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Technical manual written in March 2020 of the "WIKI 90JS" machine version 2.0. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 2

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5

1.1 Operators authorized to use the instrument ........................................................... 9

1.2 Training of qualified personnel ............................................................................. 10 ha eliminato: 1010

1.3 General safety requirements ............................................................................... 11 ha eliminato: 1111

1.4 Risk analysis ..................................................................................................... 13 ha eliminato: 1313

2. PRODUCT INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ........................................... 15 ha eliminato: 1515

2.1 Technical data of the product .............................................................................. 15 ha eliminato: 1515

2.2 Contents of the supply ....................................................................................... 17 ha eliminato: 1717

2.3 Instrument overview .......................................................................................... 18

2.4 Overall dimensions ............................................................................................ 19

2.5 Moving the instrument ...................................................................................... 20

2.6 Positioning of the instrument and dimensions of the support surface ........................ 21

2.7 Connections ...................................................................................................... 22 ha eliminato: 2222

2.7.1 Fuse replacement (where applicable) ........................................................................... 22

2.7.2 Magnetothermic reset (where applicable) ..................................................................... 23
2.7.3 USB and LAN ports (where applicable) ......................................................................... 24

2.8 Switching on the instrument ............................................................................... 25

3. QUICK USER GUIDE ....................................................................................... 26

3.1 User interface ................................................................................................... 26

3.2 Preliminary operations for carrying out the hardness test ........................................ 27
3.2.1 Clamping piece installation / removal ........................................................................... 27
3.2.2 Installation / removal of the reference.......................................................................... 27
3.2.3 Indenter installation / removal .................................................................................... 28
3.2.4 Stage installation / removal ......................................................................................... 29
3.2.5 Preparation of the test surface .................................................................................... 30
3.2.6 Positioning sample - indenter ...................................................................................... 30
3.2.7 Test method setting and dwell time of the load .............................................................. 31
3.2.8 Conversion scales ...................................................................................................... 32
3.2.9 Objective installation ................................................................................................. 33

3.3 Performing the hardness test .............................................................................. 34

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4. FURTHER INFORMATION ON HARDNESS TESTS ............................................. 35

4.1 Brinell method. ISO 6506 standard ...................................................................... 35

4.2 Vickers method. ISO 6507 standard ..................................................................... 42

4.3 Rockwell method. ISO 6508 standard ................................................................... 45

5. SOFTWARE "HDT VX" (VERSION 10.80) ......................................................... 53

5.1 Single test: overview and functionality ................................................................. 53

5.2 Overview of the test data section ......................................................................... 61

5.3 Pattern mode: overview and functionality ............................................................. 62

6. VALIDITY CONDITIONS OF THE HARDNESS TEST ........................................... 74

7. CONVERSION TABLES .................................................................................... 75

8. MAINTENANCE AND ASSISTANCE .................................................................. 76

9. INSTRUMENT DISPOSAL ................................................................................ 77

10. PROBLEMS AND F.A.Q. ................................................................................ 78

11. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 80


13. ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ......................................................................... 87

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Page: 4


For many years, our company has been constantly committed to designing and building reliable, safe and
fast measuring instruments. The production cycle, which takes place entirely in Italy, uses advanced
technologies and highly qualified personnel.

AXIOTEK sas is therefore pleased to count you among its customers and, in thanking you for the
preference and trust given, trusts that the use of its machines is a reason for complete satisfaction for

In order to make the best use of our product of your choice, we recommend a careful reading of this
manual. Proper maintenance and scrupulous observance of what is reported here will help keep your
machine in perfect efficiency for as long as possible.

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Page: 5
Content and consultation of the manual
This manual has been designed to assist the operator, step by step, in the sequence of operations to be
performed to use the measuring instrument. The manual can be summarized as follows:

It contains information on consulting the manual, on the guarantee of the instrument, on the
requirements of the operators authorized to use the machine and on safety.

Product installation and commissioning

It describes the characteristics of the instrument described in the manual and lists the operations to be
carried out for its correct installation and commissioning.

Quick user guide

Explains the basic operations for carrying out hardness tests.

Further information on hardness tests

Gives a complete overview of the main hardness tests and related regulations.

Describes the instrument software.

Validity conditions of the hardness test

It gives some basic notions to understand if the test can be considered valid.

Conversion tables
Explains how conversion tables work and when they can be used.

Maintenance and assistance

Gives the essential operations for a correct maintenance of the instrument and the contacts for

Instrument disposal
It describes the operations to be performed to put the machine temporarily or permanently on standby.

Problems and F.A.Q.

Gives the solution to the most common problems.

Standard requirements
Explains the main regulatory references to which the instrument and this manual comply.

Included and optional accessories and functionalities

List of the accessories and spare parts available.

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Electronic components
It shows the wiring diagram and provides a short guide to perform a first diagnosis in case of technical

Note that this manual does NOT illustrate any technical modification or customization of the machine, as
this is the exclusive competence of the manufacturer's technicians or technicians specially trained by the

Conventions used and terminology

The term "tool" and / or "machine" will mean the measuring instrument for determining the hardness of
the materials that have been provided to you, as well as the subject of this manual.
The term "Manufacturer" will mean the company AFFRI di Affri Roberto, located in Via Monte Tagliaferro,
8, Induno Olona (VA) - Italy (VAT and Tax Code 01730360128).
All the position references mentioned (left or right) refer to the orientation of the operator who looks at
the machine from the front (i.e. from the part where he places the material and from which he can
observe the measurement display).
All numerical references refer to the figures in the paragraph itself.
The content of some paragraphs may not be compatible with the instrument described in this manual:
please check its presence by checking the "product technical data" section.

The signal precedes information of extreme importance.

This document provides information and data on which the manufacturer has intellectual property rights.
The information and data are provided, therefore, in confidential form and must not be transmitted to
third parties or used to the detriment of the Manufacturer. Therefore, neither the receipt nor the
possession of such documentation confers, or transfers, any right to reproduce, use, or transfer to others,
in whole or in part, such information and data, without the written consent of the Manufacturer.
Furthermore, due to the technological developments of the instruments, this user manual can change
without notice. Codes and references are provided for informational purposes only and may vary at the
discretion of the manufacturer without notice.

The Manufacturer guarantees the proper functioning of the machine in the terms and in the manner
specified below. The warranty covers any anomalies in the components and their assembly for a
minimum period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of delivery to the user (refer to the delivery note
and any adjustments made during the purchase order phase).

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If there is an anomaly in the operation of the machine, during the warranty period the
manufacturer will carry out maintenance work without any charge of labour and spare parts to
the user, provided that the defect cannot be attributed directly to a manipulation and / or
negligence of the end user.
The cost of transport, transfer of technical personnel, like any other cost directly or indirectly
combined with the repair of the machine, is borne by the user.
The manufacturer's obligations are limited to the repair of any failure or to carry out general
maintenance of the equipment. The replacement of the components is at the discretion of the
Manufacturer, who is not responsible for any damage that may result. There is no other form
of warranty.

All warranty or extraordinary maintenance interventions must be carried out by the Manufacturer,
otherwise the warranty will be void. Any extraordinary maintenance not authorized by the manufacturer,
carried out personally by the customer and / or the user, will not be reimbursed and will cause the
immediate end of the warranty.
The warranty is void in the following cases:

• For damage caused by incorrect use, or other than that for which the machine was built.

• For power supply anomalies.

• By negligence.

• For unauthorized modifications.

• For atmospheric agents, vandalisms, etc.

• For damages deriving from bad handling and / or transport.

• For use of non-original spare parts.

Furthermore, the warranty is not valid in cases not covered by this list.

Failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual will result in the immediate
forfeiture of the warranty.

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Page: 8

1.1 Operators authorized to use the instrument

The machine may only be used by personnel who are informed and trained on its correct use, on
the risks to which it is exposed in use and on the procedures to eliminate or reduce the latter.
Information and training are the responsibility of the person who makes the machine available, or the
employer (or his / her person in charge), and the end user (be it a company, sole proprietorship, etc.).

Qualification: LEVEL 1
Unqualified personnel without specific skills, able to perform only simple tasks and connection and
positioning operations of the machine and its appendices.

Qualification: LEVEL 2
Qualified technician (by the employer or by who makes the machine available), able to use machines and
measuring instruments with manual, semi-automatic and automatic operation.

Qualification: LEVEL 3
Manufacturer's technician: qualified technician commissioned by the manufacturer to carry out complex or
particular operations, which have been agreed in advance with the user.

This technical manual is addressed to qualified operators who must already be aware of the
operation of manual, semi-automatic or automatic machines.

For this reason, operators who do not hold at least LEVEL 2 qualification cannot use the machine neither
to activate it, nor to carry out maintenance, nor to manage it.
The end user is responsible for the complete understanding of this manual, the information contained
therein and its transmission to the staff.

The Manufacturer therefore distrusts all those who do not have the minimum qualification level required
to carry out the operations indicated in this manual. The Manufacturer also declines all responsibility
related to operations performed by unqualified operators.

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1.2 Training of qualified personnel

For a better identification of the interventions, the Manufacturer offers the customer a standard card for
the individual control of each operator.

Operator identification card

Name and surname:


Start date of technical training on the use of the machine:

• Explanation of the manual

• Explanation of allowed operations




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Page: 10

1.3 General safety requirements

The control of materials involves dangers deriving from the use of high forces, rapid displacements and
potential energies. It is therefore necessary to be aware of all potentially dangerous components.

In fact, please note that:

• This product is not suitable for children and people who are not in full possession of mental

• This product must not be used on the human body or on animals.

• This product must not be exposed directly to particularly intense sunlight or heat sources.

• This product must not be exposed to external magnetic fields and used in potentially explosive

• If equipped with batteries, they must be removed if the instrument is not used for a long time.

• This product must not be used for other purposes other than those for which it was conceived,
designed and manufactured.

It is necessary that the conduct of the test and the type of test on the materials do not present any
danger for themselves and for others. It is also necessary to comply with the mechanical and electronic
limits imposed by the manufacturer: they are in fact supplied to avoid unwanted movement of the
components outside their areas of competence. We remind you that compliance with these limits is
guaranteed by protection from both the test sample and the instrument and also reduces the associated

General precautions to be observed:

• Wear protective goggles and use protective cages when there is a risk of breaking the test
sample, especially if using materials with risk of explosion. Given the wide range of materials that
can be measured, any danger deriving from the breaking of the sample or the test surface is the
complete responsibility of the owner and end user of the instrument.

• Protect all electrical cables from possible damage and unintentional disconnection. Never leave
cables on the floor without using adequate protections; also avoid the use of suspended cables
characterized by excessive stress. For cables installed in the corners of the walls or through the
wall openings, use appropriate protections to avoid rubbing. The power supply must be earthed:

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otherwise it could influence the test accuracy and even cause damage to people or things.

• Wear safety clothing when moving materials and equipment to extreme temperatures. The
control of materials can be carried out at specific temperatures in specific environments, such as
ovens, furnaces or cryogenic chambers. In these circumstances, it is essential to report the
danger deriving from carrying out operations at high or low temperatures through the appropriate
sign. Finally, it should be remembered that the dangers deriving from extreme temperatures can
extend beyond the test area.

• Be careful whenever placing or removing specimens or test surfaces. Which means first of all to
work with maximum caution inside the danger area between the indenter and the support of the
test sample, and secondly to keep at a safe distance from the danger area during the use of the
instrument and the handling of the system.

The customer who, reading this manual, finds it difficult to associate the safety requirements
of his activities with the normal operation and management of the equipment, is invited to
report this anomalous condition to the Manufacturer within 30 days of delivery of this
document. Once the aforementioned time has elapsed, if no communication is received by the
Manufacturer, it will consider the correct understanding of the contents of this manual

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1.4 Risk analysis

Risk type Evaluation criteria and solutions

The machine is designed for resting on work

surfaces not supplied by the manufacturer.
Loss of stability The solidity of the support surface is the
responsibility of the user.
If the machine on the surface is not stable, it
must be anchored with suitable fixings

Parts fall
Not applicable

Not applicable

sliding Not applicable

Transport lifting Lifting not allowed by hand: presence of lifting

hooks in the center of gravity

The mobile elements are equipped with

Movable parts protections adequate protections that comply with current
standards and installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
Lighting Not applicable

Resistance commands CE approved material

Shock emergencies CE approved material

Power on Manual commands

Stop moving parts Manual with handwheel

Motor stop Emergency button

Emergency stop CE approved material

Power supply circuit failure Unable to operate the machine

Control circuit failure Unusable software, machine stopped

Risks due to the projection of objects Residual risk, staff training

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Risk type Evaluation criteria and solutions

Risks due to surfaces and sharp edges Not applicable

Risks due to combined machines Not applicable

Risks due to variations in rotation speed Not applicable

Risks due to moving parts Manual commands

Risks due to mobile transmission elements

Not applicable

Risks due to moving elements that participate in

Not applicable
the processing

Risks due to electricity System compliant with CE standards

Risks due to static electricity received Harmful for the proper functioning of the
machine, large grounding

Risks due to energy sources other than

Not applicable

Risks due to assembly errors Indenter change, error-free error with possible
damage to the indenter alone; no damage or
risk to other accessories.

Risks due to extreme temperatures Not applicable

Fire risk Not applicable

Explosion risk Not applicable

Risks due to noise Not applicable

Risks due to vibrations Not applicable

Risks due to radiation Not applicable

Risks due to external radiation Electromagnetic compatibility

Risks due to laser devices

Not applicable

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2. Product installation and commissioning

This chapter describes the characteristics of the product and the operations to be carried out for
installation and commissioning. These instructions are also valid in similar situations, such as after
a possible movement of the machine to a new location, or after extraordinary repairs.

2.1 Technical data of the product

The product, object of this manual, is the measuring instrument for the determination of the hardness of
the materials model "Wiki 90 JS".

The above-mentioned instrument allows to carry out hardness tests according to the following methods:

• Brinell (in compliance with the standards ISO 6505, ASTM E10)

• Vickers (in compliance with the standards ISO 6507, ASTM E92)

• Knoop (in compliance with the standards ISO 4545, ASTM E92)

0,05 – 0,1 – 0,2 – 0,3 – 0,5 – 1 – 2 – 2,5 – 3 – 5 –

Test loads available (Kg) 6,25 – 10 – 15 – 16,25 – 20 – 30 – 31,25 – 50 –
60 – 62,5 Kgf (optional)

0,49 – 0,981 – 1,962 – 2,943 – 4,91 – 9,81 –

19,62 – 24,56 – 29,43 – 49,05 – 61,31 – 98,1 –
Test loads available (N)
147,15 – 153,04 – 196,20 – 294,3 – 309,02 –
490,5 – 588,6 – 613,13 N (optional)

Types of hardness tests achievable According to the following list:

Brinell 2.5/15.625 - 2.5/31.25 - 2.5/62.5

HV0.5 - HV1 - HV2 - HV3 - HV5 - HV10 - HV30 -

HV50 - HV60

HK0.1 - HK0.2 - HK0.3 - HK0.5 - HK1 - HK2 - HK3 -

HK5 - HK10 - HK30 - HK50

Functioning Semi-automatic, with manual focus

Electronic load cell with patented Closed Loop


Digital reading Micro-Vickers – Vickers – Knoop – Brinell

Resolution 0.1 HV / HK / HB

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Max test height 165 mm

Useful measuring outreach 162 mm

Bearable weight 60 kg

Magnetothermic reset No

Fuse Yes, n°2 fuses 250 VAC 4A

RS 232 C output Yes

USB 2.0 Output Yes

Ethernet Output Yes, on the associated pc

Integrated image analysis Yes, on the associated pc

Vision with camera Yes

Probe K-one No

Power supply 230 VAC 50-60 Hz | 115 VAC 50-60Hz

For all ferrous, non-ferrous materials, sintered

Field of use
metals and super alloys

Net weight 70 kg

Overall dimensions L x H x P 680 x 809 x 513 mm

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Page: 16

2.2 Contents of the supply

Measuring instrument

Test report with Accredia


CE declaration of conformity

Use and maintenance manual

Dust protection /

Hardness conversion table

Power cord

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2.3 Instrument overview

1 Measuring head

Wheel for optical objectives

and penetrators

2.1 Objective 1 (optional)

2.2 Knoop indenter (optional)

2.3 Objective 2 (optional)

2.4 Objective 3 (optional)

2.5 Vickers indenter (optional)

2.6 Objective 4 (optional)

3 Work plate

4 Connection panel

4.1 Power supply input

4.2 USB camera port

Connector for "USB to CAN"


5 Handwheel for lifting screw

6 Support table (optional)

7 Emergency button

8 Status LED

9 Raise screw

10 Lifting eyebolts

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2.4 Overall dimensions

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2.5 Moving the instrument

Lifting, moving and positioning of the machine

must only take place with suitable lifting means.

Remember to:

• Use delicacy and avoid violent shocks and

jolts, which could damage the equipment of
the instrument.

• Use cables and lifting ropes suitable for the

weight to be lifted and make sure that they
do not show fraying or signs of wear.

• Do not move the machine manually, as it

weighs more than 25 kg. In fact, it is
advisable to move by forklift, crane or other
means suitable for the weight of the

• Always pay due attention when handling

the machine.

The manufacturer is not liable for any damage to

people or things due to the handling of the

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2.6 Positioning of the instrument and dimensions of the support surface

The machine has four holes for fixing

on the ground or on a raised floor.

The support surface for the machine

must be sufficiently robust, in order to
guarantee the use of the instrument in
complete safety. If you do not have
adequate support, you can request
the table dedicated to supporting the
machine at our sales department.

The machine requires at least 50-60

cm of free space along its perimeter,
so as to allow routine and
extraordinary maintenance of the
same and guarantee an adequate air
flow for the correct ventilation of the
internal components. Furthermore,
remember to keep a free height
space, useful for carrying out any
movement by crane or any other
lifting device.

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2.7 Connections

Once the machine has been positioned, make the following connections to be able to use it correctly:

• Check if the mains power supply is compatible with that of the machine; if not, contact the
manufacturer for information on the type of transformer to be used.

• Connect any peripheral devices (mouse, keyboards, etc.) by connecting them to the dedicated

• Connect the power cable taking care to keep all the switches in the "OFF" mode.

• Do not turn on the machine until you have finished reading this chapter.

2.7.1 Fuse replacement (where applicable)

Proceed as follows:

• Disconnect the power supply cable from both

sides (mains and instrument).

• With the help of a slotted screwdriver, pry up one

of the two tabs on the sides of the fuse holder tray.

• Gently pull out the fuse holder by completing its

stroke (there are two fuses inside it).

• Remove the fuses with the help of a small pliers or

a screwdriver.

• Replace the fuses keeping the same technical

characteristics: delayed 250VAC 4A (if the power supply is 230V), or delayed 250VAC 8A (if the
power supply is 115V). Note that the fuse has no polarity: each insertion position is correct.

• Close the compartment by pressing lightly.

• Connect the power cable.

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2.7.2 Magnetothermic reset (where applicable)

Proceed as follows:

• If the machine is turned on, turn the switch counterclockwise.

• Disconnect the power cable.

• Open the compartment of the electrical panel and locate the protection thermal magnetic switches.

• Reset the tripped thermal breakers, bringing the lever upwards.

• Close the compartment by pressing lightly.

• Connect the power cable.

• Turn the main switch.

If after turning the lever of the main switch, the thermal magnetic circuit breaker jumps again, it is
possible that there is a problem with the electrical system of the instrument. Contact the manufacturer's
assistance to resolve the problem.

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2.7.3 USB and LAN ports (where applicable)

The instrument can be connected to the PC via two cables with USB connection:

• Camera cable: connect the camera cable to a USB port on the PC.

• "USB to CAN" cable: connect the "USB to CAN" cable to a USB port on the PC.

Connect the camera and "USB to CAN" cables exclusively to the dedicated card on the PC. Do
not connect cables to other USB ports.

Connect the USB stick containing the software license. The management software cannot be started until
it is connected to a USB port.

For greater explanatory clarity, consult the following images:

Camera cable “USB to CAN” cable Software license key

Connection to the dedicated PC board

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2.8 Switching on the instrument

Now proceed with switching on the instrument. Follow the procedure below by following the order of the
various steps:

1. Turn on the machine using the appropriate button.

2. Switch on the control PC and its monitor.

3. Wait for the operating system to load.

4. Start the management software "HDT VX".

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3. Quick user guide

In this section briefly explains how to use the instrument in order to obtain valid results that comply with
current standards.
The accurate explanation on the use of the software is referred to the dedicated chapter.

Before continuing with the reading of this chapter, make sure that you have correctly
completed all the operations relating to the installation and switching on of the instrument
described in the previous chapters.

3.1 User interface

In the initial phase, the home page of the "HDT VX" management software is displayed, which is
composed as follows:

The main functions available here are the following:

• Selection of the optical lens.

• Setting of the test method and related parameters.
• Selection of the conversion scale.
• Start of the hardness test.

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3.2 Preliminary operations for carrying out the hardness test

This paragraph contains all the necessary preliminary operations in order to be able to correctly perform
a hardness test.

3.2.1 Clamping piece installation / removal

NOTE: not available for this type of machine.

3.2.2 Reference installation / removal

NOTE: not available for this type of machine.

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3.2.3 Indenter installation / removal

Follow this procedure to install the indenter suitable for the type of test to be performed:

• Free the test area from any impediments.

• Disassemble the installed indenter, by loosening

the lateral screw with the aid of the special key

Do not remove the M2 screw from its seat.

• Remove the indenter taking care not to

damage it.

• Install the suitable indenter, taking care to

clean the upper stop surface and taking care not
to damage it.

• Rotate the indenter so that the reference point

is facing the operator.

• Lock the indenter in place with the screw on the


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Do not use excessive force when fixing the new

indenter: you may damage the instrument.
Maximum tightening torque: 0.4 Nm.

3.2.4 Stage installation / removal

It is necessary to choose the appropriate support surface, so that you can perform the test in total safety.
It is essential that the support surface is parallel to the test sample and perpendicular to the test axis:
otherwise, there is a risk of compromising both the validity of the test and the correct functioning of the
machine and, in extreme cases, of damaging it permanently .

Periodically check that the support surfaces of the anvil, the anvil holder base and the elevation screw are
free of oil, oxides or dents: scrupulous cleaning of these components is essential.

Lifting crew (where applicable)

• Clear the test area.

• By turning the operating handwheel, move the lifting screw

away from the measuring head and bring it towards the lower
part of the instrument.

• Install or remove the desired support surface.

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Anvil holder (where applicable)

• Clear the test area.

• Move the measuring head towards the upper part of the

instrument using the appropriate controls.

• Install or remove the desired support surface.

3.2.5 Preparation of the test surface

To be valid, the hardness test requires prior preparation of the surface of the test sample. The ideal
surface roughness is at least Ra 0,8 um.

Before proceeding with the start of the test, be sure that, in addition to the support surface, the lower
surface of the sample is also perfectly clean: the presence of imperfections could compromise the success
of the test.

3.2.6 Positioning sample - indenter

In order to correctly position the sample with respect to the indenter, perform the following operations:

• Place the test sample on the support surface.

• Using the software, select the optical objective with the highest magnification.

• Focus the surface of the test specimen.

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3.2.7 Test method setting and dwell time of the load

In the home screen, click the button

This will open a retractable window
where you can select the desired
test method and the dwell time of
the load.

For the correct setting of the parameters, follow the order of the various steps listed here:

1. Group selection: select the type of test method (in this case "Vickers").

2. Scale selection: select the test scale (in this case "HV1", which corresponds to the application of
a test load of 1 kg).

3. Lens selection: select the target to be used for optical analysis.

4. Dwell time selection: this box allows you to set the load dwell time.
By pressing on the box, a window will open in which to enter the load
residence time (in seconds).

5. Test settings selection: These two boxes indicate the actions that the
software will perform after the machine has finished generating the
indentation. They refer, respectively, to optical self-measurement and
automatic focus. Both options can be selected. Note that, on some
machine models, these options may not be available and / or

To apply the changes, click on the icon .

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3.2.8 Conversion scales

Using the machine software, it is possible to obtain the conversion of the results from the initially chosen
scale to another measurement scale (if the relevant ISO and ASTM standards make it possible).

The operation can be managed with the specific function on the screen: the choice of the scale in which
you want to convert the value is allowed both before and after performing the hardness test.

There is a list of selectable conversion scales: their availability varies according to the scale used during
the test. The international standards followed by the software to carry out the conversion are indicated
alongside. Note that software prior to version "4.56" may have ladders not covered by current standards.

click the icon to activate the conversion tables.

A retractable window allows the operator to select the hardness method in which to convert the obtained
value. It is good to remember that the
reliability of the converted value is lower than
the value actually detected by the

To apply the changes, click on the icon

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3.2.9 Objective installation

To replace one or more optical lenses on the machine,

follow the procedure below:

• In order to avoid difficulties during this procedure,

free up as much space as possible under the
measuring head.

• Using the software, position the objective wheel in

the position corresponding to the objective to be

• Unscrew anti-clockwise the two M3 screws that secure the protective


• Remove the protective casing.

• Remove the lens by turning it counterclockwise. Remember to also remove

the spacer ring on each lens.

• Install the desired lens by turning it clockwise until it locks into place.
Remember to install the lens with the relative spacer ring.

Each target has its own spacer ring. In order not to mix the various components, be very
careful not to separate the lens from the relative spacer ring.

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3.3 Performing the hardness test

To perform the hardness test, go to the home page and follow the procedure below by following the order
of the various steps:

• Click the icon and select the type of magnification of the optical lens.

• Click the icon and select the test parameters.

the magnification selected in this section must correspond to that selected in the
previous section.

• Click the icon and set the conversion scale (if necessary).

• Click the icon “Start Test” and wait for the instrument to finish the test cycle and optical
analysis. The hardness value appears on the PC monitor.

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4. Further information on hardness tests

The most used test methods

The test methods that we will illustrate here are those used to measure the hardness of metallic
materials. For information on all existing test methods, please refer to specific texts.
The most common methods are:

• Brinell: ideal for testing hardness on soft materials, non-ferrous metals and cast iron.

• Vickers: very precise method, ideal for both hard and soft materials.

• Rockwell: very fast method, ideal for any type of metal material.

We will briefly explain the substantial differences below. For further information, please consult specific
texts and regulations.

4.1 Brinell method. ISO 6506 standard

Brinell indenter
The Brinell method is used to test hardness on soft metals,
non-ferrous metals and cast iron, while it is inadequate for
hardened materials, or which have undergone considerable
surface hardening. This is because the size of the indentation
must be of a diameter that is neither too small nor too large
in relation to the sphere used. Furthermore, the choice of the
sphere also depends on the choice of the load proportioned
to it.

Ball tip
Execution of a test with the Brinell method
D: 1; 2,5; 5; 10 mm

• Choose the indenter equipped with a ball tip with a

diameter of 1mm, 2.5mm, 5mm or 10mm.

• The test load must be compatible with a test report

(ratio between test load in kgf and the square of the
spherical indenter diameter in mm) which falls within
one of the following values: 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 30.

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test load(kgf) 𝐹 𝑘𝑔𝑓
𝑅 = test ratio = = !@
[𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 (mm)] ! 𝐷 𝑚𝑚! D

0,102 ⋅ test load(𝑁)

𝑅 = test ratio =
[ball diameter (mm)]!

• Having established the diameter of the spherical indenter and the test ratio, the load is thus
uniquely determined. Below are the tables drawn from the ISO 6506-1 standards that explain
what has been said.

Load table in relation to the test ratio and the ball diameter

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\ R=1 R=2.5 R=5 R=10 R=30

D=1mm 1kg (9.807N) 2.5kg (24.52N) 5kg (49.03N) 10kg (98.07N) 30kg (294.2N)

D=2.5mm 6.25kg (61.29N) 15.6kg (153.2N) 31.25kg (306.5N) 62.5kg (612.9N) 187.5kg (1839N)

D=5mm 25kg (245.2N) 62.5kg (612.9N) 125kg (1126N) 250kg (2452N) 750kg (7355N)

D=10mm 100kg (980.7N) 250kg (2452N) 500kg (4903N) 1000kg (9807N) 3000kg (29420N)

D= Ball diameter

R= test ratio

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Test validity conditions referred to ISO 6506-1, ISO 6506-2:

• Minimum sample thickness

Below is a table that establishes, according to the standard, the minimum thicknesses of the test
materials as a function of the average diameter of the indentation (this can be obtained from the
indicative hardness of the material).

Minimum thickness table (in mm) of the Brinell test specimen

in relation to the average diameter of the indentation;
D=diameter of the ball, d= average diameter of the
indentation reference table B.1, Appendix B, standard ISO

• Preparation of the test surface

Polish the test surface in the best possible way so as to make the measurement uncertainty
irrelevant to the real measured hardness.

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• Indentation diameter (d)

The diameter of the indentation must be between 0.24 D and 0.6 D (where D is the diameter of
the sphere used). If it does not fall within this range, change the test ratio and repeat the test.

• Dwell time of the load

The dwell time of the load can be changed by the user. This must be set as defined by the
standards. Generally, it can vary between 10 and 15 seconds.

• Minimum distance between two indentations

A test can be considered valid if the minimum distance between two indentations is at least 2.5
times the diameter of each. This avoids compromising the current test with any deformations
related to the previous indentation. If you have indentations of different sizes, take the larger one
as a reference.

Indirect verification of the testing machine

Based on what is specified in the ISO 6506-2 standard, the repeatability and the error allowed for the
indirect verification of the test machine are defined and described as follows.

Repeatability of the testing machine

5 measurements of the average diameter of the indentation are made for each reference block. Be them
d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 arranged in increasing order (so d1 is the minimum value and d5 is the maximum). Let

d be the arithmetic mean of the five measured diameters:

d +d +d +d +d
d= 1 2 3 4 5 (1)

the Repeatability (Absolute) r is given by the formula:

r =d -d5 1

The Relative Repeatability rrel is calculated as a percentage of d by the following formula:

d -d
r = 5 1 (3)

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The relative repeatability of the machine is subject to limits. Specifically, it cannot exceed the values
specified in the following table for the test ratio equal to 30:

Table 1

Relative or Percentage Repeatability: allowed values

For test report (F / D2) = 30

Hardness Repeatability rrel (%):

Hardness of the test bock
range Maximum admitted value

1 H<250HBW 3,0

2 H from 250HBW to 450 HBW 2,5

3 H > 450HBW 2,0

For the other test reports (15; 10; 5 and those ≤ 2.5) and for any value of the hardness of the specimen,
the Relative Repeatability or Percentage must be ≤ 3,0%.

Error of the testing machine

With regard to each reference block, 5 measurements of hardness are carried out.

Be them H1, H2, H3, H4, H5. Be H the arithmetic mean of the five measured hardnesses:

H +H +H +H +H
H= 1 2 3 4 5
The Error (absolute) E of the testing machine is defined as follows:

𝐸 = 𝐻 − 𝐻!"#! %&'() (5)

Where 𝐻!"#! %&'() is the hardness written on the test block certificate.

The Relative Error Erel is calculated as a percentage of 𝐻!"#! %&'() with the following formula:

+,+!"#! %&'()
𝐸*"& = (6)
+!"#! %&'()

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The relative error of the machine is subject to limits. It cannot exceed the values specified in the
following table for the test ratio equal to 30:

Table 2

Relative Error:
allowed values for test ratio (F / D2) = 30

Relative error Erel (%): Admitted

Hardness range Hardness of the test block

1 H<250HBW Between -3,0% and +3,0%

2 H from 250HBW to 450 HBW Between -2,5% and +2,5%

3 H > 450HBW Between -2,0% and +2,0%

For other test ratios (15; 10; 5 and those ≤ 2,5) and for any value of the hardness of the specimen, the
Relative Error must be between -3,0% and +3,0%.

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4.2 Vickers method. ISO 6507 Standard

The Vickers method can be used in all known hardness

Vickers indenter
It is suitable for measuring the hardness of both very hard
and "soft" materials. This peculiarity would make it preferable
to other test methods but, as we will explain later, a
meticulous preparation of the test surface is necessary for
the test to be valid.
There is only one type of indenter to perform the Vickers
test, i.e. the one in the shape of a square-based pyramid
with a vertex angle of 136 °. This geometry has been studied
to make the test always valid, whatever the depth of
Diamond 136° penetration (except for the micro-hardness, where the
indenter has the same geometry but with much smaller
The indenter does not need to be replaced when changing
the test load. In addition, the hardness constant as the test
load varies.

As shown in the following table, the loads that are to be used

for Vickers tests can be divided into three categories.

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Test validity conditions referred to ISO 6507-1 and ISO 6507-2 standards:

• Minimum sample thickness

Below is a chart which establishes, according to the standard, the minimum thicknesses of the
materials according to the indicative hardness of the material under test and the test load.

(from HV 0,2 to HV 100) reference fig. A.1, Appendix A, ISO 6507-1 standard:

X: Thickness in mm
Y: Hardness HV

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• Preparation of the test surface
The Vickers method requires to:
- Thoroughly clean the test surface, removing any type of impurities and / or any oxides.
- Grind where necessary and then lapping the same Ra 0.2 to a mirror, eliminating all the
marks and scratches that could compromise the test.
- Thoroughly clean all the support surfaces and obtain an orthogonality of the test surfaces. If
it is not possible to guarantee it, use suitable equipment (e.g. specimen holder support).

• Application time and dwell time of the load

The load application time is already set in the machine and cannot be changed by the user. It
varies between 3 and 8 seconds (depending on the load chosen), as well as the approach speeds
depending on the load itself, as per standards.
On the contrary, the dwell time can be changed by the user and can take all values up to 99
seconds (load permanence).

• Minimum distance between 2 indentations

A test can be considered valid if the distance between one indentation and the other is at least
2.5 times the length of the larger diagonal of the two. This is to prevent any deformations,
related to the previous indentation, from somehow influencing the current test.

• Admitted tolerances
It is specified in detail in the ISO 6507-2 standard, which we invite you to consult.

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4.3 Rockwell method. ISO 6508 Standard

Rockwell indenter The Rockwell method is the quickest method for determining the
hardness of materials, as it allows you to go back only by
measuring the depth of penetration. Given its ease of use,
numerous scales have been created to measure a fairly wide range
of materials.
In order to do this, the division into various scales was necessary
depending on the type of materials.

The differences between the various scales are concentrated

Diamond 120°

• the indenter

• the load

• the validity range

There are 2 kind of indenters that can be used
• Spherical-conical geometry penetrator with a fitting angle of 120 ° and a tip radius of 0.2mm.
• Spherical indenter (normally tungsten carbide) with a diameter of 1.5875 mm (1/16 inch) or
3.175 mm (1/8 inch).

There is also the possibility of applying spherical indenters of other sizes, dedicated to tests on plastic
materials (not treated here).

Distinction between the standard Rockwell method and the superficial Rockwell method:

• Rockwell Regular
it is the traditional method for medium-high loads. It allows to determine the hardness of a
significant layer (depending on the test used) of the sample in question.

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• Rockwell Superficial
it is a method for medium-low loads. It allows to perform tests on treated thin surfaces and
therefore to determine the hardness only of these surfaces.

These two families are further divided into different test methods.
Below are two tables that illustrate the substantial differences between the various methods.

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The hardness is determined automatically: the instrument performs the various calculations and provides
the measurement data. Below is an overview of the symbols and abbreviations in the world of Rockwell
hardness tests.


Type of sphere used (W= Carbide tungsten)

Rockwell scale symbol

Hardness method symbol (Hardness Rockwell HR)

Rockwell hardness value

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Test validity conditions referred to ISO 6508-1 and ISO 6508-2 standards

• Minimum sample thickness

Below is a graph that establishes, according to the standard, the minimum thicknesses of the
materials according to the indicative hardness of the material in question.

Minimum thickness graph for Rockwell tests with 120 ° conical diamond indenter.
For scales A, C and D, reference fig. B.1, Appendix B, UNI EN ISO 6508-1 standard:



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Minimum thickness graph for Rockwell tests with ball indenter.

For scales B, E, F, G, H and K reference fig. B.2, Appendix B, ISO 6508-1 standard:



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Minimum thickness graph for surface Rockwell tests with diamond (HRN) and ball (HRTW) indenter.
For scales 15N-30N-45N and 15T-30T-45T reference fig. B.3, Appendix B, ISO 6508-1 standard:



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• Preparation of the test surface

- Thoroughly clean the surface by removing any type of impurities and / or any oxides.
- Check that the sample is positioned evenly on the support.
No particular care is required in the preparation of the test surface, even if a surface with
roughness Ra 0,8 is recommended.

• Application time and dwell time of the load

The preload and load application time is already set in the machine and cannot be changed by the
user. It varies from 2 seconds (preload) to about 4-6 seconds (test load), as well as the approach
speeds depending on the load itself, as per regulations.
The residence time can be changed by the user and can vary between 1-4 seconds (preload
residence time) and 2-6 seconds (load permanence).

• Minimum distance between 2 indentations

A test can be considered valid if the distance between one indentation and the other is at least
three times the length of the diameter of the larger of the two. By doing so, you prevent any
deformations related to the previous indentation from somehow influencing the current test.

• Admitted tolerances
Based on what is specified in the ISO 6508-2 standard, the repeatability and the error allowed by
the measuring machine is described in the following table:

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5. Software “HDT VX” (version 10.80)

This chapter explains how the "HDT VX" software works. Remember that some functions may not be
compatible and / or available with the model of machine purchased.

5.1 Single test: overview and functionalities

A - Optical lens selection:

Click on this icon to select the optical lens. Once chosen, the turret will automatically rotate until
it reaches the desired position.

Do not manually rotate the turret. Use only the appropriate software commands.

B - Autofocus:

Click on this icon to autofocus the test surface (this option may not be available and / or
compatible with some machine models).

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C - Exposure adjustment:

Click on this icon to automatically adjust the exposure and brightness of the
image, in order to obtain an indentation whose edges are well defined.

D - Selection of test methods:

Click on this icon to set the test method you intend to use.
A retractable window will open, in which each field must be correctly set in the order of the various
steps listed here:

1. Group Selection: select the type of test

method (in this case "Vickers").

2. Scales Selection: select the test scale

(in this case "HV1", which corresponds to
the application of a test load of 1 kg).

3. Lens: select the lens to be used for

optical analysis. Note that the software
defaults to the target that had previously
been selected by the operator for the relative scale (e.g.: "HV1" scale, 40x target; "HV10" scale,
10x target).

4. Dwell time: enter the load dwell time (in seconds).

5. Test Setting: select the actions that the software will perform after the machine has finished
generating the indentation (these options may not be available and / or compatible with some
machine models).
a check this box if you want to perform optical self-measurement.
b check this box if you want to autofocus.

To apply the changes and return to the home page, click on the icon .

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E – Conversione tables:

Click on this icon to activate the

conversion tables.
It is good to remember that the reliability
of the converted value is lower than the value
actually detected by the instrument; the tables
are based on the ASTM and ISO reference
Using the table, select the method in which to
convert the hardness value detected by the
instrument. The converted value will appear next
to the actually detected value.

F – Indentation:

Click on this icon to generate an indentation. The indentation is carried out in the position of the
central point of the camera: the turret moves, selecting the suitable indenter that will generate
the indentation. Wait for the result to appear on the PC monitor.

H - Automatic optical reading of the indentation:

Click on this icon to perform a new automatic optical reading of the indentation: focus is performed and
the hardness value is automatically detected. At the end, the hardness value appears on the home page
and in the statistics section.

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G - Manual optical reading of the indentation:

Click on this icon to perform a manual

optical reading of the indentation: it is to
be used when the surface of the
specimen is not uniform enough, when the image
is dark or when the automatic measurement fails.
Select one of the lines; drag the dot perpendicular
to each line on the vertices of the indentation: for
correct analysis, the indentation must be
contained within the square formed by the various
Use the arrows for more precise positioning of the

Display of all measurement lines.

Display of horizontal lines only.

Display of vertical lines only.

Confirm the selection by clicking on the icon.

At the end, the hardness value appears on the home page and in the statistics section.

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I – Settings:

Click on this icon to access the settings; in this section some tools are available to be used
during the machine set-up and verification phases.

Autofocus bar:
By enabling this box, a bar to be used for manual focusing will appear in the part
below the window.

Indentation centering:
By enabling this box, a vertical red axis and a horizontal red axis appear useful for
identifying the center of the indentation.

Light value:
Click on this icon to enable the chromatic vision of the light and to adjust the light
diffusion on the test surface.

Save indentation image:

Click on this icon to save the current image in .bmp format.

Camera info:
Click on this icon to view information about the camera.

Image centering:
By enabling this box, a virtual circle appears through which the operator will be
facilitated in selecting and centering the image of the indentation.

Change indenter / lens:

Click on this icon to replace the indenter and / or the target (this option may not be
available and / or compatible with some machine models).

L – Zoom image:

Click on this icon to use the camera zoom.

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M – Virtual joystik:

Click on this icon to enable the use of the mouse in moving the X and Y axes (if applicable).
Clicking the right mouse button activates a console for managing the movement (on the right side
of the viewing area): allows you to move the motorized table in the desired position and to adjust
the height of the Z axis. This option may not be available and / or compatible with some machine models.

N – Pattern selection:

Click on this icon to enable or disable the working functions with the patterns. This section is
described in detail in subsequent chapters.

P – Test report:

Click on this icon to access the "Test

report" section: enter here the data you
want to appear on the test report. It is
possible to insert a logo (in .png format) or
customized headers and footers.

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Q – Clear all values:

Click on this icon to delete all the values of the statistical session currently in progress. Double
confirmation is required to perform this operation.

R – Delete one value:

To delete a value, select a row in the results table and click on this icon. Double confirmation is
required to perform this operation.

S – Saving data in text format (.txt):

Click on this icon to save all the measured values in text format (.txt).

T – Tolerances

In this section, it is possible to set the nominal value to be detected and the relative tolerance limits

Nominal (green): it is the value you want to use as a reference parameter.

Hi / Lo (yellow): is the maximum / minimum margin within which the value is accepted.
Hh / Ll (red): is the maximum maximum / minimum minimum margin within which the value is not

Click on the boxes to change their value: a numeric keypad will appear where you can enter the desired

Click on this icon (next to the green box) to automatically enter the average value of the results
obtained as the nominal reference value.

U – Selection of chart type:

Click on this icon to select the type of graph to be used in the visualization of the collected data.

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V – Statistics

Click on this icon to view previously

saved statistics sessions and create new
statistics sessions.

Click on this icon to create a copy of the selected statistics session.

Click on this icon to create a new statistics session. Type the name of the statistics

session and click on the icon to confirm.

Click on this icon to delete a selected statistics session. Double confirmation is required
to perform this operation.

Z – Test report settings

Click on this icon to change the layout of the test report through the use of an external program.

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5.2 Overview of the test data section

1. Selected test method. 6. Conversion table activated and type of

conversion selected.
2. Selected scale.
7. Hardness value converted.
3. Value of the hardness test.
8. Main statistics page.
4. Tolerance value.
9. Table of hardness results.
5. Measurement scale.
10. Chart.

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5.3 Pattern mode: overview and functionalities

To activate the pattern mode, click on the icon .

When pattern mode is off, the icon will be red.
This option may not be available and / or compatible with some machine models.

After activating the pattern mode, the analysis section of the test data will be replaced with the
commands that allow the creation and setting of the measurement patterns (in the upper right part of
the monitor). In this section it is possible to activate the acquisition mode of the entire surface of the test
sample (using the mosaic mode).

A – Viewing area: display of the scanned area

If you are testing an embedded sample, through this window you can move the motorized table at the

• With a double click of the left mouse button, the support will automatically move to the desired

• Select the type of pattern to be performed.

You can enlarge the scanned area by clicking on the appropriate icon or by moving the central mouse
wheel. In the event that the intersection of the lines comes out of the viewing area, keeping the left
mouse button pressed move the image until you find the two red lines.

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B – Pattern utility

After creating a pattern on the test sample, the following management functions will be available. Click
on the relative icon to enable its function.

A bar for managing the zoom appears at the bottom of the window.

Modify pattern
Change the settings of the selected pattern

Delete pattern
Delete the selected pattern

Cut pattern
Cut the selected pattern

Copy pattern
Copy the selected pattern

Paste pattern
Paste the selected pattern

Change pattern orientation

Change the orientation of the selected pattern

Open a saved pattern

Load and open a previously saved pattern

Save pattern
Save a created pattern

C – Zoom in

Click on this icon to increase the magnification of the scanned vision area. The same function is
also available by moving the central mouse wheel.

Click on this icon to restore the initial magnification state of the scanned vision area.

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E – Zoom out

Click on this icon to decrease the magnification of the scanned vision area. The same function is
also available by moving the central mouse wheel.

F – Mosaic acquisition

This function allows you to choose the type of scan to be performed.

Click on the relative icon to select the type of scan desired.

Sample holder acquisition

Used to scan the samples present in the sample holder. You can choose which sample
(s) to scan by checking the box corresponding to the desired sample (s).

Different types of specimen holders are

available, which must be installed
exclusively by the manufacturer's

Click to apply the changes.

Before scanning the individual specimens, it is advisable to focus on the entire test surface using the
installed lens with higher magnification.

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Free mosaic acquisition

Allows you to freely scan an area of the
test sample.
By clicking on the icon, the machine will
automatically select the installed objective
with lower magnification.

Follow the procedure below:

• move the table to the top left corner and click confirm

• move the table to the bottom right corner and click confirm

• The surface scan will start automatically; the duration of the operation depends on
the size of the selected area. The completion of the scan is indicated by the
appearance of the following windows:

Click confirm to close the window

The scan just performed is in "Select sample"

(sample selection) and can be accessed by clicking on this


G – Sample selection

Through this function it is possible to select the scans previously carried out and upload the
relative images in the viewing pane. This window allows you to inspect a free area of the test

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H – New pattern settings
Click on this icon to enter the settings of the new pattern.

1. Pattern name. 4. Settings related to the hardness test.

(test load, dwell time, etc.); to access, click on
2. Section dedicated to pattern settings.
the icon .
A. Vertical distribution of hardness tests (number
of rows).
5. CHD value settings (effective depth values).
B. Total number of tests to be performed.
C. Distance from the point of origin.
6. List of test values.
D. Resolution of the pattern (step of the
7. Graphical view of the pattern.
E. Distance betweel rows.

3. Autofocus and auto-exposure settings; (by

default, leave the values "AF start point: 1" and
"AF interval: 1").

To apply the changes press .

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After confirming the settings, the pattern will appear in the scanned viewing area.
The main viewing area will allow you to choose the orientation of the tests.
To place the pattern, click with the left mouse button.
In this phase, the instrument will automatically set the previously selected optics.

On the main viewing screen, during the pattern placement steps, four indicators will appear that
can be used to orient the pattern to a known angular position (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°).

Use the horizontal line to position the pattern tangent to the edge.
Click with the left mouse button to place the pattern.

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I – Pattern editor – Matrix mode

Click on this icon to enter the settings of the new pattern.

1. Pattern name. 3. Autofocus and auto-exposure settings; (by

default, leave the values "AF start point: 1" and
2. Section dedicated to pattern settings. "AF interval: 1").
A. vertical distribution of hardness tests.
B. horizontal distribution of hardness tests. 4. Settings relating to the hardness test (test load,
C. horizontal resolution of the pattern (step of load holding time, etc.); to access, click on the
the indentations).
D. vertical resolution of the pattern (step of the
5. CHD value settings (effective depth values).

6. List of test values.

To apply the changes press .

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L – Pattern editor – polar mode:

Click on this icon to enter the settings of the new pattern.

1. Pattern name. 4. Settings relating to the hardness test (test load,

load holding time, etc.); to access, click on the
2. Section dedicated to pattern settings.
A. Number of tests on the circulating crown.
B. Angular distribution of tests.
5. CHD value settings (effective depth values).
C. Value of the radius.
D. Number of circles.
6. List of test values.
E. Distance between circumferences.

3. Autofocus and auto-exposure settings; (by

default, leave the values "AF start point: 1" and
"AF interval: 1").

To apply the changes press .

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M – Pattern editor – free mode:

Click on this icon to create a free mode


After clicking on the icon, you must select the point of

origin of the pattern:

• Click on this icon to set the origin point

of the pattern. Using the joystick, add the
various test points by moving manually on the
sample surface.

• Click on to add the desired points.

• After completing the selection of test points, click confirm to make the changes effective .

In this mode the rows are fully customizable: it is possible to manually set the X and Y positions to
perform the various tests.

N – Start test pattern:

Click on this icon to start the tests on the previously set patterns.
Before starting, a window will appear in which to set the test
execution modes and the selection of patterns to be used.

Window “Test Operations”:

Indent: selecting this option, the indentations are generated according to
the modalities set in the pattern.
Measure: by selecting this option, optical measurements of the
indentations are performed according to the modalities set in the pattern.
AF: by selecting this option, for each hardness test the sample is
automatically focused.
Optimize: by selecting this option, the three previous steps are optimized:
for each pattern, all the indentations are generated first and then all the related optical measurements
are performed.

Click confirm to start the measuring test.

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O – Analysis of test data:

Click on this icon to access the analysis of the test data.

1. Global viewing area of the scanned sample. 7. Back to test settings.

2. View area of the enlarged sample (allows you 8. Test report of the selected pattern.
to view the individual patterns).
9. Test report of all inserted patterns (group all
3. Values of the hardness tests. results in a single report).

4. Average value of the tests performed. 10. Saving to text file.

5. Settings for the CHD value (effective depth 11. Pattern measurement repetition (only of the points
values). selected in the test values area).

6. Graphical viewing area of the measured 12. Grouping of all test value data.
hardness trend.

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Tips for consulting data

By clicking with the left mouse button at the top of the viewing area, you can view all the various
scanned samples.

As for the single specimen, the choice is also possible for the patterns by clicking
on the top of the viewing area. By clicking on the bar, a drop-down menu will
appear in which the operator can select the desired pattern.

Note that, if the grouping selection of all values is activated, the hardness values
grouped according to effective depth refer to the previously selected pattern only.

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Rerun the measurement of an indentation

It is possible that, during the measurement phase, some measurements may not be carried out correctly
or generate results that are excessively distant from the reference value. In these cases it is
recommended to carry out a further optical measurement of an already generated indentation: this
operation can take place both in automatic and in manual mode.

1. To rerun the measurement, select the value of the indentation to be measured from the graph in
the vision area. The motorized table (if present) will automatically search for the relative
indentation, to allow you to carry out one of the following operations:

• re-measure the indentation through automatic


• re-measure the indentation through manual


• generate another indentation not far from the

current one.

2. To generate another indentation, use the virtual joystick

to move to an adjacent area free of indentations.

3. Focus on the surface and click on the test start icon .

4. At the end of the test, the new measured value will automatically replace the previous one.

Another procedure that can be used is the following:

1. From the area of the measured values, select the tests you want to perform again (click on the
dot: when selected, it turns black).

2. Click on the test start icon: the positioning and orientation of the pattern as described above is

3. Use the virtual joystick to move to an adjacent and indentation-free area.

4. Click on confirm to start the tests in the selected positions.

At the end of the tests, the new measured values will automatically replace the previous ones.

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Page: 73
6. Validity conditions of the hardness test

To obtain valid and reliable results, it is necessary to scrupulously check some fundamental factors that
influence the hardness test. It may happen that, neglecting a small detail, the test is null or not

We provide below a list of some simple operations to be carried out to minimize the risk of invalidity of
the test.

• Use of reference blocks. Periodically check the correct functioning of the instrument by
checking with reference blocks to be carried out 2/3 times a month. This frequency is purely
indicative and varies based on the use of the machine. Note that this procedure does not
constitute the calibration of the machine, but only its control in order to avoid the production of
incorrect results.

• Instrument calibration. Schedule routine maintenance and calibration of the machine, to

ensure the reliability of the results and a long-life cycle of the instrument. Contact the
manufacturer for advice on the frequency of these operations.

• Support surfaces. Thoroughly clean the support surfaces. Eliminate the residues of oil, oxide
and anything that can be interposed between the test sample and its support surface.

• Indenter. Check that the indenter does not have impurities or abrasions of any kind.

• “Special” samples. Prepare internal reference blocks, possibly of the same material and with
the same treatment as the sample to be measured.

• Minimum thickness. According to the chosen test method, it is necessary to consult the
minimum thickness that the test sample must have. The imposition of minimum thicknesses is
essential to prevent the support surface from making an opposite reaction to deformation,
limiting it and making the test null.

• Sample surface preparation. Treat a surface by limiting itself to a few mm2. This test surface
must be prepared more or less accurately according to the type of test chosen. See the following
table for more information.

Polished with
Polished with
Test method Perpendicular Clean Fine sanding abrasive cloth
diamond paste
(up to 2000)

Brinell X X X X

Vickers X X X X X

Rockwell X X X

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It is important to follow the order in which the sample preparation steps are listed. Note that the more
well prepared the surface, the more reliable and repeatable the measurement is. Never perform tests on
rough surfaces: in this case the hardness of the surface layer and not of the entire sample would be
measured. If the sample cannot be polished in any way, perform at least three tests and calculate the
average of the results obtained.

Being a measuring instrument, it is highly recommended to schedule periodic calibration and

maintenance operations with the manufacturer.

7. Conversion tables

The conversion tables allow to obtain a hardness value with a test method that has not been performed,
extrapolating it from the hardness actually measured by another method. These conversions are defined
by some international standards and include most of the materials used and the most common methods.

The machine is equipped with the entire range of conversion tables given by the reference standards. You
can access the database through the appropriate function. By selecting the wrong table, the machine
does not generate any conversion value. Note that, starting from version 4.56 of the software, filters
have been added to facilitate the operator in choosing the most suitable table: based on the method used
to perform the test, the instrument makes only the tables available for the type accessible of tests
performed, hiding those that cannot be used. To select the table relating to the material being tested, it is
recommended to consult the ASTM E140 and ISO 18265 standards.

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Page: 75
8. Maintenance and assistance

The instrument does not require any particular maintenance operations by the customer; however, it is
good to follow a few simple rules in order to preserve basic functionality:

• Clean the ventilation filters every two months.

• Keep anvils and support surfaces clean by removing dirt and oxide daily.

• Lubricate the elevation screw every six months with oil.

• Check the state of the indenters at each assembly; if necessary, clean or replace them.

• After each use, place the reference blocks (or hardness testers) in the appropriate cases, after
having carefully cleaned and lubricated them with anti-rust oil.

• Check the correct operation of the emergency electricity devices every six months.

It is essential to use original spare parts, in order not to damage the internal components of the
instrument and to always obtain reliable results.

For assistance and for any information relating to use, maintenance, installation, etc., the Manufacturer is
always available for Customer requests. Contact:

AFFRI di Affri Roberto

Via Monte Tagliaferro, 8
Tel. (+39) 0332.201533
Fax (+39) 0332.203621

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Page: 76

9. Instrument disposal

In case of storage due to inactivity of the machine:

• Protect the metal parts with anti-rust oil.

• Cover the machine with a waterproof sheet.

• Place specific hygroscopic salts inside the sheet.

• Store the machine in a covered place, with little humidity and no dust, protected from the

If you wish to sell the instrument, you can contact the Manufacturer for an economic evaluation of the

The instrument can be resold as metal scrap or disposed of in separate collection centers, after
separation of the various components.
Properly dispose of the polluted parts with lubrication oil, in compliance with current legislation.
As far as the metal mass of the machine is concerned, the division between the steel parts and those in
other metals or alloys is sufficient, in order to allow for recycling to be sent by casting.

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Page: 77
10. Problems and F.A.Q.

The problems that can occur are several. The table below lists the most common, with the relative
solutions that can be adopted.

Problem Possible cause Saolution

The instrument doesn’t turn No power line Check the correct connection to
on the electrical system

Main switch in position 0 Turn the main switch to position


Safety button pressed Bring the safety button to the

release position

Blown fuse Replace the fuse with one of the

same characteristics

Magnetothermic tripped Reset the thermal magnetic

circuit breaker

Check correct calibration of the

Different results are
Instrument with calibration to be machine with the aid of
obtained from the expected
rerun reference blocks. If not suitable,
contact technical assistance.

Not sufficiently smooth surface Treat the surface in such a way

as to bring it to a minimum
roughness of Ra 0,8 um

Insufficient load holding time Set a longer dwell time

Wrong optical lens Verify that the appropriate

optical lens is selected

Wrong test method Verify that the appropriate test

method is selected

Unsuitable penetrator Mount the indenter suitable for

the type of test to be performed

Damaged or worn indenter Replace the indenter with a new

one of equal characteristics

Perform the measurement of the

indentation again. If it fails
Measure failed again, perform another test at a
point far from the previous one.

Check the tolerance range

Tolerance range incorrectly set
prescribed by the standards

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Impossibility to reach the test load Contact technical assistance

Mechanical movement of the Contact technical assistance

The indenter breaks easily

Offset of the penetrator with Check the perfect centering of

respect to the round surface to be the indenter

Check that the sample resting

Unsuitable positioning of the test surface is stable; if necessary,
sample on the support surface smooth it or remove any dents

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Page: 79
11. Standard requirements

The terms and definitions contained in this manual, as well as the principles that guarantee the safety of
the machine, refer to the Low Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive currently in force, to
which we refer for any clarifications.
For the design and construction of the machine covered by this manual, the Manufacturer follows
European reference standards such as:

IEC/EN 61010-1:2010 Safety requirements for electrical measuring devices,

control and use in the laboratory

IEC/EN 61326-1:2012 Electrical measuring, control and laboratory use devices, electromagnetic
compatibility requirement

IEC/EN 61000-3-2:2018 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emission

IEC/EN 61000-3-5:2009 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Part 3: Limits - Section 5: Limitation of Voltage Fluctuations and Flickers
in Low Supply Voltage Systems for Equipment with a Rated Current Above
75 A

IEC/EN 60947:2020 Low voltage equipment

Workplace and safety directives

Directive 89/654/CEE Minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace

Directive 89/655/CEE Minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment
by workers during work

Directives concerning the drafting of the use and maintenance manual

This use and maintenance manual has been prepared in accordance with the following reference
standards: EN ISO 12100, EN 82079-1, ISO 20607.

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12. Included and optional accessories and functionalities


Technical drawing Description Notes

Indenter Vickers 136°

Indenter Knoop

Indenter Brinell ball Ø2,5

Indenter Brinell ball Ø2

Indenter Brinell ball Ø1

Indenter Brinell with interchangeable ball Ø2,5

Indenter Brinell with interchangeable ball Ø2

Indenter Brinell with interchangeable ball Ø1

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Technical drawing Description Notes

Measure: Ø60
Standard flat anvil
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø150
Flat anvil increased
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø60
Standard “V” anvil
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø60
Standard reversible anvil
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø28
Reduced flat anvil Ø10
Tang: Ø10

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Measure: Ø28
Reduced “V” anvil Ø10
Tang: Ø10

Measure: Ø28
Reduced reversible anvil Ø10
Tang: Ø10

Measure: Ø60
Adapter for reduced anvils Ø10
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø58
Medium spherical anvil
Tang: Ø25

Measure: Ø38
Reduced spherical anvil
Tang: Ø25

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Measure: Ø60
Anvil Ø8
Tang: Ø25

Reference blocks (hardness test blocks)

Technical drawing Description Notes

Test block HV10 with traceable certificate

Test block HV5 with traceable certificate

Test block HV30 with traceable certificate

Test block HV1 with traceable certificate

Test block HV50 with traceable certificate

Test block HV60 with traceable certificate

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Test block HV0,1 with traceable certificate

Test block HV0,3 with traceable certificate

Test block HBW2,5/15,625 with traceable certificate

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Page: 85
Instrument tables

Technical drawing Description Notes

Instrument table

Instrument table

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13. Electronic components

In different areas of the instrument there are electronic boards and electrical components. This chapter
describes their location and provides a brief guide to performing initial diagnostics in the event of
technical problems.

Number Description

1 Load application

2 Rectifier board

3 Power supply 24 V DC

4 Transformer

5 Filter with internal selector

6 9 poles connector

7 Emergency button

8 Proximity wheel

9 Photocells

10 Terminal block

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Number Description

11 DIOE board

12 ECS board

13 EDT board

14 Stepper board

15 Motor

16 Terminal block

17 Wheel motor photocell

18 Optical wheel motor

7 Emergency button

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Connection scheme

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Page: 90

LED diagnostics

To perform a quick diagnostic, the diagrams of the various LEDs on the cards are shown below

NOTE: when the LED is on, the status is ACTIVE (1). When the LED is off, the status is INACTIVE (0)

LED SINC: the LED flashes simultaneously with all the boards in which it is installed. If it does not flash
there is a problem on the line. Contact our technical support
V_LOG ON: the LED is on when the board is active. If off, there is a technical problem.
V_PO ON: the LED is on when the board is active. If off, there is a technical problem.
V_IN ON: the LED is on when the board is active. If off, there is a technical problem.
HL704: emergency LED activated. Normally off. When the machine is in an emergency, the LED lights up
HL800: enable state motor LED. Normally off. When the engine starts it turns on.
LD10: photocell wheel LED. It is usually on. If it remains off there is a technical problem

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