cham-
fers, weatherings, iD[kks]a <ykuks]a mijks/
throat- ing etc. and kuksa vkfn lfgr rFkk
setting in mortar tksMk+ s dks elkys ls
complete with feykrs gq, laiwfrZ
joints to match → 11036.80 10400.90 11053.80 10366.80 1898.40 1888.70 ← djuk
04033 Ditto, but in
landings, cover 0 4 0 3 3 mi;q Z D r] lks i ku
slabs (for man holes vkoj.k pksds
etc.) chullah ¼esugksy vkfn ds½
hoods, chajjas, pwYgs N=] NTts]
water troughs,
mangers, shelves ikuh Vafd;ka] 'kSYQksa
and similar articles rFkk likV lrg
with plain faces → 11036.80 10400.90 11053.80 10366.80 1898.40 1888.70 ← dh leku oLrq,sa

PER SQUARE METRE Set in cement mortar Set in cement mortar Except Except izfr oxZ ehVj
1:4 1:6 blocks or blocks or
lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj slabs set slabs set
1%4 1%6 in cement in cement
04034 Providing precast Precast cement concrete mortar mortar
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV 1:4 1:6 04034 25 feeh eksVs iwoZ
cement concrete
louvres and jallies, Type B0 Type C0 Type B0 Type C0 pksd]s pksd]s fojfpr f>yfey
25mm thick (mea 1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 ifV;k ifV;k ;k tkfy;ka ¼Bksl
sured solid), in- (12.5mm (12.5mm (12.5mm (12.5mm jfgr jfgr ekih tk;sxa h½ lHkh
cluding all graded graded graded graded
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
lhesVa lhesVa x<+kbZ lfgr fdUrq
mould- ings but
elkyk elkyk lkaps jfgr ¼iwoZ
excluding frame uewuk ch0 uewuk lh0 uewuk ch0 uewuk lh0
(Pre cast frame 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%4 1%6 fojfpr lkapk izFkd
shall be measur- ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh ekik tk;sxk rFkk
ed separately and dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ Hkqxrku en 04032
paid for under item ds varxZr gksxk½
04032) → 612.00 578.10 609.80 515.90 252.50 250.30 ←
[k.M 4 daØhV
iwoZ fojfpr [kks[kys daØhV pksds&tkjh..
PER SQUARE METRE Set in cement mortar Set in cement mortar Except Except
1:4 1:6
izfr oxZ ehVj
blocks or blocks or
lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj slabs set slabs set
1%4 1%6 in cement in cement
Precast cement concrete mortar mortar
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV 1:4 1:6
Type B0 Type C0 Type B0 Type C0 pksd]s pksd]s
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 ifV;k ifV;k
04035 Add to or deduct (12.5mm (12.5mm (12.5mm (12.5mm jfgr jfgr 04035 25 feeh ls
graded graded graded graded
from item 04034
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
lhesVa lhesVa vf/kd ds fy,
for each 10 mm elkyk elkyk izR;sd 10 feeh
thickness or part uewuk ch0 uewuk lh0 uewuk ch0 uewuk lh0 vf/kd ;k de
thereof, over 25 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%4 1%6
mm thick ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh ¼12-5 feeh eksVkbZ ;k mlds
dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ Hkkx ds fy, en
04034 esa tksMs+ ;k
→ 105.20 100.50 104.30 99.60 47.30 46.50 ← ?kVk;sa

Set in cement mortar Set in cement mortar Except Except

1:4 1:6
izfr oxZ ehVj
blocks or blocks or
lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj slabs set slabs set
1%4 1%6 in cement in cement
Precast cement concrete mortar mortar
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV 1:4 1:6
Type B1 Type C1 Type B1 Type C1 pksd]s pksd]s
04036 Providing 04036 iwoZ fojfpr 10
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 ifV;k ifV;k
precast cement
(20mm (20mm (20mm (20mm lseh eksVh lhesaV
concrete solid jfgr jfgr
graded graded graded graded daØhV ds pksds
building blocks lhesVa lhesVa
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) ;k ifV;k ¼lknk
or slabs 10cm elkyk elkyk
thick (with plain uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 ;k vUr% ik'k tksM+
1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%4 1%6
or interlocking funs'Z kkuqlkj rFkk
¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh nhokjksa esa elkys
joints as directed) dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½
setting in mortar, ls yxkdj laifw rZ
complete, in walls djuk½
→ 1156.52 1118.10 1149.10 1096.90 551.90 544.10 ←

04037 Ditto, but with 7.5 04037 mi;qZDr] fdUrq

cm thick solid 7-5 ls e h eks V s
→ 1059.40 1018.60 940.00 1011.20 536.90 529.50 ← Bksl Pkksds lfgr
[k.M 4& daØhV
iwoZ fojfpr [kks[kys daØhV pksds&tkjh..

PER SQUARE METRE Set in cement mortar Set in cement mortar

1:4 1:6 izfr oxZ ehVj
lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj lhesaV elkys esa fLFkj
1%4 1%6
Precast cement concrete
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV Except Except
blocks or blocks or
Type Type Type Type slabs set slabs set
1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 in cement in cement
using using using using mortar mortar
(16mm (16mm (16mm (16mm 1:4 1:6
graded graded graded graded
aggregate) aggregate) aggregate)
as per IS as per IS as per IS ifV;k
as per IS ifV;k
383 383 383 383jfgr jfgr
uewuk 1%2%4 uewuk 1%3%6 uewuk 1%2%4 uewuk 1%3%6 lhesVa lhesVa
¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh ¼16 feeh elkyk elkyk
dqy feykok dqy feykok dqy feykok dqy feykok
vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al vkbZ ,al 1%4 1%6
04038 Providing precast 383 383 383 383 04038 iwoZ fojfpr lhesVa
cement concrete
vuqlkj vuqlkj vuqlkj vuqlkj daØhV ds 10 lseh
hollow block 10cm ls vf/kd eksVs
thick → 980.70 946.90 977.00 943.10 602.70 519.60 ← [kks[kys pksds


izofyr lhesaV daØhV dk;Z ¼ukeh; feJ.k½
(a) For floor finishing, etc., see Section 13—Floor Finishes ¼d½ Q'kkZs dh laifw rZ vkfn ds fy,] [kaM 13& ns[ksa Q'kZ laifw rZ rFkk
and Pavings. fcNkouA
(b) Concrete surrounds to rolled steel joists or beams, steel ¼[k½ csfYyr bLikr dh dM+h ;k /kju] bLikr LFkk.kqd esa fy- iVh
stanchions, etc., shall be paid as reinforced concrete.
daØhV dk Hkqxrku izofyr daØhV ds :i esa gksxkA lajpuk
The structural steel work shall be measured
separately under Section 10—Steel and Ironwork, and
bLikrh fuekZ.k izFkd :i ls [k.M 10& bLikr rFkk yksgs ds
its volume shall not be deducted from the volume of dk;Z ds varxZr ekik tk;sxk rFkk bldk vk;ru] daØhV ds
the concrete in which it is embedded. However, where vk;ru ftlesa yxk gS] esa ls ugha ?kVk;k tk;sxkA fQj Hkh tgka
boxed stanchions, etc. are encased in concrete, the isVh LFkk.kqd vkfn daØhV ls cus gSa rks isVh dk vk;ru ?kVk;k
volume of boxed up cavity shall be deducted. tk;sxkA
(c) Any wire netting in wrapping to the steel work shall ¼x½ bLikr dk;Z dks cka/kus essa yxs rkj dks [k.M 9& fuekZ.k dh
be measured separately, under Section 9—Builder's /kkrq lkexzh ds vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;XkkA

PER CUBIC METRE Cement Concrete izfr ?ku ehVj

lhesaV daØhV
Reinforced cement concrete (nominal TypeB0 1:2:4 Type B1 1:2:4 buesa izofyr lhesVa daØhV ¼ukeh; fe=.k½%&
mix) in:- (12.5mm graded (20 mm graded
04039 Foundations, including rafts, aggregate) aggregate) 04039 uhoksa] jSVksa] iknksa] uhoa /kju] dqlhZ /
footings, foundation beams; uewuk ch vks 1%2%4 uewuk ch 1 1%2%4 kju] LrEHkksa ds vk/kkj vkfn lfgr
plinth beams; bases for ¼12-5 feeh dqy ¼20 feeh dqy rg[kkus ds iV~Vs] v/k os/ku LFkw.k
columns, etc.; basement slabs, feJ.k½ feJ.k½
under-reamed piles and mass rFkk LFkwy daØhV
6516.80 6520.51 ←
[k.M 4& daØhV
izofyr lhesaV daØhV ds dk;Z ¼ukeh; feJ.k½&tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

Cement Concrete
lhesaV daØhV
TypeB0 1:2:4 Type B1 1:2:4
Reinforced cement concrete (nominal buesa izofyr lhesVa daØhV¼ukeh; feJ.k½%&
(12.5mm graded (20 mm graded
mix) in:- aggregate) aggregate)
uewuk ch vks 1%2%4 uewuk ch 1 1%2%4
04040 Walls, retaining walls, basement 04040 nhokjks]a /kkjd nhokjks]a rg[kkuksa dh nhokjks]a s
¼12-5 feeh dqy ¼20 feeh dqy
walls, ballast walls and the like;
feJ.k½ feJ.k½ fxV~Vh nhokjksas rFkk leku fdlh eksVkbZ
any thickness; above top of dh] iknksa ds 'kh"kZ ds ij] rFkk lkFk yxs
footings; including attached
pilaster and buttresses → 8088.00 8060.00 ← fHkfŸk LrEHk o iq'krs lfgr
04041 Slabs supported on walls, 04041 nhokjks]a ij vk/kkfjr ifV;ka /kju o
beams and columns in floors, dM+h Q'kks]aZ Nrks]a s /kjkryk]sa okydfu;ka]s
roofs, landings, balconies,
canopies, deck slabs and in
Nkofj;ks]a ikVu ifV;ksa rFkk 'kSYQ o
shelves and the like → 7481.40 7474.10 ← leku esa
04042 Chajjas → 04042 NTtksa esa
8572.30 8572.30
04043 Beams, cantilevers, bressumm- 04043 1-5 eh ls vf/kd ds vk;ru ds /kju
ers, lintels over 1.5m span → ← izkl] ikVdM+h] fyaVy
8187.20 8187.20
04044 Columns, pillars, piers, posts 04044 LrEHkks]a [kEHkks]as ik;ks]a [kwVa ksa o Vsdksa esa
and struts → 8631.70 8631.70
04045 Chullah hoods; stairways 04045 pwYgs N=d] lh<+h ds iFkksa ¼ ?kqekonkj
(except spiral staircases)
lh<+h ds vfrfjDr½ ikn lfgr ¼oxhZ;
including steps (square or
spandril), string pieces, ;k lfiZy½ yM+h Hkkx] dkBh vkfn
carriages, etc., complete, any lai.w kZ] fdlh Hkh lh/kh ;k ?kqeko lfgr
section straight or winding, vk/kkj ry] izofyr lhesaV daØhV
but excluding landings; RCC ds ikuh ds 1500 fyVj rd ds gkSt
water tanks upto 1500 litres→
→ 8638.90 8638.90 ←

04046 Spiral staircases (including 04046 lfiZy lhf<+;ksa ¼lksiku lfgr½

landings) → 12472.90 12472.90
04047 Arches → 8655.10 8662.40 04047 esgjkosa
04048 Domes, vaults, shell roofs, arch 04048 xqEcn] pkisa] dks'kh; Nr] i'kqZdk
ribs and folded plates 8869.80 8869.80
→ ← MkV o ca/kh ifV~Vdk;sa
04049 Chimneys and shafts → 8318.00 7493.80 04049 fpefu;ka o 'kSV
04050 Well steining and well curbs→
→ 7328.60 7601.10 04050 dq;sa dh txr o dq;sa ds o ¼?kqeko½
04051 Fins, fascias, louvres, parapets, 04051 fQu ik[ks eq[k iV~Vh] f>yfey eqM
a js s
and railings exc. 60cm in o taxys vkfn 60 lseh ls vf/kd
height, newels, balustrade, and mpakbZ ds] lksiku LrEHk] oY;kyEc
the like → 8115.10 8115.10 ← taxyk rFkk leku
04052 Extra over item 04039, 04040 04052 ty /kkjd lajpukvksa esa dk;Z ds
& 04044 for doing work in
water retaining structures →
fy, en 04039] 04040 o 04044 esa
212.70 212.70 ← tksMs+
[k.M 4& daØhV
izofyr lhesaV daØhV ds dk;Z ¼ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV½
(a) For floor finishing, etc., see Section 13—Floor Finishes ¼d½ Qa'kksZa dh laiwfrZ vkfn ds fy,] [kaM&13 ns[ksa& Q'kZ laiwfrZ rFkk
and Pavings. fcNkouA
(b) Concrete surrounds to rolled steel joists or beams, steel ¼[k½ csfYyr bLikr dh dM+h ;k /kju] bLikr LFkk.kqd esa fy- iVh
stanchions, etc., shall be paid as reinforced concrete. daØhV dk Hkqxrku izofyr daØhV :i esas gksxkA lajpuk bLikrh
The structural steel work shall be measured fuekZ.k izFkd :i ls [k.M 10&bLikr rFkk yksgs ds dk;Z ds
separately under Section 10—Steel and Ironwork, and
varxZr ekik tk;xk rFkk bldk vk;ru] daØhV ds vk;ru
its volume shall not be deducted from the volume of
the concrete in which it is embedded. However, where
ftlesa yxk gS] esa ls ugha ?kVk;k tk;sxkA fQj Hkh tgka isVh
boxed stanchions, etc. are encased in concrete, the LFkk.kqd vkfn daØhV ls cus gSa rks isVh dk vk;ru ?kVk;k
volume of boxed up cavity shall be deducted. tk;sxkA
(c) Any wire netting in wrapping to the steel work shall ¼x½ bLikr dk;Z dks cka/kus esa yxs rkj dks [k.M 9& fuekZ.k dh
be measured separately under Section 9—Builder's /kkrq lkexzh ds vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;xkA

PER CUBIC METRE Cement Concrete izfr ?ku ehVj

Reinforced cement concrete (design lhesaV daØhV
buesa izofyr lhesVa daØhV ¼ifjdYi feJ.k
mix)in:- M-20 M-25 M-30
(20mm (20mm (20mm
04053 Foundations, including graded graded graded 04053 uhoksa] jSVksa] iknksa] uhoa /kju] dqlhZ
rafts, footings, foundation aggregates) aggregates) aggregates) /kju] LrEHkksa ds vk/kkj vkfn lfgr
beams; plinth beams; bases
for columns, etc.; basement
rg[kkus ds iV~Vs] v/k os/ku LFkw.k
slabs, under-reamed piles
and mass concrete → 6200.00 7640.60 6532.00 ←
04054 Walls, retaining walls, 04054 nhokjks]a /kkjd nhokjks]a rg[kkus dh
basement walls, ballast nhokjkssa] fxV~Vh nhokjksa rFkk leku
walls and the like; any
fdlh eksVkbZ dh] iknksa ds 'kh"kZ ds
thickness; above top of
footings; including attached ij] rFkk lkFk yxs fHkfŸk LrEHk o
pilasters and buttresses → 7777.90 8028.60 8240.42 ← iq'krs lfgr
04055 Slabs supported on walls, 04055 nhokjksa ij vk/kkfjr ifV;ka /kju
beams and columns in floors, o dM+h Q'kksZ] Nrksa] /kjkrykssa]
roofs, landings, balconies,
canopies, deck slabs and in
okydfu;ks]a Nkofj;ks]as ikVu ifV;ksa
shelves and the like → ← rFkk 'kSYQ o leku essa
7137.70 7388.40 6940.90
04056 Chajjas
04056 NTtksa esa
→ 8435.95 8712.59 8950.61
04057 Beams, cantilevers, 04057 1-5 eh ls vf/kd ds vk;ru ds
bressummers, lintels over ← /kju] izkl] ikVdM+h] fyaVy
1.5m span → 7893.50 8144.20 8356.00
04058 Columns, pillars, piers, 04058 LrEHkksa [kEHkks]a ik;ks]as [kwVa ks o Vsdksa esa
posts and struts → 8301.10 8650.20 8854.74 ←
[k.M 4& daØhV
izofyr lhesaV daØhV ds dk;Z ¼ifjdYi feJ.k daØhV½& tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE Cement Concrete çfr ?ku ehVj

lhesaV daØhV
Reinforced cement concrete (Design M-20 M-25 M-30 buesa çofyr lhesVa daØhV ¼ifjdYi feJ.k
mix):- (20mm (20mm (20mm daØhV½%&
graded graded graded
04059 Chullah hoods; stairways aggregates) aggregates) aggregates) 04059 pqYgs N=d] lh<+h ds iFkksa ¼?kqekonkj
(except spiral staircases) lh<+h ds vfrfjDr½ ikn lfgr ¼oxhZ;
including steps (square or ;k lfiZy½ yM+h Hkkx] dkBh vkfn
spandril), string pieces, lai.w kZ] fdlh Hkh lh/kh ;k ?kqeko lfgr
carriages, etc., complete, any
vk/kkj ry] izofyr lheasV daØhV
section straight or winding, but
excluding landings; RCC ds ikuh ds 1500 fyVj rd ds gkSt
water tanks upto 1500 litres → 8009.50 8083.80 8158.10 ←
04060 Spiral staircases (including 04060 lfiZy lhf<;ksa ¼lksiku lfgr½
landings) → 12128.50 12410.30 12629.40 ←
04061 Arches → 8328.60 8579.30 8791.20 04061 esgjkosa
04062 Domes, vaults, shell roofs, 04062 xqEcn] pkis]a dks”kh; Nr] i”kqd
Z k MkV
arch ribs and folded plates → 8528.70 8779.40 8991.20 ← o ca/kh ifV~Vdk;sa
04063 Chimneys and shafts → 7929.50 8199.90 7758.90 04063 fpefu;ka o “kSV
04064 Well steining and well curbs → 7765.60 8016.30 8228.10 04064 dq;as dh txr o dq;as ds o ¼?kqeko½
04065 Fins, fascias, louvres, 04065 fQu ik[ks eq[k iV~Vh] f>yfey
parapets, and railings exc. eqM
a js s o taxys vkfn 60 lseh ls vf/
60cm in height, newels, kd ÅWpkbZ ds] lksiku LrEHk] oY;kYkEc
balustrade, and the like → 8348.40 8158.80 8810.90
← taxyk rFkk leku
04066 Extra over item 04053, 04054 04066 ty /kkjd lajpukvksa esa dk;Z ds
& 04058 for doing work in fy, en 04053] 04054 o 04058 esa
water retaining structures

← tksM+as
181.00 181.00 181.00


PER CUBIC METRE Ready Mix Concrete Design Mix çfr ?ku ehVj
04066d uhao] ftlesa csMk+ Qq+ fVax] Qkma
+ M's ku +
04066A Foundation, including raft M-25 M-30 M-35
footings, foundation
che] fIyaFk che] dkWye ds fy,
beams, plinth beams, csl vkfn] cslesVa LySc] vaMj&jhM
bases for column etc., ikbYl vkSj ekl daØhV dk
basement slabs, under- mi;ksx ,e&25 fMt+kbu feDl
reamed piles and mass dk mi;ksx djds fd;k tkrk gSA
concrete → 7906.03 7977.02 8048.00 ←

PER CUBIC METRE Ready Mix Concrete Design Mix çfr ?ku ehVj
M-25 M-30 M-35 04066[k chEl] dSfa VyholZ] + fyaVYl]+ dkWye
04066B Beams, cantilevers,
lintels, columns pillars,
fiylZ] fi;lZ] iksLV] LVªV~l]
piers, posts, struts, pqYyg gqMl ~ ] lh<+h dsl] esgjkc]
chullah hoods, stair case, xqca n] okYV] 'ksy :Q] vkdZ fjc]
arches, domes, vaults, QksYM IysV] LySc] ckYdfu;ka]
shell roofs, arch ribs, dSuksih] Msd LySc vkfn ;k blh
folded plates, slabs, rjg ds ys[kksa eaAs 5 oha eafty ds
balconies, canopies, deck Lrj rd
slabs etc. or in similar
articles upto 5th floor
level → 9138.65 9209.64 9280.63 ←
04066C Add to item No. 04101.01, 04066x 5 oha eafty ds Lrj ls Åij
04101.02 for each floor or izR;sd eafty ;k mlds fgLls ds
part thereof above 5th fy, vkbVe uacj 04101-01]
floor level. → 286.75 286.75 286.75
04101-02 ij tksM+sa


lhVw esa jfpr os/kd LFkw.k ¼ikby½

(a) The rate include for wastage allowance of 1.5m from ¼d½ njksas esa foPNsn Lrj ls 1-5 eh dk( daaØhV ds lkFk ckyw ds fey
cut off level due to inter-mixing of clay slurry with tkus dk] Nhtu cV~Vk bu njksa esa “kkfey gSA ;g yEckbZ ekih
concrete. This length shall not be measured. ugha tk;sxhA
(b) Reinforcement shall be measured and paid under sec- ¼[k½ çoyu dks ekik tk;sxk rFkk Hkqxrku [k.M 10 ds vUrxZr fd;k
tion 10. tk;sxkA
(c) The payment be restricted to nominal bore of pile irre- ¼x½ ctk; vk/kkj ds okLrfod çcs/ku ds] Hkqxrku vk/kkj ds ukeh;
spective of actual bore of pile.
çcs/ku rd gh lhfer j[kk tk;sxkA
(d) The rate includes for temporary metal sheathing 1.5m ¼?k½ njksa esa ekxZ n”kZd :i esa 1-5 eh dk vLFkkbZ /kkrq vkoj.k “kkfey
provided as guide.
(e) In case complete sheathing is used, the payment shall ¼M+½ ;fn iwjk vkoj.k iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS rks vkoj.k iz;ksx dk
be made separately for use of sheathing.
Hkqxrku izFkd ls fd;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 4& daØhV
lhVw esa jfpr cas/kd LFkw.k ¼ikby½&tkjh ..


vk/kkj dk O;kl
04067 RCC (1:1½:3) type Al as in 450mm 500mm 530mm 04067 lekiu lrg ls 16 eh yEckbZ esa
bored pile 16m length from csf/kr vk/kkj tSlh , 1 uewus dh vkj
cut off level → 24411.80 32431.60 37018.00 ← lh lh ¼1%1½%3½
04068 Add to item 04067 for each 04068 çR;sd 1 eh vfrfjDr yEckbZ ds
additional 1 metre length → 1207.30 1553.10 1711.00 ← fy;s en 04067 esa tksM+sa
04069 Deduct from item 04067 for 04069 çR;sd 1 eh yEckbZ ds fy, en
each 1 metre length → 1141.20 1453.30 1656.45 ← 04067 esa ls ?kVk;sa
MISC ITEMS fofo/k njsa
04070 Testing of pile in routine test 04070 vkbZ ,l vkbZ ds fofuns”Z kksas ds vuqlkj
1.5 times the working load useh ijh{k.k] 1-5 ckj lgaf;rk ijh{k.k
as per I.S.I. specification
04071 Testing of pile in compression 04071 vkbZ ,l vkbZ ds fofuns'Z kksa ds vuqlkj
as per I.S.I. specification upto
1.5 times vertical load (cyclic)
mnxz Hkkj ¼vkorhZ½ ds 1-5 ckj laihMu
esa ijh{k.k djuk
04072 Testing of pile in
04072 vkbZ ,l vkbZ ds fofuns”Z kksas ds vuqlkj
compression as per I.S.I.
specification upto 2.5 times dk;Zdkjh Hkkj ¼izkjfEHkd ijh{k.k½ ds
the working load (initial test) 2-5 ckj laihMu esa ijh{k.k djuk


iwoZ fojfpr çofyr lhesaV daØhV
[kaHksa] ckM+ [kaHksa] njokts f[kM+fd;ksa dh pkS[kVsa

(a) These shall be of “pre-cast” reinforced cement con- ¼d½ ;g çofyr lhesaV daØhV ds lkapksa@[kkapksa esa le o pedhyh
crete finished even and fair in frames/moulds. ifj’d`rh ds lkaps@[kkapksa **iwoZ fofjpr** gksaxsA
(b) “Supplied and Fixed” rates include for forms/moulds ¼[k½ **vkiwfrZ o LFkfir** dh njksa esa Nsn cukus o fuekZ.k dh oLrq,sa
forming holes. Built-in articles such as pintle hooks, tSls dhy dkaVs] ca/kd vkfn ¼izFkd ekis tk;saxs½ “kkfey gSaA
blocks, etc. (measured separately).
(c) “Supplied and Fixed” rates and “Fixing only” rates ¼x½ **vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu** dh njksa o **LFkkiu dsoy** dh njksa esa [kEHkksa
include for transporting and distributing the posts vkfn dh <qykbZ o visf{kr vUrjky ij forfjr djuk lgh
etc. at required intervals, placing post in true position fLFkfr esa j[kuk pkjksa vksj dh dqVkbZ djuk ;k daØhV HkjkbZ
and holding or staying same while ramming around djuk “kkfey gSA [kaHks ds xM~<s [kksnuk ;k xM~<ksa esa daØhV Hkjus
or concreting. Digging of post holes and concreting of dk dk;Z ;fn dksbZ gks rks og izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
posts holes, if any, shall be measured separately.
(d) All holes shall be formed while casting. ¼?k½ <ykbZ ds nkSjku gh lHkh Nsn cuk;s tk;saxsA
(e) For rates of fixing and taking down wire fencing and ¼M+½ rkj dh ckM+ ;k lgk;d oLrqvksa dks yxkus ;k fudkyus dh njksa
accessories, see Section 10,— Steel and Iron work. ds fy;s [kaM 10& bLikr o yksgs ds dk;Z ns[ksaA
(f) Precast articles may be cast on waterproof platforms ¼p½ iwoZ fojfpr oLrq,a] ty jks/kd pcqrjksa ij <kyh tk;sxh c”krZs
provided the surface cast on the platform is even and
<ykbZ ds pcqrjs dh lrg lery o LoPN gksA

[k.M 4& daØhV
iwoZ fojfpr çofyr lhesaV daØhV& tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE M&L Fixing only izfr ?ku ehVj

04073 Providing reinforced cement lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
04073 ckM ¼Qsl a ½ yxkus ds fy;s iwoZ fojfpr [kaHkks]a
concrete type B-l, 1:2:4 (20 mm ckM+ [kaHkksa “kh’kZ eqMas [kHks]a uksdnkj [kHkksas vkfn
graded aggregate) in precast
posts, fencing posts, straining
esa ch&1 uewus dh 1%2%4 ¼20feeh dh oxhZdr`
or terminal posts, struts etc. for feykos dh½ izofyr lhesVa dØhV dks vkSlru
fencing, average sectional area 100 oxZ lseh ls vuf/kd i[knkj ;k i[k
n exc 100 sq. cm, with or jfgr LFkkuksa esa Hkjuk rFkk vkns”kkuqlkj ijh
without chamfered angles and lrg dks likV] <yoka xksy ;k dyeh
flat, splayed, rounded or mitred ← cukdj [kHks dks fLFkj djuk
11866.60 2806.60
tops as directed and fixed →
04074 Ditto, but exc 100 and n exc 250 04074 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 100 ls vf/kd rFkk 250
11460.90 2400.90
sq. cm → ← oxZ lseh ls vf/kd ugha
04075 Ditto, but exc 250 and n exc 400 04075 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 250 ls vf/kd rFkk 400
sq. cm → 11068.90 2008.90 ←
oxZ lseh ls vf/kd ugha
04076 Precast reinforced cement 04076 iwoZ fojfpr] izofyr lheaVs daØhV uewuk
concrete type B0, 1:2:4 (12.5 mm
graded aggregate) in door and
chvks 1%2%4 ¼12-5 feeh oxhZdr` feykok
windows frames, any size, single dh½ dCts o visf{kr midj.k yxkus
or double rebated, including ar- ds izcU/k lfgr fdlh Hkh vkdkj o ,d
rangement for fixing of hinges ;k nks iSrkHk ds njokts o f[kM+fd;ksa dh
and fixtures as required → 17417.30 4377.80 ← pkS[kVs

fofo/k ensa


04077 Grouting 25 mm thick under stanchion bases or 04077 lh[kpksa o fxfjyksa ds uhps vLFkkbZ iq’rkoUnh lfgr]
grillages, etc. including any temporary ← 1%2 lhesaV elkys dh 25 feeh eksVh HkjkbZ djuk
shuttering to edges with cement mortar 1:2 → 1433.40
04078 Add to or deduct from item 04077 for each 5 04078 izR;sd 5 feeh eksVkbZ ds fy, en 04077 esa tksM+sa ;k
mm thickness → 228.80
← mlesa ls ?kVk;sa

PER RUNNING METRE (INNER GIRTH izfr ehVj ¼dsoy Hkhrjh ?ksjk fy;k tk;sxk½

04079 Extra for forming fair finished drain or 04079 vfrfjDr 30 lseh Hkhrjh eksVkbZ dh lhesaV daØhV
channel 30 cm inner girth in cement
concrete, using ex- tra cement, including
dh ukfy;ksa] ufydkvksa dks vfrfjDr lhesaV dk
forms, moulds, mi- tred/stopped ends iz;ksx djds] Qeksa] lkapksa] ladjs@can fdukjksa vkfn
etc. → 43.35 ← lfgr ifj’d`r laiwfrZ djus ds fy;s
04080 Add or deduct for each 25 mm girth or part 04080 tksMas+ ;k ?kVk;sa 30 lseh ls vf/kd ;k de ifjeki ds
thereof over or under 30cm ditto → 10.05 ← fy;s izfr 25 feeh ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy;s

[k.M 4 daØhV
fofo/k ensa& tkjh

Items 04081 to 04083 shall not be measured and paid for en 04081 ls 04083 ekih ugha tk;sxa h rFkk iwoZ fojfpr ;k iwofZ ojfpr
in addition to Item for precast cement concrete or precast izofyr lhesaV daØhV dh enksa esa vfrfjDr ns; gksxkA
reinforced cement concrete.

EACH iz R ;s d
04081 Forming mortice holes, n exc. 50 cu cm for 04081 taxyks]a lksikuks]a nkarns kj dkoyksa vkfn ds fy,] 50 ?ku
balusters, newels, rag-bolts, etc. and
grouting with cement mortar 1:2 after
lseh ls vuf/kd ds Hkhrjh Nsn cukus rFkk taxys vkfn
balusters, etc. are fixed → 41.06 ← dks yxkus ds ckn 1%2 ds lhesVa elkys dh HkjkbZ djuk
04082 Ditto, exc 50 but n exc 100 cu cm → 04082 mi;qDZ r] 50 ls vf/kd fdUrq 100 ?ku lseh ls vf/kd
← ugha
EACH (PER CENTIMETRE DEPTH) izR;sd ¼izfr lseh xgjkbZ½
04083 Forming dovetailed cavities, n exc 10cm x 04083 LFkki dkoyksa vkfn dh Mopwy cukus ds fy;s] e'khuh
10cm at top and 20cm x 20cm at bottom in LFkw.kksa vkfn ds 'kh"kZ ij 10 X 10 lseh vuf/kd o ry
concrete cast-in-situ (plain or reinforced) ij 20 X 20 lseh- LoLFkku ij fufeZr daØhV ¼lknk
for holding down bolts, etc. for machinery,
stanchions, etc. including temporary forms
;k izofyr½ esy[kkrh dksVjksa dh cukoV es]a vLFkk;h
or moulds and carefully grouting round Qeks ;k [kkapksa lfgr] rFkk ch 1 uewus dh 1%2%4 ¼20
bolts (after fixing) with cement concrete type feeh oxZ feykos½ ;k lhesaV elkys 1%3 tSlk Hkh
Bl, 1:2:4 (20mm graded aggregate) or
15.73 ← funs'k gks ds vuqlkj esy[kkrh dksVj cukuk
cement mortar 1:3, as directed →


daØhV esa ;k vkjikj dVkbZ djuk

(a) The following rates are for cutting openings exceed- ¼d½ fuEu njsa nhokjksa ds ijh Hkkxksa esa 0-1 oeh- ls vf/kd ds }kj
ing 0.1 sq. m superficial area in walls. Cutting through dkVus ds fy;s gSaA nhokjksa esa 0-1 eh ls de dh }kj dVkbZ dks
walls for opening not exceeding 0.1 sq. m superficial
vyx ls [k.M 5& bZVa dk;Z ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
area shall be measured separately under Section
5—Brick Work.
(b) The rates include for providing, fixing and removing ¼[k½ bu njksa essa O;oLFkk djuk] LFkkiu o Vsd canh ;k vU; lgkjksa
shoring or other temporary supports. dks gVkuk 'kkfey gSSaA
(c) The measurements for cutting through or sinking into ¼x½ daØhV esa vkjikj dVkbZ ;k daØhV esa fu{ks; dh eki og gksxh
concrete shall be those of the net finished dimensions
tks vkns'kkuqlkj laiwfjr eks[kksa ;k dkaVksa dk fo'kq vk;ru gksxk
of the opening or cutting ordered (less the measure-
ments of the existing opening or cutting, if any). If a ¼fo?keku eks[kksa ;k dkaV]s ;fn dksbZ gks rks de djds½ ;fn nhokj
wall is plastered or rendered, the net thickness of wall ij iyLrj ;k vLrj.k fd;k x;k gS rks iyLrj ;k vLrj.k
excluding any plastering or rendering shall be mea- dks NksM+dj fo'kq) eki yh tk;sxhA
(d) The rendering to sides, cill and soffits of new open-
¼?k½ u;s eks[kksa vkfn dh cxyksa] nsgyh o uhps ds ry vkfn [kaM 14
ings, etc. shall be measured separately under Section
14— Plastering and Pointing. IkyLrj o Vhi dk;Z ds vUrxZr izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
(e) Cutting through walls of precast concrete blocks shall ¼M+½ iwoZ fojfpr daØhV pksdksa dh nhokj dh vkjikj dVkbZ dk] iRFkj
be paid as for cutting through stone walls. dh nhokj dVkbZ ds leku Hkqxrku gksxkA

[k.M 4 daØhV
daØhV esa ;k vkjikj dVkbZ djuk& tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE With or with Where reinforce- izfr ?ku ehVj
out reinforce- ment is cut
04084 Cutting opening in cement ment through 04084 lhesV daØhV dh nhokjksa ¼fdlh izdkj dh½
concrete walls (any descript-ion)
izoyu lfgr tgka izoyu vkjikj njokts]a f[kM+fd;ksa ;k vU; eks[kksa ds fy;s
for door, window and other
openings (with or without reveals)
;k jfgr dkVh xbZ ¼ik[ks lfgr ;k jfgr½ ;k fo?keku LFkku dks
or enlarging existing openings, c<+kus ds fy,] lrg dh dkV NakV dj
including trimming surfaces to vLrj.k djus ;ksX; cukus lfgr eks[ks
receive rendering, etc. → 3620.20 5545.20 ← dkVuk
04085 Cutting upto a depth of 2.5cm 04085 daØhV dh nhokjksa esa 2-5 lseh dh
into concrete walls and
trimming surface as required,
xgjkbZ rd dVkbZ djuk o 30 lseh-
girth exc. 30cm → ← ls vf/kd ?ksjs esa drjuk
369.00 663.52
04086 Add for every 2.5cm extra or 04086 tksMas + 2-5 lseh ls mij ;k mlds Hkkx dh
part thereof in depth (upto xgjkbZ gsrq ¼30 lseh xgjkbZ rd½
30cm depth) → 285.00 488.50 ←
iz f r ehVj
04087 Cutting channels, grooves or
rebates n exc 15cm girth, and
04087 ufydk;s]a [kkpksas ;k irkeksa dh 15 lseh ls
trimming surface → 115.90 316.40 ← vuf/kd ifjeki dh dVkbZ o lrgh drju
04088 Ditto, exc 15 cm but n exc 30cm 04088 mi;qZDr 15 lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 30
girth → ←
206.40 550.70 lseh ls vuf/kd ifjeki

Superficial Area
PER CENTIMETRE OF mijh HkkXk xgjkbZ dk izfr lseh
DEPTH (OF CUTTING) N exc 100 Exc 100sq Exc 250sq Exc 500sq ¼dkVus ds fy,s½
sq cm cm but n exc cm but n exc cm but n exc
100 oxZ 250 sq cm 500 sq cm 0.1 sqm
lseh 100 oxZ lseh- 250 oxZ lseh- 500 oxZ lseh-
04089 Cutting holes into vuf/kd ls vf/kd ls vf/kd ls vf/kd
or through cement
04089 lhesaV daØhV dh ifV;ksa
ysfdu 250 oxZ ysfdu 500 oxZ ysfdu 0-1 oxZ NTtksa vkfn izofyr ;k
concrete slabs,
chajjas, etc. lseh vuf/kd lseh vuf/kd lseh vuf/kd vU;Fkk esa] vkjikj Nsn
reinforced or dkVuk
otherwise → 21.10 20.30 28.20 34.80 ←
04090 Add to item 04089 04090 en 04089 esa tksM+s ;fn
above if reinforce- izoyu vkjikj fd;k x;k
ment is cut
through →
12.20 15.20 18.20 23.20 ←
[k.M 4& daØhV
nkírk rFkk ca/ku
¼ejEerksa rFkk ifjorZuksa esa½
(a) Cutting and forming toothing to walls, etc. where ¼d½ nhokj vkfn esa nkrsa vkfn ds dVkbZ dk;Z esa] tgak lhessaV daØhV
cement concrete block walling is toothed and bonded [kaM dh nhokj fpukbZ essa nkars cukdj mls fdlh Hkh izdkj ds
into walls of burnt brickwork or stonework of any
nX/k bZaV dh fpukbZ ;k iRFkj fpukbZ dk;Z ls] l;qDr djus ds
description, shall be measured under item 04091 and
not under similar items in Section 5—Brickwork or dk;Z dks en 04091 ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxk u fd [kaM 5& bZVa
Section 6—Stone Masonry. fpukbZ ;k [kaM 6&iRFkj fpukbZ dh leku enksa esaA
(b) Toothing and bonding shall be measured on vertical ¼[k½ nakrksa o ca/ku dk;Z dks dsoy ubZ nhokj ds laidZ esa lh/kk ekik
face in contact with new wall only. tk;sxkA
Set in cement mortar Set in cement mortar Except Except
1:4 1:6 blocks or blocks or izfr oxZ ehVj
lhesaV elkys esa 1%4 lhesaV elkys esa 1%6 slabs set slabs set
in cement in cement
04091 Cutting out Precast cement concrete mortar mortar
iwoZ fopfjr lhesaV daØhV 1:4 1:6
04091 daØhV [kaMks]a ifV;ks]a
concrete blocks, bZaV dh fpukbZ ;k
slabs, brickwork Type B1 Type C1 Type B1 Type C1 pksd]s pksd]s
or stone masonry 1:2:4 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:3:6 ifV;k ifV;k iRFkj dh fpukbZ esa
(in alter nate (20mm (20mm (20mm (20mm jfgr jfgr dVkbZ djds
course), forming graded graded graded graded
lhesVa lhesVa ¼,dkUrj jn~nk½
tooth-ings for aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) aggregate) nkars cukuk rFkk
elkyk elkyk
and bonding uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 uewuk ch1 uewuk lh1 iqjkuh nhokj esas
new work in 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%2%4 1%3%6 1%4 1%6
mortar into old ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh ¼20 feeh yxus okyh ubZ
work, including dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ dqy feJ.k½ lkexzh lfgr] u;s
new materials dk;Z iqjkus dk;Z ls
entering old wall elkys] dh ls
→ 6501.60 4913.60 5867.20 4181.50 1581.20 1538.00
← la;Dq r djuk


(a) Polyester triangular fibres shall be 6/12mm long with circum circle diameter of 30-35 microns, designed for
melting point of 240-260 degree Celsius & having specific gravity 1.34-1.40. These shall be approved makes.
(b) Polyester triangular fibres, where indicated, shall be uniformally mixed at the rate of 0.25% (or at the rate as per
manufacturer's instructions) by weight of cement (in case of Cement Concrete/mortar), lime (in case of lime
concrete/mortar) and "Cement + lime" (in case of cement lime concrete / mortar). Quantity of polyester triangular
fibres shall be worked out and paid as "Supply only" under following item No 04092. Mixing shall be deemed to
be included in respective main item (like integral water proofing compound).


04092 Supply only polyester triangular fibres as

secondary reinforcement in all types of
concrete and mortars → 480.30
[k.M 4& daØhV
MATERIALS (Supplied only)
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
Aggregate shall be measured net, in compact stacks, feykos dks lery Hkwfe ij yxk;s x;s l?ku pV`Vksa esa fo'kq ekik
prepared on level ground. Where directed, the materials tk;sxkA tgka funsZ'k gks lkexzh dks QeksZ ¼ryh jfgr izekih cDls½ esa
shall be measured in 'pharmas' (bottomless gauge boxes).
ekik tk;sxkA tcfd] fo'ks"k l?kurk ds fy, vko';d ugha gS fd
While no special compaction is necessary by ramming,
jerking or hammering. No attempt at loose staking shall lkexzh dsk dwVk tk;s] >d>ksjk tk; ;k ?kuksa ls dqVkbZ dh tk;] fQj
be permitted. Hkh <hys pV~Vs yxkus ds fdlh Hkh iz;kl dh Lohd`fr ugha gksxhA

PER CUBIC METRE Nominal size ukeh; eki izfr ?ku ehVj
63mm 40mm 20mm 12.5mm
04093 Graded coarse 04093 LFkwy dksfV dk feykok
aggregate → 1233.70 1603.90 1665.60 1665.60

04094 Broken brick coarse 801.90 801.90 801.90 801.90 04094 bZaV jksM+h dk LFkwy feykok
aggregate →

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

04095 Fine aggregate (sand) for concrete → 1665.60 04095 daØhV ds fy;s eghu ¼Ckkyw ½ feykok
04096 Surkhi (Burnt clay pozzolana) → 863.60 04096 lq[khZ ¼HkLeh jk[k ikstksykuk½

PER 50 KG Fat or mag- Semihydraulic Eminently izfr 50 fdyksxzke

nesium or kankar hydraulic
'kq ;k eSxus] v/kZtyh; ;k iw.kZ tyh;
f'k;e dadj

04097 Lime, unslaked → 185.10 228.20 178.90 04097 pwuk] vucq>k

PER 50 KG BAG izfr 50 fdyksxzke cksjh

04098 Cement ordinary portland, portland 04098 lhesaV lkekU; iksVZySaM] iksVZySaM ikstks ;k iksVZySaM
pozzolana or portland slag → 371.50 ← LySx

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

04099 Integral waterproofing compound → 46.10 04099 lkefjd tyjks/kd ?kksy

PER LITRE iz f r fyVj

04100 Liquid water proofing compound → 261.50 04100 rjy tyjks/kd ?kksy

Fig. 4.1.1

Fig. 4.1.2
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
fo”ks’k 'krsZ
5.1 Measurements 5-1 eki
5.1.1 Thickness of walling—Brick walls upto and
5-1-1 nhokj fpukbZ dh eksVkbZ vk/kh ;k de bZV dh eksVkbZ okyh
including three bricks in thickness, excepting walls
half brick thick and less and honey-comb walls, nhokjsa o NÙkk nhokjksa dks NksMd
+ j rhu bZV dh rhu j}k nhokjksa
shall be measured in multiples of half brick which dh eksVkbZ dh eki vk/kh bZV ds xq.kd esa ekih tk;sxh ftlesa
shall be deemed to be inclusive of the mortar joints. elkys ls Hkjs tksM+ksa dks 'kkfey le>k tk;sxkA Where fractions of half brick occur due to archi- 5-1-1-1 tgka okLrq f'kYi ;k vU; dkj.kksa ls vk/kh bZV ds VqdM+sa vkrs
tectural or other reasons, the measurement shall gSa mudh eki fuEu izdkj ls gksxh%&
be taken as follows: -
(a) Upto ¼ brick — Actual measurement
¼d½ ¼ bZV rd okLrfod eki
(b) Exceeding ¼ brick — Half-brick ¼[k½ ¼ bZV ls vf/kd vk/kh bZV The following shall be taken as half brick 5-1-1-2 fuEu dks vk/kh bZV dh eki ekuk tk;sxk%&
measurement :- vafdr bZV dh ukHkh; pkSMkbZ tSlh n'kkZ;h xbZ gSA
The nominal width of the brick as indicated. For walling which is more than three bricks in 5-1-1-3 rhu bZVksa ls vf/kd eksVh nhokjksa dh eksVkbZ dks fudVre
thickness, the actual thickness of wall shall be ,d lseh rd ekik tk;sxkA
measured to the nearest one centimetre. Walls half brick thick and less and honey-comb 5-1-1-4 vk/kh bZV o de dh nhokjksa rFkk NÙkk nhokjksa dh oxZ ehVj
walls shall be measured in square metres. esa ekik tk;sxkA
5.1.2 Deductions—No deductions or additions shall be 5-1-2 dVkSfr;k% bu ij u dksbZ dVkSrh gksxh vkSj u gh vfrfjDr
made on any account for : fn;k tk;sxk%&
(1) Ends of dissimilar materials (i.e., joists, beams, ¼1½ vleku oLrqvksa ds Nksjksa ¼tSls dfM;ka] /kju] fyaVy]
lintels, posts, girders, rafters, purlins, trusses, [kaHks] xkMj] cÙks] 'kgrhj] dSfa p;ka] VksM]s lhf<+;ka vkfn½ dks
corbels, steps, etc.) upto 0.1 sq. m in section.
0-1 oxZ eh- rd [kaM esa
(2) Opening upto 0.1 sq. m in area. ¼2½ 0-1 oxZ eh rd {ks= ds [kqys LFkku
Note:- In calculating this area, the size of opening uksV% bl {ks= dks ekius ds fy;s fdlh i`Fkd fyaVy ;k
shall include any separate lintels or cills but fly dks 'kkfey fd;k tk;sxk fdUrq iSrke ds ik[ks
not the extra width of rebated reveals, if any,
and end portion of the lintels. ;fn gks o fyaVy dk Nksj dk Hkkx 'kkfey ugha gksxkA
(3) Wall and bed plates, bearing of slabs, chajjas
and the like where the thickness does not exceed
10cm and the bearing does not extend over the
full thickness of the wall.
(4) Cement concrete blocks as for hold fasts and ¼4½ idM+ ifÙk;ksa o LFkkid esa Mkyh xbZ lhesaV daØhV
holding down bolts.
(5) Iron fixtures such as Wall ties, pipes upto 300 ¼5½
yksgs ds lkt tSls [kawfV;ka] 300 feeh O;kl rd ds uy
dia and hold fasts for doors and windows, etc. rFkk f[kM+dh njoktksa dh idM+ ifÙk;ka
(6) Chases of section, not exceeding 50 cm in girth. ¼6½ 50 lseh vuf/kd ?ksj ds dVko Nsn
(7) Volume occupied by joists except in case of box ¼7½ dM+h dk vk;ru flok; lfj;ksa ds cDls ;k isVh xkMj ,sls
stanchions or girders in which case boxed ekeyksa esa dsoy HkjkbZ ?kVkbZ tk;sxhA
portion only shall be deducted.
5.1.3 Fireplaces, Chimneys, etc.— Brickwork (excluding 5-1-3 p qYgs
Ygs] fpeuh vkfn% ¼flok; nx/k bZV dk;Z½ fpeuh dh
fire brickwork) in chimney breasts and chimney eksgjh o fpeuh iqat esa] /kqa;s ;k gok 0-2 oxZ eh dkV {ks=
stacks with smoke or air flues not exc. 0.2 sq. m
sectional area) shall be measured as solid and no ds Nsn ds lkFk] bZV fpukbZ dks Bksl ekik tk;sxk rFkk ,sls
extra payment shall be made for pargeting and Nsnksa dh fyikbZ iqrkbZ dk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ugha gksxk tgka
coring such flues; where the flues exceed 0.2 sq.m dkV {ks= 0-2 oxZ eh ls vf/kd gS mldh dVkSrh bZV dk;Z
in sectional area, deduction for the same shall be
made from brickwork and pargeting and coring esa ls gksxh rFkk fyikbZ iqrkbZ [kaM 14 iyLrj dk;Z rFkk
measured extra under Section 14—Plastering and Vhi dk;Z ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA pwYgs ds }kjd ¼Nsn½
Pointing. Apertures for fireplaces shall not be
deducted and extra labour shall not be measured ugha ?kVsaxs rFkk fpeuh ds ik[kksa daBksa dks <yoka djus ds
for splaying of jambs and throating. vfrfjDr Je] dks ughas ekik tk;sxkA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
fo”ks’k 'krsZ tkjh
5.1.4 Pillars— Circular or polygonal pillars shall be 5-1-4 LrEHk xksy ;k cgqHkqth LrEHkksa dks fo'kq) ekik tk;sxkA
measured net.
Note- Rectangular pillar/column shall mean a detached uks V % vk;rkdkj [kEHkksa dk vFkZ gS fpukbZ dk ,slk fufyZIr Hkkx
masonry portion such that its breadth does not ftlesa bldh pkSMk+ bZ] eksVkbZ ds rhu xqus ls vf/kd u gks rFkk
exceed three times its thickness and thickness itself Lo;a eksVkbZ rhu bZV dh yEckbZ ls vf/kd u gksA
does not exceed three brick length.
5.1.5 Battered, tapered or curved walls shall be measured net. 5-1-5 <yokí] 'kqUMkdkj ;k oØ nhokjsa fo'kq) ekih tk;saxhA
5.1.6 Honey-comb brick work shall be measured as solid, 5-1-6 NRrk ¼djaMh½ nhokj ds bZV dk;Z dks Bksl ekik tk;sxk] [kkyh
the voids not being deducted. LFkkuks dh dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
5.1.7 Brick nogging—No deduction shall be made in respect 5-1-7 bZV [kwaVh ydM+h dh r[rscanh ¼es[k o [kwaVh½ dh dksbZ dVkSrh
of timber (studs and nogging pieces etc.) framing. ugha gksxhA
5.2 Rates 5-2 njsa
5.2.1 The rates for new brickwork generally include for: 5-2-1 uohu bZV fpukbZ dk;Z dh njksa esa lkekU;r% ;g 'kkfey gksrk gS%&
(a) Bricks of sizes as indicated. ¼d½ fufnZ"Vr vkdkj dh bZVsaA
(b) All scaffolding, ladders, plant and templates ¼[k½ lHkh visf{kr isM ca/kkbZ lkeku] lhf<+;ka] la;=a o lkaps vkfnA
(c) Extra labour in eaves or beam filling. ¼x½ vksyrh ;k /kju ¼che½ Hkjus ds fy;s vfrfjDr JfedA
(d) Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, ¼?k½ Nr ds xksys ¼xscy½ MkVksa ds fdukjs] vksyrh ds <yku rFkk
cores of arches, splays at eaves and the like leku oLrqvksa dh cukbZ esa eksVh dVkbZ o Nhtu rFkk bZV dk;Z
and all rough cutting and waste in the body of
brickwork, unless otherwise stated. es]a tc rd vU;Fkk u dgk x;k gks] eksVh dVkbZ o NhtuA
(e) Raking out joints for plaster or for pointing ¼M+ ½ tgka fufnZ"V gks iyLrj ;k Vhi djus ds fy, tksMk+ as dks
where specified or finishing the joints flush as [kqjpuk ;k tSls tSls dk;Z vkxs c<+rk gS tksMk+ as dh likV
the work proceeds. laiwfÙkZ djukA
(f) Levelling up and preparing tops of walls for ¼p½ nhokjks]a Q'kksZ rFkk Nr dh dfM+;ksa ds Åijh Hkkx vkfn esa
damp proof courses, floor and roof slabs, etc.
levelling riveted tops of girders, etc.. Bearing
lhyu jks/kh jn~ns ds fy,] lery djuk rFkk rS;kj
plaster and white washing etc. shall be djuk] xMZj vkfn dh Åijh mHkjh lrg dks le djukA
measured separately. iyLrj dh ijr o lQsnh vkfn dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(g) Bedding wall plates, lintels, cills, roof tiles and ¼N½ nhokj iV~Vh] fyaVy] fly] Nr Vkbysa o iukjhnkj
corrugated sheet etc., in or on walls solidly in pnnjksa vkfn dh nhokj esa ;k nhokj ij tSlk lkFk ds
mortar as for adjacent work and making good. dk;Z es gS muesa fdukjs cukuk ;k dkVuk rFkk elkys esa
(h) Building in or cutting and pinning in mortar
as for adjacent work, ends of joists, beams, tksM+uk o Bhd djukA
lintels, slabs, cills, trusses etc. and making good.
(j) Making or leaving holes for fixing pipes, bolts ¼>½ uy] dkoys vkfn yxkus ds fy, Nsn cukuk ;k NksM+uk
etc. and weep-holes, and making good, rFkk Nsn NksM+rs gq,] ;fn vko';d gks] elkys HkjkbZ
including grouting, if necessary. lfgr Bhd djukA
(k) Leaving or forming chases (or cutting instead ¼=½ ifV;ks]a /kjuh] /kjuks]a 'kSyQks]a NTtksa lhf<+;ks]a flyksa rFkk
at the option of the contractor where approved 50 lseh vuf/kd ?ksjs dh vU; leku oLrqvksa ds Nksj ;k
by EIC) for ends or edges of slabs, landings, fdukjksa ds fy, fjDr;ka NksMu+ k ;k cukuk ¼;k Bsdns kj ds
shelves, sunshades, steps, cills and the like not
exc. 50 cm in girth. foosdkuqlkj tgka izHkkjh vfHk;ark dh Lohd`fr gks rks
blds ctk; dkV dj Nsn cukuk½A
(l) Forming or leaving chases (or cutting instead ¼V½ ncs gq;s ikuh ds uyksa o nch rkj ufydkvksa ds fy, Nsn
at the option of the contractor where approved cukuk ;k fjfDr;ka NksMu+ k ¼;k ctk; blds Bsdns kj dh ethZ
by EIC) for concealed water tubing and
concealed conduit wiring. o izHkkjh vfHk;ark dh Lohd`fr ls dkV dj Nsn cukuk½A
(m) Building in holdfasts, air bricks, fixing bricks, ¼B½ /kkjd ifÙk] fNfbnz bZV] eksgjk bZV] tkyh dTty njokts
grates, soot doors, cast iron boxes etc. and <ys yksgs ds cDls vkfn ds fy, LFkku cukuk o Bhd djukA
making good.
(n) Pargetting and coring (with cowdung and lime ¼M½ 0-20 oxZ eh rd dkV {ks= ds Nsnksa dks iyLrj o fy-
mortar) flues upto 0.20 sq. m sectional area. ikbZ djds Bhd cukuk ¼xkscj o pwuk elkys ls½A
(o) Building the exposed faces fair. ¼<½ fn[kkbZ nsus okys Hkkx dks fpduk djukA
(p) Selecting the best bricks for facing in exposed ¼.k½ fn[kkbZ nsus okyh bZV fpukbZ ds fy;s vPNh bZVksa dk
pquko djukA
(q) Plumbing to angles. ¼r½ dks.kksa dks lh/kk djukA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
(r) Forming reveals to jambs where fair cutting on ¼Fk½ tgka fn[kkbZ nsus okys Hkkx essa lkQ dVkbZ ugha vkrh ogka
exposed faces is not involved. iD[kksa ds ckgjh Hkkx cukukA
(s) Preparing tops and sides of existing walls and ¼n½ Åij mBkus o c<+kus ds fy;s fo|eku nhokjksa ;k leku
the like for raising and extending. dk;ksZ ds Åijh Hkkxksa o cxyksa dks rS;kj djukA
(t) Forming openings and flues for which no ¼/k½ eks[ks o fpeuh eq[k cukuk ftlds fy;s dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
deduction is to be made.
(u) Building in vertical seismic reinforcement at ¼u½ eks[ks ds ik[kksa nhokjksa ds fdukjs vkfn ij lekukUrj
the jambs of openings, corners of walls, etc. HkwdEih izoyu esas 1%4 elkys dh HkjkbZ lfgr lgfuekZ.kA
including grouting in cement mortar 1:4.
(v) Keeping Brick work well wetted during the ¼i½ lalk/ku dky esa bZV fpukbZ dk;Z dks xhyk j[kukA
curing period.
5.2.2 Rates for brickwork apply also to the following: 5-2-2 bZV fpukbZ dk;Z dh njsa bu ij Hkh ykxw gksrh gS%&
(a) Reinforced brickwork in walls when ¼d½ nhokjksa esa izofyr bZV fpukbZ tc izoyu fpukbZ jn~ns ds
reinforcement is laid parallel to the courses
lekukUrj Hkwdia h izoyu ds lkFk fcNkbZ xbZ gks ¼izoyu
and brickwork with seismic reinforcement
(reinforcement shall be measured separately
[kaM 10 bLikr rFkk yksgs ds dk;Z ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxk½A
under Section 10—Steel and Iron Work).
(b) Walls built either perpendicular, battered or ¼[k½ nhokjsa pkgs yEcku] dks.knkj ;k nhokj LrEHk lfgr
tapered including pillasters and brick on edge 'kqUMkdkj cuh gksa rFkk 6 eh- ls vf/kd ek/; f=T;k
courses, straight or curved on plan to a mean ;kstuk ls lh/kh ;k oØ vk[kjh jn~ns ij yxh bZVsaA
radius exc 6m.
(c) Chimney breasts, chimney stacks (i.e., single flue ¼x½ fpeuh dh eksgjh] fpeuh Lda/k ¼vFkkZr~ ,d iFk ;k lewg
or groups of flues carried above a roof) except iFk Nr ds Åij ys tk;s x;s½ flok; dkj[kkus vkfn dh
independent chimney shafts as in factories, etc. rjg Lora= 'kS¶V fpeuh ds nX/k bZVksa dh fpukbZ izFkd
Fire brickwork will be measured separately. ekih tk;sxhA
(d) Bridges, culverts, etc. ¼?k½ iqy] iqfy;k vkfnA
(e) Brick nogging as in partitions, etc. ¼M½ foHkktu vkfn dh rjg NTth nhokjsaA
(f) Plain copings, cills, cornices, corbels, ¼p½ lknh eqMjs ]as flys]a dxkj] rk[ks] pyrs jn~n]s fdadjh jn~ns vkfnA
oversailing courses, string courses, etc.
5.2.3 Exclusion — The rates (except item 05085 & 05086) 5-2-3 viotZu% bu njksa esa ¼05085 o 05086 ds vykok½ u rks
do not include for provision of either sewer bricks or heavy iz.kky bZVksa ;k Hkkjh dk;Z nX/k fpduh feëh dh fuekZ.k bZV] ;k [kaMpk
duty burnt clay building bricks or paving bricks. bZVksa dk izko/kku gSA
5.2.4 Cavity Walls — The skin forming part of cavity walls 5-2-4 dksVj nhokjsa% dksVj nhokjksa dk f>Yyh cukus okys Hkkx dk
shall be paid at the corresponding rates for brickwork Hkqxrku] bZV dk;Z dh vuq:i njksa esa ¼tSls vk/kh bZV eksVh] [kM+h bZV
(viz., half brick thick, brick-on-edge, etc.) according to the vkfn½ izR;sd f>Yyh ds fy;s gksxkA
thickness of each skin.
5.2.5 Rates given in item 05034 to 05073 are applicable for 5-2-5 en 05034 ls 05073 dh njsa fpduh feëh ls cuh nX/k bZVksa dk dk;Z
both burnt clay brick work and fly ash brick work. vkSj e'khu ls x<+h gqbZ ¶ykbZ ,s'k bZVksa dk dk;Z nksuks ds fy, ykxw gSA
5.2.6 Circular or polygonal pillars — The rates of circular 5-2-6 xksy ;k cgqHkqth LrEHk% xksy ;k cgqHkqth LrEHkksa dh njsa bZV
or polygonal pillars shall be that of the appropriate items dk;Z dh mi;qDr njksa dks fuEu xq.kd }kjk xq.kk djds cuk;k tk;sxk%&
of brickwork with the following multipliers:-

Discription of work Standard Schedule Rate Multiplied by

dk;Z dk fooj.k ekud vuqlwph dh njksa dks xq.kk djas
For circular pillars For polygonal pillars
xksy LrEHk gsrq; LrEHk gsrq
Materials and Labour 1.9 1.5
lkexzh o Je
Except bricks
bZV jfgr 2.5 2.0
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
nX/k bZVksa ls bZV fpukbZ

(a) Bricks unless otherwise described shall mean common ¼d½ bZVksa dks tc rd vU;Fkk o.kZu u gksa] lkekU; fpduh feêh ls cuh
burnt clay building bricks. nX/k bekjrh bZVsa ekuk tk;sxkA
(b) The rates for work curved or polygonal on plan include ¼[k½ oØ ;k cgqHkqth vk;kstu dk;Z dh njksa esa lHkh vfrfjDr dVkbZ
for all extra cutting and extra waste in the body of the o vfrfjDr Nhtu 'kkfey gSA ;g nhokj dh ek/; yEckbZ tSls
work. It shall be measured as mean length of wall. ekik tk;sxkA
(c) Centering to arches, etc. shall be measured under ¼x½ esgjkoksa ¼MkV½ vkfn dh <wykcanh [kaM 7 ydM+h ds dk;Z ¼c<+bZ dk
Section 7—Woodwork (Carpenter’s work). dke½ ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
(d) Sinking of steining shall be measured separately vide ¼?k½ dq,a dh xyh xksys dh nhokj dks izFkd ls [kaM 3 feêh dk dk;Z
Items 03004 to 03008 of Section 3—Earthwork. Well dh en 03004 ls 03008 esa ekik tk;sxkA dq,a ds ikV] ca/ku NM+sa
curbs, tie-rods, etc. shall be measured under the appropriate vkfn dks mi;qZDr [kaM ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
(e) Rates given in SI item 05001 to 05015 are for bricks of ¼M-½ Øe en 05001 ls 05015 esa nh xbZ bZVksa dh njsa laKk 75
class designation 75 ( Kgf/cm2). ¼75 fdxzk@lseh2½ dh gSA
(J) For other class designation i.e. 125, 100, 50 extra as ¼p½ vU; laKk vFkkZr~ 125] 100] 50 buds fy;s vfrfjDr en
per SI item 05032, 05033, shall be added to/deducted 05032] 05033 dh njksa dks nj 05004 vkSj 05010 esa tksM+k ;k
from SI item 05004 & 05010. ?kVk;k tk;sxkA

PER CUBIC METRE Laid dry In mud mortar izfr ?ku ehVj
lw[kh fcNkbZ xkjk elkyk
Old size Modular Except Old size Modular Except
bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks
05001 Brickwork with iqjkus eki ekikad bZV bZV jfgr iqjkus eki ekikad bZV bZV jfgr
05001 ^ch* dh bZVksa ls
sub- class ‘B’ dh bZV dh bZV
bricks straight or
lek;kstu ij 6 eh ls
curved on plan vf/kd vkSlr f=T;k dh
exc 6 m mean lh/kh ;k oØ fpukbZ
radius → 3543.18 3830.88 623.13 3918.13 3997.70 670.75 ←
05002 Ditto, in curved 05002 mi;qZDr] oØ dk;Z esa
work on plan
with mean radius
lek;ks t u ij 6 eh ls
n. exc. 6 m ← vuf/kd vkSlr f=T;k dh
→ 3695.97 3983.37 775.38 4244.89 4324.47 685.80
05003 Ditto, in circular 05003 mi;qZDr] xksy dwi xksys
well steining
(any radius)
esa ¼fdlh f=T;k ds½]
constructed from vk/kkj ;k oØ ls fufeZr
the base or curb
→ 4470.39 4757.86 1550.11 4802.83 4882.41 1085.00 ←
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
nX/k bZVksa ls bZV fpukbZ tkjh
OLD SIZE BRICKS/TILES iq j kus uki dh bZ V s a @ Vkbys a
PER CUBIC METRE iz f r ?ku ehVj

Add if sub- Bricks

Lime mortar Cement lime mortar Cement mortar class ‘A’ or brick
pwuk elkyk lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhesVa elkyk bricks or tiles
brick tiles only
are used bZV ;k
, Vkby
bZV ;k dsoy
05004 Brickwork with subclass Vkby ij 05004 ^ch* dh bZVksa ls lek;kstu
‘B’ bricks, straight or 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:2:9 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:8 1:6 1:4 1:3 tksM+s ij 6 eh ls vf/kd vkSlr f=T;k
curved on plan exc 6m dh lh/kh ;k oØ fpukbZ] var% fufeZr
mean radius built in → 4420.00 4525.00 4618.00 4690.00 4620.00 4690.00 4600.00 4875.00 5370.50 5415.00 156.00 2526.10

PER SQUARE METRE iz f r oxZ ehVj

05005 Brickwork with sub- 05005 ^ch* dh bZVksa ls lek;kstu
class ‘B’ bricks, straight ij fdlh Hkh f=T;k dh vk/kh bZV
or curved on plan to any dh eksVkbZ dh lh/kh ;k oØ nhokj
radius in half brick thick dh bZV fpukbZ dk;Z] varfufeZr
walls built in → ←
590.19 595.86 599.51 618.19 616.76 619.13 642.85 652.59 672.59 689.64 17.95 294.25
05006 Brickwork with sub-class 0 5 0 0 6 ^^ch** dh bZVksa ;k bZV
‘B’ bricks in brick-on-edge Vkbyksa ls [kMh+ bZV dh nhokj esa
walls (less than ½ brick ¼½ bZV ls de eksVkbZ½ bZV fpukbZ
thick), built in → ←
470.19 475.62 476.44 471.75 471.29 474.57 511.20 515.66 524.42 531.85 16.50 194.32 dk;Z] varfufeZr
05007 Brickwork with sub class 0 5 0 0 7 ^^ch** dh bZVksa ls ,d
‘B’ bricks in one brick bZV eksVkbZ dh djaMh ¼Nrk½
thick honey comb nhokjksa esa bZV fpukbZ dk;Z]
walling, built in → 610.40 612.00 625.00 674.10 673.20 672.10 650.40 670.30 685.20 710.40 9.25 416.39 ← var%fufeZr
05008 Ditto in half-brick thick 0 5 0 0 8 mi;qDZ r] vk/kh bZV eksVkbZ dh
honey-comb walling, built djaMh nhokjksa esa] varfufeZr
in → 265.00 275.00 285.00 314.00 312.00 312.00 305.00 311.00 315.00 325.00 7.00 205.42 ←←

05009 Ditto in brick-on-edge 0 5 0 0 9 mi;qZDr] [kM+h bZV dh djaMh
honey comb walling (less
nhokjksa esa ¼vk/kh bZV ls de
than half brick thick),
← eksVh½ var%fufeZr
built in → 160.00 160.00 161.00 162.00 162.00 164.00 161.00 164.00 166.00 170.00 9.00 138.80

[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
nX/k bZVksa ls fpukbZ tkjh
MODULAR BRICKS/TILES Add if Bricks ekMw y j bZ V s a @ Vkbys a
sub- or
Lime mortar Cement lime mortar Cement mortar class ‘A’ brick
pwuk elkyk lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk bricks tiles
PER CUBIC METRE or brick only izfr ?ku ehVj
tiles are bZV ;k
, Vkby
bZV ;k dsoy
05010 Brick work with sub- Vkby ij 05010 ^ch* dh bZVksa ls
class ‘B’ bricks, tksMs+ lek;kstu ij 6 eh ls
1:4 1:3 1:2 1:2:9 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:8 1:6 1:4 1:3
straight or curved on vf/kd vkSlr f=T;k dh
plan exc 6m mean lh/kh ;k oØ nhokj bZV
radius, built in → 4512.00 4535.00 4680.00 4682.00 4678.00 4700.00 5280.00 5400.00 5570.00 5740.00 195.43 2605.68 ←fpukbZ dk;Z] var%fufeZr
05011 Brickwork with sub- 05011 ^ch* dh bZVksa ls
class ‘B’ bricks, straight lek;kstu ij fdlh Hkh
or curved on plan to any f=T;k dh vk/kh bZV
radius in half brick thick eksVh nhokj esa bZV fpukbZ
walls, built in → 543.34 550.82 554.32 570.87 586.94 583.40 583.53 590.44 604.82 616.93 18.88 251.69 ←dk;Z] varfufeZr
05012 Brickwork with sub- 05012 ^ch* dh bZV Vkby
class ‘B’ brick tiles dh vk/kh bZV eksVh nhokjksa
in half brick thick esa bZV fpukbZ dk;Z]
walls, built in → ←varfufeZr
05013 Brickwork with sub- 05013 ^ch* dh bZV
class ‘B’ brick tiles in Vkby dhs [kMh+ bZV
brick-on-edge wall nhokj ¼½ bZV ls de
(less than ½ brick eksVh½ esa bZV fpukbZ
thick), built in → 475.20 478.20 481.20 486.40 485.10 492.00 480.00 490.00 499.20 510.00 18.88 251.69
←dk;Z] varfufeZr
05014 Brickwork, with sub- 05014 ^ch* dh bZVks
class ‘B’ bricks in one lsa djaMh nhokjksa esa ,d
brick thick honey comb
bZV eksVh bZV fpukbZ
work, built in → 361.00 407.00 410.00 410.00 411.00 413.00 411.00 413.00 419.00 425.00 21.00 185.40 ←dk;Z] var%fufeZr
05015 Ditto, in half brick 05015 mi;q Z D r] vk/kh bZ V
thick, Ditto → 230.40 235.20 239.40 210.00 205.00 207.00 230.20 235.20 240.60 245.50 9.40 146.00 ←eksVh] mi;qZDr

[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z bZV
nX/k] mMu jk[k bZVksa ls bZV fpukbZ
(a) Fly ash bricks shall be burnt clay flyash building ¼d½ mMu jk[k bZVs Hkk ek&13757 ds vuqlkj Hkou fuekZ.k ds fy,
bricks as per IS- 13757. fpduh feêh vkSj mMu jk[k ls cuh gksaxhA
(b) The rates for work curved or polygonal on plan include
¼[k½ oØ ;k cgqHkqth vk;kstu dk;Z dh njksa esa lHkh vfrfjDr dVkbZ
for all extra cutting and extra waste in the body of the
o vfrfjDr Nhtu 'kkfey gSA ;g nhokj dh ek/; yEckbZ tSls
work. It shall be measured as mean length of wall.
ekik tk;sxkA
(c) Centering to arches, etc. shall be measured under ¼x½ esgjkoksa ¼MkV½ vkfn dh <wykcanh [kaM 7& ydM+h ds dk;Z ¼c<+bZ
Section 7—Woodwork (Carpenter’s work). dk dke½ ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
(d) Sinking of steining shall be measured separately vide ¼?k½ dq,a dh xyh xksys dh nhokj dks izFkd ls [kaM 3& feêh dk dk;Z
Items 03004 to 03008 of Section 3—Earthwork. Well
dh en 03004 ls 03008 esa ekik tk;sxkA dq,a ds ikV] c/kau NM+as
curbs, tie-rods, etc. shall be measured under the
appropriate Sections.
vkfn dks mi;qZDr [kaM ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
(e) Rates given in SI item 05016 to 05024 are for bricks of ¼M-½ Øe en 05016 ls 05024 b esa nh xbZ bZVksa dh njsa laKk
class designation 75 (Kgf/cm2). 75 ¼75 fdxzk@lseh2½ dh gSA
(f) For other class designation i.e.125, 100, 50 extra as ¼p½ vU; laKk vFkkZr~ 125] 100] 50 buds fy;s vfrfjDr en
per SI item 05032, 05033 shall be added to/deducted 05032] o 05033 dh njksa dks nj 05019 esa tksM+k ;k ?kVk;k
from SI item 05019.
PER CUBIC METRE Laid dry In mud mortar izfr ?ku ehVj
lw[kh fcNkbZ xkjk elkyk
Old size Modular Except Old size Modular Except
05016 Brickwork with bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks 05016 mMu jk[k bZVksa ls bZV
fly ash bricks iqjkus eki ekikad bZV iqjkus eki ekiakd bZV fpukbZ lek;kstu ij
straight or curved dh bZV bZV jfgr dh bZV bZV jfgr 6 eh ls vf/kd vkSlr
on plan exc 6 m
mean radius →
f=T;k dh lh/kh ;k
3958.16 4844.73 623.13 4266.17 4171.41 1391.79 ← oØ fpukbZ
05017 Ditto, in curved 05017 mi;qZDr] oØ dk;Z esa
work on plan with lek;kstu ij 6 eh
mean radius n. exc.
ls vuf/kd vkSlr
→ 4098.02 4197.22 775.38 4592.93 4498.18 1718.56
← f=T;k dh
05018 Ditto, in circular 05018 mi;qZDr] xksy dwi
well steining (any xksys esa ¼fdlh f=T;k
radius) construct-
ed from the base
ds½] vk/kkj ;k oØ ls
or curb → 4872.74 4971.71 1550.11 5150.87 5056.12 2276.49 ←fufeZr
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
nX/k mMu “k[k bZVksa ls bZV fpukbZ tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

05019 Brickwork with fly ash Old size bricks in cement mortar Modular bricks in cement mortar 05019 mMu jk[k bZVksa ls bZV
bricks, straight or curved iqjkus eki dh bZVksa ls lhesaV elkyk esa ekikad bZVks ls lhesaV elkyk es fpukbZ lek;kstu ij 6
on plan exc 6m mean 1:8 1:6 1:4 1:3 1:8 1:6 1:4 1:3 eh ls vf/kd vkSlr f=T;k
radius, built in
dh lh/kh ;k oØ fpukbZ]
→ 5736.80 5853.82 6094.37 6298.99 5618.64 5731.64 5964.70 6161.89
← var% fufeZr


05020 Brickwork with flyash 05020 mMu jk[k bZVksa ls bZV fpukbZ
bricks, straight or curved lek;kstu ij fdlh Hkh
on plan to any radius in f=T;k dh vk/kh bZV dh
half brick thick walls, eksVkbZ dh lh/kh ;k oØ nhokj
built in
dh bZ V fpukbZ dk;Z ]
→ 683.40 693.13 713.13 730.18 601.49 608.40 622.78 634.88 ← varfufeZr
05021 Brickwork with fly ash 05021 mMu jk[k bZVksa ;k bZV
bricks or brick tiles in brick- Vkbyksa lss [kMh+ bZV dh
on-edge walls (less than ½ nhokj esa ¼½ bZV ls de
brick thick),built in eksVkbZ½ bZV fpukbZ dk;Z]
→ 537.97 542.43 551.20 558.63 501.12 505.58 514.35 521.78 ← varfufeZr
05022 Brickwork with fly ash 05022 mMu jk[k bZVksa ls ,d bZV
bricks in one brick thick eksVkbZ dh djaMh ¼Nrk½
honey-comb walling,
941.92 950.68 968.07 982.93 862.96 871.72 889.11 903.97
nhokjksa esa bZV fpukbZ dk;Z]
built in → ←var% fufeZr
05023 Ditto, in half-brick thick 05023 mi;qZDr] vk/kh bZV eksVkbZ
honey-comb walling built dh dja M h nhokjks a es a ]
in → 462.54 466.55 474.50 481.33 423.58 427.59 435.54 442.38
←var% fufeZr
05024 Ditto, in brick-on-edge 05024 mi;qDZ r] [kM+h bZV dh djaMh
honey comb walling (less nhokjksa esa ¼vk/kh bZV ls de
than half brick thick), 376.13 378.06 381.93 385.27 ←eksVh½ var% fufeZr

built in →
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
bZV fpukbZ dk;Z ij vfrfjDr

PER CUBIC METRE M&L M&L Except izfr ?ku ehVj

Add to items 05004, 05010 and Clay bricks Flyash bricks
lk ok Je bricks bZV jfgr en 05004 o 05010 vkSj 05019
05019 for
lk ok Je esa tksMsa
05025 Brickwork curved to plan
05025 lek;kstu ij vkSlru 6 eh ls vuf/
with mean radius n. exc. 6m
with bricks roughly cut to kd f=T;k dh bZV dh vle dkV ;k
radius or bricks with wedge QUuh vkdkj ds bZV tksM+ ds cØ bZV
shaped joints → 42.99 171.31 64.37 ← fpukbZ dk;Z
05026 Ditto with fair cut and rubbed 05026 mi;qZDr] eghu dkV o f?klh bZVksa ;k
bricks or purpose moulded
← iz;kstu ls <yh gqbZ bZVksa ds lkFk
bricks → 739.39 757.49 423.32
05027 Brickwork in independent 05027 LokoYkEch fpeuh fudkl ¼tSls cM+sa
chimney shafts (as for large
steam boilers), square,
ok"i ok;yj ½ ds fy;s lek;kstu ij
rectangular or polygonal on pkSdksj vk;rkdkj ;k cgqHkqth
plan → 833.56 833.56 833.56 ←
05028 Dilto but curved on plan to 05028 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lek;kstu ij fdlh
any radius → 1185.87 1185.87 1185.87 ← f=T;k dk oØ
05029 Brickwork in underpinning to 05029 NksVh yEckb;ksa esa nhokjksa dh uhps dh
walls in short lengths (labour
etc., cutting out old walls
HkjkbZ ¼vc iz"Bhdj.k½ ¼Je vkfn] iqjkuh
measured separately) → 2194.49 2194.49 2194.49 ← nhokjksa dh dVkbZ izFkd eisxh½
05030 Brickwork in arches with 05030 pquh gqbZ fcuk dVh bZVksa esa Quuh
selected uncut bricks with vkdkj ds tksMk+ as ds lkFk esgjkoksa esa bZV
wedge shaped joints → ← fpukbZ dk;Z
732.08 795.60 454.49
05031 Brickwork in arches and 05031 iz;kstu ls x<+h gqbZ ;k eghu dVh o
vaults with purpose moulded f?klh o leku eksVkbZ ds tksM+ksa lfgr
or faircut and rubbed bricks
and joints of uniform
esgjkoksa o esgjkoh Nrksa esa bZV fpukbZ
thickness → 2249.60 2306.79 1972.00 ← dk;Z
05032 For using bricks of class 05032 75 in uke ds LFkku ij 100
designation 100 instead of inuke dh bZV ds iz;ksx ds fy;s
class designation 75 → 168.41 119.76 ←
05033 For using bricks of class 05033 75 in uke ds LFkku ij 125
designation 125 instead of inuke dh bZV ds iz;ksx ds fy;s
class designation 75 →
280.68 239.51 ←
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
bLikr dh dfM+;kn] lhdapks vkfn
The girth of joists, stanchions, etc. shall be measured. dfM+;ksa] lhadpksa dk ?ksjk ekik tk;sxkA

PER SQUARE METRE Burnt Clay Flyash Brick izfr oxZ ehVj
05034 Extra over brickwork for labour in
05034 vfrfjDr bLikr dfM+;ksa] lhdpksa] xkMjksa
cutting and building in brickwork
around steel joists, stanchions, vkfn ds pkjksa vksj bZV dk;Z esa dVkbZ o
girders, etc. → 473.29 481.70 ← cukoV ij vk;s vfrfjDr Je gsrq

dkS V ju ¼f>jhnkj½ nhokj
(a) Area of cavity to be measured shall be the area of ¼d½ dksVj ds dsUnz ij dfYir iz;kstu {ks= gh dksVj dk ekiu {ks=
the imaginary plane at the centre of the cavity, gksxk] lHkh eks[kksa o nhokj ds Bksl Hkkx dh dVkSrh gksxhA
deduction being made for all openings and solid
portions of wall.
(b) Brickwork in skins and solidly built portions shall ¼[k½ mijh Hkkx o Bksl fufEkZr Hkkxksa ds bZV dk;Z dks bZV dk;Z dh
be measured under relevant items of brickwork.
lacfU/kr enksa ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
05035 Extra over brickwork for forming cavity 05035 vfrfjDr] ,d oxZ Ekh eas de ls de 5 rkjdksy
4 to 8 cm; with and including not less
than 5 numbers of bitumen coated ysfir tLrsnkj yksgs ds nhokj ca/kd] ¼vuqekfur
galvanised iron wall ties (20 mm x vkd`fr dh 20 feeh × 5 feeh-] 20 lseh YkEch½ 4
5mm, 20cm long of approved pattern) ls 8 lseh- ds 1 oeh >jks[ks cukus ds dsoy tkyh
for 1 sq.metre, forming weep holes and ← yxkus ds fy;s dksVj ij bZV dk;Z gsrq
fixing only of gratings → 208.89
05036 Extra over brickwork for closing cavity 05036 vfrfjDr] ik[kks]a flyksa o eks[ks ds 'kh"kksZa vkfn
at jambs, cills and heads of opening ds dksVj can djus ds fy,] bZV dk;Z gsrq
etc. (supply and fixing of flashing etc. ¼tyjks/kh f>Yyh dh vkiwfŸk o LFkkiu vkfn
not included) → 402.08
← 'kkfey ugha gSa½


bZV dh f[kM+dh ngyht] dkjful vkfn

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

05037 Extra only on brickwork for splayed, 05037 vfrfjDr] dsoy piVh] dqCck ;k fdlh vU;
bull-nosed or any other type of
purpose-moulded bricks (volume of
izdkj dh iz;kstu x<+h bZVksa gsrq ¼lHkh dfe;ksa
purpose moulded bricks measured tSls] piVkiu] [kkaps] i[k vkfn dks NksM+dj]
ignoring all wants viz., splays, iz;kstu x<+h bZVksa dk vk;ru ekik tk;sxk½
grooves, chamfers, etc.) → 885.79 ←
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
bZVksa dh ckjhd dVkbZ ¼fdlh o.kZu dh½
(Payable only when purpose made bricks are not used)
¼Hkqxrku dsoy rc tc iz;kstu cuh bZVksa dk iz;ksx u gks½
(a) The rates are applicable to common bricks and facing ¼d½ ;g njsa lkekU; bZV ;k eksgjk bZVksa ij ykxw gSaA
(b) The girth measurement of all chases, grooves, rebates, ¼[k½ ?ksjs dh eki esa lHkh fjfDr;ksa] [kkaps] irke vkfn fy;s tk;saxsA
etc. shall be taken.
(c) The rates include for stops and mitres to chamfers, ¼x½ i[kksa] xksy dks.kksa] piVu] irkeksa dh HkjkbZ o dksfu;k bu njksa
rounded angles, splays, rebates, etc. esa 'kkfey gSaA
PER SQUARE METRE Straight or Circular izfr oxZ ehVj
05038 Fair cutting exc 10cm width or girth raking cutting cutting
lh/kh ;k frjNh xksy dkV 05038 bZV dk;Z dh fn[kus okyh lrg tSls
on exposed surfaces of brickwork
as to fire place apertures, splayed dkV vaxhBh ds }kj] frjNs dks.k <yku dkjful]
angles, weathering, cornices, lfU/k;k vkfn ij jxM+ dj ifjLd`fr
groins, etc. including rubbed finish 531.83 1000.18 djus o Nhtu lfgr 10 lseh ls vf/kd
and waste → ← pkSMh+ ;k ?ksjs dh ckjhd dVkbZ djuk


05039 Fair cutting n exc 10 cm width or girth 05039 bZV dk;Z dh fn[kus okyh lrg TkSls [kkapksa
on exposed surfaces of brickwork ik[kksa vkfn ij jxM+ dj izfj"d`fr djus
such as in splays, chamfers, etc.
including rubbed finish and waste→ → ij Nhtu lfgr 10 lseh ls vuf/kd pkSMh+
85.49 146.19 ← ;k ?ksjs dh ckjhd dVkbZ djuk
vknzrk jks/kh LRkj
The rates for cement mortar and cement concrete damp proof lhesaV elkyk o vknzZrk jks/kh lhesaV daØhV Lrj dh njksa esa] fuekZrk
courses include for incorporating integral water proofing ds crk;s x;s vuqikr esa rFkk fofunsZ'k ls iw.kZ vknzZrk jks/kh ?kksy dks
compound in the manner specified by the manufacturer and feykuk 'kkfey gSA njksa esa iw.kZ vknzZrk jks/kh ?kksy dh vkiwfŸk 'kkfey
in the proportions indicated. The rates do not include for the
supply of integral water proofing compound, which if
ugha gS ftldh ;fn Bsdsnkj vkiwfŸkZ djsxk rks bldk Hkqxrku [kaM 4
supplied by the contractor, shall be paid for in addition at daØhV ds vUrxZr dsoy vkiwfŸk dh njksa ls gksxkA
“supplied only rates under Section 4—Concrete “.
PER SQUARE METRE In cement mortar 1:2 In cement concrete izfr oxZ ehVj
lhesaV elkys esa 1%2 1:2:4, type B-0
lhesaV daØhV esa 1%2%4]
uewuk ch&0
15mm 20mm 25mm 40mm
thick thick thick thick
15 feeh 20 feeh 25 feeh 40 feeh
05040 Damp proof course to eksVk eksVk eksVk eksVk 05040 lh/kh likV lrg ij vko';d
horizontal or vertical
Qjekoanh lfgr] vknzrZ k jks/kd ijr
surfaces including
necessary formwork → 173.96 237.52 154.25 283.41 ←
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
vknzrk jks/kh Lrj tkjh
05041 Applying evenly a coat of blown type 05041 1-50 fdyks izfr oxZ eh ds fglkc ls Qqd a s fdLe ds
bitumen at the rate of 1.50 kg per square
metre and blinding with clean dry
Mkej dh ,d ijr yxkuk rFkk 0-05 izfr oxZ eh-
122.40 ←nj ls lkQ lw[kh jsr ls HkjkbZ djuk
sand @ 0.05 cu. m. per sq. m →
05042 Polythene film, 50 micron thick, laid on 05042 izfr oxZ eh ij 0-30 ls 0-50 fdyks dh 50 ekbØksu eksVh
a coat of bitumen primer, @ 0.30 to 0.50 ←ikyhFkhu dh iV~Vh Mkej dh ,d ijr ij fcNkuk
kg per sq. m →
05043 Ditto, with 150 micron thick → 84.09
05043 mi;qDZ r 150 ekbØksu eksVh ikyhFkhu dh iêh


fo|eku dk;Z esa dVkbZ o jsr HkjkbZ dk;Z
The girth of the chase shall be reckoned as that actually [kkaps dk ?ksjk oSlk gh fu/kkZfjr fd;k tk;sxk tSlk fd dke ds fy;s
required for the work, that is, maximum height of the okLro esa pkfg;s] vFkkZr~ fufo"V oLrq ;k Hkkx dh vf/kdre mWpkbZ
article or portion thereof inserted in the chase plus twice
the depth of insertion.
tek fuos'ku dh xgjkbZ dk nqxukA
PER RUNNING METRE Brick walls Stone concrete
bZV dh nhokj block or slab
izfr ehVj
05044 Cutting chases, pinning in, making 05044 [kkaps cukuk] HkjkbZ djuk rFkk vko';drkuqlkj
good to facings where required and
iRFkj] daØhV iz"B lrg dks Bhd djuk rFkk 1%3 ds
pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to
ends or edges of landings, steps, pkSds ;k ifV;k elkys ls] vk/kkjksa] lhf<+;ksa] flyksa] Nkrksa]
cills, sunshades, shelves, lintels, etc.; nhokj 'kSYQksa fyVayksa vkfn ds Nksjksa fdukjksa esa Vhi
and cutting chases for concealed djuk] rFkk ikuh uyksa o <dh rkj ufy;ksa
water tubing or concealed conduit vkfn ds fy;s [kkaps cukuk rFkk 20 lseh ls
wiring, etc. and making good,
← vf/kd ds ?ksjs dh dVkbZ Hkjuk
cutting exceeding 20cm girth → 55.60 65.40


05045 Cutting chases, pinning in. making 05045 [kkaps cukuk] HkjkbZ djuk rFkk vko';drkuqlkj
good to facings where required and iz"B lrg dks Bhd djuk rFkk 1%3 ds elkys
pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ls] vk/kkjksa] lhf<+;ksa flyksa] Nkrksa] 'kSYQksa]
ends or edges of landings, steps, cills,
sunshades, shelves, lintels, etc.; and
fyVayks vkfn ds Nksjksa fdukjksa esa Vhi djuk]
cutting chases for concealed water rFkk ikuh uyksa o <dh rkj ufy;ksa vkfn ds
tubing or concealed conduit wiring, fy;s [kkaps cukuk rFkk 10 lseh ls vuf/kd
etc., and making good, cutting not ← ds ?ksjs dh dVkbZ Hkjuk
exc 10 cm girth → 50.45 59.40
05046 Ditto, exc 10 cm but not exc 20 cm 05046 mi;qZDr] ?ksjk 10 lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 20
52.10 57.30
girth → ← lseh ls vuf/kd

dkoyksa] uyksa] ik[kksa] ok;q /kaqvkjs jks'kunkuksa <ys yksgs dh isfV;ksa vkfn esa Nsn fudkyuk rFkk
fo|eku dk;Z dks Bhd cukuk
(a) The items for cutting and making good shall be ¼d½ dVkbZ djus o HkjkbZ djus dh njsa dsoy rHkh ykxw gksxh tc
allowed only when openings etc. are cut in the old eks[ks vkfn iqjkuh nhokjksa esa dkVh tkrh gSA
walls. The rates include for pinning in joists,
cantilevers, etc., spacing at proper distances,
levelling, etc., and removing rubbish off the premises.
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
dkoyksa] uyksa] ik[kksa] ok;q /kaqvkjs jks'kunkuksa <ys yksgs dh isfV;ksa vkfn esa Nsn fudkyuk rFkk
fo|eku dk;Z dks Bhd cukuk tkjh
(b) Superficial area means net area of opening actually ¼[k½ lrgh {ks= dk vFkZ gS] okLro esa vko';d eks[ks dk fo'kq) {ks=
required as follows : tSls fd %&
In the case of wood joists, rolled steel joists, T or L
ydM+h dh dM+h] csfYyr bLikrh /kju T ;k L bLikr izkl
steel cantilever ends, etc., the dimensions taken are
to be the extreme width multiplied by the depth of the fdukjs vkfn ds ekeys esa fy;k x;k ifjeki gksrk gS vf/kdre
joists, etc. For bars, bolts, pipes, etc. the external dia pkSMk+ bZ xq.kk /kju@dM+h dh xgjkbZ@NM+k]as dkoyks]a uyksa esa
is to be squared. For ventilating openings, air flues, ckgjh O;kl oxkZdkj fy;k tkrk gSA jks'kunku fpefu;ksa vkfn
etc. the actual finished area of opening is to be ds eks[ks ds fy;s eks[ks dk okLrfod {ks= ekik tk;sxk fdUrq
measured but allowance shall be made in the
vkns'k ij iyLrj dk;Z dk vfrfjDr fn;k tk;sxkA
measurements for the thickness of rendering ordered.
(c) If a wall is plastered, rendered or rough-cast, the full ¼x½ ;fn nhokj ij iyLrj fyikbZ ;k eksVh x<k+bZ dh tkrh gS] rks
thickness of wall including plastering etc. is to he iyLrj vkfn lfgr iwjh nhokj ekih tk;sxhA
(d) The rates include for making good to the original ¼?k½ bu njksa esa ewy nhokj esa vk;s fdlh Hkh izdkj ds fo?kVu dks
surfaces of any description disturbed, except any Bhd djuk 'kkfey gS flok; fdlh jaxjksxu ;k ltkoV ds]
painting or decorating that may be required.
tks visf{kr gks ldrh gSA
(e) If cement concrete walls, canopies, chajjas, etc. are ¼M½ ;fn lhesaV daØhV dh nhokjsa] eqaMsjs] NTtk vkfn bLikr ls
reinforced with steel, an addition of 50 per cent is to
çofyr gSa rks njksa esa 50 izfr'kr vf/kd fn;k tk;sxkA
be made to the rates.
(f) Fixing of gratings, soot doors, etc. and rendering ¼p½ tkyh] dtyh }kj vkfn yxkus o fpeuh dh fyikbZ djus
flues (when ordered) shall be measured separately. ¼tc vkKk gks½ ds dk;Z izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
(g) Openings over 0.10 sq. m superficial area are to be
¼N½ 0-10 oxZ ehVj ls vf/kd ds lrgh {ks= ds eks[ks] **eks[ks dVkbZ
measured under the respective table for “Cutting
openings for doors, etc.”, in Section 4—Concrete, }kj vkfn ds fy;s** [kaM 4& daØhV] [kaM 5& bZV dk dk;Z ;k
Section 5— Brickwork or Section 6—Stone masonry, [kaM 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ dh tks Hkh ykxw gksrh gS lacfU/kr
as applicable. rkfydk esa ekik tk;sxkA

PER CENTIMETER OF Superficial area lrgh {ks= izfr lseh xgjkbZ ¼dkV dh½
N exc 150 Exc. 150 sq. cm Exc 400 sq. cm
sq. cm but n exc 400 but n exc 0.10
150 oxZ sq. cm. sq.m.
05047 Cutting holes into or 05047 feêh xkjs esa fpuh bZV dh nhokj esa
lseh ls 150 ls vf/kd 400 ls vf/kd
through brick walls ;k vkjikj] Nsn dkVuk rFkk 1%3
vuf/kd ijUrq 400 oxZ ijUrq 0-10 oxZ
built in mud mortar and
lseh ls vuf/kd eh ls vuf/kd ds lhesaV elkys ;k ch 1
making good in cement
mortar 1:3 or cement 1%2%4 dh lhesVa daØhV tSlh vis{kk
concrete 1:2:4 type B-l as gks] ls Bhd djuk
required → 7.03 10.78 21.21 ←
05048 Ditto, but in brick walls 05048 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq pwuk elkys esa fpuh
built in lime mortar and
bZV dh nhokjsa o feêh xkjs esa cuh
stone walls built in mud
mortar → 10.08 18.40 20.15 ← iRFkj dh nhokjsa
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
dkoyksa] uyksa] ik[kksa] ok;q /kaqvkjs jks'kunkuksa <ys yksgs dh isfV;ksa vkfn esa Nsn fudkyuk rFkk
fo|eku dk;Z dks Bhd cukuk tkjh
Superficial area lrgh {ks=
PER CENTIMETER OF Nexc 150 Exc 150 sq. cm Exc 400 sq. cm izfr lseh xgjkbZ ¼dkV dh½
DEPTH (OF CUTTING) sq. cm but n exc 400 but n exc 0.10
150 oxZ sq cm sq.m.
05049 Ditto, but in brick walls lseh ls 150 ls vf/kd 400 ls vf/kd 05049 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq lhesVa elkys dh ;k
built, in cement mortar vuf/kd ijUrq 400 oxZ ijUrq 0-10 oxZ lhesaV pwuk bZV dh nhokjksa esa rFkk
or cement lime mortar lseh ls vuf/kd eh ls vuf/kd
pwuk elkys ls cuh iRFkj dh nhokjksa
and stone walls built in
lime mortar or walls of
;k pwuk daØhV dh nhokjksa esa
lime concrete. → ←
11.90 19.92 26.22
05050 Ditto, but in stone walls 05050 mi;qDZ r] fdrq lhesVa elkys ;k lhesVa
built in cement mortar or
pwuk elkys ls cuh iRFkj dh nhokjsa
cement lime mortar and
walls of cement con- ←rFkk lhesaV daØhV dh nhokjksa esa
15.56 26.01 33.62
crete. →


njokts f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn ds fy;s dVkbZ djuk o Bhd djuk
(a) The amount of cutting measured shall be the net size ¼d½ ekih tkus okyh dVkbZ dh ek=k] okLro esa dkVh xbZ ek=k dk
of the finished opening irrespective of the amount of /;ku fd;s fcuk laifw jr eks[ks dh fo'kq) eki gksxhA
walling actually cut out. The net cubic contents of cills,
bressummers, lintels, arches, etc. shall be allowed in
addition. The thickness of wall measured shall be
exclusive of plastering, rendering, rough-cast, etc.
(b) If existing openings are enlarged, the net contents of ¼[k½ ;fn iqjkus eks[ks dk c<+k;k tkrk gS rks u;s eks[ks esa ls iqjkus eks[ks
the original opening shall be deducted from the net dh fo'kq) eki ?kVk nh tk;sxhA
contents of the new opening.
(c) The area payable for forming jambs shall be the net area ¼x½ ik[kksa dks cukus ds ns; {ks=] eks[ks dh vUnj dh lekukUrj
(excluding the thickness of plaster) of the inner vertical Hkqtkvksa dk fo'kq) {ks= gksxkA ik[kksa dks cukus dh njksa esa dVkbZ]
sides of the opening. The rates for forming jambs include nkUr cukus o u;s dks iqjkus ls tksM+us ds dk;Z 'kkfey gSaA
for cutting, toothing and bonding the new to old.
(d) For making good to heads and cills, the length plus ¼?k½ 'kh"kksZ o ngyhtksa dks cukus ds fy;s izR;sd fdukjs dh xgjkbZ
depth at each end, shall be multiplied by the thickness tek yEckbZ dks nhokj dh eksVkbZ ls xq.kk fd;k tk;sxkA Bhd
of wall. The rates for making good include for cutting djus ds dke dh njksa esa] ngyhtksa] 'kh"kksZ] fyVyksa] ikVfM+;ksa
and pinning in cills, heads, lintels, bressummers, etc.
vkfn esa dVkbZ o HkjkbZ 'kkfey gSA
(e) The following shall be measured separately: ¼M½ fuEu dks izFkd ekik tk;sxk%&
(1) New arches. ¼1½ uohu MkVsa ¼esgjkosa½A
(2) New cills, heads, lintels, girders, etc., and hoisting
and setting same (but not cutting and pinning).
¼2½ ubZ ngyhtsa] 'kh"kZ] fyaVy] xkMZj vkfn rFkk mudks
mBkuk yxkuk ¼fdUrq dVkbZ HkjkbZ ugha½A
(3) The cost at “supplied only” rates of any new mate-
¼3½ ubZ lkexzh dh **dsoy vkiwfrZ** dh ykxr ¼pwuk ;k lhesVa
rials (except lime or cement mortar) required for
making good, namely bricks, blocks, stone, etc. elkyk jfgr½ ftldh ifj"d`fr esa vko';drk gksxh tSls
The old bricks, blocks, or stone cut out are bZV]as pkSds iRFkj vkfn A iqjkuh bZV]as pkSds ;k dVs iRFkj
however, to be re-used, as far as practicable. vkfn dks tgka rd laHko gks iqu% iz;ksx fd;k tk;sA
(4) Making good plastering, rendering, etc., around ¼4½ laiwfjr eks[ks ds pkjksa vksj ds iyLrj] fyikbZ dk;Z dks
the finished opening.
Bhd djukA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
njokts f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn ds fy;s dVkbZ djuk o Bhd djuk& tkjh--

PER CUBIC METRE Brick wall Add if build Add if built in izfr ?ku ehVj
05051 Cutting openings, through built in mud in lime cement mortar or 05051 njokts f[kM+fd;ksa ;k vU; ds
brick walls for door, window mortar mortar cement lime mortar fy;s nhokj esa vkjikj eks[ks]
and other openings or xkjs dh bZV tksM+sa pwuk tksMsa ;fn lhesaV@pwuk
dVkbZ ;k iqjkus eks[ks] f[kM+dh
enlarging existing openings. nhokj elkys ds fy, lhesaV elkyk
converting window into door dks njokts esa cnyus ds fy,
openings, etc. or cutting out c<+kuk ;k v/kHkjkbZ ds fy;s nks"kiw.kZ
defective brick work for dk;Z dks rksMu+ k esa Vsd canh dh
under-pinning, including O;oLFkk djuk yxkuk o gVkuk
providing, fixing and
lQkbZ djuk lfgr rFkk bZVksa
removing shoring, cleaning
and stacking bricks, dks lafpr djuk] Qkyrw mi;ksxh
removing surplus bZVks]a dBksj rRoksa vkfn dks Hk.Mkj
serviceable bricks, hard-core, esa igapq kuk rFkk eyos dks 50 eh
etc.. to store and rubbish not ←vuf/kd LFkku ij Qsd a uk
exc. 50m → 298.80 348.60 424.80

PER SQUARE METRE Lime Cement Cement mortar 1:4 izfr oxZ ehVj
mortar 1:3 mortar 1:6 or or cement lime
05052 Forming jambs, etc. to mortar cement lime mortar 1:2:9
mortar 1:1:8 05052 dVkbZ] nkars fudkyuk o iqjkus
openings (to foregoing
item), including cutting, pwuk eklyk lhesaV elkyk lheasV elkyk 1%4 ;k dke esa yxkus lfgr eks[kksa esa
toothing and properly 1%3 1%6 ;k lhesaV lhesaV pwuk elkyk ¼fiNyh en ds½ ik[ks vkfn
bonding into old work, pwuk elkyk 1%2%9 dk cukuk rFkk lrg Hkh] tksMu+ k
also facing, jointing and o iqjkus dk;Z ls esy [kkrh
pointing to match existing Vhi djuk vkfn laiw.kZ
work, complete → 650.00 680.00 710.60 ←
05053 Making good under cills or 05053 ngyht ds uhps ;k MkV fyVy
over arches, lintels and bres- o ikVdM+h ds Åij ds Hkkxksa dks
summers. including all-
pinning when necessary →
tgka vko';d gks ogka HkjkbZ djus
344.99 553.30 562.80
←lfgr] ifj"—r djuk


fo|eku eks[kksa esa ik[kksa esa idM+ iÙkh yxkuk o ifj"d`r djuk

(a) The rates do not include cost of holdfasts which shall ¼d½ njksa esa idM+ iÙkh dh ykxr 'kkfey ugha gS mUgsa izFkd ekik
be measured separately.
(b) ‘Making good’ includes for making good with serv-
¼[k½ *ifj"d`r* djus esa LkkFk ds dk;Z ls feykrs gq, mi;ksxh
iceable old/new bricks/stone to match the adjoining
work. iqjkuh@ubZ bZVks@a iRFkj lfgr ifj"d`r djuk 'kkfey gSA
(c) The contractor may dismantle brickwork as
¼x½ Bsdns kj vius foosd ls bZV dk;Z dks dVkbZ ds fodYi ds :i
alternative to cutting at his option. In that case he
will make good with serviceable old/new brick to esa m[kkM+ ldrk gSA bl voLFkk esa og lkFk ds dk;Z ls
match with adjoining work. The rate shall include feykrs gq;s mi;ksxh iqjkuh@ubZ bZVksa ls izfj"d`rh djsxk] njksa
the above element. esa ;g rRo 'kkfey gSaA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
fo|eku eks[kksa esa ik[kksa esa idM+ iÙkh yxkuk o ifj"d`r djuk& tkjh--

EACH Depth of embedded portion of holdfasts or iz R ;s d

lugs measured from the face of the jamb
into the wall
idM+ iÙkh ds vUnj yxs Hkkx ;k vyx dh xgjkbZ
ik[k ls nhokj ds vUnj ekih tk;sxh
Not exc. Exc. half brick Exc. one
half brick but not exc. brick but not
05054 Cutting holes in brick vk/kh bZV ls one brick exc. two bricks 05054 feêh xkjs dh bZV nhokj esa idM+
walls in mud mortar for vuf/kd vk/kh ls vf/kd ,d bZV ls iÙkh yxkus ds Nsn dkVuk rFkk
inserting holdfasts and [kksns x;s Hkkx dks 1%3 ds lhesaV
,d ls vuf/kd vf/kd nks ls
making good
dismantled portion in vuf/kd elkys ls ifj"d`r djuk
cement mortar 1:3 or
cement concrete 1:2:4
Type B-1 as required → 99.70 195.52 258.30 ←
05055 Ditto, but in brick walls 05055 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq pwuk elkyss esa cuh bZV
built in lime mortar and
stone walls built in mud
nhokj o xkjs esa cuh iRFkj dh nhokj
mortar → 147.14 291.46 387.40 ←esa
05056 Ditto, but in brick walls 05056 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lhesaV elkys ;k
built in cement mortar or pwuk lhesaV elkys esa cuh bZV dh
cement lime mortar and
stone walls built in lime nhokj rFkk pwuk elkys esa cuh
mortar iRFkj dh nhokj esa
→ 147.14 340.19 446.31 ←
05057 Ditto but in stone walls 05057 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lhesaV elkys ;k
built in cement mortar or lhesVa pwuk elkys esa cuh iRFkj dh
in cement lime mortar → ←nhokj esa
174.20 344.64 511.56


dVkbZ dk;Z rFkk eksgjk nhokjsa vkfn
(a) The rates in this table include for facing with selected ¼d½ bl rkfydk dh njksa esa eksgjksa ds fy;s bZVas pwukuk rFkk tksMu+ k
bricks, and jointing and pointing complete.
o Vhi djds laiwfrZ 'kkfey gSA
(b) Pointing shall be in the same mortar as used in facing ¼[k½ eksgjksa esa iz;qDr elkys ls gh Vhi gksxh flok; tgka bZVsa xkjs
except in the case of brick, set in mud mortar, pointing,
esa yxh gks] ogka ;fn Vhi djus dh vkKk nh tkrh gS rks
if ordered, shall be measured separately.
mldh eki izFkd gksxhA
(c) The rates also include for cleaning and stacking
¼x½ njkssa esa bZVksa dks lkQ djuk lap; djuk mi;ksxh bZVks]a dBksj
bricks, removing serviceable bricks, hard-core etc. to
store and rubbish off the premises, n. exc. 50m. rRoksas vkfn dks Hk.Mkj esa igqpkuk o eYos dks 50 eh ls
vuf/kd nwjh ij Qsaduk 'kkfey gSA
(d) The length of new wall shall be measured from the ¼?k½ ubZ nhokj dh yEckbZ nhokj ds fo|eku Lrj ls ekih tk;sxhA
existing face of old wall.
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
dVkbZ dk;Z rFkk nhokjksa dh lajpuk & tkjh
Old brick walls built in New Work built in u;s dk;Z esa feêh xkjs esa cuh iqjkuh nhokjsa
Mud Mortar Mud Lime Cement Cement Cement Cement izfr oxZ ehVj
PER SQUARE METRE Mortar Mortar Lime Mortar Mortar Mortar
05058 Cutting out bricks, 1:3 Mortar 1:6 1:4 1:3 05058 bZVksa dh dVkbZ djuk]
forming toothing for, 1:1:6 nkars cukuk o u;s dk;Z
and bonding new into xkjk pwuk lhesVas lhesVas lhesVas lhesVas dks iqjkus ls tksM+uk
old work including elkyk elkyk pwuk elkyk elkyk elkyk iqjkuh nhokj ds vUnj
value of new mat- yxh ubZ lkezxh ds ewY;
erials entering old 1%3 elkyk 1:6 1:4 1:3
walls and jointing and 1:1:6 o Vhi djus lfgr
pointing (measured ¼iqjkuh nhokj ds laidZ
on vertical face in esa likV lrg dsoy
contact with old wall ekih tk;sxh½ u;k dk;Z
only) → 315.20 630.10 638.60 635.20 640.40 652.10 ←vr%fufeZr


05059 Cutting out decayed 05059 [kjkc gq b Z bZ V ks a dks
brickwork and fudkyuk rFkk ubZ bZVksa
refacing with new
bricks (1 course of dh lajpuk djuk ¼,d
headers to 3 courses rksM+s ls 3 iV~Vh jn~nk½
of stretchers) and rFkk ifj’d`r djuk]
making good → 705.20 810.10 846.40 878.80 895.60 915.70 ←var% fufeZr

PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 ua-

05060 Cutting out decayed 05060 iqjkuh nhokj esa ls [kjkc gqbZ
bricks from old walls bZVksa dks dkV fudkyuk rFkk
and making good
with new bricks in mlesa cus isou tks izR;sd 7
detached patches of bZVksa ls vf/kd dk u gks esa ubZ
not more than 7 bZVa s yxkdj izfj’d`r djuk]
bricks each patch → 1350.10 1410.50 1425.00 1510.20 1550.20 1620.41 ←u;k dk;Z var%fufeZr
Old brick walls built in pwuk elkys esa cuh iqjkuh
Lime Mortar bZV dh nhokjsa
05061 All as per Item 05058 638.10 646.20 654.30 678.40 690.50 05061 lc ogh tks en 05058 esa gS
05062 All as per Item 05059 825.00 856.00 885.00 915.00 930.10 05062 lc ogh tks en 05059 esa gS
PER 100 NOS.
çfr 100 ua-
05063 All as per Item 05060
Old brick walls built in
05063 lc ogh tks en 05060 esa gS
cement or Cement Lime lhesaV ;k lhesaV pwuk esa
Mortar → 1415.00 1428.00 1514.00 1555.00 1625.00 ← cuh iqjkuh bZV dh nhokjsa
05064 All as per Item 05058 05064 lc ogh tks en 05058 esa gS
05065 All as per Item 05059 05065 lc ogh tks en 05059 esa gS
PER 100 NOS çfr 100 ua-
05066 All as per Item 05060 05066 lc ogh tks en 05060
esa gSA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
ifÙk;ka cukuk
The rates include for fair finish to exposed surfaces. njksa esa i`’B lrg dks ifj’d`r djuk “kkfey gSA
PER RUNNING METRE Section of fillet Add in if iz f r ehVj
irh dh dkV repairs
N exc. 25 sq Exc. 25 but n tksM+sa ;fn
cm exc. 50 sq. cm ejEer esa
vuf/kd 25 oxZ 25 ls vf/kd o
lseh 50 lseh ls vuf/kd

05067 Filleting in any position

and to any shape in cement
57.41 73.09 3.28 05067 fdlh Hkh fLFkfr o vkdkj es]a lHkh
lime mortar 1:1:6 including dksfu;ka] fojke vkfn lfgr 1%1%6 ds
all mitres, stops, etc. lhesVa pwuk elkys ls iV~Vh cukuk
05068 Ditto in cement mortar 1:4 58.72 74.31 5.25 05068 mi;ZDq r fdUrq 1%4 ds lhesVa elkys esa
05069 Ditto in cement mortar 1:3 60.37 77.37 10.49 05069 mi;ZDq r fdUrq 1%3 ds lhesVa elkys esa


fo|eku [kqys LFkku esa pkS[kV yxkuk o Vhi djuk

05070 Bedding and pointing timber door 05070 ydM+h dh njokts ;k f[kM+dh dh pkS[kV 1%3 ds lhesVa
or window frames (chowkats) in ← elkys esa yxkuk o Vhi djuk
cement mortar 1:3 → 54.01
05071 Bedding and pointing steel doors 05071 bLikr ds njokts o f[kM+fd;ksa ds Ýse ¼nko bLikr Ýse
and window frames (except pressed ds vykok½ 1%3 ds lhesVa elkys esa yxkuk o Vhi djuk
steel frames) in cement mortar 44.28 ←
1:3 →


fo|eku dk;Z esa tkyh] dtyh njokts vkfn dsoy yxkuk
PER 100 NOS Area n exc Area exc 400 Area exc çfr 100 ua- but n exc.
{ks+= vuf/kd 1000 {ks= 1000 oxZ
400 oxZ lseh {ks= 400 ls vf/kd lseh ls vf/kd
1000 oxZ lseh ls
05072 Fixing only gratings, 05072 dsoy tkyh] dtyh njoktksa vkfn
soot doors, etc., including
bedding and pointing in dks 1%3 ds elkys esas dsoy yxkuk
cement mortar 1:3 → 4906.07 7381.53 9952.87 ←o Vhi djuk
05073 Ditto, but in repairs, 05073 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq ejEer esa] iqjkus
including cutting out
old and removing to dks dkV fudkydj Hk.Mkj igqp a kuk
store → 6428.75 8904.33 11475.67 ←lfgr
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
vfXu&lg bZV dk;Z
(a) All firebrick work shall be measured net without any ¼d½ vfXu lg bZV fpukbZ dh] fcuk dVkbZ o Nhtu dk vfrfjDr
allowance for cutting and waste. Flues shall be deducted. yxk;s fo”kq} ekik tk;sxkA /kqÌ;s ds Nsn ?kVk;s tk;saxsA
(b) The rates include for forming cavity between fire brick
lining and brickwork. ¼[k½ njksa esa bZV ds vLrj o fpukbZ ds chp esa dksVj cukuk “kkfey gSA

PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except fire bricks izfr ?ku ehVj
05074 Firebrick work in linings to fire lkexz h o Je vfXulg bZV jfgr
05074 pwYgks]a fpefu;ksa vkfn ds vLrj esa vfXu
places, flues, etc. (other than in
lg bZV fpukbZ dk;Z] ¼fpeuh “kS¶Vksa ds
chimney shafts), set, jointed and
pointed in fireclay → 27401.20 4860.90 vykok½ fcBkuk] tksM+uk rFkk vfXulg
←feêh ls Vhi djuk
05075 Ditto in lining to chimney shafts→
→ 24802.40 4399.80 05075 mi;ZqDr] fpeuh “kS¶Vks ds vLrj esa



In lime In cement Taking and re-
mortar 1:2 mortar 1:3 moving rubbish
pwuk elkyk lhessaV elkyk eyok fudkyuk o
1:2 1:3 gVkuk
05076 Broken glass coping on 05076 VwVs dkap nhokj ds mij yxkuk
top of walls → 433.94 552.03 78.99 ←


fpeuh /kqvkn ekxZ lkQ djuk

(a) The rates include for removal of all soot and other ¼d½ njksa esa lHkh dkfy[k o vU; :dkoVsa gVkuk rFkk dejksa o lHkh
obstruction and keeping rooms and all articles therein clean mldh oLrqvksa dks lkQ o dkfy[k vkfn ls jfgr j[kuk rFkk
and free from soot, etc., and making good damage to the
mlesa gq;s uqdlku dks iwjk djukA
(b) The rates apply to flues commencing from any floor (that is ¼[k½ njsa fdlh Hkh ry ls vk jgs /kqvkí ekxZ ls ¼vFkkZr~ Hkwfe ry] izFke
ground floor, first floor, second floor, etc.) to the top of ry] f}rh; ry vkfn½ ls fpeuh dh pksVh rd ij ykxw gksrh
chimney stack.
EACH çR;s d
05077 Sweeping chimney flues of any section 05077 fpeuh ds fdlh Hkh dkV ;k yEckbZ ds /kqvkí
or length → 81.96 ←ekxZ dks lkQ djuk
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
bZV dh fdukjs canh
The rates include for embedding bricks in the ground to depths njksa esa crkbZ xgjkbZ rd bZVksa dks tehu esa yxkuk rFkk bZVksa ds pkjksa
indicated and tamping ground around bricks and also for re- vksj dqVkbZ djuk rFkk fdlh Hkh izdkj ds dwMs+ dks gVkuk “kfey gSA
moving any surplus spoil, etc


With burnt clay bricks With fly ash bricks
of sub class B MMu jk[k ls cuh bZVksa ls
pduh feêh ls cuh ch
05078 Continuous brick edging; dh bZVksa ls 0507
050788 bZV dh vfojy fdukjs canh esa bZV
with width equal to the Old size Modular Old size Modular dh xgjkbZ ds cjkcj dh pkSMk+ bZ esa
depth of the brick, laid Bricks Bricks Bricks Bricks *ch* dh iwjh bZV dks tehu
dry, on edge → 32.03 33.39 35.24 35.03 ←esa lw[kh [kM+h yxkuk
05079 Ditto but laid on end verti- 05079 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq likV fdukjs
cally → 67.39 66.78 74.28 70.07 ←ls ¼mnxz likV yxkuk½
05080 Ditto but laid on end at the
required angle →
05080 mi;ZqDr] visf{kr dks.k ij
50.74 51.97 55.33 54.28 ←mnxz yxkuk
05081 Continuous brick edging;
with width equal to the 05081 bZV dh vfojy fdukjs canh esa
width of the brick; laid dry bZV dh pkSMk+ bZ ds cjkcj pkSMk+ bZ
on end vertically → 110.40 120.68
esa ch dh iwjh bZV lw[kh
05082 Ditto but laid on end at the ←mnxz likV yxkuk
required angle → 81.66 89.31 05082 mi;qZDr] fdUrq visf{kr dks.k
05083 Continuous brick edging; ←ij mnxz yxkuk
with width equal to the 05083 bZV dh vfojy fdukjs canh esa bZV
length of the brick; laid dh yEckbZ ds cjkcj pkSMk+ bZ esa iwjh
dry on edge vertically → 112.41 123.29 ←bZV dks likV [kM+h yxkuk
05084 Ditto but laid on edge at
05084 mi;qZDr] fdUrq visf{kr dks.k
the required angle → 99.09 106.74 ←ij [kM+h yxkuk


nX/k fpduh eêh lhoj bZVksas ls bZV fpukbZ
(a) Bricks shall be burnt clay sewer bricks conforming to ¼d½ bZVksa Hkk ek&4885 ds vuqlkj lhoj ds fy, nX/k fpduh feêh
IS-4885. ls cuh gksxhA
(b) The rates for work curved or polygonal on plan include for ¼[k½ oØ ;k cgqHkqth vk;kstu dk;Z dh njksa esa lHkh vfrfjDr dVkbZ
all extra cutting and extra waste in the body of the work. It o vfrfjDr Nhtu “kkfey gSA ;g nhokj dh e/; yEckbZ tSls
shall be measured as mean length of wall. ekik tk;sxkA
(c) Centering to arches, etc. shall be measured under Section ¼x½ esgjkoksas ¼MkV½ vkfn dh <wykcanh [kaM 7& ydM+h ds dk;Z ¼c<+bZ
7—Woodwork (Carpenter’s work). dk dke½ ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
(d) Average compressive strength of sewer bricks shall be not ¼?k½ lhoj bZVksa dh vkSlr ncko es “kfDr 175 ¼fdxzk@lseh 2½ ls de
less than 175 ( Kgf/cm2 ) and individual compressive ugha gksxh vkSj vdsyh nokc es “kfDr fdlh Hkh bZV dh 160
strength of any sewer brick shall be not less than 160 ¼fdxzk@lseh 2½ ls de ugha gksxhA
(Kgf/cm ).
(e) The average value of water absorption shall not exceed ¼M½ ikuh lks[kus dh vkSlr {kerk bZVksa ds vkSlr lw[ks otu ds 10
10% of average dry weight of brick and water absorption ls T;knk ugha gksxh vkSj fdlh Hkh ,d bZV ds fy, ikuh lks[kus
for any individual brick shall not exceed 12%. dh {kerk 12 ls T;knk ugha gksxhA
(f) The rating of efflorescence shall not be more than slight. ¼p½ Qwyus dh nj lw{e ls T;knk ugh gksxhA
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
nX/k fpduh eêh lhoj bZVksas ls bZV fpukbZ& tkjh---
PER CUBIC METRE In cement mortar 1:4 In cement mortar 1:3 izfr ?ku ehVj
lhesaV elkyk 1%4 esa lhesaV elkyk 1%3 esa
05085 Brickwork with sewer M&L Except M&L Except 05085 lhoj bZVksa ls lek;kstu ij 6
bricks straight or curved lkexzh o bricks lkexzh o Je Bricks
on plan exc 6 m mean eh ls vf/kd vkSlr f=T;k dh
Je bZV jfgr bZV jfgr
radius for man-holes/ lh/kh ;k oØ fpukbZ lhoj dke
septictank/ soakwell etc. esa esugksy lsfIVd Vsd
a lksdosy
in sewer works →
6039.26 3170.81 6268.46 3304.66 ← vkfn gsrq
05086 Ditto, in curved work on 05086 mi;qDZ r] oØ dk;Z esa lek;kstu
plan with mean radius n.
ij 6 eh ls vuf/kd vkSlr f=T;k
exc. 6 m →
6254.06 3230.48 6404.03 3380.45 ←dh

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
PER 1000 NOS. Old size bricks Modular bricks izfr 1000 ua-
05087 Bricks; common burnt clay
iqjkus uki dh bZV ekMqyj bZV
05087 bZVsa] fpduh feêh dh idh gqbZ vke
building bricks, sub-class ‘A’
designation 75 →
bekjrh bZVksa] *,* inuke
5675.25 5305.13 ← 75
05088 Ditto sub-class ‘B’ Designation 05088 mi;ZqDr] *ch* inuke 75
→ 5551.88 4935.00
05089 Brick tiles; common burnt clay 05089 bZV Vkbys(a fpduh feêh dh idh gqbZ vke
building bricks sub-class ‘A’
←bekjrh bZV *,* inuke 75
Designation 75 → 5675.25 5551.88
05090 Ditto sub-class ‘B’ Designation 75→

5316.88 5199.38 05090 mi;ZqDr] *ch* inuke 75
05091 Purpose moulded bricks such as 05091 iz;kstu x<+h bZVsa tSls] dqCck] piVh]
bullnosed, splayed, weathered ←rqlg] o daBh vkfn
and throated, etc. → 6239.25 6516.55
05092 Burnt clay fly ash building bricks 05092 nX/k fpduh feêh mMu jk[k ls cuh
designation 75(Kg/cm2) → bekjrh bZ V s inuke 75
6316.80 5264.00
05093 Ditto bricks tiles ditto → 6313.80 5264.00 05093 mi;qZDr bZV Vkbys mi;qZDr
PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 u-
6239.25 05094 vfXulg bZV vkdkj 230 x 113 x 75 feeh
05094 Fire bricks, size 230 x113 x 75 mm→

05095 Ditto purpose moulded → 05095 mi;qZDr] iz;kstu x<+h
05096 Facing bricks,class II, old size bricks→
→ 539.56 05096 eksgjk bZVsa oxZ II iqjkus vkdkj dh bZVsa
05097 Ditto modular bricks → 05097 mi;qZDr] ekMqyj bZVsa
05098 Acid resisting bricks, size 230 x 114 x 6516.55 05098 vEy jks/kh bZVsa vkdkj 230 x 14 x 64 fe eh Js.khA
64 mm, class I →
710.64 05099 lhoj bZVsa
05099 Sewer bricks →
[k.M 5 bZV dk dk;Z
MATERIALS (Supplied only)– Contd...
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ & tkjh---

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

05100 Fire clay mortar → 18.51

05100 jk[k elkyk
05101 Chemical resistant mortar, resin 05101 jklk;fud jks/kh elkyk] jsflu fdLe dk
type → 80.19
05102 Ditto sulphur type → 67.86 05102 mi;ZqDr] lYQj fdLe dk
05103 Glass, broken to 63 mm gauge → 18.51 05103 VwVk dk¡p 63 feeh izekih dk

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

05104 Sand for masonry mortars → 1048.69 05104 ckyw fpukbZ elkys ds fy;s
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
fo'ks"k “krsZ
6.1 Measurements 6-1 eki
6.1.1 Stone Walling: 6-1-1 iRFkj dh nhokj cukuk
(a) Battered, tapered and curved walls shall be ¼d½ <+yoka] “kq.Mkdkj rFkk oØ nhokjsa fo”kq) ekih tk;saxhA
measured net.
(b) No deductions or additions shall be made on ¼[k½ fuEu ij fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls u dVkSrh gksxh vkSj u gh
any account for: vfrfjDr fn;k tk;sxkA
(1) Ends of dissimilar materials (i.e. joists, ¼1½ vleku phtksa ¼tSls] dfM+;ksa] /kjuksa] fyaVy] [kaHks]
beams, lintels, posts, girders, rafters,
purlins, trusses, corbels, steps, etc.), upto
“kgrhj] vk/kkj dM+h] iyhZu] dSfa p;ks]a VksMks]a lhf<+;ka
0.1 sq. m in section. vkfn½ ds 0-1 oxZ eh rd dkV ds NksjA
(2) Opening upto 0.1 sq. m in area. ¼2½ 0-1 oxZ eh Js= ds fooj ¼[kkyh LFkku½A
(3) Wall and bed plates, bearing of slabs, ¼3½ nhokj o vk/kkj jn~nk] ifV;k /kkjd] NTts rFkk ,sls
chajjas and the like, where the thickness
does not exceed 10cm and the bearing does gh vU; ftudh eksVkbZ 10 lseh ls vf/kd ugha gS
not extend over the full thickness of the wall. rFkk /kkj.k] nhokj dh iwjh eksVkbZ ls vf/kd ugha gSA
(4) Cement concrete blocks for holdfasts, ¼4½ idM+ iV~Vh] dkoys rFkk ,sls vU; ds fy;s lhesaV
holding down bolts and the like.
daØhV ds <+kpsA
(5) Iron fixtures such as wall ties, pipes upto ¼5½ yksgs ds lkt lkeku tSls nhokj [kwafV;k 300 feeh
300 mm dia and holdfasts of doors,
rd ds uy o njokts f[kM+fd;ksa dh idM+ iêhA
windows, etc.
(6) Chases of section not exceeding 50 cm in girth. ¼6½ dkV ds [kkaPks ftudk ?ksjk 50 lseh ls vf/kd u gksA
Note — In calculating area of an opening, any separate uks V % fdlh fooj ds {ks=Qy dk fglkc yxkrs le; fdlh vyx
lintel or cill shall be included with the size of
fyaVy ;k fly ds vkdkj dks fooj ds lkFk feyk fn;k
opening but not the extra width of rebated
reveals, if any, and end portion of the lintels. tk;sxk fdUrq iSuke ;k ik[kksa dh vfrfjDr pkSMk+ bZ ;fn dksbZ
gks o fyaVy ds Nksj ds Hkkx dks ugha tksMa k+ tk;sxkA
(c) Deductions for opening exceeding 0.1 sq. m shall ¼x½ 0-1 oeh ds fooj dh dVkSrh djus ds fy;s fooj ds
be measured to the minimum size of the opening. U;wure vkdkj dks ekik tk;sxkA
(d) Stone walling (excluding fire brickwork) in ¼?k½ fpeuh ds vxzHkkx o ?ksjs esa iRFkj dh nhokj ¼vfXulg
chimney breasts, and chimney stacks with
bVksa dks NksMd
+ j½ dh eki 0-20 oeh ls vuf/kd dkV {ks=
smoke or air flues n exc 0.20sq m sectional area
shall be measured as solid and no extra ds /kq;as ;k gok ds fNnz lfgr Bksl yh tk;sxh rFkk ,sls
payment shall be made for pargetting and coring LFkkuksa ds iyLrj o fyikbZ ds fy;s vfrfjDr Hkqxrku
such flues. Where the flues exceed 0.2 sqm ugha fd;k tk;sxkA tgka ;g /kqvkad”k 0-2 o eh dkV {ks=
sectional area, deduction for the same shall be ls vf/kd gksa ogk budh dVkSrh nhokj esa ls dh tk;sxh
made from stone walling and pargetting and rFkk iyLrj o fyikbZ dh eki [kaM 14& iyLrj o Vhi
coring measured under Section 14 —Plastering
and Pointing. Apertures for fire places shall
dk;Z ds vUrxZr dh tk;sxh vaxhBh ds vkdkj ¼lqjk[k½
not be deducted and extra labour shall not be dh dVkSrh ugha gksxh rFkk mlds ik[ks o ijh Hkkx dks
measured for splaying of jambs and throating. cukus ds fy;s vfrfjDr Je dh eki ughas gksxhA
6.1.2 Dressed Stone: 6-1-2 rjk”kk gqvk iRFkj
(a) In measuring cubic contents of dressed stone ¼d½ rjk”ks gq, iRFkj dk ?ku ifjek.k ekius ds fy;s ml U;wure
work the contents of the smallest rectangular
vk;rkdkj ifV;k dk ifjek.k fy;k tk;sxk ftlesa ls og
dressed block from which the finished dressed
stone can be worked shall be taken. Only iRFkj rjk”kk tk ldrk gSA dsoy fu”fpr ifjeki gh ekU;
specified dimensions shall be allowed. gksxkA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
fo'ks"k “krsZ& tkjh
(b) In measuring “labour only on stone”, all work ¼[k½ **iRFkj dk;Z ij dsoy Je** dh eki djus ds fy;s lHkh 10
exceeding 10cm in width (or girth) shall be paid lseh pkSMk+ bZ ¼;k eksVkbZ½ ls vf/kd ds dk;ksZ dks oxZ eh- esa
for in sq. m and work n exc 10cm in width (or
ekik tk;sxk rFkk 10 lseh vuf/kd pkSMk+ bZ ¼;k eksVkbZ½ ds
girth) in running metres. Internal and external
mitred angles and stops to mouldings, dk;ksZ dks ehVj essa vUnj ckgj ds dksfu;k dks.k] rFkk x<+r]
chamfers, etc., shall each be paid for, if the work i[k vkfn ds tksM+ ds fy, izR;sd dk HkqxRkku gksxkk ;fn
is measured superficially, as one-third of a eki lrgh yh xbZ rks ,d ehVj ds ,d frgkbZ dks x<+r
running metre multiplied by the girth of the dh eksVkbZ ls xq.kk djds rFkk ;fn dk;Z dks ijEijkxr <ax
moulding, etc., and as one-third of a running
ls ekik x;k gS rks ,d ehVj dk frgkbZ ns; gksxkA
metre, if the work is measured lineally.
(c) In measuring “labour on stone”, plain work, sunk ¼x½ **iRFkj dk;Z ij Je** ekius ds fy;s] lknk dk;Z] ikuh esa dk;Z]
work, moulded work, etc., as seen on the finished x<+kbZ dk;Z vkfn tSls iwfjr lrg ij fn[kkbZ nsrs gS] fcuk
faces, shall be measured without any allowance izkjfEHkd dk;Z ds Je dk vfrfjDr yxk;s] ekik tk;sxkA
for preliminary labour of any description.
(d) The following descriptions apply to the terms ¼?k½ rjk”ks x;s iRFkj rFkk mlds Je ds lacU/k esa iz;qDr
used in connection with dressed stone and “kCnksa dk fuEu fooj.k ykxw gksxk%&
labour thereon:-
“Straight work”- All stones worked and bedded **lh/kk dk;Z** iRFkj dh lHkh okLrfod lh/kh fpukbZ rFkk
to a true straight line, whether moulded on face fcNkbZ dk;Z pkgs vkxs ls x<+k gks ;k u gksA
or not.
“Circular work”—All Stones dressed and **xksydkj dk;Z** iRFkj rjk”kuk rFkk la;kstu ;k mPp
bedded circular on plan or elevation. dks.k ij xksykdkj fcBkukA
“Circular circular work”—Stone dressed and **xksy pkdkj dk;Z** iRFkj rjk”kuk rFkk la;kstu rFkk ÅapkbZ
bedded both circular on plan and circular in ;k xgjkbZ nksuksa izdkj ls xqEen vkfn dh rjg fcBkukA
height or depth as in domes, etc.
6.2 Rates 6-2 njsa
6.2.1 The rates for stone walling include for : 6-2-1 iRFkj fpukbZ esa fuEu dk;Z “kkfey gS%&
(a) All scaffolding, ladders, plant and templets ¼d½ dk;Z fu"iknu esa vko”;d] ikM cka/kus dk lkeku lhf<+;ka]
required in the execution of work; la;a= o vk/kkjA
(b) Extra labour in beam filling (measured solid ¼[k½ /kju ¼che½ HkjkbZ ds fy;s vfrfjDr Jfed ¼dM+h vkfn
without deduction for rafters, etc.);
dh dVkSrh ds fcuk Bksl eki gksxh½A
(c) Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, ¼x½ uksd i[k esgjkoksa ds Hkhrjh Hkkx vksyrh ds <ky cukus
cores of arches, splays at eaves and the like rFkk vU; ,sls dk;ksZ ds fy;s lknh dVkbZ o Nhtu rFkk
and all rough cutting in the body of the walling; dk;Z dh jpuk esa lHkh lknh dVkbZA
(d) Raking out joints for plastering or for pointing
¼?k½ iyLrj ;k Vhi dk;Z ds fy;s tksM+ksa dks [kqjpuk ;k
or finishing the joints flush as the work
proceeds, where specified;
tSl&s tSls dk;Z vkxs c<+rk gS] tgka fufnZ’V gks tksMk+ as dks
ikuh ls lkQ djukA
(e) Bedding and pointing wall plates, lintels, cills, ¼M½ nhokj ifê;ksa] fyaVy] fly] Nr Vkbyksa o iukjhnkj
roof tiles and corrugated sheets etc., in or on pn~njksa vkfn dks nhokj esa ;k ij lkFk ds dk;Z leku
walls solidly in mortar as for adjacent work elkys ls yxkuk o ifj’—r djukA
and making good;
(f) Building in or cutting and pinning ends of ¼p½ dM+h o /kju ds Nksj cukuk ;k dkVuk o lkFk okys dk;Z
joists, beams, etc., in mortar as for adjacent work ds elkys ls tksM+uk o ifj’—r djukA
and making good;
(g) Making or leaving holes for fixing, pipes, bolts, ¼N½ uy] dkoys vkfn rFkk fjlkoh Nsn cukuk ;k NksM+ nsuk
etc. and weep-holes. and making good; rFkk ifj’—r djukA
(h) Forming chases (or cutting instead at the option ¼t½ u;s dk;Z esa daØhV Q”kkZas ds fdukjksa ds fy;s [kkaps cukuk
of the contractor where approved by the EIC) in ¼;k Bsdns kj ds foosd ij izHkkjh vfHk;ark dh Loh—fr ls
new work for edges of concrete floors; cukus ds LFkku ij dkVuk½
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
fo”ks"k “krsZ& tkjh
(j) Forming or leaving chases (or cutting instead ¼>½ ncs ikuh uy o fctyh ds rkj dh ukfy;ksa ds fy;s Nsn
at the option of the contractor where approved cukuk ;k NksM+uk ¼;k Bsdsnkj ds foosd ij izHkkjh
by the EIC) for concealed water tubing and vfHk;ark dh Loh—fr ls cukus ds LFkku ij dkVuk½
concealed conduit wiring;
(k) Building in holdfast, air bricks, fixing bricks, ¼+=½ idM+ iêh] fNfnzr bZV] eksgjk bZV] tkyh] dTty njokts]
grates, soot doors, cast iron boxes, etc., and <ys yksgs ds cDls vkfn esa Nsn cukuk rFkk ifj’—r djukA
making good;
(l) Pargetting and coring with cowdung and lime ¼V½ 0-20 o eh rd ds dkV {ks= ds /kqv a k ekxZ ij pwuk elkys
mortar, flues upto 0.20 sq.m. sectional area; o xkscj ls iyLrj o fyikbZ djukA
(m) Forest copings (superior copings) to be paid ¼B½ cu eqaMsjs ¼cf<+;k eaMsjs½ dk Hkqxrku rjk”ks x;s iRFkj ds
under the items for dressed stone work;
dk;Z dh njksa esa gksxkA
(n) Preparing tops of existing walls and the like ¼M½ fo|eku nhokjksa o vU; lkeku dksp +a k djus ds fy;s 'kh"kZ
for raising; rS;kj djukA
(o) Levelling up and preparing tops of walls for ¼<½ lhyu jks/kh jn~nk] vk/kkj Lrj rFkk leku ds fy;s nhokj
damp proof courses, band courses and the like ds “kh’kZ dks lery djds rS;kj djuk rFkk xkMZj vkfn
and levelling rivetted tops of girders, etc.;
dh QVh Åijh lrg dks le djukA
(p) Forming openings and flues for which no
deduction is to be made;
¼.k½ fooj o fpeuh Nsn cukuk ftldh dksbZ dVkSrh ugha
gksuh gSA
(q) Plumbing to angles; ¼r½ NM+ksa dh dVkbZ
(r) Forming reveals to jambs where fair cutting on ¼Fk½ ik[ks ds ckgjh Hkkx cukuk tgka lEeq[k lrg ij eghu
exposed faces is not involved; dVkbZ “kkfey ugha gSaA
(s) Building in vertical seismic reinforcement at ¼n½ foojksa ds ik[kksa nhokj ds dksuksa vkfn esa 1%4 ds lhesaV
the jambs of openings, corners of walls, etc., elkys dh HkjkbZ lfgr [kM+h HkwdEih izoyu cukukA
including grouting in cement mortar 1:4.
(t) Keeping stone masonry well wetted during the ¼/k½ iDdh gksus rd ds le; ¼lalk/ku dky½ esa iRFkj dh
curing period. fpukbZ dks vPNh rjg rj j[kukA
6.2.2 The rates for stone walling apply to the following :- 6-2-2 iRFkj fpukbZ dh njsa fuEufyf[kr ij ykxw gksrh gS%&
(a) Walls built either perpendicular, battered or ta- ¼d½ iz;kstu ij 6 eh ls vf/kd dh pkgs yfEcr] <yoka ;k
pered, straight or curved on plan to a mean “kqMkdkj] lh/kh ;k oØ cuh nhokjsa ry vk/kkj] vkSyrh o
radius exc 6m including footings, eaves and
beam filling and pillasters.
/kju dh HkjkbZ o iyLrj dk;Z lfgrA
(b) Pillars, buttresses, etc., square or rectangular ¼[k½ [kaHks] iq”rs vkfn la;kstu ij pkSdksj ;k vk;rkdkjA
on plan.
Note—Rectangular pillar/columns shall mean a uksV% vk;rkdkj LrEHkks@
a [kaEHkksa dk vFkZ gksxk vlaxr fpukbZ
detached masonry portion such that its [kaM ftldh pkSMk+ bZ bldh eksVkbZ ds rhu xq.ks ls
breadth does not exceed 3 times its thickness
and thickness itself does not exceed 60cm.
vf/kd u gks rFkk Lo;a eksVkbZ 60 lseh ls vf/kd u gksA
(c) Chimney breasts and chimney stacks, smoke ¼x½ fpeuh dk e/; o Åij dk Hkkx ?kqa;s ;k ok;q fNnz Nr
and air flues; single flues or group of flues ds Åij rd ys tk;s x;s ,dy ;k lewg fNnz ¼oSls
carried above roof (and not independent fpeuh “kS¶V ugha tSls dkj[kkuksa ds fy;s gksrs gS½ vfXu
chimney shafts as for factories). Fire brick work lg bZV dk;Z izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
will be measured separately.
(d) Bridges, culverts, cesspools, etc. ¼?k½ iqy] iqfy;k] eydwi vkfnA
6.2.3 Type of Stones:- Rates for stone masonry and labour 6-2-3 iRFkjksa ds izdkj% iRFkjksa dh fpukbZ o Je dh bu njksa esa
thereon have been given broadly for two categories
of stones; granite and trap (harder stones) and lime
eksVs rkSj ij nks izdkj ds iRFkj fn;s x;s gSa( xzsukbV o VªSi
stone and sand stone (ordinary varieties). Other ¼pV~Vkuh½ o ¼l[r iRFkj½ rFkk pwuk iRFkj] Ckyqvk iRFkj
types of stones where specified to be used, unless ¼lkEkkU; fdLe½ tgkW vU; Ikzdkj ds IkRFkj iz;ksx esa ykus dk
specifically referred to, shall be categorised into fufnZ’V gks tc rd fd fo”ks’k:i ls lnfeZr u gks rks dBksj ;k
harder or ordinary varieties and indicated. lkekU; dk oxZHksn gksxk o n”kkZ;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
fo”ks"k “krsZ& tkjh
tkjh.. Where the type of stone is not mentioned, the rates 6-2-3-1 tgka iRFkj dh fdLe ugha crkbZ xbZ gS rks njsa fdlh Hkh
are applicable for any kind of stone. fdLe ds iRFkj ij ykxw gksaxhA
6.2.4 Laterite Stone:- When locally found laterite stone
is ordered. 33 1/3% or 33.33% deduction shall be 6-2-4 ysVfjV iRFkj% tc mlh LFkku ij ik;s tkus okys ysVfjV
made from the rates for walling. Facing shall be iRFkj dk vkns”k gksrk gS rks nhokj dk;Z esa ls 331/3% dh
paid at the rates for lime stone/sand stone. dVkSrh dh tk;sxh iz"B ¼QSflax½ dk Hkqxrku pwuk
iRFkj@cyqvk iRFkj dh njksa ij gksxkA
6.2.5 For the work carried out at YOL, the rates for 6-2-5 ;ksy esa fd;s x;s dk;Z ds fy, lkexzh o Je dh ,l ,l
materials and labour against SSR items 06001,
vkj dh en 06001] 06002 o 06004 dh njsa LFkkuh; mÙke
06002 and 06004 are for work using best local
stone, (excluding best local slate stone). For work iRFkj ¼mÙke LysV iRFkj dks NksMd + j½ ds iz;ksx ds fy;s gSAa
carried out with best local slate stone the rates for LFkkuh; LysV iRFkj ds fy;s en 06001] 06002 o 06004
materials and labour against SSR items 06001, esa ls] **lkexzh o Je** rFkk lekukUrj **iRFkj jfgr** dh
06002 and 06004 shall be decreased by 5 per cent
njksa ds chp ds vUrj dk] 5% ?kVk fn;k tk;sxkA iz’B dk
of the difference between “materials and labour”
rates and corresponding “except stone” rates. Hkqxrku pwuk iRFkj@cyqvk iRFkj dh njksa ij gksxkA
Facing shall be paid at the rates for lime stone/
sand stone.
6.2.6 Except Stone:- The rates for “except stone”, in 6-2-6 iRFkj jfgr% **iRFkj jfgr** dh njksa esa] LFkkiu ds Je o
addition to labour for setting and cost of lgk;d lkexzh ds ewY; ds vykok] iRFkjksa dks visf{kr uki
subsidiary materials, include all labour for o vkdkj esa rjk”kus dk lHkh Je “kkfey gSA
dressing the stones to the required size and shape.
6.2.7 Bond Stones:- If PCC bond stones are indicated in 6-2-7 ;fn iRFkj dks iRFkj ls tksM+us ds ctk; ih lh lh esa
lieu of stone bond stones, adjustment shall be
iRFkj tksM+uk n”kkZ;k tkrk gS rks mldk lek;kstu bl
made as under:
izdkj gksxk%
(a) The volume occupied by PCC bond stone ¼d½ ih lh lh esa ca/ks iRFkj dk;Z dk ifjeki ekik t;sxk rFkk
shall be measured and deduction made for
this quantity priced at thrice the difference **lkexzh o Je** rFkk **iRFkj jfgr** dh njksa ds vUrj dk
between the “materials and labour” rates for frxquk ml dke dh nj essa ls ?kVk;k tk;sxkA
walling and “except stone” rates.
(b) Payment for PCC bond stones shall be made ¼[k½ ih lh lh esa ca/ks iRFkjksa dk Hkqxrku ,l ,l vkj dh
under appropriate item of SSR.
mi;qZDr njksa ds vUrxZr fd;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
iRFkjksa ls nhokj cukuk
(a) The rates for items 06001 to 06033 do not apply to stone ¼d½ en 06001 ls 06033 dh njs]a tks/kiqjh IkRFkj dh nhokj ij ykxw ugha gksrh gSA
walling, Jodhpur type.
(b) Rates for items 06002 to 06005 shall also be applicable to ¼[k½ en 06002 ls 06005 dh njsa] pkSdksj vux<+ iRFkjksa dh fpukbZ]
squared rubble masonry, regular coursed Secunderabad
and Bangalore types and to slate stone masonry at YOL.
fu;fer rjk”ks fldUnjkoknh o caxykSjh fdLe ds iRFkjksa rFkk
;ksy esa LysVh iRFkjksa dh fpukbZ ij Hkh ykxw gksaxhA
(c) Facework shall be measured separately and paid under items ¼x½ iz’B ¼ckgjh½ dk;Z izFkd ekik tk;sxk rFkk mldk Hkqxrku en
06025 to 06033. 06025 ls 06033 ds vUrxZr gksxkA
(d) External angles in facing shall be measured under items ¼?k½ iz’B Hkkx ds ckgjh dks.k en 06042 ls 06048 ds vUrxZr ekis
06042 to 06048. tk;saxsA
M&L Except stone izfr ?ku ehVj
06001Walling of random rubble, lkezzxh o Je iRFkj jfgr 06001 /kkjd nhokjks]a vR;k/kkjksa o leku dk;ksZ es]a
uncoursed, well bonded, laid dry vleku] vux<+ iRFkjksa dks vuLrjh; pky
in retaining walls, abutments and ←esa iw.kZr% vko djrs gq;s lw[kk yxkuk
similar work → 2735.27 1023.97

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

Mud mortar Lime mortar
feêh elkyk pwuk elkyk
1:4 1:3 1:2
06002Walling of random rubble, 06002 vuLrjh; pky es]sa vleku] vux<+
uncoursed, well bonded, bedded iRFkjksa dks] iw.kZr% vko) djrs gq;s bl
and solidly hearted, built in→
→ 3996.85 4024.35 4066.43 ← elkys dh Bksl HkjkbZ ls fcBkuk
06003Ditto, but except stone → 2286.17 2313.04 2333.46 06003 mi;qZDr] fdUrq iRFkj jfgr

06004Walling of Cement lime mortar Cement mortar 06004 vleku] vux<+

random rubble, lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhaesV elkyk dh vuLrjh;
uncoursed as 1:2:9 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:8 1:6 1:4
in item 06002,
pky esa en 06002
built in → tS l h nhokj]
4306.66 3897.36 4466.77 4397.35 4545.51 4828.72
←bl elkys esa
06005Ditto, but except
2610.62 2186.06 2752.85 2582.28 2834.20 2913.74 06005 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone → ←iRFkj jfgr

06006Walling of poly- Mud mortar Lime mortar 06006;] vux<+

gonal rubble, feêh elkyk pwuk elkyk
uncoursed well
iRFkjksa dh vuLrjh;
bonded, bedded 1:4 1:3 1:2 pky esa iw.kZr% vkc)
solidly hearted, djrs gq;s fcBkuk
built in → rFkk bl elkys esa
4105.06 4131.93 4174.01 ←Bksl HkjkbZ djuk
06007Ditto but except 06007 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone 2393.75 2420.62 2462.71
→ ←iRFkj jfgr
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
iRFkjksa ls nhokj cukuk tkjh
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
Cement lime mortar Cement mortar
06008 Walling of lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhaesV elkyk 06008;] vux<+
polygonal rubble, 1:2:9 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:8 1:6 1:4 iRFkjks a dh
uncoursed as in vuLrjh; pky esa
item 06006, built 4422.36 3997.80 4798.37 4589.37 4610.13 4689.67 en 06006 tSlh
in →
←nhokj cukuk
06009 Ditto, but except 2711.05 2282.56 2855.90 2646.90 2898.83 2978.36
stone →
06009 mi;qZDr] fdUrq
←iRFkj jfgr
M&L Except stone
06010Add to items 06002 to 06009 for 06010 vleku ;k; vux<+ iRFkjksa
random or polygonal rubble lkezzxh o Je iRFkj jfgr dh iz;kstu ij vkSlru 6 eh vuf/kd
walling curved on plan to a
dh oØ nhokj ds fy, en 06002 ls
mean radius n exc 6 m → 378.13 159.57 ←06009 esa tksM+as
06011Extra over items 06001 to 06009 060 11 vleku ;k vux<+; iRFkj
for random or polygonal rubble dh nhokj dks Lrj rd ykus ds fy;s
walling, brought up to course → 232.28 141.22 ←en 06001 ls 06009 ij vfrfjDr

Lime mortar
pwuk elkyk
06012Walling of squared 1:4 1:3 1:2 06012 pkSdksj vux<+ iRFkjksa dks vuLrjh;
rubble, uncoursed, well pky esa iw.kZr% vko) djrs gq;s bl
bonded, bedded and elkys ls Bksl HkjkbZ djds fcBkrs
solidly hearted, built in→
→ 4889.08 4915.96 4958.04
←gq;s nhokj cukuk
06013Ditto, but except stone → 2674.87 2701.74 2743.83 06013 mi;qZDr] fdUrq iRFkj jfgr

06014Walling of squared Cement lime mortar Cement mortar 06014 pkSdksj vux<+ iRFkjksa
rubble, uncoursed lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhaesV elkyk dh vuLrfjr pky
as in item 06012, 1:2:9 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:8 1:6 1:4
built in →
esa en 06012 tSlh
bl elkys esa nhokj
5206.39 4781.83 5351.23 5180.58 5432.51 5512.05
06015Ditto, but except 2992.17 2567.61 3137.02 2966.37 3218.30 3297.83 06015 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone → ←iRFkj jfgr
M&L Except stone

06016Extra over items 06012 to 06015 lkezzxh o Je iRFkj jfgr 06016 pkSdksj vux<+ iRFkjksa dh nhokjksa dks
for squared rubble walling Lrj rd ykus ds fy;s en 06012
brought up to courses → 261.13 170.06 ←ls 06015 ij vfrfjDr
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
iRFkjksa ls nhokj cukuk tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

06017Walling of Lime mortar Cement lime Mortor Cement mortar 06017 pkS d ks j vux<+
squared rubble, pwuk elkyk lhaesV pwuk elkyk lhaeVs elkyk fu;fer Lrj ij
regular coursed, iRFkjksa dks iw.kZr% vkc
well bonded, 1:3 1:2 1:1:8 1:1:6 1:6 1:4
djrs gq;s bl elkys
bedded and
solidly hearted,
ls fcBkuk o Bksl
built in → 5311.71 5353.80 5177.58 5746.99 5752.53 5832.07 ←HkjkbZ djuk
06018Ditto, but except 06018 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone → 2897.15 2939.24 2763.02 3332.43 3337.97 3417.51 ←iRFkj jfgr
06019Block-in-course 06019 iw . kZ r % vkc bl
masonry well elkys esa nko jn~nk
bonded, built in→
→ 5891.78 5933.87 5757.65 6327.06 6353.34 6432.88 ←fpukbZ djuk
06020Ditto, but except 06020 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone → 3484.35 3526.44 3350.22 3919.63 3945.91 4025.45
←iRFkj jfgr
06021Ashlar masonry, 06021 iw.kZr% vkc lrg
plain, well ij bl elkys esa
bonded, built in → 7559.15 7601.24 4693.00 5262.41 5288.70 5368.23 ← fvLyj pukbZ
06022Ditto, but except 06022 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq
stone → 4760.87 4802.96 4626.74 5196.15 5220.84 5300.37 ←iRFkj jfgr

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

06023Add to items 06012 to 06015 and 06023 pkSdksj vux<+ fpukbZ] vuLrfjr] dks
M&L Except stone
06017, 06018 for squared rubble
Lrj rd ;k fu;fer Lrj rd ykus]
walling, uncoursed, brought to lkezzxh o Je iRFkj jfgr
courses or regular coursed; vk;kstu ij vkSlru 6 eh ls vuf/kd o
curved on plan to a mean radius nhokj ds fy;s en 06012 ls 06015 o
not exceeding 6 m → 474.74 185.79
←06017] 06018 esa tksMs+a
06024 Add to items 06019 to 06022. for 06024 nko jn~nk rFkk vLyj fpukbZ vk;kstu
block- in-course and ashlar ij vkSlru 6 eh vuf/kd o ds fy;s en
masonry curved on plan to a mean
radius not exceeding 6 m →
←06019 ls 06022 esa tksMas+
512.89 421.83
iRFkj dh nhokj dk eksgjk ¼Qsflax½ cukuk
(a) Each finished face shall be measured. ¼d½ izR;sd laiwfjr eksgjk ekik tk;sxkA
(b) 50 per cent extra shall be allowed for facework to walls built to ¼[k½ eksgjs dh vkSlru 6 eh vuf/kd ij oØ cuh nhokj ij 50
curve n. exc. 6m mean radius. This allowance includes for all izfr”kr vfrfjDr Lohd`r fd;k tk;sxkA ;g HkÙkk lHkh izdkj dh
cutting and waste, templates etc. dVkbZ o Nhtu] [kkaps vkfn “kkfey djrk gSA
(c) 25 per cent extra shall be allowed for facework to battered ¼x½ vkUrfjd <yoka ;k “kq.Mkdkj nhokjksa ij eksgjk dk;Z ds fy, 25
or tapered walls. izfr”kr vfrfjDr fn;k tk;sxkA
(d) If at places, finish superior to general facework is indicated, ¼?k½ ;fn eksgjs Hkkx ij lkekU; iz’B dk;Z ds LFkku ij cf<+;k
the difference in rate between the two finishes shall be ifj’d`fr djus dks dgk tkrk gS rks nksuksa ifjd`fr;ksa ds chp ds
allowed for such portions vUrj dk Hkqxrku gksxkA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
iRFkj dh nhokj dk eksgjk ¼Qsflax½ cukuk& tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Hammer dressing with maximum depression on izfr oxZ ehVj
face from straight edge held against the dressed
06025Extra over stone walling surface n exc.
for hammer dressing to iz’B ij vf/kdre ncko ls ?kqjeqV ls dqVkbZ izlkf/kr lrg
06025 vfrfjDr vleku] vux<+ iRFkjksa
face stones and dressing ls blls vuf/kd j[kuk dh vuLrjh ;k Lrj pky rd
of face beds and joints, Lime or sand stone Granite or Trap stone vkbZ nhokj ds iRFkjksa dh ?kqjeqV
as specified, of random pwuk ;k cyqvk iRFkj xzsukbV ;k ca/kqvk iRFkj ls dqVkbZ djus rFkk fufnZ’Vkuqlkj
rubble walling, 40mm 20mm 40mm 20mm
uncoursed or brought
eksgjs ds vk/kkj o tksMk+ as dks
upto courses → 175.52 271.26 351.04 510.61
←izlkf/kr djus ij
06026Ditto, of polygonal 06026 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq;] vux<+
rubble walling, iRFkjksa dh vuvLrfjr ;k Lrj
uncoursed or brought
upto courses →
←pky rd ykbZ xbZ nhokj
191.48 295.20 382.96 590.39
06027Ditto, of squared 06027 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq pkSdksj vux<+
rubble walling, regular fldUnjkoknh ;k caxykSjh fdLe
coursed, Secunderabad
and Bangalore types →
ds iRFkjksa dh fu;fer Lrjh;
359.02 430.83 718.04 861.65
←pky dh nhokj
06028Ditto, of squared 06028 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq pkSdksj vux<+
rubble walling, iRFkjksa dh vuvLrfjr pky rFkk
uncoursed and
734.00 821.76 1468.00 1643.52 ←Lrj rd ykbZ xbZ nhokj
brought upto courses→ →
06029Ditto, of squared 06029 mi;qDZ r] pkSdksj vux<+] iRFkjksa
rubble masonry, regular ← dh fu;fer Lrjh; fpukbZ
coursed → 678.15 877.61 1475.98 1755.22
06030Ditto, of block-in- 06030 mi;qDZ r] Lrj esa [kaMd dh fpukbZ
course masonry → 1563.74 1795.11 2553.04 3590.21
06031Ditto, of ashlar masonry 1396.19 1675.43 2473.26 3350.87 06031 mi;qZDr] vLyj dh fpukbZ

For facework finished as under

PER SQUARE METRE bl izdkj ds ifj’d`r iz’B dk;Z ds fy;s izfr oxZ ehVj
Lime or sand stone Granite or Trap stone
pwuk ;k cyqvk iRFkj xzsukbV ;k ca/kqvk iRFkj 06032 vfrfjDr] Lrj esa
06032Extra over hammer Rock Punched Close Fine Rock Pun- Close Fine [kaMd dh fpukbZ
dressed facings, faced dressed picked tooled faced ched picked tooled ij eksgjs ls 20
with maximum face dressed dressed dressed dressed dressed feeh vuf/kd
depression on face face face face face face
from straight edge pouh Vkafpr xgu cf<+;k pouh Vkafpr xgu cf<+;k fdukjs j[krs gq,
held against the eksgjk ifj’d`r dqVk vkStkjh eksgjk ifj’d`r dqVk vkStkjh lrg ij
dressed surface n. eksgjk izlkf/kd izlkf/kd eksgjk izlkf/kd izlkf/kd vf/kdre ncko ds
exc 20 mm; to eksgjk eksgjk eksgjk eksgjk lkFk dqVkbZ djds
block-in-course eksgjk izlkf/kr
masonry → 797.83 957.39 1077.06 1196.74 1595.65 1914.78 2154.13 2393.48 ←djus ij

06033Ditto, to ashlar 06033 mi;qDZ r] vLyj

masonry → 638.26 797.83 877.61 1037.17 1276.52 1595.65 1755.22 2074.35 ←fpukbZ ij
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
tks/kiqj fdLe ds iRFkj dh nhokj cukuk
(a) Facework shall be measured separately under items 06040 ¼d½ eksgjk dk;Z izFkd ls en 06040 o 06041 ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
and 06041.
(b) External angles in facings shall be measured separately ¼[k½ eksgjs ds ckgjh dks.k dks izFkd en 06042 ls 06048 ds vUrxZr
under items 06042 to 06048. ekik tk;sxkA
PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except stone izfr ?ku ehVj
06034Squared rubble walling, Jodhpur lkexzh o Je iRFkj jfgr 06034 pkSdksj vux<+ tks/kiqj fdLe ds iRFkjksa dks
type, laid dry, brought to course lw[kk iw.kZr% vkc fcNkdj Lrj rd nhokj
and well bonded → 3316.60 1143.55 ←cukuk
Lime mortar Cement lime Cement mortar
pwuk elkyk mortar lhaeV
s lhaesV elkyk
06035 Squared rubble 06035 tks/kiqjh fdLe ds pkSdksj
walling, Jodhpur pwuk elkyk vux<+ iRFkjksa dks iw.kZr%
type brought upto 1:3 1:2 1:1:8 1:6 1:4
courses, well bonded,
vko djds bl elkys
bedded and solidly esa Bksl fcNkdj Lrj rd
hearted, built in → ←nhokj cukuk
4169.26 4229.81 4564.28 4603.37 2481.47
06036 Ditto, but except stone 06036 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq iRFkj jfgr
06037 Squared rubble 2084.12 2122.00 2391.22 2409.89 2501.89 06037 tks/kiqjh fdLe ds pkSdksj
walling Jodhpur type, vux<+ iRFkjksa dks iw.kZr%
regular coursed, well vko djds bl elkys
bonded, bedded and ls Bksl Lrj rd dh
solidly hearted, built ←nhokj cukuk
in → 4400.79 4438.66 4707.88 4746.97 4818.56 06038 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq iRFkj
06038 Ditto, but except stone
2227.73 2265.61 2534.83 2573.92 2645.50 ←jfgr

06039Add to items 06035 to 06038 for M&L Except stone

06039 tksM+ a s en 06035 ls 06038 es]a pkSdksj vux<+
squared rubble walling, Jodhpur
type, brought to courses and regular
lkezzxh o Je iRFkj jfgr tks/kiqj fdLe ds iRFkj dh Lrj rd ykih
coursed, curved on plan to a mean xbZ rFkk fu;fer Lrfjr( vk;kstu ij
radius n exc 6m → 365.26 185.79 ←vkSlru 6 eh vuf/kd] ds fy;s
tks/kiqj fdLe ds iRFkj dh nhokj dk eksgjk cukuk
(a) Each finished face shall be measured. ¼d½ izR;sd ifj’d`r eksgjk ekik tk;sxkA
(b) 50 per cent extra shall be allowed for facework to walls ¼[k½ vk;kstu ij 6 eh ls vuf/kd oØ ij cuh nhokjksa ds eksgjk dk;Z
built to a curve n. exc 6m mean radius. This allowance
ds fy;s 50 izfr”kr vfrfjDr Lohdkj fd;k tk;sxkA
includes for all cutting and waste, templates etc.
(c) 25 per cent shall be allowed for facework to battered ¼x½ 25 izfr”kr vUrjh; ?kqekoh o “kq.Mkdkj nhokjksa ds eksgjk dk;Z
or tapered wall. ds fy;s Lohdkj fd;k tk;sxkA
06040Extra over items 06035 and 06036 for hammer 06040 en 06035 o 06036 ij vfrfjDr vf/kdre ncko
dressing to face stones with maximum ls eksgjk iRFkjksa dks /kqjeqV ls fdukjs ls 20 feeh ls
depression on face from a straight edge not
exc 20mm and dressing face beds and joints
vuf/kd ij dqVkbZ djuk rFkk pkSdksj tks/kiqj fdLe
as specified to squared rubble walling, ds iRFkj dh Lrj rd ykbZ nhokj ds eksgjs vk/kkj
Jodhpur type, brought upto courses → 239.35 ← o tksMksa dk fufnZ’Vkuqlkj ifj’d`r djuk
06041Extra over items 06037 and 06038 for ditto 06041 vfrfjDr] en 06037 o 06038 ij mi;qZDr ds fy;s
to squared rubble walling, regular coursed, 359.02 ←fdUrq u;fer Lrfjr
Jodhpur type →
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
ckgjh dks.k ¼dksfu;ka o ik[ks½
(a) Exposed finished faces of quoins and jambs shall be ¼d½ dksfu;ka o ik[kksa ds [kqys ifjLd`r Hkkxksa dks *eksgjk* dk;Z ds lkFk
measured along with 'facings'. ekik tk;sxkA
(b) The rates do not include for chisel drafted margins at the ¼[k½ njksa esa] dksfu;ka o ik[kksa ds dksuksa ds gkf”k;ksa ¼mikUr½ dh Nsuh
corner of quoins and jamb stones. NVkbZ “kkfey ugha gSA
(c) 50 per cent extra on items 06042 to 06048 shall be allowed ¼x½ vle dks.kksa o foLQkfjr dks.k ds fy;s en 06042 ls 06048 ij
for squints and birdsmouths.
50 izfr”kr vfrfjDr Lohdkj gksxkA
PER RUNNING METRE (OF ANGLE) izfr ehVj ¼dks.k dk½
06042 External angles (for quoins and jambs) in 06042 vleku] vux<+ iRFkjksa dh ;k cgqHkqth vux<+ iRFkjksa
facings for walling of random rubble or dh vuLrfjr ;k Lrj rd rFkk pkSdksj vux<+
polygonal rubble, uncoursed or brought upto
courses and squared rubble masonry, regular
fldUnjkoknh o caxykSjh iRFkj dh fpukbZ ds eksgjksa esa
coursed, Secunderabad and Bangalore types→
→ 183.50 ←ckgjh dks.k ¼dksfu;k o ik[ks½
06043 Ditto for walling of squared rubble, 06043 mi;qZDr] pkSdksj vux<+] vuLrfjr ;k Lrj rd vkbZ
uncoursed or brought upto courses → 231.37 ←nhokj ds fy;s
06044 Ditto for walling of squared rubble, regular 06044 mi;ZqDr] pkSdksj vux<+ fu;fer Lrfjr nhokj
coursed → 255.30
06045 Ditto for block-in-course walling → 06045 mi;ZqDr] Lrfjr esa [kaMd fu;fer nhokj ds fy;s
06046 Ditto for ashlar walling → 06046 mi;qZDr] vLyj nhokj ds fy;s
06047 Ditto for squared rubble walling Jodhpur 06047 mi;qDZ r] pkSdksj vux<+ tks/kiqj fdLe] Lrj rd ykbZ
type, brought upto courses → ←xbZ nhokj ds fy;s
06048 Ditto, regular coursed → 175.52 06048 mi;qZDr] fu;fer Lrfjr
ARCHES MkVsa ¼esgjkc] pki½
Exposed finished faces shall be included in the dimensions for [kqys ifj’d`r Hkkxksa dks **eksgjksa** ds ifjeki esa feyk;k tk;sxkA
06049 Extra over random or polygonal rubble 06049 vfrfjDr] vleku ;k cgqHkqth vux<+ iRFkjksa dh
facings for arches with facework as on MkVksa ds fy;s vleku vux<+ tSls eksgjk dk;Z ds
random rubble, but joints radiating, fy;s fdUrq fufnZ’Vkuqlkj MkVksa ds vUnj ;k ckgj
dressed as specified including any rough
cutting over and under arches → 295.20
fdlh Hkh izdkj dh eksVh dVkbZ lfgr laf/k fofdj.k
←djus ds dk;Z ij
06050 Extra over squared rubble facings for 06050 vfrfjDr] MkVksa ds pkSdksj vux<+ iRFkjksa ds eksgjksa dh
arches finished to match the facings with vk/kkj o laf/k;ksa dh fufnZ’Vr le:i ifj’d`fr djus ds
beds and joints as specified (Fair cutting fy;s ¼fo’kerkvksa o MkV ds vUnj o ckgj dh lqUnj
for skews and over and under arches to ←dVkbZ izFkd ekih tk;sxh½
be measured separately) → 590.39
06051 Extra over block-in-course facing ditto (Ditto) → 1579.69 06051 vfrfjDr] Lrj esa [kaMd eksgjs ij ¼mi;ZqDr½
06052 Extra over ashlar facings ditto (Ditto)→ → 06052 vfrfjDr] vLyj fpukbZ ds eksgjs ij ¼mi;ZqDr½
iz f r ehVj
06053 Fair cuttings (straight or circular) to 06053 fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vLyj dks NksM+dj iRFkjksa ds
facings of squared stone of any description
eksgjksa dh] MkVksa ds vUnj o Åij ;k fo’ke iz’Bksa
except ashlar, 7.5cm in depth as for skew
backs or over and under arches, etc.→ → 119.67 tSlh 7-5 lseh xgjh] eghu ¼lh/k ;k xksy½ dVkbZ
06054 Ditto (ditto) to ashlar facings (any finish
to face) 7.5cm in depth as for skew backs
06054 mi;ZDq r] ¼mi;ZDq r½ vLyj eksgjksa ij ¼dksbZ ifj’d`fr½ 7-5
or over and under arches, etc.→ → 151.59 ←lseh xgjh MkVkss a ds fo’ke iz’Bksa ;k vUnj o Åij tSlh
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
xksyk iRFkj dk;Z
The rates in this table shall also apply if approved undressed ;fn xksyk iRFkj ds LFkku ij Lohd`r [kuu iRFkj dks fcuk rjk'ks
quarried stones roughly conforming to specified size of boulders eksVs rkSj ij fufnZ"V xksyk iRFkj ds uki dk cukdj iz;ksx fd;k
are used in lieu. tkrk gSA rks ;g njsa ml ij Hkh ykxw gksaxhA
PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except boulders izfr ?ku ehVj
lkexzh o Je xksyk jfgr 06055 gkFk ls ladfq yr djrs gq;]s rkj daMh vkoj.k
06055 Boulder filling dry, handpacked
tightly, as in wire crate apron bunds ca/kksa tSlh] xksy iRFkj dh mlkBl lw[kh HkjkbZ
(Wire crate measured separately)→ → 1760.45 508.72 ←djuk ¼rkjdaMh izFkd ekih tk;sxh½
06056 Ditto in vertical bunds with 06056 mi;qDZ r] <kyw iz"B okys [kM+s oU/kksa
sloping face → 2115.69 863.95 ←es a
06057 Boulder pitching, laid dry, hand 06057 gkFk ls ladqfpr djrs gq;s xksyk iRFkj
packed tightly → 2226.56 974.82 ←dks lw[kk fcNkuk fcBkuk
06058 Add to Item 06057 if pitching is 06058 tksM+sa en 06057 esa ;fn iRFkjksa dk
grouted with cement and sand fcBkus dk dk;Z 1%6 lhesaV ckyq ds
mortar 1:6 → ←elkys dh HkjkbZ ls gqvk gS


f[kM+dh njoktksa vkfn ds fy, focj ¼[kqyk LFkku½ dh dVkbZ djuk vkSj Bhd djuk
(a) The amount of cutting-through measured shall be the net ¼d½ okLrfod dkVh xbZ nhokj ds ctk;] dkV ds ifj"d`r focj dh
size of the finished opening irrespective of the amount of 'kq) eki gh ifjeki gksxkA flyksa] MkVksa] /kkjd dfM+;ksa] fyaVyksa
walling actually cut out. The net cubic contents of cills, vkfn ds ?kuRo dks tksM+k tk;sxkA nhokj dh eksVkbZ] iyLrj]
arches, bressummers, lintels, etc., shall be allowed in
addition. The thickness of wall shall be measured exclusive
fyikbZ] eksVh x<+kbZ vkfn dks NksM+dj yh tk;sxhA
of plastering, rendering, rough cast etc.
(b) If existing openings are enlarged, the net contents of the ¼[k½ ;fn ekStwnk focjksa dks c<+kuk gS rks u;s fooj ds dqy ;ksx esa
original opening shall be deducted from the net contents of ls iqjkus fooj ds dqy ;ksx dks ?kVk;k tk;sxkA
the new opening.
(c) The area payable for forming jambs shall be the net area ¼x½ i[[ks cukus dk ns; {ks=Qy] fooj ds vUnj dh Hkqtkvksa dk
(excluding the thickness of plaster) of the inner vertical fo'kq) {ks=Qy ¼iyLrj dh eksVkbZ NksM+dj½ gksxkA i[[kksa dh
sides of the opening. The rates for forming jambs include cukbZ dh njksa es]a dVkbZ] nkars fudkyuk rFkk iqjkus dk;Z esa uohu
cutting, toothing and bonding the new to the old. dk;Z dks feykuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) For measuring making good to heads and cills, the length ¼?k½ 'kh"kZ o flyksa ds ifj"d`fr ds dk;Z dks ekius ds fy;s] yEckbZ tek
plus depth at each end, shall be multiplied by the thickness izR;sd Nksj dh xgjkbZ xq.kk nhokj dh eksVkbZ gksxhA ifj"d`fr ds
of wall. The rates for making good include for cutting and dk;Z dh njksa es]a dVkbZ] rFkk flyksa 'kh"kks]Z fyaVyks]a vk/kkj dfM+;ksa
pinning in cills, heads, lintels, bressummers, etc. vkfn esa jsrh HkjkbZ 'kkfey gSA
(e) The following in making good shall be measured separately: ¼M+½ ifj"d`fr esa fuEufyf[kr izFkd ekis tk;saxs%&
(i) New arches. ¼1½ uohu MkVsa ¼egjkosa½
(ii) New cills, heads, lintels, girders, etc. and hoisting and
¼2½ uohu flysa] 'kh"kZ] fyaVyksa] xkMZj vkfn rFkk mudks mBkuk
setting same (but not cutting and pinning).
(iii) The cost at ‘supplied only’ rates of new stone required o yxkuk ¼fdUrq dVkbZ o jsrh HkjkbZ ugha½
for making good. The old stones cut out are, however, ¼3½ ifj"d`fr ds fy;s visf{kr uohu iRFkj dh dsoy vkiwfrZ
to be re-used, as far as practicable. njksa ij ykxr
(iv) All dressings worked on existing or new stone. ¼4½ iqjkus ;k u;s iRFkj dh leryhdj.k ds lHkh dk;Z
(v) Making good plastering, rendering, etc. around the
¼5½ laifw jr fooj dh ifj"d`fr ds fy;s iyLrj ;k fyikbZ dk;Z
finished opening.
Note: For cutting holes n exc. 0.10 sq. m in area in stone uks V % iRFkj dh nhokj ds 0-10 oxZ eh vuf/kd dh Nsn
walls, see Section 5—Brickwork. dVkbZ ds fy;s [kaM 5& bZV dk;Z ns[ksaA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
f[kM+dh njoktksa vkfn ds fy, focj ¼[kqyk LFkku½ dh dVkbZ djuk vkSj Bhd djuk – tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE Old masonry walls built in izfr ?ku ehVj
06059Cutting openings through walls iqjkuh fpukbZ var%fufeZr 06059
06059njoktksa] f[kM+fd;ksa o vU; fooj ds
for door, window and other
openings or enlarging existing
Mud Lime Cement fy;s nhokjksa esa fooj dVkbZ ;k ekStwnk
openings, etc., or cutting out mortar mortar mortar fooj dks c<+kuk vkfn ;k HkjkbZ ds fy;s
defective masonry for under- feêh xkjk pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk [kjkc fpukbZ dks dkV fudkyuk] Vsdcanh
pinning including providing, dh O;oLFkk] yxkuk o gVkuk lfgr]
fixing and removing, shoring, lQkbZ djuk o iRFkjksa dk tek djuk
cleaning and stacking stone
and removing surplus to store
rFkk Qkyrw iRFkjksa dks Hk.Mkj igqp
a kuk
and rubbish off the premises→
→ 797.42 1177.06 1535.61
← o eyos dks ifjlj ls ckgj Qsaduk

PER SQUARE METRE New work built in izfr oXkZ ehVj

06060Forming jambs, etc., to open- uohu dk;Z var%fufeZr 06060
06060fooj esa i[[ks vkfn esa ¼Åij dh en
ings (to foregoing item), with Lime Cement Cement ds½ ,e bZ ,l }kjk iwfjr iRFkjksa ls]
stone supplied by MES mortar mortar 1:6 mortar 1%4 dVkbZ nkars fudkyus o iqjkus dk;Z ls
including cutting, toothings and pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk lhesaV elkyk vPNh rjg feykus o eksgjs cukbZ o Vhi
properly bonding into old work,
including facing and pointing
1%3 1%6 1%4 dk;Z ¼;fn vko';d gks½ lfgr i[[ks
(if necessary) to match existing vkfn cukuk iqjkus dk;Z dk feyku djrs
work, complete → 927.38 1163.07 1184.81 ←gq;s laifw rZ

06061Making good under cills (or 06061

06061flyksa ds uhps dh ifj"d`rh djuk ¼;k
over arches, lintels and MkVksa] fyaVyksa o vk/kkj dfM+;ksa ij½
bressummers) including all vko';drkuqlkj lHkh jsrh HkjkbZ lfgr
pinning as necessary → 698.16 822.61 840.90 ←
orZeku nhokjksa esa [kkaps] f>jh dh dVkbZ djuk
(a) See Section 5—Brickwork, Items shall be as per brick work ¼d½ [kaM 5 bZV dk;Z dh en nsa[ksaA
¼[k½ [kkapks]a f>fj;ksa vkfn dk visf{kr izlk/ku dk;Z ¼eksgjk dk;Z½ izFkd
(b) Dressing (facework) of chases, rebates, etc. as required shall
be measured separately. ekik tk;sxkA
iRFkj dh nhokjksa esa [kkaps] f>jh dh dVkbZ djuk o nkars fudyuk
(a) To be measured on the vertical face in contact with new ¼d½ dsoy ubZ nhokj ds laidZ esa [kM+h lrg dks ekik tk;sxkA
wall only.
(b) New stone or brick work built into the toothings shall be ¼[k½ nkarks ds vUnj cus u;s iRFkj ;k bZV dk;Z] ubZ lkexzh ds vkSlr
measured alongwith the new wall taking an average ifjeki dh nhokj ds lkFk ekis tk;saxsA
dimension for the depth of new materials.
(c) Atleast one stone to be cut for every 0.2 sq.m in case of ¼x½ vux<+ o fu;fer Lrfjr nhokj dk;Z rFkk Lrj esa [kaMd o
rubble and regular coursed walling and stones in alternate vLyj nhokjksa ds fy;s ifjorZd Lrj esa iRFkj ds ekeys esa de
courses for block in course and ashlar walling. ls de ,d iRFkj dh 0-2 oxZ ehVj dh dVkbZA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
iRFkj dh nhokjksa esa dVkbZ djuk o nkars fudkyuk &tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Old masonry walls built in izfr oxZ ehVj
iqjkuh fpukbZ var%fufeZr
Mud Lime Cement
mortar mortar mortar
06062Cutting into old masonry to form 06062 nkars cukus ds fy;s iqjkuh fpukbZ esa
toothings for and bonding in new feêh xkjk pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk
dVkbZ djuk rFkk feêh xkjs esa ifj"d`r
brick or stone work including
making good in mud mortar →
djus lfgr] u;s bZV dk;Z ;k iRFkj
265.21 387.69 512.14 ←dk;Z ls feykuk
06063Ditto, but making good in lime
06063 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq uohu dk;Z leku pwuk
or cement mortar of the same
mix as for new walling.→ → 330.08 400.90 498.93 ←;k lhesVa elkys ls


vuLrfjr nhokjksa dks dhV can Lrjksa] bZV Lrjksa] izpqj feJ.k dh fpukbZ ds ca/k Lrj vkfn rS;kj djuk
Payment under these items shall not be admissible for bringing vuvLrfjr dk;Z dks dqlhZ ds 'kh"kZ ij ls laifw jr ry ij ykus] focj
uncoursed work to level finish at the lop of plinths, cill and lintel ds fly o fyaVy rFkk 'kh"kZ ds dk;ksZ dh Lohd`fr bu njksa ds vUrxZr
of opening and at top, which is included in the rates for walling. ugha gksxh] ;g dk;Z nhokj fpukbZ esa 'kkfey gSA
06064Levelling and preparing uncoursed 06064 daØhV iV~V Lrj] bZV Lrj] c/kad Lrj vkfn yxkus
random or polygonal rubble walls to
receive concrete band courses, brick ds fy;s fcuk rjk'ks vleku ;k; iRFkjksa
courses, bonding courses, etc. → 141.63 ←dh nhokj dks lery djuk o rS;kj djuk
06065Ditto uncoursed squared rubble walls ditto 06065 mi;qZDr] fcuk rjk'ks pkSdksj vux<+ nhokjsa]
→ 111.14 ← mi;qZDr


izlkf/kr iRFkj dk;Z
(a) The rates in the following table include for all labour, waste, ¼d½ fuEu dh njksa esa lHkh izdkj dk Je] Nhtu] mPpkyu] tekuk]
hoisting, setting, jointing with struck joints and cleaning
down complete. lajpuk tksMk+ as ls tksMu+ k lQkbZ vkfn djds lai.w kZ djuk 'kkfey gSA]
(b) For method of measurement see special conditions here- in ¼[k½ eki djus ds rjhds ds fy;s 6-1-2 ns[ksaA
before 6.1.2.
(c) The rates against items 06066 to 06070 are for stone in ¼x½ en 06066ls 06070 dh njs]a [kaMd dk;Z esa iRFkj tks yEckbZ esa 1 eh-
block work, each stone not exceeding 1m in length or 60 ls vuf/kd ;k ifjeki esa 60 ?ku MslhehVj ¼Mh,e½ gks] ds fy;s gSA
cubic decimetres (dm3) in volume.
(d) The rates in the table below are for punched dressed ¼?k½ uhpsa dh dh njsa eksgjksa dh Vkafpr izlkf/kr ifj"d`fr rFkk
finish to faces, and rough tooled finish to beds and joints, vk/kkj o tksMk+ as dh eksVh e'khuh ifj"d`fr ds fy;s gSa rFkk lHkh
and include all preliminary labour and such other extra izkjfEHkd Je o ,sls vU; Je ftldh fofHkUu enksa esa of.kZr dk;ksZ
labour that may be required to comply in every respect
with the description of the different items.
dks iwjk djus ds fy;s vko';drk gks ldrh gS] 'kkfey gSAa
(e) The rates also include for slate or stone dowels, cement ¼M-½ bu njksa esa iRFkj ;k Mkcsy iRFkj] lheaVs xq>h tksM+ rFkk /kkrq ds
joggle joints and cutting grooves for metal cramps, tongues f'kdatks]a fpeVksa vkfn ds fy, [kkapksa dh dVkbZ o mUgsa 'kq) lhesVa
etc. and setting the same in neat cement. Metal cramps, ls fcBkuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA /kkrq ds f'kdats fpeVs vkfn izFkd ekis
tongues, etc., shall be measured separately and paid for at tk;sxas rFkk mudk Hkqxrku ^^dsoy liwfa rZ nj** ij gksxkA
“supplied only” rates.
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
izlkf/kr iRFkj dk;Z &tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE Granite or trap Lime or sand stone izfr ?ku ehVj
stone pwuk ;k cyqvk iRFkj
Stone in block, set in lime mortar xzsukbV ;k VÅ¡i izLrj [kaM 1%3 ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%6 ds
1:3 or cement mortar 1:6 (as
iRFkj lhesVa elkys ¼funsfZ 'kr½ bl dk;Z es%a &
directed) in :-
Straight Circular Straight Circular
work work work work
06066Bands, string and plinth lh/kk dk;Z xksy dk;Z lh/kk dk;Z xksy dk;Z 06066
06066caSM] ekyk o dqlhZ pkyks] ca/ku
courses, blocking courses, ←pkyksa] lknk iyLrj vkfn
plain pillasters, etc.→
→ 9316.92 13650.89 5951.00 8103.04
06067Ditto but moulded; also 06067
06067mi;qZDr] fdUrq lkafpr( lkafpr o
moulded and weathered
cornices, and window cills
Nkfnr dkfuZl o f[kM+dh flysa
(sunk, weathered, throated, ¼fueju] lkafpr] mijks/kh] fpeVksa
grooved for tongue, in- ds [kkaps] ca/kd fdukjs½ LVwy o
cluding stopped ends, stools eqM+s eghu fdukjs½
and returned fair ends)→
→ 13571.03 20768.55 8103.04 11592.79 ←
06068Quoins, jamb stones, door
06068dksfu;k i[[ks iRFkj njokts ;k
or window heads, plain
corbels, door cills, plain f[kM+fd;ksa ds 'kh"kZ] lkns] VksMs]
steps, parallel copings njokts dh fly] lkns in] dkaBs]
with throated edges, etc.→
→ 10568.36 16428.17 6765.33 9285.65 ←lekukUrj eqaMsj fdukjs vkfn
06069Kneelers, arch stones, key 06069
06069jksd iRFkj] MkV iRFkj] dqt a h iVy
blocks, etc, with or without vkfn] i[knkj ;k i[k jfgr rFkk]
chamfered markings and ruqikr ;k dkBh iz"B eqMa js s ¼dnBh
feather edge or saddle-back cop-
ings (with throated edges) → 12109.57 18071.24 7274.30 10356.83 ←fdukjs½
06070Shafts of circular columns 06070
06070xksy LrEHkksa ds 'kSV ¼mHkjh ;k
(swelled or diminished) in- ?kVkoh½ lkfpr 'kh"kZ o LrEHk ds
cluding moulded caps and ←vk/kkj lfgr
base to columns → 16326.31 23625.80 8931.89 13148.63
06071Add to the foregoing for 06071
06071tksM+sa Åij dh en esa 1 eh ls
lengths exc 1m and n exc vf/kd o nks eh ls vuf/kd yEckbZ
2m or exc 60 and n exc 180 ;k ,d [kaM dk ifjeki esa 60 ls
dm3 in volume in a block→ → – – – – ←vf/kd o 180 Mh ,e3 vuf/kd
06072Add to items 06066 to 06072
06072tksMas+ en 06066 ls 06070 esa ;fn
06070 if face stones are close eskgjs ds iRFkj BlkBl izlkf/kr
picked dressed → 517.00 775.17 255.00 387.64
06073Add to items 06066 to
06070 if face stones are fine 573.35 824.67 304.70 484.44
06073tksM+sa en 06066 ls 06070 esa
tooled→→ ;fn eskgjs ds iRFkjksa dh e'khu ls
← ckjhd fNykbZ dh gS
06074Setting only dressed ma- 06074
06074fdlh Hkh izdkj dh rFkk fdlh Hkh
sonry, any description and fLFkfr es a fpukbZ dk ds o y
in any position (exclusive
lek;kstu rjk'ks iRFkj jfgr fdUrq
of dressed stones but 2111.34 2570.04 1572.67 1791.13
including mortar) → ←elkys lfgr
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
eqaMsjksa] f[kM+dh flyksa esa rjk'kh iRFkj ifê;ka


M&L Except stone slabs izfr oxZ ehVj
06075Stone slab 25 mm to 35 mm lk o Je iRFkj ifV;k jfgr 06075
0607525 feeh ls 35 feeh eksVh vPNh
thick dressed true and Lime Cement Lime Cement
square, in one length not
rjg rjk'kh gqbZ o pkSdksj yEckbZ esa
mortar mortar mortar mortar
less than 60cm and n. exc pwuk elkyk lhesVa pwuk elkyk lhesVa 60 lseh ls de ugha o 120 lseh ls
120cm in copings, window elkyk elkyk vuf/kd iRFkj dh ifV;k eqM a js ks]a
cills, chajjas, sunshades, 1%2 1%4 1%2 1%4 f[kM+dh flyks]a NTtks]a Nrjh vkfn esa
etc., punched dressed on Åij eksgjs ij fNfnzr rjk'kh rFkk
exposed faces and self faced
on the embedded
var% fufeZr Nqis vk/kkj o tksMk+ sa esa
unexposed beds and joints; Lor% iz"Bh] ckgjh fdukjs xksys fd;s
exposed edges rounded or gq;s ;k tSlk funs'Z k gks uksdnkj] iRFkj
chamfered as directed, set, dh ifV;ksa dks fcBkuk] tksMu+ k rFkk
jointed and pointed in ←Vhi djuk] bl elkys es-a ------
mortar → 591.43 611.97 213.71 234.25


dxkjksa] NTtksa vkfn esa rjk'kh iRFkj ifV;ka

In the case of continuous sun-shades, chajjas and shelves, etc. lrr /kwiNkou] NTts o dxkjksa vkfn ds ekeys esa tksMk+ as ds lek;kstu
edges of stone slabs at joints of projecting portion shall be rough fcUnq ij iRFkj dh ifV;k ds fdukjksa ij eksVk e'khuh izlk/ku gksxkA
tooled dressed.

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness of slabs Except izfr oxZ ehVj

ifV;ksa dh eksVkbZ stone
06076Sand stone slabs in Slabs 06076
06076/kwi Nknuks]a NTtks]a dxkjks]a flyks]a
sun-shades, chajjas, pkSfd;ks]a vkoj.k iRFkjksa vk/kkj iV
shelves, cills, landings,
cover stones, templates, etc. jfgr vkfn tks 2 eh ls vuf/kd yEckbZ
n exc. 2m in length, 3cm 5cm 7.5cm 10cm esa cyqvk iRFkj ifV;k dk;Z tks
punched dressed on face ,d vksj o ckgjh fdukjs lkafpr
and along exposed edges, izlkf/kr rFkk nwljh vksj ls Lor
self faced on other side and xf<r rFkk mudks 1%2 ds pwuk
set and pointed in lime
mortar 1:2 or cement
elkys ;k 1%4 ds lhesVa elkys esa
mortar 1:4. complete → 655.60 983.40 1394.58 284.48 ←yxkuk o Vhi djds iw.kZ djuk
06077Lime stone slabs in ditto, set 06077
06077pwuk iRFkj ifV;k mi;qDZ r es]a 1%2
and pointed in lime mortar ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%4 ds lhesVa
1:2 or cement mortar 1:4, ←elkys esa Vhi djds iw.kZ djuk
complete → 603.03
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
tks/kiqjh iRFkj ds ljny ¼fyaVy½ rFkk /kju ¼'kgrhj½
Where two stones are used to make the width, the rates for tgka pkSMk+ bZ esa nks iRFkj iz;ksx fd;s tkrs gS]a ogka njksa esa ljny o /kju
lintels and beams include grouting between the two stones in
cement mortar 1:3.
esa nks iRFkjksa ds chp 1%3 ds lhesVa elkys dh HkjkbZ 'kkfey gSA

PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except stone izfr ?ku ehVj

06078 Roughly squared stone lintels lk o Je iRFkj jfgr
06078 eksVs rkSj ij pkSdksj fd;s iRFkj ry o eksgjs
hammer dressed on face and soffits,
ij gFkksMs+ ls rjk'ks] yEckbZ esa 3 eh ls vuf/kd
hoisted, set and pointed in lime
mortar 1:3 or cement mortar 1:6 ds ljnyksa esa 1%3 ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%6 ds
complete, n exc 3m in length → 9152.10 3456.78 ← lhesV a elkys ls fcBkuk o Vhi djds iw.kZ djuk


njokts f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn dh iRFkj dh pkS[kVsa
The rates include for making holes and recesses for fixing bu njksa esa dCts] dkoys vkfn yxkus ds fy, Nsn o f>fj;ka
of hinges, bolts etc. The rates also include for fixing of
fudkyuk 'kkfey gSA njksa esa Jzx
` h yxkuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA yEckbZ ckgj
horns. The length shall be measured out to out and length
of horns and portion embedded in floor shall be added in ls ckgj ekih tk;sxh rFkk Ja`xh dh yEckbZ o Q'kZ esa yxs Hkkx dks
addition. blesa tksMk+ tk;sxkA

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except stone iz f r ehVj

06079 100x75mm, rebated, karoli stone lk o Je chowkats
06079 100 × 75 feeh dh irkeh] djkSyh iRFkj dh
chowkats with exposed faces close iRFkj pkS[kV jfgr
picked dressed, including 4 bolt
pkS[kVsa lkeus ls l?ku Blh x<+kbZ lfgr Åij
holes ‘per upright’, erected in tkrs LFkkiu esa cus 4 dkoys ds Nsn rFkk 1%3
position and bedded and pointed ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%6 ds lhesV elkys esa
in lime mortar 1:3 or cement mortar yxkuk o Vhi djuk ¼dkoys izFkd ekis tk;sxa ½s
1:6 (Bolts measured separately) → ←
787.88 97.65
06080 All as above but 125mm x 75mm in
815.85 109.13
06080 lc Åij ds leku fdUrq 125 × 75 feeh
section (ditto) → ← [kaM es]a mi;qDZ r
06081 Add to items 06079 and 06080 for
additional rebate →
06081 en 06079 o 06080 esa vfrfjDr irke ds
310.74 75.15 ← fy;s tksMsa+


tks/kiqjh iRFkj ifV;k dh Nr Mkyuk
PER SQUARE METRE ` izfr oxZ ehVj
06082 Jodhpur stone roof slabs, self faced M&L Except stone 06082 7-5 lseh ls 10 lseh eksVs 25 ls 30 lseh
7.5cm to 10cm thick, 25cm to 35cm lk o Je slabs
pkSM+h tks/kiqj iRFkj dh Lo;a xfBr ifV;ksa
wide, hoisted and set, jointed and iRFkj ifV;k jfgr
grouted in lime mortar 1:3 or
dks mBkdj] 1%3 ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%6 ds
cement mortar 1:6 complete → lhesaV elkys es LFkkfir djuk] tksM+uk o
1150.00 195.30 ← Vhi djds iw.kZ djuk
06083 Ditto and set in cement mortar 1:3, 06083 mi;qDZ r] rFkk 1%3 lhesVa elkys esa LFkkfir
complete → 1260.00 205.30 ← djds iw.kZ djuk
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
tks/kiqjh iRFkj ifV;k dh Nr Mkyuk & tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except stone izfr oxZ ehVj
lk o Je slabs
iRFkj ifV;k jfgr
06084 Ditto as in item 06082 but exc 10cm 06084 mi;qZDr] tSlh en 06082 esa gS fdUrq 10
and up to l2.5cm thick → 1436.50 215.00 ←lseh ls vf/kd o 12-5 lseh rd ehVh
06085 Ditto as in item 06083 but exc. 10 06085 mi;qZDr tSlk en 06083 esa gS fdUrq 10
cm and upto 12.5 cm thick → 1564.63 225.80 ←lseh ls vf/kd o 12-5 lseh rd eksVh
06086 Jodhpur stone slab patties self 06086 7-5 lseh eksVh tks/kiqj iRFkj dh Lo;a xfBr
faced, 7.5cm thick laid dry in single
ifV;k dks bdgjh pkSMk+ bZ esa dsoy vkfn dks
width in trenches as covering to
cables etc. → ←<dus ds fy, [kkb;ksa esa lw[kk fcNkuk
– –

eksjfVl ¼pwy lqjk[k½
The rates apply to work on dressed stone either already ;g njsa ;k rks igys ls gh var% fufeZr ;k cadj ij rjk'ks gq;s iRFkj
built in or on the banker. ij ykxw gksrh gSaA

PER 100 CUBIC CENTIMETRES Materials and Labour izfr 100 ?ku lsaVh ehVj
lkexzh o Je
Granite or Lime or sand
trap stone stone
06087 Mortices, rectangular or dovetailed, xzSukbV ;k pwuk ;k cyqvk 06087 taxys dh NM+k]s fxV`Vdks]a ySfcl dkoys] lh<+h ik;s]
etc., for balusters, dowels, lewis- c/kaqvk iRFkj iRFkj
bolts, newels, etc. exc. 50 but n exc
vkfn esa 50 ls vf/kd fdUrq 150 ?ku lseh- vuf/kd
150 cubic centimetres and run with ds] vk;rkdkj ;k diksr iqPNh vkfn ds fy, 'kq)
146.86 74.18 ← lhesV a dh pky ds lkFk lqjk[k cukuk
neat cement →
EACH izR;sd
06088 Ditto n exc 50 cubic centimetres → 93.23 44.36 06088 mi;qZDr] 50 ?ku lseh ls vf/kd ugha


rjk'ks gq;s iRFkj ij Je ewY;

(a) The rates in the following table are for straight work.¼d½ fuEufyf[kr dh njsa lh/ks dk;Z ds fy;s gSaA xksykdkj
Circular work shall be paid for at twice and circular,
dk;Z dh nqxuh nj nh tk;sxh rFkk xksykdkj] xksykdkj dk;Z
circular work at four times the rates for straight work.
ij lh/ks dk;Z dh njksa dk pkjxquk fn;k tk;sxkA
(b) The rates apply to work on the banker. If necessarily ¼[k½ ;g njsa cadj ds dk;Z ij ykxw gksrh gSaA ;fn vfuok;Z :i ls
executed on stone already built in, 50 percent extra
fu"iknu igys ls var%fufeZr iRFkj ls gksrk gS rks 50 izfr'kr
shall be allowed. No extra allowance shall, however,
be made to the items of drillholes. vfrfjDr fn;k tk,sxkA cjesa ds Nsn ds fy,s fQj Hkh] dqN Hkh
vfrfjDr ugha fn;k tk;sxkA
(c) The following rates are extra to quarry scabbled stone ¼x½ fuEu njsa iiM+hnkj [kuu iRFkj dh vfrfjDr njs gSa rFkk vU;
and apply to labours not included in other items. enksa esa 'kkfey ugha fd;s x;s Je ij ykxw gksrh gSaA
(d) The rates do not apply to stone walling. ¼?k½ ;g njsa iRFkj ds nhokj dk;Z ij ykxw ugha gksrhA
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
rjk'k gq;s iRFkj ij Je ewY; & tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Granite or Lime stone or izfr oxZ ehVj
trap stone sand stone
xzSukbV ;k pwuk ;k cyqvk
06089 Hammer dressing with maximum ca/kqvk iRFkj iRFkj 06089 lh/ks fdukjs ls ysdj lrg ds lkFk 40 feeh
depression from a straight edge
vuf/kd esa Hkkjh ncko ds lkFk /kqjeqV ls
held against the surface not
exceeding 40mm dressing → 239.35 119.67 ←lery ¼izlk/ku½
06090 Ditto 20mm → 359.02 183.50 06090 mi;qZDr] 20 feeh
06091 Ditto 6mm → 686.13 343.06 06091 mi;qZDr] 6 feeh
06092 Rough tooled dressing → 797.83 398.91 06092 eksVs e'khuh izlk/ku
06093 Punched dressing → 1037.17 1156.85
06093 ikafpr izlk/ku
06094 Close picked dressing → 2313.69 383.30 06094 l?ku BlkBl izlk/ku
06095 Fine tooled dressing → 2393.48 1196.74 06095 eghu e'khuh izlk/ku
06096 Drafted margin, punched dressed, 06096 vk:fir gkf'k;k dh 25 feeh pkSM+h lkafpr
25mm wide → 231.37 119.67 ←izlk/ku bl ij
(N exc 100mm in width or girth and close ¼100 eheh vuf/kd pkSM+kbZ ;k eksVkbZ rFkk
picked dressed) l?ku BlkBl izlk/ku½
06097 Grooves (square, hollowed or 06097 [kkaps ¼pkSdksj ;k diksr iqPNh½ eksgjs dk;Z esa
dovetailed), rebate in face work→→ 586.40 293.60 ←irke
06098 Grooves for joints, tongues of cills, 06098 tksMk+ ]as fly dh thHkksa vkfn daB ¼;k NksVs ia[kh½
etc., throat (or small weather
groove) as for cills, drip courses,
tSls fly ds fu;kr jn~ns vkfn rFkk tksMk+ as ds
etc. and rebates as for joints → 293.60 195.47 ←leku fjfDr;ksa ds fy;s [kkaps ¼fNnz½
06099 Chamfer, splays or arris in
facework n. exc 15mm wide → 195.47 97.33
06099 i[k] frjNs Qyd ;k eksgjs dk;Z esa 15 feeh
←vuf/kd pkSM+s mrdks.kZ
06100 All as in item 06099, exc. 15mm but
n. exc 50mm wide →
06100 lc en 06099 tSlk 15 feeh ls vf/kd
470.72 234.56
←fdUrq 50 feeh ls vuf/kd pkSM+kbZ
06101 Ditto, exc 50mm but n. exc.
100mm→ → 781.87 398.11 06101 mi;qDZ r 50 feeh ls vf/kd fdUrq 100 feeh
EACH (PER 10 CM IN DEPTH) izR;sd ¼eksVkbZ esa izfr 10 lseh½
06102 Drilling holes for bolts, pipes, etc. 111.70 55.85
06102 dkoys] uyksa vkfn ds 25 feeh vuf/kd
n. exc 25mm dia → ←O;kl ds ojes ls Nsn djuk
06103 Ditto.exc 25mm but n. exc 60mm 06103 mi;qZDr] 25 feeh ls vf/kd 60 feeh
dia → 143.61 71.80 ←vuf/kd O;kl
06104 Ditto exc 60mm but n. exc 100mm 06104 mi;qZDr] 60 feeh ls vf/kd 100 feeh
dia → 175.52 87.76 ←vuf/kd O;kl
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
fofHkUu Je
EACH iz R ;s d
06105 Refastening and securing ends of 06105 taxyksa dh NM+ksa lh/kh pkgs nkarsnkj dkoyksa ds fdukjksa
balusters, newels, rag bolts, etc., let into
stone and grouted in cement mortar
dks nqckjk dluk cka/kuk iRFkj ds vUnj Mkyuk rFkk
including recutting the mortices and lhesVa elkys dh HkjkbZ djuk f>fj;ksa dh nqckjk dVkbZ
regrouting in cement mortar → 161.20 ←o lhesaV elkys dh HkjkbZ lfgr

fdukjs ¼mikar½ dk iRFkj
(a) Each stone shall not be less than 45 cm in length except ¼d½ izR;sd iRFkj yEckbZ esa 45 lseh ls de ugha gksxk flok; tgka
where required as closer or on curve. ca/kd ds :i esa ;k oØ esa vko';d gksA
(b) Not more than half the depth of each stone shall be burried ¼[k½ izR;sd iRFkj dk vk/ks ls vf/kd Hkkx tehu esa ugha nck;k
in ground. tk,sxkA
(c) Kerb stones of sizes other than those specified below shall ¼x½ uhps fn;s x;s fufnZ"V ls fHkUu fdukjs ds iRFkj dh ykxr
be priced prorata. ;Fkkuqikr vkadh tk;sxhA
PER RUNNING METRE Granite or trap Lime or sand
iz f r ehVj
stone stone
xSzukbV ;k ca/kqvk pwuk ;k cyqvk
iRFkj iRFkj
06106 Stone kerb of roughly squared 06106 eksVs rkSj ij pkSdksj fd;s 20 × 30
stones of size 20cm x 30cm, M&L Except M&L Except
lkexazh dressed lkexazh dressed
lseh ds mikar ¼dcZ½ iRFkjksa dks ,sls
dressed so that the maximum
o Je stone o Je stone laokjk x;k gks tks laokjh xbZ lrg
depression from a straight
edge held against the dressed Rkjk”ks iRFkj rjk”ks ds fdukjksa ds lkFk ncko lrg ds
surface shall not exceed 6mm jfgr iRFkj Åij o fn[kus okys fdukjksa esa 6
for top and exposed surfaces jfgr feeh rFkk 'ks"k lrg esa 20 lseh ls
of sides and 20mm for the rest vf/kd u gksa mUgsa 1%6 ds lhesaV
of surfaces jointed in cement
←elkys ls tksMd + j likV lajpuk
mortar 1:6 and struck flush→
→ 1341.72 263.22 825.85 263.22
06107Ditto but of size 15cmx30cm→
→ 1125.53 139.94 650.87 139.94 06107 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 15 × 30 lseh- uki ds
06108 Stone kerb of roughly squared 06108 eksVs rkSj ij pkSdksj fd;s x;s 20 ×
stones of size 20cm x 30cm, all 30 lseh ds mikar iRFkjksa dh iwjh
surfaces hammer dressed so lrg gFkksM+s ls ,slh laokjh xbZ gks
that the maximum depression
fd laojh lrg ds fdukjs ds lkFk
from a straight edge held
against the dressed surface ncko 20 feeh ls vf/kd u gks rFkk
shall not exceed 20mm jointed mUgsa 1%6 ds lheaVs elkys ls tksMd
+ j
in cement mortar 1:6 and likV lajpuk
struck flush → 990.68 413.64 634.37 215.35 ←
06109Ditto, but of size 15cm x 766.51 370.51 475.35 370.51 06109 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 15 × 30 lseh uki
30cm → ←
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
nhokjksa] vaxhfB;ksa] [kEHkksa] lhf<+;ksa vkfn ij ijr ¼vkoj.k½ yxkuk
(a) Screed shall be measured separately under Section ¼d½ ioZ] ¼ijr½ izFkd :i ls [kaM 14& iyLrj o Vhi dk;Z ds
14— Plastering and Pointing. vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
(b) In case of radially dressed or circular slabs, the dimensions ¼[k½ f=T;kRed rjk'ks x;s ;k xksykdkj ifV;ksa ds ekeys esa dk;Z esa
of the circumscribing rectangle of the dressed slabs used in iz;qDr rjk'ks iRFkj ds ifjlheu vk;r ds ifjeki dks ekik
the work shall be measured. tk;sxkA
(c) Tiles shall be measured separately. ¼x½ [kijs ¼Vkby½ izFkd ekis tk;saxsA


06110 Dholpur stone with hammer M&L Except stone 06110 gFkksM+s ls rjk'ks /kksyiqjh iRFkj dks eksgjs
dressed facework (with maximum lkexzh o Je iRFkj jfgr dk;Z esa ¼lh/ks fdukjs ls likV lrg esa
depression from a straight edge
vf/kdre ncko 20 feeh ls vf/kd u gks½
held against the dressed surface
not exc 20mm), about 40mm high,
rdjhou 40 feeh Åapk] 75 feeh xgjkbZ
75mm deep in straight courses, laid esa lh/kh pky esa 1%3 ds lhesV o izLrj
and jointed in cement and stone pwjk es yxkuk o tksM+uk] rFkk 1%1 ds
dust mortar 1:3, recess pointed lQsn lhesaV o /kksyiqjh iRFkj pwjs ds
(10mm x 20mm) with an admixture feykos ls f>fj;ksa ¼10 × 20 feeh½ esa Vhi
of white cement and Dholpur stone ←djuk
2447.96 2133.76
dust 1:1 →
06111 40mm thick sand stone slabs, 06111 ckgjh rjQ 40 feeh eksVs cyqvk iRFkjksa
dressed close picked on exposed
dks rjk'kdj Bksl lVkrs gq, 1%3 ds lhesVa
faces, set and jointed in cement and
stone dust mortar 1:3 and pointed
o izLrj pwjs esa yxkuk o tksM+uk rFkk
in cement mixed with approved feyrs gq;s lhesaV feys jaxhu nzO; ls Vhi
pigment to match → 1916.08 1600.08 ←djuk

06112 40mm thick sand stone slabs 06112 40 feeh eksVs ikfyl fd;s cyqvk iRFkjksa
polished, set and jointed in cement dks 1%3 ds lhesaV o izLrj pwjs ds elkys
and stone dust mortar 1:3 and ls yxkuk o tksMu+ k rFkk feyrs gq;s lhesVa
pointed in cement mixed with ←feys jaxhu nzO; ls Vhi djuk
approved pigment to match → 3003.54 2687.54
06113 40mm thick lime stone slabs/ tiles, 06113 40 feeh eksVs pwuk iRFkj ifV;k@[kiMs]
polished ditto →
2969.62 2653.62 ←ikfyl fd;s gq,] mi;qZDr
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ

06114 Dholpur stone S&F Except Stone

cladding gang saw cut 16 to 18mm 25 to 30mm 16 to 18mm 25 to 30mm
with machine cut
edges, uniform colour
of each stone size
exceeding 0.5 sqm
area fixed with and
including one number
SS clamps (grade -
202) of flat-30mm X
2mm, 150mm long
made to shape in each
slab, making V groove
at top and bottom of
stone and drilling
hole for hold fastener,
polishing, rubbing &
including silicon
treatment. → 2837.06 3262.70 1904.36 1231.70
06115 Dholpur stone
cladding gang saw
cut with machine cut
edges, uniform
colour of each stone
size exceeding 0.25
sqm area and not
exceeding 0.5 sqm
fixed with and
including one
number SS clamps
(grade -202) of flat
30mm X 2mm,
150mm long made to
shape in each slab,
making V groove at
top and bottom of
stone and drilling
hole for hold fastener,
polishing, rubbing &
including silicon
treatment → 2038.79 2977.95 1150.50 1265.50
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ

06116 Dholpur stone S&F Except Stone

cladding gang saw 16 to 18mm 25 to 30mm 16 to 18mm 25 to 30mm
cut with machine cut
edges, uniform
colour of each stone
size not exceeding
0.25 sqm fixed with
and including,
making V groove at
top and bottom of
stone and drilling
hole for hold fastener,
polishing, rubbing &
including silicon
treatment. 2015.27 1809.90 1565.38 1256.07

laxejej ds dk;Z
(a) Screed shall be measured separately under Section ¼d½ ijr iêh izFkd [kaM 14& iyLrj o Vhi dk;Z esa ekih tk;sxhA
14—Plastering and Pointing.
(b) In case of radially dressed or circular slabs, the dimensions ¼[k½ Øekuqlkj rjk'kh o xksykdkj ifV;ksa ds dk;Z esa iz;Dq r ifjlheu
of the circumscribing rectangle of the dressed slabs used in vk;r ds ifjeki dks ekik tk;sxkA
the work shall be measured.
(c) Tiles shall be measured separately. ¼x½ Vkbysa izFkd ekih tk;saxhA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except stone izfr oxZ ehVj

06117 Marble work 18 to 20mm thick lkexzh o Je iRFkj jfgr 06117 18 ls 20 feeh eksVkbZ esa laxejej dk;Z
(table rubbed and polished) in ¼fpduh f?klkbZ o ikfyl dh gqb½Z lhf<+;ks]a
steps, jambs, pillars, windowcills,
cooking platforms and like in
dfM+;ksa] [kaHkksa] f[kM+dh] flyksa ij ¼1%4½
cement mortar (1:4) including lhesaV elkys esa ¼1%2½ lQsn lhesaV esa
pointing in white cement (1:2) using laxejej dh Nkuu dks laxejej jaxr
marble dust with admixture of ls feykrs gq;s jatd nzO; feykos ls Vhi
pigment to match with marble dk;Z lfgr
shade of following types
(a) Makrana white → 4049.59 2740.16 ¼d½ lQsn edjkuk
(b) Abu plain → 5041.87 2740.16 ¼[k½ lknk vkcw
(c) Makrana doogri → 5293.78 2740.16 ¼x½ edjkuk Mwxjh
(d) Makrana Adanga → 5206.57 2740.16 ¼?k½ edjkuk vMaxk
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
laxejej ds dk;Z& tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except stone izfr oxZ ehVj
06118 Ditto, as item 06117 but black lkexzh o Je iRFkj jfgr 06118 mi;qZDr] en 06117 tSlk fdUrq fuEu
marble of following types izdkj dh dkyh laxejej
(a) Bhaislana Zebra → 4082.17 2740.16
(b) Chitter black →
¼d½ /kkjhnkj HkSl
a ykuk
5788.51 2740.16
(c) Abu Zebra → ¼[k½ fpRrhnkj dkyh
6325.92 2740.16
¼x½ /kkjhnkj vkcw
06119 Ditto, as item 06117 but marble of 06119 mi;qDZ r] en 06117 tSlk fdUrq laxejej
any shade other than white and ←dkyh o lQsn ls fHkUu jaxr esa
black → 3734.80 2740.16
06120 Marble work (table rubbed and 06120 laxejej dk;Z ¼fpduh f?klkbZ o ikfyl
polished) for wall lining dh gqbZ½ 25 feeh eksVkbZ esa nhokj fdukjh
(veneering to wall) 25mm thick in
cement mortar (1:3) and pointing
ds fy;s ¼nhokj iz"B vkoj.k½ lhesVa ¼1%3½
with white cement (1:2) using esa rFkk fuEu jaxr ls feyrs jaxhu ?kksy
marble dust with admixture of esa lQsn lhesaV ¼1%2½ o laxejej Nkul
pigment to match with shade of ←feykdj Vhi djus lfgr
following types 5872.35 2757.89
(a) Makrana White → 5440.76 2750.13 ¼d½ lQsn edjkuk
(b) Abu white → 5981.49 2750.13 ¼[k½ lQsn vkcw
(c) Abu Pantha → 5532.26 2750.13 ¼x½ fpRrhnkj vkcw
(d) Makrana chak Doogri → 5872.35 2730.95 ¼?k½ edjkuk pd Mwxjh
(e) Makrana Adanga → 5183.70 2730.95 ¼Mñ½ edjkuk vM+aXkk

xzsukbV ds dk;Z
(a) Screed shall be measured separately under Section ¼d½ ijr iêh izFkd [kaM 14 iyLrj o Vhi dk;Z esa ekih tk;sxhA
14—Plastering and Pointing.
(b) In case of radially dressed or circular slabs, the dimensions ¼[k½ Øekuqlkj rjk'kh o xksykdkj ifV;ksa ds dk;Z esa iz;Dq r ifjlheu
of the circumscribing rectangle of the dressed slabs used in
the work shall be measured.
vk;r ds ifjeki dks ekik tk;sxkA
(c) Tiles shall be measured separately. ¼x½ Vkbysa izFkd ekih tk;saxhA


06121Granite (of any type) work M&L lk o Je Except stone 06121 xzsukbV ¼fdlh Hkh izdkj dk½ dk;Z
(table rubbed and polished) 20mm 25mm iRFkj jfgr ¼fpduh f?klkbZ o ikfyl dh gqbZ½
in steps, jambs, pillars, win- thick thick lhf<+;ks]a dfM+;ks]a [kaHkks]a f[kM+dh] flyks]a
dow-cills, cooking plat- 20 fe eh 25 fe eh
forms and like in cement idkus ds IysVQkeZ vkSj mlh tSls
eksVkbZ eksVkbZ ¼1%4½ lhesaV elkys esa ¼1%2½ lQsn
mortar (1:4) including point-
ing in white cement (1:2) us- lhesaV esa laxejej dh Nkuu dks
ing marble dust with admix- xzsukbV jaxr ls feykrs gq;s jatd
ture of pigment to match
5183.70 5336.21 2740.16 ←nzO; feykos ls Vhi dk;Z lfgr
with shade of granite.→ →
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
xzsukbV ds dk;Z&tkjh


06122 Granite (of any type) work 06122 xszukbV ¼fdlh Hkh izdkj dk½ dk;Z
M&L lk o Je Except stone
(table rubbed and
polished) for wall lining 20mm 25mm iRFkj jfgr ¼fpduh f?klkbZ o ikfyl dh gqb½Z 12
(veneering to wall) 12mm thick thick feeh eksVkbZ esa nhokj fdukjh ds fy,
thick in cement mortar 20 fe eh 25 fe eh ¼nhokj iz"B vkoj.k½ lhesaV ¼1%3½ esa
(1:3) and pointing with eksVkbZ eksVkbZ rFkk xzsukbV jaxr ls feyrs jaxhu
white cement (1:2) using
marble dust with ?kksy esa lQsn lhesVa ¼1%2½ o laxejej
admixture of pigment to ←Nkul feykdj Vhi djus lfgr
match with shade of 4583.60 2750.13
granite. →

MATERIALS (Supplied Only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
fuekZ.k ds iRFkj vkfn
The rates include for stacking in regular heaps for measurement. bu njksa esa lkexzh dks eki ds fy;s pV`Vksa esa yxkuk “kfey gSA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
RUBBLE STONE FROM APPROVED vuqeksfnr [knkuksa dk vux<+ iRFkj%&
06123 For hand packing → 1500.57 06123 gkFk HkjkbZ ds fy;s
06124 For random and polygonal rubble 06124 vleku o cgqeq[kh vux<+ nhokjxhjh ds
walling, excluding bond/through ←fy;s] pky@vkjikj iRFkj jfgr
stones → 1500.57
06125 For bond/through stones as 06125 pky@vkjikj iRFkj tSlk fufnZ"V gks
specified →
06126 Roughly squared rubble stone 06126 eksVs rkSj ij pkSdksj fd;k vux<+ iRFkj]
including bond/through stones → 2889.50 ←pky@vkjikj iRFkj lfgr

BOULDERS (Quarried or river bed)

f”kyk[ka M ¼[knkuh ;k unhryh;½
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

06127 Boulders 7cm to 15cm dia → 1192.13 06127 f'kyk[kaM 5 lseh ls 15 lseh O;kl ds
06128 Boulders exceeding 15cm and upto 06128 f'kyk[ka M 15 ls e h ls vf/kd o 30 ls e h
30cm dia → 1192.13
←O;kl rd ds
[k.M 6& iRFkj dh fpukbZ
izlkf/kr iRFkj ds dk;Z ds fy;s iRFkj
PER CUBIC METRE Granite or Lime or sand izfr ?ku ehVj
trap stone stone


xzSukbV ;k pwuk ;k eksVs rkSj ij pkSdksj] izlkf/kr dk;Z
SQUARED, FOR DRESSED STONE ca/kd iRFkj cyqvk iRFkj dh iRFkj ifV;ka
WORK 06129 funsfZ 'kr ifjeki dh [knku ls fudyh
06129 Of the dimension ordered, quarry yEckbZ esa 1 eh vuf/kd ;k ?ksjs esa 60
scabbled, n exc l m in length or60
1500.57 1439.50 ←Mså ehå3 izfr ifV;k
dm3 in volume per block →
06130 Ditto exc. lm but n exc 2m in length or 06130 mi;qZDr 1 eh ls vf/kd fdUrq 2 eh
exc 60 dm3 but n exc 180 dm3 ditto → 1512.60 1465.25 vuf/kd yEcs ;k 60 ls vf/kd fdUrq
←180 Mså ehå3 vuf/kd] mi;qZDr


06131 Jodhpur stone for lintels, beams and 06131 fyaVy] /kju o NÙkksa ds fy;s Lo;a jfpr
roofs, self faced, 7.5 to 10cm thick → 452.32 ←tks/kiqjh iRFkj] 7-5 ls 10 lseh eksVs
06132 Ditto 10 to 12.5cm thick → 517.00 06132 mi;qZDr] 10 ls 12-5 lseh eksVs
[k.M 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
fo”ks’k “krsZ

7.1 Measurements 7-1 eki

(a) The following method of measurement shall be
¼d½ eki ds fy;s uhps fn;k x;k rjhdk viuk;k tk;sxk%
(1) Lengths shall be measured to the nearest ¼1½ yEckb;ka fudVre lsUVhehVj rd ekih tk;saxhA
(2) Width of surface formed by two or more boards ¼2½ nks ;k nks ls vf/kd Qyd ls cuh lrg dh pkSM+kbZ
shall be measured to the nearest centimetre. fudVre lsaVhehVj rd ekih tk;sxhA
(3) Width of single or detached boards and thickness of ¼3½ ,dy ;k vyx yxs Qydksa dh pkSMk+ bZ rFkk reke r[rscna h
all boarding shall be measured to the nearest 2 mm. dh eksVkbZ fudVre 2 feeh rd ekih tk;sxhA
(4) Scantlings, battens, fillets and the like shall be ¼4½ QfV~V;ks]a oÙkks]a ifV~V;ksa rFkk leku phtksa dks vuqiLz Fk dkV
measured to the nearest 2mm in cross sectional
ifjeki esa fudVre 2 feeh rd ekik tk;sxkA
(5) Sections of scantlings, battens, fillets, etc. shall ¼5½ QfV~V;ksa] oÙkksa] ifV~V;ksa vkfn dh dkV dh eki ml lcls
be measured as the least rectangle or triangle from NksVs vk;rkdkj ;k f=Hkqth esa gksxh ftleas ls dkV izkIr dh
which the section can be obtained.
tk ldrh gSA
(6) In the case of scantlings, battens, fillets etc. with
a varying section, the largest section, shall be ¼6½ ifjorhZ dkV dh QfV~V;ks]a ifV~V;ks]a oŸkkssa vkfn ds ekeys esa
measured. lcls yEch dkV dks ekik tk;sxkA
(7) Mitred pieces shall be measured along their ¼7½; [kaM] mudh lcls yEch yEckbZ rd ekis tk;saxsA
longest length.
(8) In measuring framed timber, the length of tenons
¼8½ Qjesnkj ydM+h dh eki es]a pwy o dafB;ksa dks <kapns kj vax
and scarfs shall be added to the sight length of
the framed member. Extra length where required dh n'kZ yEckbZ esa tksM+k tk;sxkA nhokjksa Q'kksZ esa tgka
to be embedded in walls and floors shall be added vfrfjDr yEckbZ var% LFkkfir visf{kr gks rks og n'kZ
to the sight length. yEckbZ esa ekih tk;sxhA
(b) Small items such as purlin cleat/bracket to support ¼[k½ NksVh phts]a tSls dSp
a h MV~V@
s nhokj IysV@dSp a h [kaM ds vax dSp
a h
truss/wall plate/part of truss member in case of nail
/kju dh dhyksa dSp a h voyach cSfz dV@dSp
a h@ydM+h dh laxe
trusses/wooden gusset plate and like item shall be
paid under appropriate item such as scantling/ iV~Vh rFkk leku phtksa dk Hkxqrku mi;qDr enksa ds varxZr gksxk
boarding/fillet/batten as the case may be, such items tSls QfV~V;ka@r[rscna h@cÙkks@ a ifV~V;k tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks ,slk
shall not be paid under Section 8 (Joiner work). phtksa dk Hkqxrku [kaM 8 ¼la;kstu dk;Z½ ds varxZr ugha gksxkA
7.2 Rates 7-2 njs a
(a) Unless specifically mentioned to the contrary, the
¼d½ tc rd fd fo'ks"k:i ls foijhr u dgk x;k gks c<+bx Z hjh ds fy;s
S.S.R. rates for carpenter’s work (materials and labour
or laying or fixing only) include for nails, spikes, bor-
,l ,l vkj dh njksa ¼lkexzh o Je ;k fcNkuk ;k LFkkiu dsoy½
ding for and fixing of bolts, etc. Bolts, nuts and esa dhyks]a dkaVks]a dkoyks]a vkfn ds fy;s Nsn djuk o yxkuk vkfn
washers shall be paid for as ‘Supplied only’ without “kkfey gSA dkoyks]a f<ofj;ksa o ok'kjksa dk Hkqxrku] fcuk fudkyh xbZ
any deduction for the value of the nails displaced. dhyksa dh ykxr dh dVkSrh ds] ^dsoy vkiwfÙkZ* esa fd;k tk;sxkA
(b) The rates for wrought scantling, boarding, battens, ¼[k½ cuh cukbZ QfV~V;ka] r[rs canh] ifV~V;ka] oÙks vkfn dh njksa esas
fillets, etc. include for taking off small arise not exc 3 feeh vuf/kd pkSM+s NksVs mHkkj] tc visf{kr gksa] fudkyuk
3mm wide, when required. 'kkfey gSaA
(c) The rates for shoring timbers include for every de- ¼x½ ydM+h dh rVcanh dh njksa es]a [kqnkbZ ds vkykok lHkh izdkj dh
scription of shoring, except to excavations. Cutting rVcanh 'kkfey gSA lwfpdk rV ds fy;s nhokjksa esa dVkbZ vkfn
into walls for needle shores, etc. shall be paid for extra. ds fy;s vfrfjDr Hkqxrku gksxkA
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
fo”ks’k “krsZa - tkjh
(d) The rates for ‘laying only’ or ‘fixing only’ include for the ¼?k½ ^^dsoy fcNkuk** ;k ^^dsoy LFkkiuk** dh njksa esa] cukbZ gqbZ
labour required to fit and fix the prepared material in
the work and are exclusive of timber and fabrication
lkexzh dks dk;Z esa fcBkus o yxkus dk Je rFkk ydM+h o jpuk
but include jointing materials such as nails, glue, pins, dks NksM+ dj tksM+us dh lkexzh tSls dhysa] ljsl] es[ksa vkfn
etc. The rates for ‘except timber’, and ‘labour only’ 'kkfey gSA ÞydM+h jfgrß o Þdsoy Jeß dh njksa esa flok;
include in addition for all fabrication and preparation visf{kr dkV dh ydM+h dh vkiwfrZ ds vkSj lHkh dk;ksZa ds lkFk
of the materials, etc. except the supply of clean sawn
timber in required sections. lkexzh vkfn dh lajpuk o lTtk Hkh “kkfey gSA
(e) Where no specific provision for extra payment for ¼M+½ tgka o ;k xksykdkj dk;Z ds fy;s vfrfjDr Hkqxrku dk fo'ks"k
curved or circular work is made, the following method izko/kku ugha fd;k x;k gS ogka fuEu rjhdk viuk;k tk;sxk%&
shall be adopted:
In superficial work circular on plan or elevation (e.g. in vk;kstu ij lrgh ;k mRFkkiu dk;Z esa ¼tSlk 'kVjks]a foHkktuksa
shutters, partitions, framing, etc.) the circular portions Qjescna h vkfn es½a xksykdkj Hkkxksa dks lh/ks Hkkxksa ls vyx oxhZdr`
shall be measured square separately from the straight
portions and priced at twice the rates for straight work. ekik tk;sxk ,oa mldk Hkqxrku lh/ks dk;Z ls nqxuh njksa ij gksxkA
(f) The rates against items ‘in repairs’ include for remov- ¼p½ ^^ejEer es*a * dh njksa ds v/khu] iqjkuh o {kh.k ydM+h gVkuk] tgka
ing old and decayed timber, carrying it to store where dgk tk; ogka ys tkdj tek djuk rFkk lkFk dzs dk;Z dks u;k
directed and preparing the adjacent work to receive
the new work. dk;Z xzg.k djus ds fy;s laokjuk 'kkfey gSA

7.3 Adjustment of rates 7-3 njksa dk lkeatL;

7.3.1 Rates in this Section are given for second class soft- 7-3-1 bl [kaM esa njsa] f}rh; dh uje ydM+h o dBksj ydM+h
wood and hardwood.
ds fy;ss nh xbZ gSaA
7.3.2 When work is executed in a different class of timber, 7-3-2 tc dk;Z fHkUu dh ydM+h ls fu"ikfnr gks] rks ,slh ydM+h
the rates for such timber shall be derived as given in ds fy;s njsa fuEu rkfydk esa nh xbZ fof/k vuqlkj fu/kkZfjr dh
the following table. This method shall take prece-
dence over any other method of deriving rates for tk;sxhA fopkjk/khu dk;Z ds fy;s fdlh Hkh vU; fof/k ls izkIr
the work in question. njksa ij ;g fof/k ojh;rk ysxh%&
For work “M&L (or “Except timber” Material “sup- var%dk;Z gsrq **lkexzh o Je** **ydM+h jfgr** ;k lkexzh ^^dsoy
in S&F)” or “fixing only” plied only” ¼;k vkiwfrZ o ^^dsoy LFkkiu** vkiwfrZ** njsa
rates or “Laying rates
LFkkiu½ njsa ;k ^^dsoy
only” rates
fcNkuk** njsa
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1st class Add 65% “ Rates of 2nd Add 70% to izFke tksM+sa 65% f}rh; dh tksM+sa 70%
softwood to “M&L” class soft wood “supplied only” uje ydM+h f}rh; dh uje ydM+h dh f}rh;
or “S&F” shall apply rates of 2nd uje ydM+h dh njsa fcuk dqN Hkh dh uje
rates of with out any class softwood
2nd class addition ^lkexzh o Je* tek fd;s ykxw ydM+h dh
softwood ;k ^vkiwfrZ o gkasxh ^dsoy vkiwfrZ*
LFkkiu* njksa esa

1st class Add 75% to Rates of 2nd Add 80% to izFke tksM+sa 75% f}rh; dh tksM+sa 80%
hard- “M&L” or class hard “supplied only” dBksj ydM+h f}rh; dh dBksj ydM+h dh f}rh;
wood “S&F” rates wood rates of 2nd
of 2nd class shall apply class hardwood dBksj ydM+h dh njsa fcuk dqN Hkh dh dBksj
hardwood without any ^lkexzh o Je* tek fd;s ykxw ydM+h dh
addition ;k ^vkiwfrZ o gkasxh ^^vkiwfrZ dsoy**
LFkkiu* njksa esa njksa esa

7.3.3 Rates for ballies are for any class of soft or hard wood 7-3-3 cfYy;ksa dh njs]a uje ;k dBksj fdlh Hkh ds fy;s gSa rFkk
and the above adjustment is not applicable to these. mij dk lkeatL; cfYy;ksa ij ykxw ugha gksxkA
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
fo”ks’k “krsZ -tkjh
7.3.4 Rates for shoring and strutting, centering and form- 7-3-4 rVcanh o Vsdcanh] <wyk canh o Qjekcanh dh njsa fdlh Hkh
work are for any type of timber, softwood or hard- izdkj dh uje ;k dBksj rFkk fdlh Hkh dh ydM+h ds fy;s
wood and of any class and the above adjustment is
not applicable to these.
gSa] rFkk bu ij Åij dk lkeatL; ykxw ugha gksxkA


rVcanh ,oa Vsdcanh
The items for shoring and strutting include use and waste of rVcanh ,oa Vsdcanh dh njksa esa ydM+h dk iz;ks x o Nhtu 'kkfey gS(
timber; putting together, erecting, striking and removing lkFk j[kuk] fuekZ.k djuk] <wyk mrkjuk o lHkh vko';d dkoyksa ds
together with all necessary bolts (including boring holes for
same), dogs clamps, spikes, nails, wedges, etc. complete and
lkFk gVkuk ¼muds Nsn djuk lfgr½ dqÙkk idM+ ifÙk;ka] dkaV]as dhy]
maintaining in position until no longer required. QUuh vkfn lfgr laiw.kZ djuk rFkk tc rd t:jr u gks rc rd
LFkkiu esa yxk;s j[kuk 'kkfey gSA
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
07001 Shoring and strutting timbers→
→ ← 07001 ydfM+;kss dh rVcanh o Vsdcanh

egjkoksa ¼MkVksa½ dh <wykcanh
(a) The items for centering include use and waste of ¼d½ <wykcanh dh njksa esa ydM+h dk iz;ksx o Nhtu] LkkFk j[kuk] [kM+k
timber, putting together, erecting, striking and djuk] mrkjuk o lHkh t:jh dkoys ¼buesa Nsn djus lfgr½
removing, together with all necessary bolts
(including boring holes for same), dog clamps,
gVkuk RkFkk] dqÙkk iÙkh] dkaV]s dhy] QUuh vkfn lfgr iwjk djuk
spikes, nails, wedges, etc. complete and maintaining rFkk LFkkiu esas rc rd j[kuk tc rd fd t:jr u jgsA
in position until no longer required.
(b) The items also include for all supports, struts, ¼[k½ bu njksa esa lHkh lgkjs] Vsd]a s QfUU;ka] cjek] dkoys vkfn tks <wyk o
wedges, braces, bolts, etc. necessary for the proper Qjekcanh dh vPNh etcwrh o dM+kbZ ds fy;s vko';d gS]a 'kkfey gSAa
strength and rigidity of the centering and form work.
(c) The measurement of centering shall be the actual ¼x½ <wykcanh dh eki] v/k%Lry vk/kkj dk okLrfod {ks= gksxhA
area of soffit supported.


07002 Centering to brick, stone or concrete block arches 07002 6 ehVj vuf/kd ?ksjs dh fdlh vkd`fr dh bZVa ] iRFkj
of any shape, not exceeding 6 metres span→ → 1575.92 ← ;k daØhV dh esgjkoksa dh <wykcanh
07003 Ditto exceeding 6m but not exc 12m span→
→ 1576.16 07003 mi;qZDr] 6 eh ls vf/kd fdUrq 12 eh vuf/kd ikV

daØhV vkfn esa Qjekcanh
(a) The measurement of formwork shall be the actual ¼d½ Qjekcanh esa eki ml okLrfod lrg dh gksxh] tks daØhV]
surface in contact with concrete, reinforced brickwork, izofyr bZaV dk;Z vkfn ftlds fy;s Qjekcanh visf{kr gS] ds
etc. requiring formwork. lkFk layXu gSA
(b) The rates for formwork include : ¼[k½ Qjekcanh dh njksa esa 'kkfey gS%&
(1) Use and waste of timber, putting together,
¼1½ ydM+h dk iz;skx o Nhtu] lkFk j[kuk] [kM+k djuk]
erecting, striking and removal and maintaining
in position until no longer required;
mrkjuk o gVkuk rFkk tc t:jr u gks rc rd LFkkiu
es j[kukA
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
daØhV vkfn esa Qjekcanh - tkjh
(2) Splayed edges, notchings, allowance for overlaps ¼2½ frjNs fdukjs] [kkaps cukuk] lfj;ksa ij vfrNknu o vfrfjDr
and passings at angles, battens, strutting, bolting, Nknu dk cV~Vk] ofYy;ka] Vsd a ] lgkjs] dkoys yxkuk] dhy
nailing, wedging, easing etc.; yxkuk] QUuh yxkuk] <hyk djuk vkfnA
(3) All supports, struts, braces, wedges as well as
¼3½ ca/kkbZ dks Fkkes j[kus ds fy;s dkoys] rkj xqPNh] ifÙk;ka]
mud cills, Piles or other suitable arrangements to
support the formwork;
(4) Bolts, wire ties, clamps, spreaders, etc. to hold the ¼4½
sheathing together;
(5) Working scaffolds, ladders, gangways etc.; ¼5½ dk;Zjr epku] lhf<+;ka lewgiFk vkfnA
(6) Filleting to form stop-chamfered edges or internal ¼6½ i[knkj fdukjs ca/kkbZ ds Qhrs ;k vUnj ;k ckgj ca/kkbZ ds
or external splayed rounded angles or grooves <yoka@xksy lfj;s ;k mijks/ku ds fy;s 25 feeh vuf/kd
for forming throating not exceeding 25mm wide; pkSM+kbZ ds [kkapsA
(7) Temporary openings, if required, in the forms for ¼7½ ;fn vko';d gkss rks Qjesa eas daØhV Hkjus] dafir Mkyus
pouring concrete, inserting vibrators, and ds fy;s] vLFkkbZ fooj fudkyuk RkFkk daØhV Hkjus ls igys
cleaning holes for removing rubbish from the c/kkabZ esa ls dwM+k fudkyus ds fy;s Nsnksa dks lkQ djuk
interior of the sheathing before pouring concrete;
(8) Dressing with oil, white-wash, soft soap or other ¼8½ fpifpikgV jksdus ds fy;s] rsy] lQsnh] uje lkcqu vU;
approved substance to prevent adhesion; Lohd`r nzO; ls laokjukA
(9) Raking or circular cutting; ¼9½ [kqjpuk ;k xksy dVkbZA
(c) No deduction shall be made for openings upto 0.4 ¼x½ 0-4 oeh rd ds fooj ds fy;s dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
square metre.
(d) Formwork to different parts of a structure shall be ¼?k½ fuekZ.k ds fHkUu Hkkxksa dh Qjekcanh] ml ij ykxw lacaf/kr en
measured under items as applicable. ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
(e) Formwork to secondary beam shall be measured upto ¼M+½ lgk;d /kju dh Qjekcanh dks eq[;/kju dh Hkqtk rd ekih
the sides of main beams but no deduction shall be tk;sxh fdUrq tgka lgk;d /kju dkVrk gS ogka eq[; /kju dh
made from the formwork of the main beam where the
Qjekcanh esa ls dVkSrh ugha gksxhA /kju ds izfrNsnu ij Fkwu dh
secondary beam intersects it. No deduction shall be
Qjescanh ;k dkye dh ca/kkbZ esa ls dVkSrh ugha gskxhA
made from the formwork to stanchion or column
casings at intersections of beam.
(f) Rates for formwork are for timber formwork. ¼p½ Qjekcanh dh ;g njsa ydM+h dh Qjekcanh ds fy;s gSAa fodYi ds
Alternatively the contractor may provide formwork of :i es]a fcuk fdlh ewY; lek;kstu ds] Bsdns kj IykbZ dh Qjekcanh]
plywood, timber with steel sheet lining or steel plate yksgs dh pknj dh fdukjh ds lkFk ydM+h dh ;k yksgs dh lfj;ksa
stiffened with steel angles, steel pipe scaffolding
ls n`<+ dh xbZ yksgs dh IysV dh Qjekcanh dj ldrk gSA
(telescopic or otherwise), without any price adjustment.
(g) Rough finished surface of concrete shall be the surface¼N½ daØhV dh :{k lrg og gksxh ftls Qjes ds vUnj ifj"d`r ugha
which is not finished fair inside the forms and is fd;k x;k gS rFkk iyLrj djus ;k vU;Fkk ifj"d`r djus dh
indicated to be plastered or otherwise finished.
vksj bafxr djrh gSA
(h) Fair finished surface of concrete shall be the surface ¼t½ daØhV dh ifj’d`r lrg og gksxh ftls Qjekcanh esa gh ifj’d`r
which is finished fair in the formwork. fd;k x;k gSA
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
daØhV vkfn esa Qjekcanh - tkjh
Rough finished Add for fair izfr oxZ ehVj
PER SQUARE METRE surfaces of finished
concrete surfaces
daØhV dh :{k tksMa+s ifj’d`r
07004 Formwork to sides of concrete
lrg lrg gsrq 07004 Qjekcanh uhoks]a inks]a dkye ds vk/kkjks]a jS¶V
foundations, footings, bases of o jS¶V /kjfu;ks]a daØhV dh cxyks]a uhoa o
columns, raft and raft beams, Flat Curved
sides and soffits (if any) of LikV oØ dqlhZ cxyks o /kjfu;ksa ¼;fn dksb½Z rFkk
foundation and plinth beams; leku dk;Z [kM+s ;k <yoka rFkk ry /kjfu;ksa
and similar work; vertical or to esa
batter → 316.72 378.53 80.39 ←
07005 Formwork to faces of walls, 07005 Qjekcanh nhokjksa ds eksgjksa /kkjd nhokjksa]
retaining walls, abutments, lhek vk/kkjksa] eqaMsjksa o lhf<;ksa dh jsfyaxksa
parapets and staircase railings
rFkk leku dk;Z tSls layXu nhokj LrEHkks]a
and similar work including
attached pillasters, buttresses, nhokj iq"rksa vkfn esa [kM+h ;k <yoka daØhV
etc.; vertical or to batter → 493.55 520.61 80.39 ← ij
07006 Formwork to soffits of suspended 07006 Qjekcanh fuyafcr ifV;ksa ds v/kLryksa tSls
slabs such as roof slabs, floor NrifV;ksa] Q'kZ ifV;ksa] lksikuksa rFkk 200
slabs, landings and similar work;
feeh vuf/kd eksVkbZ ds leku dk;ksZa ¼likV
not exceeding 200mm thick
(Horizontal or sloping) → 495.26 607.94 80.39 ← ;k <yoka½ ds fy;s
07007 Ditto, exceeding 200mm thick 07007 mi;qDZ r] 200 feeh ls vf/kd eksVkbZ ¼mi;qDZ r½
561.78 588.73 80.39
07008 Formwork to edges of concrete 07008 Qjekcanh dk;Z daØhV d{kksa ds fdukjksa]
flats, breaks in floors, openings Q'kkZs ds Hkatd] daØhV nhokjks]a Q'kksZ o Nrksa
in concrete walls, floors and roofs ds fooj] nhokjksa esa vkj lh lh@ih lh lh
and sides of RCC/PCC bands in ds ifê;ksa likV ;k <yoka rFkk 20 lseh ls
walls, horizontal or sloping, and
vf/kd pkSM+s leku dk;ksZ esa daØhV ds fy;s
similar work all exceeding 20cm
wide. (Where RCC/PCC band in ¼tgka vkj lh lh@ih lh lh nhokj eksM+]
walls, spanning and opening, the QSyko o fooj gksa ogka dsoy vk/kkj LraHk
formwork soffit only shall be ← dk en 07010 ds vUrxZr Hkqxrku gksxk½
paid for under item 07010) → 479.68 515.18 80.39
07009 Qjekcanh dk;Z pwYgk Vksiksa] NTtksa] /kwi
07009 Formwork to chullah hoods, cha-
jjas, troughs and similar items in-
Nf=;ks]a VksMs+ ¼dkcsy
Z ½ tyfudkl rFkk fdukjksa
604.23 676.77 80.39 ← lfgr leku dk;ksZ esa
cluding edges →
07010 Qjekcanh dk;Z Q'kZ ;k Nr dh ?kjfu;ks]a /
07010 Formwork to sides and soffits of
floor or roof beams, beam haunch- kjuh ds da/ks] xMZj] ikV dM+h fyaVy] izkl]
ings, girders, bressummers, VkaM]+ izyoa u vkfn o Q'kZ rFkk /kjfu;ksa ds
lintels, cantilevers, shelves chp ds [kakps vkfn
including sup- ports, overhangs,
etc. also splays between floors and ←
462.80 533.11 80.39
beams, etc. →
07011 Formwork to staircases with 07011 Qjekcanh dk;Z <yoka ;k lh<+hnkj v/k%Lry
sloping or stepped soffits okyh lhf<+;ksa esa mBkoksa o yfM+;ks lfgr
including risers and stringers ← ¼iknjfgr½
516.37 593.08 80.39
(excluding landing) → 07012 Qjekcanh dk;Z esgjkoksa ¼MkVks½a ds cktqvksa o uhps
07012 Formwork to sides and soffits
of arches → 644.43 766.51 80.39
672.79 759.43 80.39
07013 Qjekcanh fQuks fpefu;ksa] ifV~V;ksa o /kwi
07013 Formwork to fins, louvers, fascia vojks/kdksa ds fy;s
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
daØhV vkfn esa Qjekcanh& tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Rough finished Add for fair izfr oxZ ehVj
surfaces of finished
concrete surfaces
:{k daØhV tksMa+s ifj’d`r
lrg lrg gsrq
Square, Circular
rectangular on plan
or polyg- vk;kstu
onal ij
pkSdksj] vk;r xksykdkj
;k cgqHkqth
07014 Formwork to sides of pillars, 07014 Qjekcanh dk;Z LrEHkksa] [kaHkksa jksd LrEHkksa]
posts, struts, piers, columns ik;s LrEHk] dkyeksa] LFkk.kqdksa ds cxy esa
and stanchions → 598.08 772.42 80.39

07015 Formwork to spiral staircase
07015 Qjekcanh dk;Z lfiZy lhf<;ka] <yoka ;k
with sloping or stepped soffits,
including risers and stringers mBkoh iknry mHkkj o iV~Vhnkj ¼ikn
(excluding landing) → 604.48 647.87 80.39 ← lfgr½ esa
07016 Formwork to sides of chimneys 07016 Qjekcanh dk;Z lh/kh ;k lykeh fpeuh ;k
and shafts, vertical or to batter → 479.26 531.59 80.39 ← 'kS¶V dh cktqvksa esa
07017 Formwork to well steining and 07017 Qjekcanh dk;Z dq;sa dh nhokjksa o xksy esa
well curbs → 464.39 563.26 80.39 ←

Rough finished Add for fair

surfaces of finished
concrete surfaces
:{k daØhV lrg tksMa+s ifj’d`r
lrg gsrq
Curved in Curved in
one plane two planes
07018 Formwork to sides and soffits ,dy oØ nksgjh oØ 07018 Qjekcanh dk;Z xqEenks]a rg[kkuks]a nhokj
of domes, vaults, shell roofs 'khZ"k o esgjkoksa ds fljksa dh cxyksa o ry esa
and arch ribs → 535.92 735.32 80.39 ←

Rough finished Add for fair

surfaces of finished
concrete surfaces
daØhV dh :{k lrg tksMa+s ifj’d`r
lrg gsrq

07019 Formwork to folded plates → 415.05 80.39 07019 Qjekcanh oy; IysVksa esa

07020 Formwork to cornices and 07020 Qjekcanh dk;Z dkjfu'kksa o fdlh Hkh vkdkj
mouldings of any shape in o fdlh ?ksjs dh dkjfu'kksa o xksykb;ksa dh
cross section and of any girth
538.44 80.39
← [kM+h dkV esa

[k.M 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½

PER RUNNING METRE Rough finished Add for fair iz f r ehVj

surfaces of finished
concrete surfaces 07021 Qjekcanh dk;Z daØhV d{kks]a ik;nkuksa ds
07021 Formwork to edges of concrete
daØhV dh :{k lrg tksMa+s ifj’d`r
flats, treads, breaks in floors,
lrg gsrq
fdukjks]a Q'kks]Z f[kM+dh dh flys]sa daØhV dh
window cills, concrete rail- jsfyax] daØhV dh nhokjks]a Q'kksZ o Nr ds
ings, openings in concrete
Hkatd 20 lseh vuf/kd pkSMs+ focj rFkk
walls, floor and roofs n exc 20
cm wide and sides of RCC/ nhokjkssa ds [kM+h ;k <yoka vkj lh lh@ih
PCC bands in walls, horizon- lh lh eksM+ rFkk 10 lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 20
tal or sloping and similar lseh vuf/kd pkSMs+ leku dk;ksZ ds oxy esa
work exc 10cm but n exc 20cm
89.25 10.42 ←
wide →
07022 Ditto, exc 5cm but not exc. 07022 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 5 lsea h ls vf/kd fdUrq 10
10cm wide → 51.95 8.93 ← lseh vuf/kd pkSM+s
07023 Ditto, not exc 5cm wide → 07023 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 5 lseh vuf/kd pkSM+s
28.32 5.95

EACH iz R ;s d
07024 Formwork to small surfaces 07024 Qjekcanh dk;Z NksVh lrgsa tSls /kksfM+;ksa
such as cantiliver ends, brack- ds Nksj] nhokjfxjh] iknksZ ds Nksj] LrEHk o
ets, ends of steps, caps and [kaHkksa ds 'kh"kZ o vk/kkj rFkk leku dk;ksZ
bases of pilasters and the col-
umns and the like → 51.60 8.93 ←


07025 Extra on formwork for filleting to 07025 vfrfjDr] [kwaVh] fdjksV vkfn lfgr
produce rebates to door frames njoktksa dh PkkS[kVksa vkfn esa iSrke cukus
etc. including any stops, mitres
39.06 ← ds fy, iV~Vh Cka/kkbZ dh Qjekcanh ij
etc. →
07026 Extra on formwork for filleting to 07026 vfrfjDr] 25 feeh ls vf/kd pkSMk+ bZ ds
produce external or internal ckgjh ;k vUn:uh] frjNs ;k xksy Qyd
splayed, chamfered or bullnosed fudkyus ds fy;s Qhrk ca/kkbZ ds fy;s
angle, exceeding 25 mm width → 41.50 ←
Qjekcanh dk;Z ij
ydM+h dh dfM+;ka
(a) The rates for timber “fixed” apply to scantlings fixed as ¼d½ ydM+h ds ^^LFkkfir** dk;Z dh njsa mu dfM+;ksa ij ykxw gksrh gS
girders, lintels, wallplates, joists (except trimmer and tks xkMZj] fyVay nhokj IysV] /kju ¼dkVdM+h o dVku dM+h dks
trimming joists, purlins, rafters and carpenter’s work
generally, which is not framed by means of mortice and
NksM+dj½ dSpha /kju oRrk /kkjd rFkk c<+bZ ds og dke tks
tenon, tusk and tenon or dovetail joints. The rate include vkerkSj ij Nsnksa o pwyks] usl ;k pwy ;k diksr iqaNh tksM+ks ds
for lapping, halving, tabling, scarfing, notching, birds }kjk ugha curhaA bu njksa esa 'kkfey gSa p<oka tksM+] v/kZ tksM+]
mouth cutting, splayed or bevelled ends, boring for and pkch yxkuk] eYy cukuk] [kkaps cukuk] pkSap] dVkbZ djuk]
fixing of bolts, waste, etc. and hoisting and fixing in frjNs ;k i[knkj Nksj cukuk] dkoys vkfn ds fy;s Nsn djuk
position and also for small labours like splaying, o yxkuk o Nhtu rFkk mUgsa mBkdj LFkkiu esa yxkuk ,ao NksVs
chamfering, rounding angles and nosings not exceeding eksVs Je dk;Z tSls frjNs] <yoka xksy o ukd tSlh 3 feeh
3mm width or girth.
vuf/kd PkkSM+h ;k xksykbZ ds Nsn cukuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
ydM+h dh dfM+;ka& tkjh
(b) The rates for timber “fixed” also apply to fencing or similar ¼[k½ ydM+h ds ^^LFkkfir** dk;Z dh njsa bu ij Hkh ykxw gksrh gS% ckM+
posts and shall be deemed to include for transporting and yxkus ;k leku dk;Z ds [kaHkksa dh <qykbZ djuk] visf{kr nwjh ij
distributing the posts at required intervals and holding
the same in the position in post holes while ramming around
j[kuk] xM~<ksa esa yxkuk] HkjkbZ djuk ;k pkjksa vksj daØhV HkjukA
or concreting.
(c) The rates for timber “framed and fixed” apply to ¼x½ ^^xfBr o LFkkfir** ydM+h dh njsa mu dfM+;ksa ij ykxw gksrh gSa tks
scantlings framed together with mortice and tenon, tusk Nsn o /kqjh] usl o pwyksa ;k diksr iqNa h tksMk+ s ds lkFk cukbZ xbZ
and tenon or dovetailed joints, as in trimmer and trimming gSa tSlh drjuh o dkV dM+h Nr dVh vkfn es]a njksa essa tksM+ yxkus
joists, roof trusses, etc. The rates include for coating framed
joints with glue before being put together. The rate also
ls igys ljsl dh ijr p<+kuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA njksa es]a Åij ¼d½
include for the labours mentioned in (a) and (b) above o ¼[k½ esa of.kZr ^LFkkfir* esa vkus okys Je Hkh 'kkfey gSA
describing timber “fixed”.
(d) King and queen posts of roof trusses or any timber member ¼?k½ Nr dSafp;ksa dh jktk&jkuh cfYYk;ka ;k dksbZ vU; gkloku
which is diminished, shall be measured their full ydM+h dk vax] gkl gksus ls igys muds iwjs ifjeki esa ekis
dimensions, before diminishing.
tk;sxa As
(e) Timber, either “fixed” or “framed and fixed”, shall be ¼M+½ ydM+h ds dk;Z pkgs ^^LFkkfir** gksa ;k ^^cus gq, ;k LFkkfir** ds
measured as “wrought”, if not less than two surfaces are
planed. If portions only are planed, payment shall be made
gks ;fn nks ls de ijr ds vk;ksftr ugha gSs rks cus gq;s ekis
as “clean sawn” and planing measured extra under tk;sx a As ;fn dsoy Hkkx vk;ksftr gSa rks ^^lkQ dVk** ds leku
“workmanship”. In no case, shall the rate of clean sawn Hkqxrku gksxk rFkk vk;kstu ^^dkjhxjh** ds vUrxZr vfrfjDr
timber planed in parts exceed the rate for wrought timber. ekik tk;sxkA [kaM essa vk;ksftr lkQ dkV dh ydM+h dh njsa
fdlh Hkh n'kk esa cus gq;s ydM+h ds dk;Z ls vf/kd ugha gksaxhA
(f) The extra for using old timber includes for carefully taking ¼p½ iqjkuh ydM+h ds iz;ksx ij vfrfjDr esa iqjkuh dhysa isp vkfn
out old nails, screws, etc. cutting out defective portions if /;ku ls fudkyuk ;fn gks rks nks"kiw.kZ Hkkx dks dkV fudkyuk
any, and returning same to store, and all other labours
incidental to fabrication of old timber. rFkk mls Hk.Mkj esa okfil djuk rFkk iqjkuh ydM+h dh lajpuk
esa vkus okyk izklkafxd Je 'kkfey gSA
(g) For timber in framing, etc. cut from the solid to a curve ¼N½ Bksl ydM+h esa ls pkS[kV vkfn ds oØ ;k lekukUrj dk;Z ij
with parallel sides, 100 per cent shall be added in the rates
fuEu rkfydk dh njksa esa 100 izfr'kr tksM+k tk;sxk] ifjeki
of the table below, the net dimension being measured.
fo'kq} ekik tk;sxkA

PER CUBIC METRE Timber fixed Timber framed and fixed izfr ?ku ehVj
ydM+h LFkkfir ydM+h xfBr o LFkkfir
Clean sawn Wrought Clean sawn Wrought
lkQ fpjh xfBr lkQ fpjh xfBr
M&L Except M&L Except M&L Except M&L Except
lkexzh timber lkexzh timber lkexzh timber lkexzh timber
o Je ydM+h o Je ydM+h o Je ydM+h o Je ydM+h
jfgr jfgr jfgr jfgr
07027Second class 07027 nwljh dh
soft-wood in uje ydM+ h
scantlings → 41334.53 3483.08 44624.62 6773.17 44672.87 6821.42 47962.95 10111.50 ← dfM+;ks esa
07028Second class 07028 nwljh dh
hard-wood in
scantlings → 92470.18 5120.68 97397.86 10048.36 97446.11 10096.61 102373.79 15024.29
← dBks j ydM+ h
dfM+;ks esa
[k.M 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
ydM+h dh dfM+;ka& tkjh
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
07029Add if in repairs, to replace old and 07029 tksM+sa ;fn ejEer dk dk;Z gSa tSls iqjkuh o {kh.k
decayed timber (including piecing, ydM+h dks cnyuk ¼iqjkuh o ubZ ydM+h esa ;fn
scarfing, etc., of old and new timbers
if required) and removing defective visf{kr gks rks Nsn dkVuk] iV~Vh vkfn yxkuk
portions to store → 3412.79 ← lfgr½ rFkk nks"kiw.kZ Hkkxksa dks Hk.Mkj igqpkauk
07030Add to “except timber” rates if old 07030 tksM+sa **ydM+h jfgr** dh njksa esa ;fn ,e bZ ,l
timber supplied by MES is used → 1748.99 ← }kjk nh xbZ ydM+h iz;ksx dh xbZ gSaA
xksV ¼fQysV½ yxkus dk dk;Z
PER RUNNING 2nd class softwood 2nd class hardwood iz f r ehVj
METRE f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Sectional area dkV {ks=
Not exc Exc 3 & Exc 6 & Exc 13 Not exc Exc 3 & Exc 6 & Exc13
07031 Plain fillets. 3 n. exc n exc 13 & n. exc 3 n. exc n exc 13 & n. exc
07031 lknh xksV dkV esa
square, 6 25 6 25
oxkZdkj] vk;rkdkj]
rectangular or vuf/kd vf/k 3 vf/k 6 o vf/k 13 3 olseh vf/k 3 vf/k 6 o vf/k 13
triangular in 3 o lseh o6 13 olseh o 25 vuf/kd o6 13 olseh o 25 ;k f=Hkqth] lkQ f?kjh
section, clean olseh vuf/kd olseh olseh vuf/kd olseh gqbZ dks dhy ;k pkscksa
sawn, secured vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd
ls yxkbZ gqbZ lkexzh
with nails or
brads.M&L →
o Je
24.46 34.42 55.12 82.64 52.50 68.66 112.68 169.73 ←

07032 Ditto, but bull- 07032 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vUnj
nosed, splayed, ls xksykbZ esa frjNh]
chamfered or i[knkj ;k ,d Nksj
rounded on one
edge or face, ;k Åij ls xksy dh
M&L → 33.47 46.33 72.98 103.48 64.49 88.02 139.48 212.90 ← gqb]Z lkexzh o Je
07033 Except battens. 07033 Å+ij dh fdlh
any of the fore- tSlh fdUrq o+rk
going 6.44 12.79 19.07 28.57 9.41 18.75 29.49 44.94 ←
→ jfgr
2nd class softwood 2nd class hardwood
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Sectional area dkV {ks=
n. exc 6 Exc 6 & n Exc 13 & N exc 6 sq. Exc 6 & n. Exc 13 & n.
sq. cm exc 13 n. exc 25 cm exc 13 sq. exc 25 sq. cm cm
vu 6 oxZ vf/k 6 o 13 vf/kd 13 vu 6 oxZ vf/k 6 o vf/kd 13
07034 Add to Items
eh oxZ lseh vu o 25 oxZ lseh 13 oxZ lseh o 25 oxZ lseh 07034 tksM+sa en 07031
07031 to 07034, lseh vu vuf/kd vuf/kd ls 07034 esa ;fn
if fixed with ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws → 3.26 3.26 4.89 3.26 3.26 4.89 ←
07035 Ditto, if
8.93 11.91 14.89 8.93 11.91 14.89
07035 mi;q Z D r] ;fn
wrought → xfBr gks
07036 Ditto, if in 07036 mi;q Z D r ;fn
repairs or if
refixed in old ejEer esa ;k ;fn
4.47 5.95 10.42 4.47 5.95 10.42 ←
position → iqjkus LFkkiu esa nksckjk
yxk;s x;s gksa
[k.M 7 ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
Vkby vkfn ds o+ks ¼QV~Vh½

(a) Measurements shall be taken overall including both battens ¼d½ eki oks o vUrjky nksuksa dks feykdj iw.kZr% dh tk;sxhA dVkSrh
and spaces. Deductions shall be made only for openings dsoy 0-4 o eh ls vf/kd dh izR;sd fooj dh gh gksxhA
exceeding 0.4 sqm each.
(b) The rates include for all straight and/or raking cutting ¼[k½ bu njksa esa lHkh lh/kh ,oa@;k dVkbZ o Nhtu rFkk vkSyrh ij
and waste; also for a larger section batten at eaves, if
;fn visf{kr gks vf/kd cM+h dkV ds Ok+ks Hkh 'kkfey gSaA
(c) Battens of sizes other than those given in the table or fixed ¼x½ rkfydk esa nh xbZ eki ls fHkUu uki ds oks o fHkUu vUrjky ij
at other spacings shall be paid for pro-rata. yxkus dk Hkqxrku lekuqikfrd gksxkA

PER SQUARE Material & Labour Fixing only, any izfr oxZ ehVj
METRE lkexzh o Je sectional area
Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class dsoy fLFkj.k] dkV
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h {ks=
Sectional area Sectional area
dkV {ks= dkV {ks=
Exc 5 & Exc 15 & Exc 5 & Exc 15 & Soft Hard
n.exc 15 n.exc 25 n.exc 15 n.exc 25 wood wood uje dBksj
vf/k 5 o vf/k 15 o vf/k 5 o vu 15 o ydM+h ydM+h
15 olseh 25 olseh 15 olseh 25 lseh vu
07037 Clean sawn vu vu vu 07037 lkQ fpjs gq;s ydM+h
battens at 15 ds o+ks 15 lseh ek/; ij
cm centres → 287.96 506.18 674.30 1175.37 36.66 51.42 ←
07038 Ditto at 20cm 07038 mi;q Z D r] 20 ls e h
centres → 207.73 388.61 496.31 913.23 27.48 39.09 ← ek/;ij
07039 Ditto at 25cm 07039 mi;q Z D r] 25 ls e h
centres →
166.59 312.40 406.87 741.24 22.96 33.08 ← ek/;ij
07040 Ditto at 30cm 07040 mi;q Z D r] 30 ls e h
centres →
126.41 235.84 316.39 567.25 18.67 25.63 ← ek/;ij
07041 Ditto at 35cm 07041 mi;q Z D r] 35 ls e h
centres → 125.36 235.52 315.35 566.93 18.26 25.23 ← ek/;ij


tkyhnkj dk;Z ¼tkQjh½

The following items exclude any posts, rails, or other supports, uhps dh njsa fdlh Hkh izdkj ds LRkEHk] iVfj;ks]a ;k nwljs lgkjs NksMd
+ j
which shall be measured separately. Doors and windows formed gSa tks izFkd ekis tk;saxsA tkyh dk;Z esa cuk;s x;s f[kM+dh njoktksa
in trellis work shall also be measured and paid for under these
rates but extra timber in surrounds, rails, stiles, braces, etc. as
dks Hkh bu njksa ds vUrxrZ ekik tk;sxk fdUrq iVfj;ka] lhf<+;ka]
also builder’s hardware shall be measured separately. ca/ku ifV~;ka vkfn pkjksa vksj dh vfrfjDr ydM+h rFkk fuekZ.k
miknku izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
[k.M 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
tkyhnkj dk;Z ¼tkQjh½ tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Material & Labour izfr oxZ ehVj
07042 35mm x 10mm laths lkexzh ,ao Je 07042 35 feeh × 10 feeh dh
(fixed straight or diago- Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class
QfV~V;ka ¼lh/kh ;k fod.kZr
nally) in two way trellis f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
work with 50mm spaces Clean sawn Wrought Clean sawn Wrought
yxh gqb½Z f}ekxhZ tkyh dk;Z
in the clear, including lkQ fpjh gqbZ cuh gqbZ lkQ fpjh gqbZ cuh gqbZ esa 50 feeh Li"V Qklys ij
75mm x 50 mm fillet 75 × 50 feeh ds oŸks ¼QfVV~;ksa
(notched to take ends of dks yxkus ds [kkaps cuk;s gq;½s
laths) all round and ← pkjksa vksj yxkdj lai.w kZ
975.66 1050.10 2320.57 2395.00
fixed complete →
07043 As in item 07042, but 07043 en 07042 tSlk fdUrq 40
40 mm x l2mm laths × 12 feeh dh QfVV~;ksa ds
with 75mm spaces in lkFk 75 feeh dh Li"V
the clear, ditto → 1047.76 1122.20 2570.14 2644.57
← nwjh mi;qZDr
07044 Ditto but with 100mm 07044 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 100 feeh
spaces in the clear, ← dh Li’V nwjh mi;qZDr
ditto → 903.56 978.00 2154.19 2228.62


Nrksa] Hkhrjh Nrksa] foHkktuksa] eq[kvksyrh] ctjk] v/k%Lry vkfn
esa r[rkcanh ¼Q'kZ o vapy fdukjh NksM+dj½
(a) The rates include for all waste and straight or raking ¼d½ bu njksa esa lHkh izdkj dh Nhtu rFkk lh/kh ;k frjNh dVkbZ
cutting. Circular cutting shall be measured under items 'kkfey gSA xksykdkj dVkbZ en 07087 o 07088 esa ekih tk;sxhA
07087 and 07088.
(b) All boarding shall be measured net when fixed, without ¼[k½ iw.kZ r[rsacnh yx tkus ij] ySi ds fy;s vfrfjDr tksM+s fcuk
any allowance for laps. fo'kq) ekih tk;sxhA
(c) Boarding wrought on one or both sides shall be fixed with ¼x½ xfBr r[rkcanh dks ,d vksj ;k nksuksa vksj tSlk funsZf'kr gks]
bevelled heading joints, if so directed, without extra charge. i[knkj 'kh"kZ tksM+ ds lkFk fcuk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ds LFkkfir
fd;k tk;sxkA
(d) The rates for fixing boarding to curved surfaces include ¼?k½ oØ lrg dh r[rscanh LFkkiu dh njksa esa] tksM+ksa dks i[kksa ls
for shooting the joints to proper splay. Such boarding shall Bhd ls feykuk 'kkfey gSA ,slh r[rscanh 10 lseh ls vf/kd
not exceed 10cm in width. pkSMh+ ugha gksxhA
(e) Where boards are fixed with open joints, the net area of ¼M½ tgka r[rs [kqys tksM+ksa ds gksa rks r[rs dks ¼fjfDr;kaa½ NksM+dj
boards (excluding gaps) shall be measured.
fo'kq) {ks= ekik tk;sxkA
(f) Edges of all boarding wrought on one or both sides shall be ¼p½ ,d vksj ;k nksuksa vksj dh r[rscanh dh cukoV ds fdukjksa ij
planed square. jUnk djds mUgsa le fd;k tk;sxkA
(g) If old boarding (any description) is supplied by M.E.S., an ¼N½ ;fn iqjkuh r[rscanh ¼fdlh Hkh izdkj dh½ ,e bZ ,l }kjk nh
addition of 20 per cent shall be made to the rates for ‘fixing tkrh gS rks **dsoy fLFkj.k** dh njsa 20 izfr'kr c<+ksrjh djds
only’. This extra includes for taking out carefully old nails, nh tk;saxhA ;g vfrfjDr iqjkuh dhyksa o ispksa vkfn dks
screws, etc. cutting out defective portions, if any, and /;kuiwodZ fudkyus nks"kiw.kZ Hkkx ;fn dksbZ gks dks fudkydj o
returning to Store and also for all other labours incidental Hk.Mkj esa okfil djus rFkk iqjkuh r[rscanh dks yxkus esa vk;s
to fixing of old boarding. LokHkkfod vfrfjDr Je ds fy;s gSaA
(h) Boarding of thickness other than those shown below shall be ¼t½ uhps nh xbZ eksVkbZ ls vyx eksVkbZ dh r[rkcanh dk Hkqxrku
paid for pro-rata. lekuqikfrd gksxkA
[k.M 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½


Nrksa] Hkhrjh Nrksa] foHkktuksa] eq[kvksyrh] ctjk] v/k%Lry vkfn
esa r[rkcanh ¼Q'kZ o vapy fdukjh NksM+dj½& tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class izfr oxZ ehVj
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Boarding, supplied & Thickness in mm Thickness in mm r[krscanh dh vkiwfŸk djuk
fixed with nails in any eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZ feeh esa dhyksa ls fdlh Hkh voLFkk esa
situation (except flooring yxkuk ¼Q'kksaZ o vapy fdukjh
15 20 25 30 40 15 20 25 30 40
and skirting) dks NksMd
+ j½
07045 Clean sawn 07045 lkQ fpjs gq ; s
with butt joints

Vddj tksM+ lfgr
606.17 802.09 1000.90 1200.38 1600.66 1019.24 1343.68 1680.18 2011.52 2673.36 ←
07046 Planed one side 07046 ,d vksj jUns ls le
with butt joints esa Vddj] tksM+
→ ←
690.73 882.48 1087.96 1285.77 1680.57 1139.82 1464.27 1800.76 2132.10 2793.95 lfgr
07047 Add to last if 07047 tksM]as+ fiNyh en es]a
planed both ;fn nksuksa vksj jUns
sides → 80.39 80.39 80.39 80.39 80.39 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 102.59 ←
ls le fd;k gS
07048 Planed one side 07048 ,d vksj lery
and edges rFkk Nksjksa dks thHkh]
tongued and fNfnzr ;k f>jhnkj
grooved or fd;k x;k
rebated → 851.59 1043.35 1246.24 1444.89 1817.79 1379.51 1703.96 2040.45 2368.46 3025.31 ←

07049 Add to last if 07049 tksMs+a fiNyh en esa
planed both ;fn nksuksa vksj jUns
sides → 80.39 80.39 80.39 80.39 80.39 120.59 120.59 120.59 120.59 102.59 ← ls le fd;k gS
07050 Fixing only 07050 lkQ fpjh gq b Z
clean sawn
42.56 45.14 58.78 68.17 86.12 58.39 62.64 78.77 89.83 111.11 r[rscanh dks dsoy
boarding → ← LFkkiu djuk
07051 Fixing only 07051 ,d vksj ;k nksuksa
boarding ls xfBr r[rsacnh
wrought on one dk dsoy LFkkiu
42.56 45.14 58.78 68.17 86.12 58.39 62.64 78.77 89.83 111.11 ←
or both sides →
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½


Nrksa] Hkhrjh NÙkksa] foHkktuksa] eq[kvksyrh] ctjk] v/k%Lry vkfn
esa r[rkcanh ¼Q'kZ o vapy fdukjh NksM+dj½ - tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class izfr oxZ ehVj
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Thickness in mm Thickness in mm
07052 Add to Item 07046 if
eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZ feeh esa 0 7 0 5 2 tksM+sa en 07046 esa ;fn
joints are chamfered 15 20 25 30 40 15 20 25 30 40 r[rscanh ,d vksj ls
one side and the
[kkapsnkj ¼i[knkj½ rFkk
boarding is matched
→ ←r[rscanh lqesy dh
106.19 111.60 117.01 122.42 133.23 161.58 170.73 179.88 189.03 207.33
xbZ gS
07052A Ditto both sides and 0 7 0 5 2 , mi;qDZ r] nksuksa vksj rFkk
ditto → 162.01 167.42 172.82 178.23 189.05 229.06 238.21 247.36 256.51 274.81
← mi;qZDr
Extra over boarding if :
r[rs c a n h ij vfrfjDr ;fn%
07053 Fixed with screws → 13.38 13.38 20.07 20.07 20.07 13.38 13.38 13.38 20.07 20.07
0 7 0 5 3 ispksa ls LFkkfir
07054 Fixed in ceilings → 10.00 10.83 13.33 14.16 16.66 15.83 16.66 19.99 21.66 25.83
07055 Framed or dovetailed →
0 7 0 5 4 v/k% Nr esa LFkkfir
112.47 117.46 123.30 126.63 134.13 168.28 179.11 184.94 190.77 201.60
0 7 0 5 5 Qjesnkj ;k diksr iqPNh
07056 Fixed on curved sur-
face→→ 16.66 22.49 24.99 27.49 33.32 24.99 33.32 37.49 41.65 49.98 0 7 0 5 6 oØ lrg ij LFkkfir
07057 Fixed in shelves; Par-
titions and shelves of 0 7 0 5 7 rkdks] foHkktuksa vYekfj;ksa
built-in cupboards, ds rkdks]a iqLrd etw’a kkvks]a
almirahs, book cases,
iz l k/ku cDlk] jS d ks a ]
toilet boxes, racks,
pelmets and similar iSYesV rFkk leku dk;Z
work → 5.83 6.66 8.33 9.16 10.00 8.33 9.16 10.00 10.83 11.66 ←esa LFkkfir
07058 In repairs to replace
old and or decayed 0 7 0 5 8 ejEer esa iqjkus ,oa ;k
boarding in patches {kh.k r[rscna h dks VqdM+ksa
including cutting out esa ¼isou½ cnyuk] iqjkus
old, piecing, heading
dh dVkbZ] dkVdj iqjkus
joints, etc. →
22.49 25.83 29.99 30.82 33.32 28.32 33.32 44.99 50.82 52.48 VqdM+s Å+ij ds tksM+
←vkfn fudkyus lfgr

[kq y h r[rs c a n h
(a) Measurements shall be taken net as fixed, without any ¼d½ fcuk p<+koh cV~Vs ds LFkkiu fo'kq) ekik tk;sxkA
allowance for laps.
(b) The rates include for all straight or raking cutting and ¼[k½ bu njksa esa lai.w kZ lh/kh ;k frjNh dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gS]a dksbZ
waste, any circular cutting shall be measured under items
07087 and 07088 as applicable.
Hkh xksykdkj dVkbZ en 07087 o 07088 esas tSlh Hkh ykxw gks ekih
tk;sxa hA
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
[kqyh r[rscanh -tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class izfr oxZ ehVj
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Material & Fixing Material & Fixing
labour only labour only
07059 Weather boarding, 07059 [kqyh r[rscna h lkQ fpjh gqbZ
lkexzh ,oa dsoy LFkkiu lkexzh ,oa dsoy LFkkiu
clean sawn, plain, ydM+h dh lknk 20 feeh eksVh
Je Je
20mm thick or feather ;k 15 feeh ls 20 feeh eksVs
edged 15 mm to 20mm ruqikar o 30 feeh p<+ko lfgr
thick and fixed with 1023.26 85.99 1710.78 124.63
30mm laps →
← LFkkfir
07060 Weather boarding, clean 07060 [kqyh r[rscna h lkQ fpjh
sawn, thickness 20mm ydM+h dh 20 feeh ls 25
to 25 mm and rebated feeh eksVh rFkk 20 feeh p<+ko
on thick edge to give
nsus ds fy;s LFkwy fdukjs
20mm laps and fixed → 1223.17 85.99 2035.64 124.63
← ij iSrkeh ,oa fLFkj.k
07061 Add to last, if wrought 07061 vafre en esa tksM]as+ ;fn nksuksa
both sides and edges
oxysa o fdukjksa dks cuk;k
shot and chamfered
(on exposed edges) → 200.98 200.98 300.72 300.72 rFkk i[knkj fd;k gS ¼ckgjh
← fdukjksa ij½
07062 Weather boarding, 25 07062 [kqyh r[rscna h 25 feeh eksVh
mm thick, wrought nksukas vksj xfBr 20 feeh
both sides, V-jointed to
Pk<+ko nsus ds fy;s V
give 20mm laps and 1226.43 85.99 2110.15 124.63
fixed → ←tqM+kbZ ,oa LFkkfir
07063 All as above but 07063 lc Åij TkSlk fdUrq [kqyh
rebated and hollow 1353.29 85.99 2230.73 124.63 ← o [kks[kyh tqM+h gqbZ
jointed →
07064 Add to the foregoing, if 07064 iwoxZ keh esa tksMas+ ;fn ejEer
in repairs to replace esa iqjkuh ;k {kh.k r[rscUnh
old or decayed
boarding in patches, dks cnyus ds fy;s iSpksa dks
including cutting out dkV dj iqjkus VqdM+k]as Åijh
old, piecing, heading tksMk+ as vkfn dks fudkyuk ,oa
joints etc., and m[kkM+h xbZ r[rscna h dks
removing dismantled ← Hk.Mkj esa igqWpkus lfgr
boarding to store → 80.39 dk;Z gS


r[rsnkj Q'kZ vkSj vapy fdukfj;ka
(a) The rates for flooring include for cramping or wedging up ¼d½ Q'kZcUnh dh njksa esa f'kdats ;k Quuh yxkbZ ¼;k cfyr fcNkbZ½
(or laying folding), and also for punching nails or letting 'kkfey gS] rFkk dhy ;k ispksa ds fljksa dks vUnj nckuk] Hkjr
in screw heads including stopping and cleaning off to a
smooth and even surface after floors are laid.
o Q'kZ fcN tkus ds ckn lrg dh lQkbZ djrs gq;s le o
fpduk cukuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rates also include for all straight or raking cutting, ¼[k½ njksa esa lc lh/kh ;k frjNh dVkbZ [kkapns kjh o Nhtu Hkh 'kkfey
notching and waste; circular cutting shall be measured
gS( xksykdkj dVkbZ en 07087 o 07088 ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxhA
under items 07087 and 07088.


[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
r[rsnkj Q'kZ vkSj vapy fdukfj;ka -tkjh

(c) If rebated and filleted floors with loose fillets are to be laid, ¼x½ ;fn irkeh ;k iV~Vhnkj] <hyh ifV~V;ksa ds lkFk Q'kZ Mkyus gSa
payment shall be made as for tongued and grooved flooring. rks Hkqxrku thHkh o [kkapsnkj Q'kZ yxkbZ ds leku gksxkA
(d) The rates include for provision of heading joints.
¼?k½ bu njksa esa 'kh"kZd tksM+ksa dk izko/kku Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(e) 20 per cent shall be added to the “laying only” rates if old ¼M½ 20%**dsoy fcNkbZ** dh njksa esa tksM+k tk;sxk ;fn iqjkuh
boarding is supplied by M.E.S. This extra includes for r[rscna h ,e bZ ,l }kjk nh tkrh gSA ;g vfrfjDr iqjkus dhy]
carefully taking out old nails, screws, etc. cutting out
defective portion, if any, and returning same to store and isp vkfn dks /;ku iwoZd fudkyuk] nks"kiw.kZ Hkkx] ;fn dksbZ gks]
all other labour incidental to laying floor with old mUgsa fudkyuk o mUgsa Hk.Mkj esa okfil djuk rFkk vU; iqjkuh
boarding. r[rscanh dks yxkus esa laHkkfor Je 'kkfey gSaA

PER SQUARE METRE Softwood 2nd class Hardwood 2nd class izfr oxZ ehVj
f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Boarding in Floors and Thickness in mm Thickness in mm Q'kks Z a o va p y fdukfj;ks a es s a
Skirting eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZ feeh esa r[rs c a n h
07065 Planed one side, with 0 7 0 6 5 Vddj] tksM+ ds lkFk] ,d
25 30 40 25 30 40
butt joints and fixed
vksj jans ls le o dhyksa ls
with nails supplied and
fixed → LFkkfir] vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkfir
1053.92 1255.86 1644.81 1750.92 2085.86 2823.50 ←
07066 Planed one side & 0 7 0 6 6 ,d vksj ls le rFkk fdukjs
edges tongued and ftHkh] o [kkapns kj ;k irkeh]
grooved or rebated, ← mi;qZDr
and ditto → 1299.77 1535.73 1995.52 2152.17 2547.20 3420.50
07067 Laying only any of the 0 7 0 6 7 Å+ij ds fdlh esa dsoy
foregoing → 39.98 61.56 79.02 60.26 80.18 LFkkiu

07068 All as in item 07067 0 7 0 6 8 lc en 07067 tSlk] fdUrq
but secret nailed → 1333.30 1587.67 2038.81 2211.27 2620.52 3481.44 ← dhyksa dh xqIr tqM+kbZ
07069 Laying only, ditto → 69.02 92.00 118.54 89.85 120.28 154.91
0 7 0 6 9 dsoy fcNkbZ] mi;qZDr

07070 Add to Items 07065 0 7 0 7 0 tksM+sa en 07065 ls 07067

to 07067, if fixed 23.09 23.09 23.09 23.09 23.09 23.09 ← esa ;fn ispksa ls LFkkfir
with screws →

07071 Add to Items 07065 to 07071 tksMas+ en 07065 ls 07069

07069 for repairs to es]a dkV dj fudkyus] fLFkj
existing floors in djus] tksM+ cukus lfgr
patches, including fo|eku Q'kksaZ dh VqdM+kas
cutting out, piecing,
heading joints etc. → 94.52 es a ejEer ds fy;s

[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
ikby cukuk ¼[kw a V s ½

(a) The contractor shall be paid for the lengths of piles ordered. ¼d½ Bsdsnkj dks ikby dh vknsf'kr yEckbZ dk gh Hkqxrku gksxkA
Cut-off portions shall be returned to Store.
(b) The rates for driving include either vertical or battered
¼[k½ xkM+us dh njksa esa ;k rks [kM+k <yoka dk;Z 'kkfey gSA
(c) The rates for piling are comprehensive rates; extra al- ¼x½ ikby xkM+us dh njsa lekos'kh njsa gSaA [kaM 1 ds lkekU; fu;e
lowance as mentioned in 1.14.1 of Section 1 General Rules
1-14-1 esa fufgr vfrfjDr blesa Lohd`r ugha gksxkA
shall not be allowed in addition.

PILES [kw ¡ V s
M&L Except timber
07072 Bally piles, hardwood, any class, lkexzh o Je ydM+h jfgr 07072 cYyh ikby] visf{kr yEckbZ esa dVs] ¼9 eh
15cm mean dia, cut to lengths vuf/kd½ 15 lseh ek/; O;kl okys fdlh Hkh
required (n exc 9m) and planted ← dh ydM+h ds LFkkiu esa pkyu dks izLrqr
in position ready for driving → 100.67 29.01
07073 Ditto but of 20cm mean dia→ → 103.06 37.92
07073 mi;qZDr] fdUrq ek/; O;kl 20 lseh


ikby ds “kh’kZ cukuk o Vhi djuk

PER PILE Other than in In tide work iz f r ikby

tide work Tokj dk;Z esa
07074 Heading and pointing Bally Tokj ds vykok 07074 15 lseh ek/; O;kl ds cYyh ikbyksa esa
piles 15cm mean dia, including dk;Z esa NYys yxkuk uky dk izko?kku djuk o
fixing only rings, providing
and fixing pile shoes, cutting yxkuk ikbyksa ds yxkus ds ckn 'kh"kZ dh
of heads after driving and dVkbZ djuk] NYys fudkyuk o dVs Hkkxksa
taking off rings, removing cut
1005.33 1005.33 dks Hk.Mkj igqapkuk 'kh"kZ cukuk o Vkafdr
off portions to Store → ← djuk
07075 Heading and pointing Bally
07075 20 lseh ek/; O;kl ds cYyh ikbyksa esa
piles 20cm mean dia, including
fixing only rings, providing NYys yxkuk uky dk izko?kku djuk o
and fixing pile shoes, cutting yxkuk] yxkus ds ckn 'kh"kZ dkVdj NYys
of heads after driving and fudkyuk] dVs Hkkx dks HkaMkj igqapkuk o
taking off rings, removing cutoff ← 'kh"kZ cukuk o Vkafdr djuk
1162.16 1162.16
portions to Store →
07076 Deduct from foregoing items if 07076 fiNyh enksa esa ls ?kVk;sa] ;fn ikby dh
pile shoes are not provided →
121.32 121.32 ← ukyksa dh O;oLFkk ugha dh xbZ gS
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
ikby xkM+ u k

PER RUNNING METRE Other than in In tide work

iz f r ehVj
tide work Tokj dk;Z esa
Tokj ds vykok
dk;Z esa
07077 Driving Bally piles 15cm 07077 15 lseh ek/; O;kl ds ¼dsoy tehu ds
mean dia (portion in ground vUnj ds Hkkx dks ekik tk;sxk½ cYyh ikbyksa
only to be measured), n exc 6m 39.79 39.79 ← dk 6 eh vuf/kd xgjkbZ esa LFkkiu
in depth →
07078 mi;qZDr] 20 lseh ek/; O;kl ¼mi;qZDRk½
07078 Ditto. 20cm mean dia (ditto), 53.89 53.89
ditto → ← mi;ZqDr
07079 Add to item 07077 for every ad- 07079 tksM+as en 07077 esa izfr ehVj vfrfjDr xgjkbZ
ditional one metre depth upto 30.13 30.13 ← ds fy;s] dqy xgjkbZ 8 ehVj rd
a total depth of 8m →
07080 tksM+sa en 07078 esa mi;qZDr
07080 Add to item 07078 ditto → 44.23 44.23 ←


nhokjksa vkfn esa MkVsa yxkuk

(a) Plugs for securing fittings to walls, and for securing short ¼d½ nhokjksa esa miLdjksa dh etcwrh] rFkk ifV~V;ksa dh vlEc) NksVh
detached length of fillets etc. (n. exc 1 m long) shall be yEckbZ;ksa dh etcwrh vkfn ds fy;s MkVksa dh ¼1 eh vuf/kd½
fxurh dh tk;sxhA
(b) The rates in the table below shall apply only to cases, where ¼[k½ uhps dh rkfydk dh njsa dsoy ,sls ekeyksa esa ykxw gksaxha tgka
fixing by means of plugs is not included in the rates for MkVksa lfgr fLFkj djus ds dk;Z dks ydM+h dk;Z ds fLFkj djus
fixing woodwork
dh njksa esa 'kkfey ugh fd;k x;k gSA

PER RUNNING METRE Brick Cement concrete or Add if in izfr ehVj ¼izR;sd iafDr½
(EACH ROW) wall stone walls repairs
bZV lhesaV daØhV ;k tksM+sa ;fn
07081 Plugging to walls complete, nhokj iRFkj nhokj ejEer esa 07081 ydM+h dh ifV~V;ks]a /kjkryks]a lkapks]a r[rscna h
for wood fillets, grounds, vkfn ds fy, ,d ehVj vuf/kd ds
moulding, boarding, etc., 59.63 72.20 15.49 ← vUrjky esa nhokjksa esa lai.w kZ MkV yxkuk
at distances n exc 1 m →

EACH iz R ;s d

07082 Ditto for fittings, etc., or in 07082 mi;qDZ r] miLdjksa vkfn ds fy;s ;k vlEc+)
detached work → 39.87 47.31 10.83 ← dk;Z esa
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
ydM++h dh Nr dSafp;ksa vkfn dh ejEer

EACH Clear span iz R ;s d

lkQ ikV
Upto 4 Above 4 metres Above 8 metres
metres & upto 8 metres & upto 12 metres
4 eh 4 ls vf/kd o 8 8 ls vf/kd o 12
07083 Taking down roof rd eh rd eh rd
trusses, coupled rafters
07083 Nr dh dSfa p;ksa nksgjh dfM;ksa dSp a hnkj
or trussed beams → 188.90 295.89 585.22 ← /kjuksa dks mrkjuk
07084 Ditto but including taking 07084 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq dSfa p;ksa vkfn ds nks"kiw.kZ
down trusses etc., for re- vaxksa ds uohuhdj.k ds fy;s ys tkuk
newal of any defective ¼uohuhdj.k dh ydM+h izFkd ekih tk;sxh½
members (timber renewed
← rFkk nksckjk tksMu + s ds dk;Z lfgr
to be measured separately)
and reassembling → 561.09 1015.26 1432.80
07085 QfUu;ksa] iPpM+ksa] dkcyksa dks dlus
07085 Housing and fixing
trusses etc. after repairs lfgr ejEer ds ckn dSfp;ksa vkfn
including tightening dks O;ofLFkr djuk o fLFkj
up wedges, cotters bolts 290.80 471.29 738.64 ← djuk
etc. →


dkjhxjh ds fy;s dsoy Je

(a) The rates include for all mitres and stops. ¼d½ bu njksa esa lHkh izdkj dh dksfu;ksa o MV~Vs 'kkfey gSaA
(b) The rates for planning include smoothening sawn timber ¼[k½ leryhdj.k dh njksa esa fpjh gqbZ ydM+h dks fpduk djuk
and sand papering, if required, and also include for taking o ;fn vko';d gks jsxeky djuk 'kkfey gS rFkk 3 feeh
off small arrises n exc 3 mm wide. vuf/kd mHkkjksa dks nwj djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(c) For labour on hardwood, the rates shall be increased by 50%. ¼x½ dBksj ydM+h ds Je ds fy, njksa esa 50 izfr'kr dh o`f) dh tk;sxhA
(d) For work carried out across grain (except scribing, notching, ¼?k½ ldy rUrqjpuk dk;Z ds fy;s ¼flok;] [kqjpus] [kkaps cukuk]
circular culling, splaying ends or corners or pointed ends), xksy dVkbZ] frjNs Nksj ;k fdukjs ;k Vkafdr Nksjksa ds½ njksa dks
the rates shall be increased by 50%. 50 izfr'kr c<+k;k tk;sxkA
(e) For circular work, the rates for straight work shall be ¼M½ xksy dk;Z ds fy;s lh/ks dk;Z esa 100 izfr'kr dh o`f) dh
increased by 100%. tk;sxhA
(f) The rates for workmanship apply to labours not included in ¼p½ dkjhxjh dh njsa mu Jfedksa ij ykxw gksaxh tks vU; enksa esa
other items and pertain to work both on bench and in 'kkfey ugha gS rFkk dk;ZiVy o LFky ij dk;Z nksuksa ls
position. lacaf/kr gSaA
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
dkjhxjh ds fy;s dsoy Je — tkjh
lrgksa dk vk;kstu ¼lery½

07086 Planning surfaces of softwood → 07086 uje ydM+h dh lrgksa dk leryhdj.k

80.39 ←

Scribing, Notching, Circular Cutting, etc. [kqjpuk] [kkapsnkjh] xksy dVkbZ vkfn
Scribing Notching etc Circular
PER RUNNING METRE 15 cm girth cutting iz f r ehVj
[kqjpuk 15 lseh ?ksjs ls xksy dVkbZ
vf/kd dh
[kkapns kjh
07087Labour only on softwood n. exc 07087 dsoy Je 25 feeh vuf/kd eksVh uje
25mm thick → 40.82 54.98 68.31 ydM+h ij

07088Ditto exc 25 mm but n. exc 50mm 07088 mi;qZDr] 25 feeh ls vf/kd fdUrq 50
thick → 61.65 95.80 109.97
← feeh vuf/kd eksVh

07089Ditto, exc 50mm thick → 1000.52 1075.50 1791.11 07089 mi;qZDr] 50 feeh ls vf/kd eksVh


fdukfj;ka ¼xksV½] [kkaps] frjNs fdukjs ¼i[k½ [kakps vkfn cukuk

PER RUNNING METRE PER CM izfr ehVj izfr ls-eh- pkSM+kbZ ;k

07090 Chamfers, splays, grooves, rebates, 07090 frjNs] <yoka] [kkap]s iSrke] xksy fd;s
rounded angles, rounded nosings, dks.k] xksy fd;s x;s ftgh o [kkapns kj
tongued and grooved edges (each fdukjs ¼izR;sd thHk o [kkapk eisxk½
tongue and each groove measured)
vkfn dks 3 feeh ls vf/kd o 75 feeh
etc., exc 3mm but n. exc 75mm girth
on softwood → ←
ls vuf/kd ?ksjs dh uje ydM+h ij
07091 Beads, staff beads, flutes, reeds, ditto 07091 fdukfj;ka] xt fdukfj;ka xksy f>jh]
→ ← xksy ufy;ka vkfn] mi;ZqDr
07092 Mouldings n. exc 75mm girth, ditto 07092 lkaps] xksykbZ esa 75 feeh vuf/kd]
→ ← mi;qZDr
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½


fdukfj;ka ¼xksV½] [kkaps] frjNs fdukjs ¼i[k½ [kakps vkfn cukuk — tkjh


07093 All as per Item 07090 but exc 75mm 07093 lc en 07090 tSlk fdUrq pkSM+kbZ ;k xksykbZ esa
width or girth → 111.63
←75 feeh ls vf/kd
07094 All as per Item 07091 exc 75mm but 07094 lc en 07091 tSlk fdUrq pkSM+kbZ ;k xksykbZ esa
n. exc 200mm width or girth → 135.79 ← 75 ls vf/kd fdUrq 200 feeh ls vuf/kd
07095 Mouldings exc 75mm but not exc 07095 lkaps vkfn 75 feeh ls vf/kd fdUrq xksykbZ esa
200mm girth on softwood 173.28
→ ← 200 feeh ls vuf/kd ds uje ydM+h ij

PER 100 NOS izfr 100 u-

07096 Headings, cut (pointed or rounded) 07096 f'k[kj] 25 feeh ls vf/kd uje ydM+h ds lhekacna h
and wrought to pales or palisades ds dVs gq;s ¼uksdnkj ;k xksy fd;s gq;½s rFkk ?ksjs
of fencing of softwood exc 25mm → 1874.42 ← ;k dV ?ksjnkj x<+s gq;s
07097 Ditto, to posts including mitred 07097 mi;qDZ r] 25 feeh ls vf/kd [kEHkksa ds] tgka t:jh
intersections where necessary exc ← gks izfrNsnu dkV ds
25mm → 3748.84
07098 Notches n. exc 15cm girth (n exc 07098 [kkaps 15 lseh vuf/kd xksykbZ ds ¼25 feeh
25mm thick), cut in softwood → ← vuf/kd eksVs½ uje ydM+h esa dVs gq;s
07099 Notches not exc 15cm girth (exc 07099 [kkaps 15 lseh vuf/kd xksykbZ ds ¼eksVkbZ 25 feeh
25mm and not exc 50 mm thick) cut ls vf/kd fdUrq 50 feeh ls vuf/kd½ uje ydM+h
in softwood → 3332.30 ← esa dVs gq;s

ojesa ls Nsn djuk
Holes up to 2 cm deep to be
Diameter or side
2 lseh rd ds Nsnksa dk Hkqxrku
paid for as 2 cm deep
C;kl ;k Hkqtk 2 lseh ln`'; gksxk
PER 100 NOS. (PER CM N exc. Exc. 15 mm & Exc. 30 mm & izfr 100 u- ¼xgjkbZ dk
OF DEPTH) 15 mm n. exc. 30 mm n. exc. 50 mm izfr ls-eh-½
vuf/kd 15 feeh ls vf/kd 30 feeh ls vf/kd
15 feeh 30 feeh vuf/kd 50 feeh vuf/kd
07100 Holes round, drilled or cut 07100 uje ydM+ h es a ojes ls ;k dkVs
in soft wood → 416.54 833.08 1666.15 ←gq ; s xks y Ns n
07101 Holes square or rectangular 07101 uje ydM+h esa ojes ls ;k dkVs gq;s
drilled or cut in softwood→
→ 555.66 1041.34 2082.69 ←pkSdksj ;k vk;rkdkj Nsn
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
cfYy;a k
(a) The term “fixed” shall have the same meaning as for ¼d½ **LFkkiuk** 'kCn dk ogh vFkZ gksxk tks **ydM+h LFkkiuk** ds
“timber fixed”. fy;s gSA
(b) The mean diameter of a bally shall be taken as average of ¼[k½ cYyh dk Ekk/; O;kl cYyh ds nksuksa Nksjksa ds O;kl dk vkSlr
the diameters at the two ends.
fy;k tk;sxkA
PER RUNNING Type 3 Ballies Type 2 Ballies Type 1 Ballies izfr EkhVj
uewuk 3 cfYy;ak uewuk 2 cfYy;ak uewuk 1 cfYy;ak
S&F Except S&F Except S&F Except
vk ballies vk ballies vk ballies
o cYyh o cYyh o cYyh
LFkkiuk jfgr LFkkiuk jfgr LFkkiuk jfgr
07102 Ballies, softwood, any 07102 fdlh Hkh dh uje
class & fixed
ydM+h dh cfYy;ksa dh
→ ← vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu
58.20 12.14 88.29 35.65 139.17 70.74
07103 Ditto, hardwood any 07103 mi;qZDr] fdlh dh
class & fixed → 82.94 17.14 131.21 58.83 197.10 104.98 ← dBksj ydM+h rFkk LFkkiu
07104 Add to Items 07102 07104 tksMs+ en 07102 o 07103
and 07103, if in esa] ;fn ejEer esa iqjkuh
repairs to replace old o {kh.k cfYy;ksa dks cnyk
and decayed ballies,
including piecing and
x;k gS] rFkk ubZ o iqjkuh
scarfing etc., old and cfYy;ksa esa Nsn djuk o
new ballies (if tksMu+ k ¼;fn t:jh gks½ ,oa
required), and iqjkuh cfYy;ksa dks Hk.Mkj
removing old ballies igqp a kuk lfgr
to Store → 16.66 8.33 24.99 17.49 54.15 34.16 ←
MATERIALS (Supplied only)
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
07105 Timber, clean sawn in
scantlings, boardings, etc.,
07105 Vsdcanh] rVcanh] <wYkkcanh] Qjekcanh
suitable for strutting, shoring, rFkk vU; vLFkkbZ mÌs'; ds fy;s
centering, formwork and for mi;qZDr] QfV~V;ks]a r[rksa esa fpjh
other temporary purposes → 30503.00 ← gqbZ lkQ ydM+h

2nd class soft- 2nd class hard-

wood wood
f}rh; uje f}rh; dBksj
ydM+h ydM+h
07106 Timber in clean sawn 07106 lkQ fpjh gqbZ ydM+h dh dfM+;ka
scantlings → 36049.00 83190.00

07107 Timber in clean sawn battens 07107 lkQ fpjh gqbZ ydM+h dh QfV~V;ksa
or fillets → 36049.00 83190.00 ← ;k o+Ÿks
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
MATERIALS (Supplied only)– Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ & tkjh
Qyd ;k r[rs
Rate for thickness other than those shown below shall be uhps nh xbZ eksVkbZ ls vf/kd eksVkbZ dh njsa lekuqikfrd fudkyh
worked out pro-rata. tk;sxhA
Thickness of board in mm izfr oxZ ehVj
Qyd dh eksVkbZ feeh eaas
15 20 25 30 40

07108 2nd class softwood clean 0710

071088 f}rh; ds fpjs gq;s lkQ uje
sawn boards or planks, ydM+h ds 25 lseh vuf/kd fdlh
width n exc. 25 cm → 540.74 720.98 901.23 1081.47 1441.96
←Hkh pkSMk+ bZ ds Qyd ;k r[rs
07109 2nd class hardwood,
ditto, width n exc. 20cm → 0710
071099 f}rh; dBksj ydM+h ds] mi;qDZ r
915.09 1220.12 1525.15 1830.18 2523.43
←20 lseh vuf/kd fdlh Hkh pkSMk+ bZ ds


dhysa] esa[ksa o isp
Upto 50 mm Exc 50 mm Exc 80 mm
but n. exc but n. exc
80 mm 150 mm
50 feeh rd 50 ls vf/kd 80 ls vf/kd
80 feeh 150 feeh ls izfr fdyksxzke
07110 Plain head, lost head,
vuf/kd vuf/kd 07110 lkns flj] flj jfgr] /kkrq] uje
lath, mild steel wire nails, yksgs dh rkjh dhysa] pedhyh
bright finished → 80.42 80.42 80.42 ← jpuk okyh

07111 Panel pins n. exc 25mm 07111 fnYys dhy] 25 feeh vuf/kd yEch
long, 1.00 mm to 1.60 mm ←1-00 feeh ls 1-60 feeh O;kl dh
dia → 90.12
07112 Clout, slate or felt and 07112 crklk] LysV ;k xn~nh o cM+h
extra large felt nail, exc 25 xnnhnkj dhys] 25 feeh ls
mm in length → 80.42 ←vf/kd yEch
07113 Cut-lath nails (cut-tacks), 07113 dkV /kkrq dhysa ¼pknj&Vkadk½ 15
15 mm to 25 mm long and feeh ls 25 feeh yEch o 1-8 ls 2
1.8 to 2.00 mm in dia → 80.42
← feeh O;kl dh
07114 Ditto, but exc 25 mm & n.
07114 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 25 feeh ls vf/kd
exc 40 mm length and
2.00 to 2.40 mm in dia →
o 40 feeh vuf/kd yEch o 2-0 ls
80.42 ← 2-40 feeh O;kl dh
[k.M 7 & ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZxhjh½
MATERIALS (Supplied only) – Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ & tkjh
ydM+h esa yxkus okys isp
PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 u]

07115 Mild steel wood screws, bright 0711

071155 uje yksgs ds dk"B isp] pedhyh
finished, with slotted countersunk lrg] [kkafpr 'kad[q kkr 'kh"kZ] inuke 4
head, designation 4 to 10 (2.74 to 4.88 ls 10 ¼ 2-74 ls 4-88 feeh ukHkh; ek/
mm nominal shank dia) n. exc 50 mm
; O;kl½ ← 50 feeh vuf/kd yEcs
long → 69.33
07116 Ditto, designation 12 to 14 (5.59 to 0711
071166 mi;qDZ r] inuke 12 ls 14 ¼5-59 ls 6-
6.30 mm, ditto), exc 50 mm but n. exc 30 feeh] mi;ZDq r½ 50 feeh ls vf/kd
100 mm long → 103.99 ← fdUrq 100 feeh ls vuf/kd yEcs

MISCELLANEOUS fofo/k oLrq,sa

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

07117 Glue → 103.99 ← 07117 ljsl
15 to 25mm long, 30 to 50mm long,
1.60mm to 1.80mm 1.80mm to 2.50mm
PER KILOGRAM in dia in dia izfr fdyksxzke
15 ls 25 feeh yEcs 30 ls 50 feeh yEcs
1-60 ls 1-80 feeh 1-80 ls 2-50 feeh
O;kl O;kl
07118 Staple (Steel wire), 07118 dqykck ¼bLikr rkj½ uqdhyk]
pointed, bright → ← pednkj
69.33 66.55
07119 Ditto, galvanised → 07119 mi;qZDr] tLre<+s
80.42 80.42

SPIKES dka V s
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke
07120 Mild steel spikes, rose 071 20 uje yksgs ds dkaVs dVksjh flj ;k
headed or dog spikes, 10 to 72.10 ←dqŸkk dkaVs 10 ls 20 lseh yEcs
20 cm long →

iz f r ehVj
PER RUNNING METER Softwood ballies Hardwood ballies
cYyh uje ydM+h cYyh dBksj ydM+h
Type 3 Type 2 Type 1 Type 3 Type 2 Type 1
uewuk 3 uewuk 2 uewuk 1 uewuk 3 uewuk 2 uewuk 1

07121 Ballies in lengths from 07121 3 ls 9 eh yEckbZ dh cfYy;ka

3 to 9 m → 46.06 52.64 68.43 65.80 72.38 92.12
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ–fxjh
fo”ks’k “krsZ
8.1 Measurements 8-1 eki
The following method of measurement shall be ekius dh fuEu fof/k viukbZ tk;sxh%&
(1) Lengths shall be measured to the nearest centimetre. ¼1½ yEckbZ;ka fudVre lsaVhehVj rd ekih tk;asxhA
(2) Width of surfaces formed by two or more boards shall ¼2½ nks ;k nks ls vf/kd r[rksa ls cuh lrgksa dh pkSMk+ bZ dks fudVre
be measured to the nearest centimetre. lsaVhehVj rd ekik tk;sxkA
(3) Width of single or detached boards and thickness of ¼3½ ,dy ;k vlEc) r[rksa dh pkSM+kbZ ,oa leLr r[rscanh dh
all boarding shall be measured to nearest 2mm. eksVkbZ] fudVre nks feeh rd ekih tk;sxhA
(4) Door and window frames and the like shall be ¼4½ njokts o f[kM+fd;ksa ds Ýse o leku dk;Z vuqizLFk dkV
measured to the nearest 2mm in cross sectional vk;ru esa fudVre 2 feeh rd ekis tk;saxsA
(5) Sections of members other than rectangular shall be ¼5½ vk;r dks NksM+dj] vU; vaxksa ds [k.Mksa dh eki] U;wure
measured as the least rectangle or from which the vk;rkdkj ;k ftlls og [k.M cuk;k tk ldrk gS] dh tk;sxhA
section can be obtained.
(6) In the case of member with a varying section, the ¼6½ ifjorhZ vuqizLFk dkV ds ekeys esa lcls cM+s vuqizLFk dkV dks
largest section shall be measured. ekik tk;sxkA
(7) Mitred pieces shall be measured along their longest length. ¼7½ dyeh VqdM+s mudh lcls yEch yEckbZ ds lkFk ekis tk;saxsA
(8) In measuring framed timber, the length of tenons and ¼8½ Qjesnkj ydM+h ekius esa /kqjh o [kkapksa dks Qjesnkj vax dh n”kZ
scarfs shall be added to the sight length of the framed yEckbZ esa tksM+k tk;sxkA
8-2 njs a
8.2 Rates
(a) The rates for wooden joinery work shall include for ¼d½ ydMh ds c<+bZ ds dke dh njksa esa] og lHkh lrgsa “kkfey gSa
all surfaces to be wrought except the surfaces in ftUgsa x<+k tkuk gS] flck; mu lrgksa ds tks fpukbZ ds lEidZ
contact with the masonry, which may be left clean
esa gSa] ftUgsa fcuk x<+r ds NksM+k tk ldrk gSaA
(b) Unless specifically mentioned to the contrary, the SSR ¼[k½ tc rd fd foijhr u dgk x;k gks] ,l ,l vkj dh c<+bZ ds
rates for joinery work (materials and labour or laying dke dh njksa esa ¼dsoy] Je] ;k fcNkuk ;k LFkkiu½] dhys]a dkaV]s
or fixing only) include for nails, spikes, screws, isp] dkoys vkfn ds fy;s Nsn djuk o yxkuk vkfn “kkfey
boring for and fixing of bolts etc. Bolts, nuts and
washers shall be paid for as “Supplied only”, without
gSAa dkoys] f<ofj;ka] cklZy vkfn dk Hkqxrku] fudkyh xbZ dhyksa
any deduction for the value of nails displaced. dh ewY; dVkSrh ds fcuk **dsoy laifw Ùk dh njksa esa fd;k tk;sxkA
(c) The rates include taking off small arises n exc 3 mm ¼x½ bu njksa esa] ;fn funsZ”k gks rks 3 feeh rd ds NksVs mHkkjksa dks
wide, when directed. gVkuk Hkh “kkfey gSA
(d) The rates for “fixing only” include for the labour ¼?k½ **dsoy LFkkiu** dh njksa esas] cuh gqbZ lkexzh dks yxkus o fLFkj
required to fit and fix the prepared material in the djus ds fy;s visf{kr Je “kkfey gS rFkk ydM+h o lajpuk dks
work and are exclusive of timber and fabrication but NksM+dj] tksM+us dh lkexzh tSls dhysa] isp] ljsl] es[ksa vkfn
include for jointing materials, such as nails, screws,
glue, pins, etc. “kkfey gSaA
(e) The rates for “except timber” include in addition all ¼M½ **ydM+h jfgr** dh njksa esa lkexzh dh blds vfrfjDr la- jpuk]
fabrication and preparation of the materials etc., except o miØe vkfn “kkfey gSSa flok; visf{kr dkVksa dh fpjh gqbZ
the supply of clean sawn timber in required sections. ydM+h dh vkiwfrZ dsA
(f) Where no specific provision for extra payment for ¼p½ tgka oØ ;k xksykdkj dk;kZs ds fy;s dksbZ fo”ks’k izko/kku ugha
curved or circular work in wooden joinery work is fd;k x;k gS]a ogka fuEufyf[kr njksa dks Lohdkj fd;k tk;sxk%&
made, the following rates shall be allowed :
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ–fxjh
fo”ks’k “krsZ tkjh
In superficial work, circular on plan or elevation (e.g. in vuqfo{ksi ;k mn~fo{ksi ij lrgh dk;Z esa ¼tSls dikVksa foHkktuksa]
shutters, partitions, framing, etc.) the circular portions Qjek canh vkfn esa½ xksykdkj dk;Z dks likV dk;Z ls vyx ekik
shall be measured square separately from the straight
portions and priced at twice the rates for straight work. tk;sxk ,oa likV dk;Z dh njksa ls mldk ewY;kdau nqxquk gksxkA
8.3 Adjustment of Rates 8-3 njksa dk lkeatLO;
8.3.1 Rates for wooden joinery work are given generally 8-3-1 ydMh ds c<+bZ ds dke dh njsa] tc rd fd vU;Fkk nf”kZr
for first class softwood and first class hardwood
u gks] lkekU;r% izFke uje o izFke dBksj ydM+h
unless otherwise indicated.
ds fy;s nh xbZ gSaA
8.3.2 When work is executed in a different class of timber. 8-3-2 tc dk;Z fHkUu dh ydM+h ls fuLikfnr gksrk gS rks ,sls
the rates for such timber shall be derived as shown dk;ksZ ds fy;s njsa fuEu rkfydk ds vuqlkj fu/kkZfjr dh
in the following table. This method shall take tk;sxhA fopkjk/khu dk;Z ds nj fu/kkZj.k esa ;g fof/k vU;
precedence over any other method of deriving rates
for the work in question. fof/k;ksa ij ojh;rk izkIr djsxhA

For work “M&L (or S&F)” “Except timber” Material var%dk;Z lk o J ydM+h jfgr lkexzh
in rates or “fixing “supplied gsrq ¼vk o LFkk½ ;k dsoy LFkk **dsoy
only” rates or only”rates
“Laying only” njsa ;k **dsoy vkaifw ÙkZ**
rates fcNkbZ** njsa
1 2 3 4 ¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½
2nd class Deduct 50% “Except timber” Deduct f}rh; izFke fcuk dVkSrh izFke
softwood from “M&L or or “fixing only” 55%
S&F” rates of rates of 1st class from “su-
uje ydM+h dh njksa eas ls izFke dh njksa esa ls
1st class softwood shall pplied 50 %?kVk;sa dh njsa ykxw 55 %?kVk;sa
softwood apply without only” rates gkax
s h
any deduction. of first
class soft-
2nd class Deduct 50% “Except timber” Deduct f}rh; izFke fcuk dVkSrh izFke
hardwood from “M&L or or “Fixing only” 55% from
S&F” rates of 1st rates of 1st class “supplied”
dBksj ydM+h dh njksa esa ls izFke dh njksa esa ls
class hard- hardwood shall only” rates 50 %?kVk;sa dh njsa ykxw 55 %?kVk;sa
wood. apply without of 1st gkax
s h
any deduction class hard


njokts] f[kM+fd;kas] dh pkS[kVsa o vU; <kaps
(a) The rates include for hardwood or bamboo pins and rebated ¼d½ bu njksa esa] dBksj ;k ckal dh es[ksa o idM+ ifÙk;ksa-] dkoyksa ;k
holes for hold fasts, bolts or screws including pelletting to ispksa ds fy;s irkeh Nsn] “kh’kZ ij xV~Vd yxkuk “kkfey gSA
(b) Backs or portions of chowkats in contact with masonry etc. ¼[k½ bZaV dk;Z vkfn ds lEidZ ds pkS[kV ds fiNys Hkkxksa dks fcuk
may be left clean sawn. x<+r ds NksM+k tk ldrk gSA
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ–fxjh
njokts] f[kM+fd;ksa] dh pkS[kVsa o vU; <kaps tkjh...

PER CUBIC METRE 1st class soft- 1st class izfr ?ku ehVj
wood hardwood
08001 Plain, solid, straight chowkats 08001 lknk] Bksl] likV] x<h gqbZ pkS[kV o Ýse]
izFke uje izFke dBksj
and frames, wrought, framed rebated Bksl lrg ij xksykdkj ;k i[knkj irkes
on the solid, rounded or chamfered, ydM+h
okyh( tksMk+ as ij ljsl yxkdj] dhy Bksddj
put together with glue pinned at
joints, supplied and fixed 117124.00
→ 172774.30 ← tqM+h gqbZ( dh laiwfrZ o LFkkiuk
08002 Ditto, but segmental, worked 08002 mi;qZDr] fdUrq Bksl ydM+h ls cuh [kaMh;
169446.30 250010.60
from the solid → ←
08003 Ditto, but semi-circular, worked 08003 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq v/kZ xksykdkj] nks ;k vf/kd Hkkxksa
from the solid in two or more esa cuh dBksj ydM+h dh nksgjs fljksa dh pkfc;ka
sectors, dowelled and keyed with
225929.00 333347.50 ← yxkdj pkch;qDr rFkk xqTtk;qDr cukuk
double-headed hardwood keys →
08004 Transomes or mullions, straight, 08004 fdlh Hkh izdkj ds Ýseksa ds fy;s] vkM+h]
for solid frames of any description, frjNh ;k lh/kh cukoV] xksykdj ;k i[knkj
wrought, framed, double rebated
on the solid, rounded or chamfered
nksgjs irkes ¼;fn visf{kr gks rks vkM+h lrg
(including weathering to transome, ij +_rq lg ( ljsl o dhy yxs tksM+½
if required put together with glue, vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk djuk
pinned at joints), supplied and ←
fixed → 124567.60 183195.40
08005 Extra over items 08001 to 08003 for 08005 vfrfjDr] en 08001 ls 08003 ij] nwljk
additional rebate for fixing second dikV yxkus ds fy;s vfrfjDr irke cukus
shutter → & & ← ds fy;s
08006 Extra over item 08004 for additional
rebate for fixing second shutter →
08006 vfrfjDr] en 08004 ij] nwljk dikV yxkus
& & ← ds fy;s vfrfjDr irke cukus ds fy;s

(a) The term ‘shutter’ covers all types of leaves and sashes in ¼d½ **dikV** “kCn dh O;k[;k] lHkh izdkj ls ydM+h ds iYyksa o
woodwork whether fixed, hung or sliding, such as for doors, pkS[kVksa pkgs og fLFkfjr gksa] yVdsa gksa] ljdoka gksa tSls fd
windows, clerestorey windows, ventilators, fanlights,
skylights, lantern & northlights louvered or venetianed njoktks]a f[kM+fd;ks]a Åijh f[kM+fd;ksa jks”kunkuksa }kj eks[kks]a Nr
shutters, cup-board fronts, framed and pannelled linings eks[kksa] yEcs nhokj eks[kksa] mÙkjh eks[kksa] f>yfeys vYekjh }kj
or dados and similar work. Qjesnkj] fnYysnkj fdukfj;ka ;k ifV~V;ka rFkk leku dk;kaZs dks
lekfgr djrh gSaA
(b) The term ‘glazed shutter’ means shutter or part of shutter ¼[k½ **”kh”ksnkj dikV** dk vFkZ gS ,slk dikV ;k dikV dk Hkkx
with panels divided into squares or rectangles with plain,
ftlds iYys pkSdksj ;k vk;rkdkj :i esa foHkkftr gksa ftlesa]
chamfered, rounded or moulded sash bars and glazed with
glass as indicated. likV] i[knkj] xksy ;k lacfa /kr la/kkj iV~Vh yxh gks o lkFk esa
fufnZ’Vkuqlkj “kh”ks yxs gkssaA
(c) Circular shutters shall be measured as square and ¼x½ xksydkj dikV] oxZ tSls ekis tk;saxs ,oa budk ewY;kadu
priced at twice the rate for straight work. Shutters lh/ks dk;Z dh njksa ls nqxquk gksxkA v/kZxksydkj ;k [kaM+h; “kh’kZ
with semi-circular or segmental head shall be
okys dikV nks Hkkxksa es ekis tk;saxs vk;rkdkj Hkkx rFkk Åijh
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ–fxjh
dikV tkjh...
measured in two parts, the rectangular portion and oØHkkx] ckn okyk Hkkx oxZ esa ekik tk;sxk ¼iwjh pkSMk+ bZ xq.kk dsUnz
the upper curved portion, the latter being measured ij ÅWpkbZ½ rFkk ewY;kadu lh/ks dk;Z dh njksa dk nqxuq k gksxkA
as square (overall width by height at centre) and
priced at twice the rate for straight work.

(d) No extra width or labour shall be measured for rebated ¼?k½ njoktksa o f[kM+fd;ksa ds dikVksa esa irkes cukus vFkok ;k <yoak
and or splayed meeting stiles of door and window
[kM+h ifV~V;ka yxkus ds fy;s] pkSM+kbZ ;k Je esa dksbZ vfrfjDr
eki ugha gksxhA
(e) Shutters with combination of two types (e.g. glazed ¼M½ nks izdkj ds feys tqys dikVksa ¼;Fkk Åijh Hkkx “kh”ksnkj ;k
or venetianed upper portion and pannelled lower portion) vLrj.k rFkk uhps dk Hkkx fnYysnkj½ dks nks Hkkxksa esa ekik
shall be measured in two portions. The dividing line for tk;sxkA ekius ds fy;s] nksuksa Hkkxksa dks vyx djus okyh iVjh
measurements shall be the centre of the rail separating the
different portions. ds dsUnz dks foHkktd js[kk ekuk tk;sxkA
(f) All shutters shall be framed except / ledged and battened ¼p½ iq”rokuh o iêhnkj vkSj iq”okuh] ca/kuh o iêhnkj fdLe ds
type and ledged, braced and battened type. dikVksa dks NksM+dj] lHkh dikV Qjesnkj gksaxsA
(g) Wood work in built-in wardrobes, cupboards etc. shall be ¼N½ fuekZ.k esa cus gq;s ckMZjkso] dioksMZ vkfn dsa ydM+h dk;Z dks
measured in detail under the appropriate items. mi;qDr enksa ds vUrxZr foLrkj ls ekik tk;sxkA
(h) The rates for shutters of doors and windows etc. are based ¼t½ njoktksa f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn ds dikVksa dh njsa ,l ,l vkj Hkkx&1
on the dimensions of various components or parts as
indicated in 8.24 of S.S.R. Part I. Any variation therefrom, mifof/k 8-24 ds fufnZ’Vkuqlkj fofHkUu vaxksa ;k Hkkxksa ds ifjeki
if ordered, shall be adjusted. ij vk/kkfjr gSAa fdlh Hkh vlaxfr dk ;fn vkns”k gS rks mldk
lek;kstu fd;k tk;sxkA
(j) The rates include for : ¼>½ njksa esa fuEu “kkfey gSa%&
(1) Nails, screws, wedges and keys as required. ¼1½ visf{kr] dhysa] isp] iPpM+sa o pkfc;kaA
(2) Hardwood or bamboo pins to framed joints. ¼2½ pkS[kVs ds tksM+ksa esa yxkus ds fy;s dBksj ydMha ;k ckal
dh “kyk[kk;sAa
(3) Coating framed joints with glue before being put ¼3½ pkS[kVs ds tksMk+ as dks ,d lkFk yXkkus ls igys ljsl dh ijr
together. yxkukA
(4) Punching and clenching nails. ¼4½ Nsn djuk o dhy yxkukA
(5) Planing on all sides unless described as clean ¼5½ tc rd lkQ fpjh gqbZ u dgk x;k gks ydM+h dks pkjksa vksj
sawn. ls jans ls lery djukA
(6) Providing shutters in one leaf or more leaves, as ¼6½ funsZ”kkuqlkj dikVksa dh ,d iYys ;k nks iYyksa esa O;oLFkk
directed. djukA
(7) All extra work due to diminished stiles, if directed. ¼7½ ?kVkoh ifV~V;ksa ds dkj.k] ;fn funsfZ ”kr gks]a rks lHkh vfrfjDr
(8) Sand papering to an even and smooth texture. ¼8½ lrg dks le o likV cukus ds fy;s jsxeky ls f?klkbZ
(9) Fitting of shutters to chowkats (and fixing in the case ¼9½ dikVksa dks pkS[kVksa esa yxkuk ¼tM+s gq;s dikVksa dks fLFkj
of fixed shutters) and preparing for hanging, sliding, djuk½ rFkk yVdkus] ljdkus dh O;oLFkk djuk vkfnA
etc. All builder’s hardware including hinges, pivots,
etc. shall be measured in addition, as ‘supplied and
dCts] /kqfj;ka lfgr lHkh bekjrh miLdjksa dks blds vfrfjDr
fixed’. *vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir* esa ekik tk;sxkA
(k) Shutters of thickness other than mentioned in the following ¼=½ fuEu esa nh xbZ fHkUu eksVkbZ ds dikVksa dk Hkqxrku
tables shall be paid for at prorata vkuqikfrd gksxkA
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ–fxjh
dikV tkjh...
“kh”ksnkj rFkk <kapsnkj dikV
Glass or wire cloth, etc. in panels or sash squares shall be iYyksa la/kkj oxkZs ds “kh”ks ;k tkfy;ka izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
measured separately.
PER SQUARE 1st class softwood 1st class hard wood izfr oxZ ehVj
METRE izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08007 Glazed and skeleton Thickness of shutter in mm Thickness of shutter in mm 08007 “kh”ksnkj o <kapns kj
shutters, open dikV dh eksVkbZ feeh esa dikV dh eksVkbZ feeh esa dikV] tkyh vkfn
rebated and prepared yxkus ds fy;s cuk;s
25 30 35 Except 2 5 30 35 Except
to receive glass,
gauze, etc. (without
timber timber x;s [kqyh irkeh okys
any any
sash bars), edges of thickness thickness dkafpr o <kafpr ¼fcuk
framing plain, fdlh Hkh fdlh Hkh la/kkj NM+½ dikV(
chamfered or eksVkbZ dh eksVkbZ dh fdukjs likV] i[knkj
rounded. fitted with ydM+h ydM+h
cut and mitred beads
;k xksykdkj] “kh”ks vkfn
jfgr jfgr
for securing glass, dks idMus ds fy;s dVh
etc.; sizes of me-mbers gqbZ dyeh xksVu( dikV
of shutters as ds vaxksa dh eki ,l
specified in SSR Part ,l vkj Hkkx&1 [kaM 8
I, Section 8, clause
8.24 (a); supplied and
ds mica/k 8-24 ¼d½ ds
fitted to chowkats → 2004.70 2191.90 2379.00 952.30 3086.30 3404.50 3742.10 1324.50
vuqlkj] vkiwfÙkZ rFkk mUgsa
←pkS[kVksa esa cSBkuk
08008 Ditto, but divided into
squares, with plain, 08008 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq oxksZ esa
chamfered or roun- foHkkftr] likV]
ded, mitred and i[knkj ;k xks y ]
rebated sash bars, dyeh o irkeh fdlh
any numbers →
Hkh la [ ;k dh
2394.38 2581.60 2768.70 1175.60 3665.60 3983.50 4301.70 1659.50 ←la/kkj ifê;ka lfgr
08009 All as per item 08009 lc en 08008 tSlk
08008 but with edges
of sash bars and
fdUrq x<s+ gq;s fdukjksa
framing moulded → okyh vk/kkj ifV~V;ksa
2533.00 2720.20 2907.40 1314.30 3804.00 4122.20 4440.40 1798.10 ←o pkS[kVs [kkapns kj
08010 Deduct from items
08007 to 08009 above
08010 ?kVk;sa en 08007 ls
if windows, 08009 esa ls] ;fn
ventilators, etc. are f[kM+fd;ksa jks”kunkuksa
provided with stiles vkfn es]a ,l ,l vkj
and rails as specified Hkkx&1 [kaM mica/k 8-
in SSR Part I, Section
8 clause 8.24(b) → 24¼[k½ ds vuqlkj [kM+h
ifV~V;ksa o iVfj;ksa dh
215.00 249.60 284.30 41.65 336.30 395.20 454.14 - ←O;oLFkk dh xbZ gS
08011 Add to items 08007 08011 tksM+as en 08007 ls
to 08009 if prepared
08009 esa ;fn xksVu
to slide horizontally
on beads including dh vkiwfÙkZ lfgr xksVu
supplying and ij lekukUrj <ky
41.65 51.65
fixing beads → ←cuk;k x;k gks
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ fxjh
“kh”ksnkj rFkk <¡kpsnkj dikV tkjh...

PER SQUARE METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood izfr oxZ ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
Supplied Except Supplied Except
and fixed timber and fixed timber
vkiwfrZ o ydM+h jfgr vkiwfrZ o ydM+h jfgr
08012 Deduct from item 08007 if
LFkkiu LFkkiu 08012 ?kVk;s]a en 08007 esa ls ;fn “kh”ks vkfn
cut and mitred beads are dks Fkkeus ds fy;s dVh gqbZ dyeh xksVu
not supplied and fitted for
←dh O;oLFkk o fLFkj.k ugha fd;k gS
securing glass, etc. → 216.40 100.00 320.80 150.00
08013 Deduct from items 08008 08013
08013?kVk;sa] en 08008 o 08009 esas ls
and 08009 ditto → 366.40 250.00 545.70 375.00 ←mi;q Z D r

2nd class softwood 2nd class hardwood

f}rh; uje ydM+h f}rh; dBksj ydM+h
Thickness of Except Thickness of Except
shutter in mm timber shutter in mm timber
dikV dh eksVkbZ any thick- dikV dh eksVkbZ any thick-
feeh esa ness feeh esa ness
08014 Framed, ledged fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ 08014 Qjesnkj] daxwjh] ca/kuh o
braced and dh ydM+h jfgr dh ydM+h jfgr iV~Vhnkj dikVksa dh vkiwfÙk
battened shutters, 40 45 40 45
djuk rFkk mUgsa pkS[kVksa esa
supplied and
fitted to chowkats 2375.80 2569.20 595.50 5587.20 6097.20 893.24 ← yxkuk

fnYys n kj dikV
PER SQUARE METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood izfr oxZ ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08015 Plain, framed, Thickness of shutter Except Thickness of shutter Except 08015 l i k V ] Q j e s n k j ]
panelled shutters in mm timber in mm timber fnYysnkj dikV ¼fdlh
(any number of dikV dh eksVkbZ any dikV dh eksVkbZ any
la[;k esa fnYys½ ftlesa
panels), with feeh esa thick- feeh esa thick-
panels of timber ydMh+ ds nksuksa vksj
ness ness
flat on both sides likV ¼iq[kh fdukjs½
ydM+h ydM+h
(feather edged), or
jfgr jfgr fnYys ;k vLrj.k
of veneered particle ikVhZ d y cks M Z ;k
board medium 25 30 40 25 30 40
density, wood vk;ksftr Qyd dgs
particle board with vuqlkj nksuksa Åijh
commercial face O;kolkf;d vLrj.k(
veneers: supplied vkiwfÙkZ djuk o pkS[kVksa
and fitted to
← es yxkuk
chowkats → 2328.10 2518.70 2900.00 553.70 3484.20 4016.40 4664.60 1510.60
08016 Add to Item 08015 08016 tksM+as en 08015 esa ;fn
if framing is Qjesnkjh dks Bksl ij
moulded on solid lkafpr fd;k x;k gS
(for each side) → 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00
←¼izR;sd vksj ds fy;s½
[k.M 8 & c<+bZ fxjh
fnYysnkj dikV tkjh...


08017 Ditto, if moulded 08017 mi;ZqDr] ;fn lkafpr

bead is provided
and planted round
xksVu dh O;oLFkk dh gS
the panels (for each o mls iYys ds pkjksa
side) → vksj yxk;k x;k gS
382.90 382.90 382.90 133.30 566.00 566.00 566.00 200.00
← ¼izR;sd vksj ds fy;s½
08018 Ditto, if rebated
08018 mi;qDZ r] ;fn irkeh mHkjh
bolection moul
ded bead is pro lkafpr xksVu dh O;oLFkk
vided and planted gS rFkk mls fnYys ds pkjksa
round the panels vksj yxk;k x;k gS ¼izR;sd
(for each side) → 524.50 524.50 524.50 275.00 782.60 782.60 782.60 416.50 ←vksj ds fy;s½
08019 Ditto, if timber 08019 mi;qDZ r] ;fn ydM+h ds
panels are raised
fnYys mHkkjs gS rFkk
and have bevelled
or chamfered dVkoh o i[knkj Nksj
margins (for each ←ifV~V;ka yxkbZ gSa
side) →


dkj[kkus ds cus dikV
PER SQUARE METRE 2nd class HW rail and style izfr oxZ ehVj
f}rh; dy iVjh o iV~Vh 08020 likV Qjesnkj iYysnkj dikV
08020 Plain framed, panelled
shutter (two panel) with Thickness of Fixing only ¼nks iYys½ ca/ku iVjh o iYys 9
lock rail and panel of 9 mm shutters any thickness feeh BWP O;kolkfgd IykbZ
B.W.P. commercial ply or 12 dikV dh eksVkbZ dsoy LFkkiu fdlh ;k 12 feeh ds nksuksa vksj ls
mm veneered particle board Hkh eksVkbZ ds O;olkfgd vLrj.k ds vLrfjr
with commercial veneering 35mm 40mm
on both faces. The size of
ikVhZdy cksMZ ls cus] iVjh o
rail and stile as per IS : 1003 ifV~V;ksa dk vkdkj IS &1003
(Part I), kiln seasoned and ¼Hkkx 1½ ds vuqlkj] HkV~Vk idh
chemically pressure treated → 2756.90 3422.50 372.20 ← o jklk;fud nko mpkfjr
08021 Ditto, without interlocking
08021 mi;qZDr] fcuk vrca/kZu iVjh o
rail and with one panel
only ditto → 2590.60 3145.20 372.20 ← dsoy ,d iYys okys] mi;qZDr

The rates for flush shutters include for the provision of suitable likV dikVksa dh njksa esa] Hkhrjh rkys] vxZys ;k miLdj yxkus ds
blocks for taking mortice locks, latches, or other fittings. fy;s mi;qZDr fi.Mksa dh O;oLFkk djuk] “kkfey gSA
[k.M 8 & c<+bZfxjh
likV dikV tkjh...
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Fixing only, izfr oxZ ehVj
vk- o LFkk- any thickness
Thickness in mm dsoy LFkkiu]
08022Flush shutters, solid core 08022 likV dikV Bksl dksM cukoV
eksVkbZ feeh esa fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ds
construction, with block la;ksftr iVy dksM o nksuksa vksj
board core and plywood 25 30 40 ydM+h jfgr
O;olkfgd fdLe dh ydM+h dh
face panels, commercial
← ijr ds lkFk
type on both sides →
1606.20 1620.00 1758.70 372.20
08023Ditto, but with particle 08023 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq ikVhZdy cksMZ dksM
board core → 1742.90 1784.50 1950.90 372.20 ←lfgr
08024 Add to items 08022 and 08023 08024 tksMa s + en 08022 o 08023 es]a ;fn ,d
if one face is covered with deco vksj ltkoVh Qjes ls feyku dh fdukjh
rative face veneer with
lipping/frame to match → 693.20 693.20 693.20 ←lfgr vLrju ijr yxh gks
08025Ditto, if both faces, ditto → 1386.50 1386.50 1386.50 08025 mi;ZqDr] ;fn nksuksa vksj mi;qZDr

EACH iz R ;s d
08026Extra over flush shutters, any thickness, 08026 vfrfjDr] fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ds likV dikVksa ij]
for vision panels or peepholes, square
or rectangular including lipping
oxkZdkj ;k vk;rkdkj ikjn”khZ ;k >kad fNnz fdukjh
(supplying and fixing of glass measured lfgr ¼”kh”kksa dh vkiwfÙk o yxkbZ izFkd ekih tk;sxh½
separately) →


08027Extra over flush shutters for venetion 08027 vfrfjDr likV dikVksa ij] ;fn oxkZdkj ;k vk;rkdkj
openings, square or rectangular (Area f>yfeys eks[kksa ds fy;s ¼eks[kksa dk {ks=Qy ekik tk;sxk½
of opening measured) →
08028Aluminium sheet, 0.5 mm thick, fixed 08028 0-5 feeh eksVh vY;qfefu;e pknj vYeqfu;e
with aluminium alloy screws → fefJr /kkrq ds cus ispksa ls LFkkfir

f>yfeyh dikV
PER SQUARE METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood izfr oxZ ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08029Framed louvred 08029 Qjes n kj f>yfeyh
Thickness Fixing Thickness Fixing
shutters with stiles
and rails 100 to 120
in mm only in mm dikV] 100 ls 120 feeh
mm wide and eksVkbZ any eksVkbZ pkSM+h iVjh ;k iV~Vh
panels filled with feeh esa thicknessfeeh esa thickness
ds lkFk o iYys 10 ls
fixed louvres from ydM+h jfgr ydM+h jfgr 15 feeh eksVh LFkkfir
10 to 15 mm thick, 30 40 30 40 f>yfeyksa ls Hkjs( vkiwfÙkZ
supplied and fitted
to frames → djuk o pkS [ kVks a es a
3242.90 3707.30 967.70 4775.30 5564.90 1459.00 ←yxkuk
[k.M 8 & c<+bZfxjh
f>yfeys pkS [ kVs a
The number and slope of louvred blades shall be as directed. f>efeyh Qydksa ds vax o <ky funs”Z kkuqlkj gksxkA Qykdksa ds ckgjh
The outer edges of blades shall he flush with the face of the fdukjs] pkS[kVs ds eksgjs ds lkFk likV gksaxsA
PER SQUARE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood izfr oxZ ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08030 Louvred frames 80 0 8 0 3 0 f>yfey pkS[kVs 80 ls
Thickness of frames in mm Thickness of frames in mm
to 100 mm wide
with fixed louvres pkS[kVs dh eksVkbZ feeh esa pkS[kVs dh eksVkbZ feeh esa 100 feeh pkSM+s ftuesa
of 15 mm to 20 mm 50 75 100 50 75 100 15 ls 20 feeh yxs gksa(
thick, frame put tksMksa ij ljsl dhysa
together with glue,
pinned at joints, yxh( vkiwfÙkZ o LFkkfir
5911.30 7575.10 9238.90 7971.40 10411.60 12851.80
supplied and fixed

la p du ¼<ky½
The rates include for planting and clenching heads of nails, plugging bu njksa esa dhyksa dk yxkuk mlds flj eksMUkk] nhokjksa esa fxV~Vd yxkuk]
to walls, tonguing, housing, bedding and gluing in. likV djuk] fuos”k djuk] fcBkuk o muesa ljsl yxkuk “kkfey gSA
PER RUNNING 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood iz f r ehVj
METRE izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
Sectional area in sq. cm Sectional area in sq. cm
dkV {ks= lseh esa dkV {ks= lseh esa
N exc. Exc. 6 & Exc. 13 & N exc. Exc. 6 Exc. 13& Exc 25&
6 n exc. 13 n exc. 25 6 &n n ex.25 N exc.
exc. 13 50
6 ls 6 ls 13 ls 6 ls 6 ls 13 ls 25 ls
vuf/kd vf/kd 13 vf/kd o vuf/kd vf/kd vf/kd o 25 vf/kd o
ls 25 ls o 13 ls ls vuf/kd 50 ls
vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd
08031 Moulding as in 08031 lapdu tSlh dkjful]
cornices, picture fpf=r iVjh o leku
rails and the like 286.90 404.90 650.50 375.60 510.10 788.60 1114.10
08032 Add to last if fixed 08032 vafre en esa tksaMsa+ ;fn
with screws 12.50 16.20 28.70 12.50 16.20 28.70 41.20 ispksa ls LFkkfir

[kjknh dk dk;Z
(In bars for plate racks, poles for curtains, balustrade etc.) ¼jSd IySV dh NM+ksa] ijnksa ds iksys MaMksa taxyksa vkfn esa½
(a) Square fillets or Scantlings of minimum cross section out ¼d½ pkSdksj iVjh ;k QfV~V;ksa fuEure vkM+h dkV] ftlesa ls [kjknh dke
of which turned work can be produced shall be measured dk mRiknu fd;k tk ldrk gS] dks *lkQ fpjh ydM+h o LFkkfir*
as ‘timber clean sawn and fixed’ or ‘framed and fixed’
according to the type of work. ;k lkafpr o LFkkfir* esa dk;Z dh fdLe ds vuqlkj ekik tk;sxkA
(b) In work turned to varying diameters, the greatest diameter ¼[k½ fofHkUu vk;ruksa ds dk;Z dh eki esa lcls cM+s vk;ru dks
shall be taken as the basic for measurements. ewyvk/kkj fy;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
[kjknh dk dk;Z tkjh...
PER RUNNING METRE Soft wood Hard wood iz f r ehVj
uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h
Extra over timber supplied and ¼[kjknh ds dk;Z ds fy;s ydM+h dh vkiwfrZ
fixed, for turner’s work) o LFkkiu ds fy;s vfrfjDr½
08033 N. exc 15 mm dia→→ 16.70 25.00 08033 15 feeh O;kl ls vuf/kd
08034 Exc 15 mm and n exc 25 mm dia→
→ 34.20 50.00 08034 15 feeh ls vf/kd o 25 feeh ls vuf/kd O;kl
08035 Exc 25mm and n exc 50 mm dia→
→ 146.60 224.90 08035 25 feeh ls vf/kd o 50 feeh O;kl ls vuf/kd


(Extra over timber S&F for turners ¼?ksjs ;k [kjknh dk;Z dh lrg dk½
work of girth or surface of turned work)
08036 Exc. 50 mm dia→
→ 533.20 833.10 08036 50 feeh O;kl ls vf/kd

STAIR CASES lks i ku ¼lhf<+ ; ka ½

(a) The rates include for ploughing and cross tonguing, for ¼d½ bu njksa esa vkMsa [kkaps cukus ds fy;s fuos”k o vkM+sa c<kos cukus] lh<h
cross grooving and tonguing or rebating cross grain to ds; tksM+kas ds ?kVrs ;k c<+rs vkjikj Nsn djus] vk/kkj dh
angle joints of strings; and for tenoning of strings into
dkaVNkaV rFkk lh<+h dks vk/kkj LrEHkksa ls tksM+uk rFkk uhps ds
newels and to trimmers of landings; and for housing floors
to receive tenons on feet of strings.
vk/kkj dks Q”kZ esa yxkus ds fy;s LFkku cukuk “kkfey gSsaA
(b) The rates for bullnosed or semicircular ends to bottom ¼[k½ ik”oZ xksfyr ;k v/kZ xksykdkj /kjkry fdukjksa dh njksa es]a Bksl
step include for building up the curved portion or riser Oykd essa ls oØ Hkkx ;k mHkkj cukus] fxV~Vd yxkus] vkM+h
from solid blocks, dowelling, cross tonguing, etc. complete. dVkbZ vkfn ls iw.kZ “kkfey gSaA
(c) In measuring the superficial area of treads and risers, the
actual length of tread shall be multiplied by the exposed
¼x½ iknksa o c<+koksa dh eki ds fy;s iknksa dh okLrfod yEckbZ dks
width of tread plus the rise from step to step. iknksa dh ckgjh pkSM+kbZ ls xq.kk djds mlesa in ls nwljs in ds
c<k+os dks tek dj nsaxsA
(d) The following shall be measured under Section
¼?k½ fuEufyf[kr [kaM 7& ydM+h dk;Z ¼c<+bZ dk dke½ ds vUrxZr
7— Woodwork (Carpenter’s work) :
ekik tk;sxh%&
(1) Open stairways (without risers) consisting of strings
¼1½ [kqys lh<+h iFk ¼mBkos jfgr½ izca/ku o ikn lfgr ¼izoa/ku
and treads (housed into strings) shall be measured as
timber ‘S&F’ or ‘fixed only’. esa yxs½ *vkiwfÙkZ o LFkkfir* ;k *dsoy LFkkfir* ds vUrxZr
ekis tk;sxsA
(2) Landings and bearers (half and quarter space) shall be ¼2½ /kkj.kksa o /kkjdksa ¼vk/kk o pkSFkkbZ vUrjky½ dks ^Q”kZ cukuk*
measured as ‘flooring’ and ‘scantlings rFkk *Qfê;ka yxh o LFkkfir* Øekuqlkj ekik tk;sxkA
framed and fixed’ respectively.
(3) Carriages shall be measured as ‘timber in scant- ¼3½ <kapksa dks *QfV~V;ksa esa ydM+h* ds leku ekik tk;sxkA
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
lh<+h ds ik;nku o mBkos

PER SQUARE METRE 1st class 1st class izfr oxZ ehVj
softwood hardwood
izFke dh izFke dh
08037 35 mm wrought treads with uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h 08037 35 feeh ds xksy fdukjs okys x<+s gq;s ik;nku]
rounded nosings, with 20 mm nksauksa fljkas ij likV 20 feeh x<+s gq;s mBkoksa
wrought risers on tongued both
edges, glued, wedged and blocked
ds lkFk ljsl o es[ksa yxkdj cUn djds
complete → 4271.60 6296.50 ←laifw r
08038 40 mm, ditto, with 25 mm wrought 08038 40 feeh] mi;ZqDr] 25 feeh x<sa+ gq;s mBkos]
risers, ditto
←lfgr mi;qZDr
→ 5242.30 7641.50
08039 Add to either of the foregoing, if in
08039 ij dh fdlh en esa tksMsa+ ;fn pØ lh<+h esa
winders (measured net but both ¼fo”kq): fdUrq ik;nkuksa o mBkoksa nksuksa lfgr
treads and risers included) → 1020.70 1503.30 ←eisaxs½

PER RUNNING METRE 1st class 1st class iz f r ehVj

softwood hardwood
08040 Nosings (rounded) 75 mm wide izFke izFke 08040 lksikukxz ¼xksykdkj½ 75 feeh pkSM+s o 35 ;k
and 35 or 40 mm thick, fixed to uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h 40feeh eksVs lh<+h ds inksa ls feyku djds pkSdh
edges of landings to match stair ds fdukjksa es(a Q”kZ dh eksVkbZ ds vuqlkj ;k tSlk
treads, rebated to suit thickness of
flooring or as required, tongued and
pkfg;s irkeh] thHkh o [kkapns kj izR;kxkeh fdukjksa
grooved to same, including returned ← lfgr] LFkkfir
ends → 457.80 682.60

iz R ;s d

08041 Bullnosed or quadrant end to 08041 ryikn ij CkSy ukldh; ;k prqFkkZ”ak Nksj
bottom step. (The tread and riser to ¼ik;nkuksa o mBkoksa dks fcuk xksfyr ;k prqFkZk”a k
be measured net without the ← o Nksj dks fo”kq) ekik tk;sxk½
bullnosed or quadrant end) → 352.40 489.10

08042 Projecting semicircular end (ditto) 08042 iz{ksih v/kZxksydkj Nksj ¼mi;ZqDr½
524.50 828.40

[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh

fuos ’ kh vkoa / kd

Ramped or circular portions shall be paid for at twice the <kyw ;k xksykdkj Hkkxksa dk bl rkfydk dh njksa ls nqxuk o yM+hnkj
rates in this table and wreathed portions at three times the Hkkxkssa dk frxquk Hkqxrku gksxkA

PER RUNNING METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood iz f r ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08043 Wall strings 20 cm wide 08043 nhokj vkoa/kd] lh/kh yEckbZ esa
in straight lengths. Thickness in mm Thickness in mm 20 lseh pkSM]+s ,d vksj ls x<+s
wrought one side, edges eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZZ feeh esa gq;s feys fdukjs o ik;nkuksa o
shot, housed for treads 40 50 60 40 50 60
and risers, and fixed mBkoksa dh fuos”k O;oLFkk o
complete, including nhokj esa xV~Vs lfgr lai.w kZ
plugging to walls → 815.30 1013.50 1218.30 1338.10 1623.80 1986.30 ←LFkkiu
08044 Outer strings 20 cm 08044 ckgjh vko/ku( lh/kh yEckbZ esa
wide in straight lengths, 20 lseh pkSMs+ okys nksuksa vksj ls
wrought both sides, x<s+ gq;s fdukjksa ls feys gq;]s
edges shot, housed for ik;nkuksa o mBkoksa ds fy;s fuos’kh
treads and risers,
lksiku LrEHkksa esa fLFkj djus ds
tenoned at ends to fit
newel posts or notched fy;s pwynkj fdukjs ds lkFk
to landings, etc., and ←lai.w kZ LFkkiuk
fixed complete → 757.00 963.50 1168.00 1280.00 1611.30 1944.70
08045 Add to items 08043 and 08045 tksM]as+ en 08043 o 08044 es]a
08044 for additional
vfrfjDr 25 feeh pkSMk+ bZ ds
25mm in width → 87.00 108.30 121.20 131.00 166.90 198.60

gFk iVfj;k¡
(a) Handrails shall be framed level or raking as required and ¼d½ gFkiVfj;ka vis{kkuqlkj lery ;k >qdkoh <kyh tk;sxh rFkk
their length measured along top centre line. mudh yEckbZ “kh’kZ dsUnz js[kk ds lekukUrj ekih tk;sxhA
(b) The rates include for cutting straight (or splay) tenons
on handrails, fixing to newel and for joining
¼[k½ bu njksa esa gFkiVjh ij lh/ks ¼<yoka½ tksMk+ as dh dVkbZ] lksikuksa LrEHkksa
continuous handrails with one double nut handrail esa yxkuk] rFkk vuojr gFkiVfj;ksa dks ,d nksgjs dkoys nqega s isp
screw and two dowels to each joint. ls tksMu+ k rFkk iR;sd tksM+ ij nks Mksoy s ¼xqt a h½ “kkfey gSAa
(c) Handrails of sections other than those mentioned shall ¼x½ ;gka nh xbZ ls fHkUu dkVksa dh gFkiVfj;ksa dk Hkqxrku vkuqikfrd
be paid for pro-rata. gksxkA
(d) Ramped or circular portion of handrails shall be paid
¼?k½ <kyw ;k xksykdkj gFkiVjh Hkkxksa dk nqxquk rFkk yM+hnkj Hkkxksa
for at twice the rates for straight, and wreathed portion
of handrails shall be paid for at three times the rates
dk lh/ks dk;Z ls frxquk Hkqxrku gksxkA
for straight lengths.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
gFkiVfj;k¡& tkjh....

PER RUNNING METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood iz f r ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
08046 Handrails rounded or 75×60 mm 100×75mm 75×60mm 100×75mm 08046 gFkiVfj;ka] lh/kh yEckbZ esa
shaped with splayed eksgjs ij xksykdkj ;k
faces in straight ←<yoka LFkkfir
lengths and fixed → 575.50 926.20 849.30 1371.30
08047 Ditto, but moulded→
→ 776.60 1202.40 1278.00 1756.50 08047 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lkafpr
08048 Add to foregoing 08048 Åij dh enksa esa tksM]as+ ;fn
items if sunk to receive ykSg dksj yxkus ds fy;s
iron core → ←f<yoka d;k gS
66.60 66.60 100.00 100.00

Handrail Caps and Scrolls gFkiVjh Vksfi;ka rFkk

dq a M fy;ka
EACH iz R ;s d
08049 Caps (turned to match 08049 Vksfi;ka ¼gFkiVjh o mlesa ds
section of handrail
fdjhVksa ds feyku ds fy;s
and mitred in)
including handrail [kjknh gqb½Z rFkk nks eqga s isp
screws and dowels o Mkosy( ¼Vksih dk O;kl gFk
(dia of cap twice the 400.00 666.10 596.90 990.80 ←iVjh dh pkSMk+ bZ ls nqxu q k½
width of handrail) → 08050 dqMa fy;ka Vksih ds feyku dh
08050 Scrolls to suit handrail
rounded or shaped xksydkj ;k <yoka vkdkj dh
with splayed faces cuh rFkk LFkkfir ¼dqMa yh dk
and fixed (dia of scroll O;kl gFkiVjh dh pkSMk+ bZ ls
three times width of 799.50 1332.20 1193.70 1981.70
handrail) →
08051 Ditto, to suit moulded
08051 mi;qZDr] lkafpr gFkiVjh
handrail and fixed ds feyku dh rFkk LFkkfir
890.30 1623.70 1427.00 2420.30
(ditto) → ←djuk


lksiku LrEHk pkSdh rFkk vkyacu vkfn
(a) Joints between newels and strings shall be double pinned ¼d½ LrEHkksa o vkoa/kuksa ds tksM+ nksgjs dhfyr rFkk LrEHkksa o gFk
and between newels and handrails single pinned, with iVfj;ka ,dy dhyfr gksaxs ¼ljsl yxkdj½A
hardwood pins (glued).
(b) If turned caps with dowelled joints are fixed to newels, ¼[k½ ;fn [kjknh gqbZ Mksoys tksMk+ as okyh mYVh Vksfi;ka LrEHkksa esa yxkbZ
the length of newel is to be measured exclusive of the tkrh gSa rks LRkEHk dh yEckbZ Vksfi;ksa dks NksMd
+ j ekih tk;sxhA
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
lksiku LrEHk pkSdh rFkk vkyacu vkfn& tkjh.....

PER CUBIC METRE 1st class 1st class izfr ?ku ehVj
softwood hardwood
08052 Newel posts, wrought, with 08052 xf<+r lksiku LrEHk] oxkZdkj] xksykdkj] i[knkj
izFke izFke
square, rounded, chamfered
uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h ;k can i[k fljks ds lkFk] vkoa/kuksa o gFk
or stop, chamfered edges, iVfj;ksa esa 100 × 100 feeh ls vf/kd ifjPNsnh
mortices for strings and
←{ks=Qy dh /kqfj;k rFkk LFkkfir
handrails, sectional area exc. 100
mm x 100 mm and fixed → 97632.10 143402.00
08053 Ditto, but sectional area n exc 08053 mi;qDZ r fdUrq ifjPNsnh {ks=Qy 100 × 100
100 mm x 100 mm and ditto → 104005.10 152957.40 ←feeh ls vuf/kd] mi;qZDr

NEWEL ENDS & CAPS ETC. lksiku LRkEHk fljs o Vksih vkfn
EACH iz R ;s d
08054 Rounded and mitred ends to 08054 LRkEHkksa ds 'kh"kZ ds xksy ;k dyeh fljs
tops of newels → 208.30 316.60
08055 Weathered and mitred caps 08055 LRkEHkksa ds 'kh"kZ ij _rq lg o dyeh Vksih
(with bed moulding under) to ←¼vUnj lkafpr ijr½ rFkk LFkkfir djuk
tops of newels and fixed → 566.10 832.60
08056 Turned caps (or pendants) with 08056 myVh] Vksfi;k ¼;k izyEch½ ltkoVh xksys
ball ornament and fixed to tops lfgr LRkEHk ds 'kh"kZ ;k iSanh esa ¼100 × 100
or bottoms of newels (upto 100 feeh rd dh dkV es½a ljsl o nks eqga s isp ls
mm x 100mm in section) with
←tksM+ yxh lfgr LFkkfir
glued and dowelled joint → 582.90 868.90
08057 Ditto to newels exc. 100 mm x 08057 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV esa 100 × 100 feeh ls
100 mm, but n. exc 150 mm x vf/kd fdUrq 150 × 150 feeh ls vuf/kd
150 mm in section → 957.60 1737.70 rFkk] ←mi;qZDr

vkya E cu

PER RUNNING METRE 1st class softwood 1st class hardwood iz f r ehVj
izFke uje ydM+h izFke dBksj ydM+h
Section n.exc Section n.exc
08058 Balusters, square dkV vuf/kd dkV vuf/kd 08058 oxkZdkj x<+s vkyEcu rFkk
wrought and fixed, 25×25 40×40 50×50 25×25 40×40 50×50 fljs ¼pS d ks j ;k <kyw ½
with ends housed mm mm mm mm mm mm gFkiVjh rFkk inksa ;k
(square or splay) to
handrails and treads vkoa/kuksa esa LFkkfir
or strings → 246.90 276.70 493.90 360.20 419.80 735.30 ←
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
fofo/k & dk;Z

(a) All work shall be wrought unless otherwise described. ¼d½ lHkh dk;Z tc rd fd vU;Fkk of.kZr u gks x<+s gq;s gksaxsA
(b) The rates allow for fixing (or placing) in position com- ¼[k½ ;g njs]a lHkh Nsnksa dh dVkbZ o ifj"d`fr] ca/kkbZ lfgr LoLFkku]
plete, including all cutting of holes and making good,
plugging, etc. LFkkiuk ¼;k fcNkbZ½ laiw.kZ dh vuqefr nsrh gSA
(c) Brackets or other supports shall be measured separately. ¼x½ cSzfdV ;k vU; lgkjs izFkd ekis tk;saxsA


S&F Fixing Add if in Resecuring
only repairs only
08059 Draining board of 1 st class vk- o LFkkiu tksM+s ;fn iqu%LFkkiu 08059 fu"dklu cksM]Z izFke ydM+h
hardwood, 25 mm thick, as
LFkk- dsoy ejEer esa dsoy ds] 25 feeh eksV]s TkSl]s ,l ,l
described in SSR Part I
Section 8 Clause 8.30 (area of vkj Hkkx&1 [kaM 8 /kkjk 8-30 esa
top of board only to be 5297.00 731.00 341.60 2540.10 of.kZr gS( ¼dsoy cksMZ ds 'kh"kZ dk
measured) → ←{ks= ekik tk;sxk½
08060 Aluminium sheet covering to 08060 fu"dklu cksMZ ds vkPNknu] 1 feeh
draining board lmm thick
fixed with aluminum alloy vY;wefq u;e pknj ds vYeqfu;e
screws → ←feJ /kkrq ds ispksa ls LFkkfir

EACH iz R ;s d
S&F Fixing Add if Resecuring
vk- o LFkk- only soft- in only
wood or repairs dsoy
08061 Small fittings such as 08061 NksVs miLdkj tSls] fdlh
hardwood tksMsa+ iqu%
brackets of any type, latch
and hinge blocks, shaped 1st class 1st class dsoy ;fn LFkkiu Hkh izdkj ds cSfz dV] daM
q ho
door and window stops softwood hardwood LFkkiu ejEer dCtk [kaM] lqx<+ njokts
and the like, including all izFke izFke uje o esa o f[kM+fd;ksa ds LVki rFkk
necessary' labours; articles uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h dBksj ydM+h leku lHkh vko';d Je
n exc 200 cu. cm each →
lfgr( lHkh oLrq;sa 200
?kuls e h izR;s d ls
58.40 84.20 22.60 4.20 8.33 ←vuf/kd dh
08062 Ditto but exc 200 cu. cm 08062 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 200 ?klseh
and n exc 500 cu. cm →
ls vf/kd] fdUrq 500 ?klseh
80.90 120.80 39.30 8.30 16.70 ←ls vuf/kd
08063 Ditto exc 500 cu. cm and n 08063 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 500 ?klseh
exc 1000 cu cm → ls vf/kd] fdUrq 1000 ?klSeh
←ls vuf/kd
08064 Ditto exc 1000 cu. cm and 08064 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 1000 ?klSeh
n exc 5000 cu cm → ls vf/kd] fdUrq 5000 ?klSeh
←ls vuf/kd
08065 Wood turn-buckles 50 mm 08065 50 × 25 × 15 feeh eksVh
x 25 mm x 15 mm thick, cut ydM+h dkV dj cuh isp
to shape, fixed with
←yxh mHk;d"khZ f<ofj;ka
screws → 13.90 18.70 4.65 1.67 2.50
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
fofo/k dk;Z tkjh...

S&F Fixing Add if Resecuring

vk- o LFkk- only soft- in only
wood or repairs dsoy
08066 Boxes for toilet paper, hardwood tksMsa+ iqu%
08066 izlk/ku dkxt j[kus dk
size 200 mm x 75 mm 1st class 1st class dsoy ;fn LFkkiu
fMCck] 200 feeh × 75 feeh
x 120 mm (inside), out softwood hardwood LFkkiu ejEer
of 15 mm thick izFke izFke uje o
× 120 feeh ¼vUnj ls½ esa]
dovetailed boarding uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h dBksj ydM+h 15 feeh eksVs diksy iqaNh
with rounded edges r[rs ls cus ftlds Å+ij
on top, raised back ds fdukjs xksy fd;s gq;s gksa
with 15mm dia hole
and fixed → 202.80 316.10 33.30 8.30 16.70 ihB ls mBk gqvk rFkk 15
feeh O;kl ds fNnz lfgr
←rFkk LFkkfir
08067 Cross tonguing 08067 ljslh tksM+] vkMs thHkh]
including ploughing x<+kbZ 50 feeh vuf/kd ds
and gluing joints, n
exc 50 mm thick
¼tc vU;Fkk O;oLFkk u gks½
(when not otherwise
provided for) → 73.30 110.00 36.70


lkekU;r% Qq V dj dk;Z
(a) The rates below (unless otherwise stated) include for labour ¼d½ uhps dh njksa esa Je lefgr gSa tSls ¼tc rd vU;Fkk dfFkr u
in fixing or taking down and refixing, together with all
gks½ fLFkj djus] ;k m[kkM+dj fQj lHkh lkexzh lfgr tSls dhysa
accessory materials such as nails, screws, wedges, plugs,
glue, putty, etc. and also for plugging up old screw holes, isp] es[ks]a MkVs]a ljsl] iêh rFkk iqjkus ispksa vkfn ds fNnzkas dks Hkjuk
etc., and for painting one coat on edges of shutters of doors, Hkh rFkk] lgt fd;s ;k nksckjk yxk;s x;s njokts f[kM+fd;ksa ds
windows, etc. eased or refitted. dikVksa ds fdukjksa ij jksxu dh ,d ijr yxkus gsrAq
(b) Any cutting and pinning, making good to walls, and ¼[k½ dVkbZ o fiu ca/ku] nhokjksa dh ifj"d`fr;ksa dks Bhd djus ds
finishings (except where mentioned and included in the
item) shall be measured under the appropriate items in the
dk;Z dks ¼flok; tgka dfFkr gksa vkSj en esa 'kkfey gks½ ds dk;ksZ
respective sections, but opening joints of brickwork or dks lacfU/kr [kaM esa mi;qDZ Rk enksa ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxk] fdUrq
masonry for the reception of plugs is included in the jobbing MkVsa yxkus ds fy;s nhokjksa ;k fpukbZ esa tksM+ [kksyuk] QqVdj
work rates. dk;Z dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSA
(c) The term ‘Resecure’ provides for securing fittings, etc. ¼x½ *iqu%jf{kr* dh vfHkO;fDr esa] miLdj vkfn dks dluk tks dqN
which have become partly loosened but which can be secured <hys gks x;s gksa vkSj fudkys fcuk idM+ iV~Vh ;k MkVksa ls ftUgsa
with holdfasts, plugs, etc. without taking down. Bhd fd;k tk ldrk gks] dk izko/kku gSaA
(d) The expression ‘ease and adjust’ applies to hinged or
sliding shutters of windows, doors, skylights, etc.

(e) The rates for ‘Taking down’ include for clearing out nails, ¼?k½ *m[kkM+uk* dh njksa es dhy vkfn fudkyuk o mlh Hkou esa ,d
etc. and removal from one room to another in the same dejs ls nwljs dejs esa ys tkuk 'kkfey gS fdUrq e”khuh
building but does not include removal of the items of builders mRiknu miknku ys tkuk 'kkfey ugha gSA
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
QqVdj dk;Z lkekU;r% tkjh....
(f) The rates for ‘Refixing in other openings’ include for cutting ¼p½ *vU; fcojksa esa iqu% LFkkiu* dh njs]a esa dkVuk o LFkkiu djuk
to size and fitting. 'kkfey gSA
(g) The rates for ‘Removing to Store’ shall be applicable also to
removing for reuse in another building in the same camp or
¼N½ *Hk.Mkj esa igqapkuk dh njsa] nksckjk iz;ksx djus ds fy;s mlh
Cantonment. dSai ;k Nkouh esa nwljs Hkou esa igqapkus ij Hkh ykxw gksrh gSaA
(h) Unless otherwise stated, the rates shall apply to shutters and ¼t½ tc rd fd vU;Fkk dfFkr u gks ;g njsa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
chowkats of any species of wood. ydM+h ds dikV o pkS[kVksa ij ykxw gksaxhA
(j) In the case of chowkhats or frames, the measurements shall be
¼>½ pkS[kVksa vkSj Qzseksa ds ekeys esa eki laiw.kZ likV Ykh tk;sxhA
taken overall flat on one side.


pkS[kVksa o Ýseksa dh ejEer

EACH Resecuring Refixing in Taking Removing iz R ;s s d

without iqu% LFkkiu down to or from
taking Same Other fudkyuk Store
down opening opening HkaMkj esa
fcuk fudkys ogh focj vU; focj ;k ls mBkuk
08068 Chowkhats or 08068 pkS[kV ;k Ýse izR;sd 1-5
frames not exc. 1.5 ←oeh ls vuf/kd
sq. m each → 106.90 289.80 487.40 178.60 59.00
08069 Ditto but with 08069 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq dikV
shutters (without
lfgr ¼dikVksa dks Ýse esa
taking off shutters
from the frames) → 163.50 380.80 637.10 282.90 78.70 ←ls fcuk fudkys½
08070 Add to items 08068
& 08069 for
08070 tksMsa] 08068 vkSj 08069
architraves, soffits, enksa es]a izLrjikn] v/k%Lry]
linings, window vLrj] f[kM+dh r[rs vkfn
boards, etc. → 51.70 142.80 227.80 89.30 39.30 ←ds fy;s
08071 Chowkhats or 08071 pkS[kV ;k Ýse izR;sd 1-5
frames exc 1.5 sq. m oeh ls vf/kd fdUrq 4 oeh ls
but n exc 4 sq. m
each → 130.20 367.70 620.50 223.40 78.70
08072 Ditto but with 08072 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq dikV lfgr
shutters (without
taking off shutters
¼dikVks a dks Ýs e es a
from the frame) → 206.90 471.90 789.50 357.30 98.30 ← l fcuk fudkys½
08073 Add items 08071 & 08073 tksM+sa] 08071 vkSj 08072
08072 for
architraves, soffits,
enks a es a ] iz L Rkj ikn]
linings, window v/kLry] vLrj] f[kM+dh
boards, etc. → 86.80 182.60 292.60 119.10 52.40 ←r[rs vkfn ds fy;s
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
dikVksa dh ejEer
The item for 'refixing' includes taking down, easing and adjust- *iqu LFkkiu* dh njksa esa mrkjuk] lgt o lek;kstu djuk rFkk
ing and also refixing builders hardware as required including vuqi;ksxh ispksa dks cnyus lfgr vko';drkuqlkj bekjrh e'khuh
renewal of unserviceable screws, etc. Renewal of builder's hard-
ware articles, if specially ordered, shall be paid for at 'supplied miknuksa dks iqu% yxkuk 'kkfey gSA ;fn fo'ks"k:i ls vkns'k fn;k
only' rates x;k gS rks e'khuh miknku dh oLrqvksa dk Hkqxrku **dsoy vkiwfŸkß dh
njksa ij gksxkA
PER LEAF Resecuring Refixing in Taking Removing iz f r iYyk
or easing & esa iqu% LFkkiu down to or from
adjusting Same Other fudyuk Store
without opening opening HkaMkj esa ;k
taking down ogh focj vU; focj ls gVkuk
iqu% fLFkj] lgt
;kstuk] fcuk
08074 Shutters of any 08074 fdlh Hkh fdLe ds dikV
description n exc 1 ←izR;sd 1 oeh ls vuf/kd
sq. m each → 50.00 139.30 237.00 44.70 78.70
08075 Ditto but exc 1 sq. m 08075 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 1 oeh ls vf/kd
and n exc 2 sq. m ←o 2 oeh ls vuf/kd
each → 100.00 197.60 461.50 89.30 124.60
08076 Ditto but exc 2 sq. m 08076 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq izR;sd 2 oeh
each → 133.30 286.90 565.70 153.60 153.60 ←ls vf/kd


08077 Wall panelling 08077 nhokj fnYyscna h rFkk leku

59.50 39.30
and similar work→
→ ←dk;Z

feyhtq y h ejEers a
EACH 1st class soft- 1st class hard- iz R ;s d
08078 Pieces, small let in for making wood wood 08078 ydM+h ds VqdM+]s NksVs fNUnzkas esa yxkus ds
good where hinges, etc. have izFke uje izFke dBksj fy;s tks pkS[kVksa ;k Ýseks] tksM+ dk;Z
been removed from chowkhats ydM+h ydM+h vkfn ls dCts vkfn fudkyus ls gks tkrs
or frames, joinery, etc.
including painting or oiling to gS- feyku ds fy;s ;fn vko';d gks rks
match, if required → 37.10 51.30 ← jksxu ;k nzO; dh ijr yxkus lfgr


08079 Beads, straight (any size) for 08079 'kh'ksnkj ;k tkyhnkj c<+bx
Z hjh uohuhdj.k
glazed or gauzed joinery, dk;ksZa ds fy;s ehVjSl lfgr lh/kh fdlh
renewed, including mitres etc.. eki dh xksV ¼Qfê;ka½ rFkk iqjkuh QfV~V;ksa
and removing old beads to
43.60 72.10 ←dks Hk.Mkj esa igaqpkuk
Store →
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
mi&[kaM 8Ckh Bksl ih oh lh c<+bZfxjh
PVC sheet means FREE FOAM RIGID PVC SHEETS made out of PVC Resin (suspension grade) blended with
suitable chemicals and additives. The sheets shall be made by extrusion process and foamed using organic
blowing agents. The sheets will be self coloured in plain shades by blending suitable pigments with PVC
resin. The sheets will have silky matt surface finish free from any blistering, colour blots, creasing, pin holes
etc.. The density & thickness of the sheets shall be as under:-


in mm in mm Kg/m3
1 mm 0.85-1.15mm Min. 780
1.5mm 1.35-1.65mm Min. 750
2mm 1.80-2.20mm Min. 700
3 mm 2.75-3.25mm Min. 700
5 mm 4.65-5.35mm Min. 600

8B.1.2 Printed PVC Sheets

PVC Sheets, as defined in 8B.1.1, screen printed with suitable designs using Glossy PVC Ink.

8B.1.3 Prelam PVC Sheets

PVC Sheets, as defined in 8B. 1.1, laminated under pressure and temperature with hotstamping foil of
various aesthetic veneer-like appearance. The thickness of hot stamping foil shall be 30 micron with tolerance
limit + 10%. Hot stamping lamination shall be on one side or both sides in PVC sheets as indicated. When
lamination is done on one side, the other side will have either white or Ivory colour.

8B.1.4 Embossed PVC Sheets

Prelam PVC Sheets, as defined in 8B.1.3, with designs i.e. intricate lattice work combined with scroll work
and geometrical patterns, embossed to depth ranging from 4mm to 6mm by vacuum thermoforming process.

8B.1.5 Moulded PVC Sheets

PVC sheet as defined in 8B.1.1 or 8B.1.3, vacuum thermoformed to give raised panel i.e. two panel, four
panel or six panel look with moulding depth ranging from 12mm to 16mm.

8B.1.5.1 3-D Wood Grain Moulded PVC Sheets

PVC sheet as defined in 8B 1.1 with additional 3-D wood like effect suitably painted using Polyurethane
paint, vacuum thermoformed to give raised panel i.e. two panel, four panel or six panel look with moulding
depth ranging from 12mm to 16mm.

8B.1.1.6 Solvent Cement

A composite organic chemical comprising of Cyclohexanone, Tetrahydro flurance (THF), Methyl Ethyl
Ketone (MEK) etc. in transparent liquid state, generally used for joining PVC Pipes. The solvent cement
when applied on PVC sheets dissolves its surface, bonding it to the other PVC sheet permanently. The date
of manufacture of solvent cement shall not be more than 6 month.

8B.1.7 PVC Sandwich Panel

PVC Sandwich Panel shall consist of Expanded Poly Styrene (EPS) conforming to IS 4671, of density 32 Kg/
mtr3 (tolerance limit+15%) flame retardant (TF) grade of desired thickness (mm) sandwiched between two
PVC sheets of 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm or 4mm thickness using thermosetting adhesive.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
8B.1.8 PVC Insulation Panel
PVC Insulation Panel shall consist of Expanded Poly Styrene (EPS) conforming to IS 4671 of minimum
density 15kg/m3 flame retardant (TF) grade of desired thickness (mm) stuck to PVC sheet of 1mm, 1.5mm,
2mm or 5mm thickness using thermosetting adhesive on one side.

8B.1.9 PVC Sheet Fillet for Wall Panelling

5mm thick & 35mm width PVC sheets with ‘U’ shape grooved of 2mm depth in the center. The purpose of the
groove is that the head of the screw used to fix the fillet to the wall sinks into it so as to make the surface of the
fillet in plain.

8B.1.10 M.S. Square Tube

M.S. Square tube of size 19mm x 19mm & 15mm x 15mm of 19 gauge of required length with coat of steel

8B.1.11 M.S. Angle

M.S. Angle of size 35mm x 35mm x 5mm of required length with coat of steel primer.

8B.1.12 EPDM Rubber Gasket

EPDM Rubber gasket with bulb-type profile used to make Doors & Windows air tight.

8B.1.13 Decorative PVC Beading

“L” type (900) Decorative PVC Beading of size 10mm x 10mm with wood moulding design.



30 mm thick Factory Made Solid Panel PVC Door Shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19mm
x 19mm for stiles, & 15mm x 15mm for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with 5mm thick heat
moulded PVC sheet ‘C’ channel having a 5mm thick PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent
cement, forming stiles, and 5mm thick PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side, and 10mm
(5mm x 2) thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail. Panelling of 5mm thick
PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with PVC sheet beading, and joined
together with solvent cement adhesive etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, manufacturer’s
instructions and drawing. The width of stiles & rails will be in proportion to the width of the door shutter as
detailed below :

Door width Stiles Size Rails Size Remark

(in feet)
Feet mm mm
1.5' up to 2' 50mm 50mm
More than 2‘up to 2.5’ 50mm 75mm
More than 2.5 ‘up to 3’ 75mm 100mm Gap insert of 15mm to be provided
More than 3' 100mm 125mm between stiles and rails & panel.

For doors of sizes larger than 17.5sq.ft. an additional 15mm x 15mm, 19gauge M.S. square tube shall be welded
to the M.S. frame below the top rail square tube keeping a gap of 50mm between the two M.S. square tubes. In the
case of double leaved shutters the meeting stiles shall be rebated 20mm as shown on drawing. The rebating
shall be square, as directed.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
Factory Made Solid Panel PVC Door Shutters shall conform to the below mentioned permissible limit as per
testing methods provided in IS 4020.

S.No. Test Permissible Limit

01 Dimensions and squareness Width ± 3 mm
Height + 3 mm
Difference in Diagonals : Not more than 3 mm
02 General flatness test No twisting cupping or warping shall be observed
03 Local Planeness test Depression on all 10 points at the panel areas shall
be less than 0.5mm
04 Impact indentation test (Steel ball impact test) Indentations shall be less than 0.3mm
05 Edge loading test Initial max. deflection shall not be more than 5mm
Residual deflection shall not be more than 0.5mm
06 Shock resistance test No visible damage shall be observed
07 Buckling test Initial deflection shall not be greater than 90mm.
Residual deformation after 15 minutes of
unloading shall not be greater than 5mm.
08 Slamming test No visible damages shall be observed to any part
of the door.
09 Misuse test No permanent deformation of the fixing or any
other part of the door shutter in hindering its normal
working shall be observed
10 Screw withdrawal resistance test. Face : 1400N, Edge: 1500N.

8B.2.2 Printed Solid Panel PVC Door Shutters

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but made using Printed PVC sheet and panel to be fitted in the M.S. frame
welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with 5mm thick x 15mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side of panel and
decorative PVC beading of 10mm x 10mm (900) is used on outer side of panel.

8B.2.3 Single Side Prelam Solid Panel PVC Door Shutter

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but made using Prelam PVC sheet and Single Side Prelam Panel to be fitted in
the M.S. frame & sealed directly without beading to the front (prelam side) stiles and rails (which shall have a 5mm 450
bent portion) and sealed to the back (Plain colour) stiles and rails (which shall have a 10mm 900 bent portion) using
2 nos. 15mm wide x 5mm thick PVC sheet beading inside the 900 bent beading.

8B.2.4 Both Side Prelam Solid Panel PVC Door Shutter

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but made using Prelam PVC sheet and stiles & rails shall be extended by 20mm
which shall be tapered in 450 angle on either side. 5mm+2mm thick x 15mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side,
and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc.

8B.2.5 Fully Glazed Solid PVC Door Shutter

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but with glass panel instead of 5mm PVC sheet panel. Glass pane will be fitted
externally in the clear space available between the stiles & rails and fixed with PVC sheet beading on one side and
Decorative PVC beading on the other side will be nailed on the rails and stiles so that the decorative beading can be
removed when required for replacement of broken glass pane.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
8B.2.6 Partly Glazed Solid Panel PVC Door Shutter
Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but the upper panel will be glazed fitted externally in the clear space available
between the stiles & rails fixed with PVC sheet / decorative beading & lower panel will be PVC Panel.

8B.2.7 Wire Gauzed Solid PVC Door Shutters

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but panel will be of G.I. wire gauze. The wire gauze shall be wrapped on an
additional 8 mm square M.S. Solid tube and this tube shall be welded to 19mm x 19mm M.S. tubes. The G.I. wire gauge
shall be stretched to tighten firmly.

8B.2.8 Fully Louvred Solid PVC Doors Shutters

Solid Panel PVC Door as in 8B.2.1 but with louvred panel instead of 5mm PVC sheet panel. Louvred panel shall
consist of 25mm thick heat bent PVC sheet ‘C’ channel with a 5mm thick PVC sheet of 10mm width stuck inside, on
all four sides. Slanted slots shall be cut at 450 angle in both the vertical ‘C’ Channels at an interval of 100mm. 5mm
thick PVC sheet of width 25mm of suitable length shall be inserted in the slant cut slots and fixed with solvent cement.
If the width of Solid PVC louvre door shutter is more then 2 feet (610mm) an additional vertical PVC memeber of
width 25mm and 15mm thickness with slots cut at 45° angle shall be fixed with solvent cement in the center of the
louvred panel for support & rigidity.


8B.3.1 Solid Single PVC Door Frame
Solid PVC Door Frame of the size 50 x 47mm made out of 5mm PVC sheet. The door profiles are to be reinforced
with 19xl9mm M.S. Square tube. EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The profile
shall be mitre cut at two corners and joined by inserting 2nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube
inside the 19mm x 19mm M.S. square tube and suitably screwed.

8B.3.2 Solid PVC Double Door Frame

Solid PVC Double door frame of size 50mm x 95mm made by joining 3 nos. heat bent PVC Sheet ‘C’ Channel of
5mm thickness of sizes 35mm x 30mm x 25mm & 40mm x 35mm x 40mm & 25mm x 30mm x 35mm using solvent
cement. The two side ‘C’ Channel shall be reinforced with M.S. tube of size 19mm x 19mm. All the three ‘C’ channel
Shall be fixed to flat base of 5mm PVC sheet with solvent cement. The profile shall be mitre cut at two corners and
joined by inserting 4nos. 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square tube inside the 19mm x 19mm square tubes &
remaining each of them with four screws as indicated in the drawing.


8B.4.1 Particle Board Core Solid PVC Moulded Door Shutter
28 to 30mm thick factory made Solid PVC Moulded Door shutter with 2, 4, or 6 raised panel design with solid core
of particle board of 24mm thick (12mm x 2). The particle board shall be lipped with 25mm thick baton made from PVC
sheets on the stile where hinges are to be fitted. On the three other sides the lipping shall be of 15mm thick PVC baton.
2mm thick Moulded PVC sheet shall be stuck on the front face of the particle board suitable prepared to accept the
moulded design and 2mm PVC sheet shall be stuck on the back face of the particle board with thermosetting adhesive.
The 2mm thick PVC sheets shall be stuck with lipping by using solvent cement.

8B.4.2 EPS Core Solid PVC Moulded PVC Door Shutter

28 to 30mm thick factory made EPS Core Solid PVC Moulded Door Shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S.
Tube. The core panel shall consist of 25mm thick High Density EPS conforming to IS 4671, routed with design, sandwiched
in between 2mm thick Moulded PVC sheet on one face and 2mm PVC sheet on the other side. The door on all the edges
to be sealed with lipping of 10mm (5mm x2) thick x 25mm wide PVC sheet for three sides & 60mm wide PVC sheet for
lock side. The lipping shall be bonded to the 2mm Moulded / Plain PVC sheet with solvent cement.

8.B.5 PVC Sheet Cladding

PVC sheet shall be stuck using rubber based adhesive for cladding. PVC sheet may be heat bent i.e. lipping to
cover the edges of plywood / flush door shutter.

8.B.6 Solid PVC Wall Lining

Solid PVC Wall Lining shall consist of PVC sheet stuck with solvent cement on PVC sheet panelling fillets as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge, manufacturer’s instruction & drawing. Rectangular or circular pillars or other
insets in the wall shall be covered using heat bent PVC sheet to ensure heat bending of the PVC sheet at the required
angle, suitable groove shall be cuts in the PVC sheet if required.Two PVC lining sheets shall be stuck adjacent to each
other after leaving a gap of 2mm. If so desired strips of 5mm thick PVC sheet of width 75mm feathered at the edges can
be stuck at the places where two PVC sheets are joined, using solvent cement.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
8.B.7 Insulated PVC Wall Lining
Insulated PVC wall linings shall consist of PVC Insulated panels having wall thickness of 2mm PVC sheet and
the desired thickness of EPS (dependent on the insulation required) screwed into the wall using screws of adequate
length.The screws shall be placed at a distance of 150mm and shall be 25mm from the edge of the insulated panel on
all from sides of the panel. Strips of 5mm thick PVC sheet of width 75mm feathered at the edges shall be stuck at the
places where two panels are joined, so as to cover the screws of both the panels, using solvent cement. 900 heat bent
strips of 5mm thick PVC sheets of width 75mm x 75mm feathered at the edges shall be stuck at wall joints/pillars etc.

8.B.8 Solid PVC Partitions

Solid PVC Partitions consist of PVC sandwich panel of suitable thickness placed in M.S. angle frame work and
fixed inside ‘C’ Channel and feathered strips made from 5mm thick PVC sheets, as indicated in detailed drawings.M.S.
angle between the floor & ceiling height with anchor bolts at an interval of 1220mm or as mentioned in the drawing
horizontal angles. In between two M.S. angles PVC sheet heat bent ‘C’ channel of size 100mm x 50mm with feathered
edges shall be fixed with screw on the floor.In between two M.S. angles PVC sheet heat bent ‘C’ channel of size 75mm
x 50mm with feathered edges shall be fixed with screw in the ceiling.The first & last M.S. angle should be erected such
that it is inside a PVC sheet heat bent ‘C’ channel of size 75mm x 50mm which has been screwed on to the walls.PVC
sandwich Panels shall be inserted in the PVC sheet ‘C’ channel fixed at ground floor & ceiling and shall be stuck by
using solvent cement. In between adjoining EPS Sandwiched PVC Partitions panel 5mm thick x 75mm width PVC
sheet feathered at edges shall be stuck on front & back face using solvent cement as indicated in the detailed drawing.

8.B.9 Solid PVC Insulation Panel For False Ceiling

Solid PVC insulation panels having wall thickness of 1mm PVC sheet and EPS of desired thickness depending on
insulation required shall be placed in false ceiling grid made of Aluminium/G.I./M.S. as indicated in detailed drawing.

8.B.10 Solid PVC Joinery items shall be of approved makes.

8.C.1 uPVC frames
8.C.1.1 Material
Polyvinyl chloride Resin suspension grade is the basic raw material for forming PVC compound. PVC resin then
is mixed with chemicals like Calcium, Stearate, Hydrocarbon Wax, Titanium Dioxide, Calcium Carbonate, Acrylic
processing aids. Further, additives like impact modifiers, pigments, epoxy plasticizer, UV stabilizer, lubricants, chemical
blowing agent etc. are added. The purpose of adding the chemicals and additives is to impart cellular structure, strength,
surface finish, colour and resistance lo fading by light rays. These chemicals are mixed in the desired proportion and
shall be used in the formulation of PVC material and for free and smooth extrusion of PVC profiles.
8.C.1.2 uPVC frames
uPVC frames shall be made of PVC material conforming to IS 10151. The frame shall be made from extruded uPVC
section having overall dimensions as indicated and having minimum wall thickness of 2.0mm ±.0.2 mm. Corners of the
frames shall be reinforced . The frame shall be fabricated in factory as per nomenclature of the item and as directed.
8.C.1.3 Fixing of Frames
The frames are to be fixed in prepared openings in the walls. All civil work and tiling should be completed
before the fixing or the frames. The frames are to be fixed directly on the plastered wall. In case tiling is to be done in
the place the frames are to be fitted, a 50mm strip should be left untiled at the location where the frames are to be fitted.
The frames are erected in the prepared opening such that the vertical members of the frame are embedded by 50mm.
The frame shall be fitted truly in plumb. A minimum of three anchor bolts or screws of size 65/100 shall be used to fix
each vertical member. One bolt shall be fixed at 200mm from the top member and one bolt shall be fixed at 200mm from
the base surface. The third anchor bolt shall be fixed in the center. The top horizontal member shall be fixed using two
65/100 size anchor bolts or screws at a distance of 200 mm from both the corners.
8.C.1.4 Measurements
The outer length of the vertical and horizontal members of uPVC frame shall be measured in running meters
corrected upto a cm.

8.C.1.5 Rate
The rate includes the cost of the materials and labour involved in all the operations described above. The cost
of anchor bolts or screws for joining the frame is included in the rate. Any other hardware, which may be required,
shall be paid for separately.
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
Hinges, Glass or wire cloth in panels shall be measured dCts] fgYyks esa 'kh'kk ;k rkjh diMk vyx ls ekik tkxkA


08080 Factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 08080 dkj[kkus ds cus Bksl iYys ds ih0oh0lh0 njokts ds
30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame dikV 30 feeh0 eksVs ¼LVkby½ ds] uje yksgs dh
made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom uyh ls cuh mij o uhps dh iVVh okys Ýse ls cuk
rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat gqvk gksukA uje yksgs ds Ýse dh LVkby dks vkap
moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel ls <yh likV jax dh ih0lh0lh0 pSuy ls <dk
having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width
stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles
tk,xk vkSj 20 eh0eh0 pkSMh ih0oh0lh0 dh pknj
and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, dh iVVh dks vUnj dh rjQ lksyoSUV lhesUV ls
lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as tksMk tk,A likV jax dh ih0oh0lh0 pknj mij dh
gap insert for top rail & bottom rail; iVVh] rkys dh iVVh vkSj uhps dh iVVh ds gj
Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be rjQ o mij iVVh vkSj uhps dh iVVh d s s [kkyh
fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to txg es yxkb tk,A likV jax dh ih0 ih0 lh0
the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet pknj dh fnYys uje yksgs ds Ýse esa iVjh vkSj iÍh
beading, and joined together with solvent
ls ih0 ih0 lh0 chfMx ds lkFk cSYM@lhy djuk
cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at
site as per specification & drawing. →
gS vkSj lksYoSUV lhesUV ds lkFk tqMk gks fufnZf"Vdj.k
2398.60 ← o Mkbax ds vuwlkj vkiwfrZ o lFkiu
08081 All as per item no. 08080 but wood grain 08081 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh pknj
printed PVC sheet used instead of Plain dh ctk; ydM+h ds d.kksa ls fizV dh xbZ ih oh
colour PVC sheet & 5mm thick x15mm
lh pknj iz;ksx esa ykuk] iVjh vkSj iVVh esa 15
wide PVC sheet beading used inside
stiles and rails and decorative PVC fe eh pkSM+h ih oh lh pknj dh vUnj ls chfMxa
beading of 10mm x 10mm (900 ) used yxkuk] ih oh lh pknj ds [kqys fgLls dh ctk;
instead of exposed portion of PVC sheet 10 fe eh 10 fe eh ¼90½ dh ih oh lh dh
beading. → 2887.40 ← ltkoVh chfMax iz;ksx esa ykukA
08082 All as per item no.08080 but Single Side 08082 lc en 08080 tSlk fduq likV jax dh pknj
Prelam PVC sheet used instead of Plain
dh ctk; vdsyh rjQh izhySe ih oh lh pknj
colour PVC sheet and stile & rails
having one side feathered edge and on iz;ksx djuk vkSj iVjh vkSj iVVh ds ,d rjQ
other side 10mm 900 bent edge. → iajo tSlh fdukjs okyh vkSj nwljh rjQ 10 feeh
3700.50 ← dk 90 ij eqMk fdukjkA
08083 All as per item no.08080 but both side 08083 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq nksuks rjQ likV jax
Prelam PVC sheet used instead of Plain
colour PVC sheet. Stile and rails pknj dh ctk; izhySe ih oh lh pknj iz;ksx
feathered at edges → djuk iVjh vkSj iVaVh ds fdukjksa dks ijao tSlk
3876.80 ← cukukA
08084 All as per item no. 08080 but fully 08084 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq 5 feeh ih oh lh
glazed i.e. glass panes used instead of
5mm PVC sheet panels. →
pknj ds fnYyksa dh ctk; iw.kZ 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu
2277.40 ← 'kh'ks ds Qyd iz;ksx esa ykukA
08085 All as per item no. 08081 but fully glazed 08085 lc en 08081 TkSlk fdUrq 5 feeh ydM+h ds d.k
i.e. glass panes used instead of 5mm wood ls fizVa dh xbZ ih oh lh pknj ds fnYyksa dh ctk;
grain printed PVC sheet panels. → 2519.00 ← iw.kZ 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu 'kh'ks ds Qyd yxukA
[k.M 8 c<+bZfxjh
08086 All as per item no.08082 but fully glazed 08086 lc en 08082 tSlk fdUrq 5 fe fe0 ,d rjQh
i.e. glass panes used instead of 5mm izhySe ih oh lh pknj ds iYys dh ctk; iwjk
Single Side Prelam PVC sheet panels → 2956.80
← 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu 'kh'ks ds Qyd yxkuk
08087 All as per item no.08080 but partly 08087 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq v'kar 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu
glazed i.e. upper panel will be glass pane mij okyk fnYYkk Li"V LFkku esa ckgj dh vksj
fitted externally in the clear space & lower
2513.10 'kh'ks ds Qyd lsa yxk gksxk vkSj uhps okyk fnYYkk
panel will be plain colour PVC sheet → ← likV jax dh ih oh lh pknj ls yxk gksxk
08088 All as per item no. 08081 but partly 08088 lc en 08081 tSlk fdUrq v'kar 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu
glazed i.e. upper panel will be glass mij okyk fnYYkk Li"V :Fkku esa ckgj dh
panes fitted externally in the clear space rjQ 'kh'ks ds Qyd ls yxk gksxk vkSj uhps
& lower panel will wood grain printed okyk fnYYkk ydM+h ds d.k lh fizV dh xbZ ih
PVC sheet panel → 2679.50 ← oh lh pknj dk Qyd gksxk
08089 All as per item no.08082 but partly 08089 lc en 08083 tSlk fdUrq v'kar 'kh'ksnkj ;kfu
glazed i.e. upper panel will be glass
mij okyk fnYYkk Li"V LFkku esa ckgj dh rjQ
panes fitted externally in the clear
'kh'ks ds Qyd dk yxk gksxk vkSj uhps okyk
space & lower panel will be Single Side
fnYYkk ,d rjQk izhySe ih oh lh pknj dk
Prelam PVC sheets →
3511.40 ← gksxkA
08090 All as per item no.08083 but partly
glazed i.e. upper panel will be glass
08090 lc en 08083 tSlk fdUrq v”kar “kh”ksnkj ;kfu
panes fitted externally in the clear mij okyk fnYYkk Li’B LFkku es ckgj dh rjQ
space & lower panel will be Both Side “kh”ks ds Qyd dk gksxk vkSj uhps okyk fnYYkk
Prelam PVC sheet → 3677.70 nksuksa rjQ ls izhySe ih oh lh pknj dk gksxkA
08091 All as per item no. 08080 but wire gauzed 08091 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq rkjh tkyhnkj ;kfu
i.e. panel will be of wire gauze in lieu of fnYYkk ih oh lh pknj dh ctk; rkjh tkyh ds
PVC sheet panel. The wire gauze shall gksxAs rkjh tkyh dks ,d vfrfjDr 8 feeh oxZ
be wrapped on an additional square ueZ yksgs dh Bksl uyh ij cka/kk tk,xk vkSj bl
8mm M.S. Solid tube and this tube shall uyh dks ueZ yksgs dh ufy;ks ls cSYM fd;k
be welded to M.S. tubes. The wire gauge tk,xkA rkjh tkyh dks [khpka tk,xk fLFkj
shall be stretched to tighten firmly → 2603.80 ← dlus ds fy,A
08092 All as per item no.08081 but wire gauzed 08092 lc en 08081 tSlk fdUrq rkjh tkyhnkj ;kfu
i.e. panel will be of wire gauze in lieu of fnYYkk ydMh ds d.kksa ls fizV dh gqbZ ih oh lh
wood grain printed PVC sheet panel. The pknj dh ctk; rkjh tkyh dk gksxkA rkj tkyh
wire gauze shall be wrapped on an dks ,d vfrfjDr 8 eh eh oxZ ueZ yksgs dh Bksl
additional square 8mm M.S. Solid tube uyh ij cka/kk tk,xk vkSj bl uyh dks ueZ yksgs
and this tube shall be welded to M.S. dh ufy;ksa ls osYM fd;k tk;XkkA rkjh tkyh dks
tubes. The wire gauge shall be stretched
to tighten firmly → 2637.90 ← fLFkj dlus ds fy, [khpka tk,xkA
08093 All as per item no.08082 but wire gauzed 08093 lc en 08082 tSlk fdUrq rkjh tkyh ;kfu
i.e. panel will be of wire gauze in lieu of fnYYkk ,d rjQ izhySe ih oh lh pknj dh
single side prelam PVC sheet panel. The ctk; rkjh tkyh dk gksxkA rkj tkyh dks ,d
wire gauze shall be wrapped on an vfrfjDr 8 eh eh oxZ ueZ yksgs dh Bksl uyh
additional square 8mm M.S. Solid tube ij ck/kka tk,xk vkSj bl uyh dks uje yksgs dh
and this tube shall be welded to M.S.
tubes. The wire gauge shall be stretched
ufy;ksa esa oSYM fd;k tk,xkA rkjh tkyh dks
to tighten firmly → 2751.00 ← fLFkj dlus ds fy, [khpk tk,xkA
08094 All as per item no.08080 but Fullv Louvred 08094 lc en 08080 tSlk fdUrq iw.kZ f>yfeyh ;kfu
i.e. PVC sheet panel shall be louvred. → ← ih oh lh pknj dk fiYyk f>yfeyh gksxk
[k.M 8 c<+bZfxjh
dkj[kkus ds cus ih oh lh Bksl ih oh lh njokts ds Ýse ¼pkS[kV½
S&F iz f r ehVj
08095 Solid PVC Door Frame of size 50mm x 08095 njoktksa ds Bksl ih oh lh Ýse 50 fe eh 47
47mm made out of 5mm plain colour fe eh vkdkj ds] 5 eh eh ih oh lh pknj ls
PVC sheet reinforced with M.S. Square cuk uje yksgs dh oxkZdkj uyh ls izcyu]
tube, suppling & fixing in opening as per eks/kksa esa fufnZ"Vdj.k ,oa Mkabx ds vuqlkj
specification & drawing → 453.00 ← vkiwfŸkZ ,oa LFkkiu
08096 All as per item no.08095 but wood grain 08096 lc en 08095 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh ckgj dh
printed PVC sheet used instead of Plain ctk; ydMh ds d.kksa lh fizV dh gqbZ ih oh lh
colour PVC sheet & edges will be painted pknj iz;ksx esa ykuk vkSj fizVa dh gqbZ pknj ls esy
to match with printed sheet → 499.40 ← feykus ds fy, fdukjksa dks jksxu fd;k tk,xk
08097 All as per item no.08095 but single side
08097 lc en 08095 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh
prelam PVC sheet used instead of Plain
pknj ,d rjQh izhySe pknj iz;ksx esa ykuk
colour PVC sheet & edges will be painted
vkSj izhySe pknj ls esy feykus ds fy,
to match with prelam sheet → 593.60 ← fdukjksa dks jksxu fd;k tk,xk
08098 Solid PVC Double door frame of size
08098 njoktksa ds Bksl ih oh lh nksgjs Ýse 50 fe eh
50mm x 95mm made out of 5mm Plain
95 eh eh vkdkj ds] 5 feeh ih oh lh pknj
colour PVC sheet reinforced with M.S.
ls cuk uje yksgs dh oxkZdkj uyh ls izcyu]
tube, suppling & fixing in opening as per
eks?kksa esa fufnZ"Vdj.k ,d Mkbax ds vuqlkj
specification & drawing → 988.50 ← vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu
08099 All as per item no.08098 but wood grain
08099 lc en 08098 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh
printed PVC sheet used instead of Plain
colour PVC sheet → pknj dh ctk; ydMh ds d.kksa lh fizaV dh
1019.30 ← gqbZ ih oh lh pknj iz;ksx es ykuk
08100 All as per item no.08098 but single side
prelam PVC sheet used instead of Plain 08100 lc en 08098 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh pknj dh
colour PVC sheet → 1161.60 ← ctk; ,d rjQh izhySe ih oh lh pknj iz;ksx esa ykuk


dkj[kkus ds cus ih oh lh lfpar njokts ds dikV
08101 Factory Made Solid PVC Moulded 08101 dkj[kkus ds cus Bksl ih oh lh lkfpar
Door Shutter, 28 to 30mm thick With Particle With Wood
njoktksa s ds dikV] 28 ls 30 fe eh eksVkbZ
(stiles), with 2, 4, or 6 raised panel Board Core free EPS
¼iVVh½ 2]4 ;k 6 ds mHkjs gq, fnYyksa tks fd
design with 2mm thick Moulded
PVC Sheet on the front face &
2 fe eh eksVh lkafpr ih oh lh pknj ls vkxs
2mm plain colour PVC sheet on dk fMtkbu o 2 fe eh eksVh likV jax dh
back face, supplying & fixing in ih oh lh pknj ls ihNs dk fMtkbu vkiwfRkZ
frame at site as per specification o lhiu Ýse ds vUnj dk;Z LFkku ij o
& drawing → 5799.10 5046.60 ← fufnZf"Vdj.k o Mªkbax ds vuqlkj
08102 All as per item no. 08101 but 0 8 1 0 2 lc en 08101 tSlk fdUrq vkxs dh
2mm thick Moulded Prelam
rjQ 2 fe eh lkafpr izhySe ih oh lh
PVC Sheet on the front face &
2mm Plain colour PVC Sheet pknj vkSj ihNs dh rjQ 2 fe eh ih
on back face → oh lh pknj
08103 All as per item no. 08101 but 6215.00 5494.90 ←
2mm thick Moulded Prelam 0 8 1 0 3 lc en 08101 tSlk fdUrq 2feeh lkafpr
PVC Sheet on the front face & ih oh lh izhySe pknj vkXks dh rjQ
2mm prelam PVC Sheet on ← vkSj 2 feeh izhySe pknj ihNs dh rjQ
6631.00 5819.30
back face →
[k.M 8 c<+bZfxjh
dkj[kkus ds cus ih oh lh esa <ys njokts ds dikV


With Particle With Wood
08104 All as per item no. 08101 but 2mm 08104 lc en 08101 tSlk fdUrq vkxs
Board Core free EPS
thick 3D wood grain Moulded dh rjQ 2 fe eh 3 Mh ydMh
PVC Sheet Polyurethane painted ds d.kksa lh lkfpar ih oh lh
on the front face & 2mm Plain pknj tks fd iksY;wFksuZ jksxu dh
colour PVC Sheet on back face → gqbZ gks] 2 feeh ih oh lh pknj
6076.40 5327.70 ← ihNs dh rjQ
08105 All as per item no. 08101 but 2mm 08105 lc en 08101 tSlk fdUrq vkxs dh
thick 3D wood grain Moulded rjQ 2 fe eh 3 Mh ydMh ds d.kksa
PVC Sheet Polyurethane painted dh lkfpar ih oh lh pknj tks fd
on the front face & 2mm prelam iksYiqFksuZ jksxu dh gqbZ gks] 2 fe eh
PVC Sheet on back face 6492.30 5729.80
→ ← izhYkSe ih oh lh pknj ihNs dh rjQ


ih oh lh pknj DySfMax lkexzh izfr oXkZ ehVj
08106 Plain colour PVC sheet fixed Thickness of sheet in mm 08106 likV jax dh ih oh lh pknj]
or laid on to flush doors by pknj dh eksVkbZ feeh- esa likV njoktksa ij LFkkiu ;k fcNkuk
using rubber based adhesive, 1mm 1.5mm 2mm jcM vk/kkfjr fpidkus okys nzO;
supplying & fixing at site as ds }kjk] fufnZf"Vdj.k ds vuqlkj
per specification → 438.70 544.00 676.00 ← dk;ZLFky ij vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu
08107 All as per item no. 08106, but
08107 lc en 08106 tSlk fdUrq likV
wood grain printed PVC
jax dh pknj dh ctk; ydMh
sheet used instead of Plain
colour PVC sheet →
ds d.kksa lh fizV dh xbZ ih oh lh
473.90 590.40 712.40 ← pknj yxk dj
08108 All as per item no. 08106, but 08108 lc en 08106 tSlk fdUrq likV
single side prelam PVC sheet
jax dh pknj dh ctk; ,d rjQh
used instead of Plain colour
← izhySe ih oh lh pknj yxk dj
PVC sheet → 1292.60
08109 All’ as per item no. 08106, but 08109 lc en 08106 tSlk fdUrq likV
single side prelam embossed jax dh pknj dh ctk; ,d rjQh
by thermoforming PVC sheet izhySe ih oh lh pknj dks
used instead of Plain colour FkekZQksjfeax }kjk mHkkj dj yxkuk
1522.10 ←←
PVC sheet →
08110 Add to items 08106 to 08109 08110 tksMs en 08106 ls 08109 lh es]a
if fixed in repairs to existing ;fn LFkkiu eqjEer esa ekStnw k njoktksa
doors → 148.90 148.90 148.90 ← ds lkFk gS
08111 All as per item 08106 to 08109 08111 lc en 08106 ls 08109 lh tSlk
but without the relevant PVC ← fdUrq lac} ih oh lh pknj ds cxSj
sheet → 211.80 211.80 211.80 08112 vfrfjDr fyfiax esa ih oh lh pknj
08112 Extra for PVC sheet in lipping ds fy;s ;fn ih oh lh pknj ds
in case of PVC sheet is heat fy;s ;fn ih oh lh pknj dks xeZ
bent as lipping on the edges
djds eksM dj] njoktksa ds fdukjksa
of doors → 178.60 178.60 178.60
← ij fyfiax fd;k tkuk gSA
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
Bksl ih oh lh nhokj ykbfuax
PVC fillets & PVC strips shall be measured ih- oh- lh- xksVsa vkSj ih- oh lh iŸkh vyx ls ekis tk;saxs


08113 Solid PVC Wall Lining consisting of 08113 Bksl ih oh lh nhokj ykbfuax 5 feeh eksVh ih
5mm thick Plain colour PVC sheet oh lh pknj dh] lksYoSUV lhesUV lesr]
inclusive of solvent cement and fixing at fufnZf"Vdj.k o Mkbax ds vuqlkj ih oh lh Ýse
site on PVC frame as per specifications
and drawing → 2020.40 ← ds mij dk;Z LFky ij LFkfir
08114 All as per item No.08113 but wood grain 08114 lc en 08113 tSlk fdUrq likV jax pknj dh
printed PVC sheet used instead of plain ctk; ydMh ds d.kksa lh fizV dh xbZ ih oh lh
colour sheet →
1313.90 ← pknj yxkuk
08115 All as per item No.08113 but single side 08115 lc en 08113 tSlk fdUrq likV jax pknj dh
prelam PVC sheet used instead of plain
1450.80 ← ctk; ,d rjQ izhySe ih oh lh pknj yxkuk
colour sheet →
08116 All as per item No. 08113 to 08115 but 08116 lc en 08113 ls 08115 tSlk fdUrq lac) ih oh
without the relevant PVC Sheet → 356.00 ← lh ds cxSj
PVC FILLET iz f r ehVj
08117 5 fe eh eksVh ih oh lh [knj dh xksV] 35 feeh
08117 5mm thick PVC sheet fillet of width
← pkSMh nhokj ij LFkkiu lfgr ih oh lh Ýse dks
35mm for wall paneling inclusive of
fixing on to wall to make PVC Frame as fufnZ"Vdj.k vkSj Mkbx ds vuqlkj cukuk
per specification and drawing. →
08117A Ditto but without PVC sheet fillets → 223.30 08117 A mi;qDZ Rk fdUrq ih oh lh pknj dh xksVksa ds fcuk
PVC strips shall be measured separately ih- oh- lh- iŸkh vyx ls ekis tk;saxs
Thickness Thickness
of insulated insulated
08118 lnsulated PVC Wall Lining 08118 vojks/kh ih oh lh ds nhokj vLRkj
consisting of PVC Insulated Panels PVC wall PVC wall
lining lining vojks/kh ih oh lh fnYys ls cuk ftles
having expanded polystyrene (EPS)
stuck to 2mm thick plain colour PVC 25mm 40mm ,DlisaMsM iksfyLVjhu bih,l 2 fe eh
sheet duly fitted into the wall as per ih oh lh pknj ls lVk gqvk fufnZf"Vdj.k
specifications and drawing → ← o Mkabx ds vuqlkj nhokj esa yxkuk
2481.50 2924.90
08119 All as per item no. 08118 but PVC 08119 lc en 08118 tSlk fdUrq ih oh lh
Insulated Panel with wood grain vojks/kh fnYys es likV jax pknj dh
printed PVC sheet used instead of ctk, ydM+h ds d.kksa lh fizUV dh xbZ
plain colour sheet. → 2525.20 2968.70
← ih oh lh pknj yxkb tk,
08120 All as per Item no. 08118 but PVC 08120 lc en 08118 tSlk fdUrq ih oh lh
Insulated Panel with Single Side vojks/kh fnYys es likV jax pknj dh ctk,
Prelam PVC sheet used in-stead of ,d rjQh izhySe ih oh lh pknj yxkb tk,
plain colour sheet → 2612.50 3039.10 ←
08121 All as per item 08118 to 08120 but 08121 lc en 08118 ls 08120 ch tSlk fdUrq
without relevant PVC Insulated 297.75 297.75 ← lca} ih oh lh vojks/kh fnYys ds cxSjA
Panels →
[k.M 8& c<+bZfxjh
Bksl ih oh lh lSUMfop fnYyk] vyxkus okyh nhokj ds fy,
M.S. angle frame, PVC channel & strips shall be ,e- ,l yksgs Ýse ih- oh- lh- pSuy vkSj iV~Vh vyx ls ekis tk,xsAa
measured separately.
08122 40mm thick Solid PVC Sandwich Panel 08122 40 feeh eksVkbZ ds Bksl ih oh lh lS.Mfop fnYys
with lmm Plain PVC Sheet on both sides ftlds nksuks rjQ nksukas rjQ 1 fe eh likV ih
suitably fixed in M.S. angle frame work oh lh pknj gS mfpr :i ls fufnZf"Vdj.k o
as per specification & drawing → 3409.20 ← Mkbax ds vuqlkj uje yksgs ds Ýse esa LFkkfir
08123 All as per item 08122 but both side 1mm 08123 lc en 08122 tSlk fdUrq nksuks rjQ 1
Printed PVC sheet in lieu of plain PVC feeh likV ih oh lh pknj dh ctk; 1
sheet → 3554.70 ← feeh fizUV dh gqbZ ih oh lh pknj
08124 All as per item 08122 but both side 2mm 08124 lc en 08122 tSlk fdUrq nksuks rjQ 1
Plain PVC sheet in lieu of 1 mm plain feeh likV ih oh lh pknj dh ctk; 2 fe
PVC sheets → 4184.50 ← eh ih oh likV pknj
08125 All as per item 08122 but both side 2mm 08125 lc en 08122 tSlk fdUrq nksuks rjQ 1
Printed PVC sheet in lieu of 1 mm plain feeh ih oh lh pknj dh ctk;] 2 feeh fizUV
PVC sheet → ← dh xbZ ih oh lh pknj
08126 All as per item 08122 but both side 2mm 08126 lc en 08122 tSlk fdUrq nksuks rjQ 1
single side prelam PVC sheet in lieu of feeh likV ih oh lh pknj dh ctk; 2
1 mm plain PVC shcet → 4474.90 ← feeh ,d rjQh izhySe ih oh lh pknj
08127 All as per item08122 to 08126 but without 08127 lc en 08122 ls 08126 tSlk fdUrq lac}
relevant solid PVC sandwich panel → 297.70 ← Bksl ih oh lh lS.Mfop fnYys ds cxSjA



08128 5mm thick plain colour PVC sheet in 08128 5 feeh eksVh likV ih oh lh nhokj iVVh o pSuy
strips & channel feathered at the edges es]a fdukjksa ij ia[k tSlh ih oh lh nhokj vLrj
for fixing on Solid PVC Wall Lining, ij] vojks/kh ih oh lh nhokj vLRkj ij o Bksl ih
Insulated PVC Wall Lining, and Solid
oh lh vyxkus okyh nhokj ij LFkkiu ds fy,
PVC Partitions inclusive of Solvent
Cement and fixing at site. → 2186.30 ← lkSYoSUV lhesUV o dk;Z LFky ij LFkkiu lesr
08129 All as per item no 08128 but 5mm 08129 lc en 08128 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh
Printed PVC sheet used instead of ih oh lh pknj dh ctk; 5 feeh fizUV dh
plain colour PVC shect → 2225.20 ← xbZ ih oh lh pknj yxkbZ tk,
08130 All as per item no 08128 but 5mm 08130 lc en 08128 tSlk fdUrq likV jax dh ih
Prelam PVC sheet used instead of oh lh pknj dh ctk; izhySe 5 fe eh ih oh
plain colour PVC sheet → 2352.70 ← lh pknj yxkbZ tk,
08131 All as per item 08128 to 08130 but 08131 lc en 08128 ls 08130 ch tSlk fdUrq
without the relevant PVC sheet → 1310.10 ← lECkfU/kr ih oh lh ds cxSjA
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
Aluminium/GI/M.S. Grid shall be measured separately.


Thick- Thick ness
ness of of PVC
PVC insulation
08132 PVC insulation panels with EPS insulation panel 08132 ih oh lh vojks/kh fnYys 1 feeh likV ih oh
panel 40mm
stuck to 1mm plain PVC sheet lh pknj bih,l LVd fpidk gqvk] cukoVh
suitably placed in false ceiling grid Nr dh tkyh ,Y;qehfu;e@tLrk p<k
made of Aluminium/G.I./M.S. as yksgk@uje gksgk dh cuh fufnZf"Vdj.k o
per specification and drawing → 1474.70 2098.60 ← Mkbax ds vuqlkj mfpr #i ls yxk;k x;k
08133 All as per item no 08132 but 1mm 08133 lc en 08132 tSlk fdUrq likV ih oh
printed PVC sheet used in lieu of lh pknj dh ctk; 1 fe eh fizUV dh gqbZ
plain PVC sheet → 1516.30 2167.90 ← ih oh lh pknj yxkbZ tk,
08134 All as per item no 08132 and 08133 08134 lc en 08132 o 08133 tSlk fdUrq lac}
but without relevant PVC insulation ih oh lh vojks/kh fnYyh ds cxSjA
panel. → 342.40 342.40 ←



08135 52mm thick PVC Partition consisting
of 12mm thick plain solid PVC ply
sheet reinforced with frame work
made from 40mm x 20mm MS tubes.
In between two MS tubes, 5mm thick
Plain heat moulded 'C channel of
size 75mmx50mm with feathered
edges shall be fixed on the floor, wall
and ceiling. Plastic ply opanel shall
be inserted in the PVC 'C channel.
The first & last MS tube should be
errected such that it is inside a PVC
'C channel, in between adjoining
plastic panel, 5mm thick x75mm
width plain PVC sheet feathered at
edges shall be stick on the front &
back face using solvent cement
complete. → 3591.00 148.90
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


08136 All as per Item No 08135 above but

12mm thick both side printed solid
PVC plastic ply sheet and 5mm thick
printed heat moulded 'C channel→→ 3729.60 148.70
08137 All as per Item No 08135 above but
12mm thick both side prelam PVC
plastic ply sheet and 5mm thick
prelam heat moulded 'C channel 3868.30 148.90



08138 Solid PVC frame (Single Rebated) of

size 60mm x 30mm made out of solid
PVC foam with homogenous fine
cellular structure having smooth
outer integral skin with suitable metal
stiffner and fixed with 100 x 8 sheet
metal CSK screws complete all as
specified and as shown on drawing
(Note :- Door frame shall be water
proof, termite proof, elegant and
should have excellent screws holding
strength to fix hinges and hold doors
properly for a long life) → 633.10


08139 Factory made soild PVC profiled

panel door shutter 28mm thick with
integral skin as frame & 3mm thick
high pressure compact laminate on
both side of approved colour as infill,
with 'C type Gl or 40 x 20 x19 of MS
pipe as stiffner & supplying & fixing
in frame at site as per specifications
& drawing. → 4192.60
08140 Supply and fix 30mm thick single
piece, coloured ABC
STYRENE) coated, PUF filled door
shutters with PUF (Poly Urethane
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


Foam) insulation of minimum density

40 Kg/Cum filled in between two ABS
sheets of thickness 1.2mm (min), border
covered with insitu pasted ABS strips
of width equal to thickness of door
shutters, 1.2mm thickness, reinforced
with two number 10mm CTD bars, pre-
embedded with wooden blocks of
suitable sizes for receiving hinges,
tower / sliding bolts, towel rails,
handles etc, with/without embossed
pattern. → 4694.50
08141 Supply and fix 30mm thick single piece,
filled door shutters with PUF (Poly
Urethane Foam) insulation of minimum
density 40 Kg/Cum filled in between
two ABS sheets of thickness 1.2mm
(min), border covered with insitu
pasted ABS strips of width equal to
thickness of door shutters, 1.2mm
thickness, reinforced with two number
10mm CTD bars, pre-embedded with
wooden blocks of suitable sizes for
receiving hinges, tower / sliding bolts,
towel rails, handles etc, with/without
embossed pattern. → 4708.40

08142 Providing and fixing factory made
uPVC white colour casement/sliding S&F Material only
window/door, made of extruded
profiles. Profiles of frames and sash will
be mitered cut and fusion welded at all
corners, including drilling of holes for
fixing hardware and drainage of
water etc.. making arrangement for
fixing of hardware, EPDM gasket, 1.2+ thick galvanized steel profile to
be inserted in required profile, frame
will be fixed to the wall with 8mm x
100mm long fasteners, all complete
and as directed, (Glazing, hardware
hinges and fitting, EPDM rubber gasket
etc. to be paid separately.)
Note:-Each member of window to be
measured separately wrth clear length.
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


A. Casement window (outward /inward opening)

with hinge system
A(1) Frame (60mm x 58mm) → 522.85 209.43
A(2) Sash (Style and rail) (60 mm x 78mm) → 804.51 307.52
A(3) Mullion (intermediate section)
(61mm x62mm) → 454.51 192.15
A(4) 'T' Profile (one vertical length in between
two shutters) (60 mm X 74mm) → 461.76 248.95
A(5) Glazing bead (35mmx 20mm) → 364.05 150.50
A(6) Reinforcement 'T' profile 27mm x 17mm → 65.58 27.55
A(7) Reinforcement sash (31 mmx27.5mm) → 121.82 51.16
A(8) Reinforcement frame (28 mmx21.5mm)→ → 86.02 36.12
A(9) Reinforcement mullion (25 mmx26mm) → 89.16 37.45
B. Casement window (with friction hinge &
outward opening)
B(1) Frame (60mm x 58mm) → 354.17 176.46
B(2) Sash/ Mullion (60 mmx73.5mm)
(style, rail and intermediate section → 395.92 206.10
B(3) Glazing bed (35 mmx30mm) → 166.75 85.98
B(4) Reinforcement frame (28 mmx21.5mm)→ → 86.02 36.12
B(5) Reinforcement sash (31 mmx20.5mm) → 104.77 38.75
C. Sliding window (two track, 2/4 shutters)
C(1) Two track sliding frame (60mm x 62mm) → 538.16 236.85
C(2) Sliding window Sash (42 mmx67mm) → 499.25 219.95
C(3) Sliding interlock for window (one
vertical length in each shutter)
(45.5 mmx28mm) → 128.92 45.56
C(4) Sliding glazing bead (24.5mmx16mm) → 93.37 39.21
C(5) Reinforcement frame (30 mmx 21.5mm)
x 2 nos → 184.35 77.42
C(6) Reinforcement sash (30 mmx18mm) → 77.16 55.56
D. Sliding Door (two track, 2/4 shutters)
D(1) Two track sliding frame (60mm x
62mm) → 516.31 236.85
D(2) Sliding door Sash (85 mmx42mm) → 596.37 261.61
D(3) Sliding interlock for door (one vertical
length in each shutter) (45.5 mmx 28mm) → 128.92 45.56
D(4) Sliding glazing bead (24.5mmx16mm) → 93.37 39.12
D(5) Reinforcement frame (30 mmx21.5mm)
x 2 nos → 184.35 77.42
D(6) Reinforcement sash (30 mmx28mm) → 132.03 55.45
E. Sliding Door (three track, 2/4 shutters)
E(1) Three track sliding frame (88mm x 52mm) → 729.08 320.87
E(2) Reinforcement frame (30 mmx 18mm)
x 2 nos → 154.57 64.92
E(3) Sliding window Sash (42 mmx67mm) → 499.25 219.95
E(4) Reinforcement sash (30 mmx18mm) → 77.12 32.38
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


E(5) Sliding mesh Sash (42 mmx57mm) → 424.73 187.12

E(6) Reinforcement mesh sash (26 mmx
10mm) → 41.43 17.40
E(7) Sliding interlock for door (one vertical
length in each shutter) (45.5 mmx 28mm) → 128.92 45.56
E(8) Sliding glazing bead (24.5mmx16mm) → 93.37 39.21
08143 Providing and fixing stainless steel (SS-304 grade)
friction hinges to the side/top hung uPVC windows,
of approved quality, with necessary stainless steel
screws etc. as directed
A 200 x 19 x 1.9 mm → 261.60 214.95
B 250 x 19 x 1.9 mm → 311.55 257.95
C 300 x 19 x 1.9 mm → 391.36 326.70
D 350 x 19 x 1.9 mm → 451.36 378.27
E 400 x 19 x 1.9 mm → 561.20 472.90
08144 Providing and fixing casement handle made of zinc
alloyed (white powder coated) for uPVC casement
window with necessary screws etc. complete → 186.27 154.76
08145 Providing and fixing zinc alloyed (white powder
coated) touch lock for uPVC sliding window with
necessary screws etc. complete → 126.35 103.17
08146 Providing and fixing steel roller for uPVC sliding
window with necessary screws etc. complete → 61.43 50.37
08147 Providing and fixing steel roller for uPVC sliding door
with necessary screws etc. complete. → 96.37 79.02
08148 Providing and fixing steel (white power coated)
crescent lock for uPVC sliding window/ door with
necessary screws etc. complete. → 116.37 95.37
08149 Zinc alloy rollers for uPVC windows → 57.91 47.28
08150 Zinc alloy rollers for uPVC doors → 94.76 77.38
08151 Zinc alloy (white powder coated) casement lock for
uPVC windows → 115.81 94.57


08152 Aluminium track on bottom rail for uPVC

window → 29.47 24.07
08153 Wood pine for uPVC window → 21.00 17.20
08154 Neoprene/ EPDM rubber gasket → 23.65 19.37
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


08155 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
fixed window made of extruded profiles with wall
thickness of 2.3mm(+-0.2mm). Window profile with
hollow section with multi chamber. Frame (60mm x
58mm). T profile (Onevertical length in between two
shutters) (60mm x 74mm). Glazing bead (35mm x
20mm) will be mitered cut and fusion welded at all
corners, including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware and drainage of water etc. making
arrangement for fixing of hardware, EPDM gasket.
1.2 +–0.2mm thick, galvanized steel Frame (28mm x
21.5mm), T profile (27mm x 17 mrn) to be inserted in
required profile, frame will be fixed to the wall with
8mm x 100mm long fasteners- 5mm thick glazing with
selected quality glass
(Note: The unit rate quoted by contractor excludes cost
of glass and includes all other connected accessories
Net opening will be measured for payment purpose.)
(A) Area not exceeding 1.00 sqm each → 10582.38 8856.28
(B) Area exceeding 1.00 sqm but not exceeding
2.00 sqm each → 6273.66 5189.28
(C) Area exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 5384.12 4432.23
08156 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
casement (Openable) window made of extruded
profiles with wall thickness of 2.3mm ( + – 0.2mm).
Window profile with hollow section with multi
chamber, frame (60mm x 58mm), sash (60mm x 73mm),
T profile (One vertical length in between two shutters)
(60mm x 74mm), Glazing bead (35mm x 20mm) will be
mitered cut and fusion welded at all corners, including
drilling of holes for fixing hardware and drainage of
water etc., making arrangement for fixing of hardware.
EPDM gasket 1.2 +– 0.2mm thick, galvanized steel
Frame (28mm x 21.5mm), sash (31mm x 27.5mm). T
profile (27mm x 17mm) to be inserted in required profile,
frame will be fixed to the wall with 8 mm x 100mm
long fasteners. Hardware: [casement handle made of
zinc alloyed (white powder coated), But Hinges of'zinc
alloyed (white powder coated), transmission gear made
of mild steel with multi point locking system] and 5mm
thick glazing with selected quality glass.
(Note: The unit rate quoted by contractor excludes
cost of glass and includes all other connected
accessories. Net opening will be measured for
payment purpose.)
(A) Area not exceeding 1.00 sqm each → 12527.85 10512.00
(B) Area exceeding 1.00 sqm but not exceeding
2.00 sqm each → 10593.11 8865.41
(C) Area exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 9767.08 8162.42
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


08157 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
casement (Openable) Door made of extruded profile
wilh wall thickness of 2.3mm ( + -0.2mm). Window
profile with hollow section with mitlti chamber, frame
(60mm x 58mm), sash (60mm x 78mm). T profile (One
vertical length in between two shutters) (60mm x
74mm). Glazing bead (35mm x 20mm) will be mitered
cut and fusion welded at all corners, including
drilling ol holes for fixing hardware and drainage of
water etc., making arrangement for fixing of hardware.
EPDM gasket 1.2 + -0.2mm thick galvanized steel
Frame (28mm x 21.5mm), sash (31mm x 27mm), T
profile (27mm x 17mm) to be inserted in required
profile, frame will be fixed to the wall wilh 8mm x
100mm long fasteners. Hardware: [casement door
handle made of zinc alloyed (white powder coated).
Corner striker. Secondary Strikers. Cylinder. Door
transmission gear made of mild sleel with multi point
locking system with strikes. 3D Hinges of zinc alloyed
(white powder coated) [and 5mm thick glazing with
selected quality glass.
(Note: The unit rate quoted by contractor excludes
cost of glass and includes all other connected
accessories. Net opening will be measured for
payment purpose.) → 11166.12 9253.08
08158 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white color
Sliding window Two track made of extruded profiles
with wall thickness of 2.3mm (+- 0.2mm). Window
profile with hollow section with multi chamber, Frame
(60mm x 62mm). sash (42mm x 67mm). Sliding
Interlock (One vertical length in each shutters)
(45.5mm x 28mm). Glazing bead (24.5mmx 16mm)
will he mitered cut and fusion welded at all corners,
including drilling of holes for fixing hardware and
drainage of water etc.. making arrangement for fixing
of hardware. EPDM gasket 1.2 + -0.2mm thick
galvanized steel frame (30mm x 21.5mm), Sash (30mm
x 18mm), profile to be inserted in required profile,
frame will be fixed to the wall with 8mm x 100mm
long fasteners. Hardware : [Touch Lock of zinc alloyed
(white powder coated), steel roller system including
5mm thick glazing with selected quality glass,
aluminum track on bottom rail for two track sliding
frame, wool pine for Sliding sash and interlock.]
(Note: The unit rate quoted by contractor excludes
cost of glass and includes all other connected
accessories. Net opening will be measured for
payment purpose)
(A) Area not exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 9346.85 7804.77
(B) Area exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 8255.16 6875.67
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


08159 Providing and fixing factory made uPVG white colour
Sliding window Three track made of extruded profiles
with wall thickness of 2.3mm (+ -0.2mm). Window
profile with hollow section with multi chamber. Frame
(88mm x 52mm), sliding sash (42mm x 67mm). Sliding
mesh Sash (42mm x 57mm) Sliding interlock (One
vertical length in each shutters) (45.5mm x 28mm),
Glazing bead (24.5mm x 16mm) will be miterd cut
and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling
of holes for fixing hardware and drainage of water
etc., making arrangement for fixing of hardware.
EPDM gasket, 1.2+ -0.2mm thick galvanised steel
Frame (30mm x 18mm) 2 nos, sliding sash (30mm x
18mm), sliding mesh sash (26mm x 10mm) profile to
be inserted in required profile, frame will be fixed to
the wall with 8mm x 100mm long fasteners, Hardware
[Touch Lock of zinc alloyed (white powder coated),
steel roller system. Stainless steel wire cloth 0.36mm
nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture
1.40mm and required accessories.
(Note: The unit rate quoted by contractor excludes
cost of glass and includes all other connected
accessories. Net Opening will be measured lor
payment purpose.)
(A) Area not exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 11276.39 9446.29
(B) Area exceeding 2.00 sqm each → 9622.45 8039.32
08160 Door Espag → 800.36 666.16
08161 Lever Door Handle → 644.01 528.10
08162 Standard Cylinder → 757.36 624.56
08163 Centre Striker → 230.12 170.85
08164 3D Hinge → 819.59 771.53
08165 Striker → 54.40 44.30
08166 Drainage → 19.74 14.80
08167 Glazing Bridge → 16.96 12.44
08168 Silicon Sealant → 221.12 186.19
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


08169 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC door frame

made of uPVC. extruded sections having an overall
dimension (extruded section profile) 48x40 mm
(tolerance ± 1 mm), with wall thickness 2.0 mm
(± 0.2 mm), corners of the door frame Jointed with
galvanized brackets and stainless steel screws, joints
mitred and Plastic welded. The hinge side vertical of
the frames reinforced by galvanized M.S. tube of size
19 X 19 mm and 1mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness and
3 nos. stainless steel hinges fixed to the frame
complete all as specified by the manufacturer and as
per directions of Engineer-in-charge → 221.42 174.40
08170 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC door frame
made of uPVC. extruded sections having an overall
dimension (extruded section profile) 42x50 mm
(tolerance ± 1 mm), with wall thickness 2.0 mm
(± 0.2 mm), corners of the door frame Jointed with
galvanized brackets and stainless steel screws, joints
mitred and Plastic welded. The hinge side vertical of
the frames reinforced by galvanized M.S. tube of size
19 X 19 mm and 1mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness and
3 nos. stainless steel hinges fixed to the frame
complete all as specified by the manufacturer and as
per directions of Engineer-in-charge → 268.85 221.84


08171 Supply and fixing 24 mm thick factory made PVC

door shutters to existing door frames made of styles
and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size 59x24 mm
and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) with inbuilt
edging on both sides. The styles and rails mitred and
jointed at the corners by means of M.S. galvanized/
plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall
thickness 1.0 mm and stainless steel screws. The
styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised
M.S. tube of size 20x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall
thickness. The lock rail made up of 'H' section, a
uPVC hollow section of size 100x24 mm and 2 mm
(± 0.2 mm) wall thickness, fixed to the shutter styles
by means of plastic/galvanised M.S. 'U' cleats. The
shutter frame filled with a uPVC multi-chambered
single panel of size not less than 620 mm, having
over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall
thickness. The panels filled vertically and tie bar at
two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised
M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers,
complete as specified by the manufacturer and as per
directions of Engineer- in-charge. (For W.C. and
bathroom door shutter). → 1775.60 1505.64
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08172 Supply, and fixing 30 mm thick factory made

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) door shutter made of styles
and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size 60x30 mm
and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm), with inbuilt
decorative moulding edging on one side. The styles
and rails mitred and jointed at the corners by
means of M.S. galvanised/ plastic brackets of size
75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and
stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter
reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size
25x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickenss. The
lock rail made up of 'H' section, a uPVC hollow section
of size 100x30 mm and 2 mm ( + 0.2 mm) wall
thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of
plastic/ galvanised M.S. 'U' cleats. The shutter frame
filled with a uPVC multichambered single panel of
size not less than 620 mm, having over all thickness
of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The
panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by
insering horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and
fastened with nuts and washers, complete as specified
by the manufacturer and as per directions of Engineer-
in-charge. → 2001.44 1731.49


08173 Supply and fixing Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic (FRP)
Door Frames of cross section 90 mm x 45 mm having
single rebate of 32 mm x 15 mm to receive shutter of 30
mm thickness. The laminte shall be moulded with fire
resistant grade unsaturated polyester resin and chopped
mat. Door frame laminate shall be 2mm thick and shall
be filled with suitable wooden block in all the three legs.
The frame shall be covered with fiber glass from all sides.
M.S. stay shall be provided at the bottom to steady the
frame., complete as specified by the manufacturer and
as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. → 695.68 647.57


08174 Supply and fixing to existing door frames 30 mm thick
Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) panelled door
shutter of required colour and approved brand and
manufacture, made with fire - retardant grade
unsaturated polyester resin, moulded to 3 mm thick
FRP laminate for forming hollow rails and styles, with
wooden frame and suitable blocks of seasoned wood
inside at required places for fixing of fittings, cast
monolithically with 5 mm thick FRP laminate for
panels conforming to IS: 14856, including fixing to
frames, complete as specified by the manufacturer
and as per directions of Engineer- in-charge. → 3541.79 3225.00
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08175 Supply and fixing 30 mm thick Fiberglass Reinforced

Plastic (F.R.P.) flush door shutter in different plain
and wood finish made with fire retardant grade
unsaturated polyester resin, moulded to 3 mm thick
FRP laminate all around, with suitable wooden blocks
inside at required places for fixing of fittings and
polyurethane foam (PUF)/Polystyrene foam to be used
as filler material throughout the hollow panel, casted
monolithically with testing parameters of F.R.P.
laminate conforming to table 3 of IS: 14856 complete
all as specified by the manufacturer and as per
directions of Engineer- in-charge. → 4025.68 3708.89

08176 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Casement window single panel with S.S. friction
hinges (300 x 19 x 1.9 mm), made of (small series)
frame 47 x 50 mm & sash 47 x 68 mm both having
wall thickness of 1.9 ± 0.2 mm and single glass pane
glazing bead of appropriate dimension (Area of
window upto 0.75 sqm.) comprising of uPVC multi-
chambered frame, sash and mullion (where ever
required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with
1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section
made from roll forming process of required length
(shape & size according to uPVC profile), uPVC
extruded glazing beads of appropriate dimension,
EPDM gasket, stainless steel (SS 304 grade) friction
hinges, zinc alloy (white powder coated) casement
handles, G.I. fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing
frame to finished wall, plastic packers, plastic caps
and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile of
frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded
at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also
fusion welded including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing
frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished
wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon
sealant over backer rod of required size and of
approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass shall be paid
Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded
profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in
depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.
Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall
be accepted but no extra payment on this account
shall be made. →
9528.45 8453.33
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08177 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

fixed glazed window/ventilator made of (small series)
frame 47 x 50 mm mullion 47 x 68 mm both having
wall thickness of 1.9 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing
bead of appropriate dimension (Area upto 0.75 sqm.)
comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame and
mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly
reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild
steel section made from roll forming process of
required length (shape & size according to uPVC
profile), uPVC extruded glazing beads of appropriate
dimension, EPDM gasket, G.I. fasteners 100 x 8 mm
size for fixing frame to finished wall, plastic packers,
plastic caps and necessary stainless steel screws etc.
Profile of frame shall be mitred cut and fusion welded
at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also fusion
welded including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing
frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished
wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealant
over backer rod of required size and of approved
quality, all complete as per approved drawing &
direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass shall be paid
Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded
profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in
depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.
Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall
be accepted but no extra payment on this account
shall be made. → 6400.53 5325.41

08178 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Casement door with 3D hinges made of (big series)
frame 67 x 64 mm & sash 67 x 110 mm both having
wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing
bead / double glazing bead of appropriate dimension.
(Area of door upto 2.00 sqm) comprising of uPVC
multi-chambered frame, sash and mullion (where ever
required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with
1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made
from roll forming process of required length (shape &
size according to uPVC profile), uPVC extruded
glazing beads of appropriate dimension, EPDM
gasket, zinc alloy (white powder coated) 3D hinges
and one handle on each side of panels along with
zinc plated mild steel multi point locking having
transmission gear, cylinder with keeps and one side
key, G.I. fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to
finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws,
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and

fusion welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall
be also fusion welded including drilling of holes for
fixing hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing
frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished
wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent
over backer rod of required size and of approved quality
complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-
Charge. (Glass shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded
profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in
depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.
Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall
be accepted but no extra payment on this account
shall be made. → 9231.33 8156.20

08179 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Casement door with top hung ventilator with 3D and
SS friction (400 x 19 x 1.9 mm) made of (big series)
frame 67 x 64 mm, sash 67 x 110 mm & mullion
67 x 80 mm all having wall thickness of 2.3 + 0.2 mm
and single glazing bead / double glazing bead of
appropriate dimension. (Area of door upto 2.50 sqm)
comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame, sash and
mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly
reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild
steel section made from roll forming process of required
length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), uPVC
extruded glazing beads of appropriate dimension,
EPDM gasket, zinc alloy (white powder coated) 3D
hinges and one handle on each side of panels along
with zinc plated mild steel multi point locking having
transmission gear, cylinder with keeps and one side
key, G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to
finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws, etc.
Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion
welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be
also fusion welded including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing frame
the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall
be filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backer
rod of required size and of approved quality complete
all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Glass shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded
profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in
depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.
Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall
be accepted but no extra payment on this account
shall be made. → 9443.76 8368.63
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08180 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Two track two panels sliding glazed window upto
1.50m height made of (small series) frame 52 x 44 mm
& sash 32 x 60 mm both having wall thickness of
1.9 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead of appropriate
dimension. (Area of window upto 1.75 sqm)
comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame, with
inbuilt roller track and sash extruded profiles duly
reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild
steel section made from roll forming process of
required length (shape & size according to uPVC
profile), appropriate dimension of uPVC extruded
glazing beads and uPVC extruded interlocks, EPDM
gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white powder coated)
touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single
nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to be 40 kg),
G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to
finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws etc.
Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion
welded at all corners, including drilling of holes for
fixing hardware's and drainage of water etc. After
fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent
finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon
sealent over backer rod of required size and of
approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh
shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 6715.23 5640.10
08181 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
Two track two panels sliding window upto 1.50 m
height made of (big series) frame 67 x 50 mm &
sash 46 x 62 mm both having wall thickness of
2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double glazing
bead of appropriate dimension . (Area of window above
1.75 sqm upto 2.50 sqm) comprising of uPVC multi-
chambered frame, with inbuilt roller track and sash
extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm
thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll
forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension of
uPVC extruded glazing beads and uPVC extruded
interlocks, EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body
with single nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity
to be 40 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

frame to finished wall and necessary stainless steel

screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut
and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling
of holes for fixing hardware’s and drainage of water
etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and
adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather
proof silicon sealent over backer rod of required size
and of approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh
shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth &
width of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in
profile dimension in higher side shall be accepted
but no extra payment on this account shall be
made. → 6934.12 5858.98
08182 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
Three track three panels sliding window with fly proof
S.S wire mesh (Two nos. glazed & one no. wire mesh
panels) upto 1.50m height made of (big series) frame
116 x 45 mm & sash 46 x 62 mm both having wall
thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead /
double glazing bead of appropriate dimension. (Area
of window above 1.75 sqm) comprising of uPVC multi-
chambered frame, with inbuilt roller track and sash
extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm
thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll
forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension
of uPVC extruded glazing beads and uPVC extruded
interlocks, EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body
with single nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to
be 40 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing
frame to finished wall and necessary stainless steel
screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut
and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling
of holes for fixing hardware's and drainage of water
etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and
adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather
proof silicon sealent over backer rod of required size
and of approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh
shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 8705.61 7630.49
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08183 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Two track two panels sliding window above 1.50 m
height made of (big series) fram 67 x 50 mm & sash
46 x 62 mm both having wall thickness of 2.3 + 0.2
mm and single glazing bead/ double glazing bead of
appropriate dimension. (Area of window above
2.50 sqm. upto 4.00 sqm.) comprising of uPVC multi-
chambered frame, with in-built roller track and sash
extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm
thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll
forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension
of uPVC extruded glazing beads, uPVC extruded
interlocks and uPVC extruded Inline sash adaptor (if
required), EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) handle on one side of extreme panel
along with zinc plated mild steel multi point locking
having transmission gear with keeps, zinc alloy
(white powder coated) touch lock with hook (if
required for wire mesh panel), stainless steel (SS 304
grade) body with adjustable double nylon rollers
(weight bearing capacity to be 120 kg), G.I. fasteners
100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall and
necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame
& sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all
corners, including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing
frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished
wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent
over backer rod of required size and of approved
quality, complete all as specified and directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh shall be paid
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 6897.14 5822.02
08184 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
Two track two panels sliding glazed door made of (big
series) frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 82 mm both having
wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead/
double glazing bead of appropriate dimension. (Area
of door above 2.00 sqm upto 5.00 sqm) comprising of
uPVC multi-chambered frame, with in-built roller track
and sash extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ±
0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from
roll forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

uPVC, extruded glazing beads, uPVC extruded

interlock and uPVC extruded line sash adaptor (if
required), EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) handle with key on one side of extreme
panels along with zinc plated mild steel multi point
locking having transmission gear with keeps, zinc
alloy (white powder coated) cresent lock (if required),
stainless steel (SS 304 grade) body with adjustable
double nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to be
120 kg), G.I. fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame
to finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws
etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and
fusion welded at all corners, including drilling of
holes for fixing hardware's and drainage of water etc.
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent
finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon
sealent over backer rod of required size and of
approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh
shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 6012.29 4937.16

08185 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Two track four panels sliding glazed door made of
(big series) frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 82 mm both
having wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single
glazing bead/ double glazing bead of appropriate
dimension. (Area of door above 8.00 sqm upto
10.00 sqm) comprising of uPVC multi-chambered
frame, with in-built roller track and sash extruded
profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick
galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming
process of required length (shape & size according to
uPVC profile), appropriate dimension uPVC extruded
glazing beads, uPVC extruded interlock and uPVC
extruded Inline sash adaptor (if required), EPDM
gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white powder coated)
handle with key on one side of extreme panels along
with zinc plated mild steel multi point locking having
transmission gear with keeps, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) cresent lock (if required), stainless
steel (SS 304 grade) body with adjustable double nylon
rollers (weight bearing capacity to be 120 kg), G.l
fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished
wall and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded

at all corners, including drilling of holes for fixing
hardware's and drainage of water etc. After fixing
frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished
wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent
over backer rod of required size and of approved
quality, complete all as specified and directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh shall be paid
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. →
5286.34 4211.22
08186 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour
Three track three panels glazed sliding door made of
(big series) frame 116 x 45 mm & sash 46 x 82 mm
both having wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single
glazing bead/ double glazing bead of appropriate
dimension. (Area of door above 5.00 sqm) comprising
of uPVC multi-chambered frame, with in-built roller
track and sash extruded profiles duly reinforced with
1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made
from roll forming process of required length (shape &
size according to uPVC profile), appropriate
dimension uPVC extruded glazing beads, uPVC
extruded interlock and uPVC extruded Inline sash
adaptor (if required), EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc
alloy (white powder coated) handle with key on one
side of extreme panels along with zinc plated mild
steel multi point locking having transmission gear
with keeps, zinc alloy (white powder coated) cresent
lock (if required), stainless steel (SS 304 grade) body
with adjustable double nylon rollers (weight bearing
capacity to be 120 kg). G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size
for fixing frame to finished wall and necessary
stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall
be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners,
including drilling of holes for fixing hardware's and
drainage of water etc. After fixing frame the gap
between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be
filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backer
rod of required size and of approved quality, complete
all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Glass or wiremesh shall be paid separately).
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 6079.98 5004.85
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Material only

08187 Supply and fixing factory made uPVC white colour

Three track three panels sliding door with fly proof
S.S. wire mesh (Two nos. glazed & one no. wire mesh
panels) made of (big series) frame 116 x 45 mm & sash
46 x 82 mm both having wall thickness of 2.3
+ 0.2 mm and single glazing bead/ double glazing
bead of appropriate dimension. (Area of door above
2.00 sqm upto 5.00 sqm) comprising of uPVC
chambered frame, with in-built roller track and sash
extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 + 0.2 mm
thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll
forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension
uPVC extruded glazing beads, uPVC extruded
interlock and uPVC extruded Inline sash adaptor (if
required), EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white
powder coated) handle with key on one side of extreme
panels along with zinc plated mild steel multi point
locking having transmission gear with keeps, zinc
alloy (white powder coated) cresent lock (if required).
stainless steel (SS 304 grade) body with adjustable
double nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to be
120 kg), G.I fastener 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame
to finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws
etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and
fusion welded at all corners, including drilling of
holes for fixing hardware's and drainage of water etc.
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent
finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon
sealent over backer rod of required size and of
approved quality, complete all as specified and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Glass or wiremesh
shall be paid separately)
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles
minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width
of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile
dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no
extra payment on this account shall be made. → 7846.10 6770.97
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
(ITEM - 08080)

Top View

Gap Insert Top

15mm Square Tube
Top Rail Top Rail

Beading for Top Rail



Beading for C-Channel

Lock Rail (Upper)

Hings 3 nos. Lock Rail

Lock Rail (Lower)

19mm Square Tube

Beading for Bottom Rail

Bottom Rail
Bottom Rail
15mm Square Tube
Gap Insert Bottom

Diagrammatic Representation of 6.5’x2.5’ Door Side View

(Scale - 1 : 25)

Lock Rail
Gap Insert for top
Gap (Upper)
PVC below ‘C’ 15mm M.S. Square Tube
Hinge Strips Channel Panel
Gap Insert below Top Rail

Top Rail
Lock Rail
Beading for Top Rail
19mm M.S. ‘C’ Channel Beading for Panel
Square Tube ‘C’ Channel

Sectional View (aa) Stile Sectional View (bb) Top Rail Sectional View (cc) Lock
Sectional View (dd) is mirror image of (aa) Sectional View (ee) is mirror image Rail
of (bb)

(Scale -1 : 3)
(Note: All Dimenstions are in mm)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh


Decorative PVC Beading

Gap Insert for Top
Gap Insert Lock Rail (Upper)
19mm M.S. PVC below ‘C’ Dccorative 15mm M.S. Square Tube
Square Tube Strips Reading PVC Beading
Top Rail 5mm Printed PVC Panel

Gap insert below Top

Rail Lock Rail (Lower)
PVC Beading
Decorative PVC Beading Decorative PVC
5mm Printed 5mm 5mm Printed
PVC’C’ Channel PVC PVC Panel 5mm Printed Panel Beading

Sectional View (Stile) Sectional View (Rail) Sectional View (Lock Rail)
(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)


19mm M.S.
PVC Square Gap insert for Top
5mm PVC 5mm PVC
Strips Tube ‘C’ Channel Panel Lock Rail
15mm M.S. Square Tube (Upper)
Top Rail Panel
Gap insert below
Top Rail Lock Rail
PVC Beading (Lower)

Hings Gap insert PVC

below ‘C’ Beading 5mm PVC Panel


19mm Gap 7mm Taper Lock Rail

M.S. Insert Beadingt Gap Insert for Top
Square below ‘C’ for ‘C’
Hings Tube Channel Channel 15mm M.S. Square
Tube Panel
Gap Insert below Top Rail
Top Rail
Lock Rail (Lower)
Beading for Top Rail
5mm PVC 5mm 5mm Panel
Strips Taper ‘C’
Sectional View Stile Sectional View Top Rail Sectional View Lock Rail
(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

5mm thick Glass

Decorative PVC
19mm Beading
M.S. Gap Insert for Top
Gap Insert Lock Rail (Upper)
Square PVC below ‘C’ Decorative 15mm M.S. Square Tube
Tabe Strips Channel PVC Beading
Top Rail 5mm PVC Panel
Gap insert below Top
Rail Lock Rail (Lower)
PVC Beading Decorative PVC
Decorative PVC Beading Beading
5mm PVC 5mm 5mm thick 5mm Thick Glass 5mm thick Glass
‘C’ Channel PVC Glass
Sectional View (Stile) Sectional View (Rail) Sectional View (Lock Rail)
(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)
Gap Insert Top
15mm Square Tube
Top Rail
Beading for Top Rail
C - Channel 19mm
M.S. Gap Insert Decorative
5mm Glass Pane
Square PVC below ‘C’ PVC
Beading for C - Channel Tube Strips Channel Beading

Lock Rail (Upper)

Hinge 3 nos.
Lock Rail (Lower)
5mm PVC 5mm PVC 5mm thick
19mm Square Tube
‘C’ Channel Beading Glass
5mm PVC Sheet Panel
Sectional View (Stile)
Beading for Bottom Rail
(Scale - 1 : 3)
Bottom Rail
15mm Square Tube
Gap Insert Bottom

Diagrammatic Representation of 6.5’x 2.5’ Door

(Scale - 1 : 25)
5mm thick Glass
Decorative PVC Beading
Gap insert for Top
Lock Rail (Upper)
15mm M.S. Square Tube
Top Rail 5mm PVC Panel
Gap insert below Top Rail
Lock Rail (Lower)
PVC Beading
Decorative PVC Beading Decorative PVC Beading
5mm thick glass 5mm PVC Panel

Sectional View (Rail) Sectional View (Lock Rail)

(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
PVC Solid G.I. Wire
Gap Insert Top Hinge Strips M.S. Rod Gauze
15mm Square Tube
Top Rail
Beading for Top Rail
‘C’ Channel 5mm PVC
19mm M.S. 5mm PVC
Square ‘C’ Channel Beading
G.I. Wiremesh
Beading for ‘C’ Channel Sectional View ‘as’ (Stile)
Lock Rail (Upper) (Scale - 1 : 3)


Lock Rail (Lower)

19mm Square Tube

G.I. Wiremesh

Beading for Bottom Rail

Beading Rail

15mm Square Tube

Gap insert Bottom

Diagrammatic Representation of 6.5’ x 2.5’ door Sectional View ‘bb’ Sectional View ‘cc’
(Scale - 1 : 25) (Rail) (Lock Rail)
(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)

Gap insert
Gap Insert Top
PVC below ‘C’ 5mm PVC
15mm Square Tube Channel Louver strip
Hinge Strips
Top Rail

Beading for Top Rail

‘C’ Channel
Louvers 19mm M.S. 5mm PVC 5mm PVC
Square Tube ‘C’ Channel ‘C’ Channel

Sectional View ‘aa’ (Stile)

(Scale - 1 : 3)
Lock Rail (Lower) Gap insert for top
19mm Square Tube
15mm MS square tube
Gap insert below top rail
Beading for Top Rail
Bottom Rail Top rail

PVC Beading
15mm Square Tube
Gap insert Bottom Sectional View ‘bb’ (Rail)
(Scale - 1 : 3)
Diagrammatic Representation of 6.5’ x 2.5’ door
(Scale - 1 : 25)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

150mm Long ‘L’ shape

Bracket 15mm x15mm sq.
75mm Long
Tube 19 Guage inserted
M.S. Screws
into 19x19mm M.S. Square
Tube of 19 Guage

Gap Insert for Top

19mm M.S. Square
Tube of 19 Gauge
Gap Insert below Top Rail
75mm Long M.S. Screws Top Rail
fixed with PVC Fasteners
for Fixing Frame to Wall Beading for Top Rail
PVC Panel

(Scale - 1 : 3)


Rubber Gasket
75x30x5mm PVC ‘C’
5mm PVC Beading
5mm PVC Panel

75mm Long 19mm M.S. Square 19mm M.S. Square

M.S. Screw with Aldrop Bolt Hinge
19mm Square Tube Tube of 19 Gauge Tube of 19 Gauge
PVC Fastner
of 19 Gauge


(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1 : 3)


(Scale - 1 : 3)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

2mm 2mm Moulded
2mm Moulded
Moulded PVC Sheet
Moulded PVC Sheet
PVC Sheet
PVC Sheet

Mortise Mortise
Mortise Lock
Lock Lock

Hinge Hinge
Hinge Hinge

Diagrammatic Representation of 6.5’ x 2.5’ Door


2mm Moulded 2mm Moulded Steel

Steel Wooden
PVC Sheet PVC Sheet Screw
Screw Putti

2mm PVC 2mm PVC 5mm PVC

5mm PVC 12mm x 2Nos. 12mm x 2Nos.
Sheet Sheet Sheet Lipping
Sheet Lipping Particle Board Particle Board

Sectional View (aa) Sectional View (bb)

(Scale - 1:3) (Scale - 1:3)


2mm PVC 2mm Moulded 2mm PVC 2mm Moulded
Sheet Lipping PVC Sheet Sheet Lipping PVC Sheet

5mm PVC 19mm M.S. 36mm EPS 36mm EPS 19mm M.S. 2mm PVC 5mm PVC
Sheet Lipping Tube Tube Sheet Sheet Lipping

Sectional View (aa) Sectional View (bb)

(Scale - 1:3) (Scale - 1:3)
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
SOLID PVC WALL LINING (ITEM - 08113 to 08115)

Adjacent 1” wide
Wall 5mm PVC
Fillet Frame

Screw fixed
inside the

Without Panelling Sheet

Without Panelling Sheet 5mm PVC
5mm PVC
Screw Fillet Sheet

5mm PVC
Sectional View (bb)
(Scale - 1:3)
Screws fixed in wall

5mm PVC

Sectional View (aa)

View (cc)


PVC Strips

Insulated PVC Panel

Sectional View (AA)
Insulated PVC Panel


Solid PVC Insulated Wall Lining

Sectional View (bb)

[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
SOLID PVC PARTITIONS (ITEM - 08122 to 08126)

5mm PVC Fillet

PVC Sandwich Panel

Insulated PVC Panel

40mm thick EPS

40mm thick EPS Sandwich Panel 40mm thick EPS 35mmx35mmx5mm
35mmx35mmx5mm Sandwich Panel Sandwich Panel M.S. Angle
M.S. Angle
100m x 50mm
Toper ‘C’ Channel

Steel Screw

Steel 75mmx50mm 75mm Toper Ship

Screw Toper ‘C’ Channel

Sectional View (AA) Sectional View (BB) Sectional View (CC)

1mm PVC Sheet EPS Sheet

1mm PVC Sheet EPS Sheet

10mm Insulation Panel for 40mm Insulation Panel for

False Ceiling False Ceiling

For Further Drawings, please refer page No. 163A to 163C

[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

Soffit Cleat
Nut & Bolt
Perimeter Channel

Ceiling angle at 1220mm

Dry Wait Screw max centre

Connecting Clip

Ceiling Section
Intermediate Channel
at 1220 max Centre

Calcium Silicate Board


Ceiling Angle

Intermediate Channel Nut & Bolt

Perimete Channel
Ceiling Section

Self Drilling & Taping Screw Calcium Silicate Board



Soffit Cleat
Connecting Clip

Metal row plug

Intermediate Channel

Self driling screw

with underhead cutter
Ceiling Hanger Ceiling Section Perimeter Channel
[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh
Componet Details:
Components Size in mm. Application

Perimeter Channel Web:27 Flange: 20 &30 Fixed to the perimeter of the wall / partition
Thickness: 0.55

Intermediate Channel Web:45 Flange: 15 each Suspended from the soffit @ 1220mm c/c with ceiling
Thickness: 0.91 hanger.

Ceiling Section Web:50.5 Flange: 26each Fixed across to the intermediate channel @ 457mm
Thickness: 0.55 c/c with connecting clips, to hold the boards

Ceiling hanger Flange: 10 & 25mm each Used to suspend Intermediate channel from soffit
Thickness: 0.50 1220mm centres.

Connecting Clip 2.64 dia. It is used to hold the ceiling section to the intermediate

Soffit Cleat Web:25 Flange: 37 &25 Used at 1220mm c/c to the roul plug to suspend
Thickness: 0.55 ceiling hanger.

Row Plug 12.7 dia. Used @1220mm c/c in both direction

Screws - self drilling & 25 & 35 long Used to fix boards to the metal frame @200mm c/c
tapping screws with under (12mm away from the edge and 40mm from the
head cutter. corners.)


Cross T Section (Bottom

Precoated) 600mm/
Wall Angle 1200mm

Calcium Silicate Board

595 x 595mm or 595 x 1195mm

Main T Section T Section

(Bottom Precoated) Wall Angle
600mm c/c
Calcium Silicate Board

595 x 595mm or 595 x 1195mm


[k.M 8& c<bZfxjh

G.I. Main “T” - 3600mm

Wall Angle

G.I. Cross “T” - 1200mm

Level Clip
with wire

G.I. Cross “T” - 600mm Soffit Cleat Metal Row Plug

Componet Details:
Components Size in mm. Application

Main "T"-3600 Web:25 Flange: 35 It is suspended from the soffit @1200mm c/c with
Thickness: 0.7 level clip.

Cross"T"-1200 Web: 25 Flange: 35 It is inserted fixed into the slots of main "T" @600mm
Thickness: 0.7 to form a grid of 1200x600mm.

Cross "T"-600 Web:25 Flange: 35 It is inserted fixed into the slots of cross "T" @600mm
Thickness: 0.7 to form a grid of 600 x 600 mm.

Wall Angle Web: Flange: 25 each Fixed to the perimeter of the wall / partition.
Thickness: 0.7

Level clip with wire. Wire dia. 4mm Used @ 1200mm c/c to hold the main "T"

Soffit Cleat Web:25 Flange: 37 &25 Used at 1200mm c/c to the roul plug to suspend
Thickness: 1.8 level clip with wire.

Row Plug 12.7 diameter. Used @1200mm c/c in both directions

SECTION 9 s 185
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
fo”ks’k “krsZa
9.1 Measurements—The sizes by which the various 9-1 eki eki&& og ifjek.k ftlds }kjk e”khuh miknkuksa dh fofHkUu oLrqvksa
articles of builder’s hardware are designated are given in dks euksuhr fd;k x;k gS] mls uhps dh rkfydk esa fn;k x;k gSA
the table below. In respect of articles which are specified ,slh oLrq,a ftUgsa lacfU/kr Hkkjrh; ekud fofufnZ’Vksa ds lerqY;
to conform to relevant Indian Standard Specifications, the
fufnZ’Vr gSa mudk ifjek.k lacfU/kr ekud ds dFkukuqlkj gSA
sizes are as described in the relevant Standard.
SI.No. Name of article How measured Ø-la - oLrq dk uke dSls eki gksxkh
1. Bolt tower and Length of barrel 1- dkoyk pV[kuh o uky ¼xksys½ dh yEckbZ
barrel, of non- xksy vykSg /kkrq dh
ferrous metal pVduh
1A Bolt tower, semi- Length of bolt
1d dkoyk&pVduh dkoys dh yEckbZ
barrel of non-
ferrous metal v/kZukyh vykSg
2. Bolt tower of fer- 2- dkoyk pVduh
rous metal ykSg/kkrq dh
3. Locking bolt Length of bolt 3- ik”ku&dkoyk dkoys dh yEckbZ
4. Bolt sliding 4- dkoyk&vxZyk
5. Bolt skeleton tower 5- dkoyk&<kapk
6. Bolt flush Length of face plate 6- dkoyk&likV vxzIysV dh yEckbZ
7. Butt hinges Length of joint or knuckle 7- VDdjh&dCts tksM+ ;k ikjpk dh yEckbZ
8. Parliament hinges Width between flanges and 8- eqMoka dCtk dksjksa ds chp dh pkSM+kbZ
height of parliament hinges
9. Tee hinges Length of the leaf from joint 9- Vh dCts tksM+ ls fcUnq rd iYys dh
to points yEckbZ
10. Spring hinge dou- Length of spring cylinder for 10- nks rjQh fdz;k dekuh dCts VDdjh dCts dh dekuh dks
ble acting regulating spring of butt pykus okys dekuh osyu dh
11. Spring rat tail The distance from the 11- dekuh likV rdyh ds dsUnz ls jksyj ds
12. Spring patent heli- centre of the spindle to the 12- dekuh daMqyh dsUnz rd dk Qklyk
cal centre of the roller
13. Handles Grip length 13- gRFks idM+ yEckbZ
14. Cupboard locks Vertical length of face 14- dioksMZ rkys tqM+ok IysV dks NksM+dj dk;k
across the body excluding [kM+h yEckbZ
the striking plate
15. Rim latches 15- jhe pVduh
16. Mortice lock Overall length of the 16- [kkapk rkys laiw.kZ fiaM yEckbZ Ýse ds
17. Mortice night body measured from out-
latches side face of the 17- [kkapk lqj{kk pVduh ckgjh eksgjs ls fiNys Nksj rd
18. Drawer locks frame to the rear end 18- njkt rkys
19. Mortice latch
(vertical type) 19- [kkapk pVduh ¼[kM+h
20. Fanlight pivot The flat overall size in fdLe½
elevation of the plate with 20- }kj jks”kunku dhyd tksM+ IysV NksM+dj IysV o
spring catch excluding the ¼vxz½ dekuh dSap dh likV yEckbZ
striking plate 20d jks”kunku idM+ CkksYV dk O;kl
20A Fanlight catch Dia of the bolt
21. Fastners, cock- The length of handle from 21- c/kad dkSd lij uki dekuh ;k tksM+ IysV ls ewB
spur the centre of pivot or hinged dh yEckbZ
[k.M 9 & fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
fo”ks’k “krsZ tkjh...
SI.No. Name of article How measured Ø-la - oLrq dk uke dSls eki gksxh
22. Fastners and stays Extreme length including 22- c/kad o Vsd Qjek iz’B IysV lfgr laiw.kZ yEckbZ
(casement) thickness of back plate
23. Pivots and sockets The flat overall size in 23- dhyd o lkfdV izR;sd IysV dk ifjeki
(Fanlight pivots) elevation of the plate with ¼jks”kunku dhyd½
spring catch excluding the
striking plate
24. Drawer pulls 24- njkt iqy
25. Drawer handles Grip length 25- njkt gSaMy idM yEckbZ
26. Hat pegs Extreme length including 26- Vksih [kwaVh fLFkj IysV “kh’kZ ls ukSo ds “kh’kZ
27. Hat and coat thickness of plate measured
diagonally from extreme top 27- Vksih o dksV gqd rd iwjh yEckbZ ekih tk;sxh
28. Ward robe of fixing plate to the extreme 28- vyekjh gqd
hooks top of knob
29. Screw hooks, Straight length excluding 29- isp gqd] izlk/ku ;k uksdnkj fdukjk NksM+dj lh/kh
dresser or cup screwed end
di uewuk yEckbZ
30. Cabin or casement Straight length between the 30- dsfou ;k Qjek gqd LFkkiu ds ckn Nsn ds dsUnz ls
hooks with eyes centre of eyes when fixed IysV Nsnh lh/kh yEckbZ
on plate
31. Wire hooks with Overall length of the hook 31- rkj gqd uqdhys Nsn Nsn dks NksM+dkj gqd dh iwjh
screwed eyes excluding the screwed eye ds lkFk yEckbZ
32. Knobs Maximum diameter of the 32- ?kqafM;ka ?kqaMh dk vf/kd O;kl
33. Hasp and staple: Overall length of hasp 33- Nids o dqaMs
(a) Wire type including the hinged plate ¼d½ rkj fdLe dCtk IysV lfgr Nids dh iwjh
(b) Plate type Length measured from the yEckbZ
(safety type) centre of the hinge to the end ¼[k½ IysV fdLe dCtk IysV NksM+dj dCts ds
of hasp excluding the hinged ¼jf{kr izdkj dk½ dsUnz ls Nids ds var rd
plate ekik tk;sxk
34. Screwed eyes Overall length of the 34- pwMhnkj us=d iwjh yEckbZ] pwMhnkj us=d
screwed eye & diameter of
wire shall be stated
35. Door closer (Hy- The weight and width of the 35- }kj ca/kd ¼gkbMªkfs yd½ ftl njokts esa yxkuk gS mldk
draulically door to which it is intended otu o pkSMkbZ
regulated) to be fitted
36. Continuous (piano) Overall width of flaps 36- lrr ¼fi;kuksa½ dCts iYyksa ¼tc [kqys gks½ fd iwjh
hinges (when open) pkSMkbZ

9.2 Rates 9-2 njs a

(a) The rates for ‘Fixing only’ include the supply of ¼d½ *dsoy LFkkiu* dh njksa esa dCtksa ds fy;s Nsn djus lfgr
screws (or bolts, nuts and washers where ispksa ¼;k tgka fufnZ"V gks dCts] dkoys o oklZy½ dh vkiwfrZ
specified) including boring for bolts, also nec- djuk fu{ksi pkoh Nsnks]a Hkhrjh Nsnksa ds Je vkfn Hkh 'kkfey
essary labours in sinkings, key holes, mortices
etc. to soft wood or hard wood.
(b) Where the rates for ‘Fixing only’ are common to ¼[k½ tgka *dsoy LFkkiu* dh njsa] bLikr] yksgk] ihry rFkk
steel, iron, brass and aluminium article the rates vY;qfefu;e oLrqvksa ds fy;s leku gSa rks le>k tk;sxk
shall be deemed to include for fixing brass articles fd bu njksa esa ihry dh oLrqvksa dks ihry ds ispksa ls o


[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
fo”ks’k “krasZ tkjh...

with brass screws and steel/iron and aluminium bLikr@yksgs o vY;qfefu;e dh oLrqvksa dks uje bLikr
articles with mild steel wood screws or as ds ydM+h esa yxus okys ispksa ls dlk x;k gS ;k tSlk
indicated. lwfpr gksA
(c) The rates for ‘Supplied and Fixed’ include the ¼x½ *vkiwfŸkZ o LFkkfir* dh njksa esa oLrq ds feyku ds ispksa ¼;k
supply of screws (or bolts, nuts and washers dkoysa] f<ofj;ka o oklZy] tgka fufnZ"V gks½ dh vkiwfŸkZ
where specified) to match the article.
djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(d) In case the builder’s hardware is ordered to have ¼?k½ ;fn Øksfe;e ;k fudy eqyEek;qDr ifj"d`r fuekZrk ds
chromium or nickle plated finish, the rates for e'khuh miknkuksa dk vkns'k gS rks *vkiwfŸkZ o LFkkfir* dh njsa
“supplied and fixed’ shall be enhanced 60 uje bLikr miLdj ds fy;s 60 izfr'kr rFkk ihry ds
percent for mild steel fittings and 20 percent for
miLdjksa ds fy;s 20 izfr'kr c<+kbZ tk;saxh flok; ml
brass fittings except where an article is described
in the item to have chromium/nickle plated finish.
oLrq dks NksM+dj ftldk Øksfe;e@fudy eqyEek;qDr
gksus dk en esa mYys[k gksA
(e) The rates in this section are for machine-made ¼p½ bl [kaM dh njsa e'khu ls cuh ,oa dkj[kkus esa fojfpr
and factory fabricated articles. Hinges, bolts, etc., oLrqvksa ds fy;s gSAa tgak gkFk ls cus dCts dkoys vkfn dk
where ordered to be forged by hand shall be paid vkns'k fn;k x;k gS rks og [kaM 10& bLikr o yksgk dk;Z
for under Section 10—Steel and Iron work. ds vUrxZr ns; gksaxsA
(f) The rates for ‘add if fixed in repairs’ include for ¼N½ *tksMsa+ ;fn ejEer esa* dh njksa eas] iqjkuh oLrqvksa dks
taking off the old articles and removing to store; fudkyus o Hk.Mkj esa igqapkus ds lkFk] iqjkus pkoh fNnzksa]
also for plugging up old key holes, spindle holes, rdyh fNnzk]as isp fNnzkas vkfn cUn djuk] rFkk tgka t:jh
screw holes, etc., where necessary, and painting gks] fo|eku ls feyku ds jksxu dh ,d ijr djuk Hkh
one coat on new wood to match existing. The 'kkfey gSA fudkyus ,oa nqckjk yxkus dh njksa esa
rates for taking off and refixing also include for
vko';drkuqlkj O;ofLFkr djuk pkoh Nsnksa vkfn dks cUn
adjustment, plugging up key holes, etc. as
djuk Hkh] 'kkfey gSA
(g) If brackets or other fittings are secured to plugs ¼t½ ;fn czSfdV ;k vU; miLdjksa dks lkekU; ydM+h dk;Z ds
instead of to ordinary woodwork, the plugs shall LFkku ij MkVksa ls yxk;k gS rks MkVksa dks vfrfjDr ekik
be measured extra; cementing hinges, hooks etc., tk;sxkA dCtks]a gqdksa vkfn dks iRFkj ;k daØhV ds Nsnksa esa
into stone or concrete mortices shall be measured lhesaV ls fcBkus ds dk;Z dks tc rd vU;Fkk mYys[k u
separately under the appropriate items unless gks] mi;qDr en ds vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
otherwise described.
(h) The rates include for easing and leaving in good ¼>½ bu njksa esa dk;Z dks LkkekU; o lfØ; n'kk esa laifw jr djuk
working condition. 'kkfey gSA


If sockets (thimbles) for letting into stone cills, etc., are used in ;fn lkdsVksa ¼NYyk½ dks IysV ij yxs dqUMs ;k lknk IysV ds LFkku
lieu of staples on plates or plain plates, the same shall be paid ij iRFkj dh flyksa esa Mkyk tkrk gS] rks mldk Hkqxrku en 0925
under item 0925 but deduction shall be made under item 0926.
ds varxZr gksxk fdUrq dVkSrh en 0926 ds vUrxZr gksxhA
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku

pVdfu;ka& tkjh...

Barrel, semi-barrel and Length of bolt in mm xksykdj] v/kZ xksykdkj o

skeleton tower bolts and pVduh dh yEckbZ feeh esa <kapk pVdfu;ka rFkk likV
flush bolts 75 100 125 150 200 300 pVdfu;ka
EACH iz R ;s d
09001 Mild steel barrel tower 09001 pVdfu;ka] uje bLikr dh xksy
bolts, stove enamelled
dBksj dkyh /kkrq p<+h pednkj
black, with bright bolt
and fixed → 43.00 56.70 65.60 74.60 81.60 97.50 ← dkoys okyh rFkk LFkkfir
09002 Brass barrel tower 09002 pVdfu;ka eqYkEek;qDr] ;k
bolts, with cast or sheet <ys dkoys] lfgr] <yh gqbZ
barrel and rolled or ;k pknjh uky dh ihry dh
cast bolts and fixed → 138.70 175.40 199.80 236.40 299.40 430.20
←xksy] rFkk LFkkfir
09003 Ditto, but with barrel of
extruded section → 09003 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq xksy fu"dklu
108.10 136.00 171.20 211.90 261.40 326.50
09004 Aluminium anodised, 09004 fu"dklu dkV dh vY;qfefu;e
barrel tower bolts of ex- ←,uksMhd`r xksy] rFkk LFkkfir
truded section and fixed→
→ 51.40 58.70 69.10 76.80 88.20 118.70
09005 Mild steel, semi-barrel 09005 uje bLikr dh v/kZ xksy
tower bolt, open cover, pVdfu;ka] pednkj dkoys] LVkso
with sheet pressed barrel, eqyEek;qDr dkyh] lEihfM+r
stove enamelledblackwith pknj uky ds lkFk [kqys
bright bolt and fixed → 45.10 51.80 67.40 76.20 83.00 93.20
←vkoj.k okyh] rFkk LFkkfir
09006 Mild steel semi barrel 09006 uje yksgs dh v/kZ xksykdkj]
tower bolt, riveted or
spot welded type with pednkj dkoys o [kqys dqUMs
back plates, with bright ds lkFk] i[knkj ;k fcUnq ij
bolt and open staple, >yh gqbZ fdLe dh iz"B IysV
and fixed → 41.00 47.70 63.30 74.90 81.60 91.80 ←yxh] rFkk LFkkfir
09007 Brass flush bolt, type 2 09007 izrhd 2 dh ihry dh likV
and fixed flush → 175.50 ←pVduh rFkk likV LFkkfir
09008 Aluminium flush bolt, 09008 izrhd 2 dk /kkrq eqyEek;qDr]
type 2, anodised and 114.60 125.60 vY;qfefu;e dh likV pVduh
fixed flush → ←rFkk mls likV yxkuk
09009 Fixing only of any of 09009 Åij dh enksa dh fdlh oLrq
the foregoing items → 26.50 31.90 34.60 44.20 45.80 48.20 ←dk dsoy LFkkiu
09010 Add to any of the fore 09010 tksM+as Åij dh enksa es]a ejEer
going items if fixed in ←esa yxh oLrq ds fy;s
repairs →
11.20 11.20 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku

pVdfu;ka tkjh...

EACH Length of bolt in mm iz R ;s d

pVduh dh yEckbZ feeh esa
09011 Mild steel skeleton tower bolts with 09011 uje yksgs dh <kapk pVduh] bLikr dh laihfMr
steel sheet pressed plate and 375 450 600
pknj dh o dkyh /kkrq p<+h dkyh ,oa uje
staple stove enamelled black, and ←yksgs ds pednkj dkoys lfgr LFkkfir
mild steel bright bolt and fixed → 120.20 127.10 147.90
09012 Brass skeleton tower bolts with 09012 ihry dh <yh IysV o dqUMs okyh ihry
cast brass plate and staples and rolled <kapk pVdfu;ka o csyuuqek ;k vxZyh ihry
or drawn brass bolt and fixed → 616.50 850.90 1782.30
←ds dkoys rFkk LFkkfir
09013 Ditto of extruded section and rolled 09013 mi;ZqDr] fu"dklu dkV okys rFkk csyuuqek
or drawn brass bolt and fixed → 641.10 875.50 1819.40 ←;k vxZyh ihry ds dkoys rFkk mUgsa yxkuk
09014 Aluminium anodised, skeleton 09014 vY;qfefu;e ,UkksM;qDr <kapk pVdfu;ka o
tower bolts with plate, staples and fu"dklu dkV ds dkoys] IysV dqaMs ds lkFk
bolt of extruded section and fixed→
→ 216.50 266.00 303.00
←rFkk LFkkfir
09015 Fixing only, items 09011 to 09014→
→ 43.90 43.90 43.90 09015 dsoy LFkkiu] ensa 09011 ls 09014
09016 Add to items 09011 to 09015 if 09016 tksMsa+ en 09011 ls 09015 esa ;fn LFkkiuk
fixed in repairs → 11.20 11.20 11.20 ←ejEer esa dh gS

xn~nh rkys ds lkFk iz;ksx ds fy, mi;qDr Nids dqaMs lfgr] ljdoka }kj fpVdfu;ka

09017 Mild steel sliding door bolts, Length of bolt in mm 09017 LVkso ,sues y;qDr dkyh] IysVuqek] uje
plate type, stove enamelled pVduh dh yEckbZ feeh esa yksgs dh ljdoka }kj fpVdfu;ka] ftlesa
black, with bright bolt not less 150 200 250 300 375 de ls de 6 pednkj dkoys ftudk
than 12mm dia with and
including a minimum of 6 bolts
O;kl 12 feeh ls de u gks] pkj dokys
and nuts, four on bolt plate and o f<ofj;ka fpVduh dh IysV ij nks
two on staple plate and fixed → 175.10 195.90 223.60 369.20 435.00 ←dqaMs dh IysV ij rFkk LFkkfir
09018 Brass, sliding door bolt with 09018 ihry dh ljdoka }kj pVduh] Ckkyw
sand or die-cast brass hasp, ;k <Iik <ykbZ ds ihry ds Nids daqMs
staple (bolt type) and fixing bolt
with rolled or drawn brass bolts
¼dkoysuqek½ lfgr rFkk yxkus ds fy;s
and fixed → 566.00 777.10 820.24 1011.50 1051.10
csyuuqek ;k vxZyh] ihry ds dkoys
09019 Aluminium alloy, anodised, ←rFkk LFkkfir
sliding door bolt with hasp, 09019 Nids daMq s ¼dkoysueq k½ ds lkFk vY;qfefu;e
staple (bolt type) and fixing feJ/kkrq ,uksM;qDr ljdoka }kj fpVdfu;ka]
clips of sheet, cast or extruded
sections and fixing bolts and
o yxkus ds fy;s] <yh gqbZ ;k fu"dklu
sliding bolts of extruded dkVksa ;k vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq dh fDyi
sections or cast-aluminium rFkk LFkkiu dkoys o fu"dklu dkV
alloy and fixed → 204.50 176.90 374.20 428.20 545.50 ;k ,Y;wehfu;e feJ /kkrq <yh ljdoka
09020 Fixing only, items 09017 to ←fpVdfu;ka o LFkkfir
09019 → 50.30 50.30 50.30 50.30 65.90 09020 dsoy LFkkiu] ensa 09017 ls 09019

09021 Add to items 09017 to 09020, if 09021 tksM+sa] en 09017 ls 09020 esa] ;fn
fixed in repairs 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 16.70
→ ←ejEer esa LFkkfir
[k.M 9 fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
pVdfu;ka& tkjh
LOCKING BOLTS ik'ku ¼ykS f da x ½ pVdfu;ka
S&F Fixing only Add if fixed
EACH vk- o dsoy LFkkiu in repairs iz R ;s d
LFkk- tksM+s ;fn
09022 Steel locking bolts with mild ejEer esa 09022 bLikr dh ik'ku pVdfu;ka] fo|qr
steel electrogalvanised plate LFkkfir tLrsnkj bLikrh IYksV] rFkk pedhys
and bright bolt not less than 100 feeh ds dkoys ftudk O;kl 10
10mm dia 100mm size
→ 158.40 58.60 50.30 ←feeh ls de u gks lfgr
09023 Aluminium locking bolts, 09023 ,uksM;qDr] vYeksfu;e ik'ku dkoys
anodised, with bolt not less
100 feeh eki ds dkoys ftudk O;kl
than 10mm dia, 100 mm size→→ 180.30 66.10 50.30
←10 feeh ls de u gks ds lfgr
09024 Steel locking Bolts 250 mm size 09024
259.60 62.00 50.30
09024A Aluminium locking bolt 250 09024,
mm size → 270.80 58.60 50.30

ACCESSORIES S&F Fixing Add if milk/ku

vk- o LFkk- only fixed in iz R ;s d
dsoy repairs
LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
09025 Bolt-sockets (or thimbles) Mild steel Brass Aluminium ejEer esa 09025 dkoys lkfdV ¼;k NYys½] iRFkj]
for letting into stone, uje yksgk ihry vYeksfu;e LFkkfir bZV dk;Z ;k daØhV esa fcBkus ds
brickwork or concrete
(to suit round or square
fy;s ¼xksy ;k oxZ fcBkoksa ds
shoots) including cutting ;ksX;½ ¼;k NYys½] dVko djus
mortices and cementing ←o lhesV a ls Hkjus lfgr] laifw ŸkZ
in, complete → 90.60 74.90 65.10 50.30 16.70
09026 Bolt staples for round or 09026 dkoys daqMs xksy ;k oxkZdkj
square bolts (plates for dkoyksa esa fcBkus ds fy;s ¼likV
flush or other bolts)→→ 29.20 77.20 59.20 16.70 4.80
←;k vU; dkoyksa ds fy;s IysV½as


iz R ;s d
Size of hinges in mm
dCtksa dh eki feeh esa
25 40 50 65 75 100 125
09027 Butt hinges, heavy 09027
09027vrIr osfYyr uje bLikr ds Hkkjh
weight, cold rolled mild ←ctuh VDdjh dCts rFkk LFkkfir
steel, and fixed → 43.40 38.00 44.90 53.90 61.50 92.60 101.60

09028 Ditto, medium weight, 09028

09028mi;qDZ r] e/;e ctu ds] mi;qDZ r
ditto → 32.10 36.20 43.00 50.40 57.30 88.70 97.50
09029 Ditto, light weight, ditto→
→ 30.80 34.80 41.60 47.70 55.20 86.00 94.80 09029
09029mi;qZDr] gYds ctu ds] mi;qZDr
09030 Butt hinges, cast brass, 0 9030
9030<ys ihry ds VDdj dCts uje
with mild steel hinge yksgs ds dCtk fiu lfgr pdenkj
pin, bright polished and ikfyl fd;s gq;s ch&11 uewus ds
fixed, typeB-11 → 159.33 209.50
←rFkk LFkkfir


[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
dCts tkjh
BUTT HINGES-Contd... VDdjh dCts tkjh
EACH Size of hinges in mm iz R ;s d
dCtksa dh eki feeh esa
50 65 75 100 125

09031 Ditto, but type B-12 → 160.00 166.80 194.60 219.60 271.10 09031 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk ch&12
09032 Ditto, but type C-11 → 142.20 157.30 181.70 210.10 259.60 09032 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&11
09033 Ditto, but type C-12 → 144.90 160.02 185.80 216.90 266.40 09033 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&12
09034 Ditto, but type C-21 → 235.20 259.60 09034 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&21
09035 Ditto, but type C-22 → 136.80 155.90 180.30 207.40 256.90 09035 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&22
09036 Ditto, but type C-2 3 → 176.30 09036 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&23
09037 Ditto, but type D-l l → 173.60 143.60 09037 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk Mh&11
09038 Ditto, but type E-l 1 → 93.00 124.60 146.50 09038 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk bZ&11
09039 Ditto, but type E-12 → 80.80 122.50 09039 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk bZ&12
09040 Butt hinges, extruded brass, with 09040 fuLdklu ihry ds VDdj dCts]
mild steel hinge pin, bright pol- ch&11 uewus ds pednkj ikfyl o
ished and fixed, type B-11 uje yksgs dh dCtk fiu lfgr] rFkk
→ 180.30 256.90
09041 Ditto, but type B-12 → 126.10 132.90 160.00 183.00 233.90 09041 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk ch&12
09042 Ditto, but type C-11 → 140.80 160.00 173.60 187.10 254.90 09042 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&11
09043 Ditto, but type C-12 → 180.30 261.60 09043 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&12
09044 Ditto, but type C-21 → 227.80 09044 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&21
09045 Ditto, but type C-22 → 146.50 160.00 180.30 09045 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&22
09046 Ditto, but type C-23 → 221.00 09046 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&23
09047 Ditto, but type D-l 1 → 161.20 191.20 09047 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk Mh&11
09048 Ditto, but type E-l 1 → 97.10 138.10 09048 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk bZ&11
09049 Ditto, but type E-12 → 82.20 113.70 120.50 09049 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk bZ&12
09050 Butt hinges, extruded alu- 09050 tLrsnkj uje bLikr dh dCtk fiu
minium alloy with galvanised VDdj dCts lfgr] vuksM;qDr
mild steel hinge pin, anodised vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq ds fu"dklu
– – – 180.30 268.40
and fixed, type B-21 → ←ch&21 uewus ds rFkk LFkkfir
09051 Ditto, but type B-22 → 139.70 146.50 09051 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk ch&22
09052 Ditto, but type C-21 → 89.30 89.30 6.27 09052 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&21
09053 Ditto, but type C-22 → 108.50 134.80 190.30 09053 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk lh&22
09054 Ditto, but type D-22 → 108.50 09054 mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk Mh&22
09055 Ditto, but type E-22 → 66.90 94.70 09055Z mi;qZDr] fdUrq uewuk bZ&22
09056 Fixing only butt hinges → 09056 VDdj dCts dk dsoy LFkkiu
28.10 45.20 46.10 58.60 58.60
09057 Add if hinges are fixed in repairs→
→ 23.90 39.90 39.90 50.30 5.90 09057 tksMsa+ ;fn dCts ejEer esa LFkkfir
←fd;s gSa
09058 Add to foregoing items if brass/ 09058 tksMsa+ Åij dh enksa esa ;fn uje
bronze hinge pin is provided in bLikr dCts fiu ds LFkku ij
lieu of mild steel hinge pin

ihry@rkacs ds dCtk fiu yxk;s
9.40 10.60 12.90 16.40
←x;s gSa


[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
dCts tkjh...


Width of recess between flanges
EACH (when open) in mm iz R ;s d
dksjksa ds chp dh nwjh ¼tc [kqys gksa½ feeh esa
65 75 100 125 150
09059 S&F Parliament hinges, mild 09059
dCts vrIr uje bLikr ds
steel cold rolled → 129.20 149.60 163.20 172.00 228.20 ←csyuuqek
laiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiu
09060 Ditto, but cast brass, bright 09060 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq <yh ihry] pedhyh
polished and fixed → 280.00 322.10 354.50 379.70 424.50 ←ikfy'k fd;s gq, rFkk LFkkfir
09061 Ditto, but aluminium alloy 09061 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq
anodised and fixed → 120.70 133.00 156.00 237.10 267.70 ←,uksM;qDr rFkk LFkkfir
09062 Fixing only, items 09059 to
09061 → 46.94 46.94 46.94 46.94 46.94 09062 dsoy LFkkiu] ensa 09059 ls 09061
09063 Add to items 09059 to 09061 09063 tksMsa+ en 09059 ls 09061 esa ;fn
if fixed in repairs → 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 ←ejEer esa LFkkfir

CONTINUOUS (PIANO) HINGES lrr ¼fi;kuks½ dCts

Width of flaps (when
iz f r ehVj
iYyksa dh pkSM+kbZ ¼tc [kqys
gksa½ feeh esa
30 40 09064 lrr ¼fi;kuks½ dCts uje bLikr]
09064 S & F Continuous (piano) hinges, pedhyh lrg ;k fo|qr tLrsnkj
mild steel, bright finish or elec-
trogalvanised → 205.30 220.00 ←laiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiu
09065 Ditto, but of brass → 324.20 409.90 09065 mi;qZDr] fdUrq ihry ds
09066 Fixing only items 09064 and 09065→ → 103.70 103.70 09066 dsoy LFkkiu ensa 09064 o 09065
09067 Add to items 09064 to 09066, if fixed 09067 tksMs+a] en 09064 ls 09066 esa ;fn
26.30 26.30
in repairs → ←ejEer esa Fkkfir

TEE HINGES Length in mm Vh dCts

EACH yEckbZ feeh esa iz R ;s d
150 200 300
09068 S&F Mild steel tee hinges, stove 09068 uje yks g s ds Vh dCts rIr
enamelled black, medium type, and ,usey;qDr e/;e fdLe ds laiwfrZ
fixed → 94.40 108.00 130.30 ←rFkk LFkkiu
09069 Ditto, but heavy type, ditto → 108.00 119.80 157.40
09069 mi;qDZ Rk] fdUrq Hkkjh fdLe] mi;qDZ r
09070 Fixing only, items 09068 and 09069→ → 47.00 47.00 49.00 09070 dsoy LFkkiu ensa 09068 o 09069
09071 Add to items 09068 to 09070 if fixed in 09071 tksMsa+] en 09068 ls 09070 esa ;fn
repairs → 13.60 13.60 13.60
←ejEer esa LFkkfir


[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
dCts tkjh...


EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Size of spring hinge in mm dsoy repairs
dCts dh uki feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
ejEer esa
09072 Double action spring 100 125 150 LFkkfir 09072 uje yksgs ds mHk; fØ;k dekuh
hinges, mild steel with dCts] r`Ir ,usey;qDr] dkyh
steel wire spring, stove
enamelled, black → 268.40 315.80 356.50 58.40 16.70 ← bLikr rkj dekuh lfgr
09073 Ditto, but brass, with 09073 mi;qDZ r] ihry ds] QkLQj rkacs
phosphor bronze wire dh rkj dekuh] pedhyh
spring, bright polished→
→ 630.90 635.80 751.40 57.60 16.70 ←ikfy”k ds lkFk
09074 Blank hinge, mild steel 09074 vHkklh /kqjh] uje yksgs ds r`Ir
stove enamelled, black,
for use alongwith mild ,usey;qDr dkys uje yksgs
steel double action ds mHk; fØ;k dekuh dCts ds
spring hinges → 221.00 268.40 302.30 58.40 19.10 ←lkFk ç;ksx ds fy;s
09075 Blank hinge, brass, bright 09075 ihry ds nksgjh fØ;k dekuh
polished, for use dCts ds lkFk ç;ksx ds fy;s
alongwith brass double ihry ds pedhyh ikfy”k
action spring hinges → 621.10 708.90 817.10 57.60 19.10 ← fd;s vkHkklh /kq j h


njoktksa ds fy;s dekuh

EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d

vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
dsoy repairs
LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
Mild steel Brass ejEer esa
09076 300mm, ordinary rat tail uje bLikr ihry LFkkfir 09076 dekfu;ka jksyj o jksyj IysV
rod pattern springs lfgr 300 feeh ds lk/kkj.k
including roller and
238.00 233.70 54.30 16.70 ←likV NM+ rjhds dh lai.w kZ
roller plate complete →
09077 375mm, ditto → 293.90 477.10 54.30 16.70 09077 mi;qZDr] 375 feeh
09078 tksM]+as en 956 o 957 esa ;fn
09078 Add to items above if
fixed to stone/ concrete vko”;d dkoys vkfn lfgr]
chowkats with flat 40 × 3 feeh eki 75 lseh
iron 40x3 mm size 75 cm yEch likV yksgs ds lkFk]
long with necessary iRFkj@da Ø hV pkS [ kVks a es a
bolts, etc. complete → 122.80 ←LFkkfir djds laiwfrZ
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
ew B s a ¼gS U My½
Handles shall be of pattern/design as approved. ewBsa Lohd`r izfr:i@ifj:i dh gksxhA
EACH S&F vk- o- LFkk- iz R ;s d
Size of handle in mm
ewB dk vkdkj feeh esa
09079 Cast iron or malleable cast iron 75 100 125 150 09079 ewB <yoka yksgs ;k fiVoka yksgs ds
handles, cast type, stove <yoka uewuk] LVkso ,usey ;qDr
enamelled black → 54.70 61.50 77.70 88.60 ← dkys
09080 Mild steel pressed handles, oval
09080 eawB uje yksgs ds laihfMr vaMkdkj
type, stove enamelled black→ →
←uewuk o LVkso ,usey;qDr dkys
45.20 47.90 50.60 54.70
09081 Brass handles, cast type, 09081 ea w B ihry ds <yoka fdLe ds
polished bright → 169.30 212.70 228.60 247.00 ← pednkj ikfy”k;qDr
09082 Extruded brass handles, 09082 eaBw ihry fu’dklu ihry ds] x<kbZ
fabricated type polished → 198.00 222.50 243.40 267.90 ← fdLe ds ikfy”k;qDr
09083 Aluminium handles, cast type, 09083 eawB vY;qfefu;e ds <yoka fdLe o
anodised → 54.20 60.20 67.60 75.90 ← ,uksM;qDr
09084 Extruded aluminium alloy
handles, fabricated type,
09084 eaBw fu"dklu vY;qfefu;e feJ /kkrq
→ 67.40 73.50 80.80 88.20 ← ds x<kbZ fdLe o ikfy”k;qDr
09085 Fixing only items 09079 to 09085 dsoy LFkkiu ensa 09079 ls 09084
09084 → 20.90 20.90 20.90 20.90
09086 Add to items 09079 to 09084 if 09086 tksMsa+] enksa 09079 ls 09084 esa] ;fn
fixed in repairs → 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 ←ejEer esa LFkkfir

vxZ y s
EACH Size of latch in mm iz R ;s d
vXkZys dh eki feeh esa 09087 jhe vxZys nks yhoj] uje yksgs dh
09087 Rim latch with two levers, of
mild steel body. stove enamelled
75 100 125 150 dk;k] LVkso ,usey;qDr ifj’d`fr
finish; with brass knob or lever o ihry eaBw ;k yhoj gSM a y lfgr]
handle and fixed → 291.20 ←rFkk LFkkfir
351.50 357.70 363.90
09088 Ditto, but of brass body, 09088 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq ihry dk;k]
polished bright → 515.80 ←pednkj ikfy”k
577.50 669.80 732.20
09089 Ditto but of aluminium alloy 09089 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq
body, anodised → 326.90 ← dk;k ,uksM;qDr
374.50 426.10 501.40
09090 Fixing only, items 09087 to 09090 ds o y LFkkiu] ens a 09087 ls
09089 → 81.20 81.20 81.20 81.20 ←09089
09091 Add to items 09087 to 09090 if 09091 tksMsa+] en 09087 ls 09090 esa ;fn
fixed in repairs → 23.90 23.90 23.90 23.90 ←ejEer esa LFkkfir
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
LATCHES Contd...
vxZys tkjh
EACH Length of latch in mm çR;s d
yEckbZ feeh esa
09092 Mortice latch with two levers 65 75 100 09092 nks yhoj ds vxZyh ¼yEc uewuk½ uje
(vertical type), mild steel body and ←yksgs dh dk;k] ,oa LFkkfir
fixed → 396.90 448.60 531.80
09093 Ditto but of brass body → 09093 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq ihry dk;k
518.10 623.00 758.70
09094 Ditto but of aluminium, anodised 09094 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq vY;qfefu;e] ,uksM;qDr
body → 425.60 487.30 548.90 ← dk;k
09095 Fixing only items 09092 to 09094→
→ 81.20 81.20 81.20 09095 dsoy LFkkiu] ensa 09092 ls 09094
09096 Add to items 09092 to 09095 if 09096 tksMs+a] en 09092 ls 09095 esa ;fn
fixed in repairs → 23.90 23.90 23.90 ←ejEer esa LFkkfir

The rates include for escutcheon plates and two keys Qyd IysVsa o nks pkfc;ka njksa esa “kkfey gSaA
EACH S & F vk- o LFkk- Fixing Add if çR;s d
only fixed in
Mild steel Brass Aluminium repairs
uje yksgk ihry vY;qfefu;e LFkkiu tksM+as
2 Lev- 4 Lev- 2 Lev- 4 Lev- 2 Lev- 4 Lev- ;fn
ers ers ers ers ers ers ejEer
2 yhoj 4 yhoj 2 yhoj 4 yhoj 2 yhoj 4 yhoj esa
09097 Mortice lock, 09097 Hkhrjh rkys] çeki 100
vertical type, size feeh] o yEc fdLe ds
100 mm → 594.30 629.50 688.30 758.80 512.00 600.10 159.50 23.90 ←
09098 Ditto, size 65mm 431.70 567.20 906.00 1312.50 567.20 702.70 160.90 50.30 09098 mi;qDZ r] izeki 65 feeh
09099 Ditto, size 75 mm 499.50 567.20 702.70 770.50 567.20 662.10 160.90 50.30 09099 mi;ZDq r] izeki 75 feeh
09100 Rebated mortice 09100 i[knkj Hkhrjh rkys] yEc
lock, vertical type,
← fdLe ds 65 feeh izekih
size 65 mm →
09101 Ditto, size 75mm→→ 09101 mi;ZDq r] izeki 75 feeh
09101ADitto, size 100mm 0 9101, mi;qDZ r] izeki 100 feeh
09102 Mortice night latch, 09102 Hkhrjh lqj{kk rkys izeki
size 65 mm → 382.70 417.40 331.70 344.00 410.40 451.10 30.30 10.40 ←65 feeh
09103 Ditto, size 75min 348.00 417.40 461.30 467.40 35.40 35.40 35.40 10.40 09103 mi;ZDq r] izeki 75 feeh
09103ADitto, size 100mm 382.70 424.30 510.60 590.80 430.40 467.90 36.10 10..40 09103, mi;qDZ r] izeki 100 feeh
09104 Locks, cupboard, 09104 vYekjh rkys]
grade I, size 50 ← 1] izeki 50 feeh
mm →
225.30 40.20 14.10 11.10
09105 Ditto, size 65mm → 374.60 407.00 14.11 11.90
09105 mi;qDZ r] izeki 65 feeh
09106 Ditto, size 75mm→→ 242.90 8.90 11.90 09106 mi;ZDq r] izeki 75 feeh
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
LOCKS Contd...
rkys tkjh
EACH S & F vk- o LFkk- Fixing Add if çR;s d
only fixed in
Mild steel Brass Aluminium repairs
uje yksgk ihry vY;qfefu;e LFkkiu tksM+as
2 Lev- 4 Lev- 2 Lev- 4 Lev- 2 Lev- 4 Lev- ;fn
ers ers ers ers ers ers ejEer
2 yhoj 4 yhoj 2 yhoj 4 yhoj 2 yhoj 4 yhoj esa
09107 Locks, drawer,
grade I, size 50
09107 njkt ds rkys] 1]
mm → 208.30 220.70 35.40 10.40 ←izeki 50 feeh
09108 Ditto, size 65mm→
→ 244.00 282.40 35.40 10.40 09108 mi;qDZ r] izeki] 65 feeh
09109 Ditto, size 75mm→
→ 219.30 256.10 35.40 10.40 09109 mi;qDZ r] izeki] 75 feeh


ca/kd rFkk rkusa
EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Cast Cast Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
iron brass vY;qfefu;e LFkkiu ejEer esa
(malleable) <yoka LFkkfir
or mild ihry
<yoka@fiVcka 09110 Qjes dh rkus]a dCtsnkj
09110 Casement stays, size iYyksa ds 300 feeh izeki]
;k uje yksgk
300mm, with hinged dCtsnkj tksM]+ nks IysV
joint and two plates, o es [ k lfgr la i w . kZ
with studs complete → 69.70 28.10 8.00 ← rFkk LFkkfir
09111 250mm ditto → 56.80 27.50 8.00 09111 250 feeh mi;qZDr

09112 Add to items 09110 09112 tksM]+as en 09110 o 09111

and 09111, if fixed to
steel sashes, including
esa ;fn yksgs ds iYys esa]
drilling necessary
vko”;d ojeh Nsn ;k
← Vkdh lfgr LFkkfir gks
holes or welding → 71.80
09113 Screw eye 10 to 12 mm 09113 is p vkf{k Hkhrjh O;kl
internal dia and fixe→
→ 8.30 25.90 20.00 2.30 0.80 ← 10 ls 12 feeh rFkk LFkkiuk
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
ca/kd rFkk rkusa tkjh
FANLIGHT PIVOTS AND S&F Fixing Add if }kj jks ” kunku dhyd
CATCHES vk- o LFkk- only fixed in rFkk [kVds
PER SET Cast Cast Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
iz f r lew g
iron brass vy;qfefu;e LFkkiu ejEer esa
(malleable) <yoka LFkkfir
or mild ihry
09114 Fanlight pivot with 0 9 1 1 4 }kj jks”kunku dhyd]
<yoka@fiVoka vkdkj 25x65 feeh rFkk
plate size 25mmx 65
mm and suitable for ;k uje yksgk 30 feeh eksVs dikVksa ds
shutter of 30mm fy;s mi;q D r] rFkk
thickness and fixed→ → 76.70 201.20 88.40 53.20 16.00 ← LFkkiuk
09115 Ditto, but suitable for 0 9 1 1 5 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq 35 feeh
shutter of 35 mm eksVs dikVksa ds mi;qDr
thickness → 76.70 264.70 88.40 53.20 16.00 ←
09116 Ditto, but size 20mm 0 9 1 1 6 mi;ZqDr] vkdkj 20 X
x50mm and suitable 50 feeh rFkk 25 fe eh
for shutter of 25mm eksVs dikVksa ds fy;s mi;qDr
thickness → 76.70 164.80 82.50 53.20 16.00 ←
09117 Fanlight catch with 0 9 1 1 7 }kj jks”kunku ds [kVds]
14mm catch and 14 feeh xzkgh rFkk LFkkiuk
fixed → 31.10 26.50 32.30 2.90 0.80 ←


njkt nLrk rFkk gSaMy
EACH S&F Fixing Add if çR;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Cast Brass dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
iron or ihry LFkkiu ejEer esa
mild steel LFkkfir
<yoka yksgk ;k
09118 Drawer pulls, 3 screw 0 9 1 1 8 njkt nLrs] jdkoh nLrs esa 80
uje yksgk
plate with fixed dished ls 100 feeh yEcs jdkoh IysV
pull; 80 mm to 100mm esa 3 isp ls LFkkiu
long →
65.60 124.30 18.60 5.40

09119 Ditto, 4 screw plate ditto 66.50 166.60 19.50 5.60
0 9 1 1 9 mi;qZDr] 4 isp IysV mi;ZqDr
09120 Drawer handles, projection 09120 njkt gSM a y isp yxh IysV ij
drop (50mm to 65mm) on ← ur ç{ksid ¼50 ls 65 feeh½
screwed plate → 66.50 203.40 19.50 5.60
09121 Ditto, but projection ring 0 9 1 2 1 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq iz{ksi NYyk ur
drop (40mm x 50mm), ← ¼40 X 50 feeh½ NYyk 4 isph
ring on 4 screw plate → 72.40 169.10 19.50 5.60 IysV ij
09122 Ditto, but flush drop (65 0 9 1 2 2 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq likV ur] ¼65
to 75mm grip) on 4 screw
plate, including letting ls 75 feeh½ idM+ vUnj fcBkus
← lfgr] pkj isph IysV ij
in → 148.70 169.10 19.50 5.60
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
Vksih [kwaVh rFkk gqd
EACH S&F Fixing Add if çR;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Cast iron Brass Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
or mild steel ihry vY;qfefu;e LFkkiu ejEer esa
<yaok ;k uje LFkkfir

09123 Hat pegs, solid body, 0912

091233 Vksih Vkaxus dh [kwfa V;ka 125
125mm to 175 mm → 43.90 85.00 55.60 14.50 12.80 ← ls 175 feeh dh Bksl dk;k
09124 Hat and coat hooks, 0912
091244 Vksih o dksV Vkaxus ds
solid body, 175mm to gqd Bksl dk;k ds 175
250 mm → 43.90 96.80 67.91 14.53 12.77 ← ls 250 feeh ds
09125 Wardrobe hooks 0912
091255 vYekjh ds gqd ¼,dy½
(single) 50mm to ← 50 ls 60 feeh ds
60mm → 32.15 79.15 65.73 14.53 12.80


QkVd o njokts] gqd] xok{k
EACH S&F Fixing Add if çR;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Mild steel, Brass Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
wire, type wire, type plate type II LFkkiu ejEer esa
I I vY;qfefu;e] LFkkfir
uje bLikr ihry rkj] IysV uewuk 2
rkj] uewuk 1 uewuk 1
09126 Gate and shutter, hooks 0912
091266 75 feeh QkVd o njokts
and eyes 75mm → 23.25 54.21 58.50 11.50 2.39 ← ds gqd o xok{k
09127 Ditto, 100mm size → 27.95 59.34 70.50 11.50 2.40 0912
091277 mi;ZDq r] 100 feeh vkdkj
09128 Ditto, 125mm size → 29.10 72.60 70.50 11.50 2.40 0912
091288 mi;qDZ r] 125 feeh vkdkj
09129 Ditto, 150mm size → 29.10 67.00 77.50 11.50 2.40 0912
091299 mi;qDZ r] 150 feeh vkdkj
09130 Ditto, 200mm size → 35.00 87.90 94.00 11.50 2.40 091 30 mi;qDZ r] 200 feeh vkdkj
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
EACH S&F Fixing Add if fixed in çR;s d
vk- o LFkk- only repairs
dsoy tksM+sa ;fn ejEer
09131 40mm dia, cupboard knobs
LFkkiu esa LFkkfir
fixed with nut, screw and 09131 40 feeh O;kl ds] pedhyh
washer of mild steel, bright ifj’d`fr vYekjh esa nLrs ds
finished → 37.30 8.00 2.40 ←lkFk uV o ispksa ls LFkkfir
09132 Ditto, but of brass,
polished → 131.30 8.00 0.80 09132 mi;ZqDr] ihry ds] ikfy”k;qDr
09133 Ditto, but of aluminium,
anodised → 09133 mi;qDZ r] vY;qfefu;e] ,uksM;qDr
09134 50mm dia, polished, hard 09134 50 feeh O;kl ds ikfy”k;qDr]
wood knobs fixed with nLrs dBksj ydM+h ispksa ls
screws →
112.00 8.00 2.40 ←LFkkfir


Nids vkSj daqMs
EACH Size of hasp and staple in mm çR;s d
Nids vkSj dqaMks dk vkdkj feeh esa
09135 Hasp and staple, mild 75 100 125 150 09135 uje yksgs ds rkjh fdLe ds LVkso
steel, wire type, stove enamelled ,usey;qDr dkys dCtk IysV esa
black, including bolt to hinge
dkoys lfgr Nids o dqaMs ispksa ls
plate and fixed with screws →
69.70 81.20 76.40 83.20 ←LFkkfir
09136 Ditto, but safety type → 55.30 55.30 80.30 70.80 09136 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lqj{kk fdLe ds
09137 Hasp and staple, safety type, 09137 uje yksgs dh fiu] dkoys dlh dCth
brass with mild steel hinge pin IysV lfgr] ihry ds lqj{kk fdLe ds
including bolt to hinge plate
←Nids dqM a s ispksa ls LFkkfir
and fixed with screws → 96.10 103.40 108.60 134.40
09138 Ditto, but of aluminium 09138 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq vY;q f efu;e
anodised → 63.50 69.60 75.70 88.00 ←,uksM;qDr
09139 Fixing only of above items 09139 09135 ls 09138 esa dsoy LFkkiuk
→ 31.80 31.80 31.80 31.80
09140 Add to items 09135 to 09139, if 09140 tksM+sa] en 09135 ls 09139 esa ;fn
fixed in repairs →
8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 ←ejEer esa LFkkfir
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku


Nids vkSj daqMs tkjh

EACH S&F Fixing Add if fixed in çR;s d

vk- o LFkk- only repairs
dsoy tksM+sa ;fn ejEer
LFkkiu esa LFkkfir

09141 Brass knobs 35-40mm dia→

→ 68.80 16.00 5.60 09141 ihry dk nLrk O;kl 35&40 feeh

ijnksa dh iVfj;ka
PER RUNNING METRE S&F Fixing Add if fixed in çfr ehVj
vk- o LFkk- only repairs
dsoy tksM+sa ;fn ejEer
09142 Harrison rails, mild LFkkiu esa LFkkfir 09142 gSjh”ku iVfj;ka] LFkkiu czSfdV]
steel, chromium plated cU/kd] jksyj vkfn lfgr] uje
with fixing brackets,
←yksgs dh Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr
stops, rollers etc. → 132.10 55.80 227.30
09143 Ditto, but of anodised 09143 mi;q Z D r] fdUrq ,uks M ;q D r
aluminium alloy → 227.30 55.80 5.60 ←vY;qfefu;e feJ /kkrq dh

vaxqyh IysVsa
S&F Fixing Add if çR;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Transparent Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
plastic sheet, anodised, LFkkiu ejEer esa
1mm thick 1mm thick LFkkfir
ikjn'kZd vY;qfefu;e
09144 Finger plates 200 to IYkkfLVd pknj ,uksM;qDr 09144 vxayq h IysVas 200 ls 300 feeh
300mm long and 80 to 1 feeh eksVh 1feeh eksVh yEch o 80 ls 100feeh pkSMh+ ihry
100mm wide fixed with Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr ispksa ls dlh
brass chromium plated
78.20 159.50 23.50 5.60 ←gqbZ
screws →
[k.M 9& fuekZrk ds e'khuh miknku
vaxqyh IysVsa tkjh...
Bksdj IysVs tkjh...
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Fixing Add if fixed in çfr oxZ ehVj
vk- o LFkk- only repairs
dsoy tksM+sa ;fn ejEer 09145 Bksdj IysV] fdlh vkdkj dh 1
09145 Kicking plates, any size,
of galvanised iron sheet LFkkiu esa LFkkfir feeh eksVh tLrh yksgs dh tLrh
lmm thick, fixed with ←ispksa ls LFkkfir
galvanised screws → 1012.50 403.70 119.70

rkSfy;k Vkaxus dh iVfj;ka

PER RUNNING S&F Fixing Add if iz f r ehVj

METRE vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Brass Aluminium dsoy tksM+sa ;fn
chromium anodised, LFkkiu ejEer esa
plated LFkkfir
Øksfe;e ,uksM;qDr
p<+h ihry vY;qfefu;e

09146 Tubular towel rail 20mm 09146 rkSfy;k iVfj;ka 20 feeh O;kl
dia → 387.80 256.50 7.90 1.60 ←dh xksykdkj

EACH iz R ;s d

09147 Tubular towel rail, 20mm 09147 rkSfy;k Vkaxus dh iVfj;ka iYyksa
dia, D type, 60cm long
ds chp 60 lseh yEch Mh Vkbi
between flanges →
872.90 379.80 9.11 1.60 ←20 feeh O;kl

PER PAIR iz f r tks M + k

09148 Brackets for item 09146→
→ 520.10 174.90 26.50 4.80 09148 en 09146 ds fy;s czSfdV
[k.M 9 fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
Q'kZ }kj jks/ku rFkk }kj [kVds
(a) The rates for floor door stoppers include for vulcanised ¼d½ }kj jks/kd dh njksa esa jcj VqdM+ksa dk oydfur “kkfey gSA
rubber piece.
(b) The rates do not include for sinkings in floor for fixing ¼[k½ jks/ku dks fLFkj djus ds fy;s Q”kZ dh /kalkbZ “kkfey ugha gSA
EACH Overall length of cover plate iz R ;s d
<kaih IysV dh iw.kZ yEckbZ
09149 Floor door stopper of aluminium
140 mm 150mm
09149 vY;qeqfu;e feJ /kkrq dh dk;k o thHk
alloy body and tongue, anodised, ,uksM;qDr }kj Q”kZ jks/ku ds dBksj cuh
with hard drawn steel spring,
fixed in floor → 89.30 101.60 ← yksgs dh dekuh lfgr] Q”kZ esa LFkkfir

09150 Ditto, but of brass body and tongue 09150 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq ihry dh dk;k o thHk] dBksj
with hard drawn steel spring → 209.20 278.40 ← cuh yksgs dh dekuh lfgr

09151 Fixing only of items 09149 and 09151 en 09149 o 09150 esa dsoy LFkkiuk
09150 → 45.20 45.20

09152 Add to items 09149, 09150 and 09152 tksM]as+ en 09149] 09150 o 09151 ;fn ejEer
8.00 8.00
09151, if fixed in repairs → ← esa LFkkfir
09153 Ball catches with 8mm dia steel Rs. 09153 xksykdkj [kVds] lkFk esa 8 feeh O;kl bLikr
ball, and brass body and striking
plate including letting in and xksyk rFkk ihry dk;k o Bksdj IysV( vUnj
64.80 ←
fixed → fcBkus lfgr rFkk LFkkfir
}kj ca/kd
EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
dsoy repairs
LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
Cast iron Alumin- Aluminium ejEer esa
body ium (Die (extruded LFkkfir
09154 Door closer hydrau- <ys yksgk cast) body section) 09154 }kj ca / kd vuq e ks n u ua - 3]
lically regulated, dh dk;k vY;qfefu;e body lkoZtfud izdkj ds 851 ls 1000
designation No. 3, <yok dk;k vY;qfefu;e feeh pksMs o 61 ls 80 fdyksxzke
universal type, suitable ,DlVwMsm
for door shutters of 851
chp ds otu ds }kj dikVksa ds
dk;k fy;s mi;qDr ty O;oLFkk }kjk
to 1000 mm in width
and of weight between fu;af=r rFkk LFkkfir
61 to 80 kg and fixed → 1137.00 1302.00 1507.00 53.20 47.90 ←
09155 Door closer hydrau-
lically regulated, 09155 }kj ca/kd vueksnu ua- 2] 701 ls
designation No. 2,
850 feeh pksMs o otu 36 ls 60
universal type, suitable
for door shutters of 701 fdyksxzke] lkoZtfud fdLe }kj
to 850 mm in width and dikVksa ds fy;s mi;qDr ty
of weight between 36 O;oLFkk }kjk fu;af=r rFkk LFkkfir
to 60 kg and fixed → 1024.70 1041.10 1302.00 53.20 47.90 ←
[k.M 9 fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
}kj ca/kd tkjh
EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
dsoy repairs
LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
Cast iron Alumin- Aluminium ejEer esa
body ium (Die (extruded LFkkfir
09156 Door closer hydrau-
<ys yksgk cast) body section)
lically regulated, dh dk;k vY;qfefu;e body
09156 }kj ca/kd vuqeksnu ua- 1] lkoZtfud
designation No. 1 <yok dk;k vY;qfefu;e
izdkj ds 700 feeh pkSM+kbZ o 35
universal type, ,DlVwMsm
suitable for door fdyksxkz e ctu rd ds }kj dikVksa
shutters up to 700 mm ds fy;s mi;qDr ty O;oLFkk
in width and of }kjk fu;af=r rFkk LFkkfir
weight not more 747.40 1024.70 1164.50 53.20 47.90 ←
than 35 kg and fixed→


rkjh diM+k rFkk rkjtkyh
When fixed in panels of joinery the rates include for fixing tc la;ksftr iYyksa esa LFkkfir gks rks njksa esa la;kstu esa vkbZ QfV~V;ksa
with beads supplied with joinery. lfgr LFkkiu “kkfey gSA

WIRE CLOTH rkjh diM+k

S&F Fixing only Add if fixed
PER SQUARE METRE vk- o dsoy LFkkiu in repairs izfr oxZ ehVj
09157 Galvanised mild steel wire LFkk- tksM+s ;fn
cloth, 0.63mm nominal dia of ejEer esa 09157 tLrh uje yksgs s dk rkjh diM+k] rkj dk
wire and average width of LFkkfir ukHkh; O;kl 0-63 feeh rFkk fNnz dh
aperture 1.40mm and fixed with vkSlr pkSM+kbZ 1-40 feeh rFkk dVkbZnkj
tinned tacks, or galvanised wire Vkads ;k tLrh rkjh dqaMksa ls LFkkfir

staples → 521.70 95.20 29.50
09158 Ditto, but 0.56mm nominal dia 09158 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq 0-56 ukHkh; rkj O;kl o
of wire and average width of fNnz dh vkSlr pkSMk+bZ 1-18 feeh-

aperture 1.18mm → 479.50 95.20 29.50
09159 Ditto, but 0.56mm nominal dia
of wire and average width of 09159 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq] 0-56 ukHkh; rkj O;kl o
aperture 1.00mm → 524.70 95.20 29.50 fNnz dh vkSlr pkSM+kbZ 1-00 feeh

[k.M 9 fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
rkj tkyh
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Fixing Add if çfr oxZ ehVj
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Size of mesh in mm dsoy repairs
tkyh dk vkdkj feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
ejEer esa
09160 Wire netting of galvanised 12 20 25 LFkkfir 09160 tLrh rkj tkyh] 1-40 feeh
steel wire 1.40mm dia
fixed with tinned tacks of O;kl dybZnkj Vkads ;k tLrh
wire staples → 406.70 273.40 236.30 72.00 21.50 ← rkjh dqaM+ksa ls LFkkfir
09161 Ditto, but 1.23mm dia → 300.10 262.90 232.40 72.00 21.50 09161 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 1-23 feeh O;kl
09162 Ditto, but 0.91 mm dia → 247.60 232.40 201.90 72.00 21.50 09162 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 0-91 feeh O;kl
09163 Ditto, but 0.71mm dia → 208.20 188.40 179.00 72.00 21.50 09163 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 0-71 feeh O;kl


vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Size of mesh in mm dsoy repairs
tkyh dk vkdkj feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
09164 Wire netting of stainless ejEer esa
steel wire 1.4mm dia 12 20 25 LFkkfir
fixed with tinned tacks of
stainless steel wire
staples → 522.20 476.40 445.90 72.00 21.50
09165 Ditto, but 1.23mm dia → 506.90 461.20 445.90 72.00 21.50
09166 Ditto, but 0.91 mm dia → 491.70 461.20 415.40 72.00 21.50
09167 Ditto, but 0.71mm dia → 445.90 399.50 384.90 72.00 21.50


vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq@taxjks/kh bLikr rkjh diM+k
When fixed in panels of joinery the rates include for fixing tc la;ksftr iYyksa esa LFkkfir gks rks njksa esa la;kstu esa vkbZ QfV~V;ksa
with beads supplied with joinery. lfgr LFkkiu “kkfey gSA
WIRE CLOTH rkjh diM+k
S&F Fixing only Add if fixed
PER SQUARE METRE vk- o dsoy LFkkiu in repairs izfr oxZ ehVj
LFkk- tksMa+s ;fn
09168 Aluminium alloy wire cloth, ejEer esa 09168 vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq dk rkjh diM+k]
0.45mm nominal dia of wire LFkkfir rkj dk ukHkh; O;kl 0-45 feeh rFkk fNnz
and average width of aperture dh vkSlr pkSMk+ bZ 1-40 feeh vY;qfefu;e
1.40mm and fixed with
aluminium wire staples → 903.00 95.20 29.50 ← rkjh dqaMksa ls LFkkfir
09169 Stainless steel wire cloth. 09169 taxjks/kh bLikr dk rkjh diM+k] rkj dk
0.36mm nominal dia of wire ukHkh; O;kl 0-36 feeh rFkk fNnz dh
and average width of aperture vkSlr pkSMk+ bZ 1-40 feeh taxjks/kh bLikr
1.40mm and fixed with
stainless steel wire staples → 728.30 ← rkjh dqaMksa ls LFkkfir
95.20 29.50


[k.M 9 fuekZrk ds e”khuh miknku
Q'kZ fLizax
EACH M&L lk o Je iz R ;s d

09170 Double action floor spring 09170 rjy O;oLFkk }kjk O;ofLFkr mHk; fØ;k
hydraulically regulated made QZ ” k dekuh] 1-25 feeh eks V h
up of minimum 1.25 mm thick vY;qfefu;e feJ /kkrq dh pknj dk
aluminium alloy sheet uhao ckDl] eq[; dk;k LVsuysl LVhy
foundation box, main body
with stainless steel cover,
doj dh] xojfuax fioV czkl dh cuh]
governing pivot made of brass, nwljs fgLls uje yksgs ds cus] Hkkjh dk;Z
other parts made of mild steel ds fy, cus ,ao LFkkiuA
heavy duty and fixed → 3734.00 ←

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
rkjh diM+k


09171 Galvanised steel wire cloth. 0.63 09171 tLrh yksgs dk rkjh diM+k ukHkh; O;kl
mm nominal dia of wire and
344.64 0-63 feeh o fNnz dh vkSlr pkSMk+ bZ 1-40
average width of aperture 1.40mm ← feeh

09172 Ditto, but 0.56 mm nominal dia 09172 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq rkj dk ukHkh; O;kl 0-56
of wire and average width of ← feeh o fNnz dh vkSlr pkSMk+ bZ 1-18 feeh
aperture 1.18mm → 317.42
09173 Ditto, but 0.56 mm nominal dia 09173 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq rkj dk ukHkh; O;kl 0-56
of wire and average width of ← feeh o fNnz dh vkSlr pkSMk+ bZ 1-00 feeh
aperture 1.00 mm → 354.17

rkj tkyh
PER SQUARE METRE Size of mesh in mm izfr oxZ ehVj
tkyh dk vkdkj feeh esa
12 20 25
09174 Wire netting of galva nised 09174 tLrh yksgs ds rkj dh 1-40 feeh O;kl
steel wire, 1.40mm dia → 257.93 195.00 165.00 ← dh rkj tkyh
09175 Ditto, but 1.23mm dia → 248.00 185.00 157.00 09175 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 1-23 feeh O;kl
09176 Ditto, but 0.91mm dia → 215.00 156.80 124.10 09176 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 0-91 feeh O;kl
09177 Ditto, but 0.71mm dia → 182.10 128.60 110.00 09177 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 0-71 feeh O;kl
206 SECTION 10
[k.M 10 bLikr] yks
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZa
10.1 Measurements 10-1 eki
10.1.1 Cast Iron Work : Before fixing cast iron articles in 10-1 <yoka bLikr dk;Z% <yoka bLikr dh oLrqvksa dks LFkkiu esa
position, the Contractor shall produce vouchers LFkkfir djus ls igys] Bsdns kj mu okmpjksa dks ftuesa oLrqvksa dk
showing weights of the articles for the signature of the ot+u fn;k gqvk gks] otu dh Lohd`fr ds izek.k gsr]q izHkkjh vfHk;Urk
E.I.C. in token of his acceptance of the weights. These
ds gLrk{kj gsrq izLrqr djsxkA ;g gLrk{kfjr okmpj eki dks ntZ
signed vouchers shall be produced again at the time of
recording and check of the measurements of the work.
djrs le; o tkap djrs le; nksckjk izLrqr fd;s tk;sx a As
Where, however, the E.I.C. elects to check the weights fQj Hkh tgka izHkkjh vfHk;ark okmpjksa esa fn[kk;s x;s otu dh tkap djuk
shown in the vouchers the Contractor shall without extra pkgs] rks Bsdns kj rkSyus ds lk/kuksa vkfn dk fcuk vfrfjDr [kpZ ds
charge, arrange for the necessary weighing instruments izcU/k djsxk rFkk izHkkjh vfHk;Urk dh ekStnw xh esa oLrqvksa dks rkSyx
s kA
etc. and weigh the articles, in the presence of the E.I.C.

10.1.2 Steel Work 10-1-2 yksgs ds dk;Z%

1. The weights of steel sections, plates, bars, wire fabrics ¼1½ yksgs ds [k.Mks]a pknjks]a NM+k]as rkj <akpksa ds otu dh x.kuk lacfU/kr
etc shall be calculated from the tables given in the Hkkjrh; ekud esa nh xbZ lacfU/kr rkfydk] ftlesa ls dqN dks bl
relevant Indian Standards, some of which are ,l ,l vkj ds ifjf”k’V esa fn;k x;k gS] ds vuqlkj dh tk;sxhA
reproduced in Appendix A to this SSR. Where the tgka fdlh [kaM vkfn dk otu Hkkjrh; ekud esa ugha fn;k x;k
weight of any section, etc. is not given in the Indian
gS mldh x.kuk 7850 fdxzke@?kueh ds vk/kkj ij gksxhA bLikr
Standards, it shall be calculated on the basis of 7850 kg/
cu.m. No tolerance on account of rolling margin shall
[kaMk+ as ds ukeh; otu ij jksfyax dh dksbZ NwV ugha nh tk;sxhA
be allowed on the nominal weights of steel sections, etc.
2. The weight of cleats, brackets, packing pieces, distance ¼2½ QUuh] cSzfdV] HkjkbZ [kaM] vUrj ifV~Vdk] dkoys] f<ofj;ka
pieces, bolts, nuts, washers, separators diaphragm, oklZy fo;kstd] e/;iV] rFkk lai.w kZ vk;rkdkj ifjeki
gussets and fish plates, taking overall rectangular dh tksM+ ifV~V;ka] lacfU/kr oLrq ds otu esa tksM+s tk;sxsA
dimension: etc. shall be added to the weight of
respective item.
3. In riveted work the weight of rivet (including heads) ¼3½ dhyd dk;Z esa dhyd dk otu ¼'kh"kZ lfgr½ lacfU/kr oLrq ds
shall be added to the weight of item. otu esa tksM+k tk;sxkA
4. No deduction shall be made for rivet/bolt holes. ¼4½ dhyd@dkoys ds Nsnksa dh dksbZ dVkSrh ugh gksxhA dVkSrh rc
Deduction shall be made if the area of a hole exceeds gksxh tc Nsn dk {ks=Qy 0-02 oxZehVj ls vf/kd gks] rFkk [kkaps
0.02 sq.m and for notch if its area exceeds 0.05 sq.m. ds fy, ;fn mldk {ks=Qy 0-05 oeh ls vf/kd gSA
5. In welded work, the weight of weld metal shall not be ¼5½ VadkbZ dk;Z esa Vkafdr /kkrq dk otu lacfU/kr oLrq ds otu esa
added to the respective items. ugh tksMk+ tk;sxkA
6. For other type of opening like holes for service pipe ¼6½ vU; izdkj ds fyojksa tSls lsok uyksa vkfn ds Nsnksa ds fy;s
etc.. deduction shall be made if its area exceeds 0.1 dVkSrh dh tk;sxh] ;fn mldk {ks=Qy 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd gSA
7. Weights shall be worked out to nearest kg. ¼7½ ot+u] fudVre fdxzk rd fudkyk tk;sxkA
10.1.3 Steel reinforcement shall be measured as fixed to 10-1-3 bLikr izoyu Lohd`r dh eki tSlk LFkkfir gS ds fudVre
nearest 0.5 cm. Authorised overlaps, cranks, chairs and 0-5 lseh rd yh tk;sxhA Åijh p<+kos] eksM]+ dqflZ;ka rFkk foHkktdksa
separators shall be measured and hooks girthed in dks ekik tk;sxk rFkk dls gq;s gqd dqy ot+u esa tqMsaxsA rkjca/ku o
calculating the total weight. The weight of tying wire and
Vkads ¼tgka izoyu dks Vkadk yxk gS½ dk ot+u ugha tqMx +s kA vxf<+r
weight of welds (where reinforcement is welded), shall
not be measured. The nominal size of a deformed steel bar
bLikr lyk[k dk ukHkh; eki ¼vFkkZr lyk[k dk O;kl½ leku eki
(i.e. bar diameter) is equivalent to diameter of a plain dh lknk xksy lyk[k ds O;kl ds cjkcj gksxkA
round bar of corresponding size.
SECTION 10 207
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZ tkjh
10.1.4 Expanded metal and hard drawn steel wire fabric 10-1-4 foLrkfjr ¼cjQh½ /kkrq o dBksj dlh rkj tkyh ,oa Vkafdr
and welded steel wire fabric shall be measured net in bLikr rkj tkyh oxZ ehVj esa fo'kq+) ekih tk;saxh rFkk otu dh
square metres and weight calculated. Authorised laps x.kuk gksxhA vuqeksfnr m<+ko ekis tk;saxsA 0-2 oxZ eh ls cM+s [kqys
shall be measured. Openings exc 0.2 sq.m. shall be LFkku ?kVk;s tk;sx a sA

10.1.5 Steel Rolling Shutters : Height shall be measured 0-1-5 bLikr ds yisVoka 'kVj
10-1-5 'kVj% Å¡pkbZ] fyaVy ry ls laiwfjr
from the bottom of the lintel to the finished floor cill level. Q'kZ / fly ry rd ekih tk;sxhA pkSMk+ bZ ik'oZ fu;a=dksa dh pkSMk+ bZ
Width shall be measured inclusive of the width of the lfgr ekih tk;sxhA
side guides.

10.1.6 Collapsible Steel Gates : Height shall be measured 10-1-6 fuikrh ¼fleVok½ bLikr QkVd% Å¡pkbZ laiwfjr Q'kZ
from the finished floor level to the top of the gate. Width ry ls QkVd 'kh"kZ rd ekih tk;sxhA pkSM+kbZ] [kqys QkVd esa var
shall be measured from outside to outside of the end fixed
esa yxh pSuyksa ds ckgj ls ckgj ls cgkj rd ekih tk;sxhA
channels in open position of the gate.

10.1.7 Steel Doors, Windows and Ventilators : The width 10-1-7 bLikr ds njokts] f[kM+fd;ka o jks'kunku% pkSM+kbZ o
and the height shall be measured overall from out to out ÅpkbZ Ýse ds ckgj ls ckgj rd laiw.kZ 0-5 lseh rd ekih tk;sXkh
of frame to the nearest 0.5cm. Composite units shall be A la;kstd vaXkks dh eki bl izdkj gksxh%&
measured as under :-
(a) Side hung, bottom or top hung and centre hung ¼d½ ik'koZ yVdu] ry ;k 'kh"kZ yVdu rFkk dsUnz yVdu Hkkxksa dks
portions : measured out to out of the casement frame; vk/kkj pkS[kVs ds ckgj ls ckgj rd ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Fixed type portions : the overall measurement of the ¼[k½ LFkkfir fdLe ds Hkkx% la;kstu vaxksa dh lai.w kZ eki ?kVk ik'koZ
composite unit less the area of side hung, bottom or yVdu] ry ;k 'kh"kZ yVdu o dsUnz yVdu Hkkx
top hung and centre hung portions.
10.1.8 Anodised aluminium doors, windows and 10-1-8 ,uksMhd`r] vY;qefq u;e njokts] f[kM+fd;ka o jks'kunku%
(a) The width and height shall be measured from out to ¼d½ pkSM+kbZ o ÅapkbZ] dikV ds pkS[kVs ds ckgj ls ckgj rd ekih
out of frame of shutter to the nearest 0.5 cm.
(b) Aluminium section, anodisation, testing of ¼[k½ vY;qfefu;e [kaM] ,uksMhd`r ¼,uksMhdj.k dh tkap vkfn( dikVksa
anodisation etc., fixing of shutters shall be all as dk LFkkiu lHkh( ,l ,l vkj Hkkx&I dh mi/kkjk 10-37 iz"B 10-
described in clause 215 on page 10.19 of SSR part
I ‘Specification’.
19 ÞfofunsZ'kuß ds vuqlkj gksaxsA

10.2 Rates 10-2 njsa

10.2.1 The rates include for: 10-2-1 njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey gSa%&
(a) Unloading fabricated work at site, getting in, hoisting ¼d½ fojfpr lkeku dks dk;Z LFky ij mrkjuk] vUnj j[kuk] mBkuk
and fixing. o LFkkiu djukA
(b) All forgings reducing to required size, shape and ¼[k½ dkVihV dj visf{kr eki] vkd`fr] o :i esa ykuk] ojes ls Nsn
figure; drilling, tapping, punching, countersinking djuk] dluk] fNnz fudkyuk] ispksa dks yxkuk] HkjkbZ vkfn rFkk
for screws, filling, etc. and every description of
workmanship that may be necessary to fabricate,
fdlh Hkh izdkj dh dk;Zd'q kyrk] ftldh lajpuk laifw Ùk cukoV
finish, erect and fix in position steel and iron work in o bLikr o yksgs ds dk;Z dks lgh] okLrfod o cf<+;k rjhds ls
a good, substantial and perfect manner. LFkkfir djus esa vko';drk gks ldrh gSA
208 SECTION 10
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z

fo'ks"k 'krsZ tkjh

Note—Cutting holes, mortices, etc. chases in old uksV% Nsn dVkbZ] [kkaps fudkyuk vkfn iqjkus daØhV bZV ;k
concrete, brick or stone structures and making good iRFkj lajpukvksa esa f>jh fudkyuk] bLikr@yksgs ds dk;Z dh
after steel/iron work is fixed, shall be measured
LFkkiuk ds ckn mUgsa Bhd djus ds dk;ksaZ dks mi;qDr [kaMksa ds
separately under the appropriate Sections except for
items 10063 to 10083 which include fixing to both vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;sxk flok; en 10063 ls 10083 rd
new or old work. The making good shall be done with ftuesa iqjkus o u;s nksuksa esa LFkkiu 'kkfey gSA ifj"d`fr elkys
a mix of mortar or concrete not leaner than cement ;k daØhV ds feykos ls gksxh tks 1%2 ds lhesVa elkys ;k ih lh
mortar 1:2 or PCC 1:2:4 type B1 and to the satisfaction
lh 1%2%4 B1 ds feykos ls de dk ugha gksxk rFkk izHkkjh vfHk;ark
of E.I.C.
dh larqf"V ds vuqlkj gksxhA
(c) Spikes, nails and screws required (weight shall not ¼x½ dkaVs] dhysa o visf{kr isp ¼ctu ugha tqMs+xk½
be added).
(d) Neatly cut and filed notches and true square ends, ¼?k½ lQkbZ ls dVs o Hkjs [kkapksa o lkns oxhZ; Nksj] IysVks]a lfj;ksa vkfn
including planing to sheared ends of plates, angles, ds Nksjksa ds la;kstu lfgr ¼tgka ,d nwljs ls VDdj½ izfroy
etc. (where a butting against each other), for
lapj.k ds fy;sA
transmission of stresses.
(e) All necessary templates, patterns, moulds, etc. ¼p½ lHkh vko';d] vk/kkj iV~V] vkd`fr;ka] lkaps vkfnA

10.2.2 Holding down bolts and anchor bolts including 10-2-2 LFkkid dkoys] fLFkjd dkoys( f<ofj;ka oklZy lfgr] dk
nuts and washers shall be measured separately by ctu vyx ls fy;k tk;sxkA

10.2.3 ‘Supplied and fixed’ rates for black sheets (plain 10-2-3 ^vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir* dh njsa] dkyh pknjksa ¼lknk ;k ygfj;k½
and corrugated) shall be increased by 10 percent of the dh njksa dks ^vkiqfrZ o LFkkfir*] vkSj ^dsoy LFkkiu* ds vUrj dk 10%
difference between 'Supplied and fixed’ and ‘Fixing
c<+kbZ tk;sxa h] tgka 450 dksfVax dh tLrh pknjsa yxkbZ xbZ gSAa
only’ rates where galvanised sheets Grade of Coating
450 are provided.

10.2.4 Lamp Posts, Fencing Posts and the like : The 10-2-4 fctyh [kaHks] lhek [kaHks rFkk leku dk;Z% njksa esa
rates include for transporting and distributing posts at
[kaMksa dh <qykbZ] vkisf{kr nwfj;ksa ij j[kuk] [kM+k djuk] lh/kh voLFkk
required intervals and placing and holding in true
position, etc., while ramming around or concreting in
esa Fkkeuk vkfn pkjksa vksj dh HkjkbZ ;k uhoksa esa daØhV fcNkuk 'kkfey
foundation (excavation in post holes, return fill and gS] ¼xM~<s [kksnuk] HkjkbZ BqdkbZ o daØhV HkjkbZ ;fn gks rks izFkd ekih
ram and concreting, if any, shall be measured tk;sxh½A
Steel fittings to cast iron articles are to be measured separately.
SECTION 10 209
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
<ys yksgs ds dk;Z
<ys yksgs ds oLrqvksa eas bLikr ds miLdjksa dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA

PER KILOGRAM Articles n exc 5 kg Articles exc 5 kg iz f r fdyks x z k e

each each
10001 Cast iron work grade FG oLrq izR;sd 5 fd- oLrq izR;sd 5 fd-10001 ,Q th 150 ds fcuk e'khu
150, unmachined, in ls vuf/kd ls vf/kd cus <ys yksgs ds dk;Z] cSfz dVks]a ^xqyh VªiS ]
brackets, gully traps, S&F Supplied S&F Supplied tkfy;ka] iVfj;ka] pkS[kVs esugksy <Ddu]
gratings, railing, frames, only only >qdkoh o <ykoka njokts] voeand] jksd
manhole covers, fire and vk o LFkk dsoy vk o LFkk dsoy vkiwfŸkZ okYo cDls] QkVd jks/kd] oxhZd`r Hkkx
soot doors, dampers, stop
valve boxes, gate stops,
vkiwfŸkZ taxys ds lfj;k rFkk leku oLrqvksa esa
parts of ranges, balusters
and similar articles → 133.10 73.21 147.68 ←
10002 Cast iron work grade FG 10002 e'khuh ,Q th 150 ds
150, machined, in pulleys xjkjh o leku oLrqvksa esa <ys yksgs ds
and similar articles → 132.91 123.78 ← dk;Z


uje bLikr dk;Z ¼fefJr½
(a) The rates include for riveting and/or welding as directed ¼d½ bu njksa es [kkafpr ,oa@;k Vkafdr] vkns'kkuqlkj rFkk ispksa]
and fixing with screws, bolts, etc. complete dkoys vkfn yxkdj laiw.kZ djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) Rates for provision of window guard bars under item ¼[k½ en 1155 ds vUrxZr f[kM+dh jf{kr lfj;ksa ds izko/kku esa ydM+h
10003 do not include for drilling holes in timber. esa ojeh Nsn 'kkfey ugha gSA
PER KILOGRAM S&F Fabrication Fixing iz f r fdyks x z k e
vk- o LFkk- only only
10003 Chimney bars (straight or dsoy dsoy 10003 fpeuh lfj;s ¼lh/ks ;k mHkkjh½ /kkjd lfj;s]
camber); bearing bars; tongues
lajpuk LFkkiu f[kM+dh Ýseksa ds thHkh ;k ty lfj;s]
or water bars for window frames; ydM+h ds pkS[kVksa esa vdsys LFkkfir lknk
window guard bars, plain, let in
and fixed independently in
f[kM+dh jf{kr lfj;s] 'ksYQksa vkfn ds ,y
wooden frames, L or T section ;k Vh ifjPNsnh lgkjs vkfn rFkk leku
supports for shelves etc. and oLrq;sa] Fe-290 Gde E-165 ds vuq:i
similar articles conforming to
Fe-290 Gde E-165 → 86.60 17.81 9.02 ←
10004 Hand rails, half round or other 10004 v/kZ xksy ;k vU; Lda/k dkV dh gLFk
steel section or core for wooden
iVfj;ka] ;k ydM+h dh gLFk iVfj;ksa ds
hand-rail straight portion,
drilled and countersunk for lh/ks Hkkxksa ds fy;s ØksM] NksVs vk/kkjksa ds
balusters running bars, for fy;s ojfer o izfr?kalh lfj;s] njoktksa]
doors, balusters, nosing to steps f[kM+fd;ksa] lhf<+;ksa ds vxzHkkx ds fy;s]
including embeding in concrete daØhV esa yxkus o isp vkfn dhy dlkbZ
and screwing etc. wind ties for
ckM+ yxkus esa vkns'kkuqlkj vkd`fr ds
roof including securing bolts; 103.18 18.25 17.92 ←

210 SECTION 10
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
uje bLikr dk;Z ¼fefJr½ tkjh
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

posts and struts in fencing S&F Fabrication Fixing fy;s 'kh"kZ dVkbZ] ojeh dk;Z] dkoys dlkbZ
including cutting tops to shape vk- o LFkk- only only ;k fjosVu vkfn lfgr ¼Vkafpr tkyh
as directed, drilling holes,
notching for wire, etc.; flat iron dsoy dsoy vkfn dh idM+ ds fy;s½ likV yksgs dh
fillets (for securing wire mesh lajpuk LFkkiu ifV~V;ka rFkk leku dk;Z tks Fe-290
etc.) including all necessary Gde E-165 ds vuq:i gksa
drilling, bolting or riveting, etc.,
and similar work conforming to
Fe-290 Gde E-165 → 103.18 18.25 17.92 ←
10005 Blank 10005 [kkyh
10006 Extra only on Item 10004 for 10006 vfrfjDr dsoy en 10004 esa oØ ;k
curved or ramped portions of dqM
a yh Hkkxksa dks visf{kr vkdkj o vkd`fr
hand rails to required shape or
figure (curved, ramped or scroll
nsus ds fy;s ¼oØ] daM q fyr] ;k <ykoh
portions only measured) → 29.18 24.85 ← Hkkxksa dks dsoy ekik tk;sxk½
10007 Framed work such as grills, 10007 Qjesnkj dk;Z tSls fxzysa] tkfy;ka vkfn
gratings, etc.. with ends of bars
shouldered and/or riveted,
ftuds lfj;ksa ds Nksj >ys gq;s vFkok@;k
or forged into spikes; framed fjosfVr ;k dkaVksa esa Qalk;s gq;s] lkafpr
guard bars; barred iron doors; jf{kr lfj;s( lfj;snkj yksgs ds njokts]
ladders; framed balusters; walk lhf<+;ks]a Qjesnkj NksVs [kaHks] ikjiFk] jsfyxs]a
ways; railings; framework of tyVafd;ksa ds Qjes dk;Z rFkk leku
water tanks and similar work
conforming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165
dk;Z tks Fe.290.Gde-E-165 ds
← vuq:i gksa
→ 164.86 67.92 31.43
10008 Extra only over Item 10007 for 10008 vfrfjDr dsoy en 10007 esa] Qjesnkj]
portions framed and hung as <yoka Hkkxksa ds fy;s tSls jksdksa lfgr
gates, including pintle hinges, stops, QkVd gLr cuh pV[kfu;ka] dhfyd dCts]
hand-made sliding bolts, etc. →
35.03 35.03 ← jks/kd vkfn
10009 Add to item 10007 for ornamental 10009 tksM+sa en 10007 esa] ltkoVh o tfVy
and intricate design → ← vfHkdYi ds fy;s
44.58 37.44
10010 Framed brackets of angles or tees 10010 lfj;s ;k Vhiksa dh Qjesnkj czSfdV rFkk
with web and flanges cut to
shape, drilled and countersunk
isp ds fy;s vkd`fr esa dVs LQkjh] ojehr
for screw, including bending and o izfr vory t:jr ds vuqlkj eqMsa+
welding angles, as necessary, gq;s Vkafpr dks.k laxe iVjh fjosfVr
gusset plates, riveting, etc.. n exc vkfn] cSzfdV 10 fdxzke ls vf/kd ugha
10 kg each brackets, conforming Fe.290.Gde-E-165 ds vuq:i ¼izR;sd
to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 (Brackets
over 10 kg each to be measured
10 fdxzke ls vf/kd dh cSzfdV] lajpuk
under 'Structural Steel') → ← bLikr ds vUrxZr ekih tk;sxh½
142.99 55.18 23.35
SECTION 10 211
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z


uje bLikr dk;Z ¼fefJr½ tkjh

PER KILOGRAM S&F Fabrication Fixing izfr fdyksxzke

vk- o LFkk- only only
10011 Tie bars with screwed ends, dsoy dsoy 10011 pwM+hnkj Nksj f<ofj;ka] cklZyksa ds lkFk
nuts, washers and mild steel x<+kbZ LFkkiu ca/kd lfj;s rFkk uje bLikr dh nhokjks]a
plates for walls, chimneys, roofs,
arches, etc. king rods and
fpefu;ksa] Nrksa] esgjkoksa vkfn dh IysVksa
straining bolts conforming to Fe- e/; NM+sa o f[kapkoh dkoys] Fe-290
290 Gde-E-165 → 106.33 28.32 10.72 Gde-E-165 ds vuq:i
10012 Bands, straps, supports or stays 10012 ijukyksa] laokrh uyksa ds] ;fn vko';d
for rainwater, ventilating pipes, gks dkoys lfgr] ifV~V;ka] Qhrs] lgkjs
including bolts, if required:
hooks (stay), heavy, for large
;k LFkki( cM+s QkVd ds Hkkjh gqd ¼LFkki½(
gates; hook and pintle hinges: gqd o dhyd dCts( yEcs Nids o dqaMs(
large hasps and staples; chains; tathjs] gkFk dh cuh pV[kfu;ka] f'kdat]s
hand made sliding bolts; clamps; gksYMQkLV] [kawfV;ka] ia[ks Vkaxus ds gqd]
hold fasts; wall ties; hooks for dkSafp;ksa] dfM+;ksa ds oÙkksa dh etcwrh ds
hanging fans; plain angle cleats
for securing purlins to wood
fy;s likV lfj;s QfUu;ka( fuos'kh tkuq[kaM]
trusses or rafters; knee piece f}iFkh o f=iFkh Qhrk IysV ds cklZy
inserts; two way and three way rFkk leku NksVh oLrq;sa] Fe-290 Gde-
straps, plate washers and similar E-165 ds vuq:i
small articles conforming to
Fe-290 Gde-E-165 → ←
181.08 77.20 27.47
10013 Extra over item 10012, where 10013 vfrfjDr en 10012 ij tgka ydM+h dh
straps, etc. have screwed, ends dSafp;ksa rFkk leku dk;Z ds fy;s iV~Vs
including keys, cotters, wedges, vkfn] pkfc;kí] Qkuh] QfUu;ka lfgr
etc. for timber trusses and
similar work conforming to Fe-
pqM+hnkj fdukjsa ds gksa( Fe-290 Gde-E-
290 Gde-E-165 → 30.75 28.63 165 ds vuq:i
10014 Purpose made butt hinges 10014 iRFkj@daØhV ds njoktksa f[kM+fd;ksa esa
conforming to Fe-290 Gde-E-165 LFkkiu ds mís'; ls gh cus VDdj dCts
suitable for fixing to stone/ Fe-290 Gde-E-165 ds vuq:i ¼dsoy
concrete door and window
frames (Fixing only shall be
LFkkiu izFkd ekik tk;sxk½
measured separately) → ←
181.08 81.40
212 SECTION 10
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z


ispnkj ¼pwM+hnkj½ dkoysa rFkk f<ofj;ka vkfn

Length of ordinary bolts shall be measured from the underside of lkekU; dkcyksa dh eki] muds 'kh"kZ ds uhps dh vksj ls /kM+ ds fljs
the head to the end of shank; length of double ended bolts and rd dh tk;sxhA nksgjs fljs okys ;k uksdnkj dkoyksa dks lai.w kZ yEckbZ
lewis bolts shall be measured overall.
esa ekik tk;sxkA
Supplied and fixed Fixing Add if iz f r fdyks x z k e
10015 Mild steel screw bolts vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk only fixed in 10015 uje bLikr ds 5 lseh vuf/kd
(machine made) with dsoy repairs
Diameter of neck in mm yEckbZ ds ispnkj dCts ¼e'khuh½
hexagonal or square
heads at one end and /kM+ dk O;kl feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn ,d fljk N% ;k pkj;
screwed the other, or ejEer esa rFkk nwljk pwMh+ nkj ;k nksuksa fljs
screwed both ends, each 5 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 LFkkfir pwM+hnkj( nksuksa fljksa ds fy;s N%
screwed end to be fitted ← ;k pkj; f<ofj;ka o oklZy
with washers and one
hexagonal or square
nut, n exc 5cm long → 152.54 197.46 106.37 60.91 16.75
10016 Ditto, but length of bolt 10016 mi;qZDr] fdUrq yEckbZ 5 lseh
exc 5cm but n exc 10cm ls vf/kd fdUrq 10 lseh ls
long → 136.78 117.56 101.67 45.68 16.75 ← vuf/kd
10017 Ditto, but length of bolt
10017 mi;qZDr] fdUrq yEckbZ 10 lseh
exc 10cm and n exc
15cm long → 134.12 115.56 99.67 60.91 19.80
ls vf/kd fdUrq 15 lseh ls
← vuf/kd
10018 Ditto, but length of bolt 10018 mi;qZDr] fdUrq yEckbZ 15 lseh
exc 15cm and n exc ls vf/kd fdUrq 22-5 lseh ls
22.5cm long → 123.18 115.56 91.39 30.46 15.23 ← vuf/kd
10019 Ditto, but length of bolt 10019 mi;qZDr] fdUrq yEckbZ 22-5
exc 22.5cm and n exc
lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 30 lseh
30cm long →
124.51 114.23 89.20 30.46 9.14 ← ls vuf/kd

Supplied and fixed Fixing Add if iz f r fdyks x z k e
vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk only fixed in
10020 Mild steel rag or lewis Diameter of neck in mm dsoy repairs 10020
10020uje bLikr ds nkarsnkj ;k
bolts, screwed one end, xzhok dk O;kl feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn uksdnkj 15 lseh vuf/kd yECkkbZ
with hexagonal or square ejEer esa
nuts and washers, the
ds dkoys( N% ;k pkj;
12 20 25 LFkkfir f<ofj;ka o cklZyksa lfgr ,d
other end enlarged and
jagged or lewised, n fljk nkarns kj o nwljk fljk yEcku
exc 15cm long → 148.29 106.51 101.17 47.76 15.92 ← o nkarsnkj ;k uksdnkj
10021 Ditto, but length of bolt 10021 mi;qZDr] dkoys dh yEckbZ 15
exc 15cm and n exc
30cm long → lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 30 lseh ls
155.19 117.09 101.17 47.76 15.92 ← vuf/kd
10022 Ditto, but length of bolt 10022 mi;qZDr] dkoys dh yEckbZ 30
exc 30 cm long → 125.05 106.51 91.61 36.62 12.74 ← lseh ls vf/kd
SECTION 10 213
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z


ispnkj ¼pwM+hnkj½ dkoysa rFkk f<ofj;ka vkfn tkjh
Hand made plate washers, if indicated, will be measured under ;fn gkFk dh cuh IysV ck'kj crkbZ xbZ gS rks og en 10012 ds
item 10012. vUrxZr ekih tk;saxhA

PER KILOGRAM S&F Fabrication only Fixing Add iz f r fdyks x z k e

vk- o LFkk- dsoy lajpuk only if in
10023 Mild steel bolts. Diameter of neck in mm dsoy repairs 10023 iz;kstu fufeZr 30 lseh ls vf/
purpose made.
xzhok dk O;kl feeh esa LFkkiu tksMas+ kd ds uje yksgs ds dkoys] ,d
with hexagonal or fljk N% ;k pkj; 'kh"kZ o
square head one
n. exc Exc Exc n. exc Exc Exc ;fn
end and screwed
12 12 n. 20 n. 12 12 n. 20 n. ejEer nwljk pwMh+ nkj ;k nksuksa fljs
the other, or 12 ls exc exc 12 ls exc exc esa pwMh+ nkj gj pwMh+ nkj fljk ,d
screwed both ends; vuf/kd 20 25 vuf/kd 20 25
LFkkiuk N% ;k pkj; f<ojh o
each screwed end 12 ls 20 ls 12 ls 20 ls oklZy ls dlk gqvk
to be fitted with vf/kd vf/kd vf/kd vf/kd
washers and one 20 ls 25 ls 20 ls 25 ls
hexagonal or vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd
square nut. exc
30cm long → 210.36 192.25 148.43 87.57 79.61 52.54 50.25 7.21 ←


bLikr pknj ds fpeuh uy

(a) Flue pipes shall be measured overall including all short ¼d½ fpeuh uyksa dh eki] milk/kuksa ds chp dh NksVh yEckbZ;ksa
lengths between accessories. lfgr laiw.kZ dh tk;sxhA
(b) The length of bends, etc. shall not be included in length of ¼[k½ ifê;ksa vkfn dh yEckbZ] uy dh yEckbZ esa ugha tqM+sxh fdUrq
piping, but shall be measured separately.
izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
(c) Rates include for all cutting and waste and short lengths; ¼x½ njksa esa lHkh izdkj dh dVkbZ o Nhtu rFkk NksVh yEckbZ;ka
but supports, clamps, stays, etc. for securing pipes to wall
'kkfey gSa fdUrq lgkjs] f'kdats] jksd vkfn uyksa dks nhokj esa
shall be measured separately.
lqjf{kr djus ds fy;s( dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(d) Thickness of steel sheeting for making pipes shall be as ¼?k½ uy cukus ds fy;s bLikr dh pknj dh eksVkbZ ogh gksxh tks
specified in SSR Part I. ,l ,l vkj Hkkx&1 esa nh xbZ gSA
214 SECTION 10
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
bLikr pknj ds fpeuh uy tkjh
PER RUNNING METRE S&F Fixing Add if iz f r ehVj
vk- o LFkk- only fixed in
Diameter of pipe in mm dsoy repairs
uy dk O;kl feeh esa LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
ejEer esa
10024 Flue pipes of mild steel 100 150 200 250 LFkkfir 10024 uje yksgs dh dkyh pknj ds uy(
sheet, black, in suitable
lengths as approved by
izHkkjh vfHk;ark }kjk Lohd`r mi;qDr
the E.I.C. fixed to walls→
→ 443.77 731.17 910.93 1388.40 50.36 17.81 ←yEckbZ ds rFkk nhokjksa esa LFkkfir

EACH iz R ;s d
10025 Bends or elbows (square 10025 eksM+ o dksgfu;ka ¼pkSdksj ;k frjNs½
or raking) with sliding uje yksgs dh dkyh pknj ds ljdoka
soot door complete of
←dkys }kj lfgr laiw.kZ
mild steel sheet, black → 117.50 176.25 235.00 293.75 27.41 10.66
10026 Cowls (with 3 stays), 10026 Vksih] ¼3 jksd ds lkFk½ fjosfVr o
riveted to and including 15 lseh yEckbZ ds fpeuh uy ds
15 cm length of flue lfgr ←mi;qZDr
pipes, of ditto → 94.00 123.38 152.75 188.00 13.71 4.57
10027 Elbows canister with 10027 dksguh dsfuLrj] fpeuh uy ds
soot door, of flue pipes dkys eq[k lfgr fpeuh uy mi;qDZ r
of ditto → 207.98 235.00 293.75 381.88 35.02 10.66 ←

PER KILOGRAM S&F Fabric- Fixing Add if fixed izfr fdyksxzke

vk- o ation only only in repairs
LFkk- dsoy dsoy tksM+s ;fn
10028 Roof plates with sleeve lajpuk LFkkiu ejEer esa 10028
10028fjosfVr ;k Vkafdr cktw [kaM ds lkFk Nr
pieces riveted or welded LFkkfir IysV leku Nr vkSj lhfyax la;kstu
thereto, and similar
roof and ceiling
161.31 68.59 35.09 10.66 ←
connections →


uje yksgs dh pknj dk;Z] lery rFkk iukjhnkj ¼ygfj;k½
(a) The net area covered after deducting all openings exceeding ¼d½ <dk gqvk {ks= 0-2 oeh ls cM+h focjksa dks ?kVkdj] mHkkj vkfn
0.2 sq.m. shall be measured, without any extra allowance dk vfrfjDr yxk;s fcuk fo'kq ekik tk;sxkA
for laps, etc.
(b) Irregular pieces fixed in repairs shall be measured as ¼[k½ lq/kkj dk;Z esa yxs vleku VqdM+kas dks ml lcls NksVs vk;rkdkj
smallest rectangles from which the pieces can be cut. VqdM+s ls ekik tk;sxk ftlesa ls og VqdM+k cu ldrk gSA
(c) The rates given are for the black sheets. ¼x½ nh xbZ njsa dkyh pknj ds fy;s gSaA
(d) The rates include for all cutting and waste. Supports, clamps, ¼?k½ njksa esa lc izdkj dh dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA vkyEc]
stays, etc. for securing shall be measured separately. f'kdats] jksd vkfn lqj{kk lk/ku] izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
SECTION 10 215
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z


uje yksgs dh pknj dk;Z] lery rFkk iukjhnkj ¼ygfj;k½ tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Add if Except izfr oxZ ehVj

vk- o LFkk- fixed in sheet-
10029 Mild steel, plain, black 1002
100299 uje yksgs dh lery dkyh
Thickness of sheet in mm repairs ing
sheet in wall cladding, pknj ds nhokjh vkoj.k] bLikrh
steel gates and similar pknj eksVkbZ feeh esa tksMsa+ ;fn pknj QkVd rFkk leku dk;ksZ esa
work, cut to size, holes ejEer esa jfgr vkdkj esa dVh Nsn fudkyuk]
punched; including 0.63 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.60 LFkkfir xksy fljksa okys ispks]a crklh
round headed screws,
clout nails or rivets dhyksa ;k fjfiVksa rFkk lhi Vkads
and fixed to wood or ds p<+koh tksMk+ as lfgr ydM+h
steel framing with ;k bLikr ds pkS[kVksa esa LFkkfir
plain 40 mm lap joints o vko';drkuqlkj eqMh+ ;k
with riveted or welded ?kqek;s x;s feVj dkV vkfn
seams, including bending
or turning up, mitred
angles, etc. as required→
→ 457.76 511.81 707.47 835.03 1026.36 41.12 134.51 ←
10030 Ditto, but in hearths; 100 30 mi;qZDr] HkV~Vh ryksa] }kjksa ds
covering to door shut dikVksa }kj pkS[kVksa ¼Ýse½ ds
ters; covering to door
chowkats (frames);
vkoj.k( pwYgs dh Vksih] ty
chullah hoods; water Vafd;ka] ty fudklksa] ukfy;ksa
tanks; water troughs; ew= fudklksa] fpefu;ksa vkfn
ducts; urinal troughs es]a funZ'kkuqlkj vkdkj esa dVs]
and funnels, etc. cut to fdukjs xksV yxs] Nsn fudys
size edges beaded if
directed, holes punched;
xksy fljksa okys ispksa orklh
including round headed dhyksa ;k fjfiVksa ;k lhe Vkads
screws, clout nails or ds p<+koh tksM+ksa lfgr ydM+h
rivets and fixed to wood ;k bLikr ds vaxksa esa LFkkfir(
or steel members, etc., yxkuk] eksM+uk] ?kqekuk] feVj
with plain 40 mm lap
joints or welded/
dkV caf/kr fdukjs] fudkl eksjh
riveted seams including vkfn tSlh vko';drk gks
bending, turning up,
mitred angles, stopped
ends, outlets, etc. as
required → 775.01 838.79 966.34 1093.90 1285.24 126.39 392.33 ←
10031 Add to items 10029 and 100 31 tksM+sa ] en 10029 o 1190 esa
10030 if corrugated ;fn ygfj;k pknjksa dk iz;ksx
steel sheets are used→ → ←
fd;k x;k gSA
88.35 96.58 113.22 128.53 154.68 13.71 20.15
10031A Add to items 10029 100 31, tksM]+as en 10029 o 1190 esa
and 10030 if sheeting ;fn pknjh dk;Z Ýse esa Vkafdr
is welded to frame → ← gS
216 SECTION 10
[k.M 10 bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
voueu ¼jsfdax½ dVkbZ vkfn bLikr pknj dk;Z ij
10032 Raking or circular cutting; cutting holes for 1 0032 voueu ;k xksykdkj dVkbZ] uyksa esa Nsn dVkbZ] [kkapd
s kjh
pipes, notchings. etc. including waste on plain
vkfn lery pknj ij Nhtu lfgr ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½
sheeting (any thickness) → 121.82 ←
10033 Ditto, but on corrugated sheeting (any 1 0033 mi;qZDr] fdUrq iukjhnkj pknj dk;Z ij ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½
thickness) → 137.05


daØhV ds fy;s bLikr izoyu
The rates include for fixing and for bracing, supporting or bu njksa esa LFkkiu o vkoU/ku] voLFkku esa lgkjs ;k vU;Fkk etcwr
otherwise holding firmly in position so that the placing and idM+ ftlls daØhV dh HkjkbZ o tHkko vius LFkku ls gV u tk;s
ramming of concrete will not displace it. Rates also include for
straightening where reinforcement is supplied in rolls/coils.
'kkfey gSA tgka daØhV xB~Vks@
a fi.Mksa esa nh xbZ gS mls Bhd fcBkuk
Hkh njksa esa 'kkfey gSA
PER KILOGRAM iz f r fdyks x z k e
10034 Mild steel bars 10mm Round bars Deformed TMT Except 1 0034 10 feeh ;k vf/kd O;kl
dia and over, cut to xksy lfj;s or twisted bars steel bars
bars Vh,eVh bLikr lfj;k ds uje yksgs ds lfj;s
length, bent to shape Gd.I, IS- Fe-410-W
required, including 432 (Part I) (Gde.E-250) lfj;k jfgr yEckbZ esa dVs visf{kr]
cranking, bending Part- I quality-A or vkdkj esa eqM]+s dt fudkys]
spirally for hooping Fe 290 (Gde - dkyeksa ds fy, liZ.k ;k
for columns, hooking E-165) fdukjksa ij vadqlh yxh
ends and binding rFkk de ls de 0-9 feeh
with and including
mild steel wire O;kl ds bLikrh rkj ls
(annealed) not less cka/ks ;k fpefV;ka yxkdj
than 0.9mm dia or lqjf{kr fd;s gq,] dksfV var%
securing with clips →
81.87 81.87 81.87 82.60 16.56 ← vuq:i
10035 Ditto, but 6mm to 1 0035 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 6 feeh ls
8mm dia. → 82.43 82.43 83.89 84.55 17.22 8 feeh O;kl] dksfV vr%
← vuq:i
10036 Ditto, but 5mm dia 1 0036 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 5 feeh ;k
and over upto and
including 10mm dia
vf/kd 10 feeh rd lfgr
in stirrups, spacers jdkoks a ] vUrjkyks a o
and binders → 83.00 83.00 84.45 85.18 17.89 ← ifV~V;ksa esa


izoyu esa dBksj xfBr bLikr rkjhiV
The rates include for straightening, raking or circular njksa esa lh/kk djuk] eksMu
+ k ;k xksykdkj dVkbZ djuk o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA
cutting and waste. Weight per square metre
PER KILOGRAM iz f r fdyks x z k e
N exc 4kg Exc 4 kg
10037 Hard drawn steel wire fabric cut to vuf/kd 4 4 fdxzk0 1 0037 dBks j df"kZ r rkj iV( yEckbZ esa dVs] visf{kr
lengths, bent to shape required and fdxzk0 ls vf/kd vkdkj esa eqMas+ rFkk de ls de 0-9 feeh O;kl
tying with and including mild steel wire ds uje yksgs ds rkjksa ¼ris gq;½s ls ca/ks dh vkiwfrZ
(annealed) not less than 0.9mm in dia djuk o izoyu esa LFkkfir djuk
supplied and fixed in reinforcemnt → 100.34 110.84 ←
10038 Ditto, but fixing only → 30.46 41.12 1 0038 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dsoy LFkkiu
SECTION 10 217
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
la j pukRed bLikr dk;Z
(a) All rolled steel section (Beams, channels, angles, tees, etc.) ¼d½ lHkh jksYM ¼csfyr½ bLikr [kaM ¼/kju] pSuy] dks.k] Vh vkfn½
shall be of dimensions and weights as indicated and of one
bafxr ifjeki o otu ds gksx a s rFkk ,d yEckbZ lkekU; jksfyr
length within the usual rolling limits.
lhek esa gksxhA
(b) The rates given below (except 10039) allow for cutting to ¼[k½ uhps dh rkfydk dh njsa ¼10039 dk NksMd + j½ tgka vko';d
dead length where required, notching, drilling, fitting, gks fuf"Ø; yEckbZ esa dVkbZ] [kkapk cukbZ ojekbZ] tqM+kbZ]
riveting and/or welding or connecting with bolts and nuts
(including rivets or bolts and nuts), providing and fitting
fjosVu ,oa@;k Vkadu ;k dkoys f<ofj;ksa ls tqM+kbZ ¼fjfiV
angle cleats, fish plates, gusset plates etc., also for wedging, ;k dkoys f<ofj;ksa lfgr½; xqVds fQlIysV] lxae
plumbing, truing up and fixing complete. IysV vkfn dh vkiwfrZ vkSj QUuh yxkbZ] uy dk;Z lkafpr o
LFkkiu laiwfrZ dh Hkh vuqefr nsrh gSaA
(c) The rates also include for drilling the members for site ¼x½ vaxksa ds LFkku la;kstu esa ojeh dk;Z 'kkfey gS fdUrq fo|eku
connections; but site drilling to existing steel work shall be
measured separately.
bLrki dk;Z esa ojeh dk;Z dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(d) Any cast iron work in connection with structural steel work ¼?k½ lajpuk bLikr dk;ksZ esa fdlh Hkh <ys yksgs ds dk;Z dks izFkd
shall be measured separately. ekik tk;sxkA
S&F Fabri Erec-
PER KILOGRAM vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk cation tion izfr fdyksxzke
Fe 410 Fe-290 Fe-410- only fixing
-W (Gde E- W(Gde- fyiVoka uje bLikr%
Rolled mild steel in: (Gde- 165) E-250) only
10039Joist, channel, angle, or tee sections, E- 250) quality- sdsoy dsoy 1003910039dM+h] iz.kky dks.k ;k T [kaM fcuk la;kstu
fixed independently, without
quality- B lajpuk jpuk o IysV vkfn ds Lora= :i ls LFkkfir
connecting plates, etc. (cut to LFkkiuk
¼lkekU; yEckbZ esa dVh ;kfu bafxr
ordinary lengths i.e. within
20mm of the length indicated) → 82.87 82.87 82.87 3.90 11.99 ← yEckbZ ds 20 feeh ds vUnj
10040Rolled sections as in main and 1 0040
0040eq[; o dSaph 'kgrhjksa ds tSls yisVoka
cross beams, hip and jack rafters; [ka M ] iq V ~ B s o tS d /kkjd( lkekU;
purlins where connected to /kkjdksa ls tqM+s rFkk ljdoka njoktksa
common rafters and running rails dh likV iVfj;ks a o xkbM ,a x y
and guides for sliding doors;
fixed with angle cleats or other xq V dks a ;k vU; la ; ks t u Iys V ks a ds
connecting plates → 104.23 104.23 104.23 12.18 25.08 ← lkFk LFkkfir
10041Plate girder or single stanchions, 1 0041
0041IysV xMZj ;k ,dy /kjfu;ka ,d'kgrhj
built up of one beam or channel ;k pSuy esa yxk;s gq;s] dksjnkj IysVksa]
section with flange plates, caps, Vksfi;ksa] vk/kkjksa] xqaFks gq;s lfj;s] fozdsV
bases. splices, angle brackets,
cleats and other connections → 105.29 106.88 109.79 12.18 19.63 ← lfj;s] xqVds rFkk vU; la;kstu
10042Compound girders and 1 0042
0042la;Dq r xMZj o /kjfu;ka] >a>jh xkMZj]
stanchions, lattice girders, aerial ,fj;y ekLV] tyVa f d;ks a ds
masts, staging for water tanks and vk/kkj] rFkk Vksih] vk/kkj] tksM+ vkfn
the like including caps, bases, lfgr leku dk;Z nks ;k vf/kd
splices etc. built up from two or more
beam or channel sections or angles 'kgrhj ;k iz.kky [kaMksa ;k IysV lfgr
with plates, including all lattice bars, lfj;s] o lHkh >a>jh NM+ksa] laxe
stiffeners, gusset plates, etc. → 76.75 112.22 116.52 36.15 11.93 ← ifV~ V ;ks a ] :{k lfj;ks a vkfn lfgr
10043Plates (plain or chequered) 1 0043
0043Iys V s a ¼lknk ;k [kka p s n kj½ ufydk;s a
channels, square cut or notched pkS d ks j dVh ;k lka f pr ¼lk/kkj.k o
(ordinary and counter sunk)
forming holes, without any fcuk fdlh 'ka d q [ kkr½ fcuk fdlh
attachment → 93.63 96.46 95.79 8.97 8.60 ← milk/ku ds Ns n cus gq ; s
218 SECTION 10
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
lajpukRed bLikr dk;Z tkjh
Table– Contd..
PER KILOGRAM iz f r fdyks x z k e
Rolled mild steel in : fyiVoka uje bLikr%
10044 Ditto, with riveted, bolted or
10044 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq fjosfVr] dkoys yxs
welded attachment → 139.95 134.62 136.08 42.32 23.88
10045 Rolled sections as in framing ← ;k Vkafpr midj.k
for cladding, glazing and the 10045 Qjescna h] 'kh'kkxhjh o leku dk;ksZ
like fixed with angle cleats and tSls yisVok [kaM] yksgs ds xqVdksa
connecting plates, etc. → 105.69 71.76 107.15 12.57 10.69 ← o la;kstu IysV vkfn ls LFkkfir
10046 Roof trusses (framed), trussed, 10046 Nr dSfa p;ka ¼pkS[kVsnkj½ dSpa hnkj ifyZu]a s
purlins, crane gantries, rails and
fastenings and heavy bracket Øsu xSf<j;ka] iVfj;ka o ca/kuksa rFkk
framing (Beam, tee, angle, channel Hkkjh czfS dV Qjekcanh ¼'kgrhj] Vh]
or flat sections) including dks.k] pSuy ;k likV [kaM½ vUrj
distance pieces, cleats etc. → 126.06 126.06 3315.99 35.62 24.01 ← ifV~Vdk] xqVds vkfn lfgr
10047 Stairs (framed) including 10047 lh<h Qjes n kj( lh<+ h iknks a ]
stringers, treades, landing,
balusters, hand rails etc. in- yfM+ ; ks a ] pkS f d;ks a] ta x yks a ] gLr
cluding cleats, brackets, etc. iVfj;ksa lfgr rFkk xqVds] czSfdVksa
complete → 141.08 139.62 142.53 52.90 21.21 ← vkfn lfgr la i w . kZ
10048 Framed work as in doors or 10048 Qjesnkj dk;Z tSls lfj;s ;k vU;
gates of angle or other section dkVksa ds njokts ;k QkVd laxe
with gusset plates, rails, IysV] iVfj;ksa xksVksa vkfn ds lkFk
braces, etc., complete, drilled for laiw.kZ( bLikr pknj ;k vU;
fixing of steel sheeting or other
vkoj.kksa dks yxkus ds fy;s ojHkkbZ
covering. Doors, etc. to be
prepared for hanging or sliding
dk;Z lfgr@njoktksa vkfn dks
with and including either hooks yVdkus ;k ljdkus dk izcU/k ;k
and hinges or steel hanging rks gqd o dCts ;k bLikr ds
door fittings (exclusive of steel yVdu }kj miLdjksa ¼bLikr
sheeting or other covering, pknjhdj.k ;k vU; vkoj.k] likV
running rails and guides) and iVfj;ka o xkbM NksM+dj½ ds lkFk
hanging; also fastening and yVdkuk Hkh rFkk dluk o laiq.kZ
fixing complete → 117.70 116.24 119.16 28.00 16.54 ← LFkkiu
S&F Fabrication Erection and
10049 Steel work in tubular trusses vk0 o only fixing only 10049 bLikr dk;Z] ukfynkj dSafp;ksa esa
including special shaped LFkk dsoy lajpuk dsoy jpuk o fo'ks"k vkdkj dh ok'kj vkfn lfgr]
washer etc. complete using LFkkiu ERW ;k izjd s dqMa s Vkafdr ufy;ka
ERW or induction butt welded
tks Hkkjrh; ekud 1161&1979
tubes conforming to I. S.1161-
1979 grade St.-240 → 124.11 35.62 25.06 ← St- 240 ls

10050 Add to any of the foregoing 10050 Åij dh fdlh Hkh en esa tksM+sa]
items if structural steel is M & L Except Paint ;fn bekjrh bLikr ij Bsdnkj ds
painted one shop coat of zinc lkexzh ,oa Je jksxu jfgr dkj[kkus esa lajpuk ls igys tLrh
chromate primer paint
dkseVs vLrjh isUV dh is'ksoj ijr
(including preparation of
surface) at Contractor’s 0.99 yxkbZ xbZ gks ¼lrg lTtk lfgr½
0.83 ←
workshop before fabrication →
SECTION 10 219
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
foHkktuksa esa cjQh ¼foLrkfjr½ tkyh rFkk >yh gqbZ ¼Vkafdr½ rkj iV

(a) The rates include for straightening rolls of sheets, and ¼d½ bu njksa es]a xVBksa ;k pknjksa dks lh/kk djuk rFkk frjNh ;k
raking or circular cutting and waste.
xksy dVkbZ djuk Nhtu 'kkfey gSA
(b) When expanded metal or fabric is fixed with flat iron, wood
fillets or beads, these shall be measured separately.;
¼[k½ tc foLrkfjr /kkrq ;k iV] likV yksg]s ydM+h dh fxfV~V;ksa
;k xV~Vksa ds lkFk yxkbZ tkrs gSa] rks mUgsa izFkd ekik

EXPANDED METAL Weight per square metre foLrkfjr /kkrq

PER KILOGRAM Hkkj izfr oxZ ehVj iz f r fdyks x z k e
N exc 4 kg Exc 4 kg
10051 Expanded metal, cut to length, vuf/kd 4 fdxzk- vf/kd 4 fdxzk- 10051 foLrkfjr /kkrq ; visf{kr yEckbZ esa dVh o
bent to shape required and vkdkj esa eqMh+ rFkk /kkrq ikuh p<+s uje /kkrq
tying with and including ds rkjksa ;k tLrh bLikr ds 0-9 feeh ls de
annealed mild steel wire not
ugha] dqaMkssa ls ca/kh tkyh dh vkiwfrZ djuk
less than 0.9mm dia or fixing
with galvanised steel staples rFkk ydMh ;k bLikr ds vaxksa es]a lai.w kZr;k
supplied and fixed complete LFkkfir djuk
to wood or steel members → 92.85 184.09 ←
10052 Ditto, fixing only → 49.91 63.87 10052 mi;qZDr] dsoy LFkkiu
10053 Welded steel wire fabric 10053 >yh gqbZ bLikrh rkj dh iV dh vkiwfŸkZ
supplied and fixed complete djuk rFkk ydM+h ;k bLikr vaxksa ds lkFk
to wood or steel members → 204.28 238.97 ←laiw.kZ LFkkiuk
10054 Ditto, fixing only → 132.95 167.63 10054 mi;qZDr] dsoy LFkkiuk


rkjh fcNkou ¼tkyh½ rFkk xfBr tkfy;ka

(a) The rates include for placing in position, binding and ¼d½ njksa esa fLFkfr esa j[kuk] fcNkou dks iw.kZ cukus ds fy;s 4 feeh
joining edges, etc. with 4mm steel wire to form complete ds bLikr rkj ls cka/kuk o fdukjksa dks tksMu+ k 'kkfey gS fdUrq
mattresses but do not include stone, boulder or other iRFkj] f'kyk[kaM ;k vU; HkjkbZ 'kkfey ugha gSA foNkou dks
filling. The mattresses shall be formed by looping the mlds gj ,d dVko ij QUnk yxkdj cuk;k tk;sxkA
wires at each intersection.
(b) Authorised laps shall be measured. ¼[k½ vf/kd`r QUns ekis tk;saxsA
Supplied & Except steel izfr oxZ ehVj
PER SQUARE METRE fixed wire mesh
10055 4mm dia galvanised steel wire, vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir bLikr tkyh jfgr 10055 4feeh O;kl dh tLrh bLikr rkjksa dh 150
150x100mm mesh, made up x 100 feeh tkyh dk fcNkou ;k dV?kjk
into mattresses or cages, lapped, cukdj QUns] rk[kanh djds LFkku ij HkjkbZ
wired and laid in position, ←lfgr LFkkiuk
including closing after filling→
→ 341.30 122.92
10056 Ditto but of size 225mm x 10056 mi;qZDr] fdUrq tkyh dk vkdkj 225 x 150
150mm mesh ditto → ←feeh] mi;qZDr
275.06 94.14
220 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
Ja[kyk dM+h taxys

The rate against item 10057 is for fixing only of chain link en 10057 dh nj dsoy Ja[` kyk dM+h Lkeku taxys dks LFkkfir djus
fencing. Chain link fencing and line wire shall be paid at ds fy;s gSA Ja[kyk dM+h taxys rFkk dMh rkjksa dk **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ * dh
'Supplied only' rates.
njksa ij Hkqxrku gksxkA
10057 Fixing only chain link fencing including line 10057
10057dsoy LFkkiu] J`[a kyk dM+h taxys fdlh Hkh vkdkj o
wires, any mesh, size and type to any type uewus ds dM+h rkj lfgr fdlh Hkh ekud] iVjh]
of standards, rails, straining bolts, etc. ←dlkoh dkoys vkfn dk ca/ku rkj ds izko/kku lfgr
including provission of binding wire → 6.35


rkjksa dh ckM+ vkfn
(a) Posts and struts (of wood, concrete, steel, etc.) and straining ¼d½ [kaHks o LrEHk ¼ydM+h] daØhV] bLikr vkfn ds½ rFkk dlkoh
bolts shall be measured separately.
dCts izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
(b) The rates for 'add if fixed in repairs' include for dis- ¼[k½ **tksM+as ;fn ejEer es*a * dh njksa esa m[kkMs+ x;s rkjksa dks yxkus
mantled wire to be neatly coiled on rough drums, (to be
supplied by M.D.) before fixing.
ls igys lknk Mªe ¼,e Mh }kjk fn;k tk;sxk½ ij lQkbZ ls
yisVuk 'kkfey gSA
izfr 100 ehVj
Dia of wire in mm Except Add if Restraining
10058 Plain mild steel wire, rkj O;kl feeh esa wire fixed in and resecur-
galvanised class 3,
10058 likV uje yksgs ds 3
rkj repairs ing including
in fencing including ds tLrh rkjksa dks lh/kk djds
jfgr tksM+as ;fn making good
straining and fixing funs'kkuqlkj tLrh yksgs ds
ejEer esa staples etc.
to wood, concrete or ca/ku rkj] tLrh yksgs ds dqMa s
steel posts and/or to S&F LFkkfir dqaMksa dks Bhd
;k bLikrh fiuksa ls ydM+h
straining bolts, vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk djds nqckjk
including securing
daØhV ;k bLikr ds [kaHkksa ,oa
with and provision ;k /kkjd dkoyksa ls LFkkiu
2.50 3.15 4.00
of galvanised iron ¼rkj dh izR;sd drkj ekih
tying wire, galvanised tk;sxh½
iron staples or steel
pins, etc. as directed
(each line of wire to
be measured) → ←
612.76 795.78 1097.76 160.13 155.45 187.18
10059 Ditto in detached 10059 mi;qZDr] vlEca/k dk;Z esa
work such as for tSl]s ePNjnkuh ds fy;s rFkk
mosquito nets and
fixing to straining /kkjd dkoyks]a gqdks]a vf{k vkfn
bolts, hooks, eyes, ds lkFk LFkkiu
etc. → 612.76 795.78 1097.76 307.73 155.45 187.18 ←
SECTION 10 221
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
rkjksa dh ckM+ vkfn tkjh
10060 Galvanised. 2 strand, steel S&F Fixing Add if fixed Restraining 10060 tLrsnkj 2 yM+h okys bLikr ds
barbed wire 2.24mm dia vk- o only in repairs resecuring dkaVns kj 75 feeh vUrj ij 2-24 fe
barbed with 2mm dia barbs at
75mm spacings and straining
LFkk- dsoy tksM+s ;fn including eh O;kl ds dkaVns kj rkj rFkk mUgsa
and fixing to any type of LFkkiu ejEer esa making good lh/kk djds] rFkk fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
standard rails strain- ing LFkkiu staples etc. iVfj;ksa] /kkjd dkoyksa ls LFkkfir
bolts, including, securing or dqaMksa dks Bhd djds lqjf{kr djuk ;k laikj.k
tying at crossings with and cka/kuk rFkk vkns'kkuqlkj tLrh uje
djds nqckjk
provision of galvanised mild
steel wire, staples or steel yxkuk bLikr ds rkj] dqM
a s o bLikrh fiuksa
pins, etc. as directed (each vkfn dk izko/kku djus lfgr laifw ŸkZ
line wire to be measured) → 1342.01 526.64 266.49 266.49 ← ¼rkj dh izR;sd drkj ekih tk;sxh½
10061 Ditto, but in wire entangle- 1006
100611 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq rkjh ck/kkvksa vkoj.kks]a
ments aprons, barriers, gates, jks/kdksa] QkVdksa vkfn esa
1428.02 619.70 304.56 313.02 ←
etc. →

S&F Fixing Add if fixed izfr fdxzk

vk- o only in repairs
LFkk- dsoy tksM+s ;fn
10062 Fixing wire entanglements and 100622 rkjca/kkbZ o vkoj.k 2-24 feeh O;kl ij 2
LFkkiu ejEer esa
aprons with loose, two strand,
galvanised steel barbed wire, 2.24mm LFkkfir feeh O;kl ds dkaVs lfgr dkaVns kj rkjksa dks
dia barbed with 2mm dia barbs at 75 feeh vUrj ls nks yfM+;ksa esa LFkkfir
75mm spacings → 102.15 25.89 105.07 ←djds laiwfŸkZ


fleVokn bLikr }kj


S&F Fixing only
10063 Collapsible steel gates, top hung, vkiwfrZ o dsoy LFkkiu 100633 'kh"kZ ij fyiVs fleVokn bLikr }kj
consisting of channel pickets, pivoted ftlesa pSuy ?ksjs /kqjhnkj likV NMsa+ 'kh"kZ
flat bars, top and bottom runners, brass LFkkiu
o ry esa pdjh;ka] ihry ds gSaMy vkfn
handles etc., as specified, erected in
position and securing runners with gksa fufnZ"Vkuqlkj LFkku ij [kM+k djuk
holdfasts and brackets, complete → rFkk pdfj;ksa dks gksYMQkLr o czfS dVksa ds
2952.19 872.44 ←lkFk yxkdj laiwfŸk


bLikr ds jksfyax 'kVj
The rates shall not apply if the Govt. supplies steel sheeting, ;fn ljdkj bLikrh pknjksa vkfn dh vkiwfŸkZ bl vuqlp w h dh *dsoy
etc. to the Contractor at 'Supplied only' rates in this Schedule. vkiwfŸkZ dh njksa ij djrh gS] rks ;g njsa ykxw ugha gksaxhA
222 SECTION 10
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
bLikr ds jksfyax 'kVj tkjh...

PER SQUARE METRE Supplied and fixed Fixing only any izfr oxZ ehVj
10064 Steel rolling shutters, with out vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir thickness 10064 bLikr ds jksfyax 'kVj fcuk
ball bearing, as specified Thickness of laths in mm dsoy LFkkiu ckyfc;fjax ds iqy] iq'k ;k gLr
including top cover, an-
pkfyr fdLe ds fufnZ"Vkuqlkj]
choring rod, hasp and staple ifV;ksa dh eksVkbZ feeh esas dksbZ eksVkbZ
and one shop coat of primer; 1.00 1.25 'kh"kZ=k.k] fLFkj.k NM+] Nidk dqaMk
erected in position as indi- rFkk ,d is'ksoj vLrjh; ijr crk;s
cated, complete: push pull or ←vuqlkj LFkku ij LFkkfir
manual type → 2614.96 2753.61 610.41
10065 Ditto, but gear operated type 10065 mi;qZDr] fdUrq fx;j pfyu lkFk
with bevel gear box and crank esa Cksosy fx;M cDlk o Øsad gSaMy
handle → 5145.33 3065.58 708.53

10066 Ditto, but gear operated type
with chain wheel and hand
10066 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq fx;j pkfyr fdLe
chain → ds] lkFk esa psu ifg;k rFkk gkFk psu
3342.88 3481.53 708.53 ←
EACH iz R ;s d
10067 Safety lever locks mild steel 10067 jksfyax 'kVj ds 4 yhoj okys uje
with 4 levers for rolling ←bLikr ds lqj{kk yhoj rkys
shutters → 947.64
10068 Ball bearing for rolling
10068 jksfyax 'kVj ds cky fo;fjax
shutters → 578.34
izfr oxZ ehVj
10069 Extra for wicket door
10069 vfrfjDr] vUnj ckgj nksuksa vksj o
including a 4 lever mild steel ckgj] ls cUn djus ;ksX; uje yksgs
safety lock, lockable from ds 4 yhoj okys lqj{kk rkys lfgr
both inside and outside (area ¼lqj{kk}kj dk {ks=Qy dsoy ekik
of wicket door to be only ←tk;sxk½
measured) →


bLikr ds njokts] f[kM++fd;ka o jks'kunku

(a) Glass or other filling in panels shall be measured ¼d½ iYyksa ds 'kh'ks o vU; HkjkbZ izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
(b) The rates include for painting with one shop coat of zinc ¼[k½ ,d is'ksoj tLrs Øksfe;e vLrj dh ijr yxkuk njksa esa
chromate primer.
'kkfey gSA
(c) The rates also apply if friction hinges are provided in lieu
of projecting hinges and peg stay.
¼x½ ;fn iz{ksih dCts o [kawVh jksd ds LFkku ij ?k"kZ.k dCts
ykx;s tkrs gSa rks muij Hkh ;g njsa ykxw gksaxhA
(d) The rates for double leaf doors include for concealed bolts.
¼?k½ nksgjs iYyksa ds njoktksa dh njksa esas Nqik dkoys 'kkfey gSaA
(e) The rates shall not apply if steel sections are supplied by
¼M½ ;g njsa ykxw ugha gksxh ;fn bLikr [kaM ljdkj us Bsdns kj
the Govt. to the contractor at the 'Supplied only' rates in
this schedule. dks **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ dh bl vuqlwph dh njksa ij fn;s gSaA
SECTION 10 223
[k.M 10& bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
bLikr ds njokts] f[kM++fd;ka o jks'kunku tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Supplied & fixed Fixing only izfr oxZ ehVj
vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu dsoy LFkkiu
10070 Steel windows or ventilators, fixed 10070 bLikr dh LFkkfir fdLe dh f[kM+fd;kÌ]
type, with glazing bars → 1732.61 235.19 ←jks'kunku] 'kh'kkxhjh dh NM+kas ds lkFk
10071 Steel windows with side hung 10071 bLikr dh }kj ds lkFk yxkus okyh
shutters including projecting type f[kM+fd;ka] iz{ksih dCts o bLikr ds
hinges with steel handle, and steel
gSMa y o lVhy ds [kwVa hjksd rFkk diksriqN
a h
peg stay, complete with glazing bars,
dovetailed or welded → 2180.62 239.52 ←;k >kyh gqbZ 'kh'kk yxkus dh NM+ka s lfgr
10072 Ditto, but without glazing bars → 1903.32 239.52
10072 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 'kh'ks dh NM+ksa jfgr
10073 Steel door including projecting 10073 bLikr ds njokts] iz{ksih fdLe ds dCts]
type hinges, steel handle, complete, bLikr ds gSMa y ds lkFk rFkk diksriwN a h
with glazing bars, dovetailed or
;k >kydj 'kh'ks yxkus ds fy;s NM+sa
welded → 2378.39 298.64 ←yxkdj laiwfŸk gks
10074 Steel ventilators with centre hung 10074 bLikr ds jks'kunku] chp esa yxus okys
shutter including two pairs of brass dikV] nks tksMs+ ihry ds di/kqjh] idM+
cup pivots, catch spring and pulley ←dekuh rFkk pj[kh yxkdj laiwfŸkZ
wheel, complete → 1927.30 298.64
10075 Steel ventilator with top hung 10075 bLikr ds jks'kunku] 'kh"kZ ls Vaxs dikV]
shutter including hinges, steel peg ←dCts] bLikr ds [kwV
a hjksd yxkdj lai.w kZ
stay, complete → 1962.44 298.64
10076 Steel windows for industrial 10076 bLikr dh vks|ksfxd Hkouksa ds fy, fLFkj
buildings, fixed type, with glazing fdLe dh] 'kh'ks ykxus dh NM+ksa lfgr
bars → 1754.46 298.64 ←f[kM+fd;ka
10077 Steel windows for industrial 10077 bLikr dh vkS|ksfxd Hkouksa ds fy;s
buildings with centre hung shutters
including brass pivots, catch spring
f[kM+fd;ka ftuesa ihry dh /kqfj;ka idM+
and pulley wheel complete → 1962.44 298.64 dekuh o pj[kh yxkdj chp esa dikV
←yxkdj laiwfŸk
10078 Steel windows for industrial 10078 bLikr dh vkS|ksfxd Hkouksa ds fy;s 'kh"kZ
buildings with bottom hung or top ;k ry ij yxus okys dikV dh
hung shutters, including hinges, steel
side arms or peg stays complete → 1962.44 298.64 f[kM+fd;ksa dh] dCts ik'koZ cktw ;k [kwVa h
←jksd yxkdj laiwfŸkZ
10079 Extra over steel doors, windows and 10079 vfrfjDr] ;fn bLikrh njoktks]a f[kM+fd;ksa
ventilators if brass handles are o jks'kunkuksa esa bLikr ds gSaMyksa ds
provided in lieu of steel handles → ←LFkku ij ihry ds gSaMy yxs gksa
10080 Ditto, if aluminium handles are 10080 mi;ZqDr] ;fn bLikrh gSaMyksa ds LFkku
provided in lieu of steel handles → 48.53 ←ij vY;qfefu;e ds gSMy yxk;s gksa
10081 Ditto, if chromium plate steel han- 10081 mi;qZDr] ;fn bLIkkrh gSaMyksa ds LFkku
dles are provided in lieu of steel ij Øksfe;e ijr p<s bLikrh ds gSMy
handles →
48.53 ←yxk;s gksa
224 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
njoktksa ds laihfM+r bLikr Ýse
(a) The rates include for one shop coat of priming. ¼d½ njksa ,d is'ksoj vLrjh; ijr 'kkfey gSA
(b) Mild steel angle threshold shall be measured under item ¼[k½ uje bLIkkr ds nksgjh lfj;s en 10003 ds vUrxZr ekis
10003. tk;sx a As
(c) The rales will not apply if the Govt. supplies steel sheeting ¼x½ ;g njsa ykxw ugha gksaxh ;fn ljdkj us Bsdsnkj dks] bl
to the Contractor at “Supplied only” rates in this schedule. vuqlwph dh **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ** nj ij bLikr pknj nh gSaA
(d) The sizes/dimensions and type (profile) of frames shall be ¼?k½ Ýseksa ds vkdkj@ifjeki vkSj uewus ¼ik'oZ fp=½ tSls fd Hkk-
as shown in I.S. ek- esa n'kkZ;s x;s gSaA
(e) Filling hollow of frame with plain cement concrete and/or ¼M½ Ýseksa dks lkns lhesaV daØhV vkSj@;k lhesaV xkjs ds lkFk
with cement mortar shall be measured and paid separately. fu%lkj HkjkbZ i`Fkd ekih ,oa ns; gksxhA

PER RUNNING METRE Size of frame Ýse dk vkdkj iz f r ehVj

10082 Pressed steel frames for doors 105 x 60mm 125 x 60mm 165 x 60mm 10082 njoktksa ds fy;s laihfMr bLikr
with one or more rebates 105 x 60 feeh 125 x 60 feeh 165 x 60 feeh ds ,d ;k vf/kd i[kksa okys Ýse]
including necessary fixing
lugs, hinges, lock strike plate,
fufnZ"Vkuqlkj vko';d fLFkj
etc., complete, as specified, idM+] dCts] rkys dh IysV vkfn
supplied and fixed → 339.58 367.31 408.90 ← yxs lfgr dh vkiwfŸkZ o LFkkiuk
10083 Ditto, but fixing only → 76.14 76.14 76.14 10083 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dsoy LFkkiu

ejEerksa esa >ky ¼Vkadk½ yxkus ds dk;Z
(a) The rates include for cleaning and preparing the surfaces ¼d½ bu njksa esa ftl LFkku ij Vkadk yxkuk gS mls lkQ djuk o
to be welded together, holding the members in true position laokjuk] Vkadk yxkrs le; vaxksa dks fLFkj idM+uk] 3 feeh ls
while welding and bevelling of edges, as required, in the
case of metal exc 3mm thick.
vf/kd eksVkbZ dh /kkrq ds ekeys esa visf{kr i[k cukukA
(b) Taking down the article and refixing in position after ¼[k½ oLrqvksa dks fudkyuk rFkk Vkadk yxkus ds ckn muds LFkku ij
welding shall be measured separately. yxkus ds dk;Z dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
PER 10 RUNNING Thickness of metal to be welded izfr 10 lsaVhehVj
CENTIMETRES Vkadk yxk;s tkus okys /kkrq dh eksVkbZ
N exc 6mm Exc 6 mm but Exc 9 mm but Exc 20mm but
vuf/kd 6 feeh n exc 9mm n exc 20mm n exc 25mm
vf/kd 6 feeh vf/kd 9 feeh vf/kd 20 feeh
ijarq o 9 feeh ijUrq 20 feeh ijUrq 25 feeh
ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd

10084 Running welding

49.11 90.73 179.99 222.39
10084 ejEer esa Hkhrjh >ykbZ
in repairs →

SECTION 10 225
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
ejEerksa >ky ¼Vkadk½ yxkus ds dk;Z tkjh
Thickness of Metal to be welded
Vkadk yxk;s tkus okys /kkrqdh eksVkbZ
N.exc. Exc. 6mm but Exc. 9mm but Exc. 20mm but
6mm n.exc 9mm n.exc 20mm n.exc 25mm
EACH iz R ;s d
vuf/kd 6 vf/kd 6 feeh vf/kd 9 feeh vf/kd 20 feeh
feeh ijUrq 9 feeh ijUrq 20 feeh ijUrq 25 feeh
ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd
10085 Welding in repairs 10085 ejEerksa esa 2-5 lseh
n. exc 2.5cm in yEckbZ ls vuf/kd dh
length 9.62 9.73 28.34 46.53
→ ← >ykbZ
10086 Ditto, exc 2.5cm 10086 mi;qZDr] yEckbZ 2-5
but n exc 5cm in lseh ls vf/kd fdUrq 5
length → 10.26 19.46 30.24 41.03
← lseh ls vuf/kd


njoktksa] f[kM+fd;ksa rFkk jks'kunkuksa ds ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e pkS[kVs
(a) The rates include for provision of PVC protected sheeting ¼d½ ihchlh jf{kr pknjhdj.k O;oLFkk rFkk pkS[kVk LFkkfir djus ds
and its removal after fixing the frame work. ckn mls gVkuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) Weight of joining cleat shall be added to main frame. ¼[k½ tqM+kbZ xV~Vksa ds Hkkj dks eq[; pkS[kVs esa tksM+k tk;sxkA
(c) Hinges, shutters and lugs shall be measured and paid for ¼x½ dCts] dikV o idM+ksa dks izFkd ekik o Hkqxrku gksxkA

PER KILOGRAM S&F Fixing only iz f r fdyks x z k e

vk- o LFkk- dsoy LFkkiuk
10087Anodised aluminium frame for doors, 10087 ,uksfMd`r vY;qfefu;e pkS[kVs] njoktksa f[kM+fd;ksa
windows, ventilators with one or more
o jks'kunkuksa ds fy;s] ,d ;k nks iSrkHkh tqMk+ bZ
rebates including joining cleat for
fixing etc. complete all as specified → xV~Vksa vkfn lfgr fufnZ"Vkuqlkj laifw ŸkZ
465.61 171.74 ←
10088 Add Extra for Powder Coating to Item
No. 10087 above to (minimum thickness
of powder coating 50 micron) → 81.30


njoktksa] f[kM+dh ds fy;s] ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e dikV
(a) Glass and other filling material in panels shall be measured ¼d½ iYyksa esa 'kh'ks o vU; HkjkbZ izFkd ekih o HkqxrkbZ tk;sxhA
and paid for separately.
(b) Area of opening shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 ¼[k½ [kqys LFkkuksa dks fudVre 0-5 olseh rd ekih tk;sxhA
(c) S&F rates, include for anodised aluminium hard ware as
indicated, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium
snap on beading for fixing glass panes in frames.
However, fixing only rates does not include for anodized
aluminum hard wares as indicated, glazing clips rubber
packing, anodized aluminum snap on beading for fixing
glass panes in frames.
(d) Fixing of shutters with fittings shall be as per ¼?k½ dikVksa dk miLdjksa ds lkFk LFkkiu fuekZrk ds funsZ'kkuqlkj
manufacturers instructions. fd;k tk;sxkA
226 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
njoktksa] f[kM+dh ds fy;s] ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e dikV tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Fixing only izfr oxZ ehVj
vk- o LFkk- dsoy LFkkiu
10089 Anodised aluminium door shutters, 10089
aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/
m including necessary joining cleats,
glazing clips, ruber neoprene packing,
handles 2 Nos in each door, hinges,
anodised aluminum snap beading
screws etc. complete all as specified.→
→ 1288.85 313.43 ←
10090 Anodised aluminium window and 10090 ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e ds LFkkfir fdLe ds
ventilator shutters, fixed type f[kM+dh] jks'kunku ds dikV] la/kkj iV~Vh
without sash bar, aluminium section jfgr] 0-55 fd-xzk-@eh Hkkfjr vY;qfefu;e
weighing 0.55 kg/m including
lfj;s] vko';d tqM+kbZ xV~Vs] 'kh'ksnkjh dh
necessary joining cleats, glazing
clips, rubber packing, anodised fpefV;ka] jcM+ HkjkbZ] ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e
aluminium snap beading, screws LuSi xksVu] isp vkfn fufnZ"Vkuqlkj laiw.kZ
etc. complete all as specified → 1290.58 359.25 ←
10091 Anodised aluminium window and 10091 ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e ds ik'oZ yfEcr fdLe
ventilator shutters, side hung type ds la/kkj iV~Vh jfgr] 0-55 fdxzk@eh Hkkfjr
without sash bars, aluminium sections vY;qfefu;e lfj;s vko';d tqM+kbZ xV~Vs
weighing 0.55 kg/m including
necessary joining cleats, glazing clips,
'kh'ksnkjh dh fpefV;ka] jcM+ HkjkbZ] ,uksMhd`r
rubber packing, anodised aluminium vY;qfefu;e LuSi xksVu isp] ,uksMhd`r
snap beading, screws, anodised vY;qfefu;e miLdj tSls 150 feeh yEcs
aluminium fittings such as peg stays ¼1 ua-½ vkMh [kaVw h ch&21 fdLEk ds 100 feeh
150mm long (1 no.). hinges type B-21 yEcs dCts ¼2 ua-½ mi;qDr ewB ¼1 ua-½ lc
100mm long (2 no.) suitable handle (1
no.) complete all as specified → 1345.76 359.25 ← fufnZ"Vkuqlkj lai.w kZ
10092 Add to item No 10089 to 10091 for 10092
powder coating of any colour
(Thickness or powder coating not
less than 50 micron). → 156.91 – ←


10092A Providing and fixing Powder

coated aluminium (minimum
thickness of powder coating 50
micron) work for doors, windows,
ventilators and partitions (Fixed
portions) with extruded built up
standard tubular sections/
appropriate Z sections and other
sections of approved make
conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285,
fixing with dash fasteners of
required dia and size, including
necessary filling up the gaps at
junctions, i.e. at top, bottom
and sides with required EPDM
SECTION 10 227
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
njoktksa] f[kM+dh ds fy;s] ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e dikV tkjh
rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium
S&F Fixing only
sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight,
mitred and jointed mechanically wherever vk- o LFkk- dsoy LFkkiu
required including cleat angle, Aluminium
snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P.
brass/ stainless steel screws, all complete as
per architectural drawings and the directions
of Engineer-in-Chief. → 454.01 17.28
10092B Providing and fixing Powder coated
aluminium (minimum thickness of powder
coating 50 micron) for shutters of doors,
windows & ventilators including providing
and fixing hinges/ pivots and making
provision for fixing of fittings wherever
required including the cost of EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid
for separately) with extruded built up standard
tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and
other sections of approved make conforming to
IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners
of required dia and size, including necessary
filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom
and sides with required EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall
be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required including cleat
angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/
paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws all
complete as per architectural drawings and the
directions of Engineer-in-Chief. → 536.72 17.28


cukoVh v/k% gsrq ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e Qjescanh ¼LuSi tky½
(a) The rates include for provision of PVC protected sheeting ¼d½ njksa esa ihchlh j{k.k pknjhdj.k O;oLFkk djuk rFkk lajpuk
and its removal after fabrication. ds ckn mls gVkuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The work shall be measured and paid for net finished work ¼[k½ dk;Z dh eki o Hkqxrku >a>jh Ýse ds laifw ŸkZ dk;Z dh fo'kq)
of grid frame. gksxhA
(c) The rates shall also include for necessary notching and ¼x½ njksa esa vko';d [kkapsnkjh rFkk Nsn lajpuk 'kkfey gSA
prepared holes.
(d) The rates do not include for supporting hanger comprising ¼?k½ njksa esa lgk;d vkyEcu] ftlesa uje yksgs ds lfj;s]
of mild steel rod, J bolt with necessary washers, bolts and
vko';d ok'kj lfgr ts dkoys] Qjesnkjh o LuSi tky dks
nuts, for securing frame work to ceiling and to the snap grid.
Nr esa lqjf{kr djus ds fy;s dkoys o f<ofj;ka 'kkfey gSaA
(e) The supporting hanger comprising of mild steel rod, bolts ¼M½ lgk;d vkyEcu ftles]a uje yksgs ds vko';d dkoys o
with necessary bolts, nuts and washers shall be measured
and paid for separately. f<ofj;ka o ok'kj ds lkFk ts dkoys] izFkd ekis tk;sxa s o ns; gksxa As
228 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
cukoVh v/k% gsrq ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e Qjescanh ¼LuSi tky½ tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Size of grid 605 x 605mm izfr oxZ ehVj
tky vkdkj 605 x 605 feeh
S&F Fixing only
vk- o LFkk- dsoy LFkkiu
10093 Anodised aluminium snap grid 10093 ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e dk cukoVh Nr esa
frame work for false ceiling all ← lc fufnZ"Vkuqlkj tky Qjescanh
as specified → 489.29 159.26
10094 Gl frame work for seamless
ceiling comprising of Gl
perimeter channnel 0.55 mm
thick with two unequal flanges
of 20 and 30 mm and web of
27 mm fixed to surrounding
wall using nylon sleeves and
screws at 450 mm centre to
centre/intermediate channel
0.9 mm thick having two equal
flanges of 15 mm each and web
of 45 mm suspended from
soffit at approx 900 mm centre
to centre with Gl cleat and
steel expansion fasteners with
and including ceiling section
(not exc 1.2 m length) of 0.55
mm thickness having kurled
web of 50 mm and flange of
26 mm each with lips of 10.5
mm fixed to the intermediate
channel with connecting clips
across the intermediate
channel at 457 mm centre to
centre. → 484.03
10095 Hangers 6 mm dia. G.I. (upto
1200mm length) adjusting level
fixed to roof slabs by means of
ceilling cleats made out of G.I.
flat 40 x 3 mm size 60mm long
and expansion hold fasteners
12.5mm dia. 40mm long
complete all as specified → 111.20
SECTION 10 229
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
cukoVh v/k% gsrq ,uksMhd`r vY;qfefu;e Qjescanh ¼LuSi tky½ tkjh
bLikr rFkk yksgs dk;Z ij dsoy Je
(a) The rates for items 10096 to 10105 shall apply only when ¼d½ en 10096 ls 10105 dh njsa rHkh ykxw gksxh tc ekfir dk;Z
not included in the items for measured work and are dh njksa esa 'kkfey ugha gksxk rFkk igys ls gh izFkd dk;Z ds :i
specially ordered before-hand as a separate job.
esa fo'ks"k :Ik vknsf'kr gksxkA
(b) Any rolled sections on which drilling or notching is allowed ¼[k½ fdlh izdkj ds jksYM ¼csfYyr½ [kaMksa ij tgka ojesa dk dk;Z ;k
under the following items, shall be measured under the
items for plain sections and not under the items for built-
[kkapsnkjh bu njksa esa ykxw gS og likV [kaMksa ds varxZr ekis
up work. tk;saxs uk fd fufeZr dk;Z dh njksa ds varxrZA
(c) The rates below shall be doubled when the work is required ¼zx½ uhps dh njksa dks nqxquk dj fn;k tk;sxk ;fn dk;Z dk laiknu
to be done in position. LoLFkku esa visf{kr gSA
PER 10 NOS. Depth of hole in mm izfr 10 ux
fNnz xgjkbZ feeh esa
Exc 3 but n Exc 12 but n Exc 25 but n
exc 12 exc 25 exc 40
vf/kd 3 o vf/kd 12 o vf/kd 25 o
10096 Holes drilled up to 12mm dia vuf/kd 12 vuf/kd 25 vuf/kd 40 10096 ojes ls fd;s x;s 12 feeh O;kl
(and countersunk, if rd ds Nsn ¼rFkk ;fn t:jr gks
required) → ← rks izR;kjksi.k½
80.97 297.75 446.62
10097 Ditto, but dia of holes 10097 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq Nsn 12 feeh O;kl
drilled exc 12mm and n exc. 208.42 483.84 744.36 ls vf/kd rFkk 25 feeh O;kl ls
25mm (ditto) →
←vuf/kd ¼mi;ZqDr½
10098 Ditto, but dia of holes 10098 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq fNnz O;kl 25 feeh
drilled exc. 25mm and n exc. 342.41 744.36 1190.98
ls vf/kd o 40 feeh O;kl ls
40mm dia (ditto) →
← vuf/kd ¼mi;ZDq r½
10099 Add to items10096 to 10098 10099 tksM]+as en 10096 ls 10098 esa ;fn
if tapped in addition (with
standard or gas thread, as 100% 100% 100% vfrfjDr pwMh+ gksa ¼ekud ;k xSl
directed) → ← pwMh+ ds lkFk] tSlk funsfZ 'kr½


bLikr dk dk;Z
10099A Material & Labour for providing and fixing stainless
steel (Grade 304) railing made of hollow tubes,
channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding,
buffing, polishing and making curvature (where ever
required) and fitting the same with necessary
stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, including
fixing the railing with necessary accessories &
stainless steel dash fasteners, stainless steel bolts
etc., of required size, on the top of floor or
the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement. → 505.38 85.50
230 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
bLikr rFkk yksgs dk;Z ij dsoy Je tkjh


NksVs Nsn fudkyuk

PER 10 NOS. izfr 10 la[;k

10100 Holes for nails or screws, hand 10100 yksgs ;k uje bLikr esa gkFk ls] dhyksa ;k ispksa
punched through iron or mild steel ds fy;s Nsn fudkyuk ¼0-63 ls 1-60 feeh
(0.63 to 1.60mm thickness) → ←eksVkbZ½
10101 Ditto for rivets or bolts through iron 10101 mi;qZDr] fjfiV ;k dkoyksa ds fy;s yksgs ;k
or mild steel not exceeding 6mm
uje bLikr esa 6 feeh vuf/kd eksVs Nsn
thick →
93.79 ←fudkyuk
10102 Add to last if holes are reamered→
→ 29.77 10102 tksMsa+ vafre esa ;fn Nsnksa dks c<+kuk gS


yksgs ,oa bLikr ij dVkbZ ;k [kkpsnkjh dk;Z
The rates include rough filing. In measuring cuts on rolled njksa esa eksVh HkjkbZ 'kkfey gSA yisVoka dfM+;ksa dh dkVksa dh eki esa
steel joists, the web shall be measured separately and the
average thickness of the flanges shall be taken. f>Yyh izFkd ekih tk;sxh rFkk fdukjksa dh vkSlr eksVkbZ yh tk;sxhA

PER RUNNING METRE (OF CUT) Width of cut izfr ehVj ¼dkV dk½
dkV dh pkSM+kbZ
Upto 10 Exc 10 mm but
mm n exc 20mm
10 feeh rd 10ls vf/kd o
10103Straight, raking or circular cutting 20feeh ls 10103 yksgs ;k bLikr ij lh/kh] [kkapns kj] ;k xksykdkj
on iron or steel, as in straight or vuf/kd dVkbZ tSlh lh/kh ;k frjNh dVkbZ [kkapns kj ;k
splay cuts, notches, rounded angles, ←xksykdkj lfj;ksa vkfn esa gksrh gSA
etc. (length or girth of cutting ex-
ceeding 75mm)→ → 479.25 943.61
EACH iz R ;s d
10104All as per item 10103, but length or 10104 lc en 10103 tSlk] fdUrq dVkbZ dh yEckbZ
girth of cutting n exc 75mm → 46.44 92.87 ←;k ?ksjk 75 feeh ls vf/kd ugha
>a>jh o pwYgksa dh ejEer
PER 10 NOS. izfr 10 la[;k
10105 Fitting in repairs, any of the following parts of
grates, ranges, etc. supplied by M.D. including
10105 >a>jh o pwYgksa dh ejEer esa ,e Mh }kjk fn;s x;s fdlh
drilling out old bolts or set screws, as required, Hkh fUkEu vax dk iqjkus dkoys ;k yxs gq;s isp ckgj
set of front bars; bottom grating; pairs of iron fudkyus lfgr LFkkiu@iz"B lfj;k lewg] ry tkyh]
fire cheeks; outer door; furnace door; sets of
bulls eyes with seatings; damper rods; soot
YkkSg vaxhBh Qyd tksMk+ ] ckgjh }kj] fcBkos lfgr
doors; smoke boxes; register plates; falling xok{k lewg] voeand NM+]as dTty }kj] /kqÌvk isVh
doors; and any other standard component of ljdu IysV] ikrh }kj rFkk vU; dksbZ ekud va'k
grates or ranges used for cooking → 2233.09 ←tks [kkuk cukus es]a >a>jh ;k pwYgs esa dke vkrs gSa
SECTION 10 231
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke
10106 Cast iron, grade FG 150 suitable for casting 10106 <yk yksgk] ,Q th 150 <ykbZ dk;Z ds
→ 66.55 ← mi;qDr

Fe 410-W Fe-290 Fe-410-

(Gde-E- (Gde E- W(Gde- E-
PER KILOGRAM 250) qua-
165) 250) quality-
izfr fdyksxzke

10107 Mild steel in flat, round or square 10107 uje bLikr dh xksy piVh lfj;k]
bars, in available lengths → 62.39 62.39 62.39 ←miyC/k yEckbZ dh
10108 Structural steel, rolled section such 10108 bekjrh bLikr] fyiVoka [kaM tSls fd
as joist, beam, channel, angle, tee, dM+h] /kju] iz.kky] dks.k Vh] miyC/k
in available lengths → 63.78 63.78 63.78
←yEckbZ esa
10109 Mild steel plates, plain or 10109 uje bLikr dh IysV]as lery ;k [kkapns kj]
chequered, 5mm thick or over in
thickness in available sizes→
→ 66.55 66.55 66.55 ←5 feeh eksVh ;k vf/kd miyC/k vkdkj esa

PER KILOGRAM Mild steel round bars Deformed or TMT izfr fdyksxzke
uje bLikr xksy lfj;k twisted steel bars
vxf<+r ;k fo:i.k
bLikr lfj;k
Fe 410-W Fe-290 1S-432
(Gde-E- (Gde E-
250) qua- 165) Gde I

10110 Bars for reinforcement, in 10110 izcyu ds fy;s] miyC/k

available lengths → ←yEckbZ ds lfj;s
- 62.39 62.39 62.39 63.78

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

10111 Plain or corrugated steel sheets, any 10111 lery ;k iukjhnkj bLikrh pknjsa] miyC/k
thickness in available sizes, black → 72.10
←vkdkj esa fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ dh] dkyh
10112 Ditto but galvanised class 3 → 77.64
10112 mi;qZDr] fdUrq tLRknkj 3
10113 Ditto but galvanised with grade of Zink 80.42 10113
coating 350.
PER KILOGRAM Diameter in mm izfr fdyksxzke
O;kl feeh esa
0.90 1.00
10114 Mild steel soft drawn binding or tying wire, 10114 uje bLikr ds cus cka/kus ;k dlus ds rkj
annealed → ←rkfir
63.78 63.78
232 SECTION 10
[k.M 10&bLikr] yksgk rFkk vY;qfefu;e dk;Z
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh....

PER KILOGRAM Diameter in mm izfr fdyksxzke

O;kl feeh esa
0.90 1.25 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.15 4.00

10115 Galvanised mild steel 10115 tLrh uje bLikr ds lkns rkj
plain wire → 76.26 76.26 76.26 76.26 85.96 76.26 76.26 ←

PER KILOGRAM Weight per square metre izfr fdyksxzke

Hkkj izfr oxZ ehVj
Not exc Exc 4 kg
4 kg 4 fdxzk- ls
4 fdxzk- ls vf/kd
10116 Expanded metal in available size 10116 foLrfjr /kkrq miyC/k vkdkj esa
→ 67.94 65.36
10117 Hard drawn steel wire fabric in 10117 dBksj xfBr bLikr rkj ifj/kku miyC/k vkdkj esa
available size → 66.55 66.55

10118 Welded steel wire fabric → 66.55 66.55 10118 Vkafdr bLikr rkj ifj/kku

10119 Chain link MS galvanisd fencing, any 10119 yM+h dM+h uje bLIkkr tLrhnkj ?ksjkcanh fdlh
size or type → ←vkdkj ;k vkd`fr esa
10120 Barbed wire, galvanised, 2 strand, 10120 dkaVsnkj rkj tLrh] 2 dkaVs 2-00 fefe O;kl 75
2.00mm dia barbed at 75mm spacing→
→ 76.26 ←feeh vUrj ij
10121 ERW or Induction butt weld M.S. tube 10121 ERW ;k varjh; VDdj Vkafdr uje yksgs dh
black conforming to IS 1161-1979 uyh dkyh Hkkek 1161 1979 Yst 240 ds
grade Yst 240 → 65.17
10122 Stainless steel tubes of any size → 260.00
SECTION 11 233
[k.M 11&Nr vkPNknu
fo”ks’k “krsZ

11.1 Measurements 11-1 eki

11.1.1 All work shall be measured net as fixed without any
11-1-1 lHkh dk;Z tSls fLFkj gSa fcuk mHkkj vkfn ds fo'kq) ekis
allowance for laps, etc., except that :
tk;saxs flok; buds%&
(a) Openings upto 0.4 sq.m. shall not be deducted. ¼d½ 0-4 oeh rd ds foCkjksa dh dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
(b) Portions of roof covering overlapped by ridge or ¼[k½ Nr vkPNknu ds] ihB ;k iqVBksa ds dkj.k vk;s mHkkjksa
hip coverings shall be included in the dks Nr vkPNknu dh eki esa tksM+k tk;sxkA
measurements of roof covering.
11.1.2 Openings or recesses involving cutting (straight, 11-1-2 fcoj ;k f>fj;ka dVkbZ ls lacfU/kr ¼lh/kh] [kkapsnkj ;k
raking or circular) not exceeding 1 metre girth shall xksykdkj½ 1 ehVj ls vuf/kd ?ksjs okyh dks Nsn ;k [kkaps ds
be classified as holes or notches and shall be :Ik esa oxhZd`r fd;k tk;sxk rFkk izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
measured separately.
11.1.3 Openings exceeding 0.4 sq.m. shall be deducted, 11-1-3 0-4 oeh ls vf/kd ds fcoj ?kVk;s tk;saxs] ,sls fcoj cukus
nothing extra shall be paid for making such open- ds fy;s dqN Hkh vfrfjDr ns; ugha gksxk tc ,d pkSdksj
ings when a square cut extends the full length or dkV pknj dh iwjh yEckbZ ;k pkSM+kbZ rd gksA
width of a sheet.
11.2 Rates 11-2 njs a
11.2.1 Galvanised Steel Sheets, Plain or Corrugated 11-2-1 tLrh yksgs dh pknjsa] lknh ;k iukjhnkj
(a) The 'except sheeting', 'fixing', 'add in repairs', etc., ¼d½ **pknj jfgr** **LFkkiu** ßtksM+as ;fn ejEer es*a * vkfn
rates for black sheetings, shall equally apply to
galvanised sheeting of any class.
dh dkyh pknjhdj.k dh njsa leku:i ls fdlh Hkh dh tLrsnkj pknjhdj.k ij ykxw gksaxhA
(b) Where it is not feasible to ascertain the class of
galvanised sheets such as in the case of old sheets,
¼[k½ tgka tkyh pknjksa dh dk vuqeku yxkuk laHko
payment shall be allowed as for class 3 galvanised ugha gS tSls iqjkuh pknjksa vkfn ds ekeyksa esa ogka
sheets. Hkqxrku 3 dh tLrh pknjksa leku Lohd`r gksxkA
11.2.2 Work in Patches 11-2-2 isouksa esa dk;Z
(a) The term 'large patches' shall be applicable when ¼d½ *cM+s isou* dh vfHkO;fDr ogka ykxw gksx a h tgka ,d Nr
repairs to a roof in one or more patches (total area
of all patches taken together) in one side of the roof
dh ejEer] ,d ;k vf/kd isouksa esa ¼lHkh isouksa dk
is more than 25 percent of the total area of that side dqy {ks=Qy fy;k tk;sxk½ Nr dh ,d rjQ dk
of the roof. {ks=Qy ml rjQ dh Nr ds dqy {ks=Qy ds
25 izfr'kr ls vf/kd gSA
(b) The term "small patches' shall be applicable when ¼[k½ *NksVs isou* dh vfHkO;fDr ogka ykxw gksxh tc ,d Nr
repairs to a roof in one or more patches (total area dh ejEer esa ,d ;k vf/kd isouksa ¼lHkh isouksa dk
of all patches taken together) in one side of the roof dqy {ks=Qy fy;k tk;sxk½ dk Nr ds ,d vksj ml
is 25 (or less) percent of the total area of that side of
the roof.
vksj dh Nr ds dqy {ks=Qy dk 25 izfr'kr ¼;k de½
(c) The expression 'one side of the roof' means an area ¼x½ *Nr ds ,d vksj* 'kCnka'k dk vFkZ gS Nr nhokj ds ,d
extending from one gable wall to another, from a ik[ks ls nwljs ik[ks rd] ,d nhokj ik[ks ls iqVBs ;k
gable wall to a hip or valley, between two hips or /kkjh rd] nks iqVBs ;k nks /kkfj;ksa ds chp ;k ,d iqVBs
two valleys, or between a hip and a valley in length
and from eaves to ridges in breadth. Such 'side of
o /kkjh ds chp dh yEckbZ rFkk vksyh ls pksVh rd
roof' includes any subsidiary roof features such pkSMk+ bZ esa ,slh *Nr ik'oZ* esa lgk;d Nr vkdkj tSls
as roofs to dormers, turrets, etc., which may be fd <ykuksa daxjw ksa vkfn dh Nrsa tks fd fdlh Hkh Å+ij
contained within any areas as defined above. ds of.kZr {ks= esa vkrs gSa] 'kkfey gSaA
234 SECTION 11
[k.M 11&Nr vkPNknu
fo”ks’k “krsZ tkjh

(d) Work in patches 'large' or 'small' shall be paid for ¼?k½ *cM+s* ;k *NksVs* isou dk;ksZ dk bl [kaM ds u;s dk;Z
at the appropriate rates for new work in this dh njksa ds vUrxZr Hkqxrku gksxk rFkk m[kkM+us dk
Section and for taking down under Section 21-
Demolition and Dismantling with the following
[kaM 21 rksM+ fxjkuk o m[kkM+uk esa bu la;kstuksa
additions. These shall cover all additional labour lfgrA blesa lHkh vfrfjDr Je isou dh ejEer]
etc., in repairing patches including bonding to ekStwnk dk;Z ds feyku lfgr 'kkfey djrh gS%&
existing work.
(i) For large patches. (i) cMs+ isouksa fd fy;sA
10 percent on 'dismantling' and 'fixing only' or *m[kkM+uk* o *dsoy LFkkiuk* ;k *eq[; lkexzh
'except principal materials' rates, i.e. 'except sheets', jfgr* dh njksa ij 10 izfr'kr vFkkZr *pknj
etc., rates. jfgr^ vkfn njsaA
(ii) For small patches. (ii) NksVs isouksa ds fy;sA
25 percent on ditto. mi;qZDr ij 25 izfr'krA
(iii) Principal materials required to make good (iii) dfe;ksa dks Bhd djus ds fy;s visf{kr izeq[k
deficiencies (if to be supplied by the Contractor) lkexzh ¼;fn vkiwfŸk Bsdsnkj }kjk½ dk Hkqxrku
shall be paid for at 'supplied only' rates.
*dsoy vkiwfŸk* dh njksa ij gksxkA


lery ;k iukjhnkj bLikr ;k ,LoSLVl lhesaV pknjhdj.k] Nrksa NTtksa] /kwiNknuksa] nhokj vkoj.kksa rFkk foHkktuksa]
}kj vkoj.kksa esa
(a) The net area of sheeting, as fixed, shall be measured on the ¼d½ yxh gqbZ pknjksa dk {ks=Qy likV ¼iukjhnkj ?ksj ugha½ fcuk
flat (not girthed to corrugations) without any extra allowance mHkkjksa dks tksM+s tks fd njksa esa 'kkfey gS] fo'kq) ekik tk;sxkA
for laps which are included in the rates.
(b) Ridges and hips shall be measured along the centre line. ¼[k½ p<+kos@mBko rFkk iqVBs dsfUnz; js[kk ds lkFk ekis tk;saxsA
(c) The rates include for fixing, etc., complete; for all straight ¼x½ njksa esa LFkkiu lfgr laiwfŸkZ] lHkh lh/kh dVkbZ ¼rFkk Nhtu½
cutting (and waste) extending the full width or length of a pknj dh iwjh yEckbZ ;k pkSMk+ bZ rd rFkk fdukjksa ij uksd lfgr
sheet and mitring at corners.
'kkfey gSA
(d) The rates for 'except sheeting' and 'Labour only' apply to ¼?k½ ^pknj jfgr* o *dsoy Je* dh njsa ubZ vksj iqjkuh nksuksa izdkj
both new and old sheets.
dh pknjh dk;Z ij ykxw gksrh gSaA
(e) No adjustment to the rates shall be made if no side or end
¼M½ njksa ij dksbZ lek;kstu ugha gksxk ;fn bdgjh pknj ;k vusd
laps are required due to the fixing of a single sheet or fixing
of a number of sheets sidewise or endwise. pknjksa dks frjNk ;k lh/kk yxkus ds fy;s] cxyh ;k fdukjh
mHkkjksa dh t:jr ugha gSA
(f) No deduction shall be made for holes cut for roof extractors.
¼p½ Nr fu"d"kZu gsrq dkVs x;s Nsnksa dh dksbZ dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
SECTION 11 235
[k.M 11&Nr vkPNknu
bLikr dh iukjhnkj pknj yxkbZ
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Except Labour izfr oxZ ehVj
vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk sheeting only (any
Thickness in mm (any thick- thickness)
eksVkbZ feeh esa ness) dsoy Je
11001 Black, corrugated mild steel pknj jfgr ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ 11001 uje yksgs dh dkyh ygfj;k pknj
sheeting with two corrugations nks oxyh p<+ko ygj ds lkFk]
side lap, fixed with coach
0.63 0.80 ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½
screws and washers, in roofs,
dksp ispksa o ok'kjksa ls Nrks]a nhokjksa
walls etc. → 587.00 694.59 ← vkfn esa LFkkfir
124.72 119.76
11002 Galvanised, corrugated 11002 tLrsnkj uje yksgs dh ygfj;k
mild steel sheeting with two
corrugations side lap,
pknj nks cxyh p<+ko ygj ds
fixed with coach screws lkFk] dksp ispksa o ok'kjksa ls LFkkfir
and washers, in roofs, walls Nrksa] nhokjksa vkfn esa fuEu
etc. with grade of zinc ←dh
coating 275. → 620.16 715.63 124.72 118.59
11003 Add to items 11001 & 11002 if 11003 tksM+sa en 11001 vkSj 11002 esa
fixed with L-type or J-type or ;fn ispksa ds LFkku ij gqd] ;k
cranked hook bolts in lieu of ←vjky dkoyksa ls LFkkfir gksa
screws → 31.55 46.51 44.17 29.28
11004 Add to items 11001 & 11002 11004 tksM]+as en 11001 vkSj 11002 esa
if bent to a curve (of any ←;fn oØ ij eqMh+ gksa ¼dksbZ f=T;k½
radius) → 100.14 109.51 103.95 -


M&L Labour only
iz f r ehVj
lkexzh ,oa dsoy Je
11005 Add to mild steel sheeting, any thick-
11005 tksMas+ fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ dh bLikr pknjksa
ness, if the side laps are riveted or
bolted at 20cm centre to centre → ds dk;Z ij ;fn cxyh p<+kos dyeh
40.99 30.00 ←gSa ;k dkoys 20 lseh ds vUrj yxh gks
11006 Ditto, if the end laps are riveted or
11006 mi;qDZ r] ;fn vk[kjh p<+kos dyeh gSa
bolted at each corrugation →
132.94 90.00 ←;k gj ygj ij dkoys yxs gSa
236 SECTION 11
[k.M 11&Nr vkPNknu
ygfj;k vY;q f efu;e pknjh dk;Z


S&F Except Labour
izfr oxZ ehVj
11007 Aluminium corrugated vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk sheeting only (any 11007 mHkjh uDdk'khnkj feJ/kkrq 31000
sheeting Alloy 31000 H4, (any thick- thickness) ,p&4] STUCCO vY;feqfu;e
STUCCO Embossed finish
Thickness in mm ness) dsoy Je ifj"d`fr ygfj;k pknjsa nks cxyh
with two corrugations side
lap fixed with coach eksVkbZ feeh esa pknj jfgr ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ p<+ko ygj ds lkFk] dksp ispksa o
screw and Aluminium 0.56 0.71 ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ vY;qfefu;e ok'kjksa ls Nr ;k nhokj
washer in roof and wall vkfn esa( vkf[kjh p<+kos 25 x 6
etc. with end laps stitched feeh tLrh yksgs ds dkoyksa dks 20
with 25x6mm G.I. bolts at 674.12 895.26 135.03 124.52 ← lseh dh nwjh ij yxkdj LFkkfir
20cm apart →
11008 Add to item 11007 if fixed 11008 tksM+sa en 11007 esa ;fn ispksa ds
with L-type or J-type or LFkku ij ,y gqd ;k vjky dCts
cranked hook bolts in lieu yxs gksa
of screw → 47.68 47.68 30.46 17.23 ←


ygfj;k IkkjHkklh pknjh dk;Z

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Except Labour izfr oxZ ehVj

vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk sheeting only (any
(any thick- thickness)
Thickness in mm ness) dsoy Je
11009 Fibre glass reinforced eksVkbZ feeh esa pknj jfgr ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ 11009 rarqdkap izofyr ikjHkklh ygfj;k
translucent corrugated 2mm ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ pknjsa nks cxyh p<+ko ygj ds
sheeting with two
corrugations side lap fixed
lkFk( dksp ispksa o ok'kjksa ls Nr]
with coach screw and nhokj vkfn esa LFkkfir
washer in roof, wall etc.→
→ 1100.30 256.18 249.04 ←

11010 Add to item 11009, if fixed 11010 tksMs+a en 11009 esa ;fn ispks ds
with L-type or J-type or LFkku ij ,y gqd ;k ts gqd ;k
cranked hook bolts in lieu
64.32 49.07 31.04 ← vjky dCts yxs gksa
of screw →


lknk bLikr pknjh dk;Z
The rates for flashing include for cost of embedding mortar tyjks/kh f>fYy;ksa dh njksa esa] elkyk yxkus lkFk gh dk;Z dks iw.kZ
alongwith other labour and materials required to complete the djus ds fy;s vko';d vU; Je o lkexzh 'kkfey gSA
SECTION 11 237
[k.M 11&Nr vkPNknu
lknk bLikr pknjh dk;Z tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Except Labour izfr oxZ ehVj

vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk sheeting only (any
Thickness in mm (any thickness
11011 Plain, black, mild steel 11011 lknk] dkyh] uje yksgs dh
eksVkbZ feeh- esa thicknes) dsoy Je
sheeting, in ridges, pknjksa dk dk;Z dVdks]a dkfB;ks]a
hips, valley gutters,
pknj jfgr ¼dksbZ
?kkVh xVjksa o lh/kh o fu;krh
drip and straight 0.63 0.80 1.00 1.25 ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ eksVkbZ½
f>fYy;ksa esa ¼LFkkfir yEckbZ o
flashings (length and
girth as fixed) → ←pkSMk+ bZ½
549.36 667.57 803.90 922.33 150.13 130.61
11012 Plain, galvanised, mild 11012 lknk] tLrsnkj] uje yksgs dh
steel sheeting, in ridges, pknjksa dk dk;Z dVdks]a dkfB;ksa
hips, valley gutters, drip
and straight flashings
?kkVh xVjksa o lh/kh o fu;krh
(length and girth as f>fYy;ksa esa ¼LFkkfir yEckbZ o
fixed) with grade of pkSM+kbZ½ fuEu dh
zinc coating 275 →
740.62 875.14 1039.91 150.13 130.61 ←
11013 Plain, black mild steel
11013 lknk] dkyh uje bLikr dh
sheeting in stepped
flashings (measured as pknjks a dk dk;Z lh<+ h nkj
the minimum rectangle f>fYy;ksa esa ¼ml lcls NksVs
from which the pieces vk;rkdkj [kaM dks ekik tk;sxk
can be cut) → 4363.39 5530.51 6814.41 8439.11 279.57 261.23 ←ftlesa ls og cuh gks½
11014 Plain, galvanised, mild 11014 lknk] tLrsnkj] uje bLikr
steel sheeting in stepped
dh pknjksa dk dk;Z lh<+hnkj
flashings (measured as
the minimum rectangle
f>fYy;ksa esa ¼ml lcls NksVs
from which the pieces vk;rkdkj [kaM dks ekik tk;sxk
can be cut) → ftlesa ls og cuh gks½ fuEu
837.94 998.48 1161.23 279.57 150.35
← dh
11015 Add to items 11011, 11015 tksMsa+ ensa 11011] 11012] 11013
11012, 11013 and vkSj 11014 esa ;fn tksM+ksa esa
11014 if welded or >ky ;k Vkadk yxk;k gks
soldered joints are
591.89 800.01 977.95 1249.32 82.82 82.82 ←
provided →
238 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
lknk vY;qfefu;e pknjh dk;Z

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Except sheet Labour only izfr oxZ ehVj
vkiwfÙk o LFkkiu -ing (any (any thick-
Thickness in mm thickness) ness)
11015A Plain, Aluminium eksVkbZ feeh esa pknj jfgr dsoy Je
11015, lknk vY;qfefu;e feJ/kkrq
sheeting, Alloy 31000 H4 31000 ,p&4 dk pknjh dk;Z
in ridges, hips, valley 0.56 0.71 ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ ¼dsoy eksVkbZ½
dVdksa] dkfB;ksa] ?kkVh xVjksa]
gutter, drip and straight
fu;krh o lh/kh f>fYy;ksa esa]
flashing (length and 561.75 696.31 150.13 130.61
girth as fixed) → ←¼LFkkfir yEckbZ o pkSMk+ bZ½
11016 Plain Aluminium 11016 lknk vY;qfefu;e] feJ/kkrq
sheeting Alloy 31000 31000 ,p&4 dk pknjh dk;Z
H4 in stepped flashing lh<+hnkj f>fYy;ksa esa ¼ml lcls
(meas u r e d a s t h e
NksVs vk;r dks ekik tk;sxk
m i n i m u m rectangle
from which the pieces ftlls og [kaM cu ldrk
can be cut) → 685.10 824.23 279.57 261.23 ←gS½

GALVANIZED SHEETING S&F Except sheeting Labour only

(any thickness) (any
11017 Pre- painted galvatume
aluminum zinc coating GI
based corrugated steel
sheet 0.50mm thick of an
colour having tensile
strength of 550 Mpa as in
roof covering/cladding to
wall, fixed with self
tapping screws as
specified → 767.01 479.57 124.52
11018 Pre-painted galvalume
aluminum zinc coating GI
based Plain steel sheet
0.50mm thick of any
colour having tensile
strength of 550 Mpa as in
roof covering/cladding to
wall, fixed with self
tapping screws as
specified → 767.01 98.56 124.52
SECTION 11 239
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu


,sLosLVl lhesaV pknjh dk;Z Hkwjh

Fixed with coach Fixed with L-type or

screws J-type or cranked izfr oxZ ehVj
hook bolts
dksp ispksa ls LFkkfir L gqd ;k J gqd vjky dCts LFkkfir
M&L Except Labour M&L Except Labour
lkexzh sheets only lkexzh sheets only
o Je pknj dsoy Je o Je pknj dsoy Je
11019 6mm thick asbestos 11019 6 feeh eksVh ,LosLVl lhesaV
jfgr jfgr
cement, corrugated or
semi-corrugated sheets in
dh ygfj;k ;k v/kygfj;k pknjsa
roofs, walls etc. → 490.36 140.76 130.95 503.72 154.12 142.22 ←Nrksa] nhokjksa vkfn esa

vkj ,e ih pknjh dk;Z

PER SQUARE METRE S&F Except Labour izfr oxZ ehVj

vkiwfrZ o sheeting (any only (any
LFkkiu thickness) thickness)
11020 RMP sheeting 1.5 mm pknj jfgr dsoy Je 11020 vkj ,e ih pknjh dk;Z( Ms<
thick with 1.5 corrugation ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ feeh ik'oZ ygfj;k p<+ko ds lkFk]
side lap fixed with coach
screw and PVC washer
1-5 feeh eksVh] dksp isp vkSj
in roof, wall etc. → 720.45 261.15 247.87 ihohlh ok'kj ls Nr nhokj vkfn
←esa LFkkfir
11021 Ditto, if fixed with L-type 11021 mi;qZDr] ;fn isp ds LFkku ij
or J-type or cranked hook ,y gqd ;k ts gqd ;k vjky
bolts in lieu of screw → 630.20 170.89 153.46
←dCts LFkkfir
240 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
,sLcsLVl lhesaV pknjh dk;Z & Hkwjh

Two-piece adjustable ridges shall be measured as one length. nks [kaMh; lek;kstd esMk+ as dwVa ksa dsk ,d gh yEckbZ esa ekik tk;sxk
PER RUNNING Fixed with coach screws Fixed with L-type or J- iz f r ehVj
METRE type or cranked hook
dksp ispksa ls LFkkfir ,y gqd ;k ts gqd ;k vjky dCts
M&L Except Labour M&L Except Labour
lkexzh accessory only lkexzh sheet only only
,oa Je pknj jfgr dsoy Je ,oa Je pkjn jfgr dsoy Je
11022 Asbestos cement one- 11022 ,sLcsLVl lhesaV ,d [kaMh;
piece plain angular lknk; dwV 6 feeh
ridge 6mm thick → 226.05 92.53 86.82 233.86 94.62 94.62
← eksVh
11023 Asbestos cement two- 11023 ,s L cs L Vl lhes a V f}[a k Mh
piece adjustable plain lek;kstu ;ksX; lknk ia[kh
wing ridge 6mm thick→
→ 226.05 86.82 86.82 330.91 94.62 94.62 ←dwV 6 feeh eksVh
11024 Ditto unserrated ridge 11024 mi;qZDr] p<+koksa ds fy;s fcuk
for hips → 323.11 86.82 86.82 323.11 94.62 94.62 ←nkars dh dwV
11025 Ditto serrated ridge for 11025 mi;qZDr] ygfj;k ;k v/kZ
corrugated or semi ygfj;k pknjksa ds fy;s nkarns kj
corrugated sheets → 323.11 86.82 86.82 330.48 94.62 94.62
← dwV
11026 Ditto close fitting 11026 mi;qDZ r] dsoy ygjf;k pknjksa
corrugated sheets only→
→ 309.24 86.82 86.82 317.05 94.62 94.62 ←ds fy;s LFkkiu miLdj

11027 Asbestos cement apron 11027 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa

piece 6mm thickness to ds fy;s ,LosLVl lhesaV ds
suit corrugated or semi ←vkoj.k [kaM 6 feeh eksVh
corrugated sheets → 371.50 197.60 177.40 390.00 216.10 191.70
11028 Asbestos cement barge 11028 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa
boards and corner
pieces for corrugated or
ds fy;s] lhou dkoys f<ofj;ksa
semi-corrugated sheets. ls tqMs+ ,LosLVl lhesVa frdksus
fixed with seam bolts ← Qyd
– – – – 218.40 200.80
and nuts →

EACH Materials Except Labour iz R ;s d

& Labour ventilator only
11029 Asbestos cement cowl lkexzh ,oa jks”kunku dsoy Je 11029 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa
Je jfgr
type ventilator fixed to esa lhou dkoyksa o f<ofj;ksa ls
corrugated or semi- yxs ,Los L Vl lhes a V ds
corrugated sheets with 456.40 247.90 223.50 ←Vksihnkj jks'kunku
seam bolts and nuts →
SECTION 11 241
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
,sLcsLVl lhesaV iwjd lkexzh dk;Z&Hkwjh tkjh

PER RUNNING METRE Fixed with L-type or J-type or iz f r ehVj

cranked hook bolts
“,y” gqd ;k “ts ”gqd ;k vjky dCts }kjk LFkkfir
11030 Asbestos cement north light M&L Except accessory 11030 ,sLcsLVl lhesaV pknjksa ls mi;qDr]
curves to suit asbestos cement lkexzh ,oa Je iwjd lkexzh jfgr lhou o gqd ;k vjky dkoyksa ls yxs
sheets, fixed with seam bolts ←,sLcsLVl lhesaV mŸkjh izdk'k eksM+
and nuts in → 404.70 125.70
11031 Asbestos cement eaves filler 11031 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ] ygfj;k pknjksa ds
pieces to suit corrugated or mi;qZDr ,sLcsLVl lhesaV ds vksyrh
semi-corrugated sheets in → 329.68 85.87 ←iwjd [kaV

EACH M&L Except iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,ao accessory
11032 Asbestos cement ridge finials Je iwjd lkexzh jfgr 11032 6 feeh th vkbZ dkoyksa ls dls ,sLcsLVl
fixed with 6mm G.I. bolts (two lhesVa ds fjt dy'k ¼v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa
pieces for semi-corrugated sheets ←ds nks [kaM ,d ds leku ekis tk;sx a ½s
measured as one) → 321.54 91.00
11033 Asbestos cement curved barge 11033 ,sLcsLVl lhesVa ds] mŸkjh izdk'k eksM+ ds
board for North light curves ←fy;s] oØ cktZ cksMZ
fixed with seam bolts and 376.70 132.60
nuts →


vfrfjDr] ygfj;k uje bLikr pknj] vYewfu;e ygfj;k pknj] o ,LcsLVl lhesaV pknj ;k v/kZ ygfj;k
pknj dk;Z ¼fdlh Hkh o.kZu ;k eksVkbZ ij½

(a) Linear dimensions for notching, raking cutting, etc., shall ¼d½ [kkapsnkjh] voueu] dVkbZ vkfn dh ijeikfjd ifjeki likV
be measured on the flat and not girthed to corrugation. ij fy;k tk;sxk u fd ygjksa esa f?kjk gqvkA vkjikj dVs p<+koksa
No addition shall be made for any laps cut through. The
work shall be executed in position, if necessary, without
ds fy;s dqN ugha tksM+k tk;sxk ;fn vko';d gks rks fcuk
extra charge. vfrfjDr [kpZ ds dk;Z LFkku esa fuLikfnr gksxkA
(b) If cutting is made on sheets issued for fixing only by M.D. ¼[k½ ;fn ,e Mh }kjk dsoy LFkkiu ds fy;s nh xbZ pknjksa esa dVkbZ
rates under column 'Labour only' as applicable shall be
dh tkrh gS rks *dsoy Je* ds dkye esa nh xbZ njsa ns; gksaxhA
242 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu


vfrfjDr] ygfj;k uje bLikr pknj] vYewfu;e ygfj;k pknj] o ,LcsLVl lhesaV pknj ;k v/kZ ygfj;k
pknj dk;Z ¼fdlh Hkh o.kZu ;k eksVkbZ ij½& tkjh---

PER RUNNING METRE Corrugated steel Asbestos cement corrugated iz f r ehVj

sheeting or semi-corrugated sheeting
11034 Raking cutting and 11034 oxkZdkj vk/kkjks]a njokts o
waste; or straight ygfj;k bLikr pknj ,LosLVl lhesaV ygfj;ka v/kZ
dk;Z ygfj;k pknj dk;Z f[kM+fd;ksa ds chcjks]a Nr
cutting and waste
to square abutments, eks[kks]a fpeuh xfjZ;k vkfn
M&L Labour only M&L Labour only
door and window lkexzh dsoy Je lkexzh ,oa dsoy Je ds 0-4 oeh ls vf/kd dh
openings, sky lights,
,oa Je Je frjNh dVkbZ o Nhtu lh/
chimney stacks etc. kh dVkbZ o Nhtu ¼tc
exc 0.4 sq. m each (not
oxhZ dkV pknj dh iwjh
allowed when a
square cut extends yEckbZ ;k pkSM+kbZ rd
the full length or tk, rks Lohd`r ugha gksxk½
width of a sheet) → 99.43 49.72 78.50 42.50 ←
11035 Circular cutting and 11035 izR;sd 0-4 oeh ls vf/kd
waste exc 0.4 sq.m
← dh xksykdkj dVkbZ o Nhtu
each → 201.44 75.02 165.40 75.00

PER 100 NOS. Corrugated Asbestos cement çfr 100 la[;k

steel sheeting corrugated or semi
ygfj;k bLikr corrugated sheeting
pknj dk;Z ,sLosVl lhesaV dh ygfj;k]
11036 Cutting (straight, 11036 100 olseh vuf/kd {ks=Qy
v/kZ ygfj;k pknj dk;Z
raking or circular) ds voueu ;k Nsn dVkbZ
notches or holes of area ¼lh/kh] frjNh ;k xksykdkj½
not exc 100 sq. cm → 1970.99 3161.97 ←
11037 Ditto area exc 100 sq. 1 1037 mi;ZqDr] 100 o lseh ls
cm but not exc 400 sq.
vf/kd fdUrq 400 o lseh
cm →
2953.55 4740.02 ←ls vuf/kd {ks=Qy
11038 Ditto area exc 400 sq. 11038 mi;qZDr] 400 o lseh ls
cm → 4918.67 7896.12 ←vf/kd {ks=Qy
SECTION 11 243
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
bLikr] vY;qfefu;e o ,sLosLVl pknjh dk;Z ij vfrfjDr Je


11039Levering up edges of old plain or corrugated 11039 iqjkuh lknk ;k ygfj;k pknjksa ds fdukjksa ¼Nksj ;k
sheets (end or side) fixed to wood or steel ik'oZ½ dks Åij mBkuk ydM+h ;k bLikr ds pkS[kVksa esa
framing, inserting end or side edge of new
(sheet supplied by the M.D. for fixing only)
yxkuk] ubZ pknj ¼dsoy LFkkiu ds fy;s ,e Mh }kjk
and nailing, screwing, bolting or riveting nh xbZ½ Nksjksa ;k ik'oZ fdukjksa dks vUnj Mkyuk rFkk
including making good the joint between old iqjkuh o ubZ pknj ds chp ds tksM+ dks ifj"d`r djus
and new sheets. (Not to be allowed for work lfgr] dhy] isp dkoys ;k fjfiV yxkuk ¼isouksa esa
measured as in patches)→ → 45.25 ←ekis x;s dk;Z es btktr ugha gksxh½

PER 100 NOS. çfr 100 la[;k

11040Closing bolt holes etc. in old corrugated steel 11040 iqjkuh ygfj;k bLikr pknjksa ;k vYeksfu;e pknjksa ds
sheets or Aluminium sheeting by sealing dk;Z esa dkoys ds Nsnksa dks nksuksa vksj ,d foVqfeu o
with one bitumen and one curved GI washer
on either side and 6mm G.I. bolts and nuts,
,d oØ tLrh yksgs ds ok'kj ls can djuk rFkk 6 feeh
all set in stiff white lead, bolt n exc 25mm in ds tLrh yksgs ds dkoys o f<ofj;ka lHkh dks lQsns ls
length → vPNh rjg l[r djuk] dkoys 25 feeh ls vf/kd ugh
2029.00 ←¼mi;qZDr½
11041Closing bolt holes or other similar holes in 11041 iqjkuh ,sLosLVl lhesaV pknjksa dks] nksuksa vksj ,d
old Asbestos cement sheets by sealing with
one bitumen and one plain G.I. washer on
foVqfeu o ,d lknk tLrh yksgs dh ok'kj rFkk 8 feeh
either side and 8mm dia bolt and nut, bolt O;kl ds dkoys o f<ofj;k yxkdj cUn djuk] dkoys
not exceeding 25mm in length (Ditto) → 768.83 ←25 feeh yEckbZ ls vf/kd ds u gksa ¼mi;qZDr½
11042Drilling holes upto 12mm dia in plain or 11042 j{kk ea=ky; }kjk dsoy LFkkiu ds fy;s nh xbZ lknk
corrugated sheets supplied by the Ministry ;k ygfj;k pknjksa esa 12 feeh O;kl rd ds ojHkkbZ
of Defence for fixing only →
374.53 ← Nsn djuk] mi;qZDr

BITUMASTIC GOLA fcVqeSfLVd xksyk ¼rkjdksyh xksyk½


11043Bitumastic gola, with 80/25 bitumen and 11043 fopqfeuh xksyk 80@25 rkjdksy o eksVh ckyq ds
coarse sand mixture. 1:3 by weight, 8cmx8cm feykos 1%3 ctu dk] Nr ds laxejej lekUrj lrgksa
at the junction of roofing to vertical surfaces→

150.76 ←esa 8 X 8 lseh


Nr ds [kijs eaxykSjh vkd`fr
(a) The rates do not include for: ¼d½ njksa esa ;g 'kkfey ugha gS%&
(i) Tile battens, boarding or other supports for tiling,
¼i½ cfYy;ka] r[rscanh ;k [kijs dk;Z ds vU; lgkjsA
(ii) Concrete or mortar fillets along parapets, chimney
stacks, etc. ¼ii½ eaqMsjksa] fpefu;ksa ds lkFk dh dhV ;k elkys dh HkjkbZ
(b) The rates include for a tile and half tile at verges and cutting ¼[k½ njksa es]a fdukjksa dh Ms< [kijh] uyksa ds fy;s [kijh esa Nsn djuk
holes through tiling for pipes, including making good. o mls Bhd djuk 'kkfey gSA
(c) If tiles are required to be wired with 1.6mm galvanised ¼x½ isp dlkbZ ds LFkku ij ;fn [kijksa dh rkj ca/kkbZ djuh gS 1-6 feeh
wire in lieu of screwing, it shall be paid as supply only
vide item No. 10115.
tLrh rkjksa ls rks en 10115 vuqlkj dsoy lIykbZ nsuk gksxkA
244 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
Nr ds [kijs eaxykSjh vkdkj tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except tiles izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,ao [kijs jfgr
11044Roof tiles, Mangalore pattern, 11044 eaxykSjh fdLe dh Nr [kifj;ksa dh van:uh
interlocking at side joints, laid dry→
→ 267.99 128.63 ←ik'oZ tksM+ lfgr lw[kh fcNkbZ
11045Ceiling tiles for Mangalore pattern 11045 eaxykSjh fdLe dh [kifj;ksa dh Nr ds
tile roofing, laid dry → 284.00 128.63 ←fy;s lhfyax [kijksa dh lw[kh fcNkbZ

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except tiles iz f r ehVj

11046Ridge or hip tiles to suit Mangalore lkexzh ,ao Je [kijs jfgr 11046 eaxykSj fdLe [kijSy ds mi;qDr fjt ;k
pattern of roofing tiles, bedded and
fgi [kijksa dks fcNkdj 1%3 ds pwuk elkys
jointed in lime mortar 1:3 or cement
mortar 1:6 → 111.25 81.06 ←;k 1%6 ds lhesaV elkys ls tksM+kbZ

11047Straight cutting and waste to 11047 lh/kh dVkbZ o Nhtu oxkZdkj vk/kkj LrEHkks]a
square abutments, chimney stacks, fpefu;ksa mikarksa vkfn esa
verges, etc. → 38.64 32.00 ←
11048Raking cutting and waste to hips, 11048 frjNh dVkbZ o Nhtu] iqVBksa] ?kkfV;ksa
valleys, etc. → 58.63 50.00 ← vkfn esa
11049Extra over tiling for eaves tiles or 11049 vfrfjDr vkSfYr;ksa ;k mikarksa ds [kijksa ds
verges, bedded in lime mortar 1:3 or fy;s] 1%3 ds pwuk elkys ;k 1%6 ds lhesaV
cement mortar 1:6 to old brick-work
elkys ls iqjkus bZVa dk;Z ;k iRFkj fpukb;ksa
or masonry →
32.35 ←esa fcNkbZ ij

PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 la[;k

11050Screwing eaves tiles (each tile 11050 tLrh bLikr ds ispksa ls tLrh yksgs ds
screwed) to eaves battens with gal-
foVqfeu ok'kjksa ds lkFk [kijksa es ojes ls
vanised iron screws, GI and
bitumen washers including drilling Nsn djds vksyrh ds [kijksa esa isp yxkuk
holes in tiles → 2187.85 ←¼gj [kijs esa isp dlkbZ½

xkjs dk Qqldk
1105180mm thick average consolidated
11051 80 feeh vkSlr eksVk lekfgr eksVkbZ dk
thickness, mud phuska on flat roofs
including 25mm thick mud plaster likV Nrksa ij xkjk Qqldk mlds Åij
and 3 mm thick leeping plaster → 98.37 25 feeh eksVk xkjk iyLrj o 3 feeh
←eksVh fyikbZ
11052Add to or deduct from last for every 11052 tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa] vafre en esa ls] xkjk
10mm thickness of mud phuska over
Qqlds dh 80 feeh eksVkbZ ls 10 feeh de
or under 80mm average thickness→ → 11.32
←;k vf/kd eksVkbZ ds fy;s
SECTION 11 245
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
xkjs dk Qqldk

11053Deduct from item 11051 if leeping 1 1053 ?kVk;s] en 11051 esa ls ;fn fyikbZ iyLrj
plaster is not provided → 22.81 ←ugha fd;k x;k gSA
11054Cutting or uprooting grass on old 11054 iqjkus xkjs Qqlds ij ls ?kkl m[kkM+uk]
mud phuska, removing rubbish ifjlj ls eyok gVkuk] lrg lkQ djuk
off the premises, cleaning surface
and preparing to receive new mud
rFkk mls u;k xkjk iyLrj yxkus ds fy;s
plaster → 11.08 ←laokjuk


ckjts cukbZ esa bZV Vkby
The rates for brick tiling include for all straight, raking and bZV Vkby dh njksa esa LkHkh lh/kh] frjNh o xksy dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey
circular cutting and waste. gSA
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except tiles izfr oxZ ehVj
1105540mm thick brick tiles laid on mud lkexzh ,ao Vkby jfgr 11055 40 feeh eksVh bZV Vkbysa feV~Vh xkjs ij
mortar and joints grouted flush in Je fcNh rFkk tksM+ 1%3 ds lhesVa ds ctu dk
cement mortar (1:3) mixed with 5%
of crude oil by weight of cement on 5% dPps feJ.k ls Hkjs gq;s
mud phuska → 583.06 282.90 ←

11056Add to item 11055 if tiles are bedded 11056 tksMsa+ en 11055 esa ;fn Vkbyksa dks ¼1%6½
in cement mortar (1:6) or lime mortar lhesaV elkys ;k pwuk elkys ¼1%3½ esa 15
(1:3), 15mm thick → 371.43 371.43 ←feeh eksVkbZ es fcNk;k x;k gS

BITUMEN TACK COAT rkjdksy dk fpidk ijr

11057Applying evenly a tack coat of in 1 1057 lrg dh lQkbZ lfgr O;olkf;d rkjdksy
dustrial bitumen 85/25 at the rate of dk 85@25] 1-2 fd0xkze izfr oxZ ehVj dh
1.2 kg per sq.m including cleaning ←nj ls ,d fpidkÅ Lrj yxkuk
surfaces → 65.49

PER CUBIC METRE M&L Except izfr ?ku ehVj

lkexzh ,ao aggregate
Je feykos jfgr
11058 pwuk dhV] Nr tSlh fufnZf"Vr okjtksa esa(
11058Lime concrete terracing as specified in
roof (excluding bitumen tack coat) → 5887.03 5125.19 ←¼dksyrkj dh fpidk ijr NksM+dj½


11059 Extra over lime concrete terracing for 11059 vfrfjDr] okjtksa dh Åijh lrg dh dwV
top surface trowelled smooth 33.91 ←dj le cukus ds fy;s

246 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu


iRFkj ifV;k Nr vkPNknu

(a) The rates for stone slab roofing includes for all straight, ¼d½ iRFkj dh ifV;ksa ds Nr vkPNknu dk;Z esa lHkh lh/kh] frjNh o
raking and circular cutting and waste and jointing. xksykdkj dVkbZ 'kkfey gSaA
(b) Thickness between 30mm and 50mm shall be paid ¼[k½ 30 feeh ls 50 feeh ds chp dh eksVkbZ dk Hkqxrku vkuqikfrd
prorata. gksxkA

PER SQUARE METRE Jointed in var% tqM+kbZ izfr oxZ ehVj

Lime mortar 1:3 Cement mortar 1:4
pwuk elkyk 1%3 lhesaV elkyk 1%4
M&L Except slab M&L Except slab
lk ,oaa ifV;k jfgr lk ,oaa ifV;k jfgr
11060 30mm thick sand stone Je Je 11060 30 feeh eksVh ckyq iRFkj ifV;k
slabs; set and jointed over dfM+;ksa vkfn ij fLFkj o tqMh+ gqbZ
joists, etc., complete → 735.71 331.96 739.31 335.46 ←laiw.kZ
11061 Ditto but 50mm thick → 952.65 462.09 952.77 467.99 11061 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 50 feeh eksVh


[kqyh Nrksa dh ejEer o tyjks/kh mipkj
REPAIRING OF CRACKS njkjksa dh ejEer
PER RUNNING METRE M&L Labour iz f r ehVj
11062 Cutting out cracks to V-section in lkexzh ,ao only
11062 fo|eku Nrksa ;k okjtksa esa V dkV dh
existing roofs or terracing, cleaning Je Je dsoy
njkj dkVuk] mudh lQkbZ djuk] xhyk
out, wetting, grouting with cement
and sand slurry 1:3 djuk] 1%3 ds lhesaV o ckyq ds irys
→ 97.12 94.97 ←?kksy ls lysjh djuk
11063 Cutting out cracks to V-section in 11063 fo|eku Nrksa ;k okjtksa esa V dkV dh
existing roofs or terracing, cleaning njkj dkVuk] mUgsa lkQ djuk rFkk 1%1
out and filling solidly with a hot
ds rkjdksy o lkQ ckyq ¼Hkkfjr½ ds xeZ
mixture of bitumen and clean dry
sand 1:1 (by weight) → 117.81 100.29 ←feJ.k ls Bksl HkjkbZ djuk


PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except izfr oxZ ehVj
11064 Wire brushing and cleaning top surface lkexzh ,ao bitumen
11064 f>fYy;ksa o eaM
q js ksa ds tksMk+ as lfgr] Vkbyksa
of tiles, lime terracing or cement concrete, Je rkjdksy jfgr
including flashings and junction of
dh Åijh lrg] pwuk ;k lheaV daØhV
parapets, etc., and surface painting, with okjtksa] dh rkjh czq'k ls lQkbZ djuk]
a layer of blown grade bitumen of any fdlh Hkh izHkko ds Qwd a s xeZ rkjdksy dks
penetration applied hot @ 1.7 kg per sq. 1.7 fdxzke izfr oeh iRFkjh drju 0.006
m, blinded with grit or pea size gravel @ ?keh izfr oeh ds fglkc ds feykos dks
0.006 cu.m per sq.m, and lightly tampered
(area of flashings, etc., shall be added to
FkksM+k xeZ djds HkjkbZ djuk ¼f>fYy;ksa
the roof area) → 92.12 26.88 ← vkfn dk {ks= Nr ds {ks= esa tksMk+ tk;sxk½
SECTION 11 247
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
[kqyh Nrksa dh ejEer o tyjks/kh mipkj
11064A Supply and fixing Heat Resistant Terrace
Tiles (300 mm x 300 mm x 20 mm) with SRI
(solar refractive index) > 78, solar reflection
> 0.70 and initial emittance > 0.75 on
waterproof and sloped surface of terrace, laid
on 20 mm thick cement sand mortar in the
ratio of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and
grouting the joints with mix of white cement
& marble powder in ratio of 1:1, including
rubbing and polishing of the surface upto 3
cuts complete, including providing skirting
upto 150 mm height along the parapet walls
in the same manner. → 1007.60
11064B Providing and fixing 0.56 mm thick
aluminium alloy colour coated roofing
sheets of alloy IS designation 31500, temper
H*8 conforming to IS 737 and dimension as
per IS Code 2676 with characteristics of good
formability and corrosion resistance and
troughed profile with center to center pitch
of 200 mm, depth of 32 mm, overall profile
width 1092 mm, cover width 1000mm at all
heights, levels and locations. The profile
sheets shall be fixed to truss members in slope
or required pitch or curvature with Hex cap
headed self drilling/ tapping stainless steel
screws M6, 60 mm long with 3 mm EPDM
seal washer etc, all inclusive of labour,
scaffolding, T&P and sundries etc. → 1082.35

11064C Providing and fixing 0.71 mm thick

aluminium alloy colour coated roofing
sheets of alloy IS designation 31500, temper
H*8 conforming to IS 737 and dimension
as per IS Code 2676 with characteristics of
good formability and corrosion resistance
and troughed profile with center to center
pitch of 200 mm, depth of 32 mm, overall
profile width 1092 mm, cover width
1000mm at all heights, levels and locations.
The profile sheets shall be fixed to truss
members in slope or required pitch or
curvature with Hex cap headed self
drilling/ tapping stainless steel screws M6,
60 mm long with 3 mm EPDM seal washer
etc, all inclusive of labour, scaffolding, T&P
and sundries etc. → 1349.50
248 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
[kqyh Nrksa dh ejEer o tyjks/kh mipkj
11064D Providing and fixing 0.71 mm thick Precoated colour
or mill finish Aluminium Ridges plain (500-600mm)
of alloy IS designation 31500, Aluminium Alloy (AA)
3004 (ISO designation). For colour, coating shall be
5-7 microns epoxy primer on both sides of the sheet
and polyester top coat 15-18 microns, using self
drilling/ tapping SS screws of size M6, 60 mm long
with 3 mm EPDM seal and SS plain washer. → 976.35
11064E Providing and fixing 0.71 mm thick Precoated colour
or mill finish Aluminium Flashings/ Aprons (upto
600mm) of alloy IS designation 31500, aluminium
Alloy (AA) 3004 (ISO designation). For colour, coating
shall be 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both sides of
the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns, using
self drilling/ tapping SS screws of size M6, 60 mm
long with 3 mm EPDM seal and SS plain washer. → 903.95
11064F Providing and fixing of 0.71 mm thick Precoated
colour or mill finish Aluminium North light curves
of alloy IS designation 31500, Aluminium Alloy (AA)
3004 (ISO designation). For colour, coating shall be
5-7 microns epoxy primer on both sides of the sheet
and polyester top coat 15-18 microns, using self
drilling/ tapping SS screws of size M6, 60 mm long
with 3 mm EPDM seal and SS plain washer. → 989.40
11064G Providing and fixing of 0.71 mm thick Precoated
colour or mill finish Aluminium Barge board (upto
200mm) of alloy IS designation 31500, Aluminium
Alloy (AA) 3004 (ISO designation). For colour, coating
shall be 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both sides of
the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns, using
self drilling/ tapping SS screws of size M6, 60 mm
long with 3 mm EPDM seal and SS plain washer. → 756.60
11064H Providing and fixing of 0.71 mm thick Precoated
colour or mill finish Aluminium Crimp Curve of Alloy
IS designation 31500, Aluminium Alloy (AA) 3004
(ISO designation). For colour, coating shall be 5-7
microns epoxy primer on both sides of the sheet and
polyester top coat 15-18 microns, using self drilling/
tapping SS screws of size M6, 60 mm long with 3 mm
EPDM seal and SS plain washer. → 842.60
SECTION 11 249
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
uenk rkjdks y h tyjks / kd mipkj
(a) Measurements shall be for the surface of roof and vertical, ¼d½ tyjks/kd mipkj ds varxZr vkus okys Hkkx] Nr dh lrg
curved or battered faces of parapet walls, abutments, o lekukUrj oØ ;k frjNh] daxjw h fnokjks]a /kkjdks]a fpefu;ksa
chimney stacks, breasts, drain mouths, gutters, flashings,
etc., covered with the waterproofing treatment. Turn ups
ds /kM+ iz"B] ukfy;ksa ds eq[k] xVj] njkjsa vkfn dh eki yh
and turn downs at eaves, verges, abutments, flashings, tk;sxhA vksfYr;ksa ds mrkj p<+ko] fdukjs vk/kkj] njkjsa
aprons, gutters, hips ridges, valleys, etc., shall be measured vkoj.k] xVj] mBkoh p<+kos] ?kkfV;ka vkfn dh eki tyjks/kd
alongwith waterproofing treatment. mipkj ds lkFk gksxhA
(b) Rates include for end and side laps, forming of openings, ¼[k½ njksa esa Nksj o ik'oZ mHkkj] lajpuk] VadkbZ] fdukjksa dh HkjkbZ
tucking in, wedging and pointing edges, tucked in
o VhiVki] bZV dk;Z ;k daØhV ifV~V;ksa esa Vadkb lHkh
brickwork or concrete fillet, all cutting and waste, and work
in any position and any shape. dVkbZ o Nhtu rFkk fdlh voLFkk ;k fdlh vkdkj esa dk;Z
'kkfey gSA
(c) Cutting grooves or chases in brick-work and shaping ¼x½ bZV dk;Z esa Nsn ;k f>jh fudkyuk rFkk VadkbZ ds fy;s Nsnksa
grooves for tucking in edges of felt, etc. shall be measured dks vkdkj nsuk i`Fkd ekis tk;saxsA
(d) Concrete fillets at junctions between roof and parapet walls, ¼?k½ Nr o nhokj eqaMsjksa laxeksa vojks/kksa fpeuh vkfn ij daØhV
around obstacles, chimney slacks, etc., shall be measured ifV~V;ksa dks i`Fkd ekik tk;sxkA

(e) Plastering to surfaces for preparing, and filling up ¼M-½ laifw rZ ds fy;s lrgksa ij iyLrj djuk rFkk njkjksa dh HkjkbZ
cracks shall be measured separately only when performed
izFkd rHkh ekih tk;sxh tc iqjkuh@fo|eku Nrksa ij dk;Z
over old/existing roofs.
fd;k x;k gksA
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except felt izfr oxZ ehVj
11065 Priming surfaces and applying lk ,oa Je uenk jfgr
11065 vLrjh; vLrj rFkk dkap js'kk vk/kkj uenk
normal treatment (for moderate 2 dk iz;ksx djds lkekU; mipkj
conditions) using glass fibre base
← ¼lkekU; voLFkk esa½
bitumen felt, grade 2 → 246.62 244.33
11066 Priming surfaces and applying 11066 vLrjh; vLrj Hkkjh mipkj iz ; ks x
heavy treatment (for severe 432.42 320.30 ← ¼vlkekU; voLFkkvksa esa½ mi;qZDr
conditions), ditto →


11067 Cutting grooves in brick wall, 75mm wide and 11067 75 feeh pkSMs+ o 65 feeh xgjs Nsn bZV dk;Z esa
65mm deep and shaping horizontal face of
dkVuk rFkk lhesaV elkys 1%3 ls Nsnksa dks likV
groove with cement mortar 1:3 →
63.02 ← vkdkj nsuk

11068 APP based polymeric membrane minimum

weighing 3kg/sqm and minimum 3mm thick
reinforced with polyster non wove fabric (wt. not
less than 150 gms/sqm) land on primed surface
by forced application complete all as specified. → 403.65
250 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
Nknu iV~ V h
The rates include for double course at eaves and for special bu njksa esa vksyfr;ksa esa nksgjh ioZ dk;Z rFkk fdukjksa dh fo'ks"k Nknu
shingles to verges and also for all cutting and waste. iV~Vh ,oa lHkh dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA
PER SQUARE METRE Material & labour Except shingles, izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh o Je any timber
Soft wood Hard wood iV~Vs] ydM+h jfgr
uje ydM+h dBksj ydM+h
11069Roofing with
2nd class 3rd class 2nd class
11069 ydM+ h dh Nknu
wooden shingles ifV~V;ksa dks dhyksa ls
nailed to battens f} f= f}
cÙkks a es a yxkdj
(Battens measured
separately) → vkPNknu djuk ¼oÙkksa
– – – 4569.24
← dh eki izFkd gksxh½


twV ¼pVkbZ½ Qwal] ckal vkfn ds dk;Z
The rates include allowance for laps and all cutting and njksa esa xkaBksa dh NwV vkSj lHkh dVkbZ o Nhtu “kkfey gSA


Material & Labour, Matting of Except
pVkbZ] lkexzh ,oa Je matting
any type
Split bamboo Bamboo strip or flat Whole fdlh pkVbZ
or reed leaf (chattai, etc.) reeds jfgr
11070Matting, single ckal [kiPph ckal ioZ ;k iÙkh ¼Nrjh iwjs 11070 bdgjh ijr dk pVkbZ
layer, and fixing to ;k ljdaMs vkfn½ ljdaMs dk;Z] Ýseksa ;k lgkjksa ls
frames or supports eawt ;k vU; Lohd`r
with munj or other 265.11 – – 18.36 ← jLlh ls ca/kkbZ
approved string →
11071Ditto, double layer, 11071 nksgjh ijr] mi;qZDr
ditto → 530.68 – – 31.90
SECTION 11 251
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu

MATTING Contd...
pVkbZ tkjh


11072Add to M & L rates of items 11070 and 11071, if 11072 tksMsa+ en 11070 o 11071 lk- o Je dh njksa esa(
single or double layer matting is secured to frames ;fn bdgjh ;k nksgjh ijr pVkbZ dks Ýseksa ;k
or supports with and including split bamboo or
laths and cross braced with the same →
lgkjksa ls ckal [kifPp;ksa ;k ifÙk;ksa esa lqn`<+ djus
30.04 ← lfgr rFkk mlh ls vkjikj ca/kkbZ
11073Ditto, if single or double layer matting is wired 11073 mi;ZqDr] ;fn bdgjh ;k nksgjh ijr pVkbZ dks
to supports with 1.25 to 1.60mm dia G.I wire at lgkjksa ls 1-25 ls 1-60 feeh O;kl tLrh rkj ls 45
45 to 60cm centres → 1.18 ← ls 60 lseh dsUnzksa ij dlk xk;k gks

NIij Nkuk
The rates include for fillets and string (tarred) required for bu njksa esa cka/kus ds fy;s Qhrs o jfLl;ka ¼rkjdksyh½ 'kkfey gSa fdUrq
fixing but do not include for the supporting bamboo lgk;d ckal Qjescanh 'kkfey ugha gSA
framings etc.

PER SQUARE METRE Finished thickness izfr oxZ ehVj

laiwfjr eksVkbZ
75mm 150mm 225mm

11074 Qwal dk NIij fcNkuk

11074 Thatching in roofs → 191.69 236.58 282.37 ←
11075 dsoy Qwal fcNkuk
11075 Ditto except thatch →
152.21 197.10 242.89 ←

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Laying only iz f r ehVj

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy fcNkbZ

11076 Thatched cappings to ridges and 11076 igkfM+;ksa p<+kb;ksa esa Qwal ds Nr vkoj.k
hips → 103.16 63.68 ←
252 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
igkfM+;ksa o p<+kb;ksa esa ckal dk;Z ¼lh/kk ;k frjNk fdlh voLFkk esa½
Split bamboos (not less than 20mm×l0mm) laid two ways shall ckal [kifPp;ksa ¼20 feeh x 10 eheh ls de ughaa½ nks rjQk yxh
be paid at twice the rates when laid one way. gqbZ dk nqxuk Hkqxrku gksxk tc ,dy iFk esa yxh gksaA

PER SQUARE METRE Spacing, centre to centre izfr oxZ ehVj

nwjh] dsUnz ls dsUnz
11077 Whole bamboos, 90mm to 11077 90 feeh ls 125 feeh ek/; ?ksjs ds
125mm mean girth, laid one
lkcqr ckal Qjesnkjh bdgjs yxk dj
way in framing and tied se- 150mm 225mm 300mm 450mm
curely with munj or other ap- ewt
a ;k vU; Lohd`r jLlh ls etcwrh
proved string → 355.76 ←ls ca/ks gq;s
264.50 210.34 161.41
11078 Ditto but except bamboos → 98.17 86.25 67.63 54.22 11078 mi;ZqDr] fdUrq ckal jfgr
11079 Add to items 11077 and 11078 11079 tksM]as+ en 11077 o 11078 esa ckalksa
for crude oiling bamboos ij dPpk rsy yxkus ds fy;s ¼iwjs
(Treated all over but measured ckal ij yxk;k tk;sxk fdUrq ,d
on the flat, one side) →
←rjQ ls likV ekik tk;sxk½
35.98 29.87 23.63 17.94
11080 Split bamboos (not less than 11080 ckal [kiPph ¼20 X 10 feeh ls NksVh
20mm x 10 mm) laid one way ugha½ Qjesnkjh esa bdgjh yxh gqbZ
in framings and tied securely
rFkk ewt a ;k vU; Lohd`r jLlh ls
with munj or other approved
string → 151.62 ←etcwrh ls ca/kh gqbZ
118.07 85.58 55.32

11081 Ditto, but except split bamboo→

→ 128.59 106.10 72.42 45.45 11081 mi;qZDr] fdUrq [kiPph jfgr
11082 Add to items 11080 and 11081 11082 tksM]+as en 11082 o 11081 es]a ckalksa esa
for crude oiling bamboos as in en 11079 dh rjg dPpk rsy yxkus
item 11079 → 28.31 23.70 18.91 11.63 ←ds fy;s
11083 Extra for nailing or wiring 11083 vfrfjDr] nksgjh yxh [kifPp;ksa dks
split bamboos, laid two ways, dhy ;k rkj ls izR;sd xkaB ij cka/kus
at each intersection →
28.71 14.15 7.79 3.81 ←gsrq

M&L Except bamboos izfr oxZ ehVj

(as applicable)
lkexzh ,oa Je ckal ;k rsy 1108
110844 NksVs iwjs ckal ¼ek/; ?ksjk 50 feeh ls
11084 Small whole bamboos (not jfgr
less than 50mm mean girth) (tSlk ykxw gks) de ugha½ nksuksa vksj ls lkFk okys ckalksa
closely laid to touch adjacent dks Nwr gq;]s yxk;s] x;s rFkk ewta dh
bamboos on both sides
←jLlh ls etcwrh ls cka/ks gq;s
including tying securely 319.20 103.35
with munj string → 11085 dPps rsy dh iqrkbZ mi;qZDr ¼rsy
11085 Crude oiling to ditto (oiled all pkjksa vksj yxsxk fdUrq ,d vksj ls
over but measured on the flat, ←likV ekik tk;sxk
one side only) → 84.03 26.17
SECTION 11 253
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
¼ckjts cukus esa nzO; O;oLFkk ls nfor nqX?k fpduh feêh Vkbysa½

11086 Hydraulically pressed burnt clay tile

plain of size 200x200x19/20mm
machine made laid over & including
cement mortar screed 15mm thick in
CM 1:6 mixed with water proofing
compound and jointed pointed in
CM 1:3 mixed with 5% crude oil by
weight of cement. 890.07 619.53

cjlkrh oLrq , a
vksyrh xVj rFkk cjlkrh uy vkerkSj ls
(a) The lengths of gutters and pipes shall be measured net as ¼d½ xVjksa o uyksa dh yEckbZ;ka tSlh miLdkjksa esa yxh gksa NksVh
fixed between the fittings including short lengths; without yEckbZ;ksa lfgr( fcuk dVkbZ o Nhtu ;k xVj o uy ds lkFk
any allowance for cutting and waste or for portions of
gutters or pipes entering the sockets of the adjacent pipe or
okys uyksa esa vUnj x;s Hkkxksa gsrq NwV fn;s fo'kq ekih tk;sxhA
fitting. Angles, nozzle pieces, swan necks and other fittings dks.k] uksty [kaM] gal xzhok rFkk vU; miLdkjksa dks ckn esa
shall be enumerated and measured separately. The rates fxuk tk;sxk rFkk i`Fkd ekik tk;sxkA njksa esa lHkh vko';d
include for all necessary extra joints, cutting and waste. vfrfjDr tksM+] dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA

(b) Eaves and valley gutters shall be measured along the ¼[k½ vksyrh ;k ?kkVh xVjksa dks dsUnz js[kk ds lkFk&lkFk ekik tk;sxkA
centre line.
(c) Union sockets (loose sockets) shall not be measured ¼x½ ;qXex lkdsV ¼<hyh lkdsV½ i`Fkd ugha ekih tk;sxhA
(d) The rates of 'Fixing only' eaves gutters, rainwater pipes ¼?k½ vksyrh xVj] cjlkrh uyksa vkfn dh *dsoy LFkkiu* dh njksa
etc., include for the supply of bolts, gutter bolts, screws, esa dkoyksa] xVj dkoyksa] ispksa] ok'kjksa] uydhyksa vUrjh;
washers, pipe nails, distance pieces, plugs, holder-bats (for [kaM] MkVsa] ifjxzkgh ¼vkd.kZ uyksa gsrq½ rFkk lHkh la;kstu
pipes without ears), and all jointing materials, and also for
all necessary cutting of gutters and pipes, drilling for lkexzh] rFkk lHkh vko';d xVjksa o uyksa dh dVkbZ] oksYVksa
bolts and jointing and fixing in position. The rates for ds fy;s ojHkkbZ Nsn rFkk tqM+kbZ o LFkku esa LFkkiuk 'kkfey
'Supplied and fixed' include subsidiary materials gSA *vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir* dh njksa esa mi;qZDr milkexzh rFkk
mentioned above as well as gutters, pipes and accessories, xVj] uy o lgk;d miLdj o xVj o uyksa dh dVkbZ dk
fittings and waste in cutting gutters and pipes. Nhtu 'kkfey gSA
(e) Nozzles, stop ends and drop ends of steel sheet gutters ¼M½ bLikr pknj ukstysa v/kksur fljksa o can fljksa dks xVj ds
shall be soldered to gutters, joints of angles shall also be lkFk >kyk tk;sxk] dks.kksa ds tksM+ Hkh >kys tk;sxsaA
(f) The rates also apply to where a complete run of gutter or ¼p½ ;g njsa ogka Hkh ykxw gksxh tgka xVj ;k uy ds iwjs iFk dks
pipe is renewed. In minor repairs, in which a length of
gutter or rainwater pipe is necessarily cut to length, an
uohu fd;k x;k gSA NksVh ejEerksa esa ftuesa xVj ;k uy dh
allowance shall be made for each cut as follows : yEckbZ dks vko';drkuqlkj yEckbZ esa dkVk xk;k gS rks izR;sd
dkV ds fy;s fuEu:i ls NwV nh tk;sxh%&
1 When gutters or pipes are supplied by the Contractor ¼1½ tc xVj ;k uyksa dh vkiwfrZ Bsdsnkj us dh gS% vk/kk
half metre run (supplied and fixed). ehVj iFk ¼vkiwfrZ o LFkkfir½]
2. When supplied by M.D.— Labour cutting only. ¼2½ tc vkiwfÙk ,e Mh }kjk dsoy dVkbZ Je
(g) The rates for gutters do not include for brackets. ¼N½ xVj dh njksa esa czSfdV 'kkfey ugha gSaA
254 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu


vksyrh xVj bLIkkr pknj

PER RUNNING METRE Supplied & fixed iz f r ehVj

vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkfir
Thickness of Thickness of Fixing only
sheet 1 mm sheet 1.25 mm (any dia/size)
pknj dh eksVkbZ pknj dh eksVkbZ dsoy LFkkiu
1 feeh 1-25 feeh ¼dksbZ O;kl@
dia dia dia dia dia dia
mm mm mm mm mm mm
O;kl O;kl O;kl O;kl O;kl O;kl
feeh feeh feeh feeh feeh feeh
100 125 150 100 125 150

11087 Mild steel sheet eaves 11087

11087vksyrh xVj uje bLikr
gutters, galvanised dh pknj dh tLrh]
class 3, half round
with rounded edges
3] xksy fdukjksa dh vk/kh
→ 254.60 295.80 337.54 288.31 340.80 388.15 76.35 ← xksy

EACH iz R ;s d
11088 Angles (internal or 11088 ifV~V;ka ¼van:uh ;k ckgjh½
external) or nozzle ;k uksty [kaM ¼fudkl½
193.48 207.34 221.21 207.34 221.21 235.66 146.36 ←
pieces (Out lets) →
11089 Drop ends (for spigot 11089 v|ksur fljs ¼dksVj ;k
or socket ends) or lkfdV fljksa gsr½q ;k uksty
221.21 235.07 249.52 235.66 249.52 263.39 146.36

nozzles →
11090 Stop ends (for 11090 can fljs ¼dksVj ;k lkdsV
spigot or socket 130.48 1441.02 144.35 137.42 144.35 158.21 24.64 ← gsrq½
ends) →
SECTION 11 255
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
cjlkrh ikuh uy&<yk yks g k
PER RUNNING METRE Supplied and fixed Fixing only iz f r ehVj
vkiwfŸkZ o LFkkfir (any size)
dia mm dia mm dia mm dsoy LFkkiu
O;kl feeh O;kl feeh O;kl feeh ¼dksbZ izeki½
75 100 150

11091 Cast iron rainwater 11091 <ys yksgs ds] fcuk d.kZ lhesVa
socketed pipes with
tksM+ksa lfgr lkdsV yxs
cement joints, without
→ 907.51 1032.29 1226.40 184.91 ←cjlkrh ikuh ds uy
11092 Ditto, but with ears→
→ 962.97 1101.62 1309.59 184.91 11092 mi;qZDr] fdUrq d.kZ lfgr

EACH iz R ;s d
The following rates apply to fuEu njsa d.kZ lfgr ;k jfgr lgk;d
accessories with or without
oLrqvksa ij ykxw gksrh gSa
11093 Offsets, projection 11093 [klds] mHkkj 150 feeh rd
upto 150mm → 517.22 693.62 950.25 153.96
11094 Offsets, projection exc. 11094 [klds] mHkkj 150 feeh ls
150mm & up to 305mm→→ ←vf/kd vkSj 305 feeh rd
815.32 984.79 1366.20 153.96
11095 Bends or elbows, 11095 eksM+ ;k dksfu;ka] pkSdksj ;k
square, or obtuse→
→ 409.71 510.60 825.46 153.96 ←vf/kd
11096 Branch, single → 622.39 896.35 1226.03 237.37 11096 'kk[kk;sa] ,dy
11097 Branch, double → 788.94 1042.74 1245.16 254.71 11097 'kk[kk;sa] ;qxy
11098 Heads, square type, 373.51 537.02 711.83 106.14
11098 'kh"kZ] oxZ fdLe] likV

11099 Heads, hopper type, 11099 'kh"kZ] Vkaij uewuk] likV ;k
flat or corner → ←dksuh
11100 Shoes → 607.34 776.81 950.25 147.60 11100 'kwt
11101 Diminishing piece → 509.75 806.77 876.22 148.19 11101 U;qud [kaM
11102 Wire balloon, 11102 rkjh xqCcjs] tLrh bLikr
galvanised steel →
11103 tksMsa+] en 11093 ls 11096
11103 Add to items 11093 to
11096 if provided with esa ;fn igqp a ¼fujh{k.k½ }kj
access (inspection) ←dh O;oLFkk gS
→ 139.83 153.69 167.56
11104Add to items 11091 to 11104 tksMa+s en 11091 ls 11101
11101 for providing lead es]a ;fn fpukbZ ;k daØhV esa
joints in lieu of cement yxs uyksa esa lhesVa tksMk+ as ds
joints for pipes embed-
ded in masonry or con-
LFkku ij dkafpr tksM+ yxs
crete → ←gSa
541.18 484.63 702.31
256 SECTION 11
[k.M 11& Nr vkPNknu
,sLcsLVl lhesaV ds xVj
PER RUNNING METRE Supplied and fixed Fixing only iz f r ehVj
vkiwfŸkZ o LFkkiu (any size
or type)
Ogee gutters dsoy LFkkiu
Half round gutters
vksth xVj v/kZxksy xVj ¼dksb½Z vkdkj
size mm size mm dia mm dia mm ;k uewuk½
11105 Asbestos cement eaves vkdkj vkdkj O;kl feeh O;kl feeh 11105 vksyrh xVj ,sLoSLVl lhesVa
gutters with union feeh 125 feeh 200 152-4 228-6 ds] ;qXed ldksVj vkSj Lohd`r
sockets and joints set
tqMkoh feykos ls tksM+ tqMs
in approved jointing
compound → 402.99 700.34 277.86 ←

EACH iz R ;s d
11106 Angles (internal or 11106 [kaM ¼vUn:uh ;k ckgjh½
external) or nozzle→
→ ←;k uksty
526.78 720.37 337.54
11107 Drop ends (with spigot 11107 v/k fljk ¼nkarns kj ;k uqdhysa
or socket ends) → 497.02 749.28 423.00 ←fljs okys½
11108 Stop ends (for spigot 11108 vkoa/kd fljs ¼nkarsnkj ;k
or socket ends) →
313.80 554.45 248.86 ←uqdhysa fljs½


PER RUNNING METRE Materials and labour Fixing only iz f r ehVj
lkexzh o Je (any size)
100mm 125mm 150mm dsoy LFkkiu
dia dia dia ¼dksbZ eki½
O;kl 100 O;kl 125 O;kl 150
11109 Asbestos cement sock- feeh feeh feeh 11109 cjlkrh ikuh ds uy ,sLosLVl lhesVa
eted rain water pipes ds lhes a V tks M + lfgr ldks V j
with cement joints → 402.20 471.33 583.28 240.76 ← yxs
EACH iz R ;s d
11110 Bends → 159.82 181.13 202.44 97.94 11110 eksM+
11111 Bends plinth, 50mm upto 11111 dqlhZ eksM+ 50 feeh ls 150 feeh]
150mm, offset → 188.58 202.44 216.31 86.03 ←[klds
11112 Junctions, single (straight 11112 laxe] ,dy ¼lh/ks ;k eqM]s+ leku ;k
or inverted, equal or
unequal) →
191.00 197.93 204.86 120.27
11113 Junctions, double (ditto) → 251.99 11113 laxe] ;qxy ¼mi;qZDr½
318.47 355.18 179.82
11114 Add to items 11110 to 1 1114 tksMsa+] en 11110 ls 11113 esa ;fn
11113 if provided with vfHkxeu }kj ¼fufj{k.k½ O;oLFkk
access (inspection) door 35.84 42.77 49.70 ←lfgr gS

11115 Rainwater heads, pen- 1 1115 ikap ;k N% Hkqth ijukyksa ds 'kh"kZ vkoj.k
tagonal or hexagonal → 371.66 461.10 485.39 162.50 ←¼f'kjL=k.k½
11116 Shoes → 87.43 137.49 175.64 68.17 11116 uky ¼'kwt½
SECTION 11 257
[k.M 11 Nr vkPNknu
11117 Swan-necks upto 150 mm 11117 mi;qDZ r] 150 feeh rd ds galxzhok
offset → ←[klds
11118 Ditto, 225mm upto 300mm, 130.05 173.70 202.40 86.03
11118 mi;qZDr] 225 feeh 300 feeh rd
offset →
143.90 201.40 230.20 86.03 ←ds [klds
11119 Ditto, 375mm upto 600 mm, 11119 mi;qZDr] 375 feeh 600 feeh rd
offset → ←ds [klds
150.80 208.30 237.10 84.86
11120 Slotted vent cowl → 156.80 206.80 251.90 86.00 11120 [kkafpr fuxZe dkmy ¼vkoj.k½
11121 Cone cap cowl → 115.20 151.40 175.60 86.00 11121 dksuh Vksih dkmy
uyksa o xVjksa dh dVkbZ
These rates apply only to fixing or refixing of pipes and gutters ;g njsa j{kk ea=ky; }kjk fn;s x;s uyksa o xVjksa ds dsoy LFkkiu
supplied by M.D. o iqu% LFkkiu ij ykxw gksrh gSA
EACH CUT izR;sd dkV
11122 Cutting cast iron or AC pipes (any sec- 11122 75 ls 150 feeh O;kl ds ,lh ;k <ys yksgs
tion) from 75mm to 150mm dia → 90.50
←ds uyksa esa dVkbZ
11123 —Ditto—exc 150mm n. exc 225 mm 11123 150 feeh ls vf/kd ysfdu 225 feeh O;kl
dia → 150.00 ←ls vuf/kd] mi;ZqDr
11124 Cutting half round or ogee, sheet 11124 225 feeh ls 250 feeh rd pkSMs+ yksgs dh
iron or AC gutters 225mm to 250mm pknj ;k ,slh xVjksa dh xVj dkoyksa ds
wide (any thickness), including
100.00 ←ojHkkbZ Nsnksa lfgr v/kZxksy ;k vksxh dVkbZ
drilling for gutter bolts →


vksyrh xVjks rFkk ijukyksa dks m[kkM+uk


11125 Taking down eaves gutters and 111125 lHkh miLdjksa] vkoj.kksa] ukyksa] eksM+ksa]
rainwater pipes (any size or galxzhokvks]a vkfn lfgr] vksyrh xVjksa rFkk
pattern), including all fittings, ijukyksa ¼fdlh Hkh vkdkj ;k uewuk dks
heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks,
m[kkM+uk] iqu% LFkkiu ;k HkaMkj esa igqpkus
etc., including cleaning or refixing
or removal to Store (measured ds fy;s lkQ djuk ¼tSls LFkkfir gSa dsUnz
overall as fixed along the centre line js[kk ij miLdjksa o milk/kuksa ds ij ls
over fittings and accessories) → 50.30 ←lai.w kZ eki gksxh½

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
,sLosLVl lhesaV vkPNknu pknjsa o milk/ku
11126 6mm thick asbestos cement (AC) 11126 6 feeh eksVh] ,sLcsLVl lhesVa ¼,lh½ ygfj;k
corrugated or semi-corrugated ←;k v/kZygfj;k Hkwjh pknjsa
sheets, grey →
258 SECTION 11
[k.M 11 Nr vkPNknu


,sLcsLVl lhesaV vkPNknu pknjsa o iwjd lkexzh tkjh

EACH PIECE izR;sd [kaM

11127 AC one piece plain angular ridge 11127 ,lh ,dy [kaMh;; dwV 6 feeh eksVh
6mm thick → 139.80
PER PAIR izfr tksM+k
11128 AC two-piece, adjustable, plain 11128 ,lh nks [kaMh;] lek;kstud] lknk Hkqth
wing ridge 6 mm thick → 180.00 ←dwV 6 feeh eksVh
11129 Ditto, unserrated ridge for hips → 209.15 11129 mi;qDZ r] iqVB~ ksa ds fy;s fcuk nkarksa okyh dwV
11130 Ditto, serrated ridge to suit corrugated 11130 mi;qDZ r] ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa ds
or semi-corrugated sheets → 195.30 ←mi;qZDr nkarsnkj dwV
11131 Ditto, close fitting ridge for 11131 mi;qZDr] dsoy ygfj;k pknjksa ds fy;s
corrugated sheets only → ←dM+h ca/kd dwV
EACH iz R ;s d
11132 AC 'S' type louvre →
361.70 11132 ,lh *S* uewusdh f>yfeysa
11133 AC north light curve to suit corrugated 11133 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa ds mi;qDr]
or semi-corrugated sheets → ←,lh mŸkjh izdk'k oØ ?kqeko
11134 AC apron pieces to suit corrugated
11134 ygfj;k ;k v/kZ ygfj;k pknjksa ds mi;qDr
or semi-corrugated sheets →
278.50 ←,lh vkoj.k [kaM
11135 AC eaves filler pieces to suit corrugated
11135 mi;qZDr] ,lh vksyrh iwjd [kaM
or semi-corrugated sheets →
11136 AC cowl type ventilator → 11136 ,lh dkmy fdLe ds jks'kunku
11137 AC ridge finial → 11137 ,lh dwV dy'k
11138 AC curved barge board for North 11138 mŸkjh izdk'k oØksa ds fy,] ,lh o+ ctjk
light curves 243.80
→ ← Qyd
PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 la[;k
11139 8mm dia 100mm to 125mm long 11139 8 feeh O;kl] 100 ls 125 feeh ds tLrh dksp
galvanised, coach or drive screws ←;k ckyu isp ¼dkoys o ok'kj ds lkFk½
(without washers) → 694.40
11140 8mm dia 50mm to 100mm long 11140 8 feeh O;kl] 50 ls 100 feeh mi;qZDr
ditto (ditto) → 650.00 ← ¼mi;qZDr½
11141 8mm dia 125mm to 200mm long 11141 8 feeh O;kl] 125 ls 200 feeh ds gqd
(ditto) → ←dkoys ¼mi;qZDr½
11142 G.I., round flat washers for 8mm 11142 8 feeh dkoys o ispksa ds fy;s th vkbZ xksy
bolts or screws →
278.50 ←ok'kj
11143 Embossed curved G.I. washers for 11143 8 feeh dkoys o ispksa ds fy;s th vkbZ
8mm bolts or screws → 278.50
←mRdh.kZ oØ ?kqekoh ok'kj
11144 Bitumen impregnated asbestos felt 11144 8 feeh O;kl dkoys ;k ispksa ds fy;s]
under-washers for 8mm bolts or
screws → 200.00 ←rkjdksyh lalsfpr ,sLcsLVl uenk
SECTION 11 259
[k.M 11 Nr vkPNknu
MATERIALS (Supplied only)-Contd....
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh ....
vkPNknu [kijs

PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 la[;k

11145 Mangalore pattern roofing tiles 1551.00 11145 eaxywj uewus ds vkPNknu [kijs
11146 Ditto, ceiling tiles→
→ 1369.66 11146 mi;qZDr] v/k% Nr [kijs
11147 Ditto, ridge tiles→
→ 2749.50 11147 mi;qZDr] mBko [kijs

PER 1000 NOS. izfr 1000 la[;k

11148 Brick tiles 40mm thick size 23cm x 5553.00 11148 bZVa Vkby 40 feeh eksVh vkdkj 23 lseh X
11cm → ←11 lseh

vkPNknu ifV;k

PER SQUARE METRE 30mm thick 50mm izfr oxZ ehVj

30 feeh eksVh 50 feeh eksVh

11149 Sand stone roofing slabs, self-faced 355.80 451.86 11149 Lo% :fir ckyw iRFkj dh vkPNknu ifV;k

rkjdks y h mRiknu
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke
11150 Bitumen for waterproof and damp- 11150 tylg vkSj lhyu jks/ku mipkj ds fy;s]
proof treatments any grade → 46.10 ←fdlh dk rkjdksy

PER LITRE iz f r yhVj

11151 Bitumen primer for use in 11151 tylg vkSj lhyu jks/ku mipkj ds iz;ksx
waterproofing and damp-proofing ←ds fy;s rkjdksyh vLrj
treatments → 58.10

PER KILOGRAM izfr oxZ ehVj

11152 Self-finished bitumen felt for water 11152 tylg ds fy;s dkap js[kk vk/kkj 2
proofing, glass fibre base grade 2→
→ 112.10 ←dk Lor% Lkaiw.kZ rkjdksy
260 SECTION 12
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k

fo'ks"k 'krsZ

12.1 Measurements 12-1 eki

12.1.1 All work, unless otherwise described, shall be 12-1-1 lHkh dk;Z tc rd vU;Fkk u of.kZr gksa fo'kq) likV:i esa
measured net as flat. Work formed in circular ekis tk;saxsA xksykdkj dh xbZ lrg i`Fkd ekih tk;saxhA
surfaces shall be measured separately.
12.1.2 Circular cutting and waste shall be measured 12-1-2 xksykdkj dVkbZ o Nhtu i`Fkd ekis tk;saxsA
12.1.3 Supporting members like timber frame-work, etc. 12-1-3 lgk;d vax tSls ydM+h ds Qjesnkj dk;Z vkfn rFkk Åijh
and cover fillets/beading shall be measured ifê;ka@ xksVsa i`Fkd ekih tk;saxhA
12.1.4 No deduction shall be made for opening n exc 0.412-1-4 0-4 oxZ ehVj ls vuf/kd foojksa ds fy;s dksbZ dVkSrh ugha
sq. m. gksxhA
12.2 Rates 12-2 njs a
12.2.1 The rates include for: 12-2-1 ;g njsa bUgsa 'kkfey djrh gS%&
(a) Work in ceilings, linings, panelling and/or ¼d½ v/k% Nrxhjh vLrj] fnYyscna h rFkk@;k vU; voLFkk;sa
any other location and in sizes required. rFkk visf{kr vkdkj esaA
(b) All straight raking cutting and waste. ¼[k½ lHkh lh/kh o frjNh dVkbZ o NhtuA
(c) Fixing boards etc. as specified or as per ¼x½ visf{kr LFkkiu iV~V vkfn ;k fuekZrk dh O;oLFkkvksa
maker’s instructions or fixing in grooved ds vuqlkj ;k [kkapsnkj ;k i[knkj ifjos'k esaA
rebated surroundings.
(d) Chamfering or rounding the edges of ¼?k½ iV~Vksa vkfn esa tgka funsZ'k gksa] frjNs ;k xksy fdukjs
boards etc. where directed.
(e) Fixing boards etc. to any specific pattern and ¼p½ iV~V vkfn dk yxkuk] fdlh fo'ks"k rjhds esa rFkk]
also matching or mismatching of grains to
fdlh fo'ks"k jax ;k :i dh izkfIr ds fy;s d.k dk
obtain a particular design or figure.
lqesy ;k vuesyA
(f) Work in narrow widths, unless otherwise ¼N½ ldjh pkSMk+ bZ;ksa esa dk;Z tc rd vU;Fkk of.kZr u gksA
(g) Mitring at junctions. ¼t½ tksMk+ sa ij HkjkbZA
12.2.2 Repair Work— The rates for "Add if fixed in repairs" 12-2-2 ejEer ¼lq/kkj½ dk;Z% "tksMa+s lq/kkj esa " dh njsa ogka ykxw gksx
as h
will be admissible where the area of patches to be tgka lq/kkj fd;s tkus okys Hkkx 3 oeh ls vf/kd u gksaA
repaired does not exceeding 3 sq.m each.
Note: New work in small quantities shall not be treated as uksV% NksVs ifjeki ds dk;Z *lq/kkj dk;Z isou* ugha ekus tk;saxsA
‘work in patches in repair’.
12.2.3 Add ‘if fixed in ceiling’ rates shall be payable only 12-2-3 tksMa+s *;fn v/k% Nr es*a dh njsa dsoy rHkh ns; gksx
a h tc Nr
when ceiling boards, etc., are fixed from below. pÍ vkfn uhps ls yxkk;s gksaA
SECTION 12 261
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
,sLcsLVl lhesaV bekjrh iV~V

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except Add if fixed Add if izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je board (any in ceiling, fixed in
thickness) flat or repairs
4mm 6mm iV~Vs jfgr sloping tksM+s ;fn
thick thick ¼dksbZ eksVkbZ½ tksM+s ;fn ejEer esa
4 feeh 6 feeh likV@<yoka
12001 Asbestos cement plain eksVs eksVs LFkkfir 12001
12001,sLoSLVl lhesaV ds lery
building boards, fixed to bekjrh iV~Vs ispksa ls ydM+h dh
timber framework with
←Qjekcanh esa LFkkfir
screws → 386.58 426.48 158.14 42.64 45.68

PER RUNNING METRE Materials Except cover Add if fixed iz f r ehVj

12002 Asbestos cement & labour strips in repairs
12002 ,sLoSLVl lhesaV ds 50 feeh x 5
building board cover lkexzh ,oa vkoj.k iV~Vh tksM+sa ;fn
feeh dh bekjrh iV~V vkoj.k
strips, 50mm x 5mm, Je jfgr ejEer esa
with bevelled edges
ifV~V;ka] lHkh dyeksa vkfn lfgr
over joints including tksMk+ as ds Åij dVkuh fdukjksa lfgr
all mitres, etc., and 36.36 16.62 3.47 ispksa ls LFkkfir
fixed with screws→ → ←

jks / ku Qyd

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except Add if fixed Add if izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je board any in ceiling, fixed in
thickness flat or repairs
Qyd jfgr sloping tksM+s ;fn
Thickness in mm dksbZ eksVkbZ tksM+s ;fn ejEer esa
12003 Fibre insulation eksVkbZ feeh esa likV@<yoka 12003 js'ks ds jks/ku iV~V] lk/kkj.k fdLe
boards, ordinary ds] ydM+h dh Qjekcanh esa dhyksa
12 18 LFkkfir
type,. and fixed to
ls LFkkfir
timber frame work
with nails ←
→ 353.30 433.68 78.36 76.14 40.20
12004 Ditto, flame retardant 12004 mi;ZqDr] vfXu vojks/ku fdLe
type, treated on one ds dsoy ,d vksj mipkfjr
face only, ditto → 498.81 538.74 77.91 76.14 41.12 Qyd ←mi;ZqDr
262 SECTION 12
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
jks/ku Qyd tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Add if izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je fixed in
Thickness in mm repairs
eksVkbZ feeh esa tksMsa+ ;fn
12005 Particle board for ejEer esa 12005 jks/ku iz;kstu ds fy;s nkusnkj
i n s u l a t i o n 12 16 18/19 25 40 LFkkfir Qyd] ydM+h dh Qjekcanh esa
purposes, fixed
dhyksa ls LFkkfir
with nails to timber
538.94 677.03 808.63 836.25 1219.17 42.64 ←
framework →
12006 Ditto but except 12006 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq nkusnkj Qyd jfgr
particle board → 117.85 150.63 150.63 150.63 166.37 42.64 ←
12007 Perforated particleboard/ 12007 fNfnzr nkusnkj] jks?ku o /ofu iz;kstu
tiles for insula-tion and
ds 60 x 60 lseh ds] Qyd Vkby]
accoustic purposes,
60x60 cm in size, fixed ydM+h dh Qjecnh ls dhyksa ls ;k
with nails to timber [kVdk tkyh ij dqaMksa ls LFkkfir
on snap grid → 537.06 677.03 782.31 940.23 1203.43 42.64 ←
12008 Ditto but except per- 12008 mi;qZDr] fdUrq /ofu Qyd@
forated board/tiles→ → 117.85 150.63 150.63 150.63 166.37 42.64 ← Vkby jfgr
12009 Add if fixed with 12009 tksMsa+] ;fn ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws → 3.75 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.00 2.25 ←
12010 Add if fixed in ceiling, 12010 tksM+sa] ;fn v/k% Nr esa likV ;k
flat or sloping → 78.26 108.92 108.92 94.00 115.48 42.64 ←<yoka yxs gksa

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Fixing izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je only
Thickness in mm dsoy
eksVkbZ feeh esa LFkkiu
12011 Wood wool building 20 25 40 50 75 12011 bekjrh ydM+h ds uewuk 1 ds
slabs, light weight, gYds Hkkj ds Nhyu Qyd] ydM+h
type 1, fixed with nails
←dh Qjescn a h esa dhyksa ls LFkkfir
to timber framework→ → 546.82 612.62 638.94 703.51 832.90 88.34
12012 Add if fixed in ceiling, 12012 tksMs+a] ;fn v/k% Nr esa likV ;k
flat or sloping → 108.92 108.92 108.92 108.92 108.92 108.92 ←<yoka LFkkfir gksa

12013 Add to item 12011, if 12013 tksMsa+] en 12011 esa ;fn nX/k
fixed with blown
fdLe ds 85@25 okys
type bitumen of grade
85/25, applied hot at rkjdksy dk 2-2 fdxzk- izfr oeh
the rate of 2.25 kg/ ds fglkc ls] dhyksa ls LFkkiu ds
sqm in lieu of fixing ←LFkku ij iz;ksx fd;k gS
with nails→
→ 139.81
SECTION 12 263
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
e?;e ?kuRo js ” ks ; q D r Qyd
(a) The rates for cover fillets include for mitres and fair end, ¼d½ vkoj.k ifê;ksa dh njksa esa dyeh ;k lkQ Nksj 'kkfey gS(
chamfering/rounding edges of fillets if indicated, shall be i[knkj@xksy fdukjs cukus dk fufnZ"V gS rks og en 12072
measured separately under item 12072.
ds vUrxZr i`Fkd ekis tk;saxsA
(b) The rates include for fixing cover fillets flat or curved
¼[k½ bu njksa esa vkoj.k ifV~V;ksa dks likV ;k o lrgksa ij LFkkfir
djuk 'kkfey gSA
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except Add if Add if Add if izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,ao board, any fixed in bent of fixed in
Je thickness ceiling, curved repairs
Thicknes Qyd jfgr flat or surfaces tksM+sa ;fn
in mm dksbZ eksVkbZ sloping tksM+sa ;fn ejEer esa
eksVkbZ tksM+sa ;fn cafdr ;k LFkkfir
feeh esa likV@ o lrg
12014Medium density fibre <yoka 12014
12014e/;e ?kuRo js'ks;Dq r Qyd]
board, exterior grade, 12mm LFkkfir ckgjh ispksa ls ydM+h
fixed to timber dh Qjekcanh esa LFkkfir
framework with xxxxxx
screws → 574.10 196.42 42.64 45.68 45.68 ←

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except cover Add if fixed iz f r ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je fillets, any in ceiling
Thickness in mm thickness flat or
eksVkbZ feeh es vkoj.k iV~Vh sloping
jfgr] dksbZ TkksM+sa ;fn
12015 Cover fillets of eksVkbZ v/k% Nr ;k 12015 vkoj.k ifV~V;ka] ekud dBksj
standard hard Qyd dh 40 feeh pkSMh+ rFkk
board, 40mm wide, 3 4.5 6 <yoka LFkkfir
ispksa ls LFkkiu
and fixing with
screws → 33.46 37.41 41.36 26.36 3.47 ←
12016 Add for each 10mm 12016 tksMsa+] izR;sd 10 feeh vf/kd
more width → 1.78 2.76 3.75 ← pkSM+kbZ ds fy;s

12017 Cover fillets of 12017 vkoj.k ifV~V;ka ifu;k dBksj

tempered hard
board, 40mm wide
Qyd dh 40 feeh pkSMh+ rFkk
← ispksa ls LFkkiu
and fixing with 33.80 38.00 42.00 26.40 3.50
screws →
12018 Add to each 10mm 1.84 2.90 3.88 12018 tksMsa+] izR;sd 10 feeh vf/kd
more width → ← pkSM+kbZ ds fy;s
264 SECTION 12
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k

The board shall be as per IS-14862 and shall be manufactured from homogeneous mixture of cement, quartz and
cellulose and shall be cured with high pressure steam using auto claving process.

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Add if izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je fixed in
Thickness in mm repairs
12019Non asbestos fibre tksM+sa ;fn 12019
12019,LoSLVl dh txg vU;
cement building
eksVkbZ feeh- esa ejEer esa js'ks;Dq r lhesUV bekjrh
boards fixed or iVVs] ispksa ls ydMh
laid/ inserted to 4 6 8 10 12 16 LFkkfir
dh@tLrh yks g s
nium framework dh@vY;qfefu;e dh
with screws→→ QjekcUnh esa LFkkfir ;k
366.60 455.00 531.10 625.20 663.00 797.10 45.70 ← fcNk;k x;k@ tksMk x;kA
12020Ditto except non 12020
12020mi;ZqDr] ,LoSLVl dh
asbestos building txg vU; js'ks ;qDr
boards →
178.60 178.60 178.60 178.60 178.60 178.60 45.70 ← bekjrh iês jfgr
12021Add if fixed in 12021
12021tksMs] ;fn v/k% Nr esa
ceiling flat or likV ;k <yoka yxs gks
sloping → 115.50 115.50 115.50 115.50 115.50 115.50 45.68 ←
12022Deduct if fixed with 12022
12022?kVk;s] ;fn dhyksa es
nails → 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 ← LFkkfir gSAa
12023Add if fixed in
12023tksMs ;fn tqMkoh feyko
jointless finish
with jointing vkSj tqMkoh Vsi ls fuekZrk
compound and ds funs'Z kks ij tksM jfgr
jointing tape as per LFkkfir gSA
instructions→→ 41.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 ←


12024Extra for Non as- 12024 en 1612 ij vfrfjDr]
bestos fibre cement 6 feeh0 eks V h Vhd
board for external ydMh dh ckgjh fdukjh
teak wood lipping
dhyksa es LFkkfir
→ 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 ←
SECTION 12 265
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
ltkoVh iVy
The rates include for fixing laminates on flat or curved surfaces, bu njksa esa fdlh Hkh vkdkj ;k pkSM+kbZ esa iVyksa dks likV ;k
in any size or width. oØ lrgksa ij LFkkiu 'kkfey gSA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except, Lami- izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh o Je rate any
Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ
12025 Decorative laminate type 1
ds iVy jfgr
of surface finish, colour and 0.9 1.5
12025ifj"d`r lrg 1 ds ltkoVh
pattern as approved, fixed
with approved adhesive as iVy] jax o uewuk Lohd`fr vuqlkj]
per manufacturer's Lohd`r fpifpis inkFkZ ls fuekZrk ds
instructions→ → 1215.40 1333.30 827.20 ←fofunsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj LFkkfir


ca/kd [kfut js'ks dh ifV~V;ka@vkoj.k
PER SQUARE METRE S&F Fixing only, izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh o Je any thickness
12026 Bonded mineral wool dsoy LFkkiu] 12026
12026ca/kd [kfut js'ks ds vkoj.k dkfpar
blanket slab made from dksbZ eksVkbZ 24 fdxzk@izfr ?keh ?kuRo] rFkk fuekZrk
glass density 24 kg/cum fofufnZ"Vksa ds vuqlkj 25 feeh eksVkbZ
and fixed as per
esa LFkkfir
manufacturer’s instructions,
303.90 107.30 ←
25mm thick→ →
12027 —Ditto—40 mm thick→ → 401.00 96.80 12027
12027mi;qZDr 40 feeh eksVk

12028 Bonded mineral wool 12028

12028ca/kd [kfut js'ks dh vkoj.k ifê;ka
blankets slab made from 48 fdxzk@izfr ?keh iks"k.k vif'k"V
rock, density 48 kg/cum and dh cuh] 25 feeh eksVkbZ esa fuekZrk ds
fixed as per manufacturer’s
262.30 96.80 ←fofufnZ"Vksa ds vuqlkj LFkkfir
instructions: 25mm thick→→
12029 —Ditto— 40mm thick→
→ 338.60 96.80 12029 mi;qZDr 40 feeh eksVk ←
12030 Add, if one side of blanket/ 12030tksM]+ a s ;fn vkoj.k@iV~Vh ¼fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ
slab (of any thickness) is dh½ dks ,d vksj ls iksyhFkhu vk/kkfjr
covered with polythene
64.50 45.80 ←twV ds gSlu diM+s ls <dk x;k gks
based jute hessian cloth→→
12031tksMs+a ;fn vkoj.k@iV~Vh ¼fdlh Hkh
12031 Add, if one side of blanket/
slab (of any thickness) is eksVkbZ dh½ dh ,d vksj dks 25th X
covered with 25Gx20mm 25 feeh tLrh yksgs dh rkj tkyh ls
mesh G.I., wire netting→→ 135.80 45.85 ←<dk x;k gks
266 SECTION 12
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
PLYWOOD ijrh ydM+h ¼IykbZ½

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je Plywood
Thickness in mm any thick-
eksVkbZ feeh esa ness
4 6 9 12 ijrh jfgr
No. of ply ijr la[;k dksbZ eksVkbZ
12032 Plywood, grade BWR, 3 5 5 7 12032
12032ijrh ydM+h] BWR] BB uewuk]
type BB, fixed with ydM+h dh Qjescna h esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws to timber frame
work → 522.90 681.30 778.40 820.00 118.50 ←
12033 Plywood, grade BWP, 12033
12033ijrh ydM+h] BWP] BB uewuk]
type BB fixed with ydM+h dh Qjescna h esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws to timber frame
work→→ 556.50 713.10 806.10 958.61 115.90 ←

12034 Veneered decorative 12034

12034ijrnkj ltkoVh ijrh ydMh]
plywood, grade 1 1 ¼ch MC;q vkj jky ls½ nksuksa vksj
(with BWR resin) with
ltkoVh ijr ;qDr] ydM+h dh
decorative face veneers
on both faces; fixed Qjescanh esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
with screws to timber
frame work→ → 817.40 956.00 1066.90 1150.10 114.10 ←
12035 Deduct from item 12034 12035
12035?kVk;sa] en 12034 esa ls ;fn dsoy
if only one face has ,d vkSj ltkoVh ijr gS
decorative veneer → 124.80 124.80 124.80 124.80 ←


12036 Deduct if fixed with nails → 25.06 12036 ?kVk;sa] ;fn dhyksa ls LFkkfir
12037 Add if fixed with brass screws and cups → 63.60 12037 tksM+sa] ;fn ihry ds ispksa o Vksfi;ksa lsa LFkkfir
12038 Add if fixed in ceiling, flat or sloping→
→ 82.80 12038 tksM+sa] ;fn v/k% Nr esa likV ;k <yoka LFkkfir
12039 Add if 4mm or 6mm plywood is bent to 12039 tksMsa+] ;fn 4 feeh ;k 6 feeh ijrh ydM+h
circular surfaces → 30.50
←xksykdkj lrgksa ij >qdkbZ xbZ gksa
12040 Add if fixed in repairs→
→ 42.60 12040 tksMsa+] ;fn lq/kkj esa LFkkiuk


M&L lkexzh ,oa Je Add if
12041 Particle board, medium
Thickness in mm fixed in
12041nkusnkj Qyd( e/;e ?kuRo
density, flat pressed, likV laihfMr] ,dy ijr
single layer type or three eksVkbZ feeh esa repairs
layer type with BWR 9 12 16 18/19 25 fdLe ds ;k BWR /kkrq nzO; ds
type adhesive, fixed lkFk rhu ijr fdLe ds( ydM+h
with screws to timber dh Qjekcanh esa LFkkfir
frame work→ → 533.10 560.80 705.30 774.70 844.00 42.60 ←

12042 Add if fixed in ceiling, 12042

12042tksM]+as ;fn v?k% Nr esa likV ;k
flat or sloping→
→ 89.40 89.40 105.80 105.80 122.20 37.80 ←<yoka LFkkfir gksa
SECTION 12 267
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
nkusnkj Qyd tkjh
M&L lkexzh ,oa Je Add if
fixed in
Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa tksM+s ;fn
12043 Add if fixed in pelmet 12043tksMsa+] ;fn isyesV cDlksa ;k 15
ejEer esa 12043
boxes or in narrow
9 12 16 18/19 25 LFkkfir lseh izR;sd ls vuf/kd rax
widths n. exc l5cm each,
rebated or flat edged →
pkSMkbZ;ksa esa i[knkj ;k likV
86.70 86.70 112.70 112.70 130.10 42.60 ←fdukjs esa LFkkfir
12044 Fixing only particle 12044
12044dsoy nkusnkj Qyd LFkkiu
boards → 118.80 118.80 149.80 152.40 42.60 42.60 ←
12045 Deduct if fixed with 12045
12045?kVk;sa ;fn dhyksa ls LFkkfir
nails → 20.20 20.20 20.20 20.20 55.90 42.60 ←


iw o Z i jrd` r nkus n kj Qyd

12046 Prelaminated particle M&L lkexzh ,oa Je Add if fixed 12046 iwoiZ jrd`r nkusnkj Qyd
board, interior grade, Thickness in mm in repairs vkUrfjd] ,d vksj
prelaminated one eksVkbZ feeh esa tksaM+s ;fn ejEer ltkoVh ilUn dh
side with decorative 9 12 18/19 25 esa LFkkfir
choice lamination & iwoiZ jrd`r ijr cUnh o
other side balancing nwljh vksj lQsn lUrqfyr
white lamination, ijr cUnh ydM+h dh Qjek
fixed with screws to ← cUnh esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
timber frame work→ → 741.10 810.40 982.60 1121.30 42.60
12047 Ditto but prelaminated
12047 mi;qDZ r fdUrq nksuksa vksj
both sides with iw o Z i jrd` r ] ltkoVh
decorative choice ilUn dh ijrcUnhA
laminations → 810.40 852.00 1024.20 1176.70 42.60 ←
12048 Prelaminated particle 12048 iwoZ ijr nkusnkj Qyd
board, exterior grade, vkUrfjd] ,d vksj
prelaminated one
side with decorative ltkoVh ilUn dh
choice lamination & iwoZijrd`r ijrcUnh o
other side balancing nwljh vksj lQsn lUrqfyr
white lamination, ijrcUnh ydMh dh Qjek
fixed with screws to
810.40 865.90 1052.90 1399.60 42.60 ← cUnh esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
timber frame work →
12049 Ditto but 12049 mi;qZDr fdUrq nksuks vksj
prelaminated both iw o Z i jrd` r ltkoVh
sides with decorative
← ilUn dh ijr cUnh
choice laminations → 852.00 914.40 1093.50 1440.20 42.60
12050 Add if fixed in ceiling, 12050 tksMs] ;fn v/k% Nrksa esa
flat or sloping →
88.80 91.00 91.00 123.90 42.60 ← likV ;k <yoka LFkkfir
268 SECTION 12
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
iwoZijrd`r nkusnkj Qyd tkjh
12051 Add if fixed in Table contd... 12051 tksM]s ;fn isyesV cDlksa
pelmet boxes or in ;k 15 lseh izR;sd
narrow widths n exc
vuf/kd rax pkSMkb;ksa
15cm each, rebated or
flat edged→
→ esa i[knkj ;k likV
86.70 112.70 112.70 112.70 42.60 ← fdukjksa esa LFkkfir
12052 Fixing only 12052 dsoy LFkkiu] iwoZ ijr
prelaminated d`r nkusnkj Qyd
particle boards→
→ 118.80 118.80 – 152.40 152.40 ←
12053 Deduct if fixed with 12053 /kVk;sa] ;fn dhyksa ls
→ 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 ← LFkkfir


¼[kaMd Qyd rFkk iuhjs nkusnkj Qyd½
PER SQUARE METRE M&L lkexzh ,oa Je Add if fixed izfr oxZ ehVj
12054Block boards, grade 2 Thickness in mm in repairs 12054
12054[kaMd Qyd] {kerk
quality, i n t e r i o r eksVkbZ feeh esa tksaM+s ;fn ejEer 2] vkUrfjd Js . kh
grade, commercial 12 18/19 25 30 35 esa LFkkfir O;olkf;d fdLe ds
type, fixed with
screws to timber ydM+h dh Qjekcanh es
frame-work→ → 812.90 1152.30 1401.90 1472.30 1541.60 42.60 ← ispksa ls LFkkfir
12055Block boards, grade 2 12055
12055[kaMd Qyd {kerk
quality, i n t e r i o r
2] vkUrfjd ,d rjQ
grade, decorative type
with decorative face ls ltkoVh ijr ltkoVh
veneer on one face, fdLe ds] mi;qZDr
Ditto → 951.50 1297.90 1512.80 1680.30 1749.60 42.60 ←
12056Ditto with decorative 12056
12056mi;qZDr] nksuksa vksj ls
face veneer on both
ltkoVh ijr okys ]
faces, Ditto→→
1090.20 1429.90 1540.80 1750.00 1819.30 42.64 ← mi;qZDr
12057Block boards, grade 1 12057
12057[kaMd Qyd] {kerk
quality, e x t e r i o r 1] ckj O;kolkf;d
grade, commercial fdLe ds ] ydM+ h dh
type, fixed with
Qjescna h esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws to timber
frame-work→ → 951.70 1299.20 1437.90 1680.70 1750.02 42.60 ←
12058Block boards, grade 1 12058
12058[kaMd Qyd] {kerk
quality, exterior 1] cká] ,d vksj
grade, decorative type
with decorative face
ltkoVh eq[k ijr okys
veneer on one face, ltkoVh fdLe ds ]
→ 1367.70 1507.20 1645.80 1819.30 1888.70 42.60 ← mi;qZDr
12059 All as item 12058, but 12059
12059lHkh en 12058 tSlk
with decorative face fdUrq nksuksa vksj ltkoVh
veneer on both faces,
Ditto → 1506.30 1748.78 1887.40 1999.60 2096.60 42.60 ← eq[k ijr
SECTION 12 269
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
¼[kaMd Qyd rFkk iuhjs nkusnkj Qyd½ tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Table contd... izfr oxZ ehVj
12060 Veneered particle 12060
12060iuhjh nkus n kj Qyd]
boards interior grade,
vkUrfjd Bksl lkekU;
solid core, general
purposes type, with iz;kstuh;] *ch ch* fdLe dh
face veneers of type ijr lfgr] ydM+h dh
'BB', fixed with Qjekcanh esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
screws to timber
frame work → 709.10 875.30 1055.50 1292.50 1403.40 42.60 ←
12061 All as in item 12060 12061
12061lHkh en 12060 tSlk fdUrq
but exterior grade→→ 840.80 1013.11 1262.70 1430.30 1652.10 42.60 ← oká

12062 Fixing only veneered 12062

12062dsoy LFkkiu] iuhjh nkusnkj
particle board or
120.60 154.30 154.30 155.50 155.50 42.60 ← Qyd ;k c) Qyd
block board→→
12063 Add to items 12060 if 12063
12063tksMs+a] en 12060 esa ;fn
faced with decorative
58.75 58.75 105.75 58.75 58.75 ← ,d eq[k ltkoVh iuhjh gks
veneer on one face→→
12064 Add to items 12060 if 12064 tksMs+a] en 12060 esa ;fn
faced with decorative
58.75 58.75 58.75 58.75 58.75
← ,d vksj ls iuhjh ijr gks
veneer on one face→→
12065 Add to items 12060 if 12065
12065tksMs+a] en 12060 esa ;fn
faced with decorative ← nksuksa vksj ls iuhjh ijr gks
veneer on both faces→
→ 105.70 105.70 105.70 105.70 105.70
12066 Add to items 12060 if 12066 tksMsa+] en 12060 esa ;fn
faced with decorative nksuksa vksj ls iuhjh ijr
veneer on both faces→
→ 105.70 105.70 105.70 105.70 105.70 ← yxh gks
12067 Add if fixed in 12067
12067tksM]as+ ;fn isyesVa cDlksa ;k
pelmet boxes or in
15 lseh izR;sd vuf/kd rax
narrow width n exc
15cm each, rebated or pkSMkbZ;ksa esa i[knkj ;k likV
flat edged → 112.73 112.73 112.73 ← fdukjksa esa LFkkfir
12068 Deduct if fixed with 12068
12068?kVk;s]a ;fn dhyksa ls LFkkfir
nails → 19.42 19.42 19.42
12069 Add if fixed in ceiling
12069 tksM+sa] ;fn v/k% Nrksa esa
flat or sloping→
→ 100.11 114.90 114.90 114.90 114.90
← likV ;k <yoka LFkkfir
12070 Extra over rates of 12070
12070vfrfjDr] o Qyd ;k
block board or iukjh nkusnkj Qyd ij 6
veneered particle
board for external feeh eksVh lkxkSu dh ydM+h
teak wood lipping, dk vLrj dhyksa ls yxkus
6mm thick fixed with gsrq
→ 11.09 16.64 20.80 ←
270 SECTION 12
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
Qydksa vkfn fd xksykdkj dVkbZ
The rates apply to all kinds of insulation boards, particle boards, ;g njs]a tc rd vU;Fkk u dgk x;k gks] lHkh izdkj ds jks/ku Qyd]
block boards, asbestos cement boards hard boards and plywood nkusnkj Qyd] c) Qyd] ,sLosLVl lhesaV Qyd] dBksj Qyd
except where otherwise stated.
rFkk ijrh ydM+h Qydksa ij ykxw gksrh gSaA

PER RUNNING METRE Thickness of board iz f r ehVj

Qydksa dh eksVkbZ
N exc. 5 Exc. 5 Exc. 15 Exc. 30mm Exc. 50
mm mm but n mm but n but n exc. mm but n
5 feeh exc. exc. 50mm exc.
vuf/kd 15mm 30mm 30 feeh ls 75mm
5 feeh ls 15 feeh ls vf/kd o 50 feeh ls
vf/kd o vf/kd o 50 feeh vf/kd o
15 feeh 30 feeh ls vuf/kd 75 feeh
ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd ls vuf/kd

12071Circular cutting to 12071

12071Qydksa dh xksy dVkbZ rFkk
boards and waste→
→ 19.76 28.80 35.50 41.30 48.50 ←Nhtu

PER RUNNING METRE Hard board and Insulation boards iz f r ehVj

Asbestos cement and Particle
boards boards
dBksj cksMZ o ,sLcsLVl jks/ku o nkusnkj
lhesaV Qyd Qyd
12072Chamfering or rounding 12072
12072Qydksa ds fdukjs dh i[knkj ;k
edges of boards→
→ 10.40 8.70 ←xksykdkj dVkbZ

Nsn dVkbZ
(a) Nothing extra shall be paid for square holes, each exc 0.1 ¼d½ izR;sd 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd ds pkSdksj Nsnksa ij dqN Hkh vfrfjDr
sqm but for circular holes each exc. 0.1 sq m circular cutting ns; ugha gksxk fdUrq 0-1 oeh ls cMs+ izR;sd xksykdkj Nsnksa dh
and waste shall be measured separately under item 12071.
xksy dVkbZ o Nhtu dks i`Fkd] en 12071 ds vUrxZr ekik
(b) The rates apply to all kinds of boards, insulation, particle, ¼[k½ ;g njs]a flok; tgka foijhr dgk x;k gks] lHkh izdkj ds] jks/ku]
block and asbestos cement and plywood except where
otherwise stated.
nkusnkj c) o ,SLosLVl lhesaV ,oa ijrh ydM+h ds Qydksa
ij ykxw gksrh gSaA
SECTION 12 271
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
Nsn dVkbZ tkjh

PER 100 NOS. Area of holes, etc..., (measured net) in sq. cm izfr 100 la[;k
Nsn vkfn dk {ks=Qy ¼fo”kq eki½ olseh esa
N exc. Exc. 100 Exc. 225 Exc. 400
100 but in but n but n exc.
100 ls exc. 225 exc. 400 1000
vuf/kd 100 ls vf/kd 225 ls vf/kd 400 ls vf/kd
12073Cutting holes, square o 225 ls o 400 ls o 1000 ls 1273 0-1 oeh vuf/kd dh Nsn
or circular n exc. 0.1 sq. vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd dVkbZ] pkSdksj ;k xksy ij
m in any of the
dgs x;s fdlh Hkh Qyd]
foregoing boards,
sheets or tiles→
→ 69.40 86.70 104.10 138.70 ← pknj ;k Vkby esa


eksVs diM+s dh lrgsa
PER SQUARE METRE Material and Labour Except cloth Add if izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je Dungree or fixed in
Dungree Hessian hession repairs
cloth, grey diM+k jfgr
cloth tksaM+sa ;fn
w jh diMk Hkwjk gSlu diM+k Mawxjh ;k gSlu ejEer esa
12075Textile ceilings or diMk 12075
12075diMas+ dk Hkhrjh vkPNknku
linings, fixed to tim- ;k vLrj] ydM+ h dh
ber frame work with
→ 206.80 120.40 84.20 41.10 ← Qjescn a h eas dhyksa ls LFkkfir
12076Ditto, but fixed to 12076
12076mi;qZDr] fdUrq i`Fkd Qjeksa
separate frames
frames fixed in posi-
;k LFkkiu esa yxs Qjeksa esa
tion with screws ispksa ls LFkkfir ¼Qjes i`Fkd
(frames measured ekis tk;sxsa½
separately)→→ 247.40 154.80 118.11 41.10 ←

ljda M h nhokjxhjh

(a) Reed walling shall be measured net i.e. portion housed into ¼d½ ljdaMh nhokj fo'kq) ekih tk;sxh vFkkZr~ ydM+h dh Qjescna h
grooves of timber framing shall not be measured. ds [kkapksa esa x;k gqvk Hkkx ugha ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Plastering and timber frame work shall be measured ¼[k½ iyLrj rFkk ydM+h dh Qjekcanh i`Fkd ekih tk;sxhA
272 SECTION 12
[kaM 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
ljdaMh nhokjxhjh tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Materials and izfr oxZ ehVj
12077Single reed walling, stiffened by means 12077
12077bdgjh ljdaMh nhokjxhjh] ftls 25 feeh
of doubled bamboo slips 25 mm wide Lkkexzh o Je
pkSM+h o de ls de 6 feeh eksVh ckl dh
and not less than 6mm thick (one slip
on each side of reed walling) at right
[kifPp;ksa ls ledks.k ij dlk x;k ¼ljdaMh
angles and not more than 40 cm apart, nhokj izR;sd vksj ,d [kiPph½ rFkk 40 lseh
tied together with cane slips and by ls vuf/kd Qklys ij cSar dh ifV~V;ksa ls
tying with 0.90mm, black wire at 45 cm cka/kk x;k gks ,oa 45 ls 50 lseh ds Qklys ij
to 50 cm centres→→ 66.10 0-90 feeh ds dkys rkj ls nksuksa dks lkFk
←cka/kk x;k gks
12078Double reed walling each wall lining 12078
12078nksgjh ljdaMh nhokjxhjh] izR;sd nhokj vLrj.k
stiffened by means of double bamboo nksgjh ckal [kifPp;ksa ls dlk x;k rFkk nksuksa
slips and tied together as described in
132.20 ←dks en 12077 esa of.kZr <ax ls ck/kk x;k
item 12077→ →


iS f jl iYkLrj ¼xp½ vkPNknu
PER SQUARE METRE Material and Except izfr oxZ ehVj
12079 Providing and fixing 10mm thick labour Material
plaster of paris ceiling (Gypsum lkexzh ,oa Je lkexzh jfgr 1 910 feeh eksVs iSfjl iyLrj dh O;oLFkk
anhydrous) to flat surface over 2nd djuk rFkk mls f}rh; dh uje ydM+h
class soft wood fillets, or metal frame dh ifV~V;ksa rFkk tLrh yksgs dh rkjtkyh ls
work and reinforced with G.I. wire fojfpr likV lrg ij LFkkiu djuk
mesh (Fillets, metal frame work and
G.I. wire mesh paid separately) → 1222.48 460.80 ←¼ifê;ka o rkjtkyh i`Fkd ns; gksaxh½
12080 Ditto-but to curved surface → 1479.20 638.50 1 2 0 8 00mi;qZDr] fdUrq oØ lrg ij
12081 Extra over item 12079 & 12080 for 1 2 0 8 11vfrfjDr] en 12079 o 12080 ij /kals gq;s
any sunk or raised moulding → 352.90 289.00
←;k mHkjs <kapksa gsrq
12082 Providing and fixing Gypsum 1 2 0 8 2212 feeh eksVs ftIle Qyd dh O;oLFkk rFkk
Board 12mm thick in ceiling fixed
with screw as per manufacturers fuekZrk ds fofufnZ"Vksa ds vuqlkj ispksa ls v/k%
instructions → 443.60 192.50 ←Nr esa LFkkfir
12083 Ditto, but in walling → 404.00 157.20 12083 mi;qZDr] fdUrq nhokjxhjh esa
12084 Seamless calcium silicate ceiling made
out of 1800 x 1200 mm size board of M&L
siliceous and calcareous material
reinforced with cellulose fibre fixed to 8 mm 12 mm
the ceiling section with 25 mm long
self drilling and tapping screws
having phillips head with under head
cutter at 200 mm centre to centre,
including finshing the joint of face
board with specially formulated
jointing compound and 48 mm wide
fibre tape to provide seam less finish
(Frame work for ceiling shall be
measured and paid separately) → 614.90 676.60
12085 Exposed metal frame ceiling with 6 mm 8 mm
calcium silicate board of siliceous
and calcareous material reinforced
with cellulose fibre for fixing in 600
mm x 600mm grid (Frame work for
ceiling shall be measured and paid 401.80 451.20
separately) →
SECTION 12 273
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
4 6
12086 Asbestos cement building boards,
plain → 197.40 236.90 12086 ,sLoSLVl lhesaV bekjrh Qyd] likV

iz f r ehVj
12087 50 feeh x 5 feeh ds izo.ku ¼dksjnkj½
12087 50mm x 5mm asbestos cement cover fdukjksa okyh ,sLoSLVl lhesaV dh vkoj.k
strips with bevelled edges → 19.70

Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

PER SQUARE METRE eksVkbZ feeh esa
12 18
12088 Fibre insulation boards, ordinary
type → 246.70 317.25 12088 js'ksnkj jks/ku Qyd lkekU; fdLe ds
12089 Ditto, Flame retardant type, treated 12089 mi;qZDr] vfXu vojks/kd fdLe ds] dsoy
on one face only → 421.10 460.60 ←,d vksj mipkfjr

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
12 16 18/19 25
12090 Particle boards for insulation 12090 nkusnkj Qyd] jks/ku iz;kstu gsrq
purposes → 421.10 526.40 658.00 789.00
12091 Perforated particle boards or 12091 eqyEek;qDr ¼fNfnzr½ nkusnkj Qyd
tiles for insulation and ;k Vkbys]a jks/ku o /ofu iz;kstukFkZ
accoustic purposes, 60cm x 440.30 545.00 688.00 817.64 ←vkdkj 60lseh x 60lseh
60cm in size →

Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa
20 25 40 50 75
12092 Wood-wool building slabs. 12092 gYds Hkkj ds Nhyu Qyd uewuk&1
light weight, type I → 500.10 526.40 546.10 608.00 800.00 ←
274 SECTION 12
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)-Contd...
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
0.9 1.5
12093 Decorative laminates type I, or surface 12093 ltkoVh Qyd uewuk 1] ;k ifj"d`r lrg jax
finish, colour and pattern as approved → 388.20 506.10 ← o :i Lohd`fr vuqlkj

ijrh ydM+ h

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
4 6 9 12
No. of ply ijr la[;k
3 5 5 7

12094 Plywood grade BWR, type BB → 415.90 554.60 651.70 693.20 12094 ijrh ¼IykbZ½ ydM+h] BWR, uewuk ch ch
12095 Plywood grade BWP, type BB → 442.64 567.20 641.17 665.50 12095 ijrh ydM+h] CWR, uewuk ch ch
12096 Veneered decorative ply wood,
grade I (with BWR resin) 12096 ijrnkj ltkoVh ijrh ydM+h] 1 ¼BWR
decorative veneers on both faces
←jsftu lfgr½ nksuksa vksj ltkoVh ijr
→ 693.20 831.90 942.82 1026.00
12097 Ditto.on one face only → 568.50 707.10 818.00 901.20 12097 mi;qZDr] dsoy ,d eq[k ij

nkus n kj Qyd

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
12098 Particle board, medium 9 12 16 18/19 25
density, flat pressed, single 12098 nkusnkj Qyd] e/;e ?kuRo] likV
layer type or three layer type, laihfMr bdgjh ijr fdLe ;k rhu
BWR grade → 415.90 443.70 554.60 623.90 693.20 ← ijrnkj] BWR
SECTION 12 275
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)-Contd...
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh
[kaMd Qyd rFkk iuhjh nkusnkj Qyd


Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa
12099 Block board, grade 2 quality, 12 18/19 25 30 40 12099 [kaMd Qyd] 2 {kerk]
interior grade, commercial vkUrfjd O;kolkf;d fdLe
type →
693.25 1039.90 1220.10 1455.80 1525.10 ←
12100 Ditto, decorative type, one 831.90 1143.90 1358.80 1525.10 1594.50 12100 mi;qZDr] ,d vksj ls ltkoVh
face → ←fdLe ds
12101 Ditto, decorative type, both 12101 mi;qZDr] nksuksa vksj ls ltkoVh
faces → 970.50 1275.60 1386.50 1594.50 1663.80 ←fdLe ds
12102 Block board, grade 1 quality, 12102 [kaMd Qyd 1 {kerk] oká
exterior grade, commercial ← O;kolkf;d fdLe ds
type → 831.90 1178.50 1317.20 1525.10 1594.50
12103 Ditto, decorative type, one 12103 mi;qZDr] ,d vksj ls ltkoVh
face → 1247.80 1386.50 1525.10 1663.80 1733.10 ←fdLe ds
12104 Ditto, decorative type, both 12104 mi;qZDr] nksuksa vksj ls ltkoVh
faces → 1386.50 1594.50 1733.10 1844.00 1941.10 ←fdLe ds
12105 Veneered particle board, 12105 iuhjh nkusnkj Qyd] vkUrfjd
interior grade, solid core,] Bksl ØksM] e/;e ?kuRo lkekU;
medium density general
purposes type with commercial
iz;kstuh;] O;kolkf;d *ch ch* fdLe
face veneers type 'BB' → 589.30 721.00 901.20 1136.90 1247.80
←ds iuhjh psgjs lfgr
12106 Ditto, exterior grade → 721.00 859.60 1109.20 1275.60 1497.40
12106 mi;qZDr] oká
12107 Veneered particle board, solid 12107 iuhjh nkusnkj Qyd] Bksl ØksM]
core, interior grade, with vkUrfjd] ,d vksj psgjs ls
decorative face veneers one face
←iuhjh ltkoV
→ 669.70 787.20 998.70 1139.70 1327.70
12108 Ditto, with decorative face 12108 mi;qZDr] nksuksa vksj psgjs ls iuhjh
veneers both faces → 845.80 984.40 1234.01 1400.40 1622.20 ←ltkoV
12109 Veneered particle board, solid 12109 iuhjs nkusnkj Qyd Bksl ØksM oká
core, exterior grade, with ,d vksj psgjs ls iuhjh ltkoV
decorative face veneers one face ←
→ 790.30 929.00 1178.50 1344.90 1566.70
12110 Ditto,with decorative face 12110 mi;qZDr] nksuksa vksj psgjs ls iuhjh
veneers both faces → 845.80 984.40 1234.00 1400.40 1622.20 ←ltkoV
12111 Medium density fibre board 12111 e/;e ds js'ksnkj] Qyd oká
exterior grade → 443.70 665.55 924.25 1109.10 1478.80 ← ds
12112 Gypsum board for ceiling/ 12112 ftIle Qyd] v/k% Nr] nhokjksa ds
walling → 305.00 457.46 635.33 762.38 1016.10 ←fy;s
276 SECTION 12
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)-Contd...
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh
ca / kd [kfut js ' ks n kj vkoj.k@iêh


25mm thick 40mm thick
25 feeh eksVk 40 feeh eksVk
12113 Bonded mineral wool blanket/ 12113
12113ca/kd [kfut js'ksnkj vkoj.k@ifê;ka
slab made from glass, density 24 kg/ ←dkafpr] ?kuRo 24 fdxzk@izfr ?keh
cu m → 208.00 305.00
12114 Bonded mineral wool blanket/slab 12114 ca/kd [kfut js'ksnkj vkoj.k@ifê;ka] iks"kk.k
made from rock slag density 48 kg/ 166.40 242.60 ←vif'k"V ls cuh ?kuRo 48 fdxzk@?keh
cu m →

cqus ¼eksVs½ diM+sa


izfr oxZ ehVj

12115 Dungree cloth, grey, 330 g/ sq. m → 123.40 12115 Hkwjk Mwx
a jh diM+k] 330 xzke@izfr oxZ ehVj
12116 Hessian No I, 11 porter. 12 shot (coloured)→
→ 37.00 12116 gSlu ua- 1] 11 iYys 12 /kkjh ¼jaxfojaxk½

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

12117 Blown bitumen of any grade → 47.10 12117 Qqadk fdlh dk rkjdksy

9mm 12mm 19/20mm 25mm
12118 Pre laminated interior grade
one side laminated→ → 623.90 693.20 831.90 970.50
12119 Pre laminated interior grade
both sides laminated→→
693.20 734.80 873.50 970.50
12120 Pre laminated exterior grade
one side laminated board→→ 693.20 748.70 901.20 1247.80
12121 Pre laminated exterior grade
both side laminated board →
734.80 797.20 942.80 1289.40
SECTION 12 277
[k.M 12&Hkhrjh Nr vkPNknu rFkk vLrj.k


Surface Surface
12122 Providing 10 mm thick plaster of Paris
(gypsum anhydrous) ceiling up to a
height of 5 m above floor level, over
first class kail wood strips 25x6 mm
with 10 mm gap in between and
reinforced with rabbit wire mesh fixed
to wooden frame (frame work to be paid
separately) → 1222.40 1450.90
12123 Add over 12122 for sunk or raised
moulding → 402.04 408.10
12124 Add extra over item No. 12122 if
ceiling height more than 5 metre. → 168.40 173.50
278 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk

[k.M 13 Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
13.1 Measurements 13-1 eki
(a) No deduction shall be made for voids not ¼d½ izR;sd 0-2 o eh- ls vuf/kd f>fj;ksa dh dVkSrh ugha dh tk;sxh
exceeding 0.2 sq.m each.
(b) Deduction for ends of dissimilar materials or ¼[k½ fo"ke lkexzh ds fdukjksa ;k vU; fcNkbZ xbZ cLrqvksa dh dVkSrh
other articles embedded shall not be made for ugha dh tk;sxh] ftudk izR;sd dk {ks= 0-1 o-eh- ls vf/kd ugha
areas not exceeding 0.1 sq.m each. gSA
(c) The area of flooring shall be measured excluding ¼x½ Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy] izlkj tksM VwVs [kaM+ks dks NksM+dj ekik
expansion joints and crumple sections. tk;sxkA
13.2 Rates 13-2 njsa
(a) The rates for flooring include for: ¼d½ Q'kZ dh njksa esa fuEu lfEefyr gSa%
(l) Use and waste of all temporary fillets, side ¼1½ vfuR; Hkjko] fdukjksa dh cukbZ] dVko] eksM]+ lh/ks fdukjksa
forms, templets, moulds, straight edges etc.
vkfn esa f?klkbZ vkSj NhtuA
(2) Preparation of the sub-grade, sub-base, base ¼2½ v/kLrj] v/k vk/kkj] vk/kkj] v/k Q'kZ fuEu }kjk fufeZr%&
or sub-floor by:-
(i) Removing slight undulations of the ¼i½ Hkwfe dh vlekurk nwj djuk ;k dkaV&NkaV }kjk
ground or made up base by trimming or
vk/kkj cukuk ;k Lohd`r lkexzh }kjk HkjkoA
filling up with approved materials.
(ii) Cleaning and watering (if directed) the ¼ii½ v/k vk/kkj] vk/kkj] v/kQ'kZ ;k iw.kZ Q'kZ fcNkus ls
surface immediately before laying the rqjUr igys Hkwfe dks lkQ djuk ;k ikuh nsuk ¼;fn
sub-base, base, sub-floor or floor finish.
funsZf'kr gkss½
(3) Cutting and filling floors around columns, ¼3½ LrEHkks]a [kEHkks]a ufy;ks]a uyks]a lQkbZ midj.kksa o miLdjksa
stanchions, tubes, pipes, sanitary appliances
vkfn ds pkjksa vksj Q'kZ dh dVkbZ vkSj HkjkbZ
and fitting etc.
(4) Laying floors horizontally or to such falls as ¼4½ lekukUrj ;k vU; crk;s x;s rjhds ds vuqlkj Q'kZ
(5) Laying floors in narrow widths or in any ¼5½ ladh.kZ pkSM+kbZ esa ;k fdlh vU; n'kk esa tc rd dh
position, unless otherwise provided for. vU;Fkk ,slk iwoZ fu/kkfjr u gks] Q'kZ fcNkuk
(6) Protecting floors and their cleaning on
¼6½ Q'kZ ds iw.kZ gksus ij mldh lqj{kk vkSj lQkbZA
(b) The rates in this section shall apply to floors and ¼[k½ bl Hkkx dh njsa] Q'kksZ vkSj [kaMts fcNkus ij ykxw gksaxh pkgs
pavings whether inside or outside the buildings
og Hkou ds vUnj gks ;k ckgj ¼vkSlkjs o gSaXkj lfgr½ lM+dsa]
(including sheds and hangers), roads, aprons,
airfield and similar works other than flexural Åijh fcNkou] gokbZ iêh vkSj lerqY; flok; yphyh daØhV
concrete which is covered under section 20-B. ds tksfd Hkkx 20 [k ds vUrZxr vkrh gSA
(c) When concrete in sub floor, paving, floor, runway ¼x½ tc v/kvk/kkj] [kaMtk fcNkus] Q'kZ] gokbZ iêh vkfn esa daØhV
etc. is more than 25cm in thickness, these shall 25 lsa-eh- ls vf/kd gksa rks ;g uho esa daØhV ds leku ekih
be measured as concrete in foundation, use and
tk;sxh] fdukjksa dh mi;ksx o Nhtu ;fn ckaNuh; gks rks vyx
waste of side forms if required, shall be measured
separately except flexural concrete which shall ls ekih tk;sxh flok; yphyh daØhV ds tksfd Hkkx 20 [k ds
be covered under section 20-B. vUrxZr vkrh gSA
SECTION 13 279
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ & tkjh

(d) The rates for concrete flooring when applied to ¼?k½ daØhV Q'kZ fuekZ.k dh njsa tc daØhV dh lM+dksa gokbZ ifê;ks]a
concrete roads, airfields, aprons, hangar floors Åijh lrgks]a foeku 'kkykvksa ds Q'kksaZ vkSj bl tSls leku dk;Z
and similar work in large areas, shall be deemed
to include for the requirements of the
tks fo'kky {ks=ksa esa fd, x;s gksa dks [kaM 20& *lM+d fuekZ.k*
supplementary specifications given in Section esa fufgr funsZ'ku ifjf'k"V ds vUrxZr ekU; gskxkA

13.3 Work in Patches, in Repairs 13-3 ejEer esa isou dk;Z

Payment for flooring in patches in repairs, shall be made Q'kZ esa isou ds dk;ksZ dk Hkqxrku fuEu izdkj ls gksxk%&
as under:-
The rates include for cleaning and preparing the base bu njksa esa lQkbZ vkSj vk/kkj vkSj isou fdukjksa dks cukuk 'kkfey gSA
and sides of patches.
(NOTE: New work in small quantities shall not be treated uksV% FkksM+h ek=k ds uohu dk;Z isou dk;Z ugha ekus tk;saxs½
as work in patches).
(1) Patches exceeding At the rate for new ¼1½ 3 o-eh- ls vf/kd ds izR;sd isou uohu dk;Z nj tek rksM
3 sq.m each work plus dismantling QksM] ;fn gksA
or demolition, if any.
(2) Patches not exceeding At the rate for new ¼2½ 3 o-eh- ls vuf/kd ds izR;sd isou uohu dk;Z nj tek 10
3 sq.m each work plus 10 percent izfr'kr tek rksM+ QksM] ;fn
extra, plus dismantling
or demolition, if any. gksA


iRFkj ifV;k Q'kZ

(a) ¼d½ iRFkj ifê;ka dh njksa esa Q'kZ vkSj [kM+h lrgs tSlh dh xksVu@MSMks
The rates for stone slabs in floors and in vertical surfaces
such as in skirtings, dados, etc. include for all cuttings esa] nhokj dh fupyh lrgs bR;kfn vkSj dkV NkV Nhtu nkrs
and wastes, for notching and scrubbing.
cukuk ;k [kqjpuk] lfUufgr gSA
(b) Where the use of stone slabs other than rectangular or ¼[k½ tgka vk;rkdkj ;k pkSjl ds vfrfjDr ifV;k dk lek;kstu
square in plan is involved, such slabs shall be measured iz;ksx gks rks ,slh ifV;k ds fy, ml NksVs ls NksVs vk;rkdkj
as the least rectangle from which the slab can be cut.
iRFkj dks ekik tk;sxk ftlls ml ifV;k dks cuk;k tk ldrk
(c) The rates include for making fair, rounded, chamfered, ¼x½ bu njksa esa lkQ] xksy] i[knkj] <kyw ;k csoy fdukjs cukuk
splayed or bevelled edges, where directed.
'kkfey gSA
280 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


iRFkj ifV;k Q'kZ - tkjh
SAND STONE SLAB FLOORING cyqvk iRFkj dh ifV;k Q'khZ dk;Z
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except Stone izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk iRFkj
Thickness in mm Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZ feeh esa
13001Rough dressed sand stone
25 30 40 25 30 40
13001 cyqvk iRFkj dh eksVh x<h ifV;k
slab flooring, laid dry but Q'kZ esa lw[kh fcNh ijUrq 1%3 ds lhesVa
jointed and pointed in elkys ls tqMh+ o Vhi dh gqbZ tqMh
cement mortar 1:3 → 433.90 469.10 552.80 257.90 270.10 317.80 ←
13002Ditto, but bedded and 13002
13002mi;qZDr] ijUrq vkSj 1%3 ds pwuk
jointed in lime mortar 1:3 elkys esa fcNh o tqM+h vkSj 1%3 ds
and pointed in cement
mortar 1:3 → 508.10 555.70 643.10 223.60 252.60 409.90 ← lhesaV elkys ls Vhi dh gqbZ
13003Ditto, but bedded and 13003
13003mi;qZDr] fdUrq o 1%6 ds lhesaV
jointed in cement mortar 1:6
and pointed in cement elkys esa fcNh] tqM+h o 1%3 ds
mortar 1:3 → 536.70 564.10 766.00 359.50 360.70 409.40 ← lhesaV elkys ls Vhi dh gqbZ
13004Ditto, but bedded, jointed 13004
13004mi;qZDr] fdUrq [kMh Lrj ij 1%3
and pointed in cement ds lheasV elkys esa fcNh] tqMh o
mortar 1:3 in vertical Vhi dh gqbZ
surfaces → 566.20 601.50 692.30 390.90 416.50 458.90 ←


FLOORING pwuk iRFkj ifV;ksa ds Q'kZ
13005Rough dressed lime stone
slab flooring, laid dry,
13005pwuk iRFkj dh eksVh x<+h ifV;k
jointed and pointed in Q'kZ esa lw[kh yxkdj ijUrq 1%3 ds
cement mortar 1:3 → 398.60 445.60 450.00 257.60 257.60 317.80 ← lhesVa elkys ls tqMh+ o Vhi dh gqbZ
13006Ditto, but bedded and
jointed in lime mortar 1:3 13006
13006mi;qZDr fdUrq 1%3 ds pwuk elkys
and pointed in cement esa fcNh] tqM+h o 1%3 ds lhesaV
mortar 1:3 480.20 532.20 620.40 344.20 343.20 408.90 ←
→ elkys ls Vhi dh gqbZ
13007All as in item 13005 but
bedded and jointed in cement 13007
13007lc en 13005 tSlk] fdUrq lhesaV
mortar 1:6 and pointed in elkyk 1%6 esa fcNh o tqMh+ vkSj 1%3
cement mortar 1:3 → ds lhesaV elkys esa Vhi dh gqbZ
504.80 618.10 768.97 361.40 426.10 557.50 ←
13008Ditto but bedded, jointed
and pointed in cement 13008
13008mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 1%3 ds lhesVa elkys
mortar 1:3 in vertical esa [kM+h lrg ij fcNh] tqMh o Vhi
surfaces → 531.00 645.30 802.10 390.10 523.70 590.60 ←
dh gqbZ
13009Extra over stone slab flooring, if stone slabs
are laid as in risers and treads of stairs →
13009 vfrfjDr iRFkj dh ifV;k ds lhf<+;ksa ds iknksa o
97.30 ←mBkoksa gsrq
13010Deduct if joints in rough dressed stone slab 13010 ?kVkb,] ;fn eksVh x<+h iRFkj dh ifV;k Q'kZ dk;Z
flooring are struck flush as the work proceeds → 135.90 ←ds nkSjku njkj [kk tk;
SECTION 13 281
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
iRFkj pkS d s ls Q'kZ la i w f rZ
(a) Unless otherwise indicated, stone setts used in any one ¼d½ tc rd fd vU;Fkk lwfpr u gks iRFkj pkSds fdlh ,d {ks= esa
area shall be of uniform size. iz;qDr ,d Lo:i okys gksxsaA
(b) Channels formed in the stone sett floor shall be girthed
and included in the floor area.

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except stone setts izfr oxZ ehVj
13011Stone sett flooring with stone
lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk iRFkj pkSds 13011 iRFkj pkSdksa ds Q'kZ ftlesa pkSds 200 ls
setts of size 200 to 250mm long, 250 fe-eh- yEcs] 150 ls 200 fe-eh- pkSMs+
150 to 200mm wide and 150mm vkSj 150 fe-eh- eksVs pkjksa vksj ls rjk'ks gq,
deep and sides dressed; bedded
1%3 ds lhesVa elkys esa fcNk;s gks] 20 fe-
in cement mortar 1:3, joints
20mm thick; grouted in cement eh- ?kuRo okys tksMk+ as dks 1%2 ds xhys lhesVa
mortar 1:2 with an admixture of elkys ftlesa lhesVa ds otu ds 5%
metallic floor hardner 5% by /kkrq fefJr Q'kZ nqoks/Z ; ls Hkjk x;k gksA
weight of cement and struck ←
flush → 1523.70 543.20
13012Edge stones to flooring with 13012 Q'kZ esa fdukjksa ds iRFkj tks 250 ls 300
stone setts of size 250 to 300mm fe-fe- yEcs 150 ls 200 fe-eh- pkSM+sa]
long x l50 to 200mm wide, and
vkSj 450 fe-eh- xgjs vkSj mi;qZDr
450mm deep and ditto →
1625.20 861.20 ←


dksVk iRFkj ls Q'kZ fuekZ.k
(a) The rates of kota stone flooring includes for all cutting ¼d½ dksVk iRFkj ds Q'kZ dh njksa esa lHkh dVkbZ] Nhtu] e'khuh
and waste including machine cutting to make it square or dVkbZ }kjk iRFkj dks vk;rkdkj ;k pkSdksj cukuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rate includes for cutting and polishing by machine. ¼[k½ bu njksa esa e'khu }kjk dVkbZ vkSj ikfy'k djuk 'kkfey gSA

(c) ¼x½ ;fn ekse ls ikfy'k dk funs'Z k gksrk gS] rks og bl vuqlp
Wax polish to kota floor if ordered shall be paid under w h dh
Schedule Item 13059. en 13059 ds vUrxZr ns; gksxhA
(d) The rates do not include for under layer and dividing ¼?k½ bu njksa esa fupyh rg vkSj foHkktd ifV;k 'kkfey ugha gSA


M&L Except stone
13013 Machine cut kota stone slab lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk iRFkj ds 13013 e'khu ls dVh dksVk iRFkj ifV;k 20&25
flooring 20-25mm thick over fe-eh- eksVh vkSj lhesaV fc[kjs vk/kkj
cement screed base laid and ij Hkwjs lhesVa esa iRFkj ds jax ls feyrh
jointed with grey cement slurry gqbZ lkexzh feykdj fcNkou vkSj tksM+
mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slab including rubbing dj] jXkM+ dj vkSj ikfyl djds laifw rZ
and polishing complete → 1027.40 600.40 ←
13014 Ditto, but 40-50mm thick → 13014 mi;qZDr] ijUrq eksVkbZ 40&50 fe-eh-
1316.60 600.40 ←
13015 Kota stone slab 20-25mm thick 13015 dksVk iRFkj dh ifV;k 20&25 fe-eh-
in riser of steps, skirting, dado eksVh] lhf<+;ksa ds p<+kouksa xksVu nhokj
and pillar laid over cement
screed and jointed with ditto as MkMksa o [kEHkksa esa lhesaV fcNkou ij
per item 13014 → 1064.30 640.80 ←fcBkuk] vU; en 13014 tSlk
282 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
iRFkj ds Q'kZ
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except stone izfr oxZ ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk iRFkj ds
150 mm Add or 150mm Add or
thick deduct thick deduct
150 feeh- for each 150 feeh- for each
eksVk 25 mm eksVk 25 mm
over or over or
under under
150mm 150mm
150 feeh- 150 feeh-
ls de ;k ls de ;k
T;knk ij T;knk ds
13016 Approved quarried stone izR;sd 25 fy;s izfr 13016 Lohd`r [kuu iRFkj] [kaMtksa esa lw[kk
laid dry, in pavings, face feeh- ds 25 feeh- fcNk] gFkkSM+s ls lery fd;k] Nksjksa
hammer dressed, sides dks Bhd izdkj fcBkdj fNnzksa dks
fitted fairly, hollows
fy;s tksM+sa ij tksM+sa
wedged in with stone chips ;k ?kVk;sa ;k ?kVk;sa iRFkj ds NskVs VqdM+ksa ls Hkjdj o
and interstices filled with njkjsa Lohd`r feêh ls Hkjh gqbZ
approved earth → 465.30 69.70 96.40 22.10 ←
13017 Add, if joints are grouted flush 13017 tksM+sa] ;fn tksM+ksa dks 1%6 ds lhesaV
with cement mortar 1:6 → 120.90 18.70 97.10 22.10 ←elkys ls tksM+k x;k gksA


laxejej ifê;ka Q'kZ fuekZ.k

(a) The rates are exclusive of bedding layer or screed but ¼d½ bu njksa esa ijr fcNkus ;k QSykus dk dk;Z lfEefyr ugha gS]
include for setting and jointing the tiles in cement paste or ijUrq Vkbyska dks lhesVa ds ?kksy ;k lysjh ls fcNkuk ;k tksMu+ k
slurry. lfUufgr gSA
(b) The rates include for all straight cutting and waste. Raking ¼[k½ njksa esa lc izdkj dh dkV vkSj Nhtu lfUufgr gS] frjNh ;k
or circular cutting and waste shall be measured separately. o`rkdkj dkV vkSj Nhtu vyx ls ekis tk;sxsaA
(c) Rates include for cutting and polishing. ¼x½ bu njksa esa dVkbZ vkSj ikfy'k djuk lfUufgr gSA
(d) Wax polishing to marble tile floor, etc. shall be paid, under ¼?k½ laxejejh Vkbyksa ds Q'kZ ij ekse ikfy'k vkfn en 13059 ds
item 13059 vUrxZr ns; gksxhA
SECTION 13 283
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
laxejej ifê;ka Q'kZ fuekZ.k -tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except tiles izfr oxZ ehVj
13018 Marble tiles 30cmx20cm x lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk VkbZy ds 13018
13018e'khu ls dkVh gqbZ 30 ls-eh- × 20
20mm thick machine cut, bedded feeh- eksVh ?kuRo okyh laxejej dh
jointed and pointed with grey Vkbysa Hkwjs lhesaV ?kksy esa fcNh] tqM+h o
cement slurry including Vhi dh gqbZ dVkbZ o ikfyl lfgr
cutting and polishing types
White Marble lQsn laxejej
(a) Makrana white → 1550.70 974.50 ← ¼d½ edjkuk lQsn
(b) Abu white → – – ← ¼[k½ vkcw lQsn
(c) Makrana Doogri Adanga → 1220.00 974.50 ←¼x½ edjkuk Mwxjh vMaxk
(d) Makrana Chak Dongri → – – ←¼?k½ edjkuk pkd Mwxjh
Black Marble dkyh laxejej
(a) Black Zebra Bhainsalana → 1450.70 974.50 ← ¼d½ dkyk tScjk HkSlk ykuk
(b) Black Zebra Kishangarh → 1400.20 974.50 ← ¼[k½ dkyk tScjk fd'kux<+
(c) Abu Zebra Black → – – ←¼x½ vkcw tScjk dkyk
13019 Extra if white cement slurry is used 13019 vfrfjDr] ;fn Hkwjs lhesaV dh Lyjh ds
instead of grey cement slurry (in LFkku ij lQsn lhesaV dk iz;ksx
joints of marble tiles) → 3.60 – ←fd;k x;k gksA
13020 20mm thick marble tiles 13020 20feeh eksVkbZ dh laxejejh e'khu ls
machine cut in skirting/dado dVh VkbZyksa MkMksa dks Hkwjs lhesaV ds
laid over cement screed and ?kksy ls nhokjksa dh xksVu lrg ij
jointed with grey cement slurry
lheasV dh rg ij dVkbZ o ikfyl
including cutting and polishing
lfgr] Hkwjh lhesaV Lyjh ls tqM+h gqbZ
of type
White Marble lQsn laxejej
(a) Makrana white → 1610.25 975.50 ← ¼d½ edjkuk lQsn
(b) Abu white → – – ← ¼[k½ vkcw lQsn
(c) Makrana Doogri Adanga → 1250.00 975.50 ←¼x½ edjkuk Mwxjh vMaxk
(d) Makrana chak dogri → – – ←¼?k½
Black Marble dkyh laxejej
(a) Black Zebra Bhainsalana → 1485.20 975.50 ← ¼d½ dkyk tScjk HkSlk ykuk
(b) Black Zebra Kishangarh → 1425.00 975.50 ← ¼[k½
(c) Abu Zebra black → – –
13021 Extra if white cement slurry is
13021 vfrfjDr ;fn Hkwjs lhesaV ds ?kksy ds
used instead of grey cement slurry
(in joints of marble tiles) →
LFkku ij lQsn lhesVa dk ?kksy laxejej
dh Vkbyksa dks tksM+us esa iz;ksx fd;k
3.60 –
←x;k gks
284 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


xzsukbV ifV;k Q'kZ fuekZ.k
(a)The rates are exclusive of bedding layer or screed but include ¼d½ bu njksa esa ijr fcNkus ;k QSykus dk dk;Z lfEefyr ugha gS]
for setting and jointing the tiles in cement paste or slurry. ijUrq Vkbyksa dks lhesVa ds ?kksy ;k lysjh ls fcNkuk ;k tksMu+ k
lfUufgr gSA
(b) The rates include for all straight cutting and waste. Raking ¼[k½ njksa esa lc izdkj dh dkV vkSj Nhtu lfUufgr gS] frjNh ;k
or circular cutting and waste shall be measured separately. o`rkdkj vkSj Nhtu vyx ls ekis tk;sxsaA
(c) Rates include for grinding and polishing ¼x½ bu njksa esa f?klkbZ vkSj ikfy'k djuk lfUufgr gSA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except tile izfr oxZ ehVj

13022 Granite (of any type) tiles 20mm lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk VkbZy ds 13022 e'khu ls dkVh gqbZ 20feeh- eksVh xzus kbV
thick machine cut, bedded and ¼fdlh Hkh izdkj dk½ dh Vkbysa Hkwjs lhesVa
jointed with grey cement slurry
and pointed with white cement ?kksy esa fcNh] tqM+h o lQsns lhesaV eas
with admixture of pigment to iRFkj ds jax ls feyrh gqbZ lkexzh feykdj
match the shade of granite stone ←Vhi dh gqbZ f?klkbZ o ikfyl lfgr
including grinding and polishing
complete → 2397.75 575.75 13023 20feeh- eksVh xzsukbV ¼fdlh Hkh izdkj
13023 20mm thick Granite (of any type) dk½ dh e'khu ls dVh VkbZyksa MkMksa dks
tiles machine cut, in skirting/ Hkwjs lhesaV ds ?kksy ls nhokjksa dh xksVu
dado laid over cement screed
and jointed with grey cement
lrg ij lhesaV dh rg ij dVkbZ o
slurry, and pointed with white ikfyl lfgr] Hkwjh lhesVa lysjh ls tqMh+
cement with admixture of gqbZ lQsns lhesaV esa iRFkj ds jax ls
pigment to match the shade of feyrh gqbZ lkexzh feykdj Vhi dh gqbZ
granite stone including grinding ←f?klkbZ o ikfyl lfgr
and polishing complete → 2442.75 580.90


idkus okys IysVQkeZ ij dqMIik iRFkj
(a) The rates of cudappah stone slab includes for all cutting ¼d½ dqMIik iRFkj ds Q'kZ dh njksa esa lHkh dVkbZ] Nhtu] e'khuh
and waste including machine cutting. dVkbZ 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rate includes for cutting and polishing by machine. ¼[k½ bu njksa essa e'khu }kjk dVkbZ vkSj ikfy'k djuk 'kkfey gSA
(c) The rates do not include for under layer and dividing strips. ¼x½ bu njksas esa fupyh rg vkSj foHkktd ifV;k 'kkfey ugha gSA


13024 Machine cut cudappah stone 13024 e'khu ls dVh dqMIik iRFkj ifV;k
slab 20-25mm thick over cement M&L Except stone 20&25 fe-eh- eksVh vkSj lhesVa fc[kjs
screed base, laid and jointed lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk iRFkj ds vk/kkj ij Hkwjs lhesaV esa iRFkj ds jax
with grey cement slurry mixed ls feyrh gqbZ lkexzh feykdj fcNkou
with pigment to match the shade
of the slab including rubbing vkSj tksM+ dj] jxM+ dj vkSj ikfyl
and polishing complete → 849.10 155.80 ← djds laiwfrZ
13025 Rounding to edges of stone
slabs one edge, such as in steps,
cooking platform, and other
similar situations →
SECTION 13 285
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
iwoZfufeZr daØhV ifV;k Q'kZ dk fuekZ.k
The rates for precast concrete slab flooring include for: iwoZfufeZr daØhV ifV;k ls fufeZr Q'kZ dh njsa fuEu dks lfUufgr
djrh gSa%
(i) Finishing exposed surfaces of slabs even and smooth, (i) fcuk lhesV a iz;ksx ds ifV;ksa dh Åijh mHkjh lrg dks le vkSj
without using extra cement. fpduk cukukA
(ii) Making fair, rounded, chamfered, splayed or bevelled (ii) tgka funsfZ 'kr gks frjNs ,d vksj c<+s gq, ;k vleku fdukjksa dks]
edges, where directed. lkQ] xksy djukA
(iii) Forming any grooves for laying in skirtings, risers, treads, (iii) xksVu mBkoks]a ik;ksa esa lh/ks [kM+s ;k >qds LFkkuksa esa yxkus ds fy,
straight or winding. [kkípsnkj cukukA
(iv) Any cutting and waste; and notching and scrubbing. (iv) dksbZ dVkbZ o Nhtu vkSj nkars fudkyuk vkSj [kqjpukA
(v) Laying slabs in vertical scrubbing. (v) [kMh lrg ij ifV;k fcNkukA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except concrete slabs izfr oxZ ehVj
13026Precast cement concrete lkexzh ,oa Je daØhV ifV;k jfgr 13026 iwoZ fufeZr daØhVch&1 izdkj 1%2%4
type B-1, 1:2:4 (20mm Thickness in mm Thickness in mm ¼20fe-eh- oxhZd`r iRFkj feykok½]
graded stone aggregate) eksVkbZ feeh esa eksVkbZ feeh esa ifV;k Q'kZ 1%6 lhesaV elkys esa
slab flooring, bedded,
and jointed in cement
40 50 40 50 fcNh o tqM+h vkSj 1%3 ds lhesaV
mortar 1:6 and pointed in elkys esa Vhi dh gqbZ
cement mortar 1:3 → 669.30 770.50 304.50 496.30 ←
13027Ditto, but with cement 13027 mi;qDZ r] ijUrq lhesVa daØhV lh&1
concrete type C-1, 1:3:6
izdkj dh 1%3%6] ifV;k Q'kZ vkSj
slabs flooring and ditto → 647.40 741.10 304.50 495.00 ←mi;qZDr

13028 Add to item 13026 and 13028 en 13026 vkSj 13027 esa tksMas+ ;fn
13027 if slabs are ifV;k le vkSj pednkj cukus esa
finished even and smooth ←vfrfjDr lhesV
41.50 a dk iz;ksx fd;k gks
using extra cement →


pwuk daØhV v/kQ'kZ ;k vk/kkj
The rates include for finishing surfaces of lime concrete even bu njksa esa pwuk daØhV dh lrg dks Åijh rg fcNkus o Qjescanh
and rough to receive the topping layer and also use and waste ;ksX; le ;k [kqjnjk cukus ds dk;Z esa mi;ksx o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA
of form work.
75mm Add or deduct for each 25mm
75 feeh over or under 75 mm thickness
75 feeh ls de ;k vf/kd
ij izfr 25 feeh- eksVkbZ gsrq
ds fy;s tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa 13029
13029v/kQ'kZ esa pwuk daØhV pwus elkys 1%2
13029 Lime concrete with lime mortar 1:2
mix and 40mm graded stone coarse ds feJ.k vkSj 40 fe-eh- iRFkj jksMh
aggregate in sub-floors → 555.60 113.20 ←feJ.k lewg lfgr
13030 Ditto, but with lime mortar 1:3 mix 555.50 111.60 13030 mi;qDZ r] ijUrq pwuk elkyk 1%3 feJ.k lfgr
13031 Lime concrete with lime mortar 13031
13031pwuk daØhV] pwuk elkyk 1%2 feJ.k
1:2 mix and 40 mm graded brick vkSj 40 fe-eh- dksfV dh bZV jksMh lewg
coarse aggregate in sub-floors → 500.80 95.20 ←lfgr v/k% Q'kZ esa
13032 Ditto, but with lime mortar 1:3 mix→
→ 495.70 93.50 13032 mi;qDZ r] ijUrq pwuk elkyk 1%3 feJ.k lfgr
286 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
lhesaV daØhV ls v/kQ'kZ] v/k vk/kkj] Q'kksZa rFkk [kaM+tksa vkfn dk fuekZ.k
(a) The rates of cement concrete in flooring include for: ¼d½ lhesaV daØhV ds Q'kZ dh bu njksa esa fUkEu lfUufgr gS%
(i) Use and waste of form work/screed strips and to (i) Qjescn a h@yach ifV~V;ksa o {ks= dks [kaMksa esa foHkkftr djus
divide the area in panels. Where dividing strips esa mi;ksx o NhtuA tgka foHkktd ifVV;ka iz;ksx dh xbZ
are used, these shall be measured separately,
gSa] fcuk fdlh ewY; O;oLFkk ds izFkd ekih tk;saxhA
without any price adjustment.
(ii) Finishing surfaces of concrete topping even and (ii) daØhV dh Åijh lrg dks lery] LoPN vkSj lqUnj
fair (without using extra cement), and finishing
cukuk ¼fcuk vfrfjDr lhesaV iz;ksx fd,½] vkSj v/kQ'kZ]
surfaces of concrete in sub-floors, sub-bases, etc.
even and rough to receive the topping layer. v/kvk/kkj vkfn dh lrg lery o fpduh djuk ftlls
ml ij Åijh rg fcNkbZ tk ldsA
(iii) Finishing exposed edges fair or rounding or (iii) ckgj fudys fdukjksa dks Bhd ;k xksy djuk vkSj tgka
chamfering of exposed edges, where directed. funsZf'kr gks Åijh fdukjksa esa f>fj;kÌ cukukA
(iv) Laying concrete in narrow widths, risers, (iv) laØh.kZ pkSMk+ bZ mBkuks]a ik;nkuks]a vorj.kksa vkSj blh izdkj
treads, landings and the like.
ds dke esa daØhV fcNkukA
(b) Different layers of cement concrete floors shall be ¼[k½ lhesVa daØhVdh fHkUu rgsa vyx&vyx ekih tk;sx a h] tc rd
measured separately, unless laid monolithically. fd v[kaM u Mkyh xbZ gksA
(c) For joints in large paving, see Section 20A ¼x½ cM+s [kM+t
a ksa esa tksMk+ as ds fy, Hkkx&20 d ns[a ks-a lM+d dk;ZA ;g
Roadwork. These joints shall be measured separately. tksM+ vyx ls ekis tk;saxsA
(d) Forming channels shall be measured and paid for under ¼?k½ iz.kky cukbZ en 04079 vkSj 04080 esa ekih o ns; gksxhA
items 04079 and 04080. Deductions and/ or additions dVksfr;ka vkSj@;k vf/kd daØhVdh en 04026 ds vUrxZr
of concrete shall be adjusted under item 04026. O;oLFkk gksxhA
(e) For work in flexural concrete Airfield pavement and ¼M½ foeku LFkyksa ds [kaMtksa esa izokgu daØhVHkjkbZ vkSj Bksl LFkkbZ
hard standing, refer section 20-B. daØhVds fy, Hkkx&20 [k ls lanHkZ ysaA

PER SQUARE METRE 100mm Add or deduct for izfr oxZ ehVj
thick each 25mm over or
100 feeh eksVh under 100mm thickness
100 feeh- ls vf/kd ;k de
ij izfr 25 feeh- eksVkbZ
gsrq tksM+s ;k ?kVk;sa
13033Cement concrete type B- 2, 13033
13033lhesaV daØhV oxZ ch&2] 1%2%4
1:2:4 (40mm graded ← ¼40 fe-eh- feykok½
aggregate) → 629.00 144.10
13034Ditto type C-2, 1:3:6 (ditto) 13034
13034mi;q Z D r oxZ lh&2] 1%%3%6
→ 571.40 129.70 ← ¼mi;qZDr½
13035Ditto type D-2, 1:4:8 (ditto) 13035
13035mi;q Z D r oxZ Mh&2] 1%4%8
→ 533.00 120.90 ← ¼mi;qZDr½
SECTION 13 287
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
PAVINGS, ETC. & Contd...
lhesaV daØhVls v/kQ'kZ] v/k vk/kkj] Q'kksZa rFkk [kaM+tksa vkfn dk fuekZ.k & tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE 25mm thick Add for each extra 15mm izfr oxZ ehVj
25 feeh eksVh izR;sd 15 feeh vfrfjDr
gsrq tksMsa+
13036Cement concrete type B-1, 13036
13036lhesaV daØhV oxZ ch&1] 1%2%4
1:2:4 (20mm graded ¼20 fe-eh- feykok½
aggregate) → 180.20 90.60 ←
13037Ditto type B-0, 1:2:4 13037
13037mi;qZDr] oxZ ch&0] 1%2%4 ¼12-5
(12.5mm graded aggregate) 251.20 90.60 ← fe-eh- feykok½

13038Add to foregoing, if 13038

13038fiNyh enksa esa tksM]+as ;fn izofyr
reinforced (Reinforcement
← ¼izoyu vyx ls ekik tk;sxk½
measured separately) → 7.10 15.90

PER SQUARE METRE Finished thickness of coloured topping izfr oxZ ehVj
iwjh HkjkbZ dh jaxhu liawfjr eksVkbZ
3 mm Add for additional
3 feeh 3 mm
3 feeh vfrfjDr gsrq tksMsa
13039Add to concrete floors for 13039
13039tksM+sa] jaxhu lheasV elkyk 1%2
coloured cement mortar 1:2 ← ls daØhVQ'kZ laifw ŸkZ ikfy'k lfgr
finish including polishing → 394.40 28.70

Using extra Without using

cement extra cement
vfrfjDr lhesaV iz;ksx fcuk vfrfjDr lhesaV
13040Finishing cement concrete 13040
13040lhesaV daØhV dh lrg lery
surface even and smooth → 41.50 31.90 ← vkSj fpduh laiwfjr

13041Spike rolling to surfaces or making 13041

13041lrg ij fyiVok dhyd ;k /kkrq dh tkyh ls rc rd
impressions of expanded metal, whilst the fpfUgr djuk tc rd daØhV gjh gksA
concrete is green → 10.40 ←
288 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
PAVINGS, ETC. & Contd...
lhesaV daØhVls v/kQ'kZ] v/k vk/kkj] Q'kksZa rFkk [kaMtksa vkfn dk fuekZ.k & tkjh

GRANOLITHIC M&L Except xzsukbV nkusnkj daØhV Q'kZ

CONCRETE FLOORS lkexzh ,ao aggregate
13042Granolithic concrete 1:1:2 floor Je feJ.k jfgr 13042
13042xzsukbV nkuksa dh 30 fe-eh- eksVh 1%1%2
topping 30mm thick; laid over cement
daØhV ds v/kQ'kZ vkfn esa fcNh rFkk lrg
concrete subfloors etc. and finished
to an even and fair surface→ ← dks lery vksj fpduk djds laiwfŸkZ
→ 189.60 163.70
13043Add to (or deduct from) last item for 13043vafre en esa tksMsa ¼;k esa ls ?kVk;sa½ 30
each 5mm thickness over (or under) fe-eh- ls vf/kd ¼;k de½ esa izR;sd 5 fe-
30mm→ →
35.40 23.10 ← eh- ds fy,
13044Extra over item 13042 for laying 13044
13044en 13042 ds fy, vfrfjDr lh<+h iknksa
granolithic topping in treads, risers, p<koks]a xksVuksa vkfn esa tks pkSMk+ bZ ;k mWpkbZ
skirtings, etc. n exc 30cm in width
20.60 ← esa 30 lsa-eh- ls vf/kd u gks
or height →
13045Ditto, in dados exc 30cm in height 13045
13045mi;qZDr] 30 lsa-eh- ls vf/kd mWpkbZ nhokj
→ 27.40 ← dh ryh ds ltkoVh fdukjksa esa
13046Dusting surfaces of granolithic 13046
13046dkjoksjsUMe ls xzsukbV nkus dh lrg dh
concrete with carborundum powder ← jxMkbZ lkQ djuk
→ 43.10

ttZ j rk 'kks " kd
Metallic hardner shall be measured separately and paid at 'Supplied only' rates.
/kkrq dk nqoksZ/; vyx ls ekik tk;sxk vkSj **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ** dh njksa ij ns; gksxkA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except materials izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je lkexzh jfgr
13047 Wearproof topping as Thickness of topping in mm 13047
13047ttZjrk 'kks/kd lrg tSlk fd
specified (incorporating mij dh eksVkbZ feeh esa fufnZ"V fd;k gks ¼,d Lohd`r
an approved metallic
floor hardner), laid on
15 20 15 20 /kkrq ds nqcksZ/; dks feykdj½
concrete floors and daØhVds Q'kZ vkSj [kaMtksa esa
pavings, and finished fcNkuk vkSj lery vkSj
even and smooth (except pedhyk cukuk ¼/kkrq ds
metallic hardner)→
→ 260.20 344.90 178.20 198.00 ← nqckZs/; dks NksM+dj
SECTION 13 289
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


ttZjrk 'kks"kd & tkjh


13048 Treating cement concrete or granolithic 13048 lhesVa daØhV ;k xzus kbV nkuk daØhVdh lrgksa ij
concrete surfaces with three dressings lksfM;e vkSj lQsn lhesaV ds ?kksy dh rhu ijrsa
of sodium silicate solution →
29.90 ← yxkuk

13049Roughening surfaces of old concrete 13049 iqjkus lhesaV daØhV ds Q'kZ dh [kqjnjh lrg dks
floor by picking, sweeping clean and jxM+dj] >kMw yxkdj vkSj ikuh ls /kksdj /kwy vkfn
washing down with water to remove lkQ djuk
dust, etc. → 35.40 ←
13050 Brushing neat cement slurry with 3.0kg 13050 3-0 fd-xzk- lhesaV izfr oxZ ehVj dh lysjh djuk
of cement per sq. metre → 20.60 ←


VSjstks <ykbZ lhVw esa

The rates for terrazzo topping do not include for underlayer and dividing strips.
rjStks dh njksa esa ryh; vLrj vkSj foHkktd ifÍ;kW 'kkfey ugha gSA

PER SQUARE METRE With grey With grey With mix- With izfr oxZ ehVj
cement cement ture of grey white
and no and and white cement
pigment pigments cement in and
Hkwjk lhesaV Hkwjk lhesaV equal pro- pigments
jax jfgr jax lfgr portions lQsn lhesaV
Hkwjs o lQsn jax lfgr
lhesaV ds le
13051 6mm thick terrazzo feJ.k esa 130516 feeh eksVh VSjstks dh ijr] 2
topping with 2 to 4mm jaxghu ls 4 feeh eki rd laxejej
size marble aggregate
including grinding and
nkuk feykos ds lkFk Q'kZ jxM+kbZ
polishing in floors → 798.00 816.80 818.90 844.50 ←vkSj ikfy'k lfgr
13052 Add or deduct from last 13052
13052tksMsa+ ;k ?kVk;sa fiNyh en eas 6
item for each mm feeh ?kUkRo ls vf/kd ;k de]
thickness over or under ←izfr feeh gsrq
6mm → 48.10 50.00 51.60 55.30
290 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


VSjstks <ykbZ lhVw esa–tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE With grey With grey With mixture With izfr oxZ ehVj
cement cement of grey and white
and no and white cement cement
pigment pigment in equal pro- and
Hkwjs lhesaV Hkwjs lhesaV portions and pigments
esa jax esa jax no pigment lQsn
jfgr lfgr Hkwjs o lQsn lhesaV esa
lhesaV ds le jaxhu jax
13053 10mm thick terrazzo
feJ.k esa lfgr 13053 10feeh VSjt s ks dh ijr] 4 ls 7
topping with 4 to 7 mm feeh eki dh laxejej nkus
size marble aggregate jaxghu
including grinding and
feykos ds lkFk] jxMkbZ vkSj ikfy'k
polishing in floors → 1133.10 1146.20 1169.60 1209.10 ←lfgr
13054 Add or deduct from last 13054 fiNyh en esa 10 feeh ls vf/kd
item for each mm thickness ;k de ds fy, izR;sd ,d feeh-
over or under 10mm → eksVkbZ gqrs tksM+s ;k ?kVk;sa
49.50 52.10 55.20 56.70 ←
13055 15mm thick terrazzo 13055 15 feeh- VSjstkss dh ijr 7 ls
topping with 7 to 10mm 10 feeh- eki dh laxejej nkus
size marble aggregate feykos ds lkFk Q'kZ dh jxMkbZ
including grinding and
1392.30 1420.50 577.50 1506.80 ← vkSj ikfy'k lfgr
polishing in floors →
13056 Add or deduct from last 13056 fiNyh en esa 15 feeh ls vf/kd
item for each mm thickness ;k de ds fy;s izR;sd ,d feeh
over or under 15 mm → 50.20 57.70 55.20 58.30
←eksVkbZ gsrq tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa
13057 Add to items 13051, 13053 13057 en 13051] 13053vkSj 13054 esa
and 13054 for work on tksaM+sa] [kM+h lrg ds fy, tSls
vertical surfaces as in fd MkMksa vkfn esa ÅWpkbZ 30 lseh
dados, etc. exc 30cm in
height → 172.10 ←ls vf/kd
13058 Add to items 13051, 13058 en 13051] 13052 vkSj 13055 esa
13052 and 13055 for work tksMas+ [kMh lrg ds fy, tSls fd
on vertical surfaces as in xksVuksa ;k lh<h ds in ds mBkoksa
skirtings, risers and treads o ladh.kZ pkSMk+ bZ ij 30 lsea h- ls
of steps and on narrow
widths n. exc 30cm in vf/kd ÅapkbZ ;k pkSMk+ bZ esa

height or width → 156.50
13059 Add for treating the surface 13059 tksM+sa] e/kqeD[kh ekse ls ikfy'k
with beeswax polish → 25.90 ← gsrq
SECTION 13 291
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
v/k Q'kZ] v/k vk/kkj] Q'kksaZ] [kaMtksa vkfn esa lhesaV daØhV–tkjh
Width of strip
iêh dh pkSM+kbZ
13060 Aluminium dividing 22mm 28mm 38mm 13060 vyeksfu;e dh foHkktd ifÍ;kWa 1-5
strips, 1.5mm thick, feeh- eksVh fn;s gq;a s vkd`fr vuqlkj
inserted in position, ←cukus ds fy, LFkkfir djuk
conform to design → 54.50 72.10 93.20
13061 Plastic dividing strips, 13061 IykfLVd dh foHkktd
1.5mm thick and ditto ifÍ;k¡ 1%5 feeh- eksVh o 'ks"k
→ 27.40 33.30 41.50
13062 Glass dividing strips, 3 mm 13062 dkap dh 3 feeh- eksVh foHkktd
thick and ditto → 12.20 21.60 25.10 ←ifÍ;k¡ o 'ks"k mi;qZDr

bZV ds Q'kZ
(a) The rates of brick flooring include for ordinary cutting ¼d½ bZV ds Q'kZ fuekZ.k dh njksa esa vk;rkdkj {ks= ds vgkrksa vkfn esa
and waste in closers, etc., in rectangular areas. If paving is lkekU; dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA ;fn bZVas [kM+h ;k d.kZ
laid herring-bone pattern or diagonally, in rectangular
areas, raking, cutting and waste shall be allowed to the js[kkor] vk;rkdkj {ks= esa fcNkbZ xbZ gS]a rks bl izdkj ds
edges of such areas. vk;rkdkj {ks= ds fdukjksa ds fy;s dVkbZ o Nhtu Lohdk;Z gksxkA
(b) The rates for floors laid dry include for laying on and ¼[k½ lq[kh fcNkbZ xbZ bZVkas ds Q'kZ dh njksa esa 'kkfey gS] 25 feeh
including 25mm thick layer of sand and filling the joints eksVh okyw dh rg fcNkuk vkSj mlh ls tksMk+ sa dks HkjukA lw[kh
with same. The rates for floors laid dry but pointed in
fcNh bZVksa ds Q'kZ ij ;fn elkys ls Vhi Hkh dh xbZ gks rks blesa
mortar also include for laying on and including 25mm
thick layer of sand and filling of joints with same. fcNkou vkSj 25 feeh okyw dh rg vkSj mlls tksMk+ sa dk Hkjko
Hkh 'kkfey gksxkA
292 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


bZV ds Q'kZ - tkjh


Laid Laid dry Bedded and Bedded and Add if,
dry and jointed in jointed in sub
lw[kh pointed lime mortar Cement classA
fcNkbZ in cement 1:3 and mortar 1:6 bricks
mortar pointed in and pointed are
1:3 cement in cement used
lw[kh fcNkbZ mortar 1:3 mortar tksMs
o Vhi lhesaV pwuk elkyk lhesVa elkyk 1:6 ;fn
elkyk 1%3 1%3 esa fcNkbZ esa fcNkuk vkSj bZV
o TkksM+uk tksMu+ k rFkk mi
rFkk lhesaV lhesaV elkyk ,
1%3 esa Vhi esa Vhi djuk gS
1:6 1:3
13063Bricks, sub class B, 13063
13063iqjkus uki dh ch
laid flat, in floors, old dh bZVas Q'kZ esa likV fcNkuk
size bricks→ → 339.50 416.20 427.10 415.90 483.40 10.60 ←
13064All as in item 1845, 13064
13064lc en 1845 ls leku ijUrq
but except bricks→ → 100.80 177.40 188.40 194.90 191.70 ← bZVksa ds vykok
13065Bricks, sub class B,
laid on edge in floors;
1 3065
3065iqjkus uki dh ch dh
old size bricks→ → 434.80 174.40 643.70 699.60 719.30 35.80 ← bZVksa ds Q'kZ ij [kM+h yxkuk
13066Ditto, but modular 13066
13066mi;qZDr] ijUrq ekMwyj bZVksa
bricks→→ 517.10 737.10 681.30 737.20 756.90 35.80
13067Ditto, except bricks→
→ 140.80 275.60 305.00 361.00 380.60 13067
13067mi;qZDr] fdUrq bZV jfgr

13068Add to items for bricks flooring laid to 13068

13068tksMsa bZVksa ds Q'kZ dh enksa esa lh/kh [kM+h ;k likV
herring-bone pattern or diagonally (Raking fcNkdj Q'kZ fuekZ.k esa ¼lh/kh ;k xksy dVkbZ o Nhtu
or circular cutting, and waste measured
←izFkd eisxh½
→ 21.50

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except bricks iz f r ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je bZVksa jfgr
Bricks laid bZVfcNh Bricks laid bZVfcNh
Flat On edge Falt On edge
likV [kMh likV [kMh 13069
13069frjNh ;k xksy dVkbZ o Nhtu bZV
13069 Raking or circular cutting
and waste on brick ds Q'kZ fuekZ.k ij
→ 36.60 55.70 20.20 33.70 ←
SECTION 13 293
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk
(a) The rates are exclusive of bedding layer or screeded surface ¼d½ ;g njsa ijr ;k iVV~h fcNh lrgksa ds jfgr gSa fdUrq Vkbyksa
but include for setting and jointing the tiles in cement dks fcBkuk o lhesaV ?kksy ;k lysjh ls tksMuk 'kkfey gSA
paste or slurry.
(b) The rates include for all straight cutting and waste. Raking ¼[k½ bu njksa esa lh/kh dVkbZ o Nhtu 'kkfey gSA frjNh ;k xksy
or circular cutting and waste shall be measured separately. dVkbZ izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
(c) The rates for glazed tiles and terrazzo tiles include for ¼x½ dkafpr o VSjStks Vkbyksa dh njksa esa] funsZf'kr ,d ;k vf/kd
laying to any pattern with one or more colours as directed. jax o fdlh Hkh rjhds esa fcNkuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) The rates for cement concrete and terrazzo tile include for ¼?k½ lhesaV daØhV o VSjStks Vkbyksa dh njksa esa dVkbZ o ikfy'k
cutting and polishing. djuk 'kkfey gSA
(e) Wax polishing to terrazzo tile floors, etc. shall be paid ¼M-½ VSjStks Vkby Q'kZ vkfn ij ekse ikfy'k dk Hkqxrku en
under item 13059
13059 ds varxZr gksxkA
(f) If tiles of different sizes are used then no price adjustment
shall be done.

GLAZED TILES White tiles Coloured tiles Except tiles dka f pr Vkbys a
lQsn Vkby jaxhu Vkby Vkby jfgr
13070 Glazed earthenware tiles 13070 feêh dkafpr Vkbysa 149X149
149mmx 149mm (or feeh- ¼;k 152-4X152-4 feeh-½ X
152.4mm x 152.4 mm) x 6 feeh- eksVh Q'kZ vkfn esa] 'kq)
6mm thick, in floors, etc,
set and jointed in neat lhesaV ds ?kksy ls fcNh o tqM+h
cement slurry and o lQsn ;k feyrs jax ds lhesVa
pointed in white or ls Vhi dh gqbZ
coloured cement to
match → 1073.60 1192.90 755.80 ←

13071 Add to above for work on 13071 mi;qZDr esa tksMs+a] [kM+h lrg
vertical surfaces such as dk;Z tSls xksVu MkMksa o lhf<+;ksa
skirtings, dados and ds ik;nkuksa vkfn
risers to steps etc. ←
→ 137.10 92.50 137.10
13072 Ditto as per item 13070 but 13072 mi;qDZ r en 13070 leku ysfdu
size of tile 108mm x VkbYk eki 108X108 feeh- X
108mm x 4-5mm thick. → 4&5 feeh- eksVh
1221.70 1348.30 755.20
13073 Add to above for work on 13073 tksMsa+ mi;qZDr [kMh lrgksa tSls
vertical surface such as
xksVu] MkMksa o lhf<+;ksa ds ik;nku
skirtings, dado, and
risers to steps etc. → 137.10 137.10 137.10 ← vkfn
294 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk - tkjh
GLAZED TILES White tiles Coloured tiles Except tiles dka f pr Vkbys a
lQsn Vkby jaxhu Vkby Vkby jfgr
13074 Glazed ceramic tiles 1 3074 dkafpr feêh Vkbysa ¼200X200
(200x200mm) x 7mm feeh- X 7 feeh- eksVh Q'kkZsa
thick, in floors etc. set and
jointed in neat cement
vkfn esa yXkh o 'kq} lhesaV
slurry and pointed in lysjh o feyku ds lQsn
white or coloured lhesaV ls Vhi dh gqbZ
cement to match → 1093.60 1161.80 755.80 ←
13075 Add to above for work on 13075 tksMsa mij dh en esa [kM+h
vertical surfaces such
as skirting, dados and
lrgksa tSls xksVu] MkMksa o
risers to steps etc. → lh<h iknksa ds mBkoksa vkfn
137.10 137.10 137.10 ← ds dk;Z ij
13076 Ditto as per item 13074 13076 mi;qZDr 13074 Mh tSlk
but size of tile fdUrq 200X 100X 7 feeh eksVs
200x100x7mm thick →
1113.90 1029.40 755.80 ← vkdkj dh Vkby
13077 Add to above for work on 13077 tksMsa+ Åij dh en eas] [kMh
vertical surfaces such lrgksa tSls xksVu] MkMksa o
as skirtings, dados and
risers to steps etc. →
lh<+h iknksa ds mBkoksa ds dk;Z
137.10 137.10 137.10 ← gsrq vkfn
13078 Glazed earthenware 13078 feêh dkafpr Vkbysa 200X100
tiles 200mmx 100mm x
6mm thick, in floors, etc,
feeh- X 6 feeh- eksVh Q'kZ
set and jointed in neat vkfn es]a 'kq) lhesVa ds ?kksy
cement slurry and ls fcNh o tqMh+ o lQsn ;k
pointed in white or feyrs jax ds lhesaV ls Vhi
coloured cement to match dh gqbZ
1120.00 1215.20 755.80 ←

13079 Add to above for work on 13079 mi;qZDr esa tksM]+as [kM+h lrg
vertical surfaces such as dk;Z tSls xksVu MkMksa o
skirtings, dados and
risers to steps etc. → 137.10 137.10 137.10 ← lhf<+;ksa ds ik;nkuksa vkfn
13080 Glazed ceramic tiles in
vertical surface 300x
200x 7 mm thick set and
jointed in neat cement
slurry and pointed in
white or colour cement to
match → 1241.50 1338.40 889.40
SECTION 13 295
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk - tkjh
GLAZED TILES IN VERTICAL White tiles Coloured tiles Except tiles
lQsn Vkby jaxhu Vkby Vkby jfgr
13081 Glazed ceramic tiles in
vertical surface 350x 250x 7
mm/ 450X 350X 7mm thick
set and jointed in neat
cement slurry and pointed
in white or colour cement to
match →
889.40 1047.20 889.40

13082 Non - skid Ceramic tiles 7 to

8 mm thick (square/
rectangular) area of each tile
exceeding 0.06 sqm but not
exceeding 0.11 sqm, in
floors etc. set and jointed in
neat cement slurry and
pointed in white or coloured
cement to match →
1061.70 1149.80 755.80
13083 Non - skid Ceramic tiles 7 to
8 mm thick (square/
rectangular) area of each tile
exceeding 0.11 sqm but not
exceeding 0.18 sqm, in
floors etc. set and jointed in
neat cement slurry and
pointed in white or coloured
cement to match →
1225.80 1315.20 61.80
13084 Non - skid Ceramic tiles 7 to
8 mm thick area of each tile
exceeding 0.18 sqm but not
exceeding 0.38 sqm, in
floors etc. set and jointed in
neat cement slurry and
pointed in white or coloured
cement to match → 1179.20 1428.70 744.80
13085 Add to rates for item no
13080 to 13084 for joint free
non skid tiles. → 98.70 98.70 98.70
296 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk - tkjh
Shade Shade tiles

13086 Virified Ceramic tiles 10 mm

thick (square/ rectangular)
polished, area of each tiles
not exceeding 0.36 sqm, in
floors etc. set and jointed in
neat cement slurry and
pointed in white or coloured
1469.80 1482.20 755.80
cement to match →
13087 Virified Ceramic tiles 10 mm
Light Dark Except
thick (square/ rectangular)
polished, area of each tiles Shade Shade/Double tiles
exceeding 0.36 sqm but not charged/
exceeding 0.42 sqm, in floors ultracharged
etc. set and jointed in neat
cement slurry and pointed in
white or coloured cement to
match → 1476.30 1608.80 755.80
13088 Virified Ceramic tiles light
shade 10 mm thick (square/
rectangular) polished, area of
each tiles exceeding 0.42 sqm
but not exceeding 1.00 sqm, in
floors etc. set and jointed in neat
cement slurry and pointed in
white or coloured cement to
match → 1601.20 1961.70 749.20

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except tiles iz f r ehVj

lkexzh ,ao Je Vkby jfgr
13089 Raking, cutting and waste on 13089
13089dafpr Vkbyksa ij drjkbZ] dVkbZ
glazed tiles → 167.50 167.30 ← o Nhtu
13090 Circular cutting or notching
and waste on glazed tiles 13090
13090dafpr Vkbyksa dh xksy dVkbZ ;k
→ 389.20 327.10 ← drjkbZ o Nhtu

iz R ;s d
13091 Boring holes through glazed 13091
13091ikbi vkfn ds fy, dkafpr Vkbyksa
tile lining for pipes, etc n exc
50mm dia and making good
dh iafDr;ksa esa vuf/kd O;kl ds
Nsn fudkyuk o mUgsa Bhd djuk
→ ← vkfn
SECTION 13 297
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk tkjh
lhesaV daØhV vkSj rjStks Vkbysa

PER SQUARE METRE With grey With grey With mixture With white Except izfr oxZ ehVj
cement cement of white & grey cement & tiles
and no and pig- cement in pigment Vkby
13092Cement concrete pigment ments equal pro- lQsn lheasV jfgr
tiles 20cm x 20cm
Hkwjs lheasV Hkwjs lheasV portions & no ds lkFk 13092
13092lhesaV daØhVdh 20 lss-eh- X
x 20mm thick, 20 lsa-eh- X 20 feeh- eksVh
m a c h i n e vkS j jaxghu ds lkFk pigments vkSj jaxhu
pressed; set vkSj jaxhu lQsn vkSj Hkwjs e'khu laihfMr 'kq} lhesVa ds
jointed and lhesaV ds cjkcj ds ?kksy esa Q'kZ esa fcBkuk] tksMu+ k
pointed in neat feykc esa jaxghu vkSj dVkbZ iksfy'k djuk
cement slurry in
floors, and cut ←
and polished→ → 1049.50 1079.30 1153.30 975.40 667.30
13093Ditto. tiles, 25cm 13093
13093mi;qZDr] Vkby 25 lsa-eh- X
x 25cm x 22mm 25 lsaeh- o 22 feeh- eksVh]
thick, ditto → 978.00 987.50 1066.00 963.10 751.00 ←mi;qZDr
13094Terrazzo tiles 13094
13094VSjStksa Vkbysa 20 las-eh- X 20
20cm x 20 cm x lsa-eh- X 20 feeh- eksVh] 6
20mm thick, with
size of chips upto
feeh- ds nkus lfgr Q'kZ esa
6 mm; set jointed 'kq} lhesaV esa fcBkuk o
and pointed in tksM+uk] rFkk dVkbZ vkSj
neat cement slurry ikfyl djuk
in floors, and cut ←
and polished→ → 1168.80 1183.80 1332.30 1451.80 751.00
13095Ditto, tiles 25cm 13095
13095mi;qZDr] Vkby 25 lsaeh X
x 25cm x 22mm 25 ls a e h o 22 feeh]
thick. Ditto→ → 1053.70 1063.10 1159.80 1238.40 751.00 ←mi;qZDr
13096Terrazzo tiles 13096
13096VSjStks VkbZy 20 lsaeh X 20
20cm x 20cm x lsaeh o 20 feeh eksVh] 12
20mm thick, with
size of chips upto
feeh vkdkj rd ds nkus
12mm; set, lfgr] 'kq} lhesVa ds ?kksy esa
jointed and Q'kZ fcNkuk vkSj tksMu+ k rFkk
pointed in neat dVkbZ vkSj ikfy'k djuk
cement slurry in
floors, and cut

and polished → 1186.70 1204.60 1299.60 1475.80 853.70
13097Ditto, tiles 13097
13097mi;qZDr] Vkbysa 25 lsaeh X
25cm x 25cm x 25 lsaeh o 22 feeh eksVh]
22 mm thick, 1065.00 1078.30 1142.50 1221.70 533.50 ← mi;qZDr
ditto →
298 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk tkjh
lhesaV daØhV vkSj VSjstks Vkbysa tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE With Grey With Grey Except izfr oxZ ehVj
13098 Machine pressed precast Cement Cement tiles
concrete interlocking paver and no and
block any shape and size pigment pigment
confirming to IS 15658-2006
of 60 mm thickness, M-35
Grade → 741.60 774.40 229.80
13099 Machine pressed precast
concrete interlocking paver
block any shape and size
confirming to IS 15658-2006
of 80 mm thickness M-40
Grade → 891.90 955.00 289.40
13100 Machine pressed precast
concrete interlocking paver
block any shape and size
confirming to IS 15658-2006
of 100 mm thickness M-50
Grade → 1059.20 1119.70 333.00

With grey With grey With mixture With white Except

cement pigment of white & grey cement & tiles
and no cement cement in pigments
pigments and pig- equal pro-
ments portions & no
13101 Terrazzo tiles with pigment 13101 cM+sa uqdhys fdukjs okyh
bullnosed edge 32 VSjStks Vkbysa 32lsaeh X
cm x 20 cm x 40 mm 32lsaeh X 40feeh eksVh
thick, set, jointed 'kq} lhesVa ?kksy ls iknksa
and pointed in neat esa fcBkuk vkSj tksM+uk
cement slurry as in
treads, and cut rFkk dVkbZ vkSj ikfyl
polished → 1476.40 1486.50 1575.90 1700.00 743.80
13102 lhesVa daØhV dh pkj[kkus
13102 Chequered cement dh jaxfojaxh Vkbysa] 20
concrete tiles 20cm x
20cm x 25mm thick,
lsaeh- X 20 lsaeh- o 25
set, jointed and feeh eksVh 'kq} lhesaV
pointed in neat cement ?kksy esa Q'kZ esa fcBkuk
slurry in floors → 1050.80 1100.30 1253.30 1181.50 1253.30 ←tksMu + k vkSj Vhi djuk
13103 Ditto, but bullnosed 13103 mi;qZDr] ysfdu mHkkjh
32cmx 20cm x 32 ls-eh- X 20 ls-eh-
30mm thick as in o 30 feeh- eksVh] iknksa
treads → 1017.40 1027.50 899.90 1186.70 734.40 ← esa
13104 Add to items 13092 to 13104 tksM]as+ en 13092ls 13097
13097 for work on es]a [kM+h lrg tSl]s uhps
vertical surfaces as in ds fdukjs nhokj ds fupys
skirtings, dados and 173.10 173.10 173.10 173.10 173.10 Hkkx vkSj lh<+h ds inksa
risers of steps → ←ds mBko gsrq
SECTION 13 299
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj ij Vkby yxkuk tkjh
vEy izfrjks/kh Vkbysa
PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except izfr oxZ ehVj
13105Acid resistant tiles 15mm thick lkexzh ,ao tiles
13105 vEy izfrjks/kh dkapk; jaxghu Vkbysa]
vitreous ceramic, unglazed, set, Je Vkby jfgr jky leku] jklk;fud iz f rjks / kh
jointed and pointed in chemical
resistant mortar, resin type, in elkys esa Q'kZ esa esa cBkuk] tksM+uk
floors → ← vkS j Vhi djuk
2820.70 1142.80

PER RUNNING METRE Cement con- Terrazzo Acid Except tiles izfr ehVj
crete tiles tiles resistant Vkby jfgr
lhesVa rjStks Vkbysa tiles
daØhV Vkbysa vEy jks/kd
Vkbysa 13106 fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ;k eki dh
13106 Raking, cutting and
waste on any Vkbyksa ij [kqjpuk] dkVuk o
thickness and size of ←Nhtu
tiles → 185.91 193.00 302.20 143.60
13107 Circular cutting or 13107 xksy o nkarns kj dVkbZ o Nhtu
notching and waste fdlh Hkh ?kuRo vkSj eki dh
on any thickness and ←Vkbyksa ij
size of tiles → 308.80 242.30 541.40 224.20


Q'kZ vkSj nhokj dh Vkbyksa dh ejEer
(a) The rates include for cutting out broken tiles, removing ¼d½ bu njksa esa VwVh Vkbyksa dks dkV fudkyuk] <hyh Vkbyksa dks
and cleaning loose tiles, preparing bed removing rubbish, fudkyuk vkSj lkQ djuk] dpjk gVkdj lrg cukuk] iqjkuh
removing and replacing old with new tiles to match,
dks leku ubZ ls cnyuk] lHkh dVkbZ vkfn tSlk fu#ifr gks
complete with all cuttings, etc. that may be required. New
tiles required to supplement old ones shall be paid for at }kjk iw.kZ djuk lfUufgr gSA iqjkuh Vkbyksa dk LFkku ysus ds
‘supplied only’ rates. fy, ftruh ubZ Vkbysa yxsaxh mudk Hkqxrku dsoy vkiwfrZ dh
njksa ij gksxkA
(b) Repairs to floor hearth, or wall tiling exceeding 5sq.m in ¼[k½ Q'kZ ry ;k nhokj esa Vkbyksa ds dk;Z esa 5 oxZ eh- ls cM+as izR;sd
each patch shall be paid for at the rates for new work VqdM+s dk Hkqxrku uohu dk;Z ekudj gksxkA ¼og Hkkx tgka
(portions in which old tiles are used shall be paid at ‘except iqjkuh Vkbysa iz;ksx dh xbZ gS mldk *Vkby jfgr* dh nj ij
tiles’ rate).
Hkqxrku gksxkA
(c) If payment for patches close to each other exceed the ¼x½ ;fn ,d nwljs ds vfr ikl okys isouksa dk ewY; ml iwjs {ks=
payment for renewing the whole area consisting of such ftlesa ,sls VqdM+s vkrs gSa vkSj muds chp dk LFkku feykdj]
patches and sound portions in between them, then the whole vf/kd vkrk gks rks ,sls leLr {ks= dks gh u;k fd;k tk;sxk rFkk
of such area shall be renewed and paid for under the
appropriate items; the sound tiles being reused and area
mi;qZDr enksa ds vUrxZr ns; gksxk( lkcqr Vkbyksa dks nqckjk
using such tiles measured and paid for at ‘except tile’ rate. yxk;k tk;sxk vkSj og {ks= tgka ,slh Vkbysa iz;Dq r gqbZ gaS ekik
tk;sxk vkSj *Vkby jfgr* dh nj ij Hkqxrku gksxkA
300 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkSj nhokj dh Vkbyksa dh ejEer

PER SQUARE METRE Glazed tiles Cement con- Terrazzo izfr oxZ ehVj
dkafpr Vkbysa crete tiles tiles
13108 Renewing tiles in patches, area 13108 5 o-eh- vuf/kd ds VqdM+ksa esa Vkby
n exc 5 sq.m. including lhesaV daØhVdh rjStks
Vkbysa Vkbysa nksckjk yxkus esa iqjkuh Vkbyksa dks gVkuk
removing and cleaning old
tiles, preparing beds and laying vkSj lkQ djuk] /kjkry rS;kj djuk]
or setting, jointing and pointing vkSj iqjkuh ;k ubZ Vkbyksa dks fcNkuk ;k
1156.10 885.90 895.10
new or old tiles complete → ←fcBkuk] tksMu+ k vkSj Vhi djds iw.kZ djuk

13109 Dismantling floor, hearth or 13109 Q'kZ] dqUM ;k nhokj ls Vkbysa fcNs gq;s
wall tiling including cement lhesaV elkys lfgr m[kkM+uk mi;ksxh
mortar bedding (but not
backing), removing serviceable
Vkbyksa dks Hk.Mkj esa tek djuk vkSj
tiles to store and rubbish off the ml ifjlj ls eyck gVkuk
premises → 89.50 ←


lhyu fujks / kd mik;
The rates for polythene film include for laps, and work in all positions and in narrow widths.
ikfyfFku f>Yyh dh njksa esa mHkkjksa o lHkh vkLFkkuksa o ladjh pkSM+kbZ;ksa esa dk;Z lfUufgr gSA


13110 Bitumen blown any grade, applied hot,

two coats, to concrete surfaces at the rate
13110 Qqd
a k rkjdksy dksbZ dks xeZ djds daØhVdh rg
of 1.5kg. per sq. m per coat → 137.00 ←ij nks ijrksa esa 1-5 fdxzk izfr oxZeh izfr ijr fcNkuk
13111 Polythene film, black, 50micron laid in 13111 ikyhFkhu f>yh] dkyh] 50 ekbØks u Q'kZ ij
floors → ←fcNkuk
SECTION 13 301
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
Q'kZ vkfn ij fyuksfye pknj fcNkuk
Rates include for all cutting and waste and work in all positions and in narrow widths.
njksa esa dVkbZ vkSj fu'ks"k rFkk lHkh voLFkkvksa esa vkSj ladh.kZ pkSM+kbZ esa dk;Z 'kkfey gSA


Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa
2.00 3.20/3.30 4.50
13112Linoleum, plain coloured, laid 13112 fyuksfy;e] lk/kk jaxhu /kjkry ij lw[kk
dry in floors including ←fcNkuk] QSykuk] drjuk o cSBkuk
stretching, cutting and fitting → 705.80 895.00 1084.10
13113Ditto, but except linoleum → 118.30 131.20 144.10 13113 mi;qZDr] ysfdu fcuk fyuksfy;e

13114Add to last two items if linoleum 13114 vafre nks enksa esa tksMsa ;fn fyuksfy;e
is sealed down with an approved
fdlh Lohd`r yslnkj inkFkksZ esa fHkxksdj
→ 118.60 118.60 118.60
←fpidk;k gks


jcM+ pknj vkSj Vkby dk Q'kZ fcNkuk
Rates include for all cutting and waste and work in all positions as well in narrow widths.
njksa esa dVkbZ vkSj fu'ks"k rFkk lHkh voLFkkvksa esa vkSj ladh.kZ pkSM+kbZ esa dk;Z 'kkfey gSA

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except rubber izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je tiles/sheet
joM+ VkbZy@
pknj jfgr
13115 Rubber sheet with fabric Thickness in mm 13115
13115jcM+ dh 'khV] diMk iz"B ;k
backing or insert and plain eksVkbZ feeh esa
coloured or marbled
funsZf'kr vkSj lkns jaxokyh ;k
topping, matt or glossy, laid 2.5 3.5 5.0 laxejejh 'kh"kZ okyh] fprdcjh
in floors with approved ;k pedhyh] Lohd`r ysl lfgr
adhesive → 1065.30 1359.10 1605.80 242.80 ← Q'kZ esa fcNh gqbZ
13116 Ditto, but with ribbed or 13116
13116mi;qDZ r] fdUrq /kkjhnkj ;k uyhnkj
fluted topping 1182.80 1312.10 1664.60 242.80
→ ←'kh"kZ okyh
13117 Rubber tiles with fabric 13117
13117jcM+ VkbZyas diM+k iz"B ;k fuosf'kr
backing or insert, plain lkns jaxokyh ;k laxejejh 'kh"kZ
coloured or marbled
okyh] fprdcjh ;k pedhyh
topping, matt or glossy, laid
in floors with approved ←Lohd`r ysl lfgr Q'kZ esa yxkuk
972.90 1149.20 1513.40 267.90
adhesive →
302 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk
jcM+ pknj vkSj Vkby ds Q'kZ fcNkuk


13118Ditto, with ribbed or fluted 13118 mi;qZDr] fdUrq /kkjhnkj ;k
topping → 1031.70 1207.90 1384.20 267.90 ←uyhnkj 'kh"kZokyh


ih oh lh lhV vkSj Vkby ds Q'kZ fcNkuk

Rates include for all cutting and waste and work in all positions bu njksa esa lHkh izdkj dh dVkbZ rFkk Nhtu rFkk Nhtu vkSj lHkh
as well as in narrow widths. voLFkkvksa ;gka rd fd ladh.kZ pkSM+kbZ esa dk;Z 'kkfey gSA


Thickness in mm Except
eksVkbZ feeh esa PVC
or tiles
13119PVC tiles/ sheets, 13119ihohlh Vkbys@
pknj ;k 13119 a pknjsa ijr
laminated plain p<+ h ] lknk ja x okyh
coloured, marbled Vkby jfgr
laxejejh eqtkfed ;k
mosaic or mottled 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00
finish, laid with ap- fprdojh] jcM+ ds Lohd`r
proved rubber based ysl lfgr Q'kZ esa fcNh
adhesive in floors → 1014.30 1049.60 1108.30 1167.10 1225.80 215.30 ←
13120PVC tiles—ditto but 13120
13120ihohlh Vkbysa mi;qZDr
homogeneous →
1025.80 1108.00 1149.10 1190.30 1249.00 238.50 ←fdUrq le:ih
13121PVC asbestos tiles, plain 13121
13121ihohlh vng Vkbysa] lkns
coloured or mottled
jaxokyh ;k fprdcjh]
finish; laid with
approved bituminous Lohd`r jky ls rj djds
adhesive in floors → 932.00 955.50 914.40 1049.50 1131.70 215.20 ←Q'kZ esa fcNh
13122Ditto, laid with 13122
13122mi;qZDr] Lohd`r
approved synthetic jklk;fud ?kksy esa [kM+h
adhesive in vertical
←lrg ij fcNh
surfaces → 936.20 911.10 983.20 1053.70 1136.00 219.50
SECTION 13 303
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaM+ts yxkuk


13122A Providing and laying at or near ground level
factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement
concrete in position to the required line, level
and curvature, jointed with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including
making joints with or without grooves
(thickness of joints except at sharp curve
shall not to more than 5 mm), including
making drainage opening wherever
required complete. → 8514.90
13122B Providing and laying 60mm thick factory
made chamfered edge cement concrete paver
block of M-35 grade with approved colour,
design & pattern as in footparth, parks,
lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc.,
of required strength, thickness & size/
shape, made by table vibratory method using
PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern
over and including 50mm thick compacted
bed of fine sand, compacting and proper
embedding/ laying of inter locking paver
blocks into the sand bedding layer through
vibratory compaction by using plate
vibrator, filling the joints with sand and
cutting of paver blocks as per required size
and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra
sand; → 873.70
13122C Providing and laying 80mm thick factory
made chamfered edge cement concrete
paver block of M-30 grade with approved
colour, design & pattern as in footpath,
parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic
parking etc., of required strength, thickness
& size/ shape, made by table vibratory
method using PU mould, laid in required
colour & pattern over and including 50mm
thick compacted bed of coarse sand,
compacting and proper embedding/ laying
of inter locking paver blocks into the sand
bedding layer through vibratory
compaction by using plate vibrator, filling
the joints with fine sand and cutting of
paver block as per required size and
pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand;
complete. → 945.50
304 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaMts yxkuk


lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½
PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj
eksVkbZ feeh esa
25 30 40

13123 Rough dressed sand stone slabs → 176.20 211.50 235.00 13123
13123eksVs rkSj ij x<+h] ckyqbZ iRFkj dh ifê;k

13124 Rough dressed lime stone slabs→
→ 141.00 188.00 211.50 13124eksVs rkSj ij x<+h] iRFkj dh ifê;k

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

13125 Quarried stone for dry paving (measured in 13125
13125[kku ds iRFkj lw[ks fcNkus ds fy, ¼lVs pV~Vksa esa ekis
tightly packed stacks) → 716.80 ← tk;sx
a ½s

PER 50 KG. BAG izfr 50 fdxzk cksjh

13126White portland cement in jute bags or other 13126
13126lQsn leqnzh lhesaV twV ds cksjs ;k vU; xBjh esa
packing → 776.80 ←

PER KILOGRAM Red oxide of Green izfr fdyks xzke

iron, carbon chromium
black oxide, yellow
oxide of iron
/kkrq dkcZu ;qDr tLrh gjk tkj.k
yky tkj.k rRo

13127 Pigments for use with cement→

→ 94.00 47.00 13127
13127jax nzO; lhesV esa iz;ksx ds fy,

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyks xzke

13128 Carborundom powder, 80 grit→
→ 47.00 13128
13128dkcZu pw.kZ 80 va'k

13129 Oxalic acid → 124.50 13129
13129xeZ /kkrq

13130 Wax for floor polish → 319.60 13130
13130ekse Q'kZ ij ikfyl ds fy,

iz f r fDoa V y
13131 Marble chips 2 to 15mm (any size and colour)→
→ 305.50 13131
13131laxejejh nkus 2 ls 15 feeh ¼fdlh vkdkj ;k jax esa½

SECTION 13 305
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaMts yxkuk
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½ —tkjh
PER LITRE iz f r yhVj
13132 Sodium silicate, density 84 degress 13132
13132lksMh;e vkSj vfXu izLrj dk feJ.k ?kuRo 84 ifjek.k
twaddell (specific gravity 1.42) → ← fn[kkch ¼fof'k"V eki 1-42 vkisf{kr ?kUkRo½

PER CUBIC METRE izfr /ku ehVj

13133 Coarse aggregate for granolithic floors 13133
13133eksVk feykok vleku Q'kZ ds fy, 12-5 feeh ls
graded from 12.5mm to 4.75mm→

1525.10 ← 4-75 feeh rd

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyks xzke

13134 Bitumen, blown type, 85/25 grade→
→ 13134 jky Qqadh fdLEk dh 85@25
13135 Bituminous compound for water-proofing 13135 jky dk ?kksy] ty fujks/k vkSj njkj HkjkbZ ds fy,
and caulking purposes→
→ 32.90 ←
13136 Polythene sheet, black. 50 micron→
→ 18.80 13136 ikyhFkhu 'khV] dkyh 50 ekbØksu

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
2.0 3.2/3.3 4.5
13137 Linoleum, plain coloured type 13137
13137fyuksfy;e] lkns fdLe dh
→ 587.50 763.70 940.00 ←
13138 Linoleum, moire type → 705.00 881.20 1245.50 13138
13138fyuksfy;e] ek;j fdLe dh
13139 Linoleum, jaspe type → 822.50 940.00 1116.20 13139
13139fyuksfy;e] tLih fdLe dh
13140 Linoleum, marble type → 881.20 1245.50 1292.50 13140
13140fyuksfy;e] laxejej fdLe dh

PER LITRE iz f r yhVj

13141Approved adhesive for setting linoleum→
→ 235.00 13141
13141Lohd`r rjy] fyuksfy;e fcBkus ds fy,

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
2.5 3.5 5.0
13142Rubber tiles with fabric backing or 13142
13142jcM+ Vkby diM+k i`"B ;k fuosf'kr] lkns
insert, plain coloured or with marbled jaxokyh ;k laxejejh iwfŸkZ lfgr
finish → 705.00 881.20 1245.50 ←
13143Ditto, with ribbed or fluted topping→
→ 763.70 940.00 1116.20 13143
13143mi;qDZ r] fdUrq /kkjhnkj ;k uyhnkj 'kh"kZokyh
13144Rubber sheet with fabric backing or 13144
13144jcM+ 'khV] diM+k i`"B ;k fuosf'kr] lkns
insert, plain coloured or with marbled jaxokyh ;k laxejejh iwfrZ lfgr
finish→→ 822.50 1116.20 1363.20 ←
13145Ditto, with ribbed or fluted topping → 940.00 1069.20 1421.70 13145
13145mi;qDZ r] fdUrq /kkjhnkj ;k uyhnkj 'kh"kZokyh
306 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaMts yxkuk


lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½—tkjh

PER LITRE iz f r yhVj

13146 Approved adhesive for setting rubber 13146
13146Lohd`r rjy jcM+ Vkby ;k 'khV fcBkus ds fy,
tiles or sheeting → 264.40 ←

PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 la[;k

13147 Stone setts 200 to 250 mm long, 150 to 13147
13147iRFkj ds pkSds 200 ls 250 feeh yEcs 150 ls 200
200mm wide and 150mm deep → 4700.00 ← feeh pkSM+s vkSj 150 feeh xgjs
13148 Edge stones 250 to 300mm long, 150 to 13148
13148fdukjh iRFkj 250 ls 300 feeh yEcs 150 ls 200
200mm wide and 450mm deep →
4112.50 ← feeh pkSM+s vkSj 450 feeh xgjs

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

13149 Metallic floor hardener → 27.00 13149/kkrqbZ Q'kZ nqcs/;

PER 100 NOS. White Coloured izfr 100 la[;k

lQsn jaxhu
13150 Glazed earthenware tiles 149 x 13150
13150dkafpr feêh ls cuh Vkbysa 149X149 feeh
149 mm (or 152.4 x 152.4 mm) and ¼;k 152-4 X 152-4 feeh½ vkSj 6 feeh eksVh
6 mm thick → 705.00 822.50 ←
13151 Glazed earthen ware tiles l08x 13151
13151dkafpr feêh Vkbysa 108 X 108 X 4 -5 feeh
108mm x 4-5mm thick →
540.50 611.20 ← eksVh
13152 Glazed ceramic tiles 200 x 200mm 13152
13152dkafpr vkMEcjh Vkbysa 200 X 200 X 7
x 7mm thick → 1351.20 1410.00 ← feeh eksVh
13153 Glazed ceramic tiles 200x100 13153
13153dkafpr vkMEcjh Vkbysa 200 X 100 X 7
705.00 763.20
x7mm thick → ← feeh eksVh
13154 Glazed earthenware tiles 200 x 13154
13154dkafpr feêh ls cuh Vkbysa 200X 100 feeh
100 mm x 6 mm thick → 734.40 793.10 ← vkSj 6 feeh eksVh
13155 Non Skid Ceramic tile 300x300 13155
13155fQlyu jfgr vkMEcjh Vkbysa 300 X 300
x 7 mm thick → ← X 7 feeh eksVh
2056.20 2291.20
SECTION 13 307
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaMts yxkuk
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½ —tkjh

PER 100 Nos. With grey With grey With mixture With izfr 100 la[;k
cement cement of white & white
and no and grey cement cement
pigment pigment in equal pro- &
Hkwjs lhesaV Hkwjs lhesaV portions & pigments
esa jaxghu esa jaxhu no pigment lQsn
Hkwjs o lQsn lhesaV esa
lhesaV ds jaxhu
cjkcj ds
feyko esa
13156 Cement concrete tiles 20cm 13156
13156lhesVa daØhVdh Vkbysa 20 lseh-
x 20cm x 20mm thick → 1175.00 1292.50 1351.20 1468.70 ← X 20lseh- X 20 feeh- eksVh
13157 Ditto, 25 cm x 25 cm x 22 13157
13157mi;qZDr] 25lseh- X 25lseh- X 22
mm thick → ← feeh- eksVh
1410.00 1468.70 1527.50 1645.00
13158 Chequered cement concr- 13158
13158psdMZ lhesaV daØhV dh Vkbysa
ete tiles 20cm x 20cm x 20lseh- X 20lseh- X 25 feeh- eksVh
25mm thick → ←
1245.50 1518.70 1175.00 1292.50
13159 Ditto, bullnosed, 32cm x 13159
13159mi;qZDr] fdukjksa okyh 32lseh- X
20cm x 30mm thick → 1645.00 1703.70 1762.50 1938.70 ← 20lseh- X 30 feeh- eksVh
13160 Terrazzo tiles 20cm x 13160
s ks Vkby 20lseh- X 20lseh- X
20cm x 20mm thick with 20 feeh- eksVh 6 feeh drju
chips upto 6mm →
← lfgr
1645.00 1703.70 2056.20 2291.20
13161 Ditto, with chips upto 12 1715.50 1786.00 2009.20 2467.50 13161
13161mi;qZDr] 12 feeh drju lfgr
mm → ←

13162 Terrazzo tiles 25cm x 25cm 13162

s ks Vkby 25lseh- X 25lseh- X
x 22mm thick with chips 22feeh eksVh] 6 feeh drju
upto 6mm →
1880.00 1938.70 2173.70 2291.20 ← lfgr
13163 Ditto, with chips upto 13163
13163iwoksZDr 12 feeh rd drju
12mm → 1950.50 2032.70 2115.00 2314.70 ← lfgr
13164 Terrazzo tiles with 13164
13164VSjstks Vkbysa frjNs fdukjs 32X
bullnosed edge, 32cm
2408.70 2467.50 2643.50 2843.50 ← 20lseh X 40 feeh- eksVh
x 20cm x 40mm thick →
308 SECTION 13
[k.M 13&Q'kZ ifj"d`fr rFkk [kaMts yxkuk
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½ — tkjh

PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj

eksVkbZ feeh esa
1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00
13165 PVC tiles/sheet, laminated, 13165 ihohlh Vkby@'khV ijr p<+]as
plain coloured, marbled, lkns ja x okys ] la x ejejh
mosaic or mottled finish → 799.00 834.20 893.00 951.70 1010.20
← eqtkfed ;k /kCcsnkj iwfŸkZ
13166 PVC tiles, ditto, but 13166 ihohlh Vkby] mi;qZDr] fdUrq
homogeneous →
787.20 869.50 910.60 969.40 1010.50 ← le:i
13167 PVC asbestos tiles, plain 13167 ihohlh vng Vkby] lknk jaxhu
coloured or mottled finish→
→ 716.70 775.50 763.70 834.20 916.50 ← ;k /kwfey ifê;k

PER LITRE iz f r YkhVj

13168 Rubber based adhesive for PVC or PVC 13168 jcM+ vk/kkfjr rjy inkFkZ] ihohlh ;k ihohlh vng
asbestos sheets and tiles → ← 'khV vkSj Vkbyksa gsrq

PER RUNNING METRE Width of strip in mm iz f r ehVj

ifÍ;ksa dh pkSM+kbZ feeh esa
22 28 38

13169 Aluminium dividing strips, 1.5mm 13169 vYeksfu;e dh foHkktd ifê;kW 1-5 feeh
thick → 52.90 70.50 91.60 ← eksVh
13170 Glass dividing strips, 3 mm thick→
→ 10.60 20.00 23.50 13170 'kh'ks dh foHkktd ifê;ka 3 feeh eksVh
→ 15.60
13171 Plastic dividing strips, 1.5 mm thick→ 23.70 35.00 13171 IykfLVd dh foHkktd ifê;ka 1-5 feeh eksVh

PER LITRE iz f r yhVj

13172 Approved bituminous adhesive for PVC 13172 vuqeksfnr rkjdksyh ?kksy ih oh lh vng Vkbyks ds fy;s
asbestos tiles → 123.40
13173 Approved synthetic adhesive for PVC 13173 vuqeksfnr l'ys"k.k ?kksy ih oh lh@ vng Vkbyksa ds
asbestos tiles → 135.10 ←fy;s
SECTION 14 309
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
[k.M 14 iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
14.1 Measurements—Plastering 14-1 eki iyLrj dk;Z
14.1.1 Adjustments 14-1-1 O;oLFkk;s a
(a) No deduction shall be made for ends of joists, beams, ¼d½ dfM+;ksa /kjuksa o vk/kkjksa vkfn ds fdukjksa vkSj ,sls eks[ks tks
etc.. and openings n exc 0.5 sq. m each and no addition
izR;sd 0-5 o-eh- ls vf/kd ugha gSa ds fy, dVkSrh ugha dh
shall be made for finishing the plaster around ends
of joists, beams, posts, etc. not for the reveals, jambs, tk;sxh vkSj uk gh dfM+;ksa] /kjuksa] [kEHks vkfn ds fdukjksa ij
soffits, cills, etc., of the openings. iyLrj djus vkSj uk gh eks[kksa ds i[[ks] egjko] ifê;ksa]
nsgfy;ksa vkfn ds fy, vfrfjDr fn;k tk;sxkA
(b) Deduction for openings exceeding 0.5 sq.m but not ¼[k½ dVkSrh 0-5 o-eh- ls vf/kd o 3 o-eh- ls vuf/kd eks[kksa ds fy,
exceeding 3 sq. m shall be made as follows and no
fuEu izdkj gksxh rFkk i[[kksa] esgjkoksa] ifê;ksa] nsgfy;ksa vkfn
addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, cills,
etc. of these openings. ds fy, vfrfjDr ns; ugha gksxkA
(i) When both faces of the wall are plastered with ¼i½ tc nhokj ds nksuksa rjQ ,d gh izdkj dk iyLrj fd;k
the same plaster, deduction shall be made for one gks rks dVkSrh dsoy ,d rjQ esa ls gh dh tk;sxhA
face only.
(ii) When two faces of wall are plastered with ¼ii½ tc nhokj ds nksuksa rjQ fHkUu&fHkUu dk iyLrj
different types of plaster or if one face is plastered gks ;k ,d rjQ iyLrj o nwljh rjQ Vhi] rks nhokj
and the other pointed, deduction shall be made
ds ftl rjQ njoktks f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn dh pkS[kVsa yxh
from the plaster or pointing on the side of frame
for door, window etc. on which width of reveals gksa ftl ij i[[kksadh pkSMkbZ nwljh rjQ dh pkSM+kbZ ls
is less than that on the other side but no deduction de gks ml rjQ ds iyLrj vkSj Vhi lsa dVkSrh dh
shall be made on the other side. Where width of tk;xh ysfdu nwljh rjQ ls dVkSrh cM+h gksXkhA tgka
reveals on both faces of wall are equal, deduction nhokj ds nksuks rjQ i[[kks dh pkSM+kbZ leku gks rks
of 50% of areas of opening on each face shall be
eks[kksa dk {ks=Qy nhokj ds nksuksa rjQ ds {ks=Qy esa ls
made for areas of plaster and/or pointing as the
case may be. gj rjQ 50% dh dVkSrh gksxhA
(iii) When only one face is plastered and the other
¼iii½ tc ,d rjQ iyLrj fd;k gks vkSj nwljh rjQ dksbZ
face is not having any treatment, full deduction
shall be made from the plaster if the width of mipkj u gks rks ;fn iyLrj okyh rjQ i[[kksa dh
reveals on the plastered side is less than that on pkSMk+ bZ nwljh rjQ ls de gS rks iyLrj esa ls iwjh dVkSrh
the unplastered side; but if the width of reveals dh tk;sxh] ysfdu ;fn nksuksa rjQ ds i[[kksa dh pkSMk+ bZ
on both sides are equal or width of reveal on the leku gS ;k iyLrj dh rjQ dh pkSMk+ bZ vf/kd gS rks
plastered side is more, no deduction will be made.
dVkSrh ugha gksxhA
(iv) When width of frame is equal to the thickness of ¼iv½ tc pkS[kV dh pkSMk+ bZ] nhokj dh eksVkbZ ds cjkoj gks ;k
wall or is projecting beyond the thickness of wall,
full deduction for opening shall be made from
nhokj dh eksVkbZ ls ckgj vk jgh gks rks eks[ks dh iwjh
each plastered face of wall. dVkSrh gj rjQ ds iyLrj ls dh tk;sxhA
(c) For openings of area exc 3 sq.m each, deductions shall ¼x½ ,sls eks[ks ftudk {ks=Qy 3- o- eh- ls vf/kd gks mu eks[kksa dh
be made for the openings and plastering of jambs, dVkSrh dh tk;sxh vkSj /kjfu;ksa vkSj nsgfy;ksa ds iyLrj dks
and cills be measured.
ekik tk;sxkA
Note: In calculating areas of openings, the extra width of uksV% eks[kksa ds {ks=Qy dh x.kuk esa] c<+s gq, i[[kksa dh vfrfjDr
rebated reveals, if any, shall be excluded. pkSM+kbZ ;fn dksbZ gS] rks mls NksM+ fn;k tk;sxkA
310 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z


fo'ks"k 'krsZ tkjh

14.1.2 Thickness of Plaster 14-1-2 iyLrj dh eksVkbZ

(a) Thickness of plaster shall be exclusive of the depth of
¼d½ iyLrj dh eksVkbZ] tksMk+ as esa Hkjs elkys dh xgjkbZ dks NksMd + j
mortar key in joints, i.e. grooves and open joints in
brickwork, stonework, etc., or space between laths.
gksxh] vFkkZr bZV vkSj iRFkj dh fpukbZ esa xM<s vkSj [kqyh lfU/k;ka
vkfn ;k jn~nksa ds chp dk vUrjA
(b) Thickness of plaster shall mean minimum thickness ¼[k½ iyLrj dh eksVkbZ dk vFkZ gS] lrg ds fdlh Hkh fcUnq ij de ls
at any point on the surface. This does not include de eksVkbZA blesa lrg dh iksrkbZ dh eksVkbZ 'kkfey ugha gSA
thickness of dubbing out.
(c) In the case of dubbing out on old walls, out of plumb; ¼x½ lkgqy ls ckgj] iqjkuh nhokjksa dh iksrkbZ dk vFkZ gksxk] [kjy
the thickness shall mean the average thickness
excluding the depth of mortar key in joints.
ds tksM+ksa dh xgjkbZ dks NksM+dj vkuqikfrd eksVkbZA

14.1.3 Plastering on Ceilings 14-1-3 Nr ij iyLrj djuk

(a) Ceiling shall be measured between the walls or ¼d½ Nr dks nhokjksa ;k foHkktdksa ds chp esa ukik tk;sxk rFkk
partitions and the dimensions before plastering shall ifjeki iyLrj ls iwoZ fy;k tk;sxkA pkSM+kbZ esa vkus okyh
be taken, width covered by cornice or cove, if any,
shall be deducted.
dkjfu'k ;k lTtk ;fn gks] dks ?kVk fn;k tk;sxkA
(b) Ceiling with projected beams shall be measured over ¼[k½ ckgj fudys /kjuksa okyh Nr dks /kju ds Åij ls ukik tk;sxk
beams and the plastered side of beam measured and vkSj /kju dk iyLrj okyk Hkkx ekik vkSj tksM+k tk;sxkA
(c) Soffits of stairs shall be measured as plastering on ¼x½ lhf<;ksa ds ik;s dk iyLrj Nr ds leku ekik tk;sxkA
(d) Ribs and mouldings on ceilings shall be measured as ¼?k½ Nr ds eksM+ vkSj ?kqeko dkjfu'k ds leku ekis tk;saxsA
for cornices.

14.1.4 Plastering on Walls 14-1-4 nhokjks a Åij iyLrj djuk

(a) The measurements of wall plastering shall be taken ¼d½ nhokj ds iyLrj dh eki esa yEckbZ] nhokj ;k foHkktdksa ds chp
between the walls or partitions for the length and
dh uki vkSj pkSMk+ bZ] Q'kZ ds Åij ls ;k nhokj dh fdukjh ls
from the top of floor or skirting/dado to the ceiling for
the height, dimensions before plastering shall be Nr rd gksxhA ifjeki iyLrj djus ls igys fy;k tk;sxkA
taken. Depth of cornices or coves, if any, shall be dkjfu'k ;k ?kqeko dh xgjkbZ ;fn dksbZ gks rks ?kVk nh tk;sxhA
(b) Sides of pilasters, projections, etc. shall be added to ¼[k½ fdukjs] c<+s gq, Hkkxksa vkfn ds iyLrj dks nhokj ds iyLrj
the plaster on walls.
esa tksM+k tk;sxkA
(c) Mouldings, architraves, ceiling ribs, cornices and the ¼x½ ?kqekoksa f'kYidkjh] Nr dh /kkfj;ks]a dkjfu'ksa rFkk bu tSls dk;Z
like, on pilasters and around openings etc. shall be
measured as for cornices. iyLrj Åij o eks[kksa ds pkjksa vksj vkfn dks dkjfu'k leku
ekik tk;sxkA
14.1.5 In the case of cornices, etc. the length shall be 14-1-5 dkjfu'k vkfn ds ekeys esa yEckbZ xksykbZ ds dsUnz ls ekih
measured at the centre of the girth. Flat weather tk;sxhA oká dkjfu'k vkfn ds likV ok;q f'k[kj ;fn 30
tops to external cornices, etc. if over 30cm wide lsea h- ls vf/kd pkSMa+s gks rks lkekU; iyLrj tSls ekis tk;sx
a s
shall be measured as ordinary plaster and not
included in the girth of cornice or moulding. Girth vkSj dkjfu'k ;k ?kqeko dh xksykbZ esa ]'kkfey ugha gksxsa A
of cornices etc. shall be measured along the curve dkjfo'k vkfn dh XkksykbZ [kkaps ds oØ ds lkFk ekih tk;sxhA
of moulding.
SECTION 14 311
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z


fo'ks"k 'krZs tkjh

14.1.6 Circular work n exc 6 metres mean radius shall 14-1-6 pØdkj dk;Z ftudh vkSlr f=T;k 6 ehVj ls vf/kd u gks
be measured separately from the flat work and dks likV dk;Z ls izFkd ekik tk;sxk vkSj njksa esa 20% tqMx
+s k
20% addition shall be made to the rates except on
flok; mu njksa ds tks iyLrj m[kkM+us lfU/k;ka [kksyus]
the rates for taking down plastering, raking out
joints, hacking for key, dubbing out, removing pkHkh dh dVkbZ] xM<ksa dh [kqykbZ] pwuk lQsnh gVkus vkfn
lime wash, etc. and pointing. ;k Vhi djus ds dk;Z Åij ykxw gksrh gSaA

14.2 Measurements—Pointing 14-2 eki&Vhi dk;Z

The method of measurements and adjustment eki vkSj O;oLFkkvksa dh fof/k ogh gS tSlh fd *iyLrj* dk;Z
shall be same as described for “Plastering".
ds fy, fu:fir gSaA
14.3 Rates 14-3 njs a
14.3.1 The rates include for work in small quantities. 14-3-1 bu njksa esa NksVh ek=k ds dk;Z 'kkfey gSaA
14.3.2 The rates for plastering include for: 14-3-2 bu iyLrj dk;Z dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSa%
(a) Preparing the surfaces. ¼d½ lrgksa dks laokjukA
(b) Thickness of plaster key in joints, etc. ¼[k½ tksM+ksa vkfn dh pkHkh esa iyLrj dh eksVkbZ
(c) Arrises, chamfers of any width, internal rounded ¼x½ mBkoksa fdlh Hkh pkSM+kbZ ds dejs] Hkhrjh xksy dksus] 80 feeh-
angles upto 80mm in width or girth external rounded
rd pkSM+s ;k xksy [kqykbZ lfgr] ckgjh xksy dksus 80 feeh rd
angles upto 80mm in width or girth, except in the
case of mud plaster and leeping where angles etc. of pkSMs+ ;k xksy flok; xkjs ds iyLrj vkSj fyikbZ ds tgka dksus
any girth are included. vkfn fdlh xksykbZ ds 'kkfey gksrs gSaA
(d) All labour and equipment necessary for incorporating ¼?k½ tyjks/kh inkFkksZ dk mRiknd dh fu/kkZfjr fØ;k vkSj fu/kkZfjr
integral waterproofing compound in the manner ek=k esa feJ.k cukus ds fy, vko';d Jfed vkSj lk/kuA bu
specified by the manufacturer and in the proportions
njksa esa tyjks/kh feJ.k dh vkiwfÙk 'kkfey ugha gS ;fn vkiwfÙk
indicated. The rates do not include for supply of
integral waterproofing compound, which if supplied Bsdsnkj us dh gS rks mls izFkd ekik tk;sxk rFkk **dsoy
by the Contractor, shall be measured separately and vkiwfÙk** dh njksa esa ns; gksxkA
paid for at “Supplied only" rates.
(e) Scoring surface of plastering for key, where the surface
¼M½ pkHkh ds fy, njkjh iyLrj lrg tgkÌ lrg dks pednkj
is not required to be finished fair.
ugha cukuk gksA
(f) Curing of plastered surface. ¼p½ iyLrjh lrg dk mipkj djukA
(g) Cleaning stains and dripping mortar from floors and ¼N½ NhaVs vkSj fxjs gq, iyLrj dks Q'kZ vkSj nhokjksa vkfn Åij ls
walls, etc. lkQ djukA
14.3.3 Dubbing out shall not be paid for in the case of 14-3-3 xM<+kas dh HkjkbZ uohu dk;Z esa ns; ugha gS vkSj u gh iqjkuh bZV
new work nor for rough surfaces of old brickwork ds dk;Z ;k fpukbZ Åij tgka vkoj.k yEc gks D;ksfa d iyLrj
or masonry where the face is in plumb as the rates
dh njksa esa bl izdkj dh lrgksa dh vko';d HkjkbZ 'kkfey gSA
for plastering include for the necessary" dubbing
to such surfaces.

14.3.4 Plastering in Patches in Repairs:- 14-3-4 ejEerksa esa isou esa iyLrj djukA
(a) Plastering in patches (in repairs), exc 3 sq.m each ¼d½ isou esa iyLrj ¼ejEer esa½] 3 oeh ls vf/kd dk Hkqxrku u;s
patch, shall be paid for at the appropriate rate for
dk;Z dh njksa ds vUrxZr gksxk] **iyLrj djus ds fy, iqjkuh
new work in addition to the payment ‘for preparing
old walls to receive plastering’. Nothing extra shall nhokjksa dks laokjuk** ds varZxr gksus okys Hkqxrku ds vykokA
be admissible for matching with existing work etc. fo|eku dk;Z ls feyku ds fy, dqN Hkh vfrfjDr nsuk xzká
ugha gksxkA
312 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z


fo'ks"k 'krsZ tkjh

(b) Plastering in patches, n exc 3 sq. m each patch, shall ¼[k½ 3 o-eh- ls vuf/kd izR;sd isou ds iyLrj dk
be paid for as in (a) above but with an addition of 10% Hkqxrku ¼d½ ds vuqlkj gksxk fdUrq njksa esa 10 %
over the rates.
vf/kd tqM+sxkA
(c) Any individual patch (other than nail hole, plug hole, ¼x½ ,d o-eh- ds n'kesa Hkkx ls vuf/kd] dksbZ ,d isou ¼dhy
etc.) n exc one-tenth of a sq. m shall be measured as ds Nsn Bsih Nsn vkfn ds vykok½ dks ,d oeh ds n'kesa
one tenth sq. m. Repairs to nail holes, etc., are included
Hkkx ds :i esa ukik tk;sxkA ejEer esa dhy ds Nsn vkfn
in the re-decoration rates vide Section 15— White
washing, colour washing and Distempering. [kaM 15 dh iqu% lTtk dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSAa lQsnhdjuk]
jax iksruk vkSj fMLVsaEij djukA

14.3.5 The rates for pointing include for: 14-3-5 Vhi dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSa%
(a) Preparing the surfaces. ¼d½ lrg rS;kj djukA
(b) Curing of pointed surface. ¼[k½ Vhi dh gqbZ lrg dk mipkj djukA
(c) Cleaning stains and dripping mortars from floors and ¼x½ Q'kZ vkSj nhokjksa Åij ls NhaVs vkSj fxjkgqvk elkyk lkQ
walls, etc. djukA

14.3.6 Pointing in Patches in Repairs:- 14-3-6 ejEer esa isou yxkdj djukA
(a) Pointing in patches (in repairs), exc 3 sq. m each patch, ¼d½ isou yxkdj Vhi ¼ejEer esa½ izR;sd 3 oeh- ls vf/kd
shall be paid for at the appropriate rates for new work dk Hkqxrku u;s dk;Z ds vrxZr mi;qDr njksa esa fd;k
in addition to the payment for ‘Raking out joints or
tk;sxkA ml Hkqxrku ds vfrfjDr tks **tksM+ [kksyuk ;k
pointing in old walls.’ Nothing extra shall be
admissible for matching with existing work etc.
iqjkuh nhokjksa esa Vhi djuk** ds fy, gksxkA fo|eku
dk;Z ds lkFk feyku ds fy, dqN Hkh vfrfjDr ugha
fn;k tk;sxkA
(b) Pointing in patches, n exc 3 sq. m each patch shall be ¼[k½ isou yxkdj Vhi] 3 oxZ ehVj ls vuf/kd gj id isou
paid for as in (a) above but with an addition of 10% [k.M ¼d½ Åij ds rjg ns; gksxk fdUrq njksa esa 10
over the rates.
vf/kd tqM+sxkA
(c) Any individual patch (other than nail hole, plug hole, ¼x½ dksbZ ,d isou ¼dhy ds Nsn Bsih ds Nsn vkfn ds vykok½
etc.) n exc one-tenth of a sq. m shall be measured as ,d oxZeh- ds n'kes Hkkx ls vuf/kd dks ,d oxZeh ds
one tenth sq. m. Repairs to nail holes etc. are included
in the re-decoration rates vide Section 15— White
n'kes Hkkx ds :i esa ekik tk;sxkA dhy ds Nsn vkfn
washing, colour washing and Distempering. Hkkx 15 ds varxZr iqu% lTtk dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSA
lQsnh djuk] jax iksruk vkSj fMLVsaEij djukA
SECTION 14 313
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
miHkkx&d iyLrj djuk
lhesaV] lhesaV pwuk vkSj pwus ls iyLrj dk;Z
Floating/setting coat of plaster shall be paid under items 14004 pyk;eku@LFkkfir rg ds iyLrj dk Hkqxrku] en 14004 o 14006
and 14006, The rates under items 14001 to 14003 include for ds varxZr gksxkA en 14001 ls 14003 rd dh njksa esa lrg dks
finishing the surface fair and even.
lery vkSj pedhyk cukuk 'kkfey gSaA

PER SQUARE METRE Lime plaster Cement lime plaster Cement plaster Add if in izfr oxZ ehVj
pwuk iyLrj lhesaV pwuk iyLrj lhesaV iyLrj ceilings
14001 Rendering 10mm thick tksMsa+ ;fn
1%2 1%3 1%1%6 1%1%8 1%2%9 1%3 1%4 1%6 Nr esa gSa
14001bZV ;k daØhV dh LoPN
on fair faces of brick
lrg Åij 10 feeh- eksVs
work or concrete sur-
← iyLrj dk izfriknu djuk
faces → 188.22 179.02 210.48 194.35 202.15 207.87 204.80 189.35
14002 Ditto on stone masonry 14002
14002mi;ZqDr fdUrq iRFkj dh
surfaces or surface other fpukbZ ;k bZV dh LoPN
than fair face of lrg ds vykok ;k ydM+h
brick-work or on one ← ds r[rksa ds ,d rjQ
side of lathing → 180.10 218.16 235.72 218.58 226.86 263.62 245.55 227.23
14003 Rendering 10mm thick 14003
14003ydM+h ds r[rs ds nwljh
on the ‘other’ side of rjQ 10 feeh iyLrj dk
lathing → 153.52 149.44 162.72 155.86 159.17 163.56 161.25 159.32 ← izfriknu djuk
14004 Add or deduct to/from 14004 10 feeh ls vf/kd ;k de
the rates for rendering eksVs iyLrj ds Åij izfr
for each 5 mm
5 feeh ds fy, njksa esa tksMas+
thickness over or
← ;k ?kVk;s
under 10mm → 50.61 47.20 56.02 51.99 53.93 62.63 58.32 54.02 13.90
14005 Add to items 14001 to 14005
14005en 14001 ls 14003 esa tksM+ s
14003 if rendering is to ;fn lrg le o fpduh
be finished even and cukuh gS ¼fcuk vfrfjDr
smooth (without using ← pwuk ;k lhesV a iz;ksx fd;s½
extra lime or cement) → 41.12 41.12 41.12 41.12 41.12 41.12 41.12 41.12 11.95

14006 Extra over item 14004 if 14006

14006en 14004 Åij vfrfjDr
the additional thick- ;fn vfrfjDr eks V kbZ
ness is provided as pyk;eku@ LFkkfir rg
floating/setting coat → 40.53 67.81 67.81 67.81 67.81 67.81 67.81 67.81 11.95 ← ds :i esa yxkbZ xbZ
14007 All as in item 14001 14007
14007lc en 14001 tSlk fdUrq
but 12mm thick → 210.15 198.60 232.93 215.20 223.77 258.75 239.81 224.15 13.90 ← 12 feeh eksVk

14008 All as in item 14002 14008

14008lc en 14002 tSlk fdUrq
but 12mm thick → 244.57 231.61 273.74 251.28 262.49 309.46 286.81 262.96 13.90
← 12 feeh eksVk

14009 Screed bed or bedding 14009

14009Q'kZ laiwfrZ ds fy, 15
layer of mortar 15 mm feeh eksVh elkys dh rh[kh
thick for laying floor ← rg ;k fcNkou yxkuk
finishes → 241.45 223.37 205.29

14010 Add or deduct from 14010

14010en 14009 es tksM+sa ;k
item 14009 for each ?kVk;sa] 15 feeh ls vf/kd
5mm thickness over or ;k de eksVh rg Åij
under 15mm → 58.44 54.99 51.55 ←
izfr 5 feeh ds fy;s
314 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
lhesaV] lhesaV pwuk vkSj pwus ls iyLrj dk;Z tkjh...
PER SQUARE METRE Lime plaster Cement Add if in izfr oxZ ehVj
pwuk iyLrj plaster ceiling
1:1 lhesaV iyLrj tksM+s ;fn Nr
14011Setting coat 3mm thick, 1%2 esa gS 14011 3feeh eksVk vfUre vLrj.k dUuh ls
trowelled to even and
← pkSjl vkSj fpduh laiwfrZ
smooth finish → 116.30 123.31 28.70 14012 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 5 feeh eksVh
14012Ditto but 5 mm thick → 164.35 173.22 47.80 ←

izfr oxZ ehVj


14013 Neeru finish to plastering as specified 50.00 14013 funsZ'kkuqlkj iyLrj ds Åij lw[ks lhesaV ls ?kqVkbZ
→ ←djuk
14014 Pargetting flues exceeding 0.20sq. m 14014 fpeuh ds 0-20 oxZ ehVj ls vf/kd ds ?ksjs esa 20 feeh
in sectional areas, with 20mm thick
eksVs pwus ds elkys ¼pwuk&1% ckyw&2% xkscj &1½ ls
lime mortar (1 lime:2 sand:l cowdung)
and coring → 204.06 ← iyLrj djuk vkSj fdukjs cukuk
14015 Provn of sagol finish on plastered
surface of internal wall and ceiling→→ 20.00
14016 3mm thick wall care putty on wall → 83.44
14017 3mm thick wall care putty on ceiling

fo'ks"k laifrZ;ka
The rates for special finishes do not include for rendering coat. fo'ks"klaifÙkZ dh bu njksa esa rg izfriknu 'kkfey ugha gSA
14018 Sand-faced plaster as specified → 174.82 14018 ckyqbZ iyLrj fufnZ"Vkuqlkj
14019 Dry dashing on rendering coat as 14019 izfrikfnr Åijr Åij fufnZ"Vkuqlkj lw[ks lhesaV
specified → dh ?kqVkbZ djuk
14020 Rough cast plaster as specified → 220.29 14020 fufnZ"Vkuqlkj eksVs iyLrj dh ijr yxkuk
14021 Washed stone grit plaster on exterior
walls in two layers, under layer 12mm
cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand ) furrowing the under layer with
scratching tool, applying cement slurry
on the under layer @ 3 Kg of cement per
square metre, top layer 15mm cement
plaster 1:1/2:2 (1 cement: 1/2 coarse sand
: 2 stone chipping 10mm nominal size)
in panels with groove all around as per
approved pattern including scrubbing
and washing, the top layer with brushes
and water to expose the stone chippings
.complete all as specified (Paymentfor
providing grooves shall be made
separately). → 769.97
SECTION 14 315
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
fo'ks " k la i frZ ; ka & tkjh---
14022 Extra for washed stone grit plaster on
circular work not exceeding 6m in radius
(in two coats). → 45.00
14023 Extra for using white cement in place of
ordinary cement in the top layer of the
item of washed stone grit plaster. → 60.00


14024 Forming groove of uniform size 15mm
wide and 15mm deep in the top layer of
washed stone grit plaster as per
approved pattern using wooden battens,
nailed to the under layer including
removal of wooden battens, repair to the
edges of panels and finishing the groove
complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge : → 42.97


14025 Extra over rendering or plastering for 14025 vfrfjDr] izfriknu ;k iyLrj ds dk;Z tks vdsyh
work in isolated widths or in widths pkSMk+ bZ okys ;k ,slh pkSMk+ bZ okys tks dke vke
not forming part of general plastering
iyLrj ds dk;Z dk Hkkx ugha gS]as tSls eksM] Vadh ds
such as in bands, sunk panels,
cornices, skirtings, drip moulds and
fdukjs dkjfu'ksa fdukfj;k] jlko ds <kaps rFkk leku
similar work exc 15 cm but n exc 30 dk;Z 15 lseh- ls vf/kd vkSj 30 lseh- ls vuf/kd]
cm in width or girth; including cutting rFkk fdukjs] lHkh Nksj vkSj vfUre fdukjs vkfn
to edges, all mitres and stopped ends, ←cukuk lfgr
etc. → 56.65
14026 Ditto but n exc 15 cm in width or girth 14026 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq eksVkbZ ;k xksykbZ 15 lseh- ls vf/kd
→ 51.00 ←ugha
14027 Extra over rendering/plastering for 14027 vfrfjDr] izfriknu@iyLrj dk;Z Åij cukoV
raking as in strings to stairs, railing dk;Z ds fy, tSls fd lh<+h ds iknksa] jsfyx vkSj
and similar work (each edge ←leku dk;ksZ esa ¼izR;sd fdukjk ekik tk;sxkk½
measured) → 20.90
316 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
fefJr tkjh
14028 Extra for forming external or internal 14028 vfrfjDr] ckgjh vkSj Hkhrjh dks.k 80 fe-eh- ls vf/kd
rounded angles, exc 80mm but n exc vkSj 200 fe-eh- ls vuf/kd dks laokjus ds fy,
200mm girth (over 200mm girth to be
← ifjf/k pØkdkj dk;Z leku eisxhA
measured as circular work) → 27.75
14029 Forming V grooves in plaster n exc 10mm 14029 iyLrj esa 10 fe-eh- ls vuf/kd xgjh vkSj lkeus ls
deep and n exc 10mm on face → ← 10 fe-eh- ls vuf/kd dh V vkd`fr;k cukuk
14030 Forming square grooves in plaster n exc 14030 iyLrj esa 12 fe-eh- ls vuf/kd xgjh vkSj lkeus ls 15
12mm deep and n exc 15mm on face → ← fe-eh- ls vuf/kd dh cxkZdkj vkd`fr;k cukuk


'kCn vkfn cukuk
(a) A part of a cm (of height) shall be paid as one cm. ¼d½ ,d lseh- ds Hkkx ¼ÅpkbZ es½a dk Hkqxrku ,d lseh ekudj
(b) Commas, hyphens, brackets, full stops and similar small ¼[k½ v/kZfojke ;kstd] dks"Bd iw.kZ fojke vkSj leku izR;sd NksVh
cutting shall each count as a half letter of 2 cm height;
dVkbZ dh 2 lseh- Å¡pk vk/kk 'kCn] rhj ds nks 'kCn rFkk gkFk
arrows as two letters and index hands as four letters of 2
cm height. ds fpUg dks pkj 'kCn ds leku ekuk tk;sxkA

EACH iz R ;s d
14031Forming letters, figures etc. by cutting 'V 14031
14031pwuk] lhesVa pwuk ;k lhesVa ds u;s iylrj esa V vkd`fr
grooves in new lime, cement-lime or cement esa dVkbZ }kjk 'kCn ;k vkd`fr;ka vkfn cukuk ¼izfr lseh
plaster (per cm of height) →
5.98 ← ÅpkbZ es½a


feêh xkjk iyLrj vkSj fyikbZ
The rates also apply to curved or circular work. ;g njsa ?kqekonkj vkSj xksykdkj dk;Z Åij Hkh ykxw gSaA
PER SQUARE METRE On walls, partitions On horizontal sur- izfr oxZ ehVj
etc. face
nhokjks]a foHkktuksa vkfn lekukUrj lrg ij
14032 Mud plastering 25mm Åij 14032
14032:{k lrgksa ds Åij ¼iRFkjh fpukbZ ds
thick on rigid surfaces vfrfjDr½ 25 feeh eksVk xkjs dk
except rubble masonry ← iyLrj djuk ¼,d rg½
(in one coat) → 92.00 80.00
14033 Mud plastering 25mm thick 14033
14033ydM+h ds r[rks]a ckíl dh nhokjks]a rkj
on wood laths, reed walling, dh tkyh vkfn Åij ¼dsoy ,d rjQ½
wire netting, etc. (one side
only) and on rubble
vkSj iRFkjh fpukbZ Åij ¼,d rg½ 25
masonry (in one coat) → 101.50 95.00 ← feeh eksVk xkjs dk iyLrj djuk
14034 Mud plastering 25mm thick 14034
14034ydM+h ds r[rks]a ckal dh nhokjks]a rkj
on the other side of wood dh tkyh vkfn ij nwljh vksj 25 lseh-
laths, reed walling, wire ← eksVk ¼,d rg½ xkjs dk iyLrj djuk
netting etc. (in one coat) → 92.00
SECTION 14 317
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
feêh xkjk vkSj fyikbZ tkjh
On walls, On horizontal
PER SQUARE METRE partitions etc. surface izfr oxZ ehVj
14035 Add to or deduct from items nhokjksa foHkktuksa lkekukUrj lrg ij 14035
1403525 lseh- ls vf/kd ;k de eksVkbZ ds fy,]
14032, 14033 and 14034 for vkfn ij izR;sd 5 lseh- eksVkbZ ij en 14032]
each 5 mm thickness over or ← 14033 rFkk 14034 es]a tksM+s ;k ?kVk;sAa
under 25 mm thickness → 21.00 18.50
14036 Mud leeping → 15.00 15.55
14036xkjs dh fyikbZ

ydM+h ds r[rksa dh nhokj ij ls iyLrj m[kkM+uk
(a) The rates in this table relate to walls, partitions, ceilings, ¼d½ bl lwph dh njsa nhokjksa] foHkktuksa] Hkhrjh Nr vkfn ls
etc, and include for all necessary lowering, etc., removal lEcfU/kr gS(a rFkk lHkh vko';d vourksa vkfn lfgr gSa dk;Z
of rubbish off the premises, removal and depositing
serviceable materials where directed and leaving the work
LFky ls eyok gVkuk] mi;ksxh lkexzh dks gVkuk vkSj
clear of any plastering. funsZf'kr LFkku ij tek djkuk] vkSj lrg dks fdlh Hkh
iyLrj ls lkQ djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rates for taking down plastering are for any ¼[k½ iyLrj mrkjus dh ;g njsa fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ds fy;s gSaA


14037 Taking down plastering on lathing 14037
14037ydM+h ds r[rksa dh nhokj ij ls pwuk iyLrj
(other than wire-netting), without
¼rkj tkyh ds vfrfjDr½ fcuk r[rs gVk;s] mrkjuk
removing lathing, in lime mortar (one
side only measured in cases where both ¼tgka nhokj ds nksuksa rjQ iyLrj gks ogka dsoy
sides are plastered) → 19.67 ← ,d rjQ dk ekik tk;sxkA
14038 Ditto, but in cement lime or cement 14038
14038mi;qZDr] fdUrq lhesaV pwuk ;k lhesaV ds elkys esa
mortar (ditto) → 28.85 ← ¼mi;qZDr½

PREPARING OLD WALLS (To receive plaster, etc.)

iqjkuh nhokjkas dks laokjuk djuk ¼iyLrj xzg.k djus ds fy,½
14039 Taking down mud plaster on brick or 14039
14039bZaV ;k iRFkj dh nhokjksa vkfn ij ls xkjs dk
stone walls, etc. including raking out iyLrj mrkjuk( tksM+ fudkyuk pkHkh ds fy,
joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down
dVkbZ djuk] ikuh ls jxM+dj lkQ djuk lfgr
with water, etc. → 34.09 ←←
14040 Ditto, but lime plaster, any description 14040
14040mi;qDZ r] ysfdu fdlh Hkh izdkj dk pwus dk iyLrj
→ 85.00 ←
14041 Ditto but cement or cement lime plaster, 14041
14041mi;qDZ r] ysfdu fdlh Hkh izdkj dk lhesVa ;k pwuk
any description → 94.94 ← lhesaV dk iyLrj
14042 Removing old lime wash (if any), hacking 14042
14042bZV ;k iRFkj dh pwus ;k xkjs ls fpuh iqjkuh nhokjsa
for key, raking out joints of old brick work ftu ij igys iyLrj ugha gqvk gS ij ls pwus dh
or stone work built in lime or mud mortar;
iqrkbZ mrkjuk ¼;fn gks½ pkHkh dh dVkbZ djuk]
not previously plastered; and scrubbing
tksM+ fudkyuk rFkk ikuh vkfn ls jxM+dj /kksdj
down with water etc. to receive plaster → 39.34 ← iyLrj xzg.k djus ;ksX; cukuk
14043 Add to item 14042 if walls are built in
cement or cement lime mortar → 14043
14043en 14042 esa tksM+sa ;fn nhokjsa lhesaV ;k lhesaV
22.88 ← pwus ds elkys esa cuh gksa
318 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z


iqjkuh nhokjksa dks laokjuk
Plastering after dubbing out, shall be paid under item 14004 laokjus ds ckn iyLrj dk;Z dk Hkqxrku en 14004 vkSj 14006 ds
& 14006. vUrxZr gksxkA
Lime Cement lime Cement plaster
PER SQUARE METRE plaster plaster izfr oxZ ehVj
14044 Dubbing out average pwuk IyLrj lhesaV pwuk lhesaV iyLrj 14044
14044nhokj dh vfu;fer lrg ij
10mm thick on irregular iyLrj
1:3 1:1:8 1:4 1:6
10feeh eksVh fpdukbZ fcNkuk ¼tc
face of walls (when
specifically ordered in fo'ks"k :i ls fyf[kr :i esa vkns'k
writing) → 143.72 158.80 158.81 170.14 ← gks½
14045 Add or deduct for each 5 14045
1404510 feeh ls vf/kd ;k de eksVkbZ
mm thickness over or ij izR;sd 5 fe-eh- ds fy, tksMas ;k
under 10mm thickness
?kVk;sa ¼tc fo'ks"k :i ls fyf[kr esa
(ditto) →
54.47 58.43 61.26 48.83 ← vkns'k gks½

/kkrq dh iRRkh yxkuk
14046 GI wire netting 0.90mm dia and 14046
14046nhokjks]a Nrks]a [kEHkks]a lgrhjksa vkfn ij <ys gq,
12mm mesh lathing to wood or metal rkj dh 0-9 feeh- O;kl vkSj 12 feeh dh
studding, joists, etc. in walls, ceilings, tkyhnkj ifÙk;k ydM+h ;k /kkrq dh [kwaVh
stanchions, beams, etc. including all /kj.k vkfn ij yxkuk] eqM+kbZ] dVkbZ fu'ks"k
laps, cutting and waste → 957.48 ← lfgr
14047 Add to last, if in repairs in patches n 14047
14047vfUre esa tksfM+;s] ;fn ejEer esa isou 5
exc 5 sq. m each, including taking oxZeh- ls vf/kd ugha gS] iqjkus dks fudkyus
down old and jointing new to old rFkk u;s dks iqjkus ls vko';drkuqlkj tksMu+ k
as required (patches exc 5 sq.m each ¼5 oxZeh ls vf/kd ds isou u;s dk;Z :i esa
to be measured as new work) → 51.38 ← ukis tk;saxs½


mi[kaM [k Vhi djuk

vkerkSj dh Vhi djuk

(a) The rates for raking out joints in old work and pointing ¼d½;g njsa iqjkus dk;Z esa lfU/k;ka fudkyuk rFkk nksuksa izdkj dh
apply to both plain (horizontal, vertical or inclined) and lh/kh ¼lekukUrj] [kM+h ;k <yqvk½ vkSj xksy lrgksa ij tksMk+ as
circular surfaces, in any width of joint. dh fdlh Hkh pkSM+kbZ ds fy;s gSaA
(b) Arches, mouldings, cornices, necking, chajjas, etc., shall ¼[k½ esgjkos] lkafp;k] dkjfu'ksa] d.<ys] NTts vkfn nhokj
be measured alongwith walling, if they are pointed in xhfj ds lkFk ukis tk;saxs ;fn ;s mlh rjg ls Vhi fd;s
the same manner. x;s gSaA
SECTION 14 319
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
lfU/k;ka [kksyuk ¼iqjkus dk;Z esa½
The rates include for raking or cutting out joints and decayed bu njksa esa lfU/k;kí vkSj xys elkys vkfn dks mrkjuk ;k dkVuk]
mortar etc, not less than 12mm deep, washing the joints, lfU/k;ka dks /kksuk] dk;ZLFky ls eyok gVkuk vkSj lrg ftl ij Vhi
removing rubbish off the premises, and keeping the surface to
be pointed wet for 2 days prior to re-pointing.
gksuh gS mls nks fnu rd xhyk j[kuk 'kkfey gSaA
Work built in
dk;Z var% fufeZr
PER 10 SQUARE METERS Mud Lime Cement or izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
mortar mortar cement lime
xkjk elkyk pwuk elkyk lhesVa ;k lhesVa
14048 Raking out joints/ pointing to pwuk elkyk 14048
14048bZaV dh nhokj ;k [kM+h bZaV ds Q'kZ]
brick work in walls or to lrgh ukfy;ksa Nrksa vkfn ds tksM+
bricks on edge in floors,
← [kksyuk vkSj Vhi djuk
surface channels, roofs, etc.→ → 268.25 445.28 576.41
14049 Ditto to brick work or brick 14049
14049mi;qZDr] Q'kksZ lrgh ukfy;ksa] Nrksa
tiles, laid flat, in floors, surface vkfn esa likV fcNh bZV ;k Vkby
← ij
channels, roofs, etc. → 176.29 294.30 360.04
14050 Ditto, to brick tiles 30cm by 14050
14050mi;qZDr] 30 lseh- x 15 lseh- dh bZV
15cm laid flat as in floors, Vkbys]a Q'kks]Z NÙkks]a Hkhrjh NÙkks]a NTtksa
roofs, ceilings, chajjas, etc. → 136.95 225.46 271.35 ← vkfn esa likV fcNh ij
14051 Ditto, to brick-tile work in 14051
14051mi;qZDr] lkeus dh vksj bZV Vkby
facing, with brick tiles laid flat dk;Z] MksyhdkVksa esa bZV Vkbyksa ds
in stretcher courses → 360.61 536.33 625.30 ←
likV fcNkou lfgr
14052 Ditto, to block in course masonry, 14052
14052mi;qZDr] eksVh fpukbZ ds Hkkxksa ;k
or concrete block walling → 157.63 220.70 220.70 ← daØhV dh nhokj ds Hkkxksa esa
14053 Ditto, to squared rubble 14053
14053mi;qZDr] pkSjl iRFkj] x<+s ;k vux<+
masonry, coursed or uncoursed 189.11 303.26 360.96 ← dh fpukbZ ij
14054 Ditto, to random rubble or 14054
14054mi;qDZ r] vleku] iRFkj ;k;]
polygonal rubble uncoursed x<+s gq;q s ;k vux<+ iRFkj dh dkV rd
or brought up to courses → 89.49 146.53 179.32 ← ykbZ xbZ fpukbZ ij
14055 Ditto, to stone slab or precast 14055
14055mi;qZDr] iRFkj dh ifê;ksa ;k iwoZ
concrete slab floor, any
fojfpr daØhV dh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
description, laid flat → 153.99 294.30 360.04 ← ifê;ksa Q'kZ esa likV fcNh gqbZ ij
14056 Ditto, to stone sett paving, any
180.00 290.30 350.45
14056mi;qZr] iRFkj dh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
description →
← fcNh iVjh canh

PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

14057 Raking out joints/ pointing
to masonry or brick-work in 14057
14057tksM+ fudkyuk@fpukbZ ;k baZV ds
single detached joints for dk;Z esa ,dy vlaxr tksM+ksa dks
flashing, etc. → 31.14 50.15 62.00 ← tyjks/ku vkfn ds fy, Vhi djuk
320 SECTION 14
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
Vhi dk;Z
(a) The rales apply to pointing on new or old work. ¼d½ ;g njsa u;s vkSj iqjkus dk;Z esa Vhi dk;Z ij ykxw gksrh gSaA
(b) For old work the rates do not incude for raking out ¼[k½ iqjkus dk;Z esa fo|eku lfU/k;ksa dks fudkyuk 'kkfey ugha gSA
existing joints.
(Note: Raking out joints in new work is included in the uksks V % u;s dk;Z esa lfU/k;ka fudkyuk u;s dk;Z dh njksa esa
rates for new work) 'kkfey gS A
(c) Where joints are indicated to be struck flush in the same ¼x½ tgka lfU/k;ka dk;Z ds e/; mlh elkys ls Hkjh tkuh gS ogka
mortar as work proceeds, no payments shall he made
under pointing.
Vhi ds vUrxZr Hkqxrku ugha gksxkA
PER 10 SQUARE METER M & L lkexzh ,ao Je izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
Lime mortar Cement mortar
BRICK WORK IN WALLS pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk nhokjksa esa bZaV dk;Z
1:2 1:3 1:3 1:4
14058 Struck or recessed 14058
14058bZaV dh nhokj esa i[knkj ;k
pointing, to brick walls
→ 1352.86 1338.46 1554.84 1469.23 ← <yoka Vhi djuk
14059 Ditto, to brick-tile facing, 14059 mi;qDZ r] bZV dh Vkbyksa ds vxzHkkx
with tiles laid flat in ij] Qsyh dkV ij likV yxh
stretcher course → 2169.51 2147.91 2249.14 2210.40 ← Vkbyksa lfgr

14060 Keyed pointing to brick 1329.24 14060 bZVa dh nhokj ij f>jhnkj xksy Vhi
1314.84 1382.33 1356.50
walls →
14061mi;qZDr fcNh dkV esa likV
14061 Ditto, to brick-tile fecing,
with tiles laid flat in
yxh Vkby lfgr bZVa Vkby ds
stretcher course → 1993.54 1972.26 2073.49 2035.36 ← vxzHkkx ij
14062 Flush pointing to brick 14062
14062bZV dh nhokj ij Hkjoka Vhi
walls → 1086.44 1072.04 1139.53 1113.70

BRICKWORK, ETC. IN bZV dk;Z vkfn Q'kZ] Nrksa

FLOORS, ROOFS, vkoj.kksa vkfn esa
14063 Flush pointing to brick on 14063
14063[kM+atksa esa [kM+h yxh bZaV ij
edge pavings → ← Hkjokí nhi
944.79 785.88 865.70 845.90
14064 Ditto, to bricks laid flat or 14064[kM+atksa esa likV yxh bZaVksa ;k
brick tiles in pavings → ← bZaV Vkbyksa ij
549.99 542.79 576.53 508.20
14065 Flush pointing to 30cm by 14065
14065[kMa+tksa esa yxh 30 lseh x 15
15cm brick tiles, laid flat lseh- dh likV fcNh bZVa Vkbyksa
in pavings → 329.21 298.34 300.55 299.77 ij Hkjoka Vhi

14066 Struck pointing to block in 14066
14066eksVh ;k jaxhu fpukbZ ;k daØhV
course or ashlar masonry ds [kkapksa dh nhokj ij Hkjoka
or concrete block walling → 929.55 915.12 982.61 948.99 ← Vhi
14067 Ditto, to squared rubble, 14067
14067mi;qDZ r] x<+s ;k vux<+] iRFkj
coursed or uncoursed → 1329.25 1314.86 1382.33 1356.50 ← ds pkSdksj VqdM+kas dh fpukbZ ij
14068 Deduct from items 14066 & 14068
14068?kVk;s en 14066 o 14067 esa ls
14067 for keyed pointing → 60.70 60.70 60.70 60.70 ← >hjhnkj xksy Vhi ds fy,
14069 Add to item 14067 for
raised pointing → 459.84 459.76 477.37 485.88
14069tksM+ a s en 14067 esa mHkjh Vhi ds fy,

14070 Keyed pointing to random or 14070
14070vleku] ;k cgqe[q kh] x<+s gq, ;k
polygonal rubble, uncoursed dkV rd yk;s x;s iRFkj ds
or brought upto course → 1387.83 1373.75 1440.91 1415.09 ← VqdM+ksa ij f>jhnkj xksy Vhi
SECTION 14 321
[k.M 14&iyLrj vkSj Vhi dk;Z
Masonry –Contd... Vhi dk;Z tkjh... fpukbZ tkjh
PER 10 SQUARE METRES M&L ¼lkexzh ,ao Je½ izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
Lime mortar Cement mortar
14071 Raised pointing to random pwuk elkyk lhesaV elkyk 14071
14071vleku] ;k cgqeq[kh vux<+
or polygonal rubble, un- 1:2 1:3 1:3 1:4 ;k dkV rd yk;s x;s iRFkj
coursed or brought upto ds VqdM+ksa ij mHkjh Vhi
courses → 2521.66 2500.06 2601.29 2562.55 ←djuk
14072 Flush pointing to block in 14072
14072eksVh ;k jaxhu fpukbz ;k
course or ashlar masonry or
daØhV ds <akpksa dh nhokj esa
concrete block walling → 649.48 635.08 702.57 676.74 ←Hkjoka Nhi djuk
14073 Ditto, to squared rubble 14073
14073mi;qZDr] oxkZdkj] x<+s ;k
masonry, coursed or vux<+ iRFkj ds VqdM+kas dh
uncoursed → 649.48 913.84 981.33 955.50
←fpukbZ ij
14074 Ditto, to random rubble
masonry, uncoursed or 14074
14074mi;qDZ r] vleku] x<+s ;k vux<+
brought upto courses → 1054.08 1039.68 1107.17 1081.34 ←iRFkj ds VqdMksa dh fpukbZ ij
14075 Ditto, to self faced/ rough 14075
14075mi;qDZ r] Lo;a vkdf̀r izkIr@cs<xa ]s
dressed stone slab or precast iRFkj dh ifV;k ;k iwoZ fojfpr
concrete slab floors, any daØhV dh ifV;k ds fdlh izdkj
description, laid flat → 276.53 272.69 290.69 230.80 ←ds] likV fcNs Q'kZ ij
14076 Ditto, to stone sett paving 14076
14076mi;qZDr] fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
any description → 742.53 731.07 727.53 764.40
←iRFkj dh LFkkfir [kaMts ij

PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

(Single Joints in Brickwork or bZaV dk;Z ;k fpukbZ fpfUgr dk;Z]
Masonry in detached work, fpÙkkdf'kZ r vkfn
flashings, etc.)
14077 Flush pointing → 176.79 200.53 – 184.06 14077
14077Hkjoka HkjkbZ
14078 Struck, keyed, raised or 14078
14078i[knkj f>jhnkj xksy mHkjh
recessed pointing → 362.36 358.52 376.52 343.37 gqbZ ;k pkSdksj f>jh Vhi

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
izfr ?ku ehVj

14079 Sand for plastering or 14079

14079iyLrj ;k Vhi dk;Z ds fy,
pointing → ← ckyw
14080 Cow dung → 1050.60 14080
14080xk; dk xkscj
PER QUINTAL iz f r fda o Vy

14081Chopped straw (Bhoosa) →

14081dVs fruds ¼Hkwlk½
322 SECTION 15
[k.M 15&lQsnh] jax vkSj fMLVSEij ls iqrkbZ dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
15.1 Measurements: 15-1 eki%
15.1.1 Deductions for openings, ends of joists, beams, etc., 15-1-1 eks[kksa] tksM+ksa ds fdukjksa /kjfu;ksa vkfn ds fy, dVkSrh vkSj
and additions for reveals, jambs, sofitts etc., shall pkS[kVksa] i[[kksa vkSj egjkc vkfn ds fupys Hkkxksa ds fy,
be made as under: ifjo/kZu fuEu izdkj ls fd;k tk;sxk%
(a) No deduction shall be made for ends of joists, beams, ¼d½ eks[kks]a tksMk+ sa ds fdukjks]a /kfjfu;ka] [kEHksa vkfn rFkk 0-5 oxZeh
posts, etc. and openings, n exc 0.5 sq. m each; and
ls vuf/kd fjfDr;ksa ds fy, dVkSrh ugha dh tk;sxh( vkSj
no additions shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits,
sills, etc. of these openings, nor for finish around
pkS[kVksa] i[[kksa] fupys Hkkxksa ifV;ksa vkfn ds eks[kksa ds fy,
ends of joists, beams, posts, etc. rFkk ukgh] tksMk+ as ds fdukjksa /kjfu;ks]a ifV;ksa vkfn ds pkjksa vksj
dh iwfrZ ds fy;s] ifjo/kZu fn;k tk;sxkA
(b) Deductions for openings exc 0.5 sq. m but n exc 3 ¼[k½ izR;sd eks[kk tks 0-5 o-eh- ls vf/kd vkSj 3 o-eh- ls vuf/kd
sqm each, shall be made as follows and no addition gS] ds fy, dVkSrh fuEu izdkj ls gksxh vkSj bu eks[kksa dh
shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc.. of pkS[kVksa] i[[kksa] fupys Hkkxksa ifV;ksa vkfn] ds fy, ifjo/kZu
these openings. ugha fd;k tk;sxk%&
(i) When both faces of wall are treated with the same ¼i½ tc nhokj ds gj rjQ ,d gh lkexzh dk mipkj gks rks
finish, deduction shall be made for one face only. dVkSrh ,d rjQ ls gh dh tk;sxhA
(ii) When each face of wall is provided with a different ¼ii½ tc nhokj ds gj rjQ vyx&vyx lkexzh dk iz;ksx gks rks
finish, deduction shall be made for that side on dVkSrh dsoy ml rjQ dh iqrkbZ ls dh tk;sxh ftl vksj
which width of reveals is less than that of other
eks[ks dh pkSM+kbZ nwljh rjQ ls de gksxh ysfdu tgka eks[ks
side but no deduction shall be made on the other
dh pkSM+kbZ nksuksa rjQ leku gksxh ogka nhokj ds nksuksa rjQ
side where the width of reveals on both faces of
walls are equal, deduction of 50% of area of opening
dh iqrkbZ esa ls Ekks[ks dk 50% {ks= ?kVk;k tk;sxkA
on each face shall be made from the area of finish.
(iii) When only one face of wall is treated and the other ¼iii½ tc nhokj ds dsoy ,d rjQ mipkj gks vkSn nwljh rjQ
face is not treated, full deduction shall be made, if the u gks rks mipkj okyh rjQ ls iwjh dVkSrh gksxh ;fn ml vksj
width of the reveal on the treated side, is less than that eks[ks dh pkSM+kbZ ls de gS( ysfdu ;fn nksuksa rjQ pkSM+kbZ
on the untreated side but if the width of the reveals is leku gks ;k mipkj u dh xbZ rjQ vf/kd gks rks uk gh dksbZ
equal or more than that of untreated side, then neither
dVkSrh gksxh vkSj uk gh eks[kksa dh pkS[kVksa i[[kksa esgjko vkfn
deductions for the openings nor any additions be
made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc.
ds fupys Hkkxksa ifV;k vkfn ds fy, ifjo/kZu fd;k tk;sxkA
(iv) When width of door frame is equal to thickness of ¼iv½ tc njokts dh pkS[kV dh eksVkbZ nhokj dh eksVkbZ ds cjkcj
wall, or is projecting beyond the thickness of wall, gks ;k nhokj dh eksVkbZ ls ckgj fudy jgh gks rks nhokj ds
full deduction for opening shall be made from each nksuksa rjQ dh iqrkbZ esa ls iwjh dVkSrh gksxhA
face of wall.
(c) In case of openings of area above 3 sq.m each, ¼x½ ,sls eks[ks tks 3 o-eh- ls gSa rks nhokj ds gj rjQ esa ls dVkSrh
deductions for the opening shall be made from each gksxh ysfdu i[[ks esgjkc vkfn ds fupys Hkkx vkSj ifV;ka
face of the wall but jambs, soffits, and sills shall be ukih tk;sx a hA
15.1.2 No addition or deduction shall be made for 15-1-2 lrg esa yxh gqbZ oLrq;as tSls Bddu ikuh dh ufydk;sa ¼ikbi½
attachments to surfaces such as casings, conduit ydM+h ds dk;Z fctyh ds rkj vkfn ds fy, u ifjo/kZu gksxk
pipes, timbers, electric wiring etc. vkSj uk gh dVkSrhA
15.1.3 Cornices and other wall features, shall be girthed 15-1-3 dkjfu'ksZ rFkk vU; nhokj vkd`fr;ka bdêh lkekU; {ks= esa
and included in the general areas. 'kkfey djyh tk;saxhA
15.1.4 Corrugated surfaces shall be measured flat as fixed 15-1-4 iukjhnkj lrgksa dks fLFkj leku likV ukik tk;sxk vkSj bDêk
and not girthed. The quantities so measured shall ugha( bl izdkj ukis x;s ifjek.k dks fuEufyf[kr izfr'kr ls
be increased by the following percentages and the o`f) djds izfrQy dks lkekU; {ks= esa ekuk tk;sxk%
resultant included with the general area:
(a) Corrugated steel sheets 14 percent ¼d½ iukjhnkj yksgs dh pknjsa 14 izfr'kr
SECTION 15 323
[k.M 15&lQsnh] jax vkSj fMLVSEij ls iqrkbZ dk;Z
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
(b) Corrugated asbestos cement ¼[k½ iukjhnkj vng lhesaV pknjsa 20 izfr'kr
sheets 20 percent
(c) Semi-corrugated asbestos
cement sheets 10 percent ¼x½ v/kZ iukjhnkj vng lhesaV pknjsa 10 izfr'kr
(d) Nainital pattern roof, plain ¼?k½ uSuhrky uewus dh Nr]
sheeting with rolls 10 percent osfYyr lknk pknj 10 izfr'kr
(e) Ditto but with corrugated ¼M-½ mi;qZDr ysfdu iukjhnkj pknj lfgr 25 izfr'kr
sheets 25 percent
15.2 Rates 15-2 njs a
15.2.1 The rates include for: 15-2-1 bu njksa esa ;g 'kkfey gSa%
(1) Use of all scaffolding, trestles, ladders, cradles, etc.
necessary for execution of work and protective
¼1½ epku cka/kuk] xMkjh est] lhf<+;ka] >wys] vkfn dk;Z ds
measures. fuiVku esa vko';d] bu lcdk iz;ksx vkSj lqj{kk izcU/kA
(2) Removing of nails, making good holes, cracks, etc. ¼2½ dhys fudkyuk] rFkk Nsnksa] njkjksa dks Hkjuk
(3) Work in patches, and in narrow \widths. bands,
cornices, pilasters, etc. and cutting in edges to line, ¼3½ isou] vkSj ladh.k pkSMk+ bZ] ?kqekoks]a dkjfu'ks]a iyLrj vkfn dk
where necessary. dk;Z vkSj tgka vko';d gks fdukjksa dks ykbu esa dkVukA
(4) Spreading and removing coverings to doors, ¼4½ njokts] f[kM+fd;ks]a Q'kks]Z fQfVax vkfn dks NhVks ls cpkus ds
windows, floors, fittings, etc., to protect them from fy, mu ij <Iiu Mkyuk vkSj gVkuk
(5) Removing and replacing furniture, movable ¼5½ QuhZpj] pyk;eku vyekfj;ka] fpdsa] insZ vkfn gVkuk rFkk
cupboard, chicks, blinds, etc.
iqu% LFkkfir djukA
(6) Washing floors, cleaning glass, joinery, electric ¼6½ Q'kZ dks /kksuk] 'kh'ks tqMk+ Å phts]a fctyh dh fQfVax rkj xhjh
fittings, wiring, etc. of drops and splashes and
leaving premise, clean and tidy. vkfn ij ls NhaVs vkSj xanxh lkQ djuk rkfd dk;Z LFky
lkQ vkSj LoPN gks tk;aA
15.2.2 First coat of colour wash on newly white washed 15-2-2 ubZ lQsnh dh gqbZ lrg ij jax dh igyh ijr dks nwljh ijr
surfaces shall be treated as subsequent coat.
ekuk tk;sxkA
15.2.3 First coat of white wash on plastered surfaces, 15-2-3 iyLrj dh gqbZ lrg ij lQsnh dh igyh ijr dks] tgka ij
wherein the previous decoration has been
fd iwoZ lTTkk dks iwjh rjg ls gVk fn;k x;k gS] mls lTtk
completely removed, shall be treated as on un-
decorated surfaces. ghu lrg ekuk tk;sxkA
izkjfEHkd dk;Z
Preparation of old surface shall include brooming down or steel iqjkuh lrg ds rS;kjh dk;Z esa] >kMw ls lQkbZ ;k yksgs ds rkjksa ckys
wire brushing; scrapping down smoke soot, moulds, moss and czq'k ls jxM+kbZ }kjk /kw;sa dh dkfy[k [kqjpuk] dkbZ rFkk vEy ijrsa
efflorescent salts and trading oil and greasy spots. vksj rsy dh fpdukgV vkSj xzhl ds /kCcs lkQ djuk 'kkfey gSA
Preparing sur- Washing, rubbing Complete removal
PER SQUARE METRE faces plastered down and stopping of of existing izfr oxZ ehVj
or unplastered distempered and treatment
iyLrj fcuk painted surfaces
iyLrj dh lrgksa /kks u k] jxM+ u k] Nq M + k uk fo?keku mipkj dks
dh rS;kjh fMLVSEij o jaxhu lrgksa dks iwjh rjg gVkuk
New sur- Old sur-
faces faces
ubZ lrgsa iqjkuh

15001 On Walls → 2.20 3.60 5.80 9.40 15001

15001nhokjksa ij
15002 On ceiling → 2.90 5.10 7.20 12.30 15002
15002Hkhrjh Nr ij
324 SECTION 15
[k.M 15&lQsnh] jax vkSj fMLVSEij ls iqrkbZ dk;Z
vLrj.k lrgs a

PER SQUARE METRE On walls On ceiling izfr oxZ ehVj

nhokjksa ij Hkhrjh Nr ij
M&L Except M&L Except
primer primer
lk o J fcuk vLrj lk o J fcuk vLrj
15003 Clearcolle on plastered 15003
15003fMLVSEij iksrus dh rS;kjh ds
and other surfaces, :i esa] iyLrj ;k vU; lrgksa
preparatory to
distempering ←ij 'kks/ku djuk
→ 4.50 3.60 5.20 4.30
15004 Chalk whiting, on 15004
15004fMLVSEij iksrus dh rS;kjh ds
plastered surfaces, :i esa] iyLrj dh lrg ij
prepara-tory to ←[kfM;k lQsnh iksruk
distempering → 13.20 11.60 16.10 14.50
15005iyLrj dh vkSj vU; lrgksa
15005 Priming plastered and
other surfaces with alkali- ij] {kkj fujks/kd vLrj.k jax
resistant priming paint → 34.70 24.20 40.30 29.80 ←ls vLrj yxkuk


lQsnh rFkk jax iksrkbZ
PER SQUARE izfr oxZ ehVj

White washing Colour washing

lQsnh iksruk jax iksruk
1st coat igyh ijr 1st coat igyh ijr
Unde Old de Sub- Unde Old de Sub-
corated corateed sequent corated corateed sequent
surface surface coat surface surface coat
lTTkkghu lfTTkr rnuUrj lTTkkghu lfTTkr rnuUrj
lrg iqjkuh lrg ijr lrg iqjkuh lrg ijr

15006nhokjksa ij
15006 On walls → 8.90 7.50 6.70 8.10 8.60 7.70
15007var% Nr ij
15007 On ceilings → 10.40 8.90 8.20 9.50 9.40 9.20
SECTION 15 325
[k.M 15&lQsnh] jax vkSj fMLVSEij ls iqrkbZ dk;Z
fMLVSEij] lhesaV jaxkbZ vkfn
1st coat Subsequent coat
igyh ijr rnuUj ijr
15008 Distempering walls with 15008 nhokjksa ij lw[ks] lQsn ;k jaxhu
distemper dry, white or ←fMLVSEij ls fMLVSEij djuk
tinted → 20.10 15.30
15009 Ditto with distemper oil- 15009 mi;qZDr] vEy ik;l lfgr
emulsion, ditto → 39.70 24.90 ←mi;qZDr
15010 Ditto with cement paint, 15010 mi;qZDr] lhesaV jksxu ds
40.80 27.50
ditto → ←lkFk] mi;qZDr
15011 Add to items 15008 to 15011 tksfM+;s Hkhrjh Nr ds dk;Z ds
15010 for work in ceiliing→

8.30 4.80 ←fy, en 15008 ls 15010 esa
15012 Add to items 15008 to 15012 tksMas+ fNrjs gq, ;k [kqjnjs
15010 in finish to dry 20% iyLrj dks fpduk djus ds
dash or rough cast → ←fy, en 15008 ls 15010 esa

1st coat Subsequent coat

igyh ijr rnuUj ijr izfr oxZ ehVj
15013 Chalk Whiting on cloth or 15013
15013diM+s ;k twV ij [kfM;k lQsnh
hessian → 11.10 8.90 ←djuk
15014 Cement wash with Portland 15014
15014ijry lhes a V ?kks y ls pedhyh
cement slurry to a smooth ikjn'kZ d iw f rZ ds fy, iq r kbZ
bodied opaque finish → 15.70 10.70


15014A Material & Labour for applying Two or more coats

of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having
VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as
per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance,
dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade
(Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives
@ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming
coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10
sqm over new surfaces. → 138.11
15014B Providing and applying plaster of paris putty
of 1 mm thickness over plastered surface to
prepare the surface even and smooth. → 103.85
326 SECTION 15
[k.M 15&lQsnh] jax vkSj fMLVSEij ls iqrkbZ dk;Z

15014C Providing and applying plaster of paris putty

of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to
prepare the surface even and smooth. → 190.00
15014D Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper
(ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50
gms/litre, of approved manufacturer, of
required shade and colour complete, as per
manufacturer's specification. Two or more coats
on new work → 87.00
15014E Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of
required shade : New work (Two or more coats
applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including
priming coat of exterior primer applied @
2.20kg/10 sqm → 232.00
15014F Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior
paint of required shade : New work (Two or
more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and
including priming coat of exterior primer
applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) →
15014G Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth
exterior paint with Silicone additives of required
shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @
1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat
of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm)→ → 161.00

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy iwfrZ½
PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke
15015 Mineral colour, any 15015 jaax iqrkbZ ds fy,] [kfut jax] fdlh Hkh
description, dry, fine ground 83.20 ←fooj.k ds lw[ks] LoPN vk/kkj okys
for colour washing →
15016 fMLVSEij] lw[ks] fdlh Hkh jax] fdlh Hkh
15016 Distemper, dry, any tint any
shade → 41.60 ←vkHkk ds
15017 Distemper, oil-emulsion, ditto→
→ 69.30 15017 fMLVSEij] vEy ik;l] mi;qZDr
15018 Cement paint, ditto → 52.70 15018 lhesaV jksxu] mi;qZDr
15019 Chalk whiting →
15019 [kfM;k lQsnh
SECTION 16 327
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk

[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk

fo'ks"k 'krsZa

16.1 Measurements: 16-1 eki%

(a) Each pane of glass shall be measured to the ¼d½ 'kh'ks dk izR;sd Qyd] pkSM+kbZ rFkk ÅpkbZ fudVLFk
nearest 0.5cm both in width and height.
0-5 lseh rd ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Irregular shaped or circular panes shall be ¼[k½ vle vkd`fr ;k pØkdkj Qyd lcls NksVs vk;rkdkj
measured as the smallest rectangular area from tSls ekis tk;saxs ftlls og vle ;k pØkdkj Qyd
which the irregular or circular pane can be cut.
Circular cutting shall be allowed in addition
dkVk tk ldrk gSA pØkdkj dkVsa lHkh fdukjksa dh oØ
for all edges cut to curve. dkV] ds vfrfjDr ekU; gksxhA
(c) If ground (obscured) glass is ordered, an ¼x½ ;fn Hkwnoq ks/Z k 'kh'kk ekxka x;k gS] rks f?klkbZ es gqbZ {kfr dh
allowance in thickness shall be made for loss iwfrZ eksVkbZ c<+kdj dh tk;sxhA
due to grinding.

16.2 Rates 16-2 njs a

16.2.1 The rates for glazing include:- 16-2-1 'kh'ksnkjh dh bu njksa esa 'kkfey gS%
(a) Oiling/painting of rebates and grooves as ¼d½ njkjksa rFkk fNnzksa esa fufnZ"Vkuqlkj rsy@jksxu HkjukA
(b) Fixing of glass in rebates and grooves. ¼[k½ njkjksa rFkk fNnzksa esa 'kh'kk yxkkukA
(c) Straight and raking cutting of glass to exact ¼x½ vkKk@vko';drkuqlkj 'kh'ks dh lh/kh o frjNh dVkbZ
sizes ordered/required and for the wastage rFkk bl izfØ;k esa gqbZ {kfr rFkk VwVQwV( pØkdkj dVkbZ
and breakage involved in the process; circular
vyx ls ekih tk;sxhA
cutting shall be measured separately.
(d) Leaving the panes clean on completion. ¼?k½ laiwfrZ ij Qyd lkQ djds tkukA

16.2.2 All measurements of cutting shall, unless otherwise 16-2-2 tc rd fd vU;Fkk dgk u x;k gks] layXu {k; rFkk
stated, include the consequent waste and breakages VwVQwV dVkbZ dh eki esa 'kkfey gksxhA

16.3 Old Glass 16-3 iqjkus 'kh'ks

Before any old glass is taken out from its surrounds blls igys fd iqjkus 'kh'ks vius LFkku ls] nqckjk yxkus ;k
for refixing or removal to an other position or to
store, the existing breakages or cracks shall be noted.
nwljh fLFkfr nsus ;k tek djkus ds fy, fudkys tk;sa rks
Any breakages occuring during taking out and fo|eku VwVu ;k pVdu uksV dh tk;sA 'kh'ks fudkyus ;k
removal shall be made good by the Contractor at gVkus ds e/; gqbZ VwVQwV dh HkjikbZ Bsdns kj vius [kpsZ ij
his own expense. djsxkA
The rates for glazing vide items 2221 to 2233 are en 2221 ls 2233 rd dh 'kh'kk dk;Z dh njs]a iêh ydM+h]
applicable for glazing with putty in wooden, metal, stone, /kkrq] iRFkj] daØhV] bZV ;k leku izfros'k ij ykxw gSaA
concrete, bricks or other similar surrounds.
328 SECTION 16
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk
pknjh 'kh'kk
PER SQUARE Thickness in mm Except izfr oxZ ehVj
METRE eksVkbZ feeh esa sheet glass
16001 Sheet glass, any thickness 16001
16001lk/kkj.k eku ds
ordinary quality fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ 0-5 oeh vuf/kd
and glazing ds 'kh'ks ds fcuk 'kh'ks ds pkSdksj
with oil putty in 2-0 2-5 3-0 4-0 4-8 5-5 6-3
square n exc 0.5
Qyd dks rsy
sq. m in each fefJr iêh lfgr
pane → 508.20 570.90 621.00 680.70 800.10 926.90 1024.00 172.90 ← yxkuk
16002 Ditto, but exc 0.5 16002
16002mi;qZDr] ysfdu
sq. m in each iz R ;s d Qyd
pane →
910.90 974.80 1026.00 1083.80 1210.40 1330.80 1428.80 536.30 ← 0-5 oeh ls vf/kd
16003 Sheet glass, 16003
16003pqfuank dksfV ds
selected quality 'kh'ks ds 0-5 oeh
and glazing
with oil putty in
ls vuf/kd] 'kh'ks
squares n exc ds pkSdksj Qyd
0.5 sq. m in each rs y iêh es a
pane → yxkkuk

16004 Ditto, but exc 0.5 16004
16004mi;qZDr] fdUrq
sq.m in each iz R ;s d Qyd
pane → 0-5 oeh ls vf/kd

16005 Extra over sheet glass, ordinary quality, 16005 vfrfjDr lk/kkj.k dksfV ds 'kh'ks ds Qyd ij
if sheet glass is ground or obscured or vfrfjDr] ;fn Qyd [kjkn }kjk ,d vksj ls f?klk
frosted, on one side →
12.30 ← ;k jxM+k x;k gks

fpf=r 'kh'ks
PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm Except glass izfr oxZ ehVj
eksVkbZ feeh esa (any thickness)
fdlh eksVkbZ ds
16006 Figured glass, pin head
'kh'ks jfgr 16006 fiu 'kh"kZ fdLe ds 0-5 oeh
type and glazing with 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 ls vuf/kd fpf=r 'kh'kksa dks
oil putty in squares n
rsy iêh lfgr pkS[kVs esa
exc 0.5 sq. m in each
pane → ← yxkuk
630.00 695.60 780.00 1030.00 203.10
16007 Ditto, but exc 0.5 sq. m 16007 mi;qZDr] ysfdu izfr Qyd
in each pane → 650.20 735.20 825.00 1095.00 510.40 ← 0-5 oeh ls vf/kd
SECTION 16 329
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk
rkjh 'kh'kk rFkk rkjh fpf=r 'kh'kk

PER SQUARE METRE n exc 0.5 Exc 0.5 Exc 0.75 Exc 1.00 Exc 1.5 izfr oxZ ehVj
sq.m but n exc but not exc but n exc sqm
0-5 oeh 0.75 sq m 1.0 sq m 1.5 sq.m
ls vuf/kd 0-5 oeh ls 0-75 oeh ls 1-0 oeh ls 1-5 oeh
vf/kd o vf/kd o vf/kd o ls
0-75 oeh ls 1-0 oeh ls 1-5 oeh ls vf/kd
16008 Rough cast wired vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd 16008
16008:{k x<kbZ ds rkjh 6-4
glass, 6.4mm thick feeh- eksVs 'kh'kksa dks iêh
and glazing with oil lfgr pkS[kVs esa yxkuk
putty in square → 1724.60 1736.50 1801.10 1887.70 2080.50 ←

16009 Ditto, except wired

16009mi;qDZ r ysfdu rkjh 'kh'kksa
glass → 466.90 461.20 453.50 456.30 454.20 ← jfgr
16010 Rough cast, wired 16010
16010:{k x<+s gq, rkjh fpf=r
figured glass, 6.4mm 6-4 feeh eksVkbZ ds 'kh'ks
thick and glazing with rsy iêh ls pkS[kVs esa
oil putty in squares→
→ 1374.90 1542.30 1607.85 1675.34 1839.80 ←
16011 Ditto, except wired 16011
16011mi;qDZ r] rkjh fpf=r 'kh'kk
figured glass → 466.90 460.70 453.50 456.30 454.20 ← jfgr


rki 'kks"kd 'kh'kk vkSj ijkcrhZ lkSj fuxzg f>Yyh

PER SQUARE METRE Exc 1.5 sqm izfr oxZ ehVj

16012 Heat absorbing glass, 3mm thick and 1-5 oeh ls vf/kd 16012 rki 'kks"kd 3 feeh eksVs 'kh'ks dks ihry ds ispksa
glazing complete with beads fixed ls chM yxkdj iw.kZ djuk
with brass screws → ←
16013 Ditto, 5mm thick ditto → 16013 mi;qZDr] 5 feeh eksVk] mi;qZDr
16014 Ditto, 6mm thick, ditto → 16014 mi;qZDr] 6 feeh eksVk] mi;ZqDr
16015 Solar control film 25 micron reflective 16015 25 ekbØksu dh lkSj fuxzg ijkcrhZ f>Yyh] fuekZrk
type sticked to glass panes as per ds fcfunsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj 'kh'ks Qydksa ls yxkuk
instructions of manufacturers → 452.90 ←
16016 Ditto but 50 micron thick ditto → 751.40 16016 mi;qZDr 50 ekbØksu eksVh mi;ZqDr
330 SECTION 16
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk
PER SQUARE METRE Exc 1.5 sqm izfr oxZ ehVj
Add to items 16001 to 16011 for: 1-5 oeh ls vf/kd tksM+sa en 16001 ls 16011 esa bl gsrq%
16017 Glazing with beads fixed with metal 16017 /kkrq ds isuy fiuksa ls chM+ lfgr 'kh'kk yxkuk
panel pins (beads to be measured ¼chM dks **dsoy vkiwfŸkZ** ds vUrxZr vyx ls ekik
separately as 'supplied only') →
← tk;sxk½
16018 Ditto, fixed with brass screws (ditto)→
→ 16018 mi;qZDr] ihry ds ispksa ls yxkuk] ¼mi;qZDr½

16019 Oil putty glazing with spring clips in 16019 /kkrq ds izfros'k esa dekuh fDyi dSph lfgr rsy
metal surrounds → ← iêh ls 'kh'ks yxkuk
ejEerksa esa 'kh'ks yxkuk
(a) The rates for 'glazing in repairs' include for hacking ¼d½ **ejEerksa esa 'kh'ks** dh njksa esa] iqjkus VwVs 'kh'kksa dks fudkyuk]
out old broken glass, cleaning rebates in preparation fjDr gq, LFkkuksa dks lko/kkuh iwoZd lkQ djuk nksokjk 'kh'ks]
for reglazing carefully, taking out beads, removing
any serviceable glass to store and rubbish off the
yxkus gsrq] chMksa dks fudkyuk] mi;ksxh 'kh'kksa dks Hk.Mkj esa
premises; and also painting/oiling new putty to tek djuk] rFkk eyos dks dk;Z LFky ls gVkuk( vkSj fo|eku
match existing painting/oiling. jax jksxu@rsy ds feyku ds fy, ubZ iêh esa jax@rsy feykuk
'kkfey gSA
(b) Reglazing shall be measured as new work. ¼[k½ nksckjk 'kh'ks yxkus ds dk;ksZ dks u;s leku ekik tk;sxkA
PER SQUARE METRE Exc 1.5 sqm izfr oxZ ehVj
16020 Hacking out old broken glass (any 1-5 oeh ls vf/kd 16020 ydM+h ds pkS[kVksa ;k iRFkj daØhV ;k bZV ds
thickness, size, quality or description)
pkS[kVksas ls iqjkus VwVs 'kh'ks ¼fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ] eki]
from wooden frames or stone, concrete
or brick surrounds, glazed with putty ekud] ;k fooj.k ds½ fudkyuk rFkk iêh ls ;k
or fixed with beads → 92.80 ← chM yxkdj 'kh'ks yxkuk
16021 Ditto from metal frame including 16021 mi;qZDr] fdUrq /kkrq ds pkS[kVs esa ls] fiu@dekuh
punching or drilling out old glazing dks Nsn djds ;k cjes ls dkVdj fudkyuk rFkk
pins/spring clips and providing and ← u;s 'kh'kksa dh O;oLFkk djuk vkSj yxkuk
fixing new ones → 272.60
16022 Deduct from item 16020 if glass is re- 16022 en 16020 esa ls ?kVk;sa ;fn 'kh'kk /kkrqbZ 'kh'ks dh
moved from patent glazing bars → ← iÙkh ls fudkyk gksA
16023 Taking out old serviceable glass of any 16023 fdlh Hkh fooj.k ds iqjkus mi;ksxh 'kh'kksa dks] iqjkus
description, from old wooden or metal ydM+h ;k /kkrq ds pkS[kVks]a ;k iRFkj] daØhV ;k bZVksa
frames, or stone, concrete or brick sur-
ds fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ;k eki ds ?ksjksa ls fudkyuk]
rounds, any thickness or size; hacking
out old putty or removing beads etc, iqjkuh iêh dks [kqjpuk ;k chM vkfn dks gVkuk]
including making good breakages fudkyus vkSj laHkkyus ds e/; gqbZ VwVu dks Bhd
in taking out and handling removing djus lfgr] Hk.Mkj esa igqpkuk ;k nqckjk iz;ksx ds
to store or stacking for reuse → 115.30 ← fy, tek djuk
16024 Deduct from item 16023 if glass is 16024 en 16023 esa ls ?kVk;sa ;fn 'kh'kk /kkrqbZ 'kh'ks dh
removed from patent glazing bars → 45.00 ← iRrh ls fudkyk gks
SECTION 16 331
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk


ejEerksa esa 'kh'ks yxkuk tkjh

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Fixing only iz f r ehVj

16025 Securing glass of any description lkexzh ,oa Je dsoy LFkkiu 16025 fo|eku ydM+h ds pkS[kVksa esa iêh@chM
in existing wooden frames glazed esa yxs 'kh'kksa dks lqjf{kr j[krs gq, <hyh
with putty/ beads including
removing loose or decayed putty/
;k xyh gqbZ iêh@chM gVkuk] jksxu@rsy
beads, painting/oiling one coat on dh ,d ijr njkjksa] Nsnksa esa Hkjuk rFkk
rebates, grooves, reputtying and fo|eku dk;Z ls esy djrs jax@rsy
painting/oiling puttied surface to dh iêh yxkuk ¼nqckjk iêh yxs pkS[kVs
match existing work (New length ← dh ubZ yEckbZ dks ekik tk;sxk½
of frame reputtied shall be
measured) → 31.90 23.90
16026 Ditto, but securing glass in metal 16026 mi;qDZ r] ysfdu /kkrq ds pkS[kVs ls 'kh'ks
frames → ← izkIr djuk
28.20 23.90

'kh'ks dk Je
The rates are inclusive of risk of breakage bu njksa esa VwVu dk tksf[ke c {kfr 'kkfey
and also wastage. gSA
PER RUNNING METRE N exc 4mm Exc 4 but n exc iz f r ehVj
thick 8mm thick
eksVkbZ 4 feeh eksVkbZ 4 feeh ls
ls vf/kd ugha vf/kd ysfdu 8 feeh
ls vf/kd ugha
16027 Grinding, polishing and 16027 f?klkbZ djuk] ikfy'k djuk vkSj
rounding off edges of glass, any fdlh Hkh izdkj ds 'kh'ks ds fdukjksa
type → 48.20 64.20 ← dks xksy cukuk

Sheet or Wired or wired

figured glass figured glass
pknj ;k fpf=r rkjh ;k rkjh
'kh'kk fpf=r 'kh'ks
16028 Circular cutting on glass n exc 16028 4 feeh ls vuf/kd 'kh'ks dh pØkdkj
4 mm thick → 96.60 124.90 ← dVkbZ djuk
332 SECTION 16
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk
'kh'ks dk Je tkjh

EACH N exc 4mm Exc 4 but n exc iz R ;s d

thick 8mm thick
eksVkbZ 4 feeh eksVkbZ 4 feeh ls
ls vf/kd ugha vf/kd ysfdu 8 feeh
ls vf/kd ugha
16029 Drilling hole in glass, any type, 16029 fdlh izdkj ds 'kh'ks esa cjes ls 12
dia of hole n exc 12mm → 12.10 20.10 ← feeh rd ds O;kl ds Nsn djuk

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½
PER SQUARE METRE Thickness in mm izfr oxZ ehVj
eksVkbZ feeh esa
16030 Sheet glass, ordinary 2-0 2-5 3-0 4-0 4-8 5-5 6-3 16030 lk/kkj.k dksVh ds pkSdksj
quality, in squares n
'kh'ks ftldk izR;sd Qyd
exc 0.5 sq. m each
pane → 305.50 367.70 417.90 477.60 596.90 723.80 820.80
← 0-5 oeh- ls vf/kd gks
16031 Ditto, exc 0.5 sq. m 16031 mi;qZDr] izR;sd Qyd 0-
each pane → 311.10 375.10 426.20 483.80 610.70 731.10 829.00 ← 5 oeh- ls vf/kd

16032 Sheet glass, selected 16032 pquh gqbZ ekudh ds pgjh

quality, in squares n pkSdksj 'kh'ks ftldk izR;sd
exc. 0.5 sq. m each
Qyd 0-5 o-eh- ls vf/kd
pane →
485.30 540.70 623.90 762.60 831.90 998.30 1053.70 ← u gks
16033 mi;qZDr] izR;sd Qyd 0-
16033 Ditto, exc 0.5 sq m each
← 5 oeh ls vf/kd
pane → 499.10 554.60 644.70 790.30 866.60 1019.10 1081.50

Thickness in mm
eksVkbZ feeh esa
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
16034 Figured glass, pinhead 16034 fpf=r] fiu'kh"k fdLe ds pkSdksj
type in squares n exc 0.5 sq. 'kh'ks ftldk izR;sd Qyd 0-5
m each pane → 417.90 492.50 603.10 755.60 ← oxZehVj ls vf/kd u gksA
16035 Ditto exc 0.5 sq. m each pane 16035 mi;qDZ r] izR;sd Qyd 0-5 oxZeh- ls

424.90 504.80 672.40 825.00
← vf/kd
16036 Heat absorbing glass, any 16036 rki 'kks"kd 'kh'ks fdlh Hkh uki esa
size → 1095.30 1240.90 1282.50 1663.80 ←
SECTION 16 333
[k.M 16&'kh'ks yxkuk
MATERIALS (Supplied only) - Contd...
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfŸkZ½ tkjh

In Squares
PER SQUARE METRE oxkZdkj :i esa izfr oxZ ehVj
N exc 0.5 Exc 0.5 Exc 0.75 Exc 1.00 Exc 1.5
sq.m but n exc but n exc but n exc sqm
0-5 oeh 0.75 sq m 1.0 sq m 1.5sq. m 1-5 oeh
ls vuf/kd 0-5 oeh ls 0-75 oeh ls 1-0 oeh ls ls
vf/kd ij vf/kd ij vf/kd ij vf/kd
0-75 oeh ls 1-0 oeh lss 1-5 oeh ls
vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd

16037 Rough cast wired 16037 vle x<+s rkjh 'kh'ks 6-4
glass, 6.4 mm thick → 1253.60 1272.40 1345.10 1429.10 1491.80 ← feeh eksVs
16038 Rough cast wired 16038 vle x<s+ rkjh fpf=r
figured glass, 6.4
mm thick → 1065.50 1081.60 1152.80 1219.10 1253.10 ← 'kh'ks] 6-4 feeh eksVs

PER K G izfr fdyks xzke

16039 Oil Putty → 41.10 16039 rsy iÍh


16040 Solar control film 25 micron reflective 16040 lkSj fuxzg ijkcrhZ fdLe dh f>Yyh 25 ekbØksu
type (gareware sun control or equiva-
lent) → 373.10 ← ¼/kwijks/kd ;k led{k½
16041 Ditto 50micron thick ditto → 569.10 16041 mi;qZDr 50 ekbØksu

334 SECTION 17
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
17.1 Measurements 17-1 eki
17.1.1 No deductions shall be made for openings n exc 0.5 17-1-1 dVkSrh ugha gksxh ,sls eks[kksa ds fy;s tks 0-5 oeh- ls vf/kd
sq. m each, and no addition shall be made for
painting to beading, moulding, edges, jambs, soffits, u gksa] vkSj uk gh bu eks[kksa dh xksVu] >qdkoksa] fdukjksa]
cills. etc. of such openings. esgjko] nsgyh vkfn dh jaxkbZ tksM+h tk;sxhA
17.1.2 Area of uneven surfaces shall be converted into 17-1-2 vlery {ks= mlds cjkcj ds lery {ks= esa fuEufyf[kr
equivalent plain area in accordance with the
following table: ds vuqlkj ifjofrZr dj fn;k tk;sxk%
EQUIVALENT PLAIN AREAS OF UNEVEN SURFACES vlery lrgksa dk leku lery {ks=
No. Description of How measured Multiplying la- dk;Z dk fooj.k dSls eisxk xq.ku HkkT;
work factor
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 fnYys ;k pkS[kVs likV uisxk 1-30 ¼gj ,d
1 Panelled or Measured flat (not 1.30 (for each vkSj cU/ku ;k] ¼?ksjs esa ugha½ rjQ½A
framed and girthed) including side).
iq'rk vkSj iV~Vhnkj pkS[kV ;k
braced or led- chowkat or frame.
ged and bat- Edges, chocks, iq'rk iêh vkSj pkS[kV lfgr@
tened or led- cleats, beads, caf/kr tqMk+ bZA fdukjs vksj]
ged, battened etc, shall not xksVu vkfn
and braced be measured vyx ls ugha
joinery. separately.
2 Flush Joinery. Ditto 1.20 (for 2 Hkjoka tqMk+ bZA mi;qZDr 1-20 ¼gj ,d
each side). rjQ½A
3 Fully gauzed or Ditto 0.80 (for each 3 iw.kZ tkyhnkj ;k mi;qZDr 0-80 ¼gj rjQ½
glazed joinery side).
'kh'ks dh tqM+kbZ
4 Partly panelled Ditto 1.00 (for each 4 vkaf'kd fnYys vkSj mi;qZDr 1-00 ¼gj ,d
and partly gla- side).
vkaf'kd 'kh'ks ;k rjQ½A
zed or gauzed
joinery. tkyh dh tqM+kbZA
5 Fully venetia- Ditto 1.80 (for each 5 iw.kZ vja/kd ;k mi;qZDr 1-80 ¼gj ,d
ned or louvred side). ja/kjh tqMk+ bZA rjQ½
6 Weather Measured flat 1.20 (for each 6 _rq QjescanhA likV eisxk ¼?ksjs 1-80 ¼gj ,d
Boarding. (not girthed) sup- side). esa ugha½ pkS[kVs rjQ½A
porting Frame vyx ls ugha
work shall not eisxsa
be measured
7 Wood shingle Measured flat (not 1.10 (for each 7 ydM+h ds r[rk likV eisxh 1-10 ¼gj ,d
roofing. girthed). side). NknuA ¼?ksjs esa ugha½ rjQ½A
8 Boarding with Measured flat 1.05 (for each 8- ifê;ksa ds lkFk mi;qZDr 1-05 ¼gj ,d
cover fillets and (not girthed). side). Qjescanh vkSj rjQA
match boarding. feyku r[krsA
9 Tile and slate Measured flat over 0.80 (for 9 Vkby vkSj LysaV laiw.kZ likV 0-80 ¼iwjs LFky
battening. all, no deduction painting all iêhnkjA eisxh] [kqy jksxu ds fy,½A
shall be made for over). LFkkuksa dh dVkSrh
open spaces. ugha gksxh
SECTION 17 335
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
10 Trellis (or Measured flat 2 (for 10 tkyh ;k tkQjh laiw.kZ likV 2-00 ¼laiw.kZ
jaffri) work one overall; no painting all dh ,d vksj ;k eisaxh( [kqys LFkkuksa jksxu ds fy,½
way or two way deduction shall be over).
made for open nksuksa vksj dk;ZA dh dVkSrh ugha
spaces; supporting gksxh lgk;d
members shall not lkexzh vyx ls
be measured
ugha eisaxsa
11 Guard bars. Ditto 1 (for 11 lqj{kk lyk[ksa] mi;qZDr 1-00 ¼laiw.kZ
balustrades. painting all ckjts] tkfy;ka jksxu ds fy,
gratings, grills, over). lfj;k tkyh]
expanded metal izlkj/kkrq vkSj
and railings.
12 Gates and open Measured flat 1 (for 12 QkVd vkSj [kqys mi;qZDr] ¼uhps uksV 1-00 iwjh jaxkbZ
palisade fencing overall; no painting dV?kjs] ck<+ lh/ks ns[ksa½ ij
including deduction shall be all over).
standards. made for open M.Ms iVs] yksgs dh
braces, rails. spaces; supporting vkMsa] lgkjs vkfn
stays, etc. members shall not lfgrA
be measured
separately (See note
13 Carved or Measured flat 2 (for each 13 uDdkjhnkj ;k likV eisaxsa 2 ¼gj ,d
enriched work. side). lq'kksfHkr dkeA rjQ½
14 Steel rolling Measured flat (size 1.10 (for 14 yksgs ds jksfyax likV eisaxs ¼eks[ks 1-10 ¼gj
shutters. of opening) jamb each side). 'kVjA dh eki½ ik[ks ,d rjQ½
guides, bottom rail ekxZn'kZd ry dh
and locking jsy] rkyk yxkus
arrangement, etc.
shall not be ds izcU/k vkfn
measured separately. vyx ls ugh
(Top cover be eisaxsa ¼mij dk
measured <Ddu vyx ls
separately). eisxk½
15 Plain sheet steel Measured flat (not 1.10 (for 15 le yksgs dh likV eisaxs ¼?ksjs 1-10 ¼gj
doors and girthed) including each side). pknjds njokts esa ugha½ pkS[kV ,d rjQ½
windows. frame, edges etc.
vkSj f[kM+fd;kaA fdukjs vkfn lfgr
16 Fully glazed or Ditto 0.50 (for 16 iw.kZ 'kh'ksnkj ;k mi;ZqDr 0-50 ¼gj ,d
gauzed steel each side). tkyhnkj njokts rjQ½
doors and
windows. vkSj f[kM+fd;kaA
17 Partly panelled Ditto 0.80 (for 17 vkf'kd fnYys o mi;ZqDr 0-80 ¼gj
and partly each side). vkaf'kd 'kh'ks ;k ,d rjQ½
glazed or
gauzed steel
tkyhnkj yksgs ds
doors. njoktsA
18 Collapsible Measured flat (size 1.50 (for 18 fleVoka QkVdA likV eisxsa ¼eks[ks 1-50 ¼gj
gate. of opening) each side). dh eki ½ ,d rjQ½
336 SECTION 17
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
Note 1—The height shall be taken from the bottom of the uksV 1 ry dh lcls uhps okyh iVjh ls ÅpkbZ ekih tk;sxh ;fn
lowest rail, if the palisades do not go below it or from the dV?kjs blls uhps ugha x;s ;k dV?kjs ds fupys Nksj ls] ;fn og
lower end of palisades, if they project below the lowest
rail and upto the top of palisades, but not up to the top of lcls uhph iVjh ls uhps yxs gksa vkSj dV?kjs ds 'kh"kZ rd] fdUrq
the standards, if they are higher than the palisades. MUMs ds 'kh"kZ rd ugha ;fn tks og dV?kjs Åps gSaA
Note 2—Where doors, windows, etc. are of composite uksV 2 tgka njokts] f[kM+fd;ksa vkfn tks bl esa fn;s x;s ds
types other than those included in this table different vfrfjDr lef"V rjg ds gSa] fHkUu&fHkUu Hkkx vyx&vyx muds
portions shall be measured separately with their
appropriate coefficients, centre line of common rail being lg lkexzh ds ekis tk;saxsA lk>s dh e/; js[kk dks nks Hkkxksa dks
taken as the dividing line between the two portions. foHkkftr djus okyh js[kk ekuk tk;sxkA
Note 3—Measurements of painting steel doors, windows, uksV 3 yksgs ds njokts] f[kM+fd;ka] fleVoka QkVd] jksfyax 'kVj
collapsible gates, rolling shutters, etc. as given in this table
vkfn ds jksxu dh eki bl rkfydk ds vuqlkj ;fn vko';d gqvk
shall be deemed to include painting, if required, of all
iron fittings in the same shade. rks lHkh fQfVax dk leku dk jksxu Hkh mlh esa gqvk ekuk tk;sxkA
Note 4—When two faces of a door, window; etc.. are to be uksV 4 tc njokts f[kM+dh ds iYys nksuksa vksj ls fHkUu&fHkUu jax
treated with different finishes, measureable under separate ls jksxu fd;s x;s gksa tks vyx&vyx enksa esa ekis tkus ;ksX; gSa rks
items, edges of frames and shutter shall be treated with
pkS[kVs ds fdukjs vkSj iYys dk mipkj funsfZ 'kr iwfrZ leku gksxk vkSj
the type of finish as directed and measurement thereof
shall be deemed to be included in the measurement of the mldh eki ml rjQ ds jax ds leku ekuh tk;sxhA
face treated with that finish.
Note 5—In case where shutters are fixed on both faces of uksV 5 ,slh voLFkk esa tgka iYys pkS[kVs dh nksuksa rjQ yxk;s x;s
a frame, measurement for the door frame and shutter on
gSa rks njokts ds pkS[kVs vkSj iYys ds ,d rjQ dh eki igys gh
one face shall be taken in the manner already described,
while the additional shutter on the other face shall be fn, x;s fooj.kkuqlkj gksxh tcfd nwljh rjQ ds iYys dh eki
measured exclusive of the frame. pkS[kVs dks NksM+rs gq;s gksaxhA
Note 6—Where shutter is provided with clearance uksV 6 tc iYyk ij ls vfrfjDr 15 lseh- ls vf/kd LFkku NksMd + j
exceeding 15cm at top and/or at bottom, such openings
yxk;k x;k gks rks vkSj ;k uhps dh vksj ls ,sls eks[ks] lai.w kZ vkSj lacfa /kr lg
shall be deducted from the overall measurement and
relevant coefficients applied. lkexzh ds eki esa ls ?kVk;sa tk;saxsA
17.1.3 Corrugated steel or asbestos cement sheet surfaces shall 17-1-3 iukjhnkj yksgs ;k vng lhesaV pknj dh lrg dks likV
be measured flat (not girthed) and the areas obtained ekik tk;sxkA ¼?ksjs esa ugh½ vkSj tks {ks=Qy vk;sxk mls
shall be increased by the percentages given below:
uhps fn;s x;s izfr'kr }kjk c<+k;k tk;sxkA
(a) Corrugated asbestos cement sheets 20%
(b) Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets 10% ¼d½ iukjhnkj vng lhesaV pknjsa 20 izfr'kr
(c) Nainital pattern roof plain sheeting with ¼[k½ v/kZ iukjhnkj vng lhesaV pknjsa 10 izfr'kr
rolls 10% ¼x½ uSuhrky rjhds dh lery pknj xksys lfgr 10 izfr'kr
(d) Ditto but with corrugated sheets 25%
¼?k½ mi;qZDr fdUrq iukjhnkj pknj lfgr 25 izfr'kr
(c) Corrugated steel sheets , 14%
¼M½ iukjhnkj yksgs dh pknjsa 14 izfr'kr
17.1.4 Painting upto 10cm in width or girth and not in 17-1-4 10 lseh- pkSMk+ bZ xksykbZ rd dk jksxu vkSj leku jksxu fd,
conjunction with similar painted work shall be {ks= ds lkFk tqM+k ugha rks] ehVj esa ekik tk;sxk vkSj js[kk
measured in running metres and shall include cutting
to line where so required; except that painting to
rd dh dVkbZ 'kkfey gksxh] tgka vko';d gks flok; iêh
components of trusses, compound girders, stanchions, ds Hkkx] lfEefyr xMZj] vk/kkj [kEHks rFkk leku dk;Z oeh
lattices and similar work shall be measured in sq. m esa ekis tk;sx
a s fcuk mudh xksykbZ dh eki dk fopkj fd;sA
irrespective of the size of girth of members.
17.1.5 Painting to small articles and to surfaces n exc 0.117-1-5 NksVh oLrqvksa vkSj ,slh lrgsa tks 0-1 oeh {ks=Qy ls vf/kd
sq m in area, where not in conjunction with similar u gksa vkSj leku dk;Z esa la;qDr ugha gksa rks mudh jksxu dk;Z
painted work shall be enumerated. esa x.kuk gksxhA
17.2 Rates 17-2 njksa
17.2.1 The rates include for: 17-2-1 njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey gSa%&
(a) Use of all scaffoldings and cradles including hoisting ¼d½ lHkh izdkj ds epku vkSj >yks] mij dks mBkus vksj fupkbZ ds
and lowering. lk/kuksa dk iz;ksx 'kkfey gSA
SECTION 17 337
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
fo'ks"k 'krsZ
(b) Taking down, cleaning as directed and refixing blinds ¼[k½ funs'Z kkuqlkj insZ vkSj tqMu + kjks]a rLohjksa ds MUMs] dkjfu'k ds Nksj
and fittings, picture rods, cornice poles and small vkSj Hkou fuekZ.k dh NksVh oLrqvksa tSls njoktksa dh xkaB]as iryh
items of builder’s hardware such as door knobs, finger IysVsa ikfjokfjd fpUg] dkVs vkfn ftu ij jksxu ugha djuk gS
plates, escutcheons, hooks etc. which are not required
to be painted. dks mrkjuk o nksokjk yxkukA
(c) Use of dust sheets and other coverings for the ¼x½ lkt leku] tqMu + kjks]a QuhZpj vkfn dks pknj ;k vU; vkoj.kksa
protection of fixtures, fittings, furniture, etc. ls <aduk
(d) Shifting of movable cupboards and furniture as ¼?k½ pyk;eku vyekfj;ksa vkSj QuhZpj dks tSlh vko';drk gks
required and replacing in position. gVkuk vkSj ;FkkLFkku j[kukA
(e) Work in patches (over one square metre each) ¼M½ isou ds dk;Z esa ¼izR;sd ,d oeh½ fo|eku dk;Z ls feyku vkSj
including matching with existing work and marrying fdukjs feykuk 'kkfey gSA
in at the edges.
(f) Removing all splashes, drops, dirt, etc. and leaving ¼p½ lHkh NhaVs] cwUn] /kwy vkfn lkQ djuk vkSj dk;ZLFky dks lkQ
premises in a clean state. lqFkjk cukdj NksMu+ k
17.2.2 Preparation of Surfaces—Rates for preparation of 17-2-2 17-2-2lrg rS;kj djuk lrg rS;kj djus esa ml izdkj ds dk;Z esa
surfaces include for all necessary preparatory work vko';d lHkh rS;kjh 'kkfey gS vkSj ydM+h dh lrg dh njksa
required for the respective type of surfaces and in ds fo"k; esa jksxu dks NqMk+ us es]a jxM+kbZ] f?klkbZ] tykbZ 'kkfey
case of wood surfaces the rates include for knotting
and stopping. Burning off or removing paint and gS rFkk tLrh lrg ij jslk;fud ?kksy p<+kus dk dk;Z vyx
applying mordant solution to galvanised surfaces, ls ekik tk;sxkA
where indicated, shall, be measured separately. For new or previously untreated surfaces of fibre 17-2-2-1 uohu ;k igys jksxu jfgr bekjrh js'ks ds r[rks]a IykbZ]
building boards, plywood, block boards, particle l[r r[rs] ,d Hkkxh; r[rs rFkk blh izdkj ds dk;Z ds fy,
boards and the like, no preparation except dusting flok; /kwy mM+kuk vkSj lQkbZ ds vkSj rS;kjh dh vko';drk
and cleaning is necessary. Payment under
preparation of surfaces will not, therefore, be made ugha gSA vr% ,sls r[rksa ij rS;kjh ds vUrxZr fdlh Hkqxrku dh
for such boards. vko';drk ugha gSA
17.2.3 Painting in Repair Work in Patches upto one 17-2-3 ejEer ds dk;Z esa izR;sd ,d oeh ds isou ij jksxu djuk
square metre each
(a) Each patch shall be measured under the followiing ¼d½ izR;sd isou dks fuEu;ksa ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxk rFkk u;s
categories and paid for at the appropriate rates for dk;Z dh mi;qDZ r njksa ds vUrxZr Hkqxrku 50 izfr'kr vfrfjDr
new work, with an addition of 50 per cent to cover
cost of matching with existing work and marrying lfgr gksxk tks fo|eku ds lkFk feyku djus vkSj fdukjksa dks
in at the edges, etc. jaxus esa vkus O;; dh HkjikbZ ds fy, gksxk%&
¼1½ 0-1 oeh ls vuf/kd isou dks 0-1 oeh ekik tk;sxkA
(1) Patch n exc 0.1 sq. m. shall be measured as 0.1sq.m.
(2) Patch exc 0.1 sq. m. and n exc 0.5 sq. m shall be ¼2½ 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd vkSj 0-5 oeh ls vuf/kd isou dks 0-1
measured as 0.5 sq. m.
oeh ekik tk;sxkA
(3) Patch exc 0.5 sq. m and n exc 1 sq. m shall be ¼3½ 0-5 oeh ls vf/kd vkSj 1-0 oeh ls vuf/kd isou dks 0-1
measured as 1 sq. m. oeh ekik tk;sxkA
(4) Area exceeding 1 square metre shall be ¼4½ ,d oeh ls vf/kd {ks=Qy okys isou dks u;s dk;Z esa ekik tk;sxkA
measured as new work.
(b) New work in small quantities on isolated ¼[k½ NksVh ek=k ds ,dy lrg ij u;s dk;Z isou dk;Z ugh gksaxsA
surfaces shall not be treated as work in patches.
17.2.4 Painting on Bolt Heads, Nuts and Washers, 17-2-4 oksYV 'kh"kZ] uV vkSj cklj] dCts vkfn bu dk jksxu
Hinges, etc.—Shall only be allowed if these articles rHkh fu;fer gksxk ;fn ;g oLrq;sa lkFk ds dk;Z esa fHkUu jax
are picked out in a different tint to the adjacent work. ds gksaA tc bu ij jksxu gksrk gS rks vafre ijr ds fy, gh
When so painted, the last coat only on these articles Hkqxrku gksxkA
shall be paid for.
17.2.5 Cutting to Line;—In painted work, cutting to line will 17-2-5 js[kk dVkbZ rHkh Lohd`r gksxh tc js[kk] ds nksuksa vksj fHkUu
be allowed if two portions of plain surface are painted jax dk jksxu gks] js[kk dh dVkbZ Hkkxksa dsas fdukjksa fMLVSEij dh
in different tints. Cutting to line will not be allowed
for edges of architraves finishing against distempered iwfrZ ;k pwus dh /kqyh nhokjksa ds fy;s Lohd`r ugha gS vkSj uk
or lime washed walls nor on doors sashes, etc. painted gh njoktksa pkS[kVksa vkfn ,d rjg ds jksxu ;k vUnj ;k okgj
one side only or in different tints inside and outside. fHkUu&fHkUu jax ds jksxu ij Lohd`r gSA js[kk dh dVkbZ ogka
Cutting to line shall not be allowed also where the Hkh Lohd`r ugha gS tgka og mu njksa esa 'kkfey gSa tSls ,sls dk;Z
same is included in the rates such as in the case of
items for work not exceeding 10 cm width or girth. tks 10 lseh de pksMs ;k xksy gSaA
338 SECTION 17
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
ydMh vkSj ydMh vk/kkfjr lrgksa dh jaxkkbZ
17.2.6 Flag staffs, etc.—The rates for painting do not 17-2-6 /ot [kEHks vkfn /ot [kEHkksa dh jksfLlgksa ¼>a>jh ugha½ yksgs
apply to flag staffs pole aerials (not latticed), dh fpefu;ka] nwf/k;k jks'kuh dh tkfy;ka] Åaph jks'kfu;ksa ds
steel chimneys, flood light towers, overhead iYyw] ehukjksa vkSj leku dk;Z tks igys gh yxs gS] vkSj jksxu
electric masts, spires and similar work, already
ds dk;Z mUgsa uhpk ugha fd;k tk ldrk] muij jksxu dh njsa
fixed and cannot be lowered for painting.
ykxw ugha gksaxhA
Preparation of Priming coat Synthetic
RkS;kjh vLrj rg dh enamel izfr oxZ ehVj
New or Old Aluminium Pink Zinc
previo- painted primer primer Chrome tint)
usly un- surfaces primer (each
treated coat)
surfaces flUFkh
ubZ ;k iqjkuh vY;wfefu;e xqykch ftad ,usey
igys jax jaxhu vLrj vLrj Økse ¼lk/kkj.k
17001 Surfaces of any u gh lrgsa vLrj jax½ ¼izR;sd
description, not gqbZ lrgsa rg½ 17001 fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lrgsa
otherwise descri-bed, ;fn vU;Fkk fu:ifr ugh
over 10cm width or gS vkSj 10 lseh- ls vf/kd
girth → 17.10 21.10 28.20 32.70 33.10 45.20 ←pkSM+h ;k eksVh gSaA
17002 Ditto, but except
paint → – – 14.75 14.75 14.75 19.50 17002 mi;ZDq r] ysfdu jax jfgr

PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

17003 Surfaces of any
description n exc 17003 fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lrgsa
10cm width or girth 10 lseh- ls vf/kd pkSMh+
when unconnected ;k eksVh tc vU; jaxkkbZ
with other painting or
when painted in ls vlEca/k gksa ;k tc
different tint → 20.10 ←vU; jax esa jaxh gks
27.50 33.10 32.70 33.10 45.20
17004 Ditto but except 17004 mi;ZDq r] ysfdu jax jfgr
paint → – – 14.75 14.75 14.75 19.50 ←
PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 vad
17005 Small articles such as 17005 NksVh oLrq;sa tSls cYrs
rafter feet, brackets or
cantilevers n exc 30 cm dk ikn] ?ksjs ;k ?kksfM+;ka
projection and blocks, 30 lseh- ls vuf/kd foLrkj
labels, etc. n exc 0.1 sq. okys vkSj 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd
m each → 203.60 203.00 395.30 390.90 390.90 538.70 ←f?kjfu;ka o fpfIi;ka
17006 Ditto, but except 17006 mi;qDZ r] ysfdu jax jfgr
paint → 203.60 306.70 299.20 299.20 299.20 398.20 ←
17007 Filler coat with grey
filler or liquid wood M&L Except filler 17007 Hkjkoh rg] Hkwjh Hkjkoh ;k
filler, transparent, and lkexzh ,ao Je Hkjko jfgr ydM+ h rjy Hkjko]
bringing forward ikjn'kZd lfgr vkSj
surfaces to smooth
51.90 24.20 lrgksa dks fpduh ,dlkj
even finish →
←vkHkk iw.kZ cukuk
SECTION 17 339
[k.M 17&jks x u djuk
jaxghu yksgoku] rsy iqrkbZ vkfn
Payment for each subsequent coat shall be made at two-thirds Hkqxrku izR;sd rnuUrj rg ds fy, en 17008 vkSj 17009 dh njksa
the rates given against items 17008and 17009. dk 2@3 dh nj ls gksxkA
PER SQUARE METRE Creosote Raw Except oil izfr oxZ ehVj
17008 Preparing surfaces of wood linseed oil
170088 ydM+h vkSj ydM+h ij vk/kkfjr lkexzh]
and wood based materials, jaxhu dPpk rsy jfgr
uohu ;k iqjkuh] fdlh Hkh izdkj vkSj
new or old, of any description vylh rsy
and girth, not otherwise eksVkbZ fd] tc rd vU;Fkk fu:fir u
described and treated with→ → gks lrgksa dh rS;kjh vkSj blds lfgr
17009 Tiles or slate battens, any size 19.75 31.10 16.00 ← mipkfjr
and spacing, prepared and 17009 Vk;ysa ;k LysV ifV~V;ka fdlh Hkh uki
treated all over (measured o vUrjky dh gj izdkj ls rS;kj vkSj
overall on one side only, mipkfjr ¼dsoy ,d vksj ls ekih
spaces not deducted) with→ → 37.30 29.10 19.90 ← tk;sxh] vUrjky ugha ?kVsaxs½

17010 Preparing surfaces of wood

and wood based materials, M&L Except 17010 ydM+h vkSj ydM+h ij vk/kkfjr lkexzh]
steel and iron work, new or old, Preservative
bLikr vkSj yksgk uohu ;k iqjkuk]
of any description and girth, lkexzh ,ao Je j{kd inkFkZ jfgr
fdlh Hkh izdkj ;k eksVkbZ vU;Fkk
not otherwise described, and
treated with tar or coal tar fu:fir ugha( lrgsa rS;kj djuk vkSj
black paint → 20.40 14.60 ← rkjdksy ;k dkys jax ls mipkfjr

PER 100 NOS. izfr 100 vad

17011 Ditto, treating ends of posts, 17011 mi;qZDr] [kEHkksa ds Nksj pkS[kV vkfn
backs of chowkats, etc., area ds fiNys Hkkxkas dk mipkj ij izR;sd
tarred exc 0.1 sq. m but n exc mipkfjr {ks=Qy 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd
0.5 sq. m each ditto → ysfdu 0-5 oeh ls vf/kd ugha] mi;qDZ r
1213.80 585.50 ←
17012 Ditto, treating small articles 17012 mi;qZDr] NksVh oLrqvksa ij mipkj
such as stop, covers, gully tSls fojke] Bddu] ukyhnkj tkfy;ka]
gratings, holdfasts, ends of dkfV;ka] [kEHkksa ds Nksj] pkS[kV ds
posts, backs of chowkats, etc.,
area n exc 0.1 sq. m each, ditto
fiNys Hkkx vkfn izR;sd dk {ks=Qy
→ 504.20 398.90 ← 0-1 oeh ls vf/kd ugha] mi;qDr


17013 Preparing surfaces of timber 17013 ydM+h dh LFkw.kksa okyh lrgksa dks
piles and diping in a hot rS;kj djus ds fy,] rkjdksy rFkk
mixture of tar and creosote in yksgoku ds] 20 fdxzke rkjdksy rFkk
the proportion of 20 kg coal tar 25 fyVj yksgou ds xeZ ?kksy esa
pitch to 25 litres of creosote
oil, for 4 mins. → 85.60 18.40 ← Mqcksuk

17014 Sanding newly tarred or painted surfaces 17014 rkjdksy jksxu ls iqrh ubZ lrg ij lkQ rst ckyw
with clean sharp sand → 110.20 ← fcNkuk
340 SECTION 17
[kaM 17&jksxu djuk
ydM+h o ydM+h vk/kkfjr lrgksa dh LoPN ifj"d`fr
(a) The rates for clear finishes include such preparation, ¼d½ LoPN ifj"d`fr esa rFkk fufnZf"Vr ,slh gh fufnZ"Vr rS;kjh]
cleaning, stopping and rubbing down after each coat, lQkbZ] HkjkbZ] jxM+kbZ] HkjkbZ izR;sd rg ds ckn 'kkfey gSA
stopping as specified.
(b) Small articles not exceeding 0.05 sq.m shall be measured ¼[k½ NksVh oLrq,sa tks 0-05 oeh ls vf/kd ugha gS] 0-05 oeh
as 0.05 sq.m each. izR;sd ekih tk;sxhA
vfHkjatu rFkk okfuZ'k dk;Z
PER SQUARE Preparation of Sizing Filler coat Staining Varnishing izfr oxZ ehVj
METRE rS;kjh djuk ljsl Hkjkoh rg vfHkjatd okfuZ'k
New or Old Wood Thin Oil Spirit Under Finis-
previ- trea- filler varnish rsy fLifjV coating hing
ously ted liquid or lacq- vLrj coat
untrea- surf- trans- uer or with
ted surf- aces parent she llac syn-
aces iqjkuh ikjn'khZ varnish thetic
ubZ ;k mipkjh dk.B iryh varn-
iwoZ lrg ?kksy ySdj ish
vuqipkjh ;k piM+k vafre
lrg rg
lay"s k.k
okfuZ'k 17015
17015 Surfaces of any fdlh Hkh fdLe dh
description, over lrg 10 lseh pkSMh+ ;k
10cm in width or ←?ksjs esa
girth → 20.10 27.50 10.60 51.90 28.70 20.50 20.30 30.30 30.20

17016 Ditto but except 17016 mi;qDZ r fdUrq ljsl

size, wood filler, jfgr] dk.B Hkjkok@
stain or varnish→
→ 26.30 29.60 10.40 15.80 24.20 16.00 16.00 21.50 19.90 ←vfHkjatd ;k okfuZ'k
PER 10 RUNNING izfr 10 ehVj
17017 Surfaces of any 17017 fdlh Hkh fdLe dh 10
description, not
lseh pkSMh+ ;k ?kuRo dh
exc 10 cm in width
or girth when lrg tc vU; dk;Z ls
unconnected vlac) ;k fHkUu jax ls
with other work ←iqrh gqbZ
or painted in
different tint → 16.30 20.10 18.30 65.40 49.60 28.40 28.30 40.50 38.00
17018 Ditto but except 17018 mi;qZDr fdUrq ljsl
size, wood filler jfgr] dk.B Hkjkok
stain or varnish→
→ 16.30 20.10 16.00 57.50 39.90 23.90 23.90 31.90 27.80 ←vfHkjatd ;k okjfu'k
SECTION 17 341
[kaM 17&jksxu djuk

ikfy'k djuk

PER SQUARE METRE M&L Except Polish izfr oxZ ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je fcuk ikfy'k ds
17019 Bees-wax polishing on 17019 fdlh O;k[;k] pkSM+kbZ ;k eksVkbZ
surfaces of any description,
dh lrg ij eD[kh ekse ls ikfy'k
width or girth including
cleaning and preparing the djuk] lrg dh lQkbZ vkSj rS;kjh
surface → 75.40 51.60 ←lfgr

17020 All as item 17019 but on 17020 lc en 17019 tSlk fdUrq iwoZ
surfaces, previously ←ikfy'k dh gqbZ lrg ij
polished → 53.80 42.40

17021 French polishing on 17021 fdlh O;k[;k] pkSMk+ bZ ;k eksVkbZ dh

surfaces of any description, lQkbZ vkSj rS;kjh lfgr rFkk dk.B
width or girth including Hkjko dh ,d rg lfgr nks ;k vf/kd
cleaning and preparing the ←ijr dh ÝsUp ikfy'k djuk
surface including a coat of
wood filler on new works
with two or more coats → 119.45 65.50
17022 Ditto, but one or more coats 17022 mi;qZDr] fdUrq iqjkus dk;Z ij
on old work → 79.60 49.40 ←,d ;k vf/kd ijr


jksxu dk;Z] bZV] iRFkj] daØhV] ,LoSLVl lhesaV ;k iyLrj dh lrg ij


Preparation of Priming Synthetic Plastic
paints enamel emulsion
New or Old plaster (ordinary (each
previ- Painted coat tint) coat)
ously surfaces vLrjh (each IykfLVd
Untreated iqjkuh jksxu coat) ,eY'ku
surfaces jaxhu iyLrj falFa kSfVd izfr rg
ubZ ;k iwoZ lrg rg ,susey
vuqipkjh ¼lk/kkj.k
lrg jax½ ¼izfr
17023 Surfaces of any rg½ 17023 fdlh O;k[kk dh 10 lseh-
description over 10cm eksVh ;k pkSM+h lrg
girth or width, not vU;Fkk fufnZ"V u gks
otherwise described→→ 9.00 16.70 32.60 47.00 50.80

17024 Ditto but except 17024 mi;qZDr] fdUrq jksxu

paint → 9.00 17.50 23.90 31.90 31.90 ←jfgr
342 SECTION 17
[kaM 17&jksxu djuk
jksxu dk;Z] bZV] iRFkj] daØhV] ,LoSLVl lhesaV ;k iyLrj dh lrg ij tkjh

PER 10 RUNNING Preparation of Priming Synthetic Plastic izfr 10 ehVj

METRES paints enamel emulsion
New or Old plaster (ordinary (each
previ- Painted coat tint) coat)
ously surfaces vLrjh (each IykfLVd
Untreated iqjkuh jksxu coat) ,eY'ku
surfaces jaxhu iyLrj falFa kSfVd izfr rg
ubZ ;k iwoZ lrg rg ,susey
17025 Surfaces plain or vuqipkjh ¼lk/kkj.k 17025 lery ;k fpduh lrg]
moulded, n exc 10cm lrg jax½ ¼izfr tks pkSM+kbZ ;k eksVkbZ esa
width or girth when rg½ 10lseh- ls vf/kd u gks]
unconnected with tc feyh u gks ;k fHkUu
other painting or
when painted in a jax dk jksxu fd;k gks
different tint → 16.60 56.60 49.40 63.00 78.70 ←

17026 Ditto, but except 17026 mi;ZDq r] fdUrq jksxu jfgr

paint → – – 16.10 16.10 16.10

PER 100 NOS izfr 100 vad

17027 Labels, etc, n exc 0.1 17027 fpfIi;k vkfn izR;sd 0-1
sq. m each, including o-eh- ls vuf/kd fdukjksa
cutting in edges → – – – 525.40 606.90 ←dh dVkbZ lfgr
17028 Ditto, but except 17028 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq jksxu jfgr
paint ←
→ – – – 101.80 101.80
SECTION 17 343
[kaM 17&jksxu djuk


bLikr rFkk yksgs dh lrgksa ij jksxu dk;Z

Rates for painting eaves or valley gutters and hopper heads vksyrh ?kkVh xVjksa o gkWij 'kh"kZ dh jaxkbZ dh njksa esa fudkydj lkQ
include for cleaning out same and strengthening joints of gutters djuk o fLFkj djuk 'kkfey gSA
with red lead putty before painting.
PER SQUARE METRE Preparation of Priming with Synthetic Black Alumi- izfr oxZ ehVj
enamel Japan nium
(ordinary (each paint
tint) coat) (each
New or Old Red Red Alumi- (each coat) dkyk vYeqfu&
previo- painted lead oxide, nium flaFkSfVd tkiku ;e
usly un- surfaces flanjw zinc red ,susey ¼izfr jksxu
treated iqjkuh chrome oxide ¼lk/kkj.k ijr½ ¼izfr
surfaces jaxhu yky vYeqfu& jax½ ¼izfr ijr½
ubZ ;k lrg vkDftad ;e ijr½
17029 Surfaces of any vmi& yky 170 29 fdlh Hkh o.kZu dh 10
description, over pkjh iwoZ vkDlkbM lseh pkSMh+ ;k eksVh
10cm in width or
xksykbZ vU;Fkk of.kZr
girth,not otherwise
described → 18.10 28.90 28.00 32.00 35.00 45.60 39.40 35.70
17030 Ditto, but except 17030 mi;qDr] jaxfgr
paint → – – 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 ←

PER 10 RUNNING izfr 10 ehVj

17031 Eaves gutter and 17031 60 lseh vuf/kd ?ksjs
pipes any descrip- ds ikbi o vksyrh xVj
tion, n. exc 60 cm
girth including vUrjh idM+ [kaM vkfn
holderbats, distance lfgr ¼yEckbZ oSM]
pieces, etc. (length 'kk[kkvksa vkfn ds ij
measured over ls ekih tk;sxh½
bends, branches ←
etc.) → 87.00 105.50 162.60 147.50 160.00 197.50 181.50 171.40

17032 Ditto but except 17032 mi;qZDr jax jfgr

paint → – – 112.80 112.80 112.80 112.80 112.80 112.80 ←
17033 Surfaces of any
description, n.exc 17033 fdlh o.kZu dh 10
10cm in width or lseh ls vuf/kd pkSMh+
girth when uncon- ;k eksVh lrg tc
nected with other vU; jksxu ls vlaca/k
painting or when
;k vU; jax esa jaxh
painted in a
different tint → 21.70 30.10 28.00 32.00 46.00 45.20 44.20 47.70 ←gks
344 SECTION 17
[kaM 17&jksxu djuk
bLikr rFkk yksgs dh lrgksa ij jksxu dk;Z tkjh

PER SQUARE Preparation of Priming with Synthetic Black Alumi- izfr oxZ ehVj
rS;kj djuk vLrj ls enamel Japan nium
(ordinary (each paint
tint) coat) (each
(each coat)
New or Old Red Red Alumi- coat) dkyk vYeqfu&
previous painted lead oxide, nium flaFkSfVd tkiku ;e
untre- surfaces flanjw zinc red ,susey ¼izfr jksxu
ated iqjkuh chrome oxide ¼lk/kkj.k ijr½ ¼izfr
surfaces jaxhu yky vYeqfu& jax½ ¼izfr ijr½
ubZ ;k lrg vkDftad ;e ijr½
vmi& yky
pkjh iwoZ vkDlkbM
17034 All as item 17033 17034 lc en 17033 tSlk
but except paint → 21.70 38.00 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.10 ←fdUrq jax jfgr


izfr 100 vad
17035 Small articles such as
metal switch blocks, 17035 NksVh phtsa tSls /kkrq
metal ceiling roses, Lohp Cykd] /kkrq Nr
articles of builder's
hardware such as
dVksjh bekjrh /kkrq
door springs, hooks, miLdj tSls }kj
knobs, fasteners, dekfu;ka] gqd] ewB]
stays, locks, latches, ca/kd] jksd] rkys]
etc., straps to roof tathj vkfn Nr dM+h
trusses, gates and
similar arti-cles,
QkVd ds iV~Vs rFkk
when unconne-cted vuq:i phtsa tgka
with other pain-ting vU; ja x kbZ ls
or when painted in a vlac) ;k tgka fHkUu
different tint → – – – – – 186.20 174.50 162.50
←jax esa jaxs gksa
17036 Ditto but except 17036 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq jax
paint → 87.00 138.90 120.20 120.20 162.80 159.60 159.60 143.60 ←jfgr
17037 Brackets or cantilevers 17037 30 lseh izlkj czfS dV
n. exc 30cm projection,
;k iz k Ir] dhyh
pintle hinges, gratings,
frames and similar dCts] tkfy;ka] Ýse
articles when uncon- o vuq:i phtsa tgka
nected with other vU; ja x kbZ ls
painting or when vlac) ;k fHkUu jax
painted in a different
←esa jaxs gksa
tint → – – – – – 611.80 553.80 493.30
17038 Ditto but except 17038 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq jax
– – – – – 183.10 160.20 148.00
paint → ←jfgr
SECTION 17 345
[k.M 17&jksxu dk;Z
fo'ks"k jksxu dk;Z
The rates do not include for preparation and priming of bu njksa esa rS;kjh dk;Z vkSj lrg dk vLrj.k 'kkfey ugha gS] tks fd
surfaces, which shall be measured separately. vyx ls ekik tk;sxkA


Black Heat Fire Acid Except

bitumin- resisting resisting resistant paint
ous paint paint paint paint (each
(each coat) (each coat) (each coat) coat)
dkyk rki vfXu vEy jksxu
17039 Surfaces of any rksjdksyh fua;=d fu;a=d fu;a=dj jfgr 17039 fdlh Hkh O;k[;k dh ydM+h]
description wood, jksxu jksxu jksxu jksxu ¼izfr yksgs] bLikr] daØhV] bZaV]
steel, iron, concrete, ¼izfr rg½ ¼izfr rg½ ¼izfr rg½ ¼izfr rg½ rg½ iRFkj vkfn dh 10 lseh- ls
brick, stone, etc., vf/kd pkSMh+ ;k eksVh lrg
exceeding 10cm in
← ij
width or girth→→ 40.20 49.00 53.50 50.60 38.30

PER 10 RUNNING izfr 10 ehVj


17040 Surfaces of any 17040 fdlh Hkh O;k[;k dh]ydM+h]

description wood, steel,
iron, concrete, brick,
bLikr] yksgs] daØhV] bZaV]
stone, etc. n exc 10cm iRFkj vkfn dh 10 lseh ls
in width or girth→→ ← vuf/kd eksVh ;k pkSMh+ lrg
40.20 55.30 59.90 57.00 38.30


17040A Treating surfaces of wood, any 17040d ydM+h dh fdlh O;k[;k] pkSM+kbZ ;k eksVkbZ dh
description, width or girth, with ready lrg ij iwoZ fefJr gyds dkys jax dk mipkj]
mixed paint, matt black; each coat → 50.00 ← izfr rg
17040B Treating surfaces of steel and iron work, 17040[k bLikr rFkk yksgs ds dk;Z dh fdlh Hkh O;k[;k]
any description, width or girth, with ready eksVkbZ ;k yEckbZ dh lrg ij iwoZ fefJr xgjs
mixed paint, dead black; each coat → 50.10 ← dkys jax dk mipkj] izfr rg
17040C Painting floors with ready mixed paint, 17040z x Q'kZ ij iz;ksx okys iwoZ fefJr jax ls Q'kZ ij
for use on floors; each coat → 52.70 ← jax djuk] izfr rg
17040D Painting hessian with ready mixed 17040?k yky vkDlkbM iwoZ fefJr jksxu ls eksVs diMs+
paint, red oxide; each coat → 45.10 ← ij jksxu djuk] izfr rgA
346 SECTION 17
[k.M 17&jksxu dk;Z
(a) Letters under 2cm height shall be measured as 2cm. ¼d½ 2 lseh- ÅpkbZ ls de ds 'kCn 2 lseh- ekus tk;saxsA
(b) Letters etc., shall be painted with thick paint, so that they ¼[k½ 'kCn vkfn] xgjs jax ls iksrs tk;sxs rkfd og czq'k ds fpUg
stand out boldly and solidly without showing signs of jfgr xgjs vkSj l/ku fn[ks] ;fn vko';d gks rks mu ij rc
brush marks, if necessary, they shall be repainted until the
rd jksxu fd;k tk; tc rd fd ifj.kke izkIr u gks tk;A
desired result is obtained.
(c) Rewriting or repainting of existing writing shall be paid ¼x½ fo|eku fy[kkbZ ij nqckjk fy[kkbZ ;k nqckjk jksxu djkbZ] dk
for at half the rates. Hkqxrku vk/kh njksa ij gksxkA
(d) Add to rates in items 17041, to17043, 50 per cent, if painted ¼?k½ ena 17041 ls 17043 dh njksa esa 50 izfr'kr tksM+sa ;fn
with fluorecent paints. pednkj jxksa ls jaxkbZ dh x;h gksA

PER 10 Nos. (PER CM of height) izfr 10 vad ¼izfr lseh- mapkbZ½

17041 Writing letters or figures (Block. 17041 'kCn ;k la[;k fy[kkbZ ¼cM+]s jkseu] frjNs] Hkkjrh;½
Roman, Italic or Indian) n exc. 30 cm
← 30lseh- ls vf/kd Åaps ugha
high → 54.00

PER 10 NOS. izfr 10 vad

17042 Index hands (natural size) or arrows 17042 gkFk ds fpUg ¼LoHkkfod vkdkj½ ;k rhj ¼40 lseh-
(upto 40cm long) as directed →
156.00 ← rd yEcs½ funsZ'kkuqlkj
17043 Stops, commas, short lines, dashes, 17043 iw.kZ fojke] v/kZfojke] vYi js[kk;sa] izHksn] ;kstd]
hyphens, brackets, etc. → ← dks"Vd vkfn

PER JOB iz f r dk;Z

17044 Obliterating old writing of any 17044 fdlh Hkh O;k[;k 0-1 oeh- ls vuf/kd dh iqjkuh
description, n exc 0.1 sq. m, with paint fy[kkbZ dks fo|eku jax ls feyrk gqvk jax djds
to match existing work → 39.50 ← feVkuk
SECTION 17 347
[k.M 17&jksxu dk;Z
fefJr dk;Z
17045 Removing old paint by paint removers 17045 fdruh Hkh ijr rFkk fdlh pkSM+kbZ ;k eksVkbZ ds
or burning off by blow lamps and
iqjkus jksxu dks jksxu gVkÅ inkFkZ ;k ySEi ls
cleaning with scrapers, any number of
coats, any width or girth → ← tykdj mrkjuk rFkk [kqjpuh ls lkQ djuk
17046 Preparing new zinc (or galvanised) 17046 ubZ tLrh ¼;k jaxhu½ lrg dk jksxu djus ;ksX;
surfaces to receive painting, by coating cukus ds fy, /kqykbZ o lQkbZ vkfn lfgr LFkkiu
with mordant solution including ← ysi dh ,d rg yxkdj RkS;kj djuk
washing and cleaning, etc. →
17047 Obscuring glass with one coat of oil 17047 rsyh; jksxu dh ,d rg yxkdj 'kh'ks dh i`"B
paint to imitate ground glass → 55.60 ← Hkwfe ij yxkdj 'kh'ks dks /kqa/kyk cukuk
17048 Sealing surfaces previously treated with 17048 iwoZ esa ykj o dksyrkj feJ.k vkfn }kjk iksrh xbZ
tar, bituminous composition, etc., with jaxhu lrg ij jksxu dh rS;kjh ds fy, ,d rg
one coat of knotting in preparation for ← xk<s+ jksxu dh fcNkuk
painting → 41.20

PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

17049 Scaling external surfaces of soil pipes
17049 ey ufydk;ksa vkfn dh ckgjh jaxhu lrg] tks iwoZ
etc. previously treated with tar or
bituminous composition with one coat esa ykj o dksyrkj ds feJ.k ls iqrh ij jksxu dh
of knotting in preparation for painting→ → 61.40 ← rS;kjh ds fy, ,d ijr xk<+s jksxu dh yxkukA
17050 Cutting in edges to line, to paint work of 17050 fdukjksa dh lh/kh dVkbZ ds] fHkUu jax ds jksxu ij
different tints (last coat only), where not ¼vafre ijr dsoy½ jksxu djuk] tgka vU;Fkk fufnZ"V
otherwise provided for →
54.40 ← u gksA


lM+d vkfn ij jksxu ls js[kk;sa [khpuk
(a) The rates include for provision of red signals to keep off ¼d½ bu njksa esa xhys jksxu dks ;krk;kr ls cpkus ds fy;s yky
traffic from wet paint, cleaning road surface and working ladrs ksa dh O;oLFkk djuk] lM+d dh lrg dks lkQ djuk rFkk
during odd hours when traffic is light.
,sls le; ij dke djuk tc ;krk;kr de gks] 'kkfey gSA
(b) For letters, etc. the linear measurements shall be taken ¼[k½ 'kCn vkfn ds fy, ijEijkxr eki jaxkbZ dh pkSM+kbZ esa e/;
along the centre line of the painted width. js[kk ds lkFk&lkFk yh tk;sxhA
(c) 'The line painting shall stand out boldly and solidly ¼x½ js[kkvksa dh jaxkbZ xgjh vkSj l?ku gks ftlesa cz'q k ds fpUg rFkk
without showing signs of brush marks or surface uhps dh lrg fn[kkbZ u nsA ;fn vko';d gks rks lrg ij
underneath. If necessary, the surface shall be repainted until rc rd jksxu fd;k tk; tc rd fd bfPNr ifj.kke izkIr
the desired result is obtained.
u gks tk;sA
(d) The rates do not include for any priming coat, but include ¼?k½ bu njksa esa dksbZ vLrjh ijr 'kkfey ugha gS fdUrq ubZ ;k iwoZ
for preparation of new or previously treated surfaces to mipkfjr lrg dks jax djus ;ksX; cukus dh rS;kjh 'kkfey
receive the painting.
348 SECTION 17
[k.M 17&jksxu dk;Z
lM+d vkfn ij jksxu ls js[kk;sa [khapuk tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Adequate One izfr oxZ ehVj
No. of Coat
17051 Painting lines, dashes, arrows, letters, 1705
170511 lM+d] iVjh o leku ij] lQsn ;k lqugjh
etc. on roads, pavements and the like ihys lM+d Nki jax ls 10lseh- ls vf/kd dh
exc 10cm wide with road marking
108.60 62.00
← js[kk;sa] izHksn] rhj] 'kCn vkfn fy[kuk
paint, white or golden yellow →

PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

17052 Painting lines, dashes, arrows, letters, 1705

170522 lM+d] iVjh o leku ij] lQsn ;k lqugjh ihys
etc. on roads pavements and the like n lM+d Nki jax ls 10 lseh- ls vuf/kd dh js[kk;s]a
exc 10cm wide with road marking ← izHksn] rhj] 'kCn vkfn fy[kuk
paint, white or golden yellow → 62.00 39.40


lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfÙk½
The paint and allied materials shall be supplied ready mixed in jax rFkk lEc) lkexzh iwoZ fefJr :i esa] mRiknd ds Mªeksa@ihiksa
maker’s drum/ kegs etc. vkfn esa vkiwfÙkZ gksxhA

iz f r yhVj

17053 Creosote oil → 180.20 1705

170533 yksgoku dk rsy
17054 Coaltar, crude for general purposes → 41.60 1705
170544 dksyrkj dPpk] vke t:jrksa ds fy,
17055 Coaltar, black paint → 41.60 170555 dksyrkj dkyk] jax

PER LITRE iz f r yhVj

Pink Zinc chrome Aluminium
primer primer primer
xqykch ftad Økse vYeqfu;e
vLrjh vLrjh vLrjh

17056 Primers for wood and wood 1705

170566 vLrjh jax] ydM+h rFkk ydM+h
based materials → 145.60 168.20 156.30 ←vk/kkfjr lkexzh ds fy,

Aluminium Red oxide Red

red oxide zinc chrome lead
primer primer primer
vYeqfu;e yky vklatd flanjq
yky vklatd ftad Økse vLrjh
vLrjh vLrjh

17057 Primer for steel and iron 1705

170577 vLrjh jax] bLikr rFkk yksgs ds
work → 152.50 152.50 167.40 ←fy;s
SECTION 17 349
[k.M 17&jksxu dk;Z
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfÙk½ tkjh
PER LITRE iz f r fyVj

17058 Priming paint, for brick, stone, concrete, 17058 vLrjh jax] bZaV iRFkj] daØhV] ,LoSLVl lhesaV ;k
asbestos cement or plastered surfaces → 110.90 ←iyLrjh lrgksa ds fy,
17059 Red oxide paint for hessian → 104.00 17059 yky vkDlkbM] eksVs diM+s ds fy,

17060 Synthetic enamel paint (Ordinary tint) → 221.80 17060 flUFkSfVd ,usey jax
17061 Plastic emulsion paint → 227.30 17061 ik;l ,ey'ku jax
17062 Aluminium paint (in dual containers) → 208.00 17062 vYewfu;e jax ¼nksgjs Mccs esa½
17063 Black bituminous paint → 145.60 17063 dkyh jky fefJr jax
17064 Synthetic enamel paint (Superior tint) → 235.70 17064 flUFkkSfVd ,usey jax
17065 Exterior emulsion paint → 310.20 17065 ,DlVhfj;j ,ey'ku jax
17066 Thick white paint for lettering → 195.10 17066 xk<+k lQsn jax] 'kCnksa ds fy,
17067 Acid resistant paint → 275.00 17067 vEy vojks/kd jax
17068 Fire resisting silicate paint → 310.15 17068 vfXu fu;a=d] vfZXu izLrj fefJr jax
17069 Heat resisting paint → 284.20 17069 rki fu;a=d jax
17070 Black Japan, any type → 145.60 17070 dkyk tkiku] fdlh fdLe dk
17071 Ready mixed paint for use on floors → 295.00 17071 iwoZ fefJr jax] Q'kZ ds fy,
17072 Knotting (Shellac varnish) → 130.25 17072 xk<+h ¼piMs dh okjfu'k½
17073 Liquid filler, transparent, for wood → 40.00 17073 rjy iwjd] ikjn'kZd] ydM+h ds fy,
17074 Linseed oil, raw and refined → 155.10 17074 vylh dk rsy] dPpk vkSj 'kq) fd;k gqvk
17075 French polish → 310.20 17075 QSUp ikfy'k
17076 Varnish finishing, interior or exterior → 285.00 17076 okjfu'k ped Hkhrjh ;k ckgjh
17077 Lacquer, cellulose, clear or pigmented → 286.00 17077 lqugjh] dks'ke;] LoPN ;k jaxhu
17078 Mordant solution for use on zinc or
galvanised surfaces → 280.20 17078 piV] tLrk ;k tLrh] lrg ij iz;ksx ds fy,
17079 Stain oil, any tint → 80.00 17079 vfHkjatd rsy] fdlh Hkh jax esa
17080 Stain spirit, any tint → 78.50 17080 vfHkjatd fLifjV] fdlh Hkh jax esa
17081 Methylated spirit → 90.30 17081 ouLifr fefJr ifjLd`r fLifjV
17082 Paint remover, flammable or inflammable
→ 97.10 17082 jksxu gVkÅ izTofyr ¼vnkgh½ ;k Toyu'khy ¼nkgh½]

PER KILOGRAM iz f r fdyks x z k e

17083 Beeswax → 450.00 17083 eD[kh ekse

17084 Grey filler for wood or steel/iron → 180.00 17084 Hkwjk iwjd] ydM+h ;k bLikr@yksgs ds fy,
350 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
[k.M 18&ty iwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
fo'ks"k 'krsZa
18.1 Measurements 18-1 eki
(a) The diameter of pipes and fittings shall be the ¼d½ uy vkSj miLdkjksa dk O;kl] Hkhrjh fNnz dk ukHkh;
nominal diameter of internal bore, unless
otherwise designated in the relevant Indian
O;kl gksxk] tc rd fd vU;Fkk lacfa /kr Hkkjrh; ekud
Standard. esa vuqlwfpr u gksA
(b) In case fittings of unequal bore, the largest bore ¼[k½ miLdkjksa ds vlaxr fNnz gksus dh n'kk esa] lcls cM+k
shall be measured.
fNnz ukik tk;sxkA
(c) Pipes and fittings shall be measured net as ¼x½ uy vkSj miLdj] ml fufnZ"V ds vuqlkj ugha uisaxs]
specified for the respective type of the pipes.
tks fdlh fo'ks"k izdkj ds uy ds lac/a k esa fn;k x;k gksA
18.2 Rates 18-2 njs a
Rates for laying or fixing pipes and fittings etc. uyksa ;k miLdkjksa dks fcNkus ;k yxkus vkfn dh njksa esa fuEu
include for: 'kkfey gSA
(a) Distributing the pipes along the route of the
¼d½ uy Mkyus ds jkLrs ij lkFk&lkFk uyksa dk forj.k
(b) Any tackles or equipment required for lowering ¼[k½ uyksa vkfn dks [kkb;ksa esa uhps mrkjus ds fy, ;k
the pipes, etc. in the trenches or for raising the
bfPNr Åpk¡bZ rd mBkus ds fy;s] vko';d ;a= ;k
pipes, etc. to the required height.
lk/ku tqVkukA
(c) Testing of the system/installation (pipes, ¼x½ i)fr@LFkkiuk ¼uyksa] miLdkjksa] esugksyksa vkfn½ dh
fittings, manholes, etc.) as specified.
visf{kr tk¡p djkukA
(d) For turning water off or on as necessary and ¼?k½ vko';drkuqlkj ikuh [kksyuk o can djus ds fy;s rFkk
taking off and refixing covers, access doors etc.
<Ddu] igqp }kj vkfn dks gVkuk o iqu% yxkukA

18.3 Manholes: 18-3 es u gks y %

All items of work in manholes shall be measured
esugksy ds dk;Z dks lacaf/kr Hkkx dh njksa ds vUrxZr ekik
under respective sections.


mi[k.M *,* ty vkiwfŸkZ
<ys yksgs ds ty iz.kky
(a) The measurement of pipes shall be net as fixed between the ¼d½ uyksa dh eki] NksVh yEckbZ;ksa lfgr] dVkbZ o Nhtu MkV o
fittings including short lengths, without any allowance dksVj yxs uyksa ds ml Hkkx ds tks bu miLdkjksa ds vUnj gS]a
for cutting and waste, and in case of spigot and socketed
pipes for the portions entering the sockets of the pipes and
dks NksMd+ j LFkkfir :i esa fo'kq) yh tk;sx a hA miLdj izFkd
fittings. Fittings shall be measured separately. Excavation ekis tk;saxsA Hkwfe [kqnkbZ o feêh dk;Z izFkd eisaxsA
and earthwork shall be measured separately.

(b) The rates for laying pipes and fittings do not include for ¼[k½ uyksa o miLdkjksa dks fcNkus dh njksa esa] la;kstu o la;kstu
jointing and jointing materials. lkexzh 'kkfey ugha gSA
SECTION 18 351
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
<ys yksgs ds ty iz.kkyh tkjh
(c) The rates for laying cast iron water mains, etc. include ¼x½ <ys yksgs ds ty iz.kky vkfn dh yxkus dh njksa esa uyksa dks
for laying level or to falls, in trenches, on the ground ry] xgjkbZ] [kkbZ;ksa esa] tehu ij ;k tehu ry ij lgkjksa
or on supports above ground level.
ij yxkuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) The rates in this table also apply to cast iron rising ¼?k½ bl rkfydk dh njsa] lhoj ;k vuq:i dk;Z esa mHkkjh iz.kkyksa
mains in a sewerage system or similar work. The rates ij Hkh ykxw gksrh gSaA njksa esa f'kadtsa o vU; tqM+kbZ miLkk/ku
do not include for clamps and other fixing accessories,
'kkfey ugha gS]a mUgsa [k.M 10& bLikr yksgk dk;Z ds **vkiwfÙkZ
which shall be measured separately under Section
10—Steel and Iron Work at 'Supplied and fixed' rates. o LFkkfir** dh njksa ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
(e) No allowance shall be made for cuts on pipes in new ¼M½ u;s dk;Z ;k lq/kkjksa esa uyksa dh dkV dh dksbZ NwV ugha nh
work or in repairs except when the pipes are supplied tk;sxh flok; tcfd uy ,e Mh us **dsoy fcNkbZ** gsrq fn;s
by M.D. for 'laying only' in which case 'labour cutting
only' shall be allowed for each cut ordered and made.
gksa] ml n'kk esa vknsf'kr o dkVs x;s izR;sd dkV ij **dsoy
dVkbZ Je** ekU; gksxk A
(f) The rates for flanged pipes and fittings include cost ¼p½ dksjnkj uyksa ;k miLdkjksa dh njksa esa] <ys yksgs ds pwM+hnkj o
of C.I. screwed and drilled flanges and screwing tight
and flush with ends at right angle to the axis of pipe
ojeh dksjksa okys rFkk tgka dksj;qDr uyksa dk fuekZ.k ugha gksrk
including proper facing of flanges, where monolithic ogka dksjksa dh lgh x<r lfgr le dks.k ij ispksa ls dls
cast flanged pipes are not manufactured. fdukjksa dh lgh x<+r okys uy 'kkfey gSaA

PER RUNNING Materials and labour Except pipes iz f r ehVj

METRE lkexzh o Je uy ds jfgr
Bore in mm Bore in mm
SPIGOT AND fNnz feeh esa fNnz feeh esa MkV o dksVj uy
SOCKET 80 100 150 200 250 300 80 100 150 200 250 300
18001 Cast iron pipes 18001 MkV o dksVj ;qDr
with spigot and fdukjs <ys yksgs ds
socket ends
uyds( dsUnz izlkfjr
cast. Class LA, <ys LA ds
in any length, fdlh Hkh yEckbZ esa
laid in trenches ← [kkb;ksa esa Mkys x;s
→ 1016.36 1240.20 1852.45 3129.85 4079.52 5467.76 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03

18002 Ditto, class A, 18002 lc en 18001 tSlk]

ditto → 1222.95 1563.25 2537.38 3656.72 4943.31 6359.28 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ← fdUrq A
18003 Ditto, class B, 18003 lc en 18001 tSlk]
ditto → 1306.14 1674.17 2717.63 3947.89 4810.21 5333.27 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ← fdUrq B
18004 Cast iron pipes 18004 MkV o dksVj fdukjs
with spigot and okys uyds [kaMs <ys
socket ends,
vertically cast,
*,* ds fdlh Hkh
class A, in any yEckbZ esa [kkb;ksa esa
length, laid in fcNk;sa x;s
trenches → 1231.27 1577.12 2489.47 3681.68 4971.04 6558.93 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ←
352 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
<ys yksgs ds ty iz.kkyh tkjh
PER RUNNING Materials and labour Except pipes iz f r ehVj
METRE lkexzh o Je uy ds jfgr
Bore in mm Bore in mm
fNnz feeh esa fNnz feeh esa
80 100 150 200 250 300 80 100 150 200 250 300 MkV o dksVj uyds
18005 Ditto, but class 18005 lc en 2453 tSlk
B, ditto→
→ 1308.91 1683.88 2734.27 3958.98 5371.74 6913.88 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03
← fdUrq ch

FLANGED PIPES dks j ;q D r uyds

18006Cast iron pipes 18006 dksj;qDr <ys yksgs
with flanged
ends, centrifu-
ds uyds dsUnzk;r
gally cast, class <ys] , fdlh
A, in any Hkh yEckbZ es]a [kkb;ksa
length laid in esa fcNk;s x;s
trenches → 1400.42 1757.36 2770.32 4416.53 5338.46 6816.82 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ←
18007Ditto, but class 18007 lc en 2454 tSlk
B, ditto→
→ 1483.61 1868.28 2908.9 4582.91 5532.57 7038.66 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03
← fdUrq ch
18008Cast iron pipes 18008 <ys yksgs ds dksj;qDr
with flanged uyds [kM+h <ykbZ
ends/ verticaliy
, fdlh Hkh
cast, Class A, in
any length, laid yEckbZ esa [kkb;ksa esa
in trenches→
→ 1469.75 1840.55 2867.37 4513.58 5449.38 6941.61 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ← fcNk;s x;s
18009All as in item 18009 lHkh en 18008 tSlk
18008, but class fdUrq ch
B, ditto → 1559.87 1958.40 3012.95 4700.76 5664.29 7177.31 30.56 51.97 69.41 93.42 118.29 120.03 ←

yksgs dh <yh gqbZ miLdj nkolg uy ty xSl o ey ty ds fy,
Notes: uks V %
(a) The rates include transportation, handling and placing in ¼d½ bu njksa esa miLdkjksa dh <qykbZ] laHkky] rFkk Øe ls izLrkfor
position the fittings in proposed location and alignment
to the laying of pipes as ordered.
dk;ZLFky ij j[kuk rFkk funs'Z kkuqlkj uyksa dh fcNkbZ ds lkFk
O;ofLFkr djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rates also include for cutting of pipe for insertion of ¼[k½ bu njksa esa miLdkjksa esa Mkyus ds fy,] tgka u;s dk;Z esa
fittings where necessitated in new works. vko';drk gks] uy dh dVkbZ Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(c) The weight of fittings for the purpose of payment shall be ¼x½ Hkqxrku ds fy,] miLdkjksa dk okLrfod Hkkj fy;k tk;sxk ;k
actual weight of fitting or weight as indicated for each og Hkkj rks Hkk-ek- esa dksM Hkk-ek- 1538&1976 ¼Hkkx 1 ls XXV½
fitting in IS code IS-1538- 1976 (Part I to XXV).
esa fn;k x;k gSA
SECTION 18 353
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
yksgs dh <yh gqbZ miLdj nkolg uy ty xSl o ey ty ds fy, tkjh

PER KILOGRAM M&L Labour only izfr fdyksxzke

lkexzh ,oa Je except fittings
FITTINGS FOR SPIGOT dsoy Je MkVnkj dksVj ;qDr uy ds miLdj
tqMu+ kj
Up to 150 200 to Upto 200 to
bore in 300 mm 150 mm 300 mm
18010Bends (any type, radius and 18010
18010eksM ¼fdlh uewus] O;kl o dks.k½
mm bore bore bore
angle) tapers any type, Qans fdlh uewus ds ¼lh/ks] ewM]s+ c<ko
(straight, bend, increasing, 150 rd 200 ls 150feeh 200 ls
okys] ?kVko okys ;k nksgjs dksVj
decreasing or double socket etc.) feeh esa 300 feeh rd Nsn 300 feeh
okys] vkfn½ ,d 'kk[kk okyh Vh *Y*
Tee pieces single branch. "Y" Nsn Nsn Nsn
junction, double branch, cross nksgjs 'kk[kk okys Y tksM+] pkSeqgkuh
(all sockets or socket and spigot) ¼lHkh dksVj ;k dksVj ;k MkV½ dkyj
collars, caps and plugs → Vksfi;ka rFkk Iyx
66.92 75.40 2.44 1.63 ←
FITTINGS FOR FLANGED PIPES MkVnkj dksVj ;qDr uy ds miLdj
18011Bends. Tapers. Tee pieces 18011
18011eksM] Qans] Vh;ka ¼,dy ;k nksgjh
(single & double branch) any 'kk[kk½ fdlh uewus vkSj dks.k@O;kl
type and angle/radius and
rFkk lh/ks tksM+ okys [kaM fdUrq lHkh
straight connecting pieces but
all ends flanged → ← ds fljs dksjnkj
102.16 110.49 2.44 1.63
18012Connecting pieces one end 18012
18012la;kstu [kaM ,d vksj dksjnkj nwljh
flanged and other socket or vksj dksVj ;k MkVnkj rFkk ,d vksj
spigot and bell mouth pieces
one end flanged other end
dksjnkj nwljh vksj ladjs ?kaVh uqek
tapering as bell mouth → 104.89 112.84 2.44 1.63 ← eqgÌ okys


ty iz.kkyh tksM+

The rates for jointing flanged pipes and fittings include for dksjnkj uydksa o miLdkjksa dks tksM+us dh njksa esa] dkcyksa] f<ofj;ksa]
provision of bolts, nuts, washers and white lead or mineral oil. ok'kjksa o lQsnk ;k [kfut rsy dh O;oLFkk djuk 'kkfey gSA
354 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ty iz.kkyh tksM+ tkjh

EACH Materials and labour Labour only iz R ;s d

lkexzh o Je uy ds jfgr
Bore in mm Bore in mm
SPIGOT AND fNnz feeh esa fNnz feeh esa MkV o dksVj;qDr
SOCKET PIPES 80 100 150 200 250 300 80 100 150 200 250 300
uyds rFkk miLdj

18013 Cement joint → 112.84 136.64 170.64 219.09 287.10 309.30 98.98 114.21 125.00 140.00 160.00 175.00 18013 lhesaV tksM+
18014 Rubber gasket 18014 jcM+ xkLdsV tksM+
joint → 137.99 184.28 293.99 471.68 583.66 870.21 40.00 40.00 45.00 48.00 50.00 60.00

18015 Lead wool joint 380.12 496.25 769.92 1023.32 1386.93 1704.57 100.00 100.00 125.00 135.00 140.00 150.00 18015 dkafpr ydM+h tksM+
18016 Run lead joint 504.91 670.15 980.15 1409.64 1737.04 2440.12 100.00 100.00 125.00 135.00 140.00 150.00 18016 rjy lhlk tksM+k

FLANGED PIPES dksj;qDr uyds rFkk

18017 Joint with 18017 jcM+ ;k js'ks Qyd
rubber or fibre
board gasket→→ 137.99 184.28 293.99 474.96 583.66 870.21 40.00 40.00 45.00 48.00 50.00 60.00
xkLdsV ls tksM+


eq[; uy dh dVkbZ rFkk m[kkM+uk vkfn

(a) The rates in the following table include for cleaning and ¼d½ fuEufyf[kr rkfydk dh njksa esa lQkbZ djuk rFkk 200 eh- ls
removing n. exc 200 m and stacking, and also for turning vuf/kd LFkku ij j[kuk o visf{kr ty fuLdklu o fdukl
off water and draining the system as required.
(b) The length shall be measured net over all pipes and fittings, ¼[k½ yEckbZ dh eki] uy o miLdkjksa dh dsUnz js[kk ds lkFk&lkFk
along the centre line of pipes and fittings.
ls uy o miLdjksa ds Åij ls 'kq) dh tk;sxhA
SECTION 18 355
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
eq[; uy dh dVkbZ rFkk m[kkM+uk vkfn tkjh
PER RUNNING METRE Bore of pipes in mm iz f r ehVj
18018Taking up cast iron water uyksa esa fNnz feeh esa 18018 <ys yksgs ds MkV o dksVj fdukjs
mains (including all fittings), 80 100 150 200 250 300
okys] lhlk yxss ty iz.kkyksa dks ¼lHkh
with spigot and socket ends
and lead joints including
miLdkjksa lfgr½ tksM+ksa dks tykdj
burning out joints and lhlk fudkyus lfgr] fudkyuk
recovering lead→ → 40.00 45.00 90.00 130.00 150.00 185.00 ←
18019Ditto, with flanged ends 18019 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dksjnkj fdukjs okys]
including disconnecting fcPNsnd uyksa o lHkh miLdkjksa lfgr]
pipes and fittings complete→→
14.33 28.66 39.80 49.36 57.32 63.69 ← liw¡.kZ
18020Ditto, asbestos cement 18020 mi;qZDr vng lhesaV ds nko lg
pressure pipes, any class, fdlh ds uy] ¼lHkh miLdjksa
(including all fittings), lfgr½] foPNsnd uy rFkk iw.kZ
including disconnecting
miLdkjksa lfgr
pipes and fittings complete→
→ 12.74 19.11 31.84 39.80 49.36 57.32 ←
18021Deduct from item 18018, if 18021 ?kVk;sa en 18018 ls ;fn tksM+ lhesVa ;k
joints are of cement or jcM+ ds /kkxs ls yxs gksa
rubber gasket→ → 12.50 15.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 ←

EACH iz R ;s d
18022Cutting cast iron pipes and 18022 yksgs ds nys] uyksa dks Mkyus ls igys
reducing to required length dkV dj misf{kr yEckbZ rd ?kVkuk
before laying (pipes supplied ¼uy dh j{kk ea=ky; }kjk iwfrZ dsoy
by M.D. for laying only)→→ 100.00 120.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 250.00
← fcNkus ds fy,½
18023Ditto, in position for 18023 mi;qZDr] ubZ Vh;ksa rFkk 'kk[kkvksa dks
insertion of new tees, yxkus dh fLFkfr esa ykuk
branches, etc.→ → 191.06 238.82 382.11 477.64 573.17 764.22 ←
18024All as in item 18023 but 18024 lc en 18023 tSlk] ysfdu vng
asbestos cement pressure lhesVa nkolg uy fLFkfr es]a mi;qDZ r
pipes in position ditto → 95.53 127.37 191.06 238.82 286.58 382.11 ←
18025Burning out lead joint in 18025 fLFkr esa yxs tksM+ksa dks tykdj lhls
position, including removing dks Hk.Mkj esa igqpk¡uk vkfn lfgrA
old lead to store, etc.→
→ 129.06 206.95 281.82 415.66 474.91 537.64 ←
18026Dismantling joints of flanged 18026 yxs gq, dksjnkj uyksa ds tksM+ksa dks
pipes in position, including [kksyuk] iqjkuh jcM+ ;k js'ks ds /kkxs]
removing old rubber or
fibre board gaskets, bolts,
dkoys o f<ofj;ka vkfn fudky dj
nuts. etc. to store → 41.00 46.00 91.00 135.00 152.00 190.00 ← Hk.Mkj igqpk¡uk lfgr
18027Ditto, cast iron detachable 18027 mi;qZDr] yksgs ds <ys fo;ksT; tksM+
joints or asbestos cement
;k vng lhessaV dh f<ofj;ka lfgr]
couplings of asbestos
cement pressure pipes in mi;qZDr
position, including, ditto→→ 76.62 106.26 177.84 289.14 386.73 480.70 ←
18028Dismantling cement or 18028 MkV rFkk lkfdV okys uyksa ds lhesVa
rubber gasket joints of ;k jcM+ ds /kkxs ds tksM+ [kksyuk]
spigot and socket pipes
mi;ksxh lkexzh dks Hk.Mkj igqpkuk
including removal of any
useful materials to store → 39.00 44.00 89.00 129.00 149.00 184.00

356 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
lywl okYo] cEcs vkfn ¼j{kk ea=ky; }kjk iwfrZ½

(a) The rates include for all jointing materials except rubber ¼d½ ;g njsa tksM+ yxkus dh lHkh lkexzh gSa flok; jcM+ ;k js'ks ds
or fibre board gaskets and bolts and nuts which shall be /kkxs vkSj dkoys rFkk f<ofj;ksa ds ftudh iwfrZ j{kk ea=kky;
supplied by M.D.
}kjk gksxhA
(b) The rates 'add if fixed in repairs' include for taking off ¼[k½ **tksM+as ;fn ejEer esa yxh gks** dh njksa esa tksM+ lkexzh dkcys
connecting pieces, bolts, nuts, jointing rings, etc, also f<ofj;ka] tksM+ ufy;ka vkfn rFkk tykdj lhls ds tksM+ fudkyuk
burning out run lead joints and removing retrieved articles
to store.
vkSj iqjkuh phtksa dks Hk.Mkj esa igqp
a kuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(c) Rates include for turning water off or on and draining the ¼x½ bu njksa esa ikuh myhpuk ;k ckgj fudkyuk rFkk misf{kr ikuh
system as required. fudklh dh O;oLFkk djuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) Lead and cast iron detachable joints, connecting pieces, ¼?k½ yksgs ds <ys fo;ksT; rFkk lhlk tksM] la;kstd [kaM] xzkgh vkfn
adopters etc., where required, shall be measured separately. tgka vko';d gks] vyx ls ukih tk;sxhA

SLUICE VALVES Bore of pipes in mm lywl okYo

uyksa esa fNnz feeh esa
EACH 80 100 150 200 250 300 iz R ;s d
18029 Fixing only sluice valve with 18029 fdlh Hkh rjhds ds dksjnkj fdukjs
flanged ends, any pattern→ → 63.91 191.00 318.00 332.00 354.00 477.60 ← okys lywl cYo dsoy yxkuk
18030 If fixed in repairs → 159.21 287.00 436.00 650.00 882.00 965.00 18030 tksMsa+] ;fn ejEer esa yxk;k gks
18031 Repacking stuffing box of 18031 lywl okYo ds laos"Vd cDls dh
sluice valve spindle uko fudkydj [kksyuk] vyx djuk
including taking apart and ← rFkk iqu% tksM+us lfgr
reassembling → 206.98 318.43 398.03 541.32 684.61 796.06
18032 Taking out sluice valves 18032 lywl okYoksa dks fudkydj iqu%
refacing, regrinding and ← laokjuk] iqu% yxkukA
refixing → 796.06 1194.09 1592.13 2069.76 2547.40 2706.61

FIRE HYDRANTS Fixing only Add if fixed in vfXu cEcs

yxkuk dsoy repairs
tksM+sa] ;fn ejEer
18033 Fire hydrants 65mm dia with
esa yxs gksa 18033 xM<suqek] 65 feeh O;kl ds ,d rjQ
single flanged end, "pit" pattern,
including labour for jointing ls dksjnkj fdukjs okys vfXu cEcs] ,d
only one flanged joint→ → 201.79 100.53 ← dksjnkj fdukjs dks tksMu+ s dk dsoy Je
18034 Pillar pattern fire hydrant, ditto→
→ 786.47 477.64 18034 [kEHksuqek vfXu cEcs] mi;qZDr
lrgh cDls vkfn
18035 Stop valve (or sluice valve)
covers, cast iron, including
18035 yksgs ds <ys jksd ckYo ¼;k lywl ckYo½
bedding in cement mortar 1:3. <Ddu] 1%3 lhesVas elkys esa yxkbZ lfgr
complete → 95.53 47.76 ← lai.w kZ
18036 Surface boxes, cast iron, for 18036 vfXu cEcs ds fy;s yksgs ds <ys lrgh
fire hydrant, including ditto→
→ 191.06 95.53 ← cDls mi;qZDr lfgr
SECTION 18 357
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ty ehVj ¼j{kk ea=ky; }kjk iwfrZ½
(a) The rates include for all jointing materials except rubber ¼d½ bu njksa esa tksM+ yxkus dh lkexzh 'kkfey gS flok; jcM+] js'ks ds
or fibre board gaskets, bolts and nuts, which will be supplied /kkxs vkSj dkoys o f<ofj;ka] ftldh iwfrZ j{kk ea=ky; }kjk gksxhA
by M.D.
(b) New water meters for tubing upto 50mm diameter will be ¼[k½ uydksa ds fy, 50 feeh rd O;kl ds u;s ehVj ;qXey tksM+
supplied complete with union joints, new water meters for lfgr]] 80 ls 150 feeh O;kl rd ds dksjnkj fdukjs lfgr
tubing 80 to 150mm diameter will be supplied with flanged
iwfjr fd;s tk;sx
a (s jcM+ ;k js'ks ds /kkxs rFkk dkoys o f<ofj;ka]
ends, rubber or fibre board gaskets and bolts and nuts, also
with spigot and socket connecting pieces. MkV o lkfdV rFkk tksMu+ s dh lkexzh dh Hkh iwfrZ dh tk;sxhA
(c) Rates include for turning water off and on and draining ¼x½ njsa] ikuh myhpus vkSj ckgj fudkyus rFkk funsZ'kkuqlkj ikuh
the system, as required. fudklh dh O;oLFkk djus lfgr gSA

WATER METERS, ANY Bore of pipes in mm ty ehVj fdlh uewus ds

PATTERN cs/ku uy dk feeh esa
15 20 25 32 40 50 iz R ;s d
18037Fixing only to steel tubing→ → 97.29 97.29 97.29 97.29 107.28 196.34 18037
18037yksgs dh ufy;ksa dh dsoy LFkkiuk
18038Removing meter for testing, 18038
18038;qXeyksa ds isp fudky dj ehVj dks
etc., by unscrewing unions, tkap vkfn ds fy, fudkyuk] ;qXe dks
fitting unions with screw
isp xV~Vksa ls yxkuk ;k vYi yEckbZ dh
plugs, or inserting short length
or tubing screwed both ends uyh dks nksuksa vksj isp yxkdj cSBkuk
so as to maintain supply → 97.29 97.29 117.28 136.38 156.37 196.34 ← ftlls iwfrZ dk;e jgsA
18039Replacing meter (old or new), 18039
18039xV~Vs ;k vLFkkbZ lEca/k dks gVkdj
taking out plugs or temporary ehVj ¼iqjkuk ;k u;k½ nqckjk yxkuk
connections and reconnecting
97.29 97.29 117.28 136.38 156.37 196.34 ← rFkk ehVj ;qXeyksa dks iqu% tksM+uk
meter and unions →
18040Removing meter (including 18040
18040yksgs dh uyh esa ispksa ls dls ehVj
unions) screwed to steel ¼;qXey lfgr½ gVkuk
tubing → 79.61 79.61 79.61 79.61 79.61 159.21 ←

Bore of pipes in mm
cs/ku uy dk feeh esa
18041Fixing only, including labour only for two 80 100 150 18041
18041dsoy Je lfgr dsoy yxkuk] nks dkoys ds
bolted flange joints; (run lead joints, if any, dksjnkj tksMk+ as dks tksMu+ s ds fy, ¼iryk lhlk tksM+
shall be measured under item 18016) → 530.95 692.86 1128.42 ← ;fn dksbZ gks rks og en 18016 es ekih tk;sxh
18042Replacing meter with flanged joints; 18042
18042dksjnkj tksM+ ds lkFk ehVj ls iqu% yxkuk]
including removal of flanged dksjnkj la;kstd [kaMksa ;k likV dksj dks
connecting piece, or blank flange (if
required) or taking out meter for testing,
fudkyuk ¼;fn vko';d gks½ ;k ehVj dks tkap
etc., and fixing (but not supplying) a vkfn ds fy, fudkyuk rFkk ,d yEckbZ ds
length of flanged connecting pipe (or dksjnkj la;kstd uy ¼;k nks likV dksjnkj½
two blank flanges) and labour only yxkuk ¼fdUrq iwfrZ ugha½ rFkk nks dksjnkj tksM+ksa
for two flanged joints → 467.26 623.49 1001.55 ← ds fy, dsoy Je
18043Taking out meter with spigot and 18043
18043MkV rFkk lkfdV la;kstd [kaMksa ds lkFk nksgjs
socket connecting pieces, including lhlk tksMksa lfgr ehVj fudkyuk
burning out to lead joints → 174.21 263.13 355.67 ←
358 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ty iz.kkyksa esa cjes }kjk Nsn djuk rFkk pwM+h dkVuk
(a) The rates include for turning water off and on and ¼d½ bu njksa esa ikuh dk tc rc cnyuk rFkk fudklh vkSj
draining and refilling the system as required. vko';drkuqlkj iqu% ikuh Hkjus dh O;oLFkk djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) If water mains are to be drilled and tapped under pressure ¼[k½ ;fn ty iz.kkyksa esa ikuh ds ncko ds le; Nsn djuk gS ;k pwM+h
(i.e. without turning off water flowing through them), dkVuh gS ¼vFkkZr muesa pyrs ikuh dks fudkys fcuk½ rks fuEu njksa
twice the following rates shall be paid.
ds nqxus ds cjkcj fn;k tk;sxkA

EACH 15 mm 20 mm iz R ;s d
15 feeh 20 feeh 1 8 0 4 4 yksgs ds <ys iz.kkyksa esa Hkhrjh Nsn djuk rFkk pwMh+
18044 Drilling and tapping cast iron water mains
(in position) for branch connections of the ← dkVuk ¼yxs gq,½ O;kl ds 'kk[kk feyku ds fy,
internal dia → 429.90 557.24
18045 Ditto A.C. water mains (in position) 1 8 0 4 5 mi;qDZ r] mng lhesVa ty iz.kky ¼fLFkfr es½a mi;qDZ r
ditto including saddle piece and nuts and dkBh vkoj.kksa f<ofj;ksa vkSj dkoyksa lfgr
bolts → 127.37 206.98 ←

STEEL WATER TUBING yks g s dh ty ufydk

(a) The rates in the following table include for galvanised steel (Gl) ¼d½ fuEufyf[kr lwph dh njsa tLrh yksgs ds uyds] ispksa ls dls dksVj
tubing with screwed socket joints, together with all tube fillings
tksM+ lHkh miLdkjksa ¼tSls cSM a ] dksgfu;ksa Vh;s]a NksVs mikax] la;kstd]
(such as bends, elbows, tees, short pieces, connectors, back-
nuts, diminishing pieces, caps, plugs and unions, etc.) and fixing mYVs dkoys] U;qud mikax Vksfi;k o MkaV]s ;qXey vkfn½ lfgr gSa
complete with clips, wall hooks, wooden plugs, or laying in rFkk] fpefV;ksa nhokj gqd] ydM+h dh MkVksa ls iw.kZr% fLFkj djuk
trenches, etc., also for cutting, screwing and waste and for making ;k [kkbZ;ksa esa fcNkuk vkfn] dVkbZ] isp dlkbZ og Nhtu rFkk
forged bends on piping as required. Connectors shall be inserted, visf{kr dksjnkj eksM+ uyksa esa cukuk HkhA tgka visf{kr gks ;k
where required or directed. The rates also include cutting through
walls, floors, etc. and their making good.
funsfZ 'kr gks la;kstdksa dks ?kqlk;k tk;sxkA njksa esa nhokjksa Q'kksaZ vkfn
esa dVkbZ djuk rFkk mUgsa ifj"d`r djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) All measurements, whether 'laid complete', fixed complete' 'laying ¼[k½ lHkh dk;Z pkgs og lai.w kZ fcNkbZ *lai.w kZ yxkbZ* o *dsoy fcNkbZ]
only' or fixing only' shall be net. The rates for 'laying only', or ;k *dsoy yxkbZ*] ds gks 'kq) ekis tk;sx a As bu esa Je] vkStkj] ;a=
fixing only' include for labour, tools and plant and all tube fittings
rFkk lHkh uy miLdj o lkexzh vfrfjDr uy ds 'kkfey gSAa
and materials other than tubes & tube fittings.
(c) Isolated length of pipes under 1 m length (of all diameters) shall ¼x½ ,d ehVj ls de ds vdsys uy ¼lHkh O;klksa ds½ dk Hkqxrku
be paid for as in 'Short lengths', 'Isolated' means not attached to *vYi yEckbZ* ds dk;Z leku gksxkA *vdsys* dk vFkZ gS fd og
pipes of the same substance. A 15mm branch (under lm) of a leku fLFkfr ds uy ls tqM+s ugh gSaA 20 feeh yksgs ds uy dh
20mm steel tubing would not be 'isolated'.
15 feeh dh ,d 'kk[kk ¼1 eh- ls de½ *vdsys* ugh gksxhA
(d) Length of service or waste pipes where in connection with ranges ¼?k½ lsok ;k ey uy dh yEckbZ tgka ;g /kko.k ik=] gkSfn;ksa] Lopky
of lavatory basins, sinks, flushing cisterns, laboratory work
Vadh] LoPNrk Vafd;ka rFkk leku] ls tqM+s gSaA vlkekU; la[;k
and the like requiring an exceptional number of fittings shall be
paid for as in 'Short lengths' and total enhanced by 20 percent. esa miLdj t:jh gks rks Hkqxrku *vYi yEckbZ* leku gksxk vkSj
The GE's decision regarding the portion of piping system to be ;ksx esa 20 izfr'kr dh o`f) gksxhA uy ds fdl Hkkx dks *vYi
classed as in 'Short lengths or otherwise' shall be final and binding. yEckbZ* vFkok vU;Fkk ekuk tk;s blds fy, nqxZ vfHk;Urk dk
fu.kZ; vafre ,oa ekU; gksxkA
(e) The rates do not include for cutting chases in walls, floors, etc. ¼M½ nhokjksa] Q'kksZ vkfn esa f>jh fudkyuk ,oa HkjkbZ rFkk [kkb;ksa esa
and their making good in the case of concealed pipe work and nok;s x;s uy dk feÍh dk;Z 'kkfey ugh gSA
earth work in the case of pipes laid in trenches.
(f) If old tubes and tube fittings are supplied by M.D. and fixed by ¼p½ ;fn iqjkus uy o miLdj ,e Mh us fn;s gSa vkSj Bsdsnkj us yxk;s
the Contractor, an addition of 20 per cent shall be made to the
gSa rks *fcNkbZ dsoy* ;k *dsoy* yxkbZ dh njksa dk 20 izfr'kr
rate for 'laying only' or 'fixing only' to cover the cost of cleaning
or returning the old screw threads as required. vf/kd Hkqxrku gksxk rkfd lQkbZ ;k iqjkus ispksa dh nqckjk Vwfuax
dh ykxr dh HkjikbZ gks ldsA
SECTION 18 359
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


yksgs dh ty ufydk tkjh

PER RUNNING Bore of tube in mm iz f r ehVj

METRE uy dk Nsn feeh esa
18046 Tubes, 'light 15 20 25 32 40 50 80 100 150 18046 gYdh Js . kh ds
grad', tLrk p<+s uyksa dks
with all fitting;
lHkh miLdjks
laid in trenches lfgr [kkb;ksa esa
→ 120.50 145.00 170.00 330.00 380.20 402.00 705.00 880.00 1102.80 ← nckuk
18047 Tubes, 'medium 18047 e/;e ds uy]
grade', ditto → mi;qZDr
130.00 158.60 184.60 344.50 396.50 421.20 760.50 916.50 1176.50 ←
18048 Laying only 18048 fdlh Hkh ds
tubes, any uyksa dks [kkb;ksa esa
grade, in dsoy nckuk
trenches → 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 32.00 40.00 ←
18049 Tubes, 'light 18049 gYdh Js . kh ds
grade' tLrk p<+s uyksa dks
galvanised, with
all fitting and
lHkh miLdkjks a
fixed complete lfgr nhokjksa vkSj
to walls and Nrksa ;k Q'kkZas esa
ceilings or laid yxkuk
in floors → 133.10 161.20 187.60 341.50 399.50 427.20 765.00 920.50 1180.00 ←
18050 Ditto, 'medium 18050 e/;e Js . kh]
grade', ditto → 143.00 169.00 196.00 356.00 411.00 433.00 771.00 929.00 1191.00 ← mi;qZDr
18051 Fixing only
tubes, any 18051 fdlh Hkh ds
grade, to walls
uyksa dks] nhokjksa]
and ceilings
or laying in Nrksa ;k Q'kksaZ esa
floors → 25.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 ← dsoy yxkuk
18052 Add to the fore 18052 tksfM+;ksa Åij dh
going items, if enksa esa ;fn *vYi
in 'short
← yEckbZ* esa gSa
lengths' → 5.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 30.00
360 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
yksgs dh ty ufydk tkjh
Pipe size in mm
(outside (outside (outside (outside (outside
18053 Supplying & laying in dia-16mm) dia-20mm) dia-25mm) dia-32mm) dia-40mm)
trencies Polyethylene
(PE-AL-PE) compositc
pressure pipes includin
all Crimp type internal
sealing Plastic-Metal
Composite fittings (such
as elbows, tees, reducers,
etc.) complete → 136.17 167.91 219.37 252.15 280.20
18054 – Ditto– but including
Compression type
fittings in lied of crimp
type fittings. → 166.20 201.20 260.10 285.40 406.29
18055 Laying only pipes in
trenches → 41.40 50.95 58.04 58.91 71.65
18056 Supplying & fixing to
walls/chases/ceilings or
laying in floors
Aluminium Ployethylene
(PE-AL-PE) composite
pressure pipes including
all Crimp type internal
sealing Plansticmetal
Composite fittings (such
as elbows, tees, reducers,
couplers, short pieces,
connectors, etc.) and
hooks (in case of
concealed pipe work)/
clamps (in case of
exposed pipe work)
complete. → 187.04 219.96 276.62 - -
- - - - -
18058 Fixing only pipes to
20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 27.00
or laying in floors →


ikuh ds uyksa vkSj l;kstuksa esa lq/kkj rFkk ifjorZu vkfn
(a) The rales apply to pipes above or below ground only in ¼d½ ;g njsa] lq/kkjksa rFkk ifjorZuksa esa] tehu ds Åij ;k uhps yxs
repairs and alterations. uyksa ij ykxw gSa A
(b) 'The rates for taking down piping, etc., and removing to ¼[k½ ;g njs]a uyksa vkfn dks fudkyus vkSj tgka t:jh gks miLdjksa
store include disconnection of fittings from tubing, dks vyx djds] Hk.Mkj esa igqpk¡us lfgr gSA
where required.
(c) The rates for 're-fixing only' include for cleaning or ¼x½ **nksckjk yxkuk dsoy** dh ;g njs]a lQkbZ djuk ;k vko';d
rerunning the old screw threads as required. iqjkus isp narqvksa dks fudkyus lfgr gaSA
SECTION 18 361
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


ikuh ds uyksa vkSj la;kstuksa esa lq/kkj Rkk ifjorZu vkfn tkjh

Bore of pipes in mm
uy dk Nsn feeh esa
18059 Taking up or down steel 15 20 25 or 32 40 or 50
18059 yksgs ds uyksa vksj la;kstuksa dks
tubing and connections, fudkyuk ;k m[kkM+uk rFkk nksckjk
including cleaning for re- yxkus ds fy, lkQ djuk ;k Hk.Mkj
fixing or removal to store → 30.25 36.62 40.20 49.20 ←esa igqapkuk lfgr
18060 Refixing old steel tubing and
connections in new or old 18060 iqjkus yksgs ds uyksa vkSj la;kstuksa
position (Walls, ceiling, dks ubZ ;k iqjkuh fLFkfr esa yxkuk
floors, etc.)→ 65.00 65.00 72.00 80.00
→ ←¼nhokjksa] Nrksa o Q'kkaZs vkfn½
CUTTING AND dVkbZ djuk rFkk isp dluk
Bore of pipes in mm
uy dk Nsn feeh esa iz R ;s d
15 20 25 or 32 40 or 50
18061 Cutting existing steel 18061 fo|eku yksgs ds uyksa dks ifjorZu
tubing for alterations or ;k ifjo/kZu ds fy, dkVuk ¼izfr
additions (Each cut 26.00 37.15 48.29 96.06
←dkV eisxh½
measured) →
18062 Screwing existing steel 18062 fo|eku yksgs ds uy ds isp dks
tubing for alterations or ifjorZu ;k ifjo/kZu ds fy, <hyk
additions (or lengthening djuk ¼;k uy ij la;kstd cukus
screw on pipe to form ←ds fy, isp c<+kuk½
connector) → 40.33 40.68 75.00 90.00
18063 Add to items 18061 & 18062
18063 en 18061 o 18062 esa tksfM+;s ;fn
if necessarily done in position fcuk fxjk;s fLFkfr esa ykusds fy;s
38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00
without taking down → ←vko';d dk;Z fd;k x;k gksA


ikyhfFku rFkk vuIykfLVd`r ihohlh uyds
(a) The rates in the following table include for pipes including ¼d½ fuEu rkfydk dh njksa esa vYi yEcu lfgr uyksa miLdjksa
short lengths, with all pipe fittings such as ends, elbows, tSls dksjksa] dksfu;ka] ;qXeysa] Vh;kí] U;wud Vh;ka] xzkfg;ka]
unions, tees, reducing tees, adoptors, sockets, plugs, hose
clips etc. and fixing to walls etc, complete with saddles
ldksVjsa] MkVsa] uyhnkj i+fr;ka vkfn vkSj nhokj vkfn esa
(snap clips), wall clips, hooks, protective mild steel tube yxkuk] lai.w kZ dkBh lfgr ¼dkVnkj ifŸk½] nhokj [kwVh] dkaVs]
sleeves and cutting through walls, floors and their making ueZ yksgs ds jf{kr nk;js rFkk nhokjksa Q'kksZa esa dVkbZ rFkk HkjkbZ
good or laying in trenches and also cutting, screwing and ;k [kkb;ksa esa nckuk vkSj isp dlkbZ vkSj vof'k"V 'kkfey gSAa
(b) All measurements whether ‘laid complete’, fixed ¼[k½ lHkh ekis]a pkgs ^lai.w kZ fcNkbZ* ^lai.w kZ nckuk* ;k ^dsoy LFkkiu*
complete’, ‘laying only’ or fixing only’ shall be net. The dh gksa fo'kq} gksx
a h] ^dsoy foNkuk* ;k ^dsoy LFkkiu* dh njksa
rates for ‘laying only’ or ‘fixing only’ include for labour, esa] Je] vkStkj o ;a= rFkk uyksa ds lHkh miLdj o lkexzh]
tools and plants and all tube fittings and materials other
than tubes.
uy jfgr 'kkfey gSaA
(c) The rates do not include for cutting chases in walls, etc. ¼x½ nhokj vkfn esa f>jh fudkyuk o mudh HkjkbZ djuk ,oa
and their making good in the case of concealed pipe work [kkbZ;ksa esa uyksa dks nckus ds ekeys esa ;g njsa ykxw ugha gksx
a hA
and earthwork in the case of pipes laid in trenches.
362 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ikyhfFku rFkk vuIykfLVd`r ihohlh uyds tkjh

PER RUNNING METRE Bore of pipes in mm iz f r ehVj

uy dk Nsn feeh esa
18064 Low density poly 18064 fuEu ?kuRo ds ikyhfFku
15 20 25 32 40 50
ethylene pipes uy ¼fu/kiku½ nkc fu/kkZj.k
(LDPE) of pressure ds 6 fdxzkQ@lsa eh-2
rating 6 kg/ cm2 laid
←[kkb;ksa esa nckuk
in trenches → 43.50 72.60 92.40 122.70 150.40 204.60
18065 High density poly- 18065 mPp /kuRo okys ikyhfFku
ethylene pipes uy ¼m/kiku½ nkc fu/kkj.k
(HDPE) of pressure 6 fdxzkQ@lsa- eh-2 dks
rating 6 kgf/cm2 laid
←[kkb;ksa esa Mkyuk
in trenches → 62.10 66.20 76.50 99.10 118.80 178.20
18066 Unplasticiscd PVC 18066 vuIykflVd`r ihohlh uy
pipes of pressure nkc fu/kkZj.k 10 fdxzkQ@
rating 10 kgf/cm 2 ←ls-eh-2 [kkb;ksa esa Mkyuk
laid in trenches → 46.30 50.16 54.12 92.40 167.64 182.16

18067 Laying only pipes 18067 fdlh uewus o fdlh

any type and grade ds uy [kkb;ksa esa dsoy
in trenches → 20.00 20.00 25.00 27.00 32.00 35.20 ←nckuk
18068 Low density polyet- 18068 fuEu ?kuRo okys ikyhFkhu
hylene pipes (LDPE) uy ¼fu/kiku½ nkc fu/kkZj.k
of pressure rating 6 ij 6 fdxzkQ@lsea h-2 nhokjks]a
kgf/cm2 fixed
complete to walls,
Nrksa ;k Q'kksZ vkfn esa yxkuk]
ceilings or in floors ←lai.w kZ
etc. →
115.35 143.12 169.28 209.03 244.51 312.53
18069 High density poly- 18069 mPp ?kuRo okys ikyhFkhu
ethylene pipes ¼m|iku½ ncko nj 6
(HDPE) of pressure
fdxzkQ@ls-a eh-2 nhokjks]a Nrksa
rating 6 kgf/cm 2
fixed complete to ;k Q'kksZa vkfn esa yxkuk
walls, ceilings or in ←lai.w kZ
floors etc. → 128.66 137.29 157.64 190.73 220.38 292.01
18070 Unplasticised PVC 18070 vuikyhFkhu ihohlh uy
pipes of pressure nkc fu/kkZj.k 10 fdxzkQ@ls-
rating 10 kgf/cm 2 eh-2 fdlh Hkh uewus ds] nhokjksa
fixed complete to
Nrksa ;k Q'kksZ vkfn esa yxkuk
walls, ceilings or in
floors etc., any type ←lai.w kZ
of pipe →
108.69 118.16 140.31 186.22 258.09 295.89
18071 Fixing only to walls, 18071 fdlh Hkh uewus ds uy
ceilings or in floors
dsoy yxkuk] nhokjks]a Nrksa
etc. any type of pipe

22.00 22.00 25.20 27.20 33.00 35.50 ←;k Q'kks± vkfn esa
SECTION 18 363
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ikyhfFku rFkk vuIykfLVd`r ihohlh uyds tkjh
RUNNING METRE Outer diameter of pipes in mm
16 20 25 32 40 50

18072 3-layer PP-R

random copolymer)
concealed pipes
SDR 7.4 (PN16) UV
stabilized and
antimicrobial fusion
welded having
thermal stability for
hot & cold water
supply including
all PP-R plain &
brass threaded
random fittings
fixed complete to
walls, ceilings or in
floors etc. → 122.40 145.16 174.20 263.68 345.61 401.50

RUNNING METRE Outer diameter of pipes in mm

16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 160

18073 3- layer PP-R

random copo-
lymer) conceal-
ed pipes SDR 7.4
(PN16) UV stabi-
lized and antimi-
crobial fusion
welded having
thermal stability
for hot & cold
water supply all
PP-R plain &
brass threaded
random fittings
laid in trenches. → 120.60 142.00 170.50 261.40 341.60 398.00 425.20 550.40 610.20 635.40 810.50
364 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ikyhfFku rFkk vuIykfLVd`r ihohlh uyds tkjh
(a) Wall thickness of pipes shall be all as per I.S. 15801.
(b) Five percent (5%) rates shall be reduced from
SI 18072 & 18073 if pipe are laid on ground or wall

EACH Outer dia of pipes in mm

18074 Making connection of PP-R 16 to 40 50 to 75
distribution branch with PP-R main
of following sizes by providing and
fixing tee including cutting and
making fusion joint etc. → 529.10 703.88

EACH Outer dia of pipes in mm

20 25 32 40 50 63 75
18075 Fixing only water
meter, metal
stopcock gunmetal
gate valve, brass ball
valve, gunmetal
non-returning valve
in PP-R pipe line
(cost of male sockets
included). → 255.86 349.10 646.37 801.30 850.40 908.10 1015.20

EACH Outer dia of pipes in mm

20 25 32 40 50 63
18076 PP-R Gate valves
(brass insert) as per
requirement of the
site → 498.44 545.30 604.51 737.27 1087.27 1546.41

EACH Outer dia of pipes in mm

20 25 32 40
18077 PP-R Ball valves (brass
insert) as per requirement of
the site →
891.14 975.34 1476.11 1560.58
SECTION 18 365
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

(A) CPVC pipes as per IS:15778 are produced in two different Standard Dimensional ratios SDR 11 & SDR 13.5.
Pressure bearing capacity of SDR 11pipes @23°C is 28.12kg/cm² & at @82°C 7.03kg/cm² and SDR 13.5 @23°C
is 22.5kg/cm² & at @82°C 5.60 kg/cm². CPVC fittings up to 50 mm are all SDR 11.
(B) CPVC pipes above 50mm are as per ASTM F 441 in Schedule 80 & Schedule 40. CPVC fittings above 50mm are
Schedule 80 only.
(C) All pipes & fittings of CPVC are UV Stable, leak proof, tough, rigid and suitable for internal and external water
supply applications.
(D) One step CPVC yellow solvent cement to be used for pipe & fittings up to 50 mm and 2 step CPVC Solvent cement
comprising of 1st step CPVC Primer and 2nd step CPVC solvent cement to be used on pipes & fittings above 50mm.
(E) Plain CPVC fittings mean fittings which do not have any metal component and is jointed with CPVC solvent
cement only (Elbow, Tee, Socket, Reducer, Bushing, Step over bends, End cap, End Plugs etc). Special fittings
include CPVC Brass fittings (Brass elbow, Brass Tee, Male threaded brass adaptor, Female threaded brass
adaptor etc), Unions, Ball valves, Flange and tank adaptor.
(F) The rate below includes all plain CPVC fittings and pipe cutting fixing with CPVC solvent cement and testing.
The rate do not includes for special fittings [CPVC Brass fittings (Brass elbow, Brass Tee, Male threaded brass
adaptor, Female threaded brass adaptor etc), Unions, Ball valves, Flange and tank adaptor]. These special
fittings shall be paid extra under relevant item of this schedule.
(G) CPVC pipes and fitting shall be FlowGuard / approved makes only.
(H) The dimensions mentioned are as per industry nomenclature and for exact dimensions of the pipe Outer
Diameter, Inner Diameter and wall thickness consult the relevant above stated codes.
(J) The rates do not include for cutting chases in wall, floors etc and their making good in case of concealed pipe
work and earth work in case of pipes laid in trenches.


18077A Supplying and laying of 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 62.5mm 75mm 100mm 150mm
CPVC pipes SDR 11 & Plain
CPVC SDR 11 fittings in
trenches complete all as
specified. → 139.10 220.70 328.50 464.60 619.70 989.60 - - - -
18077B --Ditto-but with SDR 13.5
pipes & plain CPVC SDR
11 fittings → 139.20 211.60 297.30 412.60 551.50 866.70 - - - -
18077C --Ditto-but with CPVC
Schedule 80 pipes & plain
CPVC Schedule 80
- - - - - - 2301.30 3073.60 4533.60 7049.40
fittings →
18077D --Ditto-but with CPVC
Schedule 40 pipes & Plain
Schedule 80 fittings → - - - - - - 1862.90 2424.00 3462.70 5408.20
18077E Laying of CPVC pipes &
fittings any grade in
trenches → 39.60 48.70 60.90 68.50 76.10 83.70 91.40 99.00 114.20 152.30
366 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
PER RUNNING METER yksgs dh ty ufydk tkjh
CPVC pipes SDR 11 & Plain
CPVC SDR 11 fittings on
walls/ceiling or laying in
floors complete all as
specified. → 175.90 244.60 353.40 496.80 660.30 1049.70 - - - -

18077G --Ditto-but with SDR 13.5

pipes & plain CPVC SDR 11
fittings → 160.00 234.70 320.20 441.60 587.70 918.90 - - - -
18077H --Ditto-but with CPVC
Schedule 80 pipes & plain
CPVC Schedule 80 fittings→→ - - - - - - 2444.70 3271.10 4812.80 6399.10
18077I --Ditto-but with CPVC
Schedule 40 pipes & Plain
Schedule 80 fittings → - - - - - - 1980.60 2583.90 3680.70 5743.70

18077J Laying of CPVC Pipes &

fittings on walls/ceiling or
laying in floors complete all
as specified. → 45.70 53.30 60.90 68.50 76.10 83.70 106.60 121.80 137.10 190.30

Extra over item No. 18077A to Item No. 18077J for provision of special fittings (Brass elbow, Brass Tee, Male
threaded brass adaptor, Female threaded brass adaptor etc), Unions, Ball valves, Flange and tank adaptor).


Fitting Description 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 62.5mm 75mm 100mm 150mm

18077K Brass Elbow → 24.10 27.20 57.00 120.30 227.70 469.80 1443.10 2108.50 3583.60 --

18077L Brass Elbow (3/4 X ½)→

→ -- 42.60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18077M Brass Tee → 32.10 44.10 69.00 154.00 276.60 589.30 1943.30 2889.50 4834.30 --
18077N Male Brass Threaded
Adaptor (MTA/ MBTA) )→
→ 22.50 32.10 47.30 82.60 81.90 238.00 593.10 816.00 1575.90 --
18077O Female Brass Threaded
Adaptor (FTA/ FBTA)→→ 28.80 42.50 61.70 163.50 215.70 339.10 576.40 938.00 1576.20 --
18077P Tank Adaptor → 82.60 91.40 137.80 215.70 314.10 495.30 --- -- -- --
18077Q UNION → 79.40 123.50 155.60 251.70 417.70 749.70 -- -- -- --
18077R BALL VALVE → 122.70 205.90 384.60 679.40 1066.20 1871.80 -- -- -- --
18077S CPVC Flange → - - - - - 1386.50 1663.80 1975.80 2537.30 3909.90
SECTION 18 367
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ikuh dh Vafd;k¡ ¼,e Mh }kjk laiwfrZ½

The rates for ‘Hoisting and Fixing’ tanks include for removal Vafd;ksa dks ^mBkus vkSj yxkus* dh njksa esa Hk.Mkj ls ykus Hkou ds
from store, hoisting into position either inside or outside vUnj ;k ckgj] mBkdj ;FkkLFkku yxkuk] uyksa dks tksMu+ k] vfHkxe
building, connecting up pipes, securing access covers etc., but
do not include for the provision of fixing of supports which
vkoj.k cukuk vkfn 'kkfey gS(a fdUrq lgkjs cukuk ugha tksfd izFkd
shall be measured separately. ekis tk;saxsA

EACH Capacity in litres iz R ;s d

lkeF;Z fyVj esa
N exc 250 Exc 250 Exc 500 Exc 1000
250 rd & n exc 500 & n exc & n exc
250 ls 1000 2000
500 rd 500 ls 1000 ls
1000 rd 2000 rd

18078 Water tanks, open or closed, 18078 ikuh dh Vadh] [kqyh ;k cUn]
hoisted and fixed in position ←mBkdj ;FkkLFkku yxkuk
→ 736.43 920.50 1394.96 1924.12

18079 Disconnecting existing 18079 fo|eku Vafd;ksa dks uyksa ls izFkd

tanks, setting aside (or djds] ,d vksj j[kuk ¼;k ;fn½
lowering if required) for vko';d gks rks uhps mrkjuk½
repairs, cleaning, etc. and
ejEer lQkbZ vkfn ds fy,]
hoisting if required
reconnecting and re-fixing in vkSj ;fn vko';d gks rks mBkuk
position. (Cleaning nksckjk uyksa dks tksM+uk vkSj
repairing, etc. measured ;FkkLFkku yxkuk] ¼lQkbZ] ejEer
separately) → 750.40 931.20 1410.00 1928.50 ←vkfn izFkd ekih tk;saxh½
18080 Dismantling water tanks and 18080 ikuh dh Vafd;ksa dks m[kkM+uk
removing to store → 532.63 752.24 1104.62 1441.75 ←vkSj Hk.Mkj esa igqapkuk
18081 Cleaning and removing all 18081 lHkh iiM+h] /kwy vkfn Vadh rFkk
scale and dirt, etc, from tanks izlkj.k uyksa ds eqgkuksa vkfn ls
and from mouths of ←lkQ djuk vkfn
circulating pipes, etc. → 398.03 597.05 796.06 987.12
368 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ihohlh ikuh Vafd;ka
The rates for ‘Hoisting and Fixing’ tanks include for hoisting Vafd;ksa dks ^mBkus vkSj yxkus* dh njksa esa Hkou ds vUnj ;k ckgj]
into position either inside or outside of building, connecting up mBkdj ;FkkLFkku yxkuk] uyksa dks tksM+uk vfHkxe vkoj.k cukuk
pipes, securing access covers etc., but do not include for the
provision of fixing of supports which shall be measured
vkfn 'kkfey gSa( fdUrq lgkjs cukuk ugha tksfd izFkd ekis tk;saxsA

Capacity in litres iz R ;s d
lkeF;Z fyVj esa
18082 Rotational moulded polye- 250 500 750 1000 2000 18082 vkorZd xfBr ikyhFkhuh Vafd;ka
thylene water storage ¼xksykdkj [kM+h] can 'kh"kZ½ ,l
tanks (cylindrical vertical ,l vkj I es fufnZ"Vkuqlkj
with closed top) hoisted
and fixed in position all as
mBkdj LoLFkku esa LFkkfir
specified in SSR Part I→
→ ←
2287.15 4219.60 6246.66 8196.46 15978.41

18083 Ditto, except water tank→

→ 380.36 406.37 526.47 569.83 726.03 18083 mi;qZDr] ikuh Vadh jfgr


iwoZ cus uy [kaMksa dks [kfut Å+u ls yisVuk o <duk
(a) The rates for ‘Materials and Labour’ include for all ¼d½ Þlkexzh ,oa Jeß dh njsa] dk;Z ds leqfpr lHkh fuoZgu esa
insulating material, reinforcement, binding, wrapping,
vko';d HkjkbZ lkexzh] izoyu ca/kkbZ] <dkbZ vkfn] lfgr gSAa
etc. necessary for the proper execution of the work.
(b) The rates for lagging and wrapping pipes include for ¼[k½ yisVus o <dus dh njksa esa lHkh eksM+ vkfn dh fyiVkbZ <dkbZ
lagging or wrapping all bends etc.
'kkfey gSaA
(c) No deduction shall be made for opening to which lagging ¼x½ ftu eks[kksa dh <dkbZ ugha gqbZ gS mudh dkVkSrh ugha gksxh vkSj
is not applied and no extra shall be allowed for finishing,
uk gh vfrfjDr Lohdkj gksxk bu eks[kksa ds pkjksa vkSj dh
lagging around such openings.
ifj"d`fr ijA
(d) These rates are applicable for pipes used internally not ¼?k½ ;g njsa vUnj dh vksj iz;qDr uyksa ij ykxw gSa [kqys uyksa ij
exposed to weather. ughaA
SECTION 18 369
[k.M 18&ty vkiwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
iwoZ cus uy [kaMksa dks [kfut Å+u ls yisVuk o <duk tkjh izfr ehVj

PER RUNNING METRE On pipe of internal dia (in mm) iz f r ehVj

Hkhrjh O;kl ds uy ij ¼feeh esa½
18084 Lagging to pipes used in 15 20 25 32 40 50
18084 Hkhrjh ty iwfrZ esa iz;qDr ;k
internal water supply or pkjksa vksj ls 25 feeh eksVs [kfut
plumbing all round with, iwoZ cus Åu ds xqPNksa ls ^Lusiu*
25min thick bonded mineral
wool preformed ‘SNAP ON’
144 fdxzk-@?ku eh- ?kuRo okys
pipe sections of density 144 Hkk-ek- 9842 vuqlkj] uyksa dks
Kg/cum conforming to IS ← yisVuk
9842 → 80.20 90.10 95.10 105.20 110.20 120.40
18085 —do—but with 40mm thick 18085 Å+ij tSlk fdUrq 40 feeh eksVs
sections and—do— → 95.60 105.10 110.20 120.15 125.20 135.40 ←vkSj ij tSlk

18086 —do—but with 50 mm thick 18086 Å+ij tSlk fdUrq 50 feeh eksVs
sections → 164.56 171.49 178.42 185.36 192.29 199.22 ←Hkkx vkSj Å+ij tSlk
18087 Extra over serial Items 18084 18087 vfrfjDr] en 2598 ls 2600
to 2600 if provided with ;fn iwfrZ 25 feeh >hyh rkj]
chicken mesh wire netting 25 ←20 feeh tkyh ds lkFk gks
gauge, 20mm mesh → 20.40 21.90 23.65 25.89 27.47 30.64
18088 Ditto, with 0.01mm 18088 mi;qZDr 0-01 feeh vYeqfu;e
aluminium foil → 119.38 121.62 124.25 127.61 129.99 134.73 ←odZ ds lkFk

miHkkx ch&uy yxkus dk dk;Z
uy dk;Z lkekU;r;k

(a) The rates for articles described as 'fixed' include for ¼d½ ^yxh gqbZ* dgs tkus okyh oLrqvksa dh njsa lHkh vko';d tksM+
making all necessary joints. The rates for ‘add if fixed in cukus lfgr gSAa ^tksfM;s ;fn ejEer esa LFkkfir njksa esa 'kkfey
repairs’ include for taking off the old fittings (including gS]a iqjkus miLdjksa dks fudkyuk ¼Vkadh yxs tksMk+ as dks [kksyuk
sweating off soldered joints where required), closing
the opening with plug or preparing for new as required,
tgka vko';d gks lfgr½ MkV ls [kqys LFkku dks can djuk ;k
and removing old fittings to store. vko';drkuqlkj u;s ds fy, rS;kj djuk vkSj iqjkus miLdjksa
dks Hk.Mkj esa igaqpkukA
(b) If stop valves are to be fitted with strong square- ended ¼[k½ ;fn jksd okYo dks] fQjdh VkSaVh pkHkh ds mi;qDr cukus ds
spindles to suit turn-cocks key, the same rates as for crutch fy;s] nz< pkSdksj fdukjs okyh /kqjh ds lkFk yxkuk gS rks ?kqekoh
handles shall be allowed. If full way valves are fitted
with unions to lead pipes, the corresponding extra rates
ewBksa dh njs]a Lohd`r gksx
a hA ;fn iw.kZiFk okYo yxk;s gSa ;qXey
for stop valves so fitted and fixed shall be allowed ds lkFk lhls ds uy esa] rks caUn okYo fcBkuk vkSj yxkus dh
lekukUrj njsa Lohd`r dh tk;saxhA
370 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

uy dk;Z lkekU;r;% tkjh

TAPS, VALVES, ETC. Bore dia of pipe in mm Fixing Add if VksafV;ka] okYc vkfn
uy dk fNnz O;kl feeh esa only any fixed in
EACH bore dia repairs iz R ;s d
TAPS dsoy tksM+sa ;fn Vks a f V;ka
LFkkiu ejEer
dksbZ esa
18089 Plug type bib taps, 15 20 25 32 40 18089 <ys yksgs ds Iyx fdLe
cast iron, screwed ds eqM+h VksaVh dks isapksa ls
for iron pipe and
yksgs ds uyksa esa yxkuk
fixed → 246.63 258.21 272.07 293.11 314.15 50.23 25.47 ←
18090 Self closing taps of 18090 Lo;a can gksus okys <ys
cast iron or yksgs ds ;k <yoka yksgs ds]
malleable cast iron,
galvanised, screwed
tLrh isp yxkdj LFkkfir
for iron pipe and
fixed → 195.33 209.68 223.55 237.65 251.76 50.23 25.47 ←
18091 Concussive push 18091 rkaos fefJr /kkrq ds <ys]
button taps of cast >Vdsnkj nkc cVu Vksfa V;ka
copper alloy,
screwed for iron
yksgs ds uyksa esa ispksa ls
pipe and fixed → 410.24 424.59 438.45 452.56 466.67 50.23 25.47 ← LFkkfir
18092 Ditto, but of cast iron 195.33 209.68 223.55 237.65 251.76 50.23 25.47 18092 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq <ys yksgs ds
18093 Bib taps, cast 18093 rkEcs /kkrq fefJr pdjh
copper alloy with ;k frryh ew<+ okys mrkj
crutch or butterfly
handle, screwed
isp yksgs ds uy ;k ihry
down, screwed for dh lkeh esa isp dl dj
iron pipe or for vkSj fLFkj djuk
brass ferrule and
340.91 362.20 382.99 404.03 425.07 50.23 25.47 ←
fixed →
18094 Ditto, but fancy type 18094 mi;qZDr] fdUrq vuks[ks
351.07 365.42 386.21 407.25 428.29 53.45 30.25 ← uewus ds
18095 Add to item 18093 if 18095 tksM+sa en 18093 esa ;fn
chromium plated →
124.79 124.79 124.79 124.79 124.79 – – ← Øksfe;e ijrnkj
18096 Add to item 18094 if 18096 tksM+sa en 18094 esa ;fn
chromium plated→ → 256.50 263.44 270.37 284.23 298.10 – – ← Øksfe;e ijrnkj
SECTION 18 371
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

uy dk;Z lkekU;r;% tkjh

TAPS, VALVES, ETC. Bore dia of pipe in mm Fixing Add if VksafV;ka] okYc vkfn
uy dk fNnz O;kl feeh esa only any fixed in
EACH bore dia repairs iz R ;s d
TAPS dsoy tksM+sa ;fn Vks a f V;ka
18097 Pillar taps, cast
LFkkiu ejEer
dksbZ esa 18097 [kEHks dh Vksfa V;ka] rkaos fefJr
copper alloy, with
capstan heads, O;kl /kkrq ds <ys pj[kh 'kh"kZ
chromium plated, Øksfe;e ijr p<+s mPp
15 20 25 32 40
screwed down high nkc mrkj isp] ^xeZ* ;k
pressure, with or ^BaMk* 'kCn fy[ks gq;s ;k
without lettered fcuk fy[ks pwM+hnkj MaMh
'Hot' or 'Cold' with
long screwed
rFkk p+d f<ojh] yksgs ds
shanks and fly-nuts, uy esa isapksa ls LFkkfir
screwed for iron
pipe and fixed → 340.49 361.53 382.33 403.37 424.17 49.57 47.76 ←
18098 Ditto, but fancy type 18098 mi;qZDr] fdUrq vuks[ks
→ 676.44 697.48 718.28 739.32 760.11 52.76 50.95 ← uewus ds
18099 Self-closing taps, 18099 Lo;a can gksus okyh Vksfa V;ksa
cast copper alloy, rkaos fefJr /kkrq ds <ys]
chro-mium plated, Øksfe;e ijr p<s+( yksgs
screwed for iron
pipe and fixed → 950.97 986.12 1020.78 1055.69 1090.59 50.23 25.47 ← ds uyksa esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
18100 Brass CP mixer for 18100 Øksfe;e ijr p<k ihry
mixing hot & cold
dk feDlj B.Mk o xeZ
water screwed
down for iron pipe ikuh feykus ds fy, yksgs
and fixed → 1743.41 1812.73 1882.06 1951.38 2020.71 82.08 63.69 ← ds uyks es ispksa ls LFkkfir
372 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
uy dk;Z lkekU;r;% tkjh
TAPS, VALVES, ETC.—Contd... VksafV;ka] okYc vkfn tkjh

EACH Supplied and fixed Fixing only Add if fixed in iz R ;s d

vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkfir dsoy LFkkiu repairs
STOP/GATE jks d @dikV okYo
Bore dia of pipe in mm Bore dia of Bore dia of
uy dk fNnz O;kl feeh esa pipe in mm pipe in mm
18101 Stop valves, cast uy dk fNnz uy dk fNnz O;kl
copper alloy, O;kl feeh esa O;kl feeh esa 1 8 1 0 1 jksd okYo] rkack feJ
screwed down, 15 20 25 32 40 50 15& 25& 40& 15& 25& 40& /kkrq ds] mrjh] mPp
high pressure, 20 32 50 20 32 50 nkc o pdjh ;k
with crutch or frryh ewB okys] yksgs
butterfly handle, ds uyksa ;k mEedksa esa
screwed both
ends for iron nksuksa vksj ls ispksa ls
pipe or for LFkkfir
unions and fixed
→ 380.66 401.46 434.55 455.35 493.81 521.54 89.50 101.79 119.45 44.35 50.90 59.89

18102 Ditto but fancy 1 8 1 0 2 mi;Z D r] fdUrq
type, chromium
plated →
Øksfe;e] ijr] vuks[ks
uewus ds
682.03 716.70 798.31 867.64 954.63 1093.28 92.77 104.89 122.73 47.53 54.08 63.08

18103 Ditto, but fancy 1 8 1 0 3 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vuks[ks
type, chromium fdLe] Øksfe;e ijr]
plated with long yEch MaMh o p"kd
shank and cup
(concealed type)
¼xqIr iz:ih½
720.14 754.81 801.76 836.42 888.84 958.16 96.22 108.51 126.26 50.72 57.26 66.26 ←

18104 Gun-metal, globe 1 8 1 0 4 yksgs ds pôh+ 'kh"kZ okys
or gate valves,
izdkaL;] xksyd ;k
with iron wheel
head, screwed dikV okYo] yksgs ds
both ends for iron uy esa nksuksa vksj ispksa
pipe and fixed → 505.45 540.11 587.24 670.26 784.97 979.08 89.50 101.79 119.45 44.35 50.90 59.89 lsa LFkkfir

xks y okYo
EACH iz R ;s d
18105 Ball brass valves, 1 8 1 0 5 Hkkjh nkc] xksy okYo]
high pressure, ikyhFkhu Iyc o pØ
with polythene f<cjh ds lkFk] yksgs
float and flynut ds uy ;k ihry dh
screwed for iron
lkeh esa isp dl dj
pipe or brass LFkkfir
ferrule and fixed
374.08 408.74 488.27 557.59 631.49 693.88 82.91 100.05 104.62 39.80 47.76 63.69 ←

SECTION 18 373
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

uy dk;Z lkekU;r;% tkjh
TAPS, VALVES, ETC.—Contd... VksafV;ka] okYc vkfn tkjh
FERRULES Bore Diameter of pipe in mm QS:y ¼tksM+ pwM+h&lkeh½
EACH uy dk fNnz O;kl feeh esa iz R ;s d
15 20 25 32 40 50
18106 Straight plain brass 18106 lh/ks lkns ihry ds QS:y ¼;k
ferrules (or connecting
la;kstu isp½ nksukas vksj ls ispksa ls
screws) screwed both
ends and fixed → ← dls o LFkkfir
443.95 538.01 689.62 821.79 1014.37 1200.55
18107 Elbows; brass both ends 18107 nksuksa vksj ls ihry dh dekfu;kí]
screwed and fixed →
185.00 205.20 250.00 270.00 300.00 350.00 ← ispksa ls dlh o LFkkfir
UNIONS ;q X ed
18108 Unions. brass to connect 18108 ihry dh ;qXed] yksgs ds uy
iron to polyethylene and dks ikyhFkhu uy ls tqMh+ o LFkkfir
fixed → 249.24 327.67 392.27 454.78 497.41 554.75 ←
18109 Add to items 18100 to18108 18109 tksM+sa en 18100 ls 18108 esa]
if fixed in repairs where the
taking off includes → 25.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 ;fn ejEer esa tgka m[kkM+uk Hkh
← 'kkfey gS] LFkkfir
18110 One end screwed to iron 18110 ,d fdukjk yksgs ds uy vkfn esa
pipe, etc. → 39.80 39.80 47.76 47.76 79.61 119.41 ispksa ls dlk
18111 Both ends screwed to iron 18111 nksuksa fdukjs ispksa ls dls ;k ,d
pipes, or one flange end
bedded in red lead cement,
fdukjk lhlk lhesaV ls nck rFkk
and other end screwed to nwljk fdukjk ispksa ls yksgs ds uy
iron pipe, etc. → 41.52 43.99 53.17 53.17 85.34 117.18 ← ls tqM+k

PERFORATED CAPS Bore diameter of pipe in mm fNfnzr Vksfi;ka

uy dk fNnz O;kl feeh esa
15 20 25 32

18112 PVC perforated caps screwed to 18112 ihohlh fNfnzr Vksfi;ka lkbQu ;k
ends of puff or vent pipes → lackrh uy ds fdukjksa ls isp ls
34.97 39.13 52.64 59.57 ← dlh
374 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
uy dk;Z lkekU;r;% tkjh
TAPS, VALVES, ETC.—Contd... VksafV;ka] okYc vkfn tkjh

PLUGS (WASTE) WITH Materials & labour Fixing Add if xês ¼vif'k"V½ tathj ds lkFk
RINGS lkexzh ,oa Je only fixed in
EACH dsoy repairs iz R ;s d
LFkkiu tksM+s ;fn
ejEer esa
18113 Rubber or vulcanite plugs 32mm 40mm 50mm 18113 jcM+ ;k xU/kd ;qDr jcM+ ds xês
(waste) with rings and ¼vif'k"V½ tathj o miLdj rFkk
fitting and fixing → 62.35 64.74 71.32 31.84 15.92 ← LFkkfir
18114 Ditto, but including chromium
18114 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq Øksfe;e ihry ;k
plated brass or bronze
chain and stay (chain n exc rkacs dh tathj o Vsd ¼Tathj yECkkbZ
50 cm in length) → 97.68 103.22 110.16 47.76 23.88 ← esa 50 lseh vuf/kd½ lfgr
18115 Waste fittings, brass, 18115 vif'k"V miLdj] ihry Øksfe;e
chromium plated for glazed ;qDr ihry ds vif'k"V miLdj
ware sinks, basins, etc.
dkafpr gkSnh] /kou ik= vkfn gsrq
with long screwed shanks
and fly-nuts, flange end yEcs pqMhnkj MaMh o pØO; f<ojh
bedded in red lead cement ds lkFk] dksjnkj fdukjk yky lhlk
and other end fixed → 158.76 179.56 200.36 47.84 23.88 ← ls nck o nwljk fLFkj


PIMT fittings shall be of approved makes
EACH S & F vkiwfrZ rFkk LFkkfir Fixing Add if iz R ;s d
18116 Push tap any colour Bore dia of pipe in mm only fixed in 18116 nckus okyh Vksfa V;ksa fdlh Hkh
high pressure of PTMT uy dk fNnz O;kl fe-eh- esa dsoy repairs
jax dh mPp nkc ihVh ,e
screwed for iron pipe 15mm 20mm 25mm 40mm LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
and fixed, (Minimum
Vh] yksgs ds uy es ispksa ls
ejEer esa
weight 15mm-47gms/ lhfir U;wure otu 15 feeh-
20mm- 75gms) → 133.73 197.23 – – 47.76 25.47 ← 47 xzke@20 feeh- 75 xzke
18117 Ditto but with nipple. 18117 mi;qDZ r fdUrq fuIiy ds lkFk
.(Minimum weight U;wure otu 20 feeh- 110
20mm- 110gms) →
– 236.05 – – 47.76 25.47 ← xzke
18118 All as per 18116 but 18118 lc en 18116 tSlk fdUrq
suitable for urinals, ew=ik= ds fy, mi;qDr]
(Minimum weight
15mm-50gms) ← U;wure otu 15feeh- 50xzke
→ 171.99 – – – 47.76 25.47
18119 Bib tap standard of 18119 mrkj isp VksVa h;ks fdlh Hkh
PTMT any colour high jax dh mPp nkc ihVh ,e
pressure screwed for
Vh] yksgs ds uy es ispksa ls
iron pipe and fixed.
(Minimum weight LFkkfir* U;w u re otu
15mm-90gms/20mm- 15feeh- 90xzke@20feeh-
125gms). → 146.21 303.99 – – 47.76 25.47 ← 125xzke
SECTION 18 375
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
Table (Contd)....
EACH 1 2 3 4 5 6 iz R ;s d
18120 All as per item 18119 but 18120 lc en 18119 tSlk fdUrq
fancy type, (Minimum vuks[ks uewus ds U;wure otu
weight 15mm-105gms)→ → 193.35 325.06 – – 47.76 25.47 ← 15 feeh- 105 xzke
18121 All as per item 18119 but 18121 lc en 18119 tSlk fdUrq
with long body. yEch ckMh dh U;wure otu
(Minimum weight
208.60 – – – 47.76 25.47 ← 15feeh- 120xzke
15mm-120gms)→ →
18122 All as per item 18119 but 18122 lc en 18119 tSlk fdUrq
with nozzle, (Minimum uksty ds lkFk U;wure otu
weight 15mm-95gms) → ← 15feeh- 95xzke
261.98 – – – 47.76 25.47
18123 Pillar taps of PTMT any 18123 [kEHks dh VksVh;ks]a ihVh ,e Vh]
colour high pressure fdlh jax dh] mPp nkc] yksgs
screwed for iron pipe
and fixed.(Minimum
ds uyks es ispks esa LFkkfir
weight 15mm-110gms)→ → 224.26 – – – 50.95 25.47 ← U;wure otu 15feeh- 110xzke
18124 Ditto but fancy type. 18124 mi;qZDr fdUrq vuks[ks uewus
(Minimum weight
ds U;wure otu 15feeh-
15mm-120gms)→ → ← 120 xzke
242.29 – – – 50.95 25.47
18125 Stop valve of PTMT 18125 jksd okYo] ihVh,eVh] fdlh
any colour high
jax dh] mPp nkc yksgs ds
pressure screwed for
iron pipe and fixed. uyks es ispks ls LFkkfir
(Minimum weight U;w u re otu 15feeh-
15mm-90gms/ 20mm- ← 90xzke@20feeh- 92xzke
92gms) → 178.05 214.10 – – 79.61 39.80
18126 Ditto but with long 18126 mi;qDZ r yEcs lSud vksj di
shank and cup ds lkFk] ¼xqIr izdkj½ U;wure
(concealed type), otu 15feeh-
(Minimum weight
110xzke@20feeh- 112xzke
112 gms) → 272.66 345.73 – – 87.57 44.58 ←
18127 Angle stop valve of 18127; jksd okYo ihVh] ,e
PTMT any colour Vh fdlh jax dh mPp nkc
high pressure screwed yksgs ds uyksa esa ispksa ls LFkkfir
for iron pipe and fixed,
U;wure otu 15 feeh- 90
(Minimum weight
15mm-90gms)→ → 218.26 – – – 79.61 39.80 ← xzke
376 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
Table (Contd)....
BALL VALVES 1 2 3 4 5 6 xksy ckYo 1
18128 Ball valves high 18128 xks y okYo] mPp nkc
pressure of PTMT with ihVh,eVh] mPp ?kuRo dh
epoxy coated
Aluminium rod &
,iks{kh yis p<h ,Y;qehfu;e
highdensity plastic ball NM ds lkFk yksgs ds uyks esa
screwed for iron pipe ispksa ls LFkkfir fuIiy@dksj
and fixed. (Minimum U;w u re otu 15feeh-
weight 15mm-142gms/ 142xzke@20feeh- 210xzke@
25mm-455gms/ 40mm
25feeh- 455xzke@40feeh-
- 690 gms) → ← 690xzke
312.54 427.06 733.76 939.51 79.61 39.80

NLPPLES/FLANGE fuIiy@dks j nkj

18129 Nipple suitable for 18129 ihVh ,e Vh fuIiy ,p Mh
HDPE water tank.
ih bZ ikuh ds Vsad ds fy,
(Minimum weight 15
mm-38gms/20mm- U;w u re otu 15feeh-
45gms /25mm- 65gms) 38xzke@20feeh- 45xzke@
→ 64.45 76.10 107.15 – 15.92 7.96 ← 25feeh- 65xzke
18130 PTMT extension Nipple. 18130 ihVh,eVh foLrkj fuIiy
(Minimum weight U;wure otu 15feeh- 18xzke
15mm-18 gms) → 73.44 – – – 31.84 15.92 ←
18131 PTMT flange, (Minimum 18131 ihVh,eVh dksjnkj U;wure
weight 15mm-5gms) → 29.51 – – – 15.92 7.96 ← otu 15feeh- 5xzke

EACH S&F Fixing Add if iz R ;s d

Bore dia of only fixed in
WASTE COUPLINGS discharge pipe (mm) repairs vif'k"V ;q X es a
NksM+us okyh uyh dsoy tksMs+ ;fn
ds Nsn dk O;kl ¼fe-eh½ LFkkiu ejEer esa
18132 Waste coupling of PTMT 32 40 18132 vif'k"V ;qXe] ihVh,eVh dk cuk]
(half or full threaded) . ¼vk/kk ij iwjk pwMhnkj½ U;wure otu
(Minimum weight 32mm-
45gms/40mm-60 gms)→ → 126.75 146.16 79.61 39.80 ← 32 feeh- 45xzke@40feeh- 60xzke
18133 Ditto but suitable for 18133 mi;qZDr fdUrq ew=ikrks ds fy,
urinals, (Minimum weight ;Fkk;ksX; U;wure otu 32 feeh-
32mm-45gms → 114.27 – 79.61 39.80 ← 45xzke

BOTTLE TRAP cksry Qans

18134 Bottle trap of PTMT 18134 ihVh,eVh dh cuh cksry Qan
having minimum water vojks/kh 25 feeh ikuh dh lhy
seal of 25mm .(Minimum
weight 32mm-260gms/
U;wure otu 32feeh- 260xzke@
40mm-270 gms) → 370.77 384.64 79.61 39.80 ← 40feeh- 270xzke
SECTION 18 377
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
EACH S&F iz R ;s d
GRATINGS tkfy;ka
18135 Grating doom 100mm dia of PTMT 18135 100 fe-eh O;kl dk tkyhnkj Mwe ihVh,eVh dk
(Minimum weight 25gms) →
51.61 ← cuk U;wure otu 25 xzke
18136 Grating doom 125 mm dia with waste hole 18136 125 feeh- O;kl dk tkyhnkj Mwe] vif'k"V Nsns
of PTMT. (Minimum weight 40gms) → 65.48 ← lfgr] ihVh,eVh ds cusA U;wure otu 40xzke
18137 Grating round 140 mm size of PTMT. 18137 140 feeh vkdkj dh xksy tkyh] ihVh,eVh dh
(Minimum weight 50gms) →
cuh U;wure otu 50xzkeA
99.58 ←
18138 Grating square 150 mm size of PTMT 18138 oxkZdkj tkyh] 150 feeh] vif'k"V Nsn lfgr]
(Minimum weight 100gms) → 187.49 ihVh,eVh dh ceh U;wure otu 100xzkeA
18139 Ditto but with waste hole of PTMT. 18139 mi;wZDr] fdUrq ihVh,eVh ds vif'k"V Nsn lfgr
(Minimum weight 100gms) → 187.49
← U;wure otu 100xzke
18140 Grating square fitting of size 150mm made 18140 oxkZdkj miLdj tkyh 150 feeh vkdkj dh] nks
in two parts for smell and mosquito
proofing with minimum 25 mm water seal
Hkkxks es cuh] xU/k vkSj ePNj vojks/kh 25 feeh ikuh
of PTMT. (Minimum weight 85gms) → dh lhy ds lkFk tks fd ihVh,eVh dh cuh gks
← U;wure otu 85xzkeA
18141 Grating square (SLIT) 150mm of PTMT. 18141 oxkZdkj tkyh ¼,l ,y vkbZ Vh½ 150 feeh] ihVh,eVh
(Minimum weight 100 gms) → 210.20 ← dh cuhA U;wure otu 100xzke
18142 Swivel shower of PTMT any colour for 18142 ?kweus okyk QOokjk ihVh,eVh dk cuk fdlh Hkh jax
fixing with 15mm pipe. (Minimum weight
dk 15feeh U;wure otu 40xzkeA
40gms) → 112.98 ←
18143 Shower arm 15 mm size, 195mm long with 18143 QOokjs dh Hkqtk] 15feeh 195 feeh yEck 45 fMxzh
bend of 45degree with flange of PTMT any eksM dksj;qDr] ihVh,eVh dh cuh] fdlh Hkh jax dh
colour.(Minimum weight 40gms →
← U;wure otu 40xzke
18144 Shelf of PTMT fixed with and including 18144 ihVh,eVh dh 'kSYQ] Øksfe;e ijr p<s ihry ds
Chromium plated brass screws and ispksa vkSj ydMh@ IykfLVd ds DyhV ls LFkkfir]
wooden/plastic cleats (Minimum weight
300gms) →
vkSj lfgr U;wure otu 300 xzkeA
340.99 ←
18145 Liquid soap container of PTMT fixed with 18145 rjy lkcqunkuh] ihVh,eVh dh cuh] Øksfe;e ijr
and including Chromium plated brass
p<s ihry ds ispksa vksj ydMh@ IykfLVd ds
screws and wooden/plastic cleats.
(Minimum weight 105gms) → DyhV ls LFkkfir vkSj lfgr] u;wure otu 105
130.00 ← xzkeA

TOWEL RING/RAIL rkSfy;k Vk¡xus dk ?ksjk@iVfj;k

18146 Towel Ring of PTMT fixed with and 18146 ihVh,eVh dk cuk rkSfy;k Vkxus ds ?ksjk] Øksfe;e
including Chromium plated brass screws
and wooden/plastic cleats (Minimum
ijr p<s ihry ds ispksa vksj ydMh@IykfLVd ds
weight 90gms) → ← DyhV ls LFkkfir vkSj lfgr] U;wure otu 90xzke
378 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
EACH S&F iz R ;s d
18147 Towel Rail 450mm long of PTMT fixed with 18147 ihVh,eVh dk cuk rkSyh;k Vkaxus dk iVfj;k 450feeh
and including Chromium plated brass
yEck] Øksfe;e ijr p<s ihry ds ispksa vksj
screws and wooden/plastic cleats
(Minimum weight 170gms) → ydM+h@IykfLVd ds DyhV ls LFkkfir vkSj lfgr]
250.86 ← U;wure otu 170xzke
18148 Towel Rail 600mm long of PTMT fixed with 18148 ihVh,eVh dk cuk rkSyh;k Vk¡xus dh iVfj;k 600feeh
and including Chromium plated brass yEck] Øks f e;e ijr p<s ihry is p ks a vks j
screws and wooden/plastic cleats.
ydM+h@IykfLVd ds DyhV ls LFkkfir vkSj lfgr]
(Minimum weight 190gms) →
292.46 ← U;wure otu 190 xzke
18149 Urinal spreader of PTMT any colour for 18149 ew= ik= LizM
S j ih Vh ,e Vh dk ew=ik= LizM
S j] fdlh
fixing with 15 mm dia pipe. (Minimum Hkh jax dk] 15 feeh- C;kl uy ds lkFk LFkkfir
weight 60gms) → ← U;wure otu 60 xzke

PVC CONNECTIONS ihå ohå lhå duSD'ku

18150 PVC connections 15mm size with PTMT 18150 ihohlh duSD'ku] 15 feeh vkdkj ds 300 feåeh
nuts of length 300mm → 115.20 ← yEckbZ dh ihVh,eVh dh f<cfj;ksa lfgrA
18151 Ditto but length 375mm → 125.00 18151 mi;qZDr fdUrq 375 feåehå yEckbZ dhA
18152 Ditto but length 450mm → 150.00 18152 mi;qZDr fdUrq 450 feeh yEckbZ dhA
18153 Ditto but length 600mm → 200.00 18153 mi;qZDr fdUrq 600 feeh yEckbZ dh
18154 Ditto but length 750mm → 225.00 18154 mi;qZDr fdUrq 750 feeh yEckbZ dh
18155 Ditto but length 900mm → 250.00 18155 mi;qZDr fdUrq 900 feeh yEckbZ dh
iqjh"k] voty rFkk laokrh uy
(a) The measurement of pipes shall be net as fixed between ¼d½ miLdjksa ds chp ls yxs uyksa dh uki vYi yEcku uyksa lfgr
the fittings including short lengths, without any dksjh yh tk;sxh] dVkbZ o {k;] ;k uy ds og Hkkx tks lkfdV
allowance for cutting and waste or for the portions of
pipes entering the sockets of the adjacent pipe or fitting.
ds vUnj gksdj lkFk ds uy ;k miLdjksa esa yxs gSa ds fy;s
Fittings and accessories such as bends, branches, sockets fcuk vfrfDr fn;sA miLdj ,oa iwjd tSls eksM+ 'kk[kk;sa
etc.; shall be enumerated afterwards and measured lkfdV vkfn ckn esa fxuh tk;sxa h rFkk izFkd ekih tk;sx
a hA njsa
separately. Rates include for all necessary extra joints, lHkh vko';d vfrfjDr] tksM+] dVkbZ o Nhtu lfgr gSaA
cutting and waste.
(b) The rates for 'except pipes' or 'except fitting' include for ¼[k½ ^uy jfgr* ;k ^miLdj jfgr* dh njksa esa uy dhysa] varj.k
supply of pipe nails, distance pieces, plugs, holder bats mikax] Iyx idM+ ioZ vkfn dh vkiwfrZ vkSj reke tqM+ko
etc., and all jointing materials and also for all necessary lkexzh rFkk lHkh vko';d uy dVkbZ o tqM+kbZ o ;FkkLFkku
cutting of pipes and jointing and fixing in position. The
rates for 'supplied and fixed' include subsidiary
fLFkj djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu dh njsa mi;qZDr
materials, mentioned above and pipes, fittings and iwjd lkexzh rFkk uy] miLdj ,oa lgk;d mikax rFkk uy
accessories and also waste arising from cutting of pipes. dVkbZ esa gqbZ laHkkfor {kfr lfgr gSaA

(c) The rates in the following tables for cast iron soil, waste ¼x½ fuEu lwph dh njsa] yksgs ds <ys ey] vif'k"V o laokrh uyksa
and vent pipes and the fittings are for jointing with ,oa miLdj dks lhesaV elkys esa tksM+us ds fy, gSaA tgka uy
cement mortar. In case the pipes and fittings are to have o miLdj lhlk esa tqM+h gksa mudh fxurh o eki en 18207
lead joints, shall be enumerated and measured extra over
cement joints vide item 18207.
esa lhesaV tksM+ ds vfrfjDr gksxhA
SECTION 18 379
[k.M 18&ty viwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


iqjh"k] voty rFkk laokrh uy tkjh

(d) In minor repairs, where plpes are necessarily to be ¼?k½ vYi ejEer esa tgka uy vko';d :i ls yEckbZ esa dkVus gSa
cut to lengths, an allowance shall be made for each ogka izR;sd dkV ds fy, vfrfjDr Hkqxrku bl izdkj gksxk%&
cut as follows:
1. When pipe is supplied by the contractor—50cm ¼1½ tgka uy dh vkiwfrZ Bsdns kj }kjk gks& 50 lseh ju ¼vkiwfrZ o
run (supplied and fixed). fLFkj.k½
2. When pipe supplied by M.D. for fixing only— ¼2½ tgka uy dh vkiwfrZ ,e Mh }kjk dsoy LFkkiu ds fy;s gks &
cutting only.
dVkbZ dsoy
<ys yksgs ds iqjh"k] voty rFkk laokrh uy

PER RUNNING Supplied and fixed Except pipe, iz f r ehVj

METRE vkiwfŸkZ ,oa LFkkiu any type
Spun pipes Sand cast pipes fcuk uy] fdlh
dkrs gq, uy ckyq jfpr uy vkdkj ds
Bore of pipe in mm uy dk O;kl feeh esa 18156 <ys yksgs ds iqjh"k]
18156 Cast iron soil, waste
and vent pipes in any 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 75 100 voty o laokrh uy
length with or without fdlh yEckbZ esa [kqys
ears, with cement ;k cUn lhesaV tksM+
joints, laid in trenches ds lkFk [kkb;ksa ;k Q'kks±
or in floors → 762.36 839.38 904.86 689.18 758.50 817.43 30.59 35.00 42.00
← esa ncs gq;s
18157 Ditto, but fixed to walls 18157 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq nhokjksa
→ 836.46 921.29 991.82 763.28 840.42 904.39 80.00 85.00 90.00 ← esa LFkkfir
18157A Add in 18156 and
18157 if pipes are
epoxy coated inside &
40.00 47.00 60.00 – – – – – –
outside →


<ys yksgs ds uy gsrq miLdj
EACH Supplied and fixed Except fittings any type iz R ;s d
vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu miLdj jfgr fdlh vkdkj ds
Bore of pipe in mm uy dk O;kl feeh esa
18158 Bends (any radius), 18158 eksM+] ¼dksbZ O;kl½ U;wud
50 75 100 50 75 100
diminishing pieces or
tapers (larger bore [kaM ;k Qans ¼cM+k Nsn
measured) → 280.00 295.00 325.00 105.57 113.39 117.55 ← ekik tk;sxk½
18159 Bends (any radius) 18159 eksM+ ¼dksbZ O;kl½ frnkjh
with duck's foot or ← ;k piVs ikn ds lkFk
heel rest → 369.01 446.15 533.50 105.57 113.39 117.55
18160 Branch pieces, single 18160 'kk[kk mikax ,dy ¼le
(equal or unequal), ;k vle½ lk/kkj.k ;k
ordinary or inverted myVs ¼MkVnkj ;k ldksVj½
(spigot or socket type)
or with parallel ;k lekukUrj 'kk[kk ds
branches → 389.81 498.83 616.69 105.57 113.39 117.55 ← lkFk
380 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
iqjh"k] voty rFkk laokrh uy tkjh
FITTINGS FOR <ys yksgs ds uy gsrq
CI PIPES—Contd. miLdj tkjh

EACH Supplied and fixed Except fittings any type iz R ;s d

vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu miLdj jfgr fdlh vkdkj ds
Bore of pipe in mm uy dk O;kl feeh esa
50 75 100 50 750 100

18161 Ditto, but double 18161 mi;qZDr] fdUrq ;qxy

→ 567.23 674.87 967.42 137.42 145.23 149.39 ←
18162Sockets (double) collars 18162 lkdsV ¼;qxy½ dkyj
→ 327.41 358.80 458.63 105.57 113.39 117.55 ←
18163Swan necks (or off- sets) 18163 yEcs xzhok ¼;k [klds½
upto 152 mm projection 152 feeh rd iz{ksi
→ 355.14 415.64 620.85 105.57 113.39 117.55 ←
18164Ditto exc 152 mm but n 18164 mi;qDZ r 152 feeh ls vf/kd
exc 305 mm projection→
→ 392.58 460.98 696.34 105.57 113.39 117.55 ←fdUrq 305 feeh iz{ksi

18165Extra only on items18158 18165 vfrfjDr dsoy en 18158

to 18164 if fitted with oval ls 18164 ij pfn v.Mkdkj
access doors → 35.25 37.60 41.13 – – –
igq¡p }kj ds lkFk LFkkfir
ACCESSORIES FOR <ys yksgs ds uyks gsrq
CAST IRON PIPES iwjd lkexzh

EACH iz R ;s d

18166Traps ‘P’ or ‘S’ → 337.40 422.50 536.21 101.70 110.54 120.26 18166 Qans ih ;k ,l
18167Ditto with vent horn→
→ 337.40 422.50 536.21 101.70 110.54 120.26 18167 mi;qZDr] fudkl rqjgh ds
18168Cast iron cowls → 180.00 190.00 250.00 52.20 61.00 69.00 18168 <ys yksgs dh Vksfi;ka

Supplied and fixed Fixing only Add if Fixed

vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu any dia
dsoy LFkkiu tksMsa ;fn ejEer 18169 lh/ks f'kdats 50x5 feeh
18169Stack clamps out of 50
mm by 5 mm flat iron Bore of pipe in mm dksbZ O;kl esa fLFkj ds likV yksgs ls cus ,oa
and 16mm dia round uy fNnz feeh esa 16 feeh O;kl ds xksy Vsd
iron stays, including 50 75 100
bolts and nuts and
okys] dkoys f<ofj;ksa lfgr
securing ends of stays to vkSj Vsadksa ds fdukjksa dk
wall or roof → 115.00 120.00 130.00 75.50 36.90 ←nhokj ;k Nr esa nckuk
SECTION 18 381
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


,sLosLVl lhesaV ds iqjh"k] voty o laokrh uy rFkk miLdj

PER RUNNING METRE Supplied and fixed Except pipes of fittings iz f r ehVj
vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu uy ;k miLdj jfgr
Bore in mm Nsn feeh esa
18170Asbestos cement pipes
50 80 100 50 80 100 18170 ,sLosLVl lhesaV uy fdlh
in any length with
cement joints; fixed to yEckbZ esa lhesaV tksM+
walls → 218.20 315.10 396.02 30.59 35.00 42.00 ←lfgr nhokjksa esa LFkkfir

FITTINGS TO AC PIPES ,sLoslVl lhesaV uyksa ds


EACH iz R ;s d

18171Bends plain (any 18171 eksM+ lkns ¼dksbZ O;kl½

radius) → 110.89 171.20 240.64 41.57 67.21 115.86 ←
18172Junction, single, equal 18172 laf/k] ,dy] le ;k vle]
or unequal, ordinary lkekU; ;k myVs] MkV ;k
or inverted with spigot ←ldksVj 'kk[kk
or socket branch → 125.39 202.35 288.70 56.07 91.43 136.18
18173Junction, double ditto 18173 laf/k f}'kk[kk] mi;qDZ r
→ 187.29 287.11 407.47 83.30 134.59 199.50

18174Add to items 18171 to 18174 tksM+ a s en 18171 ls 18173 esa
18173 if provided with ←;fn igqp a }kj O;ofLFkr gS
access door → 14.10 23.50 29.38 – – –

18175Loose socket → 76.05 84.92 92.74 41.39 43.33 44.21 18175 <hys ldksVj

18176Swan necks upto 15cm 18176 yEcku xzhok 15 ls-eh- mHkkj

projection → 138.62 168.11 182.86 41.57 43.33 44.21
18177Ditto exc 15cm but n. 18177 mi;qDZ r 15 ls-eh- ls vf/kd
exc 30cm projection fdUrq 30 ls-eh- ls vuf/kd
145.55 175.05 196.72 41.57 43.33 44.21
→ ←mHkkj
18178Ditto exc 30cm but n. 18178 mi;qDZ r 30 ls-eh- ls vf/kd
exc 60cm projection→
→ 159.42 181.98 203.66 41.57 43.33 44.21 fdUrq 60 ls-eh- ls vuf/kd
ACCESSORIES FOR ,LosLVl lhesaV uyksa gsrq
AC PIPES iwjd lkexzh
EACH iz R ;s d

18179Slotted vent cowl → 66.68 82.30 90.12 32.01 33.78 34.66 18179 [kkapns kj fljs okys laokrh
←<akih ¼Vksih½
18180Cone cap cowl 18180 uksdnkj Vksih <akih
→ 80.54 116.97 138.64 32.01 33.78 34.66 ←
382 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ihohlh iqjh"k] voty o ojlkrh ikuh ¼lhoj½ fudkl uy

PER RUNNING METRE S&F Except pipes iz f r ehVj

vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu uy jfgr
Bore im mm Nsn feeh esa
18181 PVC (SWR) pipes single 75 110 75 110 18181 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ,dy dksVj ds
socketed, in any length ldksVjh uy] fdlh yEckbZ esa
with rubber ring joints, laid
jcM+ NYys ds tksM ds lkFk
in trenches or in floors
→ [kkbZ;ksa ;k Q'kkZs esa fcNk;s x;s
160.00 190.00 56.57 70.88

18182 Ditto but double socketed 18182 mi;qZDr] fdUrq nksgjs dksVj
→ 180.00 200.00 70.88 84.33 ←
18183 PVC (SWR) pipes single 18183 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ,dy dksVj ;qDr
socketed in any length uy jcM+ ds lkFk fdlh yECkkbZ esa
with rubber ring joints ←fjax tksM+ ds lkFk nhokj esa yxs
fixed to walls → 165.00 195.00 56.65 72.00

18184 Ditto but double socketed 18184 mi;qZDr] fdUrq nksgjs dksVj
→ 185.00 215.00 70.88 84.33 ←


ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uyksa ds miLdj
EACH S&F Except fittings iz R ;s d
vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu miLdj jfgr
Bore im mm Nsn feeh esa
75 110 75 110
18185 PVC (SWR) bends any
18185 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ cSM
a fdlh O;kl ds
radius → 110.00 125.00 56.60 65.00 ←
18186 PVC (SWR) branch piece, 18186 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ 'kk[kk [kaM ,dy
single (single Y) equal or ←¼,dy Y½ le ;k vle
unequal → 423.55 552.56 96.34 85.00
18187 PVC (SWR) branch piece, 18187 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ 'kk[kk [kaM nksgjs ¼nksgjs
double (double Y) equal or ←Y½ le ;k vle
unequal → 501.62 699.32 141.13 120.00
18188 PVC (SWR) junction single, 18188 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ laxe ,dy
(Single T) equal or unequal → 390.28 504.03 96.34 85.00 ←¼,dy T½ le ;k vle
18189 PVC (SWR) junction double, 1818
181899 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ laxe nksgjs ¼nksgjs
(double T), equal or unequal → 484.71 682.96 141.13 135.00 ←T½ le ;k vle
18190 Add to items 18185 to 18189 if 18190 tksMa+s en 18185 ls 18189 esa ;fn
provided with access door→→ 35.00 45.00 - - ←igaqp }kj dh O;oLFkk gS
18191 PVC (SWR) couplers 18191 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ;kstd
→ 95.00 130.00 54.56 57.08 ←
18192 PVC (SWR) reducers →
18192 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ U;qud
110.00 135.00 54.56 57.08 ←
18193 PVC (SWR) vent cowl 18193 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ laokrh Vksih
→ 95.00 115.00 35.24 37.00 ←
SECTION 18 383
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uyksa ds fy;s miLdj tkjh

EACH S&F Except fittings iz R ;s d

vkiwfrZ ,oa LFkkiu miLdj jfgr
Bore im mm Nsn feeh esa
110 125 110 125

18194 PVC (SWR) 'P’ trap→

→ 265.00 290.00 115.57 115.22 18194 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ^P* Qans
18195 PVC (SWR)’Q’ trap→→ 300.00 325.00 115.57 115.22 18195 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ^Q* Qans
18196 PVC (SWR) 'S' trap→
→ 290.00 315.00 115.57 115.22
18196 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ^S* Qans

la ; ks t d

EACH S&F Except iz R ;s d

vkiwfrZ ,oa miLdj
LFkkiu jfgr
18197100mm cast iron sanitary connection 18197 100 feeh <ys yksgs ds LoPNrk la;kstu
socket to fit WC out-let → 300.00 67.21 ←ldksVj tyeyk/kkj fudkl ds mi;qDr
18198100mm cast-iron sanitary connection 18198 100 feeh <ys yksgs ds LoPNrk la;a kstu eksM+
bend (92½ 0 ), with arms 380 to (92½0) 'kk[kk] 380 ls 450 feeh yEcs] tksM+
450mm, excluding joint → 345.00 90.00 ←jfgr
18199100mm cast iron sanitary connection 18199 100 feeh <ys yksgs ds LpPNrk la;kstu
‘S’ branch, with branch 370 to ^,l* 'kk[kk] 370 ls 450 feeh yEcs] tksM]
450mm long excluding joint → 525.00 110.00 ←jfgr
18200Ditto, ‘P’ branch, with branch 375 to 18200 mi;qDZ r] ^ih* 'kk[kk] 375 ls 450 feeh yEch
450 mm long, ditto → 550.00 110.00 ←'kk[kk] mi;qZDr
18201100mm cast iron bossed pipe basin 18201 100 feeh <ys yksgs ds mHkM+s uy csflu rFkk
and bath connector, single (for one
←Luku la;kstd] ,dy 'kk[kk ¼,d uy i}fr½
pipe system) → 655.00 68.97
18202Ditto, double (ditto) → 1192.10 86.66 18202 mi;qDZ r] fn'kk[kk ¼mi;qZDr½
18203100mm cast iron sanitary 18203 100 feeh ds <ys yksgs ds LoPNrk la;kstu
connections—short connections pipe vYi la;kstu uy] 300 feeh rd yEcs
of length upto 300 mm → 310.00 67.21 ←
18204 100mm, asbestos cement sanitary 18204 100 feeh ds ,slcsLVl lhesaV ds LpPNrk
bend, with 300 to 450 mm long eksM]+ 300 ls 450 feeh- dksVj 'kk[kk lfgr]
socketed branch, excluding joint→
→ 170.00 64.03
←tksM jfgr

18205 110mm PVC (SWR) WC connector 18205 110 feeh ds] ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ds pkSapnkj
with lip ring → 225.00 70.48 ←NYys lfgr tyeyk/kkj la;kstd
18206 110mm PVC (SWR) WC connector 18206 110 feeh ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ds >qdkoh fdLe
bent type → 235.00 70.48 ←ds] tykeyk/kkj la;kstd
384 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
la ; ks t d
The rates for jointing in repairs’ include for hacking out cement Þ ejEerksa esa tksM+usß dh bu njksa esa] lhesaV tksM+ m[kkM+uk ;k lhlk
joints or burning out lead joints and collecting useful materials Vkadh tksM+ksa dks tykdj fudkyuk vkSj mi;ksxh lkexzh dks ,d=
and removing them to stores.
djds Hk.Mkj esa igqpkuk 'kkfey gSA

EACH Materials and labour iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je
Bore of pipe in mm
uy dk O;kl feeh esa
18207Extra over cast iron pipes 18207 vfrfjDr] <ys yksgs ds uy o miLdjksa
and fittings if lead joint is
50 75 100 ij ;fn lhesVa tksMk+ s ds LFkku ij
provided in lieu of cement ←lhls dh Vkadh ls tksM+ dh O;oLFkk
joint gS
→ 205.00 230.00 265.00
18208Jointing only cast iron pipes 18208 dsoy la;kstu] <ys yksgs ds uyksa o miLdjksa
and fittings or AC pipes and ;k ,slcsLVl lhesVa uyksa o miLdjksa ds
fittings, in repairs, with ejEer esa lhesVa tksM+ ds lkFk
cement joints
→ 70.00 80.00 95.00 ←


/kkou ik= o gkSnh gsrq Qans
EACH iz R ;s d

Bore of trap in mm
Qans dk Nsn feeh esa
18209 Brass chromium plated trap ‘P’ or 18209 /kkou ik= vkSj gkSnh esa ,d fudkl Vksih
32 40
‘S’ pattern for wash basins and sinks
okys ihry ds Øksfe;e ih ;k ,l uewus
with inlet and outlet, screwed for pipe
or connections, and with one cleaning ds Qans( ,d fudkl Vksih ds lkFk
cap and fixed → 290.00 325.00 ←la;kstuksa ;k uy ds fy,

18210Brass chromium plated bottle traps 18210 /kkou ik= ds fy;s ihry Øksfe;e ds fy;s
for wash basins with inlet and outlet pwM+h dVs] cksry Qans uy ;k la;kstu ds
screwed for pipe or connections fy, pwM+h dVs] izos'k o fudkl }kj okys]
including necessary packing, union
←vko';d ca/kkbZ] ;qXey rFkk Vksih lfgr
and cap and fixed → 670.00 710.00

18211Add if fixed in repairs, including 18211 tksfM;s] ;fn ejEerksa esa yxs gSa] rFkk
removing old trap to store → 65.45 75.50 ←iqjkus Qanksa dks Hk.Mkj esa igq¡pkus lfgr
SECTION 18 385
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
Q'kZ rFkk Qans

EACH M&L Except traps iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je Qans jfgr
Diameter of outlet in mm fudklh O;kl feeh esa
18212Cast iron floor trap, with
50 75 100 50 75 100 18212 <ys yksgs ds tkyh ds lkFk Q'kZ
grating including jointing
to waste pipe fixed in Qans vouy esa lhesVa daØhV ch1
cement concrete type B-1 1%2%4 Hkjdj tksM+ lfgr
(1:2:4) → 280.00 310.00 365.00 110.50 110.50 120.25 ←
18213Cast iron Nahani trap ditto 18213 <ys yksgs ds Qan]s mi;qDZ r
→ 300.00 330.00 385.00 110.50 110.50 120.25 ←

EACH M&L Except traps iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je Qans jfgr
Diameter of outlet in mm fudklh O;kl feeh esa
18214 PVC (SWR) floor trap, plain 50 63 75 50 63 75 18214 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ds lknk Qans]
with grating including lkFk esa tkyh] foyk;d lhesaV
jointing with solvent ←tksM lfgr
cement → 205.00 215.00 225.00 110.00 110.00 120.00
18215 PVC (SWR) multi floor trap 18215 ihohlh ¼lhoj½ ds tkyh lkFk
with grating including cgqQ'khZ Qan]s foyk;d tksM+ lfgr
jointing with solvent ←
cement → 353.00 380.00 400.00 120.26 136.18 144.17

dqafMdk Qans
EACH M&L Except traps iz R ;s d
lkexzh ,oa Je Qans jfgr
18216PVC (SWR) gully trap 125/110 mm, 18216
18216ihohlh ds 125@110 feeh LFkj.k ds dqfa Mdk
setting and jointing with solvent ←Qans rFkk foyk;d lhesaV ls tqM+s
cement → 265.00 110.00

miHkkx lh ukfy;ka
daØhV ds uho vk/kkj vkfn fudklh uyksa ds fy,
(a) The rates for concrete beds to drain pipes cater for the ¼d½ fudklh uyksa ds daØhV vk/kkj dh bu njksa esa fuEu pkSMk+ bZ rFkk
following widths and thickness. eksVkbZ dk izko/kku gS%
(i) Thickness of bed below the barrel of pipes: 10cm for (i) uy ds ry ds uhps vk/kkj dh eksVkbZ% 100 rFkk 150
pipes 100 mm and 150mm dia and 15cm for pipes feeh O;kl ds uy ds fy, 10 lseh rFkk 200 feeh ;k
200mm dia and over.
vf/kd O;klokys uyksa ds fy, 15 lseh
(ii) Width of bed: Outer diameter of drain pipes (not of (ii) vk/kkj dh pkSM+kbZ% fudklh uy ¼ldksVj@dkyj dk
sockets/collars) plus 30 cm. ugha½ dk okgjh O;kl tek 30 lseh
(b) If thicker beds or surrounds are ordered, the thickness of ¼[k½ ;fn vk/kkj ;k ?ksjs dh vf/kd eksVkbZ dh vkKk nh tkrh gS] rks
concrete shall be measured as ‘concrete in foundations’. daØhV dh eksVkbZ dh uki] Þuhoa esa daØhV* ds leku gksxhA
386 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


daØhV ds uhoa vk/kkj vkfn fudklh uyksa ds fy, tkjh

(c) The rates include for any necessary shuttering and ¼x½ bu njksa esa vko';d r[rk cUnh rFkk vcyEou vFkok ;k >ky
supports to concrete and for laying beds to falls. ij vk/kkj fcNkuk 'kkfey gSA
(d) Excavation, refilling, etc., of trenches shall be measured ¼?k½ [kkb;ksa dh [kqnkbZ] HkjkbZ vkfn izFkd ekih tk;saxhA

Cement concrete Cement concrete Lime concrete with iz f r ehVj
1:3:6 type C-2 1:4:8 type D-2 lime mortar 1:2 (lime
lhesVa daØhV lhesVa daØhV sand/surkhi) and
Vkbi&lh&2 1%3%6 Vkbi&Mh&2 1%4%8 using brick coarse
pwuk daØhV pwuk elkyk
1%2 ¼1 pwuk%2 ckyq@lq[khZ½
rFkk bZV dh jksM+h dk
18217Concrete bed iz;ksx djds 18217
18217fudkl uy ds
to drain pipes Bore of pipe in mm fy, voya c u
including uy dk O;kl feeh esa
xBu lfgr daØhV
forming cradles; 100 150 200 300 100 150 200 300 100 150 200 300
in → ← vk/kkj
271.82 333.68 462.20 534.85 260.07 317.40 435.90 502.62 262.18 319.40 433.30 500.30
18218Concrete bed 18218
18218fudkl uy dk
to drain pipes daØhV vk/kkj uhps
including dh dqVkbZ vkSj tc
packing under,
and haunching
uy fcNk fn;s
against the tk;sa rFkk tkap
sides of pipes fy, tk;sa rc uy
after they are ds cxyksa dh HkjkbZ
laid and tested; 379.93 466.89 647.79 749.44 366.24 455.02 611.19 704.75 372.96 447.64 617.20 714.54 ← lfgr
in →
18219Concrete bed 18219
18219fudkl uy dk
to drain pipes daØhV vk/kkj rFkk
including uhps dh dqVkbZ
packing under
vkSj tc uy fcNk
and completely
surrounding fn;s tk;sa rFkk
pipes with tkap fy;s tk;sa
concrete after rc uy ds pkjksa
they are laid and vksj daØhV HkjkbZ
tested; in → 489.62 599.92 831.75 962.40 468.86 570.95 786.62 906.87 472.39 574.21 794.15 918.36
← lfgr
SECTION 18 387
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds fudkl uy

(a) The rates include for laying pipes level or to falls in ¼d½ bu njksa esa uyksa dks lery ;k [kkb;ksa es]a daØhV ds vk/kkj ;k
trenches, on concrete bed or directly on hard lh/ks dBksj Hkwfe ij] tSlk funsZ'k gks] fcNkuk vkSj tksM+ Hkjuk
grounds as indicated and making joints and testing
as specified. Excavation and earthwork shall be
o izko/kku ds vuqlkj tkap djuk 'kkfey gSA [kqnkbZ rFkk feêh
measured separately. dk dk;Z izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
(b) The measurements shall be net as fixed between the ¼[k½ eki miLdjksa ds chp ls dVkbZ ;k {kfr dk fcuk dksbZ ykHk fn;s
fittings without any allowances for cutting and 'kq) dh tk;sxhA miLdj tSls] eksM+] laxe vkfn ckn esa fxus
waste. Fittings such as bends, junctions, etc. shall be tk;sxa s rFkk izFkd ekis tk;sx
a As bu njksa esa lHkh vko';d brj
enumerated afterwards and measured separately. Rates
include all necessary extra joints, waste and cutting.
tksM+] {k; o dkV 'kkfey gSaA
(c) The rates given in the following table are for pipes ¼x½ uhps rkfydk dh njsa] *,* ds uyksa vkSj miLdjksa ds fy,
and fittings of grade 'A'. If grade 'AA' pipes and gSa] ;fn *,,* ds uyksa o miLdjksa dh vkKk nh tkrh gS
fittings are ordered, 'Materials and labour' rates shall
be increased by 3 percent and 'Supply only' rates
rks **lkexzh o Je dh njksa esa 3 izfr'kr vkSj **dsoy vkiwfrZ**
shall be increased by 5 percent. dh njksa esa 5 izfr'kr dh o`f} dh tk;sxhA

PER RUNNING METRE M&L Except pipes, etc. iz f r ehVj

lkexzh ,oa Je uy vkfn jfgr
Internal diameter of pipe in mm
uy dk Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa 18220 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds fudkl
18220Sail-glazed stoneware
drain pipes laid in 100 150 200 300 100 150 200 300 uy [kkb;ksa esa fcNkuk rFkk
trenches and jointed as izko/kku vuqlkj tksMu+ k
specified → 291.99 448.53 550.00 630.00 101.00 115.00 135.00 145.00 ←

FITTINGS FOR SALT 'kksjs eqyEek;qDr iRFkj

GLAZED STONEWARE ds fudkl uy ds

EACH iz f r ehVj
18221 Bends and taper bends, 18221 eksM]+ Vsij eksM]+ fdlh O;kl
any radius→
→ ← okys
201.96 270.23 398.83 425.00 97.97 131.58 149.26 150.00
18222 Single 'Y' junctions → 281.59 367.52 470.45 673.49 170.67 228.87 262.47 361.52 18222 ,dy Y tksM+
18223 Double 'Y' junctions →
– – – – – – – –
18223 nksgjs Y tksM
388 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


izofyr daØhV ds fudklh uy
(a) The rates include for laying pipes level or to falls in ¼d½ bu njksa esa uyksa dks lrg ij ;k [kkb;ksa vkfn esa daØhV ds
trenches, etc. on concrete bed or directly on hard ground vk/kkj ;k lh/kk dBksj Hkwfe ij tSlk funsZ'k gks Mkyuk vkSj
as indicated and making joints and testing as specified.
izko/kku vuqlkj tksM+ yxkuk o tkap djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The pipes shall be measured net as fixed between the ¼[k½ uyksa dh eki miLdjksa o fo'ks"kkaxksa ds chp esa 'kq+) gksxh fcuk
fittings and specials, if any, without any allowance for fdlh dkV NkaV dk ykHk fn;sA
cutting and waste.
(c) Fittings and specials shall be measured separately. The ¼x½ miLdj o fo'ks"kkax izFkd ekis tk;sxa As njsa vko';d vfrfjDr
rates include for all necessary extra joints, waste, and tksM+] {k; rFkk dVkbZ lfgr gSa [kqnkbZ o feêh dk dk;Z izFkd
cutting etc. Excavation and earthwork shall be measured
ekik tk;sxkA

PER RUNNING METRE Bore of pipe in mm iz f r ehVj

uy dk fNnz feeh esa
18224Reinforced concrete
pipes, class NP2, laid 80 100 150 200 250 300 450 600 18224 izofyr daØhV ,uih2
and jointed complete ds uyksa dks fcNkuk rFkk
with collars → 234.00 265.00 364.00 425.00 550.00 645.00 900.00 1200.00 ← dkyj lfgr tksMd + j lai.w kZZ
18225Ditto but class NP3 18225 mi;qZDr] fdUrq ,uih 3
→ 255.00 278.00 400.00 460.00 600.00 690.00 1095.00 1450.00 ←
18226Ditto except pipe and 18226 mi;qDZ r] fdlh ds uy
collar, any class → 140.55 165.29 191.10 263.00 329.56 477.19 485.00 490.00 ← o dkyj jfgr

<ys yksgs ds uy la;kstd


EACH iz R ;s d
18227Bends, laid and jointed, 18227 eksM+] fcNs o tqMs+] laiw.kZ
complete → 366.96 417.89 512.15 567.41 614.54 731.09 954.45 1364.76
18228All as in item 18227 18228 lo en 18227 tSlk] fdUrq
except bends → eksM+ jfgr
124.33 140.59 165.52 186.12 198.59 245.81 365.19 602.19
18229Single 'Y' junctions laid 18229 ,dy Y tksM+ yxs o tqMs+]
and jointed, complete→ → 609.60 764.57 928.10 1018.02 1169.14 1355.01 1613.04 2127.30 lai.q kZ
18230Ditto except single 'Y' 18230 mi;qZDr] ,dy Y tksM+
junction → jfgr
124.33 140.59 165.52 186.12 198.59 245.81 365.19 602.19
SECTION 18 389
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds ukyhnkj Qans
The rates include far setting and jointing to drains with cement njksa esa fcBkuk vkSj 1%1 lhesaV elkys esa tksM+uk 'kkfey gSA [kqnkbZ
mortar 1:1. All excavation and earthwork, concrete in beds, RkFkk feêh dks dk;Z] daØhV ds vk/kkj oxy rFkk ?kqeko vkfn cukuk
surrounds, kerbs, etc. and cast iron grating, shall be measured
vkSj <ys yksgs dh tkyh] izFkd ekih tk;sxhA

EACH Materials and labour iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je
Size of gully traps in mm
tkyh Qans dk vkdkj feeh esa
100x 125x 150x 180x 150x 180x
18231 Salt-glazed stoneware gully 100 100 100 100 150 150 18231 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds pkSdksj ;k xksy
traps, square or round eqÌg ds *P* vkdkj ukyhnkj Qans
mouthed, tvpe 'P' → 709.99 744.66 753.35 897.11 931.78 969.96 ←
18232 Ditto, Type 'Q' → 779.32 813.98 850.41 1001.10 1074.43 1157.14 18232 mi;qZDr] *Q* vkdkj
18233 Ditto, type 'S' → 848.64 869.44 919.73 1125.89 1153.62 1184.87 18233 mi;qZDr] *S* vkdkj

var%jks/kh Qans
EACH Internal dia in mm iz R ;s d
Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa
18234Intercepting traps of salt-glazed 18234 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds pkSdksj okys var%jks/kh Qan]s
100 150
stoneware, with square ends to inspection uy eks[kksa esa fudkl cukus ds fy;s 'kk[kk ds
arms for building flush into manholes and var%jks/kh o 1%1 ds lhesaV elkys esa fcBkuk]
setting in cement mortar 1:1 complete,
including concrete foundation of width
leku O;kl ds uy ds leku pkSMk+ bZ o eksVkbZ
and thickness as for pipes of same dia esa daØhV Hkjuk lfgr rFkk Hkjus ds ckn dqVkbZ
and haunching after setting. Cleaning djukA lhlk p<+s jksd dks yxkus ds fy,
arm to include a glazed ware stopper, 'kk[kk dks lkQ djuk] tLrh p<s+ yksgs ds
galvanised iron bayonet joint (or other fdjp tqMs+ ¼;k vU; Loh—r uewus ds½ vkSj
approved pattern) and galvanised iron
lever (or trigger), galvanised iron chain,
tLrh yksgs dh <sdyh ¼;k ?kksM+h½ tLrh yksgs
hook and ring → 1588.80 ← dh tathj] dkaVk o NYys lfgr


ukfy;ksa vkfn dh tkap
(a) The rates for testing do not apply to new work which ¼d½ tkap dh njsa uohu dk;ksZ ij ykxw ugha gksrh D;ksafd lHkh
includes for all testing, etc. izdkj dh tkap mlesa 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rates include for removing and replacing gratings, ¼[k½ bu njksa essa esa tkfy;ksa esugksy ds <Ddu vkfn dks gVkuk]
manhole covers, etc. and for providing all plant and
nksckjk yxkuk rFkk ml LFky dk tk;tk ysus o tkap djus
appliances necessary for obtaining access to the work to
be tested and carrying out the test. They also include for ds dk;Z esa vko';d ;a= o vkStkj dh O;oLFkk djuk 'kkfey
provision of water in case of water testing, and gSA blesa] ikuh tkap ds ekeys esa ikuh dh O;oLFkk djuk
temporarily plugging of drains. rFkk dqN le; ds fy, ukfy;ksa dks cUn djuk fufgr gSA
390 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ukfy;ksa vkfn dh tkap tkjh
WATER TESTING Internal dia of drains in mm ikuh dh tkap
ukyh dk Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa
N exc Exc 150 but Exc 300 but
1500 n exc 300 n exc 600
18235Testing drains as specified by vuf/kd 150 ls vf/kdo 300ls vf/kdo
18235 ukfy;ksa dh fufVZ"Vkuqlkj] tkap ds
fitting the pipes with water to a 150 feeh 300 ls vuf/kd 600 ls vuf/kd
fy;s uyksa esa 1-5 eh ÅpkbZ rd
head of 1.5m at the highest point
including temporarily fixing of vko';drkuqlkj vLFkkbZ eksM+ vkfn
bends, etc. as required → ← yxkdj ikuh Hkjuk
27.95 40.68 56.61

EACH iz R ;s d
18236Testing manholes as specified by filling with 18236 fufnZ"Vkuqlkj ikuh Hkj ds eugksyksa dh tkap djuk
water → 235.00

SMOKE TESTING /kawvk tkap

18237Testing soil, waste or ventilating pipes above 18237 Hkwfe ry ij fdlh Hkh ÅapkbZ ;k O;kl ij yxs iqjh"k]
ground level, any height or diameter → ← voty ;k laokrh uyksa dh tkap djuk


fo|eku ty fudkl esa ifjorZu] ifjo/kZu vkfn
The rates in this table are exclusive of any excavation and bl rkfydk dh njsa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh [kqnkbZ o HkjkbZ jfgr gSa fdUrq
refilling but include for removing and replacing manhole covers esugksy ds vkoj.kksa dk gVkuk o cnyuk] o vLFkkbZ :i esa fudkl
and temporarily plugging drains as required and also risk in
can djuk rFkk dVkbZ dk tksf[ke 'kkfey gSA

DRAINS Internal dia of pipe in mm ukfy;ka

EACH uy dk Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa iz R ;s d
18238Cutting salt-glazed stoneware drain 100 150 200 300 18238 igys ls yxs gq, 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds ukyh
pipe in position, including jointing socket
uy dks dkVuk vkSj u;s uy ds ldksVj
end of new pipe to same with packed
spun yarn and cement mortar l:l → okys fdukjs ls mls cVs lu o 1%1 ds
412.80 500.29 666.80 843.20 ← lhesaV elkys ls tksM+uk
18239Ditto, including supplying, fixing and 18239 mi;qDZ r] vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu rFkk f}'kk[kk ldksVj
jointing double socket to old pipe, and
jointing spigot end of new pipe to same uy esa tksMu+ s lfgr u;s uy ds xsOnkj
507.76 733.16 983.21 1178.79 ← fdukjs dh vksj ls mls tksMu
with ditto → + k] mi;qDZ r
18240Ditto, in two places, including supply of 18240 mi;qDZ r] nks LFkkuksa esa ,d 'kk[kk okys *Y*
and fixing single 'Y' junction to pipe with uy tksM]+ Mês okys fdukjs ds fy;s <hys
loose collar to spigot end; and jointing
dkyj lfgr dh vkiwfrZ djuk o yxkuk vkSj
with spun yarn and cement mortar 1:1→ →
1073.50 1573.13 2403.85 2986.01 ← 1%1 lhesV a elkys o cVs lu ls tksM+ yxkuk
18241Cutting pipe in position and 18241 yxs gq, uy dks dkVuk vkSj Nksj dks de
blocking up end with cement concrete
ls de 30 ls-eh- xgjkbZ rd ch&1 dh
1:2:4. type B-l for a depth of at least
30cm from the cut made → 193.30 314.83 466.44 723.42 ← 1%2%4 dh lhesaV daØhV ls can djuk
SECTION 18 391
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
fo|eku ty fudkl esa ifjorZu] ifjo/kZu vkfn tkjh
MANHOLES Internal dia of pipe in mm es u gks y
EACH PIPE uy dk Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa iz R ;s d
18242 Cutting into existing manholes for 100 150 225
18242 fo|eku esugksyksa esa ubZ ukyh tksMu+ s dVkbZ
connecting new drains, making good djuk o Bhd djuk( mlds fy, fo|eku
to pipe and rendering, cutting out
existing benching for and forming Bh;s dh dVkbZ djuk vkSj ubZ 'kk[kk iz.kkyh
branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 ¼1@2 xksy ;k 3@4 nkarsnkj½ ch&1
section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type 1%2%4 dh lhesVa daØhV ls 'kk[kk iz.kkyh dh
B-l smooth finished, and reforming ifj"d`r laifw rZ djuk rFkk vko';drkuqlkj
benching as required → ←Bh;s dks iqu% cukuk
975.00 1120.00 1495.00
18243Ditto, for removing existing branch 18243 mi;qDZ r] fo|eku 'kk[kk ukyh dks gVkuk nhokj
drain, making good to walling and dks Bhd djuk] dkVs x;s 'kk[kk iz.kkyh
rendering, cutting out branch channel,
←Bhd djus rFkk Bh;ksa dks Bhd djus ds fy,
and making good benchings → 901.00 1080.00 1405.00

<ys yksgs ds esugksy ds vkoj.k rFkk <kaps fcBkuk ¼vkiwfrZ ,e-Mh- }kjk½
(a) This table does not apply to covers where man holes are ¼d½ ;g rkfydk mu vkoj.kksa ij ykxw ugha gksxh tgka esugksy
measured by volume. ?kuRo esa ekis tkrs gSaA
(b) The rates include for preparing top of new/old brickwork, ¼[k½ bu njksa esa vkoj.k fcBkus ds fy;s u;s@iqjkus fpukbZ vkfn
etc., to receive covers, any digging, etc. required, and dk;Z ds 'kh"kZ rS;kj djuk] fdlh izdkj dh [kqnkbZ vkfn rFkk
making good surfaces disturbed.
fopfyr lrg dks laokjuk 'kkfey gSA
EACH Fixing etc. Taking up Removing to iz R ;s d
LFkkiu vkfn or down or from store
old covers Hk.Mkj ls@esa
and frames ykuk ys tkuk
18244Setting in cement mortar 1:3 iqjkus vkoj.k 18244
18244gYds deZ Hkkj o uewus o eki ds
and flaunching with cement mBkuk o yxkuk <ys yksgs ds esugksy vkoj.kksa rFkk
concrete 1:2:4 type B-l cast iron <kapksa dks 1%3 ds lhesaV elkys esa
manhole covers and frames, fcBkuk rFkk ch&1 Vkbi 1%2%4 dh
light duty, any type and size→ →
361.27 133.19 146.76 ←lhesaV dadhV ls HkjkbZ
18245Ditto, medium duty ditto → 440.87 149.11 147.11 18245
18245mi;qDZ r] e/;e deZ Hkkj] mi;qDZ r
18246Ditto, heavy duty ditto → 520.48 149.11 147.64 18246
18246mi;qZDr] Hkkjh deZ Hkkj] mi;qZDr


miHkkx Mh&LoPNrk midj.k lekU;r%
(a) The rates in this sub-section are generally for fixing only, etc. of ¼d½ bl miHkkx dh njsa lkekU;r;k] LoPNrk midj.k o miLdjksa
sanitary appliances and fittings. These rates do not include for dks yxkkus ds fy, gSaA ;g njsa midj.k rFkk miLdjksa dh
supply of appliances and fittings, which if indicated to be vkiwfrZ ij ykxw ugha gS tks ;fn Bsdsnkj }kjk vkiwfrZ dh xbZ
supplied by the Contractor, shall be of approved pattern and fn[kkbZ xbZ gS rks og Lohd`r ekud dh gksuh pkfg;sa rFkk mudk
make and shall be paid for in addition at 'Supplied only' rates. Hkqxrku blds vfrfjDr *dsoy vkiwfrZ* njksa ij gksxkA
392 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


miHkkx Mh LoPNrk midj.k lekU;r% tkjh
(b) Except where otherwise stated, the rates for 'fixing only' ¼[k½ tgka vU;Fkk fuosfnr ugha gS] *dsoy LFkkiu* dh njksa esa
generally include for: lkekU;r; fuEufyf[kr 'kkfey gS%
(1) Removal of M.D. appliances and fittings from Store, ¼1½ ,e Mh ds Hk.Mkj ls midj.k rFkk miLdjksa dks ykuk
the care and custody of the appliances and fittings, mudh ns[kHkky o laj{kk vkSj fjfDr;ksa dks Hk.Mkj esa
and the return of empties to Store (Where fittings are
supplied by M.D.). okfil djuk ¼tgka miLdjksa dh ,e Mh }kjk vkiwfrZ gks½A
(2) Fixing to any surface. ¼2½ fdlh Hkh lrg ij LFkkiuA
(3) Forming or leaving all necessary holes, cutting chases ¼3½ vko';d fNnzksa] dks cukuk ;k foltZu] f>fj;ksa dh
and making good plastering, pointing, white and
colour washing. Making good of other decorations
dVkbZ] vkSj iyLrj] Vhi] lQsnh] jaxkbZ dks Bhd djukA
shall be measured separately. vU; ltkoVksa dks Bhd djuk izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(4) Supplying and fixing of all subsidiary materials ¼4½ midj.kksa o miLdjksa dks yxkus es vko';d lgk;d
required for the proper fixing of the appliances and lkexzh tSls yky Vkadh]] lhesaV elkyk] isp] dhysa MkVsa
fittings e.g. red lead cement, cement mortar, screws, vkfn fdUrq nhokjxhj ugha( dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk LFkkiuA
nails, plugs, etc., but excluding brackets.
(5) Cutting out for and/or building in ends of brackets, ¼5½ vko';drkuqlkj nhokjxhj vkfn rFkk@;k ds fdukjksa esa
etc. as required. jpuk ds fy;s dVkbZ djukA
(6) All setting, bedding, pinning in, making good, ¼6½ lHkh fcBkbZ] fcNkbZ] yxkbZ esa Nfr dh HkjkbZ] Vhi vkfn
pointing, etc, where required shall be carried out in
cement mortar 1:2 unless otherwise indicated. The joints
tgka vko';d gks 1%2 ds lhesaV elkys esa fd;k tk;sxk
between stoneware and stoneware fittings, or between tc rd fd vU;Fkk fufnZ"V u gksA iRFkj lkeku rFkk
cast iron and stoneware fittings shall, however, be made iRFkj lkeku ds miLdj ds chp ;k <ysa yksgs o iRFkj
in cement mortar 1:1 as described. miLdj ds chp ds tksMk+ sa dks lhesVa ds 1%1 ds elkys ls
Hkjk tk;sxk] tSlk fd of.kZr gSA
(c) The rates 'add if fixed in repairs' include for taking down ¼x½ *tksM+s ;fn ejEer esa yxs gS^ dh njksa esa midj.kksa miLdjksa dks
of appliances and fittings and carriage to store or for safe fudkyuk vkSj Hk.Mkj esa igqp
a kuk ;k ifjj{kk esa j[kuk 'kkfey gSA
(a) The rates for 'fixing only' water closets, include for fixing ¼d½ tyeyk/kkj dh *dsoy LFkkiu* dh njksa esa fuEu lk/kd va'kksa dks
the following component parts, viz: pedestal pan (wash yxkuk 'kkfey gS tSls ihfBdk ik= ¼cgkch tyeyk/kkj½ *ih* ;k
down water closet) with 'P' or 'S' trap, or squatt pattern
pan with loose cast iron or Vitreous China earthenware, *,l Qans ds lkFk ;k xksy ik= <ys yksgs ds <hys x<+s ;k dkap
'P' or 'S' trap; seat and cover for pedestal pan, foot rests for phuh feêh ds *ih* ;k *,l* Qan]s ihfBdk ik= dh lhV o <Ddu]
squatt pattern; flushing cistern (high level or low level), fdLe ds ik;nku /kkou Vadh ¼mPp ry ;k fuEu ry½ ds
brackets; chain and pull or lever handle, flushing pipe of czfS dV] tathj o d"kZ.k ;k yhoj ewB( yksgs dh uyh ds ;k
steel tube or polyethylene including jointing to socket of ikyhFkhu /kkou uy ds dksVj ls tksMu+ k lfgr Hkkjrh; jcM+
flushing rim (with and including India rubber cone joint,
if flushing rim connection is nozzle pattern) and connecting tksM+ ds lkFk ;k jfgr A ;fn /kkou fje la;kstd uksty fdLe
pipe to union of flushing cistern, in let and overflow pipes dk gS rFkk /kkou Vadh dh ;qXey dks tksMu+ s okyk uy izo's k rFkk
connecting only to flushing cistern, anti-syphonage pipe fudkl uy dsoy /kkou ty ls tqM]s+ dksVj dks tksMu+ s okyh
joint to socket or stop per, if anti-syphonage pipe is not jks/kd eqMh+ gqbZ uyh ;k jks/kd ;fn jks/kd uyh vko';d u gksA

(b) The rate for fixing only squatt pattern closet also includes ¼[k½ ihfBdk tyeyk/kkj ik= **dsoy yxkus dh njksa esa Qans o ik=
setting the trap and pan in lime concrete (1 lime, 2 sand or dks pwuk daØhV ¼1 pwuk 2 ckyw ;k lqj[kh rFkk 5 jksMh½ de
surkhi and 5 aggretate), min. 150mm thick all round and
finished just below level of rim of pan to receive the floor ls de 150 feeh eksVkbZ esa ik= ds ry ds tjk lk uhps pkjksa
finishing (thickness as indicated). vksj yxkdj fcBkuk rkfd Q'kZ dh iwfrZ izkIr dh tk lds
¼dFkukuqlkj eksVkbZ½A
SECTION 18 393
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k


tyeyk/kkj tkjh
PER SEAT Fixing Add if fixed in izfr lhV
only repairs
dsoy tksM+sa ;fn ejEer
yxkbZ esa yxh gks
18247Wash down water closet (Pedestal 18247
18247/kkscuh tyeyk/kkj ¼ihfBdk fdLe ds½ lai.w kZ
pattern), complete → 715.40 255.50
18248Water closet (Squatt pattern) com plete 18248
18248tyeyk/kkj ¼fcBko fdLe ds½ laiw.kZ] pwuk
including provision of lime concrete
850.00 300.00 ← daØhV vk/kkj ds izko/kku lfgr
bedding →

TOILET PAPER HOLDER 'kkSp dkxt /kkjd

EACH iz R ;s d
18249Toilet paper holder of vitreous china 18249
18249dkap phuh feêh ds 'kkSp dkxt /kkjd]
fixed to walls with chromium plated Øksfe;e ;qDr ihry ds ispksa ls nhokj esa
(CP) brass screws →
49.53 25.64 ← LFkkfir
18250Ditto but of brass, chromium plated→
→ 33.61 20.87 18250
18250mi;qDZ r] fdUrq ihry ;k Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr

PARTS OF WATER CLOSETS Fixing only tyeyk/kkj ds Hkkx

in repairs
EACH iz R ;s d
dsoy yxkbZ
18251Pedestal pan and trap, including 18251
18251ihfBdk ik= rFkk Qans] ukyh esa la;kstu lfgr ¼;k
ejEer esa
connection to drain (or outgoing pipe) and ckgj tkrs uy½ vkSj ckgo uy] jks/kd uy vkfn esa
to flushing pipe, antisyphonage pipe, etc..
← lai.w kZ
complete → 750.40
18252Squatting pan including connection to trap, 18252
18252foBko ik= Qans ;k cgko uy ds la;kstu lfgr
and to flushing pipe, anti-syphonage pipe, eqM+h jks/kd uy Q'kZ dh ejEer lfgr laiw.kZ
etc. complete including making good to floor→
→ 950.00 ←
18253Ditto but including trap set in and including 18253
18253mi;qZDr] fdUrq daØhV esa o daØhV lfgr Qans
con crete → 1506.00 ← yxkuk
18254Seat and cover for pedestal pan → 82.30 18254
18254ihfBdk ik= gsrq lhV o vkoj.k
18255High or low level fluslhing cistern (exclusive 18255
18255mPp ;k fuEu ry cgko okyh /kksouh Vafd;ka ¼cSfdV
of brackets), and connections to pipes and jfgr½ rFkk uy ls la;kstu rFkk lkady o idM+ ;k
fixing of chain and pull, or lever, if any →
150.40 yhoj] ;fn gks] ds lkFk LFkkfir

18256Foot rests of squatt pattern water closet → 110.20 18256

18256fcBko tyeyk/kkj ds ik;nku
18257Flush pipes to pedestal pan, including all joints 65.00 18257
18257ihfBdk ik= ds fdLe ds lHkh tksMk+ as lfgr cgko uy
18258Ditto, to squatt pattern closet including all 18258
18258mi;qDZ r] fcBko tyeyk/kkj ds lHkh tksMk+ as ,oa Q'kZ
joints and making good to the floor → ← dh ejEer lfgr

18259Cones, India rubber (nozzles of W.C. pans)→

→ 18259
18259'kadw] ns'kh jcM+ ¼tyeyk/kkj ik= ds uksty½
18260Joint between fluslhing pipe and socket of 18260
18260tyeyk/kkj ds cgko uy dksVj ds iwoZ fufeZr tksM+
W.C. pan; pre-made → 75.00
394 SECTION 18
[k.M 18&ty viwfŸkZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

ew = ik=
EACH Fixing only in Add if fixed iz R ;s d
new work or in reparis
18261 Vitreous China urinals, bowl refixing in old ejEer esa 18261 dkafpr phuh feêh ds dVksjk uewuk ¼ihB
type (back or corner wall type), work LFkkiu ;k nhokj dksuk uewuk½ ew=ik= dh O;oLFkk
complete including providing djuk rFkk MkV ds lkFk 1%2 ds lhesaV
and fixing plugs, bedding urinal
u;s dk;Z esa ;k
against wall in cement mortar iqjkus dk;Z esa
elkys esa nhokj esa 60 feeh yEcs ihry
1:2, securing urinal to plugs with iqu% LFkkiu ds isp lfgr ew=ik= ds ihNs pkjksa vksj
and including 60mm long brass Vhi djds yxkuk] Lopkfyr cgko Vadh
screws, pointing around urinal dks czSfdV ds lkFk cgko uy] tkyh o
back in cement; fixing automatic ;qXey lfgr fudkl uy esa tksM+uk
flushing cistern with brackets,
flush pipe, grating and Union for
¼iwfrZ uy dks /kksou Vadh Qans o vouy
discharge pipe. (Exclusive of ls tqM+kbZ jfgr½
fixing supply pipe to flushing
cistern, trap and waste pipe) → 690.20 215.00 ←

PER STALL iz f r LVky

18262 Ditto but half stall urinal → 715.40 215.00 18262 mi;qZDr] fdUrq v/kZ [kM+h ew=/kkuh
18263 Add for each additional half stall→
→ 18263 tksM+ a s izR;sd vfrfjDr v/kZ [kM+h ew=ik= gsrq
iz R ;s d
18264 Vitreous China squatting plate
urinal →
18264 dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds fcBko ifêdk
269.70 195.00 ← dh ew=/kkuh

ONLY IN REPAIRS Fixing dsoy ejEer esa

EACH iz R ;s d
18265 Urinal, bowl type or half stall pattern, basin 18265
18265dVksjk uewus ;k v/kZ [kM+s fdLe ds dsoy ew=/kkuh] ik=]
only including connections to flushing pipe dks cgko uy ,oa fudkl uy ds la;kstu lfgr ejEer
and outgoing pipes fixed in repairs → 890.10
← esa LFkkiu
18266 Flushing cistern and flushing pipe 18266
18266/kksou Vadh rFkk ogko uy ¼czSfdV jfgr½ ejEer esa
(exclusive of brackets), fixed in repairs → 285.00 ← LFkkfir

18267 Urinal partitions slabs terminating about 18267

18267Q'kZ ry ls 40 ls-eh- ls mij rd ew=/kkuh foHkktd
40cm above floor line, fixed in repairs → 280.40
← ifV;k ejEer esa LFkkfir

18268 Gratings, fixed in repairs → 51.10 18268 ejEer esa tkfy;ka LFkkfir
SECTION 18 395
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

/kks o u ik= ¼fpyeph½
(a) The rates for 'fixing only’ or 'fixing in repairs’ include ¼d½ ^dsoy LFkkiu* ;k ^ejEer esa LFkkiu* dh njksa esa uyds
for fixing taps, waste fittings and union, plugs and chains yxkuk] fudkl miLdj o ;qXey] MkV o tathj vkSj iwfÙkZ
and connecting up to supply pipes, wastes or traps; screws,
plugs, cement mortar, red lead cement and other subsidiary
uy] fudkl uy ;k Qans ls la;kstu djuk] isp] MkV] lhesVa
materials required for fixing. elkyk] yky lhlk lhesaV rFkk LFkkiu esa visf{kr vU;
vko';d iwjd lkexzh] 'kkfey gSA
(b) If a wash basin is fixed or re-fixed on existing brackets or ¼[k½ ;fn /kksou ik= fo|eku dks"Bd ;k Vsd esa yxkuk ;k iqu%
stand, half the rates of column I in this table shall be allowed. yxkuk gS rks lwph ds izFke [kkus dh nj dk vk/kk ekU; gksxkA

EACH Fixing Add if fixed in iz R ;s d

only repairs
18269Wash basins, Vitreous China 18269
18269dk¡pkf;r phuh feêh ds fdlh vkdkj
dsoy tksMsa+ ;fn ejEer
(flat back or angle back type) ds /kksou ik= ¼likV ihB ;k dksfu;k
any size, including cutting for LFkkiu esa yxh gks
ihB uewus ds½ dVkbZ o cSzfdV ds
and pinning in ends of
Nksjksa ls tksMu+ k ;k vk/kkj cukus lfgr
brackets or erecting stand but
exclusive of fixing of supply dks"Bd fdUrq fcuk iwfrZ o fudkl
and waste pipe → 650.95 171.10 ← uy

SOAP DISH, GLASS SHELF ETC. lkcqunkuh] dkap 'kSYQ

18270Vitreous China soap tray 18270
18270dk¡ p kf;r phuh feêh dh cuh
embedded in the wall → 101.20 16.10 ←lkcqunkuh nhokj esa LFkkfir
18271Glass shelf assembly → 151.10 35.37 18271
18271dkap dh 'kSYQ lTtk
18272Soap dish, any type, fixed to 18272
18272fdlh uewus dh lkcqunkuh MkV esa
plugs with chromium plated Øksfe;e eqyE;k;qDr ihry ds isp
brass screws → 65.45 25.64 ←ls LFkkfir


Luku QOokjs ds miLdj

(a) The rates for fixing mixing valves include for fixing to ¼d½ fefJr ckYo ds yxkus dh bu njksa esa nhokjksa esa xksy eqV~Bh
walls by means of plugs and round headed brass screws. okys ihry ds ispksa ls MkV esa yxkuk 'kkfey gSA QCokjs dks
The rate for fixing shower rose includes screwing end of
supply pipe and fixing rose thereto with red lead cement
yxkus dh njsa mls ispksa ls iwfrZ uyksa ds fdukjksa ls tksMu+ k rFkk
joint or fixing to iron union. uyh dks yky Vkadh ;k ;qXey }kjk tksM+uk] lfgr gSaA
(b) All pipe work shall be measured separately. ¼[k½ reke uy dk;Z izFkd ekik tk;sxk
(c) The rate 'fixing in repairs’ shower bath fitting in- cludes ¼x½ Luku QOokjs ds miLdjksa dks ejEer esa LFkkiu dh njksa esa
for disconnecting and re-fixing pipes to the extent required. uyksa dks vyx djuk rFkk vko';d lhek rd iqu% yxkuk
'kkfey gSA
396 SECTION 18
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
Luku QOokjs ds miLdj tkjh
EACH Fixing only Add if fixed iz R ;s d
in repairs
dsoy LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn ejEer
esa yxh gks
18273 Mixing valve including three 18273
18273yksgs ds uy ;k ;qXey ds rhu tksM+
joints to steel pipes or unions and lfgr nhokj ess MkV o isp yxkdj
plugging and screwing to walls LFkkfir
→ 139.20 51.10

SHOWER ROSES QOokjs dVks j h
EACH iz R ;s d
18274Chromium plated shower roses 18274
18274fdlh vkdkj ds Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr
with or without swivel joints, any Luku QOokjs] dVksfj;ka fQjdh tksM+ lfgr
size, including fixing to steel pipe ;k jfgr yksgs ds uy ;k ;qXey esa
or union → 97.29 32.55 ←tqMk+ bZ
SINKS gkS f n;ka
EACH iz R ;s d
18275Sinks kitchen or laboratory with 18275
18275MkV] ok'kj o fudklh ds lkFk jlksbZ ;k
plugs, washers and wastes; iz;ksx'kkyk dh gkSfn;ka NksVh Å¡pkbZ ij
including beding in cement mortar nhokjksa esa lhesaV elkys ls LFkkiu ;k
on to dwarf walls, or including
fixing cantilever brackets and izkl cSdsV LFkkiu rFkk izR;sd 0-5 oeh
connecting union to waste pipe; rd fudkl uy dks ;qXed ls la;kstu
upto 0.5 sqm each → 410.60 211.40 ←
18276Ditto, but exceeding 0.5sq. m 18276
18276mi;qZDr] fdUrq iz R ;s d 0-5 o-eh- ls
each → 505.70 215.60 ← vf/kd
18277S&F sinks made of stainless steel 18277
18277jlksbZ ;k iz;ksx'kkyk ds 1 eh eksVh
lmm thick kitchen or laboratory taxjks/kh bLikr dh gkSfn;ka dh MkV ok'kj
with plugs, washers and wastes; o fudkl uyksa lfgr( rFkk] NksVh ÅapkbZ
including bedding in cement
mortar on to dwarf wall or ij nhokj esa yxkuk ;k izkl cSzfdV esa
including fixing cantilever brackets yxkuk rFkk ;qXed dks uy ls tksM+uk]
and connecting union to pipe, laiw.kZ vkdkj 495 feeh x 420 feeh]]
overall size 495mm x 420mm bowl dVksjh dk vkdkj] 410 feeh x 330 feeh
size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm→ → 2265.72 ← x 160 feeh dh vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu
18278S&F sinks with drainage board 18278
18278jlksbZ ;k iz;ksx'kkyk ds taxjks/kh bLikr
made of stainless steel lmm thick ds 1 feeh eksV]s fudkl cksMZ lfgr gkSfn;ksa
kitchen or laboratory with plugs, dh rFkk lkFk esa MkV ok'kj o fu"'ks"k]
washers and wastes; including nhokj esa NksVh ÅpkbZ ij lhesaV elkys
bedding in cement mortar to dwarf
wall or including fixing cantilever ls fcBkbZ] ;k izkl cSzfdV o ;qXed uy
brackets and connecting union to tqM+kbZ laiw.kZ vkdkj 915 feeh x 460
pipe overall size 915mm x 460mm feeh] dVksjh dk vkdkj 410 x 330 feeh
bowl size 410mm x 330mm x x 160 feeh dh vkiwfrZ o LFkkiuk
160mm → 4452.71 ←
SECTION 18 397
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
ltkoVksa dks lq/kkjuk
18279Making good wall or floor tiling to match 18279
18279nhokjksa ;k Vk;yksa ds Q'kZ dks fo|eku ls feyku esa
existing (tiles supplied by M.D. or paid at Bhd djuk ¼Vk;ysa dh ,e Mh }kjk vkiwfrZ ;k dsoy
‘supplied only’ rates) → 327.24
←vkiwfrZ njksa ij Hkqxrku½
18280Ditto, terrazzo floor, dado or skirting to 18280
18280mi;qDZ r] rSjktks]a Q'kZ] MkMks ;k xksVu dk fo|eku ls
match existing → 412.13 ←feyku
18281Ditto, painted or distempered finish to 18281
18281mi;qDZ r] jaxh gqbZ ;k fMLVSEij dh gqbZ laifw ÙkZ fo|eku
match existing → 112.68 ←ls feyku

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½

EACH Bore of pipe in mm uy fNnz feeh esa iz R ;s d

18282 Rubber or fibre board 80 100 150 200 250 300 18282
18282dksVnkj tksMk+ as ds fy, jcM+
gaskets for flanged ;k js'ks xkaB xqPNs
joints → 31.89 40.21 49.91 87.35 102.60 152.52 ←
tLrh yksgs dh ty ufy;ka
(a) The rates for tube include for one plain socket to each ¼d½ uyh dh ;g njsa izR;sd yEcu uy esa yxh ,d dksVj
(b) The length of each tube shall be measured from end of
lfgr gSaA
tube to end of socket which shall be fully screwed on. ¼[k½ uyh dh eki uyh ds ,d fdukjs ls nwljs fdukjs ij dlh
dksVj ds dksus rd yh tk;sxhA
PER RUNNING Bore of pipe in mm uy fNnz feeh esa iz f r ehVj
METRE 15 20 25 32 40 50 80 100 150
18283 Galvanised steel 18283
18283tLrh yksgs dh fuEu
tubes, light grade ← nko dh ufy;ka
→ 87.00 105.15 123.25 239.00 280.00 292.00 511.10 638.00 799.00
18284Ditto, medium 18284iwoksZDr] e/; nko
grade → 94.25 114.55 135.00 250.00 287.10 305.00 551.20 664.00 853.00

POLYETHYLENE Bore of pipe in mm uy fNnz feeh esa iksyhFkhyhu o vlq?kV; ihohlh uy

AND 15 20 25 32 40 50
18285Low density polyethylene 18285
18285fuEu ?kuRo iks y hFkhyhu uy
(LDPE) pipes of pressure rating ¼,yMhihbZ½ o nko nj 6 fdxzke
6 kgf/sq. cm → 33.28 55.74 69.88 93.17 113.97 155.29 ← QkslZ@oxZ lseh
18286 High density polyethylene 18286 mPp ?kuRo iks y hFkhyhu uy
(HDPE) pipes of pressure ¼,pihMhbZ½ i nkc 6 fdxzkQ@oxZ
rating 6 kgf/sq. cm → ←lseh
46.59 49.91 58.23 74.87 89.85 134.77
18287Unplasticized PVC pipes of 18287
18287vlq?kV; ihohlh nko nj ij 10 fd
pressure rating 10 kgf/sq. cm ← xzkQ@oxZ lseh ds uy
35.10 38.00 40.90 70.36 127.56 138.65

398 SECTION 18
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)– Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

REINFORCED izofyr daØhV uy


PER RUNNING Bore of pipe in mm uy fNnz feeh esa iz f r ehVj

METRE 80 100 150 200 250 300 450 600

18288 Reinforced concrete 18288

18288izofyr daØhV uy ,d
pipes, class NP 2 with dkyj izfr yEcu lfgr
one collar per length ← ,uih&2 ds
of pipe → 138.65 277.30 293.94 346.63 485.28 623.93 1039.88 1525.15
18289Ditto, class NP 3 18289
18289mi;qZDr( ,uih&3
→ 207.98 305.03 346.63 415.95 519.94 727.91 1525.15 2079.75 ←


PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

18290 Pig lead → 180.25 18290 nzO; Vkadh
18291 Lead wool → 299.57 18291 Åu Vkadh
18292 Red or white lead cement → 235.71 18292 yky ;k lQsn lhesaV Vkadh
18293 Spun yarn → 65.80 18293 cVk gqvk lu

For valves of sizes
PER 10 NOS. ckYo ds uki ds fy;s izfr 10 u-
20mm and Exc 20mm but n Exc 32mm but
under exc 32mm n exc 50mm
20 feeh vkSj 20 eheh ls vf/kd 32 feeh ls
de ijUrq 32 feeh vf/kd ijUrq 50
ls vuf/kd feeh ls vuf/kd
18294India rubber washers for 18294 [kEHks uy vkfn ds fy, ns'kh jcM+
pillar taps etc. → 3.74 5.13 12.87 ← cklZy
18295Fibre washers for hot water 18295 xeZ ikuh ds uyksa ds fy;s js'ks ds
taps → 4.03 7.32 15.24 ← cklZy
SECTION 18 399
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)–Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

EACH iz R ;s d
18296Cones for W.C’s., India rubber with 18296
18296eyk/kkj ds ns'kh jcM+ dsuokl ds 'kadw
canvas backing → 10.40 ←
SALT-GLAZED, STONEWARE 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds fudkl uy

PER RUNNING Internal dia in min iz f r ehVj

METRE var% O;k; feeh esa
80 100 150 200
18297 Salt glazed stoneware drain 18297
18297, ds 'kksjs ;qDr iRFkj ds
pipes, grade “A’ → 97.10 127.10 231.09 462.16 ← fudkl uy

DRAIN PIPE FITTINGS fudkl uy ds miLdj

EACH iz R ;s d
18298Salt glazed stoneware bends 18298
18298'kksjk ;qDr iRFkj ds fdlh O;kl ds
and taper bends, any radius eksM+ o eksM+ iV~Vh
→ 69.33 110.92 138.65 249.57 ←
18299Ditto, single ‘Y’ junctions, 18299
18299mi;qZDr] ,d 'kk[kk okys Y laxe]
ditto → 69.33 110.92 138.65 207.98 ← mi;qZDr
18300Ditto, double ‘Y’ junctions, 18300
18300mi;qZDr] f} 'kk[kk okys Y laxe]
ditto → 110.92 138.65 166.38 249.57 ← mi;qZDr


EACH iz R ;s d
18301Traps, intercepting, the 18301
18301Qan]s vojks/kh] ifjn'kZu Hkqtk;sa lknk
inspection arms fitted with fdLe ds jks/kd o tkap Hkqtk tLrh
plain pattern stopper and yksgs ds izkl tksM+ esa] LFkkfir ¼;k
inspection arm fitted with vU; Lohd`r uewuk½ lkFk esa tLrh
galvanised iron bayonet joint
(or other approved pattern)
yksgs ds yhoj] tathj o gqd
with galvanised iron lever,
galvanised iron chain, ring ←
and hook → 332.76 471.41 – –


EACH iz R ;s d
18302Vitreous China wash down 18302
18302dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds cgkoh
water closet pan (pedestal tyeyk/kkj ¼ihfBdk uewuk½ lQsn
pattern), white (excluding
fixing bolts, flushing cistern
¼LFkkiu dkoys] cgko Vadh] o cgko
and flush pipe) → 1192.39 uy jfgr½
18303Vitreous China, semi-pedestal 18303
18303dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds v/kZihfBdk
pattern (Anglo-Indian Type) uewus ds ¼vakxy&Hkkjrh; fdLe½
(ditto) → 3466.25 ← mi;qZDr
400 SECTION 18
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)—Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh
LoPNrk miLdj tkjh

EACH iz R ;s d
18304Vitreous China squatting pan of pattern 18304
18304dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds fcBko ik= ÞyEcs ik=ß
“long pan”, size 580 mm white with ‘P’ or 580 feeh vkdkj ds lQsn ^ih* ;k ^,l* Qans
‘S” trap, front or back inlet and foot rests, lkeus ihNs izos'k rFkk ik;nku] dksbZ uewuk lfgr
any pattern (excluding flushing cistern
← ¼cgko Vadh o cgko uy jfgr½
and flush pipe) → 1705.40

18305Ditto but size 630mm → 8526.98 18305

18305mi;qZDr] fdUrq vkdkj 630 feeh
18306vitreous China squatting pan, ‘Orissa’ 18306
18306dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds fcBko ik= *mM+hlk* uewus
pattern, size 580 x 440 mm white, with o vkdkj 580 x 440 feeh lQsn] vUn:uh ik;nku
integral foot rests (excluding flushing
← lfgr ¼cgko Vadh o cgko uy jfgr½
cistern and flush pipe) → 1819.09

18307Ditto but size of 630 x 450 mm → 2079.75 18307

18307mi;qZDr] fdUrq vkdkj 630 x 450 feeh
18308Ditto but size of 680 x 470 mm → 2287.73 18308
18308mi;qZDr] fdUrq] vkdkj 680 x 470 feeh
18309Vitreous China Urinal, Half stall type, 18309dkapkf;r phuh feêh eq=ikr v/kZ LVko lQsn
white (excluding flushing cistern, flush ← ¼ogko Vadh] cgkoh uy o fudkl uy jfgr½
pipe and waste pipe) → 1199.32
18310Vitreous China bowl urinal flat back, size 18310
18310dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds] likV ihB ew=ik=] 465
of 465 x 355 x 265 mm white (minimum), x 355 x 265 feeh ds lQsn ¼U;wure½ fudkl ds
with grating and union for discharge pipe fy, tkyh o ldksVj lfgr ¼cgko Vadh] cgko½
(excluding flushing cistern, flush pipe and
waste pipe) → 909.54
← uy o fudkl uy jfgr
18311Ditto but angle back of size 430 x 370 x 18311
18311mi;qZDr] fdUrq dksfu;k ihB ds 430 x 370 x 340
340 mm (minimum) → 1136.93 ← feeh ¼U;wure½
1831210 litres, cast iron, valveless. syphonic 18312
18312<ys yksgs ds 10 yhVj ds okYo jfgr eqM+h }kj o
action type, flushing cistern, high level, cgko uyh Vkbi dh cgko Vadh Åps vk/kkj izo's k
with inlet, ball valve, float, chain and pull,
and brackets → 1594.48
cky ckYo] pyk;eku tathj o idM+ rFkk nhokjxhj
← lfgr
1831312.5 litres, ditto → 1941.10 18313
18313mi;qZDr] 12-5 yhVj
18314Vitreous China valveless, 18314
18314dkapkf;r phuh feêh dh ckYo
syphonic action type, 10 litres 12.5 litres 15 litres
jfgr eqM+h cgko uyh Vkbi dh
flushing cistern, low level, 10 yhVj 12-5 yhVj 15 yhVj
white, with inlet, ball valve, cgko Vadh uhps vk/kkj dh lQsn
float and handle including rFkk izos'k }kj xksyk ckYo]
brackets pyk;eku] gRFkk vkSj
→ 2495.70 3119.63 3604.90 ← nhokjxhj lfgr
18315Ditto but flushing cistern of 18315
18315mi;qZDr] fdUrq laihfMr yksgs dh
pressed steel, enamelled ← lQsn jksxu dh gqbZ cgko Vadh
white→→ 2218.40 2773.00 3119.63
18316 PVC valveless, syphonic 18316
action type, flushing cistern,
low level, white, with inlet,
ball valve, float and handle 797.24 – –
including brackets
SECTION 18 401
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)—Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

EACH iz R ;s d
18317 5 litres cast iron automatic flushing cistern, 18317
18317<ys yksgs dh 5 yhVj dh dks"Bd lfgr Lopy
including brackets → 450.61 ← cgko Vadh
1831810 litres, ditto → 485.28 18318
18318mi;qZDr] 10 yhVj
1831915 litres, ditto → 623.93 18319
18319mi;qZDr] 15 yhVj
18320Mild steel tube flush pipe, 32mm dia, for high 18320
18320uje yksgs ds cgko uy 32 feeh O;kl dh vk/kkj
level cistern → 341.08 ← okyh Vadh ds fy,
18321Brass chromium plated shower rose 18321
18321125 feeh vkdkj Øksfe;e ;qDr ihry ds QCokjk
125mm size → 311.96 ← dVksjh
18322Flush pipe of polyethylene of low or high 18322
18322fuEu vk/kkj dh Vadh gsrq 32 feeh O;kl ds fuEu ;k
density or PVC. 32 mm dia, for low level ← mPp ?kuRo ds ikyhFkhu cgko uy
cistern → 83.19
18323Flush pipe of chromium plated brass tube, 18323
18323fuEu vk/kkj dh Vadh gsrq 32 feeh O;kl ds Øksfe;e
32mm dia, for low level cisterns→ → 450.61 ← eqyEek;qDr ihry ds cgko uy
White Coloured
lQsn jaxhu
18324 Toilet paper holder, vitreous China, 18324
18324dkapkf;r phuh ds cDlsuqek eq=/kkuh dkxt
box type → 138.65 227.39 ← MCcs
18325Vitreous China Urinal, full stall type, white 18325
18325dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds iw.kZ <kih fdLe ds ew=ik=
(excluding flushing cistern, flush pipe and ← ¼cgko Vadh] cgko uy o fudkl uy jfgr½
waste pipe) → 2717.54
18326Plastic water closet seat, black, closed pattern with 18326tyeyk/kkj ds fy,] dkyh canuqek ij likV ry dh
flat bottom, and cover and mild steel chromium lhV rFkk vkoj.k vkSj uje yksgs dk Øksfe;e
plated or aluminised hinging device → 693.25 ← eqyEek;qDr ;k vYeksfu;e ds tqM+k lk/ku
18327Ditto but with recessed bottom → 831.90 18327
18327mi;q ZDr] fdUrq vUrjh; ry
18328White glazed fine clay sink size 18328
18328gkSnh lQsn tLrh mre feêh dh 600 x 450 x 200
600x450x200mm → 3466.25 ← feeh vkdkj okyh
18329—Ditto— size 750x450x250mm → 4852.75 18329
18329mi;qZDr] 750 x 450 x 250 feeh
18330Vitreous Cliina wash basin, wliile, flat back, size 18330
18330/kksou ik= dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds lQsn likV ihB
580x450irun (for Hospilal use) excluding taps, okys 580 x 450feeh vkdkj ¼gLirky iz;ksx gsr½q uy]
waste, chain and plug and porcelain stopper tathj o jksd rFkk phuh feêh dh jksd jfgr fdUrq
but including brackets → 1247.85 ← dks"Bd lfgr
18331Vitreous China wash basin, white, flat back, size 18331
18331/kkou ik= dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds lQsn] likV ihB
630x450mm excluding ditto but including ← okys] 630 x 450 feeh uki okys jfgr mi;qZDr
brackets → 1005.21
18332Ditto but size 550x400mm → 1039.88 18332
18332mi;qZDr] fdUrq 550 x 400 feeh vkdkj
18333Ditto but size 450x300mm → 970.55 18333
18333mi;qZDr] fdUrq 450 x 300 feeh vkdkj
18334Vitreous Cliina wash basin, angle back, size 18334
18334/kksou ik= dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds] dksfu;k ihB okys(
600x480mm white, excluding taps, waste, vkdkj 600 x 480 feeh lQsn] Vksfa V;k] fudkl] tathj
chain and plug and porcelain stopper but o MVs vkSj phuh feêh ds jksd jfgr fdUrq dks"Bd
including brackets → 1005.21
← lfgr
402 SECTION 18
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k
MATERIALS (Supplied only)–Contd.
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

EACH iz R ;s d
18335 Dilto, size 400 x 400mm → 589.26 18335 mi;qZDr] 400 x 400 feeh vkdkj
18336 Add to items 18830 to 18834 for supply of 18336 tksM+sa en 18330 ls 18334 esa ihfBdk vkiwfrZ gsrq
pedestal → 1247.85
18337 600mmx450mm bevelled edge mirror of 18337 niZ.k vuqeksfnr dksfV ds dkap ds <kyw fdukjs okys
selected quality glass, mounted on 6mm 600 x 450 feeh 6 fee eksVh ,sLosLVl pknj ds
thick AC building board or commercial
plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with
r[rs ;k O;olkf;d vkLrj.k esa Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr
chromium plated brass screws and cup ihry ds isp o ok'kj ls ydM+h ds xqVdksa ij
washers → 554.60 ← LFkkfir
18338 Soap dish, vitreous China white, ap- 18338 lkcqunkuh dkapkf;r phuh feêh dh] 160 x 160 x
proximate size 160x 160x90mm → ← 90 feeh laHkkfor vkdkj
18339 Sheet glass shelf assembly consisting of 18339 'kSYQ dkap dh 5-5 feeh eksVh pknj ls 12 lseh-
5.5mm thick sheet glass shelf 12cm wide pkSMh+] Øksfe;e eqyEek;qDr dks"Bd o 60 lseh-
with chromium plated bracket guard and ← yEch jksd NM+ lfgr
railing 60cm long → 346.63
18340 Ditto with aluminium alloy brackets and 18340 mi;qZDr] ,yeksfu;e /kkrq dksfu;k dks"Bd o jksd
guard rail → 228.77 ← NM+ lfgr
18341 White vitreous china laboratory sink size 18341 iz;ksx'kkyk o jlksbZ dh gkSfn;ka dkapkf;r phuh feêh
450x300x150 → ← dh lQsn] 450 x 300 x 150 vkdkj
18342 Ditto-but size 600x450x200mm→
→ 3466.25 18342 mi;qZDr fdUrq 600 x 450 x 200 feeh vkdkj
18343 Stainless steel sink, 1.00mm thick for 18343 LVsuySl LVhy gkSnh] 1 feeh eksVh jlksbZ ;k iz;ksx'kkyk
kitchen or laboratory, with plug, waste ds fy,] MkV fudkl uy ok'kj] izkl yhoj] <ys
pipe, washers, including cantilever cast yksgs ds cSzfdV] la;kstd ;qXed vkfn laiw.kZ vkdkj
iron brackets, connecting union etc.,
495 x 420 feeh] p"kd vkdkj 410 x 330 x 160
overall size 495mm x 420mm with bowl
2495.70 ← feeh
size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm→ →
18344 Stainless steel sink with draining board, 18344 LVsuySl LVhy dh gkSnh lkFk esa fudk'k cksMZ tks
made out of 1.00mm thick sheet for kitchen 1-00 feeh eksVh LVhy ls cus jlksbZ ;k iz;ksx'kkyk
or laboratory with plug, washers waste ds fy;s] MkV] ok'kj] fudkl uy] <ys yksgs ds izkl
pipe, cast iron cantilever brackets,
z Vs la;kstd ;qXed lai.w kZ vkdkj 915 feeh x 460
connecting union overall size
915mmx460mm with bowl size 410mm x feeh] p"kd vkdkj 410 x 330 x 160 feeh
330mm x 160mm → 4506.13 ←
18345 Vitreous china squatting plate urinal, 18345 dkpkaf;r phuh feêh dh mBkoh IysV ew=ikr] lQsn
white (excluding flushing cistern, flush ← ¼ogkch uy o fudkl uy jfgr½
pipe and waste pipe) → 1459.98
18346 Vitreous china urinal partition white of 18346 dkpkaf;r phuh dh lQsn ew=ikr nhokj vkdkj 310 x
size 310x700 mm. → 1663.80 ← 700 fe ehŒ
SECTION 18 403
[kaM 18&ty iwfrZ] uy tqM+kbZ] ty fudklh rFkk LoPNrk midj.k

MATERIALS (Supplied only)–Contd.

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

Capacity in Litres
{kerk fyVj esa
250 500 750 1000 2000
18347Plastic water tank,
approved quality → 1906.44 3812.88 5719.31 7625.75 15251.50 18347
18347IykfLVd uy Vadh Lohd`r dksfV


18348PVC (SWR) pipes, single socketed, in any 18348
18348ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uy] ,dy ldksfVr] fdlh yEckbZ esa
length, with rubber rings 75mm dia→ → 177.47 ← 75 feeh O;kl ds NYys lfgr
18349PVC (SWR) pipes, single socketed, in any 18349
18349ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uy] ,dy ldksfVr fdlh yEckbZ esa]
length , with rubber rings 110mm dia→→ 332.76 ← lkFk 110 feeh O;kl jcM+ NYyk
18350PVC (SWR) pipes, double socketed, in any 18350
18350ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uy] nksgjs ldksfVr] fdlh yEckbZ esa
length, with rubber rings 75mm dia→ → ← 75 feeh jcM+ NYys ds lkFk
18351PVC (SWR) pipes, double socketed, in any 18351
18351ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uy] nksgjs ldksfVr] fdlh yEckbZ esa
length, with rubber rings 110mm dia→ → 346.63 ← 110 feeh jcM+ NYys ds lkFk

PER LITRE iz f r fyVj

18352 Rubber lubricant for PVC (SWR) pipes→

→ 818.04 18352 jcM+ rsfyr] ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uy ds fy,
18352A Solvent cement for PVC (SWR) pipes→→ 332.76 18352, foyk;d lhesaV] ihohlh ¼lhoj½ uyksa ds fy;s
404 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
[k.M 19 fo|qr dk;Z
mi[k.M&d ckgjh dk;Z
fctyh ds [kEHks rFkk LrEHk
(a) The rates include staying the poles in a truly vertical ¼d½ bu njksa esa [kaHks dks lgh lh/kh fLFkfr esa Fkkesa j[kuk lekfgr
position till the foundations are properly set. gS tc rd fd uhao iw.kZ:i ls iDdh ugha gks tkrhA
(b) Excavation, foundation concrete, presenative treatment, etc. ¼[k½ Hkwfe dh [kqnkbZ] uhao daØhV cpko mipkj vkfn] mi;qDr
will be measured separately under the appropriate sections. [kaMksa ds vUrxZr] izFkd ekis tk;sx a As bLikr ukyhnkj [kaHkksa ij
Painting to steel tubular poles (inside and outside) is
however included in the rates of steel tubular poles.
¼vUnj o ckgj½ jaxkbZ dk;Z rFkkfi yksgs ds uyhnkj [kaHkksa ds
dk;Z dh njksa esa gh lfUufgr gSaA
(c) The rates for poles shall also apply to struts when poles of ¼x½ [kaHks dh njsa LrEHkksa ij Hkh ykxw gksx
a h tc leku eki ds [kaHkksa
the same size are used as struts. dk iz;ksx lLrEHkksa ds leku gksA
(d) Rates for steel tubular poles also include provision of finial ¼?k½ yksgs ds uyhnkj [kaHkks dh njksa esa Åij ds dy'k rFkk yksgs
and cast iron base plate fixed to poles.
dh <yh ry ifê;ksa dh O;oLFkk djuk ,oa mUgsa [kaHks esa
yxkuk Hkh fufgr gSA
(e) The rates also include drilling of holes in steel tubular ¼M½ yksgs ds uyhnkj [kaHks esa ojes ls Nsn djuk vkSj tLrh yksgs
poles and provision of precast holes in PCC poles for fixing
'D' iron, clamps and hooks for continuous G.I. earth wire
ds Hkwfe xr rkj dh fujUrjrk cuk;s j[kus ds fy, izofyr
etc. to the required size and number. lhesaV daØhVds [kaHks esa ^Mh* bLikr f'kdts o gqd yxkus ds
fy, izofyr Nsn dh O;oLFkk djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
ydM+h ds [kEHks
EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d
19001Wood pole, normal height 8 metres, lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu 19001
19001ydM+h ds [kaHks] ftudh lkekU; ÅpkbZ 8
ground line position from butt end
1.5 metres and minimum
ehVj gks vksj daqMs ds Nksj ls Hkwfe js[kk
circumference at ground line fLFkfr 1-5 ehVj rFkk Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr ij
position from 66cm to 78cm. → ← U;wure ?ksjk 66 ls- fe- ls 78 ls- fe-
19002Wood pole, normal height 9 metres, 19002
19002ydM+h ds [akHks] lkekU; ÅpkbZ 9 eh- gks
ground line position from butt end vkSj dqM a s ds Nksj ls Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr 1%5 eh]
1.5 metres and minimum
circumference at ground line
rFkk Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr ij U;wure ?ksjk 70
position from 70cm to 82cm. → ← lseh ls 82 lseh
19003Wood pole, normal height 10 metres, 19003
19003ydM+h ds [kaHks] lkekU; ÅpkbZ 10 eh vkSj
ground line position from butt end dqM a s ds Nksj ls Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr 1-8 eh rFkk
1.8 metres and minimum Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr ij U;wure ?ksjk 73 lseh
circumference at ground line
← ls 84 lseh
position from 73cm to 84cm. →
19004Wood pole, normal height 12 metres, 19004
19004ydM+h ds [kaHks] lkekU; ÅpkbZ 12 eh vkSj
ground line position from butt end dqM a as ds Nksj ls Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr 1-8 eh rFkk
1.8 metres and minimum
Hkwfe js[kk fLFkfr ij U;wure ?ksjk 78 lseh
circumference at ground line
position from 78cm to 92cm. → ← ls 92 lseh
SECTION 19 405
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

19005Prestressed concrete pole, 11.0 lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19005iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks] 9 ds
metres long. 152mm x 152mm at top 11-0 eh yEcs] f'k[kj ij 152×152 feeh
and 152mm x 260mm at bottom,
class 9 → 7060.30 936.90 ← rFkk iSanh ij 152×260 feeh
19006Prestressed concrete pole, 9.0 metres 19006
19006iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks] 10 ds 9-0
long, 102mm x 172mm at top eh yEcs] f'k[kj ij 102×172 feeh rFkk
and l2mm x 279mm at bottom,
class 10 → 6193.50 886.50 ← iSanh ij 102×279 feeh
19007Prestressed concrete pole, 9.0 metres 19007
19007iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks] 10 ds 9-0
long, 102mm x 152mm at top
eh yEcs] f'k[kj ij 102×152 feeh rFkk
and 102mm x 289mm at bottom,
class 10 → 5686.20 923.50 ← iSanh ij 102×289 feeh
19008Prestressed concrete pole, 7.5 metres 19008
19008iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks] 11 ds 7-5
long, 102mm x 152mm at top and
eh yEcs] f'k[kj ij 102×152 feeh rFkk
102mm x 281mm at bottom,
class 11 → 4476.70 802.60 ← iSanh ij 102×281 feeh
19009Prestressed concrete pole, 7.5 metres 19009
19009iwoZ izfrcfyr daØhV[kaHks] 11 ds 7-5
long, 102mm x 120mm at top
eh yEcs] f'k[kj ij 102×120 feeh rFkk
and 102mm x 229mm at bottom,
class 11 → 4096.30 694.40 ← iSanh ij 102×229 feeh


yksgs ds uyhnkj [kaHks

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19010Steel tubular swaged poles complete 19010
19010bLikr ds uyhnkj <.ok [kaHks ¼8-5 eh yEcs½
with cast iron base plate, finial taper fufnZ"V 410 ,lih&22 uewuk <ys yksgs dh
plug, bolts, nuts & screws as vk/kkj iV~Vh] fufnZf"Vr f'k[kj ca/kd xês]
specified type 410 SP-22 (8.5
metres long) → 11505.10 469.30 ← dkoys] fnCckjh o isp lfgr
19011Ditto, type 410 SP-31 (9.00 metres 19011
19011mi;qDZ r] uewuk 410 ,lih&31 ¼9-0 eh yEcs½
long) → 12009.70 511.30
19012Ditto, type 410 SP-37 (9.5 metres
long) → 12527.90 553.20
19012mi;qDZ r] uewuk 410 ,lih&37 ¼9-5 eh yEcs½
19013Ditto type 410 SP-44 (10.0 metres 19013
19013mi;qDZ r] uewuk 410 ,lih&44 ¼10-0 eh yEcs½
long) → 13746.80 601.90
19014Ditto, type 410 SP-55 (11.0 metres 19014
19014mi;qDZ r] uewuk 410 ,lih&55 ¼11-0 eh yEcs½
long) → 184.43 685.80
19015Ditto, type 410 SP-64 (12.0 metres 19015
19015mi;qDZ r] uewuk 410 ,lih&64 ¼12-0 eh yEcs½
long) → 23594.90 447.80
406 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
dSaph Hkwtk

PER QUINTAL M&L Fixing only iz f r fDoa V y

19016Cross arms, bracings, supports, lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19016dSp a h Hkqtk] ifê;ka ¼ca/ku½] vkyac] f'kdats o
clamps and back plates fabricated bekjrh bLikr [kaM ls fojfpr jksd IysV]
from structural steel sections
including nuts, bolts, washers, dkoys] fnofj;ka fdlh :i ;k vkdkj dh]
welding, bending cold or hot, tSlk Hkh lwfpr ;k funsZf'kr gks vkSj jksxu
drilling holes for bolts, in any shape dh ,d vLrj.k rg ij ,d vLrjh o ,d
or size as indicated or directed and iwfrZ ijr yxkus lfgr
inclusive of one primer coat, one
under coat and one finishing coat of
paint → 11931.40 5547.80 ←

fo|q r jks / kd

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu 19017
19017fiu leku dkapf;r phuh feêh ds bLikr
19017Pin type, porcelain, vitreous, white,
brown or green insulator including fo|qrjks/kd] lQsn] Hkwjs ;k gjs] ,d uje
one galvanised mild steel spindle, bLikr dh tLrh rdyh] nks tLrh bLikr
two galvanised iron washers and ok'kj o ,d tLrh bLikr f<cjh] 50 feeh-
one galvanised iron nut, 50mm
ÅapkbZ] 550 oksYV oxZ ds fy;s 65 feeh
height, 65mm dia for 550 volts
grade → 162.30 94.30 ← O;kl lfgr

19018Ditto, 100mm height, 65mm dia for 19018

19018mi;qZDr] 1100 oksYV oxZ ds fy,] 65 feeh
1100 volts grade → 182.70 94.30 ← O;kl] 100 feeh] Åps
19019Ditto, 100mm height, 100mm dia for 19019
19019mi;qZDr] 3300 oksYV oxZ ds fy,] 100
3300 volts grade →
196.30 94.30 ← feeh O;kl] 100 feeh Åps
19020Ditto, 150mm height, 135mm dia for 19020
19020mi;qZDr] 6600 oksYV oxZ ds fy,] 135
6600 volts grade → 237.10 94.30 ← feeh O;kl] 150 feeh Åps
19021Ditto, 150mm height, 150mm dia for 19021
19021mi;qZDr] 11000 oksYV oxZ ds fy,] 150
11000 volts grade → ← feeh O;kl] 150 feeh Åps
298.40 94.30

Shackle Type, Porcelain, vitreous, white, brown or green dqaMk leku] dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds lQsn Hkwjs ;k gjs fo|qr
insulator including galvanised mild steel straps, washers, jks/kd] tLrh uje bLikr iêh] ok'kj jks/kd dkoyk o f<cjh
insulator bolts, washers and nuts, as under:
SECTION 19 407
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fo|qrjks/kd tkjh

Size Galvanised steel fittings M&L Fixing

vkdkj tLRkh bLikr miLdj lkexzh ,oa only
Working Height in Max. dia in Section of Dia of bolts Je dsoy
pressure mm mm straps in mm in mm LFkkiu
in volts
lf+; ncko mapkbZ feeh vf/kdre [kaM dk O;kl oksYV dk
oksYV esa esa O;kl feeh esa feeh esa O;kl feeh esa
19022 → 550 50 65 25x1.59 9 162.30 94.3 ← 19022
19023 → 1100 75 90 31x3 12 189.50 94.3 ← 19023
19024 → 1100 100 115 31x5 14 196.30 94.3 ← 19024
19025 → 3300 133 125 38x5 20 298.40 94.3 ← 19025
19026 → 6600 150 125 38x5 20 434.50 94.3 ← 19026
19027 → 11000 150 150 38x5 20 434.50 94.3 ← 19027


19028 MCCB 3 Pole, 415 V, fixed type, 25 to 100

Amps with breaking capacity 16 KA → 3016.10
19029 Ditto, but 125 Amps → 3587.10
19030 MCCB 3 Pole, 415 V, Adjustable type, 160
Amps with breaking capacity 36 KA → 7355.90
19031 Ditto, but 200 Amps → 12278.70
19032 Ditto, but 250 Amps → 13145.10
19033 Ditto, but 350 Amps → 14393.50
19034 Ditto, but 400 Amps → 14393.50
19035 Ditto, but 500 Amps → 16421.60
19036 Ditto, but 630 Amps, 50 KA → 20190.50


19037 MCCB 4 Pole, 415 V, Adjustable type, 160

Amps with breaking capacity 36 KA → 8395.60
19038 Ditto, but 200 Amps → 14543.10
19039 Ditto, but 250 Amps → 15580.80
19040 Ditto, but 350 Amps → 17544.10
19041 Ditto, but 400 Amps → 17544.10
19042 Ditto, but 500 Amps → 20308.70
19043 Ditto, but 630 Amps, 50 KA → 24365.00
408 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z


19044 MCCB 3 Pole, 415 V, with Microprocessor

release 160 Amps with breaking capacity
36 KA → 9104.50
19045 Ditto, but 250 Amps → 17351.10
19046 Ditto, but 400 Amps → 19887.30
19047 Ditto, but 630 Amps, 50 KA → 22521.90
19048 Ditto, but 4 Pole, 160Amps, 36 KA → 12152.70
19049 Ditto, but 4 Pole, 250 Amps, 36 KA → 22395.90
19050 Ditto, but 4 Pole, 400 Amps, 36 KA → 22395.90
19051 Ditto, but 4 Pole, 630 Amps, 50 KA → 29350.80



19052 ACB 4 Pole, 415 V, with Thermal Magnetic

Release (Manual Fixed type) of capacity
630 Amps → 47090.90
19053 Ditto, but 800 Amps → 49616.20
19054 Ditto, but 1000 Amps → 55945.90
19055 Ditto, but 1250 Amps → 77206.10
19056 Ditto, but 1600 Amps → 82601.10
19057 Ditto, but 2000 Amps → 101309.80
19058 Ditto, but 2500 Amps → 115315.50
19059 Ditto, but 3200 Amps → 172052.00
19060 Ditto, but 4000 Amps → 265057.40


19061 ACB 4 Pole, 415 V, with Thermal Magnetic

Release (Manual Drawout type) of
capacity 630 Amps → 76648.50
19062 Ditto, but 800 Amps → 79571.60
19063 Ditto, but 1000 Amps → 86689.00
19064 Ditto, but 1250 Amps → 108882.60
19065 Ditto, but 1600 Amps → 123718.50
19066 Ditto, but 2000 Amps → 146798.30
19067 Ditto, but 2500 Amps → 175635.90
19068 Ditto, but 3200 Amps → 220250.10
19069 Ditto, but 4000 Amps → 292953.00
SECTION 19 409
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z



19070 ACB 4 Pole, 415 V, Manual Drawout type

with microprocessor release of capacity
630 Amps → 100152.90
19071 Ditto, but 800 Amps → 102721.46
19072 Ditto, but 1000 Amps → 108322.60
19073 Ditto, but 1250 Amps → 132024.60
19074 Ditto, but 1600 Amps → 143843.70
19075 Ditto, but 2000 Amps → 171649.50
19076 Ditto, but 2500 Amps → 196887.50
19077 Ditto, but 3200 Amps → 248551.30
19078 Ditto, but 4000 Amps → 325905.60



19079 Automatic Power Factor Correction

(APFC) Panel for 3 Phase, 415 V & 50 Hz
system of capacity 20 KVAR without
incoming MCCBs → 107988.90
19080 Ditto, but capacity 30 KVAR → 109487.60
19081 Ditto, but capacity 40 KVAR → 112583.00
19082 Ditto, but capacity 50 KVAR → 122068.60
19083 Ditto, but capacity 60 KVAR → 135557.70
19084 Ditto, but capacity 70 KVAR → 147413.30
19085 Ditto, but capacity 80 KVAR → 155906.10
19086 Ditto, but capacity 90 KVAR → 161780.70
19087 Ditto, but capacity 100 KVAR → 207841.70
19088 Ditto, but capacity 120 KVAR → 225446.10
19089 Ditto, but capacity 150 KVAR → 380666.70
19090 Ditto, but capacity 180 KVAR → 412695.90
19091 Ditto, but capacity 200 KVAR → 433739.00
19092 Ditto, but capacity 240 KVAR → 396242.20
19093 Ditto, but capacity 300 KVAR → 534440.20
410 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z



19094 Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation,

three phase naturally oil cooled indoor
type & designed for input variation
between 340 V to 460 V with output
voltage stabilized at 415 with accuracy ±
2.5% and speed of correction 8 Volts per
second and of capacity 5 KVA → 62233.20
19095 Ditto, but capacity 10 KVA → 74720.90
19096 Ditto, but capacity 15 KVA → 87748.70
19097 Ditto, but capacity 25 KVA → 118240.10
19098 Ditto, but capacity 50 KVA → 202398.40
19099 Ditto, but capacity 75 KVA → 274898.60
19100 Ditto, but capacity 100 KVA → 319463.50
19101 Ditto, but capacity 200 KVA → 531387.30
19102 Ditto, but capacity 300 KVA → 625887.80
19103 Ditto, but capacity 400 KVA → 841247.70
19104 Ditto, but capacity 500 KVA → 1033863.81



19105 HT 11 KV, 3 phase 50 Hz, indoor type,

totally enclosed metal clad switchgear
complete with Vacuum Circuit Breaker
having rupturing capacity 250 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
19106 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of
rating upto 630 Amp. → 798832.00
19107 HT 11 KV. 3 phase 50 Hz, indoor type,
totally enclosed metal clad switchgear
complete with Vacuum Circuit Breaker
having rupturing capacity 350 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 800
Amp. → 1001690.10
19108 Ditto, of rating upto 1200 Amp. → 1184262.40
SECTION 19 411
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z



19109 Ditto, of rating upto 1600 Amp. → 1420930.24

19110 HT 11 KV. 3 phase 50 cycles, outdoor type,
totally enclosed metal clad switchgear
complete with Vacuum circuit breaker
having rupturing capacity upto 250 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
19111 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of
rating upto 630 Amp. → 866451.40



19112 HT 11 KV, 3 phase, 50 cycles totally

enclosed metal clad SF6 switchgear
having rupturing capacity upto 250 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
19113 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of
rating upto 630 Amp. → 934070.80
19114 HT 33 KV, 3 phase, 50 cycles totally
enclosed metal clad SF6 switchgear
having rupturing capacity upto 250 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
19115 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of
rating upto 630 Amp. → 1664359.90

19116 HT 11 KV, 3 phase, 50 cycles totally
enclosed metal clad SF6 Switchgear
having Rupturing capacity upto 250 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
412 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z


19117 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of

rating upto 630 Amp. → 1001690.10
19118 HT 33 KV, 3 phase, 50 cycles totally
enclosed metal clad SF6 Switchgear
having Rupturing capacity upto 750 MVA,
overload and earth fault protection,
ammeter, voltmeter and of rating upto 400
Amp. →
19119 Ditto, but rupturing capacity 350 MVA of
ratinejipto 630 Amp. → 1731979.34

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

Disc type insulator, porcelain, vitreous lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu pØ leku dkapkf;r phuh feêh ds fo|qr
145mm high and 255mm dia ball and vojks/kd] 145 feeh Åps o 255 feeh O;kl cky
socket type, white, brown or green:
o dksVj tSls] lQsn] Hkwjs ;k gjs%
19120'Two-in-series' assembly for tension 19120
19120f}Ja[kyk lek;kstu] ruko ls ruko f'kdats
with tension clamps for conductors,
← lapkyd gsrq lfØ; ncko 11000 oksYV
working pressure 11000 volts → 2066.50 376.02
19121Single disc assembly for ditto → 1433.20 283.70 19121
19121,dy pØlek;kstu gsrq mi;qZDr
19122Reel type insulator, 40mm dia x 19122
19122pj[kh uqek fo|qrjks/kd 40 feeh O;kl ×
20mm high x 12mm hole → ← 20 feeh Åapk
95.80 62.00
19123Ditto 65mm dia x 31mm high x 19123
19123mi;qDZ r pj[kh uqek] O;kl 65 feeh × 31
20mm hole → 102.60 62.00 ← feeh Åapk × 20 feeh fNnz

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

Loop type insulator, vitreous porcelain, lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu QUnk uqek dkapf;r phuh feêh ds lQsn] Hkwjs ;k
white, brown or green: gjs fo|qrjks/kd
19124Small size, with overall dimensions
19124NksVs vkdkj ds 65 × 90 feeh dqy ifjeki]
65 x 90mm, clearance of hole 16mm 102.60 62.00 ← 16 feeh O;kl fudkl fNnz ds NksVh fdLe ds
19125Large size, with overall dimensions
19125cMs vkdkj ds 90 × 140 feeh dqy ifjeki]
90mmx140mm, clearance of hole
25.5mm → 109.40 62.00 ← 25-5 feeh O;kl fudkl fNnz

PER QUINTAL iz f r fda o Vy

19126Galvanised stay strand, 7/4mm → 6087.10 1353.70 19126
19126tLrh 7@4 feeh rku yM+ vkdkj
19127Ditto 7/3.15mm, ditto → 6334.70 1533.80 19127
19127tLrh 7@3-15 feeh rku yM+ vkdkj] mi;qDZ r
19128Ditto 7/2.50mm. ditto → 6659.20 1790.60 19128
19128tLrh 7@2-5 feeh rku yM+ vkdkj] mi;qDZ r
19129Ditto 7/2.24mm. ditto → 6659.20 1790.60 19129
19129tLrh 7@2-24 feeh rku yM+ vkdkj] mi;qDZ r
SECTION 19 413
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
rku lek;ks t u
PER SET M&L Fixing only izfr lSV
Diameter of (excluding)
stay rod in mm fabrication
lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
rku NM+- dk ¼lsjpuk jfgr½
19130Stay assembly complete with 19130
19130rku lewg] fo|qr lwph Øekad 1 esa iznf'kZr
accessories as shown in electrical O;kl feeh esa
vuqlkj] milk/ku lfgr laiw.kZ ¼Qankuqek
plate No. 1 (loop type insulator, stay 20mm 16mm
clamps, excavation and concrete
fo|qrjks/kd rku f'kdats] [kqnkbZ] o daØhV
measured separately) → 2305.00 2305.00 1764.10 ← izFkd ekis tk;saxs½

'kh"kZ L Fk la p kyd
(a) The 'M & L' and 'fixing only' rates include supply and ¼d½ Þlk o Jeß rFkk Þdsoy LFkkiuß dh njksa esa rkaos ds ca/ku rkj
fixing of copper binding wire or aluminium tapes which o vY;qeqfu;e ifÙk;ksa ftudk Hkkj lapkyd ds lkFk ugha
shall not be included in the weight of conductors.
tksM+k tk;sxk] dh vkiwfrZ o LFkkiu 'kkfey gSA
(b) Weight of ACSR or all aluminium conductors drawn for ¼[k½ 'kh"kZLFk rkjksa ds fy;s ,slh ,l vkj ;k iw.kZ vYeqfu;e
overhead lines is to be determined by measuring taut lapkyd dk Hkkj nks [kaHkksa ds chp lekukUrj Qklys eki dj
horizontal distance between centres of two adjacent
poles and compounding the weight of conductors of
vkadk tk;sxk rFkk mlh vkdkj ds lapkydksa ds Hkkj esa feyk
that size and length and 3% extra added for sag, jointing, fn;k tk;sxk rFkk <ky] tqM+koksa] >aidks vkfn ds fy, 3%
jumpers, etc. vfrfjDr tksMk+ tk;sxkA
(c) Weight of conductors shall be calculated from the tables ¼x½ lapkydksa dk Hkkj lacfU/kr ekud lwph esa fn;s x;s lw= ds
given in the relevant I.S. Where the weight of any conductor vuqlkj vkadk tk;sxkA tgak fdlh lapkyd dk Hkkj ekud
is not given in the I.S. it shall be calculated using standard
tables of the electrical conductors supplied by the makers.
lwph esa ugha fn;k gks rks mldk Hkkj fuekZrk }kjk iz;qDr
ekud lwph vuqlkj vkadk tk;sxkA

PER QUINTAL M&L Fixing only iz f r fdoa V y

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19131Aluminium conductor, steel 19131
19131vYeqfu;e lapkyd] izofyr bLikr
reinforced → 17563.10 2010.70
19132All aluminium conductor → 16886.90 2010.70 19132
19132iw.kZr;k vYeqfu;e
19133Galvanised steel wire 3.15 or 4mm 19133
19133tLrh bLikr ds rkj 3-15 ;k 4 feeh O;kl
dia → 6879.30 2010.70
19134Ditto, stranded 7/1.6min → 6879.30 2010.70 19134
19134dybZnkj cVnkj rkj yM+h 7@1-6 feeh
19135Ditto, stranded 7/2.24mm → 6879.30 2010.70 19135
19135mi;qZDr] yM+hnkj rkj 7@2-24 feeh
414 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
ykbu la ; ks t d
EACH Material & labour Fixing only iz R ;s d
suitable for conductor any size
size dsoy LFkkiu
19136Vice type connectors laokgd vkdkjuqlkj dksbZ vkdkj 19136
19136f'kdatkuqek la;kstd nks ihry dh
consisting of two brass plates, lkexzh ,oa Je IysV vkSj le ;k vle nks laokgdkas
and two steel bolts and nuts 4 to 7mm 10 to 13mm
for 2 conductors of equal or
gsrq nks yksgs ds dkuys o f<fj;kn]
dia dia
unequal sizes, for non-tension vkrfr jfgr la;kstu gsrq la;kstd
4 ls 7 feeh 10 ls 13 feeh
connections 'including vkSj ,lh,lvkj lapkyd dk
O;kl O;kl
treatment of connector and pkyd tSyh ls mipkj
ACSR conductor with
conducting jelly → 200.50 200.50 92.30 ←

ykbu VS I l

EACH Materials & Labour Fixing only iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je dsoy LFkkiu
Dia of thicker wire in mm
eksVs rkj dk O;kl feeh esa
19137Vice type taps, 3 to 10mm Above 10 and 3 to 10mm Above 10 and 19137
19137f'kdatkuqek VSi ftlesa nks
consisting of two brass upto 14mm upto 14mm lsok rkj gsrq nks le ;k
plates and one bolt and 3 ls 10 feeh 10 ls 14 feeh 3 ls 10 feeh 10 ls 14 feeh vle lapkydksa dk la;kstu
nut for connecting 2 djus ds fy;s nks ihry dh
rd rd rd
equal or unequal size
conductors for service
IysV o ,d dkoyk o ,d
wire → 186.90 186.90 92.30 92.30 ← f<ojh

EACH M&L iz R ;s d
lkexzh ,oa Je
Overall dia of conductor
dqy O;kl
Upto 10mm dia of Above 10mm dia of
19138Compression/crimping conductor wire overall conductor wire overall 19138
19138laihMu@laMklh uqek Lyho
type sleeve joints for rkj dk dqy 10 feeh O;kl rkj dk dqy O;kl 10 feeh tksM+ lapkydks@
a >aij la;kstuksa
jointing conductors/ ls Åij
jumper connections
dks tksM+us ds fy, laokgd
including treatment with tSyh ds mipkj lfgr
conducting jelly → 461.80 501.60 ←
SECTION 19 415
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
la j {k.k

PER QUINTAL M&L Fixing only iz f r fDoa V y

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19139 Cradles, hexagonal/rectangular, 19139 >wys dSMy] "kVdks.k@vk;rkdkj] 3-15
fabricated with galvanised steel
;k 4 feeh O;kl] tLrh bLikr rkjksa ls
wire 3.15 or 4mm dia → 18062.90 3250.60 ← fojfpr
19140 Anti climbing devices; comprising 19140 vkjksg.k jks/kh] lk/ku ftuesa 2-24 feeh
2.24mm dia galvanised steel
O;kl tLrh bLikr 2&yM+h rkj tkyh
2-strand barbed wire with
2.00mm dia barbs wrapped lkFk esa 2-24 O;kl ds dkaVs lfgr [kaHks ds
spirally round poles, to a length of pkjksa vksj lfiZy yisVs gq;s 0-5 ls 1-0 eh
0.5 to 1.0 metre clamped and yEcs] dlds ifÙk;ka yxh funZs'kkuqlkj
properly secured or as ordered
(clamps measured separately) → 18062.90 3250.60 ← iw.kZ lqjf{kr ¼ifÙk;k¡ dh eki izFkd gksxh½
19141 Anti-climbing device; spikes type 19141 vkjksg.k jks/kh lk/ku] uje bLikr ds
fabricated out of M.S. bars (round, lfj;k ls fojfpr ¼xksy] pkSdksj o likV½
square and flat) including nuts,
dkoys] f<jh ok'kj lfgr rFkk nks v/kZ
bolts, washers and welding in two
halves made to shape to suit the Hkkxksa esa Vkadh yxkrs gq, ,slh vkd`fr tks
cross section of the pole → [kaHks ds; dkV esa yxkus ds
12242.60 3760.30 ← mi;qDr gks

[krjs dh rf[r;k

EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d

any size
19142 Danger notice plate of 1.6mm thick lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu 19142 [krjk lwpuk] 1-6 feeh eksVh uje bLikr
mild steel sheet, vitreous enamelled fdlh lkbTk dh pknj ls cuh dkapkf;r 20×15 lseh
white, with letters, figures and vkadkj ds fuEu ruko gsrq eksVh lQsn
conventional skull and bones in
signal red colour and fixed with
ijr ij 'kCn] vad rFkk ijEijkxr
M.S. clamps, bolts and nuts of [kksiM+h o gfì;ka lkadsfrd yky jax ls
approved size, for LT, 20x15cm cus Lohd`r vkdkj ds uje bLikr dh
size → 131.60 42.00 ← ifê;ka dkoyksa o f<fj;ksa ls yxh
19143 Ditto for HT, 25x20cm size → 19143 mi;qDZ r vkdkj 25×20 lseh mPp ruko
223.80 42.00 ← gsrq
416 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fo|qrxzkgh ¼,fj;y I;wt½ ofrZ;kn
EACH Maximum current in amps Fixing only any size iz R ;s d
,Eil esa vf/kdre /kkjk amperage & any dia
Materials and Labour of line wire
lkexzh ,oa Je dsoy LFkkfir izokg rkj
Maximum dia of line wire in mm dksbZ ,Ei o O;kl
rkj iz.kkyh O;kl vf/kdre
15 amp 30 amp 60 amp
19144Porcelain aerial 19144
19144dka p kf;r fo|q r xz k g
fuses suitable for line 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm
ofrZ;kí] izokg rkj ds
wire, with brass
mi;qDr ihry ds laidZ
contact bolts and
nuts → 62.30 90.50 109.30 58.80 ← dkoys o f<fj;ksa ds lkFk

fu"dklu ¶;w t
6600 volts 11000 volts
iz R ;s d
6600 oksYV 11000 oksYV
Upto 25 Above Above upto 25 Above Above
amp 25 & 50& amp 25 & 50&
upto 50 upto 100 upto 50 upto
amp amp amp 100 amp
25 ,Ei 25 ls 50 ls 25 ,Ei 25 ls 50 ls
rd mij 50 mij 100 rd mij 50 mij 100
,Ei rd ,Ei rd ,Ei rd ,Ei rd
19145Expulsion fuse single 19145
19145,dy [kaHks ds fu"dklu
← ¶;wt

1183.50 1237.40 1425.90


ok;q pkfyrjks/kd cVu] lewg lapkfyr
EACH M&L iz R ;s d
lkexzh ,ao Je
19146Triple pole, mechanically operated, 6600 volts 11000 volts 19146
19146rhu 'kk[kk [ka H kk] ;ka f =d pkfyr]
mounted on insulator and steel
6600 oksYV 11000 oksYV fo|qrjks/kd o bLikr Ýse ij vkjksfir]
frame, with operating mechanism
worked from ground level, for 200 ,Ei rd fu/kkZfjr /kkjk ds fy;s Hkqfery
current rating upto 200 amps → 9435.10 9435.10 ← ls ;kaf=d lapkyu lfgr
19147Ditto, but for current rating 19147
19147mi;qZDr] fdUrq 400 ,Ei rd la;kstu
upto 400 amps → 13475.40 18862.30 ← fu/kkZj.k gsrq
SECTION 19 417
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z


ok;q vojks/kd ¼cVu½ fo;kstd
EACH M&L Fixing only iz R ;s d
lkexzh ,oa Je dsoy LFkkiu
Single pole, for indoor use
Suitable for current rating of ,d [kEHkk] ?kjsyw iz;ksx gsrq
/kkjk fu/kkZj.k gsrq mi;qZDr
200 amp 400 to 800 200 amp 400 to 800
amp amp
200 ekid 400 ls 800 200 ekid 400 ls 800
ekid rd ekid rd
19148Air break (switch) 19148
19148ok;q jks/kd ¼cVu½ 6600 oksYV
insulator for 6600 volts → 9436.50 2704.30 10783.20 2704.30 ← fo|qr jks/kd
19149Ditto, for 11000 volts → 19149
19149mi;qZDr] 11000 oksYV ds
12279.90 3123.90 12549.30 3123.90 ← fy,

Single pole, for out door use ,d [kaHkk] ckgjh iz;ksx gsrq
19150Air break (switch) 19150
19150ok;q jks/kd ¼cVu½ fo|qr
insulator for 6600 volts → 21976.50 3123.90 24669.90 3123.90 ← jks/kd 6600 oksYV ds fy;s
19151Ditto, for 11000 volts → 19151
19151mi;qDZ r] 11000 oksYV ds fy,
24669.90 3123.90 30056.90 3123.90


izdk'k fuxzg fuEu ruko

PER SET M&L Fixing only izfr lSV

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19152L.T. lightning arresters for outdoor 19152
19152fuEu ruko izdk'k fuxzg] ckgjh iz;ksx ds
use, non-liner resistor type, horn gap fy, vladqfpr vkojks/kduqek] NksVs Nsn
and choking coil, maximum working rFkk jksd xSMjq h] vf/kdre dk;Zdkjh ncko
pressure 1100 volts →
5493.30 1049.70 ← 1100 oksYV
19153Lightning arresters expulsion type 19153
19153izdk'k fuxzg fu"dklu Vkbi] 30 fdyks
complete with all fittings, 30 kilo amp izokg fudkl {kerk o fooj.k ds lHkh
discharge capacity, distribution
8456.20 1049.70 ← miLdjksa lfgr] laiw.kZ
class →
418 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
izdk'k fuxzg mPp ruko

PER SET M&L Fixing only izfr lSV

lkexzh ,oa Je dsoy LFkkiu
19154Lightning arresters Suitable for volts 19154
19154izdk'k fuxzg fu"dklu
expulsion type mi;qDr oksYV ds fy, Vkbi] 65 fdyks izokg
complete with all
3300 6600 11000 33000 3300 6600 11000 33000 fudkl {kerk o
fittings, transmission
class, discharge izfo"Vd ds fy,
capacity 65 kilo amp → 6166.70 1049.70 8456.20 1049.70 10694.90 1268.50 21720.40 1520.30
← miLdjksa lfgr] laiw.kZ

Vª k la Q kjej ¼ifj.kkfe=½
(a) The rates include for supplying transformers with standard ¼d½ bu njksa esa] VªalQkjejksa dh ekud la;kstuksa lfgr liwfrZ
fittings and installing complete including all jointing djuk rFkk lHkh la;kstu lkexzh lfgr fo|qr iz.kkyh ls
materials, connecting with electrical system, earthing,
testing and commissioning but exclude connecting cables,
tksMuk Hkwfe LFkj tkap o pkyw djuk lfgr laiw.kZ djuk
steel mounting fabrications, earthing & P.CC if any, which 'kkfey gS] yfdu dsoy tksM+uk] yksgs dh jpuk] HkwfeLFkj.k
shall be measured separately. o ihohlh dk;Z ;fn gks rks og izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(b) The transformer will have its initial oil filling to ¼[k½ VªaklQkjej esa mi;qDr ek=k esa rsy Hkjk gksxk ¼rsy dk ewY;
appropriate level (cost of oil including testing with desired o okafNr vfo|qr 'kfDr dh tkap dks laifw rZ o LFkkiu njksa esa
dielectric strength included in supplied and installed rates).
'kkfey fd;k x;k gSA½
EACH Supplied & Installation iz R ;s d
installed only
laiwfŸkZ o LFkkiuk dsoy LFkkiuk
19155Transformer step-down, 11/0.433 19155
19155mipk;h VªkalQkjej 11@0 433 ds oh ,
KVA complete, outdoor/indoor, laiw.kZ vY;qfefu;e ckmUM] ckgjh@Hkhrjh
aluminium wound, capacity 25 {kerk 25 ds oh ,
KVA → ←
19156Ditto, but 63 KVA → 19156
19156mi;qZDr] fdUrq 63 ds oh ,
19157Ditto, but 100 KVA → 19157
19157mi;qZDr] fdUrq 100 ds oh ,
19158Ditto, but 160 KVA → 19158
19158mi;qZDr] fdUrq 160 ds oh ,
19159Ditto, but 200 KVA → 19159
19159mi;qZDr] fdUrq 200 ds oh ,
19160Ditto, but 250 KVA → 19160
19160mi;qZDr] fdUrq 250 ds oh ,
19161Ditto, but 315 KVA → 19161
19161mi;qZDr] fdUrq 315 ds oh ,
19162 19162
19163Transformer, step-down, 11/0.433 19163
19163mipk;h Vªkl
a Qkjej 11@0-433 ds oh , lai.w kZ
KVA complete, outdoor/indoor, ← dkij ckmUM Hkhrjh@ckgjh {kerk 25 ds oh ,
copper wound capacity 25 KVA → 222791.80 2263.40
19164 Ditto, but 63 KVA → 370776.90 2330.10 19164
19164mi;qZDr] fdUrq 63 ds oh ,
19165 Ditto, but 100 KVA → 483799.50 2396.80 19165
19165mi;qZDr] fdUrq 100 ds oh ,
19166 Ditto, but 160 KVA → 642608.90 2530.20 19166
19166mi;qZDr] fdUrq 160 ds oh ,
19167 Ditto, but 200 KVA → 731626.30 2797.00 19167
19167mi;qZDr] fdUrq 200 ds oh ,
SECTION 19 419
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z

Vª k la Q kjej ¼ifj.kkfe=½

EACH Supplied & Installation iz R ;s d

installed only
laiwfŸkZ o LFkkiuk dsoy LFkkiuk

19168Ditto, but 250 KVA → 847404.80 2930.40 19168

19168mi;qZDr] fdUrq 250 ds oh ,
19169Ditto, but 315 KVA → 1189627.90 3597.50 19169
19169mi;qZDr] fdUrq 315 ds oh ,
19170Ditto, but 400 KVA → 1342925.30 3597.50 19170
19170mi;qZDr] fdUrq 400 ds oh ,
19171Ditto, but 500 KVA → 1496488.90 3864.30 19171
19171mi;qZDr] fdUrq 500 ds oh ,
19172Ditto, but 630 KVA → 1642117.50 4264.60 19172
19172mi;qZDr] fdUrq 630 ds oh ,
19173Ditto, but 750 KVA → 1887254.80 4664.80 19173
19173mi;qZDr] fdUrq 750 ds oh ,
19174Ditto, but 1000 KVA → 2304382.50 4931.70 19174
19174mi;qZDr] fdUrq 1000 ds oh ,
19175Ditto, but 1250 KVA → 2627779.50 5598.70 19175
19175mi;qZDr] fdUrq 1250 ds oh ,
19176Ditto, but 1500 KVA → 3220119.40 6265.80 19176
19176mi;qZDr] fdUrq 1500 ds oh ,
19177Ditto, but 2000 KVA → 19177
19177mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2000 ds oh ,
420 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
xzg lsok dks"Bd
(a) The rates include cutting holes in walls etc. of any ¼d½ bu njksa eas nhokj vkfn esa fdlh Hkh izdkj ds Nsn dkVuk :{k
description, grouting rag bolts or rag angle iron service dkoys ;k :{k yksgs ds lsok dks"Bd 1%3 ds lhesVa elkys ls
bracket, and making good with cement mortar 1:3 including
making good finishing to match the existing work and
fo|eku lrg ls feykrs gq;s yxkrs gq, lai.w kZ djuk rFkk eyos
removing rubbish off MOD premises. dks izfrj{kk foHkkx dh lhek ls ckgj ys tkuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) Where the length of G.I. pipe or angle iron service brackets, ¼[k½ tgkn yksgs ds <ys uy ;k yksgs dh NM+ ds dks"Bd Lohd`r
etc. is ordered to be different than the length specified, yEckbZ ls fHkUu yEckbZ ds yxkus dks dgk tk; rks ewY; ds
adjustment in prices shall be effected at supply only rates vUrj dk mi;qDr [kaM ds vUrZxr dsoy vkiwfrZ dh njsa
of the material under appropriate sections.
izHkkfor gksxa hA
(c) G.I. pipe house service bracket hook type shall be fabricated ¼+ x½ yksgs ds <ys dkaVs tSls xzg lsok dks"Bd dks 3-0 eh yEcs e/;e
with 3.0 m long screwed G.I. pipe of medium quality and dksfV ds <ys yksgs ds nkarns kj uy ls fojfpr fd;k tk;sxk rFkk
will comprise of two No. 90° bends (pipe dia) screwed tight
to the top ends of the service vertical limb, the two ends of
mlesa nks 90° dks.k ds eksM+ uy O;kl ls lsok vo;o ds Åij
the service shall be provided with two Nos. of turned spit fdukjs ls ispksa ls dluk] nks eqMs+ gq, lhdapksa ls nksuksa fdukjksa
tight fit, well seasoned teakwood bushings and the bracket dks tdM+ dj lkxkSu dh ydM+h xYdksa ls nhokj es]a nks likV
shall be fixed plumb vertical against the wall with twv Nos. yksgs dh iRrh ls yxkukA ¼50×6 feeh likV yksgs ls cuh
flat iron clamps (fabricated out of 50x6 mm flat iron with 4 ifÙk;ksa dks 4 ua- ds 16 feeh O;kl ds :{k mi;qDr uki f<ofj;ka
No. 16 mm dia ragged bolts of appropriate size with screwed
ends, tightened with 16 mm dia nuts with 6 mm thick washer
ls nkarns kj fdukjksa dks 16 feeh O;kl ds dkoys dks dlus okys
against the clamp tightening collars). The rate includes cost dkyj dh iRrh ds lkFk 6 feeh ds ok'kj yxkdj dls gq;½s bl
of 30 x 5 mm MS flat hook, bolts & nuts & stranded ewY; esa 30×5 feeh uje yksgs ds dkaVs f<ofj;ka o dkoys rFkk
galvanised, wire stay (guy). x<+s rFkk ca/ks rkj ds ¼xqPNs½ xos dk ewY; 'kkfey gSA
(d) Angle iron service bracket shall have one end ragged and ¼?k½ yksgs dh lfj;k ds lsok dks"Bd dk ,d :{k fdukjk nhokj
grouted into the wall and other end drilled with 16mm or esa xk<+k tk;sxk ,oa nwljs fdukjs esa 16 feeh ;k 20 feeh dk
20mm dia hole for fixing service shackle insulator cjes ls Nsn fd;k tk;sxk ftlesa tqM+s fo|qrjks/kd dks lgkjs
supporting bolt.
nsus okyh f<ojh yxsxhA
(e) To take in service shackle fixing height of the service bracket ¼M½ lsok dks"Bd dh ÅpkbZ[kaHks dh lsok dks"Bd ds lekukUrj
should be such as to have horizontal run of the service from gksuh pkfg;s rkfd lsok lkekukUrj cgko esa nkSM+sA
the take off service bracket pole.

EACH M& L Fixing iz R ;s d

lk ,oa only
Je dsoy
19178 House service bracket (hook type
LFkkiu 19178
19178xzg lsok dks"Bd ¼gqd uqek½] 3-0 eh yEcs tLrh
complete with 3.0m long G.I. pipe 40mm yksgs ds uy] 40 feeh O;kl] e/;e nks] 90å
dia Med. grade, two nos900 bends. M.S. eksM+] uje yksgs ds gqd o MkV ;k xqPNh lfgr
hook and stay or guy → ← lai.w kZ
19179 Ditto, but with 50mm dia G.I. pipe and ditto→
→ 19179
19179mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 50 feeh O;kl x<s uy vkSj mi;qDZ r
SECTION 19 421
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
xzg lsok dks"Bd tkjh

EACH M& L Fixing only iz R ;s d

lkexzh ,oa Je any size
40×40×6mm angle 50×50×6mm angle dsoy LFkkiu
40×40×6 feeh ,axy 50×50×6 feeh ,axy dksbZ vkdkj
19180 Angle iron service
bracket → 19180
19180yksgs ds ,axy okys] lsok dks"Bd

lsok la;kstu
(a) The rates cater for a single twin core or a set of two single¼d½ ;g njsa vY;qfu;e lapkyd ds lkFk ,d ,dy f}varHZ kkxh; ;k
core run weather proof cables with aluminium conductors
fixed between service pole and service bracket and include
nks ,dy varZHkkxh; lewg dh Jrq lg dscy dk izcU/k djrh
all jointing materials, labour, catenary, (curved) G.I. wire, gSa tks lsok dks"Bd ,oa lsok [kaHks ds chp yxh gSa rFkk lHkh
hangers, spacing porcelain insulators, service shackle la;kstu lkexzh] Je] izcU/ku ¼frjNs½ yksgs ds tLrh rkj]
insulator both on service pole and service bracket with vxZuh] dkapk;qDr varj.k fo|qr jks/kd] fux< fo|qr jks/kd] lsok
iron fixing accessories/parts/ materials, like hook eye bolls [kaHks vkSj dks"Bd nksuksa ij] lkFk esa yksgs dh LFkkiu
with nuts and washers, spacer sleeves for spacing service lgk;d@vo;o@lkexzh tSls dkaVs] f<ofj;ka dkoys o ok'kj
shackle insulator apart, G.I. or painted flat iron shackle
holding tension M.S. strips, pole clamp for holding service lfgr] lsok fux< fo|qr jks/kd vyx j[kus ds fy, varjh;
shackles at poles, etc. vkoj.k yksgs ds <ys ;k jksxu fd;s likV yksgs ds ruko /kkjd
nks eqagh dkaMh csMh] uje yksgs dh ifÙk;ka] [kaHks dh ifê;ka] [kaHks
tks eqagh dMh dks [kaHks ij lk/ks jgrh gSa vkfnA
(b) The length shall be measured as the taut horizontal distance ¼[k½ yEckbZ] lsok [kaHks vkSj lsok dks"Bd ds chp lh/kh ekih tk;sxhA
between service pole and service brackets.
(c) The weather proof cable run from the service bracket to the ¼x½ tyok;q lg dsoy fLop tks lsok dks"Bd vkSj forj.k cksMZ ;k
distribution board or mains controlling switch will be laid eq[;/kkjk fu;a=d in fLop vkaf'kd :i esa lsok dks"Bd ds uyksa
partly through the pipe of the service bracket and partly
laid through service pipe and on well seasoned teak wood
esa ls vkSj vkaf'kd :i esa lsok uyksa esa ls rFkk etcwr lkxkSu dh
battens, neatly clipped. 20mm G.I. pipe where so ordered ofYy;ksa ij vPNh rjg ifÙk;ka yxkdj Mkyh tk,sxhA 20 feeh
on these runs will be measured separately under appropriate ds yksgs ds tLrh uy tgka ,slh /kkjk yxkus dk ,slk vkns'k gks
items. rks og mi;qDr enksa ds vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(d) The weather proof service cable from angle iron service ¼?k½ tyok;q lg lsok dsoy] yksgs ds ,axy dh lsok dks"Bd ls] izHkkjh
bracket will be laid either through G.I. pipe of appropriate vfHk;ark ds funsZ'kkuqlkj ;k rks mi;qDr O;kl ds yksgs ds tLrh
diameter as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge or on well
seasoned teak wood battens, as ordered, from the angle iron uy esa ;k yksgs ds ,axy okyh lsok dks"Bd ls fu;a=d izFkd
service bracket to the control isolating switch or main switch cVu ;k eq[;/kkjk fu;a=d in ls etcwr lkxkSu dh ofYy;ksa ls
board, and cable lengths will be measured separately. Mkyh tk;sxh rFkk dsoy dh yEckbZ izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
(e) Earth work, sand cushioning, PCC cable cover, provision ¼M½ feêh dk;Z] jsr HkjkbZ] izofyr lhesaV daØhVds vkoj.k] rFkk
of G.I. pipe for protection against mechanical damage under lM+dks]a Q'kks]Z ;k nhokjksa ;k [kaHkksa ds lkFk] ;kaf=
+ dh gkfu ls cpko
roads, floor, on wall or along the poles etc. shall be
measured separately for heavy duty armoured cable.
ds fy, yksgs ds tLrh uy dh O;oLFkk vkfn dks Hkkjh dk;Z
fu;kstd dsoy gsrq izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(f) The rates however for connecting cable with cable ¼p½ gkykafd dsoy dks dsoy vUrd Nksj lkdsV ls varLFk esa cVu
termination end sockets into terminal switches is included
but terminal joints on poles or distribution pillars shall be esa tksMu+ s dk dk;Z bu njksa esa 'kkfey gS ysfdu [kaHkksa ;k forj.k
measured separately. LrEHkksa ij vURe la;kstu izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
422 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z

lsok la;kstu tkjh
PER RUNNING METRE Size of aluminium conductor in mm2 (sq mm) izzfr ehVj
19181 Supplying and fixing 1100 vYeqfu;e lapkyd vkdkj esa feeh ¼oxZ feeh½ 19181
191811100 oksYV ds xq: dk;Z
volts grade heavy duty cable Solid conductor Stranded conductor ihohlh /kkjkjks/kd vYeksfu;e ds
PVC insulated aluminium Bksl lapkyd ekud lapkyd lapkyd vUnj ls ihohlh iêh o
conductor, served with inner 4 6 10 16 4 6 10 16
sheathing of PVC tape and
pkjksa vksj ihohlh ls e<s+ gq;s lsok
overall PVC sheathed in la;kstuksa esa /kkjkjks/kd [kwaVh ls
service connections suspen- 1eh ls vuf/kd Qklys ij yVds]
ded by insulating hangers not 4 feeh ypdnkj rkj ,d
more than 1 metre apart vUrHkkZxh; likV ;k xksy dsoy
including4mm suspension
wire, one twin core cable flat
or circular → 30.80 35.40 42.00 52.00 37.50 43.20 51.10 63.40 ←
19182 Ditto, but with two single 19182
19182mi;qDZ r] ijUrq nks ,dy vUrHkkZxh;
core cables → 54.40 64.40 87.80 109.10 51.90 64.60 74.90 99.10 ←likV ;k xksy dsoy lfgr
19183 Add to item 19182 for 19183
19183izR;sd vfrfjDr ,dy varHkkZx
each additional single ds fy, en 19182 esa tksMa+s
core cable → 34.80 44.00 49.80 63.30 43.10 50.70 54.00 69.10 ←

PER RUNNING METRE Materials & Labour iz f r ehVj

19184Supply and laying or lkexzh ,oa Je 19184
191841100 oksYV oxZ xq: dk;Z dsoy( lkFk
fixing or passing through Solid conductor Stranded conductor esa ihohlh fo|qr jksf/kr vYeqfu;e
pipe, 1100 volts grade heavy Bksl lapkyd ekud lapkyd lapkyd tks ihohlh iV~Vs dk Hkhrjh
duty cable with PVC 2 core 3 core 4 core 2 core 3 core 4core
insulated aluminium vkoj.k ls tLrh bLikr rkj ;k iV~Vs
conductor served with an ls x<s gq;s rFkk lai.w kZ ihohlh dksf"kr]
inner sheathing of PVC tape lsok la;kstuksa esa 4 ofeeh ukHkh; vuqiLz Fk
armoured with galvanised dkV( dh vkiwfrZ] rFkk fcNkbZ ;k LFkkiu
steel wire or tape and overall
;k uyksa esa ls fudkyuk
PVC sheathed 4 sq. mm
nominal cross section in
service connections → 125.00 135.00 149.00 133.00 139.00 155.00 ←
19185 Ditto, but 6 sq. mm → 130.00 138.00 156.00 161.00 165.00 172.00 19185
19185mi;qZDr] ijUrq 6 oxZ feeh
19186 Ditto but 10 sq. mm → 143.00 160.00 180.00 149.00 185.00 196.00 19186
19186mi;qZDr] ijUrq 10 oxZ feeh
19187 Ditto but 16 sq. mm → 161.00 173.00 203.00 169.00 178.00 215.00 19187
19187mi;qZDr] ijUrq 16 oxZ feeh
SECTION 19 423
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z



19188 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade

cable for indoor termination cold shrink
type joint complete with jointing material
and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm → 16261.30
19189 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 17513.10
19190 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 19698.20
19191 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 300 sqmm → 19698.20
19192 Ditto, but 400 sqmm → 19698.20
19193 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade
cable for outdoor termination cold shrink
type joint complete with jointing material
and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm → 17116.80
19194 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 18387.10
19195 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 20220.40
19196 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 300 sqmm → 20220.40
19197 Ditto, but 400 sqmm → 20220.40
19198 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade
cable for straight through cold shrink type
joint complete with jointing material and
accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm. → 35634.50
19199 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 37615.90
19200 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 41678.60
19201 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 400 sqmm → 46363.60
424 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z



19202 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade

cable for indoor termination heat shrink
type joint complete with jointing material
and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm → 5180.40
19203 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 5387.80
19204 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 6372.90
19205 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 300 sqmm → 7254.40
19206 Ditto, but 400 sqmm → 7254.40
19207 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade
cable for outdoor termination heat shrink
type joint complete with jointing material
and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm → 5943.30
19208 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 6150.70
19209 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 7632.10
19210 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 300 sqmm → 7632.10
19211 Ditto, but 400 sqmm → 8513.60
19212 Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade
cable for straight through heat shrink type
joint complete with jointing material and
accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE
armoured aluminium conductor cable of
size 16 sqmm to 35 sqmm. → 14776.20
19213 Ditto, but 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm → 16042.80
19214 Ditto, but 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm → 17416.80
19215 Ditto, but 240 sqmm to 400 sqmm → 19735.20
SECTION 19 425
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z


iwoZ fufeZr daØhV dsoy vkoj.k

EACH M&L Laying iz R ;s d

lkexzh only
,oa Je dsoy
19216Supplying and laying reinforced precast fcNkuk 19216
19216vkiwfrZ o fcNkou] izofyr iwoZ fojfpr daØhV dsoy
concrete cable cover, class EHV, type 1 vkoj.k] EHV uewuk 1 f'k[kj ds lkFk vkdkj
with peak, size 450mm x 230mm x 50mm→→ ← 450×230×50 feeh
191.80 23.40
19217Ditto but class EHV type 2 with peak, size 19217
19217mi;qZDr] EHV uewuk 2 f'k[kj ds lkFk]
600mm x 230mm x 50mm → 275.90 40.24 ← vkdkj 600×230×50 feeh
19218Supplying and laying un-reinforced precast 19218
19218dsoy vizcfyr dh vkiwfrZ rFkk yxkuk vkdkj
concrete cable cover, class HVP, type 1 with 300×180×40 feeh ds ,p oh ih uewuk&1 ds 'kh"kZ
peak, size 300mm x 180mm x 40mm → ← vizofyr iwoZ fufeZr daØhV
85.40 23.40
19219Ditto, but type 2 with peak, size 450mm x 19219
19219mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vkdkj 450×180×40 feeh uewuk&2
180mm x 40mm → 99.60 40.20 ← f'k[kj okys
19220Ditto, but class HV, Type 1, flat, size 19220
19220mi;ZqDr] fdUrq vkdkj 300×180×40 feeh ,p oh
300mmx l80mm x 40mm → 57.40 23.40 ← o uewuk&1] likV
19221Ditto, but Type 2, flat, size 450mm 180mm 19221
19221mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vkdkj 450×180×40 feeh uewuk&2
x 40mm → ← ds likV
86.40 40.20
19222Ditto, but Class LV, Type I, flat, size 250 19222
19222mi;qZDr] fdUrq 250×150×40 feeh] ,y oh
mm x 150mm x 40mm → 44.20 23.40 ← uewuk&1] likV
19223Ditto, but Type 2, flat, size 300mm x 180mm 19223
19223mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vkdkj 300×180×40 feeh uewuk&2
x 40mm → 63.90 31.80 ← likV
19224Ditto, but Type 3, flat, size 450mm x 19224
19224mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vkdkj 450×180×40 feeh uewuk&3
l80mmx40mm → 96.70 48.60 ← likV
426 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
ihohlh ds Hkwfexr dsoy
PER RUNNING METRE Materials & labour iz f r ehVj
lkexzh ,oa Je
19225PVC insulated, armoured, 2 core 3 core 3½ core 4 core
heavy duty electric cable with
19225fo|qr jks/kd ih oh lh ls vkjf{kr Hkkjh
aluminium conductor, 1100 lsok ds fo|qr dsoy lkFk esa vYeksfu;e
volts grade, cross-sectional area lapkyd] dksfV 1100 oksYV ifjPNsnh dkV
25 sq. mm → {ks= 25 ofeeh
146.66 177.77 194.74 206.99
19226Ditto, but sec. area 35 sq. mm → 170.22 213.59 235.27 256.01 19226
19226mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 35 ofeeh
19227Ditto, but sec. area 50 sq. mm → 202.28 258.84 292.78 319.17 19227
19227mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 50 ofeeh
19228Ditto, but sec. area 70 sq. mm → 255.07 334.26 382.34 417.22
19228mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 70 ofeeh
19229Ditto, but sec. area 95 sq. mm → 316.35 404.96 453.98 500.18
19229mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 95 ofeeh
19230 Ditto, but sec. area 120 sq. mm → 369.14 475.66 555.80 602.93 19230
19230mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 120 ofeeh
19231 Ditto, but sec. area 150 sq. mm → 437.01 576.54 651.01 732.08 19231
19231mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 150 ofeeh
19232 Ditto, but sec. area 185 sq. mm → 533.17 695.32 801.84 899.89 19232
19232mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 185 ofeeh
19233 Ditto, but sec. area 240 sq. mm → 681.18 878.20 997.93 1136.51 19233
19233mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 240 ofeeh
19234 Dillo, but sec. area 300 sq. mm → 828.31 1059.27 1220.48 1367.54 1 9234
9234mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 300 ofeeh
19235 Ditto, but sec. area 400 sq. mm → 1030.05 1333.60 1539.12 1725.77 19235
19235mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 400 ofeeh
19236 Ditto, but sec. area 500 sq. mm → 1346.80 1788.93 2076.46 2324.40 19236
19236mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 500 ofeeh
19237Ditto, but sec. area 625/630 19237
19237mi;qDZ r] fdUrq dkV {ks= 625@630 ofeeh
sq. mm → 1683.35 2355.51 2803.30 3127.59

PER RUNNING METRE Materials & labour

lkexzh ,oa Je
19238XLPE insulated, armoured 2 core 3 core 3½ core 4 core
heavy duty electric cable with
aluminium conductor, 1100
volts grade, cross-sectional area
4 sq. mm → 115.37 122.90 0.00 135.14
19239Ditto, but sec. area 6 sq. mm → 127.61 136.08 0.00 148.32
19240Ditto, but sec. area 10 sq. mm→ → 143.61 160.56 0.00 174.68
19241Ditto, but sec. area 16 sq. mm→ → 158.67 168.09 0.00 193.50
19242Ditto, but sec. area 25 sq. mm→ → 172.79 212.33 233.04 249.04
19243Ditto, but sec. area 35 sq. mm→ → 193.50 244.33 269.75 295.16
19244Ditto, but sec. area 50 sq. mm→ → 230.21 297.99 337.52 368.58
19245Ditto, but sec. area 70 sq. mm→ → 294.22 386.47 443.89 484.36
19246Ditto, but sec. area 95 sq. mm→ → 365.76 469.30 526.72 581.32
19247 Dillo, but sec. area 120 sq. mm→
→ 426.94 553.08 648.15 702.74
19248Ditto, but sec. area 150 sq. mm→→ 506.95 672.62 759.22 856.18
19249Ditto, but sec. area 185 sq. mm→→ 621.79 812.88 937.13 1052.91
19250 Ditto, but sec. area 240 sq. mm→
→ 795.93 1027.49 1168.69 1332.47
19251 Ditto, but sec. area 300 sq. mm→
→ 960.66 1232.70 1422.84 1597.92
19252 Ditto, but sec. area 400 sq. mm→
→ 1198.81 1555.56 1800.30 2018.68

19253 Ditto, but sec. area 500 sq. mm→

→ 1572.51 2093.04 2431.91 2724.66
19254Ditto, but sec. area 625/630
sq. mm → 1967.85 2761.37 3289.44 3671.60
19255 - 19267
SECTION 19 427
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
ihohlh ds Hkwfexr dsoy tkjh
PER RUNNING METRE Materials & iz f r ehVj
lkexz h ,oa Je
19268 XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, 19268 ,Dl ,y ih bZ fo|qr jks/kd ls fyiVs ihohlh
galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, 3core 3 dksj
fcNk;s tLrh yksgs dh ifÙk;ksas ;k rkj ls etcwrh ls
electric power cables (heavyduty) with
cka/kh lajf{kr fo|qr 'kfDr dsoy ¼xq: dk;Z½ lkFk esa
aluminium conductor, 11000 volts Earthed,
grade cross sectional area 25 sq. mm → vYeksfu;e lapkyd dksfV 11000 oksYV Earthed]
606.71 ← Øksfed ifjPNsnh dkV {ks= 25 ofeeh
19269 Ditto, but sec area 35 sq. mm → 689.00 19269 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 35 ofeeh
19270 Ditto, but sec. area 50 sq. mm → 766.57 19270 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 50 ofeeh
19271 Ditto, but sec. area 70 sq. mm → 920.37 19271 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 70 ofeeh
19272 Ditto, but sec. area 95 sq. mm → 1067.97 19272 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 95 ofeeh
19273 Ditto, but sec. area 120 sq. mm → 1240.09 19273 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 120 ofeeh
19274 Ditto, but sec area 150 sq. mm → 1368.30 19274 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 150 ofeeh
19275 Ditto, but sec. area 185 sq. mm → 1608.69 19275 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 185 ofeeh
19276 Ditto, but sec. area 240 sq. mm → 1892.05 19276 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 240 ofeeh
19277 Ditto, but sec area 300 sq. mm → 2171.09 19277 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 300 ofeeh
19278 Ditto, but sec area 400 sq. mm → 2680.70 19278 mi;qZDr] fdUrq dkV {ks= 400 ofeeh
19279 to 19282 Blank → 19279 ls 19282


ekxZ izdk'k O;oLFkk miLdj
(a) The rales for item 19283A to 19283R include the cost of ¼d½ 19283A ls 19283R rd dh enksa esa lewps vo;oksa dk leqfpr
assembling of the complete fitting and its testing before la;kstu djus dh ykxr rFkk leqfpr dk;Z'khyrk gsrq yxkus
and after mounting or erection etc. for proper functioning,
ls igys o yxkus ds ckn mudh tkap djuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The rules however do not include the cost of G.I. pipe bracket, ¼[k½ rksHkh] tLrh yksgs ds uy] dks"Bd] dks"Bd ij yxkus dh
bracket mounting clamp, bolts and nuts, line connector or ifj;kí dkoys o f<ofj;ka ykbu la;kstd ;k lhekar@laxe
terminal/junction boxes and wiring from the fitting to the isfV;kí rFkk vklatu ls Åijh ykbu ;k laxe isfV;ksa rd
overhead line or junction box as the case may be and shall be
tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] dh rkj dh ykxr njksa esa 'kkfey ugha gSA
measured and paid separately under appropriate section or
item unless otherwise indicated and cost thereof added to the rFkk lacfa /kr [kaM ;k nj ds vaUrxZr izFkd eki rFkk Hkqxrku
items. gksxk tc rd dh vU;Fkk lwfpr u gks o budh ykxr enksa
esa tksM+ u yh xbZ gksA
428 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z

EACH S&F Fixing

19283A Supply and fixing LED street light fitting 35 Watt
230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die
cast aluminum hosing and heat resistant
complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact
and corrosion resistant including thermal
management in multiple optics complete with
IP 65/66 protection complete. → 2966.25 163.67
19283B Ditto but 60 watt → 5459.53 163.67
19283C Ditto but 70 watt → 5942.10 163.67
19283D Ditto but 90 watt → 7671.31 163.67
19283E Ditto but 100 watt → 8676.67 163.67
19283F Ditto but 120 watt → 10606.95 163.67
19283G Supply and fixing LED flood light 70 watt 230 V
AC outdoor type with thermal management in
multiple optics and equipped with IP66
protection, with impact and corrosion resistant
complete with driver and lamp. → 6263.82 143.68
19283H Ditto but 100 watt → 10486.31 143.68
19283I Ditto but 120 watt → 10974.63 143.68
19283J Ditto but 170 watt → 17078.57 143.68
19283K Ditto but 210 watt → 20252.62 143.68
19283L Supply and fixing post top lantern LED type 20
watt 230 watt volts AC outdoor type with decorative
post top for 360 degree indirect light IP 65 protection
with impact and corrosion resistant complete with
driver and lamp complete. → 5114.04 159.40
19283M Ditto but 40 watt → 9997.99 159.40
19283N Supply and fixing LED Solar street light fitting
12 Watt including galvanized steel pole in built,
lithium ion battery, solar panel, charge controller
with dusk down sensor complete. (Excavation &
earth work shall be measured separately) → 31035.78 679.32
19283O Ditto but 16 watt → 36746.20 679.32
19283P Ditto but 20 watt → 40365.48 679.32
19283Q Ditto but 24 watt → 44226.05 679.32
19283R Ditto but 36 watt → 61035.60 679.32
SECTION 19 429
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z


19284 Supplying and laying synthetic Rubber insulated mats

2 mm thick for voltage upto 3.3 kv for electrical purpose
as per IS 15652-2006, (superseding IS 5424) suitable for
electrical shock safety of sizes 2m x 1m. → 1502.82
19285 Ditto but 2.5 mm thick for voltage upto 11 kv (size 2x1m) → 1959.26
19286 Ditto but 3.0 mm thick for voltage upto 33 kv (size 2x1m) → 2316.50
19287 Blank →


EACH Materials & labour

lkexzh ,oa Je
19288 High galvanized mast light 15 Meter 20 Meter 30 Meter
suitable for 6 to 9 lantern
symmetrically fitted along
with their control gear and
having two point suspension
system with stainless steel
wire rope of 6 mm dia 97/19
guage and double drum
winch with luminaire
mounting arm, pully
assembly, aviation obstruction
light, lightning arrester spike
including RCC foundation as
per height. → 305669.10 406811.30 597503.70

m[kkM+ u k
POLES AND STRUTS Dismantling and Transporting
[kaHks vkSj LrEHk
EACH setting aside for re- to store and iz R ;s d
use within 50 metres stacking
m[kkM+uk o fQj yxkus Hk.Mkj ys
gsrq 50 eh- ds vUnj tkus o pÍs
pÍs yxkuk lfgr
19289 Dismantling wood poles/ 19289
19289ydM+h ds fdlh Hkh vkdkj ds [kaHkks@a LrEHkksa
struts, any size → 130.10 213.70 dks m[kkM+uk
19290daØhV ds fdlh Hkh vkdkj ds [kaHkks@a LrEHkksa
19290 Dismantling concrete 882.60 1300.60 dks m[kkM+uk
poles/ struts, any size →
19291yksgs ds fdlh Hkh vkdkj ds [kaHkks@
a LrEHkksa
19291 Dismantling steel poles/ 673.60 882.60 dks m[kkM+uk
struts, any size →
430 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
m[kkM+uk tkjh
CROSS ARMS dS a f ppkí
PER QUINTAL iz f r fDoa V y
19293 Dismantling cross-arms of M.S. channel or 19293
19293uje yksgs dh uyh ;k lyk[k vkfn dh dSafp;ksa dks
angle sections etc. complete and setting aside iw.kZr% m[kkM+uk rFkk iqu% iz;ksx gsrq 50 eh ds vUnj ,d
for re-use with in 50m → 130.10
←vksj pêk yxkuk
INSULATORS fo|q r vojks / kd
EACH iz R ;s d

19294Dismantling insulators any type, any size 19294

19294fdlh Hkh uewus o fdlh vkdkj ds fo|qr vojks/kdksa dks
→ 68.40 ←m[kkM+uk rFkk mi;qZDr djuk
STAY ASSEMBLY LFkki la ; ks t u
PER SET izfr lewg
19295 Dismantling stay assembly complete. 19295
19295laiw.kZ LFkki la;kstu dks vyx djuk rFkk mi;qZDr
(demolition of concrete, etc. and excavation djuk ¼daØhV vkfn dh rqM+kbZ vkSj [kqnkbZ izFkd ekih
measured separately) →
235.60 ←tk;sxh½
PER QUINTAL iz f r fDoa V y
19296Dismantling earth wire or copper conductor, 19296
19296Hkw;kstu rkj ;k rkacs ds lapkyd] lsok iks"kd ;k forjd
service feeder or distributor span → 235.60 ←foLrkj dks fudkyuk
19297Dismantling of ACSR or AAC conductors 19297
19297, lh ,l vkj ;k , , lh lapkydksa dks fudkyuk rFkk
→ 319.20 ←mi;qZDr


EACH iz R ;s d
19298Dismantling house service brackets, any type 19298
19298fdlh uewus dh xzg lsok dks"Bdksa dks m[kkM+uk rFkk
→ 110.20 ←mi;qZDr djuk
19299Add to item 19298 for making good
disturbed work, if brackets are not to be re- 19299
19299en 19298 esa tksM]as ;fn dks"Bdksa dks mlh LFkku ij fQj
fixed at the same place → 39.10 ←ls ugha yxkuk gS rks fcxM+s LFkku dks Bhd djus ds fy;s
19300Dismantling air break gang operated switches 19300
19300ok;qjks/ku lewg lapkfyr lh/ks@lekukUrj yxs fctyh
vertical/horizontal mounted including ds cVuksa dks /kkjk vojks/kd o lapkyu ;kaf=dh lfgr(
insulators and operating mechanism for
VwVs gq,@ csdkj vaxksa o fo|qr vojks/kd dh ejEer
repair/ replacement of broken/worn out
components and insulators etc. or carrying to djus iqu% LFkkfir djus ds fy, ;k Hk.Mkj esa ys tkus
MES store (spare/components for replacement ds fy, fudkyuk ¼iqu% LFkkiu ds fy, vo;oksa@vaxksa
to be provided free by department) → 444.60 ←dh O;oLFkk foHkkx }kjk fu%'kqYd dh tk;sxh½
19301Dismantling and taking down fluorescent 19301
19301fdlh Hkh fo|qr 'kfDr ; vkdkj dh lM+d jks'kuh ds
tube light single/double of any wattage or la;kstu dh ltkoVh ,dy ;k nksgjh ltkoVh fctyh
size street light fittings for repair or
replacement of burnt/worn out accessories dh V~;wc ¼uyh½ dks] tys gq,@csdkj gks x;s lgk;d
or carrying to MES store (Accessories or vo;oksa dh ejEer djus ;k Hk.Mkj esa ys tkus ds fy,
components to be provided free for fudkyuk ¼iqu% LFkkiu ds fy, lgk;d vo;oksa ;k vaxksa
replacement by department) → 235.60 ←dh O;oLFkk foHkkx }kjk fu%'kqYd dh tk;sxh½
SECTION 19 431
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
mi[kaM o vUrjhZ; dk;Z
POINT WIRING fcUnq rkj iz c U/k
(I) The rates for point wiring include:
¼1½ fcUnq rkj izcU/k dh njksa esa 'kkfey gSa%
(a) Supplying and fixing/drawing of cables for carrying
¼d½ forj.k cksMZ ;k yksgs <dh cVu ls Nr dh ÅpkbZ;k la;kstd dks"Bd
out wiring of a circuit of any length from the
distribution board or iron clad switch unto ceiling fudkl] ySai gksYMj] ;k ia[ks ds fu;ked rd ,d eaMyh; {kkjk izokg
rose or connector, socket outlet, lamp holder, switch ls fdlh Hkh yEckbZ rd rkj ys tkus ds fy,] la;kstuksa ls ySi
or fan regulator including additional length from gksYMj rd dh vfrfjDr yECkkbZ lfgr dscyksa dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk
connector to lamp holder (in case of stiff pendant yxkuk ¼dBksj yEcku fcUnq ;k ty dBksjhd`r czSfdV fcUnq ds ekeys
points and water tight bracket points) and back plate esa½ rFkk ySEi gksYMj dh iz"B IysV ¼lknk cSzfdV fcUnq ds ekeys esa½
to lamp holder (in case of plain bracket points).
(b) Supplying and fixing in case of conduit casing & ¼[k½ uyh;@dsflax o dsfiax rkj O;oLFkk ds fo"k; esa lHkh ufy;ka@dsflax
caping wiring all conduits/casings & capings o dsfiax ¼izR;sd O;fDrxr /kkjk ds fy, vyx&vyx ufy;ka@dsflax
(separate conduits/caring & capings for individual o dsfiax½ ;k {kkjk izokg ds la;kstd o vo;o] la;kstd isfV;ka
conduit casing caping circuits) or conduit casingd vUrh; cDls] yxkus ds fy, ;k xzg cVu] dks"Bd fudklksa] ia[kksa ds
caping fittings and accessories, joint boxes, terminal fuxeksa vkfn rFkk vuojr Hkw;kstu o Hkw;kstu la;kstuksa lHkh funs'kkuqlkj
boxes for mounting or housing switches, socket
dh viwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
outlets, fan regulators, etc. and continuous earthing
and earthing connections, all as specified.
(c) Supplying and fixing wood battens, bends, corners, ¼x½ ydM+h dh ofY;ks]a eksM] fdufj;ka] iwjdks]a Vh [kaM vkfn] ftudh cfYy;ksa
filters, tee-pieces, etc. required for wiring on battens. ij rkj O;oLFkk esa vko';drk gksrh gS]a dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(d) Supplying and fixing all accessories such as screws, ¼?k½ lHkh la;kstu lkexzh tSls] isp] ifê;ka vkfn dscyksa] cfYy;ksa /kkjk
clips, plugs, clamps, etc. as specified for securing
izokgd iFkksa dh lqj{kk ds fy;s tSlk fufnZ"V gS vkfn ls yksgs ds
cables, battens, conduits etc. to walls, steel joists etc.
nhokj rd la;kstd vkfn dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(e) Supplying and fixing PVC or steel conduits for ¼M½ ihohlh ;k yksgs dh ufy;ksa dh ;kf=d lqj{kk gsrq tSlk fufnZ"V gks
mechanical protection of cables as specified. dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(f) Supplying and fixing bushed conduits or porcelain ¼p½ ?kqekonkj uyh ;k phuh feêh dh uyh] fufnZ"Vkuqlkj nhokjksa
tuning, as specified, for wiring to pass through walls, Q'kksZ vkfn esa ls rkj ys tkus ds fy;s] dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk
floors etc. yxkukA
(g) Supplying and fixing all wood blocks and boards, ¼N½ ydM+h ds lHkh [kkaps o rf[r;ka] <yoka ;k lrgh fdLe dh rFkk
sunk or surface type, including those required for ftudh ia[ks ds fu;kedksa dks yxkus esa vko';drk gksrh gS lfgr dh
mounting fan regulators. vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(h) Supplying and fixing joint or junction-boxes and ¼t½ cfYy;ksa ij rkj O;oLFkk ds fy, funsZ'kkuqlkj la;kstd ;k laxe
connecting the same as ordered in case of batten wiring. isfV;ka rFkk mu ds la;kstu dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(j) Supplying and fixing earth wire and earthing ¼>½ Hkw;kstu rkj o Hkw;kstu fufnZ"Vkuqlkj rFkk mlds fy;s lHkh vko';d
connections, as specified, including all accessories
lgk;d lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
required for the same.
(k) Supplying and fixing/drawing separate neutral wire ¼_½ forj.k r[rs ls izR;sd O;fDrxr /kkjk izokgrkj ,d izFkd rVLFk
for each individual circuit from the distribution rkj dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkuk@Mkyuk ¼;k mlds LFkku ij
board (or iron clad in lieu). vkojd fLop½A
(I) Cutting holes in or through walls, taking up and re- ¼V½ nhokjksa esa ;k nhokj esa ls Nsn dkVuk] mBkuk rFkk iqu% Q'khZ r[rh
fixing floor boards, notching or drilling holes yxkuk] la;kstdkas nkírs ;k ojesa ls Nsn cukuk rFkk orZeku dk;Z ls
through joints and making good all disturbed work feykrs gq, fo?kVu dks Bhd djukA
to match the existing.
(m) Shellac varnishing as specified, to wood battens, ¼B½ ydM+h dh cfYy;ksa ydM+h dh isfV;ksa rFkk vU; ydM+h la;kstu o
wood blocks and other wood fittings and fixtures. lkt leku ij fufnZ"Vkuqlkj piM+s dh okfuZ'k djukA
(n) Painting of battens and cables or surface conduits ¼M½ cfYy;ksa rFkk dscyksas ;k lrgh ufy;ksa] lkFk dh nhokj ij jksxu
alongwith the painting of walls. djukA
(o) Testing, as specified.
¼<½ fufnZ"Vkuqlkj tkap djukA
(p) Providing coloured tapes on cable/wire ends in
terminal boards/boxes for colour coding purpose
¼.k½ cfYy;ksa dh lrgh rkj O;oLFkk ds fy,] dscy@rkj ;k ,dy jax
in case of single insulation colour of cable/wire for O;oLFkk ds eNyh rsy ds feyku ds fy, varh; rf[r;ksa@isfV;ksa esa
batten wiring on surface. dscy@rkj ds fdukjksa ij jaxhu isaV dh O;k[;k djukA
(q) Any difference of cost of cables of different insulation ¼;½ uyh }kjk rkj O;oLFkk ds fo"k; esa eNyh ds rsy dh iqrkbZ o fHkUu
colour for colour coding in case of conduit wiring. jax ds dscy dh jaxkbZ esa vkus okyh ewY; fHkUurkA
432 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fcUnq rkj izcU/k tkjh
(2) The rates for point wiring do not include: ¼2½ fcUnq rkj O;oLFkk dh njksa esa 'kkfey ugha gSa%
(a) Supplying and fixing wood blocks and boards ¼d½ ydM+h ds [kkaps o rf[r;ka ftudh yksgs dh e<h cVuksa
required for mounting distribution boards and iron- o forj.k rf[r;kí yxkus esa vko';drk gksxh mudh
clad switches.
vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(b) Supplying and fixing electric fittings and accessories ¼[k½ fctyh dh la;kstd o lgk;d lkexzh tSls Nr ds
such as ceiling roses, lamp holders, pendants, socket
outlets, brackets, switches, shades, lamps, call bells dVksjh] cÙkh gksYMj] yEcu] dksVj fudkl] dks"Bd]
and buzzers etc. fctyh ds cVu] fpeuh ySai] ?kaVh o ctj vkfn dh
vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(c) Cutting chases for conduits and sinking's for boxes ¼x½ ufy;ksa esa [kkaps o isfV;ksa esa fudkl dkVus rFkk tgka
and making good to walls, floors etc. in case of recessed rkj ufy;kí nhokjksa] Q'kksZ esa vUnj Mkyh xbZ gksa ;k
or concealed conduit wiring.
yxkbZ xbZ gksa rFkk mudk Bhd djukA
(d) Supplying and fixing terminal boxes for power plugs, ¼?k½ 'kfDr MkVsa ia[kksa ds fu;ked] cVu] dksVj fudkl ds
fan regulators, switches, socket outlets, etc. fixed flush vUrh; isfV;ka fufnZ"Vkuqlkj ydM+h dh cfYy;kas ij yxh
to the wall as specified for surface wiring on wood
battens. lrgh ckj O;oLFkk ds fy, iqu% nhokjksa esa yxkbZ xbZ gks
mudh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(e) Supplying and fixing submain earthing from main ¼M-½ eq[;/kkjk izca/kd r[rh ls forj.k r[rh rd mieq[;
switch control board to a distribution board.
Hkwfe;kstu dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkukA
(3) In case of surface wiring on wood battens, payment for ¼3½ ydM+h dh cfYy;ksa ij lrgh rkj O;oLFkk ds ekeys es]a 'kfDr
recessed terminal boxes for housing power plugs, fan MkVsa ia[ks ds fu;ked] cVu dksVj fudkl vkfn ds fy, vkyksa
regulators, switches, socket outlets, etc. 'where ordered,
shall be made at the difference heiween the rates of the esa yxs varh; cDls tgka dgk x;k gks rks budk Hkqxrku varh;
terminal boxes and wood blocks. cDls o ydM+h ds cDls ds ewY; ds vUrj dk gksxkA

PER POINT izfr fcUnq

19302Taking down carefully copper/aluminium point 19302

19302rkac@s vYeqfu;e fcUnq rkj O;oLFkk ¼cfÙk;ka ia[ks] dksVj
wiring (light, fan, socket or power) complete, ;k ikoj½ dks iw.kZr;k /;kuiwoZd fudkyuk] ¼miLdj
(fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, tSls cVusa Nr dVksjh yEcku] fu;ked] dksVj vkfn
pendants, regulators sockets etc. to be measured
separately), removing materials to store for keeping izFkd ekih tk;sxh½ iqu% iz;ksx ds fy, lqjf{kr j[kus
in safe custody for reuse at site and making good ds fy, lkexzh dks Hk.Mkj rd igqapkuk rFkk nhokj
disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc. → 235.60 ← Q'kksZ ds fo?kfVr LFkku dks laokjuk
19303Taking down copper/aluminium point wiring
(light, fan, socket or power) complete, including
fixture and fittings such as switches, ceiling
roses, pendants, regulators, sockets, light fitting etc.
removing materials to store for keeping in safe custody
or for taking credit (credit for above items should be
made as per conditions separately) and making
good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc. → 152.00
19304Taking down carefully by unscrewing from boards/ 19304 cksMksZ@fudklh cDlksa] vklatuksa o lTtkvksa esa ls /
outlet boxes, fittings and fixtures such as switches, ;ku iwoZd fudkyuk] tSls cVusa] dksVj] lhfyx jkst]
sockets, ceiling roses, lamp holders, brackets, ceiling
fittings, bulk head fittings, tube light fittings and ySEi gksYMj] 'kh"kZ miLdj] fo|qr ufy;ksa ds miLdj
regulators, etc. for reuse at site or carrying to the rFkk fu;ked vkfn dks LFkku ij iqu% iz;ksx ;k Hk.Mkj
store (To be measured only when found serviceable ys tkuk ¼rHkh ekih tk;sxa h tc mUgsa iqu% iz;ksx djus
in all respects complete for reuse) → 34.94 ← ;ksX; ik;k tk;sxk½
SECTION 19 433
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fcUnq rkj izcU/k tkjh
PER POINT Wiring with copper Wiring with Aluminium conductor cables izfr fcUnq
conductor cables FRLS vYeqfu;e dsoy lapkyd rkj O;oLFkk
In stove ena- In PVC In stove enamelled In PVC conduit
melled Steel Conduit steel conduit ihohlh uyh esa
Conduit eqyEoh bLikr uyh esa
PVC Labour PVC Labour Elasto- PVC Labour Elasto- PVC Labour
single only single only mer shea- only mer shea- only
core, core, shea- thed dsoy shea- thed dsoy
unsh shea thed cable Je thed cable Je
eathed thed cable M&L cable M & L
cable cable M&L ihohlh M & L ihohlh
19305 One light M & L M&L bYkkfLVd e<+h bykfLVd e<+h 19305 ,d cÙkh fcUnq
point or one e<+h dscy e<+h dscy ;k ,d ia[kk
fan point fcUnq cVu ls
dscy lk lk o dscy lk lk o
controlled fu;af=r LkkFk esa
by one o Je Je o Je Je
switch with 1-5 ofeeh
cables 1.5 sq. vkdkj dh rkj
mm size → 1267.50 515.97 992.75 470.93 838.30 823.49 331.70 624.20 609.57 340.28 ←
19306 Ditto, with 19306 mi;qZDr] 2-5
cables 2.5 sq.
mm size → 1408.49 515.97 1131.39 470.93 879.06 861.90 340.28 662.80 645.65 340.28 ← ofeeh rkj
19307 Add to item 19307 tksMa s + en 19305
19305 for eas mlh ldZV
each additi-
ij vfrfjDr
onal light
point on the fcUnq ds fy;s
same switch-
circuit → 932.10 309.47 472.10 258.00 436.41 429.00 187.40 329.36 321.95 187.40

19308 Add to item 19308 tksMas+ en 19306
19306 for
esa mi;qDZ r ds
ditto → 990.00 309.47 548.54 258.00 456.69 448.11 187.40 348.66 340.08 187.40 ← fy;s
19309 One light 19309 ,d oÙkh fcUnq
point contro- nks f}/kkjk fLop
lled by two ls fu;af=r] 1-5
2 - w a y
ofeeh vkdkj
with cables dh rkj
1.5 sq. mm
size → 1832.02 567.45 1397.96 522.40 1164.74 1095.32 385.52 842.60 820.76 385.52 ←
434 SECTION 19
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fcUnq rkj izcU/k tkjh
Table Contd... izfr fcUnq
19310 Ditto, with 19310
19310mi;qZDr fdUrq 2-5
cables 2.5 sq.
mm size → 2087.09 567.45 1653.02 522.41 – 1200.42 385.71 898.95 874.18 385.71
ofeeh dk rkj

19311 One 3 pin 19311
19311,d 3 fiu lkdsV
socket outlet 5
amps on the 5 ,Ei dh nwljh
same board fLopksa ds lkFk mlh
with other cksMZ ij] 1-5 ofeeh
switches, with dh rkj ds lkFk
cables 1.5 sq.
mm size → 465.24 233.61 284.10 233.61 – 171.80 85.22 136.70 133.38 85.22

19312 Ditto, with 19312
19312mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 2-5
cables 2.5 sq. 465.24 233.61 290.80 233.61 – 178.62 85.22 142.94 139.82 85.22
ofeeh dh rkj
mm size → ←
19313 One 3 pin 19313
19313,d 3 fiu lkdsV
socket outlet, 5 fudkl 5 ,Ei]
amps, indepe- vdsyh] 1-5 ofeeh
ndent, with rkj ds lkFk
cables 1.5 sq.
mm size → 1267.50 515.97 1070.40 470.93 – 823.49 340.28 624.19 609.38 340.28 ←
19314 Ditto, with 19314
19314mi;qZDr fdUrq 2-5
cables 2.5 sq. 1408.29 515.97 1131.39 470.93 – 823.49 340.28 663.19 645.65 340.28 ofeeh rkj ds lkFk
mm size → ←
19315 One 3 pin 5 19315 ,d 3 fiu lkdsV
amps socket
outlet indepen- fudkl 5 ,Ei
dent but below vdsyh] fdUrq cÙkh
the switch board ds cksMZ ds uhps
of light points in lekukUrj] 1-5
the same vertical
plane, with ofeeh vkdkj ds
cables. 1.5 sq. 1050.74 245.12 884.64 193.44 – 284.50 127.53 218.40 213.72 127.53 rkj ds lkFk
mm size → ←
19316 Dilto, with 19316
19316mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-
cables 2.5 sq 109.10 245.12 920.50 193.44 – 294.45 127.53 230.68 225.22 127.53 5 ofeeh ds rkj ds
mm size → ← lkFk
19317 One bell/ 19317
19317,d ?kaVh@ctj fcanq
buzzer p o i n t
controlled by ,d iq'k cVu ls
one push fu;a f =r nw l jh
button on the cVuksa ds lkFk mlh
same board with cksMZ ij ;k vdsyk]
other switches
or independent
1-5 ofeeh dh rkj
with cables ds lkFk
1.5 size → 1267.50 515.97 992.75 470.95 – 823.48 340.20 624.19 609.37 340.27 ←
19318 Ditto. with 19318
19318mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 2-5
cables 2.5 sq. ofeeh dh rkj ds
mm size → 1408.30 515.97 1131.39 470.95 – 861.90 340.27 662.80 645.61 340.27 ← lkFk
19319 One 3 pin socket 19319
19319,d 3 fiu lkdsV
outlet. 15 amps,
15 ,Ei fudkl
with cables 4 sq. vdsyh 4 ofeeh
mm size → 2347.02 619.13 1930.50 548.15 – 1298.70 408.33 990.21 964.86 408.33
← vkdkj rkj ds lkFk
SECTION 19 435
[k.M 19&fo|qr dk;Z
fcUnq rkj izcU/k tkjh
Wiring with Copper conductor
izfr fcUnq
cables in PVC casing & caping
PVC shea- Labour
thed cable only
ihohlh dscy
19320 One light point or one fan
e<+h dosy Je 19320 ,d cÙkh fcUnq ;k ,d ia[kk fcUnq
point controlled by one cVu ls fu;af=r lkFk esa 1-5 ofeeh
switch with cables 1.5 sq.
mm size
vkdkj dh rkj
→ 721.31 238.68 ←
19321 Ditto, with cables 2.5 sq. mum 19321 mi;qZDr] 2-5 ofeeh rkj
size → 874.19 238.68 ←
19322 Add to item 3324A for each 19322 tksM+sa en 3324, esa mlh ldZV
additional light point on the ij vfrfjDr fcUnq ds fy;s
same switch circuit → – 238.68 ←
19323 Add to item 3324B for ditto → – 238.68 19323 tksM+sa en 3324ch esa mi;qZDr ds
19324 One light point controlled by 19324 ,d cÙkh fcUnq nks f}/kkjk fLop ls
two 2-way switches, with fu;af=r] 1-5 ofeeh vkdkj dh
cables 1.5 sq. mm size → 1101.75 309.47 ← rkj
19325 Ditto,with cables 2.5sq. mm 1363.64 309.47
19325 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-5 ofeeh dk
→ ←
19326 One 3 pin socket outlet, 5 rkj
Amps on the same board with 19326 ,d 3 fiu lkdsV 5 ,Ei dh
other switches, with cables 1.5 nwljh fLopksa ds lkFk mlh cksMZ
sq. mm size 163.80 135.33
→ ← ij] 1-5 ofeeh dh rkj ds lkFk
19327 Ditto, with cables 2.5 sq. mm 19327 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-5 ofeeh dh
size → 179.01 135.33 ← rkj
19328 One 3 pin socket outlet, 5
Amps, independent, with 19328 ,d 3 fiu lkdsV fudkl 5 ,Ei]
cables 1.5 sq. mm size → 721.31 238.68 ← vdsyh] 1-5 ofeeh rkj ds lkFk
19329 Ditto, with cables 2.5 sq. mm 19329 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-5 ofeeh rkj ds
size → 874.19 238.68
← lkFk
19330 One 3 pin 5 Amps socket
outlet independent but below
19330 ,d 3 fiu lkdsV fudkl 5 ,Ei
the switch board of light points vdsyh] fdUrq cÙkh ds cksMZ ds
in the same vertical plane, with uhps lekukUrj] 1-5 ofeeh vkdkj
cables, 1.5 sq. mm size → 360.95 174.14 ← ds rkj ds lkFk
19331 Ditto, with cables 2.5 sq mm
411.84 174.14
19331 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-5 ofeeh ds rkj
size → ← ds lkFk
19332 One bell/ buzzer point
19332 ,d ?kaVh@ctj fcanq ,d iq'k cVu
controlled by one push button
on the same board with other ls fu;af=r nwljh cVuksa ds lkFk
switches or independent with mlh cksMZ ij ;k vdsyk] 1-5 ofeeh
721.31 238.68
cables1.5 size → ← dh rkj ds lkFk
19333 Ditto, with cables 2.5 sq. mm 19333 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 2-5 ofeeh dh
size 874.79 238.68
→ ← rkj ds lkFk
19334 One 3 pin socket outlet, 15
19334 ,d 3 fiu lkdsV 15 ,Ei fudkl
Amps, independent, with
cables 4 sq. mm size → 1748.76 393.32

vdsyh 4 ofeeh vkdkj ds rkj ds
436 SECTION 19
[kaM 19& fo|qr dk;Z
fcUnq rkj izcU/k tkjh
iz y Ecu
19351Pendant ordinary, comprising ceiling M&L Fixing only 19351
19351lk/kkj.k izyEcu ftlds lkFk Nr dh dVksjh
rose, brass with insulated body lamp lk- o Je dsoy LFkkiu ihry dh uyhnkj ySEi gksYMj] idM+ fdLe
holder, cord grip pattern, and 0.5
copper flexible twisted twin cord up to dh tathj rFkk 0-5 oxZ feeh dh rkacs dh
1.5m length as ordered → yphyh mPNhnkj nqgjh 1-5 eh rd dh yEch
←vkKkuqlkj tathj yxh gks
80.00 56.70
19352Double stiff pendants, comprising of 19352
19352;qxy Bksl izycu ftlesa /kkrq p<+h bLikr
galvanised steel or chromium plated ;k vY;qeksfu;e eqyEek;qDr ihry dh ?kaVh
brass bell mouth connectors 2 Nos. eaqg la;kstd 2 ua- dkyh iêh lfgr rFkk
with back plate and 2×1.50 metre long
parallel 20mm dia galvanised or stove 2×1-50 eh yEch- lekukUrj 20 feeh O;kl
enamelled screwed steel conduit with /kkrq p<+h ;k V;wc jks'kuh ds vo;oksa dks
two check nuts for fixing tube light yxkus gsrq vkSj 1-5 eh rd yEcs nksgjs fdukjs
fitting and upto 1.5 metre long twin 0-5 ofeeh rka c s ds la p kyd yphyh
core 0.5 sq. mm copper conductor ←rkj@dsoy] yxh gks
flexible wire/cable → 223.00 148.10


19353Extra over ordinary pendants for 19353 vfrfjDr] vkKkuqlkj 1-5 eh- ls vf/kd yEch
additional length of cable ordered
←dscy yxkus ds fy;s lk/kkj.k izyEcu ij
beyond 1.5m length → 28.10 16.60
19354 Add or deduct to item 19352 for 19354 en 19352 esa ls ?kVk;sa ;k tksMs+ vkKkuqlkj
adjustment of extra or less length of de ;k vf/kd yEch uyh o yphys rkj ds
conduit and flexible wire as ordered → 223.00 148.10 ←lek;kstu ds fy,


(a) The rates cater for complete LED tube light fittings direct ¼d½ bu njksa esa ltkoVh izdk'k ufydk ds lai.w kZ la;kst a dksa dks
to walls or roof as ordered and connecting electrically with fufnZ"Vkuqlkj nhokjksa ;k Nr esa lh/ks dscy yxkus rFkk fo|qr
the electrical system and all materials required for the
same. The rates also include cutting holes in walls/roofs
iz.kkyh ls bldk la;kstu djus rFkk blds fy, lHkh lkexzh dk
for wooden plugs/ gutties/rawl plugs and making good izcU/k djus dk izko/kku gSA bu njksa esa nhokjks@
a Nrksa es]a ydM+h
the same to match with the existing surface. The rate, dh MkVs@ a xqfO;ka@dPph MkVsa yxkus ds fy, Nsn dkVuk o ml
however, does not include for supplying and fixing of LFkku dks fo|eku lrg ls feykrs gq, Bhd djuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA
ceiling rose and copper flexible twisted twin cord and rks Hkh bu njksa es]a Nr ds dVksjh o rkacs dh yphyh ejksMh+ gqbZ
also for the chain and hooks or conduits and the like.
nqgjh Mksjh rFkk tathj] dkaVs ¼Nyys½ ;k ufy;kn o ,slh gh
oLrqvksa dh vkiwfrZ djuk rFkk yxkuk 'kkfey ugha gSA
(b) Where LED tube light fittings are fixed stiff with conduit; ¼[k½ tgka ltkoVh izdk'k ufydk ds la;kstd likV uyh ds lFk
conduit and its accessories; and additional conduit and yxh gS] ogka uyh o bldh lgk;d lkexzh rFkk vfrfjDr uyh
cable beyond 1.5m length shall be measured separately vkSj 1-5 eh- yEch rkj dks lacf/kr en ds varxZr izFkd ls ekik
under respective items (Fixing included).
tk;sxk ¼LFkkiu lfgr½A
SECTION 19 437
[kaM 19& fo|qr dk;Z

EACH S&F Fixing

19355 Supply and fixing LED lights fitting 1x 16W, 220V,
AC decorative box type with driver, holder including
LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible
copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling
rose complete. → 1110.65 75.25
19356 Ditto but 1x18 Watt → 1330.39 75.25
19357 Ditto but 1x20 Watt → 1305.40 75.25
19358 Ditto but 1x22 Watt → 1345.62 75.25
19359 Supply and fixing LED light fitting mirror type with
high out put diffuser 2 feet, 10 watt 220 V AC
decorative type with driver holder and LED lamp
including connecting up with three core flexible
copper conductor cable of suitable size complete. → 1354.81 75.25
19360 Ditto but 1x5 Watt → 1745.46 75.25
19361 Supply and fixing LED luminaire 600 mm x 600 mm,
35/36 watt, 220 V AC recessed type with high
efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete
with driver, holders & LED lamp suitable for roof
ceiling including connecting up with driver three
core flexible copper conductor cases of suitable size
complete. → 4269.19 75.25
19362 Ditto but 40 watt → 4558.73 75.25
19363 Supply and fixing round shape 6 watt 220 volts AC
recessed type with high efficiency PMMA diffuser
soft glare free light complete with drivers, holders,
LED lamp suitable for roof ceiling including
connecting up with three core flexible copper
conductor cable of suitable size complete. → 720.00 75.25
19364 Ditto but 12 watt → 915.32 75.25
19365 Ditto but 15 watt → 1061.82 75.25
19366 S & F LED light fitting 1x9W/1X10Wbulkhead
luminaires including LED light driver holder
connecting up with three core flexible copper
conductor cable of suitable size. → 1389.85 75.25
438 SECTION 19
[kaM 19& fo|qr dk;Z

EACH S&F Fixing

19367 Supply and fixing LED light fitting 1x8 Watt flame
proof, CMRI certified recommended for gas/ vapor
group of IIA & IIIB, Zone 1 & 2 and IP 65 protection
with die cast aluminum hosing with heat resistant
toughened glass with LED tube light fixtures driver,
holders, connector etc. Complete with all accessories
prewired and including connecting up with three
core flexible copper conductor cable with suitable
size. → 6970.44 139.60
19368 Ditto but 2 x 8 watt → 6941.10 139.60
19369 Ditto but 1 x 16 watt → 7791.59 139.60
19370 Ditto but 2 x 16 watt → 7886.09 139.60
19371 Supply and fixing LED light fitting 1x8 Watt flame
proof, CMRI certified recommended for gas/ vapor
group of IIA & IIIB, Zone 1 & 2 and IP 65 protection
with die cast aluminum housing with heat resistant
toughened glass, with LED tube light fixtures driver,
holders, connector etc. Complete with all accessories
prewired and including connecting up with three core
flexible copper conductor cable with suitable size. →
5654.86 139.60
19372 Ditto but 30 watt →
5936.18 139.60
19373 Ditto but 40 watt →
6570.02 139.60
19374 Ditto but 50 watt →
7146.23 139.60
19375 Ditto but 60 watt →
7722.44 139.60
19376 Ditto but 70 watt →
8068.17 139.60
19377 Ditto but 90 watt →
11179.72 139.60
19378 Ditto but 100 watt →
12332.14 139.60
19379 Ditto but 120 watt →
14636.99 139.60
19380 - 83 Blank →
SECTION 19 439
[kaM 19& fo|qr dk;Z



M&L Fixing Fixing in
EACH lkexzh ,oa only repairs iz R ;s d
Je dsoy ejEer esa
19384 Lamp holder, PVC/Polycarbonate
fLFkj.k fLFkj.k 19384 ySai gksYMj] ih oh lh@iksfydkcksZusV dh
type with cord grip cap suitable for dk;k Mksjh dlh Vksih okys] yVdus okys
pendant fittings → 130.80 89.70 97.10 ←miLdjksa ds fy, mi;qDr

19385 Lamp holder, PVC/Polycarbonate 19385 ySai gksYMj] ih oh lh@iksfydkcksZusV dh

type with back plate suitable for dk;k] iz"B IysV okys dk.B iVjh ds fy,
batten fittings → 166.50 89.70 97.10 ←mi;qDr

19386 Switch piano, flush type single 19386 fctyh cVu] I;kuks likV fdLe] ,d /kqoz h]
pole, one way 5 Amp → 120.80 44.50 51.90 ←,d rjQk] 5 ,Ei
19387 Ditto, but 15 Amp → 218.40 81.00 87.70 19387 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 15 ,Ei
19388 Ditto, but 15 Amp 2 way → 297.50 97.10 59.30

19389 Modular switch 1 way 6A,
1 module → 260.50 81.00 87.70
19390 Modular switch 1 way 10A,
1 module → 260.50 47.44 87.70
19391 Modular switch 1 way 16A,
1 module → 343.70 54.11 94.30
19392 Modular switch 2 way 6A,
1 module → 307.30 81.00 87.70
19393 Modular switch 2 way 10A
1 module → 307.30 81.00 87.70
19394 Bell push, flush type, 5 amp → 134.10 47.44 87.70 19394 ?kaVh iq'k] likV vkdkj 5 ,Ei /kkfjr
19395 Modular Bell push 6A 1 module → 307.30 47.40 87.70

BUZZERS AND BELLS ctj vkSj ?kafV;ksa

19396 Buzzer, Ding Dong AC. 230 volts,
single pole → 430.40 101.00 107.70
19396 ctj] , lh 230 oksYV ,d /kzqoh
19397 Bell, AC, 230 volts, single pole → 357.00 101.00 107.70
19397 ?kaVh , lh 230 oksYV ,d /kqzoh
19398 Bell Multi Music type → 561.50 67.40 107.70
440 SECTION 19
[kaM 19& fo|qr dk;Z
izdk'k la;kstd lkexzh tkjh
Table Contd...
EACH S&F Fixing Fixing iz R ;s d
only only in

19399 Socket, 6A - 2/3 pin combined 2
340.54 54.10 94.30
module, →
19400 Socket 6A/16A - 2/3 pin combined
2 module, → 528.40 121.00 87.70


19401 Fan step regulator, 120W - 2 module
→ 1017.95 87.70 94.30



19402 White cover plate with frame,

1 module → 192.70 42.10 77.00
19403 -Ditto- but 2 module → 195.80 42.10 77.00
19404 -Ditto- but 3 module → 217.70 75.60 77.00
19405 -Ditto- but 4 module → 247.10 77.00 78.34
19406 -Ditto- but 6 module → 309.60 43.40 78.34
19407 -Ditto- but 8 module → 381.40 43.40 78.34

19408 Metal flush box 1/2 module → 179.10 101.00 107.70
19409 -Ditto- but 3 module → 179.80 101.00 107.70
19410 -Ditto- but 4 module → 213.40 67.40 107.70
19411 -Ditto- but 5 module →
19412 -Ditto- but 6 module → 284.10 107.70 114.40


19413 Socket outlet 3 pin, 15 Amp, flush
type → 224.60 81.00 87.70
19414 Socket outlet 2 in 1, 3 pin, 5 and 15
amp flush type → 224.60 81.00 87.70
19415 Socket outlet 2 in 1, 3 pin, 5A → 130.10 77.00 78.30

19416 Socket outlet 3 pin, 5A, flush type

142.60 77.00 78.30

SECTION 19 441
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z
fctyh ds cVu tkjh
M&L Fixing Fixing in
EACH only repairs iz R ;s d
lkexzh ,oa dsoy ejEer esa
Je LFkkiu LFkkiu
19417 Switch socket combination 2 19417
19417cVu dksVj la;kstu ,d esa nks] 3
in 1, 3 pin, 5 and 15 Amp fiu 5 vkSj 15 ,Ei] likV vkdkj
flush type universal → 379.40 168.70 175.30 lkekU;

19418 -Ditto- but 3 pin 5A → 372.20 162.00 168.70
19419 Switch socket combination 2
in 1, 5 A flush type → 372.20 162.00 168.70
19420 Switch socket combination 3
pin 16A, flush type → 372.20 162.00 168.70
19421 -Ditto- but 5A/16A, 5 in 1 → 295.30 168.70 175.30
19422 -Ditto- but 5A/16A, 5 in 1
flush type with fuse & neon 300.00 168.70 175.30
incator →

19423 Switch socket Combination
16A, 6 pin, 3 module → 392.20 81.00 87.70
19424 Switch socket outlet 3 pin 5 19424 cVu dksVj fuxZe] 3 fiu] 5 ,Ei]
amp' flush type → 275.20 124.80 114.70 ← likV vkdkj
19425 Switch socket outlet 3 pin, 15 19425
19425cVu dksVj fuxZe] 3 fiu] 15 ,Ei]
amp, flush type → 439.90 168.70 175.30 ← likV vkdkj
19426 Switch socket outlet multi-
19426cVu dksVj fuxZe] vusd iz;kstuh;]
purpose 3 pin, 15 amp and 3 fiu] 15 ,Ei vkSj 1 fiu 5 ,Ei]
one pin, 5 amp controlled by ,d cVu ls fu;af=r
one switch → 439.90 168.70 175.30 ←

EACH iz R ;s d

S&F Fixing Fixing only

19428Switch flame proof rotary only in repair
type with termination box in
LM6, 16A, single pole 250V
→ 1609.00 158.20 148.10
19429-Ditto- but double pole → 1927.20 158.20 148.10
19430-Ditto- but 25A, double pole → 2063.30 175.00 181.60
19431Flame proof switch socket &
plug combined in LM6 cable
termination box in LM6, 16A,
250V, 2P+earth → 4512.60 175.00 181.60
19432-Ditto- but 25A → 4648.70 158.20 148.10
442 SECTION 19
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z
lw{eh; eaMyh; vojks/kd ¼,e lh lh ch,l½
EACH MCCBs 415V, 16 KA, 4 Pole
16A 25A 40A 63A 100A 125A Labour Labour
only only
upto 100A

19433 MCCBs 415V, 63A & 125A

16KA, 4 Pole 4024.10 4024.10 4024.10 4024.10 4328.70 4617.65 217.20 217.20


EACH 25A 40A 63A Fixing only
upto 63A

19434 Double pole, 30mA → 2246.48 2265.51 3088.76 81.29

19435 Double pole, 100mA → 2184.62 2236.96 3088.76 81.29
19436 Double pole, 300mA → 2260.75 2341.65 3120.74 81.29
19437 Four pole, 30mA → 2912.00 2935.80 3111.87 94.88
19438 Four pole, 100mA → 2802.55 2859.66 3111.87 94.88
19438A Four pole, 300mA → 2892.97 2954.83 3211.80 94.88


6A 10A 16A 25A 32A 40A 63A Fixing
only up
to 63A

3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 4874.21 4874.21 81.29

19439 Double pole, 30mA →
3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 5148.21 5148.21 81.29
19440 Double pole, 100mA →
19441 Double pole, 300mA → – - 3452.32 3452.32 3452.32 5402.42 5402.42 81.29

19442 Four pole, 30mA → 4333.23 4333.23 4414.52 4414.52 4414.52 5478.56 5478.56 81.29

19443 Four pole, 100mA → - - 4414.52 4414.52 4414.52 5713.63 5713.63 81.29

19444 Four pole, 300mA → - - 4414.52 4414.52 4414.52 5713.63 5713.63 81.29

ISOLATORS Supplied & fixed

240V 415V
32A 40A 63A 100A 32A 40A 63A 80A 100A

19445 Isolator SP → - 360.14 405.82 - - - - - -

19446 Isolator SPN → - 431.52 536.21 745.59 - - - - -
19447 Isolator DP → - 512.40 658.80 884.50 - - - - -
19448 Isolator TP → - 902.80 1043.10 1165.10 - 1120.00 1210.00 1340.50 1450.00
19449 Isolator TPN → - - - - - 1200.00 1300.00 1430.20 1700.50
19450 Isolator Four - 1147.30 1195.60 1439.60 - 1340.00 1550.00 1610.00 2200.80
pole →
SECTION 19 443
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z
uan 'kh"kZ dksVj vkSj ,e lh ch ds lkFk /kkrq pknj ds ?ksjs
EACH iz R ;s d
Supplied & fixed vkiwfRRZk o fLFkj.k
19451 Single pole and 19451
,dy iksy ,oa rVLFk
240 V 415 V
neutral enclosure with
a two pin and earth 10amp 20amp 20amp 32amp 63amp ?ksjk] lkFk esa ,d nks
plug and socket fiu o Hkw;kstu MkV o
complete with one dksVj o ,d ,dy iksy
single pole MCB → ← ,e lh Ckh ds lkFk lai.w kZ
19452 Single pole → 1689.70 1817.80 19452 ,dy iksy
19453 Double pole →
1720.50 2081.50 19453 f} iksy
19454 Triple pole and earth
encolsure with a three 19454 f= iksyh o Hkw;kstu ?ksjk lkFk
pin and earth plug with esa rhu fiu o Hkwfe MkV o
socket complete with ← dksVj rFkk ,d f= iksyh
one triple pole MCB → 3348.90 3958.90 6832.00
,e lh Ckh lfgr lai.w kZ
Mh ch ds fy, /kkrq dh pknj ds ?ksjs tc ,e lh ch dk iz;ksx djuk gks
EACH Single Door Double Door iz R ;s d
Supplied & fixed Supplied & fixed
240 V 415 V 240V 415V
19455 Single pole & neutral 19455 ,dy iksy rFkk rVLFk
1 way without bus bar → - - - - 1 ekxhZ fcuk cl ckj

2 way Ditto → 544.10 - - - 2 ekxhZ fcuk cl ckj

4 way with 200 amps rated bus 4 ekxhZ 200 ,Ei fu/kkZj cl ckj

bar → 1329.34 - 1544.40 - lfgr
8 way Ditto → 1578.70 - 1912.70 - ← 8 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
12 way Ditto → 1946.40 - 2264.90 - ← 12 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
16 way Ditto →
2367.70 - 2921.60 - ← 16 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
19456 Triple pole and neutral 19456 f= iksyh rFkk rVLFk
→ - 1350.25 - 2642.70
4 way Ditto ← 4 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
6 way Ditto → - 1736.70 - 3186.20
← 6 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
8 way Ditto → - 2037.40 - 3588.70 ← 8 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
12 way Ditto → - - 4583.30 ← 12 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
16 way Ditto → - - - - ← 16 ekxhZ mi;qZDr
444 SECTION 19
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z

fctyh ds lapkyd

fctyh ds lapkydksa dh njksa esa [kqnkbZ rFkk feêh dk;Z 'kkfey ugha
The rates for lightning conductors do not include for excavation
and earthwork. gSA
EACH M&L Fixing only Fixing in repairs iz R ;s d
19457 Air termination, single
lk- o Je dsoy LFkkiu ejEEr esa LFkkiu 19457 ok;q fuxZe] ,dy uksd vY;qfefu;e
pointed aluminium rod 12mm dh 12 feeh O;kl o 300 feeh
dia and 300mm long → 278.90 139.60 146.30 ← yEch NM+
19458 Air termination, single 19458 ok;q fuxZe] ,dy uksd rkacs dh 12
pointed, copper rod 12mm dia
and 300mm long → 454.70 152.90 166.30 ← feeh O;kl o 300 feeh yEch NM+
19459 Test point terminal block made 19459 ijh{k.k fcUnq lhekar lewg fef+Jr
of gun metal or phosphorus /kkrq ;k QklQksjl rkacs ls cuk
bronze size 75x75x25mm rFkk 75×75×25 feeh uki ftlesa
drilled and screwed including ojesa ls Nsn djds 3 feeh O;kl 25
3 nos. 8mm dia 25mm long
hex. head screw 689.70 121.00 127.70 feeh yEcs 3 'kh"kZ isp yxs gksa lfgr
→ ←


19460 Aluminium strip 25 x 3.15mm 19460 Nr ds ij rFkk uhps tehu ls ij ds

with saddles and fixing lapkydkas ds fy, 25×3-15 feeh dh
screws etc. for roof conductors
and down conductors above vY;qfefu;e dh iÙkh dh dkBh
ground → ← ispksa vkfn ls dlh gqbZ
125.10 43.80 50.51
19461 Copper strip 20 x 3.15mm with 19461 Nr ds mij rFkk uhps tehu ls
saddles and fixing screws etc. mij ds lapkydksa ds fy, 20×3-15
for roof conductors and down feeh dh rkacs dh iÙkh dh dkBh]
conductors above ground → 410.30 50.50 57.20 ← ispksa vkfn ls dlh gqbZ
19462 Copper strip 32 x 6mm buried
in ground → 857.20 50.50 57.20 19462 rkacs dh 32×6 feeh dh iÙkh tehu
19463 Galvanised iron strip 32 x ← esa nch gqbZ
6mm buried in ground → 213.00 50.50 57.20 19463 tLrh yksgs dh 32×6 feeh dh
← iÙkh tehu esa nch gqbZ
SECTION 19 445
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z
ih oh lh@iksfydkcksZusV

EACH M&L Fixing only Fixed in

19464 PVC rectangular block for repairs
mounting, switches, sockets,
fan regulator etc. with 3 mm
thick plastic laminated sheet
cover of size 100 mm x 100 mm
and 50 mm deep → 91.10 50.50 57.20
19465 Ditto, but 175 x 100 x 50 mm
deep → 109.40 57.20 63.80
19466 Ditto, but 200 x 150 x 50 mm
deep → 133.50 63.80 70.50
19467 Ditto, but 250 x 200 x 50 mm
deep → 151.80 70.50 77.20
19468 Ditto, but 350 x 300 x 50 mm
deep → 173.20 74.60 81.20

fefJr lkexz h
M&L Fixing only Fixed in
EACH lkexzh ,oa dsoy LFkkiu repairs iz R ;s d
Je ejEer esa LFkkiu

19469 Ceiling rose, 3 phase/PVC/

polycarbonate, isolated body 19469 lhfyax dVksjh] 3 Qst] ih oh
→ 65.70 43.80 50.50 ← lh@iksfydkcksu
Z Vs ] vkblksyfs VM cksMh
19470 Boxes junctions, plastic, round, 19470 IykfLVd ds xksy pkj fljs okys
four terminals → 113.80 65.30 78.60 ← cDls

HkwlaidZu tkjh

1. The rates for earthing under items 19471 to 19473 7. 1- en 19471 ls 19473 dh njksa es fuEu dk ewY; 'kkfey gS%
includes the cost of:
(a) Earth electrode. ¼d½ Hkwfe bySDVªksMA
(b) Main earthing lead from earth electrode to test point ¼[k½ Hkwfe laidZu ls fujh{k.k fcUnq rd 7-5 eh esu Hkwlia dZu rkj
upto 7.5 metre.
(c) Material and labour for connecting earth electrode ¼x½ funs'kkuqlkj HkwlaidZu o laidZu rkj dks tksM+us esa iz;qDr
and earthing lead as specified. lkexzh o JeA
(d) Adequate quantity of charcoal dust and common salt. ¼?k½ i;kZIr ek=k esa dks;ys dh jk[k rFkk lkekU; uedA
(e) All labour involved including testing of earth net work. ¼p½ lHkh izdkj dk] Hkw;kstu O;oLFkk dh tkap dk;Z ls lacfa /kr
2. The rates however do not include the following which shall 2- fQj Hkh] bu njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey ugha gS ftUgsa lacfU/kr [kaMks@
a njksa
be measured and paid separately under appropriate items/ ds vUrxZr izFkd ekik tk;sxk] rFkk Hkqxrku gksxkA
446 SECTION 19
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z

HkwlaidZu tkjh

(a) Excavation and earth work or drilling hole for ¼d½ [kqnkbZ o feêh dk;Z ;k bySDVªksM ds fy, ojes ls Nsn
electrode. djukA
(b) P.C.C. pit and C.I. cover. ¼[k½ izofyr lhesVa daØhV dk xM~<k vkSj yksgs ds <ys vkoj.kA
(c) Funnel with watering pipe, wire mesh and copper lugs ¼x½ tyuyh lfgr dhi] rkj tkyh rFkk rkacs ds iky vkfn
etc. as specified. tSlk fd funsZ'k gksA
(d) G.I. protection pipe of size ordered specified for ¼?k½ Hkw;kstu rkj dh ;kaf=dh gkfu ;k ik;u ls Hkw;kstu rkj
protection of earthing lead from mechanical injury dh lqj{kk gsrq fufnZ"V@funs'Z kkuqlkj tLrh yksgs ds lqj{kk
or tempering.
(e) Test point and extra length of main earthing lead ¼M-½ tkap fcUnq vkSj 7-5 ehVj ls vf/kd yEckbZ ds eq[;
beyond 7.5 metres. laidZu rkjA
(f) Connecting lead from test point to main switch or ¼p½ tkap fcUnq ls eq[; /kkjk cVu ;k cksMZ rd dh la;kstu
switch board or equipment to be earthed. rkj ;k lkeku tks Hkwfexr djuk gSA
3. On testing after completion if the desired earth resistance 3- laifw Ùk ds ckn ;fn ik;k tk;s fd visf{kr Hkwifz rjks/k izkIr ugha gqvk
is not obtained the earthing will be redone at no extra cost. gS rks Hkwlia dZu fcuk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ds nksckjk iwjk djuk gksxkA

EACH SET M&L Fixing only izR;sd laxzg

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19471 Earthing complete with galvanised 19471 lai.w kZ Hkq;kstu dk;Z] ftlesa 60×60×6 feeh
steel earth plate electrode eksVh tLrh yksgs dh bySDVªkM s okyh IysV
60 × 60cm. × 6mm thick, buried lh/kh Hkwfe esa lekfgr ¼Hkwfe ds xM~<s dh
directly in ground (earth pit not less xgjkbZ 2-25 eh ls de u gks½ IysV ds Åijh
than 2.25 metres deep below ground
level) with top edge of the plate not
fdukjs dh xgjkbZ Hkwfe dh lkekU; lrg ls
less'than 1.5 metres below normal 1-5 eh ls de u gks] rFkk 4-0 feeh O;kl
ground level, connected to dh tLrh Hkw;kstu rkj ls dkcys o f<ofj;ks]a
galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm ij[k dkoys ;k tLrh yksgs ;k bLikr ds
dia by means of bolts, nuts, check oklZy ls tqM]s+ lc oSlk gh tSlk fctyh
nuts and washers of galvanised iron
or steel all as shown in electrical
dh 3 uEoj dh IysV esa n'kkZ;k x;k gS Hkwfe
plate No. 3 connected to earthing test ijh{k.k fcUnq ls tqMk gks( o lc mlh izdkj
point all as specified or indicated tSlk fufnZ"V gks ;k funs'Z k gks rFkk lai.w kZ
including testing on completion → 6688.40 1517.51 ← gksus ij ijh{k.kA
19472 Ditto, but using galvanised iron 19472 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 25×4 feeh dh tLrh
strip 25×4mm as earthing lead yksgs dh ifê;ksa dk Hkwlia dZu rkj ds :i
→ 7164.70 1517.51 ← ls iz;ksx djrs gq,A
19473 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 32×6 feeh dh tLrh
19473 Ditto, but using galvanised iron yksgs dh ifê;ksa dk Hkwlia dZu rkj ds :i
strip 32×6mm as earthing lead → 7572.90 1517.51 ← esa iz;ksx djrs gq,A
SECTION 19 447
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z

HkwlaidZu tkjh

M&L Fixing only izR;sd laxzg
19474Dilto, but using copper plate
lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu 19474 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 60×60×3-15 lseh eksVh
60×60cm ×3.15mm thick electrode rkacs dh bySDVªksM IysV rFkk 20×3 feeh
and 20 × 3mm copper strip as rkacs dh ifê;ksa dk Hkwlia dZu rkj ds :i esa
earthing lead → 15805.50 1517.51 ← iz;ksx djrs gq,
19475Earthing complete with galvanised 19475 lai.w kZ Hkw;kstu dk;Z] ftlesa 40 feeh Nsn ds
steel pipe electrode, 40mm bore,
medium grade, 2.5 metres length,
e/;e] 2-5 eh- yEcs tLrh yksgs ds
buried directly and preferably bySDVªkM s fdukjksa ds uy tks Hkwfe esa lh/ks ;k
vertically in ground with top edge mfpr gksxk lekukUrj ,sls lekfgr fd;s
not less than 1.25 metres below tk;sa ftlls mlds Åijh Nksj dh xgjkbZ
ground level connected with Hkwfe dh lkekU; lrg ls 1-5 eh- ls de u
earthing lead of 4mm dia galvanised
iron or steel wire all as shown in
gks rFkk 4 feeh ds tLrh yksgs ;k bLikr ds
Plate No. 2 to the earthing test point rkjksa ls tqM+sa gks lc mlh izdkj tSlk fd
all as specified and indicated fctyh dh ua- 2 IysV esa n'kkZ;k x;k gS ds
including testing on completion vuqlkj lw;ksftr tkap fcUnq ls tksMu+ k tSls
fd fufnZ"V gks rFkk funsZ'k gks rFkk laiw.kZ
→ 5735.90 1517.51 ← gksus ij ijh{k.k vkfn
EACH izR;sd laxzg
19476Ditto, but by using galvanised iron 19476 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 25×4 feeh dh tLrh yksgs
25x4mm strip as earthing lead

dh ifê;ksa dk Hkwlia dZu rkj ds ;i esa iz;ksx
6212.10 1517.51 ← djrs gq,
19477Ditto, but by using galvanised iron 19477 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 32×6 feeh dh tLrh yksgs
32×6mm strip as eartlung lead dh ifê;ksa dk HkwlaidZu rkj ds :i easa
→ 6756.40 1517.51 ← iz;ksx djrs gq,A
19478 Chemical earthing with copper earth
plate 90x60cmx5mm & copper earth
strip 50x6mm → 96192.20 1619.40
19479Ditto, but copper earth strip 32x6mm 92926.40 1619.40


19480Earth continuity conductor or main 19480 Hkwferkj fujarjrk lapkyd ;k eq[; Hkwlia dZu
earthing lead fixed to wall on batten rkj] nhokj ;k cfYy;ksa ;k njkjksa ;k f>fj;ksa
or recess or chases or buried in ls yxh ;k Hkwfe esa nckuk ;k uyh@uydksa
ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or
fixed to poles or any other indicated
esa ls ys tkbZ xbZ ;k Nsnksa ;k fdlh vU;
situation for loop earthing etc. as crkbZ xbZ fof/k Qans okyh HkwlaidiZu ds
required 2mm dia galvanised iron or fy, visf{kr 2 feeh O;kl ds tLrh yksgs
steel wire → 53.40 40.30 ← ;k bLikr ds rkj }kjk
19481Ditto, but 4mm dia galvanised iron 60.20 40.30 19481 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 4 feeh O;kl ds tLrh yksgs
or steel wire → ← ;k bLikr ds rkj
448 SECTION 19
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z

HkwlaidZu tkjh

EACH SET M&L Fixing only izR;sd laxzg

lkexzh ,ao Je dsoy LFkkiu
19482 Ditto, but 6mm dia galvanised iron 19482 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 6 feeh O;kl ds tLrh
or steel wire → 86.10 54.10 ← yksgs ;k bLikr ds rkj
19483 Ditto, but 8mm dia galvanised iron 19483 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 8 feeh O;kl ds tLrh
or steel wire → 87.70 56.30 ← yksgs ;k bLikr ds rkj
19484 Ditto, but 25x4mm galvanised iron 19484 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 25×4 feeh tLrh yksgs dh
strip →
180.10 43.90 ← iêh
19485 Ditto, but 32x6mm galvanised iron 19485 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 32×6 feeh tLrh yksgs dh
strip →
989.60 50.60 ← iêh
19486 Ditto, but copper strip → 19486
122.10 33.50
19487 Ditto, but 25x3mm aluminium 19487 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 25×3 feeh tLrh yksgs dh
strip →
426.80 38.80 ← iêh
19488 Ditto, but 20x3mm copper strip → 426.80 38.80
19488 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 20×3 feeh rkacs dh iêh]
19489 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 4 oxZ feeh {ks= vY;qfefu;e
19489 Ditto, 4sq mm area aluminium wire 27.00 10.60 ← rkj
19490 Ditto, but 6 sq mm area aluminium 19490 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 6 oxZ feeh {ks= vY;qfefu;e
wire → 34.40 10.60 ← rkj
19491 Ditto, but 7/1.60mm stranded 19491 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 7@1-60 feeh ekud tLrh
galva-nised steel wire → 35.90 17.50 ← yksgs dh rkj
19492 2.00 mm dia GI wire → 35.90 20.20 19492 2-00 feeh tLrh yksgs dh rkj
19493 4.00 mm dia GI wire → 47.80 22.60 19493 4-00 feeh tLrh yksgs dh rkj
19494 8.00 mm dia GI wire → 54.60 25.20 19494 6-00 feeh tLrh yksgs dh rkj
62.00 26.60 19495 8-00 feeh tLrh yksgs dh rkj
19495 8.00 mm dia GI wire →
39.30 17.50
19496 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq 7@2-24 feeh ekud tLrh
19496 Ditto, but 7/2.24mm Ditto → ← yksgs dh rkj

fctyh ds ehVj

EACH iz R ;s d
19497 Fixing only and connecting electric meters 19497 dsoy LFkkiu rFkk 25 ,Ei rd ds fctyh ds ehVj
upto 25 amps → 189.90 dk la;kstu djuk
19498 Ditto, above 25 amps → 230.54 19498 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 25 ,Ei ls Åij
SECTION 19 449
[k.M 19& fo|qr dk;Z


19498A Supply and fix electronic meters temper proof

LCD display with polycarbonate cover 230 V, 10-
60Amp, accuracy class-I 50Hz, conforming to IS
13779, IP-54, with parameters to show data, time,
current reading, load, PF, voltage and KWH → 1762.56
19498B Ditto but 3 Phase, 415 volt → 5853.42
19498C Supplying and fixing smart three phase four wire
dual source prepaid energy meters BIS 15884
marked in existing meter board / florr panels with
pre payment capacity touch keypad based digital
having current range 10-60 Amp 415 Volt accuracy
class 1.0 alongwith parallel home display split
unit with inbuilt load control switch containing
provision for TOD and RTC, inbuilt feature to sense
the DG mode through PLSI, dual source
registration wrt grid as well as DG supply and
dynamic load allocation facility from grid and DG,
capable to define for tariff slabs, happy hours and 10675.69
holiday definition. →
19498D Supplying and fixing smart single phase two wire
dual source prepaid energy meters BIS 15884
marked in existing meter board / florr panels with
pre payment capacity touch keypad based digital
having current range 10-60 Amp 240 Volt
accuracy class 1.0 alongwith parallel home
display split unit with inbuilt load control switch
containing provision for TOD and RTC, inbuilt
feature to sense the DG mode through PLSI, dual
source registration wrt grid as well as DG supply
and dynamic load allocation facility from grid
and DG, capable to define for tariff slabs, happy
hours and holiday definition → 4254.50
450 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
ia[ks dk dk;Z
The rates do not include for clamps, hooks, holdfasts etc. for bu njksa esa ia[ks Vkaxus ds fy;s ifV~V;ka gqd idM ifV~V;ka vkfn
hanging fans. 'kkfey ugha gSaA

EACH Fixing or Add if iz R ;s d

hanging only fixed in
dsoy LFkkiu tksMsa+ ;fn
;k yVdkuk ejEer esa 19499 Nr ds ia[ks dks dsoy yVdkuk rFkk la;kstu
19499 Hanging only ceiling fan (M.D. LFkkfir
supply) and connecting up rFkk Nr ds dqMa s ;k la;kstd ls ia[ks rd dh
including provision of cable from ←rkj dh O;oLFkk lfgr
ceiling rose or connector to fan→
→ 170.60 82.40
19500 Fixing only exhaust fan (M.D. 19500 ok;q fudkl ia[ks dk dscy LFkkiu ¼,eMh vkiwfŸkZ½
supply) and connecting up rFkk mldk la;kstu] vkSj Nr ds dqMa @
s la;kstd
including provision of cable from ←ls ia[ks rd dh rkj dh O;oLFkk lfgr
ceiling rose/connector to fan → 228.20 130.80
19501 Fixing only fan regulator (M.D. 19501 ia[ks ds fu;ked ¼<e Mh vkiwfŸkZ½ dk dsoy LFkkiu
supply) and connecting → 57.60 64.30 ← o la;kstu

19502 Painting of ceiling fans complete, in situ 19502 Nr ds ia[ks ij lai.w kZr;k lhrw es]a iwoZ fufeZr
with synthetic enamel paint by spraying jaxhu jksxu ls ;a= }kjk fNM+ddj] Hkjkoh elkys
including filling cavities with filler, one ls fjfDr;ksa dh HkjkbZ lfgr lQkbZ djus ds ckn
coat after cleaning all dust etc. (M & L) → ←jax dk ,d vLrj djuk ¼lkexzh ,oa Je½
19503 Taking down fan, sealing cable end, 19503 ia[ks dks fudkyuk] rkj dks vyx djuk]
dismantling blades and removing fan and ia[kfM;ksa dks [kksyuk rFkk ia[ks o ia[kfM;ksa dks
blades to store
←HkaMkj ys tkuk
→ 205.90
19504 Taking down regulator, sealing cable ends 19504 fu;ked fudkyuk] rkj dks vyx djuk rFkk
and removing regulator to store → 43.80 ←fu;ked dks HkaMkj esa ys tkuk


19504A Supply and fixing ceiling fans complete

with blades, down rods, electronic
regulator and accessories, 230 V, 1200
mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFM
with service value 6.00 BEE. Five star
rated with brushless direct current motor
(BLDC) → 2649.47
19504B Ditto but of size 1400mm with Min
Air delivery 245 CFM and service value
6.0 → 2649.47
19504C Supply and fix ceiling fans, complete
with three blade, down rod, accessories
230V, 1200mm sweep, with Squirrel cage
induction motor. → 3239.51
19504D Ditto but of 1400 mm Sweep → 3446.95
SECTION 19 451
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z


19504E Supply and fix exhaust fan, steel body

AC single Phase. 230V of size 300m
sweep with, blades, and frame and
louvers → 3548.59
19504F Ditto but size of 380mm sweep → 4153.38
19504G Ditto but of size 450 mm sweep heavy
duty → 5448.02
19504H Supply and fix exhaust fan made of
sturdy Engineering plastic complete with
louvers shutter, voltage 230V, 50 Hz,
RPM 1200, Copper winding of sweep
300m → 2535.38
19504I Ditto but of sweep 250mm → 1606.52


EACH izR;sd
S&F Fixing Fixing only
only in repair
19505 S & F stepped type electronic fan
regulator flush type on the existing
phenolic laminated sheet etc. as reqd. → 365.90 75.80 82.40
19506 S & F electronic dimmers, 450W, 250V
flush type on the exiting phenolic
laminated sheet etc. as reqd. → 241.20 75.80 82.40

rkj O;oLFkk

(1) The rates for wiring include for:— ¼1½ rkj O;oLFkk dh njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey gSa%
(a) Supplying and fixing/drawing of cables ¼d½ rkjksa dh vkiwfŸkZ] la;kstu@QSykbZ] la;kstuksa lfgrA
including connections.
¼[k½ ydM+h dh cfYy;ksa] eksM+ksa fdukfj;ksa] Hkjko elkys] Vh
(b) Supplying and fixing wood battens, bends, corn-
ers, fillers, tee-pieces etc. required for wiring on vo;o vkfn ftudh cfYy;ksa] ij rkj fcNkus ds fy,
battens. vko';drk gksrh gS dh vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiuA
(c) Supplying and fixing all accessories such as ¼x½ lHkh lgk;d lkexzh tSls isp] ifr;ka] MkVsa] f'kdats vkfn
screws, clips, plugs, clamps etc. as specified for dh vkiwfŸkZ djuk rFkk yxkuk] tSlk fd fufnZ"V gS] ftudh
securing cables, battens, conduits etc. to walls,
dscy] cfYy;ksa ufy;ksa vkfn dh nhokjksa] yksgs dh dfM+;ksa
steel joists etc.
ij yxkus ds fy, vko';drk gksrh gSA
452 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
rkj O;oLFkk &tkjh---
(d) Supplying and fixing of bushed conduit or ¼?k½ ?kuh ufy;ksa ;k phuh feêh dh ufy;ksa ftuesa gksdj rkj
porcelain tubing for wiring to pass through walls, nhokjksa Q'kksZa vkfn ls tkrh gS mudh vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiuA
floors, etc.
(e) Supplying and fixing of joint and junction boxes. ¼M½ la;kstd rFkk laxe cDlksa dh vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiuA
(f) Cutting holes in or through walls, taking up and re- ¼p½ nhokjksa esa ;k vkjikj Nsn dkVuk] mBkuk rFkk Q'kksZa cksMZ dks
fixing floor boards, notching or drilling holes through yxkuk ;k la;ktdksa esa nkars cukuk ;k cjes ls Nsn djuk rFkk
joists and making good all disturbed work to match lHkh fo?kfBr dke dks fo|eku ls feykrs gq, Bhd djukA
the existing.
(g) Shellac varnishing as specified to wood battens, wood ¼N½ fufnZ"Vkuqlkj piM+k okjfu'k ydM+h dh cfYy;ks]a ydM+h ds
blocks and other wood fittings and fixtures. lkapksa rFkk ydM+h ds nwljs la;kstu o lktks lkeku ij iksrukA
(h) Painting of battens and cables or surface conduits along ¼t½ cfYy;ksa rFkk dscyksa ;k lkFk dh lrgh ufy;ksa ij nhokjksa
with painting of walls. ds lkFk jksxu djukA
(i) Testing as specified. ¼>½ fufnZ"Vkuqlkj ijh{k.kA
(2) The rates for wiring do not include for:- ¼2½ rkj O;oLFkk dh njksa esa fuEu 'kkfey ugha gSa%
(a) Cutting chases for conduits and sinking's for boxes ¼d½ ufy;ksa esa f>jh fudkyuk o cDlksa esa Mkyus ds fy, o
and making good to walls, floors etc. in case of recessed nhokjksa Q'kksaZ vkfn dh ejEer djuk ml n'kk esa tgka rkjksa
or concealed conduit wiring. dks ufy;ksa }kjk nokuk gks ;k fudkyuk gksA
(b) Supplying and fixing terminal boxes for power plugs, ¼[k½ 'kfDr Iyx ds fy, lhekar cDls] ia[ks ds fu;kedks]a fctyh
fan regulators, switches, socket outlet etc., fixed flush ds CkVuksa dksVj fudkvks vkfn dh vkiwfŸkZ rFkk LFkkiu
to the walls, as specified for surface wiring on wood 'kkfey ugha gS ftudks ydM+h dh cfYy;ksa ij lrgh rkjksa
battens. dks nhokj esa ls yxk;k tkrk gSA
PER RUNNING In Steel In PVC In PVC In existing
METRE conduit conduit casing surface/
Wiring for circuit/submain caping recessed
wiring alongwith earth steel/PVC
wire with the following conduct
sizes of FR is PVC insulated
copper conductor, single S&F Labo- S&F Labo- S&F Labo- S&F Labo-
core cable in surface/ ur ur ur ur
recessed as required only only only only
19507 2x1.5 sq. mm +
1x1.0 sq. mm 236.98 112.94 163.32 103.64 159.90 81.01 81.43 43.84
earth wire →
19508 2x2.5 sq. mm +
1x1.5 sq. mm 258.86 112.94 185.21 103.64 181.78 81.01 103.31 43.84
earth wire →
19509 2x4.0 sq. mm +
1x2.5 sq. mm
earth wire → 288.65 112.94 215.00 103.64 211.58 81.01 133.11 43.84

19510 2x6.0 sq. mm +

1x4.0 sq. mm
earth wire → 332.85 112.94 259.20 103.64 255.78 81.01 177.30 43.84

19511 2x10.0 sq. mm

+ 1x6.0 sq. mm
earth wire → 434.06 112.94 350.32 103.64 342.58 81.01 277.88 62.42
SECTION 19 453
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z

rkj O;oLFkk &tkjh---

In Steel In PVC In PVC In existing

conduit conduit casing surface/
PER RUNNING caping recessed
S&F Labo- S&F Labo- S&F Labo- S&F Labo-
ur ur ur ur
only only only only
19512 2x16.0 sq. mm
+ 1x10.0 sq.
mm earth wire 559.84 112.94 476.10 103.64 468.36 81.01 403.66 62.42

19513 2x25.0 sq. mm
+ 1x16.0 sq.
mm earth wire 759.93 112.94 676.19 103.64 668.44 81.01 603.75 62.42

19514 4x2.5 sq. mm +
2x1.5 sq. mm
earth wire → 318.33 112.94 241.79 103.64 241.25 81.01 162.78 43.84

19515 4x4.0 sq. mm +

2x2.5 sq. mm
earth wire → 377.92 112.94 304.27 103.64 300.85 81.01 240.96 62.42

19516 4x6.0 sq. mm +

2x4.0 sq. mm
466.31 112.94 392.66 103.64 389.24 81.01 329.35 62.42
earth wire →
19517 4x10.0 sq. mm
649.52 112.94 565.78 103.64 558.04 81.01 493.34 62.42
+ 2x6.0 sq. mm
earth wire →
19518 4x16.0 sq. mm
+ 2x10.0 sq.
mm earth wire
→ 919.67 131.52 835.93 122.23 837.48 108.89 754.20 71.72
19519 4x25.0 sq. mm
+ 2x16.0 sq.
mm earth wire
→ 1319.85 131.52 1236.11 122.23 1237.66 108.89 1154.38 71.72
454 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z


dBksj /kkrq jfgr ih oh lh ufy;ka
PER RUNNING Supplied & fixed Fixing only Fixed in iz f r ehVj
vkiwfRRkZ ,ao LFkkiu dsoy LFkkiu repairs
19520Rigid non-metallic
WEkjEer esa 19520 dBksj /kkrq ihohlh uyh fcuk
PVC conduit exclusive LFkkiu cDls ¼laxe@lhekar½ fdUrq
External dia Ckkgjh O;kl
of boxes (junction/ lHkh vU; la;kstuksa lfgr
terminal) but inclusive
of all tees, bends, Dia in mm O;kl feeh esa tSls Vh;sa] eksM] dksfu;ka]
elbows, reducers, bell U;wudks]a ?kaVh eqga h uyh Nksj
mouth tube ends and 20 25 32 40 20&25 32&40 rFkk LFkkiu lkexzh tsls
fixing accessories dekfu;kÌ] rkys dkoys]
such as couplers, lock dkfB;ka uy gqd vkfn
nuts, saddles, pipe
hooks etc. → 75.20 84.30 128.60 156.90 25.74 34.90 38.81 ←

EACH iz R ;s d

19521Junction boxes (1 to 4 40.95 46.21 72.15 76.64 27.11 36.06 39.00 19521 laxe cDls ¼1 ls 4 ekxhZ½
way) →



19522 MCCB 3 Pole .415 V. fixed type,

25 to 100 Amps with
breaking capacity 16 KA → 3824.81

19523 Ditto, but 125 Amps → 4572.98

19524 MCCB 3 Pole , 415 V, Adjustable type,

160 Amps with breaking
capacity 36 KA → 9395.10

19525 Ditto, but 200 Amps → 12119.70

19526 Ditto, but 250 Amps → 12986.10

19527 Ditto, but 350 Amps → 14234.60

19528 Ditto, but 400 Amps → 14234.60

19529 Ditto, but 500 Amps → 16262.90

19530 Ditto, but 630 Amps, 50 KA → 20031.90

SECTION 19 455
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z

EACH S&F Fixing

19530A Supply and fix electric water heater,
storage type steel body with copper
inner tank and heating element upto
2 KW capacity 25 litre, BEE 5 Star
rated complete with all accessories
such as safety valve, thermostate,
NRV, connection piece etc. → 10029.54 269.40


lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfRrZ½

POLE/STRUTS [ka H ks @ LrEHk

EACH iz R ;s d
19531 Steel tubular swaged poles complete 19531 yksgs ds uyhnkj mUur [kaHks laiw.kZ ftuesa yxs
with cast iron base plate, finial taper gksxs <ys yksgs ds vk/kkj IysV] pwMh+ nkj ikfMkV]
plug, bolts, nuts and screws as dkoys o f<ofj;k rFkk isp fufnZ"Bkuqlkj uewuk
specified type 410 SP-22 (8.5 metres

410 ,l ih&22 ¼8-5 eh- yEcs½
long) → 11036.30
19532 Ditto, type 410 SP-31 (9.00 metres 19532 mi;qZDr] uewuk 410 ,l ih&31 ¼9-00 eh-
long) → ← yEck½
19533 Ditto, type 410 SP-37 (9.50 metres 11499.00 19533 mi;qZDr] uewuk 410 ,l ih&37 ¼9-50 eh-
long) → ← yEck½
19534 Ditto, type 410 SP-44 ( 10.00 11975.30
19534 mi;qZDr] uewuk 410 ,l ih&44 ¼10-00 eh-
metres long) →
← yEck½
19535 Ditto, type 410 SP-55 (11.00 metres
long) →
19535 mi;qZDr] uewuk 410 ,l ih&55 ¼11-00 eh-
19536 Ditto, type 410 SP-64 (12.00 17758.80 ← yEck½
metres long) → 19536 mi;qZDr] uewuk 410 ,l ih&64 ¼12-00 eh-
22848.30 ← yEck½
456 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z

PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POLES iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV ds [kaHks

EACH iz R ;s d
19537 Prestressed concrete pole 11.0 metres 19537 iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV [kaHks] 11-0 eh- yEcs]
long, 152x152mm at top and 'kh"kZ ij 152×152 feeh rFkk ryh ij
152x260mm at bottom, class 9 → 6123.70 ← 152 ×260 feeh- oxZ&9
19538 Prestressed concrete pole 9.0 metres 19538 iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV [kaHks] 9-0 eh- yEcs]
long, 102x172mm at top and 'kh"kZ ij 102×172 feeh rFkk ryh ij
102x279mm at bottom, class 10 → 5307.20 ← 102×279 feeh- oxZ&10
19539 Prestressed concrege pole 9.0 metres 19539 iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV [kaHks] 9-0 eh- yEcs]
long, 102x152mm at top and 'kh"kZ ij 102×152 feeh rFkk ryh ij
102x289mm at bottom, class 10 → 4762.90 ← 102×289 feeh- oxZ&10
19540 Prestressed concrete pole 7.5 metres
19540 iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV [kaHks] 7-5 eh- yEcs]
long, 102x152mm at top and
'kh"kZ ij 102×152 feeh rFkk ryh ij
102x281mm at bottom, class 11 → 3674.20
← 102×281 feeh- oxZ&11

EACH S&F Fixing

19540A Supply and fixing 240V, 10 KA 'B' curve miniature
circuit breaker (MCB) of single poles and current
carrying capacity 5 to 32 AMP, in the MCB DB
Complete with connection testing and
commissioning. → 284.20 26.29
19540B Ditto but SP 40 AMP → 806.40 26.29
19540C Supply and fixing amp rating 240V, 10KA 'C' curve
miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of following poles
and current carrying capacity in the MCB
DB complete with connection testing and
(i) SP 5 To 32 AMP → 294.00 26.29
(ii) SPN 32 AMP → 851.20 33.60
(iii) SPN 40 to 63 AMP → 1330.39 33.60
19540D Supply and fixing 415V 10KA 'B' curve miniature
circuit breaker (MCB) of following poles and
current carrying capacity in the DB complete with
connection testing and commissioning.
(i) TP 25 To 63 AMP → 1697.60 55.50
(ii) TPN/FP 16 to 32 → 1721.04 62.60
(iii) TPN/FP 40 to 100 AMP → 2360.74 62.60
19540E Supply and fixing 415V 10KA 'C' curve miniature
circuit breaker (MCB) of following poles and
current carrying capacity in the DB complete with
connection testing and commissioning.
(i) TP 25 To 63 AMP → 1697.60 55.50
(ii) TPN 16 To 32 AMP → 1721.04 62.60
(iii) TPN 40 To 100 AMP → 2360.74 62.60
SECTION 19 457
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh
EACH iz R ;s d
19541 Prestressed concrete pole 7.5 metres 19541 iwoZ izfrcfyr dØhaV [kaHks] 7-5 eh- yEcs]
long, 102x102mm at top and 'kh"kZ ij 102×102 feeh rFkk ryh ij
102x229mm at bottom, class 11 → ← 102 ×229 feeh- oxZ&11

STAY WIRE rku rkj

7/4.0mm 7/3.15 mm 7/2.50 mm 7/2.24 mm
PER QUINTAL 7/4.0feeh 7/3.15 feeh 7/2.50 feeh 7/2.24 feeh
iz f r fda o Vy

19542 Galvanised stay 19542 tLrh yksgs ds yM+hnkj

strand (Grade → 9321.70 9321.70 9321.70 9321.70 ← rkj ¼ 2½ vkdkj---
2), size ....


19543 Aluminium conductor steel reinforced, all 19543 vYeksfu;e lapkyd izofyr bLikr lHkh vkdkj
sizes → 33476.30 ← ds
19544 All aluminium conductor, all sizes → 31026.90 19544 iw.kZ vYeksfu;e lapkyd lHkh vkdkj ds
19545 → 19545
Size of cable with aluminium
conductor in sq. mm
vYeksfu;e lapkyd lfgr rkj dk vkdkj feeh esa
1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25

19546 Elastomer insulated 19546 jcM+ p<+s /kkjkjks/kd ,dy 'kk[kk

single core cable → 4.25 6.53 8.84 13.26 19.88 28.63 44.52 ←rkj
19547 Elastomer sheathed 19547 jcM+ e<s+ likV ,dy /kkjk rkj
single core cable → 6.10 8.15 12.21 16.62 22.76 32.37 47.14
19548 Elastomer sheathed flat 19548 jcM+ e<+s likV f}'kk[kk rkj
twin core cable → 14.80 17.96 25.36 33.16 51.44 68.13 96.88
19549 PVC unsheathed single 19549 ihohlh vue<+s ,dy 'kk[kk rkj
core cable → 4.40 6.53 8.84 13.26 19.88 29.10 45.45
19550 PVC single core cable 19550 ihohlh e<s+ ,dy 'kk[kk rkj
sheathed → 6.50 7.83 14.89 20.27 27.76 39.48 57.49
19551 PVC flat twin core 19551 ihohlh likV f}'kk[kk rkj
cable → 16.10 21.90 30.93 40.44 62.73 83.09 118.15
19552 Weather proof single 19552 rq ¼rkieku½ lg ,dy 'kk[kk
core cable → 6.60 7.83 14.89 20.27 27.76 42.90 64.23 ←rkj
19553 Weather proof flat twin 19553 rq ¼rkieku½ lg likV f}'kk[kk
core cable → 17.20 21.90 30.93 40.44 62.73 83.09 118.15 ←rkj
19554 Cable with copper
conductor PVC round
19554 rkcak lpakyd lfgr rkj
sheathed (flexible)
industrial cable → 58.58 94.05 143.40 217.65 365.10 577.90 900.35
458 SECTION 19
[kaM 19&fo|qr dk;Z
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½ tkjh

PER RUNNING METRE External diameter of conduit in mm iz f r ehVj

uyh dk ckgjh O;kl feeh esas
Stove enamelled, blank
/kkrq;qDr rIr dkyk
20 25 32 40
19555 Rigid steel conduit, welded 19555 dBksj yksgs dh uyh] Vkads
→ 62.00 86.60 126.00 212.70 ←yxh

EACH iz R ;s d

19556 Junction box, with cover 19556 la x e cDlk] vkoj.k o

and outlets → 17.10 26.80 31.45 36.40 ←fudkl lfgr

EACH iz R ;s d
19557 Galvanised, steel earth plate, size of 19557
19557tLrh p<+h bLikr HkwlaidZu IysV] vkdkj 60×60×6-3
60cmx60cmx6.30mm → 1633.00 ← feeh
19558 Ditto, but copper plate, size 60cmx60cmx3.15 19558
19558mi;qDZ r] fdUrq rkacs dk ikj] vkdkj 60×60×3-15 feeh
mm → 3961.40

19559 Galvanised, steel rod 16mm diameter and 2.5 19559+ tLRkh bLikr NM+ 16 feeh O;kl rFkk 2-5 ehVj yEckbZ
metres length → 265.40

19560 Copper rod 12.5mm diameter and 2.5 metres 19560

19560rkacs dh NM+ 12-5 feeh O;kl rFkk 2-5 ehVj yEckbZ
length → 925.40

PER QUINTAL iz f r fda o Vy

19561 Common salt commercial → 591.96 19561 vke ued&O;olkf;d
19562 Charcoal dust/Breeze → 1145.80 19562 dPps dks;ys dh jk[k@dsjh
19563 Mild steel wires, galvanised → 9580.20 19563 uje bLIkkr rkj@tLr p<+sa
[k.M 20,&lM+d dk;Z
fo”ks’k “krsZ

20. A. 1 Measurements 20,-1 eki

20A.1.1 Measurements shall be taken of the net finished 20,-1-1 iwfjr dk;Z dh eki fo'kq} yh tk;sxh] tc rd fd
work, except where otherwise stated. dgha vU;Fkk u dgk x;k gksA
20.A.1.2 Measurements of materials like stones, 20,-1-2 lkexzh tSls iRFkj] feykos] Nkul] ckyw vkfn dh eki]
aggregates, screenings, sand, etc. shall be taken
ryh jfgr cDlksa ;k ekih cDlksa ;k lery Hkwfe ij
in bottomless boxes or measuring boxes or in
closely packed stacks on level ground. While
lVkdj yxk;s x;s pV~Vksa ls yh tk;sxhA gkaykfd fo'ks"k
no special compaction is necessary by ram- ?kuRo cukus ds fy,] njslh djus@dwVus ;k gFkkSMk+ pykus
mings/hacking or hammering, no attempt at dh vko';drk ugha gS] fQj Hkh <hys pV~Vs yxkus dh
loose stacking will be permitted. vuqefr ugh nh tk;sxhA
20.A. 1.3 Measurements for finished work for which 20,-1-3 iwfjr dk;Z ftldk Hkwxrku **lkexzh o Je** dh njksa esa
‘Materials and Labour’ rates are to be paid, shall gksuk gS] mldh eki nks pj.kksa esa gksxh] vFkkZr~ lM+d feykos
be taken in two stages, viz. measurements of
vkfn dh] eki ij 20,-1-2 ds vuqlkj pVVksa esa] ekiuk
road aggregates etc., in stacks as stated in
20A.1.2 above, and measurements of the rFkk iwfjr dk;Z dh ekiA iwoZ pj.k ;g lqfuf'pr djus
completed work. The former is necessary to dsa fy, vko';d gS fd visf{kr lkexzh okLRkfod :i ls
ensure that the required quantities of road laxgz hr dh xbZ gs RkFkk lgh vkdkj dh gS] tSlk fd crk;k
aggregates have actually been collected and are x;k gSA pV~Vs vkfn dh eki ek= ls Bsdns kj vius vki dks
of the sizes, etc., indicated. Stack measurements bl mÙkjnkf;Ro ls foeq[k ugha j[k ldrk fd lkexzh dh
shall not, however, absolve the contractor from vkiwfrZ fn;s x;s funs'kksZ o visf{kr ifjeki ds vuqlkj gS
the responsibility of conforming to the required
specification and dimensions, etc., and
rFkk ;fn /kUkRo vkfn dh izkfIr ds fy,] vfrfjDr lkexzh
provision of more materials, if necessary, to dh vko';drk eglwl gksrh gS] rks mldh O;oLFkk] ljdkj
make up the thickness, etc., indicated without ij fcuk vfrfjDr Hkkj Mkys Bsdsnkj dks djuh gksxhA
any extra charge to Government.
20.A.2 Rates 20,-2 njs a
20.A2.1 Consolidation by hand ramming—Hand 20,-2-1 gkFk }kj njslh%& bu njksa esa] dks.kksa ;k fdukjksa vkfn esa
ramming carried out in angles, edges, etc. where
tgka jksyj dke ugha dj ldrk] gkFk ls njslh djuk
a roller cannot be worked, is included in the
rates. 'kkfey gSA


fupyh Lrg] iVjh vkfn dh CkukoV

(a) Earthwork shall be measured under Section 3 - ¼d½ feÍhs dk;Z dks [kaM&3 ds vUrxZr **feÍhs dk;Z** esa ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Rolling of formation shall be measured under item ¼[k½ jksyj dk dk;Z en 20027 esa ekik tk;sxkA
[k.M 20,&lM+d dk;Z


fupyh Lrg] iVjh vkfn dh cukoV
(a) Earthwork shall be measured under Section 3 - Earthwork. ¼d½ feÍh dk;Z dks [kM&3 ds vUrxZr ^^feÍh dk;Z^^ esa ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Rolling of formation shall be measured under item 20027.
¼[k½ jksyj dk dk;Z en 20027 esa ekik tk;sxkA

ry vk/kkj Ckukuk
When the work is done in two layers, each layer shall be tc dk;Z nks ijrh gks rks izR;sd ijr izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
measured separately.

PER 10 SQUARE Spread thickness in mm izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

QSyko ?kuRo feeh essa
20001 Soling (or sub base) with 20001 rYyk cukbZ ¼;k ry vk/kkj½
100 150 200
broken boulders or VwVs iRFkj ;k [knkuh iRFkjksa
quarried stone, inter stices ls njkjksa esa HkjkbZ djds cuh
filled, surface formed and lrg ij jks y j pykdj
rolled and consolidated to
required gradient and
← visf{kr <ky o mHkkj ij njslh
camber → 1810.30 2633.70 3694.10
20002 Ditto but 'except material' → 20002 mi;qZDr] fdUrq lkexzh jfgr
604.30 858.00 1282.10 ←

izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
Old size Old size Modular
METRES bricks, one bricks, one bricks, one
layer laid flat layer, laid layer, laid
on edge flat
iqjkus ukih; iqjkus ukih; NksVh bZVksa
bZV dh ,d bZV dh ,d dh ,d
likV ijr [kM+h ijr likV ijr
20003 Soling (or sub base) of well 20003 rYys cukbZ ¼v/k% vk/kkj½ ds
burnt soling bricks
including filling of
fy, iw.kZ nX/k bZVksa dh njkj
interstices and rolling → 2774.40 3996.20 ← HkjkbZ o dqVkbZ lfgr HkjkbZ
20004 Ditto but ‘except material’ 20004 iwoksaDr] fdUrq lkexzh jfgr
→ 414.80 609.60 ←


nkusnkj ry vk/kkj vkSj de th.kZ lrgsa
The rates for granular sub base and light wearing surfaces are nkusnkj ry vk/kkj o de th.kZ lrgksa dh ;g njsa] fuEu dksfV ds
with low grade aggregates. feJ.k ds fy;s gSaA
[k.M 20,&lM+d dk;Z
nkusnkj ry vk/kkj vkSj de th.kZ lrgsa tkjh...
PER 10 SQUARE METRES Spread thickness in mm izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
QSyko ?kuRo feeh essa
20005 Kankar or laterite, spread, 50 75 100 20005 dadj ;k thjk jksMh+ QSykdj jksyj
rolled and consolidated to ls visf{kr <ky o mHkkj ij njslh
gradient and camber 654.30 947.30 1231.10 ←djuk
20006 Shingle or gravel ditto → 724.50 1039.80 1354.50
20006 ctfj;k thjk ;k NksVs iRFkj mi;qDZ r
20007 Moorum/Red bajri, ditto→
→ 20007 ewje@yky ctjh] mi;qZDr
438.40 623.40 799.30
20008 Sand, ditto → 20008 ckyw] mi;qZDr
20009 All as per items 020005 to 20009 lc oSlk gh tSlk en 020005 ls
020008-A but ‘except ←020008, esa fdUrq feJ.k jfgr
materials’ → 129.90 160.80 182.40


ty Ck) jksM+h ¼tCkj½ v/k% vk/kkj rFkk vk/kkj Lrj
(a) The thickness measured shall be the compacted finished ¼d½ ekih x;h eksVkbZ] laiwfjr <ksl eksVkbZ gksxhA
(b) The rates include forming clay puddle bunds (retaining
¼[k½ bu njksa esa feykos ds QSyko ds pkjksa vksj] feV~Vh xkjs ds
fillets) on both edges of spread aggregate. ca/k ¼/kkjd ifV~V;kn½ cukuk] 'kkfey gSA
(c) When work is done in two layers, each layer shall be ¼x½ tc dk;Z nks ijrh gks rks izR;sd ijr izFkd ekih tk;sxhA
measured separately.
Type of aggregate
PER 10 SQUARE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
METRES feykCks ds izdkj
Granite, Limestone, Kankar Broken
trap or sand stone, or brick
20010 7.5cm thick (compacted Basalt Flint or Laterite 20010 7-5 lseh eksVh ¼l?ku eksVkbZ½
thickness) WBM, with Quartzite
tcj 2 ¼63 ls 40 feeh
coarse aggregates of l[r iRFkj pwuk iRFkj@ dadj ;k jksM+h bZV
vkdkj½ ;k 3 ¼50 ls 20
grading 2 (63 to 40mm f'kyk ;k ckyw iRFkj thjk jksM
a h+
size) or of grading 3 (50 feeh vkdkj½ ds eksVs feykok
Hkwjh pou l[r ;k
to 20mm size), spread, QSykuk] ij jksyj pykdj
[knkuh iRFkj
rolled and consolidated visf{kr o mHkkj ij njslh
to gradient and camber ←djds lekfgr
required → 2391.10 1712.50 1605.60
20011 Ditto, ‘except materials’→
→ 484.90 484.90 378.00 20011 mi;qZDr] feykos dks NksM+dj
20011A All as per item 20010 20011A lHkh en 20010 tSlk fdUrq
but 50mm thick 1704.20 1219.90 1137.70
→ ←50 feeh eksVk
20012 Ditto, ‘except materials’→
→ 359.40 359.40 277.20 20012 mi;qZDr] feykos dks NksM+dj
20013 10cm thick (compacted 20013 10 lseh- eksVh ¼?kuh eksVkbZ½
thickness) WBM with tcj] dksfV 1 ¼vkdkj&90 ls
coarse aggregates of 40 feeh½ eksVs feykcs lfgr
grading 1 (90 to 40mm
QSykuk] jksyj ls dqVkbZ djds
size), spread, rolled and
consolidated to gradient
visf{kr <ky o mHkkj ij njslh
and camber required→ → 3170.30 2269.60 2147.40 ←djds lekfgr

20014 Ditto ‘except materials’→

→ 622.60 622.60 500.40 20014 mi;qZDr] feykos dks NksM+dj
[k.M 20,&lM+d dk;Z
ijr yxkus ls igys lrg dks lWokjuk

PER 10 SQUARE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

METRE Unsurfaced water Black top
bound macadam surfaces
20015 Preparing surfaces by vle tyCk) jksM+h dkyh Åijh lrg 20015 teh gqbZ feÍh vkfn dks yksgs ds cz'q kksa
brushing with wire ls jxM+dj lkQ djuk] >kMw yxkuk
brushes for removing
caked mud etc. swe-
rFkk vUr esa lrg dks cksfj;ksa ls gok
eping with brooms and djds lHkh <hyh xnZ vkfn dks gVkdj
finally fanning the lrg dks laokjuk
cleaned surface with
gunny bags to remove ←
all loose dirt etc. → 360.60 216.40

ijrh lrg
Preparation of surface prior to application of primer etc. shall ijr vkfn fcNkus ls igys lrg laokjus dks dsoy ,d ckj ekik
be measured only once when priming coat is preceded by a
tk;sxk] tc vLrjh ijr ls vklatd ijr }kjk vuqxkfer gksxhA
tack coat.

PER 10 SQUARE M & L using Except izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

METRE lkexzh o Je iz;ksx bitumen
Paving bitumen Cutback bitumen rkjdksy
20016 Applying evenly a
Q'khZ rkjdksy uenk rkjdksy jfgr 20016 le:i ls 10 fd xzke izfr 10
priming/tack coat with oxZehVj ds fglko ls rkjdksyh
bituminous primer at 10
←vklatd yxkuk
kg per 10 sq metre → 512-50 622-30 157-40

20017 Add/deduct from item 20017 en 20016 esa tksMsa@?kVk;sa] izfr

20016 for each extra/ less fd-xzke vf/kd@de vLRkj iz;ksx
kg of primer used → 49-90 62-20 15-70 ←ds fy;s


rkjdksyh lrg dh njslh djuk

(a) Preparation of surface, priming coat, and filling in potholes ¼d½ lrg dh lTtk] vLrjh ijr rFkk ejEer esa xM<+kas dh HkjkbZ]
in repairs, if any, prior to spraying shall be measured ;fn gks rks og fNM+dko ls igys izFkd ekis tk;saxsA
(b) Adjustment in quantities of binder and chippings shall be ¼[k½ ca/kkbZ o NaVkbZ dh ek=k esa lek;kstu Øe'k% en 20021 o
made under items 20021 and 20022 respectively. 20022 esa fd;k tk;sxkA
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
tcj dh vle lrgsa
PER 10 SQUARE METRE M&L Except Except binder izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
20018 Surface dressing by spraying lk- o Je binder and stone 20018 20 fdxzk- izfr 10 oxZeh ds fglkc ls
evenly paving bitumen at 20 jksMh+ jfgr chippings fpidk dksyrkj dk fNM+dko rFkk 12-50
kg per 10 sq metres, blinding
with 12.5mm stone chippings jksMh+ o dŸkjkas jfgr feeh iRFkj dh dŸkjksa ls 0-14 ?keh
@ 0.14cu.m per 10 sq.m. and izfr 10 oeh ds fglkc ls HkjkbZ djrs
rolling to required gradient gq, jksyj pykdj visf{kr <ky o
and camber → 1286.20 684.20 485.60 ← mHkkj ykrs gq;s lrg laokjuk]
20019 Surface dressing in two coats,
20019 nks ijr dh lrg lTtk] izfr 10 oeh
with the following materials
per 10 sq metres and rolling to jksyj pykdj visf{kr <ky o mHkkj
required gradient and camber ykus ds fy, fuEu lkexzh iz;ksx djds
→ igyh ijr nwljh ijr
First Second Q'khZ rkjdksy 20 fdxzk 12 fdxzk
coat coat
Paving 20 kg 12 kg
drju 0-14 ?keh 0-10 ?keh
bitumen (iRFkj dh) (12-5 feeh (10 feeh
Chippings 0.14 cu.m 0.10 cu.m.→ → 1939.60 976.50 841.30 ← vkdkj ) vkdkj)
Stone (size 12.5 (size 10 mm)

BLACK TOP SURFACES dkyh Åijh lrg ij uohuhdj.k ijr
PER 10 SQUARE METRES M&L Except Except binder izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
lk- o Je binder and stone 20020 lrg lTtk ij uohuhdj.k ijr 12
20020 Surface dressing, renewal coat,
by spraying evenly paving jksMh+ jfgr chippings
fdxzk izfr 10 oxZ eh ds fglkc ls le
bitumen at 12 kg per 10 sq jksMh+ o dŸkj jfgr Q'khZ rkjdksy dks 12 fd xzk izfr 10
metres, blinding with 10 mm
stone chipping @ 0.10 cum per
oeh ds fglkc ls iRFkj dh dŸkj 0-10
10 sq metres and rolling to ?keh izfr 10 oeh jksyj ls visf{kr
required gradient and camber→
→ 846.90 485.80 350.70 ← <ky ls HkjkbZ o mHkkj ykrs gq;s fcNkuk

PER 10 SQUARE METRES M&L Except binder izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

lk- o Je iRFkj jfgr
20021 Add to or deduct from any of 20021 tksMas+ ;k ?kVk;s]a fdlh Hkh lrg laokjh
the items for surface dressing
dk;Z dh njksa esa izfr fdxzk Q'khZ
for variation in the quantity of
paving bitumen per kg → 38.40 8.30 ← rkjdksy dh ek=k ds fopj.k ij

PER 10 SQUARE METRES Size of chipping izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

drju dk vkdkj
20022 Add to or deduct from any of
12.5mm 10mm
20022 tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa] lrg dks laokjus dh
the items for surface dressing njksa esa ;k izfr 0-01 ?keh ds fglkc ls
for variation in the quantity of
dŸkjksa esa vk;s fopj.k ij
chippings per 0.01 cum → 20.70 21.40 ←
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
rkjdks y h xyhpk
(a) Preparation of surface and priming/tack coat shall be ¼d½ lrg dh laokj rFkk vLrjh@vklatd ijr izFkd ls ekih
measured separately.
tk;sxa hA
(b) Seal coat shall be measured separately. ¼[k½ Nkih ijr izFkd ekih tk;sxhA

PER 10 SQUARE METRES Binder Except izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

ysbZ binder
Paving Cut back ysbZ jfgr
20023 Bituminous premixed carpet, bitumen bitumen 20023 2 lseh Bksl eksVkbZ dh iwoZ fefJr
2cm consolidated thickness, rkjdksyh xyhpk lkFk esa 0-27 ?keh
with 0.27 cu.m. of stone
Q'khZ uenk
chippings mixed with 14.6 kg of rkjdksy rkjdksy iRFkj dŸkj 14-6 fdxzk ca/kd feJ.k
binder, rolled and compacted to esa QSykuk rFkk <ky o mHkkj Bhd
required camber and gradient→
→ 1987.10 2140.50 1308.20 ← djrs gq, jksyj ls njslh djuk
20024 Add to item 20023 for each 20024 tksMsa+] en 20023 esa] izfr fdxzk
additional kg of bitumen → 56.70 60.50 10.20
← vfrfjDr rkjdksy gsrq
lhy ijr
PER 10 SQUARE METRES Binder izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
20025 Premixed sand seal coat with 20025 iwoZ fefJr ckyw lhy ijr] 0-06 ?keh
0.06 cu.m. of sand mixed with 6.8 Paving bitumen Cut back bitumen ckyw 6-8 fdxzk rkjdksy esa feykdj]
kg of bitumen, applied and rolled Q'khZ rkjdksy uenk rkjdksy
to a uniform smooth surface →
fcNkdj jksyj ls le o ,dlkj lrg
509.20 343.30 ← laifw rZ
20026 Liquid seal coat, applying 20026 9-8 fdxzk izfr 10 oeh ?kksy o 6-3
evenly binder @ 9.8 kg per 10
sqm blinding with 6.3mm size
feeh dh 0-09 ?keh iRFkj dh dŸkj izfr
stone chippings @ 0.09 cum per 10 oeh ds fglkc ls feys ?kksy dh
l0 sqm and rolled to a uniform lhy ijr leku :i ls QSykdj jksyj
smooth surface → ← ls ,dlkj ,oa le lrg cukuk
dqVkbZ djuk ¼jksyj dk;Z½
(a) Payment under an item of this table shall be made only where ¼d½ bl lwph dh nj esa dsoy rHkh Hkqxrku gksxk tc jksyj dk;Z
rolling is not otherwise included or provided for. vU;= lekfgr ;k mldk izko/kku ugha gksxkA
(b) The minimum area of power rolling, with one specified ¼[k½ ,d fu/kkZfjr ctu okys 'kfDr }kjk pkfyr jksyj ftldk Hkqxrku
weight of roller, which will be paid for under this table will bl lwph ds vUrxZr gksxk mldk de ls de {ks= 200 oeh gksxkA
be 200 sq.m. This area shall comprise all areas rolled
irrespective of the schedule items under which they are
bl {ks= esa og lc {ks= lfUufgr gksx a s tgka og pyk gS fcuk
ordered, provided that the items are referred to in the Work vuqlp w h dh ml en dh vis{kk ds ftlds fy, vkns'k gS] c'krsZ
Order, and the rolling is within a radius of half km. In fd og nj dk;kZn's k ls lanfHkZr gks rFkk jksyj dk;Z vk/kk fdeh
such a case, adjustment shall be made for the allowance for dh ifjf/k esa gksA bl izdkj ds ekeys esa ;fn dqVkbZ dksbZ gS rks
rolling, if any, included in other Schedule items. If an area mldk lek;kstu Hkh dqVkbZ dss :i esa bl vuqlp w h dh vU; njksa
or an aggregate area is less than 200 sq metres, then pay
ment will be made for 200 sq metres.
esa fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn ,d {ks= ;k lekfgr {ks= 200 oeh ls de
gS] rks Hkqxrku 200 oxZ ehVj ds fy, gksxkA
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
ROLLING Contd...
dqVkbZ djuk ¼jksyj dk;Z½ tkjh

(c) The rates for rolling include for watering as necessary and ¼x½ ^jksyj ls dqVkbZ ls *dqVkbZ dh njksa esa lekfgr gS] vko';drkuqlkj
consolidating to the required level, gradient or camber, ikuh nsuk rFkk visf{kr lrg] <yku] mHkkj dh njslh] jksyj
keeping roller wheels wet, if required, filling in hollows
and depressions (any material being supplied by the M.E.S.,
ds ifg;ksa dks xhyk j[kuk rFkk ;fn vko';d gks rks fjfDr;ksa
or paid for as 'Supplied only') and the provision of water, ;k fupkbZ dh HkjkbZ djuk ¼,e bZ ,l }kjk dh xbZ vkiwfrZ
animals, drivers, crew, fuel, labour, tools, etc. ;k *dsoy vkiwfrZ* ds :i esa Hkqxrku dh xbZ dksbZ lkexzh½
rFkk ikuh] i'kq] pkyd] deZpkjh] bZ/a ku] Jfed] vkStkj vkfn
dk izcU/k djukA
(d) Each course or layer rolled shall be measured. ¼?k½ izR;sd vLrj ;k ijr] jksfyr dh eki dh tk;sxhA

PER 10 SQUARE Hand Animal Power roller izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

METRES roller 0.2 roller 0.8 'kfDr jksyj
to 0.5 to 1.50 Exc 2 Exc 5 Exc 8
tonne tonne tonne & tonne & tonne &
gkFk jksyj i'kq jksyj n exc 5 n exc 8 n exc 12
0-2 ls 0-5 0-8 ls 1-5 tonne tonne tonne
Vu rd Vu rd 2 ls 5 5 ls 8 ls
Vu rd vf/kd o vf/kd o
8 Vu ls 12 Vu
vuf/kd ls vuf/kd
20027 Rolling and consoli- 20027 dkVksa esa jksyj ls njslh djds
dating formation lrg laokjuk
surfaces in cutting → 80.60 58.80 20.50 26.10 26.00 ←
20028 Soling of broken 20028 VwVs iRFkjksa ;k [knku ds iRFkjksa
boulders or quarried dh 15 lseh ls vuf/kd ?kuRo
stone, not exc 15cm esa HkjkbZ
thickness → 96.00 93.10 ←
20029 Soling of bricks and light 20029 fuEu dksfV ckyw] eqje ;k
wearing surfaces with yky ctjh fdlh ?kuRo ds
low grade aggregates
of sand, moorum or red
feykos ls bZVksa vkSj gYdh
bajri, any thickness → 70.60 35.30 16.40 ← th.kZ lrgksa dh rYysnkjh djuk
20030 Water bound macadam 20030 tyc) iRFkj dh jksMh+ ¼thjk]
(except laterite, kankar dadM+ o bZV feykos dks
and broken brick NksM+dj½ 100 feeh vf/kd
aggregates) exc 100mm
← dh Bksl eksVkbZ esa HkjkbZ djuk
compacted thickness → 149.50 167.70
20031 Ditto but of laterite, 20031 iwoksZDr] fdUrq] thjk] dadM+
kankar and broken
← o bZV jksM+h feykok
brick aggregates → 110.90 78.50
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
dqVkbZ djuk ¼jksyj dk;Z½ tkjh
Table contd.
PER 10 SQUARE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
20032 Bituminous macadam 20032 fdlh eksVkbZ dh rkjdksyh
surfaces, any thickness → 88.10 105.70 ←iDdh lrg
20033 Thin bituminous carpet, 20033 2 lseh- eksVs irys rkjdksyh
2cm thick → 109.10 27.60 50.50 68.70
←xyhps ij
20034 Gritted or blinded surfaces
after spraying as in surface 20034 fdjfd'k ;k ja/kh lrgksa ij] QSykcs
dressing or seal coat → 48.30 17.60 30.50 42.30 ds ckn tSlk fd lrgh laokj ;k
←lhy ijr ij gksrk gS


PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

20035 Screening road metal, Chippings, etc. on the 20035 ctjh lM+d] dŸkj vkfn dk;ZLFky ij tc
site of the work, when specially ordered, fo'ks"k:i ls dgk x;k gks rFkk vkojrh lkexzh dks
including removing screened materials clear
of screen and stacking in separate heaps for
gVkdj vkoj.k lkQ djuk rFkk eki ds fy, izFkd
measuring (Materials from both sides of pV~Vksa esa yxkuk lfgr ¼lkexzh vkoj.k ds nksuksa
screen measured) → 229.50 ←vksj ls ekih tk;sxh½


iRFkj] f'kyk[kaM vkfn dh rqM+kbZ
(a) The rates include removing the broken stone or boulders to a ¼d½ bu njksa esa Øwlj ;fn iz;ksx fd;k gS] ls 50 eh- ls vuf/kd
distance not exc 50 metres from the crusher if a crusher is nwjh rd VwVs iRFkjksa ;k f'kyk[kaMksa dks gVkuk rFkk eki ds fy;s
used and stacking in regular heaps for measurement.
Measurements shall be taken of the stacked materials after
fu;fer pV~Vksa esa yxkukA pV~Vksa esa yxkbZ lkexzh dh rksM+us
breaking. ds ckn eki yh tk;sxhA
(b) The crusher shall be installed at the place indicated by the ¼[k½ Øwlj izHkkjh vfHk;ark }kjk fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij LFkkfir fd;k
E.I.C. and the materials for breaking shall be delivered by tk;sxk rFkk rksMu+ s dh lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ 50 eh- dh ifjf/k ds
the MES within 50 metres of the crusher. vUnj ,ebZ,l }kjk dh tk;sxhA
(c) The smaller stuff produced in breaking or crushing is not ¼x½ rqM+kbZ ;k dVkbZ esa fudys NksVs inkFkZ dks tc rd vkKk u
to be screened out unless ordered. If ordered to be screened, gks] vyx ugha fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn NaVkbZ dh vkKk nh tkrh
screening will be paid for under item 20035 in addition. gS rks mldk vfrfjDr Hkqxrku en 20035 ds vUrxZr gksxkA
(d) The rates are not applicable if stone or boulders for breaking ¼?k½ ;g njsa ykxw ugha gksxh ;fn rksMu+ s ds fy, iRFkjksa ;k f'kykvksa
is supplied by the contractor. dh vkiwfrZ Bsdsnkj us dh gSA
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
iRFkj] f'kyk[kaM vkfn dh rqM+kbZ tkjh

PER CUBIC METRE Granite, Trap or Lime stone, sand Brick or Kankar, Lat- izfr ?ku ehVj
Basalt or mate- stone or Quartzite material erite or mate-
rial of similar or material of similar of similar rial of similar
hardness hardness hardness hardness
dBksj xzsukbV pwuk] ckyqbZ ;k bZV ;k dadM+] thjk ;k
cslkYV ;k ,slh gh [knkuh ;k ,slh gh leku dBksj ,slh gh dBksj
dBksj lkexzh dBksj lkexzh lkexzh lkexzh

20036 Breaking stone or

20036 iRFkj ;k f'kyk dks 63
boulders to 63 mm ←feeh xst rd rksMu +k
gauge →
20037 Ditto, to 50mm
20037 mi;qZDr] 50 feeh
gauge → 323.00 256.80 234.20 208.70 ←xst rd
20038 mi;qZDr] 40 feeh xst
20038 Ditto, to 40mm
353.10 288.90 256.80 224.70 ← rd
gauge →
20039 mi;qZDr] 25 feeh
20039 Ditto, to 25mm ←xst rd
gauge → 369.20 295.50 263.40 240.80
20040 Ditto, to 20mm
20040 mi;qZDr] 20 feeh
gauge → 417.30 337.10 305.00 272.90 ←xst rd
20041 Ditto, to 12.5 mm 20041 mi;qZDr] 12-5 feeh
gauge → 465.50 369.20 337.10 305.00 ←xst rd
20042 Ditto, to 6.3mm 20042 mi;qZDr] 6-3 feeh
gauge → 393.30 373.70 353.70 316.70 ←xst rd


iDdh jksM+h dh lM+d dh lrg ejEer
(a) The rates include for scarifying by power or by hand picking. ¼d½ bu njksa esa ;kaf=d 'kfDr ;k gkFk ls [kqjpuk 'kkfey gSA
(b) The items for scarifying include raking over and grading ¼[k½ [kqjpus dh enksa esa [kkaps cukuk VwVh lrg esa visf{kr mHkkj
the broken up surfaces to the proper camber etc. as required. vkfn rd ykuk 'kkfey gSA
(c) The rates for potholes not exc 1 sq metre each apply to ¼x½ 1 oeh ls vuf/kd ds xM~<ksa dh ejEer] iqu% fcNkbZ esa lfEEkfyr
repairs carried out in connection with respraying. Any gSa A 0-1 oeh ls de ds xM~<ksa dks 0-1 oeh ekik tk;sxkA
pothole less than 0.1 sq. metre will be measured 0.1 sq metre.
(d) Repairs to potholes and patches exceeding 1 sq metre each ¼?k½ ,d oeh ls cM+s xM~<ksa ;k isou rFkk feykdj 40 oeh ;k vf/kd
and aggregating 40 sq metres or more within a radius of vk/kk fdeh ifjf/k ds vUnj ;k pkgs og iqu% fcNkbZ esa fy,
half km whether carried out in connection with respraying
or not will be paid for at the rates for new work. When the
x, gksa ;k ugha] mudk Hkqxrku uohu dk;Z esa gksxkA tc ,sls
area of such potholes and patches agregates to less than 40 xM~<ksa ;k psfi;ksa dk {ks= lfEefyr :i ls 40 oeh ls de gks
sq metres and more than 20 sq m within a radius of half rFkk vk/kk fdeh dh ifjf/k esa 20 oxh- ls vf/kd gks rks uohu
km. 20 per cent will be added to the rates for new work. dk;Z njksa esa 20 izfr'kr tksM+k tk;sxkA
(e) The stone aggregates and chippings for filling potholes, ¼M+½ xM<ksa vkfn dh HkjkbZ ds fy, iRFkj dk feykok vkSj dŸkj
etc. shall be of the same material as in the existing surface. fo|eku lrg ds vuq:i lkexzh ds gksaxsA
(f) Breaking through macadam surface for pipe trenches, etc. ¼p½ uyksa o [kkb;ksa ds fy, iRFkjh lM+d dh [kqnkbZ dh eki
shall be measured under Section 3—Earthwork. Making [kaM&3 Hkwfe dk;Z ds vUrxZr gksxhA ,slh lrgksa dks Bhd djus
good such surfaces shall be paid for at the rates for new ds dk;Z dk Hkqxrku uohu dk;Z dh njksa esa ;k Bhd fd;s dk;Z
work or for potholes and patch repairs according to the
area made good. ds {ks= ds vuqlkj xM~<ksa o isou ejEer dk;Z esa gksxkA
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
iRFkj dh jksM+h dh lM+d dh lrg ejEer tkjh...
PER 10 SQUARE METRE N exc 50 Exc 50 mm and n izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
mm deep exc 100 mm deep
xgjkbZ 50 xgjkbZ 50 feeh ls
feeh vuf/kd vf/kd o 100 feeh
ls vuf/kd 20043 400 oeh ls vf/kd ds {ks= esa iRFkjh
20043 Scarifying or picking gravelled,
lM+d ;k rkjdksyh iRFkjh lM+d dks
macadam or bituminous macadam
surfaces in area exc 400 sqm → 32.80 47.90 ← [kqjpuk ;k jksMh mBkuk
20044 Ditto,in area not exc400 sqm → 20044 mi;qZDr] 400 oeh vuf/kd {ks= esa
262.90 459.00
20045 Add for removing n exc 50 metres 20045 tksMs+ 50 ehVj ls vuf/kd nwjh rd
and stacking → ←gVkus o pV~Vs yxkus ds fy,

PER 10 SQUARE METRE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

20046 Repair to potholes any depth, not exc 1 20046 fdlh Hkh xgjkbZ ds xM+<ksa dh ejEer] izR;sd 1 oeh
sq m each including sweeping free from ls vuf/kd] ?kwy o feV~Vh dks >kMw ls lkQ djuk
dust and mud, or water, scoring sunken
surfaces in roads, paths, etc. cutting around
;k ikuh ls lQkbZ] fupyh lrg ls eyok gVkuk
edges to at least 25 mm in depth, making vkfn] 25feeh xgjkbZ ds fdukjksa dksa pkjksa vksj
good by filling in screened & graded road dVkbZ djus rFkk mudh dkjksa o lM+d feykcs ls
metal, watering and well ramming HkjkbZ djus ikuh Mkydj eqx a jh ls lM+d ;k jkLrksa
(including supply of road metal) → 1477.30 ←dh njslh djuk ¼jksMh dh vkiwfrZ lfgr½
PER 10 SQUARE METRE Paving Using cutback Using izfr 10 oxZ ehVj
bitumen emulsion
20047 All as in item 20046 but making 20047 lc cSlk gh tSlk en 20046 esa gS]
good by applying tack coat @ 5 kg Q'khZ uenk rkjdksy jaxhu /kkrqbZ fdUrq] iwoZ fefJr rkjdksyh jksMh+ esa 5
per 10 sq m, putting in premixed rkjdksy
bituminous macadam, well
fdxzk izfr 10 oeh ds fglkc ls vklatd
rammed and sealed with binder ijr fcNkuk vPNh rjg njslh djuk
9.8 kg per 10 sq m, blinded with rFkk 9-8 fdxzk izfr 10 oeh ds fglkc ls
0.09 cu m of stone chippings, 6.3 HkjkbZ 0-09 ?keh dh dŸkjksa ls 6-3 feeh
mm size and again well rammed vkdkj esa Hkjrs gq, lhy ijr yxkuk
(including supply of premixed
macadam, binder and chippings).
fQj vPNh rjg dqVkbZ djuk ¼iwoZ fefJr
depth of potholes exc 30 mm → 2098.60 jksMh+] ?kksy o dŸkjksa dh iwfrZ lfgr½
20048 Ditto, but making good by ← xM~<ksa dh xgjkbZ 30 feeh ls vf/kd
applying tack coat with 20048 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq vklatd ijr] 5 fdxkz
bituminous primer @ 5 kg per 10 izfr 10 oeh iwoZ feJ.k esa feykdj
sq m, putting in premix as
specified for thin bituminous
tSlk fufnZ"V gks iryk rkjdksyh xyhpk
carpet (2 cm thick) well rammed ¼2 lseh eksVk½ ijr Mkyuk vPNh njslh
and sealed with premixed sand djuk rFkk iwoZ fefJr ckyw dh lhy
seal coat (6.8 kg of binder with 0.06 ijr yxkuk ¼6-8 fdxkz ysbZ esa 0-06
cu m of sand), again well rammed ?keh ckyw½ fQj njslh djuk ¼iwoZ fefJr
(including supply of premix
binder and sand) depth of
ysbZ o ckyw dh iwfrZ lfgr]½ xM~<k+ as dh
potholes n exc 30 mm → 1926.30 ← xgjkbZ 30 feeh ls vuf/kd
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
iRFkj dh jksM+h dh lM+d dh lrg ejEer tkjh

PER 10 SQUARE METRE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

20049 Add to items 20046, 20047 & 20048 executed 20049 tksM+sa] en 20046] 20047 o 20048 esa] iqu% fNM+dko
not in connection with respraying. → 33.33% ←ds laca/k esa laiUu ugha

MATERIALS (Supplied only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½
The rates for aggregates, etc., include stacking materials in feykcs vkfn dh njksa esa ekius ds fy, lkexzh dks fu;fer pV~Vksa
regular stacks for measurement esa j[kuk fufgr gSA


PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

20050 Quarried rubble stone or broken nullah 20050 [knkuh iRFkj ds VqdM+sa ;k VwVs gq, uqYyk f'kyk cMs+
boulders, in large pieces for soling/sub- VqdM+ks esa fcNkus@lM+d dh fupyh lrg vkfn ds
base of road, etc. → 1048.70
PER 1000 NOS. izfr 1000 la[;k
20051 Soling bricks, old size → 5551.90 20051 iqjkus vkdkj dh ryh; bZVsa
20052 Soling bricks, modular size → 5875.00 20052 NksVs cM+s vkdkj dh ryh; bZVsa

LOW GRADE AGGREGATES fuEu dksfV dk feykok

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj
20053 Kankar → 1048.70 20053 dadM+
20054 Shingle or gravel → 1175.00 20054 thjk ;k iFkjh
20055 Laterite → 1048.70 20055 jksMh+
20056 Moorum/Red bajri → 950.00 20056 ewje@yky ctjh
20057 Sand → 875.00 20057 ckyw
[kaM 20,&lM+d dk;Z
MATERIALS (Supplied only)
lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfrZ½

AGGREGATE FOR WBM Granite, Limestone, Sand Kankar Broken tcj dk feykok
Trap or stone, Flint or or brick ag-
PER CUBIC METRE Basalt Quartzite Laterite gregate izfr ?ku ehVj
dBksj pwuk] ckyw iRFkj ;k dadj ;k bZV jksMh
VqdMs+ ;k [knkuh jksMh+ feJ.k
20058 Coarse aggregates, grading l, 20058 eksVk feykok] dksfV 1] vkdkj 90
90 to 40 mm size or grading ls 40 feeh ;k dksfV 2 vkdkj
2, 63 to 40mm size → 1603.90 1048.70 1048.70 801.90 ←63 ls 40 feeh
20059 Ditto, grading 3, 50 to 20 mm 20059 iwoksZDr] dksfV 3] vkdkj 50 ls
size → 1680.00 1100.00 1052.00 820.00 ←20 feeh


rkjdksy ds dk;Z ds fy, VwVs iRFkj vkSj dŸkysa

PER CUBIC METRE Bituminous Surface dressing and Liquid seal izfr ?ku ehVj
macadam premixed carpet coat
rkjdksyh jksM+ lrg laokjuk o iwoZ lhy ijr ?kksy
fefJr xyhpk
25 mm 12.5mm 10 mm 6.3 mm

20060 Coarse aggregates of 20060 lkekU; vkdkj dk eksVk feykok

nominal size for → 1586.20 1586.20 1586.20 1645.00 ←

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

20061 Coarse sand suitable for use with bitumen→

→ 925.00 20061 rkjdksy esa feykus ;ksX; eksVh ckyw
20062 Pea gravel 10mm size → 1172.10 20062 NksVh jksM+h vkdkj 10 feeh

BITUMEN rkjdks y
PER TONNE OF MATERIALS lkexzzh dk izfr Vu

20063 Paving bitumen, any penetration, in 20063 fdlh Hkh izos';rk dk Q'khZ rkjdksy MCcs lfgr
cluding containers → 35513.00
20064 Cut-back bitumen, any type and grade, ditto→
→ 46494.70 20064 fdlh Hkh uewus o dksfVdk uenk rkjdksy] mi;qDZ r
20065 Bitumen emulsion, any type and grade 20065 fdlh Hkh uewus o dksfV dk /kkrqbZ rkjdksy] mi;qDZ r
ditto → 41732.50
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z
iDds [kaMts vkSj iVfj;ka

20.B.1 Measurements 20ch-1 eki

20.B.1.1 Measurements shall be taken of the net finished 20ch1-1 fo'kq} laiwfjr dk;Z dh eki yh tk;sxh] tc rd fd
work, except where otherwise stated. dgha vU;Fkk u dgk x;k gksA
20.B.1.2 Measurements of materials like stone, 20ch-1-2 lkexzh tSls iRFkj] feykos] Nkul] ckyw vkfn dh eki]
aggregates, screenings, sand etc. shall be taken
in bottomless boxes or measuring boxes or in ryh jfgr] cDlksa] ekih cDlksa ;k lery Hkwfe ij
closely packed stacks on level ground. While lVkdj yxk;s pV~Vksa ls yh tk;sxhA gkaykafd fo'ks"k
no special compaction is necessary by ramming/ ?kuRo ds fy,] njslh djus@dwVus ;k gFkkSM+k pykus
shaking or hammering, no attempt at loose dh vko';drk ugha gS] fQj Hkh <hys pV~Vs yxkus dh
stacking will be permitted.
vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhA
20.B.1.3 Measurements for finished work for which 20ch-1-3 iwfjr dk;Z ftldk Hkqxrku *lkexzh o Je* dh njksa esa
‘Materials and Labour’ rates are to be paid shall gksuk gS mldh eki nks pj.kksa esa gksxh vFkkZr~ lM+d
be taken in two stages, viz. measurements of
feykos vkfn pVV~ksa esa tSls dh Åij 20ch-1-2 esa dgk
road aggregates etc., in stacks as stated in 20.B.
1.2. above and measurements of the completed x;k gS rFkk iwfjr dk;Z dks ekiukA iwoZ pj.k ;g
work. The former is necessary to ensure that the lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, vko';d gS fd visf{kr
required quantities of road aggregates have lkexzh okLRkfod :i ls laxzghr dh xbZ gS rFkk lgh
actually been collected and are of the sizes, etc. vkdkj dh gS tSlk fd crk;k x;k gSA pV~Vs vkfn dh
indicated. Stack measurements shall not,
eki ek= ls Bsdns kj vius vki dks bl mÙkjnkf;Ro ls
however, absolve the Contractor from the
responsibility of conforming to the required foeq[k ugha j[k ldrk fd lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ fn;s x;s
specification and dimensions etc. and provision funs'Z kksa o visf{kr ifjeki ds vuqlkj gS rFkk ;fn ?kUkRo
of more materials, if necessary, to make up the vkfn dh izkfIr ds fy,] vfrfjDr lkexzh dh vko';drk
thickness, etc. indicated without any extra eglwl gksrh gS rks mldh O;oLFkk] ljdkj ij fcuk
charge to Government.
vfrfjDr Hkkj Mkys Bsdsnkj dks djuh gksxhA

Mkej dh iDdh lM+d

(a) Preparation of surface and priming/tack coat shall be ¼+ d½ lrg dks laokjus ds dk;Z vkSj vLrj@vklatd ijr dh eki
measured separately. izFkd gksxhA
(b) Seal coat or wearing coat shall be measured separately. ¼[k½ lhy ijr ;k /kkjd ijr dh eki izFkd gksxhA
(c) The rates are worked out on the basis of binder content of ¼x½ bu njksa dh x.kuk dk vk/kkj ysih ds vo;o ds 4 izfr'kr dks
4% by weight of total mix. Any addition or deduction in feJ.k ds dqy ;ksx Hkkj ls xq.kk djds fudkyk x;k gSA iz;Dq r
binder content used, the rates shall be adjusted as per SI ysih feJ.k esa vkbZ fdlh izdkj dh c<+krs jh ;k dVkSrh dks bl
item 20068.
vuqlwph dh en la[;k 20068 ds vuqlkj njksa esa O;ofLFkr
fd;k tk;sxkA
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z

Mkej dh iDdh lM+d

PER CUBIC METRE Binder content Except izfr ?ku ehVj

ysih feJ.k binder
ysih feJ.k
Paving bitumen Cut back
20066 Premix bituminous, any penetration bitumen 20066 iwoZ fefJr Mkej ;qDr jksM+h
macadam laid/rolled psiw Mkej fdlh uenk Mkej fcNkuk@jksyj ls dwVuk rFkk
and compacted to
izos'k dk visf{kr <ky o mHkkj Bhd
required gradient and
camber (consolidated djrs gq, Bksl cukuk ¼Bksl
thickness 75mm or ←eksVkbZ½ 75 feeh ;k de½
less) → 8915.70 9240.45 5682.20
20067 —do—but consoli- 20067 mi;qZDr] fdUrq Bksl eksVkbZ
dated thickness more
←75 feeh ls vf/kd
than 75 mm → 9592.50 9843.32 6337.90

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke

20068 Add/Deduct over item 20068 tksM+sa ;k ?kVk;sa en 20066

20066 and 20067 for o 20067 esa iz;qDr ysih ds
each extra/less Kg of 46.49 52.60
izR;sd fdxzk vf/kd@de ds
binder used →


?kuh@v/kZ ?kuh vLQkYV daØhV

(a) Preparation of surface and primming/tack coat shall be ¼d½ lrg laokjus dk dk;Z vkSj vLRkj@vklatd ijr dks izFkd
measured separately. ekik tk;sxkA
(b) The rates are worked out on the basis of binder content of ¼[k½ ;g njsa dqy Hkkj dk 6@5-5 izfr'kr ysih feykcs dks vk/kkj eku
6%/5.5% of the total mix by weight. Any addition/ dj cuk;h xbZ gSaA okLRko esa iz;qDr ysih feykos dh fdlh Hkh
deduction in the actual binder content used, the rates shall ?kV@ c<+ dk lek;kstu] vuqlwph dh en 20073 ds varxZr
be adjusted as per SI item 20073.
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z


?kuh@v/kZ ?kuh vLQkYV dhV

PER 10 SQUARE Binder content Except izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

METRES ysih feJ.k binder
ysih feJ.k
20069 Bituminous premix
Paving bitumen Cut back 20069 iw o Z fefJr rkjdks y h l?ku
asphaltic dense concrete
any penetration bitumen
40mm consolidated vLQkYVhd daØhV] Bksl eksVkbZ
psiw Mkej fdlh uenk Mkej
thickness with 6%
izos'k dk 40 feeh lkFk esa dqy feJ.k otu
binder content by weight dk 6 izfr'kr ysih] jksyj pykdj
of total mix, rolled and
compacted to required
<ky] mHkkj Bhd djrs gq;s Bksl
camber and gradient njslh laiwfrZ
complete → 4112.90 1881.10 ←
20070 Ditto, but 25mm
consolidated thickness
20070 mi;qZDr] fdUrq Bksl eksVkbZ 25
Ditto → 2875.10 1480.20 ←feeh mi;qZDr
20071 Ditto, as per item 20069, 20071 mi;qZDr] tSlk en 20069 esa gS]
but with 5.5% binder fdUrq 5-5 izfr'kr ysih feJ.k ds
content as in semi-dense lkFk tSlk fd v/kZ l?ku vLQkYVhd
asphaltic concrete → 3828.50 1782.80 ←daØhV esa gksrk gS
20072 Ditto, as per SI Item
20072 mi;qZDr] tSlk en 20070 esa gS]
20070 but with 5.5%
binder content as in fdUrq 5-5 izfr'kr ysih feJ.k ds
semi-dense asphaltic lkFk TkSlk fd v/kZ l?ku vLQkYVhd
concrete → 2545.30 1266.70 ←daØhV esa gksrk gS

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyks xzke

20073 tksM@
as+ ?kVk;sa en la[;k 20069 ls
20073 Add/Deduct to SI items
20069 to 20072 for each 20072 es ls izfr fdxzk- iz;qDr
extra kg of binder used→
→ 75.30 ←ysih ds fy,


daØhV lM+dsa] gokbZ ifê;ka vkSj dBksj Q'kZ CkUnh ¼dsoy ypdnkj daØhV½
(a) Surface preparation shall be measured separately. ¼d½ lrg laokjus ds dk;Z dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
(b) Finishes to concrete surface by belting or brooming shall ¼[k½ daØhV dh lrg dks ioscn
a h ;k dwÌph ls laokjus ds dk;Z dks en
be measured under Item No. 20086 or 20087 20086 ;k 20087 ds vUrxZr ekik tk;sxkA
(c) The rales are applicable for flexural concrete only. ¼x½ ;g njsa dsoy ypdnkj daØhV ij ykxw gSaA
(d) For other type of concrete pavements, refer to ¼?k½ vU; izdkj dh daØhV fcNkou ds fy,] [kaM&13 Q'kZ dk;Z ns[ksAa
Section—13 Flooring.
(e) The rates include for ¼M½ nu njksa esa budk lekos'k gS%
(i) Use and waste of side form for laying pavement
(i) bu njksa esa [kaM+ksa esa vkLRkj.k daØhV@iDds [kaMts fcNkus
concrete/hard-standing in bays between joints &
Contraction expansion joint/or between the two ds fy;s] tksM+ksa o ladqpu izlkj tksMksa ds chp@;k nks
contraction joints for thickness of pavement upto and ladqpu tksMksa ds chp vkLrj.k lfgr 25 lseh rd eksVkbZ
including 25 cm. ykus ds fy;ss ik'oZ cukus ds dk;Z o co 'kkfey gSaA
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z
daØhV lM+dsa] gokbZ ifê;ksa vkSj dBksj Q'kZ CkUnh ¼dsoy eqyk;e daØhV½

(ii) For slab of thickness more than 25 cm, use and ¼ii½ 25 lseh ls vf/kd eksVh iVV~h ds ik'oZ cukbZ ds dk;Z o
waste of side forms, shall be paid extra as per co dk [kaM 7 ds vuqlkj vfrfjDr Hkqxrku gksxkA
Section 7.
(iii) Provision and stipulation as specified except ¼iii½ fufnZ"Vkuqlkj okLrfod yphyh 'kfDr nsus ds fy,] fufnZ"Vr
specified here-in-after to give specified flexural vxys vk/kkj ds vykok] O;oLFkk rFkk vuqcanA
(iv) Cost of test to be carried out as specified to ¼iv½ fufnZ"V xq.ko+k xq.kDrk LFkkiu ds fy,] tkap djus esa vkbZ
establish quality control. ykxrA
(v) Pavement more than 25cm thickness shall be ¼v½ 25 lseh ls vf/kd dh eksVkbZ dh ijr ,d ls vf/kd ijrksa
laid in more than one layer. Each layer shall not esa fCkNkbZ tk;sxhA izR;sd ijr 25 lseh ls vf/kd dh ugha
be more than 25cm.
(f) The rates do not include for ¼p½ bu njksa esa budk lekos'k ugh gS%
(i) The construction, dummy (contraction) and (i) ladqpu vkd`fr ¼ladqpu½ rFkk izlkj tksM+A
expanion joints.
(ii) tksM+ksa ds ik'oZ xksy djus dh vkKk gks rks mldk izFkd
(ii) Bull nosing of joints if ordered shall be separately
paid. Hkqxrku gksxkA
(g) No deduction shall be made in computing concrete ¼N½ fuekZ.k o udyh tksM+ ¼ladqpu½ dks feykus ds fy, daØhV
quantity for construction and dummy joints {kerk ds fy, dVkSrh ugha gksxhA fQj Hkh izlkj tksMk+ as dh dVkSrh
(Contraction joints). However deduction shall be dh tk;sxhA
made for expansion joints.

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

M&L Labour
20074 Cement concrete work in pavement/ only 20074 iVfj;ks@
a iDds LFkkbZ [kMatksa esa fcNkou] yphyh
hard-standing of flexural strength 40 lk- o Je dsoy Je
'kfDr dh 40 fd xzk@izfr ?keh( LFky esa 400
kg/per square centimetre in field using
400 kg of cement per cubic metre,
fd xzk lhesVa izfr ?ku ehVj iz;ksx djrs gq;s
thickness of concrete 25 cm or less→ → 7107.10 ←25 lSeh ;k de daØhV lfgr
20075 Ditto—but thickness more than 25 cm→ → 20075 mi;qZDr] fdUrq eksVkbZ 25 lseh ls vf/kd

PER KILOGRAM izfr fdyksxzke
20076 Add/Deduct to item 20074 & 20075 20076 tksM+sa@?kVk;sa] en 20074 o 20075 es a
if Extra/less/kg of cement used for ;fn vf/kd@de fdxzk lhesaV izfr ?ku
cubic metre → 32.30 ←ehVj ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k x;k gS


foNkou vkSj dBksj fcNkou esa tksM+s
(a) The rates include for any extra form work if required to ¼d½ njksa esa tksM cukus esa ;fn vfrfjDr Qjescanh visf{kr gS] rks og
form joints. Hkh 'kkfey gSA
(b) No deduction shall be made from concrete, for contraction ¼[k½ daØhV esa ls ladqpu ¼iqrys½ vkSj ladqpu tksM+ksa ds fy, dVkSrh
(Dummy) and construction joints. Deduction, shall, however
ugha gksxhA fQj Hkh izlkj tksM+ksa ds fy, dVkSrh gksxhA
be made for expansion joints.
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z
foNkou vkSj dBksj fcNkou esa tksM+s & tkjh
PER 10 RUNNING METRE Thickness of concrete slab in mm izfr 10 ehVj
daØhV ifO;k dh eksVkbZ feeh esa
20077Forming 12mm thick 100 150 200 250
20077 12 feeh eksVs izlkj tksM+ksa dh
Expansion joints filled with iwoZ fefJr rkjdksyh iwjd vkSj
pre-formed bituminous filler 30 feeh Åijh vLrj yxkdj
and top 30mm primed and rFkk , ds iwjd feJ.k ls
sealed with sealing com- ←Qjescanh
pound, Grade ‘A’ → 578.30 828.00 1101.60 1313.10
20078Forming 20mm thick ex- 20078 20 feeh eksVs izlkj tksM+ cukuk
pansion joints ditto → 741.10 952.60 1164.10 1375.60 ←mi;qZDr

20079Forming 12 mm thick ex- 20079 12 feeh eksVs izlkj tksMk+ as dks

pansion joints filled with
pre-formed bituminous filler iwoZ fefJr rkjdksyh iwjd vkSj
and top 30mm primed and Åij 30 feeh vLrj rFkk ch
sealed with sealing ds iw j d feJ.k ls
compound, Grade ‘B’ → 495.10 706.60 1101.60 1313.10 ←Qjescn a h
20080Forming 20mm thick Ex- 20080 20 feeh eksVs izlkj tksM+
pansion joint ditto → 695.50 910.00 1186.40 1397.90
←cukuk] mi;qZDr

20081 Add to items 20077 to 20080 20081

20081tksMsa+] en 20077 ls 20080 esa]
if provided with 20 mm dia ;fn uje yksgs dh 20 feeh
mild steel dowel bars 50cm
O;kl dh QUuh lfj;k 50 lseh
long (25cm in each slab)
with ferrules, spaced at 300 yEch ¼25 lseh izfr ifO;k½ tksM
mm centres, including boring pwM+h ds lkFk] 300 feeh vUrj
form work and preformed ij dsfUnzrq Qjescna h esa Nsn djus
filler for dowels → 407.80 ←rFkk dUuh ds lkFk

PER 10 RUNNING METRE Grade 'A' Grade 'B' izfr 10 ehVj

z ^,* ^ch*
20082 Forming Contraction (Dummy) 20082 ladqpu ¼iqrys½ tksMk+ as dk izk#i.k] 65
joints 65mm deep x 10mm wide, feeh xgjs x 10 feeh pkSM+s iwjd feJ.k
filled with sealing compound→ → 608.70 608.70 ←ls iwfjr
20083 Add to or deduct from item 20083 en 20082 esa] tksMsa+ ;k esa ls ?kVk;s]
20082 for every 5 mm depth of joint izR;sd tksM dh 5 feeh vf/kd ;k de
over or under 47.90 47.90
→ ←xgjkbZ ij
20084 Forming Construction joint
30mm deep x 10mm wide filled 20084 fuekZ.k tksM dk izk#i.k] 30 feeh xgjs x
with sealing compound → 335.90 335.90 ←10 feeh pkSM+s iwjd feJ.k ls iwfjr
20085 Add to or deduct from item
20084 for every 3 mm depth of joint 20085 en 20084 esa tksMas+ ;k esa ls ?kVk;s] tksM
over or under → 33.60 33.60 ←dh izR;sd 3 feeh xgjkbZ ij
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z


daØhV dh lM+d] fCkNkou vkfn dh laiwfrZ

PER 10 SQUARE METRE izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

20086 Finishing surface of concrete roads, 20086 isOnkjh }kj dhV dh lM+dks]a fcNkouksa dh lrg
pavements, by belting → 101.50 ←dh laiwfŸkZ
20087 Ditto, but by brooming → 203.00 20087 mi;qZDr] fdUrq cqgkjh }kjk
PER 10 RUNNING METRES izfr 10 ehVj

20088 Rounding edges of concrete not 20088 daØhV ds 10 feeh vuf/kd O;kl ds daØhV ds
exceeding 10mm radius with an
←fdukjksa dh fdukjscn
a h midj.k ls xksy djuk
edging tool →

MATERIALS (Supply only)

lkexzh ¼dsoy vkiwfRRkZ½
iwoZ fefJr iwjd
20089 12mm thick pre-formed filler for 20089 izlkj tksM+ksa ds fy, 12 feeh eksVk
expansion joints → 423.00 ←iwoZ fefJr iwjd
20090 18/20 mm thick—ditto → 528.70 20090 mi;qZDr] fdUrq 18@20 feeh eksVk
20091 25mm thick—ditto → 554.60 20091 mi;qDr] fdUrq 25 feeh eksVk
iz f r fdyks x z k e
20092 Paving Bitumen any penetration in 20092 fdlh Hkh izos'k dk vLrjh rkjdksy
cluding container →
46.50 ←Hkktu ¼fMCcs½ lfgr
20093 Cut back bitumen any type and
grade → 32.90 20093 fdlh fdLe rFkk dk uiFkk
tksM+ksa dks cUn djus okyh feJ.k lkexzh
PER KILOGRAM OF lkexzh dk izfr fdyksxzke

20094 Joint Sealing Compound Grade “A” 20094 oxZ , dk ¼lkekU;½] 25@30 fexzk esa
(Normal) in 25/30 Kg. 32.90
→ ←tksM+ksa dks can djus okyk ?kksy
20095 —ditto—Grade “B” (Jet fuel resistant) 20095 oxZ ch ¼vfXujks/ku½ mi;qZDRk
in 25/30 Kg. → 32.90
[k.M 20ch&lM+d dk;Z
tksM+ksa dks cUn djus okyh feJ.k lkexzh

iz f r yhVj
20096 Primer for Grade ‘A’ sealing 20096 , oxZ ca/ku ?kksy ds fy;s izkbej
compound → 82.20

20097 —ditto—for Grade ’B’—ditto— → 82.20 20097 ch oxZ&ds fy;s mi;qZDRk

PER 50 KILOGRAM izfr 50 fdyksxzke

20098 Portland/High grade (high strength) 20098 iksVZySaM@mPp oxZ ¼mPp 'kfDr
cement → 343.10 ←lhesaV½
478 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
fo'ks"k 'krsZa

21.1 Measurements 21-1 eki

(a) Measurements of all work, except hidden work, ¼d½ lHkh dk;ksZ dh] eki flok; Nqis dk;kZsa ds] rksM+us ;k m[kkM+us
shall be taken before commencement of demolition ds dk;Z ds izkjEHk gksus ls igys yh tk;sxhA cM+h ek=k esa gqbZ
or dismantling. No allowance shall be made for
any increase in bulk. fdlh Hkh c<+ksrjh ds fy, dksbZ NwV ugha nh tk;sxhA
(b) In respect of deductions for voids, openings, etc. ¼[k½ f>fj;ksa o [kqys LFkkuksa vkfn ds fy, dVkSrh djus dh fof/k ogh
the method of measurements shall be as described
for new work in relevant Sections. gksxh tks lacfU/kr [k.Mksa esa uohu dk;Z ds fy, of.kZr gSA

21.2 Rates 21-2 njs a

21.2.1 The rates for demolition and dismantling include: 21-2-1 rksM+us vkSj m[kkM+us dh njksa esa fuEu lekfgr gSa%
(a) Breaking up and taking up or down in case of ¼d½ rksM+us esa] rksM+uk] mBkuk ;k fxjkuk vkrk gS] tSlk fd
demolition, as defined.
fufnZ"Vr gSA
(b) Carefully taking up or down and removing without ¼[k½ m[kkM+us esa /;kuiwoZd mBkuk ;k fxjkuk rFkk fcuk gkfu
damage, in case of dismantling, as defined.
igqapk;s gVkuk] tSlk fd fufnZ"Vr gSA
(c) Separation of serviceable materials from the ¼x½ mi;ksxh lkexzh dks vuqi;ksxh lkexzh ls vyx djuk
unserviceable; stacking the serviceable materials
within 100m and disposal of unserviceable material,
eyos o dwM+s djdV dk izHkkjh vfHk;ark dh vkKkuqlkj
debris and rubbish to a distance n exc 100m as 100 eh dh vuf/kd nwjh ij fuiVkjk djukA mi;ksxh
directed by the EIC. The decision of the EIC as to oLrqvksa dk 100 eh ds vUnj pÍk yxkuk dkSu&lh oLrq
which materials are serviceable or otherwise shall mi;ksxh gS vkSj dkSu lh vuqi;ksxh] bl fo"k; esa izHkkjh
be final and binding. vfHk;ark dk fu.kZ; vfUre ,oa ck/; gksxkA
(d) Removal of nails, spikes and screws from timber in ¼?k½ m[kkM+us ds dk;Z esa] dhyksa] dkaVksa o ispksa dks yDdM+ esa
case of dismantling.
ls fudkyukA
(e) Picking, cleaning, sorting out etc. small articles ¼M-½ NksVh phtsa tSls [kwafV;k] f'kdats] yxkoh dkoys vkfn
such as wall ties, clamps, holding down bolts etc. izR;sd 3 fdxzk ls vuf/kd dks tks rksM+us@m[kkM+us essa
not exceeding 3 kg each, which come out as a result
fudys gksa mudks mBkuk] lkQ djuk o NkaVuk vkfnA
of demolition/ dismantling.
(f) Temporary shoring for the safety of portions not ¼p½ ftu Hkkxksa dks fxjkus dh vko';drk ugha gS ;k iM+kl s dh
required to be pulled down, or of adjoining property, laifÙk dh lqj{kk dk vLFkkbZ izcU/k djuk rFkk izHkkjh
and providing temporary enclosures or partitions, vfHk;Urk dh bPNkuqlkj vko';d vLFkkbZ ?ksjscanh ;k
where considered necessary by EIC.
foHkktuksa dh O;oLFkk djukA
(g) Taking all necessary precautions for the protection ¼N½ tu laifÙk dh iw.kZ lqj{kk ds fy, t:jh iwoZ mik; djuk
of the public property and to keep down dust
nuisance etc.
rFkk /kwy dh ijs'kkuh dk izcU/k djukA
(h) Any necessary disconnection of services, whether ¼t½ izHkkjh vfHk;ark ds funs'Z kkuqlkj fdlh lsok dk vLFkkbZ ;k
temporary or permanent as directed by EIC; any LFkkbZ foPNsnu djuk] fdlh pht dks Bhd djus ds dk;Z
making good shall be measured separately.
dks izFkd ekik tk;sxkA
21.2.2 No deduction in rates shall be made for demolition 21-2-2 RkksMu+ s vkSj m[kkM+us ds dk;Z dh njksa esa dVkSrh ugha gksxh
and dismantling if some or all of the serviceable/ ;fn dqN ;k lkjh mi;qDr@vuqi;qDr lkexzh dks dk;ZLFky
unserviceable materials are ordered to be stacked/
;k dk;ZLFky ds ikl gh pÍs yxkus@QSykus rFkk lery
spread and levelled at or near the site of work.
djus dh vkKk nh tkrh gSA
21.2.3 No payments shall be made for any extra lead, when 21-2-3 vfrfjDr nwjh ds fy, vfrfjDr Hkqxrku ugha gksxk tc
with the approval of the G.E., the unserviceable nqxZ vfHk;Urk dh vkKk ls Bsdsnkj vius iz;ksx ds fy,
materials are removed by the Contractor for his own
use, nor will any deduction be made for any value, vuqi;ksxh lkexzh ys tkrk gS vkSj u gh mldh fdlh
they may have. dher dh dVkSrh gksxhA
SECTION 21 479
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
bZV dk;Z vkSj iRFkj fpukbZ

(a) All coping’s, corbels, cornices and other projections shall¼d½ lHkh eqM
a js ]s a rk[ks]a dkjfu'ksa rFkk nwljs foLrkjksa dks nhokj dh eki
be included with the wall measurements. esa feyk fy;k tk;sxk
(b) The rates include taking down walls, etc, with plaster ¼[k½ njsa iyLrj lfgr nhokjksa vkfn dks fxjkus ds fy, gSa fdUrq eki
but the measurements will be exclusive of plaster iyLrj dh eksVkbZ dks NksM+dj yh tk;sxhA foNkou o Q'kkasZ
thickness. In case of pavings and floors the rates include
for removal of bedding layer.
ds ekeys esa bu njksa esa foNkou ijr dks m[kkM+uk 'kkfey gSA
(c) Honeycomb brickwork and hollow concrete blocks ¼x½ e/kqdks"kh; bZV dk;Z rFkk [kks[kyh daØhV dks Bksl ekik tk;sxkA
shall be measured solid.
(d) Items 21001 to 21005 apply to brickwork and stone ¼?k½ en 21001 ls 21005] Nr o fcNkou@Q'kksaZ ds dk;Z ds
masonry other than in roofs and pavings/floors. vykok] bZV dk;Z o iRFkj dh fpukbZ ij ykxw gksrh gSaA

PER CUBIC METRE Demolition Add for portions ordered izfr ?ku ehVj
to be dismantled
rksMu+ k m[kkM+us okys Hkkxksa ds fy, tksMas+

21001 Brickwork or stone/ 21001 bZV dk;Z ;k iRFkj@f'kyk[kaM

boulder masonry, laid dry
714.00 90.50
←fpukbZ] lw[kk fcNkou

21002 Ditto, but built in mud 21002 mi;qDZ r] fdUrq feÍh xkjs esa fufeZr
mortar →
421.00 69.00
21003 Brickwork or stone/ 21003 bZV dk;Z ;k iRFkj@f'kyk[kaM dh
boulder masonry, built in fpukbZ lHkh QfUu;ks]a esgjkoks]a [kEHkksa
lime mortar including vkfn lfgr pwuk elkys esa fufeZr
all quoins, arches, pillars,
fdUrq vlyjh eq[kkSVs laokjs gq,
etc, but excluding ashlar
facings, dressed iRFkj dk dk;Z ,oa iwoZ fojfpr
stonework and precast ← daØhV dh oLrqvksa dks NksMd + j
concrete articles → 515.00 122.60
21004 All as above but built in 21004 lc mij tSlk fdUrq] lhesVa elkys
cement mortar or cement
;k lhes a V pw u k elkys es a
lime mortar →
590.00 180.00 ← fufeZr
21005 Add to items 21003 & 21005 tksM+sa en 21003 o 21004 esa]
21004 for ashlar facings,
vLyj] eq[kkSVs] laokjs gq, iRFkj
dressed stonework,
precast concrete articles dk dk;Z] iwoZfojfpr daØhV dh
and precast concrete oLrqvksa o daØhV [kaMdksa dh
block walling → 104.90 28.80 ← nhokjxhjh ds fy,
480 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
Hkkjh esgjkosa vkSj izofyr bZaV dk;Z

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

21006 Brick jack arches in lime mortar → 595.00 185.00 21006 bZaVksa dh pwuk elkys esa cuh Hkkjh esgjkosa
21007 Ditto in cement mortar or cement lime 21007 mi;qZDr fdUrq lhesaV elkys ;k lhesaV pwuk
mortar → 605.00 190.00 ← elkys esa
21008 Reinforced brickwork in suspended 21008 yafcr ifÍ;ks]a dfM+;ks]a MkVksa vkfn esa izofyr
slabs, beams, lintels etc. in cement
bZVa dk;Z lhesaV elkys ;k lhesaV daØhV esa
mortar or cement concrete
(reinforcement cut as required to ¼rksM+us esa lqfo/kk ds fy;s vko';drkuqlkj
facilitate demolition) → 709.00 215.00 ← izoyu dh dVkbZ djuk½


iRFkj vkSj bZV fcNkou@Q'kZ canh

PER TEN SQUARE Demolition Dismantling izfr 10 oxZ ehVj

METRE rksMu+ k m[kkM+uk
Laid dry Laid, Laid dry Laid,
or laid bedded or laid bedded
dry and and dry and and
pointed pointed pointed pointed
in any in any
mortar mortar
lw[kh fcNh likV]
lw[kh fcNh likV]
;k lw[kh fcNh o
;k lw[kh fcNh
fcNh o fdlhfcNh o o fdlh
Vhi dh elkys
Vhi dh elkys ls
gqbZ ls Vhi gqbZ Vhi dh
dh gqbZ gqbZ 21009 Q'kka]sZ vkoj.kksa vkfn esa yxh fdlh
21009 Stone slabs and tiles of any
description or thickness in Hkh vkdkj ;k eksVkbZ dh iRFkj
floors, aprons etc. → 457.60 616.30 519.90 695.60 ← dh ifÍ;ka o Vkbysa
21010 Stone sett paving of any 21010 fdlh Hkh vkdkj ;k eksVkbZ ds
description or thickness → 1209.00 1565.00 1338.80 1900.10 ← iRFkj ds pkSdksa dk fcNkou
21011 Bricks (laid flat or on edge) or 21011 Q'kkZ]sa ukfy;ks]a iRFkj ds fdukjks]a
brick tiles in floors, channels,
vkoj.kksa vkfn ¼izR;sd ijr½ esa
kerbs, aprons, etc. (each layer)
→ yxh bZVa as ¼likV ;k [kM+h½ ;k bZVa
1004.50 1134.30 1065.40 1256.90 ← dh Vkbysa
SECTION 21 481
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
bZVksa iRFkjksa vkfn dks lkQ djuk
Items 21012 to 21014 shall be paid in addition to rksM+uk@m[kkM+us ds dk;Z esas tgka bZVksa vkSj iRFkjksa dks lkQ djus
demolition/dismantling where cleaning and stacking o pos yxkus dh vkKk nh xbZ gks] ogka en 21012 ls 21014 esa
bricks and stones are ordered.
vfrfjDr Hkqxrku gksxkA
PER 1000 NOS OF Work built in izfr 1000 la[;k lkQ
CLEANED BRICKS dk;Z vra% fufeZr bZV dh
Mud Lime Cement or
mortar mortar cement lime
21012 Removing mortar from and feos xkjk pwuk elkyk lhesaV ;k 21012 bVksa ij ls elkyk NwM+kuk] lkQ
cleaning bricks, stacking for lhesaV pwuk djuk eki ds fy, pV~Vksa esa yxkuk
measurement including all
elkyk o lHkh vfrfjDr laHkky lfgr
extra handling and removal
and disposing off rubbish → rFkk eyos dks gVkuk o fuoVkjk
550.00 610.00 1200.00 ← djuk
PER CUBIC METRE OF lkQ iRFkj vkfn dk izfr
21013 Removing mortar from and 21013 fdlh izdkj dh fpukbZ ls izkIr
cleaning stones, obtained iRFkj o fcNkou esa yxs iRFkjksa dks
from masonry of any
description (except ashlar vlyj eq[kksVs ,oa lokjs iRFkj ds
facings and dressed stone dk;Z dks NksMd
+ j gVkuk o lkQ
work) and stone setts from djukA eki ds fy, pV~Vksa esa yxkuk]
pavings; stacking for lHkh laHkky dk;Z lfgr rFkk eyos
measurement including all dks gVkuk o fuoVkjk djuk
extra handling and removal
and disposing off rubbish → 453.70 748.70 1093.00 ←
21014 Ditto, ashlar facings, dressed 21014 mi;qZDr] vlyj eq[kkSVs] laokjs
stone work, stone slabs or tiles iRFkj ds dk;Z] fcNkou iRFkj ifO;k
from paving and precast
concrete blocks and articles,
rFkk iwoZ fojfpr dhV [kaM o oLrq;]as
ditto → 532.40 879.90 1309.30 ← mi;qZDr

izfrLFkkiu esa daØhV
(a) The thickness of terrazzo tiles of any description and ¼d½ fdlh Hkh vkdkj o leku laifw rZ dh rjStks] Vkbyksa dh eksVkbZ dks
similar finish, shall be included in the measurement unless eki esa 'kkfey fd;k tk;sxk tc rd fd ,slh iwfrZ;ksa dks ,d
removal of such finish is indicated as a separate operation.
In case of patch work in floors or paving (each patch n exc izFkd dk;Z ds :i esa u n'kkZ;k x;k gksA Q'kZ ;k fcNkou ds isou
0.5 sq.m. the rates under items 21015 and 21016 shall be dk;Z esa ¼izfr isou 0-5 oeh ls vuf/kd½ en 21015 o 21016 dh
increased by 33.34 percent. This allowance shall also njksa dks 33-34% c<k+;k tk;sxkA ;g vfrfjDr ry fdukjh o
include for trimming bottom and sides of cut surfaces. dVh lrgksa dh cxyksa dks Hkh lekfgr djsxkA
(b) Items 21015 and 21016 apply to cutting through full ¼[k½ en 21015 o 21016 dh njsa Q'kksZa o fcNkouksa dks iwjh eksVkbZ esa dkVus
thick- ness of floors and pavings. Where a part thickness
only of a concrete floor is cut, payments shall be made ij ykxw gksrh gSAa tgka Q'kZ dh daØh+ V dk dsoy dqN Hkkx dkVk x;k
under surface excavation vide items 03001 and 03002. gks rks Hkqxrku lrg dh [kqnkbZ ds varxZr en 03001 o 03002esa gksxkA
(c) In the case of patches n exc 0.5 sq.m. each, rates for cutting ¼x½ 0-5 oxZ ehVj vuf/kd ds isou dh dVkbZ ds fy, dVkbZ dh
shall be increased by 33.34 percent. This allowance shall njksa esa 33-34% dh c<+ksrjh dh tk;sxhA ;g vfrfjDr ry
also include for trimming bottom and sides of cut surfaces
fdukjh o dVh lrgksa dh cxyksa dks Hkh lekfgr djsxkA
482 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
izfrLFkkiu esa daØhV tkjh
PER CUBIC METRE Demolition izfr ?ku ehVj
rksMu+ k
Lime Cement concrete
concrete (unreinforced)
pwuk elkyk lhesaV dhV
21015 Concrete in ground floors and
¼vizofyr½ 21015 Q'kkasZ o fcNkouksa esa 15 lseh vuf/kd
pavings n exc 15 cm thickness eksVh daØhV ¼Hkwfery ls uhps ;k
(below or above ground level) → 928.40 1379.50 ←
21016 Ditto exc 15 cm thickness but 21016 mi;qZDr] eksVkbZ 15 lseh ls vf/kd
above ground floors → 1051.00 2142.70 ← fdUrq Hkwfe ds Åij
21017 Concrete of any description and 21017 fdlh Hkh rjg dh o fdlh Hkh voLFkk
in any position not otherwise dh daØhV tc rd fo'ks"k :i ls
specifically provided for →
862.80 1631.30 ← blds fy, izko/kku u gks
21018 Roofs, floors (other than ground 21018 Nrsa] rYys ¼Hkwfe ry dks NksM+dj½
floors), beams, staircases, landing,
dfM;kí] lhf<+;ka] pcwrjs] NTts o
chajjas and similar suspended
work → ← leku yafcr dk;Z

21019 Add to items 21015 to 21018 if cement 21019 en 21015 ls 21018 esa tksMas ;fn lhesVa daØhV izofyr
concrete is reinforced (reinforcement cut gS ¼izoyu dh rqMk+ bZ dh lqfo/kk ds fy, visf{kr dVkbZ½

as required to facilitate demolition) → 252.40
21019A Add to items21017 and 21018 for portions 21019 A en 21017 o 21018 esa mu Hkkxksa ds fy, tksMs+a ftUgsa
ordered to be dismantled → - ← m[kkM+us dh vkKk nh xbZ gS


ydM+h dk;Z vkSj la;kstu

(a) For taking down complete roof trusses, see Section ¼d½ Nr ds lai.w kZ vk/kkjksa dks fxjkus ds fy, ns[kas [k.M&7 ydM+h
7-Wood work (Carpenter's work). ds dk;Z ¼c<+bZ dk dke½A
(b) For taking down complete joinery, see Section 8- Joinery. ¼[k½ laiw.kZ la;kstuksa dks fxjkus ds fy, ns[ksa [k.M&8 la;kstuA
(c) The rates given below apply to dismantling of both soft ¼x½ ;g njsa] uje o l[r nksuksa izdkj dh ydM+h ds dk;Z o
and hard wood work and joinery and also allow for la;kstu ij ykxw gksrh gSa vkSj lHkh ifÍ;ka dkoys o f<cfj;ka
removal and stacking separately of all straps, bolts, nuts
etc, where fixed.
vkfn tgka yxs gSa] mUgsa fudkyus rFkk izFkd <sj yxkus dh
vuqefr Hkh nsrh gSaA
SECTION 21 483
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
ydM+h dk;Z vkSj la;kstu tkjh
PER CUBIC METRE Unframed Framed work izfr ?ku ehVj]
work pkS[kVs ds dk;Z
fcuk pkS[kVs ds
21020 Dismantling timber scantlings 40 21020 ydM+h dh 40 olseh o vf/kd dh dVkbZ
sq. cm and over in section, in any ←dh NksVh phtksa dks m[kkM+uk
position → 940.20 1190.00


21021 Ditto in fillets, rails, posts, rafters, 21021 mi;qZDRk] ifÙk;ksa] taxyksa] [kaHkksa] /kjfu;ksa]
purlins, etc. under 40 sq. cm in ←'kgrhjksa vkfn esa] 40 oxZ lseh dkV esa
section → 15.30 21.00
21022 Dismantling boarding, any 21022 fdlh fdLe fdlh :i esa dhyksa ls yxh
description, fixed in any position ←r[rs canh dks m[kkM+uk
with nails → 35.00
21023 Ditto, if fixed with screws → 46.80 21023 mi;qZDr] ;fn ispksa ls yxs gksa
Spaced vUrjh;
Nexc 15 cm Exc 15 cm
15 lseh ls 15 lseh ls
vuf/kd vf/kd
21024 Battens for tiles, shingles etc, of 21024 fdlh vkdkj dh] rkf[;ka ;k r[rs yxkus
any size including tilting fillets→
→ 39.30 16.90 ←dh iVfj;ka] frjNh [kwafV;ksa lfgr

One way Two way

21025 Trellis work (Jafri), including ,d iaFkh f}iaFkh 21025 tkyh dke ¼tkQjh½ m[kkM+us lfgr tSlk
taking as under of battens in fd tkyh esa r[rs ¼pkS[kVs o taxys izFkd
trellis (posts and rails measured
separately) → 52.10 165.00 ←ekih tk;saxh½


bLikr vkSj yksgs dk dk;Z
(a) The rates include unbolting, dismantling framed work into ¼d½ bu njksa esa dkoys [kksyuk] pkS[kVs okys dke dks nks ;k vf/kd
two or more portable parts and marking members for re-erection ys tkus ;ksX; Hkkxksa esa [kksyuk rFkk ;fn ladsr nksokjk yxkus
if so indicated. If framed work is indicated to be dismantled
into primary members, payments shall be made in addition as
dk gks rks Hkkxksa dks vafdr djukA ;fn pkS[kVksa ds dke dks
provided here under. izkjfEHkd vo;o ds :i esa ykus dk vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS rks
bu njksa ds izko/kku ls vf/kd dk Hkqxrku gksxkA
(b) In dismantling framed steel gates, doors, and the like, the ¼[k½ pkS[kVs esa yksgs ds QkVd] njokts o leku oLrqvksa] dks
weight of any covering material or filling such as steel m[kkM+us eas fdlh vkoj.k lkexzh Hkjko tSls yksgs dh pknj]
sheets, expanded metal, etc. shall be added to the weight of
the main article, if such covering is not taken out separately.
foLr`r /kkrq vkfn ds Hkkj dks eq[; oLrq ds Hkkj esa tksM+ fn;k
tk;sxk ;fn ,sls vkoj.kksa dks izFkd :i ls ugha fy;k tkrkA
(c) The weight of structural steelwork shall be computed as ¼x½ yksgs ds dke dh <akpkxr Hkkj [k.M 10&yksgs vkSj bLikr dk;Z
given in Section 10—Steel and Iron Work. ds vUrxZr x.kuk dh tk;sxhA
(d) The rates shall be for the salvaged steel. ¼?k½ ;g njsa fuLrkj yksgs ds fy, gksaxhA
484 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
bLikr vkSj yksgs dk dk;Z tkjh

PER QUINTAL iz f r fDoa V y

21026 Separating, scraping and cleaning of 21026 izoyu dks vyx djuk] [kqjpuk vkSj lkQ djuk
reinforcement (Demolition of concrete ←¼daØh+ V dh rqMk+ bZ dks izFkd ekik tk;sxk½
measured separately) → 1115.00
21027 Dismantling cast iron work of any de- 21027 fdlh Hkh izdkj ds <ys yksgs ds dke dks
scription → 638.80 ←fm[kkM+uk
21028 Dismantling wrought iron or mild steel 21028 dkEVh yksgs ;k uje yksgs ds fdlh fdLe ds dke
work of any description not otherwise ←ftldh vU;Fkk O;oLFkk ugha gS] dks m[kkM+uk
provided for → 574.90
21029 Dismantling structural steel work in- 21029 <akpsxr yksgs ds dke] njokts] QkVd fdUrq
cluding doors, gates but excluding framed ←pkS[kVsnkj phtksa dks NksMd
+ j] dks m[kkM+uk
truss etc. → 623.60

EACH Span foLrkj iz R ;s d

N exc Exc 10m but Exc 15m but Exc 22.5m but
10 m n exc 15m n exc 22.5m n exc 30m
vuf/kd 10 eh ls 15 eh ls vf/kd 22-5 eh ls vf/kd
s 10 eh vf/kd] o 15 eh o 22-5 eh ls o 30 eh ls
ls vuf/kd vuf/kd vuf/kd
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
21030 Dismantling framed 21030 pkS [ kVs n kj dS f p;ks a dks
trusses → 2340.60 2911.90 5699.75 8792.60 ←m[kkM+uk

PER QUINTAL iz f r fDoa V y

21031 Extra only if all 21031 vfrfjDr] ;fn lHkh vo;oksa
members are required dks fjfiV ¼dhy½ dkVdj
to be taken as under by
cutting rivets → 609.90 ←vyx djuk gks dsoy rHkh


Nr o nhokj vkoj.k] Hkhrjh Nr vkSj Hkhrjh vkoj.k

(a) All work shall be measured flat overall and not girthed. ¼d½ eki ifjiw.kZ likV yh tk;sxh ?kuRo esa ughaA
(b) Measurements of ridges, hips, valleys and flashings shall ¼[k½ mBkoh] mHkjh gqbZ ladqfpr o pedhyh oLrqvksa dh eki oeh esa
be taken in sq. m and paid for at the same rates as for roof yh tk;sxh rFkk budk Hkqxrku leku lkexzh ds Nr vkoj.k dh
covering of similar materials.
njksa ds vuqlkj gksxkA
SECTION 21 485
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
Nr o nhokj vkoj.k] Hkhrjh Nr vkSj vkoj.k tkjh
PER SQUARE METRE Demolition Dismantling izfr oxZ ehVj
rksM+uk m[kkM+uk
21032 Plain or corrugated steel sheeting,
any gauge, thickness, including
21032 likV ;k ygfj;k fdlh vkeku] eksVkbZ o yksgs
Nainital or similar pattern roof dh pknj dk vkoj.k] uSuhrkyh ;k leku
coverings → ←rjhds dk Nr vkoj.k
21033 Asbestos cement (corrugated, 21033 Nr vkoj.k esa ,LoSLVl lhesVa ¼ygfj;k] vFkZ
semicorrugated, etc.) sheets in roof ←ygfj;k vkfn½ dh pknjsa
coverings → 35.00
21034 Single layer Mangalore pattern or 21034 Nr dk;Z esa ,dy ijrh eaxykSjh rjhds ds ;k
similar tiles in roofing → 52.80 ←leku [kijsa
21035 Mangalore pattern roofing tiles 21035 eaxykSjh rjhds dh Nr dh [kijs lkFk esa Hkhrjh
with ceiling tiles or slate roofing→
→ ←Nr [kijsa ;k LysV iRFkj dh Nr iVkbZ
21036 Add to items 21034 and 21035 for 21036 tksMas+ en 21034 o 21035 esa mu Hkkxksa ds fy,
portions bedded in lime or cement ←ftUgsa pwuk ;k lhesVa elkys esa fcNk;k x;k gS
mortar → 13.50 26.70
21037 Stone slabs in roofs, suspended 21037 iRFkj dh ifV;k fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ dh fdlh Hkh
floors, chajjas, landings, etc., any 91.20 ←elkys ls Nrks]a yafcr Q'kkaZs NTtksa vkfn esa
thickness, jointed in any mortar→ →
21038 Brick tiles or terracing tiles, single 74.70 96.30 21038 bZV Vkby ;k Nr Vkbyksa dh ,d ijr Nr ds
layer on roofs → Åij
21039 Ditto, double layer → 124.50 156.60 21039 iwoksZDr] nqgjh ijr

21040 Roof shingles (wood) → 47.90 65.00 21040 Nr ds r[rs ¼ydM+h½

21041 Textile coverings including 21041 pkS[kVs lfgr ¼;fn dksb½Z cqus diMs+ ds vkoj.k
frames (if any) and cover fillets rFkk vkoj.k fdukfj;ka ¼likV ekih tk;saxh]
(measured flat and not girthed)

←?kuRo esa ugha½
26.30 40.10
21042 Wall and ceiling boards (fibre, 21042 nhokj rFkk fupyh Nr ds r[rs ¼js'ks] clk]
pulp, insulation, etc.) or fctyhjks / kd vkfn½ ;k /kkjkjks / kd
insulation boards/slabs/
blankets, any thickness, including
r[rs@ifV;k@vkoj.k fdlh eksVkbZ ds] vkoj.k
cover fillets → ←fdukjh lfgr
26.30 41.60
486 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
Nr o nhokj vkoj.k] Hkhrjh Nr vkSj vkoj.k tkjh

PER SQUARE METER Demolition izfr oxZ ehVj

rksMu+ k
21043 Thatching any thickness including 21043 fdlh Hkh eksVkbZ ds NIij p<+koksa o mHkkjksa
capping to ridges and hips → 25.10 ←esa ca/kkbZ lfgr
21044 Matting, single or double any type 21044 ,dgjh ;k nksgjh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh pVkbZ]
including, bamboo framing or bamboo
ckal] pkS[kVs ;k ckal lgkjs] vkoj.k fdukjh
supports, cover fillets, if any → 12.60 ←;fn dksbZ] lfgr

PER CUBIC METRE izfr ?ku ehVj

21045 Mud in roofs, any thickness, 21045 Nr esa fdlh eksVkbZ dh feV~Vh] iyLrj o
including plastering and leeping fyikbZ lfgr ¼pkgs iwjh eksVkbZ ;k mldk
(whether full thickness removed or ←;k dsoy ,d Hkkx gVk;k gks½
only a part thereof) → 605.00



21046 Demolition of reed, lathing, single 21046 iVjh] ydM+h dh iafDr;ka ,dgjh ;k nksgjh
or double, including battens and iVjh o iyLrj ;k irys rkj dh ca/kkbZ
plaster or chicken wire lathing → 38.90
←lfgr rksM+uk
21047 Ditto, bamboo framing any type in 21047 mi;qZDr] Nr ;k nhokjksa esa fdlh fdLe dh
roof or walls including attached ckal ca/kkbZ] iwjs ckal ;k ckal dh [kifPp;ksa
whole bamboos or bamboo trellis
←ds dk;Z lfgr
work → 15.90
21048 Dismantling fencing wire mesh, 21048 fdlh fdLe dh rkj tkyh dh ckM+ ¼?ksjs
any type → 9.71 ←canh½ dks m[kkM+uk

PER SQUARE METRE Weight per sq m izfr oxZ ehVj

otu izfr oeh
N exc 4 kg Exc 4 kg
4 fdxzk ls 4 fdxzk ls
21049 Dismantling expanded metal, any vuf/kd vf/kd 21049 izlkfjr /kkrq fdlh eksVkbZ dh ;k yksgs ;k
thickness or mesh, fixed with steel ydM+h ds MUMksa esa yxh ;fn dksbZ gks rks] dks
or wood fillets, if any → 20.10 25.10 ←m[kkM+uk
SECTION 21 487
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk

fefJr tkjh

PER RUNNING METRE Type 3 Type 2 Type 1 iz f r ehVj

uewuk 3 uewuk 2 uewuk 1
21050 Dismantling ballies, hard or 21050 l[r ;k uje ydM+h dh fdlh
soft wood, any position, LFkkiu esa yxh ofYy;ksa dks
except in posts and struts; m[kkMuk] vk/kkjksa o [kaHkksa dks
including taking out iron
straps, bolts and nuts, etc.,
NksM+dj] rFkk yksgs dh ifÍ;ka
if any → 7.90 15.70 31.50 ← dkoys o f<ofj;k] ;fn dksbZ
gksa] dks fudkyus lfgr

Posts embedded in
vk/kkj vr% fcNs iz f r ehVj
21051 Dismantling posts or struts Natural Concrete, brick work, 21051 m[kkM+uk] [kaHksa ;k LrEHk] ¼ydM+h
(wood, steel or R.C.C.) any ground masonry, etc. ;k vkjlhlh½ fdlh [kaM ds
section, including taking out LoHkkfod dhV bZV dk;Z] iRFkj fpukbZ xM+s gq;s Hkkx dks ckgj fudkyus
embedded portion and tehu esa
making good disturbed o fcxM+h tehu dks Bhd djus
ground lfgr
→ 25.40 41.00 ←

21052 Demolishing detached 21052 fdlh Hkh O;kl ds vlaxr caklks

whole bamboos, any dia → 36.20 ← dks m[kkM+uk

The measurements shall be taken along the centre line of pipe uyksa o la;kstuksa ds chp dh dsUnz js[kk ds lkFk&lkFk eki yh
and fittings. Excavation work shall be measured separately. tk;sxhA [kqnkbZ dk;Z izFkd ekis tk;saxsaA

PER RUNNING METRE Internal dia of pipe in mm iz f r ehVj

uy dk Hkhrjh O;kl feeh esa
21053 Demolition and breaking 21053 ukyh uyksa dks m[kkM+uk o
up drain pipes (Salt 100 150 200 300
glazed ware, AC or
rksMu+ k ¼'kksj;s Dq r ukyh] ,lh
Reinforced concrete) set in ;k izofyr daØhV½ lhesaV
cement mortar → 48.50 54.40 59.70 66.20 ← elkys esa yxs
21054 Dismantling of cast iron or 21054 yksgs ds <ys ;k izofyr
reinforced concrete drain daØhV ds ukyh uy] lhesaV
pipes, jointed in cement
mortar and taking out of
elkys esa tqM+s gqvksa dks
trenches, if required → ← m[kkM+uk rFkk ;fn vko';d
120.00 133.10 146.30 159.40
gks rks [kkb;ka [kksnuk
488 SECTION 21
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk
Hkou lkexzh gVkuk
(a) Rates shall apply only where removing of materials, etc. is ¼d½ ;g njsa dsoy ogka ykxw gksaxh tgka vU;Fkk O;oLFkk ugha dh
not otherwise provided for. xbZ gSA
(b) One metric tonne shall mean ‘one load’. The following ¼[k½ ,d ehfVªd Vu dk eryo *,d Hkkj* gksxkA fuEu dks ,d Hkkj
shall be taken as one load :-
ekuk tk;sxk :-
(1) Asbestos Cement Sheets → 65 Sqm ¼1½ ,loslVl lhesaV pknjsa
(2) Bricks → 3 Loads for 1000 Nos. ¼2½ bZVsa
(3) Brick dust (surkhi) → 1.0 cum ¼3½ bZV dk pwjk ¼lqj[kh½
(4) Stone → 0.50 cum ¼4½ iRFkj
(5) Sand → 0.68 cum ¼5½ ckyw
(6) Timber-Softwood → 1.42 cum ¼6½ yDdM+&uje ydM+h
(7) Timber-Hardwood → 1.13 cum ¼7½ yDdM+&l[r ydM+h
(8) Aggregate → 0.62 cum ¼8½ feykok
(9) Tiles (roof) 300x150x50 mm→
→ 250 Nos. ¼9½ Vkbysa ¼Nr½ 300x150x50 feeh
(10) Tiles (roof) inter-locking, any pattern→
→ 250 Nos ¼10½ Vkbysa ¼Nr½ vkoa/kd fdLe dh
(11) Tiles (roof) country pattern → 500 Nos ¼11½ Vkbysa ¼Nr½ ns'kh fdLe dh
(l2) Stone slabs 40 mm → 11.50 sqm ¼12½ iRFkj ifV;k 40 feeh
(13) Stone slabs 50 mm → 8.35 sqm ¼13½ iRFkj ifV;k 50 feeh
(14) Water→→ 1000 Litres ¼14½ ikuh
(15) Softwood joinery excluding ¼15½ uje ydM+h ds la;kstu] pkS[kV NksMd
+ j
chowkats → 1.70 cum
(16) Hardwood joinery excluding ¼16½ l[r ydM+h ds la;kstu] pkS[kV NksMd
+ j
chowkats → 1.42 cum

uksV% 15 o 16 [k ds la;kstu laiw.kZ le eksVkbZ leku ekis tk;saxs

Note : Joinery under (b) 15 and 16 shall be measured overall
as though of uniform thickness without any deduction for fcuk iSuy dh de eksVkbZ] 'kh'kkxjh ;k rkj diMs+ vkfn dh
less thickness of panels, glazing or wire cloth etc.
dVkSrh fd,
(c) An addition of 25 per cent shall be allowed over item ¼x½ 2 fDoaVy ls Åij ds izR;sd ds Hkkj ds fy, p<+kus mrkjus ds
21055 for extra labour in loading, unloading etc., of vfrfjDr Je ds fy, en 21055 esa vfrfjDr 25% dh vuqefr
articles which weigh over 2 quintals each.
(d) Removal is to be done by the shortest practicable route ¼?k½ lkexzh ys tkus ds fy, NksVs ls NksVk ekxZ fy;k tk;sxk rFkk
and measurement shall be made accordingly, mlh ds vuqlkj eki gksxh u fd okLro esa fy, x;s ekxZ ds]
irrespective of the route actually taken. No additional
price shall be allowed for roads in bad repairs,
O;ogkfjd lM+dksa dh cqjh gkyr] xM<+kas ;k vlery tehu ij
gradients or removal over unconsolidated ground. fxjkus ds fy, dqN Hkh vfrfjDr ekU; ugha gksxkA
(e) Removal exceeding a distance of 10 km shall either be ¼M+½ 10 fdeh ls vf/kd nwjh ij Qsadus dk dk;Z ;k rks fdlh nwljs
done by other agency or under a separate agreement laLFkku }kjk fd;k tk;sxk ;k mlh Bsdsnkj ls ,d izFkd
with the same Contractor. le>kSrs ds rgr gksxkA
SECTION 21 489
[kaM 21&rksM+uk vkSj m[kkM+uk


Hkou lkexzh gVkuk tkjh

PER LOAD izfr *,d Hkkj*

21055 Removing building materials etc. (other 21055 Hkou fuekZ.k lkexzh vkfn dks gVkuk ¼eyos dks
than spoil payable under items 03028 to NksM+dj ftldk Hkqxrku [k.M&3 feV~Vh dk;Z
03031 in Section-3—Earthwork) to a ds varxZr en 03028 ls 03031 esa gksxk½ njksa
distance of 100m or under, beyond the
esa nh xbZ nwjh ls 100 eh ;k de ds Qklys ij
lead included in the rates, including
loading, unloading and stacking at the ←Qsaduk] HkjkbZ o fuf'pr LFkku ij fxjkuk
destination → 108.00
21056 Add for every additional 100 metres or 21056 tksMas+ izR;sd vfrfjDr 100 eh ;k mlds Hkkx ds
part thereof (upto 1.0 km total distance)→
→ ←fy, ¼dqy Qklyk 1-0 fdeh rd½
21057 Add for every additional 500 metres 21057 tksMa+s izR;sd vfrfjDr 500eh ;k mlds Hkkx ds
or part thereof (exc 1.0 km total ←fy, ¼1-0 fdeh ds dqy Qklys ls vf/kd½
distance) → 4.00
490 SECTION 22
22001 Supply , install , commissioning 1.0 TR 1.5 TR 2.0 TR
and testing of Fan coil unit
constructed out of 20 G Pre - coated
GI, with 3 Rows Deep cooling coil
3/8" construction incl 12 mm thick
pre - filter, DIDW Centrifugal blower
with single phase direct driven
motor and drain tray made out of
sandwich type in 18G GI
constructions with 25 mm PUF/
Thermocole insulation and 24 G GI
covering complete of nominal
capacity as shown. → 27216.54 34028.68 38103.16

22002 Supply , install , commissioning 2.5 TR 3.0 TR

and testing of Fan coil unit
constructed out of 20 G Pre - coated
GI, with 4 Rows Deep cooling coil
3/8" construction incl 12 mm thick
pre - filter, DIDW Centrifugal blower
with single phase direct driven
motor and drain tray made out of
sandwich type in 18G GI
constructions with 25 mm PUF/
Thermocole insulation and 24 G GI
covering complete of nominal
47628.95 61237.23
capacity as shown. →

22003 Supply, install, 1000 1200 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
and testing of
Double Skin
Floor Mounted
Air Handling
Unit with 4
Rows Deep Coil
of nominal
capacity as
shown. → 47628.95 54433.09 61237.23 88453.77 122474.45 149691.00 176907.54 244948.90 285773.72 381031.63

10000 12000 13000 15000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 25000

→ 476289.53 571547.44 714434.30 816496.34 979795.61 1102270.06 1224744.51 1347218.96 1469693.42 1530930.64

30000 CFM 35000 CFM

→ 1837116.77 2143302.90
SECTION 22 491
22004 Supply , install , SIZE
commissioning 1000 1200 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Double Skin
Floor Mounted
Air Handling
Unit with 6
Rows Deep Coil
of nominal
capacity as
shown. → 88453.77 95257.91 108866.18 163299.27 204124.09 285773.72 381031.63 476289.53 571547.44 762063.25

10000 12000 13000 15000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 25000

→ 952579.07 1143094.88 1238352.79 1428868.60 1524126.51 1714642.32 1905158.13 2095673.94 2286118.76 2381447.66

30000 CFM 35000 CFM

→ 2857737.20 3334026.73

22005 Supply , install , SIZE

commissioning 1000 1200 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Double Skin
Ceiling Sus-
pended Air
Handling Unit
with 6 Rows
Deep Coil of
n o m i n a l
capacity as
shown. → 74845.50 88453.77 102062.04 149691.00 170103.40 204124.09 272165.45 306186.13 408248.17 476289.53

8000 CFM 9000 CFM 10000 CFM

→ 544330.89 612372.26 680413.62

22006 Supply , install ,
1000 1200 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
and testing of
Double Skin
Ceiling Sus-
pended Air
Handling Unit
with 4 Rows
Deep Coil of
nominal capacity
as shown.→→ 68041.36 81649.63 95257.91 136082.72 149691.00 190515.81 258557.18 306186.13 394639.90 462681.26
492 SECTION 22

8000 CFM 9000 CFM 10000 CFM

→ 530722.62 598763.98 666805.35


22007 Supply, install, DOOR OPENING SIZE
commissioning 28" x 78" 34" x 78" 40" x 78" 46" x 78" 52" x 78" 58" x 78" 64" x 78" 70" x 78" 28" x 84" 34" x 84"
and testing of
commercial Air
curtain unit for
prevention of dust
and conditioned
air losses, single
phase, 220 V, 50
HZ, made out of
MS/CRCA sheet
of minimum
thickness 18
gauge finished
with two coats of
red oxide primer
and final coat of
34020.68 40824.82 47628.95 50350.61 54433.09 57154.74 61237.23 66680.53 34020.68 47628.95
synthetic enamel
paint (oven
baked) with MS - DOOR OPENING SIZE
CRC 18 gauge 40" x 84" 46" x 84" 52" x 84" 58" x 84" 64" x 84"
square perforated
suction grills,
Aluminium alloy
fans and single
phase electric
motor, nozzles
etc, complete with
fittings and
accessories so as
to produce 1 - 1.5
m/sec air velocity
at floor level for
door opening as
specified. → 54433.09 61237.23 65319.71 68041.36 74845.50
SECTION 22 493


22008 Supply, install, 28" x 90" 34" x 90" 40" x 90" 46" x 90" 52" x 90" 58" x 90" 64" x 90" 70" x 90" 28" x 96" 34" x 96"
and testing of
commercial Air
curtain unit for
prevention of
dust and
air losses, three
phase 440 V,
50 Hz, made
out of MS/
CRCA sheet of
thickness 18
gauge finished
with two coats 47628.95 54433.09 61237.23 63958.88 68041.36 92536.25 102062.04 115670.32 61237.23 68041.36
of red oxide
primer and
final coat of
40" x 96" 46" x 96" 52" x 96" 58" x 96" 64" x 90" 70" x 96"
enamel paint
(oven baked)
with MS - CRC
18 gauge
s q u a r e
suction grills,
alloy fans and
single phase
electric motor,
nozzles etc,
complete with
fittings and
accessories so
as to produce
1- 1.5 m/sec
air velocity at
floor level for
door opening
as specified.
→ 74845.50 81649.63 95257.91 106144.52 115670.32 129278.59

494 SECTION 22
22009 Supply, installation, 7 TR 10 TR 15 TR 17.5 TR 20 TR
commissioning and
testing of induced draft
top discharge
counterflow type FRP
Cooling Tower
bottle shape) with FRP
body and base, water
spray headers, cooling
tower fills, fan with
motor, supporting base
frames, as per
manufacturer's standard
instructions. → 68041.36 68041.36 68041.36 68041.36 68041.36

25 TR 30 TR 35 TR 40 TR 50 TR

→ 68041.36 81649.63 122474.45 163299.27 204124.09

60 TR 70 TR 80 TR 90 TR 100 TR

→ 244948.90 285773.72 326598.54 367423.35 421856.44

110 TR 125 TR 150 TR 175 TR 200 TR

→ 476289.53 503506.08 612372.26 666805.35 802888.07

225 TR 250 TR 275 TR 300 TR 325 TR

→ 884537.70 1020620.43 1088661.79 1224744.51 1292785.88

SECTION 22 495

350 TR 375 TR 400 TR 425 TR 450 TR

→ 1428868.60 1496909.96 1632992.68 1701034.05 1837116.77

500 TR 550 TR 600 TR 665 TR 700 TR

→ 2041240.86 2109282.22 2449489.03 2585571.75 2857737.20

750 TR 800 TR 900 TR 1000 TR

2993819.92 3265985.37 3674233.54 4082481.71


22010 Supply , install , commis- SIZE

sioning and testing of Air 30 TR 60 TR 90 TR 110 TR
Cooled Reciprocating
Chillers with stepped
capacity control,
comprising of Semi -
Hermetic/Open Type
Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and
Tube Condenser,suitable
expansion device,
suitable for operation on
R - 22 /R - 407c/R - 410a
refrigerants and of
nominal capacity as
shown. → 952579.07 1905158.13 2449489.03 3129902.65
496 SECTION 22
33TR 66 TR 99 TR 135 TR

22011 Supply , install , commis-

sioning and testing of
Water Cooled Recipro-
cating Chillers with
stepped capacity
control, comprising of
Semi - Hermetic/Open
Type Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and
Tube Condenser,suitable
expansion device,
suitable for operation on
R - 22 /R - 407c/R - 410a
refrigerants and of
nominal capacity as
shown. → 1047836.97 1701034.05 2381447.66 3061861.28


22012 Supply , install , commis- 110 TR 140 TR 180 TR 220 TR 250 TR
sioning and testing of
Air Cooled Screw
Chillers with sliding
type capacity control,
comprising of one or
multiple Semi -
Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and
Tube Condenser, suitable
expansion device,
suitable for operation on
R - 22 / R - 407c/R - 410a
R - 134a refrigerants and
of nominal capacity as
shown. → 2993819.92 3810316.26 4762895.33 5987639.84 6668053.46

280 TR 300 TR 330 TR 390 TR 420 TR

→ 6940218.91 7484549.80 8437128.87 8845377.04 9525790.65

SECTION 22 497

22013 Supply , install , commis- 60 TR 75 TR 102 TR 145 TR 150 TR
sioning and testing of Air
Cooled Screw Chillers
with sliding type capacity
control, comprising of
one or multiple Semi -
Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and
Tube Condenser, suitable
expansion device,
suitable for operation on
R - 22/R - 407c/R - 410a/
R - 134a refrigerants and
of nominal capacity as
shown. → 1360827.24 2041240.86 2449489.03 2993819.92 3402068.09

177 TR 204 TR 206 TR 247 TR 290 TR 320 TR 366 TR

→ 3810316.26 4354647.16 5035060.78 5715474.40 6395888.01 7484549.80 8164963.42


22014 Supply , install , commis- SIZE

sioning and testing of
70 TR 85 TR 115 TR 135 TR 160 TR
Water Cooled Screw
Chillers with sliding type
capacity control ,
comprising of one or
multiple Semi -
Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and
Tube Condenser and
suitable expansion
device. The Chiller shall
be suitable for operation
on R - 22 /R - 407c/R -
410a refrigerants and of
nominal capacity as
shown. → 1632992.68 1837116.77 2381447.66 2585571.75 2999671.48
498 SECTION 22



175 TR 225 TR 270 TR 315 TR 345 TR 400 TR

→ 3481798.96 4043711.71 4297369.94 4784069.80 5493237.70 5987639.84

22015 Supply , install , commis-
110 TR 134 TR 147 TR 150 TR 152 TR
sioning and testing of
Water Cooled Screw
Chillers with sliding type
capacity control,
comprising of one or
multiple Semi - Hermetic/
Hermetic Compressors,
Flooded Evaporator, Shell
and Tube Condenser,
suitable expansion
device, suitable for
operation on R - 134a
refrigerant and of
nominal capacity as
shown. → 3435381.14 4411543.35 4682592.91 4702379.34 5024963.44

163 TR 180 TR 200 TR 220 TR 250 TR

→ 5806132.71 6123722.57 6531970.74 6668053.46 7076301.63

285 TR 299 TR 322 TR 329 TR 350 TR

→ 7484549.80 8164963.42 8437128.87 8845377.04 8981459.76

370 TR 375 TR 400 TR 410 TR

→ 9525790.66 9797956.11 10206204.28 10886617.90

SECTION 22 499


22016 Supply , install , commissioning 10 TR 24 TR 36 TR 48 TR 80 TR
and testing of Air Cooled Scroll
Chillers, with multi compressors,
and comprising of one or multiple
Semi - Hermetic/Hermetic/
Open Type Compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and Tube
Condenser,suitable expansion
device,suitable for operation on
R- 22/R - 407 c/R - 410a
refrigerants and of nominal
capacity as shown. → 549951.10 963302.38 1402332.40 1510872.00 2748979.88


22017 Supply , install , commissioning SIZE
and testing of Water Cooled 11 TR 26 TR 39 TR 52 TR 85 TR
Scroll Chillers, with multi
compressors, comprising of
Semi - Hermetic/Hermetic/
Open Type Compress-ors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and Tube
Condenser,suitable expansion
device,suitable for operation on
R - 22 /R - 407 C/R 410a
refrigerants and of nominal
capacity as shown. → 555816.28 839548.76 1212823.67 1565726.99 2344637.29


22018 "Supply , install , commissioning
300 TR 350 TR 400 TR 450 TR 500 TR
and testing of Water Cooled
Centrifugal Chillers, with
Variable Frequency Drive
(VFD),comprising of centrifugal
compressors, DX Evaporator,
Shell and Tube
Condenser,suitable expansion
device , suitable for operation on
R - 134a refrigerant and of
nominal capacity as shown.
“Note: The above cost do not
include the cost of Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD).
However, VFDs are to be
provided with Centrifugal
Chillers for energy
conservation." → 8564270.96 9633336.84 10294168.15 10954999.46 11207569.00
500 SECTION 22



22019 "Supply , install , commissioning 550 TR 600 TR 650 TR 700 TR 750 TR
and testing of Water Cooled
Centrifugal Chillers, with Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD),comprising
of centrifugal compressors, DX
Evaporator, Shell and Tube
Condenser,suitable expansion
device , suitable for operation on R -
134a refrigerant and of nominal
capacity as shown.
“Note: The above cost do not include
the cost of Variable Frequency Drive
(VFD). However, VFDs are to be
provided with Centrifugal Chillers
for energy conservation." → 12529231.63 12917883.89 13536039.66 13850880.65 13831298.35


Square Metre SIZE

22020 M&L for duct insulation with 25 MM 40 MM 50 MM
resin bonded fibre glass wool roll
of density 24 kg/Cum, with
factory laminated aluminium
vapour barrier, thickness of
insulation as specified and
including the following:- → 1496.91 2041.24 2449.49
(a) M&L for cleaning the duct
surface (to be insulated ) by
scrapping carefully with wire
brush etc. to make the surface
completely free of millscale, dirt,
dust, grease and other foreign
materials, taking special care so
that all duct joints are sealed
against any leakage.
(b) M&L for applying rubber
based adhesive CPRX compound.
(c) M&L for sealing of all
longitudinal joints and circular
overlaps with and including
Aluminium foil tape 50 mm wide,
to make the insulation leakproof.
(d) M & L for securing the
insulation with and including
mechanically fastened nylon/
steel straps of size 12 mm/50 mm
at maximum intervals of 1.2 mtr.
SECTION 22 501

Square Metre
22021 Supply , assembly and erection of GI sheet with C
& SS rectangular/square duct made out of 'L'
shaped hollow profile, duly factory boxed, incl all
accessories such as Corner, Cleat, Carriage bolt,
Gasket and appropriate sealant on longitudinal
joints etc complete of size 26 Gauge. → 1088.66
All as per above Item , but of size 24 Gauge. → 1360.83

Supply , assembly and erection of GI sheet with

TDF flange rectangular/square duct made out of
'L' shaped hollow profile, duly factory boxed, incl
all accessories such as Corner, Cleat, Carriage bolt,
Gasket and appropriate sealant on longitudinal
joints etc complete of size 26 Gauge. → 1088.66
All as per above Item , but of size 24 Gauge. → 1224.74
All as per above Item , but of size 22 Gauge. → 1632.99
All as per above Item , but of size 20 Gauge. → 2041.24

All as per above Item , but of size 18 Gauge. → 3129.90


22022 Supply , install , commissioning SIZE
and testing of Air Cooled Packaged 5.5 TR 8.75 TR 11 TR 16.5 TR 22 TR
Air Conditioners, comprising of
Hermetic/Semi - Hermetically
sealed Reciprocating or
Hermetically sealed Scroll
Compressors with microprocessor
based control, including copper
refirgerant piping, electrtical
interconnection between indoor
and outdoor units , suitable for
operation on R - 22/R - 407c/R -
410a refrigerants and of nominal
capacity as shown. → 244948.90 367423.35 449072.99 748454.98 898145.98

22023 Supply , install , commissioning

and testing of Water Cooled
5.5 TR 11 TR 16.5 TR
Packaged Air Conditioners,
comprising of Hermetic/Semi -
Hermetically sealed Reciprocating
or Hermetically sealed Scroll
Compressors with microprocessor
based control, including copper
refirgerant piping, electrtical
interconnection between indoor
and outdoor units, suitable for
operation on R - 22/R - 407c/R -
410a refrigerants and of nominal
capacity as shown. → 299381.99 435464.72 884537.70
502 SECTION 22
22024 Supply and lay M S Pipes heavy 20 MM 25 MM 32 MM 40 MM 50 MM
grade with all fittings laid in
floors or fixed to walls and
ceilings etc of sizes as shown. → 544.33 680.41 816.50 1088.66 1360.83

65 MM 80 MM 100 MM 125 MM 150 MM

→ 2041.24 2177.32 2721.65 3402.07 4082.48



22025 M & L for Insulation of M S 20 MM 25 MM 32 MM 40 MM 50 MM 65 MM
Pipe with PUF slab 30 mm
thick with and including
applying bituminuous
compound and GI cladding
with 26 gauge GI sheet
complete of sizes as shown. → 816.50 1020.62 1224.74 1632.99 2041.24 2857.74

22026 M & L for Insulation of M S BORE OF PIPE

Pipe with PUF slab 40 mm 80 MM 100 MM 125 MM 150 MM
thick with and including
applying bituminuous
compound and GI cladding
with 26 gauge GI sheet
complete of sizes as shown. → 3265.99 4082.48 5443.34 6123.72



22027M & L for Pre - insulated

MS pipe , Class 'C' having
thickness of PUF
insulation 36 mm of
density 36 Kg/Cum and 26
gauge GI cladding
complete suitable for
above ground as per sizes
shown. → 2721.65 3402.07 4354.65 5443.31 6804.14

65 MM 80 MM 100 MM 125 MM 150 MM

→ 8709.29 8709.29 10886.62 12247.45 16329.93

SECTION 22 503
Square Metre

22028 "M & L for underdeck insulation for RCC roof with
bonded fibre glass wool of density 48 Kg/Cum, 75
mm thick, suitably factory laminated with
aluminium foil having flange on one side, backed
up by scrim and kraft paper, comprising of the
following (insulating material shall conform to BS -
476, Part 4,5, 6 & 7):-“(a) S & F 50 x 50 mm or 75 x 75
mm slotted angles 50 mm wide, fixed to the ceiling
by means of rawl plug 600 mm centre to centre.“(b)
Supply and draw GI tie wire 22 Gauge from vertical
slots, for holding the insulating material in position
with and including GI washer.“(c) S & F aluminium
foil, adhesive tape 50 mm for sealing of aluminium
foil flanges.“(d) Providing additional support to
the insulation with and including chicken wire
mesh of size 12.5 mm x 0.51 mm (24 SWG) hexagonal
construction, stretched firmly over the insulation
and fixed.“" → 3946.40

22029 "M & L for underdeck insulation for metal roof

with bonded fibre glass wool of density 24
Kg/Cum, 50 mm thick, suitably factory
laminated with aluminium foil backed up by
scrim and kraft paper (FSK), facing with 50
mm projection for overlap and butting
comprising of the following:- (insulating
material shall conform to BS - 476, Part 4,5, 6
& 7):-“(a) Supply and fix 6 mm dia M S rods
between purlins suitably for supporting the
required thickness of insulation material
beneath the metal roof.“(b) Supply and fix 22
SWG GI wires supports for insulation.“(c)
Supply and fix chicken wire mesh 12.5 mm x
22 SWG of hexagonal construction below the
insulation for supporting the same." → 3402.07

22030All as per above Item No. 22029 but with

bonded fibreglass wool insulation of density
16 Kg/Cum, 50 mm thick. → 462.68

22031 All as per above Item No. 22029 but with

bonded fibreglass wool insulation of density
16 Kg/Cum, 100 mm thick. → 707.63

Square Metre
22032 M&L for under deck insulation with PUF slab
60 mm thick 90 mm thick
including application of cold bitumen on PUF PUF Slab PUF Slab
slab, steel wire of size 46 gauge fixed with
RCC roof by means of MS screws, washers etc
for fastening of PUF slab, suitable for the PUF
slab to be pasted on RCC roof slab. → 4762.90 6123.72

22033 -ditto- but with MS tubular square pipe grid

framework 20X20 mm suitable for steel sheet
1823.51 2286.19
roof →
504 SECTION 22
22034 Supply, installation, commis-sioning POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER
and testing of Variable Frequency SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE
1.1 KW 1.5 KW 2.2 KW 3 KW 4 KW
Drives with IP 55 enclosures and mains
disconnect switch comprising of the
(a) Built in dual 5% impedance DC link
reactor (harmonic filters) on the positive
and negative rails of the DC bus of the
Variable Frequency Drive.
(b) Built in EMC filters (electro magnetic
compatibility filters) for restriction of
conducted emissions to comply with
IEC61800:3 (un restricted distribution)
:2004 Category C 1 (50 meter).
(c) Three feedback PID controller having
capability to simultaneously accept 3
feedback signals from temperature
sensors or pressure sensors for process
optimization and accordingly control
the speed of the AHUs or pumps.
(d) Integral graphical keypad.
Note: (i) Cost of temperature sensor and
control cables not included.
(ii) Separate Starter not required for
switching on motor and pump. → 74845.50 102062.04 163299.27 204124.09 312990.26

22035 Supply, installation, commis-sioning POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER
and testing of Variable Frequency SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE
Drives with IP 55 enclosures and mains 5.5 KW 7.5 KW 11 KW 15 KW 18.5 KW 22 KW 30 KW
disconnect switch comprising of the
(a) Built in dual 5% impedance DC link
reactor (harmonic filters) on the positive
and negative rails of the DC bus of the
Variable Frequency Drive.
(b) Built in EMC filters (electro magnetic
compatibility filters) for restriction of
conducted emissions to comply with
IEC61800:3 (unrestricted distribution) :2004
Category C 1 (50 meter).
(c) Three feedback PID controller having
capability to simultaneously accept 3
feedback signals from temperature
sensors or pressure sensors for process
optimization and accordingly control
the speed of the AHUs or pumps.
(d) Integral graphical keypad.
Note: (i) Cost of temperature sensor and
control cables not included.
(ii) Separate Starter not required for
switching on motor and pump. → 408248.17 612372.26 748454.98 1020620.43 1224744.51 1496909.96 1632992.68
SECTION 22 505

22036 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
Walk - in cold room of two chambers for Medical
Storage of nominal size 5'x5'x8' consisting of wall
and ceiling panel made out of PGI sheet filled with
60 mm PUF insulation, anti skid GI flooring on 60 mm
PUF, door of suitable dimension, hydraulic door
closer, digital temperature indicator, Air cooled
medium temperature split unit of 2 HP rating with
Reciprocating/Scroll Compressors working on R -
22/R - 410a refrigerants to maintain temperature of
4+/- 2 degree Centigrade at an ambient temperature
of 30 degree centigrade. → 1632992.68

22037 All as per above Item, but of size 12' x 10' x8' and
cooling machine of rating 3 HP. → 1769075.41

22038 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

Walk - in cold room of two chambers ,Freezer Room
of size 8'x8'x8' consisting of wall and ceiling panel
made out of PGI sheet filled with 120 mm PUF
insulation, and Ante Room of size 5'x5'x8' consisting
of wall and ceiling panel made out of PGI sheet filled
with 60 mm PUF insulation, for Blood Bank and
other low temperature application , anti skid GI
flooring on 60 mm PUF, door of suitable dimension,
hydraulic door closer, digital temperature indicator,
Air cooled low temperature split unit of 2 HP rating
with Reciprocating/Scroll Compressors working on
R - 22/R - 410a refrigerants to maintain temperature
of 4+/- 2 degree Centigrade at an ambient
temperature of 30 degree centigrade. → 1088661.79
22039 All as per above Item, but Freezer Room of size 12'
x 10' x8' and cooling machine of rating 3 HP. → 1224744.51

22040 Supply, install,commissioning and testing

Mortuary cabinet suitable for single phase, 230 V,
50 Hz, with 0.55 mm thick exterior & interior
finish pre painted GI sheet, 0.5 mm thick front
finish in stainless, including vapour proof
incandescent lamp, electric temperature indicator
cum controller, 3 phase carriage assembly, one
piece stainless steel tray, inbuilt power panel etc.
suitable for unitary type refrigeration system and
temperature range of 4-6ºC of capacity :-
(a) 02 Body → 597838.62

(b) 04 Body → 1250096.72

(c) 06 Body → 1822066.02

506 SECTION 22


22041 Ice making Machine of capacity 60 Ltrs, self

standing, made out of stainless steel body, air
cooled with eco friendly refrigerant R- 404a
working on single phase power supply 29 Kg/24
hrs rated capacity and 9 Kg ice storage bin. → 48309.37

22042 All as per above Item but of capacity 90 Ltrs

43 Kg/24 hrs rated capacity and 25 Kg ice
storage bin. → 102062.04
22043 All as per above Item but of capacity 260 Ltrs
100 Kg/24 hrs rated capacity and 60 Kg ice
storage bin. → 146969.34
22044 All as per above Item but of capacity 350 Ltrs
155 Kg/24 hrs rated capacity and 65 Kg ice
storage bin. → 88453.77



22045 Supply, installation, 90/100 120 150 200/205 300/320 405/425 500
commis-sioning of Metal
Top Deep Freezer single
phase 240 volt, 50 Hz → 20412.41 21759.63 21771.87 21771.87 28577.37 33340.27 37422.75


140 205/220 320 405/425
22046 Supply, installation,
commissioning of Glass
Top Deep Freezer single
phase 240 volt, 50 Hz → 21771.90 23134.06 47628.95 51575.35

300 400 500
22047 Supply, installation, commis-sioning
of Bottle Cooler single phase 240 volt,
50 Hz → 36061.90 44226.89 46948.54


22048 Supply only bottled water dispenser, having

option of dispensing hot and cold water with
cooling capacity 3 ltrs/hr and tank capacity of 3.4
ltrs, heating capacity 6 ltrs/hr and tank capacity
1.6 ltrs, working in R - 134a refrigerant. → 13200.02
22049 Supply only bottled water dispenser, having
option of dispensing hot and cold water with
cooling capacity 2 ltrs/hr and tank capacity of 1.5
ltrs, heating capacity 5 ltrs/hr and tank capacity
0.8 ltrs, working in R - 134a refrigerant. → 12927.86
SECTION 22 507
22050 Supply, installation, SIZES IN LTRS
commis-sioning of Water 20/20 20/40 40/40 40/80 60/120 150/150
cooler partially stainless
steel, electric driven
single phase having
approx storage and
nominal cooling
capacity as shown. → 27216.50 34959.65 33884.60 40539.04 54603.19 66000.12

22051 Supply, installation, SIZES IN LTRS

commis-sioning of Water 20/20 20/40 40/40 40/80 60/120 150/150
cooler fully stainless
steel, electric driven
single phase having
approx storage and
nominal cooling
33170.20 33884.60 39327.91 43410.39 55657.83 66544.45
capacity as shown. →




1.0 TR 1.5 TR 2.0 TR
22052 Supply and install hi wall split units
indoor/outdoor complete with
cordless remote control unit and with
in built air ioniser and Plasma filter
for better indoor air quality of
capacity as shown. →
34019.30 42864.70 57153.38


22053 Supply and install hi wall split units SIZES
indoor/outdoor complete with 1.0 TR 1.5 TR 2.0 TR
cordless remote control unit and with
in built air ioniser and Plasma filter
for better indoor air quality with
minimum 3 star rating and EER 3.2
of capacity as shown. → 41355.50 48159.68 61223.62

22054 Supply and install hi wall split units SIZES

indoor/outdoor complete with 2.0 TR
cordless remote control unit and with
in built air ioniser and Plasma filter
for better indoor air quality with
minimum 4 star rating and EER
3.2.of capacity as shown. → 97843.50
508 SECTION 22

22055 Supply and install hi wall split units SIZES

indoor/outdoor complete with cordless 1.0 TR 1.5 TR
remote control unit and with in built air
ioniser and Plasma filter for better indoor
air quality with minimum 5 star rating and
EER 3.2.of capacity as shown. → 50881.30 60815.37


1.5 TR 2.0 TR
22056 Supply and install hi wall split units indoor/
outdoor complete with cordless remote
control unit and with cooling and heating
function of capacity as shown. → 73471.10 95244.30



22057 Supply and install hi wall split units indoor/ 1.5 TR 2.0 TR
outdoor complete with cordless remote control
unit and with in built Heating and Cooling
arrangement and Digital Inverter twin rotary
of capacity as shown. → 62584.40 76886.74


22058 Supply and install Cassette type units 1.5 TR 2.0 TR 3.0 TR 4.0 TR
indoor/outdoor complete with cordless
remote control unit ,twin rotary
compressor, single phase units 220V -
240V, 50 Hz of capacity as shown. → 54433.10 88453.77 133354.27 134721.90


22059 Supply and install Cassette type units SIZES
indoor/outdoor complete with cordless 1.5 TR 2.0 TR 3.0 TR 3.7 TR
remote control unit and with in built
Heating and Cooling arrangement and
Digital Inverter twin rotary compressor,
single phase units 220V - 240V, 50 Hz of
capacity as shown. → 70763.00 93897.08 119752.80 142886.86


22060 Supply and install vertical pack type 2.5 TR 3.5 TR 4.5 TR
units indoor/outdoor complete with
cordless remote control unit, twin rotary
compressor, single phase units 220V -
240V, 50 Hz of capacity as shown. → 71443.40 127917.76 132680.66
SECTION 23 509

EACH Numbers of passengers

23001 Design supply, install 08 10 13 16 20

testing & commissioning
passengers lift, speed 1.5
metre/sec, lift with
single speed motor 415
volts, 3 phase, AC 50 Hz
supply conforming to IS-
14665, suitable to serve G
+ 04 upper floors with AC
Variable Voltage &
Variable Frequency drive
(VVVF drive) complete
with all standard
accessories, simplex
automatic & manual
dual controlled
operation with/without
attendant, centre opening
doors with door drive
(electric motor driven
mechanism), sliding
stainless steel doors,
automatic rescue device
(ARD) system, 3D infra
red sensor in full height of
door & built in
announcing system
without hand set (04 Nos,
one each in car, Machine
room & near Ground floor
landing door) complete
all as specified → 2164315.70 2233024.10 2542212.10 2679628.90 3435421.70
23002 Extra for additional
floor → 68708.40 82450.10 103062.40 123675.20 123675.20
23003 Extra for increase in
speed by 0.5 m/sec → 274833.70 274833.70 274833.70 274833.70 412250.60
510 SECTION 23


23004 Design, supply, install, testing

& commissioning goods lift ,
speed 0.5 metre/sec with single 500 Kg 1000 Kg 1500 Kg 2000 Kg

speed motor, 415 volts, 3 phase

AC 50 Hz supply, conforming
to IS-14665 and as amended,
suitable to serve G+04 upper
floors with AC Variable
Voltage & Variable
Frequency Drive (VVVF drive)
complete with all standard
accessories, simplex automatic
& manual dual controlled
operation with/without
attendant, centre opening doors
with door drive (electric motor
driven mechanism), sliding
stainless steel doors, automatic
rescue device (ARD) system, 3D
infra red sensor in full height
of door & built in announcing
system without hand set (03
Nos, one each in car, Machine
room & near Ground floor
landing door) complete all as
specified → 1992544.60 2336086.80 3847672.30 5221841.00
23005 Extra for additional floor for
each lift → 60708.40 109933.50 137416.90 206125.30
23006 Extra for increase in speed by
0.5 m/sec → 233608.70 274833.70 412250.60 549667.50

23007 to 23008
SECTION 24 511
[k.M 24&lM+d QuhZpj vkbVel~


24001 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro

reflective Mandatory/ Regulatory sign boards
of 900 mm diametre with support length of
3750 mm and made up of 2 mm thick
aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with
high intensity encapsulated type heat activated
retro reflective sheeting conforming to type - IV
of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and silver white or
other colour combination including subject
matter, message (bi-lingual), symbols and
borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on
substrate by an adhesive backing which shall
be activated by applying heat and pressure
conforming to class -2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and
fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium
alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back support frame
of M.S. angle iron of size 25x25x3 mm along
with theft resistant measures, mounted and
fixed with 2 Nos. M.S. angles of size 35x35x5
mm to a vertical post made up to M.S. Tee
section ISMT 50x50x6 mm welded with base
plate of size 100x100x5 mm at the bottom end
and including making holes in pipes, angles
flats, providing & fixing M.S. message plate of
required size, steel work to be painted with two
or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of
required shade and of approved brand &
manufacture over priming coat of zinc
chromate yellow primer (vertical MS-Tee
support to be painted in black and white
colours).Backside of aluminium sheet to be
painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint
over and including appropriate priming coat
including all leads and lifts etc. complete as
per drawing , specification and direction of
Engineer-in-charge. → 6463.44
512 SECTION 24
[k.M 24&lM+d QuhZpj vkbVel~


24002 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro

reflective Cautionary /warning sign boards of
equilateral triangular shape having each side
of 900 mm with support length of 3650 mm
and made up of 2 mm thick aluminium sheet,
face to be fully covered with high intensity
encapsulated type heat activated retro reflective
sheeting conforming to type - IV of ASTM-D
4956-01 in blue and silver white or other colour
combination including subject matter, message
(bi-lingual), symbols and borders etc. as per IRC
; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive
backing which shall be activated by applying
heat and pressure conforming to class -2 of
ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with
suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm
c/c to back support frame of M.S. angle iron of
size 25x25x3 mm along with theft resistant
measures, mounted and fixed with 2 Nos. M.S.
angles of size 35x35x5 mm to a vertical post
made up to M.S. Tee section ISMT 50x50x6 mm
welded with base plate of size 100x100x5 mm
at the bottom end and including making holes
in pipes, angles flats, providing & fixing M.S.
message plate of required size, steel work to be
painted with two or more coats of synthetic
enamel paint of required shade and of approved
brand & manufacture over priming coat of zinc
chromate yellow primer (vertical MS-Tee
support to be painted in black and white
colours).Backside of aluminium sheet to be
painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint
over and including appropriate priming coat
including all leads and lifts etc. complete as
per drawing , specification and direction of
Engineer-in-charge. → 4936.10
SECTION 24 513
[k.M 24&lM+d QuhZpj vkbVel~


24003 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro

reflective Overhead informatory road signage and
boards, made up of 2 mm thick aluminium sheet,
face to be fully covered with high intensity and
encapsulated lens type heat activated retro
reflective sheeting conforming to type - III of ASTM-
D-4956-01 as approved by Engineer-in-charge,
letters, borders etc. as per IRC : 67-2001 in silver
white with blue colour back ground and with high
intensity grade, pasted on substrate by pressure
sensitive adhesive backing which shall be
activated by applying pressure conforming to class
II of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same to the
plate of structural frame work by means of suitable
sized aluminium alloys, rivets or bolts & nuts @
300 mm centre to centre all along the periphery as
well as in two vertical rows along with theft
resistant measures, including the cost of painting
with two or more coats of epoxy paint in grey
colour on the back side of aluminium sheet
including appropriate priming coat. The rate
includes the cost of rounding off the corners,
lowering down the structural frame work from
the gantry, fixing and erecting the same in position
all complete as per drawings, specification and
direction of the engineer-in-charge.(Structural
frame work including M.S. plate to be provided
separately. Rectangular area of the sheet only shall
be measured for payment). → 5392.10
24004 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Retro-
reflective regulatory sign board of size 900 mm
dia meter made out of 2 mm thick aluminium
sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity
encapsulated lens type retro -reflective sheeting
as approved by Engineer-in-charge . Letter,
symbols, borders etc. will be as per IRC - 67 with
required colour scheme on the boards and with
the high intensity grade A. The aluminium sheet
to be riveted to M.S. frame of angle iron of size
40x40x4 mm. The boards will be fixed to 1 No.
50x50 mm square post made of M.S. angle 50x50x4
mm, 4 m long welded to the frame with adequate
anti-theft arrangement .Sheet work to be painted
with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint
over an under coat (primer) and back side of
aluminium sheet to be painted with two or more
coats of epoxy paint including appropriate
priming coat complete in all respects as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge. → 7355.55
514 SECTION 24
[k.M 24&lM+d QuhZpj vkbVel~


24005 Supply and fixing metal tubular dealineator made

out of ABS round body fitted with 2 Nos 65 mm
dia highly reflective reflectors made out of PMMA
and mounted on 45/50 mm dia mild steel pipe of
600 mm height duly powder coated and thermo
plastic elastomer 3 bands of green, red and yellow
reflector radium tape of 25 mm wide
strips with anti theft steel net for reflector
protection including embedding in PCC 1:2:4
(150x150x300mm) type B1 complete all as
specified and directed → 801.84

24006 Supply and fixing cat eye solar reflective type of

metal body alloy of size 100mm x 100mm x 20mm
with PAMA striplens reflector of model No. DA
972.0 fixed with and incl MS stud of suitable size
as per manufactures instructions. → 367.09

24007 Supply and fix solar cat eye aluminum alloy shall
(100% water proofing design according to 65) of
size 125mm x 125mm x 25mm (shank 65mm) of
high efficiency Mono rystafie solar panel 2.4V/
0.3 watt one NI-ed rechargeable battery (1.2V/
1600MA) consisting of super bright LED with
10,000 to 18,000 mcd completed as per
manufactures instructions etc. all as specified and
directed → 2881.59
SECTION 26 515
(a) Rate of solar water system includes the
cost of backup stainless steel hot water
tank only insultated but does not include
the cost of cold water tank, cold water
piping and hot water piping.

26001 Supply, Install, Testing and Commissioning
of 'Solar Hot Water System' (Flat Plate
Collector) based on indirect transfer of heat
of capacity 100 LPD. → 36975.60
26002 -do- but 200 LPD → 69235.30
26003 -do- but 300 LPD → 97353.30
26004 -do- but 400 LPD → 124382.00
26005 -do- but 500 LPD → 151262.90
26006 -do- but 600 LPD → 178170.60
26007 -do- but 700 LPD → 205064.90
26008 -do- but 900 LPD → 252129.90
26009 -do-but 1000 LPD → 285747.70
26010 -do-but 1500 LPD → 420219.10
26011 -do- but 2000 LPD → 554690.50
26012 Supply, Install, Testing and
Commissioning of ‘SOLAR WATER
SYSTEM' (Evacuated Tube Collector)
based on direct transferring of heat of
capacity 100 LPD. → 23528.50
26013 -do-but 150 LPD → 30252.10
26014 -do- but 200 LPD → 36975.60
26015 -do- but 250 LPD → 43699.20
26016 -do-but 300 LPD → 51767.50
26017 -do- but 500 LPD → 77317.10
26018 -do- but 1000 LPD → 144552.80
26019 -do-but 1500 LPD → 211788.50
26020 -do- but 2000 LPD → 279024.20
26021 -do-but 2500 LPD → 352983.40
26022 -do- but 3000 LPD → 420219.10
26023 -do- but 4000 LPD → 554690.50
26024 -do- but 5000 LPD → 689161.90
26025 Hot water pipe duly insulated with glass
wool and aluminium cladding 15 mm
bore → 756.90
26026 -do- as in item 26025 but 20 mm bore → 860.40
26027 -do-but 25 mm bore → 973.40
26028 -do- but 32 mm bore → 1227.50
26029 -do- but 40 mm bore → 1302.80
26030 -do-but 50 mm bore → 1604.10
26031 -do- but 80 mm bore → 1848.80
516 SECTION 27



27001 Fire pump diesel engine driven horizontal

end suction, centrifugal type confirming
to IS- 12469 1988 with CI casing , bronze
impeller and stainless steel shaft mounted
on heavy duty bearings suitable for
continuous operation with 'range of
operation' 0 % to 150 % of rated capacity
for 440 V , 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply 70 m
Head. 1620 LPM discharge → 630200.00
27002 ditto but 2280 LPM discharge → 571200.00
27003 ditto but 2640 LPM discharge → 634500.00
27004 ditto but 2850 LPM discharge → 634500.00
27005 ditto but 4560 LPM discharge → 861800.00
27006 All as per item 27001 but 90m Head,
1620 LPM discharge → 517700.00
27007 ditto but 2280 LPM discharge → 705800.00
27008 ditto but 2640 LPM discharge → 709000.00
27009 ditto but 2850 LPM discharge → 883700.00
27010 ditto but 4560 LPM discharge → 971300.00
27011 Fire pump electrically driven horizontal
end Suction, centrifugal type confirming
to IS- 12469 :1988 with CI Casing , bronze
impeller and Stainless steel shaft mounted
on heavy duty bearings Suitable for
continuous operation with 'range of
operation' 0 % to 150 % of rated capacity
for 440 V , 3 Phase. 50 Hz 70m Head, 1620
LPM discharge → 243500.00
27012 ditto but 2280 LPM discharge → 294000.00
27013 ditto but 2640 LPM discharge → 374000.00
27014 ditto but 2850 LPM discharge → 374000.00
27015 ditto but 4560 LPM discharge → 522500.00
27016 All as per item 27011 but 90m Head,
1620 LPM discharge → 292600.00
27017 ditto but 2280 LPM discharge → 374000.00
27018 ditto but 2640 LPM discharge → 374000.00
27019 ditto but 2850 LPM discharge → 374000.00
27020 ditto but 4560 LPM discharge → 642200.00
SECTION 27 517

27021 Jockey pump horizontal end suction

centrifugal type Confirming to IS- 12469:
1988 with CI casing , bronze impeller and
stainless steel shaft mounted on heavy
duty bearings suitable for automatic
operation with nonover loading power
characteristics for frequent start / stop
operations for 440 V , 3 phase, 50 Hz 70 m
head 180 LPM discharge →
27022 All as per 27021 but 90m head 180 LPM
discharge → 135545.00
27023 Booster pumps for 440 V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz
Confirming to IS- 12469 :1988 With CI
Casing bronze impeller and stainless steel
shaft mounted on heavy duty bearings
suitable for 440 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz 30m
head, 450 LPM discharge → 63400.00
27024 ditto but 900 LPM discharge → 67400.00
27025 All as per 27023 but 36m head, 450 LPM
discharge → 82700.00
27026 ditto but 900 LPM discharge → 87400.00
27027 Motor control centre electrical driven
hydrant / Sprinkler common main &
Jockey Control Panel 60 HP → 146800.00
27028 ditto but 90 HP → 213500.00
27029 ditto but 110 HP → 253500.00
27029 Electrial driven hydrant main, Sprinkler
Standby & Jockey pump control panel. 6 0
HP → 180100.00
27030 ditto but 90 HP → 260200.00
27031 ditto but 110 HP → 353500.00


Bore in mm
27032 MS ERW 300 250 200 150 100 80 65 50 40 32 25
PIPE → 4221 3547 2861 1260 903 662 560 469 372 341 241
518 SECTION 27



150 100 80 65 50 40 32 25
27033 GI pipes Heavy
1483 1048 767 647 538 431 394 340
Class →

EACH Dia in mm
200 150 100 80 65 50
27034 Sluice Valve Class PN 1.6 → 22400 14500 11400 9500 8200 5400
27035 Butterfly Valve → 13200 10050 8012 5431 3700 3120
27036 Non Return Sluice Valve → 21045 12450 7542 6540 5450 4212
→ 13842 11420 8610
27037 Non Return butterfly Valve→ 5920 4020 3240

Dia in mm
50 25
27038 Gate valve → 4063 1556
27039 Ball valve → 2461 791

Dia in mm
200 150 100
27040 Strainer for Suction → 28223 16053 7895


27041 Fire brigade inlet connection 2way → 4349.00

27042 ditto but 4 way → 10140.00
27043 Air Cushion tank with relief valve 200
mm → 24636.00
27044 ditto but 300 mm → 29399.00
27045 Hydrant valve single headed → 6227.00
27046 ditto but double headed → 14424.00
27047 C P hose 7.5 m → 4652.00
27048 ditto but 15 m → 6145.00
27049 RRL hose type - A 7.5 m → 4632.00
27050 ditto but 15 m → 6178.00
27051 Branch pipe gun metal 63mm
instantaneous inlet, made threaded
outlet, 15mm bore nozzle short → 3048.00
27052 ditto but long → –
SECTION 27 519


27053 Hose reel drum 30m → 7751.00

27054 ditto but 36m → 8578.00
27055 Hose box made of 18 gauge MS Sheet
800mm X 600mm X 250mm with double
door with 4 mm thick glasses and door
frame made of 16 gauge MS sheet painted
fire red out side and brilliant white inside
yard → 3359.00
27056 ditto but internal → 3359.00
27057 ICV / Alarm gong (Intermittent hydraulic
alarm with alarm gong and water motor
Alarm) 100 mm → 60378.00
27058 ditto but 150mm → 65821.00


27059 Sprinkler glass bulb type (Standard

response) as per IS:15106/TAC
guidelines 68 degree temperature rating
pendent type → 374.00
27060 ditto but Upright type → 393.00
27061 ditto but Side wall → 462.00
27062 ditto but Concealed type → 1174.00
27063 Sprinkler glass bulb type (Standard
response) as Per IS:15105/TAC
guidelines 79 degree temperature rating
pendent type → 759.00
27064 ditto but upright type → 793.00
27065 ditto but side wall → 841.00
27066 ditto but concealed type → 1317.00
27067 Sprinkler quick / early response type as
per IS:15105/TAC guidelines 68 degree
temperature rating → 545.00
27068 Ditto but Upright type → 560.00
27069 Sprinkler Quick / Early response type as
per IS 15105/TAC guidelines 79 degree
temperature rating pendant type → 553.00
27070 ditto but upright type → 575.00
27071 Sprinkler rossette 25mm dia → 193.00
27072 Sprinkler flexible type 1m → 1324.00
27073 ditto but 1.5m → 1379.00
27074 Puddle Flange 100mm dia → 1518.00
27075 ditto but 150mm dia → 2046.00
27076 ditto but 200mm dia → 2620.00
520 SECTION 27

27077 Pressure gauge 4"dial 0-14 kgs rating → 1264.00

27078 ditto but 4"dial 0-21 kgs rating → 1564.00
27079 ditto but 8"dial 0-14 kgs rating → 2659.00
27080 ditto but 8"dial 0-21 kgs rating → 3203.00
27081 Air vessel 250mm dia 1m height → 24908.00
27082 ditto but 300mm dia 1m height → 33890.00
27083 ditto but 250mm dia 2m height → 43824.00
27084 ditto but 300mm dia 2 m height → 46681.00
27085 Yard hydrant Post / Stand Post 80mm
Dia GI / MS both flanged type 1.5m
Height → 21642.00
27086 ditto but 2 0 m height → 25725.00
27087 Flanged stand post CI of 80mm dia 1.5m
height → 21642.00
27088 ditto but 2.0 m height → 25725.00
27089 Pressure switch Universal type → 4802.00
27090 Flow switch 80mm dia → 5006.00
27091 Ditto but 100mm dia → 5007.00
27092 ditto but 150mm dia → 5009.00
27093 Pipe Support for all types of pipes
including hangars / fastners / elbows/
supports / tees → 1639.00



27094 Fire alarm control panel complying with

BS EN 54 Single loop panel of capacity from
99 detectors & 99 modules upto 200 detector
and modules → 64641.00
27095 ditto but 2 loop panel with 99 detectors &
99 modules & upto 200 detectors and
modules (per each loop) → 86991.00
27096 ditto but 4 loop panel with 99 detectors &
99 modules & upto 200 detectors and
modules (per each loop) → 161959.00
27097 ditto but 5 loop panel with 99 detectors &
99 modules & upto 200 detectors and
modules (per each loop) → 163180.00
SECTION 27 521

27098 Detectors Complying with and type

certified to EN - 45 Addressable type
smoke detector Photoelectric /Optical
with base with self built intelligence as
per IS: 11360 → 2060.00
27099 ditto but Addressable type multisensor
detector with heat and smoke combination→ → 2498.00
27100 ditto but Addressable type heat detector with
base with rate of rise cum fixed temperature
as per lS:2175 → 2382.00
27101 ditto but Addressable type duct detector
housing with sampling tube( add up cost
of smoke detector as mentioned in
SI. No 27097/27098 additional into this
unit) → 12899.00
27102 ditto but Addressable type Flame detectors
with UV/IR detection capacity( add up cost
of module to be a complete set, the type of
module shall be relay type module) → 183581.00
27103 Beam Master detector with Transmitter
and receiver (Add power supply units &
Module) → 43525.00

27104 Beam Master Detector, Transceiver Type

(Add power supply unit & module) → 43525.00

27105 Addressable control module → 3290.00
27106 Addressable monitor module → 2713.00
27107 Addressable manual call point resettable
type → 3132.00
27108 Addressable electronic sounder cum strobe
→ 7094.00
27109 Addressable sounder → 4562.00
27110 Loop powerd sounder strobe → 2650.00
27111 Loop powerd sounders → 7094.00
27112 Short circuit isolators → 4562.00
27113 Explosive proof manual call point (Add up
control module) → 3132.00
27114 Remote response indicators → 189.00

27115 6 Watt ceiling Speaker → 719.00
27116 4 Watt ceiling Speaker → 719.00
27117 6 Watt wall mount CD Speaker → 1434.00
27118 10 Watt wall mount CD Speaker → 3772.00
522 SECTION 27


27119 100 Watt Amplifier → –

27120 250 Watt Amplifier → 24462.00
27121 500 Watt Amplifier → 50730.00
27122 Microphone Set → 16660.00
27123 Control Console → –
27124 Fire Alarm Sounders / Sirens Electronic
type horizontal single stage continous
normal operation for atleast 50 minutes
with sound level 65 DB to 120 DB measured
at 1.5 Mtr with sound output variation of +
5 DB
500 mtrs range → 2659.00
27125 ditto but 1000 m range → 3951.00
27126 ditto but 1500 m range → 4972.00
27127 ditto but 2000 m range → 4972.00
27128 ditto but 3500 m range → 8918.00
27129 Fire Alarm sounders / Sirens electronic
type horizontal two stage continous
normal operation for atleast 50 minutes
with sound level 65 db to 120 db Measured
at 1.5m with sound output Variation of + 5
db 500m range → 2659.00
27130 ditto but 1000m range → 3951.00
27131 ditto but 1500m range → 4972.00
27132 ditto but 3500m range → 8918.00
SECTION 28 523

(a) The rate of incinerator is for the complete job work.

(b) The rate for incinerator of intermittent capacity
shall be determined by interpolation.


28001 Supply, install,testing and commissioning

of oil fired incinerator having 10 Kg/Hr
burning capacity horizontal/vertical type
comprising of primary chamber, secondary
chamber, designed on "controlled air"
incineration principle and provided with
minimum of 115mm thick refractory and
insulation bricks conforming to IS 8-1994
and IS 2042-2006 to sustain minimum
temperature of 1000 Degree centigrade in
the primary chamber and 1200 Degree
centrigrade in secondary chamber, one fully
automatic pressure jet type burner for each
chamber, chamber made of mild steel plate
of adequate thickness (minimum 5mm
thick), 30 metre high chimney, exhaust
system, high pressure ventury Scrubber,
PLC based control panel, droplet separator
etc., including all other accessories and
piping, equipments and civil works required
for installation of incinerator chimney
complete all as specified, including
(a) Fuel tank suitably fabricated out of mild
steel, provided with connection for supply,
return, drain & vis checking of quantity of
fuel in tank.
(b) An emergency stack to vent out the gases in
case of power failure.
(c ) Circulation pump, recirculation tank, inter
connection piping, ID fan, FD fan,
instruments, valves, dampers & fittings etc.
(d) Electrical control panel with all electrical
power, earth & control cabling. → 3952700
28002 -do- but 20 Kg/hr Capacity. → 4202600
28003 -do- but 25 Kg/hr Capacity. → 4452400
28004 -do- but 40 Kg/hr Capacity. → 4661600
28005 -do- but 50 Kg/hr Capacity. → 5262000
28006 -do- but 75 Kg/hr Capacity. → 5637300
28007 -do- but 100 Kg/hr Capacity. → 7179500
28008 -do- but 150 Kg/hr Capacity. → 7938200
28009 -do- but 200 Kg/hr Capacity. → 9489400
524 SECTION 29
(a) Items of work required for roof covering, RCC/Bride underground tank collection pits,
percolation pits, recharge pit/trench/well shall be measured under respective section of
SSR Part II herein before and preambles and notes given hereunder shall be equally
applicable for such items of work.
(b) Excavation and earthwork required for laying of pipes & underground PVC storage tank
shall be measured separately.
(c) The measurement of pipes shall be net as fixed between the fittings including short lenghts,
without any allowance for cutting and waste, and in case of spigot and socketed pipes for the
protions entering the sockets of the pipes and fittings. Fittings shall be measured separately.
(d) The rates for laying UPVC and HDPE pipes and fittings include for jointing and jointing materials.


50 65 75 100 150
29001 UPVC Pipes (SCH-40) → 339.00 531.00 686.00 974.00 1708.00
29002 UPVC Pipes (SCH-80) → 448.00 679.00 917.00 1342.00 2676.00

29003 HDPE Pipes PN 10 → 159.00 253.00 358.00 756.00 1242.00
29004 UPVC Ball Valve → 818.00 2833.00 5665.00 9206.00 –
FILTER UNIT Bore in mm
10 20 30 50 60
29005 Gravity Flow Filter
Unit complete → 6695.00 13395.00 20090.00 33485.00 40185.00

Rates do not Capacity in ltrs
include the cost of 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
pipes & fittings.
29006 PVC under ground
16036.00 32812.00 48289.00 54385.00 80482.00 96578.00
Tank →


The unit rates for Composite Rain water
Harvesting system include of the following
Underground water storage thank of
respective capacity 01 Piece
First flush system 01 Set
Gravity Filer 01 PC
Delivery pipes 25mm size 15 mtr
Down take pipes 100mm size 15 mtr

EACH Capacity in ltrs

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

29007 Composite system 32508.00 54441.00 75672.00 97176.00 119358.00 140876.00

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