Group 2 Research Paper

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San Pablo Colleges



In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for Practical Research 2

Thesis Writing in Senior High School


Prancine Anne B. Aquino

Paul Joshua Del Mundo

Kurt P. Fernando

Mary Marielle A. Flores

John Regienald B. Galvez

Roldan E. Gimena

Mechaella Rose A. Garcia

Kyla C. Marquez

Riz Francine C. Mondido

June 2024
San Pablo Colleges
June 2024



Principal, SHS Department

San Pablo Colleges

Dear Prof. Ortega,

Greetings !

A huge Salutations to our esteemed professor Ortega. As ABM

students from Hoffman - 12th grade, we are presently developing a research topic



research endeavours to determine the input from consumer feedback, its value

proposition, and its impact on our esteemed consumers. We would like to ask for

your permission to conduct a survey among our beloved students and staff who

have purchased our product, with a minimum of 50 responses only at San Pablo

Colleges, in order to continue this study.

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We assure you that the survey will not take too much time of every

respondents available and will not cause any disruption as it is being conducted

during online and non-class hours. Before proceeding with the survey, we first

verify to have their consent paper to ensure their willingness as one of our

respondent. In line with the, data given by each respondents, we will guarantee

you that all data, as well as confidentiality will remain private. A huge thanks for

taking your time reading this letter. We are looking forward to have your response

after reading.

Thank you for your considering our request. We are looking forward to your



John Regienald Galvez Jr.

Group Leader

Noted by:

Prof. Donnalyn O .Castillo

Research Adviser

Approved by:
San Pablo Colleges

Dr. Araceli M. Ortega

Principal, SHS Department

San Pablo Colleges
Dr. Araceli M. Ortega

Principal, SHS Department


The researchers would like to acknowledge with sincere thanks and heartfelt

gratitude and appreciation, the special persons who contributed much for the

fulfillment of this study.

To our dearest Prof. Araceli M. Ortega and To our Alma Mater, San Pablo

Colleges, for their invaluable guidance and for providing us with the

opportunity to conduct our research at San Pablo Colleges

To the ever most supportive Ms. Donnalyn O. Castillo, teacher in Practical

Research II, our instructor in Practical Research II, for her unwavering

support, constructive criticism, and invaluable suggestions throughout our

research process.

To our brilliant panelist:

San Pablo Colleges
Prof. Veronica Anna R. Segunial, ABM strand adviser, teacher in Practical

Research II, for her dedicated time, effort, and guidance from the beginning

to the completion of this study.

Mr. Nicolo M. Roño, teacher in Practical Research II, for sharing his

insightful ideas and comments that greatly improved our research.

Ms. Maria Angelika Castañeda, teacher in Practical Research I, for

imparting her knowledge and expetise in enhancing the study.

We thank our cooperative respondents, for their time, knowledge, and

patience in answering our surveys and questionnaires, which were crucial for

this research.

To our families and friends, your unwavering moral and financial support

has been a cornerstone throughout the creation of this study.

Above all, we thank our Almighty God, the source of all, for guiding us

through the challenges we faced daily. This study would not have been

possible without Him.

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The research study is dedicated to those who inspired, helped, and made the

research possible.

Their teachers; The researcher's family;

Peers and friends;

All the people who encourage the researchers; their Alma Mater, San

Pablo Colleges;

And especially to our All Might God.


The research focuses on the relationship between

consumer feedback and the value proposition of Fuyu Natsu's Burnt Rice

Tempura Ice cream. It aims to gain deeper insights on the consumer’s

preference in terms of taste, texture, service, and price and align it with the

value proposition of the business. The customers of the Fuyu Natsu were

selected using quota sampling techniques based on the results. . The study

utilized a correlational design, employing descriptive statistics such as mean

and frequency to summarize collected data effectively, this helps researchers

in understanding data characteristics without inferring about a broader

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Title Page

Approval Sheet




Table of Contents




Review of Related Literature

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem


Research Design

Respondents of the Study

Research Instrument

Data – Gathering Procedure

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Data Analysis









A Letter of Validation

B Letter of Approval

C Survey Questionnaire

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There are countless challenges that a business will overcome to prove

that it is worth striving for. In order to prove themselves they must undergo

pressure, think of an innovation, create a plan to position the business effectively,

market the offerings in the right consumers, and envision the uniqueness of their

idea that will make them stand out among their (competitors).

Business strives every day to prove that there is a way for owners to grow

and make some fortune, a plan is always in there just to not make the start-up

business a losing game and therefore must find an ideal market to give service for

and analyze the competitor's edge over oneself. It proves that handling a business

will consume much of their time and money. It also proves that being able to

handle it well, gives control over almost every aspect of life as well as in the

business. The purpose of this research aims at gaining a deeper understanding of

consumer’s feedback and its value proposition regarding the Fuyu Natsu’s burnt

rice tempura ice cream. The focus of this research is to improve its market

competitiveness and appeal by examining how consumer’s feedback on taste,

texture, price, and service align with the product's value proposition.
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Overall, the business must face uncertain challenges, learn to thrive,

and innovate themselves. Successfully overcoming the obstacles requires strategic

thinking, and proving themselves in the competition. To establish the very essence

of their business they must experience pressure, think differently, and strive for

uniqueness that sets them apart from their competitors.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the

researcher took into consideration in order to strengthen and draw out the

significance of the study. To fully understand the study, it also includes the

synthesis, theoretical and conceptual framework.

Consumer’s Feedback

Retailers have noticed that their profits and success are

often depending on the little things that matter e.g. easy interactions with

customers, consistency of messages, channels of purchase and shop

semblance. Furthermore, listening to the customer needs and feedback is

important.(Kenttämaa 2014). Consumers are more likely concerned to the

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quality of product they get, that make them give customer feedback.

Customer feedback is also a main aspect in business growth

Clients are encouraged to express their true feeling about

the experienced service. This practice helps the employees to correct their

mistakes and deliver better service in the next time. (Muna 2018).

Encouraging the consumer to make a heartfelt experience about the

product/service helps to better improve the quality and efficiency of the

product/service made by the employees that customers will love.

Consumer feedback helps to improve customer service all

over the world with the help of technology. According to Jayachandaran

2021 “It plays a significant role in tourism promotion and helps the tourism

service providers in focusing on best practices through the feedback they

get from tourists and public through social media”

Start small. It is not necessary to start with a large ice

cream factory. You can start small by selling your ice cream at farmers'

markets or local events. This will help you to test your product and to get

feedback from customers. (Saurabh 2024) Starting small doesn’t mean

you’re scared, it just that you’re finding opportunities to grow and the

feedback of the local consumers will be the stepping stone to success

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Consumers have the decision whether to buy the

product or not. It can either be a choice whether if it is beneficial for them

or it’s not worth for to spend for. If the consumer is dissatisfied, they are

unlikely to make another purchase, while if they are satisfied, they may

become a repeat customer and share positive feedback with others.

(Pokhrel 2023). Consumers also greatly affect other consumers; word of

mouth is an effective way to advertise and also is a double-edged sword

for most businesses. As can either value or ruin the business reputation.


Afifah-Mz, et al. (2022), stated that Taste affects

purchasing decisions since taste has an important role in consumers when

make a decision, taste is the main factors in making decisions with several

indicators such as delicious taste, quality food textures, or aroma that

influence consumer taste. “From the results of the coefficient of

determination, it can be seen that the value of R square is 0.723 or 72.3%.

This shows that the magnitude of the influence of the variable taste and

business location on purchasing decisions is 72.3%. While the remaining

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27.7% is influenced by other variables outside of this study.” Companies

that offers products like food and beverages knows the importance of

taste in this kind of industry. It is very essential and crucial to know the

taste preference of their target consumers. And in this industry, flavor is a

factor that they need to have as an advantage.

Because of ice cream being a complex colloidal

system, there is need to consider many aspects during its manufacturing

regarding its desirable taste, mouth feel, flavor, body and texture. Slight

changes in any of the constituent of the ice cream may result in defects

that can destroy the structure of ice cream. (Syed 2018). Taste have

impact on the constituent of ice cream, any major changes in taste may

directly affect the ice cream’s structure.

Children are born preferring sweet tastes, which attract

them to mother's milk and even act as an analgesic. They prefer higher

levels of sweetness than do adults, with preferences declining to adult

levels during middle to late adolescence, which coincides with the

cessation of physical growth.(Menella 2015). Tastes are often associated

by our mouth behavior since children like sweets all the time, preferences

in ice cream may not vary among them as long as it is sweet.

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As noted by Szczesniak (2002), the classification and

organization of texture terms instigated a profiling method of texture

applicable to both instrumental measurements (Bourne,1978) and sensory

evaluation (Szczesniak et al., 1963).” Improving or exploring the texture is

important when it comes to consumer food acceptance and preferences.

Texture of a certain food is not only to appreciate by consumers but also

used by the consumers as the quality indicate. Texture is one of the main

factors of each company who offers not only food products but all the

tangible products their can think of. Texture creates a huge impact in

terms of quality and customer satisfaction. Every Businesses knows the

importance of understanding what texture should they do on their


The texture attribute “creaminess” is a complex sensory

attribute directly related to the overall acceptability of semi-solid dairy

desserts like ice cream. (Fonseca et al. 2016). Texture are more likely

related to creaminess as consumer perceived texture as consequential to

the ice cream

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Texture, which is currently thought to be a major driver of

product choice, is a secondary factor, and is important only in that it

supports the primary driver—mouth behavior. (Model for understanding

consumer textural food choice - Jeltema - 2015 - Food Science & Nutrition

- Wiley Online Library n.d.) Texture came in second when it comes to be

the factor of product choice, as mouth behavior commonly affect the

consumers buying decision.

Dietary fibers contribute to modify and improve textural,

sensory properties and shelf life by being used in food formulations

because of their numerous functional properties such as water binding

capacity, gel formation ability, oil substitution, texture formation and

thickening. (Arslaner and Salık 2020). Dietary fibers in All Purpose Cream

plays a role on the texture of the ice cream. Due to numerous properties, it

also dictates the ice cream texture.

Textural attributes of ice are the key factors determining the

market success of the product. Ice cream is a dairy aerated dessert that is

frozen prior to consumption. (Syed 2018). The attributes of ice cream

based on its texture more likely determine the hierachical standing. Thus,

more and more ice cream focuses on texture and taste as it affects the

buying decision of a consumer.

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The study by Mandal, (2021), states that focusing on building

and maintaining relationship with profitable and loyal customer meanwhile

discouraging the unprofitable ones. A mutual connection and interaction

with customers acknowledge them to create an interactive relationship

gaining a loyal customers. Excellent customer service builds and

establishes bonds and relationships that can work against rivals or other

competitors. Trust is built by loyal customers, and trust is important for

sales, value addition, and brand reputation.

The quality of service influences the intention to purchase

but doesn't have a significant effect on actual purchasing decisions. (

Prihatiningsih R, Afronjiah, and Astuti, 2024). Service quality more likely

improve customers satisfaction but it is not always guaranteed that the

customers will actually buy the product the least we can do is offer the

product at its best.

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Scholz & Kulko , (2022), defined that Consumer's willingness

to pay depends on the process and freshness of every ingredients and

product. It mainly focuses on the effective pricing strategies based on the

customer behavior. This method aims to support more businesses who

are confused in pricing the right amount for their product. Ecker, (2017)

also states that some companies treat price innovation as serious as

product innovation. In the result of interviews, price innovation may be a

company’s most powerful source of competitive advantage. Innovation in

price brings the pricing strategy with the objective of increasing customer

satisfaction and company profits too. In terms of pricing strategies, this

can be an advantage if they offer cheaper and lower prices than the

competitors. They can also strike a good balance and good profitability as

an edge to the competitors for them to establish and keep not only loyal

consumers but also a good market share.

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In a market for differentiated products, firms have the

ability to collude on the choice of products offered in addition to or in lieu

of colluding on the prices charged for those products. However, the

empirical literature has only considered price collusion.(Sullivan 2017).

Price plays a huge part in the business; prices dictate if the business will

strive or not. Price affects many aspects of consumer buying decision

The estimation framework involves modeling household

heterogeneity, addressing price endogeneity and accounting for

unbalanced choice alternatives. Our main finding is that consumers are

less responsive to package size than to price; the demand elasticity with

respect to package size is approximately one-fourth the magnitude of the

demand elasticity with respect to price.(Çakır and Balagtas 2014).

Consumers find price to be the factor of their buying decision, the

relationship of Price within its packaging is often unnoticeable as

consumers look only at the price

Price plays a major role when it comes to consumers as

stated by Rahman 2022 “We know that the consumers mostly look for the

quality of a product when it comes to consume food, however, some

consumers also consider the price first then the quality. Based on both
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quality and price the demand grows on a customer.”. Consumers not only

considers quality at most but also the price of the product.

Price is the natural factor of a consumer's buying

decision. According to (Pakpahan, Hardini, and Gandhy 2024). “Price is

one of the considerations of nature when buying a product, for which a

company must consider the correct price for the product offered. Price is

also the variable that most support the sustainability of a company.”.

Therefore price must always be considered as it was the factor that affects

the consumer whether to buy the product or not.

An advantage over the competitor can be gained by offering

greater customer value, this could be achieved by either lowering prices or

providing more benefits that justify higher prices. (Mondragon Ruiz 2020).

Lowering prices may not always be an advantage for a business, having

to strategically make an approach on how to price or what is in the price

can be the best option to maximize the product's value.

Price is a major factor that influences customers’ buying

decision and it always impacts customers’ evaluation of products. Price

strategies have always been a much talked about topic in marketing. (Qin

n.d.). Price at scale greatly influence customers. Therefore, pricing

strategy are a must in large scale of businesses.

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According to Rauf et al. (2023), in order to satisfy customer

expectations, service quality should exude professionalism. Providing

exceptional customer service can significantly increase marketing product

satisfaction. Prompt customer service, clear communication, polite customer

encounters, and user-friendly experiences catered to customer preferences

are important components that contribute to the quality of service.

Dharma, et al., (2011) define price as the quantity (with the addition of

specific products if relevant) spent to get a particular collection of products

and services.

Value Proposition

Value proposition is the advantage the customer gains and

receives from the researchers’ businesses. As stated by Wellington

(2022), A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a

customer would choose their product or service. It communicates the

clearest benefit that customers receive by giving them their business.

Every value proposition should speak to a customer’s challenge and make

the case for their company as the problem-solver. Creating a value

proposition for customers, shareholders, suppliers, partners, the

environment, and society is a necessary component of sustainable

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business model innovation. The result of this paper proposes the process

for a sustainable value proposition design which adopts a thorough,

dynamic, iterative perspective like talking to stakeholders, thinking about

the problem and testing the product/service that lead to an actual

sustainable value proposition.

Astley (2023), enumerated the components of a Strong Value

Proposition. The first one is to identify a specific problem being dealt by a

specific audience. To create an effective value proposition, it is crucial to

know the type of core target audience. Every single type of person has its

own problem and they craves and wants a solution to their similar needs.

The other component is to articulate how the product and service being

sold solves this specific problem. In order for the customer and owner to

fully understand each other. And in that way, owners need to provide an

understanding of how to solve the customer’s problem. Give a brief

explanation of how these features assist in resolving the particular issue

that the target audience is facing. The last component is to communicate

the audience-specific intangible and quantifiable benefits of the solution.

Unless they compete in an industry where there is little to no rivalry, it's

likely that the rivals provide comparable goods or services. The chance to

stand out from the competition in the market by highlighting the

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advantages (value) of their solution's characteristics is to craft a

compelling value proposition.

According to Eggert, et al. (2017), customer value proposition

has an important role in communicating how a certain company can

provide value to customers. A lot of managers use CVP but still this

concept remains hard to understand. This research has a comprehensive

review of fragmented CVP literature, “highlighting the lack of a strong

theoretical foundation; distinguishes CVPs from related concepts;

proposes a conceptual model of the CVP that includes antecedents,

consequences, and moderators, together with several research

propositions; illustrates the application of the CVP concept to four

contrasting companies; and advances a compelling agenda for research.”

A marketing strategy assesses the value proposition of a

company. The value proposition is a statement that is prominently

displayed on the company website or any branding materials, and it

represents the overall promise of value to the consumer. The value

proposition should explain how a product or brand solves the customer's

problem, the benefits of the product or brand, and why the consumer

should buy from this company rather than another. The marketing strategy
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is based on the value proposition of the customer. (Genki ice cream /

Muhammad Mat Zaib ...[et al.] - UiTM Institutional Repository n.d.)

Kotler and Armstrong (2018) highlight the initial steps of

marketing, which involve comprehension of customer needs and

preferences, followed by identifying the most suitable target market the

company can cater to. Moreover, they highlight the importance of crafting

an appealing value proposition to attract and retain valuable customers.

They also underscore the contemporary shift in marketing objectives from

mere sales transactions to fostering meaningful and enduring customer

relationships, thereby integrating brands into consumers' daily discourse

and experiences.

Furthermore, Kotler and Armstrong (2018) state that a brand's

value proposition consists of a set of promises made to customers to

satisfy their demands regarding advantages or values. This suggests that

the evolution of the value proposition entails consumer involvement, with

ongoing efforts to cultivate enduring consumer relationships. The value

proposition, which is an essential part of a business's entire marketing

strategy, is the promised value that a company promises to provide to

customers upon acquiring their product. It acts as a proclamation of the

business's identity, guiding values, and suitability for customer interaction.

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The value proposition is a brief business or marketing statement that

highlights the distinct value proposition of a product or service and

explains why customers should buy it.

Osterwalder and Pigneur (2014) further emphasize that the

value proposition embodies the amalgamation of benefits offered by the

company, contributing to problem resolution and customer satisfaction. It

might come from creatively creating new products or making changes to

already-existing ones, maybe adding new features and characteristics to

set it apart from competitors.

Payne and Frow (2014) defined that many organizations' ability

to succeed in the market is likely to be hindered by the lack of formal actions

specifically designed to provide a superior value offer. Although many

businesses have some kind of value proposition either implicit or explecit,it is

frequently underdeveloped to guarantee a competitive edge.


The aforementioned studies and the corresponding literature

made it abundantly evident that a company's value proposition, and customer

feedback are essential to the business’ success and improvement. Through the

process of identifying the customer in the industry and by fully knowing them, it
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can be a way and an advantage to align their preferences to the product that the

businesses offer. The business may now adapt their feedback through taste,

texture, service, and price and because of that, they can now gain a competitive

advantage. In that way, a business that knows and has its edge among their

competitors can develop a unique and enticing value in the industry. By adapting

and aligning the preference of their target market to their offerings can help them

build a value proposition, which can be an edge and an advantage to their

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Theory Model

Figure 1: Golden Circle Theory By Simon Sinek (2009)

The goal of Sinek's Golden Circle model is to explain why some

people and organizations have become more successful at inspiring others and

differentiating themselves successfully. According to the neuroscience underlying

the Golden Circle idea, people react most positively to messages that reach the

areas of their brain that regulate their emotions, actions, and ability to make
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decisions. Some businesses today succeed by simply telling the features and

benefits of their products and business. People need a deeper reason to choose

their business over others. If they don’t know what the reason it is, their business

is more likely to struggle. The “Why” in the Golden Theory as Sinek says “People

don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” The question of “why are we in

this business?” should be the focal point of any business. This shows “How the

company or business do it?”, these are the things that make a business special.

What is “what do you do?” it is the product or service itself. To simplify the

“why” is the purpose of business, the “how” is the process, and the “what” is the

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Conceptual Model

Figure 2: The Conceptual Representation of the study

This study revolves around two variables. The dependent variable

is the value proposition of the Burnt Rice Tempura Ice Cream and the

independent variable is the consumer’s feedback, which includes the taste,

texture, service, and price.

The how, what, and why questions are shown through Sinek's

Golden Circle Model. This study's primary objective is to determine the value

proposition of our product so that the researchers can foresee its performance in
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the market. In response to the "why" question, the company's goal is to satisfy the

expectations, preferences, and desires of our target market and audience. Because

of that, the researchers are now able to understand the consumer preference,

which provides a solution to the query "how." As a result, the researchers can

finally gain a value proposition and have an edge on the market.

Statement of the Problem

The study generally aimed to determine and investigate the competitor’s

advantage and the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream. Specifically,

the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the consumers’ feedback on burnt rice tempura ice cream, in terms of :

1.1 texture;

1.2 taste;

1.3 price; and

1.4 service

2. What is the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the consumers’ feedback on burnt

rice tempura ice cream and its value proposition?

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This chapter presents the research design, research instrument,

participants of the study and data gathering procedures.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used correlational quantitative research

to accurately and methodically define a population, circumstance, or event. Based

on Pritha Bhandari's (2021) correlational evaluates the link between variables.

The research can be either unfavorable or beneficial. Correlational study seeks to

determine whether variables have a substantial relationship to one another without

the researchers influencing the data.


The researchers used quota sampling in order to gather the data

needed. Quota sampling is defined as a non-probability sampling method in which

researchers create a convenience sample involving individuals that represent a

population (Dan Fleetwood). Quota sampling is also useful when your

respondents come to you randomly. The researcher used this technique because
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they wanted to focus on a particular group and it is easy to get the result. By using

this technique, the researcher save time and effort to do this. In this technique, the

researchers identify the participants from different sections who already have a

background in burnt rice tempura ice cream. This can easily have respondents

from those who have bought their products. Those people are also evaluate the

overall performance, making it important data for the researchers.


In this research, the researcher used self-made survey questionnaires.

Survey questionnaires are questions for gathering statistical data and information

about the perspective of the participants. It uses questions that have a given

answer that participants must choose to their preferred answer. The survey are

sent through an online form that a group of people must answer. The first half of

the survey is all about customer feedback, and the last part is all about the value

proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream, which participantst answered in order

to find the relationship between consumer feedback and the value proposition of

burnt rice tempura ice cream.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted an online survey. The survey is composed

of multiple choices that the participants answered. The researchers formed the
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survey based on the topic and other variables that are related to this study. The

researchers make sure that the set of choices is enough to provide the data needed

in this study. Then, the researchers ask for the approval of the professor of the

subject. Also, these surveys are thoroughly checked to make sure of their

effectiveness. An online survey is preferred by the researchers over a traditional

hard-copy survey because it is more convenient and more accessible to the

respondents. In this way, the data gathering is more efficient for the researchers

because of the technological advancements in collecting the data. The researchers

checked again the survey, which is distributed to the students of San Pablo

Colleges since they are the participants of this study. They chose randomly those

who are our consumers since those are the participants who are able to answer the

online survey. The researchers sent a permission letter containing the date when

the survey was sent to the participants that were chosen. After the participants

answer the online survey, the researchers collect and tally the data. Then, the

researchers used the right statistical tools to interpret the data. Based on the results

of the data, the researchers have come up with a conclusion and recommendations

for this study.

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Data Analysis

After collecting the data, researchers organized the data they

collected on the online survey, ranging from recent to oldest. The researchers then

used descriptive statistics, specifically mean and frequency, to summarize the

collected data in a meaningful way. This helped the researchers understand the

characteristics of given data without making inferences about a larger population.

The researchers then examine the data to recognize which of them have the same

thoughts that are used to identify what possible growth Fuyu Natsu can add

according to the data they have collected. Lastly, the researcher produced a

summarization report regarding the brief analysis of the gathered information in

the survey question accordingly.

Table 1. Interpretation of Four-point Likert Scale by Parichart Toomnan and

Bodee Putsayainunt (2022)

San Pablo Colleges
Chapter III


This chapter dealt with the results and discussion of the study.

The discussion consisted of paragraphs which showed the results of the interview

conducted to answer the problem in this study.

Table 2. Consumer feedback in terms of taste

Indicators Mean Description
I find the taste of the burnt rice tempura ice cream
delicious. 3.61 Strongly Agree
The breading of burnt rice tempura ice cream adds a
unique flavor to the ice cream. Strongly Agree
The taste of the burnt rice tempura complements the
sweetness of the ice cream. Strongly Agree
I like the balanced burnt and sweet taste of the burnt
rice tempura ice cream. Agree
The fried and frozen combination of the burnt rice
tempura ice cream is enjoyable. Strongly Agree
Weighted Mean 3.56 Strongly Agree
Scale: Strongly Agree = 3.50-4.00,Agree =2.50-3.49, Disagree = 1.50-2.49, Strongly Disagree =


Table 2 shows the result of consumer feedback in terms of taste.

In this statement, I find the taste of the burnt rice tempura ice cream delicious,

resulting in a mean of 3.61, indicating that the participants strongly agree with
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this statement. And also, I find the fried and frozen combination of the burnt rice

tempura ice cream enjoyable, resulting in a mean of 3.61, indicating that the

participants strongly agree with this statement. The result shows that the weighted

mean is 3.56, which means that the consumer strongly agrees in terms of taste. As

mentioned by Herrero et al. (2021), taste is one of the sensory characteristics of a

product that affects consumer feedback. Taste is one of the reasons consumers

choose to buy certain products.

Table 3. Consumer feedback in terms of service

Indicators Mean Description
The service provided while purchasing the burnt
rice tempura ice cream was excellent. Strongly Agree
The staff were very accommodating when I
ordered the burnt rice tempura ice cream. Agree
I received an efficient service when buying the
burnt rice tempura ice cream. Agree
The quality of service provided while purchasing
BRT met my expectations. Agree
I find the service I received while ordering the burnt
rice tempura ice cream to be highly satisfactory. Strongly Agree
Weighted Mean 3.48 Agree
Scale: Strongly Agree = 3.50-4.00; Agree =2.50-3.49; Disagree = 1.50-2.49, Strongly Disagree =

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Table 3 shows the result of consumer feedback in terms of service.

I found the service provided while purchasing the burnt rice tempura ice cream to

be excellent, resulting in a mean of 3.52, which means that the participants

strongly agree with this statement. I find the service I received while ordering the

burnt rice tempura ice cream to be highly satisfactory. It also resulted in a mean of

3.52, which means that the participants strongly agree. The result shows that the

weighted mean of consumer feedback in terms of service is 3.48, which means the

participants agree with this statement. According to Kumolu-Johnson (2024),

service quality is one of the factors in consumer satisfaction and in the buying

decision of the consumer. Service has a huge impact on consumer feedback.

Table 4. Consumer feedback in terms of price

Indicators Mean Description
The price of the burnt rice tempura ice cream is
reasonable considering its quality. Agree
I am satisfied with the BRT ice cream for the price I
pay. Agree
The price of the burnt rice tempura ice cream is
affordable. Agree
The price of BRT ice cream is enough to
encourage me to buy again. Agree
I am satisfied with the pricing consistency of BRT
ice cream. Agree
The price of the burnt rice tempura ice cream is fair
for the experience it offers. Agree
Weighted Mean 3.33 Agree
San Pablo Colleges
Table 4 shows the result of consumer feedback in terms of price. In

the statement, I find the price of burnt rice tempura ice cream to be fair for the

experience it offers, resulting in a highest mean of 3.39, indicating that

participants agree with this statement, and the lowest mean of 3.27. In the

statement, the price of BRTice cream is enough to encourage me to buy again, and

the price of the burnt rice tempura ice cream is affordable. And also, the result

shows that the weighted mean is 3.33, which means it has a huge role in consumer

feedback. Based on de Matta and Lowe (2021), price is one of the factors

consumers consider in consumer feedback. Consumer feedback is an outcome of

the Good Pricing strategy. A price must be worth the quality of a business in order

to get good consumer feedback.

Table 5. Consumer feedback in terms of texture

Indicators Mean Description
I find the texture of burnt rice tempura ice cream
appealing to me. Agree
I enjoy the crunchy texture of the burnt rice tempura
in the ice cream. Strongly Agree
I find the texture of the burnt rice tempura ice cream
to be satisfyingly creamy. Strongly Agree
I find the texture of the burnt rice tempura ice cream
to be unique aspect of the dessert. Strongly Agree
I find the crunchiness and creaminess of the burnt
rice tempura ice cream complements each other. Strongly Agree
San Pablo Colleges
Weighted Mean 3.58 Strongly Agree
Scale: Strongly Agree = 3.50-4.00; Agree =2.50-3.49; Disagree = 1.50-2.49, Strongly Disagree =


Table 5 indicates the result of consumer feedback in terms of texture.

With a highest mean of 3.76 in the statement, I enjoy the crunchy texture of the

burnt rice tempura in the ice cream, which means that the participants strongly

agree with the statement. And the lowest Mean for texture is the statement,I find

the texture of burnt rice tempura ice cream appealing to me with the mean of 3.42,

indicating that the participants agree in this statement. And the weighted mean of

3.58 indicates that texture plays a huge part in consumer feedback. Based on Putra

et al. (2020), texture is one of the factors needed to satisfy customers and plays a

huge role in consumer feedback. The texture is one of the reasons consumers

choose to buy a certain product.

Table 6. Value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream

Indicators Mean Description
I find the burnt rice tempura ice cream to be an
innovative dessert experience. Strongly Agree
I find the combination of burnt rice tempura and ice
cream provides a distinctive and memorable flavor 3.58
profile. Strongly Agree
I find the burnt rice tempura ice cream justifies its
price based on its quality. Agree
San Pablo Colleges
I find the burnt rice tempura ice cream adds value to
the dessert market by offering something different 3.64
from traditional options. Strongly Agree
I would consider purchasing burnt rice tempura ice
cream again based on the value it provides in terms 3.42
of taste. Agree
Compared to other desserts in a similar price range, I
find the value of burnt rice tempura ice cream to be 3.24
exceptional. Agree
I find the burnt rice tempura ice cream exceeds my
expectations in terms of the overall dining experience 3.36
it offers. Agree
I perceive the burnt rice tempura ice cream as a
premium dessert option worth indulging in 3.45
occasionally. Agree
I find the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice
cream lies in its ability to surprise and delight
customers with its unique combination of flavors and
textures. Agree
I believe the burnt rice tempura ice cream offers
good value for money considering the level of 3.45
satisfaction it provides. Agree
I love how burnt rice tempura ice cream is distinct in
texture with their ice cream providing such delight, 3.52
making me come back for more. Strongly Agree
I find such enticing flavor in the burnt rice ice cream
making me loyal to them. Agree
I find the whole concept of burnt rice ice cream
compelling Strongly Agree
I find it convenient when purchasing burnt rice
tempura ice cream making it a significant factor to 3.45
keep me loyal customer. Agree
I find burnt rice tempura ice cream’s competitive
price appealing and worth coming back for. Agree
Weighted Mean 3.47 Agree
Scale: Strongly Agree = 3.50-4.00; Agree =2.50-3.49; Disagree = 1.50-2.49, Strongly Disagree =

San Pablo Colleges

Table 6 shows the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream.

I find the burnt rice tempura ice cream to be an innovative dessert experience.

This statement results in a highest mean of 3.67, with the outcome that the

participants strongly agree with this statement. And the lowest Mean for value

proposition is the statement that, Compared to other desserts in a similar price

range, I find the value of burnt rice tempura ice cream to be exceptional with the

result of 3.24 resulting that the participants agree in this statement. According to

the weighted mean of Table 5, the value proposition of the burnt rice tempura ice

cream is 3.47, which means that the participants agree with this. As stated by

Rosario and Raimundo (2021), a value proposition is a statement that enhances a

business. It is also stated that a value proposition answers a certain question: why

should a consumer buy a product over its competitors?

Table 7. Correlation between Consumer Preference and Value Proposition of

Burnt Rice Tempura Ice Cream

Variables r-value Interpretation

Taste 0.68 Correlation
Service 0.62 Correlation
Price 0.74 Positive
San Pablo Colleges
Texture 0.78 Correlation
Scale of interpretation for r-value:

Table 7. In this table, we see the correlation between consumer

feedback and the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream. The table

shows the r values of taste, service, price, and texture. The r value of taste is 0.68,

indicating that consumer feedback and value propositions in terms of taste have a

moderately positive correlation. The r value of service is 0.62, indicating that

consumer feedback and value propositions in terms of service have a moderately

positive correlation. The r value of price is 0.74, indicating that consumer

feedback and value propositions in terms of price have a moderately positive

correlation. The last one is texture. The r value of texture is 0.78, which shows

that it has a moderate positive correlation and is the result of consumer feedback

and value propositions in terms of texture. Together, the result shows that a

moderately positive correlation exists between consumer feedback and the value

proposition of burnt rice ice cream. Based on Eko Tjiptojuwono et al. (2022),

consumer feedback plays a vital role in value propositions. Considering consumer

feedback is necessary in order to have a value proposition.

San Pablo Colleges
Table 8. Significant Relationship between Consumer Feedback and Value

Proposition of Burnt Rice Tempura Ice Cream

Variables p-value Interpretation

Taste 0.00001
0.00012 Highly
Price 0.00001
Texture 0.00001
Scale of interpretation for p-value: Not Significant p>0.05; Significant p≤0.05; Very Significant

p≤0.01; Highly Significant p≤0.001

Table 8 shows the significant relationship between consumer feedback

and value propositions. The table shows the p-values of taste, service, price, and

texture. The p-value of taste is 0.00001, indicating that consumer feedback in

terms of taste has a highly significant relationship with the value proposition of

the burnt rice tempura ice cream. The p-value of 0.00012 indicates that consumer

feedback in terms of service has a highly significant relationship to the value

proposition of the burnt rice tempura ice cream. The price ive has a p-value of

0.00001, which means that the consumer feedback in terms of price has a highly

significant relation to the value proposition of burnt rice tempura ice cream. And

the p-value of texture is 0.00001, indicating that consumer feedback in terms of

texture has a highly significant relationship to the value proposition of burnt rice
San Pablo Colleges
tempura ice cream. Overall, the result shows that consumer preference and value

proposition have a highly significant relationship with each other. Consumer

feedback is a vital part of value propositions, as indicated by Eko Tjiptojuwono et

al. (2022). A value proposition cannot exist without taking customer feedback

into consideration.
San Pablo Colleges
Chapter VI


Summary of Findings

The main objective of this study is to identify if consumer feedback

has an influence on Fuyu Natsu’s value proposition. In this study various

statistical methods were used to address the questions encountered with the use of

frequency and mean.


Consumer feedback indicates a strong preference for the taste of

burnt rice tempura ice cream, with participants strongly agreeing that it's delicious

and enjoyable. This aligns with the weighted mean, showing strong agreement

overall. Taste is a significant factor influencing consumer choices, supported by

previous research.


Participants highly rate the service provided when purchasing the

burnt rice tempura ice cream, with strong agreement on its excellence and
San Pablo Colleges
satisfaction. Service quality significantly impacts consumer satisfaction and their

purchasing decisions, consistent with existing literature.


Consumer feedback suggests that the price of the burnt rice tempura

ice cream is perceived as fair for the experience it offers. Price plays a substantial

role in consumer feedback and is essential for maintaining a good pricing strategy.


Participants strongly enjoy the crunchy texture of the burnt rice

tempura ice cream, indicating its importance in consumer feedback. Texture is a

critical factor in satisfying customers and influencing their product choices.

Value Proposition

The burnt rice tempura ice cream is perceived as an innovative

dessert experience, with participants strongly agreeing with its value proposition.

Consumer feedback significantly correlates with the value proposition, indicating

its importance in enhancing business competitiveness.

Correlation and Relationship

San Pablo Colleges
There is a moderately positive correlation between consumer

feedback and the value proposition across taste, service, price, and texture.

Moreover, significant relationships exist between consumer feedback and the

value proposition, emphasizing the vital role of consumer preferences in shaping

value propositions.

Overall, consumer feedback plays a crucial role in determining

the value proposition of the burnt rice tempura ice cream, highlighting the

importance of considering consumer preferences in business strategies.


The purpose of this study was to identify if consumer feedback has an influence

on Burnt Rice Tempera Ice Cream’s value proposition.

As a result of the research, the burnt rice tempura ice cream gives a good

experience to its customers. The participants agree that the burnt rice tempura ice

cream has good quality in terms of service, taste, pricing, cost, and texture of the

product. This research result showed that burnt rice tempura ice cream was a

successful product because of its characteristics and its own value proposition.

Based on the results of the analysis, taste, texture, service, and price have a vital

role in consumer feedback. Based on the data, texture plays a huge role in

consumer feedback. The data result in a highly significant relationship between

San Pablo Colleges
consumer feedback and value propositions. This concludes that consumer

feedback has a relationship to the value proposition of the burnt rice tempura ice



For Businesses

1. Quality innovation means having quality innovation. The quality of a product is

one of the qualifications of a value proposition. Having a quality product makes

the business strive. This affects the business, and having innovation gives a

highlight to the product itself.

2. Service: Good customer service gives a business a business a good image. A

quality service is considered by the consumer on the basis of their purchasing

intentions. And having quality service is one of the bases of customer loyalty.

3. Pricing Cost: An affordable yet quality product gives the consumer a reason to

purchase. Pricing cost is one of the biggest factors in the value proposition of a

San Pablo Colleges
For Researchers:

1. Further Exploration. Conducting deeper research that tackles the relationship

between consumer feedback and value propositions requires much more

participants and broader results in order to have more reliable data.

2. Cross-industry analysis. Conducting similar research on another different

product to understand more of the trends and identify universal strategies and

reasons of the value proposition of a certain product.


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