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Nama: Mary: Sure.

Kelas: 7 The underlined sentence is used to ask

someone’s ___ to do something
A. Answer the questions correctly and
choose it between a, b, c or d! a. Attention
1. _____in class! the teacher will be b. Ability
angry c. Desire
a. Please smoke d. Obligation
b. Not to smoke 6. Someone knocked the door when Mr.
c. Don’t smoke Amir was teaching. Mr Amir said to
d. Come in! one of this students. “___ please.”
2. ____! The baby is sleeping a. Close the door
a. Don’t be quiet b. Open the door
b. Be noisy c. Go away
c. Quiet d. Come in
d. Be quiet 7. My father is a ___ he teaches Bahasa
3. Where can we probably find the Indonesia in senior high school
notice? a. Driver
b. Teacher
c. Hairdresser
d. Plumber
8. Ella’s mother is a ___ she helps the
doctor and works at the hospital
a. In a department store a. Nurse
b. In a swimming pool b. Patient
c. In a playground c. Dentist
d. In a library d. Policewoman
4. What does the notice mean? 9. As a ___, uncle Jojo delivers mail
a. Pe everyday
opl a. Policeman
e b. Driver
c. Postman
d. Chef
The following dialogue is for questions
aren’t permitted to throw rubbish number 10 and 11
here Yayun: is the man over there your father?
b. People can get gasoline for their
car here Nana: Yes, he is
c. People must be careful with their Yayun: what does he do?
d. People must not steal things here Nana: he is a tailor
5. Lisa: how shall we go to the cinema?
Yayun: really? He’s really cool
Mary: by car
Nana: yeah he makes a lot of nice clothes
Lisa: can you drive?
Yayun: does he make your clothes, too?
Nana: He does. He sews my clothes. By b. 12 years old
the way, what about your father? What is c. 13 years old
he? d. 14 years old
15. Which statement is TRUE according
Yayun: he is a soldier. He travels a lot.
to the text?
Nana: Wow! He’s cool too. a. Arkan always plays Play Station
b. The writer wears glasses
10. What is Nana’s father? c. The writer does not playing Play
a. A tailor Station
b. A soldier d. Arkan is a polite boy
c. A traveler 16. My grandfather was born ….. 1953
d. A designer a. In
11. Who sew Nana’s clothes? b. On
a. A soldier does c. At
b. Yayun does d. Is
c. Her father does 17. I like to read stories to my kids….
d. Nana does Bedtime
Text for no 12 -15 a. In
b. On
I have a best friend. His name s c. At
Arkan. Arkan is my classmate. He is d. When
tall and a bit fat. He has curly hair. 18. Look at the picture below!
He is wearing a pair of glasses. His
hobby is reading and playing Play
Station. When we have spare time,
we always play together. We usually
play it in the afternoon from three to
four. Arkan is the same age as I am.
He is thirteen years old. Most of my The hamster is …. Cup
friends are like Arkan because he is a. On
friendly. He is polite and helpful b. Under
c. Between
d. Above
12. What does Arkan look like?
19. Look at the picture! The hamster is
a. He is fat and wearing a pair of
….The table
b. He is short with curly hair
c. He is tall and thin
d. He is fat and short
13. When does the writer usually play
a. In the afternoon from 2 to 4
b. After reading books
c. In his spare time
d. After studying
14. How old is the writer? a. In
a. 11 years old b. In front of
c. Under a. Angry
d. On b. Cruel
20. A: do you like to sing? c. Kind
d. Rude
B: ____________
26. My mother always makes us ____
a. Yes, I likes to sing food for our breakfast.
b. Yes, I like to sing a. Salty
c. Yes, I am liking to sing b. Sour
d. Yes, I am not liking to sing c. Tasteless
21. birds____ high in the sky d. Delicious
a. fly 27. The fire is hot, but the ice is ____
b. flew a. Cool
c. flies b. Cold
d. flying c. Dark
22. A watering can is useful for ____ d. Bright
plants. 28. Rina is a ____ girl. She never shares
a. Watered her food to her friend
b. Watering a. Generous
c. Water b. Kind
d. Waters c. Stingy
23. My sister rides a bike to school____ d. Helpful
a. Last day 29. Linda is as …. As her sister
b. Every day a. Beauty
c. Next week b. Beautiful
d. Next time c. More beautiful
24. Rudi is very ____ even though he got d. Most beautiful
the top mark on the test. 30. I hope tomorrow will be …. Than
a. Humble today
b. Rude a. Well
c. Funny b. Best
d. Brave c. Better
25. He looks bad tempered, but he is ____ d. Good
at heart

B. Fill the blank with the correct answer

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions from the box

1. the cat is sitting ______ the chair

2. the shoes are _______ the table
3. the dog is _________ the table
4. the chair is _________ the table
5. the table is _________ the chair and the table
6. Answer the question below with can or may
a. He ____ call me, but he won’t
b. Mrs. Clark _____ ask you to rewrite the essay
c. Sinta ____ write a good story so she is be a writer now
d. ____ I accompany you to the library?
e. I don’t have money, so I ____ lend you

7. I serve the best food in the restaurant. I am a ____

8. My father is arrange the traffic jams in the road. He is a _____

9. He heals the wounded animals. His professions is a ______

10. I like cooking so much. I want to be a ____ someday

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