The Former Hero Wants To Lead An Ordinary Life

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A Hero in the Life

I was a Hero in the previous life.

…If I declare such thing with a serious look, I would swiftly be slapped with the label
“chuunibyou¹” by the current society in the world I reincarnated into.

As a matter of course, I never revealed it to anyone until now because I’d like to be unassociated
with such label.

I learned in my previous life.

That as a human, being mediocre is the best.

I do not need things like unique abilities.

Even if you have such power, it doesn’t mean you will attain happiness— rather, it’s nothing but

…No, I seriously think it was a worthless life.

Fortunately, the current me is neither good nor bad—– a true-to-life ordinary kid.

The environment that surrounded me was also peaceful.

——–That’s right, until he transferred to our school.

“I was a Demon King in the previous life. Sooner or later, this world will be placed under my
rule. Submit to me as I have instructed you, lowlifes. I will not take your lives for the mere
connection we have of being classmates.”

Towards the transfer student who arrogantly proclaimed that in front of the blackboard, all of my
classmates except me drew away in distaste.

In a certain sense, the transfer student who uttered a chuunibyou speech in the first day of
entering his new school, is a brave man(hero)². Not a Demon King.

He surveyed the classroom majestically without being discouraged by the class’s gazes
expressing “What the heck is this guy saying?” And it was a work of fate that our eyes met.

…Right, I was the only one looking at him with a different gaze.

I did not pull back in disgust.

That is because———— he is a genuine 「Demon King」.

(Are you kidding me…?)

From the top of the platform, he grinned at my aghast self.

I instinctively sensed an impending crisis and averted my gaze and turned away.

…But it seems to be completely useless.

The awfully stupid petapeta~ sounds of slippers³ approached, my hair was pulled violently and I
was forced to look up.

(Did he find out?)

The sound of my thumping heart echoed noisily. Why do I need to meet the Demon King even as
far as reincarnation?

I am just an ordinary kid. Something like a Demon King…what should I do?

“You! You are Alois!”

Up close, there was the much younger face of Demon King from my memories. ———— With
a joyful look on his whole face. It was such a very innocent smile that I unconsciously watched
in fascination and was stupefied.


When the Demon King suddenly embraced me, my mind became blank.

(…Or rather, who’s Alois?)

Being dumbfounded, I was hugged for a while. But I noticed we were being bathed with gazes
from the class so I strongly pushed back the body of the Demon King.

I was dragged into an unthinkable spectacle.

“I am not Alois. ”

The Demon King’s smile disappears, and bewilderment appears instead.

“What did you say?”

“Like I said, I am not Alois and I don’t know someone like that.”

“…I see, your memories have not returned. However, you can be relieved. I will not forsake
you. I was able to meet a fellow comrade at last, I will allow you to serve me even without your

“No, no, wait a moment.”

Don’t include me in your subordinates without permission.

I don’t have the intention to serve you.

To begin with, I am not your vassal, I am the Hero. You can’t draw the Hero into your faction,
you know?
“You will be my First Retainer from today on. Endeavor yourself.”

————- Like I said, I am the Hero.

“Demo³… Suzuki Teru-kun, since you’re done introducing yourself, how about you sit down

The homeroom teacher showed a cramp smile and finally started to control the situation.

…But I think no one missed that he almost carelessly said “Demon King”.

The real name of the Demon King seems to be Suzuki Teru.

The teacher wrote it on the blackboard before the chuunibyou self-introduction.

The surname of the Demon King is the quite common “Suzuki” (I’m sorry to all the Suzuki in
the country) but furthermore, for his name to be Teru (to shine), I cannot help saying it’s ironic.
A Demon King which sparkles…Is it indeed rude if I laugh?

By the way, my family name is Satou.

Right. It is the Satou which dominates the first place in The Most Common Surname ranking in

My name is Kakeru.

Satou Kakeru.

It was a common name and there were probably lots of people with exactly the same name in the
whole country. I like having this ordinary name very much. Ordinariness is very great. Ordinary,

However, to me who loved such normalcy above all, the existence of the Demon King created
large waves.

1. Chuunibyou. A Japanese slang term which roughly translates to “Middle School 2nd Year
Syndrome”. People with chuunibyou either act like a know-it-all adult and look down on real
ones, or believe they have special powers unlike others. More here.

2. Yuusha (勇者) means Hero; brave man; man of valor. The folklore of the Hero vs Demon
King is a common story about the Hero going on a journey in order to defeat the Demon King.
The children’s version of this is Momotarou.

3. Students in Japan use slippers(uwabaki) inside the school building. The color usually indicates
what year they are.

4. Maou (魔王); lit. Demon King. From now on, most of the characters will address Teru as
Maou but with different honorifics, like Maou-kun, Maou-sama. Since writing is as Demon
King-kun or Demon King-sama is weird, I’m going to change between using Maou or Demon
King depending on the situation.

2. A Demon King in the Life (1)

I was a Demon King in the previous life.

…The “self-declared Demon King” (nickname) transfer student who declared such thing with a
serious look, was swiftly slapped with the label of “chuunibyou” by the current society.

Look, I told you so.

Haven’t you learned the art of living in the modern society until now? I looked at my classmates,
who already held him at a distance, further back away from him.

If you don’t want the “weirdo” or “chuunibyou” label attached to you, you should match your
pace according to the people surrounding you, not stand out, not kick up a fuss and live while
adapting to the society. Of course, I want to keep away from pointless trouble and dispute so I
never said “I was a Hero in my previous life~” even as a joke.

But then again, no one will believe me even if I said that.

—————That guy’s statement must be completely unbelievable to the surrounding people.

Sure enough, Demon King Suzuki became an existence that was perfectly left out in the class.

In the first place, we are still grade school students. Moreover, in the lower grades. We are third
grade elementary school students. In other words, brats.

For us who were adults in our previous lives (no, I don’t actually know the age of the Demon
King) to be mixed in with such brats, a lot of things are severe. Are you making the Hero, who
once wielded a large sword, play dodge ball? Hahaha, you’re making me laugh.

By the way, there is no study cheat. I memorized the multiplication table from scratch. There
was no multiplication table in the previous world. I am weak at kanji (Chinese characters).

Because I remembered the language in my previous life, I had a hard time getting used to its
difference in syntax and vocabulary with Japanese. I talked using the previous language when I
was young, but it worried my parents so I stopped it. It took time for me to consent in my heart
that everything was in the past, but I was able to get over it because fortunately, I was blessed
with parents unlike in the previous life.

I reincarnated. The previous life… I will forget it. That is fine.

…And yet, just when I finally consented, why did the “Demon King” appeared before me?

He is the Demon King. His age, face and even the hair color are different from the previous life.
The previous him had bluish purple hair. The current him had black hair. However, there is also
a common part.

…The part where despite having a villain’s face, he had well-ordered features that you could say
he’s handsome, was totally the same.

For him to have a different appearance, but still have that only common part…

Even though he’s beautiful, you can’t hold feelings of affection at all from that face which seems
to be plotting something evil.
No, that appearance is probably appropriate for him in a certain sense since he’s scheming for
world domination.

At the very least, it was not a look that wanted to make friends.

But I have a glimpse that he will mature into an outrageous lady-killer after several years pass.

Actually, the Demon King of the previous life was like that.

To say nothing of the demon race, even human women willingly wish to throw themselves at
him—– his reputation was well-known and there wasn’t a lack of rumors about his love affairs.

I was also popular because I was the Hero, but I think I completely lost in that area.

…I-it’s not like I’m annoyed or anything, said the tsundere¹.

After the Demon King transferred, I avoided him so as not to get involved with him as much as

When I hurriedly pretended not to know and escaped every time he tried to talk to me, such thing
eventually stopped. I think he gave up quickly because he’s obviously a person with high pride.

It would be the best if we become estranged as just mere classmates.

…Although I thought so, one day, I discovered it.

His indoor shoes were thrown away in the trash box.

It was inevitable. That day, I was on garbage duty. Finding something strange was an

Why were the shoes thrown away? I was the one who picked them up obediently but when I saw
the name of the owner, I frowned.

Suzuki. It was the Demon King’s indoor shoes.

…… That reminds me, the Demon King often wears slippers for the visitors recently.

There’s no way he would throw it away by himself or something. No matter how much of a
Demon King he is.

It stinks of trouble.

The Demon King doesn’t break his haughty attitude in the classroom.

It’s probably only me who can allow that “because he’s a Demon King”.

Anyway, he doesn’t follow the rule of the class. He doesn’t sweep, he doesn’t erase the writings
on the blackboard, he doesn’t carry notebooks and he doesn’t throw the garbage either. He has
no spirit of cooperation at all.

It’s impossible to get along because of this.

In the eyes of the Demon King, he probably can’t understand why he must do something so
petty. However, as for everyone in the class, they can’t understand why is it only the Demon
King who doesn’t do what everyone does.

It was reasonable consequence that a friction will be born there.

(It because of that, huh…he’s a Demon King after all.)

If I were to say, the fact that the Demon King is properly going to school is a miracle in itself.

Because the guy who intensely murdered humans in the previous life is sitting side by side in
desks and is studying with humans, such a surreal scene is impossible.

In the beginning, I was considerably cautious. If the Demon King rampaged around, what would
I do? However, he did not harm the people around even if I was cautious for a while.

Therefore, I felt slightly relieved but…

For the time being, I neatly removed the dust of the shoes I found and secretly returned it to his
shoe rack. Returning it face-to-face is troublesome. If it has nothing to do with me, I do not want
to get involved as much as possible.

Although I was thinking that, these acts that seemed to be bullying escalated everyday.

———-Unexpectedly, the Demon King is weak.

Even if he was a Demon King who took pride in being the strongest in the previous life, right
now he is no more than a small kid who cannot use magic. When I see the appearance of him
being pushed by our classmates, I harbored slightly complex feelings.

Actually, this can also be applied to me, but the Demon King is placed in an overwhelming
disadvantage when he’s approached by several people. He can’t use his hands and feet, and he
also refused to do so.

The people who bully the Demon King were not only our classmates, the upperclassmen
gradually joined before anyone noticed.

I saw the Demon King surrounded by upperclassmen in the corner of the schoolyard and
hallways, but I turned a blind eye to it and did not do anything.

Our eyes met only once but…he did not ask for help.

He did not go to other humans to for protection either.

The Demon King, who killed humans in reckless abandon as if they were worms in the previous
life, putting up a tough exterior for human brats was pitiful.

The Demon King’s height is also short, even his body is slender and his face looked like a
villain’s but he has a small build similar to that of a delicate girl—– at any rate, he was frail.

That frail body was blown off before my eyes during our physical education class.
Today’s class was dodge ball.

Hase, who had the best physique in the class and moreover nicknamed heaven-sent child of
dodging, hit the ball against somewhere near the Demon King’s head.

The Demon King who received the hit was blown off sideways and was flung against the

I heard a terrible sound and his bare kneecap scraped against the ground, the skin was peeled off
and blood oozed out at once. The Demon King’s blood was red.

…At this late hour, I received an impact at something like that.

“Suzuki! Are you alright!?”

The teacher who was acting as the referee ran up to the Demon King in a hurry.

However, the Demon King stood up by himself although he was bleeding and asserted, “I’m
alright,” in his usual proud tone.

“Don’t mind me and continue the game.”

Even if the ball hits, it’s invalid in the rules of dodge ball if it was against the head.

In other words, he won’t be eliminated and will remain in the court to continue the game.
However, it’s impossible to continue playing the game just like that with the Demon King’s

Hase looks somewhat pale, too.

(He totally aimed for that.)

Hase is one of the guys who regularly harrased the Demon King.

To the extent that it would not be strange if he could do that without batting an eye.

“No, you have to go to the infirmary and treat it right now…”

“I am a Demon King so such injury is nothing.”

He’s a Demon King who won’t listen to other’s suggestion. The teacher had a troubled look
saying, “how should I persuade this problem child who’s claiming something

“Hurry up and resume the game.”

He also orders the teacher calmly. …His eyes were glaring straight at Hase and not the teacher as
he did that.

He’s terribly unyielding.

“If you think I will give in to a human, you’re greatly mistaken. Because you are destined to
grovel at my feet sooner or later. ”

The teacher called the Health Committee representative at last when he saw that the situation’s
getting nowhere.


…The health committee representative was me. As if.

There is a girl with the family name Satou in the class.

She is the Health Committee representative and I am the Sports Committee representative.

Nevertheless, the teacher’s gaze and even the surrounding’s gazes are fixed on me.

…By the way, the gaze of the Demon King is included in that, too.

It’s a different Satou, the atmosphere made me unable to say that. To begin with, Satou-san the
Health Committee representative should be here. Where did she disappear to?

“I will not go to the infirmary, Alois.” “Like I said, I’m not Alois…” “So your memories have
not returned yet?” “It probably won’t return for life.”

I don’t have the memories of Alois.

I gripped the arm of the Demon King and forcibly pulled him out the court.

“Hey! Let go! I would not be satisfied if I cannot take my revenge.” “You’ll just do it over.”
“What did you say…!?” “There’s no way that a thin arm like this would be able to catch his
balls. You’ll end up being blown off again.” “With your social standing, Alois, saying
whatever you want…!” “Like I said, I’m not Alois.” “Are you defying your Master?” “It’s
because you’re not my Master.”

I dragged the resisting Demon King to the infirmary.

The Demon King was so powerless that I can kill him easily right now.

…I’m amazed that he can readily declare something like conquering the world at this state. How
can you have the spirit to conquer, Demon King?

“…Suzuki, why are you so obsessed about the Demon King? No matter who you were in the
previous life, you’re already a human. Then it’s logical to live as a human.”

On the way to the infirmary, I asked about what has been on my mind for a long time. The
infirmary will be in front of us very soon. I didn’t expect an answer. I just wanted so say
something. Because it always irritated me when I see it. He clings to the past and what did it
result to? Be it the Demon King or the Hero, they’re existences that are not needed in this world
anymore. If that’s the case, can you not live freely? Shouldn’t you live freely? Not as a Demon
King or the Hero, but just an ordinary human.

“I only know how to live as a Demon King.”

I flipped my lid for some reason.

“What the heck is that!?”

When I let go of my grip on his arm and glared at him, the Demon King…stared back at me with
an expression similar to that of a lost child.

“I do not know how I should live besides that.” “…what the heck is that.”

I lost my temper at once.

“How is it to live as a human? I…cannot think myself as a human.” “…….”

I myself also have a memory of that feeling.

Although I was a human in the previous life…I remember the sensation of killing monsters,
people of the demon race and the Demon King with these hands.

It cannot be forgotten even if you want to forget, a sensation that clings to the soul.

“Why…why do memories of previous life exist?” “Alois, did you remember?” “No. …It’s you.
Those…are memories that you’re better off forgetting.”

The Demon King suddenly laughed. It was a lovely smile you won’t expect from a Demon King.

“As I thought, you believe it.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“No one believes that I am a Demon King. Even my parents treat me as a madman. And yet,
on the first day I transferred, you were the only one who looked at me in the eyes, you did not
deny me. Therefore, I am sure you are Alois…even if you do not have your memories.”

Who the hell is Alois?

Was he a comrade who held enormous trust from the Demon King?

(But I don’t remember an aide with that name…)

I still remember the names of his famous aides. At the very least, that wasn’t a name included
among the Four Devas of the Demon King. However, he might be an influential person to be
given the position of First Retainer².

“Like I said, I am not Alois.”

How many times have we had this exchange? Mostly, the Demon King is persistent.

“My name is Satou.” “Satou, huh. It seems like a sweet name somehow.” (satou=sugar) “It’s
not a seasoning.”

…But I properly understood what you want to say. The language in the previous life had a few
homonyms. It’s a parallel world so it’s possible. During childhood, I was quite confused.
Cloud(kumo;雲) and spider(kumo;蜘蛛). Bridge(hashi;橋) and chopsticks(hashi;箸). Rain(ame;
雨) and candy(ame;飴).

Japanese has too many homonyms. I found it difficult to understand why the “ame” which is
eaten for snack is the same as the “ame” that falls from the sky. Japanese is complicated. The
young me happily thought, “candy falls from the sky~!” …Pffft, it’s a cute memory.

Well, there’s also a difference in culture so there were various hardships, but I’m still glad I was
born in this world.

I have parents, I also have a house and I’m not troubled with finding a living, I can even go to

There was a place where I am taught what I don’t understand. I know that I’m very blessed.

…Perhaps, it was also the reason why the Demon King doesn’t stop coming to school even if he
was bullied, I incidentally had that sort of thought.

I handed over the Demon King to the nurse and quickly returned to the classroom.

1. Tsundere. Someone who acts/says things opposite their real feelings.

2. First Retainer. I’m not sure if this position exist. It just means “number 1 close-aide”. I guess
if you’re a Demon King with a lot of subordinates, you’ll want to rank them by strength. This
position is more like a right-hand man, or like a vice president if you will.

The Former Hero Wants To Lead An

Ordinary Life – 3
The Demon King is the Weakest

Several days after the dodgeball incident, the demon king went missing.

A short time after returning home, I got a phone call from school.

(The demon king has gone missing…)

Those words were laughable, but the situation wasn’t. Even though he was the demon king on
the inside, on the outside he was still a third year elementary school student. This world too, well
in its own way, also has dangerous events. Of course it was still better than the other side where
a moment of carelessness could end up with being sold to a slave trader. By the way, I was one
of those sold by my parents. Because I was an outspoken brat, I was the unwanted child sold in
order to reduce the number of mouths. It was a common pattern in rural areas.

After returning from the meeting, that guy didn’t go home and seemed to simply disappear. I was
asked if I had any idea of his whereabouts, but of course I didn’t know. Somehow, the poor
relationship between myself and that guy was misunderstood by the teacher in charge as being
close friends.

Those were annoying words.

There was an uproar in the school as to whether the kidnapping was for money or possibly some
degenerate had zeroed in on his appearance.

…. this line is what my mother said who had exchanged information with the neighborhood
housewife network.

What an amazing mom-net. (1)

This information. I had no choice. With a heavy heart I got up.

“I’m going out for a bit.”

“Eh, why? Mom’s going to go to work soon” (2)

“It’s fine if you go.”

“No way. It’s no good if you go out. Maybe you’ll get attacked by a pervert.”

“….I get it, I get it, I’ll be good. Why don’t you go?”


To my mother who seemed suspicious, I wore the face of a well behaved child and nodded.

“Really, really”.

My mother was a nurse and today she worked the night shift. I saw her off as she left with
painful reluctance, then I immediately took action.

“Sorry Mom.”

Wearing a black hoodie, I silently apologized as I left the house. Attempting as much as possible
to avoid being noticed, I walked through the neighborhood. It was a skill from my former life…
however I’m pretty good at erasing my presence. Stealthily approaching a demon from behind. I
acquired this skill for the sake of being able to attack from the rear. It wasn’t cowardice. A
hero’s strength isn’t infinite. For the purpose of retaining physical strength, stealth and
misdirection abilities were used. I glanced at a group of gossiping older women and concentrated
my awareness.

“… hasn’t returned…”
“Police… teachers too…”
“… worried…, after all…”

I collected crumbs of information as I passed by. It seems the demon king hadn’t been found
yet. Police, teachers, and parents were all cooperating in a simultaneous search. According to the
words of these older women, they were also patrolling the neighborhood. Having a keen feeling
about a certain direction, I began to run. I was aiming for the school. I don’t know if it’s a special
ability or not, but when I concentrate I can tell the location of the demon king.

–The moment I saw him, I knew clearly that the transfer student was the demon king.
Even without thinking about it, his awareness was pulled over there. Truly, that guy’s existence
was a bother.

(…I wonder if this is a remnant of the time I was a hero)

I don’t need such a limited special ability, … however right now it was coming in handy. When I
arrived at school there weren’t any signs of people. They were probably searching within the
school. However, there was the shadow of a person in the staff room and a police car and police
officer can be seen parked in the parking lot.

(It’s a major incident, isn’t it)

I confirmed this from a distance, then feigning casualness, I slipped through the school
gate. However, I was stopped by a male teacher standing near the gate.

“What’s wrong? You should have been told not to go out today.”

“I’m sorry! I forgot something…”

The teacher smiled bitterly as I exaggeratedly dropped my shoulders.

“It can’t be helped. Hurry up and get it.”

“Thank you!”

I answered like an energetic elementary school student and accepting his direction, hurried
towards the school building. I felt the teacher’s gaze on my back. Once I entered the school
building, I removed my shoes and with bare feet I ran down the corridor and then put them back
on and went back outside. Fortunately, I didn’t run into any other teachers in the corridor so I
didn’t have to give a poor excuse as to what I was doing there. I stood in front of a hut in the
corner of the school meant for the purpose of raising animals. There were several rabbits
comfortably lying down on the other side of the fine wire mesh.

It was a peaceful scene.

Although they were being raised, they weren’t kept for the purpose of being eaten. It was for the
purpose of emotional education. As far as I was concerned, emotional education was a
mystery. … when I was in the first grade of elementary school I didn’t understand what it meant
to raise a rabbit but not eat it.

Yeah, how nostalgic. My mother was astonished to hear me ask when we would eat the
rabbit… The common sense of this world is absurd. Rabbits were not raised for food, but for
affection. This is what I learned. In my previous life, dogs and cats were kept as pets, but not
rabbits. Rabbits were food. Rabbits are roasted or stewed and are delicious when cooked. In fact,
in my previous life it was my favorite dish. Slurping back the drool, it was unbearable.

Emotional education, emotional education.

Rabbits are not for eating.

Silently praying, I headed over to the door on the side of the animal hut. The hut was divided
into two areas. On the other side was a doorway. The room on this side held cleaning implements
and various things necessary for the care of the rabbits. The door on the other side led to the area
where the rabbits were kept. The door of the rabbit hut was designed so that it can be locked
from the inside or the outside.

I took a deep breath and with a ‘clink’ used the key to unlock and open the old door. Light
streamed into the dark room. My first impression was of a pungent animal smell and damp
air. After smell came sight. A narrow space holding miscellaneous items. A rusted metal
shelf. ….and, a small bundle crouched on the ground. My face turned grim the moment I noticed

–A naked demon king was lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back. Only
wearing underwear and socks but nothing else. Although we had been enemies in my previous
life, I didn’t feel like laughing at the current unsightly appearance of the demon king within that
child’s body. I noticed his bare thin shoulders were trembling and so I immediately rushed over
to untie the cloth binding his arms. He had been tied with his own pants.

“Are you alright?”

However, although I called out to him with concern, that guy immediately pushed me away once
he’d been freed.


“I’m gonna leak!” (3)

He shouted and in his naked condition he jumped up and ran out. Just like a bullet. I was
dumbfounded. Left behind in the hut with one hand holding that guy’s pants, I watched his
figure recede into the distance.

“…gonna leak?”

I come back to my senses at hearing my own words and left the hut after gathering up that guy’s
scattered clothes. I concentrated on his presence and headed out in his
direction. ….unexpectedly, he was in the nearest restroom in the school building. Before I
arrived, I put on a pleasant expression. It seemed he had been at wits end.

“Haa, in the nick of time. I thought I’d leak.”

“…I’m glad I made it in time.”

I handed over his clothes and noncommittally responded while I waited for the demon king to
finish dressing.

“The human body is very inconvenient. If you don’t eat, you can’t move. If you lack sleep you
become unsteady. If you don’t excrete your belly will explode.”

Huh? Wait a minute. Just now you said something I can’t overlook.

“…hold on, I’m not asking about yourself, but the demon king didn’t eat, sleep, or excrete?”

“You didn’t…!”

Only after reincarnating did I become aware of the demon king’s shocking way of life. I was
truly astonished. The demon king didn’t need to go to the restroom. The Showa era idol is also
surprised. (4) This was the genuine article. No, he was the demon king. In his previous life he
was an enigmatic existence wrapped in a variety of veils. Demons and monsters are different
things. They more or less eat, sleep, excrete, and do other such things. A source of nourishment
is essential for any living thing.

“…how you lived is a mystery.”

“Well, I don’t know either.”

Even though the demon king himself wasn’t interested in explaining, he was still the demon
king. I too already was thinking ‘It can’t be helped, because he’s the demon king’ and somehow
or another I thought it was just another curiosity.

(I was able to defeat such a strange existence)

My previous existence was amazing. I silently praised myself and then noticed that the demon
king had finished changing his clothes so I spoke up.

“Nevertheless, if you were about to have an accident, you should have raised your voice and
called for help.”

Even though it was the corner of the school, one of those searching for the demon king would
have noticed his call for help. However, he nonchalantly refuted my point.

“Why should I ask humans for help”

“…is that so. What a splendid attitude.”


The demon king was oblivious to my sarcasm. It would have been good if you’d wet yourself, I
muttered. What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up…. It was exasperating. Probably
bladder inflammation. It’s pretty painful. My mother the nurse has said this in the past.

“If you say that, before long you’ll get sick and then die”

Because you’re human now. Be more self-aware. I try to offer some advice in my own way. I’m
a good guy. As to be expected of a former hero.

“Don’t worry. The demon king won’t die. I’ve revived many times.”

No, well you could say that situation may be the case.Because we’ve both reincarnated.

–Saying things like that will cause you hardship. I quickly abandoned trying to persuade the
stubborn demon king.

“…so how did you end up like that?”

“I put rabbit droppings in the shoes of those guys who were always chasing me. So they stripped
me and locked me up in the hut.”

The method of retaliation was demon king like without a shred of mercy.

“The commotion those guys made when they noticed the droppings in their shoes was
amusing. Stupid humans.”

Rabbit droppings are fairly pungent. It seems they also screamed. However, the demon king only
sneered with a smile on his face.

“Who do they think they are, meddling with me they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.”

…I don’t ask what he intended to do. Because it’s clear when you see the sadness and gloom in
his eyes. Just like a demon king, his way of thinking leaned towards violence. To begin with how
was this normal for an elementary school student? This is peaceful Japan. It is not the world
where demons can play with humans or assault men and women.

“I’ll be satisfied if I can go out and strip those guys naked. Those cowards won’t have the
courage to fight back.”

For a demon king who nearly wet his underpants, his threat didn’t carry much force.

“…and yet you end up beaten black and blue every time.”

“Did you say something?”

“No, nothing.”

The demon king and I parted ways and separately headed home. At the school gate, “Take care
and return home soon!” said the teacher. “Ye-s!” I waved my hand and innocently replied with a
smile on my face. Perhaps I should become an actor.

The next day, the classroom was noisy due to the affair of the missing demon king. The person at
the heart of the matter had a face like it was someone else’s problem. Unexpectedly, that guy
might also be an actor.

Translator’s note:

(1) Mother internet

(2) She’s speaking in the third person.
(3) Not sure if that’s the normal way of saying you need to visit the toilet, but that’s what it says.
(4) I have no idea, google doesn’t offer any clarifications either.

Labor day present! I’m not picking this up… I just got a little worked up when I saw the pictures
posted on the spoiler page and so I ran off and translated the next chapter. The spacing is bizarre
and I don’t think I broke it up very well. However, I’m much more familiar with Japanese, so it’s
a lot easier for me to get through. Still mostly mtl though. Maybe someone will see it and pick it
up for real. If not, then I guess I can maybe release something every few months… maybe.

p.s. There’s also a prologue, but it’s just the battle where the demon king died and I couldn’t get
up the interest to translate it. There’s a line in the middle about a wish that seems to be
foreshadowing something I think…

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