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To full the task of TOEFL Preparation course supporting lecturer : Farida,SP.,M.Kom

Group :

Sofian Azi Nurhidayat (C1200208)

Demia Umami (C1200221)

Silvia Puji Astuti (C1200230)

Class D




Language is a means for us as humans to interact with each other. Learning a language is
an obligation that must be done by every human being. Besides learning the mother
tongue, learning a foreign language is also something important, especially learning
English. English has become a global language used in various aspects of our lives,
especially in the business aspect. Business always develops following the times and in
every development of business has used English in their every element. English in the
business world is very important to establish cooperation and communication between
entrepreneurs on an international scale. Therefore, in a company, it is necessary to have
a supporting element in the form of human resources who understand and are fluent in
using English. The human resources are business management students. Business
management students must be able and fluent in using English to be part of an
international company or also to be able to build their own business on an international
stage. Several ways can be done to support the English language skills of business
management students, such as by increasing vocabulary, watching English films, and
listening to English songs. All that can be done to support business success in a global

Key-words: English, Business, Business Management Student, Company, Global.

Language is a means for humans to communicate with other human beings. Language is
a human ability to communicate with another using a sign, such as words, gestures, or
tools to interact and communicate (Sari & Lestari, 2019). Language is a very important
component in our lives as humans. Without language, humans will not be able to interact
with each other and life will not be able to run well.

Learning a language is not only limited to our language, which is Indonesian. But, there
are many foreign languages in this world that we can learn further so we can still
communicate with many people from all over the world. The importance of learning and
mastering a foreign language is supported by the statement of a German philosopher
named Johan Wolfgang Von, he said that a person who does not know anything about a
foreign language is a person who does not know anything about their own language
(Handayani, 2016). The statement explains that learning a foreign language is a necessary
thing in our life.

One of the most important foreign languages to learn is English. English is a language
that has been designated as an international language. English is a global language that
plays an important role in global interaction and communication along with the progress
and competition of globalization. The era of globalization as it is today requires each
individual to continue to prepare reliable resources, especially in the communication
aspect. The growing era of mastery of communication technology and direct interaction
requires an active mastery of both spoken and written English as an international

It doesn't stop there, today understanding and mastering English is very important because
English has developed into a key that holds all aspects of life from politics, society,
culture, and to the most important thing which is business. English is the key to a person's
career in the business world. Where English has been established as a communication
bridge in various activities in it. Then, how important is understanding and mastery of
English in the business world?
In the business world that continues to evolve with the times, English has become a very
important aspect. English is a must for business people who want to be able to continue
to grow in various fields of the world economy. This is because in the global market, a
business will face very tight competition where they must survive with all their might,
various supports, and advantages, one of which is English.

Almost all major companies in the world prioritize the use of technology whose
operations are carried out using English. Therefore, understanding and mastery of English
is the main consideration if someone wants to work in large companies, both
multinational and international to get a job in the business world.

Companies that want to take steps and part in the international business world must have
a high capability. There is a separate strategy that has been recommended in the 2015
AEC Blueprint pillar which states that a country must reconstruct its main elements into
a fundamental and definite sector to face the era of globalization with very strong
competitiveness in various sectors, especially human resources (Handayani, 2016). The
absorption of human resources by companies must prioritize the existence of great
abilities, especially in understanding and mastering English to realize their goals to take
part in the international business world.

English and the business world have a very close relationship and influence each other.
If a company is supported by human resources who have a good understanding and
mastery of English, certainly, the company can easily enter a higher level at the
international business level because they can automatically connect through direct
communication with other international companies. Meanwhile, if a company is not
supported by human resources who understand English well, the company will
automatically find it difficult to enter the world of international business and establish
cooperation with international companies.

English plays a crucial role in the business world and has become the global lingua franca
for international communication and trade. The importance of English in business can be
highlighted in several key areas:
1. Global Communication: English is the most widely spoken language in the world.
In the globalized business landscape, it serves as a common language for business
professionals from different linguistic backgrounds to communicate and
collaborate effectively. Whether it's negotiating deals, writing emails,
participating in conferences, or conducting meetings, a common language ensures
seamless interactions.
2. Access to International Markets : English proficiency gives businesses access to
a broader range of international markets. Many countries conduct their business
transactions in English, and having a command of the language allows companies
to engage with clients, customers, and partners in these regions more efficiently.
3. Networking and Relationship Building : Networking is a crucial aspect of
business success. English fluency enables professionals to connect with
counterparts from diverse cultures, build relationships, and foster trust and
understanding in a global context.
4. Competitive Advantage : In today's competitive business environment, having a
multilingual workforce is an advantage. English-speaking employees can
communicate with international customers and partners directly, giving
companies a competitive edge over those relying solely on local languages.
5. Access to Information : The majority of business-related content, including
research, reports, and industry trends, is published in English. Proficiency in
English allows business professionals to access and understand a wealth of
valuable information and knowledge.
6. Education and Skill Development: English proficiency opens doors to educational
opportunities. Many top universities and business schools worldwide offer
courses and programs in English. Developing English language skills enhances
employees' professional development and their ability to stay updated with the
latest industry trends.
7. Standardization and Efficiency : Using a common language like English
streamlines business processes, making communication more efficient and
reducing the chances of misunderstandings or misinterpretations that can arise
from language barriers.
8. Brand and Image : For companies seeking to establish an international presence,
effective communication in English is essential. An organization's ability to
communicate professionally and fluently in English contributes to a positive brand
image and perception among global customers.
9. Business Travel and Conferences : English is the primary language used in
international business events, conferences, and seminars. Proficiency in English
enables professionals to participate actively, contribute, and derive value from
such gatherings.
10. Multinational Teams : In multinational companies, teams often consist of
members from different countries. English serves as the common language that
allows team members to collaborate, share ideas, and work together cohesively.


Seeing the importance of English in the business world, of course, will greatly affect the
importance of understanding and mastering English for students majoring in business
management. They are required to be fluent in English so that later they can work in large
companies or can build their own business and take part in the international level.

English is easy if we learn it gradually, slowly but surely it will produce something
impressive. Learning English can be started by building motivation, reasons, and also a
sense of comfort in ourselves so that our enthusiasm can arise to start learning English
(Rintaningrum, 2016). Apart from that, there are also some easy ways to learn English.

1. Increase vocabulary

Like a baby who has learned his mother tongue, we can start by increasing the vocabulary
we have. The vocabulary will increase and in the end, will give us an introduction and
mastery to help smooth the conversation. We can increase our vocabulary by reading
books, articles, fairy tales, newspapers, and everything in English.

2. Watch English movies

Watching movies is an activity that should not be missed because it can provide
refreshment for us from tiring activities. From this activity, we can use it as a medium for
learning English. From this activity, we can recognize both standard and non- standard
expressions and sentences in the dialogue contained in it. Watching movies in English
can familiarize us with English words and sentences and can also improve our

3. Listening to English Songs

Some media are quite effective so that we can master English quickly. The medium is an
English song. By listening to songs in English we will gradually sing along and memorize
the song. Until finally we will get used to hearing words and sentences in English and our
English skills will increase.


As a business management student, the importance of English in the business world is
even more significant. Here's why English proficiency is essential for business
management students:

1. Career Opportunities : As a business management student, you are likely to pursue

a career in a multinational or global company. English proficiency is a prerequisite
for many management positions in such organizations. Demonstrating strong
English language skills on your resume can open doors to a wide range of
international career opportunities.
2. Effective Communication : As a future business manager, effective
communication is one of the most critical skills you need to master. English is the
language of international business communication, and being fluent in it allows
you to express your ideas clearly, negotiate effectively, and collaborate with
colleagues and stakeholders from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
3. Understanding Global Business Trends : English is the primary language used in
business literature, research, and industry reports. By being proficient in English,
you can stay updated with the latest global business trends and insights, which is
essential for making informed decisions as a business manager.
4. Networking and Relationship Building : As a business management professional,
networking is crucial for your career growth. Being able to communicate
confidently in English enables you to build relationships with business leaders,
potential clients, partners, and other professionals worldwide.
5. Cross-Cultural Management : Global business often involves managing teams
from different countries and cultures. English serves as a bridge for effective
communication and understanding among team members. It helps in promoting a
harmonious work environment and avoiding miscommunications that may arise
due to language barriers.
6. Presentation and Public Speaking : Business management roles often require
presenting ideas, proposals, and reports to various stakeholders. Proficiency in
English enhances your ability to deliver impactful presentations and engage with
audiences in a global setting.
7. International Business Projects : Many business management students participate
in international projects or study abroad programs. English fluency is essential in
these situations, as it allows you to collaborate seamlessly with international peers
and gain a broader perspective on global business practices.
8. Crisis Management and Problem-Solving : During crises or challenging
situations, quick and effective communication is crucial. Being proficient in
English ensures that you can communicate with stakeholders, employees, and the
media promptly and accurately to manage the situation effectively.
9. Cross-Border Negotiations : Business managers often engage in negotiations with
partners, suppliers, and customers from different countries. Understanding
cultural nuances and having strong English language skills can significantly
impact the success of these negotiations.
10. Building a Professional Brand : As a business management student, your ability
to communicate professionally and confidently in English contributes to building
your personal brand. This can positively influence your reputation and career
advancement opportunities.

In summary, as a business management student, English proficiency is not just an

additional skill; it is a foundational requirement for success in the global business arena.
Emphasizing the development of your English language skills will significantly enhance
your career prospects and effectiveness as a future business manager.

English is a very important basic capital in the business world. A business that wants to
be able to continue to grow and succeed in the international level must have
communication skills in English because English has become a bridge in business around
the world. Therefore, in business, human resources are needed who can understand and
master English actively both in writing and speaking. These human resources come from
students majoring in business management. They are required to be able to speak English
as well as possible. Seeing the importance of English in the business world, business
management students can start learning English by motivating themselves and moving to
learn it in various ways. If it is done so that we as students of business management do
not lose out in global competition and can build a business on the international level.

In conclusion, the importance of English in business for a business management student

cannot be overstated. English proficiency is a fundamental skill that offers numerous
advantages and opportunities for future career success in the globalized business world.

As a business management student, being fluent in English:

1. Expands your career opportunities, allowing you to pursue roles in multinational

companies and international markets.
2. Enhances your ability to communicate effectively, facilitating clear and concise
interactions with colleagues, stakeholders, and clients from diverse linguistic
3. Provides access to a wealth of information, industry trends, and research
published in English, enabling you to stay informed and make well-informed
4. Facilitates networking and relationship building, essential for building a strong
professional network and fostering global business connections.
5. Helps you navigate cross-cultural management challenges, promoting
understanding and cooperation among diverse teams.
6. Improves your presentation and public speaking skills, making you an effective
communicator in various business settings.
7. Prepares you for international business projects and study abroad programs, where
English serves as the common language of communication.
8. Enables you to handle crisis management and problem-solving situations
efficiently through prompt and accurate communication.
9. Enhances your ability to negotiate effectively in cross-border business dealings,
considering cultural nuances and perspectives.
10. Contributes to building your professional brand, positively influencing your
reputation and career advancement opportunities.

Overall, as a business management student, investing in improving your English language

skills is a strategic decision that equips you with a powerful tool to thrive in the
competitive global business landscape. Embracing English proficiency will undoubtedly
empower you to become a successful and effective business manager on the international
Handayani, S. (2016). Pentingnya Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Sebagai Dalam
Menyongsong Asean. Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia (ISPI) Jawa
Tengah, 3(1), 102–106.

Rintaningrum, R. (2016). I Find It Easy To Learn English When ………: Lecturers’


Rintaningrum, R. (2014). Peranan Bahasa Inggris (Global) Dalam Dunia Teknologi

Entrepreneur Di Era Asean Economic Community. In Seminar Nasional
Dinamika dan Tantangan Technopreneurship.

Sari, L., & Lestari, Z. (2019). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris
Siswa dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, 12(1),

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