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A General Dimensional Neu+ron

Diffusion Calcula+ion Code: ADC

March 1979

H * fi •?• * 0f ^ Fir
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
JAERI l^tf- I-

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JAERI Report

Published by the Japan Atomic Enrrgy Kesearch Institute

Board of Editors

Toshiya Nozavva (Chief Editor)

Jun Akaishi Kazuliiko Imai Hiroshi Mitsui Kazuo Sato
Takumi Asaoka Taro lto Atuyoslii Morishinia Konomo Sanokawa
Yoshikazu Hamaguclii Masanori Kanbara Ryukichi Nagasaki Eiji Sliikata
Hiroshi Hashitani Isamu Kuriyama Hideshiro Nakainoto Hiroaki Tagawa
Masao Hara Shojiro Matsuura Yoshikata Sasaki Masatoslii Tanaka
Kichinosuke Harada

Inquiries about the availability of reports and their reproduction should be addressed to the
Division of Technical Information, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Naka-
gun, Ibaraki-ken, Japan.

S3S$*3Sfr n * IK
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A General Dimensional Neutron Diffusion

Calculation Code: ADC

Masayuki AKIMOTO*. Yoshitaka NA1TO

Division of JPDR

Japan Alomic Energy Research Institute

Tokai mura. \aka-Run, Ibaraki kfn

Received September 4 , 1C.I7S

A FORTRAN computer program A1K" is dcvi-lomtl for I he l'ACOM 2:10 7." romimtor
In In- capnbk' of solving oiRiln\'alm" proljlm..-. <>i' neutron (lifftision riiualimi in ciiu1. l\vo and
Ihroo spatial dinicnsions. Tin- available ccxmlinate systems are orllniKnnal i.\>, (N.Y1.
( X . Y . Z 1 and cylindrical i R . Z ) . i R . H l , (R.H./.l. T h e outer iKiundan,- condition for the
neutron flux can be chosen to be symmetric, zero flux or log derivative condition. The
present program can be used also for obtaining' the adjoint flux.

Keywords: Neutron Diffusion liquation. Eigenvalue. Three Dimensional Calculation. Neutron

Flux. Adjoint Klux, Computer Cixle. Boundary Conditions. Orthogonal Coordinates,
Cylindrical Coordinates

Present Division : Division of Reactor Safctv KYnl

JAKK1 121;0

2,33 ikivmr-Hm^-
次元中性子拡散コード、: ADC

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JAKKI 12(iO "


1. Introduction 1
2. Miiin Feature of ADC Code 1
3. Details of Hie Method 2
3.1 Formulation of difference equations '.\
3. 2 Houndary conditions I
3.3 Iterative procedure for finite difference diffusion equation 5
3.4 Adjoint flux problem 11
4. Program Usage 12
4.1 Variable common and program flow path control 12
4.2 Standard program flow and required core memory l.'i
4. 3 I Mai led inpul speci f icat ion 11
4. 4 Output information 21
Acknowledgement • • 22
References 22
Appendix: Sample Input and O u t p u t "<M
.lAI-lKl 13i(l

1. n- ,m i
2. A D C ; < - l-^'M-a 1
3. J-UH'i 2
3.1. V.'it.HW.Ji.nmW '•>
3.2. JfiW-Hr- i
3.3. fiBm^WftJyP.'j^jT'^'iU': 3
3.4. Bfifl-'H'l i-<\imW& H
v u /••;.', f-tnJU; VI
4.1. i i r & i w r f i i W i . t t f v •> y ; ' . ' . • v »-.<o;i,i|jaii 12
4.2. tT.'V=n'j•/.. >/; A • v ,. -. i-ft^,,!-^!^^:, 1 ,. K!
4.3. K U f - !' 1!
4.4. l\\ ))••?-•!> 21
,.'lt ,W 22
tlM 22
lll^ 21
1. Introduction

A oimpuH'i1 program lor solving the niulli group neutron dillusinti equation is one (if thi- widely
used programs fur reactor plrysics and reactor design calculations. With I In- development ol large scale
computers, complex c.-ili-iiliit itms of neutron flux dislriluiliou in ;i reactor core such ;is burn up calculations
have become feasible l)y performing directly three dimensional calculati'ins.
Tin1 three dimensional diffusion codes, sue!) as CITATION ;ind :U)H have been developed in ..• \v;iy
I halt tlu1 programming depends on the inherent function of the digital emputer system to be applied.
The CITATION code requires large f;ist core memories for (lie calculation of a large se;de 11WR core.
On the otlier hand, the 'M)\\ code requires less fnst <-ore n)emories than the CITATION', but it requires
lotiKer coinpulion time on (lie I-'ACOM lilltl 75 because of usinn scratch disk units many times for
iteratirm processes.
The general dimensional diffusion equation program AI)C for KACOM 2'M) 75 is therefore developed
for resolving the above drawbacks. This program permits an effective use of the available core
memory by usitiK t w sli'|> I''OKTKAN job. At the first step, the size of common area and Ihe program
flow paths are arranged to be adequate for the problem to Ixi solved. These functions are called variable
common arrangement and flow path control, At Ihe nexl .step, the main program and following sub
programs are compiled according lo the generated program flow palhs. If (he storage ntjuirixl by the
problem to be solved exceeds the size of available fast memory, scratch units are used.
The finiU difference diffusion equation as well as ils adjoint equation is solved by either of the
following two iterative methods. One is a double hx>p iteration method with inner iteration and
outer iteration, where the difference equation of each energy group is solved by inner iteration usinK or linewisc relaxation method. After the inner iteration is converged, the eigenvalue is
obtained by outer iteration. The other is a one-through iteration method which is similar to EQUIPOISK
meth'Kl. For achieving a rapid convergence of the above iteration process, the initial guess flux can be
constructed from a synthesis in our program.
The program ADC solves the eigenvalue problems of neutron diffusion equation and ils adjoint
equation in one-, two , or three-dimensions. Either symmetric, zero flux or log derivative condition is
chosen at outside boundaries. Internal control rod boundary conditions are also permitted to be used.
Various options are available to print out the neutron flux distribution averaged over the specified
regions. This computer code is programed in FORTRAN IV for the KACOM 230-75 computer.

2. Main Feature of ADC Code

The main features of the general dimensional diffusion calculation axle ADC are summarized as
1) Computer : The code is programmed lo be effectively used on the KACOM 2.W-75 computer.
However it can easily be made usable on any other computers having at least 61K word storage.
2) Equation to be solved : The multi-group neutron diffusion problem may be solved to obtain the
eigenvalue in one-, two- or three-dimensional geometry using finite difference formulation of diffusion
3) Geometry : Rectangular (X). (X.Y). (X.Y.Z) or cylindrical (r). (r.z), (r,0), (r,0,z).
2 A (MIIII.II I ! • • • » !¥-•• .ri.<l \ . I I I M J i J j 1 1 1 1 i . ,11 r . i h n l n i M i i (.>li \ | l l l A k k i Ilinll

I) Eiriuiicl;irj' c o n d i t i o n : Zero flux, reflective llux or flux w i t h Ing.iril Innii i w

o) M e t h o d of calculating" the |>ointwisc l l u \ : Hither s i w a s s i v c over relaxation, or s m i r s s u r Inn
o v e r r e l a x a t i o n m e t h o d m a y be selected by t h e user.
CO Method of fission source i l e n i t i o n : Kitlicr suecesMU- o r e ; n-l.i\.il ion or \\ hcbvshcl I polynomin il
m e t h o d m;iy be selected b y t h e user.
7) l ; lux convergence c r i t e r i a : Point wise flux r a t i o .
i\) Eigenvalue convergence c r i t e r i a : K i t h c r |>oiiitw ise source ial io or i n h 'gial ^ u u . e ratio. ' T i n - l a t t e r
can be used only if one t h r o u g h i t e r a t i o n m e t h o d is selected by t h e user. j
!)) Kestj'ictions on t h e c o m p l e x i t y of t h e probli in : A s v a r i a b l e c o m m o n ami How p a t h control
a r e set, ( h e r e a r e few r e s t r i c t i o n s on t h e c o m p l e x i t y of t h e problem. T h e s t o r a g e ol d a t a is allocated
d y n a m i c a l l y d e l u d i n g o n t h e n u m b e r of energy g r o u p s and mesh intervals. If s t o r a g e required by t h e
problem exceeds t h e available fast m e m o r y , t h i s p r o g r a m uses s c r a t c h u n i t s a u t o m a t i c a l l y . T h e r e l o r e .
t h e e x e c u t i o n t i m e is dependent s t r o n g l y on (he M o r a l e r e q u i r e m e n t of t h e problem.
10) l ; lux ^tiess for a t h r e e d i m e n s i o n a l calculation : l-'Jux ^tiess can b. 1 synl hesized in the ))ro^r<nn so
as t o s h o r t e n t h e c o m p u t a t i o n t i m e by usiiiLJ the r e s u l t s o f (wo dimensional calculation in an a p p r o p r i a t e
X Y o r R (-) plane and one dimensional calculation in an a p p r o p r i a t e a: ial d i r e c t i o n -i|tecilied by Illc user.
Hence, t h e total execution time is d r a s t i c a l l y reduced c o m p a r e d to that when t h e flat (lux fjiicss is
used a s a user's opt ion.
11) I'roKiviinniiiiK 1;IIIKU;IKU : 1-ACOM '^:«l 7:'> KOKTUAN IV lan^ua^c.
11') C o m i u i t e r s y s l e i n : 1'ACOM li:!0 7") w i t h KOKTKAN 1\' II level compiler.

3. lM;ii!s of the

The mulli group neutron diffusion equation is approximated to obtain a set of finite-difference
equations expressing neutron balance over a finite volume element. The diffusion approximation to
neutron transport equation at a location, r, and in a discrete energy group, g. is expressed by the
following differential equation 0 ) , in which a perpendicular buckling term may be allowed if required.
Tin1 fission source neutron distribution function, 1, is assumed to be only energy dependent, and the
slowing-clown source is assumed to come from only the next higher energy group.


f2 = L a p I a c i a n d i f f e r e n t i a l o|x.-r.ilor : -„-'„ H - . , . , f . v , in s l a b g e o m e t r y , (//m ; ) ,

oA~ oY - (i/C-

^,j(>) -Neutron flux at location, r, and in energy group, g, (n,'sec-cin : ),

S,,,,j(r) —Macroscopic absorption cross section, (cm" 1 ).
- r . ii('")
= Macroscopic slowing down cross section from energy group g to (g+ ] ). (cm ' ) ,
D,(r) = Diffusion coefficient,
Bs- =Buckling term to account for the effect of the neutron leakage to the perpendicular
direction, if necessary, ( c m 2 ) ,
v2j, o (O — Macroscopic emission cross section (v is the number of neutrons emitted by a
fission and i*r is the fission cross section), (cm" 1 ).
Y.,, =Fission neutron energy spectrum QJ ZB = 1.0).
ke!J =Effective multiplication factor, or the largest eigenvalue of the equation.
JAKKI 12C0 :i IVuil- "I il

3.1 Formulation of difference equations

To obtain t h e spatial difference equations, t h e spatial mesh points are assigned in t h e center of
three dimensional mesh volumes, or fewer dimensions, t h e mesh interval in t h e undefined dimen
sions is treated as infinite and the associated terms to t h e undefined dimensions cancel out of the
difference equations.
Equation (1) is integrated over a single mesh volume. }:o- the CI.J.K) mesh ]?>int at the position

A'- A',. > ' - Y, and Z~ Zt, t h e A' integration is performed from A',— ' ' to X, + ' ', t h e Y integration

AY AY Ay • A^
from Yj— ' ' to Y, 4 ' nnd t h e Z integration from Y.k — '}* to /-k '• / " ' . F i g u r e 1 presents a
three dimensional sketch showing t h e location of mesh point l I . J . K ) and t h e surrounding six locations
in t h e slab geometry.
The leakage t e r m s are modi lied first by transforming the volume integral of t h e l.aplacian lo a
surface integral by using t h e (Ireen's theorem:

\Dr*<,'"Ii'~\l)ri'i • <1A • '.'I,

T h e n e u t r o n leakage from (I..[,K) lo (I..I.K ! ) through t h e t o p surface of a n a r e a of \clA\ - AX,AY,

is a p p r o x i m a t e d a s follows. L e t <f>, h e t h e flux at t h e s u r f a c e o f t h e m e s h ( l . J . K ) . Then, we have

t 2
w h e r e / J , . j , 4 . a n d D,, t,, , a r e t h e d i f f u s i o n c o e f f i c i e n t s at CI.J.K) a n d ( I , . I , K — I r r e s p e c t i v e l y , [elim-
i n a t i n g (4, f r o m t h e a b o v e equation.-;, w e g e t

' ( • 1. I - 1

where / , , , . , . , is (JZ./D,.,. t . , +JZr_,/Dl, s,,) . D,,,,,., '2 .

Since the factors which are multiplied to the flux difference are simply constructed by material
and geometrical constants, Eq. (3) can be reduced lo the form
UZJ)=CU s,... ,J$t.i. t -(J... ],»_,) . (1)

The leakage from t h e whole element is then given by

(Zt) + UX.)

The destruction and production terms of Eq. ( I ) are obtained by performing simply the integration over
the mesh volume. The destruction term is given by
2i, a, u j . i-^i. I, t$(, s, t • (6)
The production (source) term is given by
St,t,j.tV,,j.* , (7)
A -i"itil Ni-iunin I i <••«!.• UN J.-M-.KI l a i n

Thus, Hie volume integration of equal inn (1 i arround mesh |«>inl I) i s v I'm 1 i leads to ihc expression
(8) where, for simplicity, the group indices are omitted.


/ / 2 I

- flXl -

Fig. 1. Three dimensional m e s h d e s o r i p l ion in X V Z geometry

T h e n e u t r o n b a l a n c e e q u a t i o n (M) forms lit siimill.'iixiuis linile d i l f e r e n c e e q u a l i o n s for e.ich energy

I'innlly. e q u a t i o n ( 8 ) is modified into a convenient form for i x T f o r m i i v r l l « ' l l u x i l e r a l i o n .



3.2 Boundary conditions

For the zero gradient boundary condition, the associated constant, C,,;, t.. is set to zero. Kor the
logarithmic derivative boundary condition at an external or internal boundary, the tlux slope within the
finite difference volume element is assumed to be constant. The boundary condition to be satisfied at
the element surface is therefore
- ^ H l , = C, , (10)
where C, is a specified constant .
Let <fi, be the internal flux. {5, be the boundary flux and A be the interval from the internal point
to •he boundary. A linear approximation of flux within the element gives

"dxl-^'lr • or

_Dtdij> _ £>, , , . . _ c

Denoting the surface area as A,, the boundary leakage from one surface of a volume element is given

Ls,K=-D,An (11)
JAKKI 12(>0 :•,. IVt.-uU ..I tin- M.-ili.

w h i c h j^ivcs I he required constant for Kq. ( f ) , i , T h e e x t e r n a l U:ik;i^i i^ consul-red i'i be t h e m t loss f r o m

tin- s y s t e m , i n n tlit* leakage into ar. i n t e r n a l black absorber i - accounted l o i as absorption i n I In-

For l i u 1 j t r r i o d i c Ijoundary c o n d i t i o n , the f l u x values at t h e mesh points nn the ed^cs i n s y m m e t r y

are set equal. O n t h e o t h e r hand, fe.r the zero f l u x Itoundary eondition. the ( l u \ \:ilue< at I )ie mesh
[ x i i n t s on t h e Ixwnrlnry are set Zero ( « • F i j r 2 ' -


1 —-o—

i >!^j 0tj I
1 1
i i
1 ^ \ i
i° • 1 . • L-|-k

AXo1 AXi ' AX1X,' ! 4 2 X t r

Via. 2. Schematic diagram ol one dimensional mesh points

3.3 ltfrative procedure for finite difference equations

T h e mull i K m u p d i f f u s i o n e q u a t i o n ( 1 ) can Ije H t i l t c n i n I he f'ollmv ii>K i n ; i l r i s l o r m :

by d e f i n i n g (he f l u x v e c t o r as

and the operator matrices as follows:

M =
A Cn-iirial Dinifnr-i.inal Ni-imnn UifluMuii < "--il«.-i i- .ti C . l r : AIX' 1 \I-.RI 12HI)

0, . ,n 1

0, .

o. II >

2 " • • £ • ] •

/•' =


In tlu' finite difference approximation sli'uvti in I lie [irm'tlin/f seel ion, Ivq. (\'±) is romcrlerl ID ;I
set of algebraic equations:

where .1 is the algebraic matrix operator, which contains the diffusion, scattering and loss operators.
As the largest eigenvalue of Eq. (!.'!) is physically significant, the solution to Eq. (l.'i) is expressed as

ker,$ = A-<F0 . (M)

For obtaining the solution of Fq. (13), it is necessary to invert the matrix A. For most problems of
interest, however .1 is too large to invert. In a case which involve for instance, 10,000 space-eneigy
points, the matrix A contains 100,000,000 elements, which are far too many numbers to handle efficiently
with present generation computers. Thus in the ADC program, two matrix iterative techniques, either
of which may be selected by user's option, are prepared for solving Eq. (l.'i).

Inner and outer iteration

The values of neutron flux as for all energy groups are initially guessed and the fission neutron
source for the first iteration is calculated using this flux guess. The fission neutron source for the
m-th iteration is defined by

where 5i»",j,i is the (m —l)-st iteration flux of the g-th group at mesh point (I,J,K). With this fission
neutron source, X, S(,™,i, one can obtain a set of multi-group fluxes, beginning at the first group and
carrying on down to the thermal (N-th) group. As the slowing-down source in Eq. (7) depends on the
fluxes, it is updated every time of iter?.cions by using the newest flux values. This iterative process
is called as the inner iteration and is performed by the subroutine INNERl or INNER2.
The finite difference equation (<?) is rewritten in the matrix form:
A,4,=S, , (16)
JAKKI 12i>0

whe^e flux a'id source vectors are defined by

do. i.i.i ^u. I . I . I

( V -'. 1. I •%. 2 , 1 . 1

V'."> I i .ViS 1

( l
i'J- V j . .VI/, \t \ . ,V.J. .Vt. ,M

The point wise neulmn source •!>„,,,,,,, wliicli consists of fission ami slowing ilnwn sonriv -M Ihcnicsli
IKiint (.i.J.K) in tin- p-th Kn>up, is lhe m-lli I'lonifiil of tIJI- vcrtor Se with

whero A',, A', and A'^ aro the maximum numbers of mesh points along X. Y and Z axes, respectively,
in a similar fashion, the matrix .!„ is constructed with elements A,,} defined by


-'Vii. IN .VJ-.\ i ' ~ ^ G . i, J. I

The iniK'r iteration process is accelerated by successive over relaxation v^Oiv) or successive line over
relaxation (SLOR) method. The iterative scheme of SOR is represened as

^,,,.,, ,,$'^11 t+cs,,. „ K$'™]_ 11 > c s . , , j . 1 ( i ; ^ ' ; , , - s , , j. k} . (is

which is rewritten in the matrix form:

$lm' = lI-<nL,yi{(l-<a')l + (BU,}$'t'"'"+w(.I-a>L,} >S, , (15);

where L, = D 0 ~ F,, £7, = D,~'F o , Alt=Di — Es — FQ. The /?„ is a diagonal matrix, and / i , and F , are
strictly lower and upper triangular matrices, respectively. Futhermore. / is a unit matrix and <o is a
relaxation factor (K«)<C2). On the other hand,applying simultaneous extrapolation to all points on
the line as follows;

the iteration scheme of SLOR is represented as

S A < V i u i . i l NY:il[.»i I >if t >i-:>m C.iU-nl.iti, .11 I ' . H I C . A1H' 1.VKKI I2iill

•=S,.... , - C u . , , j . ,{\'^ ^ 1. + C4.,.J.1d|'"i'i' t 4 C 5 . t . ,, ,<;•,'•••• ( , ^ C,-.. ,. .. < ^ , " ' J ' , ' ) . L'l

The .solution of Eq. (21) involves the well known problem o[ inverting a Iri tlianon;\l matrix by (i:iuss
reduction technique.
The convergence rate of an iterative process depends on the ivi.:\al ion laclor. In the case of SOK
of SLOR method, the spectral radius, p. of the point or block Jacobian matrix \e.ti. for SOR. I he
|X)int Jacobian matrix is L + V) is needed to determine the o p t i m u m relaxation factor;

• ) • >

For estimating p by using the in th iteration flux, ci"' .which is in deiHiidenl on the source
vector S.j, the source vector is set to zero and the ixiwer iteration for findiiv,' the largest eigenvalue of
Jacobian matrix is performed in advance of the inner iteration process. However, since fairly lime
consuming iterations are required for estimating/), the total running time is not always reduced with
the use of the calculated optimum relaxation factor. Thus, in ADC program, choice is permitted whether
tIv.1 constant relaxation factor is given by user's exjxTienec or the optimum factor is computed from
the simplified spectral radius, />, of the Jacohian matrix. In the case of SOR, this s|ieclrai radius is
given" by

where N is the number of dimensions and /„ is the number of mesh intervals in the n th direction. In
the case of SLOR, we omit, from the summation in Eq. (,'2;o, the dimension along which the line
relaxation is done to give

The inner iteration is repeated unlii the following convergence criterion is satisfied.

Max \$,.,. <£, . (25)


where J, is an input parameter.

Alter the inner iteration is converged, the fission source is uixtatcd with the converged neutron
flux. This process is called as the outer iteration and is performed by the subroutine OUTER. This
iteration process can be accelerated by either Tchebysheff extrapolation or over-relaxation method. An
operation on Eq. (.10 with the matrix F gives
K,,,,S=PS , 126!
where .S is the fission source vector and / ' is the matrix FA '. The fission source vector for the m-th
deration is given by
S""> = PS""-" , (27!

where S " ' " " is the ( m - l ) - s t iteration fission source. The eigenvalue, and its upper and lower bounds
at the m - t h iteration are defined respectively as follows 51 :

, i: s .s'"'
'" ~ '•'•' v; s .s"""
i . J , Jt t. J . k t. J . k

s'm , ,,
K = M a x [ ;•„/_•,';}• H S'"'\ . (29!
•'•' ,-....,• S '•'•" '•''
i. J. k
JAI-1KI l a i O :!. I V i . n l > •>( l l u M . - l l i . « l 9

S'"" in ,,

If t h r convergence c r i t e r i o n ( w i t h a n input parameter e : )

]{"[] - A ' " "

is not satisfied, the extrapolated neutron source S 'J'k after the m Hi iteration is calculated by either
of the following two formulae, Eqs. ('.i'l) and (..i.i). If : Tchebysiielf |x>lyni)ininal extrapolation is sel-
ected by user's option,S, 'J\ is given by

*;•••' > s"" s"" "

s = '-•,„,-+«{- "•';„;, -- -"•';„!,,t . i:a)
• • ' • ' ' v; s ' 1' S" H S"
, )< X J . J . i I.J.I i.J.i i . . ' . I. l,

in which n is j»iven by

Ui <!.v)i'<w"., ">

where /i,,. <i, and Ji.v are the largest, the second and (lie least eiui'inalnes of the matrix /'. The
envaluo Xx is assumed to be zero and the dominant ratio. /, ,'^0. is approximated by

, A'
*' = l - ^ « . CM!

where the residual A*,, is defined by

If an over-relaxation method is si ii .ted by user's optior, S* 1 " ( is given by

" j . i i. j . * i."7t * i. J. t

where oi is a relaxation factor calculated by the formula

ai= {«<„,+01 „}/;> , (36)
where ">„, and m,, are defined respectively by

1 + V 1 -JVfax^-,',] 1 +V 1

or w may be specified by input data.


The iterative technique described below is similar to that used in the EQI'ITOISE program. In
this method the convergence of neutron fluxes at all space-energy points is tested at the end of one-
through iterative step. This iterative process may lie described as
?5<->=:£f<»'5l<»-'> , (37)
where 0im> is the flux vector for m-th iteration and defined by
W A l < « l Diim-iisinml Nwiin.n DIIIIIMIUI f.iUu1.itI.HI l'.«l. AIK' 1AKK

,}<-> = , •

where <!>./"" is the subvector shown in Kq. (16), and B"" is the iteration matrix which is varied with
iteration because the fission source is re normalized at the end of a sweep through all mesh points
and all groups. The matrix form of Eq. (37) is applicable in lxith cases of point and line relaxation
method. Kor example, if point relaxation is used according to Eq. (18), the subvvclor of any j - t h group
for the m th iteration $,""> is given by
^ V " — (l~ <*>/-.?) M(l — <w)/+ «^M;}^V" ' J +w(I — (oLg) '

i /C '"VT', "K- -r,,-lj.-lj . ,.)8)

i l l

where K "' is given by

y i in > *V A
' i » IT; I I

Equation (38) can also be written in the matrix form ;is shown1 in Ki|. (,37). The most straight
foward method for solving Eq. (38) is basically the [lower method, which is applicable to any matrix
whose largest eigenvalue is unique. Kor B'"" with such a form as the discrete approximation matrix to
neutron diffusion operator, its spectral radius is bounded101 by
cmj (ffl)

/l <
Min -"• 1; i<p(B "")< Max -°«L'/,— • (•'(>)
». t. ]. t «. i. h k

where ^ m J j ,. is the m - t h iteration flux of the g-lh group at the mesh ixiint ( l . J . K ) and p(B"") is
the siK'ctral radius of B'"'\ The |0(B 1 "") must tend to u n i t y as the iteration proceeds because of the
fission source r e n o n n a l i z a t i o a When the flux convergence criterion ( w i t h an input parameter £,)
$ 5*
Max Min •'•-,';•"•-I (•11)
'. >. i. ' ' , J. *
J> t

is satisfied, t h e iterative process is terminated. The eigenvalue at the m - t h iteration is estimated by

Eq. (30). Kor accelerating this process, an extrapolation factor is applied to all of the space-energy
pointwise flux values individually. It is convenient for obtaining the extrapolation factor to use the
eigenvalues, V " " and eigen-functions, </•„"" defined by the equation

where the ^,,("" are ordered such that W"s>&\'""'5> •

Equation (42) leads to the extrapolation form 01 :

the «1"" being called an extrapolation factor. The /!„""> is estimated by

l r '& I I^ l
^ ' m ) = - i - Max j-ftji^i*' + Min ;;'•/;'" . (.14)
\ f, 1. /. I ' v ' Ji I. i. I
This extrapolation is not applied to the first /„ iterations and after ^,-th iteration, the change
JAEK1 12()O :i. Di-t.iik nl ilio MI-IIKKI n

of the extrapolation factor is tested every Ln iterations. The /„, and /.„ are sin'cified as input data
and the extrapolation criterion is given by

3. 4 Adjoint flux problem

The multi-group diffusion equation (12) can IK* rewritten ns

where the matrix elements of the operator /- are

i _ v ^*o V,, V
^'J-0 I • *-tf I . P ^ T - *-/.O 1 .

/.,.„•--?« i/i-/..' <„' •••„ or g - 1 ) , tff.ff'=1.2, N) .
The adjoint operator /.* to Kq. (4fi) and its solution, i.e., the adjoint flux $!« must satisfy the
following relation:
1(5* . / ^ , ] - i ( i . /,*,5»1 . (17)
Therefore, we got
- F « » r ^ / + ^ . « ^ * - i ' . . . n i S A , i + - ^ - ' ^ , ( i ; . (g-1.2, /V) , (18)
or in the matrix representation.

where i*is the transposed operator of L.

The calculation of the adjoint flux distribution is perfo rmed by the user's option in desending
order of g ( 3 = N , N - 1 , 2,1),
12 A Cruc-nil nimi'iiMutvil Xrulmn DifliiMon C-ili.-til.-iiimi I".«!••: A l x ' I \l KI i:!i;n

4- Program Usage

4.1 Variable common and program flow path control

The required core memories .ire depend sensitively on the problem to lie solved, since the ADC
program solves either one- two- or three dimensional problem, optionally. Ordinarily, by the use of
variable dimensioning, the program permits the optimum use <if available storage. However, the
compilers do not allow variable dimensions in the main program, ami hence a fixed common length
must be occupied prior to the program loading.
Since the program flow path depends on the problem to IK-solved, for an effective use of the core
storage, the subroutines which are unnecessary for solving the problem should IK' unloaded ami the
"CALL" statement calling such subroutines in the main program should also be deleted. I'ormelly. in these
cases, the overlay structure was changed, but for mull i process computers, the occupation of nnneces
sary core memory or loading of unnecessary subroutines is not economical.
The ADC program has eliminated these demerits by using two step Fortran job. A common area
and program flow path required for solving n particular problem are generated every time before the
execution starts, Tliis improved flowchart is shown iii Vig. 3.


' l








other routine COMPILE

ft stondord routine compile U 1 NEW MAIN COMPILE

I READ Relocotoble ^COMPILE
1 Binary from DISK 3





Fig:. 3. Plow for variable common and path control.

.IAF.RI 1200 I. i-nj-nim U«II;I- »

In prc-ADC. the input data are read in with I N l ' l ' T CARD () to INl'l'T CARD 7 (see Section
•1. 3. A) for the determination of COMMON length and flow path control. The standard main program
of ADC is read from a library tape and updated according to the input data from pre ADC. and hence
tile free structure is generated for the linkage edit corresponding to the new flow path. The BCD image
of the new main program and tree structure are saved in DISK 1 and DISK 'I. rcS|X'clively. Next,
the new main program and other subroutines are compiled and the linkage edit is made according !o new
tree structure. After reading Die remaining input data (see Section I..1. B ' . the execution starts. The
ADC program can he used also with a fixed common length for a lilK words machine as usual.

4. 2 Standard program flow and required core memory

The standard ADC rode, the main program of which has a fixed common length, is divided into
five segments as shown in Fig. 4. Table I lists the functions of ADC subroutines. Kach stage of the
program fits in a computer having at least (i IK words core slorage, and uses 5 scratch tapes depending
on the problem to be solved. Table 2 gives the logical tape numbers 1 hat are referred lo in the program
and the fund ions of the (apes.




COW Level 1


Outer HDIT

FIR. 4. Overlay structure for general dimensional code ADC.

Table 1 ADC subroutines

Name Function Called From

MAIN Allocated total core storage and control all problem input
MAP Writes material map MAIN 4, MAIN 3
OUT Writes pcintwise flux and pointwise power distribution MAIN 4, MAIN 3
COEF Calculates coefficient for difference equation MAIN 4. MAIN 3
SOURS Calculates fission source and slowing down sources MAIN 3, MAIN 2
INNER 1 Calculates flux distribution by point over relaxation method MAIN 3, MAIN 2
A Onpral Dimensional Ncutnin DiffuMnn Oilcnl.ninn Ctidr: A!X' JAKKI 121)0

INNER 2 Calculates flux distrihution by line over relaxation method

Outer Calculates new fission source distribution MAIN ,i, MAIN .1
INPUT 1 Input data for one dimensional calculation MAIN 1
INPUT 2 Input data for two dimensional calculation MAIN 2
INPUT :* Input data for three dimensional calculation MAIN x MAIN .1
REAC Calculates gross neutron balance MAIN 4, MAIN 2
ADJO Inter change cross section for adjoint flux calculation MAIN I, MAIN 2.
MAIN ) Control for one dimensional calculation MAIN FGCAL
MAIN 2 Control for two dimensional calculation MAIN FGCAL
MAIN u Control (or three dimensional calculation by inner and outer iteration MAIN
MAIN 1 Control for three dimensional calculatron by one loop iteration MAIN
OVKRIN Calculates optimum over relaxation factor MAIN :i
ADCEI) Control for editing and allocating core storage MAIN
REIJIT Region editing ADCED
EDIT Calculates regionwise neutron balance ADCED
TOUT Writes poinlwise quantities ADCKI)
UNPACK Subroutines for reading input data in free format INPUT 1
FGCAL Synthesized flux guess for three dimensional calculation MAIN
1'GWR writes flux guess on tape of unit !S FGCAL

Table 2 Tape and disk required for ADC.

Logical Number Use

Tape or Disk < • Flux dump

The execution time required to solve a problem is very dependent on the problem itself. The use
of a large capacity storage without using scratch units is best to achieve the minimum execution time.
However, as the core capacity is limited, an efficient use of auxiliary hardware with sophisticated
software is necessary to reduce the required core memory. In a sample problem shown in the appendix
with X-Y-Z geometry of 3840 mesh points and three energy groups, the amount of the required core
memory for the ADC code is 108K words, on the other hand tor the CITATION code, is 207K words.
This result shows that the way of the selection of common area and program flow path of the ADC
code is effective to reduce the required core memory. In this case, the execution tim>. for the ADC is
79 sec and that for the CITATION is 77sec.

4.3 Detailed input specification

Except for the control parameters, the cross sections, spatial flux guess and all other floating point
numbers are read into the ADC program in the free format via generalized subroutine REAG. The
JAI'KI I2«) I. IWram t V w J.,

subroutine RKAG for KACOM 230-75 converts BCD informal ion to integer or floating point binary
information. Three conversion types of reading N floating numbers, N integer numbers, and !>N,
characters, N2 integers and N 3 floating point numbers are allowed by convsp>nd:rig subroutines. r"
A typical example of Ihe function of this subroutine is described for the following three punched
105. :118. - 1 1 , 1.5E-3 :i. 1 2 E - 3 / THIS IS A COMMENT

1.0, 5»t>. 1, 2 . - 0 . 2 /
The subroutine will convert UCD number 105 and !US to their binary integer equivalents. In a similar
fashion —M will be eom/erled to a negative binary integer, and 1.5K — 3 will be converted to (1.(1(115.
Data punched on a card may be delimited by blank column or comma The slash (, ) indicates the end
of the BCD field to be converted, and the remainder of the card can be used for comments. If no slash
is present, 72 columns of a card are scanned and the next card is read.
The second card indicates that Hie data 1.0 and 1.5 in the first pamuheses and I) in the second
are re|>eatod twice and three times, respectively, and therefore it is equivalent with a card punched
as 1.0, 1.5. 1.0, 1.5, 0,0,0/. The last card inrlicales that the first word is 1.0. the second word 0.1
is successively accumulated five times to the previous word and the last word —0.2. twice. Therefore
it is equivalent with a card punched as 1. II, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, l.-l !..">, l.:i. 1.1/.
The format for the control parameters (CAK1) 0 — L'AKM) 7) must be 12I(i for integer, •>Klli. 5 for
floating point data and ISA I for job title and comments. The input data from CAM) 0 to CARD 7
are used for determination of COMMON length and flow path control.

4.3. A. Input of control information for ADC

Word Name of
Number on Card Variable Comments


T1TL User must punch an asterisk sign (*) in the first column, which
is used to identify a title card. The information punched in the
remaining columns will be printed at the top of pa^'e of output.
1 1D1SN Problem dimension 1/2/3 one dimension/two dimension.'three di-
2 1GE0M Geometry 1/2/3/1/5 slab X-Y-Z, X-Y, X 'cylinder R-Z-0 'cylinder
R-Z/cylinder R-0.'cylinder R.
I! NGMAX Number of energy groups.
4 MAT Total number of materials for which cross sections are to be
5 1ADJ Adjoint calculation option —1/0/1 adjont only 'regular calculation
only/regular and adjoint calculaton.
6 NKGESl Input option of regular flux guess read from card.
= 0Flat
- - 1 From logical unit 3 tape
= —2 If IDISN = 2 or 1, flux calculation in previous case is used.
If IDISN=3, the flux guess is synthesized from one and two dimen
sional calculation in the code.
7 NEGES2 Input option of adjoint flux guess same as NKGESl.
8 . IFOUT Flux output option of IFOUT=1, out put to logical unit 3 tape.
16 A (li-iu-iil [)iiiii'ihiii> .Vcirniii IJIIIIIMIUI I . i | , ' i i l . n i ' i i i ( <>li . A l » .1 \ 1 - . U I ]\lu»

'.) NCASE Opt ion for r u n n i n g a s e r i f s of c a s e .'!,'•> 1 ••'!> '•- 1 —2 inure c a s e w i t h

fine e d i t ' e n d of b a t c h will) tine edit m o r e e;ise/end ol b a t c h .i
s e r i e s o u t p u t in t a p e a r e r e e d i t e d O u t - p u t ol selected i ase in tape
a r e re e d i t e d . If N C A S K • ( I . C A K I ; I ) . C A R D 1 a n d e d i t i n p u t
are required.
1 1X1 Number of intervals in the X or R direction.
2 IY1 Number of intervals in the Y, Z or II direction.
3 IZ1 Number of intervals in the 7. direction
CONTROL INTEGER Required only if 1I)ISN = :S CARD 3
1 MZL Number of X-Y or R IS layer for different material map identi-
2 MZC Number of X-Y or R II layers with fission source.
;i NFLUX Number of X-Y or R II layers I'm flux value in core storage
NFLUX ' IZi, usually equal to 1ZI.
I NCOIiF Number of X Y or R I) layers for difference equation coefficients
value in core storage. 0 1 N coefficients value of all layers are
in core coefficients are calculated at each iteration slcp/cocffi
cienls of N layers are in core, other coefficients are in tape at
each iteration ste|), lliose .ire read from tape.
1 IOUTSC Outer iteration option (I'1 ;i ove, relaxation/Tchebysheff extra-
]x)lation 'One loop iteration, this option is used only if IDISN-il.
2 lTOMAX Maximum number of outer iteration counts. If IOUTSC=;i,
maximum number of one-loop iteration counts.
1 OMEGA 1 Used only if 10UTSC = 0, outer loop over relaxation factor.
2 EPS:! Outer Loop Convergence Criteria Recommended if IOUTSC=^ 0 ,
or 1 El 1 ai = l() ' and if IOUTSC=:5, EPS = 1 ( T \
CONTROL INTEGER Required only if ID1SN=2. or 3 CARD G
1 IN1TSC Inner iteration option 0 '1 '2 '?> -1 5.' point relaxation/X-line
relaxation'Y-line relaxation/point relaxation factor is calculated
in code/X-line relaxation factor is calculated in code/ Y-line
relaxation factor is calculated in code '.
Recommended that if 1DISN = 2, 1N1TSC = 1, if JU1SN = H. IOUTSC
=0, INITSC= l o r n , and if]DlSN=;i, lOUTSC = ] , l N l T S C = l o r |.
•> IT1N1 Used only if IDISN = 2. or if IDISN=3, IOUTSC=1 or 0. Maximum
number of X-Y or R-0 layers inner iteration counts.
;i ITIN2 Used only if IDISN = :i, IOUTSC=i or 0. Maximum number of
XYZ inner iteration counts.
I LCMX Used only if IOUTSC=3.
Number of one loop iteration for testing extrapolation factor.
5 1TDM Used only if IOUTSC = li. Minimum delay between extrapolation.
CONTROL FLOATING POINT D A T A - Required only if 1DIS.V-2 or 3 CARD 7
1 0MEGA2 Used only if INITSC = 0, 1, 6. Inner loop over relaxation factor
1 g 0MEGA2 < 2.
2 EPS1 Used only if IDISN= 2. Convergence criteria of X-Y, R-0, or
JAI-1KI 1^(10 I. l'ic. 17

U Z layers. Recommended value 1(1 '.

El'SJ 1'si-d only if 1DISN- :i. Convergence criteria (if \ Y '/. or K 0-7.
inner Ioo|). Recommended value 1(1 '.
El'SI Used only if 1 0 1 ' T S C - : ; .
Extrapolation criteria. Recommended value 0.(15.

4. 3. 11. I n p u t of remaining d a t a for ADC

All the following data are read by the subroulione KEAG. We denote these format by I for integer
and E for floating |x>int number.

Block Name Number

and Format of Comments
Dimension Entries

XAUU NGMAX Fission spectrum.

1I)ISN'2 lioundary condition 1 "I —1 reflective'Vacuum'by derivative
ILSOUND(l); if K1KOM-1 left Ixmndary,
if KJEOM — 'i,'.\, I or 5 cenler Ixiundary of K.
IHOl.'NIKW; ifK;HOM = l rijjlil Iwunlxiry,
ii IGIiOM-2.:i. I or 5 outer boundary of R.
[BOUNDCO; if IOEOM = 1 back boundary,
if IGEOM=2.-I ff-direclion toundarj'.
If full circular or periodic boundary,
113OUND(3) = - 2 ;
if I G E 0 M = 3 lop boundary of Z.
1BOUND(.|); i f l G E O M ^ l front boundary,
if IGEOM = 2, I ff-direction boundary,
if IGEOM=3 bottom boundary of Z.
IHOUND(5); top boundary of Z.
I13OUND(6): bottom boundary of Z.
BO(l) Log derivative data. Number of entries is summation of
numbers of 1BOUND(1) = - 1 bour.iary.
MZID(lZl) 1ZI Required only if IDISN=;S.
Material layer map number of first X-Y or K.-0 plane.
Material layer map number of second X-Y or R-0 plane.

Material layer map number of IZlth X-Y or R-ff plane,

(e.g. if M Z L = 2 . 1ZI= I, MZID(i) are 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 / t w o layers
of all may have the same material map sjjecification as
1, remaining layers are specified as 2).
MZCD(lZl) 1 1ZI Required only if IDISN=3.
O'l layer with no fission source/layer with fission source,
(e.g. if MZC = 2, IZ1 = 1. MZCD(i) are 0 , 0 , 1 , I / t w o layers
have IK) fission source specifications as 0).
Material number Material identification number.
18 A Gflicnil Dimensional Ni-ulrnn Diffiibiuh Cik-ulntion Code: AIX' JAKKI I2«O

Number of entries depends on IDISN.

NREG(IXI, IY1, MZL) I If IDISN = 3, MZL blocks dala are required and each block
has IX1*1Y1 entries.
The first block is material number for first material layer,
the first data read in is the first X or R-line, as follow
second X-line, X line number must lie ascending order.
The second block is material number for second material

The MZL the block is material number for MZLth material

(e.g. if 1X1 = •), IY1 = 4, IZI=1. MZL = 2 first and second plane
material map
1 1 1 1 , »X
1 1 1 1 |
2 2 2 2 Y
2 2 2 2
third and forth plane material map.
1 1 1 1 , »X
1 1 1 1 |
2 2 1 1 Y
2 2 1 1
In this example map, two block data are required, the first
8(1), 8 (2)/and the second 8(1), 2(2,2,1,1)/).
NREG(IX1, IY1) I IXUIY1 If IDIZN = 2,IXI*IY1 entries the first data read in is first X
or R line, as follow second line, line number must be
ascending order. The scheme for these data read in is same
as one layer of three dimension.
NREG(IXl) I 1X1 If IDISN = 1 material number around each mesh point.
DX(IXl) E 1X1 X or R direction mesh interval.
DY(IYl) E IYO Y, Z or 0 direction mesh interval required only if IDISN > 2.
DZ(!Z1) E IZ1 Z direction mesh inteval required only if IDISN=3.
Cross Section E If IDISN=1 or 2, NGMAX«MAT blocks data are required and
each block has six entries.
First material, 1st energy group.

first mateiial 2nd energy group,

first material NGMAXth energy group, second material 1st

energy group,
JAERI 12B0 19

D: diffusion coefficient, X,,'. absorption, Xn\ removal.

iV, fission, v; nuc value, B2; transverse buckling. If
IDiSN = :i, NGMAX*MAT blocks data are requintl. Each
block has five entries, (no buckling data)
.-. 11 i ~ < i» v 11 J „ 111 (i J
D J 1
, • «,' -,n- * J f ",

If D('" is input zero, this specifies a rod group for this

material. The rod group constant C r = D0'/0 is input in the
place of Xa. and ! „ , v Ij, v and B- must be input zero.
NR(NFGESl) or NFGESl or Input flux guess option.
NF(NFGES2) NFGES2 Required only if IDISN-:!. NKGES1 or NFGES2 > 0.
Nt'(l)'. from 1st X-Y or R-fl plane to NF(l)th plane, group
dependent same flux guess is used.
NF(2):from NI"(l) + Hh plane to NK(2)lh plane, groupde|>en-
dent same flux guiss is used.

NF(NFGESl) : from NF(NFGESl-D + Hli plane to NK

(NFGESl) {-IZlHli plane, group de]jendent same flux guess
is used.
Input Flux Guess Number of entries deprnds on IDISN. Required only if NFGESl
or NFGES2 > 0.
FLUX(IX1. IYI, NGMAX, NFGESl) If IDISN=3, NFGES1*NGMAX blocks data are required. Each
or FLUX (1X1, IYI, NGMAX. NEGES2) block has IXMY1 entries.
First block, first group, first X-line
second group, second X-line

2nd block, first group, first X-line

second group, second X-line

FLUXCIXI, IYI, E If IDISN=2, NFGESl or 2 > 0. N G M A A blocks data are

NGMAX) required. Each block lias 1X1*IY1 entries.
The order of flux guess read in is same as case of IDISN=3.
FLUX (1X1, NGMAX) If IDISN = 1, NFGESl or 2 > 0, NGMAX blocks, data are
required. Each block has iXNIYI entries.
IA (3) I If IDISN=3 and NFGESl or NFGES2=-2 following three
integers data Ere required for flux guess synthesized.
iA (1): X or R direction mesh point number for appropriate
Z-axis one dimensional calculation.
IA(2): Y or 0 direction mesh point number for appropriate
20 A ( i - w n i l D i m e n s i o n , ! ! N V u l m n D i l l n M ' i n ( ' >li M I . I I H I I I : ' . » l r . A U ' I.M-KI K W )

Z-axis one dimensional calculation.

IA CO : X-Y or K II phun- number for approprialr two <li
mensional calculai ion.

4. 3. C. Input of control number for ADC-Edit

Following tinta arc required only if NCASE (I or 1 and 1DISN •• 1

Number Name of
Word on Card Variable Comment

EDIT TITLE CARD Required only if NCASE-:!. -•>. o r - - - 2 CARD I)

TINPUT The job title of previous rase selected to re-edit.
This card must be complelcly same as the JOR TITLF. CARD.
1 NRMAX Number of edit region.
2 NFR Number of flux ratio edit ( 6,,/$, ) . if NFK-0. no edit.
,'i NRKTA Number of groups of edit rcgiomvise flux to be normalize<l.
If NBETA-(), normalization factor is total power.
1 NI'O Option of point power normalization factor to Ix' renil.d'l specified
by code/edit regionwise specified by input.
B MZE Used only if 1DISN-:!.
Numlx-r of X-Y or R-W layers with different edit region layer map.
1 PT Total power (watt), if PT = 1.(), point power normalization factor
is average power.
2 PCONV Power conversion factor (Watt'fission SEC).

4. 3. D. Input of remaining data for ADC-Edit

The following data are read by the subroutine REAG. The formats denoted by I and E mean
integer and floating point number, respectively.

Block Name and Number of

Dimension Entries Comment

NKR(NFR*2) I NFR*2 Required only if NFR > 0. Energy group number for flux ratio
calculation (e.g. if NGMAX = -1, NFR = 2).
1, 4, 2, 4/ In this example, <f>i/$,, Qz/'t't pointwise two ratios
are calculated)
IGl(NBETA) I NBETA Required only U NBETA > 0. Energj group number to be
normalized (e.g. if NBETA = 2, NGMAX=4).
3,4/ In tlrs example, 3rd group, -1th group fluxes are normalized
by input specifications. (Other group fluxes are normalized by
total power.)
BETAF(NBETA, E Required only if NBETA > 0. NBETA blocks data are required.
NRMAX) Each block has NRMAX entries.
1st block; IGl(l)th group flux normalization factor.
2nd block; IGl(2)th group flux normalization factor.
JAERI 1260 4. Program Usit

N B E T A t h block IG1 ( N B E T A ) th group flux normalizationfactor.

Flux would be normalized pointwise and edit regionwise.
BETAP E NRMAX Edit region wise power density normalization factor. Required
only if NPO -- 0.
MZED(IZl) I 1ZI Required only if IDISN = .S. Edit layer m a p number of each X-Y
or R-plane.
These data are read in same scheme as ADC input MZJD (IZ1).
Edit region number Edit region identification number. Number of entries depends on
NREGE(IX1, IY1. I If I D I S N = 3 , MZE blocks data are required. Each block h a s I X N
MZE) IY1 entries.
NREGE(IX1, IYH I If IDISN = 2, IXWVI entries.
These data are read in same scheme as ADC input NREG.

4. A Output information

Output data of "ADC" consist of two parts, normal edit quantities and optional regionwise edit
quantities. Varieties of integrated and averaged values for specified mesh regions, which are not always
identical with material regions, are edited by the edit segment ADCED.
The follwing is the list of normal output quantities. All pointwise edit data are normalized so
that total fission source equals to unity.
(1) All the input is printed immediately after read-in.
(2) The two dimensional material map by integer numbers, (for three dimensional problem, multiple
maps corresponding to all X-Y or R-0 planes)
(3) Eigenvalue convergence status at each iteration.
(4) Gross neutron balance.
(5) Pointwise group flux.
(6) Pointwise power density.
The following quantities are edited optionally if the user requires the integrated and averaged
values in edit-regions or the re-editing of the result saved in tape.
(1) All the input of "ADCED" is printed immediately after the reading.
(2) The two dimensional edit-region by integer numbers (for three dimensional problem, multiple
maps corresponding to all X-Y or R-0 planes).
(3) Pointwise edit
(a) Pointwise flux 0S, (, s, t
Renormalized by the formula

if N B E T A = 0 , / 9 - i = s [ is constant.
If N B E T A > 0, Po (NR) is specified by input for the edit-region for each energy group
where NR : edit-region number
PCONV : conversion factor t o power
PT : total power
(b) Pointwise flux ratio aXFS,,, j ,k
Ojf FR. (. i, t ~$'t, I. J. */0 V . (, 1, *
where neutron group number g is specified by input.
(c) Pointwise power P,, x, t
22 A General Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Calculation Code ADC JAKRI 1260

Pt. i. ^ - S 1 , — — » B E T A P (NK) *v,S,d>',.,,,.,

where if NPO=0, BETAP (NR) = 1 constant
if NPO^l BETAP (NR) : edit-regionwise power
Normalization factors are specified by input.
if P T = I . o,

(4) Integral edit

Integrals are calculated only for edit-regions specified by input. The following quantities are
edited for each group and for the sum over the groups.
(a) Neutron leakage

i.v«, a~ ~~ Js.vs A>. (. J. kV$'Q, (. 1, t^s

Rod leakage and DB ! leakage are also edited.
(b) Neutron absorption

(c) Neutron removal

(d) Neutron source

These quantities are renormalized so that total neutron source; V] 2 Fvn. „ equals to unity.
.v/t a '
(e) Region averaged flux <j>NR,,

All of the flux integrals and averages are multiplied by the normalization factor.
(f) Region averaged power, PN11

PXR = \ Vx/,, j , *<tv/vxs

t. j , k are pointwise power as shown previously.
(g) Regionwise A,vs~

9 0
(h) Edit-region volume
XR~ \ J , V S 2 E I ' "(. J. t


The authors wish to express their thanks to V. Kuge of the Japan Atomic Power Co. for his
valuable suggestions about the numerical method. Thanks are also due to S. Matsuura and T. Asaoka
of JAERI for their valuable discussions and their critical reading of this manuscript.


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2) Hardie R. W. and Little W. W. Jr: 3DB; A Three-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Burnup Code,
BNWL-1264 (1970)
3) Tobias M. L. and Fowler T. B. : The EQUIPOISE Method—A Simple Procedure for Group-Diffusion
JAKKI 1260 4. I'muram I'KIKI- -•'

Calculations in Two and Three Dimensions, Nucl. Sci. Eng. , 12O> 5U SIS U!Mi2>
I) Varga R. S. : Matrix Iterative Analysis, l'rentice Hall Inc. (\\)(,2)
5) Akanuma M. , Kuge Y. and Yasukawa S. : The KAK Program for the Numerical Solution oi 1-i-w
Group Neutron Diffusion Equations in Two Dimensions, JAKRI 1127 (Idti7)
6) Asai K. and Tsuchihashi K. : A Subroutine Reading Data in Kree Format, JAER1 M .1-158 0971)
A < K-tM-nil D i l l l t ' l b i i i i u l Nviilnni I)i(Hi>iun Cili'uUluin I'mli-:A I X " 1AKKI laid

Appendix: Sample Input and Output

The following pages show the input data and computer output for li group, 2-malerial, eigenvalue
problem in X-Y-Z geometry (see Figure A- 1 ). The problem requires nlxml 79 seconds to run.


/vy ->
'(533, 33 3,01


(0,0,0) (66.7,0,0) (1076,0,0 J

Fig:. A-1. Diagram of sample problem.

• I A H U I laiO \,,|ir,,,l,x : S,,,,,,!,. ,„,„„ .,,,,1 „,„,„„

Sample Input and Sample Output

-ytJM.: TLIE-EDISf: F S 2 , T E M P I ' " --•'-L..,,.

: W 6 U TSORTFTC^ FP4,TEt-P- - ; 4 ^ ' PI,P- ,,-,-,-.-.,.

cfc109O - + +:f.t :t : UT f. PTP-+ +:** : f t **:+ :*

..-15iff * h l - O R r flfC-.J 14^^"., vr.-f.vp.. •:....,.=-,-1 (T=., , .••

l i i
,. rerr ;f£Pf-::e'^LaFLT=,«,EEiR:,- : r,V I
• - - -- ^ S - i t - t L !:-•(•: ••:,';•<Jt-, t l 4 4 e "Ef-'P--1
'fl4f -HRUI-i i - D C - ^ l - U T - ^ t i t ^ - ' v - T i r j ^ l s

. 6Q2C :- rJOB I' 111'-;46.- VC, j• i-11 0 , :::,:= . i e , J \--F-LL •-

J?f38 -hRUH PJ-DC, J 1 4 4 6 . r PC-LEE; U ' J T = 5 S 6 J i'.'SOUT-CLl;;. iiK!rh.=.2

-t-&b& ¥FD Fi?5. t : 01.- F r ILE= i : CniLe.- J1446.1'iDCL-PT^' i>PTP4? -.•

;.:007G * L IE ED I E ^ F(?4,TEI\P2
• ieese - S O P i F C L ' Fes-TEhP-,"2:04.VFJ--.P••,, ? F P E S - • . - ? F - . : - e . , i 2 c e
•eeyt ¥HFC'r-'T TFNfifC=J23.04. TEf"P- E1i'SOUT=CL£
:eit'& h-HLlEL PFNSt'1E=..l 1^46. i-'L-'CPE- E1'IT=VES - FpfGI ;pf-iE=NDi"'~, •- W-ui iT=r.L'--
j @ i i >;:•< :. PESPC=?eo ? o i p. c T = I ee, E E.TftK=2e-t-
:Bi:?P ''t-'PuN MDC3:. CUT=5&£1.-. SV£GUT=CLE
•::013f:; T L ^ I S K F&i
; :t?l4& «DISK F62
JUltfi ¥DISK FU3
ei?e *DISK F64
wlfc'is if-DISK F0&
**»«0C CALCU»#» • i\OC A-V-L iAMFLE
l/2/3/=CNE/T>vO/Tr)«Et D\»tHb\OUt,L CAL<-U.
I&E0I-' I / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / = b L A c X,XY.XY;:/CYi.llJ[ T H t f A . Z / R , t T Hlr TA/r</
MAT TOTAL '<liMHKH OF COMPdbl i !(•!'
1ADJ l / 0 / - l » l i E l j T R O » FLUX AND ADJOINT F LUX/'nt uTKu FLUX ONLY/AtJjOlf.T i-LUA. O
NF6ES1 , t > T . O / G / - l / - 2 = rttA[> CAROb/Ft.AT/kcAD \JU113/UO HEAL-/ NtUTfU'l FLUX GUKbb
. G T . O / 0 / - l / - ? = f . E A [ ; CAHi>b/fLAT/lihAD UM13/-4U REAb/ A.UJOIM f L U * 'jULbb
IF nor /.E«:; ntdTE FI ux OUIPUT UM uniT i
l/n=<MOh£. CA^E/CND CASE'
I XI TOTAL Ni MW( fi OF X OK H Dl«F,.CTlON«l. MtSr, Pol 5.6
I Yl TOTAL NUKBi.K QF Y Oh THLTA 0 [ HLCT i Jf.«L .-tfcSM- POlf.TS
Ul TOTAL ••.L'F'Sf> OF £ D I F . € C r J O ' V A L ' - t b H P O I ; ,r b
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floftK I T E « * M O . SCHEMF 0 / 1 / ^ / 3 / = U V t H Fit LAXfcT 1 Oi»/TCntHYSnF.F F t.x . i-A . /UU'1/',OT ACC. / 3
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II lv,t !'•• Ml|fhFf) UF INN1K ITt.KATiGN COONTj (.^ XY?. OH R.TMc'fA./ 1
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JAEKI 12I>0 Ap|>cn/li\ ; Simple input find

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21 0,lol827b7F.-02 U,125OOuUOE*Ol .. .:oia'UJ3fc*ji ; . 2blO48ft7? * J 3
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25 0 . 527462 79F.-03 0.84d39C63F.-0l
26 0.44673137E-03 0. i;.0i'i3>tiiF + U l 0 . 125O0O00F+01 . . l l . 0 5 1 2 o 5 E +0 l
27 0,3791fa099E-03 0. 11 o l ' . 5b2E+O 0.125UOO j'JE + 0 1
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30 0.22985tG4t-O3 0 . l."»23'!jit*(i 0.1^.'iO(jOOOF. + u l . 10o4 3^7pF»01
31 0.19462472E-03 0 . ;:o25 /t.7E+i., 0.125OuioOE+01 0 0 i 31> o 9 4 j ,- i L - '.
+ '-• 0
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40 0,4399b5WE-04 u. l.'.C'34985F*(J 0 . 12 5Oju'jOE.+ul 0 . 9 £ , b 2 b c l 3 t + 00 0.1 U2t+ul ' j . i l i t ' . i t 51-01
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54 0.47251"'27E-05 ( i . liO37353r.+i) 0 . M4.b7s>*'je*u.l E--. 2
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59 U.2S06O533E-05 0 . 1103 7743t+01 0.11'rb7«'->0E + 0 l 0.999^^23 JC-00 o.iJu'J2se3f +01 -i.3
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61 0.19/.40223E-05 \j . l.O3"'79:'!: + lj.
u. H 1 j02^'* c )t+L;l
U.114b7t)'/i)fc»ul ih-u3
62 0.1.9980210E-05 0 . ll»3'dx4f+0J 0.. 1 .i4b7o4UF+0l 0 . luiiOl-JOSE + Ol lb-0 J
63 0,19980i41t-05 7l
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64 0,l593Oib9E-U5 0 . ll',)37H5-»E+iiJ O.11-.S76 yJP + 01 J . louni^jHt+oi O.i30b?94:t-0 3
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66 0.13230047E-05 0 . 1 1 0 3 ? l i 8 5 F + C'- 0 . 114t,7c90E + Ol '•)7<!<jf_-00 •« . IUOO'1 j i jl * j 1 i-^3
67 0 1 1 A t fltl69F—(IS
* * 0 3 ' 8 9<*f. + 0 0 . l i t t . 7 r ^ u t + 01
60 0.1OS00143E-05
j 10379itJE" + u: u * 114b 7o90r.*ul 0 . 2SVb3 l < 7OJ-G3
69 0.918'J0id3fc-06 u. ; . i ; J / V 2 0 t • 0 . o . ; l4t'7h'J0F>01 J . 10000903E + 01 0 .230.14^ 39E-O3
70 0.12150097E-C5 0 . 11037934L+0J O . i l 4 b '090E + 01 o.lO00Onl>4E + 01
71 0,94500741t>06 c. 3I0379t4£»0] U.U'*O7o9OF + ; ) l •J, l u U 0 0 ^ l 3 E + 0 1 i.-. i n 71<: U 14E-OJ
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72 0.36700*b6E-06 0, l.L037950f. + 0] O.XUOOOtOOE+01 J . 10000t-2 7E + 01
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74 0. 70200 /elf.-Ob .]lU3/96f.r+ 0.149573l2t-03
75 0.91c.00l-ifit>0<, .U"3r'9 fhf* 0.H.1C00 a3r.*oi
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7f> O,5b7flu790F.-0'> U. ii:>O00u0E + Ol 0.il9b437»fc-03
7' (J,?4U(K''Nbt>Ub i E mi C.1000051/-Jt*01 0.10 ^Z4
70 0.513001C'4F.-0f> i. 0 . Hil-00'i3flfn;l
79 0 . '>-i'*OOt!<:ht.-llb v 0. l i ',oO£ n i l j . i-jl-O'.i-"ifc *t/l
SO 0 . 5 b 7O0539E-06 (.

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1 J,0 0.0 0•0 O.C;
2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0 . 3 ?o'* 0.0 0.0

SUM 0.0 0.0 0.0



1 0.675Z1F.-CJ 0.93 +01 O.u 0,100UOt+ul U.100U0fc+0l 0.1481Ot+0Z -
2 0.20n.»<tE+lu 0,73 l'. 0 0.932 i 0.93?3bF+uo O.93236E+OO
3 0.731 /2R+ru 0.0 0. 7ji'.i u. OT'tlE+uO 0.73198fc*UO
SUM i).999-'il- + i.i' (J.Jfc

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J d KOU'1 t-'LOA . I PCS! IIU'. 0 .4000 i.f +

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