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Development of a flattening system for sheet metal with free-form surface

Article in Advances in Mechanical Engineering · February 2016

DOI: 10.1177/1687814016630517


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4 authors, including:

Xinhua Liu Mingxing Lin

China University of Mining and Technology Shandong University


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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2016, Vol. 8(2) 1–12
Ó The Author(s) 2016
Development of a flattening system for DOI: 10.1177/1687814016630517
sheet metal with free-form surface

Xinhua Liu1, Shengpeng Li1, Xianhua Zheng2 and Mingxing Lin3

In order to improve the flattening quality of sheet metal with free-form surface, a flattening system was developed. The
system framework was proposed and the key technologies such as mesh quality measuring criterion, center triangle
indexing algorithm, coordinate transforming principle, and initial flattening method were elaborated. Moreover, a planar
spring–mass model was presented to optimize the initial flattening result, and the flowchart of the proposed flattening
method was designed. Finally, three simulation examples were carried out and the comparison results indicated that the
proposed system was proved feasible and efficient.

Free-form surface flattening, mesh quality measuring criterion, center triangle indexing algorithm, planar spring–mass

Date received: 16 May 2015; accepted: 28 December 2015

Academic Editor: Michal Kuciej

Introduction analyzing flattening process, the problems in the initial

design of sheet metal can be discovered, such as stress
Nowadays, the sheet metal with free-form surface is concentration, cracks, and wrinkles, and the designer
applied widely in industries, such as the manufacturing can revise the initial CAD model of sheet metal.2
process of airplane, ship, and automobile.1 With the Therefore, it is very important to research the flattening
rapid development of computer-aided design (CAD) technology for free-form surface.
technology, a variety of beautiful appearance sheet The process of flattening free-form surface equals to
metals with the free-form surface can be designed eas- the mapping process of surface from three-dimensional
ily. However, before planning manufacturing processes,
it is very difficult and tedious to get the shape and geo-
metry size of the blank. Thus, a high demand for flat- 1
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China University of
tening technology of sheet metal with free-form surface Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China
is put forward. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Yangtze Normal
The flattening technology of sheet metal with free- University, Chongqing, China
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China
form surface provides the data information of the opti-
mum blank that can be used to carry out blank layout Corresponding authors:
and incision. Meanwhile, a reasonable blank shape not Xinhua Liu, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China
only saves raw material, reduces subsequent panel trim- University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China.
ming process, and cuts down production cost but also Email:
provides a valuable tool to improve the forming condi- Mingxing Lin, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University,
tions and quality. In addition, the flattening process is Jinan 250061, China.
the inverse process for sheet metal forming. By Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

(3D) space to two-dimensional plane. In the strict sense, method to compute planar triangulations of triangu-
the mapping mainly depends on isometric mapping lated surfaces for surface parameterization. The method
(ISOMAP) which keeps the geodesic distance between solved a nonlinear system of equations to obtain the
two arbitrary points unchanged pre and post mapping.3 flattening result.
The traditional flattening methods for sheet metal are Shimada and Tada12 proposed a finite element
mainly made up of the graphic method and the analytic method using the initial guess for stresses on the sur-
flattening which are only applied to a kind of sheet face. Chung and Richmond13–15 proposed the finite ele-
metal with a regular shape, but it is helpless for free- ment inverse method on the basis of ideal forming
form surface. theory to obtain the sheet metal blank. Different with
Bearing the above observation in mind, we present a any other methods, these methods did not directly map
flattening system for sheet metal with free-form surface the triangular mesh surface in the space to the plane,
and the rest of this article is organized as follows. In but predicted a planar triangle mesh which had the
section ‘‘Literature review,’’ some related works are same geometrical topology structure with the surface in
outlined based on the literature. The system framework the space. Similar studies can also be found in Cai
and the main functional modules are presented in sec- et al.16 and Shimada and Tada.17
tion ‘‘Framework of the proposed system.’’ The key McCartney et al.18 proposed an algorithm to flatten
technologies of the proposed system are put forward 3D surface. The algorithm incorporated energy model
and discussed in section ‘‘Key technologies.’’ Some in terms of the strain energy required to deform the
simulation examples are provided to test and verify the edges of the triangular mesh. Wang and Wang19 pro-
proposed system in section ‘‘Simulation examples and posed a general surface development algorithm based
discussion.’’ The conclusions and future work are sum- on a spring–mass model to release the energy stored in
marized in section ‘‘Conclusion and future work.’’ With the initial flattening result. The area error and length
the proposed method of this article, a flattening system error are adopted in this article to evaluate the flatten-
for sheet metal with free-form surface was designed ing result. J Li et al.20 made a little improvement to the
and implemented to improve the flattening quality of traditional spring–mass model by adding crossed
sheet metal; this system can widely be used to design springs which could prevent the flattened mesh from
and manufacture shape designing of car and electric stretching too much. Q Liu et al.21 proposed a simpli-
appliance and reverse engineering and so on. fied spring–mass model to release the energy. They only
focused on the resultant force direction and the maxi-
Literature review mum edge length distortion. Similarly, Q Zhang et al.22
established a hinge joint system of bars to optimize the
Recent publications relevant to this article are mainly initial flattening result. Other research achievements
concerned with flattening methods. In this section, we using the energy-based method can also be found in
try to summarize the relevant literature. Zhong and Xu,23 Chung et al.,24 and Zhang et al.25

Flattening method
For flattening method, lots of research has been done
since the late 1980s and most of them can be classified Although many flattening methods for free-form sur-
into three categories: geometry flattening method, finite face have been developed in the above literature, they
element method, and flattening method based on have some common disadvantages summarized as fol-
energy model. lows. First, most of the researchers have not considered
Manning4 developed a system for surface develop- the mesh quality which will affect the quality of the flat-
ment based on an isometric tree and the system is tening surface. Second, the influence of base triangle
applied in the garment industry. Hinds et al.5 developed has been researched rarely. Finally, the initial flattening
doubly curved surfaces by first approximating them by result obtained by the existing methods is rough which
quadrilateral facets on the basis of Gaussian curvature has many cracks and overlaps.
and then flattening these facets allowing some gaps in Based on our past research on flattening free-form
the developed result. Similar to Hinds et al., DR Chen surface, this article tries to tackle the above problems.
et al.6 proposed a concept of quasi-rulings to adaptively Main improvements of this article can be summarized
segment the 3D surface. Azariadis and colleagues7–9 as follows: (1) the mesh quality measuring criterion is
extended Hinds’ research to reduce the gaps by mini- proposed to ensure the quality of surface mesh, (2) the
mizing the Euclidean distances of pairs of the corre- center triangle indexing algorithm is adopted to get an
sponding points between two successive strips. Kim and ideal base triangle, and (3) the concept of flattening
Shin10 presented a surface flattening method using two unit and initial flattening method is proposed to avoid
guide surfaces. Sheffer and De Sturler11 proposed a cracks and overlaps.

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Liu et al. 3

Figure 1. Framework of the proposed system.

Framework of the proposed system Key technologies

The flattening system for sheet metal with free-form Mesh quality measuring criterion
surface developed in this article mainly consists of three The surface mesh generating algorithm based on the
modules: pre-processing module, flattening module, advancing front method is adopted in this article.26 The
and post-processing module. The relationship between algorithm has a strong adaptability and the mesh den-
these three modules is illustrated in Figure 1. The func- sity can be easily controlled according to the Gaussian
tionalities of the modules are elaborated as follows: curvature. Besides, the algorithms have the advantages
of high automaticity and fast rate of computation; its
1. Pre-processing module. It mainly includes extract- computing efficiency is O(N log N), where N is the total
ing the free-form surface, meshing algorithm, number of triangular meshes.
and mesh quality measuring criterion. The If the mesh quality cannot meet the algorithm
import format of 3D model can be IGES, STP, requirements in the flattening system, the convergence
and SAT file formats. The 3D model is trans- of the algorithm cannot be satisfied easily, and then
formed into a free-form surface first and then the there would be many overlaps and cracks in the flatten-
free-form surface would be divided into a trian- ing result. Thus, it is very necessary to ensure the mesh
gular mesh surface with perfect mesh quality. quality in the flattening algorithm. Therefore, a mesh
2. Flattening module. It mainly includes center tri- quality measuring criterion is proposed in this section.
angle indexing algorithm, coordinate transform- The mesh quality of individual triangle can be
ing principle, initial flattening method, and denoted as d
optimizing model. The circular chain of trian-
gles linking with the flattened triangles is defined pffiffiffi kCA 3 CBk
d=2 3 ð1Þ
as a flattening unit in this article. After the trian- kCAk + kABk2 + kBC k2
gular mesh surface is processed in this module,
an ideal flatten result can be obtained. where AB, BC, and CA are the edges of triangle. Using
3. Post-processing module. It mainly includes error this formula, the mesh quality of regular triangle equal
analyzing and profile curve fitting. The output to 1 andpthe
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mesh quality of isosceles right triangle
format of the flattening result is DXF to facili- equal to 3=2 can be easily obtained.
tate data exchange with other CAD/computer- The mesh quality of the whole triangular mesh sur-
aided manufacturing (CAM) software. face can be denoted as D

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4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

D= ð2Þ
Obviously, D 2 (0, 1. If the value of mesh quality D
is more close to 1, the mesh quality would be better.

Center triangle indexing algorithm

During the flattening process, the first triangle, named
as base triangle, can be flattened to a specific plane with
no deformation. It is a very important to select an ideal
base triangle for the flattening result.27 The center trian-
gle T0 of the triangular mesh surface is treated as base
triangle in this article. The arithmetic flow for indexing Figure 2. The schematic diagram of center triangle indexing.
the center triangle can be presented as follows.
Define variable index-number, int*IndexNO = P1 P2
Rx = ½ r1x r2x r3x  = jP1 P2 j, Ry = ½ r1y r2y r3y  =
NULL; IndexNO = new int: P1 P2 3 P1 P3
and Rz = ½ r1z r2z r3z  = Ry 3 Rx , these
jP1 P2 3 P1 P3 j ,

Step 1. Traverse all nodes on the triangular mesh three vectors can be regarded as three axes 00 x0 , 00 y0 ,
surface, assign an IndexNO for every node, and and 00 z0 in the local coordinate system.
initialize them to 0. In order to facilitate the subsequent calculations, the
Step 2. Traverse all edges on the triangular mesh local coordinate system should be rewritten in homoge-
surface; if it is empty on the left or right side of the neous2coordinate system 3 form by usage, denoted as
triangle edges, the end points of the edges are named r1x r2x r3x 0
6 r1y r2y r3y 0 7 28
as boundary nodes. The IndexNO of these nodes is R2 = 6 7
4 r1z r2z r3z 0 5. The translation matrix can
marked as 1.
Step 3. Index the nodes directly connecting with the 0 0 0 1
2 3
marked nodes. The IndexNO of these nodes is 1 0 0 x1
marked as 2. 6 0 1 0 y1 7
be denoted as T(  x1 ,  y1 ,  z1 ) = 6
4 0 0 1 z1 5
Step 4. Repeatedly execute Step 3 until the IndexNO
of all nodes is updated. 0 0 0 1
Step 5. Calculate the summation of IndexNO for and the translation result is shown in Figure 3(b). The
each triangle. The triangle with the largest total angles between z0 -axis with x-, y-, and z-axis can be
index number is regarded as the center triangle T0. denoted as a, b, and g.
By rotating a certain angle, the two coordinate sys-
As shown in Figure 2, the red triangle is the needed tems lap over each other. The z0 -axis in Figure 3(b) and
center triangle T0. m vector in Figure 3(c) represent an identical oblique
line. Two rotation matrixes can be denoted as R(u) and
Coordinate transforming principle
2 3
In order to describe the coordinate transforming princi- cos u sin u 0 0
6  sin u cos u 0 07
ple, a figure is presented as shown in Figure 3. 6 7
R(u) = 6 7,
As shown in Figure 3(a), there is an arbitrary trian- 4 0 0 1 05
gle DP1P2P3 in space rectangular coordinate system 0- 0 0 0 1
xyz and its vertex coordinates are P1(x1, y1, z1), P2(x2, 2 3
cos v 0  sin v 0
y2, z2), and P3(x3, y3, z3), respectively.
6 0 1 0 07
First, an orthogonal matrix 6 7
2 can be preset,
3 denoted R(v) = 6 7
r1x r2x r3x 4 sin v 0 cos v 0 5
as R1 = ½ Rx Ry Rz T = 4 r1y r2y r3y 5. The local 0 0 0 1
r1z r2z r3z
0 0 0 0
coordinate system 0 -x y z can be established by three The combinatorial transformation matrix can be
vertices, as shown in Figure 3(a). Presetting denoted as Y

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Liu et al. 5

Figure 3. The schematic diagram of coordinate transforming: (a) an arbitrary triangle, (b) the triangle after translating, (c) m
vector, and (d) the triangle after rotating.

Y = R(u)  R(v)  T(  x1 ,  y1 ,  z1 ) By utilizing the combinatorial transformation matrix

2 3 Y, an arbitrary triangle in the space would be trans-
cos u cos v sin u  cos u sin v x1
6  sin u cos v cos u  sin u sin v y 7 ð3Þ formed into a specific plane.
6 17
=6 7
4 sin v 0 cos v z1 5
0 0 0 1 Initial flattening method
Comparing Figure 3(b) with Figure 3(c), the direc- In this article, the number of triangle limiting the node
tion cosines of z0 -axis (m vector) are m1 = cos a, transforming would be defined as flattening constraint
m2 = cos b, and m3 = cos g, respectively. degree of the node to reflect the flattening characteristic
Analyzing the Figure 3(c), the following formulas during the flattening process. According to this defini-
can be calculated tion, the flattening constraint degree of the node can be
divided into three situations.
> cos v = cos g
< sin v = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
cos2 a cos2 b
p+ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ Situation 1. The triangles T and T1 represent the arbi-
> cos2 a + cos2 b
cos u = cos a=pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi trary flattened and unflattened triangles in the space
sin u = cos b= cos2 a + cos2 b shown in Figure 4(a). The triangles T 0 and T10 are their
corresponding flattening result in the plane shown in
Substituting cos v, sin v, cos u, and sin u into equa- Figure 4(b). The position of node p3 can be determined
tion (7), the final form of combinatorial transformation by the intersection of two circles whose centers and
matrix Y can be presented as follows radii are nodes p1, p2 and r13, r23, respectively, where
2 3 r13 = jP1 P3 j and r23 = jP2 P3 j. It can be found the flat-
cos a cos g cos b
6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  cos a x1 7 tening constraint degree of node P3 is equal to 1. The
6 cos2 a + cos2 b cos2 a + cos2 b 7 triangle can be flattened without deformation and there
6  cos b cos g cos a 7
6 y1 7
Y = 6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  cos b 7 is no elastic deformation energy during the flattening
6 cos2 a + cos2 b cos a + cos2 b
2 7
6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 process. For undevelopable surface, this situation rarely
4 cos2 a + cos2 b 0 cos g z1 5
occurs. Therefore, it is very significative to study the sit-
0 0 0 1
uation that the flattening constraint degree of the node
ð5Þ is greater than 1.

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6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

flattened to the plane corresponding to triangles T10 ,

T2 0 , and T3 0 shown in Figure 6(b).
A method to calculate the geometric center p(x, y)
of nonself-intersectant closed polygon is presented.
Hypothetically, the nonself-intersectant closed polygon
has n(n  3) vertices and its area S can be calculated as
S= (xi yi + 1  xi + 1 yi ) ð6Þ
2 i=0
Figure 4. Situation 1 of flattening constraint degree: (a) an
arbitrary triangle and (b) the triangle after flattening. The geometric center p(x, y) of nonself-intersectant
closed polygon can be calculated as follows
8 nP
> 1
(xi + xi + 1 )(xi yi + 1  xi + 1 yi )
< px = 6S
: py = 6S
(yi + yi + 1 )(xi yi + 1  xi + 1 yi )

Although the initial flattening result is quite rough, the

triangular mesh topology has the same geometrical topol-
ogy structure in the space domain and plane domain.

Optimizing model
In order to optimize the initial flattening result, a planar
Figure 5. Situation 2 of flattening constraint degree: (a) an
spring–mass model is presented in this section.
arbitrary triangle and (b) the triangle after flattening. The planar spring–mass model can be described as fol-
lows: the nodes and edges of the initial flattening result
can be treated as particles and springs, respectively. Then
Situation 2. As shown in Figure 5(a), the flattening con-
the physical quantities of the model correspond to the geo-
straint degree of node P3 is equal to 2. The node P3 can
metric quantities of graphics, such as the quality of parti-
be transformed into the plane, respectively, in the trian-
cles closely correlates with the area of triangle, and the
gles T1 and T2 under the Situation 1. The two nodes
elastic force is associated with edge difference of triangle
p03 (x1 , y1 ) and p003 (x2 , y2 ) can be obtained, named as fake-
flattening pre and post. The difference is considered to be
node, as shown in Figure 5(b). On the basis of these
a tension or compression for springs in the model.29 As
two fake-nodes, the position of only node p3(x, y) will shown in Figure 7, the particles pi and pj are connected
be determined, where x = (x1 + x2)/2 and y = (y1 + with springs. If the edge pipj on the planar triangular mesh
y2)/2. Thus, the triangles T1 and T2 can be flattened eas- is shorter than the corresponding edge on the spatial trian-
ily, denoted as triangles T10 and T20 shown in Figure 5(b). gular mesh, it can be assumed that there exists thrust force
Under this kind of situation, the triangle would be flat- between them such as p0 and p1; otherwise, there exists
tened with deformation, such as the edge stretching or tension force such as p0 and p5.
compressing and also overlaps or cracks come into Assume that the surface mass is concentrated on
being. Meanwhile, there exists the elastic deformation each particle. Thus, the mass mi of particle pi can be
energy during the flattening process. calculated as follows
rX n
Situation 3. Extending to a more general situation mi = Sj ð8Þ
3 j=1
shown in Figure 6(a), the flattening constraint degree
of node P3 is equal to 3. There are three fake-nodes in
where r is the area density of the surface, Sj is the area
Figure 6(b), denoted as p03 (x1 , y1 ), p003 (x2 , y2 ), and
of jth triangle containing the particle pi, and n is the
3 (x3 , y3 ). Figure 5(c) shows the partially enlarging pat-
total number of triangles containing the particle pi.
tern of topology relation of these three fake-nodes.
The resultant force Fi on a single particle pi can be
Connecting these three fake-nodes sequentially accord-
defined as follows
ing to the right-hand rule forms a triangle p03 p003 p000
3 . The
geometric center p3(x, y) of this triangle would be X
regarded as the only position of node P3 in this article. Fi = k pi pj   Pi Pj  Npi pj ð9Þ
Thus, the triangles T1, T2, and T3 in the space can be j=1

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Liu et al. 7

Figure 6. Situation 3 of flattening constraint degree: (a) an arbitrary triangle, (b) the triangle after flattening, and (c) the drawing of
partial enlargement.

where q€ti is the acceleration of particle pi at time t; q_ ti ,

q_ ti + Dt and qti , qti + Dt are the velocity and position of par-
ticle pi at time t and t + Dt, respectively. It is necessary
to state that the r in equation (8) and the k in equation
(9) are just the weighting factors to make the model
more realistic and their values associate with the mate-
rial properties of sheet metal.
However, by studying equation (11), it can be found
that the velocity of particle pi at time t + Dt is seri-
ously influenced by the velocity at time t. With the
Figure 7. Planar spring–mass model. accumulation of velocity and the inertia of the particle
motion, the particle would oscillate at the equilibrium
position, which would bring about divergence for itera-
where k is the elastic coefficient, jpi pj j is the current dis- tive process.
tance between particles pi and pj on the planar triangu- In order to tackle those limitations, the inertia of the
lar mesh, jPi Pj j is the distance counterpart on the particle can be ignored;32 in other words, the particle
spatial triangular mesh, and Npi pj is the unit vector moves at a uniform velocity from time t and t + Dt.
pointing from pi to pj. Therefore, equation (11) can be simplified as follows
The simplified Lagrange equation can be adopted to 8
describe the motion process of particles in the model30 < €qti = Fti =mi
t + Dt
q_ = Dt€qti ð12Þ
: t + Dt t
M€q + Kq = 0 ð10Þ qi = qi + Dtq_ it + Dt

where q is the position of particle, M and K are the In order to measure the error of the flattening result,
mass matrix and stiffness matrix of the spring–mass the classical error measure rules are adopted in this arti-
model, respectively, and Kq is the elastic force defined cle.33 The area error ES and length error EL are defined
in equation (9). as follows
The Euler method can be applied to solve equation 8 P
jS S 0 j
(10).31 When time increment Dt is short enough, the >
< ES = Pi i
acceleration of the particle is regarded as a constant P Si 0 ð13Þ
and then the balance of the whole model will be made >
: EL = PjLi Li j
L i
up of the balance for each single particle. For arbitrary
particle pi, equation (10) can be rewritten as follows where Si and Li are the actual edge length and area
8 of one triangle on the spatial mesh surface, respectively;
> Ft
< €qti = mii Si 0 and Li 0 are the edge length and area of its corre-
q_ t + Dt = q_ ti + Dt€qti ð11Þ sponding triangle on the flattened mesh surface,
: tt + Dt Dt2
qi = qti + Dtq_ ti + 2
€qti respectively.

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8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 1. Comparison results.

Example Gaussian Mesh quality Node no. Triangle no. Result ES (%) EL (%)

A hemisphere flattening 4e24 0.91 690 1272 Initial flattening result 1.532 1.467
Optimizing result 0.463 0.113
A rotational part flattening Max 3.15e24 0.93 834 1462 Initial flattening result 2.874 5.627
Min 26.86e24 Optimizing result 1.365 1.014
A thin sheet flattening Max 0 0.65 548 967 Optimizing result 5.670 9.631
Min 22.53e26 0.95 1365 2368 1.647 2.362

In order to obtain an effective and meaningful flat-

tening result, the following restricted conditions should
be satisfied

E S  eS
E L  eL

where eS and eL are the tolerance of area error and

length error, respectively.
Because the shape of the triangle is constantly chang-
ing, the mass matrix and the elastic force are also
changing constantly. The iterative process has compli-
cated nonlinear features. The calculation steps are
shown as follows:

Step 1. Preset the time increment Dt, the tolerance of

error eS and eL, and the maximum iterations ei.
Step 2. Calculate the mass mi of each particle and
the resultant force Fi on each single particle.
Step 3. Solve the new physical parameters of parti-
cles through equation (12).
Step 4. Calculate the area error ES and length error
EL through equation (13).
Step 5. If ES  eS , EL  eL or the iterations are
greater than ei, exit the iteration; or go to Step 2.

With the optimizing process completed, the particles

and springs achieve a global stability state and the final Figure 8. Flowchart of the flattening method.
flattening result of the original surface can be obtained.

Flowchart of the flattening method Figures 9–11, and the comparison results are listed in
Table 1.
According to the above description, the proposed flat-
The flattening results of a hemisphere are shown in
tening method can be coded easily on the computer,
Figure 9. In fact, the hemisphere is a typical undevelop-
and the flowchart can be summarized as shown in
able surface and its Gaussian curvature is a constant.
Figure 8.
The simulation results show that the flattening quality
can be improved greatly when the planar spring–mass
model is applied. After optimizing, the area error ES
Simulation examples and discussion
can be reduced from 1.532% to 0.463% and the length
Based on the above technologies, the flattening system error EL can be reduced from 1.467% to 0.113%.
for sheet metal with free-form surface has been devel- Obviously, the flattening quality of hemisphere is
oped through integration of Microsoft visual studio improved greatly.
2008 and OpenGL. All the examples are executed on a The flattening results of a rotational part are shown
Core-i5 2.53G PC. The simulation results are shown in in Figure 10. The rotational part is more complicated

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Liu et al. 9

Figure 9. A hemisphere flattening example: (a) initial free-form surface, (b) Gaussian curvature nephogram, (c) meshed surface, (d)
initial flattening result, and (e) optimizing result.

Figure 10. A rotational part flattening example: (a) initial free-form surface, (b) Gaussian curvature nephogram, (c) meshed surface,
(d) initial flattening result, and (e) optimizing result.

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10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 11. A thin sheet flattening example: (a) initial free-form surface, (b) Gaussian curvature nephogram, (c) mesh quality
D1 = 0.65, (d) optimizing result, (e) mesh quality D1 = 0.95, and (f) optimizing result.

Figure 12. The prototype system interface.

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Liu et al. 11

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