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Time:30min Total Marks: 30 Pass Marks:15

NOTE. All questions are compulsory

Q1) Choose the correct option. (15)

Q.1 The book is ________ on the table.

(A) lays
(B) laid
(C) lying
(D) lay

Answer: (C) lying

Q.2 He is ________ than his brother.

(A) smarter
(B) smart
(C) most smart
(D) the smartest

Answer: (A) smarter

Q.3 I'll call you ________ I arrive at the airport.

(A) while
(B) when
(C) since
(D) during

Answer: (B) when

Q.4 The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. It's a ________ day.
(A) beauty
(B) beautiful
(C) beautify
(D) beautification

Answer: (B) beautiful

Q.5 ________ he studied hard, he couldn't pass the exam.

(A) Although
(B) Because
(C) So
(D) Since

Answer: (A) Although

Q.6 They went to the beach ________ have a picnic.

(A) for
(B) at
(C) on
(D) in

Answer: (A) for

Q.7 She enjoys ________ novels in her free time.

(A) reading
(B) read
(C) reads
(D) to read

Answer: (A) reading

Q.8 I _______________ her for several years.

a) has known
b) have known
c) knows
d) knew
Answer: b) have known
Q.9 It ________________ raining since morning.
a) have been
b) has been
c) is
d) was
Answer: b) has been
Q.10 He ______________ his house seven days ago.
a) left
b) leave
c) leaves
d) is leaving
Answer:a) left
Q.11 I __________________a letter when he came to my house.
a) am writing
b) was writing
c) will write
d) wrote
Answer: b) was writing
Q.12 Sounds in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air are known as ________.
a. Consonant
b. Vowel
c. All of them
d. None of them

Q.13 Sounds in which there is obstruction to the flow of air are called__________.
a. Consonant
b. Vowel
c. None of them
d. All of them

Q.14 How many consonant sounds are in IPA?

a. 22
b. 24
c. 32
d. None of them
Q.15 There are ______ short vowel sounds in English.
a. 5
b. 7
c. 6
d. None of them
12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C

Q2) Rewrite the following sentences after revision (Note: focus on fragment and
run ons). (5)
 Shows no improvement in any of the vital signs.
 The doctors, who were using peer-reviewed research articles that contributed to the body of
knowledge in their fields, which was obstetrics.
 I ate breakfast my sister did too.
 People can do whatever they want it's up to them.
 By the time she was 20 years old.

Q3) Describe productive ways of word formation, define abbreviation and

acronym and what is the key difference between the two. (1+2+2)
Q4) (i) Write the three-part articulatory description for the following consonant
a) Example: [ʤ] - voiced palatal affricate
b) [m]
c) [g]
(ii) Give the conventional spelling for the following phonetically transcribed
a) [liʒɹ̩ ] leisure
b) [sɹ̩ ʧt] searched
c) [wɛnzdeɪ] wednesday


Q4) [g] pronunciation/three-part articulatory description

-voiced velar stop
[m] pronunciation/three-part articulatory description
-voiced bilabial nasal

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