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Chapter 1 – Takamura Mahiro Becomes Male (1)

It was during the birthday when I turned 17.

Even though I say ‘birthday’, it’s still a weekday so I had to attend school. At 6.30am, I rubbed
my sleepy eyes and got up. Absentmindedly hitting the head of the alarm clock, I cracked my
neck. I slowly rose from the futon and just as I sat on the bedding, I finally became distinctly
aware that something is out of place. I realised something is strange.

To begin with, regarding my body, it’s different from usual. The joints of my fingers are higher
and blood vessels could be seen protruding from the back of my hand. My feet are also too large,
and the usual thighs were nowhere to be seen. Touching my head, the medium-length hair I had,
had turned very short. When I tried feeling my chest, it was completely flat all over. Coming to
this point, I finally understood that I had transformed, as I looked at the lower half of my body in

When I ran to the full-length mirror, an unfamiliar figure of a boy was reflected. It was a boy
wearing pink pajamas. Visually, he appeared quite creepy.

“Ack ー!”

Unable to accept my present condition, I panicked and screamed in a voice that sounded like a
frog being killed. Soon, I heard approaching footsteps from the corridor. It’s definitely the sound
of my parents running to my room.

“Mahiro! What happe――…… Ah, so that’s it~”

“Gosh, geez Mahiro, you scared us. Letting out such a loud voice.”

Even though I became male, my parents only laughed “ufufu”. They didn’t appear even an iota
surprised, and were going “kyahkyah ufufu”, being all lovey-dovey in front of my room door.

“What do you mean ‘so that’s it~’! My body is, strange. For some reason I became like this
when I woke up this morning…… I can’t believe it.”

“No worries, it’s normal. It’s the curse that women of the Takamura family have.”

“Curse? What are you talking about?”

Smilingly, mum stroked my head.

“A curse was cast onto the Takamura family. Although I don’t know the reason, since some
hundred years ago, daughters of the Takamura family turn male on their 17th birthdays.”

Deep creases emerged between my brows from the outrageous explanation.

“What, is that……”

“If you still haven’t kissed the ouji-sama by the time you turn 20, you’ll remain male for the rest
of your life but, well, there shouldn’t be any abnormality in your body. I also became a guy when
I was 17 years old but I turned back into a girl when I kissed Yuu-kun at 18. Right, Yuu-kun?”
“Ah. I was shocked to hear that Riko was a girl but whether she’s a boy or a girl, I love Riko all
the same. Mahiro has to find your ouji-sama and return to being female too.”

I think I’m quite pitiful for having such carefree parents.

Didn’t everything go wrong the moment I, a girl, transformed into the figure of a boy?

That my carefree parents anticipated that I would turn into a man at 17 years old, completed the
procedures for my transfer to Hitotose High School, which was out of the prefecture and on top
of that even prepared my school uniform. To allow me to live alone, they rented a nearby
apartment and told the neighbours and people from my previous school that I went to study
aboard. Their preparations were so meticulous that it’s admirable. But at the same time, rather
than that, I wanted them to tell me about the curse earlier.

“No…… what ouji……”

It’s not like the inside of my head is like a Märchen dreamy girl’s, and something like kissing a
ouji-sama in this era is just somewhat outlandish. My mother, the epitome of dreamy females, hit
my shoulder as my mind drifted off.

“It’ll be OK ー! Mahiro is cute so it’ll be OK!”

That’s not the problem, but I know it’s no use even if I say anymore. I know how unreasonable
my parents can get, so I’ll just obediently transfer to Hitotose High School.

That I relatively readily accepted such a huge development of becoming a guy after waking up in
the morning was because a sense of reality hasn’t sunk in. If it was something like my parents
divorcing, or that someone died, perhaps there will be a greater sense of reality.

If regardless of anything, no matter what, this is a curse of the Takamura family, I don’t have a
choice but to accept it.

From now on I’ll be a guy, and my life as a guy will begin. And that first step will be my 17th

I’ve to accept that to return to being female, I’ve to kiss a ouji-sama (lol). And if I can’t do that,
I’ll have to live as a male for the rest of my life, …… it seems.

“Mother will cooperate with you so, work hard okay!”

And thus, the moment when I became male on my 17th birthday, thanks to the meticulous
preparations my parents made, there wasn’t anything troubling at all except for the
transformation into a guy. I wonder if they understood how ironic this was.

While wearing a black gakuran[1] the me who turned male will, as you know, transfer into
Hitohose High School. For someone who became a 2nd-year in Hitohose High School in an odd
timing like May, you can say that my life these few weeks went pretty well.

Regarding my body’s outer appearance, many of the people around me whom I know were
bewildered, but it wasn’t so troubling once I got used to it. That’s why I started to have the easy-
going notion that I might as well remain a male for the rest of my life, but the thing called ‘life’
doesn’t always go the way you want it to.
This begun on the last day of June.

“Takamura ー, on the way back, can we drop by Tsutaya[2]ー?”

Black hair with glasses, this boy with picturesque mediocrity was Kousaka Arata. He sits in the
seat beside me and is currently my closest friend.

“Sure, but what are you going there for?”

“Somehow ー, I suddenly felt like watching the live DVD of Bakumatsu Shishi Girls ー. Which
faction are you in, Takamura? As expected, for me it’s probably Katsura Koharu.”

Bakumatsu Shishi Girls, an idol group, is the latest fad. It’s a 5-person group consisting of the
orthodox faction’s Sakamoto Ryou, the loli Katsura Koharu, the tomboy Takasugi Sakura, the
onee-san Yoshida Shouko and the tsundere Hijikata Chitose. Their singing is not quite there, but
the showiness of their clothes and dance direction allowed them to boast of an explosive
popularity among high school boys.

“Kousaka, huh. You’ve quite the loli preferences. It’s probably Sakamoto Ryou for me, since
she’s the center[3]. I also think she’s cute.”

“Don’t be fooled by the media. It’s a mistake to think she’s cute just because she’s the center.”

Kousaka started explaining exactly how cute Katsura Koharu was.

Half-listening to his words as I put the textbooks away into my bag, the silhouette of a girl with
short build reflected in the corner of my vision.

She was a bishoujo with pink-coloured medium length hair. While thinking if I know this
bishoujo, she fidgeted as she gave a bashful smile.

“Takamura-kun! About the work for the library committee……”

“……. I’m a library committee member?”

“So you really forgot. We were told to organise the library after school today, right?”

Now that she brought it up, I think something like that was mentioned during the morning

“I see, sorry. Umm……”

“It’s Sena. Sena Tsugumi.”

I’ve heard the name ‘Sena Tsugumi’ several times after coming here.

Apparently she’s the cutest girl in the school. Pink medium length hair tinged with brown, large
eyes of the same colour, straight nose bridge and soft voice, fine neck, delicate body
accompanied by long, well-proportioned limbs. All of which were well-balanced, she’s so cute
that no one will be able to direct hostility at her.
An impartial cheerful personality and tender atmosphere. There’s a bit of natural airheadedness
but it seems she’s popular among the female students and, of course, the male students. Just
looking at her, you know that she has many friends.

It’s only been a few weeks since that upheaval so I didn’t hold much of an interest, but indeed
she’s cute and seems like a good girl.

“Then, Sena-san, please take care of me.”

“Un, please take care of me. Takamura-kun. And Kousaka-kun, I’ll borrow Takamura-kun for a
bit, okay. I’m sorry.”

Certainly, her face as she smiled sweetly was fairly cute. Kousaka beside me who heard her
words turned bright red as he nodded again and again.

“Kousaka, it’s okay if you return first.”

“No, I’ll wait! I’ll wait!”

Usually at such times he’ll return first, but with Sena here he acts like this. Somehow I feel like
sending him flying but I’m not against him waiting for me so I’ll let it go.

“Erm, then…… let’s go to the library?”

She bashfully grasped her skirt, and I watched her tilt her head as her cheeks become dyed. I
wonder if my life would be in an ‘easy mode’ if I was a girl as cute and cunning as her.

The term tests are close by so there’s a fair number of students studying in the library. It’s about
time for me to start too, but I don’t like studying.

“Then, I’ll handle this side, so can I leave that side to you, Takamura-kun?”


‘Organising the library’ simply referred to placing the returned books back into their original
positions. We’ll finish in a jiffy if it’s just that. I want to hurry up and end such a chore and
return home.

“Takumura-kun, have you gotten used to school?”

“Well, relatively. Ah, Sena-san, can you reach that? I’ll put it back.”

“Unn, I’m fine. I’m used to this!”

Sena became desperate, trying to replace the book on the top shelf of the bookcase.

Although Sena’s using a stepladder, the upper shelf was too high for her who’s around 150. The
feeling isn’t very strong but I couldn’t bear to look as Sena perilously stood tiptoed on the

Watching her fearfully, as expected, she swayed and lost her balance.
I caught her just right before she hit the floor, and gently lowered her from the stepladder.

“See, I told you so. It’s faster for me to handle the upper section, there’s no need for Sena-san to
overdo it.”

“Ah, …… thank you, Takamura-kun…..”

Sena’s cheeks became slightly dyed and she averted her gaze.

Even looking at her closely, Sena is cute. Fair-complexioned, large eyes and lips that were
somewhat light pink. This would be dangerous if I’m a guy, huh. I’ll fall in love with you, just

“Let’s quickly finish this and leave. Besides, it’s not safe to stay too late. Your fans will
probably get mad if something happens.”

“Wa, I totally don’t have things like fans. Instead, Takamura-kun is much more cool and seem
like you’ve lots of fans. Everyone’s talking about it. That ‘Takamura-kun is super cool’.”

I gave a wry smile to Sena who spoke frantically while going “awawa”.

Even though it’s just flattery, it’ll be a lie to say I’m not happy. Turning into a guy and being
called ‘cool’ by such a cute girl, is something that will never happen in normal circumstances.
Feeling like I’ve profited somehow, a smile unconsciously surfaced.

“Thank you. It’s okay even if you don’t speak so desperately, though.”

“Da……. un, sorry…….”

“Then let’s quickly finish up. Sena-san please do the bottom, I’ll do the top.”

The work was completed about 30 minutes later.

This incident didn’t inconvenience me at all. Rather, I can consider myself lucky to be able to
hold the waist of a cute girl.

However, a hellish event was lying in wait after this.

[1] Gakuran: A type of school uniform guys wear

[2] Tsutaya: Bookstore in Japan.
[3] Center: A prominent position in the group.
[4] SHR: Short Homeroom (period)

Chapter 2 – Takamura Mahiro Becomes Male (2)

With that incident in the library as the impetus, Sena and I have come to chat a lot. She’s just
like my first impression of her, a cute girl who’s kind and bright without prejudice.

Love did not sprout and I don’t think of indecent things since I’m a girl at heart, but it triggers
suspicion in the people around us who sees me as a guy.

Hence the sight of Sena and I who suddenly got along well became somewhat of a rumour.

“Hey, Takamura, honestly, are you dating Sena-san?”

“We’re not dating. I don’t look at Sena-san that way.”

“But, Sena-san is cute~”

Sena is indeed very cute. She may be cute but I’m a girl, and must obtain the ouji-sama’s kiss
(lol). It might be possible to turn back into a girl from Sena’s kiss, but I’m not into
homosexuality, and I think the chances of Sena liking my female self is low.

“She is cute.”

“Ah ー, Takamura is an ikemen after all. You can choose whoever you want, huh ー.”

“I’m not really ikemen.”

As someone who doesn’t like to stand out or be lauded, these few days were first-rate

Even today I was called out by members of the Sena Tsugumi Fanclub. There weren’t any
lynching, but I was persistently asked things like whether I’m going out with Sena or whether I
like her.

“Takamura-kun, that is, can I have some of your time?”

Just as I was thinking of her, Sena came.

Sena’s cheeks are dyed pink and she was fidgeting restlessly. Her lowered long eyelashes cast
shadows on her white skin. There’s a sly contrast between her sailor uniform and high socks.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“You know ー, I made some sweets in home econ. If you’re fine with it, I’d like Takamura-kun
and the rest to eat them.”

“Ah… thank you.”

Naturally I’m very happy to receive the cutely-wrapped cookies, but at the same time I feel it’s

Not much time had passed since the SHL before school release ended. The classroom itself still
has quite a number of people, and in particular the male students are staring at us. These cookies
will probably stoke the flames. This time I really might get punched or kicked.
However, receiving good will from someone is definitely not a bother, rather it’s a joyous

Just as I thought it’s been put to an end, as Kousaka looked over like he’s earnestly envious, I
read the atmosphere and opened the wrapping. Picking one of the cookies from within, I threw it
into my mouth.

“It’s delicious. So Sena-san’s also good at cooking.”

“Thank goodness….. my heart was pounding like crazy.”

Perhaps she’s relieved, Sena smiled like a flower in full bloom.

Although I’ve completely no idea what drove her to show me good will, it’s really a thankful
thing to receive it from such a cute girl. But receiving good will from the school’s idol while
stared at by so many people, I’ve nothing but worry for my school life after this.

“What are you eating ー?”

The one who suddenly appeared behind Sena was Sunohara Chiharu.

Glaring like a child, large light brown eyes, straight nose bridge and light lips. His dark brown
hair seems soft. Even though he’s slender, he properly has muscles, and his tight waist might be
the result of Karate club activities.

As expected of one who’s admired by girls going “kyah kyah”, he has a very well-chiselled face.
But he leaves a peculiar impression for some reason, because the corner of his eyes isn’t

“I’m eating Sena-san’s cookie.”

Sunohara probably, likes Sena. He can’t forgive that Sena is showing me good will.

I understand his feelings, but I feel troubled too if he directs his spite at me. If you like Sena, just
hurry up and confess to her or whatever instead of being hostile to me. Despite having the outer
appearance of a manly ouji-sama, Sunohara’s unexpectedly effeminate, causing me to give him a
cold look.

Sunohara seemed to have noticed my feelings, for a moment he appeared cold, making a face
like he was forcefully trying to calm down his anger. Even then, he immediately grinned,
producing a shady-looking smile and inclining his head unnaturally.

“Good for you, huh, Takamura-chan’s so popular ー .”

“That’s not true.”

Sunohara was looking into my eyes. Thinking that our eyes won’t meet again if I avert my gaze
here, I fixedly stared back at Sunohara’s eyes. Perhaps the pigment is light, he had eyes like light
brown marbles. His eyes were glistening like the hero of a shoujo manga.
When asked what kind of person a ouji-sama is, 8 out of 10 will likely say it’s someone like
Sunohara. However, those who are on the receiving end of his hostility would quickly realise.
They’ll realise that’s an underside to his ouji-sama exterior.

“Hey, Takamura-chan, let’s talk for awhile, two of us.”

Even before I could reply, Sunohara grabbed my arm and pulled.

Kousaka and Sena quietly listened and never spoke a word till the end. As I left, Kousaka
exchanged a look with me, sending an apologetic gaze and gesture. If you feel bad, please say
something so I don’t get kidnapped by Sunohara.

With my arm still held by Sunohara, we walked through the corridor and passed the gate, I was
being abducted all the way to the rear garden.

I wonder what he’s going to do to me in the rear garden. Though I don’t want to be beatened or
kicked, being a victim to violence, the time will come if it comes. Sunohara is apparently rather
strong in the Karate Club, but even so I doubt he’ll give a serious blow.

Absentmindedly following him while thinking such things, I didn’t realise we arrived. I ended up
colliding into Sunohara’s back from the momentum of walking.

“Ah, sorry.”

“Hey, what does Takamura-chan think of Sena-san? You realised I’ve been aiming for her,

“So it’s like that. I didn’t know.”

More importantly, thinking of wanting my arms released from Sunohara’s hold, I lightly shook
them but whether he noticed or not, there’s no sign of him letting go.

“Hey, what do you think?”

“That Sunohara doesn’t harbor any suspicious feelings.”

“About Sena, you don’t like her, right?”

I replied Sunohara with a deep nod.

“Then, cooperate with me. Support my love.”

“Eh, I don’t want to, though.”

“Why ー! Since you don’t like her, cooperate with me.”

This guy, on top of being effeminate, he’s a bothersome fellow. In a normal situation, he’s the
type I’ll never want to have as a friend.

He’s the type of guy who thinks everything’s good because he has good looks. He’ll definitely
not be favoured by women if he’s ugly. I can affirm that. At the very least, I won’t fall in love
just because of outer appearances, or even want to be friends.
Sunohara strengthened his grip on my arm. He pulled me with a jerk and my feet staggered.

“Because, it’s troublesome.”

“Even if it’s troublesome, cooperate with me.”

Sunohara’s encroaching-like order irritated me.

Good face, good manners, even the way he carries himself is skilled. Laughing cutely and
speaking a little stronger, people listened to him no matter what he said, that’s likely how this
attitude came about.

Living this way, his life up until now must have been on easy mode. Even for me it definitely
wasn’t hard mode, but it can’t be helped that I feel envious.

That’s why I don’t mind if he thought that my words bore some thorns of jealousy.

“If you can’t do something about it yourself, then don’t start a relationship. It’s a bother.”

I shook my arm with all my strength, glaring.

He probably never had his request rejected before. I moved pass Sunohara who’s feeling shaken
after being cut off by me in one go, returning to the classroom.

Just as I was thinking in a corner of my mind that I might have said too much, something
charged at me from behind. I thought it was a wild boar, but it turned out to be Sunohara.
Squeeze, clinging to my abdomen, I grew discomposed from the situation that made no sense.


I called his name but there’s no reply. It’s like he’s just a corpse.

“Don’t ー wanna ー, cooperate with me ー! Takamura-chan!”

“Hah? No way. Didn’t I say it’s a bother?”

“For consultations! It’s okay if you help me with just consultations!”

I tried to move but he held on so firmly he didn’t even budge.

He likely has no intention of letting go unless I give him a positive reply. I gave a very deep

“I understand. I understand so can you let me go? It’s just for consultations, okay. I definitely
won’t accompany you to your date or other troublesome things like that, got it?”

“Un! Thank you, Hii-chan.”


I looked at Sunohara with an eye that says, “who’s that?”

“Mahiro so Hii-chan. Or do you prefer Maa-kun?”

“No, why are you suddenly calling me by a nickname.”

“If I get along well with Hii-chan, I can get along better with Sena-chan. Hii-chan, too, call me
‘Chiha’, okay?”

The person called Sunohara Chiharu was the type 10 times, 100 times more irritating than I

And I’m extremely bad with people like this.

“No, Sunohara, I’m not close enough to call you by your nickname.”

“A ー a ー! I can’t hear a thing! If you don’t call me ‘Chiha’, I can’t hear a thing!”

It’s tiresome to retort, I’ll silently return to the classroom.

However, Sunohara who’s stronger than expected pulled my arm and hindered my movement.

“Hii-chan, don’t ignore me.”

“It’s your fault for saying things that make others want to ignore you. Speak normally. All your
talk progressed too quickly, I can’t catch up.”

“Un, …… I understand.”

Making a despondent expression with the ends of his eyebrows lowered, Sunohara continued to
pull at my sleeve.

Seeing him look so downhearted, I felt that I did something extremely bad. As expected I might
have went too far, while putting on an apologetic smile I gave a perfunctory apology.

“It’s okay as long as you understand. I also went too far.”

“Then, from now one we’re close friends okay! Let’s go and play this coming Sunday ー!”

“……. Eh?”

I became dumbfounded at Sunohara who smiled broadly, as though his downhearted look just
now was a lie.

Is the relationship of close friends something you can obtain with just a declaration? If I’m not
wrong, a person only has a number of close friends in his life, it shouldn’t be so easy to become

“Then we’ll meet at the East exit of Umibukuro[1] Station on Sunday at 11, okay.”


“You know the East exit? It’s where Sunshine and stuff are. Let’s go to the aquarium.”
I don’t know anyone who’s this pushy, so I really have no idea how to deal with him.

Ignoring me as I remained silent from uneasiness, Sunohara rapidly carried on with his
arrangements. While I was still taken aback, the plan set up and pushed onto me was to meet at
Umibukuro station at 11 this Sunday, and go to the Sunshine Aquarium after having lunch.

Not understanding what Sunohara wants, I stiffened after staring at him for several seconds.

“Hii-chan? In the first place, do you know Umibukuro station?”

“Of course I know, but…… Forget it, I understand.”

I must find a ouji so that I can return to being female. It’s not the time to support someone else’s
love. And yet, the point I reached after being swept by the current, was a friendship that made no
sense. Moreover, supporting his love.

Still confused, I returned to where Kousaka was and he gave me an inquisitive look.

“Takamura, did he issue a declaration of war that he won’t hand Sena over ー? Or perhaps you
got beaten up?”

Kousaka half-ran to my side and shot questions like a machine gun.

“He invited me to play.”

“Eeh, Takamura and Sunohara? Why?”

“I’m the one who wants to ask……”

As I thought, I really am cursed.

[1] 海袋: Lit. sea sack. Parody of Ikebukuro (池袋: lit. pond sack). There’s a Sunshine Aquarium
in Higashi-Ikeburo, Toshima, Japan.

Chapter 3 – Takamura Mahiro Becomes Male (3)

And then, Sunday morning. Not to mention ‘slightly’, I ‘seriously’ did not want to go, yet I can’t
possibly ignore it since I already promised him. A white cut-and-sew, jacket and jeans, I arrived
before Umibukuro Station sporting a so-called rough look. While it’s 5 minutes before 11am,
Sunohara was already waiting in front of Umibukuro. He was clad in a collared white shirt and
navy cardigan, along with black pants. Even though it’s mass-produced university student
fashion, he definitely looks good in it because his face and figure are good.

“G’morning, you’re early.”

“Of course, right. It’s not cool to make the other party wait on a date.”

It’s the first time I saw a guy wink.

“Thenn, let’s have lunch first. Hii-chan, what do you want to eat?”

“Something with meat.”

“So Hii-chan likes meat ー. Although, not to mention vegetables, you’ve a face that looks like
you only eat herbs.”

Certainly, I agree that I indeed have a ‘herbivorous’ face.

Both my nose and my lips are thin, and my half-opened eyes are sleepy throughout the day. The
colour of my skin is pearl white[1], and can’t be called healthy-looking even as flattery. The
muscles on my body are virtually nil and my figure is too thin. There’s no civility on top of that,
and there you have it. I’m aware of it but it can’t be helped that it’s unfixable.

“Is it bad for me to eat meat?”

“That’s not it, I say ー. It was just unexpected. Since Hii-chan wants to eat meat, then let’s do

Sunahara casually held my hand and started walking.

“Why are you holding my hand?”

“Because Hii-chan is cute! Ah, of course subsequent to Sena-san though. But if Hii-chan’s a girl,
I think you’d be my type ー.”

“I’m so grateful I can be your type that I think I’ll cry.”

As a matter of fact, Hii-chan is indeed a girl, but since I can’t say that, I gave a vague smile and
left the issue alone.

As we continued talking at cross-purposes, while holding hands, in one way or another we made
our way out of the East exit of Umibukuro Station and crossed the intersection outside, walking
straight to Sunshine Street.

“I’m just being honest though. Both your short hair with a tinge of blue and large eyes are pretty,
aren’t they. Sena-san’s much cuter, but I think Hii-chan’s not bad too. Ikemen ikemen.


I’ve not been praised for my looks when I was female, not even once, however I’ve the
impression I’ve been randomly praised for my looks now that I’m male. Are my looks something
that becomes more attractive if I turn male? Or are everyone from Hitotose good at flattery? I’ve
a feeling it’s the latter between the two.

At the suggestion of Sunohara who claimed it’s a date at Umibukuro Station, we decided to have
our meal at a family restaurant that’s a few minutes’ walk from the East exit. I ordered a
hamburger set as previously declared, while Sunohara ordered omurice.

“Hii-chan, this may be abrupt but, can I get into the main topic ー?”
As he ate omurice, Sunohara looked at my face and smiled faintly.
I, who was silently eating hamburger, slowly raised my head at that voice.

“What kind of guys does Sena-san like? I wonder if I become like Hii-chan, will Sena-san come
to like me?”

Which part of me Sena likes, such a thing, I’m the one who wants to know.

The impetus was probably that one incident in the library, however is it really so easy to be fond
of someone? I definitely can’t be said to have an abundance of experience in love, hence this is
only a speculation. But including the incident in the library, my face or my atmosphere or things
that like probably just happened to be her type. It’s simply various fortuity upon fortuity creating
a slight momentum, causing her to hold good will towards me.

“I don’t know such a thing. But what’s the point of Sunohara becoming me, huh.”

“But, I want Sena-san to like me.”

“Compared to me, Sunohara’s fancied by various people, so it means you’re plenty charming the
way you are. Only, it just happens that both Sena-san’s and my preference differs.”

With those looks and amiable personality, Sunohara’s popular with the girls. It’s undeniable that
because of that he feels slightly conceited[2]. Nevertheless, from his open personality that
doesn’t discriminates, he seems like he also has many male friends.

I just happened to be Sena Tsugumi’s type, but I don’t have as many friends as Sunohara and
neither am I popular with girls. That’s why even if you don’t go to lengths imitating me, while I
won’t admit it, Sunohara can be said to be the more charming person in the eyes of the masses.

“Ehh, Hii-chan doesn’t like me too?! I can’t overlook that you know!”

“Sunohara, noisy.”

“Hii-chan’s so mean. No matter how much time passes, you still won’t call me ‘Chiha’.”

Ignoring Sunohara who pouted with a hmph, I resumed eating my hamburger.

“Noisy-hara, shut up and eat quickly. We’re going to the aquarium right.”

“Eh, Hii-chan, what do you mean by Noisy-hara?! I’m Sunohara!”

I unconsciously laughed at Sunohara who came snapping frantically.

Honestly speaking, Sunohara’s a noisy and peerlessly troublesome guy. He’s someone I’d
definitely not think of making friends with ordinarily, the type I’m bad with. Nevertheless I did
think he’s a way better chap compared to my first impression of him. He comes at you insistently
but he’s a guy you’ll never be bored with.

I was moved enough to think it isn’t too bad to be friends with a guy I’m bad with, in the middle
of this rare experience of turning male.

“Just joking. I don’t hate Sunohara.”

Sunohara appeared like he’s surprised.
He stroked my cheek gently with an absent-minded face. I turned my face away from the ticklish
feeling and lightly closed my eyes.

“Call me, ‘Chiha’. Hii-chan.”

“You sure are persistent.”

“Please, Hii-chan.”

Sunohara will probably continue to coax me until I call him ‘Chiha’.

To him who has all his wishes fulfilled, he’ll likely press me until I listen to him. Already
finding it troublesome to reject him, letting out a small sigh, I then took a breath.


Sunohara stroked my cheek once again.

Next, a smile floated up, one that would put Sena’s sunny smile to shame. I unconsciously
looked away as I felt it became awkward. However I didn’t expect him to be this overjoyed just
because I called his name. Such a smile is unfair.

“I’m happy. One more time, call me one more time, Hii-chan.”

“Why’d you want your name to be called so badly.”

Shaking off Sunohara’s hand that was stroking my cheek, welcome binge eating, I stuffed my
mouth with hamburger.

“Because I want to hear my name called in Hii-chan’s voice.”

I shuddered at his icky voice that seemed as though a heart was attached at the back of his

Perhaps if a Märchen dreamy girl heard that, she’d be overjoyed, but I’m a girl who’d rather live
the rest of her life as a boy because she found the kiss with a prince (lol) troublesome. A pick-up
line and whatnot from a childish idiot ouji-sama I don’t even like, it’s so cold that I can’t stand
listening. ――…… was my unabridged feelings which I bet showed on my face. By the time I
realised, Sunohara was pursing his lips. It’s the thing called Chun Expression[3] that’s trending

“Sorry. It’s not like I particularly thought it was cold or something.”

“You did think so. Hii-chan’s too honest[4].”

“Sorry. But I don’t hate the cold Chiha. It’s amusing to make fun of.”

For him to make noise when I jab him a little, honestly speaking, it’s amusing. Because he won’t
break even when I make fun of him, and would instead approach persistently, I can abuse him
with no concern. To think he could light a fire in my hidden S heart, this Sunohara’s a pretty
capable guy.
“…… Hii-chan hang on, that’s so cool. Hug me.”

“Disgusting. Hurry up and eat your food. I’ll leave you behind.”

It was a mistake for me to check out his condition because I was worried about his trembling.

He suddenly tried to hug me from across the table, and I reflexively made him eat my palm
strike. Fortunately, his sharp nose remained safe. At the same time I thought thank goodness his
nose didn’t break, I also felt a twinge of regret. I wanted to try smashing that sharp nose.

Perhaps because it’s Sunday, there’s a considerable number of visitors at the aquarium. However
they’re mostly parents with kids or middle school couples. It’s about only us who came as two
guys, so it feels slightly unpleasant somehow, yet it’s also true that I’m looking forward to it
since I don’t dislike aquariums themselves.

“Hii-chan, is this your first time coming to Sunshine?”

“It’s not my first, but I don’t come here much.”

Putting Sunshine aside, I don’t even come to Umibukuro much.

The school I originally attended in my hometown was out of the city, and there weren’t many
opportunities to go to urban areas. Even when I hung out with friends, it was always out of the
city. To me, Umibukuro or the Kawanote Line[5] area, are places where one has to dress very
fashionably, and braces oneself with a “LET’S GO!” before heading there.

“Then let’s start by seeing what Hii-chan wants to see. Where shall we strike from? It seems like
there’s animals like penguins, too.”

“Chiha, I want to see the armadillos.”

The pamphlet I received stated that there’s also land animals.

While I do want to see penguins, axolotls and so on, what really held my interest was armadillos
and ring-tailed lemurs. They might not be aquatic animals, but I want to see them so it can’t be

“Armadillo?! Hii-chan’s really interesting. Sure, let’s go see the armadillos.”


Isn’t it fine to look at armadillos in an aquarium, isn’t it fine to only look at humans in a zoo?
Isn’t it fine to sleep in cinemas? After all, this is a world where there’s such a thing like a curse
which turns females into males.

However, perhaps the armadillo wasn’t used to being looked at, it slept comfortably with its
stomach in full display. For some reason my heart throbbed furiously at this armadillo which
forgot too much of its wildness. Dammit, aren’t you a cutie.

“Hii-chan, is it interesting to look at sleeping armadillos?”

“Interesting. I think they’re cute.”

“Are they? For me, penguins or cliones are better ー”

As I stared at the unmoving and sleeping armadillo, Sunohara seemed to have gotten bored and
he rubbed his forehead against my back. I was irritated but as I learned my lesson that he’ll just
get carried away if I stand up against him, I decided to not take issue with him.

“I’ll be looking at the armadillos so, Chiha, you go look at the penguins then.”

“Since we finally came together, let’s go around together. I’m, a rabbit-chan so I’ll die of

For a 17 year-old young man to say “rabbit-chan” and such, I’ll die from freezing.
Perhaps a more mature ane-sama would be able to accept it, but something like this is honestly
off-putting to a girl of the same age. My face turned grave.
Sunohara noticed my grave expression, and tried to bring my spirits up in a panic.

“It’s a joke so please stop making that face.”

“Ah, is that so. I was thinking of using German Suplex on you if you meant that seriously.”

“Were they words so sinful?!”

After 3 hours of going around the aquarium, I even bought an armadillo stuffed toy as souvenir.
It’s quite embarrassing to board the train carrying an armadillo stuffed toy, but it’s only about 25
minutes from Umibukuro to the apartment I live alone in, so it’s still alright. It’s the armadillo’s
fault for being too cute.

Sunohara purchased a mechanical pencil in the shape of a spotted garden eel. I think Sunohara
has no right to say anything about other people’s likes.

“Hii-chan, well then, see you tomorrow. Let’s go out again, okay?”

“I’ll consider it.”

“Un, do consider.”

Honestly, it was quite fun so I’ll definitely go if he invites me again.

He’ll definitely get carried away if I say such a thing, so I’ll never give voice to it though.

About a 10 minutes’ walking distance from the station laid my rented apartment.

When I casually lifted my head and took a look, I realised the lights were on in the room I
rented, and got incredibly flustered. Don’t tell me it’s a burglar? If it’s a burglar, how should I
deal with this? Call the police first? However, what if it’s someone I know and I raise a false

Various thoughts crossed my mind. Thinking to at least check who’s there for now, I braced
myself and gently opened the door.

The instant I confirmed who the person standing there was, I thought: “Ah, I shouldn’t have
opened it.”
[1] 真っ白 masshiro, lit. pure white. This may sound frightening, but if you’ve been reading a
lot of Chinese, Japanese and Korean novels, you’ll find that white skin with no blemishes is
something often associated with beauty.
[2] Original – 天狗になって tengu ni natte: becoming a tengu (a creature in Japanese folklore).
Tengu are associated with vanity, egotism.
[3] チュン顔 chun gao or ちゅん顔: slang. Translated portions from coitopi – “an expression
whereby one absentmindedly looks at the other party with defenseless eyes, opening the lips a
little with the image of slightly verbalising the ‘chuun’ sound.” “a sexiness you want to protect”
[4] Should be referring to how Mahiro’s thoughts show on his face rather than being sarcastic.
[5] 川手線 Kawanote Sen: lit. River’s Hand Line. Parody of 山手線 Yamanote Sen: lit.
Mountain’s Hand Line, a train line which passes through many of Japan’s urban areas. Including

Chapter 4 – Takamura Mahiro Continues to Attract (1)

What I saw after opening the door was, Takafumi humming a song in the kitchen as he prepared
Mapo Eggplant.

Natsuka Takafumi ―― he’s my cousin and also, while it’s embarrassing, my first love. It’s
completely a story of the past now, but I used to like this person.

At 21 years old, Takafumi is older than me by 4 years, and is a 3rd-year student at the National
University in town. Perhaps because of his droopy eyes the area around his eyes appear kind, and
the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, creating an overall gentle image. Takafumi’s cream-
coloured hair is soft and suits his kind atmosphere well. His height is 176cm, slightly shorter
than the current me.

That I still feel he’s dependable even though I think he’s smaller and more delicate than the
current me, is it because he’s the onii-chan I’ve always been with since we were young? Or am I
made to feel this way by the kind-feeling atmosphere he has?

“Yo Mahiro, welcome back. You’re late.”

“Please leave.”

Even if he’s the onii-chan I used to like, this and that are different matters.
Kicking off my shoes by the entranceway, I briskly approached Takafumi, tug, I pulled his
clothes as I tried to drag him to the entrance. But Takafumi grinned broadly like a father
watching over his child’s mischief as he watched my movements.

“It’s pointless~. ‘cos my luggage was already moved in. We’ll be living together from now on,
so let’s get along well.”

“一 Live? Together?”

“Huh, haven’t you heard? Riko-san requested me because she was worried about you.”
I didn’t hear about that at all. So this is what a bolt out of the blue means.

“Don’t know, haven’t heard.”

I was neither informed nor told, but it does seem like something that carefree mother would do.

Was the “Mother will cooperate with you so, work hard okay!” she said on the day I turned
male, referring to this? Is she suggesting that I tie the knot with the man I used to like and
receive the ouji-sama (lol)’s kiss?

Sheesh, her method of cooperation is so sloppy that I’m getting a headache. Certainly, I did think
a 2LDK[1] was too big for a person living alone, but I didn’t expect it to become like this.

“Still, that’s how it is. Mahiro, are you hungry? Mapo Eggplant, you like it, don’t you? You’ll
eat it right, you’ll eat it right.”

“I’ll eat, but. Even in the eyes of society, it’s not good for people of the opposite genders to live
under one roof.”

“The current Mahiro’s male, aren’t you. No problem, no problem ー”

Mapo Eggplant, rice and miso soup are arranged on the 2-person table in the center of the
kitchen dining space.

“Well, I’m a guy now, but……”

“It’s been a while so get along with onii-chan. My campus will be the one over here beginning
from this year, so it’s very helpful if I can live here.”

I can’t reject him strongly when he smiles so kindly like that.

Even for me, it’s not like I hate Takafumi. Besides, his cooking’s very delicious and he’ll surely
settle all the housework. There’s definitely a lot of merits for him to live here.

“I got it. If Takafumi says so.”

“Thanks. Mahiro’s a good child as I thought ー”

Somehow it’s terribly embarrassing when he rubs my head from across the table.

There’s not the slightest bit of romantic feelings now, but I certainly hold good will towards him
as my cousin. I’m weak to this broad smile of his that reveals his teeth. It’s pathetic of me to
listen to him against my better judgement, but only towards Takafumi, I’ve never been able to
treat him coldly[2].

I randomly stuffed my mouth with eggplants and rice to hide my embarrassment. My appetite
gets increasingly bigger ever since my body became like this. My height increased by more than
20cm, so it could be that I need more fuel to sustain it.

“I, was worried when I heard Mahiro turned into a boy, y’know. Well, it might be something that
can’t be helped as a girl born into the Takamura family though.”
“Does Takafumi know about the Takamura family’s curse?”

“Only a little.”

For the cursed person in question to be the only one who doesn’t know about the curse, this is
pathetic beyond comparison.

At the end of the day, I haven’t heard anything other than my mother saying that it’s a curse
females of the Takamura family gets.

“It’s okay if it’s just what you know, but can you tell me about the curse? I’ve a feeling I’m the
only one who doesn’t know anything.”

“Even if you say just what I know, I’m from the branch family. Speaking of what I know, it’s
only that girls of the Takamura family turn into boys on their 17th birthdays, and that they’ve to
exchange a kiss with someone they love reciprocally by their 20th birthdays.”

“As expected, that’s the only way to remove the curse……”

I get the goosebumps at the mention of something like an ouji-sama, but I’ve a feeling I might as
well remain like this all my life if I’ve to force myself to love someone just for the sake of
removing the curse.

This may just be sugarcoated words, but I don’t think such behaviour is the act of coming to like
someone. The feelings of holding someone dear should be more sincere. Perhaps I’m also quite a
starry-eyed maiden for thinking this way.

“Ah, come to think of it, when the girls of the Takamura family became boys, it seems that there
were many cases of their looks changing into those that easily attracts others.

“Is it?”

To have even added a mechanism to ease the removal of the curse despite having cast the curse,
what an unfathomable, moreover troublesome, curse. I don’t know who for what purpose cast
this curse, but is it strange of me to feel that if he has the time to beautify our appearances, he
should just remove the curse?

Still, the mystery is solved with this. It’s thanks to the curse that I was randomly praised for my

“Mahiro, enter the bath once you’re done eating. It’s already prepared.”

“Sorry for having left it all to you. I’ll do the clearing up.”

“Don’t be so strangely accommodating, I say. Besides, we’ll be somewhat akin to family from
now on. Rely on me properly, ya.”

Takafumi pat pat, rubbed my head several times. He smiled happily when I bobbed my head.

But I wasn’t calm inside. Because while I don’t have romantic feelings towards Takafumi at the
moment, I felt that even now, I still like this kind and caring onii-san in terms of familial love.
When I stepped out of the bath and returned to the living room, Takafumi had finished clearing
up and is watching TV. It’s a marine soap opera anime that comes on air at 6.30pm on Sundays.
There’s such an exceptional destiny with fishes today[3].

“Oh ー, it’s my turn to go bathe now. Let’s eat ice cream when I’m out of the bath.”

“Ice cream…”

“Your eyes are shining too much. Still, don’t eat them first okay ー”

I decided to wait as I hugged the armadillo stuff toy and watched the marine soap drama. Eating
the food Takafumi made, entering the bath and eating ice cream after bathing. Before I knew it,
it completely became Takafumi’s pace.

I feel incredibly edgy when I think that I’ll live like this everyday from now on. The area around
my heart gets jumpy and I start feeling strange. In order to counter the overflowing unknown
feelings, I buried my face in the armadillo and squirmed.

Hence, I’ve completely wiped Sena Tsugumi and Sunohara Chiharu off my mind, but.

The next day, the rubberneck Kousaka approached me excitedly. He wanted to hear about the
Sunday with Sunohara. I managed to splendidly ignore Kousaka’s onslaught of questions until it
was finally end of school, but he who was long-established to be persistent, did not give up.

“He~ey ー、Ta ー ka ー mu ー raa ー”

“I’m on counter duty for the Library Committee today, so.”

“Are you gonna run, Takamura ー!”

I headed to the library while shaking off Kousaka who clung to my waist.

To this Kousaka who went full-force with his rubberneck willpower, how I hung out with the
school’s ouji-sama (lol) Sunohara Chiharu and what kind of counterattack did he use on me who
stole Sena, are probably topics that interest him. I might also hold a fair amount of interest if I
was looking from the sidelines, but it’s nothing but trouble when I think that I’m the person

We reached the library as I continued to ignore him. When I sat at the counter, Kousaka
calculatively sat beside me, carrying The Wild Rose of Versailles[4] shoujo manga. This guy,
could it be, he’s going to sit here until my shift’s over and dig more information out of me when
we leave school? Seriously a persistent fellow.

There’s only a scant few who’re studying for their exams in the library. There weren’t anyone
who came to borrow books. The state of disengagement from reading nowadays is grave. Indeed,
even Kousaka is reading manga.

“Heyy, is Takamura in the Pascar faction? Audré? It’s Natalie for me I guess. She’s cute.[5]”

“Ah, could it be you’ve never read The Wild Rose of Versailles?! Seriously ー. Are you
serious ー”

While I don’t understand why I’ve to be insulted like this just because I’ve never read The Wild
Rose of Versailles, I gave him a push on the shoulder because he incurred my wrath.

It was at about the same moment. Noticing that a shadow was cast on the counter, I looked up,
only to find a tall guy who’s easily over 180 looking down at us. It’s a fair-complexioned guy
with short, messy, purple-ash-brown hair and cold eyes. He has a long and thin figure like a
straw. Bean sprouts, probably refers to people like this. Rather than cool, you can say his
appearance is more like that of a beauty’s.

“Um, you’re noisy you know.”

“Yo, Hiwatari ー. You sure are cool as usual.”

“Kousaka-san, club activities are starting soon.”

He appears to be Kousaka’s acquaintance. If he says he’s a comrade from club, then is he also
from Basketball Club? That he has a tall stature also coincides.

“Seriously ー? Did Hiwatari come to fetch me?”

“Coach asked me to fetch you. Don’t do something like reading manga, please hurry up and

“Eh ー”

This guy, did he intend to take an unwarranted absence from club activities?
I pushed Kousaka’s shoulder again, chasing him away from the counter.

“Kousaka, go for your club activities.”

“I’ll go, but let’s go home together ー. I’ll finish at 7pm so wait for me.”

“I got it, so go, I say.”

Kousaka thrusted The Wild Rose of Versailles to me as he stood up from the seat.

“Hiwatari, go home with us too ー?”

“Eh, no thank you.”

Seeing off the two’s back views as they left the library while playing around, I picked up
Volume 1 of The Wild Rose of Versailles.

I ended up finishing the entire volume as no one dropped in to borrow books by the closing time,
after all. As a fellow comrade who lied about being male, I found myself thinking that I’d find it
worthwhile if I also had such a noble reason[6]. Something like I’m waiting for a kiss from the
ouji-sama is too ridiculous, and something like actually, I’m a girl is too embarrassing that I
can’t quite bring myself to say them.
Having lost all hope for the future, I lay sprawled on the counter.

Sheesh, I really was born under a strange star. Good grief.

[1] LDK stands for Living, Dining, Kitchen. 2LDK would be an apartment with a living room,
dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms.
[2] Original – 塩対応: lit. salt treatment. Treating someone coldly or like they’re unwelcomed.
Like when you throw salt at your doorstep after an unwelcomed visitor leaves your house. Salt is
said to have cleansing properties and can prevent evil spirits from coming.
[3] Mahiro went to the aquarium with Chiharu earlier in the day.
[4] Parody of The Rose of Versailles. Super famous ‘classic’ shoujo manga.
[5] Parody of characters from TRoV. Pascar -> Oscar, Audré -> André, Natalie -> Rosalie
[6] Referring to TRoV’s main character, Oscar, who was raised as a boy so that she can succeed
the the head of the Imperial Guard’s position.

Chapter 5 – Takamura Mahiro Continues to Attract (1)

“Ooi, Takamura ー. Wake up ー.”

Lifting my head from the counter, the surroundings were already pitch-black. I reflexively
looked at the clock. It says 7.30pm. Apparently I slept for about an hour in the period when I was
despairing for the future.

Did I fell asleep in an awkward position? I can’t avoid getting these joint pains in my body then.

“Sorry, it seems I felt asleep. Are your club activities over?”

“Un, sorry to keep you waiting. Leggo ー.”

Behind Kousaka was the straw a.k.a. Hiwatari from just now. He’s looking at me with an
incredibly unhappy face.

Perhaps Kousaka became conscious of the fact that Hiwatari is unhappy. He gave a shrug and hit
Hiwatari’s waist. Hiwatari had an unpleasant expression on his face as he furrowed his brows,
but Kousaka ignored him.

“Ahh, this guy is a kouhai from my club. He’s called Hiwatari Shuu. Even though he’s severely
tsundere, he’s a good kid so do be friends with him.”

“Are you his guardian!”

I unconsciously retorted at the introduction made from an unknown standpoint.

Hiwatari Shuu gave me a fleeting glance as he snorted.
Not to mention being severely tsundere, my heart feels like it’s about to break from his attitude
that seems like there’s only tsun.

“Hiwatari ー, this is Takamura Mahiro.”

“I’ve heard rumours about Takamura-san. You’re dating Sena-san, right?”

“We’re not dating.”

Has the rumours of Sena and I spread to even the 1st-years? Moreover it was even exaggerated
that we’re dating.

Certainly, Sena is cute. Both her face and personality are incredibly cute, but I can’t date her. I
hope you understand. And by all means do let me know who’s the one who spread such strange
rumours. There’s an immediate need to use the Giant Swing move on him.

“He ー eh, is that so?”

“Yes it is. So feel free to approach if you like Sena.”

“I wouldn’t. ‘Cos I hate that kind of cunning women.”

The one who came snapping at the words that were fired nonchalantly was obviously not me, but
Kousaka who worships Sena Tsugumi and Katsura Koharu, two so-called acclaimed cunning

“Hiwatari! Are you seriously sayin’ you don’t like Sena-san? What kind of girl would be your
type then? Who’d it be if it’s the Bakumatsu Shishi Girls?

“I don’t know Bakumatsu Shishi Girls well, so.”

“If you don’t like Bakumatsu Shishi Girls either, then what do you look forward to in life……”

It seems that “don’t know Bakumatsu Shishi Girls well” was quite a bombshell statement for
Kousaka who’s a minor idol otaku. He collapsed right before Hiwatari’s eyes.

“Don’t think that everyone likes Bakumatsu Shishi Girls. Who’s the one being fooled by the

“But Koharu-chan is super cute you know?”

‘Koharu-chan’ probably refers to Bakumatsu Shishi Girls’ Katsura Koharu. As you know, she’s
Kousaka’s bias.

Katsura Koharu’s atmosphere resembles Sena’s. Cute and slightly airheaded, a girl with a soft
and sweet atmosphere like a marshmallow. Despite seeming like they can’t survive if they aren’t
protected, from how they entrance people to save them with their cunning atmosphere, they
actually do bear a bit of craftiness too. Kousaka’s preferences are so congruous that it’s
exceedingly easy to understand.

But it’s not like I really wanted to hear about Kousaka’s preferences until the school’s closing
time, so I didn’t give any particular response. Hiwatari also remained silent as he walked next to

“Stop ignoring me. You guys have similar personalities. Doesn’t it seem like you can get along?”
It’s exceedingly upsetting to be regarded on the same level as a cold guy like Hiwatari. I treat
Kousaka much more kindly.

Giving Hiwatari a scrutinizing glance, his expression was more unpleasant-looking than mine.
He looked like he swallowed a bitter pill. I’m technically a senpai he met for the first time, so
can’t he be more mindful about it? It’s not like I particularly want to get along with him, or that I
felt hurt, but somehow I feel kind of gloomy.

Walking to the front gate as I listened to Kousaka’s talking for the most part, the school’s ouji-
sama (lol) was there. Fiddling with his phone, he was leaning on the gate in a stylish pose as he
acted cool. Is he waiting for someone? I wondered as I tried to walk pass him, but my arm was
firmly grabbed so I had no choice but to stop.

Sunohara grinned from ear to ear.

“Ohhhh ー! Hii-chan! Isn’t it such a coincidence? Let’s go home together.”

“……. Coincidence?”

“It’s not like I waited for Hii-chan but, well, since we happened to meet here? Let’s just go home

He clearly appeared to be waiting for someone, but was it not so?

Nonetheless, who would just happen to be leaning by the schoolgate until this late hour? I don’t
understand the city boys living in the 23 wards[1].

“I’m going back with these two afterwards.”

“…… Eh.”

“Does Chiha want to come along too?”

For an instant he had a crestfallen look, but his expression immediately brightened up as though
light was beaming out when I invited him. Could it be, this fella wanted to leave school with me
very badly?

Why doesn’t he frankly say that he wants to go home together? It’s not like I’ll reject him if he
spoke up frankly, but I wouldn’t even know if he doesn’t say it properly.

Sunohara’s restless gaze alternated between Kousaka and Hiwatari before it fell on me again.
With the ends of his eyebrows lowered and after a few seconds of being in a fluster, he nodded
solemnly. Was my invitation something that invites so much bewilderment?

“Is Chiha on the way home from club activities?”

“Well, yeah. I basically have club activities everyday except Sundays, you see. That’s why I just
happened to have club activities, I really just happened to have them.”

“I see.”
You don’t have to repeat ‘just happened’ so many times.
No particular conversation came up, so I stared at the backs of Kousaka and Hiwatari who
walked in front. Kousaka seemed to be talking about something, but Hiwatari seemed to find that
annoying as he fended it off.

Because I was walking while looking at those two, we reached Hitotose High School’s Moyori
Station before I knew it. Kousaka and I take the same descending[2] train line, Sunohara takes
the ascending one and Hiwatari uses the private railway, so we’ll be going our separate ways

I tried to go through the faregate as we moved to wait for our respective trains, but Sunohara
held the hem of my clothes silently. Sensing something exceedingly troublesome from his action,
I felt a huge urge to go home.

“Hii-chan, ask me “What’s wrong?”! Haven’t I been giving out an aura like I wanted to talk?”

See? I told you something troublesome was coming.

Sunohara puffed his cheeks into a pout and looked at me with sullen, narrowed eyes. This fella is
the annoying sort of cunning guy. Suppressing the surging tiresome feelings, I let out a sigh.

“I won’t understand if you don’t say it clearly.”

“I’ll say it clearly then. Listen to me. Hii-chan, listen to what I have to say!”

“I got it. I got it, so don’t speak so loudly.”

It’s bad enough that Sunohara has sparkly-ish looks that attracts the eyes of people. But we stand
out even more with him speaking so loudly like that.

This is what I get when I lend him a listening ear once. It’s because of this that guys who’re used
to having people listen to them are troubling.

“Sorry, Kousaka and Hiwatari, go back first. I’ll go after listening to what Sunohara has to say.”

“Gotcha ー. See ya tomorrow.”

I waved my hand lightly at Kousaka who gave a wry smile.

I then wanted to wave to Hiwatari who stood beside Kousaka like he’s dumbfounded, but the
expression he had was more awful than I expected, so I stopped. It’s like his thoughts of “Is this
guy right in the head?” are keenly transmitted. I’ll likely have the same expression as Hiwatari if
I were in his position.

“See ya too, Hiwatari.”

“Do your best.”

“Aah, …… un.”

I totally don’t want to do my best, but this matter will become much more troublesome if I ditch
him, so I’ve no choice but to do my best.
After seeing off the two who passed through the faregate, I looked in Sunohara’s direction
apprehensively only to find him on the verge of tears. Why. Why, are you about to cry, now. The
one who wants to cry is me. I felt so unsettled that I stood stock still. Stupefied, I continue to
stare at his pretty face.

“Hii-chan, …… I was rejected when I asked Sena-san for a date. Apparently, “I can’t go out
alone with a guy because I have someone I like”, she says.”

Is that sarcasm towards me? No matter how you think about it, isn’t the person Sena likes, me?

Normally speaking, would you say something like that to the perpetrator of you getting rejected
for a date? It’s troubling even if you tell me head-on about something that I can’t help with. Will
it be fine if I tell Sena. “I can’t answer your feelings”, in this situation where she hasn’t even
confessed to me?

With a disconcerted mind, I simply looked at him as he sniffed with teary eyes.

“It’s troubling even if you say something like that. I’ve said it again and again, but I don’t like
Sena-san. However, I don’t feel like cheering Chiha’s feelings on either. Because it’s

“I know. I’m not blaming Hii-chan. It’s just that I felt very sad, and wanted Hii-chan to listen.”

“Why is it me?”

Sunohara has many friends. It’s no surprise, seeing he’s the central personage of his class, an
ikemen, and is sociable.

He’s different from the class’ normie like me. Sunohara is truly a human on the riajuu[3] side,
yet he comes all the way to me to consult about love. Moreover I’m his rival in love. Towards
such a person, why?

The tips of Sunohara’s fingers touched the tips of mine.

“Maybe because Hii-chan won’t indulge me.”

Sunohara held my fingers lightly. As he continued to touch my fingers no matter how many
times I shook him off, I gave up and let him do as he pleased.

When I raised my head after realising I was paying too much attention to my fingers, Sunohara’s
face was closer than expected. I was exceedingly startled although I didn’t let it show on my

“I believe I’m plenty indulgent to you.”

“Eh~, you are mean.”

“Really? I’ll be kind then.”

I gave a shot at saying words I didn’t mean, thinking to use whatever works to soothe Sunohara
so I can go home. However, he appeared like he wanted to say something to me again.
It’s already 8pm. It’ll probably be 8.30pm by the time I reach home. Takafumi will worry if I
return too late, so I’d like to head back soon.

“I lied. Hii-chan’s kind. I get why Sena-san likes Hii-chan. If I’m Sena-san, I will definitely also
choose Hii-chan instead of me.”

“You don’t have to flatter me.”

“It’s not flattery.”

Honestly, I’m not particularly happy about being praised by Sunohara. More importantly,
making Takafumi worried unsettles me more.

At that moment, the smartphone in my back pocket vibrated. Fetching it and looking at the
screen, I received a message from the perpetrator of making my heart unsettled, Takafumi.

You’re late in coming back. Are you having dinner? Along with a cute emoji, such a message
was sent to me.


I tried to type that I’ll be eating, but my phone was snatched away the same instant a dissatisfied-
sounding voice entered my ears.

“Give me back my smartphone, Chiha.”

“Who’s Natsuka Takafumi, Hii-chan?”

“He’s my cousin. Don’t look at it without permission.”

I don’t know what he’s dissatisfied with, but Sunohara was incredibly pissed.

“Dinner, he says…… Are you living with this person, Hii-chan?”

“Yes but, so what?”

“I’m going to Hii-chan’s place today.”

Squeeze, he grabbed my hand and pulled it with all his strength. We passed through the faregate
with my hand still being held, and I was abducted to the platform of the JR descending line that I
usually take.

“Nah, you don’t have to come over.”

“Don’t wanna. I’m staying over at Hii-chan’s place.”

“I’m saying it’s a bother.”

Sunohara looked very hurt.

He’s pitiful, but honestly it’s a bother to suddenly be told “Let me stay over” by a fellow I don’t
intend to get along well with. Certainly, it was relatively enjoyable that one and only time we
hung out, but I didn’t intend to get along with him so well.
I don’t intend to…… but, it’s also true that I’ve been getting swept away by this annoying and
cunning expression whereby he made studied sniff sniff sounds with his nose and looked at me
with a sorrowful face.

But if I don’t steel my heart here, there’s no doubt he’ll continue to come and stay over from
now on.

“That’s right, huh. It’s a bother, huh.”

“Aah, it’s a bother.”

“Ehhhh, Hii-chan!”

Departing at 20:18, the Chuuou descending line. Before I’m aware of it, the thick-skinned
Sunohara was already riding on the same train as me.

[1] 23 wards. Basically, the city area.

[2] Train line heading away from Tokyo. The one Sunohara takes is the opposite, and heads in
the direction of Tokyo.
[3] Stereotype of people who has it good in real life.

Chapter 6 – Sunohara Chiharu Dives In

Past 8pm. For some reason, Sunohara was sitting at the dining table of my abode. Without
making even a reluctant face after spotting Sunohara who came over at this late hour, Takafumi
ushered him in and furthermore prepared his meal.

As the dining table was a 2-person one, we lined up the sofa and glass table in front of the TV,
and for some reason Sunohara, Takafumi and I are having dinner on cordial terms. It’s
Takafumi’s specialty today: curry rice.

“Takafumi-kun, sorry about this. The suddenness.”

“It’s okay. Mahiro’s friends are always welcome.”

It really pains me to busy him more than necessary when he’s occupied with reports,
assignments and job finding, but Takafumi wasn’t reluctant. Rather, he even seemed happy that I
made a male friend.

Sunohara isn’t my friend, but if it makes Takafumi happy, then I shall leave it at that.

“Takafumi’s cooking is very delicious. To think I got to eat such tasty cooking despite intruding
at this timing.”

“No prob ー, if you’re fine with such cooking, drop by anytime to have them.”

“I’d love to.”

I felt intensely disturbed by Sunohara who gave a bright smile as he spoke calmly.

Who is this refined and ikemen exemplary youth? He’s definitely not Sunohara. Sunohara is
suppose to speak in a more foolish and irritating way. At any rate, even I won’t treat him
unkindly if he behaves like this normally.

Ignoring the two who conversed eloquently, I gobbled down the curry rice. Although Takafumi’s
cooking are top-rate tasty, I could hardly enjoy the taste thanks to Sunohara’s presence.

“Sunohara-kun, you’ll be staying over today, right?”

“Will that be okay?”

Despite having made such a racket about wanting to stay over, he’s giving a “Oh no, I can’t
possibly do that” unnatural act so late in the game.

“Isn’t there school tomorrow? Leave.”

Sunohara made a downcast face and put his spoon down onto the table after I glared at him a

“That’s right isn’t it. I’ll be leaving since it’s late already. Besides, I can’t cause both Mahiro-
kun and Takafumi-san anymore trouble.”

“No way ー, it’s fine, it’s fine. Stay over. You’ll end up in protective custody if you go out after
10pm[1], ya. Where does Sunohara-kun stay?”

“About 40 minutes from here, I think.”

It’s currently before 9:30pm. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to Moyori Station. At that rate,
it’d easily exceed 10pm by the time Sunohara reaches home.

“There ー, stay over, I say.”

“Will that be okay?”

“It’s okay ー. Right, Mahiro?”

What do you mean ‘Will that be okay?’. I’m feeling not mild, but considerable, irritation at
Sunohara who spoke brazenly despite having that intention right from the start.

However, I’m unable to treat Takafumi coldly. I was extremely unwilling but I put up with it
somehow and nodded solemnly.

“Are you okay with using my clothes? As for underwear, I have new ones so you can have them.
Hang on a moment, alright.”

Takafumi left to get the clothes from his room.

It might have slipped your mind, but I’m still provisionally a girl. How tragic is it that I have to
let a male classmate lodge in my house? Perhaps Takafumi is also steadily forgetting that I was a
However, it’s true that he might be taken into protective custody if he goes out after 10pm, so I
can only endure while thinking of it as a tribulation.

“Takafumi-san sure is kind, isn’t he. He’s an ikemen, and seems popular, huh.”

“Don’t know.”

Sunohara completely returned to his usual state and started talking to me in an annoying manner.
Ignoring that, I continue to tuck away at my third plate of curry rice today. The third plate of
curry rice is one with ample mayonnaise added to it. Adding mayonnaise to curry makes it
milder and I feel like I can eat it however much there is.

“Does Hii-chan, like Takafumi-san?”

“I like him. Because we’re family.”

“You know I don’t mean it that way, right, Hii-chan.”

I don’t quite understand the meaning in those words he uttered.

The conversation is progressing with the premise that my love interest is a guy, but what does
Sunohara mean? Did he realise that I’m a girl, or is he thinking that I’m gay or bi?

Even if it’s me, I’m also a modern man. Although I won’t say that only romance between the
opposite genders is legitimate, be it fortunate or unfortunate, my current romantic interest lies in
guys right now. I may have to come to like girls if I have to live as a guy from now on, but that’s
something that’s as-yet-unknown.

“I don’t have someone I like.”

“What about me ー?”

“Stop joking; take a look at yourself.”

I will never, ever come to like Sunohara Chiharu in that way. This alone is a fact that will never,
ever change.

The kind I like is the soothing type. What I like is precisely a fluffy, soothing type who’s
refreshing and sincere like Takafumi. I’d like a good person with a personality contrary to

“Ehh, the girls call me “Cute!” or “Cool!”, you know. I think I’m a comparatively good catch,
though ー.”

“It’s annoying when you say that yourself.”

“How mean. Hii-chan is about the only one who’d say something like that to me.”

Sunohara can certainly be categorized under ‘ikemen’. However, this sort of annoying statement
is a minus to that ikemen-liness.
However, it’s precisely because there are many broadminded women who’re okay with this kind
of disappointing ikemen-liness, that he’s being treated as this school’s ouji-sama. Or perhaps
anything goes as long as the looks are pleasing.

Sunohara came poking at my cheek with a broad smile, so I shoved that hand away ruthlessly.

“Sunohara-kun, will this be fine? Go ahead and use the bath first ー”

Takafumi, the balm to my chapped heart, finally returned to the living room. Ever since I came
to HItotose High School, it is only Takafumi who soothes my heart.

Takafumi handed Sunohara brand new underwear, along with the shirt and sweats he usually

“Thank you very much. I’ll be using the bath first.

This Sunohara, he gave a smile so refreshing that it’s as though the idiotic ouji up until a while
ago was a lie. I thought that the people who come to like Sunohara are those who think anything
goes as long as the looks are pleasing. But judging from his adeptness at mimicry, it might be
that there are many fans of this well-made facade of his.

Sunohara was shown to the bath by Takafumi, and was the first to enter it.

What’s with this situation. How tragic is it that I have to let Sunohara Chiharu, the main cause of
my uneasiness, stay at my house right at the start of the week? However, I can only give up now
that we arrived at this stage. I tried to calm my heart as I lay sprawled on the dining table.

As I emptied my mind and remained that way for a moment, I felt a faint warmth and weight
around the back of my head. This hand is something I’m familiar with.

“Takafumi-kun, what?”

Takafumi knows my personality. Be it happiness or sadness, neither shows on my face.

Sitting beside me, he rubbed my head as he read his textbook.

“I’m rubbing because Mahiro is depressed ー”

“I’m not depressed.”

“Then, I’m rubbing because I want to.”

Sunohara has the sort of weighty personality like when you see BBQ meat or cakes, so I’m
soothed by the gentle atmosphere Takafumi has, that’s refreshing like mineral water.

I consider the incident about me liking Takafumi in the past as something to stow away, and I
doubt I’ll come to like him again, but he’s still a special existence to me even if I factor out the
romantic emotions. I reaffirmed it after our first reunion in a long time.

My eyelids gradually grew heavier due to the pleasant weight on my head.

“Where should we let Sunohara sleep, I wonder.”

“Normally thinking, it’d be my room, right.”

“But Mahiro is……”

Yes, Mahiro is a girl. However, to Sunohara, he’s a friend of the same gender as him. It’s
annoying but I can only endure for a night and share the same room.

Takafumi looked at me worriedly. Then where are you saying Sunohara can sleep, Takafumi?

It’s already 11pm after we entered the bath in the order of Sunohara, me, then Takafumi. It’s a
time when I would normally already be asleep. Takafumi remained in the living room to write
his report, and Sunohara and I headed to the room to rest.

I thought the creatures called ‘university students’ would be more refined, but they seem like
busy people. It’d be good if there’s something I can help with, but there can’t possibly be
anything that I, a high school student, can do. I approached Takafumi hesitatingly, and called


“You look sleepy. Nights, Mahiro. Don’t hold back and go rest.”

Takafumi suddenly smiled as he gently rubbed the corner of my eyes.


“N, g’night. Take it easy too, Sunohara-kun. Nights.”

“Good night, Takafumi-san. Do your best.”

It’ll be good if I could assist Takafumi, just like how he assists me. Keenly feeling my own
inability, I entered the room. At that moment, Sunohara hugged me. I shuddered to the point of
getting goosebumps.

I reflexively made him eat an elbow jab, and when the damage was inflicted, I turned around and
gave him a knee strike. I got onto the bed and laid down after giving him, who was crouching
down, a fleeting glance. I would have brought out the futon used for guests if he didn’t hug me,
but it is that guy’s fault for doing something discomforting. Have fun sleeping on the floor!

I intended to ignore him and sleep, but I couldn’t quite fall asleep due to the sniff sniff sobbing
sounds that came from the corner of the room. Still, this sort of behaviour from him originates
from his annoying sentiment of wanting me pay him attention. I understand that he’s not truly
unhappy. Such behaviour is bound to be ignored.

It’s been 30 minutes since I continued to ignore him. It was when I had gotten used to his
sobbing and was dozing off. Sunohara stopped sobbing, and of all things, climbed onto the bed I
was sleeping on. And then, he started sleeping with me as though it’s the most natural thing in
the world. Furthermore, he was glued perfectly to my back, and the tip of his nose was even
placed at my nape.

“…… Oi.”
I’ve been thinking this ever since we met, but the sense of distance Sunohara has towards me is

Despite having declared that he likes Sena, why in the world does he cling to me, his rival, so
much? Seriously unfathomable.

“Hii-chan had only been dere-ing at Takafumi-san, so I was jealous.”

“I don’t get your drift.”

“‘Cause, Hii-chan’s my best friend. Be buddy-buddy with me too.”

I tried to shove Sunohara away by pushing his flank with my elbow, but he stuck to me like a
koala and didn’t budge.


“No way, I’m not letting go.”


As he didn’t budge no matter how much I stirred and struggled, I decided to be obedient and give

Sunohara understood that I won’t struggle. He stopped hugging me, and softly grasped my

“Because Hii-chan refuses to be kind to me.”

“What’s that. You’re always going on about that.”

“Perhaps it’s because you won’t be kind that I want you to be kind.”

Sunohara sleepily let out a long breath and blinked slowly. He tilted his head languidly and gave
a sigh.

“Sleep if you’re sleepy.”

Sunohara smiled happily when I tidied the bed sheets.

“Hii-chan is similar to Sena-san, huh. Both your atmosphere and that disproportionate feeling are
quite similar, huh.”

“…… I’m similar to Sena-san?”

“Nights, Hii-chan.”

Perhaps he couldn’t hold up his heavy eyelids anymore; Sunohara fell asleep without replying
my question.

I’m ‘similar to Sena’. I couldn’t understand anything beyond this from Sunohara who fell asleep.
Can’t you go and learn to read the atmosphere if you have the time to yak?
Deep in the night, 11.50pm. For the first time, I slept with someone who isn’t my family. Of all
people, it was the boy who comes out on top of my ‘list of people I don’t involved in my life’. I
believe this is precisely a past I’d like to forget, and a dark history.

[1] Minors are not recommended to stay out too late especially if they don’t have any justifiable
reason. Those caught doing so are technically to be taken into protective custody, but it’s not
always strictly enforced.

Chapter 7 – Sena Tsugumi Knows [1]

I have only one wish. Simply to be completely rid of troublesome things and be allowed to live
in peace.

Had I not been living quietly without blaming anyone or complaining, even when I turned male
due to the Takamura family’s cursed? Had I not helped with consultations because he said he
likes Sena, and had I not also done the librarian work? Had I not paid attention to my studies, put
in effort for sports, and enjoyed reasonably harmonious human relationships?
translated by nakimushitl
Despite that, why did dear God above force this troublesome person called Sunohara Chiharu
onto me? He certainly has the looks and is interesting, but he’s unquestionably troublesome.

Sunohara continuously sticks close to me, and leaves after saying things I couldn’t care less
about. The only time I’m separated from him was when he’s having club activities.

“And so, I escaped.”

“You’ve had it hard. Sunohara had really been clinging to Takamura too much recently.”

I’m wolfing down a melon bun beside Kousaka who’s smiling wryly.

It’s a rest day for the Basketball Club as the 3rd gymnasium is being waxed today. Kousaka and
Hiwatari are polishing the balls using that free time.

“Isn’t it harassment towards Takamura-san? No matter how you think about it. He’s getting in
the way so that you won’t be alone with Sena-san, right?”

“Oi, Hiwatari, don’t say strange things.”

Concerned about me, Kousaka gave a warning in response to Hiwatari’s cynicism.

Kousaka is considerate and it’s just like him to say that, but honestly, it’s probably just as
Hiwatari says.
Sunohara will naturally get involved with Sena if he’s with me.

“But isn’t it so? If you don’t agree, then why would Sunohara-san be interested in Takamura-
His unspoken words that such a normal guy can’t possibly catch the eye of the ouji-sama was
clearly communicated. I brushed aside my discomfort as I smiled wryly at the scornful glint in
his eye.

“Hiwatari~! That’s too rude towards Takamura.”

“Is it? I was purely asking a question.”

Looking at the smirking Hiwatari, various emotions were long out of my system, and I wasn’t
too irritated even if he says unpleasant things.

Perhaps because it feels like he wants to be paid attention and is not actually trying to discomfort
me. As I look at Hiwatari who’s on the attack, he reminds me of a wild fox, or a rough stray dog,
or an elementary school boy poking his nose into things.

“Frankly, I don’t hate Hiwatari’s frankness. I think it’s cute.”

Hiwatari’s eyes widened in shock. I felt slightly more cheerful as it seems I managed to return
blow for blow.

Kousaka’s expression was one of disbelief, and he replied to my words in a voice that resounded
throughout the gymnasium.


“Un.”translated by nakimushitl

“No, but Takamura’s standards for ‘cute’ is quite vague, huh. The other day, you called the
auntie at the school store and the pigeon in front of the station ‘cute’, and you called Bakumatsu
Shishi Girls’ Sakamoto Ryou ‘cute’ too.”

There’s definitely nothing strange about my taste. I think armadillos, Hiwatari and the pigeon in
the front of the station are cute. Of course armadillos are 10 times cuter, but Hiwatari is also
reasonably cute.

I wolfed down my second melon bun as I watched Hiwatari’s hand that was polishing the
basketball. From there, I slowly lifted my head and casually peeked at Hiwatari’s expression. He
had an earnestly unpleasant look. Was my ‘cute’ statement so displeasing? I’m sorry.

I quietly removed my gaze from Hiwatari and concentrated on the melon bun. Hiwatari seems to
have a temper, so it’ll only be troublesome if I ruin it further.

As I continue to wolf down the melon bun, the sound of the gymnasium entrance opening rang
out. Looking at the direction the sound came from, the no. 2 person-I-don’t-want-to-meet-now is

The bishoujo with light brown tinted, semi-long pink hair and large eyes of the same
colour――…… Sena Tsugumi.

Sena rushed towards me with a broad smile after showing a surprised expression. Her figure that
rushed over with a tap tap sound as her skirt fluttered, resembled that of a pet dog. Her outer
appearance feels like a rabbit-san or stray cat, yet the things she does are dog-like.
“Takamura-kun, what are you doing here?”

Sena smiled blissfully when she looked at my face. At the same time I felt happy over that, I was
also bewildered.

Come to think of it, Sena was the Basketball Club manager. Isn’t that right, Haruko-san[1]?

“Nn, I’m tending to Hiwatari.”

“Ha? What are you saying, Takamura-san.”

“I’m free so I’m meddling with Hiwatari and playing with him.”

Having finished the melon bun, I laid face up on the ground. Sena then kneeled down near my
head. The contrast between the sailor skirt, knee-high socks and white thighs is beautiful. Sena is
cute whether I look from above or below.

A short and supple feminine build. My original face was closer to a boy’s, so I admire girlish
facial features and figures like Sena’s.

“I see. Takamura-kun and Hiwatari-kun get along well, don’t you.”

Sena tilted her head as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Un, we get along well.”

“I want to get along well with Takamura-kun too.”

“Sure.”translated by nakimushitl

The varying gazes from Kousaka and Hiwatari hurts. Kousaka’s gaze went like “How dare you
flirt around with Sena, my idol!”, while Hiwatari’s gaze went “Who and who get along well, you

“Then, can we go home together today?”

“N 一”translated by nakimushitl

It’s like a dream to be able to walk around with the company of a girl as cute as Sena. Yes, it’s
like a dream but fortunately or not, I’m a girl. Moreover, she’s by far and large a troublesome
and problematic type even among girls. In addition, the one who’s been attached to me recently,
the core of troubles idiot ouji, likes this Sena.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, wouldn’t going home with this girl bring an array of

“I have something extremely important to say, though……”

The sulking Kousaka who was listening as he polished the basketball, stiffened with widened
eyes and a shocked expression. I’m probably making the same face.
translated by nakimushitl
Saying that she has something important to say at this timing, only a confession comes to mind. I
didn’t think I could get a girlfriend after only having been a guy for half a month.

However, I’ll immediately reject her if she confesses, and that itself might be lucky of me. It’s
not for sure that she’ll confess, but let’s clearly reject her if she does.

“Alright. Let’s head back together.”

“Really? Thank goodness. I’ll prepare to leave, okay.”

“Ah, hang on. I want to grab my belongings too.”

I called out to stop Sena who raised her hips.

Just as I raised my hips too, Kousaka grabbed my ankle and I almost tripped. Looking at my feet,
my eyes met with Kousaka’s as he made a grim expression.

“It’s mortifying but… it’s mortifying but, give Sena-san happiness.”

“See you tomorrow, then.”

“I was still in the middle of speaking, ya!”

I waved to Hiwatari, ignoring Kousaka who spoke gibberish. Of course, Hiwatari didn’t grant me
a wave and instead snorted, giving his undivided attention to polishing the ball.

Kousaka was saying something in the distance but I turned a deaf ear. Though it’ll be
troublesome as he’ll probably make noise tomorrow, it’s more important to put an end to the
matter regarding Sena.

Support the translator by reading in their site!

Sena and I walked side by side to the classroom. She’s about as tall as the past me, and her face
reaches just about my shoulder. When I accidentally looked in that direction, Sena happened to
be looking at my face. She blushed when our eyes met. Although she hid her mouth with both
hands bashfully, she still gave a happy smile. So cute.

“Takamura-kun, you know…”

Sena and I faced each other in the dark corridor.

The quiet corridor and the lively sports ground, it was an irregular space. I felt intoxicated by the
peculiar yet familiar atmosphere. The rays of the setting sun shone on Sena’s white skin. Perhaps
she was bashful or perhaps it was the setting sun, her cheeks appeared red. Sena who gave a
small “fufu” laugh, had an unusually enchanting aura. She had a strangely adult-like expression
on despite her baby face and cute features.

“I know.”translated by nakimushitl

Her full, light pink lips opened.

“What do you know?”

“That Takamura-kun is cursed.”

I was speechless. I continued to stare at Sena’s face without saying a word.

Sena laughed again with another “fufu” as she leaned on the window. She held down her pleated
sailor skirt as she adjusted her knee-high socks.

“What are you saying……”

“Takamura-kun is cursed, right. You’re actually a girl, aren’t you. I know.”

How did Sena know that I was a girl? Why is she disclosing that in such a place? Where did she
find out my secret from?――…… Various feelings jumbled together and I found it difficult to
breath from the turmoil. My field of vision grew hazy and I squatted down on the spot.

Honestly speaking, I should be trying to gloss over things now. However, I couldn’t say anything
after seeing Sena’s unswerving eyes. Because I understood that Sena wasn’t joking.

“Wha…”translated by nakimushitl

“I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to give you such a shock.”

Sena squatted down before me.

I would be able to gloss over things and make a run for it if some other student comes here. But
today alone, there’s no one passing by. I want to run. I want to run but I can’t even stand up now.

“You don’t have to be so shaken. Because I’m the same. I’m also cursed.”

Raising my head, Sena’s face was there.

Sena is also cursed. Those words didn’t manage to enter my head immediately. I slowly
processed those words and finally understood.

Sena Tsugumi is also cursed?

“Then, Sena is-”

“Un, I’m male.”translated by nakimushitl

Speaking of Sena Tsugumi, she has the cutest face in this school and is more feminine than
anyone, the school’s idol whom everyone admires. Despite that, to think. To think she was male.

Sena pulled up her sailor uniform’s top. Because she so unhesitatingly pulled it up, I could see
her white bra that had light pink flowers embroidered on it. On the right flank of her pale and
thin frame was the proof of the curse, a fist-sized tattoo of Uroboros. I’ve seen it before Because
I have the same thing on my waist.

“I was surprised when I heard Takamura-kun’s name. I knew about the Takamuras, but I didn’t
expect you to enrol in school with your real name.”

“Sena-san has the same kind of curse as me?”

“Most likely. The curse of the Sena family goes something like: the eldest son will become a girl
on his 17th birthday, and can return to being male if he receives the kiss of a hime-sama.”
translated by nakimushitl
For some reason she was tilting her head bashfully. I think I understand why Sena is called the
school’s idol. Because a “real girl” won’t possess such an atmosphere. Because realistically
speaking, girl cliques hate this kind of cunning girl. However, the reason she wasn’t hated was
because ‘she’ was a boy. Even if she’s a girl on the outside, the something that oozed out was a
boy’s, so she wasn’t hated.

Be it in the past or current times, women are indulgent to men, and men are indulgent to women.
Truly, there’s no way such a cute person is a girl for real.

“If it’s Sena-san, I think you’ll turn back soon.”

“It’s hard for girls to fall in love with this appearance.”

“That’s… true, huh…”

translated by nakimushitl
Sena is much cuter than run-of-the-mill girls. Honestly, it’ll probably be difficult to arrive at a
romantic relationship where the other party treats him as a boy.

“That’s why I[2] want to have a romance with Takamura-kun.”


“Initially I only thought it was nice to have a hexed comrade. But Takamura-kun appeared
increasingly cute to me as you worked hard at being a boy.”

Sena rubbed my head gently.

“That’s why I think I’ll come to like you even more from now on. Can I like you, Takamura-

“I reject.”

“I’ll like you on my own volition, so that’s fine.”

It’s becoming increasingly troublesome.

I didn’t expect that Sena has a cursed constitution. Rather, I didn’t expect that there would be
another hexed lineage besides the Takamuras.

What should I do from now on? This situation simply left me in a daze where I totally can’t
predict what will happen next.

translated by nakimushitl

[1] Akagi Haruko is a manager from Slam Dunk.

[2] Sena had been using ‘watashi’ to refer to herself, even after telling Takamura she was a guy.
But here, she switches to ‘ore’, a more masculine Japanese first person pronoun.

Chapter 8 – Sena Tsugumi Knows (2)

Make no mistake, Sena Tsugumi is male.
He is a young man possessing sweet features such as short pink hair with tinges of light
brown, large eyes and pouty ‘duck lips’[1] of which corners are upturned. In addition to his
166cm not-quite-tall height, he also possesses a delicate stature with his slender waist and limbs.
If anything, he was originally the type that could be termed ‘cute’.

In this manner, while the original Sena was not-quite manly, the curse whereby the eldest son
of the Sena family becomes a girl on his 17th birthday was cast on him. And the one who ended
up receiving the curse this time was the Sena family’s eldest son, Tsugumi ――also known as
Although when he was young he had heard that there is a curse that would turn boys into girls,
as expected he felt uneasy when he actually became one. However he resigned to his fate and
transferred from the private high school that he had been attending in the metropolitan area, to
Hitotose High School. That was on the 8th of April.
The female Sena is a delicate girl who has a height of 156cm. As before, her limbs are long
and her waist so thin it appears breakable. A bishoujo possessing semi-long pink hair with tinges
of light brown, silky-smooth and tender white skin and a small chest. It may be presumptuous to
say this of oneself, but indeed, perhaps due to the curse, she appears pretty cute.
The original Sena already had a delicate stature and cute facial features for a boy, but he grew
even cuter after becoming a girl. Cute, beautiful, the school’s idol. Sena did not feel unpleasant
to be praised this way, but because he personally preferred boyish girls instead of cute ones,
neither did he feel even a twinge of happiness at becoming a girl.

“Being a girl suits Aki so much it’s hilarious ー”

“Aki-chan, cuteee. Cutee”

Sena’s two older sisters completely treated it as someone else’s business. The eldest daughter,
Kuina, who was 26 years old that year was watching the television as she spoke. Meanwhile, the
second daughter, Suzume, who was turning 21 years old was pointing at Sena while guffawing.
It was because the two were already female and did not have to worry about the curse. But
Sena Takaaki is different. As the eldest son, he had to shoulder the curse in its entirety.
Although he already had a girlish face originally, it was no laughing matter when he really
became one.
He had sweet, girlish features but they became even more gentle and cute with the curse. His
originally small and delicate build also became even thinner and more delicate.

“The female Aki-chan’s name can’t be Takaaki, huh. It has to be a more girl-like and cute

“That’s true. Something like ‘Tsugumi’? ‘Hibari’ or ‘Tsubame’ works too though.”

“I think ‘Tsugumi’ is fine ー”

Thanks to such sloppy naming, Sena’s name was changed from Takaaki to Tsugumi.
Thereafter, it was as you know it. He was made to enter Hitotose High School as a female
student, labelled as the school’s idol as he looked on in blank amazement, and ended up living as
a bishoujo who’s cute, kind and treats everyone equally.

“How lucky you two are, being so carefree.”

His two older sisters did not take even his sarcastic words to heart.
“But of course. It’s a problem concerning only Aki-chan――……Tsugu.”

“Rather, shouldn’t it be a happy event for you, Tsugumin? You can rub a girl’s boobs all you
want y’know~. Moreover, you’re a girl as cute as me ー”

He’s absolutely not happy at all. Let him repeat that. He’s absolutely not happy at all.
He’s not happy but he only thought of her two older sisters’ teasing as irritating; he didn’t feel
particularly displeased other than that.
Ever since becoming a girl, there were tons of things he was inexperienced at, things he didn’t
understand and troublesome things, but they weren’t much once he got used to them.
Wearing underwear with cute lace and putting on the sailor uniform in a cute way, in addition
to high socks. An easygoing way of speaking and gestures cute to the extent they can be termed
‘cunning’. Pink lipstick and orange blusher. Accessories that aren’t too overboard. All these
resulted because Sena thought that he might as well play the part of a girl he himself thought
would be cute.

As he had been living sandwiched between his two sisters, he thought that he had handled things
pretty well, even when compared to real girls. But if asked whether he would like to return to
being male, the answer is definitely a yes. Obviously! Although Sena’s outer appearance is that
of a female, the inside is packed full of the gender ‘male’ that had been nurtured for 16 years and
11 months.That isn’t something that can be easily thrown away.
But in order to return to being male, he has to obtain mutual love and kiss his counterpart.
Sena certainly succeeded in becoming a cute girl. But girls don’t like cute girls. While there
were many boys who looked at Sena romantically, there weren’t a single girl Sena looked at that

“Hey, Tsugu ー. Come to think of it, do you know? It seems like there’s another lineage that
inherits this curse besides the Senas. Right, Suzume?”

“That’s right ー. They’re called the Takamuras and contrary to our family, it seems their eldest
daughter turns into a boy~. ‘nd the eldest daughter’s name is Takamura Mahiro, apparently.

According to Suzume, the story goes like this.

Approximately 100 years ago, the two households, Takamura and Sena, were originally a
household called ‘Takase’. It was unknown when it split into two households, with the
Takamuras and Senas each receiving a curse. And thus each generation inherits the curse: the
eldest son of the Sena family becomes a girl on his 17th birthday while the eldest daughter of the
Takamura family becomes a boy on her 17th birthday.
As of current times, it is unknown why they had received the curse. A theory said that it was
due to being absorbed with harlots and male prostitutes; playing around too much with the
opposite sex. Another said that it was simply God’s whim.

“Why does Suzume-chan know something like that?”

“It’s a trade secret, nyaa.”

“Nyan nyan.”

Sena was in doubt as his sister took up a kitty pose.

He wondered what kind of girl Takamura Mahiro was? In the first place, when was Mahiro’s
17th birthday?
If the Takamuras were originally the Senas’ relatives, she probably lived in the same
metropolitan area as Sena or at the outskirts of it. However, it wasn’t certain that she would enter
Hitotose High School. Moreover, she might have changed her name. There was no way he would
recognise someone he’d never even met before.
Even so, he ended up wondering about the person who received the same curse as him. What
kind of person is she? What kind of girl is she?

“Pleased to meet you for the first time. I am Takamura Mahiro.”

He transferred here in mid-May.

Mahiro, the eldest daughter of the Takamura family, was a young man possessing short hair
with a tinge of blue and large, sleepy eyes. Her first impression was probably that he was the
type who fits the words ‘expressionless’ and ‘cool’. One wouldn’t really find this youth
beautiful. In terms of Facial T-Score[2], Mahiro was at most 55. Above average. About so-so.
But as Sena associates with him, she comes to realise that he isn’t cool[3]. Even his seemingly
expressionless face is actually more abundant with expressions than anyone. He’s honest and
slightly thick-headed. Although he appears vague and hard to get a grasp on, he would
whimsically settle near others.
She thinks he is a cute person.
Originally, Sena already liked boyish and cool girls.
This is it, she thought. If Sena who turned female and Mahiro who turned male have mutual
feelings and kiss, they can both return to their original forms. Isn’t that just perfect?

As she wondered when she’d start talking to him and when they’d get along well, it had become
June before she knew it. She finally thought that this wouldn’t do, and decided to use the library
committee work to approach him.
She approached Kousaka who was fired up as he spoke about Bakumatsu Shishi Girls and
Mahiro who didn’t seem very interested as he half-listened while stuffing textbooks into his bag.
Having noticed Sena’s presence, Mahiro raised his head. White skin and glossy, short and
straight blue hair. His sleepy eyes which had a colour like that of the vast sea, was shining
brightly. The collar bone beneath his neck that peeped out from his gakuran and cutter shirt was
strangely erotic. He wasn’t a transcendent beautiful youth even when looking at him like this, but
observing at a close range, he was indeed exactly Sena’s type. Aah, so cool. Cute.

Sena became shy and unconsciously fidgeted restlessly, unable to open her mouth.

This isn’t how it should be.

If it was the usual Sena, towards girls she’d be pretty much ――well, it’s unclear whether the
current Mahiro can be categorised as a girl, but―― regardless, she should be able to hold a
good conversation with him. But somehow she feels shy just from looking at Mahiro’s face.
After all, his face is Sena’s type. Sena is weak to this face.


Did he do it unconsciously? Mahiro tilted his head as he prompted Sena to speak.

Sena realised that her heartbeat raced even from his hoarse voice. Idiot idiot idiot. Despite
being a girl, Mahiro’s voice and appearance is that of a boy. Even his smell and atmosphere isn’t
like a girl’s, and Sena’s romantic targets are girls.
Isn’t that, just like a gay? Perplexed, Sena unknowingly raised her voice.

“Takamura-kun! About the work for the library committee……”

“……. I’m a library committee member?”

“So you really forgot. We were told to organise the library after school today, right?”

After looking down for a bit as though deep in thought, Mahiro raised his face and looked at
Sena with upturned eyes.

“I see, sorry. Umm……”

“It’s Sena. Sena Tsugumi.”


Ruminating till this point, Sena unconsciously let out a faint smile.
Before her is Mahiro who turned distressed because Sena pointed out the matter of the curse.
His eyes that are usually half-lidded are wide open as they stare at Sena. They are eyes like the
sea illuminated by stars. Those eyes are shining.
Sena felt an urge to hug Mahiro, but wriggled her fingers and suppressed it.

Sena Takaaki must have been the first to come to like the male Takamura Mahiro. Although
he had never seen the female Takamura Mahiro, he will definitely like her. He will come to like

“Sorry, Sena-san. I don’t particularly actively want to return to being female and I don’t want to
kiss just because Sena-san and I happened to be comrades whose genders changed.”

“That’s not it. Takamura-kun, that’s wrong. I only want to get along better with Takamura-kun. I
think that I’ll probably want to get along with you even if you’re really a boy, Takamura-kun.
I’m also feeling uneasy with regards to that, though…”

“Getting along… are you saying you like me?”

Takamura remained crouched in the corridor and directed his gaze downwards.

“That is still…”

“Sorry. I won’t come to like Sena-san. I don’t have the luxury of liking anyone right now.”

“That’s quite a clear-cut rejection, huh.”

Sena gave a bitter smile.

“It’s more cruel if it’s half-baked and gives you expectations, right. I won’t come to like Sena-
san, so give up once and for all and look for someone else. I think that there will be many who’ll
come to like Sena-san.”

“Un… But I’m still unable to give up now. Perhaps going forward, Takamura-kun may come to
like me[4], after all. That’s why, until I become able to give up, I’ll probably come to like you
even more…… I’m sorry. Takamura-kun.”
Sena buried her nose at Mahiro’s nape.
Mahiro didn’t know what kind of expression Sena had on her face. That’s why he didn’t say a
thing and simply remained silent.

Without realising that Sunohara was there.

[1] Ahiru guchi

[2] Slang. Measuring facial beauty in numbers. The higher the value, the more
beautiful/handsome, etc. in comparison to others.
[3] As in apathetic.
[4] Sena switches to ‘ore’ here. Masculine pronoun.

Chapter 9 – Hiwatari Shuu Comforts (1)

The university Takafumi attends is having a Cultural Festival today.

There’s a preconception that Cultural Festivals are held in November, but it appears that
Takafumi’s university holds it on the last day of June. I’ve never been to a university Cultural
Festival, but apparently they do things like inviting celebrities and forming bands. All in all, it’s
pretty amazing. So far, I’ve been unable to attend Takafumi’s Cultural Festivals for one reason
or another, be it the distance or cost. However, it’s different this year. I’ve moved into the
metropolitan area and my allowance has increased.
Let’s forget about the end-of-term test for now and depart for the Cultural Festival. There’s
also matters more important than the term tests to consider, but let’s forget about them for now

The matter that plagues my heart to the utmost. Its emergence dates back to several days
Sena Tsugumi is male. Moreover, he says he likes me. I thought it was a lie, but I understood
it’s true when I saw the Uroboros tattoo on his right flank. Because I have the same thing on the
left side of my waist. The motif of two snakes eating into each other, forming a circle. Uroboros,
the symbol of ‘death and rebirth’, ‘immortality’, et cetera.
Looking back at the mirror, I gaze at my waist. Sure enough, there resides two snakes that are
about fist-sized. I’ll remain male as long as these snakes continue to reside on my waist.
However, this curse will unravel if I come to like Sena and kiss him. I can return to being a
girl at once.
But my heart is unable to keep up. There’s no signs that my heart will come to like Sena. After
all, I thought he was a girl until a mere couple of days ago. Moreover, even now, Sena’s
appearance, gestures and everything are those of a girl’s. From my perspective, it’s exceedingly
difficult to have feelings of love for him because I don’t feel like becoming lesbian.

A dress shirt with ¾ length sleeves paired with loose jeans. Only a wallet and smartphone are
in my leather bum bag.
It’s 9am on the dot. It takes about 45 minutes to reach the university from here so I’ll be able
to reach there before 10am.
It appears that the band Takafumi is in will perform at 10.30am. There can’t be anything
harder to associate with Takafumi than a band, but it seems he’d been in one since his high
school days and he’s the guitarist there. That’s too much of a surprise.
That’s why I must at least catch Takafumi’s band performance.
I left the house with these thoughts in mind, but goodness, the train’s been delayed. It’ll be
delayed for up to 30 minutes so I may not make it for Takafumi’s performance. I sit down on a
bench in disappointment. People who’re likely planning to go to the Cultural Festival are
gathering at the platform of the ascending line.
When I nonchalantly start people-watching, I spot the figure of a familiar tall boy.

“Ah, Hiwatari.”

Having spotted Hiwatari, who is wearing a black shirt, slacks and a knitted jacket with stripes,
I unconsciously called out.

“… Takamura-san.”

“Are you going to the Cultural Festival too, Hiwatari?”

“Yes, I suppose.”

I may have no right to say this of others, but Hiwatari’s replies are so short that it’s hard to
continue the conversation. The awkwardness is difficult to bear.
Needless to say this of Kousaka and Sunohara, but even Sena and Takafumi are the talkative
type, so it was fine for me to just listen. I believe I’m quite fortunate.

“Is there someone you know there?”

“Yes, well. My older brother formed a band.”

“My cousin will be playing in a band too. I wonder if it’s the same one?”

Hiwatari had a surprised expression when I told him the name of the band Takafumi belongs
to. Seems like it’s the same band.

“Then, Hiwatari’s onii-san and my cousin are friends, huh.”

“That might be so. Still, we’ll definitely not make it at this rate.”

“That’s true, huh… I wanted to hear Takafumi-kun’s performance.”

The train still has not been fixed. We’re already plenty late at this point.
Takafumi will definitely look cool during the performance, huh. I lowered my gaze slightly.

“Do you like him so much? That ‘Takafumi-kun’?”

“Rather than ‘like’… well.”

Staring at my toes, I shifted them restlessly. Various feelings emerged when I recalled the time
when I liked Takafumi.
Takafumi had been a truly cool person ever since we were young. He’s someone who’ll easily
save me whenever I’m troubled. That’s why even if you ask me whether I like or dislike him
now, it’s a definite ‘like’.
The feelings I have for him now are probably special. I absolutely don’t know if they’re
romantic sentiments or affection for Takafumi, who’s an older-brother-like existence to me. But
I carry much, much heavier feelings towards him than towards Sunohara or Sena.
“We apologise for the delay during busy times. Normal service will resume as of now.”

In the end, the service resumed after 26 minutes. There’s a thin line between whether I’ll make
it or not for Takafumi’s performance. But I’ll be happy even if I can see only the ending.

“Let’s get on, Hiwatari.”

“Eh, are we going together?”

“Can’t we?”

The two of us chatted this much together and are even going to the same place. Isn’t it strange
if we don’t go together at this point?

“Well, it is not like we can’t.”

“Let’s go together then.”

His indecisive attitude is bothersome so I forcibly dragged him onto the train.
We spent 15 minutes being swayed on the train. It takes about 10 minutes to reach the
university Takafumi attends from there. In the meantime, as I speak to Hiwatari, he replies in a
distinct and clear-cut manner.
It’s past 10.40am when we reach the university. Takafumi’s band should have started already.
I’ve to quickly get to the gymnasium that Takafumi and the others are performing at, but I don’t
know where it is at all. I’m directionally-challenged. By the way, I can’t read maps either.

“Hiwatari, I don’t know the way.”

“Are you not holding a map?”

“I can’t read it.”

I hand him the pamphlet so that he can read the map.

Hiwatari reluctantly accepts the pamphlet and opens it to the page of the school map. After
staring at that map for a while, Hiwatari points to the right of the main entrance.

“I believe it is this way.”

I follow behind Hiwatari who walks a couple of steps ahead.

“What’s Hiwatari’s onii-chan’s name?”

“It is Kaede.”

“I see…”

Thanks to Hiwatari’s guidance, I manage to reach the gymnasium in one piece. Folding chairs
are arranged in the frontal half of the gymnasium, and most of those chairs are filled. A lot of
people can also be seen standing and watching the performance in the back.
Looking at the stage, Takafumi stood slightly off-centre, a little towards the right, as he held a
guitar. It isn’t the usual gentle and leisurely Takafumi; you can feel a wild manliness from him.
That expression and attitude leave my heart thumping so much that there are tingles running
down my spine. At the same time, I feel like crying because his existence feels so far away.

“Which one is Takafumi-san?”

“Eh, ahh…”

Because I had been staring at Takafumi intently, I was unable to reply to Hiwatari’s words
Thinking that I can’t let him notice my uneasiness, I look up at Hiwatari who is standing next
to me and do my best to smile.

“He’s the guitarist on the right. Which one is Hiwatari’s onii-san?”

“He’s the bassist. The one acting cool.”

“I see… he sure is cool. He resembles you, Hiwatari.”

Hiwatari made a strange face. My heart gradually calm down as I look at such a Hiwatari.
I’m aware that it’s weird for me to feel uneasy when I see a side of Takafumi I don’t know.
I’m aware.

“Takamura-san resembles Takafumi-san too.”

“I resemble Takafumi-kun? … Is that so?”

I’d never paid much attention to that. In the first place, I never thought that we’d be similar.
My facial features are closer to the sharp-eyed side while perhaps due to his droopy eyes,
Takafumi has kind-looking features. I’ve straight blue hair while Takafumi has curly, cream-
coloured hair. Even our heights, builds and personalities are completely different.
Noticing that I’m making a dubious face, Hiwatari starts explaining as though it’s tiresome.

“It’s like… the feeling where you unnecessarily delve into others is completely the same.”

“… I see.”

It’s no-good because Hiwatari’s always honest with his words.

The band performance ends 15 minutes after my arrival. Although I couldn’t see much of it,
I’m already fortunate to be able to catch it despite encountering an accident like the train delay.
I left the gymnasium after the performance ended, wanting to at least inform Takafumi that I
came to watch it. If I wait at the door that directly connects to the stage’s wings[1], I should be
able to meet Takafumi who’ll come out to move the instruments away or the like. I bring out my
phone with the intention of leaving him a text. Hiwatari is standing right next to me. With how
peppery he had been acting, I thought he’d leave the moment he finished listening to the
The door open before I could text him. Hiwatari’s older brother, Kaede, and the band’s
drummer exited from the stage’s wings.

“Oh, Shuu ー! So you came after all. As expected of a tsundere~”

“Shuddap. It was senpai who brought me here!”


Just as I kinda watched Hiwatari who was getting his head rubbed by Kaede, he arbitrarily
made it so that it was me who brought him here by force.
When I look at Hiwatari in an attempt to protest, he give me a glare that says: “Don’t say
anything unnecessary!”

“Eh~, you, what -chan are you?”

“I am… Takamura Mahiro…”

“Mahiro-chan! I know. You’re Takafumi’s cousin, right! Uwaawaa, cute. What a cute face.”

Poke poke, he prod a ‘hole’ on my cheek with his index finger. He subsequently hugs me, and
even rubs his cheek against mine.
This level of skinship rivals, or perhaps exceeds, Sunohara’s. My anger, embarrassment and
the feeling that this is bothersome cross the boiling point and the insides of my head turn white.
Question marks and exclamation marks alternately flits across my mind.
Even though his unruly ash-purple hair, fair skin, straw-like tall and thin build, facial features
and atmosphere are identical to Hiwatari, the insides are completely different.

“… Hiwatari.”

I gaze at Hiwatari, seeking for help.

Hiwatari gives a deep sigh and tug my arm, pulling me away from Kaede.

“What, so you were Shuu’s lover? Sorry about that.”

“We’re not lovers, I say. More importantly, I think Takamura-san is looking for Takafumi-san.
Where’s Takafumi-san?”

“If it’s Takafumi, he’s still inside. Feel free to go in.”

I take Kaede’s advice and enter the backstage.

On the stage, the next band has already begun its performance. It seems that it’s a girl band
this time.
The stage’s wings are dark and I can’t see clearly. When I blink several times and let my eyes
adjust, I see Takafumi, together with a girl, further in. There aren’t any female members in
Takafumi’s band. That girl’s definitely someone who’s allowed to watch Takafumi from the
closest possible location, the stage’s wings.
Without noticing my presence, two of them are laughing together. I felt severely unsettled at
how intimate they appear. The girl touches Takafumi’s shoulder as she smiles. Takafumi touches
that girl’s hand gently.
And just like that, they exchange a kiss.
The instant I see their kiss, my heart hurts as though icicles are stabbed into it. A piercing pain
and the sensation of the center of my body growing colder assaults me. I tremble.
Thinking that I can’t let them notice my unsettledness, I slowly back away and head out the
door like that.

“Takamura-san, are you okay?”

“I was surprised. It sure is awkward to witness one’s relative kissing.”

When I give him a smile, Hiwatari let out a sigh so deep that it was unnatural.

“You’ve been forcing it since just now, you know? You don’t usually act so frivolous, right.”


“Even though you’re unsettled because Takafumi-san was taken by that girl. You’re hurt because
an onii-chan you’re related to seemed like he was taken away, aren’t you.

Am I unsettled? If I’m unsettled, why so? I wonder why.

Do I like Takafumi romantically? Is that why I’m hurt?
My feelings are left abandoned in a dark and cold place. My feelings are left in a place so deep
like the depths of hell. I’m afraid to go looking for them, but I can’t possibly leave them
abandoned like this.

“I… am hurt?”

“That’s right.”

“I see.”

I probably like Takafumi. I didn’t want to admit it, but I can’t deceive myself anymore.
After all, I’m already in tears. I’m in tears because I’m anxious that Takafumi’s a couple with
that girl.

Yes. For these 17 years, I’ve always liked Takafumi.



[1] An offstage area

Chapter 10 – Hiwatari Shuu Comforts (2)

Takamura Mahiro, 17 years and 1 month old. Approximately a month since she turned into a
This day, her heart broke the instance she realised she was in love. As a 17-year-old, she
experienced heartbreak the instance she experienced her first love. She’s lifeless already. If she
was a samurai, it’d be as though someone suddenly came slashing at her from the back, and the
instance she turned around, she received an impact strong enough to dent her sword.



Having experienced a huge heartbreak that would have caused death if I was a samurai, I
wailed for about 15 minutes.
I’m sad as, sure enough, I’m merely a ‘little sister’ to Takafumi and he treats me kindly
because I’m his younger cousin. At the same time, there may be some feelings of vexation and
envy because that girl knows about the Takafumi that I don’t know.
Nonetheless, once my feelings calmed down after crying without restrain for 15 minutes, I
started feeling hungry and freely bought food at various food stalls. Takoyaki, karaage, popsicle,
crepe, yakisoba. There’s no end to the amount of food you can consume if you alternate between
eating sweet stuff and salty stuff.
It appears that the mood of Hiwatari, who has a small appetite, turns for the worse just by
watching me eat. When I look at Hiwatari as I chew karaage, he makes an extremely unpleasant

“You were hurt, weren’t you.”

“Well, that’s right.”

I made the mistake of wailing in front of Hiwatari after becoming anxious due to witnessing
Takafumi’s kiss.
At a location a small distance away from the gymnasium, Hiwatari sat beside me, silently
plucking the grass as I cried. He didn’t call out to me gently nor did he pat my head. He simply
sat there silently.

“You can already eat so much even though you cried so hard?”


“Should I call you brash or what.”

Even if you call me ‘brash’, it can’t be helped since that’s my disposition.

If let’s say crying, raging and getting jealous will make Takafumi like me, then I may do so.
However, that’s not how it works. No matter how much I cry, rage, get jealous or even bully that
girl, Takafumi will definitely not choose me. Rather, he may even hate me if I bully someone.
Hence, I figure I should revert to the usual me and face Takafumi.
Yet, I can’t possibly tell something like this to Hiwatari who thinks that the reason for my
tears is because an older brother-like existence was taken away from me. Thus I can only give a
vague laugh.

“You’re being all frivolous again.”


“Takamura-san acts all frivolous when you have something to hide, huh.”

I unconsciously purse my lips when he points out my habit.

For someone who appears to not hold much interest in others, Hiwatari unexpectedly sees
certain things uselessly well.

“I was certainly shocked to find that Takafumi has a girlfriend.”

“Yes. You did cry after all.”

“But it’s not unusual for Takafumi to have at least a girlfriend. It’s about time to let go of my
older brother[1].”
Although I don’t want to talk about Takafumi’s girlfriend this many times, many a times I
speak with a carefree expression because Hiwatari prises the matter out. Why do you have to
expose my wound so many times? It’s as though he’s sprinkling salt on top of exposing my
wound. I’m not a sunny-side up y’know.
Coming close to tears again, I smooth it over by sniffling.

“You sure say some strong words despite looking like you won’t be able to let go of your older
brother anytime soon.”‘

He snorts as though he’s ridiculing me. And yet, it’s plainly obvious that he sporadically scans
my changes in mood from the side. He’s probably probing for the point right before I seriously
Although I don’t get why Hiwatari keeps charging at me like this, it doesn’t bother me
because I know he primarily doesn’t mean any harm.
After dividing the takoyaki into two halves, I start by eating the half without the octopus. This
is the type of fried takoyaki with a crunchy exterior and a hot and sticky center.

“That’s right. I’m the same as Hiwatari.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hiwatari can’t bear to let go of Kaede-san either, right.”

Hiwatari is also pretty attached to Kaede. Hiwatari should like Kaede enough to come by himself
to see his Cultural Festival.

“I am not particularly like that. I will not be fazed even if brother has a girlfriend.”

“I see.”

Denying with his ears that turned red, Hiwatari is surprisingly cute, causing me to reflexively
laugh out loud.
Hiwatari glares at me without hiding his ill temper. Seeing Hiwatari vexed somehow feels
pleasant, causing my appetite to increase. Finishing the takoyaki, I carry on wolfing down crepe.

“Me too, then. I like Takafumi-kun but I won’t be fazed even if he has a girlfriend.”

I lied. I nonchalantly lied poker-faced, without being frivolous and acting like ‘myself’ as
much as possible.
There’s no way I’m indifferent to it. At the same time an onii-chan I knew since birth was
taken away, I experienced heartbreak. There’s no way I’m not sad.
But there’s no point to crying my heart out.
As I said before, there’s no use even if I make a fuss all by myself.

“But I showed Hiwatari a pathetic sight.”

“It is fine since I did not have any expectations from the start.”

Hiwatari is drinking mineral water in front of me who is eating crepe.

There are various drinks available besides water and yet he chooses water. Well, there’s
nothing wrong with drinking water but it feels somewhat weird for Hiwatari, with that
personality of his, to choose water.
Still, I think. I stop eating the crepe and look at Hiwatari. He may appear unsociable and
completely full of thorns, but he has an unexpectedly childlike side.
Even now, he’s probably trying to comfort me. However, his method is absurdly inept.

“Yea, still, thanks.”


“For comforting me.”

Hiwatari’s expression is like that of a pigeon being shot by a peashooter.

From all that I’ve experienced all far, Hiwatari is the type who is weak to pressure. As I
thought, he’s faltering now.

“Hiwatari sure is a kind child.”

“I’m not kind. Shuddap.”

“Your original way of speaking is pretty childish, huh.”

He glares at me with his earlobes turned completely red. It feels like a stray cat is trying to
intimidate me.
Let’s contact Takafumi after I finish eating this. I’ll be sad, but strangely, I won’t cry.
I look at my phone with this in mind and notice that Takafumi had already sent a message. In
response to his ‘Where are you now?’ message, I reply: ‘I’m at the cafeteria in Building no.2’.
As the message was immediately shown as ‘Read’, I continue eating, thinking that he’ll surely
come and meet me at the cafeteria.

“Takamura-san, your expression turns gentle when it comes to Takafumi-san, doesn’t it. It’s
really easy to tell.”

“I see.”

Hiwatari comes at me with a grudge-filled tone that simply screams ‘payback’.

There’s no way I won’t be happy receiving a message from someone I liked until just a
moment ago.
At the same time, there’s also some anxiety. It’s nice to meet him but I may feel sad when I
see his face after all.

“So, what did Takafumi-san say?”

“He’s coming here.”

“Hmm… Are you okay, Takamura-san?”

My eyes meet with Hiwatari’s when I lift my head. It appears he still technically worries for

“Yea, probably.”


As the two of us continue our meal while waiting, Takafumi comes in from the entrance of the
cafeteria. That girlfriend isn’t with him. I find it detestable how unbecoming I am to feel relief
from that. I don’t know whether 15 minutes of wailing is considered long or short but I probably
have yet to give up.
It appears that Takafumi ran here; his sweat flows like a waterfall and he’s short of breath. I
feel really delighted, but at the same time I really feel like crying.

“You came huh, Mahiro. Did you watch the performance?”

“Un, I did. It was cool.”

“Thanks. Did you also see the exhibitions?”

The corners of my eyes sting when Takafumi laughs.

Ever since I realise that I love him, even that smile of his feels precious to me. It seems like
I’m much more of a lovestruck maiden than I thought.

“I haven’t seen them yet. Because I was eating here with Hiwatari.”

“Hiwatari? Ah… Are you Hiwatari Shuu? Kaede’s younger brother, right?”

“Yes, that is right.”

Hiwatari replies in a terribly dull voice to Takafumi’s question.

“You’re the splitting image of him, huh.”

“I am often told that.”

“Did you participate in any other exhibitions, Takafumi-kun? Let’s go and see them.”

Hiwatari is so cold towards Takafumi that I change the topic.

“Our Astronomy Club made a planetarium. Coincidentally, it’s at this Building No. 2 so come
and see it, alright.”


“Well then, I’ve to go help out at the Astronomy Club. Be sure to come, ya ー”

As I gaze at the back view of Takafumi who leaves while waving his hand, Hiwatari pulls at
my clothes. My knees give way because I was gazing absentmindedly.
As I’m not athletically-inept, I manage to stabilize with my body bent, before I fall. With my
body still bent, I turn around with the intention to complain to Hiwatari. However, Hiwatari
drops his gaze diagonally towards the ground and starts muttering so I temporarily give up on
complaining and wait for his words.

“I am going home… it wouldn’t be nice if I intrude.”

“The planetarium with Takafumi-san…”

In other words, is Hiwatari saying that he’s going back home so that he won’t intrude between
Takafumi and I?
I unintentionally laugh the instance I understand the meaning behind his words. Having
noticed that I’m laughing, Hiwatari purses his lips in a sullen manner and glares at me.

“Enough already.”

“No, I’m not ridiculing you. It’s just that you are as kind as I expected.”


I reflexively rub Hiwatari’s head.

Naturally, Hiwatari shakes my hand off unhappily and stands up. I clear the area, placing the
trash scattered around from my meal into a vinyl bag. We then head towards the Astronomy
Club’s planetarium that Takafumi has a part in.
It appears that the Astronomy Club’s planetarium is held on the 3rd floor of this Building
No.2, in Room 302. As the classroom is entirely covered by blackout curtains, it’s impossible to
perceive what is going on inside. A bespectacled girl who appears to be a member of the
Astronomy Club and the girl was kissing Takafumi just now sits side-by-side at a reception table
in front of Room 302.
The moment I see that figure, the region around my heart cools and pricks. Noticing my
uneasiness, Hiwatari tugs the sleeve of my clothing.


“Ah, yea, my bad. Let’s go.”

“Let’s leave. I, do not like dark places. Actually, I would rather see yurukyara[2].”

Having my clothes pulled, I can only follow along so that I don’t fall backwards. Hiwatari is
unexpectedly strong.

“Oi, don’t pull so hard. I’ll fall.”

“Isn’t it because you look like you’re about to cry, Takamura-san.”

“… I see.”

Witnessing so much of my shameful behaviour, Hiwatari may have realised that I used to like
Takafumi in that way. That may be why he’s so considerate towards me.
Even now, I don’t have thoughts of dating Takafumi or getting him to like me. Still, this
feeling of wanting to cry has yet to disappear.

“I do not think that Takamura-san is bad.”

“I’m happy even though it’s pleasantry.”

“It’s not pleasantry.”

Certainly, Takafumi having a girlfriend is enough to make me sad and bitter.
Even now, my heart continues to feel so sad and bitter that it might burst. However, at the
same time, it’s also calming down. I’m sad but strangely composed too. Hiwatari’s desperate
efforts in comforting me and my sensing of that kindness may have calmed me down.
In the end, Hiwatari and I took a look at the local yurukyara in the impromptu stages on the
sports ground after that, and returned home at 5pm.

Now then, let’s make dinner for Takafumi who’ll probably come back when he’s done tidying
up after the Cultural Festival. Let’s make the omelette rice he likes.


[1] Older brother-like existence rather than an actual older brother by blood.
[2] A type of mascot character.

Chapter 11 – Sunohara Chiharu Goes Hunting [1]

“Heyy, Hii-chanHii-chanHii-chan!”

“What’s your problem.”

“I want to go to Hii-chan’s house today.”

The end-of-term tests finished and the latter part of July is about to approach. It’s almost
summer vacation.
Other than recovering my heart that was severely hurt due to being heartbroken over
Takafumi, I was trying to forget the events of that day. The thing known as a human’s heart sure
is more well-made than one would think. I was able to skillfully alleviate the events of that day,
where it was both painful and tear jerking, and even my feelings of having liked him.
By now, I won’t feel like crying even if I see Takafumi’s face. It’s to the point where I can
even think You have to work hard so that your girlfriend doesn’t dump you. It’s a mystery.

Well then, putting aside that matter for now, we’re talking about that Sunohara Chiharu. It
feels like he’s been specially persistent and irritating lately but maybe that can be summed up as
my imagination? Nah, it can’t.
The instant SHR[1] ends, Sunohara comes running all the way to my desk and slings his arm
around my neck from the back. I swiftly pinch Sunohara’s arm mercilessly. However, Sunohara
does not receive any damage and rubs his cheek against the back of my head. Idiots will neither
catch colds nor get wounded. That’s how it is.

“You don’t have to come.”

“I’m going! I say I’m going so I am!”

“And I’m telling you not to come.”

I think that Sunohara isn’t a bad guy.

He’s honest, cheerful and although somewhat annoying and conceited, he’s amicable. His face
is also attractive enough for others to term him a ‘prince’. However, this and that are different
matters. I want to interact with him at an arm’s-length. I don’t want us to become close enough
for me to invite him to my house.

As I direct my gaze at the surroundings, asking for help, my classmates send looks that pretty
much say: “Aah, you’re at it again?”. Kousaka, too, whistles unnaturally as he leaves to
participate in the Basketball Club activities. Damn, that heartless fellow.

“Hii-chan, so mean…”

I simply stare expresslessly at the prince-sama(lol) who starts crying in anguish.

My heart will break at an incredible rate if someone treats me like this[2], yet, as expected, a
prince sure is a prince. His heart appears to be perfectly intact and he’s even coming at me with

“Hii-chan, how can you treat me so coldly when I like you this much? Even if you reject me, I
want to be rejected more gently…”

Dribble dribble, his tears pour as he rubs his cheek against the back of my head, so hard so
that it seems my skin will chafe.

“Well, …… Chiha, face this way.”

Pulling Sunohara’s arm, I make him stand in front of me. Even as Sunohara wipes his tears, he
looks at me with an obviously happy face that’s overflowing with anticipation. What a truly
simple boy.
Painstakingly putting my face muscles to work, I fabricate a smile and speak in a voice as
gentle and sweet as possible.

“Sorry, Chiha. I’m busy today. Leave your visit to another day, okay.”

“Hii-chan…! Cool…”

His light brown eyes glitters as he looks at me. You, don’t look here with blushing cheeks. The
one you like is Sena Tsugumi, right.
Sena was unfortunately a guy. However, you should still be a girl on the inside[3]. Work
harder to ‘fall’ Sena. If your feelings become mutual, Sena turns into a guy when you try to kiss
or whatnot and you become a boy-boy couple, isn’t it fine since you’re both good-looking?

“Well then, I’m off.”

“You can’t.”

“What now?”

After I’ve stood up, at the point where I pick up my belongings, my arm is grabbed and I’m
again prevented from going home.

“I, have something extremely important to tell Hii-chan! So—”

“Aah, erm, you know, erm, Takamura-kun.”

While Sena speaks in a loud voice, she cuts into the gap between Sunohara and I.
She has a cunning appearance consisting of a light pink cardigan and a sailor mini skirt with
knee-high socks. The slender fingers that peek out from the moe sleeve[4] of her cardigan thrust
into the gap between Sunohara and I, her watery eyes peeking at me. My heart unconsciously
throbs at those huge eyes that seem like they’ll spill over and her moist lips.

“What’s up.”

“Erm, me too… I’ve something to tell Takamura-kun too. Can we go home together?”


I think it’ll be great if only Sena and Sunohara get together. Leaving Sena aside, the one
Sunohara likes should be Sena.
I give up thinking for a moment and survey the classroom. There’s no one. By now, only
Sena, Sunohara and I are left in this classroom.
The rays of the setting sun shafts through the window. Even taking into consideration that it’s
summer, the evening sunlight becomes dazzling when it turns 7pm.
I look at Sena’s and Sunohara’s expressions one after another. While Sena looks at me with an
anxious expression, Sunohara has a pondering expression as he looks at Sena and I alternately.

“Takamura-kun, … please.”

“… Um, I—”

“Hii-chan, listen to what I have to say.”

For once, Sunohara looks at me with a serious expression.

“There’s something I want to check with Hii-chan.”

“What is it you want to check, Chiha?”

“I can’t say it because Sena-san is here.”

Even as I’m bewildered, I glance at Sena.

Sena bites her lips with a face that seems like it’s about to burst into tears. She takes a small
breath and her lips tremble. Then, she clears her throat before smiling.

“Nn… I got it. I got it, but let me say this at least.”

Sena wraps her arm around my head and pulls vigorously.

Towards me, who’s unable to do anything because I stiffened from the surprise, Sena buries
her face at my nape and rubs her nose against it. An immensely sweet scent drifts from Sena. Is it
vanilla? A ripe fruit? Or some other scent?
Sena’s face steadily approaches. I’m going to be kissed, the instant I think that, her lips
touches the tip of my nose. As I’m in a state of bewilderment due to not understanding her
intentions, Sena laughs innocently and clings to my body.

“Hang o—, Sena-san!! You, kissed, Hii-chan…”

“I like Takamura-kun. Very much. That’s why I won’t yield to Sunohara-kun. I won’t let you off
if you lay your hands on Takamura-kun.”

“Nah… the one Sunohara likes is…”

The one Sunohara likes is Sena, right.

Or so I thought, but upon hearing Sena’s words, the left corner of Sunohara’s mouth raises up
in a grin and his eyes suddenly narrow. Shone upon by the evening sun, that face with shadows
cast on it appears both attractive and frightening at the same time.

“I know.”

“I shall believe in those words.”

“I like Sena-san, you know. I can’t possibly lie, right?”

It’s a low, low voice. A low voice that seems like it’ll reverberate directly in my mind. I got
the shivers even before my heart can thump. Unlike the usual breezy and naive Sunohara, I feel
truly afraid when I sense the wild tiger-like, masculine him.
Sena, too, from the usual soft and girly expression, changes to an edged expression that
doesn’t fit the composition of that face. The current him isn’t some idol. Even though it’s the
angelic Tsugumi-chan with cute facial features, it’s different now. Surely, I suppose, he had such
a face when he was a guy.
The two are averse to each other for a moment, but Sena lets go of me first and leaves the
classroom. Before exiting the door, Sena turns back. She waves at me with that usual cunning
smile on her face.

“Bye bye. See you, Takamura-kun.”

“Ah, aah, see ya.”

“See you too, Sunohara-kun.”

Sunohara waves at Sena while still clinging onto my neck.

After he confirms that Sena has left the classroom, Sunohara moves from behind me to my
front and tightly embraces me as though he’s trying envelop a genuinely precious treasure.

“Irritating. Go away.”

“Even though you let Sena-san kiss you?”

My feelings towards Sunohara, whose cheeks puff up into a pout, go beyond anger to
One will not think he’s cute or cool with his cheeks puffed up and his lips tapered. I wonder
which part of him does the people from his fan club sees that makes them think he’s dreamy?
Seriously, it’s a complete mystery.

“That was at Sena-san’s own discretion.”

“Then I’ll also kiss at my own discretion~”

“Wha? Stop it.”

Sunohara caresses my cheek. I reflexively turn my face away due to the ticklish sensation.
Sunohara’s fingers stroke my cheeks and fall to my nape, strokes my shoulder, passes through
my armpit and strokes my waist. The way he touches is indecent and embarrassing enough that I
want to cry. My ears and cheeks are incredibly hot. Even the corners of my eyes has become hot
and it feels like tears may fall.

“Hii-chan, you sure are cute.”

“Stop it, I say.”

I shake off Sunohara’s hand and push him away with all my might.
However, as a former female who didn’t even participate in club activities, against Sunohara
who places great efforts in the Karate Club, the difference in physical strength is plain to see.
Sunohara simply staggers a little, draws my waist towards him as though nothing happened, and
seizes my chin.
Sunohara’s face, with a serious expression on, approaches bit by bit.
Deserving to be termed a prince, even though he’s a maddening fellow, at least his face is
handsome. The thing known as a beauty’s serious expression is pretty impactful. That
frightening yet pretty appearance is nearing before my eyes. It feels like I’m going to lose
consciousness with this uselessly pretty face moving closer. As I retreat step-by-step to avoid the
kiss, I already end up bumping into the desk. With the desk as a fulcrum, I twist my body and
protect my lips.

“Don’t wanna, it’s unfair for Sena-san to be the only one. I wanna kiss Hii-chan too.”

“Why. The one Chiha likes is Sena-san, right?”

Sunohara’s eyes widen as though he’s surprised by my words. He then makes a face as though
he’s enduring something painful and brushes my cheek with the back of his hand.

“If Hii-chan thinks so, that’s fine for now I guess. But you know, it’s vexing that only Sena-san
kisses Hii-chan while I, your close friend, can’t kiss you.”

That logic is strange. My head is unable to keep up with the sheer strangeness of his logic.
Sunohara likes Sena but he can’t stand it when Sena’s the only one kissing me. Because I’m
Sunohara’s close friend. In other words, does it mean that he wants to monopolise both Sena and
He’s introducing a polygamy system where you obtain everyone you want. Almost like a
noble from the Heian era.

“Hii-chan really is cute.”

Sunohara’s lips touch mine lightly. This is my first kiss.

Before my heart can even throb, for an instant the thought that his lips are soft crosses my
mind. They say that first kisses are sweet, sour and whatnot but there was nothing of that sort.
The only impressions that surfaced in my mind were That surprised me and Is this how a kiss is
Perhaps I’d have a different impression if it was a kiss with someone I liked.

By the way, it’s a matter of course but I didn’t return to being female.

“Was it the first time you kissed?”

“Well, I suppose so.”

“I see~. It’s my first time kissing a guy too.”

For some reason, Sunohara seems to be having fun.

“I see.”

“Hii-chan… can I kiss you one more time?”

“That’s enough fooling around.”

I give a very deep sigh, carry my bag and try to leave the classroom, but Sunohara
nonchalantly grips my hand.

“Let’s leave then ー. Can I stay over at Hii-chan’s place again?”

“You can’t.”

“Hii-chan, please.”

Sunohara clings to me tightly and snuggles up. He doesn’t even budge when I nudge him with
an elbow.
Sunohara’s slender but he’s sturdy despite his looks. His height doesn’t differ from the current
me, but he has a muscular build and is 5kg heavier.
In the end, Sunohara shamelessly follows me home and even enters my house. It’s an
exceptional bother, but upon reaching home, I feel glad for the first time that Sunohara’s here.

That’s because I received a notification from Takafumi that he won’t be back today as the
Astronomy Club is holding an astronomical observation.
Takafumi’s girlfriend is also in the Astronomy Club. The center of my chest pricks and, just a
little, I feel like crying.


[1] SHR was in the raw. Refers to short home room.

[2] If someone treats her the way she’s treating Sunohara.
[3] I guess she’s indirectly calling Sunohara effeminate?
[4] 萌え袖 moe sode

Chapter 12 – Sunohara Chiharu Goes Hunting [2]

“The food in Hii-chan’s house sure is tasty~”

“Dat so? Thanks.”

Heating up the cabbage rolls that Takashi made and kept aside, I arrange the dishes on the
dining table. I don’t really have the gift of cooking, so I arrange the cabbage rolls, rice, pickled
vegetables and whatnot that were in the fridge, as they are.
Before I know it, Sunohara has already seated himself as though it’s his own house, even
eating the food without hesitation. Sunohara’s assertiveness is something I want to learn from.

“Did Hii-chan make this?”

“Takafumi-kun made it.”

“I knew it~. You seem like you’ll be bad with cooking and the like, Hii-chan.”

Certainly, I’m bad with cooking. However, being told so so clearly is somehow extremely
In this house, cooking is basically Takafumi’s job while the laundry and cleaning are mine.
It’s probably better if a girl knows how to cook at least one dish, but it can’t be helped when
one’s fingers are clumsy. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

“Hurry up and eat, then leave.”

“I’ll stay over today. Just nice, there’s no school tomorrow; let’s go somewhere together.”


My heart is still broken over Takafumi, so it’s honestly tiring to deal with Sunohara.
I speak as coldly as I can, stuffing my mouth with cabbage rolls. When I try to go to the
kitchen with my tableware in hand, Sunohara grabs my arm tightly.

“You’re lonely without Takafumi-san, right? I’ll comfort you.”

“Hah? It’s not like I’m particularly, towards Takafumi-kun—”

“Hii-chan’s beloved Takafumi-san has a girlfriend, you know?”

I instinctively turn around at the word ‘Takafumi’.

Sunohara smirks. As his lightly-pigmented large eyes are faintly closed, he’s looking at me
suggestively. Due to the right corner of his mouth that’s firmly raised, keen observers may find
that smile disturbing.

“How do you—”

I try to ask ‘How do you know’, but I get tongue-tied.

“Because Takafumi-kun’s girlfriend is Sena-san’s onee-san. Apparently, she’s called ‘Suzume-


“Takafumi-kun’s girlfriend is… Sena-san’s onee-san…”

Sure enough, Takafumi-kun’s girlfriend is an exceptional beauty. Now that he mentions it, she
may resemble Sena-san.
I find myself in a fluster. It’s unbelievable that Takafumi’s girlfriend is Sena’s older sister. It’s
undoubtedly barking up the wrong tree to vent my feelings at Suzume, but I lose my cool just a
little and my chest feels suffocated.

“I’m letting you know just in case, but I don’t think Suzume-san is dating Takafumi-san to
interfere between you and him. They seem to have dated for a long time after all.”

“I know.”

I know. I know, but the uneasiness remains sleeping in a corner of my heart. It’s likely that
even in the future, until I come to hold someone dear in my heart, it will continue to carry these
hard feelings.

“But I’m different. I’ll definitely not do things that make Hii-chan sad.”

“I’m not particularly sad.”

I vaguely smile at Sunohara’s words.

“You smile whenever you’ve something you want to hide, don’t you, Hii-chan?”

Having it pointed out by Sunohara, I unknowingly close my mouth. While still holding onto
my hand, the corners of Sunohara’s mouth raise and he grins.
Laughing frivolously when there’s something I want to hide, is a bad habit of mine that
Hiwatari has also pointed out previously. I’ve some recollection of laughing when I’ve things I
want to hide, so I’m unable to respond. I simply look down silently.

“See? Truth be told, Hii-chan is sad. But if it’s me, I won’t make Hii-chan sad and all.”

“What’s with that confidence.”

“I’m Hii-chan’s close friend after all! I’ll be Hii-chan’s ally no matter what happens, and I want
to stay the closest to Hii-chan.”

This is a repeat, but I don’t recall becoming close friends with Sunohara. It’s just Sunohara
sticking to me on his own accord.
Sunohara removes his hand that has been holding my wrist. He then drinks the after-meal
coffee that has lots of sugar and milk in it, and starts eating the cake he bought as a gift. I’m
dumbfounded at how he ends up eating it himself despite having said something like ‘Please eat
this with your family’.

“That’s not what close friends are like, right.”

I’ve a feeling that Sunohara is mistaken about the distance close friends have between them. Is
the friendship between guys something so clingy? It’s only been 2 months since I became a guy
so I’m not too sure.
In the end, what am I to Sunohara?

“Still, we aren’t lovers, right. I don’t think that Hii-chan likes me. Besides, I like Sena-san.
However, Hii-chan is special to me. If I am to give this a name, wouldn’t it be ‘close friends’?”

Sunohara likes Sena. That’s an incontrovertible truth ever since I met Sunohara. He should be
unaware that Sena is a guy. What will he do if Sena is a guy?
I’m unable to say a thing. Because a name to denote the relationship between Sunohara and I,
doesn’t come to mind.
Takafumi has a girlfriend. That girlfriend is Sena’s older sister, called Suzume. That Suzume’s
younger brother, Tsugumi, likes me. On top of that, Sunohara, who claims to be my close friend,
likes that Tsugumi. What on earth should I do about this quagmire? I’ve absolutely no idea.

“… Close friends, huh?”

“Yep, close friends. That’s why Hii-chan can tell me anything and must always be by my side.”

“Is that really ‘close friends’?”

Sunohara pulls my waist towards him, causing me to sit on his lap. Sunohara’s unnecessarily
slender so my butt hurts when it comes in contact with his knee bone. Wrapping his arm around
my waist, he hugs me tightly and rubs the tip of his nose on my nape.
Smooch, I feel a prick on the back of my neck. He probably gave me a kiss mark. Today, I’ve
been kissed, hugged and even given a kiss mark; it’s terrible. On top of that, he even starts
stroking my waist. What’s this homohomo-ish development?
Sunohara should be in love with Tsugumi. Yet, he’s laying his hands on me. What’s the
meaning of this? His thought process is completely incomprehensible. It’s the situation of ‘It
doesn’t matter whether you’re straight; I’m the type who eats you anyway’.

“Stop it. Annoying.”

“Hii-chan sure is cute.”

“Listen to what people say.”

Smooch, smooch, while making those sounds, he drops kisses from my nape to the back of my
hand, tickling me greatly.

I shake off Sunohara with all my might, and roughly wipes my hand with alcohol. Sunohara
may be extremely handsome and is a popular prince-sama, but he’s just an annoying, narcissistic
prince to me. I’ll be happy being kissed if it’s a person I like, but I don’t like him and therefore
I’m not happy at all. Rather, it’s unpleasant.

Seeing me disinfect my hand with alcohol, the ends of Sunohara’s brows lower as he laughs.

“Hii-chan, … I like you.”

“I know. You like me subsequent to Sena-like, right.”

“… Yea.”

Sunohara hugs me even tighter, burying his face at the area around my collarbone and answers
That’s rare for the ever-lively and easy-going Sunohara. I reflexively turn towards Sunohara.

“Chiha, you aren’t too lively.”

“Ehh, what, are you worried about me?”

“If you’re gonna jest, forget it. Go and bathe already.”

Throwing him my sweats, t-shirt and a bath towel, I point towards the bathroom.
Sunohara smiles happily and picks up the sweats, t-shirt and bath towel, then walks to the

Once I confirm that Sunohara has entered the bath, I give a HUGE sigh.
Even though I so strongly rejected his staying over, ultimately things went according to his
wishes. Let’s just say that Sunohara’s assertiveness, or perhaps, his ability to be pampered, is
something I should learn from.

Sunohara gets out of the bath and it’s my turn.

It’s been two months since I became a guy. Before today, lodging in the same room with a guy
didn’t even cross my mind. But now, Sunohara casually came to stay over. It’s a strange feeling.
Washing my body and my head, I soak in the bathtub. I try to think about Sunohara’s matter
with my head that has blood rushing to it.
Why did Sunohara give such a lonely answer at that time? Doesn’t Sunohara like Sena? If
something did happen ――if it was against his will―― I think he can talk to me, his close
friend. However, is it something that he can’t tell even me?
I sink into the bathtub till my mouth level and hold my head. The me who thinks about
Sunohara to this extent is also pathetic.

When I return to the room, I see Sunohara reading manga there.

It’s the story about gathering 7 balls to summon a divine dragon[1]. Takafumi said it’s
interesting so I assembled a set from a secondhand book store. I was told that this book is
something high school boys will definitely read and if I don’t know it, I’ll be ostracised or
whatever. However, amongst high school boys who are born around Heisei 20[2], the Grand
Treasure of One Piece or such are more popular.
Nonetheless, the tale of gathering 7 balls is undoubtedly a masterpiece among masterpieces.

“Isn’t Frieza’s 4th form the coolest~”

“I like Vegeta, so…”

“The Filthy Fireworks[3].”

Sunohara slips into my bed as though it’s natural, and hits the area beside him as though
saying to sleep there.

“I’ll bring out a futon so if you want to sleep, do it there, ya.”

“Ain’t it fine if we sleep together?”


I seize and pull at the collar of Sunohara who’s lying down, but he doesn’t budge an inch.
Instead, he clings to my waist and buries his face at my stomach. This unparalleled annoyance.

“Hey, Hii-chan, I’m lonely…”

Sunohara calls my name in a weak voice. Hii-chan, Hii-chan, he repeatedly calls my name.
If someone else hears, they’ll definitely not think that ‘Hii-chan’ is my nickname. It’s a
nickname only Sunohara uses.
Still, the Sunohara today is extremely odd. He’s feeble. I stroke Sunohara’s head.


“Are you asking why I’m lonely?”

When I nod, Sunohara raises his face and smiles faintly.

“Maybe because I like Hii-chan too much and it’s painful.”

Sunohara’s hand loops to the back of my head and he draws my face nearer.
Then, at that point, a strange shadow is cast on my face as though signalling a kiss to come. I
can faintly smell, not the fresh scent of Sunohara’s anti-perspirant, but the sweet scent of the
shampoo I’m using. That’s terribly, vividly embarrassing and I feel my ears growing warm.
I can feel his breath on my lips. When I think that I’m going to get kissed again, my body
trembles in embarrassment. A kiss may be something like a greeting to Sunohara, but I’m still
not used to kisses till that extent, so I’ll like to refrain from having excessive skinship.

“Stop it.”

When I push his chin away in rejection, sure enough, Sunohara laughs in a sad manner.

“… As expected.”

“You can just do it with Sena, right.”

“… Nn.”

Why is Sunohara making such a lonely face?

And why does my heart hurt when I look at Sunohara’s lonely face?

Although I’m unable to find an answer, I don’t feel cold in the house which Takafumi isn’t in.


[1] The Dragon Ball series.

[2] a.k.a. 20th year of the Heisei period. Heisei 20 was 2008.
[3] One of Vegeta’s moves.

Chapter 13 – Sunohara Chiharu is Cursed [1]

The next morning, 8.10am. I wake up to a suffocating sensation. While being mindful of the
arm that’s wrapped around my waist, I slowly turn around. Thereupon, I see Sunohara, who’s
sound asleep as he hugs me.
Sunohara’s face is so well-chiselled that one has nothing to complain about even if one looks
at it this closely. Large brown eyes that light up like a child’s, a straight nose bridge and thin red
lips as though he’d put on rouge. While his dark brown hair is soft, it gives a different
impression from usual, perhaps because he hasn’t gelled it. It’s a pretty boy with sweet features
that gives a childlike impression.

“Oi, Sunohara… Sunohara…”

I repeatedly call Sunohara’s name as I shake his shoulder.

Sunohara gives a small groan and furrow his brows before lightly stirring and raising his body.

“G’morning, Hii-chan.”

“Ah, g’morning.”

“Hey, where are we going to play today?”

Sunohara laughs with a childlike face.

After eating yesterday’s leftovers, we leave the house together. As I don’t have anywhere I
want to go, I tread upon the heels of Sunohara. Sunohara appears extremely contented, and is
even humming a song. I thought he was singing some popular J-pop or a stylish English song,
but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The melody seems to be a ballad from the Meiji or Taishō

“That song, what’s it called?”

“It was a popular song when I was little.”

“I’ve never heard of such a song though…”

If it was popular when Sunohara was little, then I’d think that it’s a song I know too.
Unfortunately, it’s something I’ve totally not heard before.
Sunohara chuckles as he holds my hand. Initially, I didn’t like having my hand held and so I
shook him off, but somehow I’m already used to it. At this point, it even feels like that it’s
always been like this or that we’ve been doing this for a long time.

“Hii-chan and I are born in different years after all.”

“It’s not that different, is it. Just a couple of months.”

“Hii-chan was born in May, right? I was born between 1st of January and 1st of April, so we’re
about a year apart.”

Having walked for about 20 minutes from the apartment, we arrive at the train station.
Perhaps also because it’s the weekend, there’s a large number of pedestrians and it’s terribly
crowded. A stream of people with their families, lovers, friends and such, overflows the front of
the ticket barriers.
Sure, we’ve reached this point, but I wonder where does Sunohara want to go? I shoot him a
gaze with the intention of asking this question. Sunohara laughs frivolously as he returns my

“Where are you going, Chiha?”

“Can we go to a place I want to go?”

“Is it Umibukuro?”

I remember having gone to Umibukuro with Sunohara some time back.

Sunohara suddenly laughs and shakes his head lightly.

“Nope. Well, follow me.”

Has it been about 30 minutes since we boarded the train? We reach an old station that only has
only one or two station attendants. Passing through the ticket barriers and leaving the station, a
tranquil scenery that’s well-matched with the old station, spreads across my vision.
As far as I can see, there’s only paddy fields, plantations and private houses. From the station
name, it seems to be part of Tokyo. For someone like me who comes from outside Tokyo, I
imagine scenes of rows of buildings when Tokyo is mentioned. However, it seems that you can
find such tranquil scenery even in Tokyo.

“Where is this?”

“It’s where I was born.”

“You aren’t from Jiyuugaoka?”

If I’m not wrong, Jiyuugaoka is the nearest station to Sunohara’s place. I remember him
complaining that it’s troublesome to get to school because he has to change trains a lot. I also
remember him enviously saying: It’s good for Hii-chan because your stop is on the Chūō line
and you don’t have to change.

“I used to live here originally.”

“I see.”

I may be thinking too much but Sunohara has a slightly saddened expression.
Having lived for 10 plus years, he probably has tons of things he doesn’t want to say. Even I
have tons of memories and sad events I don’t want to recall. I don’t think I should dig and pry
into them.

“We need to walk for a bit, is it okay?”


“The house I used to live in is there.”

Even if I look at the direction Sunohara points to, I can only see a continuation of the paddy
fields, nothing else.
At the further, further end of the paddy fields, lays a slightly elevated mountain. Can it be that
Sunohara’s house is somewhere you’ve to cross that mountain to get to? Thinking so, I feel
myself shuddering just a little. However, I can’t say I don’t want to go at this stage, so I
reluctantly follow behind Sunohara.

Along the way, sure enough, Sunohara hums that song. Not being used to the melody and not
really understanding the words, I don’t manage to catch the lyrics.
It seems to be talking about golden glasses, high collar, schoolgirls and whatnot[1] but I may
be wrong.
I think we’ve been walking silently for about 10 minutes. Sunohara stops singing and shifts
his gaze to me. The thin lips that have been spinning out a song is now spinning out words.

“Has Hii-chan ever wondered ‘Why did I become a guy?’”

“Huh….? Naw, I’ve been a guy since I was born so I’ve never wondered such a thing.”

“Hii-chan is a girl, ya. A pretty cute one, at that.”

Putting Sena aside, even Sunohara knows that I was a girl? At this rate, won’t the entire school
know that I was a girl?
So that Sunohara won’t see my uneasiness, I look up at him expressionlessly. Sunohara is less
than 5cm taller than me. Sunohara stops walking and looks down at me. He laughs in an
extremely amused manner.

“Idiot. There’s no way a girl can become a guy.”

“You, of all people, are saying that?”

“What do you know, Chiha?”

I’m neither going to deny nor agree that I used to be female.

From the way Sunohara speaks, I think he knows the reason I became a guy. If he knows
something about this curse, I’d absolutely love to hear it.

“I know everything. If it’s about Hii-chan and Sena-san, everything.”

“For example?”

As though he’s thinking about something, Sunohara places his hand on his chin and looks at
the sky.

“Let’s see… For example, how Hii-chan was cursed to be a boy and Sena-san was cursed to be a
girl. I even know things like why such a curse was cast.”

“You even know why I was cursed?”


Sunohara turns tight-lipped again. He’s singing again.

This time, it’s a song I recognise too. It’s The Gondola Song[2]. Life is short, maidens, fall in
love. I wonder what era was this song from?

When we walk on the footpath surrounded by plant fields, straight from the station for about
40 minutes, the number of private houses steadily increases. Crossing the path sandwiched
between private houses, we arrive at the foot of the mountain.
There, it feels more like a hill rather than a mountain I guess. The trees grow sparsely and
there are two stone pillars standing there, almost like a torii gate. A thin enclosing rope is tied
between the two stone pillars. Even though it shouldn’t be too far from the private housing area,
it’s strangely quiet here. The air is crisp and the sky is clear.
Past the stone pillars lies a narrow, unpaved path that extends across a gentle slope. On both
sides of the small path are stone monuments you may find in a stone garden, and statues of
Ksitigarbha hidden in the thickets. Although I’ve no idea which era they’re from, they must have
been exposed to the elements for a long time. Because they’re covered in moss and are cracked
in some parts.

“Where is this?”

“This is where I used to live.”

“It doesn’t look like a place for people to live though.”

The small path is uneven, with weeds sprouting at their own leisure. It’s a gloomy mountain
trail that has no signs of travellers.
Honestly, I want to leave, but Sunohara is walking so happily that I can’t bring myself to say

“That’s right, isn’t it. Perhaps people won’t live here.”

I tilt my head at Sunohara’s telltale words.

At the top of the hill lays a small shrine. The shrine is slightly slanted due to the decay.
Sunohara sits down on the steps for entering the shrine.

“Your words are too difficult to understand. In the end, what do you mean? Chiha knows
something about my curse. What do you mean by saying you lived here before?”

I’m annoyed at Sunohara’s vexing words.

Sunohara only implies that he knows something, yet refuses to touch upon the important,
central parts. This tedious part of him is, again, irritating.

“Even if it’s me, I won’t be able to answer if you don’t ask them in order.”

“Anything’s fine so please explain in order, in an easily understandable manner.”

I sit down beside Sunohara.

Sunohara places his head on my shoulder, nestling close as though wanting to be spoiled. This
isn’t the time to be flirting at such a broken down shrine. In the first place, Sunohara and I aren’t
in the kind of relationship that involves flirting.

“If you’re not going to be serious and talk, I’m leaving.”

When I lift my heavy hips in an attempt to stand on the stairs, Sunohara clings to my waist in

“Sheesh, I’ll talk. Uhmm, let’s see… The Takamuras and Senas used to be a single family. They
were called ‘Takase’. In the past, the Takases had a house around here. It was a pretty big one.”

“When is that?”

“If I’m to say it now, it was in the early days of the Meiji period. Because the Takamuras and
Senas completely separated after the war, during the Shōwa period[3].”
Sunohara speaks as though he’d actually seen it.
To Sunohara and I, not even mentioning the Meiji period, we shouldn’t even know much
about the Taishō and Shōwa period.

“In Meiji 24[4], in that Takase family. A curse was cast whereby the eldest son turns into a girl
while the eldest daughter turns into a boy when they come of age.”

“Wait, tell me why that curse was cast.”

“There is only one way to remove the curse. Kissing a partner you are mutually in love with. In
the history so far, including Hii-chan and Sena-san, there are just nice 10 people who were
cursed. However, only two were able to turn back.”

Sunohara doesn’t answer me and instead continues with what he wants to say. And while my
emotions are getting rather complicated, Sunohara’s words are more thought-provoking than
Excluding Sena and I, 8 people has the same curse as me, cast on them. Of them, only 2 were
able to remove it. Although I don’t mind continuing my life as a guy, when I think that from now
on, the one I’ll come to like will definitely not like me, it feels a little lonely.

“Like I said, why was such a curse cast?”

When I press further, Sunohara frowns a little and makes a reluctant face.

“There’s no problem saying it, but you probably won’t believe me.”

“If you’re talking about the unbelievable, it’s already occurred, y’know.”

Me becoming a guy is already something unbelievable. Even if a more fantasy-like

development occurs, I’ll definitely not be surprised.

“I’ll say it then.”


“I was the one who cast that curse.”

As expected, one will be surprised at that sentence.

This abominable curse was cast by Sunohara.

I’m probably, making an extremely silly face now.

[1] This should be it… Haikara-bushi

[2] Gondola no Uta. Lyrics.
[3] Meiji: 1868 – 1912, Taishō: 1912 – 1926, Shōwa: 1926 – 1989. I assume he’s referring to the
start of the Shōwa period, right after WWI that was during the Taishō period.
[4] 1891, 24th year of the Meiji period.
Chapter 14 – Sunohara Chiharu is Cursed [2]

Meiji 7[1], Sunohara Chiharu was born as the son of a Shintō priest who belonged to the
shrine at a slightly elevated mountain.
At the same period, a pair of twins, who were the eldest son and daughter of the Takase
family, were born. They were Takamura Mahiro and Sena Takaaki[2]’s esteemed ancestors, and
also their past lives.
The three grew up amiably as childhood friends, but that didn’t last long.
However, it wasn’t because of some cheap reason like having a dispute or someone coming to
hate the other. The times were simply bad.
Translated @
“Mahiro, you’re going to marry? But you’re still 16 years old.”

“Marriage is still a ways off… But it seems we’re going to get engaged. He’s from a viscount
family. Everyone’s excited; if I get engaged to him, the Takases will gain a peerage, so…”

The Takases were originally commoners but they worked their way up as merchants.
It was still the period when the worth of a household is based on its pedigree and fortune. The
Takases had the fortune but not the pedigree to accompany it. Therefore, talks of political
marriage entered the picture.
The man was apparently the president of a bank and is 15 years older than Mahiro. He was a
man with ash-purple hair and gives a cold impression. She wasn’t able to grasp his personality
because he was a man of few words but he’s, probably, not a bad person. It felt like she was
going to cry if she didn’t think this way.
Translated @
“That may be so but you don’t have to marry if you don’t want to, Mahiro. It’s fine if I just
marry a woman belonging to a household with peerage… If there’s someone else you like, it’s
okay to marry him, Mahiro.”

“I can’t possibly push all the family obligations on Takaaki and become happy myself. Aren’t
you the one who has someone you like, Takaaki?”

“I don’t particularly, have someone like that.”

Takaaki gives a faint smile with a sad expression.

Looking at Takaaki’s sad expression, the ends of Mahiro’s eyebrows lower as she, too, smiles.

“If so… then me too. I enjoy myself the most when I’m with Takaaki and Chiha.”

Mahiro and Takaaki weren’t kids anymore, so she knew that they couldn’t always remain like
this. Since that was the case, she chose to marry for the sake of the Takase family and to become
a cornerstone for it.
If she married the eldest son of the Hiwatari viscount family, on top of it being for the Takase
family’s sake, she didn’t have to worry about not having enough to eat. Moreover, on a closer
look, that man was a great person. She also thought that his face looked cool.
She did her best to recall the good points of her fiancé. That was right. He wasn’t a bad man.

“I’m the same; I can’t let things remain as they are. I can’t let Mahiro suffer alone.”

“It’s not like I’m suffering or anything.”

Mahiro smiled with a troubled look.
Takaaki opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but, for a moment, his gaze swam
around and he bit his lips in hesitation. He then looked at Mahiro again and suddenly smiled,
raising the corners of his mouth the best he could. It was a smile like that of a child who endured
the pain and did his best to smile.
Translated @

Takaaki didn’t seem convinced by Mahiro’s words. Even so, he nodded as though he was
convinced. Takaaki understood Mahiro’s obstinacy better than anyone else. Mahiro would never
budge once she’d decided on that.

“I’m going to go back home first. Take your time coming back, Mahiro.”

“I shall go back with you.”

“It’s fine, I feel like walking alone.”

Having been left out of the loop, Chiharu stared at Mahiro’s back, not knowing what to say to
her after Takaaki left.
Takaaki liked Mahiro. Although even Takaaki himself didn’t know what those feelings were
called, he undoubtedly held special feelings for her.
Chiharu, too, liked Mahiro. To the same extent, he also liked his childhood friend Takaaki.
That was precisely why he wanted, from the bottom of his heart, for the two to tie the knot and
become happy.
And it’s fine even if he’s a step behind them; he wanted to be together with the two.


Still not knowing what to say, Chiharu called Mahiro’s name.

Mahiro’s shoulders were trembling and she occasionally sniffed. Chiharu pulled back his hand
that he’d stretched to hit her shoulder with.
Mahiro shed tears while not understanding why she was crying. It might have been the
uneasiness and expectations towards marriage, or the uneasiness and expectations towards
becoming an adult.

“Chiha, don’t tell Takaaki that I cried.”

“… I didn’t see anything. So…”


Chiharu wanted to hug Mahiro who was sobbing with her back towards him. But Mahiro
would probably be even more troubled if he did that. As Mahiro is precious to Chiharu, he didn’t
want to trouble her beyond this. That was why he didn’t say anything and simply remained quiet,
looking at her back.
Please do not post this elsewhere without permission.
A couple of months after that, Mahiro got engaged to the eldest son of the Hiwatari family
while Takaaki also got engaged to a noble lady from a distinguished family.
In the end, Chiharu ended up alone.
It was because he thought that the three of them could remain together that he decided to give
up on Mahiro. However, the three ended up walking on different paths.
What should he do so that they can be together again like back then? What should he do so
that they could return to those days when they lived together carefreely?

“What should I do… what should I do so that, again…”

“My, isn’t it simple? You’re a talented Shintō priest. It’ll be fine if you cast a curse or so.”

“A curse, you say?”

A certain man suggested to Chiharu.

He was a youth with black, glossy hair. He was hidden so deeply in a robe that was the colour
of the night that one couldn’t see his face. The lips that could barely be seen were wet with
something red, and sharp fangs peeked out of them. His long and thin fingers were placed on his
lips as he smiled quietly. It was an unpleasant smile.
Please do not post this anywhere else without permission.
“Aah… have you heard of this? It’s something like a folklore passed down around these parts.”

This was what he said. Among the folklore passed down around these parts, there was such a
It was said that there was a way to cast a curse whereby guys become girls while girls become
guys. The only ones who can cast and remove that were the Sunoharas, the Shintō priests of this
Chiharu didn’t believe such a stupid story at first either. However, he was persuaded by the
man that it didn’t cost anything to give it a try, and so he executed that curse.
Please do not post this anywhere else without permission.
The engagements would probably be cancelled if Mahiro became a guy and Takaaki became a
girl. If so, the three should be able to live happily together again.
Was what he thought, but reality didn’t always go one’s way.
In the end, Mahiro and Takaaki switched places and were married.

Additionally, in exchange for casting the curse, the price Sunohara Chiharu paid was to
receive a curse of immortality.

From Meiji, time passes to Taishō, Shōwa and then Heisei.

Of course, Sunohara Chiharu is neither able to grow old nor die, and his age exceeded 140.
Until the day the curse is removed, Chiharu will remain 17.

This year, Sunohara Chiharu who’s over 140 years old, smiles at Takamura Mahiro, the
reincarnation of Takase Mahiro who lived together with him during the Meiji period.
She’s the splitting image of Takase Mahiro. Sena Takaaki’s also the splitting image of Takase
Takaaki. Both the inside and the personality[3]. Only, Mahiro may have been more girlish when
she was Takase.
Chiharu immediately knew that Mahiro and Sena were the twins from that Takase family.
They were so identical that when he first saw them, he almost cried.

“It’s an unbelievable story, huh… Still, something unbelievable like me turning into a guy has
already happened so… it’s not a story I won’t believe, but…”

“You may not believe it but I know Hii-chan and Sena-san’s past lives. And I’m over 140 years
“140 years old, huh… have you always been alone?”
Please do not post this anywhere else without permission. nakimushi
Chiharu’s eyes widen as though he’s surprised at Mahiro’s words, then he immediately smiles.
It’s a sad-looking smile.
Chiharu’s parents passed away about 70 years ago. Since about 30 years ago, of the people
from the Sunohara family, including his relatives, only Chiharu remains.
However, Chiharu’s been all alone long before 30 years ago. Ever since Mahiro and Takaaki
passed away, his heart’s always been all alone.

“I’ve always been alone but I wasn’t lonely because I have the Takamuras and the Senas with
me. I’d also been in the care of Hii-chan’s mum. Your mum sure is a beauty too, Hii-chan.”

The sun is going to set soon. Far in the distance from the mountain, the sky is dyed in red.
This place has the same scenery as 140 years ago. That’s why Chiharu likes this town. In this
country where everything’s changing, it’s one of the few things unchanged.

“So will you remove the curse on me, Chiha? You’re the only one can remove this curse, right?”

According to the story, Sunohara Chiharu should be the only person who can remove the
curse. Conversely, the curse can be removed if it’s Sunohara Chiharu.
However, Sunohara lightly shakes his head.

“I don’t have such powers anymore. It was only up till the Meiji period that humans can use

“Then, as expected, the way to remove the curse is…”

“Only a kiss. Even I’ve the possibility of removing Hii-chan’s curse. Hii-chan just has to come
to like me.”

I feel like punching the face of Sunohara who goes tehepero[4] as he sticks out his tongue.
In a way, it’s a talent to be able to tell a sad story in such a carefree way.

“The curse will be removed if I kiss but what are you planning to do, Chiha? Are you planning to
meet the me in my next life?”
Please do not post this elsewhere without permission. nakimushiTL
“It’s not a bad idea to meet the Hii-chan in her next life, huh. It’ll be nice if the next Hii-chan
chooses me.”

“I’ll never choose you in my entire lifetime. Of course, that includes the next life.”

In response to Mahiro’s cold reply, Chiharu goes “How mean”, giving a reply that suggests he
wasn’t really hurt.

“That’s why, Chiha should quickly get reincarnated. I may come to like you after the next life.”

“… Un.”

Takamura-kun is cursed. Sena-san is also cursed, Sunohara is also cursed.

The only method to remove the curse is to kiss a partner you’re mutually in love
with――…… or so it’s said. However, Sunohara Chiharu’s the only one who knows that there’s
another method to remove the curse. It was something he couldn’t and shouldn’t tell anyone.
“Hey, the curse will be removed if you fall in love with me… if I say that, will Hii-chan like

“… What do you mean?”

Sunohara imparts another method to remove the curse.

That is, for the one who cast the curse and the one who has the curse cast on oneself, to tie the
For Sunohara Chiharu and Sena Takaaki or Takamura Mahiro to tie the knot.
If that happens, the curse will be removed from its root.

It’s a method that’s extremely simple yet terribly complex.

Please do not post this elsewhere without permission.

[1] 1874.
[2] Just a reminder… Tsugumi is his name as a girl, Takaaki is his original name.
[3] The sentence is kinda odd… I wonder if the author made a typo and meant both the outside
and the personality (inside).
[4] This face. ( > ‫☆~)∂ ڡ‬

Chapter 15 – Takamura Mahiro Makes A Choice [1]

I’m not the only one cursed.

Sena Tsugumi and Sunohara Chiharu are cursed too. The curse had already continued for
about 150 years. In the past, there had been others besides us three who were tormented by the
curse. To remove the curse from its root, Sunohara and I, or Sunohara and Sena, has to tie the
knot. To remove the curse from only my generation, I just have to exchange a kiss with a partner
I’m mutually in love with.
I thought the curse was cast by an apathetic[1] God on an impulse, but the root of the curse
went deeper than I thought it did.
I’m questioning what is the right thing to do. I totally don’t mind remaining as a guy for the
rest of my life. Nonetheless, when I think about my offsprings, it may be better that I, who has
the possibility to remove the curse from its source, remove it right now.
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“… and, that’s how it is.”

For the time being, I discuss this with Sena Tsugumi, a comrade who’s also cursed.
Sena has a complicated expression. He laughs in a troubled manner and spins the pen in his
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“That’s… I don’t see a common ground. The simplest method is likely for Sunohara-kun and
Takamura-kun to tie the knot, though.”

“I know right, as expected. That’s probably the most orthodox.”

Sunohara and I tying the knot is definitely orthodox, a method that allows everything to end
the most cleanly.
Yet, I’m unable to see such feelings in my heart. Even if I do come to like him, that’s probably
something far in the future.
Sena’s filling in the class log. His handwriting is like a girl’s; pretty and cute. I smell a sweet,
soap-like scent from the sleek hair that falls from behind his ear. No matter how I think about it,
it’s unbelievable that Sena Tsugumi is a boy.
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Looking towards the corridor casually, I spot Sunohara surrounded by many girls. When I
stare fixedly thinking that he’s popular as usual, our eyes meet. Sunohara’s brows move as
though he’s slightly shocked, before he gently smiles without warning.
Ever since that day, Sunohara stops getting excessively involved with Sena and I. He’s
treating us like normal schoolmates. He doesn’t interfere or make a racket. He’s simply there.
The only thing that changed is his atmosphere that comes in contact with us. He himself has not
While I don’t find that sad, a sensation like being tickled by silk wadding persists on the
reverse side of my heart. A slight unease like having worn one’s shoe on the wrong side or
fastening the wrong button.

“Sunohara-kun doesn’t grow beyond 17 years old, does he.”

“Ah, he did say that. That he’s been 17 years old since about 120 years ago.”
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“That’s extremely sad, isn’t it? I wonder where will Sunohara-kun go and what will he do after
his 3 years at this high school?”

Sunohara Chiharu’s been 17 for a long time. No matter how much the people around him age,
he alone stays 17.
Where will Sunohara go after spending 3 years in this high school? As Sunohara alone doesn’t
age, he can’t always stay with the people he befriends in this school. It’s suspicious being the
only one who doesn’t age so he can’t always stay in this town too.
No matter how close he becomes with whoever, he’ll eventually end up alone. That’s the
person called Sunohara Chiharu.
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“The only ones who can remove such a sad curse are Sena-san and I, huh.”

“That’s right. However, Takamura-kun doesn’t have to force himself to like Sunohara-kun, you
know? He’s the one who made the choice to cast the curse. This may sound mean but you can
say he reaps what he sow. Curses, like chickens, return home to roost.”
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It’s exactly as Sena says.
It was Sunohara who cast the curse. The Takamuras and Senas have always been tormented
thanks to that curse.
Still, even so, I think the price he pays for the curse is too awful. Living alone forever, neither
being allowed to age nor die, that’s, too awful.

“What is Sena-san going to do from now on? Will you like someone other than Chiha and
remove the curse?”

“I’ve been saying this but I like Takamura-kun. That’s why, if Takamura-kun comes to like me,
the curse will be removed.”
He says that indifferently, without even a smile. In return, I go “Ohf”, a mysterious word that
doesn’t even count as a reply.
The face of Sena, who lifts his head from the log, is frighteningly chiseled as usual. It almost
feels like his large, round eyes are going to suck me in.

“I’m… unable to see Sena-san like that.”

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“I know. Besides, I’ve always thought that Takamura-kun will definitely go the orthodox way.”

Fwmp, Sena closes the log and his eyes look into the distance.

“‘Orthodox way’, you say… nah, I don’t particularly like Chiha either.”

“Still, you can’t leave him alone, right?”

“That’s… true but…”

Anyone will be unable to leave him alone, considering the circumstances.

I’d like to meet anyone who can conclude things with an “Oh, really?” when someone tells
them “I’m a 140 year-old immortal”. Isn’t it normal to at least want to do something when
you’re told that you’re the only one who can do something about it?
Or so I say, but I believe that feelings of love have yet to blossom within me, for Sunohara.

“There’s still 3 years before the time limit for removing the curse. Let’s save the prince-sama for
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“Save him, you say, but how do we do that? The method for removing the curse is…”

In order to remove Sunohara’s curse, either Sena or I have to like him and tie the knot with
him. If Sunohara says that he likes me, it’ll take no time at all as long as I come to like him. The
curse will be brought to an end immediately. Still, a human’s heart isn’t so simple.
Hearing my words, Sena tilts his thin neck as though in thought.

“Isn’t it fine as long as Takamura-kun likes Sunohara-kun?”

“Something so difficult…”

“Don’t they say: “Like the Minano River flowing from Mount Tsukuba’s peaks, my love has
grown deeper and broader”[2]? I think it’s possible to gradually come to like someone.”
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Can I really be so arbitrary? Is it okay to circumvent with this method that pretty much
entrusts everything to the future, thinking that feelings of love will eventually come?
Mayhaps my thoughts show too obviously on my face; Sena chuckles and pats my head.
Following Sena’s gaze, I see him looking at Sunohara.

“Sunohara-kun is unfair, isn’t he? Binding[3] Takamura-kun with the curse.”

I vaguely nod at Sena’s words.

Sunohara’s unfair. He’s extremely unfair. If he’s going to leave us like this, he shouldn’t have
told us about being alive for 140 years. That way, we won’t have to suffer so much.
This is very selfish but I’d prefer to not know anything about this curse. I prefer to continue
thinking that it’s the impulse of an apathetic God.
However, he’s probably suffering too. My heart squeezes in pain.
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After handing the class log to our teacher, I part with Sena in front of the staff room. Lacking
the composure to do anything anywhere, I decide to return home immediately.

I board the outbound train of the Chūō Line from the nearest station. As the train is rather
vacant, I may be able to get a seat. Nonetheless, I decide to stand since I’ll be alighting soon.
Casually scanning the area, I spot Sunohara in the same passenger car. That dark brown hair
and slender figure is undoubtedly the dum-dum prince.
Sunohara has probably not noticed me; he’s blankly gazing at the view outside. Where is
Sunohara planning to go? His house shouldn’t be in this direction.
I can, of course, also pretend not to see him, but my curiosity wins out. Even when we arrive
at the nearest station to my apartment, I don’t alight and continue observing his movements. I
stealthily hide behind cover so that I won’t be discovered by Sunohara.
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“What are you doing?”

I reflexively give a start when a voice comes from behind. Turning back, I see the ash-purple-
haired, straw-like Hiwatari Shuu. I pat my chest in relief.

“I’m looking at Chiha.”

“Huh? Are you not going to talk to him?”

“I’m not going to talk to him.”

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I continue to observe Sunohara while listening to Hiwatari’s dumbfounded voice.
It’s gotten pretty far from the station Sunohara usually gets down from, but there’s no sign of
him alighting.

“Aren’t you gonna alight, Hiwatari?”

“Takamura-san seems to be doing something amusing, so…”

“It’s not particularly amusing.”

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Don’t tell me Hiwatari plans to come along? I’m against that because, with Hiwatari’s large
frame, our tailing may get discovered immediately. However, it doesn’t seem like he plans to
leave so I reluctantly accept it.
Less and less people are riding the train as we approach the last station. Sunohara has yet to
show signs of alighting. He simply continues to blankly and emotionlessly stare outside the
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“I wonder where Chiha’s planning to go?”

“Who knows. Maybe he is going to his granny’s place?”

“How random.”
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The presence of tall buildings grow less and less while private houses increase.
When we arrive at the station several stops before the last, Sunohara finally alights. Hiwatari
and I alight too. Maintaining a moderate gap, we follow Sunohara.
“Hey, how long are you going to tail him for, Takamura-san?”

“You can go back first, Hiwatari.”

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Hiwatari grabs my sleeve. Unthinkingly, my legs stop and I look up at him. Although he’s
10cm taller than me, his face looks pretty childlike. Do 1st-year high school boys have such
immature facial features? There should be a limit to puberty.


“Why is Takamura-san so interested in Sunohara-san? Do you like him?”

It’s a sulky voice.

Gosh, what are two guys like us doing in the station?

“I don’t particularly like him. It’s just…”

“Just… what is it?”

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“There are many things I can’t tell you.”

Hiwatari looks hurt. Still, I pretend not to notice.

I mean, will he really believe me if I tell him about the curse or about Sunohara being 140
years old? It’ll probably be just a joke.
I leave Hiwatari behind and chase after Sunohara.
I’ve absolutely no idea why I’m chasing after Sunohara this desperately. Nevertheless, I’ve a
feeling that I’ll definitely regret it if I don’t do this.
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[1] Am coming across a lot of weird things during translation… Original: Oppekepē (おっぺけ
ぺー). It’s the title of a popular satirical song in the Meiji era.
[2] The 13th poem of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. This site has an explanation and translation of
the meaning.
[3] Implied double meaning. Firstly, putting Mahiro in a bind (troubling him/her). Secondly,
binding Mahiro down (making him/her think and feel sorry for him since he/she knows of the

Chapter 16 – Takamura Mahiro Makes A Choice [2]

“Like I said, go home already.”

“I will go if Takamura-san is going.”

I hide behind cover even as I get slightly irritated at Hiwatari because things are going
Sunohara’s come to a considerably remote place that’s far away from the station. It’s amazing
how the Chūō Line runs from a city area like Tokyo to a countryside area like this with nothing

“It makes one wonder where Sunohara-san is going, huh.”

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“Who knows. Maybe he’s going to his granny’s place?”

I throw the words Hiwatari told me right back at him. Of course, the tit-for-tat is intended.
If Sunohara’s granny’s house seriously exists, then this is the type of location that fits that
description. Private houses are scattered around. Paddy fields and plantations can be seen in
between those houses. There’s nothing obstructing the skies, so one can easily see far into the
Sunohara leisurely walks among the private houses. As the places to hide behind grow lesser,
we keep plenty of distance between us as we tail him.
After walking for a while, we eventually see a stone bridge wide enough for one person. As
one would expect, there’s nowhere to hide when crossing the bridge. Thus, I decide to cross it
after Sunohara finishes crossing it.

“That, might be no joke. This is very near where my grandmother’s house was.”

Hiwatari looks at Sunohara’s back with a complicated expression.

“Hiwatari’s granny’s place?”

“We usually come from the railway station that’s closer so I didn’t realise it before but, I know
this place.”
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Sunohara finishes crossing the bridge. This time, he walks straight on a path that isn’t even
With a distance where we just manage to catch or don’t catch the sight of Sunohara’s back, we
jog across the bridge and chase after him.

“Where is this?”

“It has been more than 7 years since my grandparents passed away so I have not been here for
some time either, but it is technically part of the metropolitan area. The people who used to live
around this area have also moved near the JR Line so there is barely anyone living near the
railway here anymore.”

Hiwatari speaks of things nonchalantly but various thoughts surface in my head.

Sunohara probably has some business to deal with to come to this area which, according to
Hiwatari, is practically abandoned. Perhaps Sunohara lived around here tens of years before it
was abandoned or perhaps there’s some ties of the past and the like.
On top of that, I think I may discover something like a method to lift the curse. Naturally, I
understand that the curse isn’t so simple but a part of me is also hopeful.
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It’s past 18:30.
It may be summer but the sun is already setting and the surroundings start turning dark. On
both sides of the unpaved path are poorly-lit street lights but, honestly, I feel uneasy.
Even then, I follow behind Sunohara. He eventually stops and enters a house.

“That is my grandparents’ house…”

“Huh? Why is Sunohara entering Hiwatari’s house? That’s illegal trespassing y’know.”

“How would I know?”

There’s a black gate of never-before-seen splendour and a wood-based bungalow.

Having ascertained that Sunohara went in the house, I pass through the gate with doubtful
feelings. There’s no one even though it gives the impression that someone is living here. There’s
chickens, cows in the backyard and even horses. The flowers and trees in the garden are well
tended to and it definitely indicates that someone lives here. Yet, sure enough, there’s no one.
Looking at Hiwatari’s face, he has a sincerely surprised expression.
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“Hiwatari… is anyone living here?”

“That is impossible. There is no one. It should have been a deserted house.”

“As expected~…”

Up till now, my interest was in what Sunohara is intending to do and where he is intending to
go. Therefore, I was merely curious but now there’s only fear.
What on earth is Sunohara? How does he know Hiwatari’s house? Why is Hiwatari’s house
that should have been deserted, giving indications that someone has been living here?

“What should we do, Hiwatari?”

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“What should we do, you say… We can only ask Sunohara-san, right?”

I’m surprised at the calm Hiwatari’s words. Isn’t he scared? I’m, honestly, extremely scared.
I’ve absolutely no clue what Sunohara’s thinking. I thought he was just an idiotic prince when
we first met but right now, I know he’s carrying a great amount of darkness on his back. In
normal circumstances, I’ll think he has chuunibyou but I can only tremble when he shows such a
clearly shady side.
Hiwatari enters the house. After passing the entranceway and a beautifully polished corridor,
we open the sliding door to find tatami that seems to have been changed recently. It’s not
exceedingly so but this place doesn’t appear like it’s been deserted for years. It’s much cleaner
than normal houses. The kitchen is lined with beautiful vermillion and black utensils, a brazier is
placed within the inner tatami room and on top of that, there’s steam rising from a boiling kettle.
To its side is an expensive-looking teacup with tea within, and I can see water vapour rising from
Crring, when I turn around because I heard the sound of a bell, a black cat that has a red string
with a bell attached to it is looking up at us. It’s a kitten.

“Come here, Zakuro.”

At the sound of a voice that’s like rolling bells, I lift my gaze from the cat.
A nasal, refreshing and sweet tenor. It’s a faintly sugary voice similar to a konpeitō candy
rolling on the tongue. It’s not the voice of the listless Hiwatari that carries an impudent tone. It’s
naturally also not my voice that’s between an alto and a tenor.


“Welcome, Hii-chan and Hiwatari-kun.”

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My throat is dry. My throat is incredibly dry.
A single word ‘surreal’ describes the scene of three high school boys standing unmoving in a
room of about 6 tatami.
Sunohara is tilting his head with his usual smile, putting on a cute front. White skin and
fashionable, dark brown hair. A gentle décolleté line extends from his head, and a thin waist.
Even in the dark, one can tell that his face is dashing to a terrifying extent.

“Why are you here, Sunohara-san? This is my—”

“It’s Hiwatari-kun’s granny’s house, isn’t it. I know. But it’s also my house now. It was sold to
me when Hiwatari-kun’s granny passed away. At a special price because it isn’t used anymore.”

“Still, why, such…”

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Hiwatari mumbles something with an unconvinced expression.
Rather than Sunohara living in Hiwatari’s house, I’m a whole lot more concerned about
matters like why he thought of living alone in such a place or why does it feel so strange.
I suppose I’ve been making a very weird face. Sunohara takes a step towards me and gently
strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. His hand is shockingly cold.

“Isn’t it scary, Hii-chan?”

“What a joke. What are you saying I’m scared of? As if I’ll be scared of a mere Chiha.”

“I see.”

Hiwatari, Sunohara and I are staring at each other in a triplicate whorls formation[1].
But I open my mouth because we can’t continue to remain like this.

“There’s something I want to ask Chiha.”

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“What is it? I’ll answer anything if it’s a question from Hii-chan.”

“Hiwatari, can you leave us for a bit?”

Hiwatari grips my sleeve.

Even when I ask him what’s the matter, Hiiwatari only shakes his head and doesn’t say a

“Hiwatari. A short while is enough. 30 minutes. Give me just that amount of time.”

“Only for 30 minutes. Will you promise me that we will go home together after that?”

“Yeah. I promise.”
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After confirming that Hiwatari has left the inner tatami room, I turn to face Sunohara again.
Sunohara is sitting on a floor cushion before a sunken hearth[2], sipping tea as he munches on
karintou[3]. Even as I’m amazed at the extent of his nonchalance, I sit on a floor cushion too.

“Where do you live, Chiha?”

“Nnn, I plan to stay here at some point. I can’t always stay in the same place since I don’t age.
I’ll move from Jiyuugaoka to here, then move out of Tokyo[4] subsequently.”

“Are you quitting school?”

Although the tea has fully cooled, it’s still tasty.

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“I’ll quit after becoming a third-year. In the first place, I pretty much enrolled to find people who
were from the Takase family. School is fun but parting will be painful if I form any special ties
after all. I’m thinking to leave civilisation for about 10 years and lead an independent life.”

It’s a quiet voice. A flat voice void of feelings like sadness and happiness.
I simply stare at the tea silently.

“Is it fine as long as I like you?”

“Eh? Hii-chan, are you willing to like me?”

Ignoring Sunohara’s jesting voice, I approach him. I grab his collar and pull him closer.
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“Who determines that the feeling is mutual? What’s the deciding factor? Will kissing do? Or will
having sex do?”

“Are you going to lift the curse on me? Hii-chan is kind.”

“Don’t give me the slip!”

I’m driven up the wall. I’m extremely angry.

Being unable to grow old forever, being unable to die forever and having no choice but to
continuously send off people important to him as they leave on their journeys[5]. In the extreme
case, he has to continue an unending, semi-permanent journey for a hundred years, a thousand
years, ten thousand years. That’s too painful. If it’s me, I’m definitely unable to bear it.
However, Sunohara doesn’t show a suffering face at all. That mortifies me. I want him to say
more things like how it’s lonely or painful, words like that.
I’m extremely afraid to think of Sunohara, who doesn’t utter such words, as inhuman.

“It’s a curse that only Sena-san or I can lift, right? I’m saying I’ll remove it for you so why are

“You know, Hii-chan. When I saw the reincarnated Hii-chan and Sena-san, I certainly did think
that it would be great if the curse can be lifted. However, Hii-chan and company didn’t come to
like me. Vexed, I tried to leave a final mark by telling you about the curse but Hii-chan was
much kinder than I thought.”
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The sound of the bell attached to Zakuro resounds throughout the quiet room.

“Honestly, I didn’t have to reveal matters about the curse and all. However, I’m sure I wanted to
evoke Hii-chan’s sympathy. I’m still such a child despite living for 140 years huh? I know this is
also an unfair thing to say but, Hii-chan, forget about me.”

“As if I can forget…”

“Come to like me from the bottom of your heart then. Not sympathy, but a genuine liking. I’ve
been liking Hii-chan for 140 years. I’ve been waiting to meet you, again.”
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Forget him or come to like him――……it hurts that there’s only two options.
Sunohara says he sincerely likes me. I find that pleasant and if I exclude the annoying part of
his personality, I find him an attractive person. If I come to like Sunohara from the bottom of my
heart, the curse will be lifted and everyone can be happy.

However, I, I…
Seeing me speechless, Sunohara gives a faint laugh and quietly opens his mouth.

“But that’s impossible. That’s why, goodbye, Hii-chan.”

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[1] 三つ巴 (mitsudomoe) is a Shintō symbol. Appearance-wise, the closest symbol is probably
the World Triad. Just imagine them standing at 3 ends of a triangle as they face each other.
[2] 囲炉裏 (irori)
[3] かりんとう, a Japanese snack. The picture in the wiki looks seriously unappetizing to me…
here’s a better(?) picture.
[4] Both Jiyuugaoka and this deserted area are parts of Tokyo.
[5] as they pass away.

Chapter 17 – Takamura Mahiro Falls

My feelings are, probably, not love. They’re sympathy.

I think a 17-year-old is too young to reciprocate such a heavy love. All I’ve to do is pretend
that nothing happened, to not believe in fantasy-ish things like past lives. All I’ve to do is
pretend that nothing happened. However, I’m wavering.
For me to think that I can save him, I really don’t know my place.
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Sunohara had already withdrew from school when the second semester arrived and I head to
There’s no one in Sunohara’s house in Jiyuugaoka. Even when I visited Hiwatari’s granny’s
house, thinking that he may be living there, there’s no one. Regarding Hiwatari’s house, it’s so
run-down that the beautiful mansion we saw seemed to be a lie. There aren’t even any signs of
the cows, horses and chickens raised in the backyard. Was the mansion we saw that day a
different one?
I stand unmoving in front of the run-down mansion.
In the end, I’m still male and Sena is similarly still female. Is all well if I come to like Sena
from now on and lift the curse on both of us? Do I come to like someone else and lift the curse?
Or do I not lift the curse for the rest of my life? I haven’t the slightest idea.
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Sunohara said that he likes me. That he’d always been liking me for 140 years.
My feelings turned extremely complicated upon hearing that. More than feelings of happiness
or such, I merely felt that it was heavy. At the very least, I should’ve been happy if I had
romantic feelings for him, but I didn’t feel anything like that. I probably don’t like Sunohara
Chiharu romantically.
“So what does Mahiro want to do?”

“I want to forget. I want to pretend that nothing happened, at all.”

The answer I reached in this one month is to forget it all.

I wanted to to toss this hazy feeling in the pit of my stomach away too.
I would have been able to do something if it could be resolved through actions, but there’s
nothing I could do about my heart. On top of that, Sunohara had also left. A hypocritical feeling
of wanting to do something continues to rise up even though things are already beyond my
I wanted to completely forget these feelings and bring back how I used to be.
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Perhaps I told Takafumi, who came with me, everything because I began to have such

“There’s nothing wrong with forgetting.”

It was a voice so cold you won’t think it’s from Takafumi.

“I can’t forget even though I want to. Do I like Chiha? Did sympathy turn into love?”

“Sympathy and love are different. It’s easy to sympathise but difficult to love. The one Mahiro
likes is me.”

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Did Takafumi realise I liked him?
Bam! I feel my cheeks turning warm.

“I thought Mahiro would always be chasing me but you became an adult before I knew it, huh.”

“Even if I want to chase you, you already have a girlfriend, Takafumi-kun. I can’t remain
chasing you forever.”

“… That’s true.”
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Takafumi smiles faintly.
Seeing that smile had brought me the greatest joy thus far. However, my heart doesn’t really
skip a beat now. I’m slightly surprised at my change of heart.
It’s terribly hard to change one’s heart intentionally. It doesn’t like when you tell it to like.
However, just like my feelings of love for Takafumi, I believe there are many that changes bit by
Similarly, even without asking for it, these feelings of sympathy for Sunohara will probably
fade as I live on. Perhaps I’ll forget about Sunohara and even about my gender, living my life
one way or another.

“Mahiro had been perceptive and easily swept by the flow from young. There’s also how you
tend to give up by saying things can’t be helped. As for Sunohara-kun, I’m sure you’ll regret
regardless of whether you chase after or throw him away. Moreover, even if you’ve thrown him,
it’ll definitely be painful till you forget about him. In that case, I think you should just do
whatever you want, Mahiro. Since it’ll hurt either way.”
“… Will anyone be happy if I force my hypocrisy? Even if I remain by Chiha’s side, the curse
won’t be lifted if I don’t like him from the bottom of my heart. Besides, I’ll die someday and
leave Chiha behind. If so, Chiha will be saddened again. I may even fall in love with someone
else halfway.”
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“Ask Sunohara-kun about that. No one can say anything as long as Sunohara-kun is fine with
that right?”

Takafumi has a point. However, a person’s life is at stake. It’s unquestionably not an easy step
to take.

“I’m fine with that, Hii-chan.”

The one coming out from the run-down house is him, Sunohara. Surprise and astonishment
arrive together as I question what on earth is this elusive person. At the same time, there’s a tiny
bit of joy at meeting him again.

“Fine with, that, you say… No, more importantly, what have you been doing until now? Where
were you?”
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“Are you really fine with that, Sunohara-kun? I think it’ll just be saddening for you both.”

“It’s fine. Even if Hii-chan dies before me, I’ll wait for his next life again. Even if Hii-chan’s
feelings change halfway, that’s fine on its own too.”

The two proceed with the conversation, pretty much ignoring my words.
I listen on as if they’re talking about some distant world.
Why is such a serious conversation unfolding when that curse seems as though some apathetic
God had cast it impulsively? This is getting more and more idiotic. I tug Sunohara’s arm.

“You’re an idiot. A huge idiot. I thought you were an idiot ever since we met but you’re
seriously idiotic and extremely childish.”

“Y-Yeah… Even then, I’m 140 years old…”

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“Even if you ask me to like, I won’t come to like someone so quickly. It took me 17 years to
finally realise that I like Takafumi-kun. That’s why, it may take 17 years for me to come to like
you. So don’t disappear on me all of a sudden like that, idiot.”

My words are considerably cruel. I know I’m the worst for sprinkling the possibility that I
may like him in order to retain him. Even then, I didn’t want Sunohara to go elsewhere.

Sunohara appears surprised. He then smiles slightly.

“Right… sorry.”
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I’m aware I said something selfish. Nevertheless, these are my honest feelings.
Possessing feelings make it such that staying silent and eventually forgetting about him is
impossible. The one who’ll be saddened in the end is probably Sunohara Chiharu.
“I understand why you left us. No matter how sad I get, everything will be over for me when I
reach my end. On the other hand, Chiha has to continue living with the sadness. I may be doing
something cruel but…”

“That’s right. Hii-chan’s cruel. Still, I’m saying that I’m with that. Also, didn’t I tell you? I’ll
listen to anything Hii-chan says. If you tell me to stay by your side, I’ll stay by your side

“I’d like you to give me more time then. I don’t want to spend time living in such a serious
manner, but like how we spent time when we just met, when we enjoyed ourselves at
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I hang my head while holding onto Sunohara’s arm.
Ah, this isn’t sympathy. It’s friendship.
The reason I thought Sunohara was pitiful and wanted to lift his curse wasn’t due to sympathy,
but friendship.


Sunohara smiles faintly and displays his cunning head tilt.

In the end, my curse, Sena’s curse and of course Sunohara’s curse are still not lifted.
The following few days, Sunohara goes back to school as though nothing happened. He
resumes his thoroughly normal school life as though things like past lives, curses and the
shadiness he had the past few days didn’t exist.

“In other words, the conclusion is postponed.”

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With the eyes of a spectator, I watch Sunohara wait upon girls in the centre of the classroom
as Sena and I peck at our boxed lunches.
Sena’s boxed lunch is filled with vivid colours and is very delicious-looking. By the way, it
seems she made it herself.

“It’s as you say.”

“That means I still have a chance.”


Sena stands up suddenly, puts both hands on the table and leans forward. Ignoring me, who
has question marks flying above my head, Sena’s glossy lips press against my lips. She may
have put on some makeup, for her lips have the faint colour of cherry blossoms. They are also
soft and tender.
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“A~ah, as expected, we aren’t turning back.”

After doing something like a kiss, Sena goes back to eating the boxed lunch like nothing
Be it Sunohara or Sena, what do they think my kisses are, huh? I’m not the type of woman
that’s comfortable with kissing anyone.

“We won’t be having so much trouble if it’s so easy to turn back.”

“Hey heyy! Hii-chan and Sena-san! It’s unfair to leave me out alone you know?”
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The one clinging to my neck is Sunohara.
I heave a sigh and push Sunohara’s arm away.

“I’ll kiss Hii-chan too~”

“It’s good that you erased your shadiness but can’t you behave more intelligently?”

“It’s ‘cos I’m having fun. It’s so much fun being together with Hii-chan and Sena-san.”

Happy at Sunohara’s words, I smile slightly.

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The root of the curse is deep and can’t be easily dug up.
However, I’m starting to feel that even this life, that’s way too different from others’, isn’t too
bad. Having such a positive outlook is my strength and also my weakness.

Takamura-kun is cursed.
Will a saviour appear to lift Takamura-kun’s curse before he hits 20?

The end.

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T/N: Open ending… >< Honestly, this series wasn’t a 5/5 for me but I thought the twists and
references to older eras were noteworthy. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! On
another note, do consider supporting NakimushiTL. Every contribution is highly appreciated!

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