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The Lucky mill

By John Slavici

John Slavici takes part of the generason of the Best

Clasics with John Brench, Michael Eminescu and John Luca
Caragiale. Throught the hes well known novels such as “Popa
Tanda”, “Mara” and “The lucky mill” he develops a real
psychological speech based on social and psychological
The literary work “The lucky mill” was published in
1881 in the volum “Short stories from the peolple” and
presents caracteristics of a psycological short story.
The short story is species of the epic genre in prose not
too long, with few caracters, with an only narrative threas
with powerfull conflicts, the accent being set on the main
The realist prose stands up with an omniscient and
omnipresent narrator not involved in the diegesis. The
literary work presents with real facts elements from the
Transilvania of the 19th century, being present toponyms such
as Ineu, Arad, Oradea. Plus, the caracters are complex, being
part of a typo specific to the time and have powerfull

caracteristics witch mackes them evolve, such as Joel (ghita😊)

being the upstart.
The story has powerfull conflicts in the interior and the
outside of the caracter, the interior one being about the
powerful influence of the bad and good, between love of
family and the love for money. The text sows the steps of the
human degradation under the power of money.
The theme brings back the family, the downfall of joel
and the inevitable destiny. The vision of the author is
cautionary, everybody is punished for the mistakes they
The title is an irony and presents the bad luck, not even
the luck. It is made out of 2 substantives, the firs one being
articuletid because brings uniqnes to the story. In reality, the
mill is the plase that crushes the cereal but retorical speaking
is the plase where the caracters end. In the end of the novel,
the mill burns and the luck becomes ephemeral.
Such as any other realistic story it has a spherecal
construction, the beginning beeing the same as the end. In
the beginning the old lady sais “the man needs to be happy
with his poverty, if you say not the wealth but the silence of
his hut makes him happy”. The end is almost the same, the
old lady said “that was for them”, everybody being punished
for the mistakes.
The main character is joel a mill owner who wants to
become rich on legal terms but the destiny had other plans
for him. His name brings back the story of the saint george,
being killed by his demon, the COIN!!!
In the beginning he is a hard working man, responsible
and loving to his family, a real lider to his family.
One of the most important scenes is when the carrior
Lica comes to the mill and convince Joel to work for hi. He
had to tell samadaului who is coming to eat at he mill for an
insane amout of money.
Here we can find 2 types of character: lica the powerfull
one and Joel the stupid one who wants money.
Other important scene is in the end when Joel stabbs
his wife, he is shot by Raut and the mill is burnt and lica kills
himself because he doesent want to pay for his acts.
In the end Joel is a cold blood killer blided by the anger.
The death of those 3 characters resemels the vision of
tge author about life.
In the conclusion, “The lucky mill” is one of the best
short stories I know.

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