Writitng Task 2 Science Nurdaulet

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The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives

Science has become a driving force of human progress, and its potential to improve
people's lives is enormous. I agree that the most important goal of science should
completely be to improve the quality of people’s lives. Demonstrating the numerous
achievements of science in various fields, it is clear that the development of
knowledge for the benefit of humanity is a main priority.

One significant example where science has demonstrated its capacity to improve lives
is in the field of healthcare and medicine. Medical achievements, such as vaccines,
antibiotics, pills and surgical techniques, have significantly reduced diseases, and
increased people’s average lifespan. Thanks to scientific research, diseases have
become curable although they were once considered impossible to treat. This has
given for patients hope and improved the quality of life for millions of individuals by
far. In 2019, the population of the world suffered heavily from COVID-19, a virus
which nobody knew how to treat resulted in the pandemic. However, after long
scientific research, scientists created the vaccine.

Furthermore, science has brought about remarkable accomplishments in

communication and energy technology, leading to the improvement of the economy
as well. For instance, nuclear power plants, a product of scientific innovation, which
is regarded as an enemy disastrous to our the planet, are going to cover most
countries’ energy consumption system due to cheap, eco-friendly, garanteed energy
conditions cost-effectiveness and sustainability. It has Nuclear power stations have
opened up encouraged/caused/incited other scientific inventions such as X-ray.

In conclusion, science has absolutely has tremendous potential to enhance people’s

lives. The continuous aims of scientific knowledge will lead us for to new
breakthroughs in healthcare, technology, the economy and environmental

Band 7.0 – 7.5

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