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Introduction and Consent:

Thank you for participating in this interview conducted by SORADI. This guide is structured to conduct in-
depth interviews with NGO workers involved in cash transfer programs within IDP camps located in Galkayu
and Kismayo. The aim is to gather insights on operational practices, challenges, stakeholder dynamics, and
strategies for effective aid distribution. Your responses are valuable and will contribute to efforts aimed at
improving the well-being of IDP communities.

Your participation is voluntary, and all information provided will remain confidential. Do you consent
to participate in this interview?
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
(If the respondent does not consent, thank them for their time and end the interview.)
Hordhac iyo Ogolaanshiyo

Waa aad ku mahadsantahay in aad ka qaybgasho waraysigan ay qabanayso SORADI. Waraysigan waxa loogu
talo-galay in lagu waraysto shaqaalaha Hay’adda ku lug leh qmashaariicda lacagta kaashka ah eel aga fuliyo
kaamamka ku yaala galkacayo iyo kismaayo. Ujeedku waa uu yahay in fikir laga helo ku saabsan hab-fulinta,
caqabadaha, isabalka daneeyayaasha iyo qorshayaasha lagu gaadhayo hufnaanta qaybinta caawimada.
Jawaabahaagu waa kuwo muhiim ah oo ka aawin doona dadaalada loogu jiro horumarinta nolol wanaaga
bulshada kaamamka deggen.

Ka qaybgalkaagu waa mutadawacnimo, dhamaan xogta aad na siisaana waa mid dhawrsan. Ma
ogoshaya in aad ka qaybgasho waraysiga?
· Haa, waan ogolahay
· Maya, ma ogoli

Demographic Information
1. Organization Name: ________________________
2. Staff Name: ________________________
3. Staff Role within the Cash Transfer Program: ________________________
4. Location of Camp(s) Served: ________________________
5. Phone Number: ________________________
Interview Questions:
Overview of Program and Role

Could you detail the scope and objectives of your organization’s cash transfer initiatives within the IDP

Please describe your specific duties and responsibilities in the context of the cash transfer program.

Faaqididda mashruuca iyo doorka

· Ma ii sheegi kartaa xaddiga iyo ujeedooyinka hay’adeena eek u aadan curinta lacag bixinta ee
kaamamka dhexdooda?

· Fadlan ma ii qeexi karta hawlaha iyo masuuliyadahaaga gaarka ah ee aad ku leedahay marka la eegayo
dhanka mashaariicda bixinta lacagaha?
Stakeholder Interaction and Influence

Who are the key stakeholders involved in the execution and oversight of the cash transfer programs, and how
do you collaborate with them?

Which stakeholders are receiving a salary for their role? Are there cases of work being done voluntarily?

In what ways do local governance structures impact the operation of your cash transfer programs? (Probe for
role of government policies)

Xidhiidhka tacaamul ee daneeyayaasha iyo saamaynta ay leeyihiin

· Yaa ay yihiin daneeyayaasha ugu muhiimsan ee ku lugleh fulinta iyo kormeerka mashaariicda lacag
bixinta, side ayaanad u wada shaqaysaan?
· Daneeyayaashee ayaa lacag lagu siiyaa (mushahar) doorkooda? Ma jiraan shaqooyin mutadawacnimo
lagu qabtaa?

· Qaabkee ayaa ay maamulka dawladaha hoose saamayn ugu leeyiiin fulinta mashaariicda lacag bixinta?
( aad uga warayso doorka dawladaha iyo siyasadaheeda)
Execution of Cash Transfer Programs

Can you walk us through the process from planning to distribution of cash assistance to beneficiaries?

What criteria are utilized to identify and select beneficiaries for the cash assistance? Who is responsible for
this process? (the organization/government/donor/community, etc)

How does your organization ensure the transparency and integrity of the distribution process?

Fulinta mashaariicda lacag bixinta

· Ma nooga sheekayn kartaa bal habka ay caawimada lacagta ah u helaan dadka faa’idaysta mashaariicdu,
qorshaynteeda ilaa qaybinteeda?

· Shuruudo noocee ah ayaa laisicmaalay si loosoo xulo a faa’idaystayaasha lasoo doortay si ay ugu
faaidaystan lacagaha?
· Side ayaa ay hay’adaadu u hubisaa hufnaanta iyo kalsoonida habka wax loo qaybinaayo?
Addressing Challenges and Implementing Standards

What are the most significant challenges you face in delivering cash transfers, and how are they addressed?
How does your organization respond to allegations of unfair practices?

Reflecting on compliance with CCCM Minimum Standards, how does your organization mitigate risks related
to aid diversion?

Ka jawaabidda caqabadaha iyo heerarka fulinta

· Maxaa ay yihiin caqabadaha ugu waawayn ee aad waajahdaan marka aad bixinaysaan lacagaha, qaabkee
ayaanad uga jawaabtaan?
· Side ayaa ay hay’addiinu uga falcelisaa eedaymaha kaga yimaad ucadaalad samayn la,aanta?
· Adiga oo eegaya CCCM Minimum Standardska sidee ayaa aad ugu talagasheen inaad ula taacaashaan
khataraha ku gadaaman leexsiga caawimada?
Program Improvements and Success Stories

From your experience, what improvements could be made to enhance the effectiveness of cash transfer
programs in these camps?

Are there any particular successes or innovative practices in your program that you believe should be
highlighted or expanded?

Horumarinta mshruuca iyo guulaha laga gaadhay

· Adiga oo kaashanaya waayoaragnimadaada maxaa kor u qaadid ah oo lagu samayn karaa si loo kobciyo
hannaanka mashaariica lacag bixinta ee kaamamka?

· Ma jiraa guulo gar ah ama hal-abuuryo aad la timaadeen oo aad aaminsantahay in hoosta laga
calaamadiyo ama la sii balaadhiyo?
Thank you for your participation. Do you have any further comments or questions?
Somali Answer
English Translation
The objective is to provide life-saving assistance to
communities affected by disasters, including natural
disasters, droughts, floods, and others.

As a program manager, my role is to supervise all the

cash transfers to achieve the purpose and objectives of
the donor until it reaches the beneficiaries.

The stakeholders may include ministries, commissions

mandated to the IDPs, the Ministry of Humanitarian and
Disaster Management, and line ministries specializing in
this activity. On cash transfers, we collaborate and
conduct assessments together, specifically for new IDPs
and the previous ones.

There is no salary received by the stakeholders. The

GRA receives salaries; they are community mobilizers
and receive their salaries from UNHCR. The village
community CCCM does not receive salaries as they
work voluntarily.

It impacts positively; we coordinate activities jointly

with them and face no challenges. The role of
government policy is coordination, supervision, and
overseeing how projects are designed during the
We conduct assessments together with the government
and other partners, including CCCM clusters and cash
transfer groups. After that, we write proposals to donors
and other implementing partners to assist those families.
We then identify the villages to reach vulnerable
households, submit our plan to the WFP, conduct
selection and biometric registration, and finally get the
scope and go back to donors to get food.

We identify food security clusters and ministries, select

families with malnourished children, marginalized
families, families without food, and newly arrived
families. The selection process is the responsibility of
donors, the government, and other stakeholders.

We conduct a lot of observation, awareness campaigns,

and PDM (Post-Distribution Monitoring) every quarter.

We face challenges during the implementation of

projects, including limited resources and a large gap in
food or cash assistance. People feel left out when
resources are limited.
The organization takes measures to avoid unfairness by
increasing the participation of stakeholders

Currently, Somalia is facing aid divergence. As an

organization, we take steps to avoid aid divergence.
During the selection process, we work jointly, increasing
the participation of the community and the government,
which improves implementation and reduces aid
divergence in Somalia.

There are many recommendations; it is essential to

reduce the power of gatekeepers because aid divergence
empowers gatekeepers in Somalia.

One of the successful that I've seen was Funded by

USAID and WFP. I feel happy when I see vulnerable
household's face change when they get assistance, I feel
proud for that project. This project is life saving, it has
no long impact but it is saving lives, when they receive
cash or voucher it has an immediate impact to the
community. Previously they get the assistance many
times but since 2021 the assistance become limited.

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