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CHARTER CHANGE IN THE PHILIPPINES Philippines is standing in a situation of being critical in a period of

time, which the nation facing a prospect of modifying its 1987 Constitution through " charter change " or cha-
cha. This has a potential of changes that give life to everyone which leads to a wider debate and triggers their
aspiration for progress, and their anxieties to the unexpected consequences. Understanding these different aspects
for the arguments of every Filipino is important so that we can negotiate responsibly. The Philippines' 1987
Constitution was formulated after the administration of Marcos that served as a foundation of the nation for over
three decades. Yet, Filipinos' demand for charter change (cha-cha) has emerged and given life by the arguments of
being inactive, limitations of politics, and the continuing process of the needs of the society. As of February
2023, the advancements for charter change in the Philippines has slowed down (considerably) unlike earlier
years 2023 and 2022. There are still efforts that are ongoing to amend the Constitution,
specificallyinPeople'sInitiativeandInitiativesintheHouseofRepresentatives,they encountered various challenges
and they don't have a wide support in the public. Halted People's Initiative for a charter change in the Philippines
is a provision in the 1987 Philippines Constitution that allows citizens who want alternation directly through
gathering signatures that comes from registered voters with an average of 12% and it must be 10 million
signatures at a time. If successful, one vote is the whole nation who will make the decision if the changes are
acceptable. In early 2023, various groups started to alter particularly every provision in the Constitution. They
launched a signature campaign in the whole nation. But in January 2024, the Commission on Elections
(Comelec) halted all proceedings that are related to the initiative that cited irregularities in the gathering of
signatures. The current status of this initiate has remained on hold while they are still investigating and lawsuits
play out. Also the proponents are still discussing and hoping for reviving the initiative. Finally, its implications
are setbackforproponentsofcharterchange, raises concerns about electoral integrity, and contributes to the ongoing
debate. In addition, the Constitutional Convention and Constituent Assembly have been filed in the House.
However, the Senates rejected the call for Cha-Cha by the Constituent Assembly, and the
Houseleaderschangedtheirfocusonalteringeconomicprovisionsthroughexisting mechanisms. Methods that are
proposed in the House are Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) has involved directly by electing those
delegates to write a new constitution. Also, the Constituent Assembly that would involve the Congress itself that
transforms into a body to alter the existing constitution. Lastly, Amendments through Existing Mechanisms that
would arrange the procedures the current Congress to propose and vote on specific alteration. The current status
of the Con-Con and Constituent Assembly is in January 2024, the Senates who's without opposition rejected all
of the proposals for charter change through Constituent Assembly. This remarkably reduced the methods that are
being used. In addition, Con-Con proposals have not gained a benefit purchase in the House. Finally, its
complications are focused on specifics, potential delays, and uncertain outcomes. The recent issue means that
Filipinos contain half of the issue of the charter change which their public opinions with the important doubt has
something to do with the benefit potential and concerns about the potential of abuses of power. Some believe that
a particular provision is an obstacle to the investment for foreigners, those targeted for growth have a possibility
of attracting capital and to strengthen the attitude of being competitive. In addition, others are trying to pursue a
growth for structures, such as; federal system, to answer the foreseen weaknesses like centralized power and
bureaucratic inefficiency. Furthermore, proponents are highlighting the needs for response like discrimination
and lack of rights. Always remember that there's always a change in the opinion of the public and has a
possibility to change while the debate is progressing. And you should always be updated, learn to engage in any
conversation, and ensure the potential Cha-Cha process has to prioritize the needs of every Filipino. Memories of
the bloody era of Marcos that abuses the Filipino triggers about the modification that is vocal to gain personal or
threaten the democratic institutions. Also, the confusions occur about the actual benefecial for economy or
politics that proposed changes with the confusions about the potential unexpectedly consequences. Many Filipino
believes that poverty and healthy care must be prioritize and given more attention than a divisive Cha-Cha
process. It is important that these are just some perspectives of each Filipino and my understanding, also the
debate is complicated. Some people looks the Cha-Cha process to be the answer to any struggles we're facing
while others looks it as a risky gamble. However, these understanding for these are important for those
responsible and informed discussion about the future of the nation. People argue about the economic imperatives
if it's modernization or just a miscalculation. The proponents about Cha-cha often mention economic stagnation,
a long period of time of small or no growth in the economy that often shows a high unemployment that made it a
motivator. They argue that some provisions in the constitution, especially those related to the ownership of the
foreigners and using the limited sources, are an obstacle to investment and competitiveness. They believe that
arguing with these provisions can develop the potential of the economy, attract capital,andgrowtheeconomy.This
statement shows those people who seek a faster development of the economy and improving the standard of
living. However, many concerns bother about these perspectives. Those critics are arguing that recognizing
limitations in the economy have not decisively proven yet and that focusing on attracting foreigners as an
investment has a possibility to fail to provide for a long-term strategy
in making the economy grow. They also highlight the needs for comprehensive economic reforms, including the
addressing of corruption and focusing on growing the capacity of
domesticentrepreneurshipbeforetheyconnectalloftheproblemsinthe constitution. Furthermore, the anxiety of
potential exploitation that resources and environmental breakdown with increasing the involvement of
foreigners. One of the reasons for pushing behind Cha-Cha is the willingness to reform politics. Those
proponents are always standing up. for shifting into the federal system claiming the current centralized structure
leads to bureaucratic inefficiency, unfair development, and limited response to the local needs. They believe that
federalism can empower the local governments, streamline administration, and it can improve the participation of
the citizens. However, those who oppose have warned about the possibilities of difficulties. They argue that
federalism that not being careful with the implementation has a possibility of making the region inequalities is
even worse, breakdown of the politics, and weakens the unity of the nation. A lot of concerns occur about
potential power struggles between federal and the national governments, and how much the cost of establishing a
structure of new administration. Furthermore, historical concerns about using federalism to ruin the democratic
institution and show the power in regional privileged class remains detectable. Concerns about social justice have
an important position in the discourse of Cha-Cha. The proponents argue that the current constitution lacks
responsibility when responding to the historical injustices and cut inequalities. They're pointing to issues like
discrimination that is based on ethnicity, dispossessed people, and having not enough access to basic rights. The
Constitution argues that they believe that they could provide a way for treating others fairly, give power to the
downgraded groups, and promote social inclusion. However, the opponents are being careful with the
unexpected outcomes. They argue that some specific modification that has been proposed might not achieve the
possible wants of the outcomes and there could have been unexpected negative impacts on at-risk communities.
Additionally, many concerns occured about the power of manipulation of statements in social justice to advance
the personal agendas and connect all of the power. The intricate balance between committing social justice and
protecting the democratic principle in the process is needed for careful consideration. My heart is touched by
every Filipino that struggling with their situation where they can't put a food above their table, can't access any
health care services, or even get a quality education for their child. The Filipino must be aware in every
conversation with the matter of economy, which everyone must be transparent and participated. There must be
no backroom and no hidden agendas. Each of us must be heard and understand in every situation and has the
chance to reflect
in every process. Our democratoc institutions and fundamental rights must be negotiable. Any alteration must be
strengthen not be wasted. These are safeguarding the democracy. In addition, addressing economic concerns is
very important, but it must not require any financial when it comes to social justice and sustainable development.
We should create a brighter future where it everyone can benefit from it and not just priveledges by few. Our
world is changing rapidly. Businesses are moving online, the climate crisis demands action, and technology is
evolving faster than ever. We need a Constitution that adapts to these realities, not one stuck in the past. Amending
specific provisions could open doors to innovation, attract investments, and equip us to compete in the global
market. Ultimately, charter change is a decision with far-reaching consequences. Like any entrepreneur venturing
into uncharted territory, we must proceed with careful planning, calculated risks, and a clear vision for the future
we want to build together. The choice lies not just with politicians, but with every Filipino citizen. Let's engage
in responsible discourse, demand clarity, and ensure that any potential amendment truly serves the collective
good of our nation. I dream of a Philippines where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their
background. If certain laws hinder progress towards equal rights and access to resources, amending the
Constitution could pave the way for a more just and inclusive society. Imagine a future where discrimination
fades and everyone has a fair shot at success. I believe, with careful planning, responsible leadership, and active
participation from young Filipinos, charter change can be a force for good. It's not just about revising laws; it's
about reimagining our nation's potential and building a future where everyone thrives. Let's seize this opportunity
to shape a more just, prosperous, and sustainable Philippines for generations to come.

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