Theory Notes on Computer Virus PDF (1)

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1. Write short answer of the following questions.

a) Define computer Virus in your own words.
Ans: Computer Virus is a software program capable of reproducing
itself and capable of causing great harm of files to files or other
programs on the computer system.

b) Write any four symptoms of computer virus.

Ans: Four symptoms of computer virus are as follows:
i) Viruses slow down computer speed.
ii) Viruses show unusual error message on computer screen.
iii) Viruses reduce the memory space of computer.
iv) Computer take long time to boot.

c) Mention any four preventive measures from computer viruses.

Ans: Four preventive measures from computer viruses are as follows:
i) Install latest and updated anti-virus software and scan computers
ii) Protect your computer system by using strong password
iii) Avoid using the pirated software.
iv) Before using the external disk, scan it.

d) What are the means of spreading computer virus?

Ans: The means of spreading computer virus are Internet, E-mail,
Pen-drive, External Hard disk, Pirated software and game etc.

e) What is the purpose of antivirus software?

Ans: Antivirus is used to prevent, detect and remove computer virus
from the computer.
2. What is worm?
Ans: Worms are programs that are designed to find their way into the
data processing programs and alter or destroy the data. Worms often use
networks such as the Internet to spread from one computer system to
another, thus attacking systems that are linked through communication lines.
3. Explain the working of Trojan Horse.
Ans: A Trojan horse is a program which performs destructive activities. It is
not a virus since it does not replicate or spread like a virus. However, it can
damage files, place a virus on your computer or break passwords. These
programs enter into a computer through an e-mail or through free programs
downloaded from the Internet.
4. Classified different type of computer virus
Ans: Computer viruses can be classified into various categories, as listed
 Boot Sector Virus: This type of virus hides in the boot sector of a hard
disk or a pen drive and infects the start-up instructions which are
required to boot the system.
 Program Virus: This is the most infectious type of computer virus. It
infects the executable files such as .COM and .EXE files by attaching
its copy to them.
 Stealth Virus: This type of a virus attempts to hide its presence. Some
of the simple techniques include hiding the change in date and time
and hiding the increase in the file size.
 Multipartite Virus: This virus can infect both the boot sector of a disk as
well as the executable files. It is the worst virus because it can combine
a lot of techniques to prevent its detection.
 Macro Virus: This type of virus infects data files. For example, this virus
can attach itself to a word processing or a spreadsheet file (typically a
Word or Excel file) as a macro.
5. Define Malware.
Ans: Malware refers to any program that enters into a computer and
causes harm to it without the user’s knowledge. It is a general term for all
destructive programs, including computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses,
spyware and other unwanted programs.
6. Briefly explain antivirus software.
Ans: Antivirus software are the application programs designed to detect,
prevent and remove viruses from the computer systems. They scan all the
files and folders of the computer system to look for the viruses listed in its
database of viruses called virus definitions. As new viruses are being
developed and released all the time, it is important to update this database
regularly. If the virus definitions are not updated, the antivirus program will
not be able to prevent newly discovered viruses from infecting your computer
In case of virus detection, the antivirus software performs one of the
following actions.
 It removes the virus and repairs the infected file.
 It deletes both the virus and the infected file.
 If it detects an unknown virus, it quarantines (isolates) the infected file.
Such a file is stored in a special area called Quarantine. Files that are
in Quarantine cannot interact with the rest of the system.

7. Differentiate virus, worm and Trojan Horse


Virus is a software or Worms replicate itself Trojan Horse rather

computer program that to cause slow down the than replicate capture
connect itself to computer system. some important
another software or information about a
computer program to computer system or a
harm computer system. computer network.

Virus replicates itself. Worms are also But Trojan horse does
not replicate itself.
replicates itself.

The main objective of consumes lots of Trojan horse executes

virus to modify the computer resources, through a program and
information. which makes your interprets as utility
computer slow software.

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