Câu bị đ

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Câu bị động

I. Kiến thức chung

- Câu muốn chuyển được từ chủ động sang bị động thì động từ chính trong câu phải là ngoại động từ (+O),
nội động từ
=> Nội động từ ko thể chuyển thành bị động
=> Ngoại động từ được sử dụng
Ex: Nobody inhabits the island
<=> The island is not inhabited
Nobody lives on the island

- Có một số ngoại động từ không dùng trong thể bị động : become, fit, get=have, lack, resemble, suit

- by + agent/ doer ( tác nhân gây ra hành động)


with + sth

- Động từ trong câu bị động có dạng be + PII ( to be chia theo thì động từ của câu chủ động)

- Có 3 thì ko chia thể bị động:

+, Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
+, Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
+, Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn

- Có 1 số các động từ khi chuyển sang thể bị động sẽ dùng các giới từ (in,about,at,…)
Ex: The furniture was covered in dust
I was surprised at how he had done it

II. Các trường hợp đặc biệt

1. Model verb
• Model verbs: can/coul/may/might/must/used to + be PII
Ex: He must do it right now => It must be done right now

• Can/could/may/might/should/must + have been PII

Ex: They should have sent the letter
=> The letter should have been sent
NOTE: have to/ has to/ had to/ had better/ be likely to + be PII

2. With reporting verbs

Believe, claim, consider,estimate, find, know, predict, report, rumour, say, suppose, think, understand
 Present reference, the passive is followed by the present infinitive
Ex: People say that the prevention is better than cure
=> It is said that the prevention is better than cure
=> The prevention is said to be better than cure
 Past reference, the passive is followed by the past infinitive ( to have PII)
=> Nhấn mạnh Mđ sau xảy ra trước
Ex: People believe that she died of AIDS
=> It is believed that she died of AIDS
=> She is believed to have died of AIDS
 Nhấn mạnh đang xảy ra
Ex: People believe that she is living in London
=> She is believed to be living in London

3. Bị động của câu có 2 tân ngữ

- Tân ngữ trực tiếp chịu tác động trực tiếp của động từ ( thường là vật)
- Tân ngữ gián tiếp thường là người
Ex: They gave me a present
=> I was given a present
=> A present was given to me
We bought him a book
=> He was bought a book
=> A book was bought for him
Các động từ:
• bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, pay, promise, refuse, sell, send, show, tell + sb sth
Sth to sb
Ex: She offer me a plan => I was offered a plan by her
They bring some apples to me => Some apples are brought to me
• buy, get, make + sb sth / sth for sb
Ex: You should buy her some flowers => Some flowers should be bought for her
I can make a cake for them => A cake can be made for them
• explain st to sb / sb sth

4. Dùng tân ngữ + bổ ngữ

Verb: call, consider, choose, elect, keep, make, name, regard, see, select
Ex: The other students call her stupid
=> She is called stupid
They consider him as the smartest in the world
=> He is considered the smartest in the world
We elected Jim our class presentative
=> Jim was elected our class presentative

5. Từ mang nghĩa phủ định làm chủ ngữ

Ex: Nobody can repair this machine
=> This machine can’t be repaired

6. Động từ chỉ tri giác

• S + be + PII+ to V ( toàn bộ hành động)
Ex: I see him shout at the children
=> He is seen to shout at the children
• S + be + PII + Ving ( một phần hành động)
Ex: I saw the boy coming yesterday
=> The boy was seen coming yesterday

7. With ‘‘with’’ ( be made + to V)

Ex: They made me do it => I was made to do it

NOTE: Make myself Understood

~ make other people understand/hear/like/dislike/hate
Ex: He speaks English so fluently that he can make himself understood
She had to shout to make herself heard
In his three months in job, he made himself thoroughly disliked

❶ Make a good … = become …. (make good: become successful)

Ex: That wood make a good hiding place
She wants to make a good wife one day

❷ Be made of -> Material ( not change)

Ex: This table is made of wood

❸ Be made from -> Abosolute change of material

Ex: This wine is made from black berries

❹ Be made up of -> Parts

Ex: This bike is made up of 15 pieces of all size

❺ Make sth out of sth -> the process of making, changing

Ex: They made all the furniture out of oak
The Olympics can make sporting heroes out of previously little-known athletes.

❻ Make sth with sth -> mention one of materials used

Ex: The soup is good because she had made it with lots of garlic

8. With ‘‘Let’’ ( S + be + let + V)

Ex: They let me eat this cake => I was let eat this cake
They let us smoke there => We were allowed to smoke there
=> We were let smoke there
He let people ask any question => He let himself be asked any questions
She let people/them laugh at => She let herself laughed at

9. With ‘‘get’’

• Get thường có thể dùng thay cho be

Ex: I stopped working as I got tired
I got worried because he was two hours late
They are going to get married next two months
• Followed by such certain adj as:
‘‘ angry, anxious, bald, better, big, busy, chilly, cold, dark, dizzy, empty, fat, full, good, heavy,
hot, hungry, late, light, mad, nervous, old, rich, sick, sleepy, tall, thristy, warm, well, wet, worse’’
Ex: I am getting hungry now
She got angry when seeing his ill behaviour
When the sky got dark, he decided to take a shortcut

10. With ‘‘get/have’’ - causitive form

Have sb V sth/ Get sb to V sth
=> Have/get sth done (by sb)
• Describe a service performed for us by somebody else
Ex: I’ve just got/ had my car serviced
• Describe something unfortune that happens to somebody
Ex: We had our car broken into last night

11. Imperative sentence

Let + O + be + PII
Ex: Open the door, please => Let the door be opened, please
Don’t pick the flowers in the garden
=> The flowers in the garden mustn’t be picked
aren’t to be picked

12. With ‘‘need’’

❶ You need to clean the floor

=> The floor needs to be cleaned

❷ We need to punish criminals

=> Criminals need to be punished seriously
Punishing ( Ving chỉ đi với chủ ngữ chỉ vật)
❸ She need to clean the floor ( Model verb)
=> The floor need be cleaned

13. Other verbs

- ‘‘decide/ suggest/ agree/ arrange/ demand/ determine+ to do sth’’
Ex: They decided to sell the house
=> They decided that the house should be sold

- ‘‘advise/ beg/ order/ urge + sb + to be + sth’’

Ex: She advised me to sell the house
=> I was advised to sell the house
=> She advised that the house should be sold

- ‘‘advise/insist/recommend/suggest + doing sth’’

=> …… that sth should be done
Ex: They suggested opening a new school
=> They suggested that a new school should be opened

14. With some certain words

❶ With ‘‘want/like’’:
S + want/like + O1 + to V + O2
=> S + want/like + to be PII + O2
Ex: I want my parents to take me to the zoo => I want to be taken to the zoo by my parents
❷ With ‘‘ begin/start/continue’’
S + begin/start/continue + to be + PII
Ex: They began building this house in 2000 => This house began to be built in 2000

❸ With ‘‘remember/forget’’
Ex: I remember them taking the children to the zoo
=> I remember the children being taken to the zoo

15. There + be + thought

Ex: People think that there are more than 3000 different languages
=> There are thought to be more than 3000 different languages (Opinion)
≠ There are more than 3000 different languages (Fact)
NOTE: There (thought)………. to be more than 3000 different languages
=> are thought

16. With ‘‘It is ….’’

Ex: It’s dangerous for us to take the short cut
=> It’s dangerous for the short cut to be taken
It’s necessary for him to revise for the exam now
=> The exam has to be revised now

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