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ECE 223 Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design


ACTIVITY 9: Op-Amp Negative Feedback Circuits

Target Program Outcome:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, sciences, and engineering fundamentals to solve complex
engineering problems relevant to the field of electronics engineering practice.
2. Conduct investigation of complex electronics engineering problems using research-based
knowledge in designing and conducting experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data to
provide valid conclusions.
3. Demonstrate capability to work competently in the context of diverse team within trans-
disciplinary and multi-cultural environment as member or/and an inspiring leader with effective
management skills to accomplish a team's common goal.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this activity, the student is expected to be able to
1. Examine the operation of different negative feedback circuits using an operational amplifier.
2. Investigate the effects of resistors to the transfer function of the op-amp circuit.

To investigate the operation and performance of different negative feedback circuits using an
operational amplifier.

Instruments needed:
Apparatus/Materials Type/Value Quantity
Digital Multimeter 1
Digital Oscilloscope ADS1000 Series Digital Storage 1

Components needed:
Apparatus/Materials Type/Value Quantity
Resistor 4.7 kΩ. ¼ Watt 1
3.3 kΩ. ¼ Watt 1
2.2 kΩ. ¼ Watt 2
1 kΩ. ¼ Watt 2
Electrolytic Capacitors 10 μF 2
1 μF 2
0.1 μF 2
Integrated Circuit LM741 2 (1 for reserve)

Supplies needed:
Apparatus/Materials Type/Value Quantity
DC Power Supply 1
Digital Function Generator Atten ATF-05C DDS 1

Although an operational amplifier is initially designed to satisfy several open-loop specifications (gain,
CMRR, PSRR, slew rate, etc.), employing it in a negative feedback circuit provides several advantages.
An op-amp with a negative feedback has a closed-loop gain that is lower than its open-loop value which
may be a disadvantage in terms of amplification capability but the gain sensitivity due to the variations
in the parameters of the internal transistors is reduced. Additionally, distortion is dramatically reduced
and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved. Input and output impedances can either be increased or
decreased with negative feedback. Most importantly, the gain can be precisely set by passive components
such as resistors, inductors and capacitors. These reasons make negative feedback circuits with op -amp
widely used in analog circuits that require high reliability, linearity and stability.

In this laboratory activity we will investigate five op-amp configurations; buffer, inverting amplifier,
non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier and difference amplifier.
A buffer is a configuration where the output directly follows the input voltage. Thus, it is also called
voltage follower. Although it appears to be the simplest of all negative feedback configuration, it is also
the most unstable since all portion of the output is being fed back to the input without any attenuation in
the feedback path. The ideal transfer function is given by

It may seem that a buffer is of no use in terms of voltage amplification. However, it has a high input
impedance and a low output impedance which makes it suitable for isolation and reduction of loading
effect in cascaded amplifiers.


Fig. 9.1 Op-Amp Buffer

Inverting Amplifierz
As the name suggests, an inverting amplifier is one in which the output is an amplified version of the
input with a 180 o phase difference. The ideal transfer function is given by

where Rf is the feedback resistor while R in is the input resistor as shown in Fig. 9.2. From this we can
see that since the gain is a function of the resistances only, it is constant and highly stable. This is
important for applications requiring high linearity such as audio amplifiers. The ideal gain is a good
approximation to the exact value as long as the open-loop gain of the op-amp is very high, about 60 dB
or higher.
Furthermore, looking at its circuit, the non-inverting terminal is always pinned to the ground. Since there
is no potential difference between the non-inverting and the inverting terminal, the latter is also
grounded. This is called “virtual ground” which simply means that the inverting terminal is not
physically connected to the ground.



Fig. 9.2 Op-Amp Inverting Amplifier

Non-Inverting Amplifier
The non-inverting amplifier is a negative feedback amplifier where the output is an amplified version
of the input with the same phase. The ideal transfer function is given by

where Rf is the feedback resistor while R 1 is the other resistor. The circuit is shown in Fig. 9.3 where
the input is connected to the non-inverting terminal of the op-amp, hence, this amplifier is non- inverting.
Unlike the inverting amplifier, the inverting terminal is not grounded but is equal to the
voltage at the non-inverting terminal which is the input. This op-amp characteristic where the non-
inverting and inverting potential is equal is called “virtual short” and is useful in analysis of many op-
amp circuits.



Fig. 9.3 Op-Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier

Summing Amplifier
In a summing amplifier configuration, the output is an amplified version of the sum of two or more input
voltages. Its schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 9.4. The input voltages are combined in a single node
that is connected to the inverting amplifier. This results to the output voltage that is inverted with respect
to the input voltage. The output voltage of a summing amplifier that has 2 inputs is given by

If the input resistors R1 and R2 are the same, equation [4] reduces to

where Rin = R1 = R2, showing more clearly that the output voltage is an amplified sum of the input
voltages. Summing amplifier are typicall used in audio mixers where a low -frequency audio signal (bass)
is combined with a high-frequency audio signal (treble) and then fed into an amplifier.

R2 vo

Fig. 9.4 Op-Amp Summing Amplifier

Difference Amplifier
A feedback op-amp circuit can also perform subtraction using the difference amplifier shown in Fig.
9.5. The output voltage is given by

For a special case where R1= R2 and Rf = Rg, the above equation simplifies to

Since the output amplifies the difference of the input signals and not their absolute values, difference
amplifiers can measure input voltages beyond the op-amp supply rails. This concept is used in voltage
and current monitoring in high-power industrial applications where the voltage difference across a sense
resistor is measured in order to monitor the current.


Fig. 9.5 Op-Amp Difference Amplifier




Fig. 9.6 Op-Amp Buffer Used for this Activity

3.3 kΩ

1 kΩ
Vi _

R3.3kΩ(meas) = 3.25k Ω
R1kΩ(meas) = 982 Ω

Figure 9.7 Op-Amp Inverting Amplifier Used for this Activity




3.3 kΩ
1 kΩ

R3.3kΩ(meas) = 3.25k Ω
R1kΩ(meas) = 982 Ω

Fig. 9.8 Op-Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier Used for this Activity

2.2 kΩ

1 kΩ V+
1 kΩ
V2 Vo

R2.2kΩ(meas) = 2.14k Ω
R1kΩ(meas)_1 = 982 Ω
R1kΩ(meas)_2 = 974 Ω

Fig. 9.9 Op-Amp Summing Amplifier Used for this Activity

2.2 kΩ




R2.2kΩ(meas)_1 = 2.14k Ω
R2.2kΩ(meas)_2 = 2.17k Ω
R1kΩ(meas)_1 = 982 Ω
R1kΩ(meas)_2 = 974 Ω

Fig. 9.10 Op-Amp Difference Amplifier Used for this Activity

Part 1: Preliminaries

An op-amp can amplify the noise present at the power supplies. To reduce the power supply noise, we
add decoupling capacitors at the positive and negative supply. Use the circuit below in applying the DC
voltage sources.
To V+


0.1 μF

DC Source

DC Source

0.1 μF

To V–
Figure 9.11 Circuit to Power Op-Amp
Part 1: Buffer

a. Construct the circuit in Figure 9.6 using LM741 Operational Amplifier with a DC power supply of
b. Apply a 10-V p, 1-kHz sinusoidal input voltage to Vi.
c. Probe the input and output voltages using an oscilloscope. Adjust the horizontal and vertical
sensitivity accordingly so that approximately 4 periods are displayed on the screen. Use AC
coupling to neglect DC components on the display. We are reading the amplitude only.
Superimpose the input and output signals using the same sensitivities.

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

What is the phase relationship between the output and the input voltages?

Your Answer Here >> Vo and Vi are in phase

d. Increase the amplitude of the input voltage until the output voltage begins to distort.

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

(NA, function generator Limitations)

Record below the value of the input amplitude that caused distortion on the output voltage.

Your Answer Here >>

Vi_distort = N/A
What causes this distortion? How can this be avoided?

When the input voltage (Vi) is increased beyond a certain point, the op-amp cannot provide enough power to faithfully
replicate the input waveform at the output. This results in clipping distortion.
Your Answer Here >> By using a larger DC supply.

e. Reset the amplitude of the input voltage to 10 V p. Increase its frequency until the input and output
amplitudes are no longer the same.

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

Record below the value of the frequency obtained in step (e).

Your Answer Here >>

fbandwidth = 5khz

What causes this attenuation? Why is it important to determine the value of this frequency?

Your Answer Here >>

This refers to the range of frequencies where the op-amp can amplify
signals with minimal distortion. As the frequency of the input signal
increases, the gain of the op-amp starts to decrease. This phenomenon
is called frequency attenuation. Knowing the bandwidth of the op-amp
(typically specified as the frequency where the gain drops by 3dB) is
crucial to ensure it can handle the desired range of frequencies in your
application and maintain signal fidelity without distortion.

f. Repeat steps (b) ~ (e) using triangular and square waves.

Insert Sketch of Triangular and Square Wave for step (c) here >>

Insert Sketch of Triangular and Square Wave for step (d) here >>

(NA, function generator limitations)

Insert Sketch of Triangular and Square Wave for step (e) here >>

Part 2: Inverting Amplifier

a. Construct the circuit in Figure 9.7 using LM741 Operational Amplifier with a DC power supply of
b. Apply a 4-V p, 1-kHz sinusoidal input voltage to Vi.
d. Probe the input and output voltages using an oscilloscope. Adjust the horizontal and vertical
sensitivity accordingly so that approximately 4 periods are displayed on the screen. Use AC
coupling to neglect DC components on the display. We are reading the amplitude only.
Superimpose the input and output signals using the same sensitivities.

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

What is the output amplitude?

Your Answer Here >>

Vp_out_exp= -12.2V

What is the phase relationship between the output and input signals?

Your Answer Here >> Vo and Vi are 180 degrees out of phase.

e. Calculate the theoretical value of the amplitude using Eqn [2]. Use actual resistor values. Show
complete solutions.

𝑉𝑜 𝑅𝑓 3.25𝑘𝛺
Your Answer Here >> =− =− , 𝑉𝑜 = (−3.3096)(4) = −13.24𝑉
𝑉𝑖 𝑅𝑖𝑛 982𝛺
Vp_out_calc= -13.24V

f. Compare the value of amplitudes in step (c) and step (d). Record your answer in Table 9.1.

g. Change feedback resistor to 4.7kΩ. Repeat steps (b) ~ (d).

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

Vp_out_exp= -14.3V

Vp_out_calc= -15V
Record your answers in Table 9.1.
𝑉𝑜 = − ( ) = −18.8 𝑉 = 𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑡 = −15 𝑉

Part 3: Non-Inverting Amplifier

a. Construct the circuit in Figure 9.8 using LM741 Operational Amplifier with a DC power supply of

b. Apply a 4-V p, 1-kHz sinusoidal input voltage to Vi.

c. Probe the input and output voltages using an oscilloscope. Adjust the horizontal and vertical
sensitivity accordingly so that approximately 4 periods are displayed on the screen. Use AC
coupling to neglect DC components on the display. We are reading the amplitude o nly.
Superimpose the input and output signals using the same sensitivities.

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

What is the output amplitude?

Your Answer Here >> 14.2 V

What is the phase relationship between the output and input signals?

Your Answer Here >> Vo and Vi are in phase

d. Calculate the theoretical value of the amplitude using Eqn [3]. Use actual resistor values.

Your Answer Here >> 𝑉𝑜 = 1 + ( )4 = 14.24𝑉

Vp_out_calc= 14.24V

e. Compare the value of amplitudes in step (c) and step (d). Record your answer in Table 9.2.

f. Change feedback resistor to 4.7kΩ. Repeat steps (b) ~ (d).

Insert Image from the Oscilloscope Screen here >>

Vp_out_exp= 14.3V

Vp_out_calc= Vsat = 15V

Record your answers in Table 9.2.

𝑉𝑜 = 1 + ( ) = 19.74𝑉 = 𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 15 𝑉

Part 4: Summing Amplifier

a. Construct the circuit in Figure 9.9 using LM741 Operational Amplifier with a DC power supply of

b. Apply a 1-V DC voltage to V1.

c. For V 2, apply a DC voltage starting from 0V to 3V in increments of 0.5V.

d. Using a voltmeter, measure the output voltage and record the values in Table 9.3.

e. Calculate the theoretical value of the output voltage using Eqn [5] and record the values in Table
9.3. Use actual resistor values.

f. Repeat steps c~e with V1 = 2V and V 1 = 3V.

Are the theoretical and experimental values the same? Why or why not?

Your Answer Here >>

The theoretical and experimental are close to each other. The calculations assume an ideal op-amp with
infinite gain and zero errors, which isn't the case in reality.

Part 5: Difference Amplifier

a. Construct the circuit in Figure 9.10 using LM741 Operational Amplifier with a DC power supply
of ±15V.

b. Apply a 1-V DC voltage to V1.

c. For V 2, apply a DC voltage starting from 0V to 3V in increments of 0.5V.

d. Using a voltmeter, measure the output voltage and record the values in Table 9.4.

e. Calculate the theoretical value of the output voltage using Eqn [7] and record the values in Table
9.4. Use actual resistor values.

f. Repeat steps c~e with V1 = 2V and V 1 = 3V.

Are the theoretical and experimental values the same? Why or why not?
Your Answer Here >>
The theoretical and experimental results showed to be close to each other. As V2 increases with a fixed V1, the
output voltage should become increasingly negative (assuming V1 is more positive). Changing V1 with a
constant V2 should also shift the output voltage accordingly.
Table 9.1 Inverting Amplifier Output Voltage Amplitude

Output Voltage
Output Voltage
Feedback Resistor Amplitude % difference
Amplitude (Measured)
3.3 kΩ -13.24 V -12.2 V 8.52%
4.7 kΩ -15 V -14.3 V 4.67%

Table 9.2 Non-Inverting Amplifier Output Voltage Amplitude

Output Voltage
Output Voltage
Feedback Resistor Amplitude % difference
Amplitude (Measured)
3.3 kΩ 14.24 V 14.2 V 0.28%
4.7 kΩ 15 V 14.3 V 4.67%

Table 9.3 Summing Amplifier Output Voltage

V 1 = 2V
V2 V O (Calculated) V O (Measured) % difference
0 -4.76 V -4.58 V 4.80%
0.5 -5.45 V -5.58 V 2.33%
1 -6.45 V -6.69 V 2.24%
1.5 -7.63 V -7.89 V 2.68%
2 -8.72 V -8.90 V 2.02%
2.5 -9.81 V -9.95 V 1.41%
3 -10.9 V -11.12 V 2.68%
V 1 = 3V
V2 V O (Calculated) V O (Measured) % difference
0 -6.64 V -6.72 V 2.68%
0.5 7.63 V -7.68 V 0.65%
1 -8.72 V -8.79 V 0.80%
1.5 -9.81 V -9.89 V 0.81%
2 -10. 9 V -10.94 V 0.37%
2.5 -11.90 V -12.05 V 0.50%
3 -13.0 V -13.10 V 0.15%

Table 9.4 Difference Amplifier Output Voltage

V 1 = 2V
V2 V O (Calculated) V O (Measured) % difference
0 -4.36 V -4.44 V 1.80%
0.5 -3.27 V -3.206 V 1.10%
1 -2.18 V -2.23 V 2.10%
1.5 -1.09 V -1.153 V 5.5%
2 0 -54.4 mV 100%
2.5 1.09 V 1.07 V 2.30%
3 2.17 V 2.10 V 3.30%

V 1 = 3V
V2 V O (Calculated) V O (Measured) % difference
0 -6.64 V -6.67 V 1.90%
0.5 -5.45 V -5.43 V 0.40%
1 -4.36 V -4.73 V 0.23%
1.5 -3.27 V -3.103 V 5.40%
2 -2.18 V -2.192 V 0.55%
2.5 -1.09 V -1.062 V 2.6%
3 0 64.2mv 100%
Part 6:
Conclusion and Observations: Minimum of 100 words.

I conducted experiments on various operational amplifier circuits: buffer, inverting, non-inverting,

summing, and difference amplifiers. While I aimed for theoretical calculations using ideal component values
to perfectly match my voltmeter readings, slight deviations were expected due to the real-world limitations.
The op-amp itself isn't ideal, with factors like finite gain and non-zero input offset voltage affecting the
outcome. Additionally, resistor tolerances and inherent measurement errors in the voltmeter contribute to
these mismatches.

Despite these potential discrepancies, the experiments successfully demonstrated the core
functionalities of each circuit. In the inverting amplifier, for instance, I observed a predictable inversion of
the input signal. Similarly, the summing amplifier produced an output voltage that reflected the sum of the
applied inputs. The key takeaway lies in the trends I observed. Even if the exact numerical values weren't
identical, the overall behavior of the circuits aligned with theoretical expectations, validating my
understanding of operational amplifier principles.

Section: ECE_2A_1 Date Performed:

Course Code: ECE223 Date Submitted:
Course Title: Electronics 2
Instructor: Engr. Ace Virgil Villaruz
Group Leader: John Cedrick Maglinao Student Number: 2022307101
1. Student Number:
2. Student Number:
3. Student Number:
4. Student Number:
5. Student Number:

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