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Unit 2 Marketing Process and Plan Marketing

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Student Name (print) CRISTINA CARAGIA


Date 03/05/2023
Report 2


Student ID: G23164
Word count: 4630
Report 3

Table of Contents

Task 1 Marketing Report.................................................................................................................5

“P1. Explain the concept of Marketing and marketing operations including the different areas
and roles of marketing”...................................................................................................................6
Marketing concept of Nike..............................................................................................................6
“P2 Explain how the marketing function relates to the wider organisational context.....................7
Nike Marketing operations”............................................................................................................7
“M1. Analyse the role of marketing in the context of the marketing environment.”......................7
The role of marketing in the business environment of Nike Inc.....................................................7
Product Differentiation................................................................................................................8
Target market segmentation.........................................................................................................8
Digital Marketing.........................................................................................................................8
“M2 Analyse the significance of interrelationships between marketing and other functional units
of an organisation”...........................................................................................................................8
Operation with the marketing department.......................................................................................8
Finance department corporate with the marketing department....................................................9
Human resource department corporate with the marketing department......................................9
The internal environment of Nike Inc...........................................................................................10
Company culture........................................................................................................................10
Brand image...............................................................................................................................10
Nike external environment............................................................................................................11
Economic environment..............................................................................................................11
Technological environment........................................................................................................11
Political and legal environment..................................................................................................11
Sociocultural environment.........................................................................................................11
“P3 Compare how different organisations apply the marketing mix to their marketing planning
processes to achieve business objectives”.....................................................................................12
The marketing mix (7ps)...............................................................................................................12
Report 4

How Nike Inc. uses the marketing mix (7ps)................................................................................13

Physically evidence....................................................................................................................14
“M3 Review strategies and tactical approaches applied by organisations to demonstrate how
business objectives can be achieved successfully”........................................................................14
“List of recommendations for Nike Inc. to enhance their market competitiveness”.....................14
Task 2 Marketing Plan...................................................................................................................16
“P4 Develop a marketing plan that includes Key elements of marketing planning for an
organisation to achieve marketing objectives.”.............................................................................16
Marketing plan of Nike Inc............................................................................................................16
Nike Inc. marketing objectives......................................................................................................18
“M4 Produce a detailed marketing plan that integrates the extended marketing mix to achieve
marketing objectives.”...................................................................................................................18
Nike Inc.'s strategic long-term goal...............................................................................................18
PESTLE Analysis..........................................................................................................................19
“Market strategy to reposition the product”..................................................................................21
7PS of the marketing mix..............................................................................................................21
STP Analysis.................................................................................................................................21
Report 5

Resource plan.................................................................................................................................22
“P5 Produce a media plan that includes recommendations and rationale for selected media
activities that meet media budgetary requirements and objectives for a marketing campaign
“M5 Devise an integrated multimedia plan, selecting appropriate rationale digital, offline and
social media channels for communication.”..................................................................................23
Media plan.....................................................................................................................................23
Audience analysis......................................................................................................................23
Media mix..................................................................................................................................24
Media Buying.............................................................................................................................24
Tracking and optimisation.........................................................................................................24
Report 6

Developing a Marketing Plan

Task 1 Marketing Report


Nike is an international company that designs develops and markets sporty footwear

apparel, equipment, and accessories. Over the years, Nike has become known for innovative

designs and marketing campaigns that often feature high-profile athletes. Nike Inc.'s total

employees are 73,100 (Bouredji, et al., 2020). Its annual revenue in 2022 is £46,710 and its net

income of £1.33 billion in 2022 (Chaffey and Smith, 2022). This report will cover the role of

marketing in the business environment of Nike, internal and external environment on the

marketing, PESTLE analysis, STP analysis, marketing mix, resource plan etc.

Figure 1: Nike marketing strategy

Source: (Chaffey and Smith, 2022)


Nike, Inc. has kept its values of producing the best quality sports equipment and footwear

for everyone. Make a shoe for females which is comfortable for female daily routine.
Report 7

“P1. Explain the concept of Marketing and marketing operations including the different areas

and roles of marketing”

Marketing concept of Nike

Nike Inc. is a leading global sports brand that has been successful in implementing the

marketing concept. Nike has done this through its effective marketing strategies which include

the customer focus that Nike has always focused on understanding its customers and their needs

(Chernev, 2020). Nike has also engaged with its customers through social media and other

channels to gather feedback and incorporate it into its product development and marketing

efforts and include product innovation, brand building and integrated marketing communications

(Fahy, and Jobber, 2019).

Figure 2: content marketing process

Source: (Chernev, 2020)

Report 8

“P2 Explain how the marketing function relates to the wider organisational context.

Nike Marketing operations”

Nike’s marketing operations are focused on building a strong image and connecting with

consumers through various channels. The company’s use of sponsorships, advertising, product

launches and retail presence helps it to maintain its position as a leading global brand in the

athletic footwear and apparel industry (Fahy, and Jobber, 2019).

“M1. Analyse the role of marketing in the context of the marketing environment.”

The role of marketing in the business environment of Nike Inc.

Nike Inc. is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of athletic footwear, apparel, and

accessories. The company operates in a highly competitive market, and marketing plays a critical

role in differentiating Nike's products and services from those of its competitors (Fahy, 2019).

The role of the marketing department of Nike includes various responsibilities which may

include that marketing and Communication groups at NIKE, Inc., help set the brand tone. They

act as an imaginative force of specialists, driven to tell Nike's stories of innovation and un sport

through product presentation, advertising, digital engagement and brand strategy (Bouredji, et

al., 2020).


Nike’s marketing strategy has focused heavily on creating a powerful brand image through

innovative advertising campaigns and sponsorships. The company has used its famous ‘swoosh’

logo and slogan" Just Do It” to create a brand identity that is recognised and respected

worldwide (Chernev, 2020).

Report 9

Product Differentiation

Nike's marketing strategy focuses on product differentiation to create a unique value

proposition for customers. The company uses advanced technology and innovation to create

high-performance products that are marketed as superior to those of its competitors (Fahy, and

Jobber, 2019).

Target market segmentation

Nike’s marketing strategy targets specific market segments such as athletes, fitness

enthusiasts, and fashion-conscious consumers. By understanding the needs and preferences of its

target markets, Nike can create products and marketing campaigns that appeal directly to those

customers (Ferrell, et al., 2021).

Digital Marketing

Nike has invested heavily in digital marketing, using social media, influencer marketing,

and e-commerce to reach customers worldwide. The company has also developed an innovative

digital experience (Fahy, 2019).

“M2 Analyse the significance of interrelationships between marketing and other functional

units of an organisation”

Operation with the marketing department

The operations department and the marketing department are two critical functions of any

organisation that work closely together to achieve the company’s goals. The operations

department and the marketing department work together to develop new products or services.
Report 10

The operations department provides information about the company’s capabilities,

manufacturing process and supply chain, whilst the marketing department provides information

about the target market, consumer preference and trends (Fontaine, 2020). The operations

department is responsible for maintaining the quality of the products and services offered by the

company. The marketing department provides feedback from customers on the quality of

products and services. This information is used by the operations department to improve the

quality of products and services (Merikanto, 2019).

Finance department corporate with the marketing department

The finance department and the marketing department are two crucial parts of any

organisation, and they need to work together to achieve the company's goals. Here are some

ways in which the finance department can collaborate with the marketing department: The

finance department is responsible for managing the company’s finances and comparing the

budgets (Merikanto, 2019). The marketing department can work closely with the finance

department to ensure that their plans align with the company’s financial goals and capabilities.

Marketing campaigns are often expensive, and the finance department needs to know if they are

generating sufficient returns (Fahy, 2019).

Human resource department corporate with the marketing department

Collaboration between the human resource and marketing departments can be beneficial

for a company in several ways. HR and marketing can work together to create and promote a

strong employer brand (Fontaine, 2020). Marketing can use its expertise in branding and

messaging to develop an employer brand that reflects the company’s values and culture, whilst

HR can ensure that the brand is consistent with the employee experience (Nguyen, 2023).
Report 11

The internal environment of Nike Inc.

Company culture

Nike's company culture, including its values and mission, can impact its marketing

strategy. For example, Nike's focus on innovation and sustainability may influence the types of

products it develops and how it markets them (Merikanto, 2019).


Nike's financial resources, workforce and other resources can affect its marketing strategy.

For example, if Nike has limited financial resources, it may need to focus on cost-effective

marketing tactics such as social media marketing and influencer partnership (Nguyen, 2023).

Brand image

Nike’s brand image, including its reputation for quality and innovation, can impact its

marketing strategy. For example, Nike may use its brand image to market new product launches

and generate hype amongst its target (Nguyen, 2023). Overall, the internal environment of Nike

Inc. can have a significant strategy. By understanding these internal factors, Nike can develop a

more effective marketing strategy that aligns with its business goals and objectives (PAYMENT,

Report 12

Nike external environment

Economic environment

The economic environment plays a crucial role in Nike's marketing strategies. Changes in

economic conditions, such as inflation, recession or currency fluctuations can affect consumer

purchasing power, which in turn affects Nike's sales and revenue (Fontaine, 2020).

Technological environment

The technological environment is another factor that affects Nike’s marketing. Advances in

technology have led to new ways of advertising, such as social media and influencer marketing,

which Nike has used effectively in its marketing campaigns (Nguyen, 2023).

Political and legal environment

The political and legal environment, including trade policies, tax laws, and regulations, can

affect Nike’s marketing strategies. For example, changes in trade policies or import/export

regulations can Nike’s ability to source materials and manufacture products, which can impact its

marketing strategies (Ferrell, et al., 2021).

Sociocultural environment

The socio-cultural environment, including cultural values, beliefs, and lifestyles, can

influence Nike's marketing strategies. Overall, the external environment has a significant impact

on Nike’s marketing strategies (Fontaine, 2020). The company must be aware of and adapt to

changes in the economic, technological, political, and legal, socio-cultural, and competitive

environment to remain successful in the global marketplace (Nguyen, 2023).

Report 13

“P3 Compare how different organisations apply the marketing mix to their marketing

planning processes to achieve business objectives”

The marketing mix (7ps)

Nike Inc. is a multinational corporation that designs, develops, and markets footwear,

apparel, equipment, and accessories. Its marketing mix includes products like a range of athletic

and casual footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories. Nike uses premium pricing. Nike has

1048 stores worldwide such as North America, Europe, and Asia (Teng, 2020). Nike uses

various channels to promote its products, including television, print, online and social media.

Figure 3 Target market

Source: (Fahy, 2019)

Report 14

How Nike Inc. uses the marketing mix (7ps)


Nike offers diverse types of products, like athletic footwear, accessories, and apparel for

women, men, and children. It also offers a different type of shoes of varieties and suited for use

in different sports. Like sports shoes for basketball, gym, running, football, and other shoes

available from Nike. It also sells sportswear like t-shirts, pants, and shorts (Nooh, 2022).


Nike Inc. has a strong distribution network and sells its products online and buys through

an outlet. Many retail outlets in us. The company has a total of 1048 stores over all the world

including 325 stores located in the UK (Chaffey and Smith, 2022).


Nike Inc. uses a premium pricing strategy for its products to convey a sense of

exclusivity and high quality to its customers. They also offer various discounts and promotions

throughout the year to attract new customers and retain existing ones (Merikanto, 2019).

Nike Inc. uses various advertising and promotional tactics to create brand awareness and

drive sales. It advertises its products through online and offline channels. The company uses

celebrity endorsements, sponsorships, and social media marketing to promote its products and

engage with its target audience (Ferrell, et al., 2021).

Report 15


In 2020 the company employed 75,400 people. Nike Inc. has strong teams of employees

who are passionate about sports and fitness... Nike also consists of CSR programs. The

company’s employees are trained to provide excellent customer service and are knowledgeable

about their products (PAYMENT, 2022).


Nike Inc. has a streamlined process for designing, manufacturing, and delivering its

products to customers. The company uses innovative technologies and processes to create high-

quality products and ensure efficient delivery (Gurumoorthy and Santhiya, 2019).

Physically evidence

Nike Inc. has a strong brand image and reputation, which serves as physical evidence of

its high-quality products and exceptional customer service. Nike's physical stores are designed to

offer a unique and immersive shopping experience to customers (Teng, 2020).

“M3 Review strategies and tactical approaches applied by organisations to demonstrate how

business objectives can be achieved successfully”

“List of recommendations for Nike Inc. to enhance their market competitiveness”

 Expand products Nike Inc. should consider expanding its product lines to reach a wider

range of consumers. For example, they could develop products specifically for children,

senior citizens, or people with disabilities.

Report 16

 Invest in sustainable production practices, Nike Inc. should continue to invest in

sustainable production practices and communicate these efforts to consumers.

 To improve customer experience, Nike Inc. should invest in improving the customer

experience both in-store and online.

 Focus on innovation, Nike Inc. should continue to focus on innovation to stay ahead of

the competition. This could involve developing new materials, experimenting with new

product designs, or exploring modern technologies, who emphasise brand values.


It can be concluded from the above analysis, the marketing operations of Nike are

highly effective in their betterment, and however, Nike has also faced challenges in the areas of

labour practices and supply chain management. Overall Nike, Inc. is a successful and influential

company in the athletic footwear and apparel industry, but like a large corporation, it faces

ongoing challenges and opportunities for improvement. It uses different marketing strategies to

overcome its challenges and promote successful market strategies for its development using

marketing mix, PESTLE analysis and the role of other departments for support of marketing in

Report 17

Task 2 Marketing Plan


The marketing plan of Nike includes the following goals to increase community

involvement, increase customer retention and increase e-commerce sales (Nooh, 2022). This

report will cover the marketing plan including demographic, geographic, psychographic, and

behavioural. Moreover, include marketing objectives, strategic long-term goal, PESTLE and STP

analysis, media plan, 7Ps of marketing and some recommendation.

“P4 Develop a marketing plan that includes Key elements of marketing planning for an

organisation to achieve marketing objectives.”

Marketing plan of Nike Inc.


Nike has targeted consumers according to age, gender, and generation. Mostly Nike

targets the age group 13-50 (Merikanto, 2019). It has separate lines of female, male and

children's products. Nike does not segment their market based on religion, nationality, ethnicity,

and race.
Report 18

Figure 4: Product Design

Source: (Fahy, 2019)


Nike uses geographic segmentation through different countries, religions, and cities. In

America, Nike focuses on baseball and football on these sports. In North America, including the

US, Canada, and Mexico. Also, retail stores in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (Chaffey and

Smith, 2022).


Psychographics is a marketing technique that involves analysing consumers' personality

traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles to better understand their needs and preferences

(PAYMENT, 2022). Nike Inc. is a global leader in the sports and athletic footwear industry, and

its marketing plan incorporates psychographic segmentation to target consumers with different

lifestyles and preferences.

Report 19


Nike is a company that has always been committed to understanding and focusing on

consumer behaviour. Nike has successfully used consumer behaviour to understand their target

audience and develop marketing campaigns that appeal to them. Few ways Nike Inc.

incorporates consumer behaviour in its marketing plan, understanding consumer needs and

preferences, creating an emotional connection, and offering personalised experiences (Fahy, and

Jobber, 2019).

Nike Inc. marketing objectives

Nike aims to increase its brand awareness by continuing to use innovative marketing

techniques, such as social media campaigns, celebrity endorsement and product placement. Nike

aims to expand its product line by introducing a new product that caters to the changing needs

and preferences of its target market. Nike aims to improve the customer experience by enhancing

its e-commerce platform, offering to personalise recommendations, and providing excellent

customer service. Nike aims to boost sales by increasing its market share, expanding into new

markets, and improving its distribution channel.

“M4 Produce a detailed marketing plan that integrates the extended marketing mix to achieve

marketing objectives.”

Nike Inc.'s strategic long-term goal

Nike aims to become a leader in sustainability by using eco-friendly materials, reducing

waste and emissions, and promoting sustainable practices throughout its supply chain. Nike aims

to continue to innovate and develop new technologies to enhance the performance and comfort
Report 20

of its products (Ferrell, et al., 2021). Nike aims to continue to invest in its digital transformation,

including developing new digital products and services and using data and analytics to optimise

its marketing and sales strategies.

PESTLE Analysis

Figure 5: PESTLE Analysis

Source: (Chaffey and Smith, 2022)


Government regulations and tariffs can impact manufacturing costs and international

sales. Changes in trade policies, such as traffic and sanctions, can affect Nike’s supply chain and

distribution channels. Political instability in some countries where Nike operates can impact its

business operations and profitability (Merikanto, 2019).


Fluctuations in currency exchange rates can affect manufacturing and sourcing costs.

Increasing labour costs in some countries where Nike sources its products can lead to higher
Report 21

manufacturing costs. Nike's performance is heavily dependent on economic conditions including

inflation rates and currency fluctuations (Nooh, 2022).


Growing consumer awareness of environmental and social responsibility can impact

Nike’s reputation and sales. Changing fashion trends can impact Nike’s product design and sales.

Nike’s success is partially due to its ability to tap into changing cultural trends such as increasing

focus on health (Chaffey and Smith, 2022).


Advanced technology, such as 3D printing, can impact Nike's manufacturing processes

and supply chain management. Nike’s investment in technology, such as Nike FuelBand, can

drive product innovation and increase customer engagement (Ferrell, et al., 2021).


Intellectual property rights and trademark infringement can impact Nike’s brand and

profitability. Changes in labour laws and regulations can affect Nike’s manufacturing process

and sourcing practices. The company has faced lawsuits in the past related to a claim of false



Climate change and natural disasters can impact Nike’s supply chain and operations,

leading to production delays and increased costs. Nike’s product design and manufacturing
Report 22

processes can impact the environment, leading to potential regulatory risks and reputational

damage (Gurumoorthy and Santhiya, 2019).

“Market strategy to reposition the product”

7PS of the marketing mix

Nike's marketing mix is well-balanced and focuses on creating a strong brand image and

connecting with its target audience. The company's emphasis on quality, sustainability and

innovation is reflected in its products, production, process, and promotional efforts (Ferrell, et

al., 2021).

Nike will continue to use the 7Ps of the marketing mix in the future to ensure the

continued success of the firm (Merikanto, 2019).

Product: As time goes on, Nike will continue to focus on developing innovative products

to meet the needs of its customers. The company's already sizable selection of sports and

activities will be expanded.

Price: To maintain its status as a high-end label, Nike will certainly continue charging a

premium for its products. The company may introduce different price structures in response to

changes in the market and in consumer tastes (Fahy, 2019).

Place: Nike's worldwide distribution network is expanding to meet the needs of more

customers. The company is dedicated to growing its e-commerce offerings to provide even more

value to its customers.

Promotion: Nike will keep selling its wares by leveraging the company's already-strong

brand recognition and expanding its network of endorsement deals with professional players and
Report 23

sports leagues. The company may also look at other types of advertising like influencer

marketing and content marketing.

People: Nike has never stopped caring about its employees. The business provides its

employees with opportunities for professional development and advancement so that they may

more effectively promote the company's products and values.

Process: Nike will continue to improve its production and shipping processes to ensure

the highest quality and the quickest, most convenient delivery times for customers. In addition,

the company may look at innovative technology that might improve efficiency (Bouredji, et al.,


Physical Evidence: Nike will spend heavily on its retail stores and packaging to give

them an experience they will never forget. The company may also look at using cutting-edge

tech and augmented reality to enhance its brand's external appearances.

STP Analysis

STP analysis is a marketing strategy framework used to identify and evaluate opportunities

for a product or service in a particular market. In this report, the STP analysis is used to better

understand the marketing strategies used by Nike (Teng, 2020).

Report 24

Figure 6: STP Analysis

Source: (Fahy, and Jobber, 2019)


Nike has a wide range of products that cater to different customer segments. Nike

primarily targets the following segments: Athletes: Nike designs and manufactures performance-

oriented products for professional athletes and sports enthusiasts. Fashion-conscious youth: Nike

has a range of trendy and fashionable products that appeal to the youth market (Nguyen, 2023).


Nike targets its products to individuals who are interested in leading an active style. The

company targets its products to both men and women, across different age groups. Nike has also

expanded its target market to include casual wear consumers (Chernev, 2020).


Nike positions itself as a company that designs and manufactures high-quality,

performance-oriented products that are both stylish and innovative. Nike has built a brand image

that is associated with success, athleticism, and excellence (Fahy, and Jobber, 2019).
Report 25

Resource plan

 Budget: Nike Inc. is a large company with a strong financial position. The company

reported revenues of £6.5 billion and a net income of £5.6 billion (Fahy, and Jobber,


 People: Nike Inc. has a global workforce of over 75000 employees (Ferrell, et al.,


 Key units: Nike Inc. has several key units, including footwear, apparel, and

equipment, digital (Chaffey and Smith, 2022).

 Footwear units: budget: £500 million, people: 1000 employees (Fontaine, 2020).

 Apparel: budget: £400 million, people: 800 employees (Merikanto, 2019).

 Equipment unit: budget: £300 million, people 600 employees (Nguyen, 2023).

 Digital unit: budget: £700 million, people: 1500 employees (Chernev, 2020).


The market strategy for Nike is a plan of action designed to achieve specific business

goals and objectives by identifying and satisfying customer needs and preferences. A market

strategy includes a target market, value proposition, marketing mix, STP analysis and resource

plan including budget, people, and key units.

Report 26

“P5 Produce a media plan that includes recommendations and rationale for selected media

activities that meet media budgetary requirements and objectives for a marketing campaign


“M5 Devise an integrated multimedia plan, selecting appropriate rationale digital, offline and

social media channels for communication.”

Media plan

Nike wants to employ a complete multimedia approach in the near future to better reach

its desired audience and sustain its favourable brand reputation. The plan will include a wide

range of digital and traditional tactics, including social media.

Digital Media: Nike will maintain its digital channels of customer communication, such

as its website, email marketing, and mobile apps. The company is planning to invest in

customised marketing methods that will allow it to reach certain demographics of consumers

based on their preferences. Nike plans to leverage cutting-edge tools like virtual reality and

augmented reality to provide customers a deeper connection to the Nike brand (Fahy, and Jobber,


Offline Media: Billboards, newspaper ads, and TV commercials will still be a part of

Nike's marketing strategy. The company will put an emphasis on creating advertisements that

touch the minds and souls of its target clientele. Nike may also employ event sponsorship and

experiential marketing to provide consumers direct interaction with the company's products

(Merikanto, 2019).

Social Media: Nike will continue to invest heavily in social media channels like

Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to build connections with consumers and strengthen brand

loyalty. The company plans to sell its products by working with influencers and brand
Report 27

ambassadors to create and curate content that is in line with the brand's beliefs and story. With

the use of social media, Nike plans to increase engagement with its mobile apps and website,

providing customers with a streamlined and hassle-free shopping experience.

Rationale for Selection: These digital and traditional channels, as well as social media,

were selected because of their prominent levels of engagement among Nike's target audience.

While traditional advertising through physical channels can reach a larger audience, Nike may

use consumer data from digital channels to provide targeted messages. By interacting with its

customers in real time through social media, Nike can increase brand loyalty and increase sales.

Overall, Nike's capacity to attract and retain consumers will be bolstered by the implementation

of the integrated multimedia approach since it will allow the corporation to provide a consistent

and engaging brand message across many channels (Chernev, 2020).


In conclusion, creating a media plan for Nike Inc. involves careful audience analysis,

media mix selection, campaign objective alignment, media buying and tracking and optimisation.

The media plan should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the target audience and the

campaign's objectives. Nike Inc. was an extraordinarily successful and profitable company in the

athletic and leisurewear industry.


There are some general media plan recommendations for Nike Inc. it is important to note

that a media plan should be customised to the company’s goals, budget, and target audience. A

comprehensive media plan can help Nike Inc. increase brand awareness, engage customers, and
Report 28

drive sales. Sell an Identity, not a Product, Make Yourself Relatable and Establish Strong Core

Report 29


Bouredji, K., Gupta, R. and Jester, G., 2020. EveryWear Marketing Plan.

Cengage Learning. Chaffey, D. and Smith, P.R., 2022. Digital marketing excellence: planning,

optimising, and integrating online marketing.

Cengage Learning. Chernev, A., 2020. The marketing plan handbook. Cerebellum Press.

Fahy, J. and Jobber, D., 2019. EBOOK: Foundations of Marketing, 6e. McGraw Hill.

Ferrell, O.C., Hartline, M., and Hochstein, B.W., 2021. Marketing strategy.

Fontaine, S.P., 2020. Analyzing the Social Media Presence of Nike, Adidas, and New Balance

Using Social Listening.

Gurumoorthy, T.R. and Santhiya, M., 2019. MARKETING MIX IN THE GLOBAL MARKET.

Advance and Innovative Research, 6(2), p.15.

Merikanto, S., 2019. Controversial Marketing-A successful strategy to grow a brand or risky

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Nguyen, Q., 2023. Research on controversial marketing of Nike.

Nooh, M.N., 2022. Designing A Sportswear Strategic Marketing Plan: A Data Analytics

Approach. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal (AEJ).


Taylor & Francis. Ferrell, O.C., Hartline, M., and Hochstein, B.W., 2021. Marketing strategy.

Teng, J., 2020, December. Analysis of Female Marketing—Taking Nike as an Example. In 2020

3rd International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICHESS

2020) (pp. 286-291). Atlantis Press.

Report 30

Zintsova, M.V., Vovk, D.I. and Guriev, S.A., 2020. MARKETING THE PREMIER LEAGUE


управления внешнеэкономической деятельностью (pp. 395-403).

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