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Questions Somali Answer

Introduction to the Discussion:

Welcome participants and thank them for their

willingness to share their experiences and insights.
Briefly introduce the purpose of the focus group, which is
to gather detailed information on living conditions, access
to services, challenges, and potential improvements
within IDP camps in Galkayu and Kismayo. This
discussion is part of a broader study conducted by
SORADI aimed at enhancing humanitarian aid delivery
and camp management practices.

Consent and Confidentiality:

Explain the importance of confidentiality and assure

participants that their responses will remain confidential
outside of the group . Also highlight that the information
gathered during this session will not be shared with
anyone outside of the group. Confirm that participation is
voluntary and that they can choose not to answer any
question they're uncomfortable with.

Demographic Information of Respondent

1. Camp Name: ________________________ Dalxiis

2. Location (Galkayu/Kismayo):
3. Please record the name, age, telephone number and
gender of each of the respondents:
Interview Questions:
General Camp Life and Services

Nolol maalmeedka muruq maalba

Can each of you describe a typical day in the camp? lawada yahy waxad soo heshana
ilmaha dabka ugu
shidanaysa ,Allhamdulilah weeyi
Goob caafimaad-leenay ,iskuul
What services are available in the camp (healthcare, leenay ,meel nadaafadeed leenay
education, sanitation)? How accessible and effective are waxansaa buuno
these services? nalookeena ,markastana waan
helna .
Do you pay rent in this camp? How often is this paid?
(Probe for who the rent is paid to) May wax kiro ah ma bixino
Challenges and Needs
Roobabka guryaha noogu
What are the biggest challenges you face living in the soogala,gurigoo
camp? cidhiidhiya ,suuqiiyo nagu
fog ,bacaha oo nagu kulul,
Are there specific needs within the camp that you feel are Biyo laaan raashin la aan,shaqo la
not being adequately met? aan ,leedh la aan,lacag la aan.
Aid Distribution and Stakeholder Interaction

How is humanitarian aid, including cash transfers, Haayada nootimaad way

distributed within the camp? Are you satisfied with the noqoraan,qaabka looqoraana dadka
process? curyaamiinta dadka liita dadka
xanuusanya,iyo siday ukala culus
yihiin.Haa waan kuqanacsany.
Who within the camp receives cash support? Dadad du ruufaysan deeganka

Of those who receive, how much and how often do they Ila aa 6 biloodba la caawiya dadku
receive this cash support? waykala duwanyihiin qaar qaatya 3
bilood qaarna sanad.

Are you aware of how these people were selected? Sida dadka waawayn agoomaha
dumarka garoobke caruur
haysta,dadka curyaamiinta.

Are people generally satisfied with the support received? Haa,waayo dad aan dab
Why/why not? shidankarinba la caawiya waanay
kumahad sanyihiin haa yada SIA
How do they typically spend the cash transfers they Raashin,iskuulada ,biyaha, daa
receive? wooyin,maryo .

Of those not satisfied with the delivery, why do you think Laga yaaba kaamka inaa nay
they were not satisfied? daganeen ,anba waa qof marhore soo
qaatay oo markale raba
Are there instances where you were not satisfied with Kaamamkle tagay iskudayay inaa
how aid was delivered? What process did you take? isqoro lkn imay suuro galin.
How do you interact with camp management, NGOs, and Gudoomiyaha haday noqoto toos
government officials? Can you share your experiences, ugu tagnaa, hay'adda haday
both positive and negative? noqotana cabasho udirnaa
numberada nasiiyaan.
Safety and Security
How safe do you feel within the camp? Have you or
anyone you know experienced safety or security issues? Amnigu wuu wacanyay.
Power Dynamics and Interests:
Waana gula wacyi galiya marka wax
How do different groups in the camp/community
lakeeno waxana lasiiya dadka liita,
influence decision-making and resource allocation?
kuwa u baahida badan lasiiya.

Can you describe any conflicts or cooperation between

groups regarding resources or services?
Positive Outcomes and Lessons Learned:
Have there been any successful initiatives that improved
living conditions or community relations?

What factors contributed to these successes, and what can

others learn from them?
Role and Influence of USAID (and Other Donors):
How do you see the role of organizations like USAID in Dawr fiican kuleeyiin si wacana way
your community? noo caawiyaan.

o Have their programs or actions affected how things

are done here? If so, how?
Suggestions for Improvement

If you could make any changes to improve life in the Dhaqaalaha in lakordhiyo,kala
camp, what would they be? danbayn ,in dadka hoyga loo
hagaajiyo , nadaafada kor looqaado.
What kind of support or programs would make the most
significant difference in your life and the lives of your
fellow camp residents?
Lacag bixinta .
Closing the Discussion

Is there anything else you would like to share about your

experiences living in the IDP camp that we haven't
covered? Hoy in naloodhiso shaqo abuur
Thank you for your participation.
English Translation

Our daily life is basic of what we get
to work ,and we feed our children
what we get Alhamdulilah.

we have health
service,schools,sanitation,we get
soaps, and its available all the time .

No we don’t pay rent.

The rain pouring into our houses,and

small houses,the market is far to us
and plastices are too hot to us.

Lack of water,food,job,electricity,and
money .

NGO's come to us and they wrote us,

and prioritize peaple like disable
people,weak people,sick once and
how they are vulnerable.yes we are
People with circumstance and settle in
the camp.
People are different some of them get
the money for almost
6months ,3months while others get
one year .

Like old people,orphans, single

mothers and disable people.

Yes because they provide help for

those who needed and we are grateful.

Food,schools,water,medication and
Maybe they aren't member in the
camp, or it could be person who
already took their part and trying to
take it again.
I tried to go different camp but it
didn't work.

If it's the manager we meet him

personaly and if it's the aid providers
we send complain through numbers.

Security is good .
They give us awerness when the aid is
arrived ,and its given to weak people
and who is more indeed .


They had big role they help us in

good way.

Cash aid.

To give us our own shelter,and to

create job opportunity for us.

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